3 September - 9 September 2024

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Torrevieja´s fixed radar results in 80,000 euros in fines in one year

The fixed radars installed to encourage drivers to ease off the accelerator in Torrevieja have detected hundreds of violations since they began operating on 1st September 2023. This has resulted in more than 80,000 euros generated by drivers exceeding the 40-kilometre speed restriction. All this despite the machines being marked with clearly visible signage. They even

display a happy face f the limit is adhered to and a sad face if it is not.

In addition, the cameras on Avenida de la Cortes Valenciana, Gregorio Maranon and Desiderio Rodriguez have also been responsible for thirty drivers appearing before the judge for driving at more than 120 kilometres in the 40 limit. The law establishes that driving at a speed of more than 60 kilometres

per hour on urban roads is a crime. The punishment, according to the General Directorate of Traffic is stipulated in article 379.1 with between three and six months in prison, a daily fine of 6 to 12 months depending on the financial capacity of the offender and the withdrawal of the driving licence for a period of one to four years.

Most violations incur a fine of 400 euros and the loss of four points from the driving licence. There are also fines of 500 euros and six penalty points and a lower penalty of 300 euros and two or less points deducted.

The most notable fine came in December 2023, when the same driver was fined on the same section of Avenida Desiderio Rodríguez on three separate occasions. The fines totalled 1,200 euros with a loss of points that far exceeded the 12 that drivers in Spain are issued with.


The catering, food distribution and construction industries must need speedy deliveries judging by the repeat fines issued to companies with headquarters in the vicinity of the avenues monitored by the radar. Tourists are also in a hurry to get around the city, with owners of the vehicles regularly

The choice of the locations was not a coincidence on the part of the Local Police. For many years these have been the roads with the highest incidence of serious accidents in the city. Several of them with fatalities, especially pedestrians and cyclists. The Councillor for Road Safety, Federico Alarcón, indicates that the accident figures have been reduced, hence the

announcement of further investment in new devices for other areas of the city. Three more radar points will be added on Avenida Alfredo Nobel, in Las Calas and on Avenida de Baleares in the coming months. Their initial cost is 60,000 euros, an investment that has been more than repaid both in monetary terms and by the reduction of the average speed by the initial radars.

The main criticism of the preventive nature of radars is that, knowing their location, drivers reduce speed and resume speed when they have passed by the equipment and this abrupt reduction in speed also causes traffic jams.

Torrevieja has several radars on the N-332 and has just installed another latest generation one at kilometre 7 of the CV-905 to limit the speed to 50 kilometres per hour, which will be activated in the month of September.

More delays to Orihuela Costa school

The Orihuela City Council ‘s contracting committee has already proposed a company to undertake the land adaptation work for what will be Orihuela Infant and Primary School Number 20. However, the educational facility will now not be ready until at least November.

It will be located on a plot of land on Níspero Street on the Orihuela Costa, parallel to the road that connects the La Zenia shopping centre and the Villamartín golf course. The centre as such was administratively created at the end of 2022 and the opening was set for September 2023, but the process has been delayed for many months. Meanwhile, the other public Infant and Primary schools are unable to cope with the demand for school places.

The contract, which is worth just over 200,000 euros including VAT, took almost a year to be put out to tender. Firstly, four di erent sites were considered and then the preparation of the speci cations for the works was delayed a long time.

When the contract is signed, the company will begin work to cement the ground with a slab so that the prefabricated units can be placed. Only when this work is nished will the company

contracted by the Generalitat to install the prefabricated modules be able to begin its work, which will last for two months. The budget of 1.2 million euros includes the assembly, rental for several years and dismantling of these classrooms.

The City Council’s adaptation works will continue, at the same time, with the repair of the perimeter fence and the preparation of some facilities such as children’s games, a sports court and new lighting. This same site served for many years as the educational centre of the Playas de Orihuela School, which was also in prefabricated buildings for fteen years and which opened its new centre in September 2018.

The project for School Number 20 includes the launch of a school made entirely of prefabricated buildings with two lines for Infants and Primary: two classrooms per level for approximately 300 students distributed next to the common areas, on the ground oor and one oor up.

The centre requires a minimum amount of external and access space and although the layout of the building physically allows for them all to be distributed on the ground oor, this would not

comply with this legislation.

The school year o cially begins on 9th September. All families who have applied for school places in Orihuela Costa for Infant and Primary have done so at the Los Dolses and Playas de Orihuela Schools. But both are already overcrowded due to the huge demand for school places.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of mobility among students - who can leave the centre at any time during the school year depending on family mobility - both public schools have used up all their available space to accommodate more classrooms and the ratios - number of students per group - are the highest in the Valencian Community together with those in Torrevieja.

The management teams are overwhelmed with the requests for school places. Initially, some of the students received in recent months by both centres would be sent to the barracks centre when it is ready, with the school year started. Although this is something that the Ministry of Education has not con rmed. Last year, many of the students were directly enrolled in these two centres as pupils of Number 20.

Driver pulls knife after double parking reprimand

The Local Police of Almoradí has shared on its social networks the regulations that govern the possession and use of weapons included in the Citizen Security Law after an event that occurred in recent days.

In the lead up to the event, o cers were told that a driver had reprimanded another, by using the horn, for illegally double parking, which prevented the rest of the road users from using the carriage way normally. At that moment, the driver of the double-parked car “took a katana from inside the vehicle,” the Local Police of Almoradí reported.

Police patrols obtained images from cameras, con rming the tra c violation being committed, and verifying that the driver pulled out “what appeared to be a machete”. After the investigation, the vehicle was located and its occupants were identi ed, the weapon was seized, and the relevant complaints were led.

The Citizen Security Law establishes a series of regulations that govern the possession and use of weapons, including their

transport in vehicles. Article 36.10 classi es as a serious o ence “the use of weapons, as well as their possession, without complying with the regulatory security measures”. The Local Police of Almoradí has indicated that “if a person carries a knife in his car, he must have a legitimate and justi ed reason for doing so, such as its use in speci c professional or sporting activities that require it”.

According to the Weapons Regulations, knives longer than 11 centimetres; double-edged, pointed daggers shorter than 11 centimetres; switchblades; and double-edged knives are ll aconsidered illegal.

Pedro Sánchez heads to West Africa as migrant arrivals surge

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has undertaken a three-day diplomatic tour of West Africa as his government faces a significant surge in migrant arrivals, particularly in the Canary Islands. The leftwing coalition government is grappling with the increasing strain on the Atlantic archipelago, which has seen a dramatic rise in boats carrying migrants from Africa.

The Canary Islands, located off the northwestern coast of Africa, have been inundated with migrant boats, with Spain’s coastguard conducting nearly daily rescues. This surge has left the islands feeling increasingly neglected by both Madrid and Brussels. In response, Sánchez is visiting key West African nations— Mauritania, The Gambia, and Senegal—in an effort to address the crisis.

Mauritania, the primary departure point for many of these migrants, is a central focus of Sánchez’s trip. However, it remains unclear what incentives Sánchez might offer to encourage Mauritanian authorities to intensify their efforts to prevent migrants from setting sail. This visit comes just six months after Sánchez’s last trip to Mauritania, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

Fernando Clavijo, the regional president of the Canary Islands, recently met with Sánchez and expressed grave concerns about the potential for even greater numbers of migrants. Clavijo warned that over 150,000 refugees are reportedly poised

to depart from Mauritania’s coast and called on the European Union to share the burden, emphasizing that the Canary Islands should not bear the brunt of Europe’s migration pressures alone.

“In the end, it’s a pressure for Europe because they are arriving in Europe, in Spain, and not just on the Canary Islands,” Clavijo stated, highlighting that the islands are often just the first stop for migrants who aim to reach other European countries, particularly France.

The numbers illustrate the scale of the crisis. Between January 1 and August 15 of this year, 22,304 migrants arrived in the Canary Islands, a 126% increase from the 9,864 arrivals during the same period in 2023, according to Spain’s interior ministry. Across Spain, migrant arrivals totalled 31,155 by mid-August, a 66.2% increase from the 18,745 arrivals a year earlier. These figures suggest that 2024 may set a new record for migrant arrivals, surpassing the previous high of 39,910 recorded last year.

The Atlantic route to the Canary Islands, while dangerous due to strong currents and overcrowded, often unseaworthy boats, remains the primary conduit for migrants. Thousands of deaths and disappearances occur each year as migrants attempt the perilous crossing.

