Costa Blanca People ed 1084

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Budget soars on Torrevieja White Pavilion

The work on the White Pavilion of the Torrevieja Sports City is 46.57 percent more expensive than the initially planned cost, which was 850,000 euros, which translates into 391,000 euros more – a total cost of more than 1.2 million.

The local government board has approved the modi cation of the wording of the project to complete a sports infrastructure

that was halted in 2011, 14 years ago, when the work was already well underway. This is, explained councillor Federico Alarcón, a second modi cation of 34.81 percent, which is added to a rst change that entailed an additional cost of 11.76mpercent.

For more than four years, the Popular Party government has been making arrangements, announcing on several occasions

the imminent contracting of the project, such as the one it made in view of the celebration of the Handball World Cup in 2022 and the criticism of the opposition, especially from the spokesman for Sueña Torrevieja, Pablo Samper has been constant.

Enclosures, uneven pavements and some installations are still to be completed. In addition, some equipment will be added such as protective railings, a climbing wall, room dividers and control desks are also required. In what has been called multipurpose room 1, a climbing wall will be installed in the double-height area. In addition, in order to provide this large room with greater exibility, mobile partitions will be installed that will allow the room to be divided into two smaller rooms, both with separate entrances. In the area originally designed for a sports clinic, the partitions will be

demolished in order to convert this space into an open-plan sports room. The hall on the rst oor and the hallway on the upper oor will have a wood-coloured rubber oor. A tatami mat will be installed in another multipurpose

room, as this is where sports training such as judo will take place. There will also be storage spaces for all sports equipment and supplies. The governing board has also given the green light to the tender to adapt two oors of the multipurpose centre to be used as a training and a youth leisure centre with a budget of 191,210 euros. The cafeteria and kitchen, measuring 49 square metres, within the La Mata sports pavilion has also been approved, with an operating period of ve years.

Alicante-Elche Airport victim of duty free crime spree

A gang specialising in stealing duty-free goods from Alicante-Elche Airport has been convicted of theft. Three men and two women, all of Romanian nationality, received one-year prison sentences from an Elche court. Additionally, they were banned from being within 500 meters of the Costa Blanca airport for 40 months.

The Guardia Civil launched an investigation in January 2024 after a sharp rise in tobacco and perfume thefts at the airport’s duty-free stores. Authorities gathered evidence indicating that an organised criminal group was behind the thefts, operating in a highly coordinated manner.

The gang members purchased

cheap ight tickets to access the airside section of the airport. Working in small teams, they used these tickets to clear security controls and enter dutyfree shops, where they stole highvalue items.

After committing the thefts, they often exited the terminal without taking a ight. On other occasions, they boarded a plane and continued their crimes at destination airports. If they suspected they were being watched, they would delay their next theft attempt to avoid detection. Their calculated methods made it challenging for law enforcement to track them down.

The group’s thefts at Alicante-

Elche Airport amounted to more than €7,600 in stolen goods. Their criminal activities came to an end when Guardia Civil o cers identi ed three gang members at the airport with tickets for a Palma de Mallorca ight. After stealing items from duty-free shops, they boarded the plane and were arrested upon landing.

Two other gang members were caught before leaving the Alicante-Elche terminal, having stolen €1,125 worth of cigarettes. The stolen items were recovered and returned to the stores.

With their conviction and sentencing, authorities have dismantled the organised theft ring, preventing further incidents at one of Spain’s busiest airports.

Car wash launders drug money

A Bulgarian drug tra cking ring in Spain has been dismantled after authorities discovered the gang was laundering pro ts from its large-scale marijuana operation through a car wash business, mirroring the plot of the popular television series Breaking Bad. Spanish police arrested seven individuals following three coordinated raids across the province. Additionally, o cers conducted an operation in Elche, Alicante province, where they

dismantled a marijuana farm operated by the gang. Authorities have not disclosed the quantity of narcotics seized.

The February raids resulted in the con scation of €7,000 in cash, £33,000 in British currency, and ve vehicles.

Four of the seven detainees had prior criminal records for similar o enses.

The investigation, which began in November, targeted a network of Bulgarian nationals involved in large-scale marijuana cultivation and distribution. The gang’s leaders maintained a lavish

lifestyle and owned a car wash business in an undisclosed location.

According to police, the car wash served as a front to launder illicit earnings, much like the ctional operation run by Walter White in Breaking Bad. Surveillance e orts revealed that one of the employees, who occasionally worked at the facility, had a prior conviction for drug tra cking.

Authorities also observed repeated absences from the business, during which one of the suspects was seen

purchasing equipment and materials necessary for growing marijuana.

The gang su ered a signi cant setback in December when police intercepted a truck in Castellón province transporting 130 kilograms of marijuana. The drugs were vacuum-sealed in eight boxes, with €1,000 in cash being the only other cargo on board.

The arrests and drug seizures mark a major victory for Spanish law enforcement in their ongoing battle against organized drug tra cking networks operating within the country.

Spain’s central government aims to cancel €83 billion in regional debt

Spain’s minority coalition government led by the PSOE socialists and left-wing Sumar group has announced its intention to cancel €83.2 billion in debt accumulated by regional administrations during the 2008 financial crisis.

Budget Minister María Jesús Montero explained that the proposal, which requires parliamentary approval, would apply to all 17 autonomous regions of Spain. These regions, under the country’s highly decentralised governance system, are responsible for managing essential public services such as health care and education.

This initiative aims to lower the regions’ debt burdens and ‘clean up’ their financial records, enabling them to ‘finance themselves more easily on the markets’, Montero said during a press conference.

According to Montero, the plan recognises that the response of the right-

wing People’s Party (PP), which was in power during the financial crisis, ‘was not adequate and led to a significant deterioration in the accounts’ of regional governments.

Of the total debt to be written off, €17.1 billion pertains to Catalonia, as reported by the Catalan pro-independence party Esquerra Republicana (ERC), which has consistently advocated for this debt to be erased.

In 2023, Spain’s governing PSOE had already agreed to cancel 15 billion euros of Catalonia’s debt under a deal with ERC. This debt was accumulated through a special fund created during the 2008 financial crisis to assist cash-strapped regional governments. However, following opposition from other regions, the government decided to extend the debt relief to all regions that had accessed the fund.

While the right-wing opposition has declared it will vote against the measure, the proposal is expected to pass with support from several smaller regional parties that back the coalition government.

Spain’s total public debt decreased to 101.8% of GDP by the end of 2024, down from 105.1% at the close of 2023. That is lower than the government target of a ratio of 102.5%.

Torrevieja bids for EU funds

It is hoped that a substantial part of the funding needed for the rehabilitation of the Eras de la Sal will be covered by European funds, Sixtyfour percent of the almost 12 million euros of Feder funds that the Torrevieja City Council is going to request are intended to be used to rehabilitate the heritage site, the origin of the city, and which today, in a large part of the historic area, presents an aspect of abandonment in the heart of the city’s bay.

This is 7.2 million of the total 12 million currently quoted for the works for the Museum of the Sea and Salt and the promenade on its roof, not counting, among others, the construction works for the open-air auditorium.

Torrevieja, as a municipality with more than 75,000 inhabitants, is entitled to 60% funding for projects valued at 20 million euros to be developed and completed in four years and has

submitted the application process for these funds.

In addition to the Eras de la Sal, the projects include the construction of a Civic Centre in San Roque (1,517,000 euros), the construction of a pedestrian and cycle path (2.3 million euros) and the intervention in the school playgrounds of La Inmaculada and El Acequión for their regeneration with plants (916,000) and the construction of a safe school path in Acequión (816,000 euros).

The Torrevieja City Council has presented and approved its Integrated Action Plan (PAI) at its governing meeting, with a budget of 19,663,525 euros, for the call for the Feder financial allocation to integrated action plans of local entities within the framework of sustainable urban development, with which it can obtain 60% of funding, 11,780,115 euros. If the European Union funds finance 60%

of the projects the rest will be covered by the City Council and the aid it may receive from other administrations.

The project to rehabilitate the Eras de la Sal was presented in the midst of the pandemic, by Eduardo Dolón and the then president of the Provincial Council Carlos Mazón four years ago.

Since then, not a single brick has been moved, apart from the studies of previous archaeological excavations. In the 2023 election campaign, the approval of the final project was also announced as imminent and is still in the drafting phase. One of the advantages of focusing the subsidy on the Eras de la Sal, beyond overcoming an obvious difficulty in financing a work that is becoming increasingly larger, is that almost all the planned actions have, at least, a preliminary project, and a part of the necessary budget item allocated with municipal funds.

