Copyright © 2017, COPEC – Science and Education Research Council SHEWC’2017 Claudio da Rocha Brito & Melany M. Ciampi (Publishers). All rights reserved. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the publisher. SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT WORLD CONGRESS – Education and Social Stability: a Key to Environmental Preservation Worldwide. Vila Real, 2017. v.17 n.1 54p. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS – XVII Safety, Health and Environment World Congress. July 09-12, 2017. Orgs. Claudio da Rocha Brito (ISBN 978-85-65992-72-5) & Melany M. Ciampi (978-85-66680-72-0). Science and Education Research Council, COPEC – Vila Real: SHEWC, 2017.
ISSN 2317-3173
1. Environment – Congress. 2. Health – Congress. 3. Safety – Congress I. BRITO, Claudio da Rocha. II. CIAMPI, Melany, M. III. Title
CDD 378
MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL CHAIR SHEWC2017 – XVII Safety, Health and Environment World Congress happens in Portugal and in a city which history is a landmark in the country, Vila Real - an ideal base for exploring the Douro river valley and following the famous Port Wine Route. This route begins at wine estates south of the city, planted in terraced vineyards along steep riverbanks. The 17th edition of the SHEWC unite many researchers to discuss and bring solutions to environment issues. The theme of the congress "Education and Social Stability: a Key to Environmental Preservation Worldwide" is certainly a serious challenge for humanity once it is an important issue for all. So SHEWC’2017 is a congress that aims to provide the scientific community with up-to-date information in safety, health and environment fields, counting with the presence of experts from across the globe. The ideas, opinions and professionals contributions are showed in lectures, plenary sessions, presentations of papers and workshops. There will be an opening session with the participation of promoters of the event and several authorities. At the end, in a closing session presents the main results of the event. It shows cutting edge useful information in environment, health and safety and provides a rich encounter for the community. As the General Chair of SHEWC'2017 on behalf of COPEC team I am pleased to thank the host institution University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro that embraced the organization of this congress. It is imperative to acknowledge and thank in special all the people involved in the organization of this edition of SHEWC such as the Prof. Margarida Correia Marques, Local Chair of SHEWC'2017 and Prof. Fernando Glenadel Braga, Vice-local Chair of SHEWC'2017 who have worked diligently for the accomplishment of a successful event. The XVII Safety, Health and Environment World Congress – SHEWC2017 is organized by COPEC – Science and Education Research Council and promoted by SHERO – Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization in Technical Cooperation (in alphabetical order): AAMP (Fishing Museum Friends Society), ABENC (Brazilian Society of Civil Engineers), ABENGE (Brazilian Society for Engineering Education), ABO (Brazilian Dental Association), AENUI (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática), AGERCO (Brazilian Agency for Coastal Management), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), ASIBEI (Iberian-American Association of Engineering Education Institutions), GCMM (Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management), IEEE-Ed.Soc. (Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education Societies), IGIP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik), INTERTECH (International Council for Engineering and Technology Education), IRCWR (International Reference Center for Water Reuse), ISTEC (Iberian American Science & Technology Education Consortium), Porto Gente (PortFolk), RBE (Brazilian Network of Engineering), RCI (Réseau Carthagène d’Ingénierie), SBA (Brazilian Automation Society), SBE (Brazilian Society of Ecotoxicology), SEFI (Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs), SPEE (Portuguese Society for Engineering Education), SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education Development), WCCA (World Council on Communication and Arts) and WCSEIT (World Council on Systems Engineering and Information Technology) and hosted by University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) trough its investigation centers: Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences and Centre of Chemical Vila Real and Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies for the Development. This event will be integrated with 1st International Summer University of Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles organized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Chair on Geoparks, Sustainable © 2017 COPEC
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Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles and University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. The UNESCO Chair on Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles is the first in world dedicated to Geoparks and Healthy Lifestyles. This UNESCO Chair has the main aim create an innovative and integrated network of research, teaching, transfer of knowledge, joint research projects and communication for increasing society awareness on these topics, mainly focused in capacity building activities. In this sense, it will be organized the 1st edition of the “International Summer University on Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles”. This intensive capacity building offer will be held in the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, at the city of Vila Real, in the Alto Douro Wine Region World Heritage Site (NE Portugal). I could not forget to thank to our sponsors CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and CAPES (Coordination for Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level) and the cooperators of Sondar.i, Esri Portugal, Centre of Science of Vila Real Urban Ecology Agency – Environment Services of Vila Real, Compete 2020 – Portugal 2020 – European Fund for Regional Development, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Institute of Sea and atmosphere and Traga Mundos Bookstore. I want to thank the authors and participants for their collaborations and willing to share their contributions for the development of science and technology for the betterment of humanity in their fields of expertise. Hoping you enjoy SHEWC2017! Prof. Dr. Claudio R. Brito GENERAL CHAIR President of COPEC President of IEEE Ed. Soc.
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Education and Social Stability: a Key to Environmental Preservation Worldwide is the theme of this edition of SHEWC that has counted with valuable collaborations of great importance for the achievement of sustainable development of nations and peoples. It is very rewarding for me to be the Technical Program Chair of SHEWC2017 – XVII Safety, Health and Environment World Congress. It is another successful event that provides high quality discussions by the international scientific community willing to show their achievements in their fields of expertise. This year the congress brings many interesting collaborations of authors about the search for a more socially sustainable ways of using natural resources and bringing solutions for issues that mainly affects the life on earth. It is important to address my special thanks to the local organizers and the host institution, the UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, the authors for their contributions as well as the reviewers who have dedicated time and efforts for the revision process. I also want to point out the session’s lecturer that brings interesting topics related to the theme. I am sure that all the participants enjoy the conference as well as the beautiful city of Vila Real.
Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR President of SHERO General Secretary of of IEEE Ed. Soc.
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MESSAGE FROM THE LOCAL CHAIR Dear SHEWC2017 participants, It is our great pleasure to welcome you at University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), in Vila Real, Portugal. Organizing the XVII Safety, Health and Environment World Congress (SHEWC2017) together with COPEC – Science and Education Research Council, is a gratifying experience and an honour for our University. Having a key role in the global effort required for a sustainable development, it is our understanding that higher education institutions have a duty to promote environmental awareness and to improve environmental protection practices in society. The theme for this event “Education and Social Stability: a Key to Environmental Preservation Worldwide”, reflects the current dynamics of globalization and reinforces the need for a transdisciplinary and an innovative approach focused on the valorisation of endogenous resources. In this spirit the SHEWC2017 is also part of the 1st International Summer University of Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles organized by the UNESCO Chair. Located in Vila Real, UTAD is widely recognized as a significant reference in the Portuguese university system. With core objectives of high quality teaching, research and community outreach, our teachers and technical staff strive so that the University is a centre of excellence for lifelong learning and for the creation, transmission and dissemination of culture, science and technology for about 8000 students. UTAD offers different study options through its five schools: Life and Environmental Sciences; Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences; Health Sciences; Human and Social Sciences; Science and Technology. Within these schools there are eight different research centres, which promote scientific research, internationalization and innovative solutions with important links to industry. Vila Real is a city in the Northern of Portugal that currently goes through a phase of increasing industrial, commercial and services development. The Corgo River, one of the many tributaries of the Douro River, crosses the city, creating a landscape of exceptional beauty. The landscape in the municipality of Vila Real is dominated by the mountainous terrain of Marão and Alvão and by the proximity of the vineyards of Douro region, which were classified by UNESCO on 2001 as World Heritage in the category of cultural landscape. The local organizing committee is working to ensure a pleasant and valuable experience. We hope you enjoy the wide variety of themes of the sessions and the scheduled social activities and we want everyone to feel at home in the City of Vila Real and in our University. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Prof. Dr. Margarida C. Marques LOCAL CHAIR Supervisor of the Environmental Unit University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) © 2017 COPEC
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COMMITTEES General Chair: Claudio R. Brito Technical Program Chair: Melany M. Ciampi Local Chair: Margarida Correia Marques Vice Local Chair: Fernando Glenadel Braga Publication Chair Victor A. Barros Submission System Chair Henrique D. Santos Advisory Committee: Claudio R. Brito, President of IEEE Ed. Soc. Louis A. Martin-Vega, President of ASEE Martin E. Vigild, President of SEFI Michael E. Auer, President of IFEES Muthar Al-Ubaidi, President of INTERTECH Teresa Restivo, President of IGIP Tiia Rüütmann, President of IMC Technical Program Committee: Melany M. Ciampi, Chair of Committee André L. Reda, Brazil Antonio Eduardo Poleti, Brazil Barb Bernal, USA Claudio R. Brito, Brazil Dan Budny, USA Edmilson R. Braga, Brazil Edmundo Tovar, Spain Henrique D. Santos, Portugal Irina Avenarious, Rússia Ivanildo Hespanhol, Brazil James Sluss, USA José Carlos Curvelo de Oliviera Jr., Brazil Luis Amaral, Portugal Manuel Castro, Spain Margarida C. Marques, Portugal Maria M. Nascimento, Portugal María Feldgen, Argentina Martín Llamas Nistal, Spain Osvaldo Clúa, Argentina © 2017 COPEC
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Rosa M. Vasconcelos, Portugal Russ Meier, USA Teresa Larkin, USA Valter Castro Alves, Brazil Victor A. Barros, Brazil Vladimir G. Zakharov, Rússia Yolanda Guran-Postlethwaite, USA Local Committee: Margarida Correia Marques, Chair of Committee Fernando Glenadel Braga, Vice Chair of Committee Artur Abreu Sá Maria Emília Simões de Abreu Ana Isabel Rodrigues Tâmyris Santana Medical Committee: Carolina da Rocha Brito Catharina da Rocha Brito Cecilia da Rocha Brito Fernando Reis Menezes Sidney Capps Fernandes
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SHEWC2017 – PROGRAM AT GLANCE Time 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm
Sunday 09
Monday 10
Tuesday 11
Wednesday 12 Registration
Opening Session
Plenary Session 4
Plenary Session 1
Coffee Break Workshop
Plenary Session 2 Coffee Break Technical Session 1
Technical Session 5
Technical Session 6
Technical Session 2 Lunch Lunch
Technical Session 3 Cultural Session 1
Technical Session 4
Technical Session 7
Technical Session 8
Coffee Break Plenary Session 3
Cultural Session 4
Free Cultural Session 2 Port of Honor Cultural Session 5 Free Free
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Cultural Session 6
Time 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm
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SUNDAY – JULY, 09 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm CULTURAL SESSION 1 Guided visit to historic center of Vila Real Meeting point: Office of Information and Tourism of Vila Real Let’s all enjoy the first day of cultural activities starting at 3:00 pm gathering at the Town Hall of Vila Real, at the very center of the city. The meeting point is Office of Information and Tourism of Vila Real. There are many reasons to visit Vila Real, the capital of the province of Trás-os-Montes and the birthplace of Diogo Cão (the explorer who discovered the Congo River in 1482) and the first one is for the Baroque Mateus Palace (Palácio de Mateus), 4km (2.5 miles) east of the town. Described by Sacheverell Sitwell as "the most fantastic country house in Portugal", it has been made famous worldwide for being featured on the label of Mateus Rosé wine and it is well worth a visit for a glimpse into the lives of the Portuguese aristocracy. The town itself has a few buildings of interest, including an Italian Renaissance building on the town's main street, Avenida Carvalho Araujo, that is where Diogo Cão was born. Nearby is the 19th century Town Hall building, with a lantern pillory in front. The town'scathedral, once part of a 15th century Dominican monastery, has a simple 15th century exterior, while farther north is the town's finest church, the Baroque São Pedro Church, with a ceiling of carved and gilded wood and a chancel adorned with colorful tiles. Also worth a look is the beautiful baroque chapel the Capela Nova (also known as "Clérigos"), attributed to Nicolau Nazoni who also worked on Mateus Palace. The grandfather of Camilo Castelo Branco, one of the greatest Portuguese novelists, built the Brocas house. In the frontispiece it has a tombstone evoking the writer. Carvalho Araújo`s house - 20th century is located in Camilo Castelo Branco street, and it was there that lived the heroic captain Carvalho Araújo who died on interposing its ship between a German submarine and a cruise that was full of passengers. In his memory, the main avenue in Vila Real has its name.