The Canary Islands are not the only region affected by the migrant surge. The Spanish enclave of Ceuta, located on the North African coast, has also seen a sharp increase in arrivals. Ceuta, along with its

neighboring enclave Melilla, has long been a destination for migrants fleeing violence and poverty across Africa, seeking refuge by crossing the only land borders between Africa and the European Union. A particular challenge in these regions is the influx of unaccompanied minors, who cannot legally be sent back and whose care falls to the regional governments. This has placed enormous strain on local resources. In the Canary Islands, the regional government is currently caring for 5,100 foreign minors, despite having capacity for only 2,000. A similar situation is unfolding in Ceuta.

To address this, Sánchez’s government attempted to pass a modification to immigration law in July that would have allowed for the redistribution of minors across Spain’s 17 regions. However, the proposal was blocked by the main opposition party, the rightwing People’s Party (PP), as well as the far-right Vox group and the Catalan proindependence party Junts per Catalunya (JxCat), all of which have taken a hardline stance on immigration.

During his meeting with Sánchez, Clavijo secured a renewed pledge of €50 million in support for the Canary Islands—the same amount the region received in the past two years. However, Clavijo argued that this sum falls far short of the €150 million his administration has already spent this year to manage the crisis.


Adsuar, from Rojales, joins the Young Advisory Council of the Princess of Girona Foundation

Gonzalo Adsuar’s involvement in the Young Advisory Council of the Princess of Girona Foundation is a signi cant achievement, re ecting his commitment to youth advocacy and social impact. His journey to this position highlights the importance of curiosity and initiative, as he discovered the Foundation and its programs, like ‘Generación Propósito,’ through his own research.

His role on the council involves contributing ideas and initiatives that support young talent, a responsibility he takes seriously as he represents the voice of youth.

Adsuar’s dedication to youth issues is evident in his various roles, including participation in the European Youth Event and serving as an ambassador for the European Elections.

His e orts to establish a Youth Council in the Vega Baja further demonstrate his commitment to empowering young people and improving their opportunities in areas such as employment, culture, and education. His call to action for young people to engage with these initiatives shows his belief in collective e ort and the potential of youth to drive positive change.

September guided tours

The Orihuela Department of Tourism has designed a special program of routes for the month of September, framed in the festivity of Our Lady of Monserrate. This program includes a combination of classic walking tours and new ones, o ering the opportunity to explore the cultural, historical and natural wealth of the municipality.

The Councillor for Tourism, Gonzalo Montoya, has highlighted the importance of these tours in the context of the patron saint festivities: “September in Orihuela comes from the hand of Our Lady of Monserrate in her patron saint festivities. The Department of Tourism has organised a series of routes focused on history, heritage, culture and the image around the Virgin of Orihuela. These routes, in addition, are accompanied by other classic ones such as those dedicated to our universal poet or those of nature of Orihuela Costa.”

The programme started on Sunday 1st September with the route “Miguel, el Poeta Cabrero”, a tour of the Orihuela orchard that explored the literary origins of Miguel Hernández. This route will allow participants to enjoy the surroundings and the landscape of the Orihuela orchard.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 4th September, there will be a route through the Campoamor hills, a scenic path that has been very well received in previous months. This route allows you to enjoy both the golf course in the hills and the coast.

Within the framework of the patron saint festivities of Our Lady of Monserrate, ve heritage and cultural routes have been prepared in the historic centre of Orihuela, which will take place from Monday 9th September to Thursday 19th September. These routes will show di erent monuments and historical and artistic curiosities of the historic centre, with a special focus on the Virgin of Monserrate and her sanctuary. Some of the routes include the “Cultural Walk and the Monserrate Hermitage” on Wednesday, 18th September, as well as a visit to the Santa Ana Convent and the Monserrate Sanctuary on Monday, 16th September.

The month will end with four innovative routes, including a bicycle route to Las Norias on Friday, 27th September, and the

“Visit to the Almazara del Tío José María”, which is an 18th-century oil mill that preserves the essence of all olive oil production, which will take place on Saturday, 28th September.

Montoya has also made an appeal for people to participate in these activities: “From the Department of Tourism of our City Council, we invite everyone, locals and visitors, to participate in these routes in September, which have classic Orihuela culture, nature, coast and which are dedicated, above all, to our history, heritage, culture and identity around the image of our patron saint María Santísima de Monserrate”.

The routes will be available weekly. To book the routes visit: www.orihuelaturistica.es or contact via WhatsApp at 673 836 385.

Five deaths in Spain from mosquito carried virus

Concerns are mounting over the spread of West Nile virus (WNV) in Spain following the recent deaths of two more individuals in Seville, raising the nation’s death toll to ve for the year. Both locals and travelers have been urged to take preventive measures, including the use of insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding areas with stagnant water, particularly during the hours between dusk and dawn.

The rise in WNV cases is not limited to Spain. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), infections have also been reported across Europe in Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Serbia. Notably, these cases have been con rmed as locally acquired, marking a shift from the historical pattern of infections being linked to travel in tropical regions.

This surge in West Nile virus cases follows a spring outbreak of dengue fever in Europe, which had already put travelers on high alert.

West Nile virus, a member of the Japanese encephalitis

group of viruses that includes dengue and yellow fever, can lead to severe and sometimes fatal neurological disease in humans. While birds are the natural hosts of WNV, the virus is primarily transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. There have also been rare cases of transmission through blood transfusions, organ donations, and during pregnancy.

In approximately 80% of those infected, WNV does not produce symptoms. However, in the remaining 20%, the virus can develop into West Nile fever, which is characterized by a sudden high fever, headache, neck sti ness, and a rash on the neck, arms, or legs. Severe cases may result in seizures, muscle weakness, and paralysis. Those over 50 years old, especially individuals with underlying health conditions, are at greater risk of severe illness. Although less than 1% of infected individuals develop neurological complications such as meningitis or encephalitis, about 10% of these severe cases result in death.

Symptoms of WNV typically

emerge two to six days after infection, though they can take up to 14 days or more to manifest. In cases without complications, symptoms generally subside within three to six days.

Currently, no vaccine exists for WNV, making prevention crucial. The ECDC advises people to avoid traveling to a ected areas during peak mosquito season, typically in the summer, and to limit outdoor activities in these regions. Additional preventive measures include the use of mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and ensuring that living spaces are mosquito-proof.

First identi ed in Uganda’s West Nile district in 1937, the virus has since spread globally, with cases reported across Africa, the Middle East, West and Central Asia, North America, and Europe. As the threat of WNV continues to rise in Europe, health authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and take all necessary precautions to protect themselves from infection.

Torrevieja requests 30 temporary taxi licenses to ease summer chaos

Sueña Torrevieja has asked the governing team at Torrevieja City Hall to consider issuing 30 temporary licences between 1st April and 30th September to prevent the chaotic situation of this service and to guarantee “the satisfaction of all those who live and visit Torrevieja”.

The opposition party points out that Torrevieja is known for “its tourist appeal and its increase in population during the summer” and faces chaos in the taxi service during high season.

Sueña spokesperson Pablo Samper proposes a concrete solution to address this problem and guarantee an efficient service for both tourists and permanent residents by granting 30 temporary licenses across the tourist season.

Every summer, the population of Torrevieja triples, going from 100,000 to more than 300,000 people in the months of July and August. This increase generates an exorbitant demand for the taxi service,

“leaving tourists and residents waiting hours for a vehicle or, in many cases, without access to the service. The situation is “particularly serious for the elderly and people with disabilities, who depend on public transport to travel to hospitals and health centres.”

Torrevieja has 86 taxi licences, of which only 84 are in operation due to legal problems with licences 53 and 74. Of the active licences, between 10 and 12 taxis only operate in morning and afternoon shifts, and some days the drivers have time off, in addition to vehicle breakdowns and pick-ups at Alicante airport. Therefore, high season, only between 60 and 65 taxis are available daily to meet the demand of the entire city.

For Samper, “the reality is the traffic chaos and long waits” at key points such as Ramón Gallud Avenue, Paseo de la Libertad, the Habaneras shopping centre, Carrefour, outpatient clinics, and the areas of La Mata and the beaches, do not allow free

taxis to arrive on time to pick up passengers. In addition, the construction of new housing estates, such as La Hoya, will add 7,000 homes and 14,000 more people to the city’s traffic, further aggravating the problem.

Samper believes what he is proposing is a practical and effective solution that would alleviate the burden on the current system, ensuring that both tourists and residents can enjoy an efficient and accessible taxi service.

Samper points out that there are key reasons for the other parties in the Corporation - PP in government and PSOE and Vox in opposition - to support his proposal, such as the well- being of permanent residents, because the lack of taxis seriously affects them, especially the elderly and people with disabilities who need to travel to hospitals and health centres. Prioritising their well-being and mobility is a responsibility shared by all political parties.

