22 minute read
Community Breakfasts (Open to the public; Each venue does charge.) First Sunday 8-11 a.m.: VFW Post #3473 Breakfast, 3160 Hillside Dr. Info: Bob 541-895-4051. Second Sunday 8 a.m.-noon OLPH Catholic Church, Harvey and 19th St. Third Sunday 8-11 a.m.: Masonic Center Breakfast, 33322 Row River Rd. Info: 541-942-2353. Fourth Sunday 8-11 a.m.: Elks Lodge Breakfast. N. River Rd. Info: 9541-42-3554
TRANSPORTATION Flat, pleasantly laid-back and endowed with an extensive network of bicycle lanes and paths, Cottage Grove may be a bicycle buff’s dream. Additionally, there isn’t enough traffi c in town to create rush-hour traffi c jams, so driving in Cottage Grove is a relatively low-stress proposition. South Lane Wheels (SLW) provides general public and specialized transportation throughout the area with bike racks on buses for the Door to Door local and Metro rides to Eugene and Springfi eld. Consider using the mobile app or call SLW for Mobility on Demand service for as little as $1 per boarding to get around in Cottage Grove to maximize your access to local destinations (Microtransitapp.com/ LTD Connector). For other trips to Eugene, the Lane Transit District (LTD) bus (which covers an extensive netCommunity Meals Trinity Lutheran Church Tuesday and Thursday, 5:15-6:15p.m., 675 S. Seventh St. CG Elks Lodge First Friday Chicken Fried Steak (no July-Aug. or Nov./Dec.) 5-7 p.m., Second Friday, Wings & More 5-7 p.m. Third Friday, Steak Feed 5-8 p.m., Fourth Friday, Fish Fry 5:30-7:30 p.m., 755 N. River Rd., VFW Friday, 5:30 p.m. (no June-Aug.), 3160 Hillside Dr. Sustainable CG First Friday, 6:30 p.m. Potluck Healing Matrix Sunday Supper 5-6 p.m. Sunday, CG
work of stops throughout the Eugene-Springfi eld area) is just the ticket. It takes about an hour on LTD to get from Cottage Grove to a destination in Eugene or Springfi eld.
South Lane Wheels 541-942-0456 (dispatcher ext.1) 1450 Birch Ave. Providing weekday, public transportation with no eligibility requirements throughout the region with Door to Door service on a reservation basis starting at $3 for a one-way ride, and Metro service to Eugene and Springfi eld areas for a base rate of $15 one-way or $30 round trip. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible; some have bike racks and one attendant may ride for free.
LTD (Lane Transit District), 541687-5555. Daily bus service from
Community Center Methodist Church First and Third Mondays, 5-6:30p.m., 334 Washington Ave. American Legion Second Tuesday of odd-numbered months, 5 p.m., 826 W. Main St. Creswell New Hope Baptist Wednesday, 5:15 p.m., 597 S. Front St., Creswell
Senior and Disabled Services Cottage Grove Offi ce 1440 Birch Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 8:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thursday Closed for lunch from 12-1 Call 541-682-4038 or 541-682-3353 Senior Meals Program No charge, suggested donation $3.60, Guests under age 60, $7.25. Call two days in advance to reserve a meal and select the main dish or request a diet modifi cation. Cottage Grove, Riverview Terrace, 925 West Main, (541) 942-9261 (at noon Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) Meals on Wheels Call for eligibility details. $3.00 suggested donation, although users contribute according to their ability. Frozen meals are available. Please call: ADRC (Aging and Disability Resources Connection) at: (541) 682-3353.
Cottage Grove to Creswell and Eugene. Bus fare paid on bus: $1.75 or $3.50 all day for adults, 85 cents or $1.75 for ages 6-18, 5 and under ride free; Seniors age 65 and over ride free with an LTD Honored Rider card. Discounted fares include 10-ride ticket books, monthly and 3-month passes. Catch the bus along the route or park free at the Wal-Mart park-and-ride.
Cottage Grove Airport, general aviation: 15/33 newly renovated runway, asphalt surface, 3,188’ x 60’. Jim Wright Field, located at 520 Palmer. Freq: 122.8. Fuel: 100LL; available 24 hours via cardlock.
Quality Cleaning Certifi ed Green
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HORNERSINC. FOREST & GARDEN EQUIPMENT 79132 Hwy. 99 North Cottage Grove 541-942-5781 Grove Medical Equipment & Supplies Grove Medical Equipment & Supplies