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The Corgo River Park is located in the shores of the river with same name, and has an area of about 33 hectares; it`s connected to the Forest Park, a true lung of the city, with several facilities: multipurpose sports fields, pedestrian/jogging routes, Codessais picnic area (with grills and tables), swimming pools, playground, bars and teahouses. Vila Real is the Portuguese city with the longest tradition in urban car racing. Vila Real Urban Races Circuit has been running since 1931 and is considered by many pilots the best urban circuit in the world. Despite the break started in 1991, to the satisfaction and pride of the locals, races got back in its entire splendor between 2007 and 2010, with a new line. The golden times of this Circuit took place during the 60`s and the 70`s, with the participation of the most important pilots in the world, such as Stirling Moss, David Piper, John Miles, and other ones… Pictures and source of information: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm CULTURAL SESSION 2 Visit at Traga-Mundos – livros e vinhos, coisas e loisas do Douro
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MONDAY – JULY, 10 9:00 am – 10:00 am REGISTRATION Auditório B0.02 Edifício do Bloco Laboratorial 10:00 am – 10:30 am OPENING SESSION Prof. Dr. Claudio R. Brito – General Chair of SHEWC2017 Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi – Technical Program Chair of SHEWC2017 Prof. Dr. Margarida C. Marques – Local Chair of SHEWC2017 Prof. Dr. Artur Sá – President of UNESCO Chair on Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles Prof. Dr. Ana Barros – Director of the Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB) Prof. Dr. Timothy Koehnen – Director of Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) Prof. Dr. Fernando Braga – Representing the Director of Vila Real Chemistry Research Centre (CQ-VR) 10:30 am – 11:00 am PLENARY SESSION 1 Chair: Prof. Dr. Claudio R. Brito – General Chair of SHEWC2017 Title: EDUCATION AND SOCIAL STABILITY: A KEY TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION WORLDWIDE Speaker: Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi – Technical Program Chair of SHEWC2017 11:00 am – 11:45 am PLENARY SESSION 2 Chair: Prof. Dr. Ana Barros – Professor of the School of Life and Environmental Sciencesat the UTAD; Director of CITAB Title: IS SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE LINKED TO WOMEN REPRESENTATIVENESS IN THE COUNTRIES DECISION SPHERES? Speaker: Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Paiva – Full professor; School of Sciences and Technology, Nova University of Lisbon; CENSE - Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research 11:45 am – 12:00 am Coffee Break
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12:00 am – 1:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 1 Chairs Ricardo Rezzonico Cristina N. Albuquerque CONTRIBUICÃO DA RADIOLOGIA DIGITAL NO DIAGNÓSTICO DE ODONTOMA COMPOSTO EM CÃO : RELATO DE CASO Caroline C. T. A. Roque, Claudia Matsunaga Martin, Gabriela da Silva Rodrigues, Catharina R. Brito ......................................................................... 28 DATA ANALYSIS IN SERVICE CENTERS OF CAR FACTORY IN IRAN Vinicius Tasca Faria, Mohsen Emadi Khiav, Dhruba Jyoti Borah, Hugo Trinconi Guimarães dos Santos, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó .................................................................................. 28 TOTAL METALS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF AT THE NUCLEAR AND ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IPEN), SÃO PAULO – BRAZIL Mainara Generoso Faustino, Lucilena Rebelo Monteiro, Tatiane Bernardino de Seixas Carvalho da Silva, Thamiris Brandino Stellato, Sabrina Moura Villa Soares, Joyce Rodrigues Marques, Marycel Elena Barboza Cotrim, Maria Aparecida Faustino Pires ........................................... 29 PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS AT WORK AND LABOUR STRESS MANAGEMENT INTEGRATED INTO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Ricardo Rezzonico, Jorgelina Linares ............................................................. 29 USE OF CLASSROOM GAMES TO STRENGTHEN BIOSAFETY Cristina Northfleet de Albuquerque, Luiz Fernando de Souza, Vanessa Oliveira ............................................................................................................ 29 EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME AT A HIGH SCHOOL: ALUMINIUM SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND ITS RESULTING SOCIAL BENEFITS Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, André Luiz de Lima Reda, Dayane Fagundes, Pâmela Costa de Jesus Pinheiro .................................................................... 30 12:00 am – 1:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 2 Chairs André Luiz de Lima Reda Terezinha Jocelen Masson EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME AT A HIGH SCHOOL: ALUMINIUM SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND ITS RESULTING SOCIAL BENEFITS Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, André Luiz de Lima Reda, Dayane Fagundes, Pâmela Costa de Jesus Pinheiro ................................................................................................ 30 GREEN ROOFS: A QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL EFFICACY Patrícia Strumiello Daraia, André Luiz de Lima Reda ................................................... 30 © 2017 COPEC
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METHODOLOGY FOR CORRECTING AUTOMATIC DATA FROM COMMERCIAL RAINFALL GAUGES PREVIOUSLY TO PUBLICATION: A CASE STUDY Eduardo Perez Miranda Ferreira, Pablo Henrique Ferreira Soares, André Luiz de Lima Reda, Magda Aparecida Salgueiro Duro, Raquel Cymrot, Ruben Matheus Crivelari ........................................................................................................................ 31 DESIGN SOFTWARE FOR LOW IMPACT UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS BELLOW SQUARES, PARKS, LEISURE AREAS OR PEDESTRIAN LANES Amanda Maria Costa Molina, Helena Junqueira Reis Enout, Ana Lúcia Bragança Pinheiro, Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, André Luiz de Lima Reda ....................................... 31 INDEPENDENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT AT AN ISOLATED COMMUNITY: SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE OF A WWTP WITH A CLEARTEC® UNIT AT A CONDOMINIUM IN THE GREATER SÃO PAULO REGION, BRAZIL André Luiz de Lima Reda, Adilton Douglas Schiavon Felix, Lara Lessa Feijó, Hannah Caroline Proença ............................................................................................. 32 SOLAR ENERGY – PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Francisco Siqueira Sebastianelli, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr., Gilberto Teixeira da Silva ...................... 32 EPOXY RESINS IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION: STUDY OF EPOXIDIC FLOORS Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Luis Felipe Masson Meca, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr., André Luiz de Lima Reda .................................. 32 ASPHALT-RUBBER: INCORPORATION OF TIRES IN ASPHALT Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Felipe Meller Cunha, Luis Felipe Pires de Almeida, Marcella Cristina Ribeiro de Carvalho, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr. ................................................................................................... 33 A PROPOSAL FOR THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM TO PRECALCULUS STUDY OF ENGINEERING COURSES Ubirajara Carnevale de Moraes, Celina Aparecida Almeida Pereira Abar ................... 33 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm LUNCH BREAK (on your own) 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 3 Chairs Marcia Silva de Oliveira Túlio de Oliveira Porfirio A PRACTICAL VISION ON THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE Marcia Silva de Oliveira, Gutemberg Delfino de Sousa, Francisco da Silva Leal Júnior , Andréa Lopes Ramires Kairala, Juliana Paiva Lins, Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Céfora Bezerra Souza, Aldo Roberto Ferrini Filho, Antonio da Costa Cardoso Neto ................................................................................................................ 34 EDUCATION AN IMPORTANT FACTOR TO EMPOWER AGING Antonio da Costa Cardoso Neto, Ana Maria Moraes Cardoso, Giselly Loyvva Moraes Cardoso, Marcia Silva de Oliveira .................................................................... 34 © 2017 COPEC
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DEMYSTIFYING BRUXISM IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Caroline Fonseca Guedes, Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Renan Ferreira Bezerra, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ................................................................................................ 34 BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN PEDIATRIC DENTAL PRACTICE Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Renan Ferreira Bezerra, Paula de Lima Soares Varella, Maria Letícia Bucchianeri Peixoto, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ........................... 35 STUDY ABOUT THE INCIDENCE OF ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE UTERINE CERVIX IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT Aldo Roberto Ferrini Filho, Aluyzio de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, Carolina de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, Cristiano Ricardo Martins Teixeira, Jéssica Rodrigues Nogueira, Rachel Lorentino Ribeiro, Andréa Lopes Ramires Kairala, Michela Oliveira Rosado, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ..................................................................... 35 CORRELATION BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF WEEKLY SHIFTS, TIME OF ACTION AND THE LEVEL OF STRESS IN DOCTORS OF A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT/FD Ana Carolina Souza Pinto, Larissa Ramos Xavier de Castro, Luiz Eduardo Salamoni, Michela Oliveira Rosado, Murilo Santos Guimarães, Rafaela Santa Cruz Cad, Virgínia Martins Brandão Leite, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ............................. 36 HEALTH JUDICIALIZATION: AN ESSAY ON THE CURRENT SCENARIO Carolina Fernanda Budoia Maciel, Bruna Queiroz,Túlio de Oliveira Porfirio, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ................................................................................................ 36 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 4 Chairs Alexandre Botari Janaina Conversani Botari REMOVAL OF METHYLTHAMAMINE CHLORIDRATE BY ADSORPTION USING ACTIVATED CARBON PRODUCED FROM THE COFFEE DREG Ana Carolina Ferreira Figueiredo, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari ......... 37 ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT IN THE LIBRARY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MARINGÁ CAMPUS UMUARAMA-PR Janaina Conversani Botari, Alexandre Botari, Carolina Lopes Poso, Leandro Vanalli .......................................................................................................................... 37 MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN THE DOWNFLOW DIRECT FILTRATION USING THE XDLVO THEORY Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari ............................................................... 37 URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: ESTIMATION OF THERMAL COMFORT IN THE SURROUNDINGS OF THE CEMETERY OF UMUARAMA-PR Janaina Conversani Botari, Alexandre Botari, Stella Garcia Santos, Leandro Vanalli .......................................................................................................................... 38 STUDIES ON ELECTROCOAGULATION IN THE TREATMENT OF EFFLUENTS IN BRACKISH WATERS Diego Leonardo Salvador, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari ..................... 38