Do I get a headache from White Wine or Red Wine?

People sometimes complain to me in the store that they get a headache when they drink Red Wine, others when they drink White Wine, and some also when they drink Rose.

And the funny thing is that people tell me that it’s because of Sul te.

But scientists have already unanimously determined that it is not due to the sul te. Sulphite is in and on the grape, so all real wines contain sulphite and you can’t get out what is sometimes suggested.

And sulphite is released during the fermentation of the must. Depending on the grape variety, the soil and the yeasts used, there is an amount of sulphite in all wines.

Because red wine contains tannin, less sulphite is needed. White wine and rosé naturally contain little or no tannin. That is why extra sulphite is sometimes added.

European legislation has decided that sulphite in wine is allowed to a limited extent for reasons of food safety. Red wine up to 150mg per litre and white wine and rosé up to 200mg per litre.

For organic wines, the rules are even stricter, namely 100mg for red wine.

Winemakers still add sulphites to stop the fermentation process in wine, in order to keep the wine fruity. And it protects against oxidation and unwanted growth of bacteria and fungi. And during “bottling”, extra sulphite is sometimes added to extend the shelf life of the wine.

What gives me the headache?

It could be because of the alcohol. But it is also common for people to drink “impure” wines. If there are “pesticides” in the wine or colourings and avourings, this sometimes causes reactions in the body. My advice is therefore buy pure wines, preferably Organic wines and Vegan wines. You can see it on the label of the bottle. And of course you understand that at Beau Wine Tastings in Albir these wines are plentiful. If you don’t want to drink wine anymore, be sure to buy the pure lemonade syrups.

Consumer bonuses return to Orihuela

The consumer vouchers are back in Orihuela. The councillor for Commerce in the Orihuela council, Vicente Pina, has listed all the details of a new edition on Radio Orihuela Cadena SER that “will be an important boost for local commerce”.

In the coming months, Orihuela will have two consumer voucher campaigns, the first will have a total amount of 400,000 euros from the town council budget. Meanwhile, the second campaign will be carried out through a subsidy of 679,000 euros from the Provincial Council of Alicante. Although the Councillor for Commerce has not specified the dates, it is expected that the first will begin in October for those registered in the municipality and the second, open to residents of Orihuela and the

region, “will be used for the Christmas campaign.”

Orihuela City Council is currently in the process of putting out to tender the company that will manage the consumer voucher campaign through its platform. “On previous occasions, FASPIME, the Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, has done so. Now we are putting it out to open tender and the one that offers the best conditions, the best proposal for managing the campaign, will be the successful bidder, the one that will carry out the campaign,” said Pina.

The voucher will be nominative with an alphanumeric code, associated with the DNI/ NIE of each person. Each person may purchase the vouchers they require as long as their total value does not exceed 200 euros

(to be paid 100 euros).

The vouchers will be of the following typology:

10 euro vouchers, to be paid 5 euros

20 euro vouchers, to be paid 10 euros

50 Euro vouchers, to be paid 25 Euros

200 Euro vouchers, 100 Euros to be paid

The Councillor for Commerce has told this newspaper about several projects that are being carried out by the council. Among them, the preparation of the bases for a subsidy aimed at entrepreneurs who want to set up their business in the city of Orihuela.

Finally, Vicente Pina expressed his commitment to local commerce, which “needs to define a commercial zone that is the driving force that attracts the public.”

Health departments in the Vega Baja prepare for the arrival of the mpox virus

The Health Departments in Vega Baja are preparing for a potential outbreak of mpox (monkeypox), following a prevention protocol from the Ministry of Health. The Ministry has provided information on recognizing symptoms and protective measures for healthcare workers.

The VicePresidency and Ministry of Health are coordinating efforts to improve vaccination among at-risk groups. In the Orihuela health department, the Preventive Service, in collaboration with the Occupational Risk Prevention Unit, plans to recommend vaccination to health personnel, starting with specialists in Infectious Diseases, UPFE, and laboratory staff.

No mpox cases have been confirmed in Vega Baja. Mpox is a rare viral zoonotic disease originating in

Civil Guard

West and Central Africa, classified as a Biological Agent Group 3V, with an available vaccine. It can spread from animals to humans through contact with infected bodily fluids or between humans via close physical contact with lesions, respiratory secretions, or contaminated objects. The virus can also be transmitted from mother to child through the placenta.

The incubation

period is 6-15 days, with symptoms including extreme fatigue, severe headache, fever, muscle and back pain, swollen lymph nodes, rash, and skin lesions.

The protocol for early detection and management of mpox cases advises healthcare workers to use FFP2 and FFP3 masks, gloves, protective glasses, and waterproof gowns to protect against possible splashes.

arrests a man for a robbery with violence in a tobacco shop in Rafal

The Civil Guard has arrested a suspect in Benejúzar for allegedly committing a robbery with violence and intimidation at a tobacco shop in Rafal on July 28. The suspect, visibly nervous, held the clerk at knifepoint, demanding money and tobacco, and did not hesitate to wave the knife menacingly in front of the clerk’s face as a threat.

Upon learning of the crime, Civil Guard o cers from Callosa de Segura immediately launched an investigation to locate the alleged perpetrator. According to the complaint led by the victim the following day, the incident occurred in the afternoon when a man entered the tobacco shop, clearly agitated. He concealed his head with a cap and covered his face with a t-shirt while brandishing a knife in his hand. The suspect demanded money and tobacco from the clerk, who was momentarily

paralyzed with fear. When the clerk hesitated, the suspect waved the knife threateningly, insisting, “Do you think I’m joking?” Faced with this threat, the victim complied, and the suspect left the shop with a €50 note and a pack of cigarettes, walking calmly away from the scene.

The Investigation Area of the Callosa de Segura Post undertook extensive e orts to gather information and analyze the evidence, leading to the suspect’s location and arrest in

The suspect is a 43-yearold Spanish man with a signi cant criminal history, including numerous previous convictions for both property crimes and violent o enses. He has been charged with robbery involving violence and intimidation with the use of a knife. Following his arrest, he was placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Orihuela, which has since ordered his release on bail.

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Benejúzar on August 2.


The release of the UK’s PMI data from last week seemed to continue to bene t the pound throughout the week, despite Keir Starmer’s comments that the government’s rst budget in October is “going to be painful”. This followed last week’s higher-than-expected UK government borrowing for July, which stoked fears that Chancellor Rachel Reeves may need to raise taxes in her upcoming budget.

Last week’s Manufacturing and Services PMI data for the UK both came in ahead of market expectations, with manufacturing coming in at 52.5, a 26-month high and services PMI at 53.3, a 4-month high. The Bank of England’s Governor Andrew Bailey commented on the latest data; “This is consistent with a process of disin ation which is steady and more in keeping with a soft landing than a recessioninduced process.”

Bailey also added that the central bank should be “careful not to cut interest rates too quickly or by too much.” His more hawkish comments have fed into markets expecting interest rates to hold steady at the next monetary policy meeting on 19th September, with only a 21.7% chance of a 25-basis point cut.

Following its multi-week upward trend, sterling remains on the front foot. GBP/USD rose as much as 0.85% at the end of last week, following dovish comments from the Federal Reserve’s Chair Jerome Powell at the Jackson Hole Symposium, which provoked signi cant


selling in the USD. The currency pair is now experiencing two-year highs, which has seen the pound reach its highest level since March 2022 and is currently still above 1.32.

Against the euro, the pound is seeing threeweek highs and is sitting just above 1.19.

This week was relatively quiet for UK data following Monday’s bank holiday, with no notable data events.


European PMIs came out broadly lower than expected last week. Germany’s manufacturing and services PMI fell below forecast by 1.3 and 0.9 points, coming in at 42.1 and 51.4, respectively. In France, the data painted a similar picture in the manufacturing industry, with the PMI coming in 2.3 points below forecast at 42.1, while the services PMI was more favourable at 55.0, 4.8 points above forecast.

On Thursday, the German Preliminary CPI monthly data was released. Markets expected in ation to fall to 2.1% from 2.3% in July, but it fell below expectation to 1.9%.