Home Oxygen • Aides to Daily Living • CPAP/BiPAP • Home Medical Alarms Hospital Beds • Breast Pumps • Wheelchairs • Compression Stockings Nebulizer • Splints & Bracing • Walkers • Incontinence Supplies Catheters • Ostomy • Canes • Lift Chairs Crutches • Power Mobility • Bathroom Equipment • Wound Care Cold Therapy Units • Blood Glucose Testing Supplies • Blood Pressure Units • Knee Walkers 148 Gateway Blvd (Bi Mart Plaza)
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Hours of Operation Monday –Friday 9:00 to 5:00 • Saturday by Appointment 541-225-5443 Sunday Closed 24 Hour On-Call Services (541-731-1441) grovemedical@outlook.com INSURANCE BILLING AVAILABLE Join us on Facebook Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325 • 35
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Sentinel Cottage Grove


Community Guidebook 2020 Business Directory - Alphabetical by category
shoppe&playbuy stay
Cottage Grove Huddle Automotive Repair 80408 Delight Valley School Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-2521

SALES & SERVICE Brad’s Cottage Grove Chevrolet, Inc. 2775 Row River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 2 ..................... 541-942-4415
Keep it local.
Cottage Grove, OR BANK
Umpqua Bank 625 E. Gibbs Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 17 ................... 541-942-9122
Denotes Shoppelocal.biz & Community Christi’s Barbaer Shop Unity Sponsors 737 E. Main St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ACCOUNTING see our ad on pg. 34 ................... 541-225-7431 Hoyer Accounting 516 Whiteaker Ave. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 32 ................... 541-942-8241 BEAD STORE Baker Bay Bead Co. 35655 Shoreview Drive Dorena, OR 97434
ASSISTED LIVING see our ad on pg. 34 ................... 541-942-3941 & MEMORY CARE BOOKKEEPING & Magnolia Gardens Senior Living 1425 Daugherty Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-0054 Middlefi eld Oaks Assisted Living 1500 Village Drive TAX ,PREPARATION BECO Enterprises, Inc.. 553 S. River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 31 ................... 541-942-2106 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 46 ....................541-767-0080 CARPET CLEANING Quality Cleaning AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE REPAIR Les Schwab Tire Center 109 Hwy 99 S. Certifi ed Green Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 35 ...................541-942-0420 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 20 ...................541-942-4466 CEMETERY Fir Grove Cemetery AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Automotive Specialties 424 So. Pacifi c Hwy 99 123 South 7th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 9 .....................541-942-0185 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 3 ..................... 541-942-8022 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B&A Automotive Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce 801 Washington 700 E. Gibbs Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 18 ................... 541-767-2965 see our ad on pg. 20 ...................541-942-2411 40 • Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325 CHURCHES 6th & Gibbs Church of Christ Pastor: Tim Baker, Senior Minister Youth & Families Pastor: Seth Bailey 195 N. 6th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-3822 Calvary Baptist Church Pastor: Riley Hendricks 77873 S 6th St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-4290 Calvary Chapel Cottage Grove Pastor: Jeff Smith 1447 Hwy 99 (Village Plaza) Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-6842 Center for Spiritual Living Rev. Bobby Lee 700 Gibbs Ave. (Community Center) Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ..............................cslcottagegrove@gmail.com Church of Christ 420 Monroe St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-8565 Cottage Grove Bible Church Pastor:Bob Singer 1200 East Quincy Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-4771 Cottage Grove Faith Center Lead Pastor: Kevin Pruett 33761 Row River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-4851 Delight Valley Church of Christ Pastor: Bob Friend 33087 Saginaw Rd. East Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-7711 First Presbyterian Church Pastor: Karen Hill 3rd and Adams St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-4479 Hope Fellowship United Pentecostal Church Pastor: Dave Bragg 100 S. Gateway Blvd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-2061 HOPE U.M.C. Pastor: Lura Kidner-Miesen 131 W “A” St. Drain, OR .....................................................541-315-1617
Living Faith Assembly Pastor Rulon Combs 467 S. 10th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-2612 Church of Christ (Non-Denominational) Preacher: Tony Martin 1041 Pennoyer Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-8928 Old Time Gospel Fellowship Pastor: Jim Edwards 103 S. 5th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-4999 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Father: John Boyle 1025 N. 19th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 9 ......................541-942-3420 St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church Father: John Boyle 552 Holbrock Lane Creswell, OR 97426 see our ad on pg. 9 ......................541-895-8686 St. Andrews Episcopal Church Rev. Lawrence Crumb 1301 W. Main Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-767-9050 Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor: Kevin Miller 820 South 10th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-5213 The Church at London 72799 London Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-844-6616 Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor: James L. Markus 6th & Quincy Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-2373 United Methodist Church Pastor:Lura Kidner-Miesen 334 Washington Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-3033 “VICTORY” Country Church Pastor: Barbara Dockery 913 S. 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-5913
COFFEE The Espresso Barn 1551 E. Main St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 17 ....................541-942-2926 Denotes Shoppelocal.biz & Community Unity Sponsor
COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIOINS/CLUBS Another Way Enterprises PO Box 853 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cathy Bellavita aweinthegrove@gmail.com .....................................................541-521-3813 American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary PO Box 4 / 826 W Main St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.orlegion.org .....................................................541-942-5991 Aprovecho Research & Education Center PO Box 1175 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 apro@aprovecho.net .....................................................541-942-8198 Beds For Freezing Nights PO Box 1120 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-658-9254 Beta Sigma Phi Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.betasigmaphi.org .....................................................541-942-1310 Bohemia Foundation Inc. PO Box 1045 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Faye Stewart .....................................................541-954-4061 Bohemia Gold Mining Museum 308 S. 10th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Sara Smith ......................................................541-942-5022 Bohemia Mine Owners Association PO Box 421 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Tom Pepiot, President www.bohemiamineownersassociation.webs.com .....................................................541-844-8903 Bohemia Mining Days PO Box 1297 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cindy Weeldreyer .....................................................541-942-5064 Bohemia Sunrisers Kiwanis PO Box 183 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Judd Van Gorder bohemiasunrisers@aol.com Deb Monroe ...............................541-855-8318 Virginia Ronsdale ........................541-942-3108 Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council 28 S. 6th ST. Suite A Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Amanda Wilson coordinator@coastfork.org .....................................................541-767-9717 Cottage Grove 912 Project cottagegrove912project.org Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Bob Soden Cottage Grove Area Chamber Of Commerce Ambassadors PO Box 587. Seventh and Gibbs, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-2411 Cottage Grove B.P.O.E. Elks #1904 PO Box 564 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-3554 Cottage Grove Community Foundation 1015 E. Main St. PO Box 1326 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Ann White www.cgcfoundation.org .....................................................541-942-0014 Cottage Grove Community Hospital Auxiliary 1515 Village Drive Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ..........................................541-767-5500 x5202 Cottage Grove Community Tennis Association 210 S 5TH St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Ron Irvine .....................................................541-942-9804 Cottage Grove Economic & Business Improvement District (EBID) PO Box 423 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 James E. Gilroy .....................................................541-334-5810 Cottage Grove/Eugene Sportsmen’s Club 81078 N Pacifi c Hwy Creswell, OR 97426 Kenny Linden .....................................................541-942-2021 Cottage Grove Garden Club PO Box 1043 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Collette Kimbal cottagegrovegardenclub.blogspot.com .....................................................541-942-0046 Boy Scouts Of America 2525 Centennial Blvd Eugene, OR 97401 www.scouting.org Karen Zeller ...............................541-942-4413 Christie Johnson .........................541-214-5931 Caregiver Network Of Cottage Grove PO Box 1132 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Shirley McDaniel .......................541-942-0966 Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325 • 41