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ANALYSIS OF THE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF RAIN WATER GALLERIES OF THE NEI BRAGA STREET INTERSECTION WITH THE BRAZILIAN AVENUE IN THE CITY OF UMUARAMA - PR Igor Matheus Benites, Marcus Nóbrega Gomes Junior, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari, Leandro Vanalli .............................................................................. 39 EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF POTATO STARCH AS A NATURAL COAGULANT AND AN AUXILIARY POLYMER OF COAGULATION IN CONSORTS WITH FERRIC CHLORIDE AND ALUMINUM POLYCHLORIDE Taynara Basso Vidovix, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari ......................... 39 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Coffee Break 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm PLENARY SESSION 3 Chair: Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi – Technical Program Chair of SHEWC2017 Title: WHY MEASURE? FIT FOR PROPOSE, BE SMART Speaker: Dr. Carlos Pedro Ferreira – General Director of Sondar I - Sampling and Technologies of the Air, Lda. At the end of this session some Sondar I measurement equipment will be presented 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm CULTURAL SESSION 3 PORT OF HONOR
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TUESDAY – JULY, 11 9:00 am – 10:00 am REGISTRATION Auditório B0.02 Edifício do Bloco Laboratorial 10:00 pm – 10:30 pm PLENARY SESSION 4 Chair: Prof. Dr. Isabel Alves – Professor of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the UTAD; Pro-Rector for the Quality Area Title: ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS, EDUCAÇÃO E DIREITOS Speaker: Dr. António Eloy – Consultant in the fields of energy and environment management; Member of International Amnesty and FAPAS – Fundo para a Protecção dos animais selvagens (Fund for Wildlife Protection). 10:30 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break 11:00 am – 12:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 5 Chairs Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó Catharina R. Brito EVALUATION OF MEDIA PROPOSED TO SUPPRESS NONCOMMUNICABLE CHRONIC DISEASES Devani Salomão de Moura Reis .................................................................................... 40 PROPOSAL FOR THE EVALUATION OF NONLINEAR STIFFNESS IN ORTHOPEDIC PROSTHESIS OF POLYMERIC MATERIAL, CHARACTERIZED IN LABORATORY AND USING MULTIBODY MODEL Caroline Cristine Duarte da Silva, Daniele de Ávila, Luiz Heleno Moreira Duque, Jayme Pereira de Gouvêa ............................................................................................. 40 DATA MINING FOR DATABASE ANALYSIS ON ENTERPRISES Vinicius Tasca Faria, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó ..... 40 MEASURING THE IMPACTS OF DATABASE PROCESSING ON INNOVATION PROCESSES Vinicius Tasca Faria, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó ..... 41 MANUSEIO E DESCARTE DE LÂMPADAS FLUORESCENTES Katia Naiara Santana Santos, Jose Antonio Prates de Oliveira, Geraldo Leão Lana .............................................................................................................................. 41 DESIGN APPROACHES IN THE ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS DESTINED TO ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Talita Machado Britto, Dianne Magalhães Viana ........................................................ 42 © 2017 COPEC
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KINEMATICS ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN UPPER LIMB DURING GAIT USING MULTIBODY MODEL Ana Carolina Motta Maffra, Bernardo Tomas José Dias de Sousa, Caroline Cristine Duarte da Silva, Daniele de Ávila, Guilherme Ribeiro Baumgardt, Renata de Souza Nascimento, Thaísa Roxo Rebelo, Luiz Heleno Moreira Duque, Jayme Pereira de Gouvêa ........................................................................................................ 42 11:00 am – 12:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 6 Chairs Fernando de Farias Fernandes Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza GRAVIMETRIC STUDY OF SOLID WASTE PRODUCED IN FAESA CAMPUS I Vinicius Braga Pelissari, Daniela Cardozo Theodoro, Augusto Bellucio Ker, Diego Freitas, Fernanda R. G. Nunes, Stefanie Lievore Cruz, Tânia Galavote Pinto, Thamyres Teixeira Gianetti .......................................................................................... 43 IDENTIFICATION OF FOOD PATTERNS OF FAMILIES OF THE BOLSA FAMÍLIA PROGRAM AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY Daiane Roncato Cardozo, Vera Mariza Henriques de Miranda Costa, Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira, Vera Lucia Silveira Botta Ferrante, Sinara Laurini Rossato ........ 43 FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION Artur Saldanha, Carlos Lima, Wesley Azevedo ............................................................. 43 RAINWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AT LARGE NON-TRADITIONAL FLOWS Marcell da Cruz de Oliveira, Jacqueline Carril Ferreira, Fernando de Farias Fernandes, Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza ............................................................... 44 PROPOSAL OF A SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IN AN AREA OF THE CITY OF MANAUS Samantha Coelho de Matos, Jacqueline Carril Ferreira, Fernando de Farias Fernandes, Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza ............................................................... 44 CHOLINESTERASE ACTIVITY AS POTENTIAL BIOMARKERS: CHARACTERIZATION IN BULLFROG TADPOLE’S BRAIN AFTER EXPOSURE TO METALS. Cleoni Carvalho, Heidi Utsunomiya, Tatiane Pasquoto, Monica Costa, Marisa Fernandes ..................................................................................................................... 45 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Valéria Queiroz Furtado, Gabriela Fernanda dos Santos Gaba, Renata Vieira Rolin, Sofia Lira Chiodi .................................................................................................. 45 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm LUNCH BREAK on your own
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2:00 pm – 4:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 7 Chairs Marcia Silva de Oliveira Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres ECCRINE POROCARCINOMA: REPORT OF A CASE AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Bárbara Ferreira Dutra, Brener Rafael Nascimento, Katherine Hodara Cristino Viana, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ..................................................................................... 46 THE HOME HOSPITALIZATION TEAM AND THE NEED FOR MEDICAL SPECIALISTS FOR INTEGRAL CARE IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT Bruna Ribeiro dos Santos, Edgard Albernaz Xavier, Eduarda Quesinski Dahmer, Giuliane da Silva Dahmer, John Kennedy Sales Silva, Vitória Dutra Laignier, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ................................................................................................ 46 HEALTH CARE BASED ON THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THE REDE CEGONHA: AN ANALYSIS ABOUT THE FIRST PREGNANCY Ana Carolina Ribeiro Costa, Daniel Silva Junqueira Ferreira, Bruno Mamede Lins Brasiliense, Camila Bomfim Gomes Feitosa Lima, William de Oliveira da Mota, Marcia Silva de Oliveira ................................................................................................ 47 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE HUMANIZED CHILDBIRTH OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT BY DIFFERENT PROFESSIONAL GROUPS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICES Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres, Isac César Roldão Leite, Kananda Santos de Moura, Rebeca Marques Margoto, Vinicius Augusto Dourado Aragão, Marília Vilela Veado, Viviane Carneiro Valentim, Marcia Silva de Oliveira .............................. 47 8Q21.11 MICRODELETION SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT IN BRAZIL Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres, Marília Vilela Veado, Viviane Carneiro Valentim, Kananda Santos de Moura, Isac César Roldão Leite, Rebeca Marques Margoto, Vinicius Augusto Dourado Aragão, Mônica Angélica Carreira Fragoso ....................... 50 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm TECHNICAL SESSION 8 Chairs Pedro José José Fernando Mangili Jr. RATIONALIZED LAYOUT PROPOSAL AIMING AT GREATER PRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY AND FIRE SAFETY: A CASE STUDY IN A SHOE COMPANY Marina Lira, Elisângela Porto, Maria de Lourdes Gomes ............................................. 48 A LOGÍSTICA DA VALE, PARA A MOVIMENTAÇÃO DE MASSA ECONÔMICA, NO TERMINAL PORTUÁRIO DA PONTA DA MADEIRA Pedro José ..................................................................................................................... 48 CRITÉRIOS DE DESEMPENHO APLICADOS ÀS OBRAS HIDRÁULICAS FLUVIAIS, E DE MACRODRENAGEM, EXECUTADAS NOS LEITOS DOS CURSOS DE ÁGUA URBANOS Pedro José, Bruna Loro ................................................................................................. 48 © 2017 COPEC
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RECONHECIMENTO DAS TÉCNICAS DE BIOENGENHARIA PASSÍVEIS DE SEREM APLICADAS EM CURSOS DE ÁGUA URBANOS, VISANDO A SUA RENATURALIZAÇÃO Pedro José, Simoni Antoniassi, Marcelo Akutsu Akutsu ............................................... 49 THE EVOLUTION OF WIND POWER GENERATION VERSUS THE NATIONAL INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM (SIN) IN BRAZIL José Fernando Mangili Jr., Carlos Alberto Mariottoni, João Eduardo Lopes ................ 49 PUBLIC BRAZILIAN STREET LIGHTING: AN OVERVIEW OF THE RISKS TO HEALTH, THE ENVIRONMENT AND WORKER SAFETY José Fernando Mangili Jr., Carlos Alberto Mariottoni, Anderson Dionísio da Silva ...... 50 REAL OPTIONS APPLICATION IN A TRIPLE-EPIDEMIC SCENARIO: ANALYSIS OF 3 STUDIES Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade ...................................... 51 BIODEGRADABLE PLANT CONTAINERS BASED ON WINERY BY PRODUCTS – A CONTRIBUTION FOR THE FLORESTATION STRATEGY UNDER PARIS AGREEMENT Jussara Izabel Correa Cabral, Fernando Glenadel Braga, Margarida Correia Marques ....................................................................................................................... 51 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm CULTURAL SESSION 4 WINE TASTING AT ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE VILA REAL 5:30 pm - 10:30 pm CULTURAL SESSION 5 DRIVE THROUGH THE DOURO VALLEY AND VISIT AT AN AGROTOURISM UNIT IN VILARINHO DE TANHA WITH DINNER INCLUDED Requires previous registration and payment
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WEDNESDAY – JULY, 12 9:00 am – 09:30 pm REGISTRATION Auditório B0.02 Edifício do Bloco Laboratorial 9:30 am – 12:30 pm WORKSHOP 1 Chair: Prof. Dr. José Aranha – Professor of the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences at the UTAD; PhD in GIS/RS (Kingston University England); Director of Geographic Information Systems Master EDUCAR COM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO GEOGRÁFICA Prof. Dr. Rui Santos – Consultant and GeoMentor | Education, Culture and Startups ups Esri Portugal
Free workshop, but with previous registration ( With certificate. Internet access will be provided, but it is necessary to bring a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm LUNCH BREAK on your own 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm CULTURAL SESSION 6 VISIT TO THE PERMANENT EXHIBITION OF THE VILA REAL SCIENCE CENTER Prof. Dr. Paula Seixas Oliveira – Scientific Coordinator of the Vila Real Science Center; Pro-Dean for the Communication and Attractiveness University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Meeting point: Entrance to the Science Center of Vila Real