Additionally, the CPI Flash Estimate yearly data was released for the European Union this morning, which saw in ation fall from 2.6% to 2.2%

This commentary does not constitute nancial advice. All rates are sourced from Bloomberg and forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

Guardamar residents defend against coastal erosion

The residents of Guardamar have once again rallied to defend their coastline from ongoing erosion. The Guardamar Playa Residents’ Association, part of the civic movement Somos Mediterrania, which includes over 50 associations from across the Spanish coast, organized a march on Saturday. Families and beachgoers joined the demonstration, forming a 200-meterlong procession along the Babilonia and Centro beaches of Guardamar del Segura, carrying banners with messages like “The coast in extinction does have a solution.” The march lasted for nearly an hour. These protests stem from years of frustration over the loss of beaches. According to the AVV Guardamar Playa, neither the Guardamar City Council nor the Ministry for the Ecological Transition (MITECO) has provided solutions, and they have even hindered public participation. The

association highlights repeated refusals by the council to form a joint Working Group, which would include affected parties such as local residents, the port, environmentalists, and relevant administrations. Additionally, the Ministry has declined to initiate regeneration or protection actions.

The association advocates for the use of submerged and freestanding reefs, a technique successfully implemented in other areas. These reefs help stabilize sand, support marine life and biodiversity, and make beaches more resilient to storms without

the negative impacts associated with traditional breakwaters. Manuel López, the association’s spokesperson, notes that several public and private studies point to the lack of sediment supply from the river and the flawed design of the river mouth as the primary causes of beach erosion, damage to the protected pine forest in the Natura 2000 Natural Park, navigation issues in the port, and harm to residents and infrastructure.

López emphasizes the need for political will and urgent legislative reforms, which, he argues, some authorities are reluctant to implement.

Influenza vaccination campaign for young children and special education students begins

The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced that “next year we are going to start a school vaccination campaign against u, which will be carried out in centres with students of early childhood education and special education in the Valencian Community”.

Carlos Mazón has pointed out that the Consell, with this initiative that plans to immunize some 72,000 students, “continues to ful ll and advance in primary care to guarantee the public and quality healthcare that citizens deserve.”

Speci cally, the target population of this vaccination campaign is children born in 2020 and 2021, enrolled in early childhood education in public and subsidized schools in the Valencian Community, as well as all students in special education centers, attended by children and young people up to 22 years of age. Of these groups of students, the vaccine will be given to those whose families express their willingness to participate in the campaign. The head of the Consell explained that the aim of this campaign is to “make it easier for families to protect their children

from the u and to stop the spread of the virus among them, as well as to prevent them from transmitting the virus to vulnerable people, such as the elderly or those with underlying pathologies, who are at greater risk of su ering complications.”

This campaign, which will begin on October 1, is the rst school vaccination campaign against in uenza launched by the Generalitat and which is

coordinated between the Ministries of Education and Health. Thus, the teams of health professionals will schedule vaccination days in their facilities with the educational centers, which will take place within the framework of the 2024-2025 in uenza vaccination campaign. The vaccine that will be given to children in early childhood education is administered intranasally and only for students who do not have contraindications to this type of

vaccine. It is administered with a small dose in each nostril and is a trivalent vaccine. Likewise, in special education centers, the administration of the intramuscular vaccine will be considered in certain cases and simultaneous immunization with the COVID-19 vaccine. t should be remembered that the Generalitat incorporated for the rst time the intranasal vaccine, indicated for children aged 2 to 4 years, in the last campaign against in uenza, which began

in October 2023. This vaccine avoids the need for injections for the little ones, since it is supplied in the form of a nasal spray and among its bene ts stands out that it neutralizes the virus at the entry route, the nasal mucosa.

From an epidemiological point of view, vaccination of the child population is very important for several reasons. Firstly, children under 5 years of age are the most likely to catch and become ill with the u every year. Furthermore, it is not always mild and in some cases requires hospitalisation.

On the other hand, children are capable of transmitting the u to other people, who may su er a serious illness with the risk of su ering important complications. In this way, protecting children from the u prevents the spread of the u to the elderly and other vulnerable groups and helps to stop the transmission of the virus.

During the previous campaign, the Valencian Community already introduced childhood vaccination against in uenza in boys and girls aged 6 to 59 months, a recommendation that is also included by the Public Health Commission for the 2024-2025 season.

Three men caught ‘red-handed’ trying to rob a house in Orihuela

The National Police have arrested three individuals—two adults and one minor, all Spanish nationals aged between 17 and 22—in Orihuela for committing a home burglary. The incident unfolded after a witness reported seeing three men entering a house, prompting an alert to the CIMAAC 091 Room. Several police patrols quickly responded to the scene.

Upon arrival, officers found one of the suspects tampering with

the door lock, which had already been opened. Meanwhile, the other two suspects attempted to escape through a back window but were swiftly apprehended— two during the initial intervention and the third after a foot chase through nearby crop fields. The police confiscated various tools from the suspects, including pliers, a hammer, a wrench, a cold chisel, and screwdrivers, all suitable for committing burglaries.

The two adult

suspects were brought before the Orihuela Court of Instruction, while the minor was released after the necessary investigative steps, with the case being reported to the Alicante Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office.

These arrests were made possible by the intensified police patrols in rural areas of Orihuela, particularly during the summer season, as part of efforts to combat home burglaries.

(Gabriel’s Spanish Bar Assc Reg No. is ICAE 1265)

Charity Events in aid of Stevie Spit

Each week the Costa Blanca People will feature forthcoming events that have been organised to help raise funds for Stevie Spit.

Stevie was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver and lungs.

If you would like to see your event featured please send details via whatsapp to 607031113.

Also you can make a donation directly via the Go Fund Me page which has been set uphttps:// gofund.me/41506431


We are pleased to announce the Seventh Edition of the Charity Rock Festival "ROCK AGAINST CANCER", to be held on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September 2024 in the Antonio Soria Park in Torrevieja, organized by Monroe's Rock Café and our Association, with the support of the Department of Culture of our City Council of Torrevieja. For the benefit of our NGOs AFECÁNCER y ALICANTE PARA LA LUCHA CONTRA EL CÁNCERSede Local de Torrevieja.

AFA Torrevieja celebrates its 20th anniversary with an extensive programme during the month of September

AFA Torrevieja is marking its 20th anniversary this September with a series of events tied to World Alzheimer’s Day, observed on September 21. The program features various activities for Alzheimer’s patients, their families, and the general public, aimed at raising awareness and providing support. The celebration kicks o on September 5 with a scenic excursion to Torrevieja’s salt ats, where participants can enjoy views of the famous pink lagoon. On September 10, there will be meditation, adapted yoga workshops, and a nutrition workshop for caregivers, although these will have limited capacity.

Occupational therapist and coordi-

nator Gemma Negrete emphasized that the week of September 21 will be particularly meaningful, culminating in a special day for users and families, including a manifesto reading, shared meals, and traditional paellas. The commemoration will close with a charity dinner and a live performance by ST Bocci during the welcome cocktail. Those interested in joining the public events can nd more details through AFA Torrevieja’s social media channels.

This milestone highlights AFA Torrevieja’s two decades of service and dedication to supporting individuals with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones.

In this seventh edition we will have the best tribute bands in Europe: from Italy, we will once again vibrate with the great show of the SAD European Metallica Tribute. They caused a great furore in the last edition 2023.

From the UK, "Quo-incidence" (Status Quo Tribute); from Switzerland "Roxxet"; from Barcelona, "Like a Stone" (Audioslave Tribute) and from Tarragona, Rage Rising (the best tribute to Rage Against the Machine), among other local and national bands: UPRISING - Muse Tribute ES, KEENG Queen Tribute, Finn Lizzy (Thin Lizzy Tribute).

All the bands are committed to the cause and ready to give their all on stage.


There will be a variety of food trucks and a merchandising shop.

TICKETS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE https://www.rockagainstcancer.es

Entradium: https://entradium.com/events/rock-against-cancer-2024


- DVBLAB - Av. Cortes Valencianas 29 Local 2 Torrevieja y en Calle Imperio Argentina, 8 Local 5 Ur. Monteazul Benijófar.