.....................................................541-767-3671 .....................................................541-942-3828 Cottage Grove Genealogical Society Friends of the Cottage Grove Carousel 700 E Gibbs Ave, PO Box 388 PO Box 883 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-9570 Alice Nowicki-President Cottage Grove Historical Society PO Box 142 / 308 S. 10th St.. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Holli Turpin, www.cghistory.org ......................................................541-942-5022 Cottage Grove Kids Club cottagegrovekidsclub@gmail.com Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-946-3035 Cottage Grove Lion’s Club PO Box 754 .....................................................541-228-8451 Friends Of Mt David PO Box 22 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Beckie Venice .....................................................541-942-4269 Girl Scouts Of Oregon & SW Washington 72 Centennial Loop STE 300 Eugene, OR 97401 www.girlscoutsosw.org .....................................................541-485-5911 Great Days Early Education Center Cottage Grove, OR 97424 403 N River Rd. Stan Simonsen Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.36r.lions.com Barbara Howell .....................................................541-942-5935 .....................................................541-942-7460 Cottage Grove Museum Grove Christian Camp 142 H St., PO Box 142 37028 Shoreview Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Dorena, OR 97434 Becky Venice .....................................................541-946-1662 cottagegrovemuseum.com Habitat For Humanity of Central Lane .....................................................541-942-4269 1210 Oak Patch Road Cottage Grove Senior Center Eugene, OR 97402 700 E. Gibbs Ave. .....................................................541-741-1707 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Humane Society Of Cottage Grove .....................................................541-942-8751 PO Box 61 Cottage Grove Riding Club Cottage Grove, OR 97424 PO Box 485 www.humanesocietycg.org Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Janetta Overholser ......................541-942-2789 Terry Referral Line .............................541-942-3130 .....................................................541-521-0012 Humane Society Of Cottage Grove Disabled American Veterans This n’ That Corner 344 8th St. 33 N 8th St. Springfi eld, OR 97477 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-726-7672 IOOF #68 Dorena Grange 319 E Main St./PO Box 1213 34360 Row River Rd./P.O. Box 1324 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Tabu White .....................................................541-514-9782 Grange .........................................541-942-2295 Engineers In Technical Humanitarian Opportunities Of Service PO Box 1175 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Dean Still www.loofcg.org .....................................................541-767-0508 KSOW-Real Rural Radio Donnie Sevilla .....................................................541-942-1067 London Grange #937 72746 London Rd./PO Box 1002 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Ken Schwieger .....................................................541-942-0302 Forest Web PO Box 853 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cristina Hubbard forestweb.cg@gmail.com forestweb-cg.org .....................................................541-913-4445 Friends Of The Cottage Grove Public Library 700 E Gibbs Ave, PO Box 104 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Mary McNamera www.cgplfriends.org 42 • Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325 .....................................................541-942-6148 Looking Glass Youth & Family Services Rural Program 508 E. Whiteaker Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.lookingglass.us Amanda Hampton ......................541-767-3823 Crisis line: ....................................541-689-3111 Masonic Lodge #51 & Eastern Star 33322 Row River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.cglodge51.org .....................................................541-942-2353 Miss Lane County Scholarship Program 1108 S 7th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Zonnie Borg ...............................541-913-7235 Moose Lodge #810 711 Hwy 99 S. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-5183 Opal Center For Arts & Education 513 Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-946-7252 Oregon Aviation Historical Society 2475 Jim Wright Way/PO Box 553 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Janice Scanlon .....................................................541-543-1068 Prospectors & Golddiggers PO Box 415 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Bruce or Berneda McDonald .....................................................541-942-3773 Rotary Club Of Cottage Grove PO Box 424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 cgrotary337@gmail.com Facebook: Rotary of Cottage Grove Oregon South Lane Ballet Academy 308 S 10th St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ..................................................... 541-912-2080 Tucker’s Cupboard PO Box 881 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Lynn Boe tuckerscupboard@mail.com .....................................................541-942-9211 Western Oregon Exposition (W.O.E.) 2000 N Douglas St/PO Box 793 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Offi ce: ........................................541-942-6150 Offi ce Manager-Skye Hefner ......................................................541-556-2727 Secretary-Athena Intros ......................................................541-913-4682