Alicante Province mountain rescues and deaths

The province of Alicante has experienced nearly fteen mountain rescues, one of them a fatal accident, so far this year. The Special Rescue Group (GER) of the Provincial Fire ghters Consortium attended up to six incidents that occurred on the summits of di erent regions and municipalities in January, the same number as during 2024.

February is also not short of various evacuations in the mountains of the province of Alicante, with injured cyclists, a hiker dead and the search for a woman by helicopter, among other incidents, while this period last year lacked such serious events.

The total balance for 2024, compiled by La Gistería, makes it clear that Alicante is one of the provinces with the most deaths and rescues in the mountains, speci cally the fth in terms of evacuations and among the top four for the most fatalities. During the past year, the di erent rescue groups and security forces attended a total of 61 interventions, six of

them with a tragic ending.

The rst of the deaths in the mountains of Alicante during 2024 occurred in May. The deaths continued with two more in July and August. The month of October again recorded another death, while December was a tragic month with two more. The ages of the victims ranged between 40 and 71 years, and one of them was a woman.

Two of the six deaths in the mountains occurred in the municipality of Xàbia, near Granadella. One of them, a 60-year-old man died of a heart attack, and another was a 70-yearold hiker who su ered a cardiorespiratory arrest.

Two other deaths were recorded in the region of l’Alacantí, both due to falls.

In the rst case, a 71-yearold man in Cabeçó d’Or and, in the other, a man who had fallen from the Serra Grossa in Alicante.

The list of tragedies continues with the fall of another woman, 45 years old, in Altea and a 64-yearold man who fainted on

the path to Pico del Águila in Callosa de Segura.

The gures collected by La Gistería also highlight that 55 rescues were carried out among the causes, 27 interventions were due to falls, nine due to injuries or sprained ankles, four due to disorientation, three due to falling on rocks and the same number due to falling on rocks, and two due to heat strokes as well as knee injuries. The rest were due to weather conditions, disappearance, dehydration, heart attack and general illness.

The age of those rescued during 2024 ranges between 20 and 84 years, with a total of 36 men evacuated and 17 women. Rescues did not only take place in the mountains, but also in the waters of Alicante. Salvamento Marítimo has broken down the data for 2024 with a total of 422 emergencies recorded in the past 12 months. The total balance of the organisation shows a total of 1,341 people assisted and 305.

Breast cancer deaths expected to climb

Breast cancer diagnoses and deaths are expected to surge worldwide in the coming decades, with some of the highest incidence in Northern Europe, global cancer researchers have warned.

In 2022, 2.3 million women globally were diagnosed with breast cancer and 670,000 died. One in 20 women will be diagnosed during their lifetime, making it the most common form of cancer for women.

By 2050, global breast cancer deaths are expected to climb by 68 per cent, while new cases will rise by 38 per cent, according to the new projections from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Every minute, four women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide and one woman dies from the disease, and these statistics are worsening,” Dr Joanne Kim, an IARC scientist and one of the study’s authors, said in a


Yet while death rates have fallen in recent years in Cuba and 29 wealthy countries, only seven countries are meeting global health goals to curb deaths by at least 2.5 per cent each year, the report found. That includes Malta, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Slovenia.

A handful of others are close behind: Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand.

If all countries met the 2.5 per cent reduction goal, the number of breast cancer deaths would be nearly halved by 2050, according to the study, which was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Notably, overall breast cancer incidence rates were highest in Australia and New Zealand, followed by Northern America and Northern Europe, potentially due to risk factors like alcohol consumption and lower exercise levels.

In Europe, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer ranges from 4.9 per cent in Ukraine to 11.1 per cent in France. The risk of dying from the disease ranges from 1.1 per cent in Norway and Spain to 2.6 per cent in Montenegro.

In wealthy countries, 17 per cent of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer eventually die from the disease. In developing countries, it’s 56 per cent.

Most breast cancer cases are detected in midlife or later. But in Africa, 47 per cent of cases occurred among women under 50 years old, compared with 18 per cent in North America, 19 per cent in Europe and 22 per cent in Oceania.

Kim said that governments and other groups can help improve breast cancer outcomes by “investing in early detection and treatment,” which could “save millions of lives in the coming decades”.

Police arrest aggressive Brit at Alicante Elche Airport

The National Police had to intervene at AlicanteElche airport to control an aggressive tourist. The incident occurred at 12:40pm when the Security Control Centre (CSEG) of the Alicante airport located a 58-year-old British citizen in a semi-conscious state on oor.

The medical services requested the presence of the police, since even while on the stretcher the man was in an “aggressive state”.

After carrying out several tests, the tourist was sent to the General University Hospital of Elche.

The British tourist was apparently waiting at the terminal to catch a ight back to his country, but had to stay on the ground because his condition meant he could not board the plane back home.

Police interventions at Alicante-Elche airport are constant. At the beginning of February, the National Police caught a British drug tra cker wanted in Turkey

for tra cking 23 tons of heroin. The fugitive arrived on a ight from Stansted, England, and when passing through the passenger control lter, the agents discovered that he was subject to an International Arrest Warrant for Extradition (OEDE) issued by the Turkish authorities.

The fugitive was wanted for events that occurred in October 2007. The arrested man was part of a network of production, transportation and sale of narcotics. The investigation revealed that the drug tra cker bought more than 23,600 kilos of heroin from a third party and transported them hidden in a truck loaded with textiles, according to

police sources.

But it is not only the terminal that experiences problems. Just a few days ago, the British courts sentenced a passenger to 48 months in prison for causing chaos on a ight departing from AlicanteElche airport to Manchester in November 2023 on an EasyJet ight.

When Manchester police arrived, they found him pinned down by other passengers, face down on the oor. Passengers told authorities the troublemaker had been “biting and spitting” and that the behaviour had lasted “for around half an hour”.

Seagate Wealth are very proud to announce that Edny Van Den Broek, Account Manager from Prudential International will be one of the guest speakers at the Finance & Tax Forum being held on Tuesday 18th March.

The event takes place at Hotel La Laguna in Ciudad Quesada and begins at 11.00am.

Along with Edny, we will be joined by Mark McMillan from the relocation Department at SunLawyers. Mark will be discussing the NLV – Non-Lucrative

To obtain the NLV, you will need to prove that you have su cient nancial means to support yourself without working in your new country. This means for a married couple €35,991 is needed. For years 2 and 3, the sum of €71,982 will need to put aside in savings and cannot be used for living expenses.

Therefore, it is essential to have a solid nancial plan and investment strategy before applying for the visa.

Many people assume they will need to keep this money in a Spanish bank account, but that is not the case.

The Prudential o er the International

Prudence Bond which o ers life assurance as well as being fully tax compliant. This is a way to make your money work for you whilst complying with the visa requirements.

Susan Longland from Currencies Direct will be talking about currency exchange and the various ways they can save you money, especially when buying and selling property.

For the opportunity to nd out more about Prudential and Sun Lawyers, as well as Currencies Direct, register to come along to the event and talk to “the man from the Pru”. Simply call 965704 338 or email: Contact@ to reserve your place.

National Police rescue 48 women from trafficking in three strip clubs

In a major operation against human tra cking, National Police o cers have dismantled a criminal organization accused of tra cking women for sexual exploitation in strip clubs across the province of Alicante, including one located in Orihuela. The crackdown resulted in 48 arrests and the rescue of 48 victims, marking a signi cant step in the ght against modern slavery. Authorities estimate that the criminal network exploited over 1,000 women in the past year alone.

The organization operated three strip clubs in Alicante, Elche, and Orihuela, attempting to disguise them as guesthouses or hostels to conceal their illicit activities. Investigators revealed that the network had built a sophisticated business structure designed to maximize pro ts through the sexual exploitation of

foreign women, many of whom were in vulnerable situations. The leaders of the operation reportedly maintained an extravagant lifestyle, funded by the su ering of their victims.

The rescued women were subjected to appalling conditions, forced to live inside the strip clubs where they worked. Their daily lives were strictly controlled, with members of the criminal organization monitoring them at all times through an advanced surveillance system that captured both video and audio. Their freedom of movement was severely

restricted, as they were only allowed to leave the premises for two hours a day.

Authorities are continuing their investigation to determine the full extent of the network’s operations and identify any additional victims. Meanwhile, the rescued women are receiving medical and psychological support to help them recover from the trauma of their ordeal. This operation underscores the ongoing battle against human tra cking and the need for continued vigilance and support for victims of exploitation.


The El Palmeral Park can be found just off the N332 as you enter Alicante. It is a real hidden treasure to discover with stunning views over looking the Mediterranean sea, and an abundance of different palm trees and plant species. There are gravel pathways to meander through, wooden bridges to cross (all wheelchair accessible), beautiful flower

beds, water features, and picnic spots, and ample resting places. Entrance is free and the park is open everyday from 9am to 11pm. Please note that dogs are not allowed in this particular park. Location: Parque El Palmeral, Avinguda d’Elx, 03008 Alicante. More delightful places to visit on the Costa Blanca can be found on our website www.