- Bolig Invest Spania-Calle Caballero de Rodas, 65 Torrevieja

- Mexi Mundo Restaurant-Calle Pedro Lorca, 14 Torrevieja

- Monroe’s Rock Bar - Calle Apolo, 12 Torrevieja


Service Directory

Lawns Tel: 636 102 509

Email: info@eazylawns.es www.eazylawns.es

Air Conditioning

Summer Breeze Air Conditioning Tel: 696 248 422

Email: paulf3000@gmail.com


My New Home in Spain Tel: 711 007 147 hello@mynewhomeinspain.com www.mynewhomeinspain.com

Platinum Construction/Real Estate Tel: 865 758 513 / 602 633 153 sales@platinumproperties.es www.platinumproperties.es

Avenida Maria Del Mar Rodriquez 23 Algorfa

New 2 You Tel: 616 724 304 965 715 605

Ave Don Juan De Austria 6 Torrevieja

Tel: 0034 711 080 462 / 850 993 849

Email: info@angelsnursingcare.com www.angelsnursingcare.com

hair & lash boutique Indianashairandlashboutique

Wellness Audiology Tel: 698 418 642 Contact: @proteawellnessaudiology.es www.proteawellnessaudiology.es Calle Los Arcos 17 Ciudad Quesada

+34 868 97 55 25

Email: info@insuranceagents.es www.insuranceagents.es

647 472 825 Email: Indysdp@gmail.com

Design & Print Indys_designprint

Go Satellite Tel: 965725670

Info@freetvspain.com www.freetvspain.com

Avenida De Las Naciones 36-2, Ciudad Quesada Rojales

Medsun Solar Tel: 604 193 857

Email: info@medsunsolar.com www.medsunsolar.com Solar Panels

Swimming Pools House plus Homes Tel: 966 719 849 admin@houseplushomes.com www.houseplushomes.com Calle Los Arcos Local 4 Plata Baja, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Transport & Removals 663595225 / (0044) 7786 737230 Email: infomavspain@gmail.com www.mavspain.co.uk Facebook M.M.V.Transport&Removals


Tel: 966 194 179 / 627 752 965

Info@leak-tech.net www.leak-tech.net

This Week´s Movie Picks


Saturday 7th September, ITV, 11.40 pm

Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves Maximus and his family condemned to death. The powerful general is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. The only desire that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Sunday 8th September, ITV2, 7.25 pm

The new story follows the heroic e orts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face o against a battery of god sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient superspecies, thought to be mere myths, rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance.

Tourist prices in Spain double the increase of Consumer Price Index

Tourist prices in Spain have risen at double the rate of the national consumer price index (CPI) for most of 2024, according to recent data. A comparison of the gures from January to July shows that while headline in ation was at 2.8%, tourism prices surged by 4.5%.

This increase in prices impacts all Spaniards, particularly those opting to vacation within the country. The latest gures from Spain’s national statistics institute, INE, reveal that the rst month of summer saw a notable rise in the cost of domestic accommodation, ights, and package tours, in contrast to a decrease in the cost of international ights and tours.

Speci cally, domestic ight prices jumped by 11.7%, while international ight costs dropped by 4.9%. The price of package tours within Spain increased by 9.9%, whereas those for trips abroad fell by 4.7%. Additionally, the cost of hotels, hostels, guesthouses, and

similar accommodations rose by 4.9%, with other accommodation services increasing by 6.4%, and bus transportation costs climbing by 3%.

Despite these price hikes, demand for travel to Spain remains strong.

At the beginning of the year, the tourism minister predicted a “record” summer, a forecast supported by various studies and reports from organizations like the UN World Tourism Organization, the European Commission, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), as well as Spain’s Caixa Research, Exceltur, and the national tourism board. Last year, Spain welcomed 84 million international tourists and generated 108 billion euros in spending.

Juan Molas, president of the Mesa del Turismo, the sector’s employers’ association, attributes the price increases to a general rise in production costs within the industry, which he describes as “in ation fueling more in ation.” He noted that, like

the rest of the population, the tourism sector has been hit by sharp increases in the prices of basic food products, such as olive oil, butter, and sh, as well as energy and transport costs.

“Fortunately, tourism demand has remained strong, allowing us to cope with these cost increases more e ectively,” Molas told SUR, adding that the industry is

still recovering from the severe downturns of 2020 and 2021.

However, there are concerns about consumer pushback. As reported by SUR, Ryanair was the rst to raise alarms, cutting its pro t by 46% and lowering fares due to consumer reluctance to pay the already high prices.

Room sales platforms echo

Ryanair’s observations, noting that Spanish customers are particularly sensitive to price increases and are often waiting until the last minute to book in hopes of nding a better deal. According to the Observatorio Nacional del Turismo Emisor, travel agencies see rising prices as the primary threat to the sector.

3rd September

00:15 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends

01:05 Teleshopping

04:00 The Best of Saint and Greavsie

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Cooking with the Stars

22:00 The Tower

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Sorry, I Didn’t Know

Wednesday 4th September

00:15 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends

01:05 Teleshopping

04:00 Cooking with the Stars

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

20:45 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs 21:00 Earth

22:00 The Zelensky Story

23:00 Colin from Accounts 23:30 Newsnight

22:00 The Tower

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 For the Love of Dogs with Alison Hammond

00:35 8 Out of 10 Cats Does


01:30 24 Hours in A&E

02:25 Ramsay’s Kitchen

Nightmares USA 03:15 The Secret Life of the Zoo

04:10 The Dog House

05:05 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

05:30 Food Unwrapped

05:55 Frasier

06:20 Frasier

06:45 Everybody Loves

Raymond 07:10 Everybody Loves

Raymond 07:35 Everybody Loves

Raymond 08:00 Frasier

08:30 Frasier

09:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 11:55 Channel 4 News

Summary 12:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 16:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 Live: Paralympic

Games 21:30 Live: Paralympic


02:25 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

03:20 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

03:45 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

04:35 Grand Designs New Zealand

05:30 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free

05:50 Frasier

06:40 Everybody Loves


07:05 Everybody Loves


07:30 Everybody Loves


07:55 Live: Paralympic

Games 10:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 11:55 Channel 4 News


12:00 Live: Paralympic


14:00 Live: Paralympic


16:00 Live: Paralympic


19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic


22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Stalked By My Teacher 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Our Great Yorkshire

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 The Mother-In-Law 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Madrid with Michael Portillo

21:00 Petrol vs Electric Cars

22:00 Child Snatchers: A Day At the Fair 23:00 Casualty 24/7

08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Wheel of Fortune 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00

What is the most sought after rare coin in Spain?

In the world of numismatics, certain coins transcend their monetary value to become historical treasures, symbols of power and exclusivity. Over the centuries, some of these coins have become highly sought after by collectors worldwide, reaching prices that only a select few can a ord. Among the most coveted in Spain is a coin that stands out for its rarity, history, and the staggering prices it has achieved at auction, currently valued at up to two million euros. This extraordinary piece, ercely guarded by a fortunate few, is not merely a metal artifact; it is a true historical jewel. This coin is the Centén Segoviano, a rare piece rst

issued in 1609 during the reign of Felipe III. It has captivated collectors worldwide, making it the most sought-after coin in Spain.

The Segovian Centén, valued at 100 golden escudos or 160 silver reals, was issued in three series: the rst in 1609, followed by additional issues in 1623 and 1633. Only eight coins were produced across these issues. Handcrafted in gold by the Segovia Mint, Spain’s equivalent to the UK’s Royal Mint, each coin is a masterpiece. With a diameter of over 71 millimeters and a weight of 340 grams, the Segovian Centén is remarkable not only for its size and weight but also for the meticulous craftsmanship involved in its creation.

The coin features the Jerusalem cross and the coat of arms representing the vast territories under the Hispanic monarchy, symbolizing the expansive empire ruled by Philip III. The inscription “Phillipus III Dei Gratia” (Philip III by the grace of God) re ects the divine power attributed to monarchs at the time. Historical research suggests that these coins were not intended for regular monetary use. Instead, they served as symbols of prestige, bestowed by monarchs upon select members of the nobility and other in uential gures at court.

Today, several Segovian Centéns are held in private collections in Spain, while others are preserved in public institutions such

as the Museo Casa de la Moneda and the Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España, both in Madrid. The value of the Segovian Centén has increased dramatically over the years. In 2009, the Barcelona-based auction house Aure y Calicó paid 800,000 euros for

one specimen. A Swiss collector later o ered 944,000 euros at another auction for one of these coins. Currently, the Segovian Centén is estimated to be worth two million euros, a value that re ects both its rarity and its signi cant historical importance.