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PLENARY SESSION EDUCATION AND SOCIAL STABILITY: A KEY TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION WORLDWIDE Claudio R Brito, Melany M Ciampi, Victor A Barros This paper aims to describe the evolution of this event that is in its 17th. edition, the SHEWC - Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, another successful accomplishment. This edition is integrated in the first International University of Summer in Geoparks, Regional Sustainable Development and Healthy Life Style of UNESCO Cathedra. It counts with many collaborations of great quality that encounters the expectations of scientific and research environment. It has been organized by COPEC – Science and Education Research Council and promoted by SHERO – Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization and UTAD- Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro University. These 3 organizations worked together providing a quality scientific congress that impacts academic and professional communities. SHEWC'2017 has the collaboration of many scientists in the several fields of expertize, what makes it an extremely interesting event. It happens in Vila Real, a beautiful and historical city, in Portugal, the place of Port Wine Vineyards. WORKSHOP EDUCAR COM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO GEOGRÁFICA Rui Santos Esri teve a sua origem em 1969 e resulta na aplicação do que o seu fundador, Jack Dangermond, defendeu na sua tese de doutoramento. Manteve sempre a sua ligação à Academia e o nosso slogan actual é The Science of Where. Mais de 75% das empresas do Fortune 500 implementaram tecnologia da Esri para atingirem os seus objectivos de negócio. Trabalhamos também com mais de 13.000 parceiros no sector sem fins lucrativos para entregar uma mudança positiva no mundo. Mais de 7.000 entidades de Ensino Superior utilizam a nossa plataforma nos seus cursos, projectos de investigação e gestão administrativa. Neste workshop iremos partilhar alguns exemplos de projectos e exercícios aplicados aos Temas do Congresso e aos interesses dos participantes. Todos os materiais serão partilhados pelos participantes de forma a que os possam utilizar em outros contextos.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 1 CONTRIBUICÃO DA RADIOLOGIA DIGITAL NO DIAGNÓSTICO DE ODONTOMA COMPOSTO EM CÃO : RELATO DE CASO Caroline C. T. A. Roque, Claudia Matsunaga Martin, Gabriela da Silva Rodrigues, Catharina R. Brito O odontoma, ou periostite alveolar ossificante ou ainda pseudo odontoma consiste em uma doença rara em cães cujo prinicipal sintoma clinico é o aumento de volume da região com conseqüente sintomatologia relacionadas as áreas que são afetadas por essa anormalidade. De causas ainda desconhecidas, suspeita se que tal patologia seja de origem genética, traumatismos e/ou por uso de substâncias cancerígenas. O tratamento consiste na remoção cirúrgica da anomalia, sendo seu prognóstico excelente. Esse trabalho descreve o relato de um cão, sem raça definida, de aproximadamente 6 meses de idade que apresentou sialorreia, disfagia e perda progressiva de peso. Ao exame clinico foi detectado que o animal apresentava um aumento de volume nessa região do maxilar. Foi então encaminhado para a o exame radiográfico onde foi confirmado o diagnóstico de odontoma. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do exame radiológico, método não invasivo, nos casos de ondontoma. DATA ANALYSIS IN SERVICE CENTERS OF CAR FACTORY IN IRAN Vinicius Tasca Faria, Mohsen Emadi Khiav, Dhruba Jyoti Borah, Hugo Trinconi Guimarães dos Santos, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó In a company, to remain profitable it is vital to provide sound quality products to the customers. Statistical Quality Control techniques are widely used as the tools to analyze the quality of any process and it plays an important role in the improvement of the processes by identifying the patterns and the location of the defects. This report contains a quality analysis of a particular part ‘Internal Bearing for the Back Wheel ‘of a car model produced by the company X, based on the data received from its service centers located all over Iran. By using the quality tools, it has been observed that after the year 2009, car parts were failing after travelling lesser distances, which indicates a permanent quality problem in design and manufacturing departments of the company. We have found a few reasons that might have affected the quality of the cars and correlated them.
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TOTAL METALS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF AT THE NUCLEAR AND ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IPEN), SÃO PAULO – BRAZIL Mainara Generoso Faustino, Lucilena Rebelo Monteiro, Tatiane Bernardino de Seixas Carvalho da Silva, Thamiris Brandino Stellato, Sabrina Moura Villa Soares, Joyce Rodrigues Marques, Marycel Elena Barboza Cotrim, Maria Aparecida Faustino Pires Stormwater quality allows to evaluate if any pollutants load happens within its runoff. This work aims stormwater temporal and spatial profile characterization to assess environmental risk and to identify chemical tracers. Thus, a specific collector was built to sample collection, with four separate PVC tubes, and the collector allowed single event temporal and sequential evaluation, as long as each compartment was fulfilled. The collector was installed in the runoff direction in order to have maximum collection volume. Two collections were carried out in summer (January 2017) at two IPEN stations, in urban areas. Total metals analysis were performed, in addition to physicochemical data, such as pH, temperature and conductivity. The results had aluminum, iron and manganese present, and some elements, such as zinc, had a temporal distribution, with a decrease concentration within the collected volume. The preliminary results have as objective to assist the studies of urban water management. PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS AT WORK AND LABOUR STRESS MANAGEMENT INTEGRATED INTO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Ricardo Rezzonico, Jorgelina Linares This article reviews literature, and presents and analyzes psychosocial risks (hazardous contracts, aging of workforce, work intensification, increase of emotional demands at work environment, growing conflicts between work and personal life and other emergent elements) from an individual and collective perspective, and how they should be valued and managed in organizations through its identification, treatment and mitigation. Furthermore, the topic of labor stress and its influences on life quality within work environment and the impacts outside such place is dealt with. Related to it, different strategies for labour and social stress management are presented, in particular, coping behaviours, education and information, circular thinking, progressive relaxation, autogenic training and creative visualization, which can be introduced as a part of organizational and/or social routine. USE OF CLASSROOM GAMES TO STRENGTHEN BIOSAFETY Cristina Northfleet de Albuquerque, Luiz Fernando de Souza, Vanessa Oliveira Basic concepts of chemistry, biology and related disciplines are widely used in various analog and digital games for different levels of teaching. However, basic © 2017 COPEC
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concepts of biosafety are not addressed in this type of tool. Digital games (Chemical Risk) and analogical (Security Consulting) are being developed in a didactic project, aiming to demonstrate its use in education. They refer to a reflection on the traditional teaching model and propose a new concept that combines with technological evolution, thus suggesting new ways of transmitting knowledge. In order to provide players with a virtual practice to learn about the concepts of biosafety, this project deals precisely with the student's familiarity with such concepts, since it will allow the simulation of an accident in a laboratory environment, giving the possibility to apply and Consolidate the concepts you have learned in the classroom without being in a risky environment. TECHNICAL SESSION 2 EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME AT A HIGH SCHOOL: ALUMINIUM SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND ITS RESULTING SOCIAL BENEFITS Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, André Luiz de Lima Reda, Dayane Fagundes, Pâmela Costa de Jesus Pinheiro The paper introduces the impacts of production, use and final disposal of aluminium. It presents its extraction processes from bauxite, its main ore, and the environmental impacts caused by all phases of its life cycle. As current recycling in Brazil reaches up to 98% of volume production, risk reduction and benefits of its recycling may be relevant. A recycling programme is applied at a local community by actions developed at its high school. Initial results are reported here and further ones are to be monitored. GREEN ROOFS: A QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL EFFICACY Patrícia Strumiello Daraia, André Luiz de Lima Reda Green roofs are presented as a sustainable alternative for drainage designers to curb urban floods due to soil impermeabilisation – as it happens in São Paulo city. Only recently, this ancient architectural technique became adopted in Brazil, receiving technical recognition in terms of improvements, qualities and advantages. Literature research was performed on their hydraulic efficiency and advantages. Their water retention capacity was analysed as a function of substrate thickness, and an existing design spreadsheet was used in this analysis, showing that retention volumes increase for growing substrate thicknesses – however, only up to a limit (remaining constant after it). Also, the use of Berthelot’s algorithm to estimate infiltrated rainfall heights on a discrete rainfall histogram was demonstrated – having shown advantageous for permeable soils, rather than the traditional Horton’s formula. Finally, an © 2017 COPEC
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economic analysis showed the feasibility of adopting green roofs at private building, and public areas – the former showing most advantageous. METHODOLOGY FOR CORRECTING AUTOMATIC DATA FROM COMMERCIAL RAINFALL GAUGES PREVIOUSLY TO PUBLICATION: A CASE STUDY Eduardo Perez Miranda Ferreira, Pablo Henrique Ferreira Soares, André Luiz de Lima Reda, Magda Aparecida Salgueiro Duro, Raquel Cymrot, Ruben Matheus Crivelari Automatic rain gauges measure rainfall at discrete portions along time. An electromagnetic sensor records alternate movement of a pair of tipping buckets at opposite sides (as on a see saw). When one bucket is being filled by water, the other spills it. As each container gets completely full (at an adjustable capacity), it turns and pours that volume, allowing for the other one to fill up. This is an essential equipment to provide information for civil work design, monitoring and operation (e.g., drainage systems; landslide prevention; airports, respectively). However, their data may undergo considerable chances of error due to a lack of dynamic calibration – most of them cannot be calibrated for full ranges of rain intensity. This paper reports a complete calibration routine, from the construction of a calibration bench to defining an “intensity x error” curve – to be made available for automatic error correction before data are made public. DESIGN SOFTWARE FOR LOW IMPACT UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS BELLOW SQUARES, PARKS, LEISURE AREAS OR PEDESTRIAN LANES Amanda Maria Costa Molina, Helena Junqueira Reis Enout, Ana Lúcia Bragança Pinheiro, Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, André Luiz de Lima Reda This paper proposes low impact drainage systems, namely, permeable pavements and underground flood dampening basins, for mitigating urban floods. To reach this goal, it addresses several theoretical aspects on this field of knowledge and proposes design methods for the two kinds of systems discussed. Also, an Excel spreadsheet was developed to assist the designer of sustainable urban facilities of these two types. A case study for the practical application of the program is shown on a West São Paulo City square. It demonstrates programme applicability by comparing the reduced values of peak flow and built volume resulting by applying each of the two flood dampening methods with those respectively given by simple drainage system designing. Also, a comparison is performed between the dug volumes resulting for each type of non-conventional solution applied to the actual place of the case study. In this practical comparison, the underground reservoir resulted more advantageous.