Migrant trafficking gang operating in Rojales dismantled

A major human trafficking network operating in Rojales has been dismantled by the National Police and the Civil Guard after a fatal road accident in Murcia led investigators to the criminal organization. The accident, which occurred on November 16 on the La Manga del Mar Menor motorway, resulted in the deaths of two people and left eleven others injured. It was triggered when a vehicle towing a boat trailer blocked the road, causing a seven-car pileup. The subsequent investigation led to the arrest of 17 individuals suspected of running an illegal immigration network using high-speed boats.

Following this discovery, a joint task force between the National Police and Civil Guard was launched, uncovering a well-organized criminal network that had been facilitating illegal immigration by attempting to launch small

Authorities carried out raids in three locations— Molina de Segura (Murcia), Elche, and Rojales— leading to the seizure of two vehicles, including the one involved in the deadly accident. Additionally, they confiscated two firearms, ammunition, mobile phones, tracking beacons, and various quantities of drugs. The investigation initially began on October 6 when the Civil Guard arrested three individuals at kilometer 10 of the La Manga del Mar Menor motorway. During this arrest, a rubber boat equipped with a 150-horsepower engine was seized, along with 14 gasoline canisters, backpacks, tools, a GPS, a satellite phone, clothing, and food—items typically used for migrant smuggling operations.

boats from the coast. The 17 arrested individuals face a range of charges, including homicide, bodily harm, reckless endangerment, fleeing the scene of an accident, illegal possession of weapons, drug trafficking, smuggling, document falsification, facilitating illegal immigration, and membership in a criminal organization.

In addition to the arrests and vehicle seizures, authorities recovered a shotgun, a revolver, ammunition, 15 mobile phones, tracking beacons, cocaine, hashish, precision scales, and over 3,000 euros in cash. The case highlights the dangers posed by migrant trafficking operations and the ruthless tactics used by criminal networks, which often endanger both the migrants they exploit and innocent bystanders.

EUR The German federal elections were held last Sunday and saw the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) leading with 28.5% of the vote. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) secured over 20%, while Chancellor Olaf Schulz’s centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) had their worst result since 1887, with just 16.4% of the vote.

The election outcome led to mild EUR strength earlier this week with results fuelling optimism about scal policy rejuvenation that could invigorate Europe’s largest economy. Germany has long been viewed as the most important economic power in the EU but has been hampered in recent years by coalition government in ghting. The AfD are very unlikely to gain signi cant power with CDU/CSU and SPD expected to form a new two-party coalition and may stabilise short-term political uncertainty in the EU. However, the AfD’s rise, although not unexpected, re ects a global trend towards political extremes and polarised discourse. This could see increased long-term uncertainty and weaken the euro.

German Prelim CPI in ation results were released this afternoon, showing an increase of 0.4%, indicating a shift from a slight de ationary trend in January where the CPI decreased by 0.2%.


UK GDP data for Q4 of 2024 was released two weeks ago and showed modest growth of 0.1%.

Last week’s UK CPI in ation was slightly higher than forecast at 3.0% year-on-year. These two gures have led to the market repositioning its expectations for the UK interest rate pathway in 2025, with a 0.5% drop to 4.0% being the current expectation. This re-pricing has been responsible for driving GBP strength over the past week as higher interest rates typically lead to short-term currency strength. The next BoE meeting is on

Thursday 20th March, the outcome of which will be watched carefully. In other news, UK retail sales rose by approximately 1.7% in January, making an encouraging recovery from December’s fall of 0.6%.

Yesterday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer paid a visit to US President Donald Trump in Washington to discuss several key issues. Earlier this month, Trump announced plans to impose tari s on goods from Canada, Mexico, and China, and hinted at similar tari s on imports from the European Union. This raised concerns about the potential impact on UK-US trade, making it a crucial topic for Starmer to address. During their meeting, Trump mentioned that a trade deal between the US and UK could happen “very quickly,” potentially allowing the UK to avoid these tari s.

Another key topic on the agenda was the security guarantee for Ukraine and Europe. During his visit, Starmer hoped to in uence Trump as he sought to reach a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. Speaking on the plane to the US, Sir Keir told reporters that a deal would not stop Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine again unless the US could provide security guarantees. When asked if the US could o er such support, Trump mentioned a proposed deal with Ukraine over access to critical minerals, stating, “We are a backstop because we will be over there, we will be working in the country.”

Views expressed in this commentary are those of the author, and may di er from your appointed Moneycorp representative. This commentary does not constitute nancial advice. All rates are sourced from Bloomberg and forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

Shutters come down on the Hippy Market

More than 170 craft stalls on the Paseo de la Libertad in Torrevieja, popularly known as the ´Hippy Market´ lowered their shutters on Friday for the nal time and they are not sure when they will reopen them.

The traders steadily emptied their wooden huts and stalls for relocation, reminding customers passing by that they will soon be on the greenway. The rst to make the move was the wa e stand, which has occupied the same spot for more than four decades.

The closure is part of Torrevieja Municipal Council’s remodelling project for the area and it has assured that the programme will be complete in no more than a year’s time. The work also includes the pedestrianisation of the adjacent road with reopening planned for summer 2026.

However, the rest of

the planned works for the redevelopment of the seafront are already behind schedule. In fact, the promenade remodelling project, which has seen numerous design changes since its unveiling in 2023, is still not approved for tendering the works.

The Hippy Market redevelopment will see the huts relocated, a new underground pumping station, the adaption of the fairground and changes to the rst section of the Levante breakwater promenade which will

include the walkways to the new Paseo del Mar leisure area. The stalls will temporarily be moved to the greenway in the rst part of Avenida de la Estacion and be open for Easter.

Although the move has been agreed with the council, not all of the vendors agree with how the move has been managed. Some are left wondering why the council did not sanction a move to more favourable locations, such as Dona Sinforosa Park or even the land near to Carrefour, next the ´Flamingo´ roundabout.


Torrevieja enhances beach safety with new buoy installation contract

The Torrevieja City Council has announced a tender to improve maritime buoy installations along its coastline, aiming to enhance beach safety and better organize maritime activities. This initiative is intended to clearly separate swimming areas from other recreational maritime activities, ensuring a safer environment for beachgoers.

The contract covers the installation of necessary buoy materials, ongoing maintenance, replacement of damaged or missing elements, and regular cleaning. A total of 61 yellow buoys, each measuring 600 mm in diameter, will be installed to mark designated swimming zones. The project also includes the maintenance and management of nautical channels for the safe launching and landing of watercraft, as well as the speci cation of swimming channels in the

PSOE of Vega Baja warns of a “critical” health crisis in the region

The Socialists of Vega Baja have raised concerns about the serious challenges facing the region’s two health departments, pointing to a worsening situation due to a shortage of doctors, a lack of essential services, and inadequate investment in healthcare infrastructure.

One of the most pressing issues, according to information provided by the UGT union, is the severe shortage of doctors in the Orihuela Health Department. The PSOE attributes this to two key factors: the Murcia region o ering better working conditions for medical professionals and the Vinalopó Health Department providing higher salaries. This disparity has led to an increasing number of doctors leaving the area, exacerbating an already precarious situation. The problem has been further compounded by the fact that, despite the Ministry of Health designating this area as “di cult to cover” under Decree-Law 2/2024 on February 21—which was supposed to introduce economic incentives for professionals— these incentives have yet to be implemented. Moreover, the Ministry has not even established the criteria for eligibility, leaving healthcare professionals uncertain about when or if these bene ts will materialize.

The PSOE has also denounced

the absence of key emergency services in the Orihuela Health Department. A major concern is the existence of only one SAMU ambulance, despite an agreement between the Ministry and the ambulance service provider that stipulates there should be two. Furthermore, this ambulance often spends hours transferring cardiovascular patients to hospitals in Elche and Torrevieja, as specialized cardiovascular services are unavailable in Orihuela. This situation leaves both patients and healthcare workers vulnerable in emergency cases, further straining an already overburdened system.

In addition to these shortcomings, the socialists have criticized the lack of adequate primary care services, which have become overwhelmed due to additional responsibilities. According to the Ministry of Health, 300 school nurses were supposed to be hired to handle student healthcare, but not a single one has arrived in the Vega Baja region, forcing primary care doctors to take on extra duties without additional resources.