COMPUTER REPAIR PC Garage 711 E Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .......................................................541-649-1073
CONSTRUCTION Daves Pump and Construction 76082 London Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 33 ....................541-942-9635
WELL DRILLING White Water Well Drilling 32380 Eric Todd Ln. Creswell, OR 97426 see our ad on pg. 34 ...................541-895-3762
COPY & PRINTING UPS Store 1498 E Main St Ste 103 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 34 ....................541-767-0888
COUNSELING South Lane Mental Health 1345 Birch Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-3939
DENTIST Brent Bitner D.M.D. 350 E. Washington Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 31 ...................541-942-7934
EDUCATION Great Days Early Education 403 N River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 33 ...................541-942-7460
ELECTRIC COMPANY Emerald People’s Utility District 33733 Seavey Loop Rd. Eugene, OR 97405 see our ad on pg. 13 ....................541-746-1583 Lane Electric Cooperative 787 Bailey Hill Rd. Eugene, OR 97405 see our ad on pg. 18 ....................541-484-1151 Pacifi c Power 1481 Gateway Blvd #B Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 32 ....................888-221-7070
EVENT CENTER Cottage Events Venue 2915 Row RIver Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-942-6888 Opal Center for Arts & Education 513 E. Main St. Cottage Grove, OR .....................................................541-623-0513
FINANCIAL ADVISOR Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC Ann White 1807 E. Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-5535
FIRE & AMBULANCE South Lane County Fire & Rescue 233 Harrison Ave., Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 28 ....................541-942-4493
FLOOR & WINDOW COVERINGS Rogers & Son 1324 E. Main Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 30 ...................541-942-0500
FLORIST/GIFT SHOP The Flower Basket and Gift Boutique 119 S. 6th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 33 ...................541-942-0505
FOREST AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT Horner’s Inc. 79132 Hwy 99 N. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 35 ...................541-942-5781
CREMATORIUM Smith • Lund • Mills 123 South 7th Street. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 9 .....................541-942-0185
FURNITURE Homestead Furniture 615 Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 32 ...................541-942-8711
GARDEN EQUIPMENT Cascade Garden Equipment, LLC 1035 Conger St. Eugene, OR 97402 ..................................................... 541-344-6992
GARDEN PLANTS & SUPPLIES Territorial Seed Company 20 Palmer Ave. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 30 ...................541-942-9547
GROCERY STORE Grocery Outlet 200 Gateway Blvd Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-5400
GOVERNMENT City of Cottage Grove 400 Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 13 ....................541-942-5501
GUN SHOP Emerald Valley Armory 147 E. Oregon Avenue Creswell, OR 97426 .....................................................541-895-2666
GUTTER SERVICE Fountain Gutters LLC Cottage Grove see our ad on pg. 31 ....................541-729-9515
AIR CONDITIONING Alpine Heating & Air Conditioning www.alpineheating.org