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INDEPENDENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT AT AN ISOLATED COMMUNITY: SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE OF A WWTP WITH A CLEARTEC® UNIT AT A CONDOMINIUM IN THE GREATER SÃO PAULO REGION, BRAZIL André Luiz de Lima Reda, Adilton Douglas Schiavon Felix, Lara Lessa Feijó, Hannah Caroline Proença Basic sanitation encompasses wastewater collection, treatment and disposal. Isolated Brazilian communities have taken direct responsibility for sanitation, for either technical, institutional or financial government limitations – or by free option. The Tamboré wastewater treatment plant, serving an isolated community in the Greater São Paulo, is studied to allow for performance comparison between two different “biological treatment” processes: first, a UASB reactor (performing digestion by “Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket”) followed by an activated sludge unit; second, an alternative system with an activated sludge tank complemented by German technology ClearTec® (here, for the first time in Brazil), which inserts in it a porous treatment medium. As a conclusion, the ClearTec® process resulted at least as efficient as UASB for organic matter removal – each one relying on an associated activated sludge unit. Because it is inside the sludge tank and, also, fastens treatment by accelerating sludge growth, ClearTec® saves space, reducing plant area. SOLAR ENERGY – PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Francisco Siqueira Sebastianelli, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr., Gilberto Teixeira da Silva National demand for electricity continues to grow considerably, but clean and sustainable electricity supply does not grow so fast. The search for increased energy production and new, clean and renewable sources is a worldwide challenge, as much as reducing environmental problems – e.g., greenhouse effect. The possibility of clean, solar electricity generation by photovoltaic cells is sustainable and relatively low cost. Therefore, photovoltaic panels attract interests of specific investors in technology development. In the construction of photovoltaic cells there are silicon wafers containing impurities (e.g., boron and phosphorus) – such as to ensure to photovoltaic effect optimal operation or higher electricity production from solar energy. The study examines the replacement of conventional energy systems by photovoltaic systems, such as to meet the needs of residential building common areas – particularly in the city of São Paulo. Despite photovoltaic installation bearing many energy and financial constraints, it is financially viable in the medium term. EPOXY RESINS IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION: STUDY OF EPOXIDIC FLOORS Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Luis Felipe Masson Meca, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr., André Luiz de Lima Reda © 2017 COPEC
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This study is based on the existing literature about epoxy resins applied in Civil Engineering construction and investigates, especially, concrete pavement revetment in industrial areas, called high-RAD-performance revetment. It also aims at identifying a specific epoxy pavement for industrial areas undergoing high level mechanic aggression with a better performance than a conventional pavement previously used, though bearing similar usability characteristics. Laboratory tests were performed and analyzed and compared to the minimum performance required by the NBR-1450 standard – and also to the performance of commercially available, conventional material. In the development of the specimens, two different types of coating, classified as high-strength, using mortar based on epoxy resin, were applied and tested for resistance to compression, bending, abrasion and adherence. ASPHALT-RUBBER: INCORPORATION OF TIRES IN ASPHALT Terezinha Jocelen Masson, Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, Felipe Meller Cunha, Luis Felipe Pires de Almeida, Marcella Cristina Ribeiro de Carvalho, Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr. The present study was based on existing literature about paving, especially on asphalt modified with rubber scrap tires, called rubber asphalt. This study aimed at analyzing the incorporation of unserviceable rubber on the pavement to improve the quality of asphalt binder, by the evaluation of the binder rubber asphalt AB8 Ecoflex B properties. The tests effected were: Penetration (ABNT NBR 6576), Brookfield Viscosity applied to rubber asphalt (ABNT NBR 15529); Minimum flash point (ABNT NBR 11341); Softening Point (ABNT NBR 6560) and Elastic Recovery using ductilometer (ABNT NBR 15086) were performed in the “Laboratório de EcoRodovias”, located on the Imigrantes Highway, at kilometer 28.5, in São Bernardo do Campo, SP state, Brazil. The experimental results were compared with the minimum performance required by the technical standards and commercial values available. A PROPOSAL FOR THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM TO PRECALCULUS STUDY OF ENGINEERING COURSES Ubirajara Carnevale de Moraes, Celina Aparecida Almeida Pereira Abar The present paper has as a general objective the search for innovative methodologies that can be used in Virtual Learning Environments. Its specific objective is to investigate how the Flipped Classroom of Blended Learning, involving face-to-face and online education, creates conditions conducting to the teaching and learning process of Mathematical contents and, particularly, the Pre-calculus concepts that are part of the curricular component Differential and Integral Calculus I in Engineering courses.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 3 A PRACTICAL VISION ON THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE Marcia Silva de Oliveira, Gutemberg Delfino de Sousa, Francisco da Silva Leal Júnior , Andréa Lopes Ramires Kairala, Juliana Paiva Lins, Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Céfora Bezerra Souza, Aldo Roberto Ferrini Filho, Antonio da Costa Cardoso Neto The methodological path, in the same line of action of the research presented, is based on the collection of data from the medical expertise of the State Secretariats of Health and Education of the Federal District (DF) and of the institutions of Higher Education and Media, also of DF, participants of the project, after the relevant ethical procedures. It is expected that, on a continuing basis, for a period of 5 years (2016-2020) in the services referred, collect, evaluate, process and disseminate the data obtained, relating to health teaching in relation to the exposure to risk factors and development of SB. The disclosure, in addition to the conventional means (epidemiological reports, technical notes, etc.) will also through thematic meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia and conferences of national and international that they may, in some way, improve the flow of information obtained. EDUCATION AN IMPORTANT FACTOR TO EMPOWER AGING Antonio da Costa Cardoso Neto, Ana Maria Moraes Cardoso, Giselly Loyvva Moraes Cardoso, Marcia Silva de Oliveira The aim of this article was to study education as an important element in the empowerment of the aging process. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach on education for the elderly. Education should be understood as selfrealization and growth of the individual's intellect and creativity. It is through it that people's satisfaction is sought, the possibility of being able to carry out projects that have not been completed in another phase of life. It is therefore concluded that it is of great importance to draw the attention of government authorities, non-governmental organizations and other civil society organizations to working together and making education, health and sustainable human development a reality through the promotion of bio-psycho-social education And the quality of life of the elderly. DEMYSTIFYING BRUXISM IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Caroline Fonseca Guedes, Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Renan Ferreira Bezerra, Marcia Silva de Oliveira Bruxism results in the tightening, friction and/or atrition, without functional purpose that compromise the supporting structures. The diagnosis of children bruxism involves some variables in clinical examination, where are evaluated © 2017 COPEC
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the incisal edges, muscular hypertrophy, increase in the line alba and jugal mucous, edentulations on the lateral edge of the tongue, with the anamnesis answered by the parents. The etiology is multifactorial and may be related to neuropsychological, morphological and cultural factors. The treatment of bruxism involves dentistry, psychology and medicine. The psychological monitoring is essential. The use of benzodiazepines is considered a problem because it can induce confusion, insomnia and dependence. The use of botulinum toxin is considered inappropriate because it is an invasive procedure and only decreases the force of muscle contraction, but does not treat bruxism. Palliative alternatives such as occlusal plaques are the best options to prevent the damages caused by the habit. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN PEDIATRIC DENTAL PRACTICE Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, Renan Ferreira Bezerra, Paula de Lima Soares Varella, Maria Letícia Bucchianeri Peixoto, Marcia Silva de Oliveira The project of social inclusion behavioral management in the pediatric dentistry clinic aims to insert the work of extension and research in education in oral health from a motivational approach in the course of Dentistry for the behavioral management in the pediatric dentistry clinic of 0 to 6 years old. The Socio Educational Center of the Dentistry Course (NASCO) should be the facilitating medium for the development of activities related to motivation in oral health education, utilizing for this activity the toy library and dental play materials made by the academics of Faciplac - Integrated Faculty of Central Plateau, Brazil. Children's fear of reduced dental treatment and children are naturally adapted to the environment Children's daydreams, costumes, macromodels and distribution of oral hygiene kits and educational pamphlets forparents are used. Periodic returns are established according to the risk and activity of caries disease. STUDY ABOUT THE INCIDENCE OF ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE UTERINE CERVIX IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT Aldo Roberto Ferrini Filho, Aluyzio de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, Carolina de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, Cristiano Ricardo Martins Teixeira, Jéssica Rodrigues Nogueira, Rachel Lorentino Ribeiro, Andréa Lopes Ramires Kairala, Michela Oliveira Rosado, Marcia Silva de Oliveira Demonstrar a incidência de adenocarcinoma “in situ” e invasor correlacionando com a faixa etária. Pesquisa descritiva e observacional, amostra de 330 de mulheres submetidas a exame citopatológico no Distrito Federal no período de janeiro de 2006 a setembro de 2015. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos de mulheres: de 20-39 anos, de 40-54 anos e mulheres acima de 55 anos. No primeiro grupo o predomínio é do adenocarcinoma “in situ”, de 40-54 anos o adenocarcinoma “in situ” ainda é bem representativo e o adenocarcinoma invasor apresenta um expressivo aumento, nas mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos existe uma inversão na prevalência dos tipos de lesão, © 2017 COPEC
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sendo o adenocarcinoma invasor o mais frequente. Mulheres jovens apresentam um maior percentual de incidência de lesões precursoras em relação às lesões invasoras, já as mulheres com mais idade e idosas apresentam um predomínio de lesões invasoras. CORRELATION BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF WEEKLY SHIFTS, TIME OF ACTION AND THE LEVEL OF STRESS IN DOCTORS OF A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT/FD Ana Carolina Souza Pinto, Larissa Ramos Xavier de Castro, Luiz Eduardo Salamoni, Michela Oliveira Rosado, Murilo Santos Guimarães, Rafaela Santa Cruz Cad, Virgínia Martins Brandão Leite, Marcia Silva de Oliveira The life of healthcare professionals is often exhaustive due to stress. This is triggered by disturbances in the circadian cycle, which in turn can also be altered by factors such as hormone levels and reduced hours of sleep. In view of this, it is assumed that physicians with long hours of work and/or large numbers of weekly night shifts will be susceptible to a higher level of stress. The data will be analyzed through the Marilda Lippi questionnaire (2012) and a quantitative questionnaire created by the students, which will be applied to physicians on duty at a Regional University Hospital in the Federal District. From the results, a correlation will be made between the variables involved: level of stress, time of action and number of weekly night shifts. The goal of this research is to emphasize that the interference in the circadian cycle of doctors leads to consequences directly linked to the professionals stress. HEALTH JUDICIALIZATION: AN ESSAY ON THE CURRENT SCENARIO Carolina Fernanda Budoia Maciel, Bruna Queiroz,Túlio de Oliveira Porfirio, Marcia Silva de Oliveira Desde mil novecentos e noventa, notamos uma crescente influência dos processos judiciais na reinvindicação ao acesso á saúde prevista na constituição federal. Apesar dos pontos positivos, nota-se aumento nos gastos públicos, o que gerou o inesperado desvio de verbas públicas de outros programas sociais para suplementar os gastos com medicamentos no SUS. O objetivo foi delinear a arte sobre a judicialização da saúde no Brasil, elencando aspectos econômicos, jurídicos e sociais. A metodologia foi buscar sistematicamente referenciais teóricos com menos de onze anos de publicação, como Scielo e PubMed, portais governamentais do Ministério da Saúde e do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Identificou-se onze textos, indicando que o tema não é bem explorado academicamente. Percebe-se aumento na frequência dos processos na última década. Apesar do debate público e recomendações da CNJ, não há consenso sobre a maneira de lidar com o problema.