The PSOE has also joined the Platform for 100% Public Health in condemning the severe underfunding of the Torrevieja Health Department. The department ranks at the bottom in healthcare expenditure within the Valencian Community, and socialist representatives are

calling for increased investment in its health centers. They highlight that the previous regional government had allocated over 17 million euros for emergency works at the hospital and health centers in Torrevieja, but under the current administration of the Partido Popular (PP), this amount has been drastically reduced to just 1.1 million euros.

Joaquín Hernández, general secretary of the PSOE Vega Baja, has strongly criticized the PP government for failing to address these issues, stating that those who once promised to x the region’s healthcare problems have only worsened them over the past year and a half. He is calling on PP mayors to “raise their voices in Valencia and demand urgent solutions to the healthcare crisis in Vega Baja.”

Echoing these concerns, Rafa Simó, deputy and socialist spokesperson for Health in Les Corts, has accused regional president Carlos Mazón of neglecting his duty to improve healthcare in the Valencian Community, particularly in Vega Baja. Simó con rmed that the PSPV-PSOE has submitted a series of questions in Les Corts to hold Mazón accountable and pressure the government to take immediate action to resolve the ongoing healthcare crisis a ecting the region’s two hospitals.

Los Náufragos beach area for open-water swimming.

With an initial budget of €160,244.82, the contract will be distributed over four annual installments of €40,061.21. If extended for an additional year, the total value is estimated at €200,306. The buoy distribution plan covers various sections along the coastline, ensuring clear demarcation from Acequión to Punta Prima.

Beyond de ning swimming zones, the initiative will also support safe navigation for

emergency services and recreational watercraft. The improvements will bene t key recreational beaches, including La Mata, Los Locos, El Cura, and Los Náufragos, creating a more structured and secure environment.

This project represents a signi cant step in the city’s commitment to beach safety and the optimization of maritime activities. By implementing these improvements, Torrevieja aims to enhance the overall experience for residents and visitors, making its beaches safer and more enjoyable for all.

Two arrested for drugs at a checkpoint in Torrevieja

The Civil Guard, within the framework of operations carried out against drug tra cking, has arrested two people, a 28-yearold man and a 27-year-old woman, after seizing a large quantity of cocaine hidden in their vehicle.

During a checkpoint carried out by the Civil Guard of Torrevieja on the CV-998, the agents observed that the driver of a vehicle showed a nervous and

evasive attitude when he noticed the presence of the control, trying to evade it. The investigators proceeded to stop the vehicle and inspect its interior, where they found 1.149 kg of cocaine and two glass jars containing 6.67 grams of pink cocaine.

The detainees, who are charged with drug tra cking, have been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction No. 2 of Torrevieja.

Pedro Sánchez announces the establishment of ‘Casa Ukraine’ in Torrevieja

Pedro Sánchez, the head of the Executive, announced a new military aid package worth 1 billion euros for Ukraine in 2025 while attending an international conference in Kyiv in support of the country. During the event, which marked the third anniversary of the Russian invasion and was attended by European leaders such as Ursula Von der Leyen and Antonio Costa, Sánchez rea rmed Spain’s commitment to Ukraine, stating that military assistance and equipment would continue with even greater determination. This package is part of the Bilateral Security and Defence Agreement signed last May during Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Spain and adds to the previously announced 1 billion euros for 2024. Spain

has also provided prior military aid and trained 7,000 Ukrainian soldiers.

In addition to military support, Sánchez highlighted Spain’s commitment to Ukraine’s reconstruction, encouraging Spanish companies to participate in rebuilding infrastructure. As part of this e ort, he announced the creation of a “House of Ukraine” in Torrevieja to support the Ukrainian community in Spain. Government sources indicate that Sánchez and Zelensky agreed to open the center as soon as possible, recognizing the need to assist the Ukrainian diaspora, which currently includes over 236,500 people with temporary protection, including more than 71,000 minors. The Valencia-Alicante-Murcia area hosts the largest number of Ukrainian

refugees, with more than 88,000 individuals, followed by BarcelonaGirona with nearly 49,000, Madrid with just over 42,000, and Malaga with almost 30,000.

However, the announcement has sparked criticism from the Torrevieja City Council, which learned about the initiative through the media. In a statement, the council expressed frustration over the lack of prior communication from the Spanish government, pointing out that this is not the rst time such an announcement has been made without their knowledge. A similar situation occurred with the government’s prior announcement regarding the construction of a Refugee Centre for Minors in El Acequión.

Pilar de la Horadada moves forward with new pumping station

Pilar de la Horadada is set to see significant improvements in its hydraulic infrastructure with the long-awaited construction of a new pumping station. After being stalled since 2016, the project is finally moving forward under the leadership of the Valencian government’s current administration.

During a recent meeting with local officials, Vicente Martínez Mus, Regional Minister of Surroundings, Infrastructure, and Territory, confirmed that the construction of the new pumping station will require an investment of €2.5 million. The project, entirely funded by the Public Entity of Wastewater Sanitation (EPSAR), aims to modernize water management in the area. The planned construction is set to begin in 2025 and is expected to take one year to complete. Martínez Mus emphasized the importance of this initiative, calling it a critical step in updating the town’s municipal water infrastructure after years of delay.

aim to enhance road connectivity between Pinar de Campoverde and key local developments such as the Lo Romero Golf Course, as well as ongoing residential projects like Lo Romero del Pinar and Lo Ferrer.

In addition to the pumping station, local Mayor José María Pérez used the opportunity to request further infrastructure improvements. Among the proposed projects are the development of a dedicated bike lane along the CV-925 road, the expansion of the dual carriageway from Avenida Ronda de Levante to Avenida del Pino in Pinar de Campoverde, and the construction of a new roundabout at the entrance of the Cañada de Praes community. These upgrades

The revitalization of Pilar de la Horadada’s hydraulic and transportation infrastructure marks a positive step forward for the community. With the new pumping station and additional road improvements, the town is set for growth and modernization. As local authorities continue to push for further advancements, residents can look forward to a more efficient and connected living environment.

Concerns surrounding Spain´s new Veterinary law

The implementation of Real Decreto 666/2023 has sparked significant debate among veterinarians and pet owners in Torrevieja, Spain. This new veterinary regulation, which came into effect on January 2, 2025, aims to control the distribution, prescription, and usage of veterinary medications, particularly antibiotics. However, its implications have raised serious concerns regarding the health and welfare of companion animals in the region.

The Real Decreto introduces several important measures. Veterinarians are now required to log every antibiotic prescription on the PRESVET platform, managed by the Ministry of Agriculture. This added administrative workload could delay urgent treatments. Additionally, clinics can no longer dispense medications directly, meaning pet owners must now obtain their prescriptions and visit pharmacies to collect the necessary drugs, potentially causing delays in

starting treatment. The law also establishes a stepped protocol for antibiotic usage, prioritizing less potent medications and reserving more specific antibiotics for cases supported by prior cultures. While this aims to combat antibiotic resistance, it may not be suitable for time-sensitive situations.

The immediate consequences of these regulations present multiple challenges. The requirement for prescription logging and obtaining

medicines from pharmacies can significantly delay the initiation of essential treatments, particularly in emergency cases. Veterinarians also face increased bureaucratic burdens, leaving them with less time for direct patient care. Additionally, the law mandates that all prescriptions include the animal’s microchip number, which complicates care for stray or unidentifiable animals.

Strict enforcement of the law has had heartbreaking

consequences. One example is the case of Selva, a nineyear-old Jack Russell in Galicia. After being bitten by another dog, Selva was treated under the new regulations and received an initial antibiotic while awaiting the results of a culture to determine if a stronger antibiotic was needed. Unfortunately, the delay caused by the protocol resulted in Selva succumbing to sepsis before receiving the appropriate treatment.

In response to these challenges,

the veterinary community in Torrevieja has raised its voice.

Over 2,000 veterinarians and pet owners participated in protests in Barcelona, expressing their concerns that the new law impedes access to timely treatment and threatens animal health. The veterinary community is also urging the government to reconsider the regulations to ensure they do not hinder the ability to provide timely and effective medical care.

While Real Decreto 666/2023 aims to address antibiotic resistance, its implementation has revealed significant challenges that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of veterinary care in Spain. It is crucial for authorities to address these concerns and consider adjustments to the law to ensure the health and well-being of pets are not compromised. As discussions continue, both the veterinary sector and pet owners in Torrevieja hope for a resolution that prioritizes animal health while still ensuring necessary medical interventions.

Iberdrola breaks profit record again

Iberdrola continues to set new benchmarks, once again achieving a record pro t in its quarterly results. The company, led by Ignacio Galán, reported a net pro t of 5.61 billion euros at the end of 2024, marking a 17 percent increase from the previous year. Additionally, Iberdrola allocated over 1.1 billion euros to clean up items on its balance sheet.