see our ad on pg. 22 ...................541-942-8577 Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325 • 43
HOME IMPROVEMENT Boyce & Sons Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 17 ....................541-942-2605 79149 N River Rd Farmers Insurance Cottage Grove, OR 97424 330 Hwy 99, STE C see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-4664 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cascade Home Center .....................................................541-942-0165 40 So 5th St State Farm Insurance Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Matt Bjornn see our ad on pg. 2 .....................541-942-1301 1481 Gateway Blvd. 104 S. Mill St Creswell, OR 97426 ....................541-895-4166 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 28 ....................541-942-2623 HOSPITAL Trinity Insurance Agency, Inc PO Box 565 PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Community Medical Center see our ad on pg. 31 .................... 541-942-8870 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 47 ...................541-767-5500 www.PeaceHealth.org/cottage-grove Diabetic Education 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 JEWELRY APPRAISAL The Jewelry Girl, LLC 2001 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97403 .....................................................541-556-9598 .....................................................541-767-5200 Emergency Department LOCK & KEY SERVICE 1515 Village Dr. Mr. K’s Lock & Key Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Knife Sharpening .....................................................541-767-5500 PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center Foundation 1515 Village Dr. 1441 E. Madison Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 31 ....................541-767-0159 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-767-5460 Laboratory Services 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 LUMBER MANUFACTURER Starfi re Lumber Co. P.O. Box 547 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-767-5432 see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-0168 Medical Social Work 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-767-5200 Medical Unit 1515 Village Dr. MEDICAL SUPPLY Grove Medical Equipment 148 Gateway Blvd Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 35 ...................541-225-5443 .....................................................541-767-5500 Patient Financial Counseling 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-767-5440 Radiology Services 1515 Village Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 MINI STORAGE Simply Storage - Self Storage 1175 Villard Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 3 ......................541-942-5202 79177 N. River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ...........541-942-3616 .....................................................541-767-5333 Rehabilitation Services NEWSPAPER Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove Sentinel .....................................................541-767-5260 116 N. 6th Street PeaceHealth Medical Group Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Creswell, Dexter, Cottage Grove .....................................................541-942-3325 .....................................................541-767-5200 twitter.com/cgsentinel INSURANCE facebook.com/cottagegrovesentinel Allstate Insurance Erik Benson 130 Gateway Blvd. Denotes Shoppelocal.biz & Community Unity Sponsor 44 • Cottage Grove Community Guidebook 2020 • Cottage Grove Sentinel • (541) 942-3325
NURSING FACILITIY Coast Fork Nursing Center, Inc. 515 Grant Ave. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 23 ....................541-942-5528
ORTHODONTICS Thornton Orthodontics 195 Melton Rd. Creswell, OR 97426 .....................................................541-686-1732
PET & FEED SUPPLY Old Mill Farm Store 327 S. River Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 30 ...................541-942-3042
PHARMACY McCoy’s Pharmacy 1205 N. Pafi cif Hwy Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 9 ......................541-930-7799
PIZZA Little Caesar’s Pizza 24 N. Ninth St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 25 ...................541-942-2551 Pinocchio’s Pizza 1795 E. Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 25 ...................541-942-5531
PRINTING Central Coast Publishing 831 N. Avery St Newport, OR 97365 .....................................................541-265-8571
PUMP SERVICE Ervin Family Pump Service, LLC 571 S. 8th St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 .....................................................541-649-8100 White Water Well Drilling 32380 Eric Todd Ln. Creswell, OR 97426 see our ad on pg. 34 ...................541-895-3762