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 4 REMOVAL OF METHYLTHAMAMINE CHLORIDRATE BY ADSORPTION USING ACTIVATED CARBON PRODUCED FROM THE COFFEE DREG Ana Carolina Ferreira Figueiredo, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari The present work evaluated the potential of the coffee dreg as a precursor in the production of activated carbon and its efficiency in the adsorption of the dye methylthiamine hydrochloride in experiments carried out in batch and fixed bed. Phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide were used as activating agents, while carbonization was carried out in a muffle at 350ºC for one hour. The activating agents used led to the production of activated carbon with different physicochemical characteristics. It was found that the activated carbon removed more than 90% of the initial dye concentration in batch reactor, and the removal equilibrium time was reached in 10 and 30 minutes for the activated carbon with H3PO4 and NaOH, respectively. The fixed bed experimental tests resulted in approximately 100% removal of the initial dye concentration for the two activated carbon used. Was proved the potential of the use of the coffee dreg for the production of activated carbon. ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT IN THE LIBRARY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MARINGÁ CAMPUS UMUARAMA-PR Janaina Conversani Botari, Alexandre Botari, Carolina Lopes Poso, Leandro Vanalli The objective of this study was to estimate the acoustic comfort and its influence on performance in work and study activities inside the library of the State University of Maringá in Campus Umuarama PR. Acoustic measurements were carried out in the interior and exterior of the site, in the periods of June 2016 with records in three schedules (10h, 17h and 21h) and local interviews, generating data of the environmental variables of the Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) through Digital sonometers and questionnaires of perception of environmental comfort. Measurements were carried out considering the following constraints: school timetables where there was a higher incidence of human activity (student, teachers, staff and visitors), weeks of test periods (due to greater movement in the place), and pruning and mowing period Exterior landscaping near the library. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN THE DOWNFLOW DIRECT FILTRATION USING THE XDLVO THEORY Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari This work used the XDLVO theory to describe the physical behavior by the balance of forces and energy of colloidal complexes in the raw water and of © 2017 COPEC
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those formed during direct downflow filtration. The interaction energy profiles between the colloid surfaces for flat geometry are described in an interaction arrangement between the two flat surfaces. Two situations were analyzed before and after electrostatic destabilization by aluminum sulphate in study waters containing kaolinite, using the modified DLVO theory (from the initials of Derjarguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek), or XDLVO , Which includes the traditional approach of electric double layer (DCE) forces, surface attraction forces or London-van der Waals (LvdW), steric forces, hydrophobic force and molecular repulsion forces, called Born repulsion, and the force Originating from the chemical functions Acid and Base (AB) of Lewis. URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: ESTIMATION OF THERMAL COMFORT IN THE SURROUNDINGS OF THE CEMETERY OF UMUARAMAPR Janaina Conversani Botari, Alexandre Botari, Stella Garcia Santos, Leandro Vanalli This study main goal was to estimate the thermal comfort in the surroundings of the municipal cemetery of the city of Umuarama, northwest of ParanĂĄ, Brazil. For this, microclimatic scale measurements were carried out at the pedestrian level, in the vicinity of the site, from February to March 2017 (rainy season / summer) with records in three schedules (8 am, 2 pm and 8 pm), generating data from the variables Environmental conditions of temperature and relative humidity of the air, for the purpose of mapping isotherms. The measurements were made through Thermometers and digital hygrometers. The data were obtained in periods with stable atmospheric conditions and used for the generation of a series of urban thermal profiles, whose purpose subsidizes the study of possible urban heat island formations, which will serve as conditioners of future urban intervention project for the area of interest. STUDIES ON ELECTROCOAGULATION IN THE TREATMENT OF EFFLUENTS IN BRACKISH WATERS Diego Leonardo Salvador, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari The treatment of brackish water through electrocoating occurs through dissociation and rupture reactions in the most complex molecular chains, which dissolution is triggered by the application of electric discharges on cathodic and anodyne metal plates. The process shows to be advantageous due to the area and volume necessary for its implantation, since, when compared with other processes, it is much smaller. For this research was used an experimental electrolytic cell, which operated in a batch regime, varying electrical parameters and the detention time. In order to evaluate the efficiency, the following physicochemical parameters of the samples were measured: COD, pH, Turbidity and TSS.
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ANALYSIS OF THE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF RAIN WATER GALLERIES OF THE NEI BRAGA STREET INTERSECTION WITH THE BRAZILIAN AVENUE IN THE CITY OF UMUARAMA - PR Igor Matheus Benites, Marcus NĂłbrega Gomes Junior, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari, Leandro Vanalli In the central region of Umuarama city there was a great urban development and significant changes in the use and occupation of the soil, which generated an increase in the waterproofing rate. Such changes have overwhelmed the rainwater drainage system, especially at the intersection of Avenida Brasil and Rua Governador Nei Braga, occasionally a flow surplus. As this region is economically important, the constant flooding causes several problems, a common scenario in medium and large cities in Brazil. The present work proposes a study of the microdrainage network, through the planialtimetric survey and the hydrographic study of the region, as well as the hydraulic conditions of microdrainage and the preexisting galleries for the evaluation of the capacity of flow of the system in different pluviometric scenarios. These scenarios will be simulated via mathematical modeling with unit hydrograms. The efficiency of the network will be evaluated and technical and economically feasible solution proposals will be discussed and presented. EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF POTATO STARCH AS A NATURAL COAGULANT AND AN AUXILIARY POLYMER OF COAGULATION IN CONSORTS WITH FERRIC CHLORIDE AND ALUMINUM POLYCHLORIDE Taynara Basso Vidovix, Alexandre Botari, Janaina Conversani Botari The study of viable technologies for the adequate treatment of water is fundamental. An alternative to areas inaccessible to drinking water is the use of natural coagulants and may also be used in consortia with primary coagulants commonly used in water treatment plants. The purpose is to reduce costs and highlight the environmental concern and the health of the population. The present work evaluated the efficiency of Potato Starch as a natural coagulant, and in association with the chemical coagulants Ferric Chloride and Aluminum Polychloride. The tests were carried out in Jar-test simulating coagulation / flocculation / sedimentation of water prepared in laboratory, and the parameter used for efficiency analysis was the turbidity remaining in the jars. The potato starch as a coagulant showed turbidity removal around 58%, whereas when used in the consortium with the other coagulants it was 99% removal in terms of turbidity.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 5 EVALUATION OF MEDIA PROPOSED TO SUPPRESS NONCOMMUNICABLE CHRONIC DISEASES Devani Salomão de Moura Reis A disseminação de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis têm-se tornado importante preocupação das governanças em saúde em todos os países. No Brasil, o Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, sob a chancela da Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde e Departamento de Atenção Básica do Ministério da Saúde, foi lançado pelo Ministro da Saúde, Arthur Chioro, em 2014, substituindo a edição de 2006. O instrumento se propõe a ser uma das principais políticas públicas dos governos federal, estadual e municipal no combate ao sobrepeso, à obesidade, ao avanço de diabetes e outras doenças crônicas, além de tentativa de evitar a desnutrição. A eficiência de suas regras nunca foi aferida. Elaborado por nutricionistas, verificar-se-á qual é a compreensão de 30 profissionais que atuam nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde, e utilizam esta mídia, a respeito do conteúdo do Guia. PROPOSAL FOR THE EVALUATION OF NONLINEAR STIFFNESS IN ORTHOPEDIC PROSTHESIS OF POLYMERIC MATERIAL, CHARACTERIZED IN LABORATORY AND USING MULTIBODY MODEL Caroline Cristine Duarte da Silva, Daniele de Ávila, Luiz Heleno Moreira Duque, Jayme Pereira de Gouvêa In this article aims to characterize a polymeric material that will be proposed as a wedge in an orthopedic prosthesis for subjects with transtibial amputation, and this material is subject to compression efforts during human gait. In a first part of the study, a compression experiment was performed according to ISO 7743. In order to obtain possible validation of the results, the Ansys software was used in the finite element modeling under the same conditions as the compression test. This procedure made it possible to compare experimental results with finite element simulated results for compression efforts. In a second aspect of the study, the data obtained experimentally as parameters for adjustment in a new simulation to investigate the dynamics of the orthopedic prosthesis in the sagittal plane, when in use. Two shims were considered in the simulations, one with the anti-foot function and the other with hindfoot function. DATA MINING FOR DATABASE ANALYSIS ON ENTERPRISES Vinicius Tasca Faria, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó The usage data mining tools make it is possible to extract non-trivial information from databases and give better support to decision making. In this paper, data © 2017 COPEC
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mining tools were applied to a real database of PAEP research through a software called WEKA, chosen due to its flexibility and coverage. The simulations in this database sought to find patterns of the Brazilian industrial scenario in a broader way. The algorithm was the Apriori. Several relevant relationships between the survey responses were found with this algorithms, as well as indications of a significant improvement in results, when reducing the number of instances to be processed. This showed how data mining is a robust tool and can bring results that can help companies gain competitive advantage and that the amount of data does not necessarily have to be too dense to find relevant results. MEASURING THE IMPACTS OF DATABASE PROCESSING ON INNOVATION PROCESSES Vinicius Tasca Faria, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó Every productive activity generates some kind of data. Companies use data from their activities for their own benefit, but it is not difficult to find examples of underuse of information that could be valuable. Most companies are not prepared to handle such a massive amount of data and end up using traditional statistical tools. Information technology tools could be used to transform raw data into valuable information such as data mining, use of big data, among others. This process of data refinement can lead to innovations for companies, generating competitive advantage. This information is being confirmed through case studies that have achieved some sort of advantage with data processing. In this work, these cases are presented and compared with a comparative methodology, taking into account the type of processing, the degree of innovation and the level of growth for each case. MANUSEIO E DESCARTE DE LÂMPADAS FLUORESCENTES Katia Naiara Santana Santos, Jose Antonio Prates de Oliveira, Geraldo Leão Lana The objective of this work is to investigate the correct disposal of fluorescent lamps. Assuming that the fluorescent lamp has mercury inside it, a heavy metal, highly toxic, and that when improperly handled causes irreversible damage to human health and the environment. Recycling of fluorescent lamps plays an important role in environmental protection and the achievement of sustainable development. Currently there is a deficiency in the dissemination of specific services for the recycling of such lamps, as well as the lack of environmental awareness. It is of great importance the implementation of a project encompassing an environmental awareness program for the proper disposal. A study is presented for the assembly of a Recycling Plant with all the necessary resources. As an alternative, it is proposed a portable system, easy to handle and implement, which solves the presented problem. © 2017 COPEC