In total, the company’s pro t for 2024 reached 6.71 billion euros, bolstered by the extraordinary 1.1 billion euros earned from the sale of several combined-cycle electricity generation plants to the Mexican government. Iberdrola has decided to

use this unexpected gain to fund what it refers to as “e ciency actions for the future.”

Although the company’s revenues dropped by nearly 5 billion euros due to lower electricity sales prices, its business margins grew by around 800 million euros, contributing to the overall increase in net pro t. Re ecting this positive result, Iberdrola has announced plans to propose a 15 percent increase in dividends to shareholders, suggesting a gross dividend of 0.65 euros per share.

In terms of investments,

Iberdrola has maintained its aggressive strategy, investing 17 billion euros last year to expand its electricity production and distribution network across all of its markets. Of this total, 12 billion euros were dedicated to boosting distribution capacity in the United States.

Iberdrola has also set a new record for its contribution to public nances, generating 10.3 billion euros in taxes last year. Of this amount, 4.3 billion euros were paid into the Spanish treasury, re ecting a 14 percent increase in taxes paid compared to 2013.

Spanish 20-cent coin listed for 50,000 euros on eBay

The value of coins can signi cantly increase in the numismatic and collectors’ market if they feature a special issue or have an anomaly that sets them apart as unique. According to a vendor on eBay, one such coin—a 20-cent piece with a minting error from a 1999 or 2000 issue—has become the most expensive coin for sale on the platform.

On one side, the coin features the portrait of Miguel de Cervantes, accompanied by a quill, the word “ESPAÑA,” the name “Cervantes,” the year of issue, and the 12 stars of the European Union. On the reverse, there is a map of Europe along with the coin’s denomination. The edge is smooth with notches, and the coin is made of Nordic gold, weighing 5.74 grams with a diameter of 22.25 millimeters

and a thickness of 2.14 millimeters.

What makes this coin particularly valuable is its minting error. The seller claims that the coin lacks inscriptions on both the obverse and reverse, a rare anomaly. Additionally, the seller notes that the

coin was in circulation for a very short time, contributing to its excellent preservation. Given these unique characteristics, the seller is asking for an eyewatering 50,000 euros, making it one of the most expensive coins ever listed on eBay.

This Week´s Movie Picks

22 Jump Street

Saturday 8th March, ITV2, 10.00 pm

After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for o cers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt in ltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don’t have to just crack the case - they have to gure out if they can have a mature relationship. If these two overgrown adolescents can grow from freshmen into real men, college might be the best thing that ever happened to them.

Marley & Me

Sunday 9th March, ITV2, 6.25 pm

After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer Grogan move to Florida. In an attempt to stall Jennifer’s “biological clock”, John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no selfdiscipline. Marley’s antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone’s patience by acting like the world’s most impulsive dog.

4th March

The Bay

ITV News at Ten

ITV News London 23:45 The Murder of Logan Mwangi

Wednesday 5th March

23:00 The Cockfields


ITV News London

Tour de Fred: Northern Ireland 16:00 Lingo 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Peston

09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Frasier 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier

12:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 14:10 Sun, Sea and Selling


A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 A Place in the Sun 20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Skinny Jab Scandal: Dispatches

22:00 Top Guns: Inside the RAF

23:00 Seeking Satoshi: The Mystery Bitcoin Creator

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier

12:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

13:05 Channel 4 News

Summary 13:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

14:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 A New Life in the Sun

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Come Dine with Me

19:00 A Place in the Sun

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It

22:00 Get Millie Black

23:00 Seeking Satoshi: The Mystery Bitcoin Creator

09:20 Milo 09:35 Mixmups 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den


My Husband’s Seven Wives

Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Scams: Don’t Get Caught Out 21:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 23:00 A Killer Makes A

09:20 Milo 09:35 Mixmups

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Body in the Attic 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Shop Smart, Save Money 21:00 Scams: Don’t Get Caught Out 22:00 Prime Suspect: Hunting The Predators 23:30 Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts

08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Thursday 6th March

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Tour de Fred: Northern Ireland

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Tonight

22:00 The Undercover Police Scandal: Love and Lies


23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 The Brit Awards 2025

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

14:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Crufts 2025

17:00 A New Life in the Sun

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Come Dine with Me

19:00 A Place in the Sun

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:30 Crufts 2025

22:00 Get Millie Black

23:00 Celebrity Gogglebox

Friday 7th March


Impossible 15:15 Bridge of Lies 16:00 The Tournament

16:45 Natural World

17:45 Designing the Hebrides

18:15 Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Live: European Indoor Championship Athletics

22:00 Gardeners’ World

23:00 Live at the Apollo

23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 8th March

05:00 Live: LIV Golf League

06:00 Tour de Fred: Northern Ireland

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Tour de Fred: Northern Ireland

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 True Crime Presents

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond

09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 14:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

15:10 Countdown

16:00 Crufts 2025

17:00 A New Life in the Sun

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Come Dine with Me

19:00 A Place in the Sun

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:30 Crufts 2025

22:00 Gogglebox

23:00 The Last Leg

08:30 The Simpsons

08:55 The Simpsons 09:20 The Simpsons 09:50 The Simpsons

10:20 Four in a Bed

10:50 Four in a Bed 11:20 Four in a Bed

11:50 Four in a Bed

12:25 Four in a Bed

12:55 A Place in the Sun

13:55 The Dog House

15:00 Crufts 2025 17:00 Crufts 2025

19:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo

19:30 Channel 4 News

20:00 Crufts 2025

22:00 Candy: A Death in Texas

23:05 Candy: A Death in Texas

09:35 Mixmups 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 GPs: Behind Closed

Portugal with Michael Portillo

09:35 Mixmups 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 Living Next to Danger 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Eggheads

19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Sue Perkins: Lost In Thailand

21:00 Around the World in First Class

22:00 Live: Boxing

09:00 DORA 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Cooking with the Gills 09:45 The Smurfs 09:55 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:10 Entertainment News On 5 10:15 Motorhoming With Merton & Webster 11:05 Gardening With Carol Klein 12:00 Gardening With Carol Klein 13:00 Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain 14:00 Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain 14:55 Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain 15:55 Happy Campers: The Caravan Park 16:55 Happy Campers: The Caravan Park 17:50

09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 World’s Funniest Videos 10:55 Love Bites 11:55 Love Bites

13:00 Dinner Date 14:00 Deal or No Deal 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Gilmore Girls 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Deal or No Deal

21:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless Win 22:00 The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

23:00 FYI Daily

23:05 The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street

09:10 Inspector Morse 11:35 The Royal 12:40 Heartbeat 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:10 Classic Coronation Street

16:40 Inspector Morse 18:55 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Endeavour

Sunday 9th March

Martin’s Saturday Morning 10:25 ITV News

10:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh 12:30 Live: EFL

15:15 Live: Men’s Six Nations 18:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals

19:00 ITV Evening News

19:15 ITV News London

19:30 Dancing on Ice

21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

22:00 The Bay 23:00 ITV News

23:15 Jack Reacher

Monday 10th March

06:30 The Simpsons 06:55 Cheers 07:20 Cheers 07:50 Cheers

08:15 Everybody Loves Raymond

08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond

09:05 Frasier

09:30 Frasier

10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 The Simpsons 11:00 Sunday Brunch 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 The Simpsons

15:00 Crufts 2025 17:00 Crufts 2025 19:00 The Secret

ITV News London

15:00 Alan Titchmarsh’s Gardening Club

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 The Bay

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Peston

10:10 Frasier 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

14:10 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 A New Life in the Sun

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Come Dine with Me

19:00 A Place in the Sun

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Batch from Scratch: Cooking for Less

22:00 Michael Sheen’s Secret Million Pound Giveaway 23:00 Gogglebox

09:35 Mixmups 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Danger Rocks the Cradle 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Eggheads 19:25 Eggheads 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 The Au Pair 23:00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts 09:35 Scooby-Doo

With this column, I want to o er you the opportunity to ask any technical question and get a reply within this column.

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help, please email Brian at

If it’s included in the column but not answered fully, I will email you the full answer.

This column will deal with your technical issues covering:





Cloud Storage


Smart TV’s


TV Boxes (IPTV).

Amazon Fire Stick

Smart Speakers

Smart Watches

Satellite Navigation

Dash Cams

CCTV Systems

Email me if you have any questions or need my help to

Costa Blanca Technology Help Group

I have been running a Technology Help Group for more than 5 years with around 390 members who have access to attend monthly classes, ask questions, and get home visits for

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

more detailed help.

If you would like to join the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, send an email to

Group members will have access to the group website which has copies of all presentations given and handouts on a variety of topics and images of previous editions of the column in Costa Blanca People.