Friday 6th September

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

Real Deal

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Love Your Garden

22:00 The Tower

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 The Late Debate

00:15 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends

01:05 Teleshopping

04:00 Champions: Full Gallop

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 In for a Penny

06:30 Gino’s Italian Family


07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Beat the Chasers

02:25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:15 Travel Man: 48 Hours in... 03:40 Come Dine with Me 04:35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds 05:00 Grand Designs New


05:55 Frasier

06:20 Frasier

06:45 Everybody Loves

Raymond 07:10 Everybody Loves

Raymond 07:35 Everybody Loves


08:00 Frasier

08:30 Frasier

09:00 Live: Paralympic


11:55 Channel 4 News

12:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 16:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic

Games 22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

00:35 Gogglebox 01:30 Night Coppers

02:25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

03:15 Blackbird

05:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

05:25 Food Unwrapped

05:55 Frasier

06:20 Frasier

06:45 Everybody Loves


07:10 Everybody Loves


07:35 Everybody Loves


08:00 Frasier

08:30 Frasier

09:00 Live: Paralympic


11:55 Channel 4 News

12:00 Live: Paralympic


14:00 Live: Paralympic


16:00 Live: Paralympic


19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Framed For Murder 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Madrid with Michael Portillo 21:00 Michael Mosley: Wonders of the Human Body 22:00 Cause of Death 23:00 Cruel & Unusual: Terror In Suburbia

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 A Mother’s Fury 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Madrid with Michael Portillo

21:00 Rescue 999: Seconds To Save A Life

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

Totally Bonkers

World Records

Unwind with



22:00 Coco Chanel Unbuttoned 23:30 Newsnight

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Password

Saturday 7th September


22:30 The Last Leg in Paris

23:30 Paralympic Games

00:35 The Big Fat Quiz of Sport

02:20 Another Round

04:20 Sunday Brunch

04:35 Come Dine with Me

05:00 Come Dine with Me

06:05 Jimmy and Shivi’s Farmhouse Breakfast 07:00 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh

08:30 Cooking with the Stars

09:25 The Chris McCausland Show 10:25 ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning

12:40 Jason Atherton’s Dubai

13:45 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 To Be Announced

To Be Announced


The Voice UK 22:55 Password 23:25 ITV News

23:40 Gladiator

05:25 Come Dine with Me

05:50 Come Dine with Me

06:20 Come Dine with Me

07:10 Everybody Loves


07:40 Everybody Loves


08:05 Frasier

08:30 Frasier

09:00 Live: Paralympic


12:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic


16:00 Live: Paralympic


19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic


22:30 The Last Leg in Paris

23:30 Paralympic Games

22:00 Michael Palin in Nigeria

23:30 The 1970s: Those Were The Days

08:55 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:10 Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty

10:35 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 11:25 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

12:25 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

Secret Crush 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Wheel of Fortune 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Family Fortunes 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

13:20 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 14:20 The Cotswolds & Beyond with Pam Ayres 15:20 The Cotswolds & Beyond with Pam Ayres 16:20 Beetlejuice 17:20 5 News Update 17:25 Beetlejuice 18:10 A Yorkshire Farm 19:05 A Yorkshire Farm 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Michael Portillo’s Long Weekends 21:30 Heatwave: The Deadly Summer of ‘03 23:00 When TV Goes Horribly Wrong 08:20 Dodo 08:30 Scooby-Doo! and WWE: Curse of the Speed Demon 10:00 Totally

Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Wild at Heart 10:10 Wild at Heart 11:15 The Royal 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 Foyle’s War 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 Wycliffe

Sunday 8th September

Jimmy and Shivi’s Farmhouse Breakfast

10:25 ITV News

10:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh

12:25 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:25 ITV Lunchtime News

13:35 The Voice UK

15:05 Bruce Almighty

17:05 The Living Daylights

19:35 ITV Evening News

19:45 ITV News London

20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars

21:00 Grace 23:00 ITV News

23:15 Social Media Murders

00:35 Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood

03:25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

04:15 Rob Beckett’s Big Hollyoaks Catch Up

04:20 Hollyoaks: Omnibus

06:45 Frasier

07:10 Frasier

07:35 Frasier

08:00 Live: Paralympic Games

11:00 Live: Paralympic Games

13:30 Live: Paralympic Games

16:00 Live: Paralympic Games

17:30 The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic Games

21:30 Live: Paralympic Games

23:30 The Last Leg in Paris

08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA

09:40 Rubble & Crew

09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5

10:15 NFL End Zone

10:40 Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty 11:05 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out

12:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out 13:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out 14:00 Live: The 900 18:00 David Jason: Britain’s Favourite TV Star 19:25 5 News Weekend 19:30 When Holidays Go Horribly Wrong 21:00 Rich Holiday Poor Holiday 22:00 Katie Price: Where Did All The Money Go?

Monday 9th September

Motorsport UK

Unwind with ITV

Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine

This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Long Lost Family

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Olympus Has Fallen

06:50 Cheers 07:20 Cheers

07:50 Cheers

08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY 17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village 19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Jamie: What to Eat This Week 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Trump: Should We Be Scared?

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 You Killed My Husband! 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Traffic Cops

21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Teacher 23:00 The Railroad Killer: I Escaped a Murderer

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers

Supermarket Sweep


Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress

Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Family Fortunes 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 American Dad!

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@gmail. com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles. Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday 11th September 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“I am trying to find a file on my Windows laptop but I cannot remember the full file name. Can you help me please”?

Open Windows Explorer and select“This PC”. At the top of the screen is the search field with an image of a magnifying glass. If you do remember the folder where the file is you can select that folder.

Now it depends on how much you remember about the file you are looking for, Each file is stored with a filename and an extension i.e. filename.ext. The extension identifies what type of file it is.

e.g. budget.xls is a file named budget created using Excel or cv.doc is a file named cv using Word.

If you remember the application used to create the file but not all of the filename you can use a “wildcard” symbol in your search.

Wildcards take the place of one or more characters in a search term. A question mark (?) is used for a single character in a specific position. An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters in a filename.


*.pdf will show a list of all pdf files.

*budget*.xls will show all Excel files with “budget” in the filename. ??plan*.doc will show all Word files with any 2 characters in positions 1 and 2 followed by “plan” and then any character

“I have an Android tablet with only 16 G Bytes of storage which is almost full, and it will not allow the Apps to update. What can I do”?

Create a Folder in Android I recommend having at least 1 GB of free storage space on your device to ensure that you’re able to download updates. You can either free up storage space or insert a micro SD card if the tablet has a card slot. To free up space move files to the Cloud Storage of your choice. Google Drive is automatically available on an Android device. To move files to Cloud Storage I use the File Manager + Application. To add more storage insert a suitable micro SD card and then make the SD card the default location for the storage of files. Go to Settings and search for “default file storage”. Set the default location for storage as the SD card.

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams. Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

We Need Your Help

Always help someone. You might be the only one that does.

Seagate are pleased to support the amazing charity A Helping Hand - a food and clothes bank charity. They support hundreds of families that are in poverty and in crisis and they urgently need food and clothes donations from you. There is a constant need for help with simply the basic staples such as tuna, toilet paper, milk, tinned food, pasta, rice, soup mix, baked beans, olive oil. They also need hygiene

items such as washing detergent, shower gel, shampoo as well as baby items needed are nappies, hero baby milk 1 and 2 and baby wipes.

As we begin 2024, they are hoping to be able to provide for families throughout the next few months when times are hardest. January, February, and March are the toughest times for this charity, so please spare a thought and give what you can. You can drop o

your donation to their base in San Luis on Tuesday or Friday morning from 10am until 1pm or at over 20 drop o places around the area –check their Facebook page for locations. There are many bars and restaurants that also support the charity, as does BIG FM who are also a drop o point. As the message on their Facebook page says, “Always Help Someone –You Might Be The Only One That Does”.


This unique experience can be enjoyed at a location of your choice, anywhere along the coast from Denia to El Campello. Choose from an array of picturesque locations; whether it’s the pristine beaches of Denia, the charming coastal town of Altea, or the hidden places of Benidorm, each site has been carefully selected to provide unparalleled beauty and tranquility. The picnics are tailor made and completely catered for with delicious fresh food and cold drinks, ideal for a romantic date, proposals, birthdays, anniversaries, and


to treat friends or family. You just turn up, sit back, and relax in style, with a comfortable bohemian set up including throws, oor cushions and high quality picnic décor. The meal consists of a tempting selection of locally sourced cheeses, seasonal fruits and nuts, homemade cakes and nger food, accompanied by freshly baked bread and dips. Drinks include sparkling and still water, champagne and premium wines. To arrange your personalized picnic, please call Jasper on 613 036 155 or visit www.heavenly-luxurypicnics.com

Mercadona sets a viral social media trend

Mercadona, the popular Spanish supermarket chain, has unexpectedly become the setting for a viral social media trend centered around nding love while shopping. This trend took o after a TikTok video posted by user @yosoyvivylin, where she humorously suggested that visiting Mercadona between 7 and 8 pm is the prime time for meeting people. The video, which shows her and a friend casually shopping while laughing about the idea, quickly gained traction, racking up hundreds of thousands of views, over 73,000 likes, and more than 3,000 comments.

What started as a lighthearted joke has resonated with many, with some users sharing their own experiences of meeting people at Mercadona. The trend has even led to the creation of “signals” for those looking to connect with others at

the supermarket. One such signal involves placing a pineapple upside down in your trolley and then heading to the wine section. If you spot someone else with an upside-down pineapple, the next step is to “accidentally” bump into their trolley if

you’re interested in them.