2019 Guidebook Directory RADIO SALON TOWING KNND Radio Impressions Hair Design Captain Hook Towing & Recovery 717 Main Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 18 ....................541-942-2468 1059 E Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 31 ....................541-942-7762 1029 E. Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 hookmeupcaptian@gmail.com REAL ESTATE Jim Downing Realty 616 E Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 17 ....................541-942-6077 Yoss Team Real Estate www.yossteamrealestate.com 914 North 9th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 20 ....................541-942-4040 REHABILITATION CENTER Creswell Health and Rehabilitation Center 735 S. 2nd Street Creswell, OR 97426 SHIPPING UPS Store 1498 E Main St Ste 103 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 34 ....................541-767-0888 TAVERN/PUB The Grove Cafe 521 East Main Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 25 ....................541-942-5152 TELEVISION South Lane Television 210 S 5th St see our ad on pg.30 ......541-942-HOOK (4665) TRANSPORTATION Lane Transit District Customer Service Center 1080 WIllamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401 www.ltd.org see our ad on pg. 17 ....................800-248-3861 South Lane Wheels 1450 Birch Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.southlanetransit.com see our ad on pg. 34 ...................541-942-0456 URGENT CARE see our ad on pg. 26 ...................541-895-3333 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Nova Health see our ad on pg. 48 ...................541-942-9804 1445 N. Gateway Blvd RESTAURANTS El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant THEATRE Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.novahealth.com 725 Gibbs Cottage Theatre see our ad on pg. 29 ....................541-942-7000 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 700 Village Drive see our ad on pg. 25 ....................541-767-0457 RETAIL Discount Smokes & Cigarettes 178 Gateway Blvd Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 31 ....................541-649-1284 Schweitzer’s Casual Wear 730 E. Main St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 11 ...................541-942-8001 TIRES Les Schwab Tire Center 109 Hwy 99 S. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 20 ...................541-942-4466 VISION CARE Pacifi c Clearvision 257 N 8th Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 9 .....................541-942-5000 YURTS Pacifi c Yurts Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 12 ....................541-942-4249 Denotes Shoppelocal.biz & Community Unity Sponsor 77456 Hwy 99 S. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 see our ad on pg. 11 ....................541-942-9435

At Middlefi eld Oaks Assisted Living and Memory Care, it’ never too late to live life to the fullest, make new friends, eat well, and have FUN!

Please stop by for a tour any time! 1500 Village Drive, Cottage Grove Or call (541) 767-0080 for more information.

For over 60 years, South Lane Television, a non-profi t organization, has provided free TV for thousands of viewers in Cottage Grove and the southern Willamette Valley. Typically, viewers of SLTV need little more than a good quality set-top antenna or a good quality outside antenna to receive the channels listed here.

11.1 KEZI/ABC (Eugene) 11.2 KVAL/CBS (Eugene) 11.3 KMTR/NBC (Eugene) 11.4 KLSR/Fox (Eugene) 11.5 KEPB/OPB (Eugene) 11.6 KEVU/MeTV (Eugene) 11.7 KVAL /TBD (Eugene) 11.8 KMTR/CW Network (Eugene)
Stay tuned!

9.1 KEZI/ABC (Eugene) 9.2 KEZI/MeTV (Eugene) 9.3 KEZI/ ion network (Eugene) 13.1 KVAL/CBS (Eugene) 13.2 KVAL/TBD (Eugene) 13.3 KVAL/CHARGE! (Eugene) 16.1 KMTR/NBC (Eugene) 16.2 KMTR/The CW (Eugene) 16.3 KMTR/Comet TV (Eugene) 28.1 KEPB/OPB (Eugene) 28.2 KEPB/OPB Plus (Eugene) 28.3 KEPB/PBS Kids (Eugene) 28.4 OPB Radio Channels (Portland) 34.1 KSLR/Fox (Eugene) 34.2 KEVU/MyTV (Eugene)