What does the group o er?

I present a class on the second Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00 at Dilly’s Bar Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante

Google Maps Link: dillysbar

Facebook Link: zPGsDEeMnbcZvSpz8

You are welcome to turn up for these classes.

I give the same presentation on the second Thursday of the month using Teams Video Conferencing from 11:00 to 12:30.

Before each meeting, I email all group members detailing what will be covered during that meeting. Following the meeting, each group member receives an email with a copy of the presentations used.

I o er email and telephone support.

I also o er home visits if

required. After a home visit, I will send by email a detailed report of what tasks I performed during the visit for your future reference. If required, I can remotely connect to your laptop or computer (with your permission) while in telephone contact and sort out issues or show you how to do things you might be having trouble with.

I only charge for any “out-ofpocket” expenses—i.e., travel etc. I do not charge for my time spent helping group members. If you are a group member, I will send updates and copies of the presentations given at the classes.

If you run or are a member of a social group, I can o er you a presentation on any topic within the Technology Help Group’s remit. Please send me an email to arrange a bespoke presentation for your group.

If you want to join the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group send an email to If you want to join the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group or want to arrange a bespoke meeting send me an email to

Brian Hoile Costa Blanca Technology Help Group

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to

Bars & Restaurants

Guardia Civil arrest suspect after bomb threat email targets schools in Valencian towns

The Guardia Civil has arrested an individual suspected of sending an email threatening to plant bombs at four schools in Valencian towns: Chiva, Buñol, Yátova, and Siete Aguas. The sender, who signed the email with the initials H.F.P., claimed to be planning an attack with the intention of killing “as many people as possible.” Despite the alarming content, the Guardia Civil has stated that the emails lack credibility.

The person behind the threat claimed to reside in the town of Turís, but both the address and phone number provided were found to be fictitious. The email also mentioned having “several firearms” at their disposal and included an apology to the sender’s parents for the planned actions.

In response to the

threat, various units of the Guardia Civil were activated as a preventive measure, even though authorities remain skeptical about the authenticity of the threat. An investigation has been launched, and the rapid deployment of officers was triggered by the receipt of the email.

Authorities in Chiva, Turís, and Buñol decided to suspend classes, advising parents to pick up their children from school. Information regarding the resumption of classes is still pending.

The Loriguilla town hall also announced the suspension of classes as a precaution due to the proximity of local schools to the ones named in the threat. Officials reassured parents that this was a “preventive measure” and urged them to remain calm and understanding.

Concern about the threat spread to nearby towns not directly mentioned in the email. In Requena, the town hall reported that the Guardia Civil confirmed no local schools were named in the threat. They asked parents and guardians not to remove children from school unnecessarily.

The author of the email has also claimed affiliation with the 764 online group, a terrorist organization that has recently come under investigation by the FBI, according to US media reports. This group, which operates on platforms like Discord and Telegram, has been linked to abuse and harassment of minors between the ages of 8 and 17.

March begins with unstable weather in the Vega Baja

March kicks off with instability in the Vega Baja after a weekend of rain and strong winds, which are expected to persist throughout the first week of the month. Forecasts indicate that rainfall will continue until at least next Thursday.

Last Saturday, Proyecto Mastral rain gauges recorded up to 20 litres per square metre in San Miguel de Salinas and 12.2 litres per square metre in the Torrevieja salt flats—the highest in the municipality. Intermittent drizzle over the rest of the weekend challenged events like the Torrevieja Carnival and the Orihuela Medieval Market. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued a yellow warning for coastal phenomena on Sunday in the southern part of Alicante province, though this alert has since been deactivated.

Strong winds were another key feature of the weekend and are expected to continue into the first days of the week, with gusts strengthening from midday on Monday. The week will begin under cloudy skies, but rainfall is expected to be minimal, with occasional sunny spells. Temperatures will rise slightly, though Monday’s maximum will not exceed 17ºC, and the region is unlikely to

see temperatures above 20ºC in the coming days.

Additionally, a new wave of suspended dust is expected to mix with the rain, leading to muddy showers. Proyecto Mastral Torrevieja advises residents to hold off on cleaning terraces, balconies, windows, or cars, as they will likely become dirty again by midweek.

Deadline for tourist rental property registration in Spain: key information for owners

All owners of properties intended for

in Spain must register their properties in the Registro Único for holiday rentals by 1 July. This requirement applies to anyone looking to list their property on holiday rental platforms or offer it for shortterm rentals of any kind. Even if the property has already been registered in the Andalusian tourism register, this new process is still mandatory.

The regulation serves as a mechanism for electronically transmitting data between online short-term rental platforms and relevant authorities. Its aim is to ensure proper transparency regarding the various uses, regulations, and destinations of such accommodations.

The new rule encompasses various types of rentals, including tourist rentals, seasonal rentals, room rentals, or other properties offering short-term accommodation for profit. These properties

must be offered through online transactional platforms. According to the Ministry of Housing, “the regulation targets both the services that online platforms provide to short-term accommodation hosts in Spain and the rental services offered by the hosts themselves.”

As part of this new procedure, property owners are obligated to obtain a registration number, submit the required information, respond to information requests, update their registration as needed, and inform online platforms of the registration number assigned by the land registry or the real estate register. In turn, online platforms must ensure that hosts identify their properties with this registration number in their listings and that it is clearly visible in advertisements. The regulation took effect on 2 January, with the deadline for registration set for 1 July.

How Can Property

Owners Comply with the New Regulation?

To comply with the regulation, property owners must apply for a registration number through the electronic portal of the College of Registrars or the competent land registry or real estate register.

Once the required documentation is submitted, the land registry or real estate register will assign a registration number automatically. After verifying that the submitted information meets all necessary criteria, the registration number will be officially recorded, and the owner will be notified. If there are any discrepancies in the submitted documentation, and the owner fails to correct them within seven working days, the registration number will be suspended. The Ministry of Housing’s General Directorate for Planning and Evaluation will then notify online short-term rental platforms to remove or disable

listings for the property. Once the registration number is approved, it must be added to all online rental platforms where the property is listed.

What Documents Are Required for Registration?

To obtain the holiday rental registration number, owners will need to provide the following documents:

Tourist licence

Habitation certificate

Cadastral reference

Exact address of the property

Indication of whether the property will be rented as a whole or by rooms

Maximum number of people allowed in the property

Proof that the property meets specific regional requirements, depending on its location

What Steps Must Property Owners Take?

Access the Sede Electrónica de los Registradores de España by clicking on the link provided in the instructions.

Authenticate your identity using a digital certificate or electronic ID. Complete the registration form with the necessary details about the property. After submitting the form, a unique code will be issued. Once the information is validated, the owner will receive a Rental Registration Number (NRA), which is essential for listing the property on tourist rental platforms. The registration process costs 27 euros per application, plus taxes and any applicable deductions. How Long Is the Registration Valid For?

The regulation mandates that short-term lease information must be submitted annually for each category and type of lease. If the property is not registered, it will be prohibited from being advertised on digital platforms (OTAs). Non-compliance can result in financial penalties and the potential suspension of the property’s tourist rental status.

Bars & Restaurants

Linda Robson has announced that she has landed a huge new role away from Loose Women in a West End production.

The ITV star, 66, is widely recognised for her role as Tracey Stubbs in the hit sitcom Birds of a Feather, where she last appeared alongside Lesley Joseph and Pauline Quirke in December 2020.

She also made her debut on the panel of the ITV daytime debate show Loose Women in 2003 and has remained a regular presence ever since.

Fearne Cotton has found love again after splitting from her husband of ten years Jesse Wood.

The TV and radio star con rmed her separation from Jesse, son of Rolling Stone legend Ronnie Wood, 11 weeks ago but she has now been spotting sharing a passionate kiss with a new beau.

Fearne, 43, was seen locking lips with TV director Elliot Hegarty, 53, who has worked on Disney+ hit Rivals, during a fun night out with friends on Thursday.

Claudia Winkleman fans have claimed ‘Graham Norton could be out of a job’ as they praised the presenter for hosting his talk show on Friday.

The TV personality, 53, who recently detailed her ongoing battle with the chronic health condition myopia, stood in for Graham while he tours Australia.

Viewers were delighted to see Claudia at the helm and said that she needed ‘her own chat show.’

Millie Bobby Brown proudly showed o her natural, bare face and youthful complexion after being slammed by critics over her ‘mature’ new look.

While plugging her brand Florence By Mills’ spot acne patches on Friday, the actress reminded fans that at age 21 she is still ‘ guring out’ what products work best for her skin.