This quirky trend has captivated social media, turning a routine trip to the supermarket into a playful and potentially romantic experience for some shoppers.

Bars & Restaurants

Blossoms have ‘signed on to support Oasis’ on their huge comeback tour next year.

The Indie band will reportedly join the Gallagher brothers as they take to the stage at their Heaton Park gigs in Manchester.

The Stockport group, have three UK No1 albums under their belts and earlier in the year supported Noel Gallagher and the High Flying Birds when they played a special show at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

Disturbing footage showed rapper Fatman Scoop collapsing on stage during a Connecticut concert. The Be Faithful singer, 53, was seen struggling as he climbed onto a platform during Friday’s performance in Hamden, before passing out. Screams rang out as the rapper and hype man - whose real name is Isaac Freeman III - disappeared from view, sparking frantic e orts to revive him.

Dave Myer’s stepson has got engaged, nearly six months to the day after the celebrity chef he ‘had the honour to call dad’ died of cancer.

In a proposal the Hairy Biker would surely have approved of, Sergiu Orzac was pictured with his sweetheart wearing motorcycle helmets as she showed o her ring.

The Alpine F1 engineer paid a heartbreaking tribute to the ‘wonderful’ TV star a week after his funeral in March, remembering his ‘infectious zest for life and unmatched passion’ in a loving social media post where he credited him as being the person who made him ‘the man I am today’.

Katie Price has revealed she will die during one of her many cosmetic surgeries after a psychic’s spooky warning.

The former glamour model, 46, jetted o to Turkey last month for her sixth facelift, despite a warrant being issued for her arrest amid her ongoing bankruptcy case.

During an appearance on Greatest Hits Radio on Friday she also admitted needing to ‘sort out’ her body dysmorphia.

Spencer Matthews is now back in the UK after running an astonishing 30 marathons in 30 days in the scorching heat of the Jordanian desert. And during Friday’s instalment of BBC’s The One Show, the TV personality, 36, opened up on his time in the desert and discussed his past battle with alcohol.

Speaking to hosts Alex Scott and Roman Kemp on the show, Spencer revealed completing the challenge was a ‘landmark of personal development’ for him, while fans called for him to get a knighthood.

Celebrating two years at Hotel Algorfa

The Truscott family are looking back on their third summer season in Algorfa. For the team at Hotel Algorfa it’s been a manic one. With only 2 years in the trade and having brought the hotel from its former derelict state, (with only 8 rooms occupiable to the public to now the 36 for this season) the family are feeling the pressure slowly release as September looms ahead and August comes to an end. Lorraine (the mum) has worked tirelessly on the housekeeping alongside the team in the builders’ cleans as new rooms opened, mountains of laundry, trying and testing what seems like thousands of cleaning products, learning new skills in folding sheets and towels

and generally keeping up with the demand from the summer. Smalls (the brother) has been learning some new skills within the bakery - getting involved in baking bread, pies and pastries with the team for the onsite supermarket and panaderia. Robert (the dad) has been working his magic to bring plans to life with the team. He has worked closely with Platinum Construction to envision for the long term here at Algorfa and we all love to see it come together - the family are so proud of where they’ve come although they’re far from finished! Grace has been working with the team in coping through the chaos! Sometimes it’s around the clock work, check ins and

guests are not 9-5 but 24 hours. The family could not be where they are without the strong support they have around them from the team at the Hotel - the staff that work here have to put in 110% and be able to mould themselves into many positions within one business whether that’s housekeeping, shopkeeping, receptionist, waitressing. Their dedication to these many

roles is so appreciated. And the fun doesn’t stop because August does - the entertainment continues weekly at Hotel Algorfa with the best of the best

acts. See us on page 2 or scan the QR code for our upcoming events. Many thanks to all of our loyal customers for supporting us these past few years and here’s to many more.

Health & Beauty

After waiting an eternity to become a grandmother; my son and daughter-in-law are clearly choosing to be with her side of the family more than ours. When I complain to my husband, he says not to make waves, but it is clear that birthdays and holidays are spent with the other grandparents rather than ourselves. I have tried inviting them over for specific holidays like Christmas and Easter and have suggested we go away on a caravan holiday, but nothing changes. Their response is always that they are not available, but they always seem to enjoy posting get-togethers of themselves spending time with her parents. My husband says it’s in my imagination, and I should get a life of my own and stop being so needy. He’s no help; but he doesn’t care about being with the family whereas I do. .

You don’t mention your age; You tell me you have tried talking to your son about the situation, but have

you tried talking to your daughter in law about how sad it makes you feel. You tell me that you went over on one of the children’s birthday’s and were treated very badly, and not even offered a cup of tea or birthday cake. Their treatment of you could be quite deliberate and not in your imagination; so why not call them out on it and have a direct conversation with your daughter in law. It doesn’t have to be a hostile meeting, in fact it would be better for you to keep things cordial. There have been other slights that you tell me about, and it does look like you are being treated unkindly. If a sit down talk does not work, you may need to accept that the situation will not change, and your husband’s advice may seem like the route you should take.


Determining your skin type involves observing how your skin behaves in different situations. Here’s a general guide to help you identify your skin type:

1. **Normal Skin**: Your skin feels balanced—not too oily or too dry. Pores are small, and the skin is generally smooth and clear.

2. **Oily Skin**: Your skin tends to get shiny, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Pores may appear larger, and you might be prone to acne or blackheads.

3. **Dry Skin**: Your skin often feels tight, rough, or flaky. It may appear dull and lack moisture, especially after washing your face.

4. **Combination Skin**: You have a mix of skin types on different areas of your face— typically, the T-zone is oily, while the cheeks are normal or dry.

5. **Sensitive Skin**: Your skin easily reacts to products or environmental factors. It may become red, itchy, or irritated.

To determine your skin type:

1. **Wash your face** and wait for an hour without applying any products.

2. **Observe** how your skin feels and looks:

- If it’s shiny, especially in the T-zone, you likely have **oily** skin.

- If it feels tight or flaky, it’s probably **dry**.

- If only the T-zone is shiny and the rest is normal or dry, you might have **combination** skin.

- If your skin feels comfortable without being too oily or dry, you have **normal** skin.

- If your skin becomes red or irritated, you may have **sensitive** skin.

Choosing the right products for your face depends on your skin type, concerns, and goals. Here’s a general guide based on common skin types:

The benefit of eating eggs

Eggs are a nutrient-dense food, relatively low in calories but packed with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health.1 Their cholesterol content has been a source of controversy in the past, but eggs o er many potential health bene ts when included in a well-balanced diet. They can help improve skeletal muscle, protect against infection, act as a hypotensive agent (lowering blood pressure), and play a role in weight management. That said, how they’re prepared can a ect their nutrition pro le. Although the nutrition pro le doesn’t change much depending on the cooking method unless other ingredients are

added (like butter for scrambled eggs, for example), the exposure to high-heat temperatures can break down essential nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.


Dry Skin: Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser, like a cream or oil-based cleanser.

Oily Skin: Opt for a foaming or gel cleanser to remove excess oil.

Sensitive Skin: Use a fragrancefree, hypoallergenic cleanser.


Dry Skin: Choose alcoholfree, hydrating toners with ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

Oily Skin: Look for toners with salicylic acid or witch hazel to help control oil.

Combination Skin: Use a balancing toner to address both oily and dry areas.


Anti-Aging: Look for serums with ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, or peptides.

Brightening: Vitamin C serums help with pigmentation and dullness.

Hydrating: Use hyaluronic acid serums for added moisture.

Acne-Prone Skin: Serums with niacinamide or salicylic acid can help reduce breakouts.


Dry Skin: Use a rich, creamy moisturizer with ingredients like ceramides or shea butter.

Oily Skin: Opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer, preferably in

gel form.

Combination Skin: Use a balancing moisturizer that isn’t too heavy.

Sunscreen: All Skin Types: Sunscreen is essential. Choose a broadspectrum SPF 30 or higher.

Sensitive Skin: Use mineral sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.


Dry Skin: Gentle exfoliation 1-2 times a week with a mild exfoliant like lactic acid.

Oily Skin: You can exfoliate 2-3 times a week with products containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid.

Sensitive Skin: Use a very gentle exfoliant, like a lowconcentration enzyme exfoliator, and limit use to once a week.

Face Masks:

Hydrating Masks: For dry skin, use masks with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or aloe vera. Clay Masks: For oily or acneprone skin, clay masks can help absorb excess oil.

Brightening Masks: Masks with vitamin C or niacinamide can help with dullness.