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DESIGN APPROACHES IN THE ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS DESTINED TO ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Talita Machado Britto, Dianne Magalhães Viana Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease characterized by affecting mental abilities from the death of neural cells. Due to the aging of the global population, the number of people affected by the pathology has been increasing progressively, requiring new planning. Research in the scope of Design relates interdisciplinary strategies to the care of Alzheimer, as in the elaboration of specific physical environments of care. The way that the environment is configured may influence patients' quality of life by positively stimulating them. In this sense, the article presents an analysis of the physical environments destined to the Alzheimer's disease patients from methodological approaches of the Design; Such as service design, evidence-based design, and patientcentered design. Based on a bibliographical survey, there are evidences that relate Design in its interdisciplinary form to the process of care of the disease and how these spaces influence the well-being of patients. KINEMATICS ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN UPPER LIMB DURING GAIT USING MULTIBODY MODEL Ana Carolina Motta Maffra, Bernardo Tomas José Dias de Sousa, Caroline Cristine Duarte da Silva, Daniele de Ávila, Guilherme Ribeiro Baumgardt, Renata de Souza Nascimento, Thaísa Roxo Rebelo, Luiz Heleno Moreira Duque, Jayme Pereira de Gouvêa The purpose of this study was to formulate a multi - body model capable of quantitatively analyzing the arm balance during human gait, with development being divided into three stages: kinematics, computational analysis and model formulation. During sagittal plane kinematics, it was observed that the oscillations in the arm occur with greater amplitude due to the movement of the shoulder girdle, directly suffering the influence of dissociation of the scapular and pelvic girdles during gait. For the mathematical model and elaboration of the mathematical code, the upper limb was divided into three subgroups: shoulder, arm and forearm, and the Runge-Kutta method was used to solve the model. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the mass and rigidity data are variable according to the analysis to be developed, which differs from the initially adopted simple pendulum system, making this model to promote greater accuracy.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 6 GRAVIMETRIC STUDY OF SOLID WASTE PRODUCED IN FAESA CAMPUS I Vinicius Braga Pelissari, Daniela Cardozo Theodoro, Augusto Bellucio Ker, Diego Freitas, Fernanda R. G. Nunes, Stefanie Lievore Cruz, Tânia Galavote Pinto, Thamyres Teixeira Gianetti The purpose of this study is to identify, separate, weigh and classify the produced garbage at a University in the city of Vitória in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, and then at the end be able to evaluate the recycling capacity of this waste. In the diagnosis of the current waste management in the institution, it was verified that there is no segregation or use of the waste generated. The study was conducted between 2016 and 2017, and were allocated four weeks of collection that alternated between school term, where the flow could reach 7000 people/day, and the vacation period, where the flow of people is lesser. The trash bags were collected and identified with their shift and local of origin. The residues were separated, weighed and classified, and the data were manipulated so that there would be a analysis of the generated waste. IDENTIFICATION OF FOOD PATTERNS OF FAMILIES OF THE BOLSA FAMÍLIA PROGRAM AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY Daiane Roncato Cardozo, Vera Mariza Henriques de Miranda Costa, Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira, Vera Lucia Silveira Botta Ferrante, Sinara Laurini Rossato The objective was to identify food patterns of 150 Brazilian families who were beneficiaries or registered to receive the Bolsa Família Program in a municipality in the state of São Paulo, and to discuss factors associated with food and nutritional security in this population. Food consumption was based on the weekly frequency of 32 foods. Food standards were calculated by Cluster analysis, with three patterns identified: restricted, healthy and traditional. In lowincome families, adherence to a traditional or healthy eating pattern can be determined by individual choices; however, adhering to a narrow pattern is not a matter of choice due to lack of opportunity, ie, it is not enough to look only at the quantity or type of food that is ingested; customs, origin, preferences and living conditions of these families go well beyond measures or adequate food intake. FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION Artur Saldanha, Carlos Lima, Wesley Azevedo More and more we have observed the incidence of large fires. For example, we can cite what happened at the Kiss nightclub, leading to the deaths of 242 people and more than 600 injured. We can define as the cause of the fire a set © 2017 COPEC
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of factors, but the main one was the failure of the fire extinguisher used to extinguish the fire principle on the stage. The report found that the fire extinguisher used on stage was inoperative. Fire extin-guishers help in the fight against fire, to obtain good results in the use in the fire, must be with the valid recharge and have no irregularities that affect its use. Most establishments do not have effective control of extinguishers, since they use as a con-trol the help of manual spreadsheets. Manual control becomes laborious and, in most cases, ineffective. This work presents a system of predictive maintenance of extinguishers geolocated using WEB and Mobile Technology that aims to reduce the in-cidence of accidents due to lack of maintenance in extinguish-ers. RAINWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AT LARGE NON-TRADITIONAL FLOWS Marcell da Cruz de Oliveira, Jacqueline Carril Ferreira, Fernando de Farias Fernandes, Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza The rain drainage at large flows of roofs requires a lot of attention from the schemer, as it has a complex arrangement of parts and space within the building. In traditional system there is a high number of columns of waterfall and high diameter of the pipes, therefore it is necessary to use modern techniques available in the market to reduce architectural interferences that the conventional drainage networks produce. This work aims to show the most efficient capture of rainfall drainage in large floods of coverings, avoiding the large number of pipes, slope and high diameters. Utilizing an anti-vortex capping system that prevents air from entering the pipeline, eliminating the need for slope, causing water to drain faster and reduce its diameter. The aim is to clarify the subject and elucidate its operation, in addition to comparing the drainage system against the traditional system. PROPOSAL OF A SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IN AN AREA OF THE CITY OF MANAUS Samantha Coelho de Matos, Jacqueline Carril Ferreira, Fernando de Farias Fernandes, Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza In Manaus, the increase in population and the uncontrolled occupation of the soil contribute to the lack of infrastructure, mainly related to basic sanitation, which worsens socio-environmental problems. The objective of this work is to present a project of implantation of sewage collection network in an area of the city. In this way, a bibliographic research was carried out, with secondary data collection and technical visit at the place of project implementation, in order to observe the difficulties to be found in the implementation of the sewage system. It was proposed to set up a 2.52 km sewage collection network in the São José Operário neighborhood, in order to help the population allocated to it to have adequate basic sanitation. It was observed that there is a great investment both with trained professionals and in the realization of works that directly contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the population. © 2017 COPEC
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CHOLINESTERASE ACTIVITY AS POTENTIAL BIOMARKERS: CHARACTERIZATION IN BULLFROG TADPOLE’S BRAIN AFTER EXPOSURE TO METALS Cleoni Carvalho, Heidi Utsunomiya, Tatiane Pasquoto, Monica Costa, Marisa Fernandes Polluted ecosystems may contain mixtures of metals that, even in low concentrations, may cause adverse effects. In the present study, it was evaluated the acetilcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the brain of bullfrog tadpoles, Lithobates catesbeianus, following exposures to 1 μg L-1 of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd), alone or in combination (1:1 and 1:1:1) for 2 and 16 days. AChE activity was significantly affected by metals, both alone and combined. The exposure to metal alone and combined caused a significant increase (20-220%) in AChE activity after 2 days when compared to compared to its respective control. On the other hand, AChE activity significantly decreased (20-40%) with the exposure to metal alone and combined. The combination Cu+Cd and Zn+Cu+Cd caused an inhibition of AChE activity from 36 to 43 times when compared to its respective control. The decrease in AChE activity in tadpoles may reflect the presence of cholinesterase inhibitors at harmful levels. Additionally, the AChE activities in groups at 16 days were higher than that presented by the groups exposed to metals at 2 days, excepting when tadpoles were exposed to Cu+Cd and Zn+Cu+Cd, at which the activities were lower. The use of AChE as a biomarker provides evidences for ecotoxicological risk assessment of tadpoles populations at sites contaminated with mixtures of metals. Financial support: FAPESP Proc. 507523/2011. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Valéria Queiroz Furtado, Gabriela Fernanda dos Santos Gaba, Renata Vieira Rolin, Sofia Lira Chiodi This running project aims at offering theoretical and practical support to preschool teachers of a philanthropic institution in Londrina / PR, through play workshops, focusing on environmental education and the use of games made of recyclable material. Twenty pre-school teachers will participate in the project. The implementation of the project will be carried out through action research, which will consist of the following steps: 1) Organization and work planning, 2) Conducting the workshops, 3) Project evaluation and results analysis. A semistructured interview script (initial and final) will be used to identify conceptual and attitudinal changes in the teachers provided by the project actions. The results obtained so far demonstrate that the teachers understand playfulness as a facilitating instrument in the children's learning and development process, however, they do not know the strategies that make the use of educational games made of recyclable material in environmental education feasible.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 7 ECCRINE POROCARCINOMA: REPORT OF A CASE AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Bárbara Ferreira Dutra, Brener Rafael Nascimento, Katherine Hodara Cristino Viana, Marcia Silva de Oliveira This article aimed to present to the scientific community a broad and current view on a rare carcinoma of high mortality if not diagnosed early. It is a malignant neoplasm of the eccrine sweat glands that affects about 0.01% of skin cancers, mainly affecting lower limbs and affecting both sexes also in the sixth and seventh decade of life. Due to the clinical presentation, it becomes a diagnostic challenge and the prognosis is worsened by the locally invasive characteristic of the disease and the low responsiveness to the treatment. The patient in question does not fit the most commonly affected age group, either the location of the lesion in the left armpit. He was submitted to a late biopsy that confirmed the diagnosis of eccrine porocarcinoma that did not respond to oncologic treatment, evolving to limb amputation followed by death. THE HOME HOSPITALIZATION TEAM AND THE NEED FOR MEDICAL SPECIALISTS FOR INTEGRAL CARE IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT Bruna Ribeiro dos Santos, Edgard Albernaz Xavier, Eduarda Quesinski Dahmer, Giuliane da Silva Dahmer, John Kennedy Sales Silva, Vitória Dutra Laignier, Marcia Silva de Oliveira O Núcleo Regional de Atenção Domiciliar (NRAD) é um serviço multiprofissional destinado a pacientes crônicos, estáveis e/ou debilitados que necessitem de cuidados paliativos e reabilitação. Almeja-se reafirmar a importância da interação do NRAD com os três níveis de atenção, visto a dificuldade de integração com a atenção básica, na qual os médicos especialistas estão vinculados ao Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família. Dessa forma, limitando a autonomia da equipe de apoio domiciliar na integralidade do cuidado. O estudo transversal quantitativo torna possível a análise da necessidade das demandas populacionais pelos prontuários do NRAD, em cidade do Distrito federal, Brasil. A continuidade do tratamento pelo NRAD possibilita a humanização, autonomia do usuário e a quebra da hegemonia hospitalocêntrica, mantendo altas complexidade e densidade tecnológica. Esta não se insere no nível primário de atenção, reafirmando a existência do NRAD também nos serviços secundários e terciários.