‘Hey guys it’s Mills here, I don’t know if you can see but my break out is pretty bad right now,’ the Stranger Things alum, who lmed the clip just before bedtime, began.

Katie Price has opened up about su ering a ‘devastating’ miscarriage after falling pregnant with JJ Slaterbut insisted she would love to have a sixth child.

The TV personality, 46, unexpectedly fell pregnant with JJ, 31, despite being told she was perimenopausal and that there was just a 1% chance she could conceive naturally.

Katie revealed that she discovered she was pregnant after missing a period on Boxing Day - but tragically learned earlier this month that she had lost the baby.

Red and blue macaw relocated at Hotel Algorfa

The recent relocation of the blue macaw and red macaw at Hotel Algorfa marks an exciting chapter for both the hotel and its feathered residents. As the vibrant birds settle into their new and improved aviary by the pool, guests and staff alike are filled with anticipation for what this enhancement means for the overall experience at the hotel. The aviary, designed with the well-being of the macaws in mind, features a stunning waterfall that adds both beauty and a soothing soundscape to their environment.

While the courtyard surrounding the aviary is still a work in progress, the initial upgrades have already made a significant impact. The addition of the waterfall not

only serves as a delightful focal point but also mimics the natural habitats that these macaws thrive in. The sound of flowing water creates a serene atmosphere, allowing the birds to feel more at home and less stressed. It’s heartening to see that the hotel management has prioritized the comfort of these magnificent creatures, understanding that their happiness contributes to the overall charm of the hotel.

As the courtyard awaits the finishing touches of lush plants and greenery, the current setup is already drawing attention from guests. The vibrant colors of the macaws against the backdrop of the pool area create a picturesque scene that enhances the hotel’s appeal. Visitors can enjoy

watching the birds as they interact, play, and explore their new surroundings. This dynamic interaction between the macaws and the guests adds a unique element to the hotel experience, making it memorable for families and nature enthusiasts alike.

The future promises even more beauty as the courtyard is completed. Once filled with a variety of plants and greenery, it will not only provide a more natural habitat for the macaws but also create a tranquil oasis for guests seeking relaxation. The combination of vibrant flora and the lively presence of the macaws will undoubtedly elevate the aesthetic appeal of Hotel Algorfa.

In conclusion, the

relocation of the blue and red macaws to their new aviary is a positive development for Hotel Algorfa. With the waterfall feature already enhancing their habitat and the promise of a beautifully landscaped courtyard on the horizon, both the birds and the guests are set to enjoy a

richer experience. The hotel’s commitment to creating a welcoming environment for its avian residents reflects a broader dedication to sustainability and the appreciation of nature, making Hotel Algorfa a truly special destination.

Health & Beauty

How much sugar should you eat in one day?

mendations for naturally occurring sugars, there are guidelines for added sugars.

Do Old Wives’ Beauty Hacks Really Work?

For generations, old wives’ tales have passed down beauty secrets using simple household ingredients. While some of these remedies stand the test of time, others fall into the realm of myth. But how do they compare to modern salon treatments? Let’s separate fact from ction.

1. Egg Whites for Tightening Skin

Old Wives’ Tale: Applying egg whites to the face tightens pores and rms the skin.

Reality: Egg whites contain proteins that temporarily tighten the skin, but the e ect is shortlived.

herself she called me selfish; but I am at least thinking of the children in all this.

When people have affairs there can be a great deal of fallout that reverberates through the extended family. You tell me that you love your brother in law, and he is like a brother to you. Divorce may be inevitable, and you may have to stop battling against it in trying to persuade your sister not to leave. Instead turn your energy to helping your bother in law and the children. It will be difficult having a relationship with your sister, as you tell me she wants to leave the UK with her new man, and go to his home country which is several hours away. You tell me that the children will stay with their father. They are going to need a lot of support having had their world turned up-side-down.

As a close family, our lives have been shattered by my sister revealing that she has been cheating on her husband. She says she is in love with this new man, and plans to leave home. They have two children, a boy and a girl who are approaching teenage. I knew she was not totally happy with my brother in law, but hoped they would be able to work things out. Over the years we have spent many family occasions all together; and also with our aging parents; we are all a big part of each other’s lives. My mum and dad are devastated, as too are my sister’s children. She’s ruined everything with her selfish attitude. She doesn’t seem to care about anyone’s happiness except her own. She told me her husband was controlling, and manipulative and that she met someone at work, who is also in an unhappy marriage. In an argument recently, when I said she was only thinking of WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@ COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

Salon Equivalent: A professional collagen-boosting facial or microneedling treatment delivers longer-lasting results.

2. Mayonnaise for Silky Hair

Old Wives’ Tale: Massaging mayonnaise into dry hair restores moisture and shine.

Reality: The eggs and oils in mayonnaise can provide hydration, but they may also leave hair greasy if not rinsed properly.

Salon Equivalent: A deepconditioning keratin treatment o ers more controlled and lasting nourishment.

3. Cucumber Slices for Pu y

Sugar can be delicious and provides a quick burst of energy. However, as more people become mindful of their diet, there’s growing awareness of how much sugar is too much.

While many popular diets emphasize the bene ts of cutting out sugar and carbohydrates, it’s important to note that not all sugars are created equal. Some sugars occur naturally in foods, such as fructose in fruits and lactose in dairy products. On the other hand, added sugars are introduced either during food processing or when preparing meals—like drizzling honey over cereal.

In the United States, the average person consumes around 17 teaspoons of added sugar daily, which exceeds the recommended amount. Consuming excessive added sugar has been linked to health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cavities. However, this doesn’t mean you need to completely avoid sugar; it’s about being mindful of your intake and being aware of which foods might contain hidden sugars.

Recommended Daily Sugar Intake

While there aren’t speci c recom-


Old Wives’ Tale: Placing cold cucumber slices over the eyes reduces pu ness and dark circles.

Reality: The cooling e ect helps temporarily, but cucumbers alone don’t address underlying causes like poor circulation.

Salon Equivalent: A professional under-eye treatment using hyaluronic acid or LED light therapy can improve long-term results.

4. Lemon Juice for Brighter Skin

Old Wives’ Tale: Rubbing lemon juice on dark spots lightens


Reality: While citric acid can exfoliate, lemon juice can also irritate and make skin more sensitive to the sun.

Salon Equivalent: A chemical peel or laser treatment provides safer, controlled skin brightening.

5. Toothpaste for Pimples

Old Wives’ Tale: Dabbing toothpaste on a pimple dries it out overnight.

Reality: Some toothpaste ingredients (like baking soda) may reduce in ammation, but they can also over-dry and irritate the skin.

Salon Equivalent: A targeted acne treatment with salicylic acid

On average, Americans get about 13% of their daily calories from added sugar, which exceeds current recommendations. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that adults limit their added sugar intake to no more than 10% of their total caloric intake. For example, if you consume 2,000 calories a day, the guidelines recommend limiting added sugar to 12 teaspoons (or 50 grams) per day.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends an even stricter limit, suggesting that adults should aim for no more than 6% of their daily calories from added sugar. This translates to about 6-9 teaspoons, or 30 grams, for a 2,000-calorie diet.

For children, the guidelines are even more cautious. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants under 2 years old should not consume any added sugars. For children over the age of 2, the recommendation is to limit added sugar to no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) per day.

or blue light therapy is safer and more e ective.

Final Verdict

Many old wives’ beauty hacks contain a grain of truth, but they often lack the precision and longterm bene ts of professional treatments. If you’re in a pinch, they might help, but for lasting results, it’s best to invest in expert care.

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raffico is in estigating the vandalism of 7 radars

Vandalism of radars constitutes a crime of damage as de ned in the Criminal Code.

The radars were located on conventional roads in the Community of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and the Valencian Community.

The perpetrators of the crimes will also have to answer for the economic cost of each control point, which in the case of xed radars amounts to approximately €67,000 and in the case of section radars to approximately €66,000.

Both the Tra c Division of the Civil Guard and the Citizen Security o cers will reinforce surveillance at the points where the radars are installed to prevent this type of act from occurring.

The General Directorate of Tra c has launched an investigation through complaints to the corresponding units of the Civil Guard with the aim of locating the perpetrators of the vandalism of seven radars located on di erent conventional roads (2 in the Community of Madrid, 2 in Castilla-La Mancha, 2 in Castilla y León and 1 in the

Valencian Community) and thus take legal action against them.

Vandalism of radars constitutes a crime of damages de ned in the Penal Code in its articles 263 to 267, which contemplate a series of actions that cause a loss in the patrimonial value of another’s property and whose protected legal asset is the patrimony.