Additional Tips:Patch Test: Always patch test new products to ensure they don’t irritate your skin.

Consultation: Why not book a free consultation at Indiana’s hair and lash boutique to find the perfect facial to complete your skincare routine. Final advice remember consistency is key!

in the Mi Quirónsalud App

The number of drivers who do not respect speed limits is increasing

Since the beginning of the year, the number of deaths while travelling on motorways and dual carriageways has increased by 21%.

During the seven days of the campaign, agents from the Tra c Division of the Civil Guard established 3,679 speed control points where a total of 955,804 vehicles were controlled.

Seven drivers were brought to court for exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h, as provided for in Article 379.1 of the Criminal Code. This July, between the 15th and 21st, the General Directorate of Tra c carried out a new surveillance and control campaign focused on speed, during which agents from the Tra c Group of the Civil Guard established 3,679 speed control points at which a total of 955,804 vehicles were controlled.

Of the total number of vehicles inspected, 52,888 drivers (5.5%) were reported for driving at a speed exceeding the permitted limit, a percentage that remains stable compared to the last campaigns carried out.

Considering the type of road, the percentage of drivers reported is similar on conventional roads and on motorways and dual carriageways; both represent 48.4% with 25,572 and 25,604 drivers reported, respectively, which represents an increase in

the percentage of drivers reported on expressways. In addition, 1,712 drivers (3.2%) were reported on cross-country roads. This increased non-compliance with speed limits on motorways and dual carriageways may be related to the increase in fatal accidents on these types of roads. So far this year, the number of fatalities on dual carriageways and dual carriageways has increased by 21%.

In the criminal eld, 7 of the drivers reported committed

a crime against road safety and were brought to court for exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h, as stated in article 379.1 of the Criminal Code. These results must be added to the controls carried out by the various regional and local police forces within their areas of competence, a very important collaboration since, in this way, the message of respecting the established speed limits is uni ed, regardless of the road on which one travels.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre who o er a warm welcome at their Thursdays weekly service at the comm (ex the forum/mare nostrum), Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante, are having their summer break. We will re-open again on Thursday 12th September at 6.30 pm with a new visiting medium. contact dot 634 320 013 email: dorothydorothy608@gmail.com


very discreet with parking, has medical cert. Call Ana on 657603495

Massages by Teresa in El Algar (La Manga/ Cartagena)I invite you for a full body massage with100% satisfaction. WhatsApp: 625 178 643 (1055)

Misuky is back in Campoamor. Asian, quali ed massusse (opp. Cepsa) www. sensualspain.net. Tel 663088170 (1060)

Helen is back , nice Caribbean, wonderful body, in La Zenia, Tel 665736488 www. sensualspain.net (1060)

Cindy, Erotic massage, hot blonde, La Zenia, slim, sexy, caring, sweet, elegant. House 77, Close Consum Tel 607735745 (1057)

New curvy body, Luna, 30, biggest natural breasts, all fantasies. Tel 624865672 www. sensualspain.net (1059)

Massages with magical hands. If you are interested and wish for my ngers and hands to work their magic on your body please feel free to make an appointment. Torrevieja and surrounding areas. Whatsapp only please: 641196947(1061)

Classi ed ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 607031113 / 647472825

Sheerin’s Golf Society Phil (Minty)


Trophy at Font Del Llop

Phil Ward was one of our original members of our golf society, sadly Phil suddenly passed away on the 25th August 2022. We would like to thank Billy Jones for sponsoring the golf day in Phil’s name.

We started with a full English breakfast in Sheerin’s, 23 players took part the format for the day was singles full handicap Stableford played in two groups.

On arriving at Font Del Llop, we received a friendly and organised greeting from the caddy master and his sta . The course was in great condition which we virtually had to ourselves; the weather was a very hot 38 degrees!

The overall winner of the Phil (Minty) A-Ward Trophy came from group “A” winning with 43 points was Michael Okee e, runner up on count back was “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness with 41 points and third place went to “Footsie” Lee George also with 41 points, fourth place was John Bolt with 40 points. Winner from group B was Paul Owen with 38 points and runner up was “Fish Called Wanda” Mo Chaplin with 32 points. Winners of nearest the pins were group A hole 4 was shared between “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness and Footsie” Lee George both downing in 4 shots, hole 9 Steve Gain and holes 11 and 17 Gary Hill, group B holes 8 and 13 went to Paul Owen, best front nine with 19 points went to Steve Gain and best back nine went to “Twelve Trees” Steve Ayre with 21 points, the two’s pot was won and the €20 was shared between

Lee George, Mo Chaplin, Michaël Okee e and Steve Hopkins.

The Singles knockout quarter- nal winner was Tom Goulden beating Steve Ayre on the 19th hole after tying playing 18 holes.

Thank you to Billy Jones for providing all the prizes, also thank you to Pat, Donnie and sta at Sheerin’s for the great food and hospitality.

The football card was won by Brian Gordon winning €40 and raising €40 for our charities 2024.

We would like to thank the winning players who re-donated their prizes to our charity ra e in October.

Photo shows Phil’s wife, Margaret Ward, presenting the trophy to winner Michael O’Kee e. www.sheerinsgolfsociety.com sheerinsgolfsociety@gmail.com

The VIII Race and Walk ‘Run for me, Orihuela’ already has a date

The capital of the Vega Baja is dyed pink every year to fight for them in a cause that is beyond doubt and that goes far beyond sport. The Run for me, Orihuela Race and Walk is now in its 8th edition and already has a date set in the calendar.

As reported by the Tragamillas

Torrevieja boasts of Udane Bernabé’s gold medal

The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councillor for Sports, Diana Box, received last Wednesday morning the young Torrevieja player, Udane Bernabé, who last weekend won the gold medal in the Junior Women’s World Handball Championship, held in China, as part of the junior warriors.

Udane, who trained at the municipal sports schools in Torrevieja, wanted to thank, rst of all, her family for their support throughout her life, as well as Diana Box, Councillor for Sports, the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, and all the people who work in

Torrevieja to promote sport and give young people like her the opportunity to begin developing a sports career in handball. Bernabé has shared with the media how she experienced the last minutes of the grand nal match, in which they beat the favourites Denmark , telling anecdotes and giving a message to all the young athletes who, like her, are starting their careers, “in the end it is hard work, e ort and perseverance, as well as being a great team, what makes you reach the nal and take the trophy home”.

Club, on Sunday, October 20 at 10am we will once again have the opportunity to fight against breast cancer. With in-person registrations already open at the AECC Headquarters in Orihuela, located on the ground floor of the Ociopia Shopping Center in Orihuela.

Although we are still o cially in the summer break ten members decided to brave the high summer temperatures as we held a match at the El Bosquet complex at Crevillent.

We shed in two sections with ve anglers on pegs B1 to 7 and ve on the revamped pegs 17 to 24. The temperature was over 30 degrees and with little or no breeze made shing uncomfortable at best. To add to the heat the back section was also subject to a small wasp invasion and I was stung twice as a wasp ew up my shirt sleeve.

Non the less the shing was quite

good with the top three weights coming from the rst section. Overall winner was Bill Reade who shed bread or maggots on the pole on peg 2 for 28.02kg.

In second place from unfancied peg 5 was Tony Felstead, Tony used similar tactics but with pellet or maggots for 18.92kg.

Taking third spot was Russell Davidson he also shed the pole and weighed 17.56kg.

The other section 17 to 24 shed quite well with everyone catching sh and the top weight was Terry Brindley who shed the pole with expanders for 17.50kg.

Ian Brown

Abbey Anglers


A boy naturally opposed to the current trend(4)

20. One who’s had plenty of time to insulate the boiler(3)





Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9



Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.


seed, seeded, seen, send.

QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 6Revenue; 7Get on; 9Buy; 10Celebrate; 12Partnership; 15Handwriting; 17Slowcoach; 19Try; 21Hurry; 22Prophet. Down:1Rebut; 2Get; 3Cure; 4Represent; 5Contain; 8Defeat; 11Handiwork; 13Torpor; 14Callous; 16Greet; 18Care; 20 Apt. CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 6Hobnail; 7Smelt; 9Gnu; 10Letter box; 12Ship’s doctor; 15Mortal wound; 17Abstainer; 19Bay; 21Inane; 22Advance. Down:1Bound; 2End; 3Fire; 4Americans; 5Alcohol; 8Studio; 11Whetstone; 13Pallid; 14Combine; 16Match; 18Eddy; 20Lag. WORDWHEEL cede, ceded, cedes, cense, censed, deed, deeded, dees, dens, dense, descend, descended, ended, ends, need, needed, needs, scene, secede,

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