Speci cally, Article 263.2 establishes an aggravated type of the crime of damage that provides for a prison sentence of 1 to 3 years and a ne of 12 to 24 months, which is committed when the following circumstances occur, indicative of the author’s intention to cause more serious harm: These acts of vandalism, in addition to the crime of attacking a public good, also a ect road safety, which is the ultimate goal of the speed control points located throughout Spain.

Both the Tra c Division of the Civil Guard and the Citizen Security Unit will reinforce surveillance at the points where the radars are installed to prevent this type of act from occurring.

In addition, surveillance cameras have been placed in them, directly connected to the DGT Management Centres in order to detect possible sabotage and allow immediate action by the Civil Guard patrols.

The specialist literature on speed estimates that between 10 and 15% of all road accidents and 30% of fatal road accidents are the direct result of excessive or inappropriate speed according to the Thematic Report on Road Safety dedicated to Speed published by the European Road Safety Observatory in 2021 and the Speed Management report of the Transport Research Centre (ITF).

According to these reports, speed management should include, among other measures, police surveillance and automatic speed control with those instruments that allow it and that cover all road users (including foreign drivers) and the development of section control (control of average speeds in sections of a road), hence the recommendation that the di erent countries continue to promote its use.

DGT detects more than 1,100 drivers driving at excessive speed

Last year, the General Directorate of Tra c’s radars identi ed over 1,100 drivers exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 kilometers per hour on interurban roads. A signi cant number of these drivers were subsequently brought to court for potential violations of road safety laws. One such driver was caught speeding at an alarming 238 kilometers per hour on the A-7, illegally overtaking other vehicles and disregarding road signs. The incident was recorded by a helicopter camera operated by a Tra c sub-sector agent from the Civil Guard of Valencia. The o cer immediately coordinated with the Tra c Operations Centre to dispatch a patrol from the same town, which successfully stopped and identi ed the driver. The driver was removed from the road without incident and is now facing charges for Reckless Driving, a crime that can result in up to two years in prison and a driving ban of up to six years. Additionally, the driver faces charges for

exceeding the maximum speed limit by 118 kilometers per hour, despite the speed limit at that point being 120 km/h.

Another video shows a driver traveling at 206 kilometers per hour on the N-610, a conventional road connecting Palencia with Benavente, which has a speed limit of 90 km/h. The driver had previously ed a preventive checkpoint in Valladolid, but was later located by patrols from the Zamora Tra c Subsector. The driver was subsequently charged with a crime against road safety for driving more than 80 kilometers per hour over the legal speed limit.

A third video depicts a motorcyclist speeding at 185 kilometers per hour on a stretch of road with a 80 km/h speed limit. The incident was detected by the Tra c helicopter, which was monitoring vehicle speeds on the A-7 Mediterranean Motorway. The motorcyclist has been investigated and brought

to court for exceeding the speed limit by more than 105 kilometers per hour, which is considered a severe o ense against road safety.

Finally, another driver was recorded traveling at an average speed of 192 kilometers per hour, with peaks of 198 kilometers per hour, on the N-611, a conventional road with a speed limit of 90 km/h. The Tra c helicopter camera operator captured this violation and promptly contacted the Tra c Operations Centre, which dispatched a patrol from the Palencia ATGC to stop and identify the driver.

According to a study by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), reducing average speeds by just 1 km/h on all roads within the European Union could prevent up to 2,200 road deaths annually, underscoring the importance of monitoring and controlling speed on roads to ensure public safety.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre o er a warm welcome at “The Comm” (Ex The Forum/Mare Nostrum) Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante. Visiting medium every week - services starts 6.30 pm every Thursday. ‘Free Healing is available after the service. contact Dot 634 320 013 email:



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San Miguel Golf Society at Vistabella Golf

Already starting to warm up and very little wind to start off with (which is unusual up at Vistabella). Our third Eclectic competition which is generally over-subscribed at this course. The sun was present for most of the round but then the wind whipped up around our ankles like an angry little Jack Russell. The course was, on the whole, in very good condition – with dry, fast fairways and speedy greens – difficult to read at times.

46 avid “golfistas” shot off down the first fairway hoping to better each of their scores on relevant holes from previous rounds for this popular Eclectic competition. One of our second round Pairs Knockouts was also taking place which

was won on the last hole by the Hancock father and son pairing (Darren & Sam) – well done. Back to Flannigan’s for grub and prizes. Thanks to the team there, as ever.

The crème de la crème of the categories today was:

Gold: John Osborne (36 points)

Silver: Roddy Duncan (40 points and best score of the day)

Bronze: Lee Eastman (36 points)

Well done to the above. The “Twos” pot was a solo scoop by Will Hammond who very kindly put a very large share of it into our charity Blob Tin. NTPs were “Officer” Sandra Dibble, Rita East, Darren Hancock and Dave Rowe. The football card was

won by Rob Fyfe with Rangers. The “fine wine” was received by Mickey Roscoe for his eloquent score of…...

Next week we are back up at Font de Llop and hoping for a better round than our previous one, although the weather forecast is already foreboding.

This week’s photo offering has a new photobomb usurper vying for position behind the original photobomber!

Winners pictured left to right: Lea Eastman (Bronze and Captain), Greame Millington & Tony Smale (P-bombers #1 & #2), Darren Strugnell (President), Roddy Duncan (Silver), John Osborne (Gold) and Mickey Roscoe with his wine.

Torrevieja CF leads bold stand against youth football violence

Recently, the sports complex in Torrevieja became the scene of a troubling incident that has drawn attention to the rising violence within youth football leagues in the Vega Baja region. A member of the Torrevieja CF youth team was assaulted after a match against CF Rafal, raising serious concerns about player safety and the overall culture in youth sports.

In response to this act of violence, Torrevieja CF quickly took action by adopting a distinctive form of protest. During their matches over the past weekend, the team chose not to play for the first 30 seconds, using the time as a silent statement against violence in football. The gesture was intended to promote a more respectful and enjoyable sporting environment for both players and fans.

A member of the Torrevieja CF team explained, “We want to send a message that aggression has no place on the field. Our focus should be on sportsmanship and respect.”

The community in Torrevieja has rallied around this initiative, understanding the importance of addressing violence in sports. Local leaders, parents, and fans have shown their support

for the players, stressing the need to create a safe and positive atmosphere for young athletes.

Youth sports should foster a culture of respect for several key reasons. First, sports are not only about competition but also about developing character, teamwork, and mutual respect. Second, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of young athletes means they can enjoy the sport without fear of violence. Lastly, by setting an example, teams like Torrevieja CF can inspire other clubs to follow suit, helping to shift the focus towards creating healthy, positive sporting environments.

The incident in Torrevieja serves as a wake-up call for everyone involved in youth sports. It is essential that clubs, coaches, players, and parents unite against violence, ensuring that football remains a game driven by passion and camaraderie. Torrevieja CF’s actions highlight the potential of sport as a platform for social change. By standing up against violence, they are not only inspiring their own community but also encouraging others across the country to take a stand against hostility in sports..







Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9

Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one

5. The way for 8 out East(5)

6. Write crucial piece having taken seat with anger(6)

7. Cupid got up irritable(4)

9. Put off being freed, in a way(5)

11. Could be a show of strength(5)

12. Development: coup d’etat ousts right(9)

13. By and by bearing gifts?(9)

17. Rated surface of tyre(5)

19. Thus given ornamental fabric to comfort(6)

22. Feel depressed underneath(5)

23. Abandoned one side(4)

24. What a muddle where the troops eat!(4)


soup, spec, spice, spin, spine, spun, supine, upon.

QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 3Spectator; 8Norm; 9Accoutred; 10Intact; 11Penal; 14Niche; 15Lame; 16Deter; 18Thor; 20Eager; 21Reach; 24Decant; 25Bilateral; 26 Slur; 27Blandness. Down:1Indignity; 2Protector; 4Pact; 5Close; 6Astral; 7Over; 9Acted; 11Patch; 12Laughable; 13Territory; 17Repel; 19Remain; 22Clean; 23Bill; 24Dais. CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 3Addresses; 8Tour; 9Deduction; 10Rubber; 11Metre; 14Loose; 15Ever; 16Right; 18Nuns; 20Rules; 21Doubt; 24Martin; 25Defaulted; 26 Toil; 27Otherwise. Down:1Startling; 2Dumbfound; 4Deer; 5Route; 6Satire; 7Eros; 9Defer; 11Might; 12Evolution; 13Presently; 17Tread; 19Solace; 22Below; 23Left; 24 Mess. WORDWHEEL cope, copes, copies, cops, copse, cups, cusp, epic, epos, nips, nope, open, opens, opine, opines, opus, pecunious, pens, peon, pine, pines, pins, pion, pious, poise, pons, pose, pounce, pounces, puce, puns, scope, scup, snip,

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