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HEALTH CARE BASED ON THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THE REDE CEGONHA: AN ANALYSIS ABOUT THE FIRST PREGNANCY Ana Carolina Ribeiro Costa, Daniel Silva Junqueira Ferreira, Bruno Mamede Lins Brasiliense, Camila Bomfim Gomes Feitosa Lima, William de Oliveira da Mota, Marcia Silva de Oliveira The Rede Cegonha appeared as a way of assuring access and attendance of the pregnant women before their baby is born, in parturition and birth, postpartum and child care (0-24 months) and logistics for the parturient. However, it is believed that the assumptions of the Rede Cegonha are not being effectively fulfilled in public health services directed to attention of the childbearing and postpartum, which leads to deficit in patient care and reception of the users of SUS. Hence, the improvement of the process of health education for the employees and users of the service will provide greater requirement about their rights and the adequation of the health institution according to the established legislation. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE HUMANIZED CHILDBIRTH OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT BY DIFFERENT PROFESSIONAL GROUPS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICES Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres, Isac César Roldão Leite, Kananda Santos de Moura, Rebeca Marques Margoto, Vinicius Augusto Dourado Aragão, Marília Vilela Veado, Viviane Carneiro Valentim, Marcia Silva de Oliveira The term Humanized Childbirth (HC) seeks a change in the understanding of the process as an interventionist moment, resuming the experience as a natural and physiological act of the woman. Differences between the opinions of users and health professionals of Brasília-DF (Brazilian capital) can be observed in the literature. This research project, through objective questionnaires, aims to evaluate the knowledge and acceptance of different population groups on the practice of the humanized childbirth in public and private health services in Brasília. It is expected to find further acceptance of the HC in different educational and socioeconomic contexts, in which the following stand out: women, physicians and medical specialists in the areas of obstetrics and gynecology, nurses and nursing students, nursing technicians and technical students, psychologists, "doulas", multiparous pregnant women, high and upper middle class population and population with higher educational level.
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TECHNICAL SESSION 8 RATIONALIZED LAYOUT PROPOSAL AIMING AT GREATER PRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY AND FIRE SAFETY: A CASE STUDY IN A SHOE COMPANY Marina Lira, Elisângela Porto, Maria de Lourdes Gomes Fire protection is an element that is part of Work Safety and needs to be investigated in all productive organizations, whatever their industrial branch. Therefore, this research aims at this issue in order to preserve the health and safety of all employees, as well as the protection of machinery and facilities. In a small footwear company located in Brazil, in the city of Campina Grande Paraíba, a qualitative-quantitative survey was carried out, where, through onsite observations, in posession of a checklist to generate a survey of the situation and the working condition, it was possible to identify foci susceptible to accidents involving the fire agent. As a result, a proposal is made for a new layout, in which it aims to rationalize the production process and apply preventive and fire-fighting measures using Villar's methodology (2004). A LOGÍSTICA DA VALE, PARA A MOVIMENTAÇÃO DE MASSA ECONÔMICA, NO TERMINAL PORTUÁRIO DA PONTA DA MADEIRA Pedro José VALE is the second largest diversified mining company in the world, while the Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton continues to occupy the first position, is present in more than 38 countries, in the five continents and, in South America, Vale is Present in thirteen Brazilian states. It is the largest mining company in the Americas, at market value, and becoming the number one global natural resource, requires huge logistical projects. Ore is the basic raw material for thousands of objects such as cars, coins, computers and others. Vale needs to prepare itself, investing in logistics training programs, to continue to meet world demand, and remain competitive in the mining market. This work aims to identify the infrastructure present in a global logistics process. The planning of the research for the development of this work is based on the descriptive and correlational study. CRITÉRIOS DE DESEMPENHO APLICADOS ÀS OBRAS HIDRÁULICAS FLUVIAIS, E DE MACRODRENAGEM, EXECUTADAS NOS LEITOS DOS CURSOS DE ÁGUA URBANOS Pedro José, Bruna Loro A watershed is formed by the biogeophysical and socio-economic-cultural portions. The occupation and the use of the physical portion of the environment are responsible for numerous environmental impacts. These impacts, occurring in the urban stretches of the rivers, rise when there is disorderly occupation. © 2017 COPEC
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Any engineering intervention, aimed at the execution of hydraulic fluvial works, requires a preliminary study of the basin. This work aims to identify and classify the fluvial and urban macrodrainage hydraulic works carried out in the Boys Ribeirão beds, specifically the stretch in front of the Mauá Campus, in São Caetano do Sul, until the meeting point with Rio Tamanduateí. The methodology is based on a descriptive and survey study. The following are highlighted as results: the development of Performance Criteria based on the use of the Environmental Spreadsheets, classifying those works as Productive and Counterproductive, and a new proposal Of Classification of Fluvial Hydraulic Works. RECONHECIMENTO DAS TÉCNICAS DE BIOENGENHARIA PASSÍVEIS DE SEREM APLICADAS EM CURSOS DE ÁGUA URBANOS, VISANDO A SUA RENATURALIZAÇÃO Pedro José, Simoni Antoniassi, Marcelo Akutsu Akutsu The environment of a watershed is formed by two parts, one biogeophysical and the other socio-economic-cultural. The occupation and the use of the physical portion of the environment located in marginal stretches of rivers in urban areas are responsible for numerous adverse environmental impacts, requiring the execution of river hydraulic works. The present work aims to identify the fluvial hydraulic works and bioengineering techniques that can be applied in the Ribeirão dos Meninos beds, specifically, in the stretch in front of the Mauá Campus, in São Caetano do Sul, to the meeting point With Rio Tamanduateí, aiming at its renaturation. The methodology is based on a descriptive or survey study. It stands out as the main result the understanding of the question where the replacement of traditional hydraulic works by environmental engineering methods is not simply a substitution of work, but of material. THE EVOLUTION OF WIND POWER GENERATION VERSUS THE NATIONAL INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM (SIN) IN BRAZIL José Fernando Mangili Jr., Carlos Alberto Mariottoni, João Eduardo Lopes This study gathers data from wind power generation in Brazil and evaluates the characteristics of this generation in the National Interconnected System – SIN. Aspects such as the amounts generated, seasonality, intermittency, relevance of wind farms by location and trends of behavior for the next years were considered. It has been proved that the northeast region stands out as being the one with the largest wind capacity in the country, consolidated by the plants and parks in operation and by the expansion projects. Over the period analyzed, largescale intermittent events were observed, which are systematically observed in occurrences of short periods (daily average, for example) On the other hand, the values of generation verified were around the forecast axis and its error, one month ahead, varied within a small interval © 2017 COPEC
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around zero, consolidating the database used in the analysis of wind power expansion projection. 8Q21.11 MICRODELETION SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT IN BRAZIL Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres, Marília Vilela Veado, Viviane Carneiro Valentim, Kananda Santos de Moura, Isac César Roldão Leite, Rebeca Marques Margoto, Vinicius Augusto Dourado Aragão, Mônica Angélica Carreira Fragoso Case of microdeletion 8q21.11. Classified as rare (<1:1000000), this syndrome it's not diagnosed in a simple caritypical analisys, depends on the knowledge of your characteristic phenotypes to request a deeper research by molecular and diagnostic exams. Male child, 18 months old, delayed development, syndromic facies, low weight and stature, presented at the start of the research simple kariotype unaltered (46, XY), nuclear magnetic ressonance of the skull suggesting atrophy in subcortial cortex and diffuse hipomyelination. CGHarray test presented interistical deletion in the long arm of the chromossome 8 (8q21.11q21.13) with the diagnosis of the Syndrome of Microdeletion 8q21.11. Started Therapy of global stimulation. Passed 15 months of the diagnosis, child still doing exercises of physioterapy and speech therapy, presenting overall improvements. Thirteen months after the diagnosis, started the regular educational proccess, propriating social insertion, presented considerable evolution, more proactivity and sociability, improved verbal and cognitive ability, however with moderate dyslalia. PUBLIC BRAZILIAN STREET LIGHTING: AN OVERVIEW OF THE RISKS TO HEALTH, THE ENVIRONMENT AND WORKER SAFETY José Fernando Mangili Jr., Carlos Alberto Mariottoni, Anderson Dionísio da Silva The objective of this work is to present the situation of the public lighting system in Brazil, using the case of Londrina-PR, as well as to evaluate the risks in the maintenance of these systems with the installation, replacement and disposal of lamps, reactors and light fittings used. An analysis of the procedures used by some companies is aimed at assessing compliance with safety and environmental standards and assessing the risk to which workers are exposed. It is also observed the compliance or not of the National Solid Waste Policy in respect of bulbs that use heavy metals such as mercury and its reverse logistics.
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REAL OPTIONS APPLICATION IN A TRIPLE-EPIDEMIC SCENARIO: ANALYSIS OF 3 STUDIES Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó, Alexandre Acácio de Andrade This paper proposes the use of real options methodology to perform financial analyzes in three scenarios regarding alternatives to combat triple epidemic: dengue, chikungunya and zika. Using data from health and pharmaceutical industry the research reached some non-trivial conclusions: 1) valuation of the decisions to wait or to advance in the development phases of the Zika vaccine among companies in the Pre-Clinical phase; 2) option to vaccinate or sterilize the mosquito, and 3) use vaccines or continue to treat the symptoms of the population. The Real Options Theory was adequate in the analysis of uncertain scenarios particularly related to the triple epidemic and an additional source of help in decision making for managers concerning alternatives relating costs and risks. BIODEGRADABLE PLANT CONTAINERS BASED ON WINERY BY PRODUCTS – A CONTRIBUTION FOR THE FLORESTATION STRATEGY UNDER PARIS AGREEMENT Jussara Izabel Correa Cabral, Fernando Glenadel Braga, Margarida Correia Marques As alterações climáticas são uma prioridade nacional em Portugal. Ao ratificar o Acordo de Paris, Portugal comprometeu-se, entre outros objetivos, em aumentar a sua área de floresta. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi identificar e caracterizar os problemas atuais associados ao processo de produção de mudas nos vários aspetos definidores da sustentabilidade – ambiental, social e económico –, com enfoque nas metas de florestação previstas. Para tal, estudou-se a disponibilidade e sazonalidade dos subprodutos provenientes de processos agroindustriais específicos para apoiar estratégias e práticas de sustentabilidade na gestão de resíduos em Portugal. Adicionalmente, foram produzidos protótipos de recipientes biodegradáveis a partir de engaços de uva. Apresenta-se assim uma solução sustentável que permite, simultaneamente, a reciclagem de subprodutos da vinificação para os quais urge encontrar um destino adequado.
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INDEX AUTHORS A Adilton Douglas Schiavon Felix, 31 Aldo Roberto Ferrini Filho, 33, 34 Alexandre Acácio de Andrade, 27, 39, 40, 50 Alexandre Botari, 36, 37, 38 Aluyzio de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, 34 Amanda Maria Costa Molina, 30 Ana Carolina Ferreira Figueiredo, 36 Ana Carolina Motta Maffra, 41 Ana Carolina Ribeiro Costa, 46 Ana Carolina Souza Pinto, 35 Ana Júlia Ferreira Rocha, 29, 30 Ana Lúcia Bragança Pinheiro, 30 Ana Maria Moraes Cardoso, 33 Anderson Dionísio da Silva, 49 André Luiz de Lima Reda, 29, 30, 31 Andréa Lopes Ramires Kairala, 33, 34 Antonio da Costa Cardoso Neto, 33 Antonio Hortêncio Munhoz Jr., 31, 32 Artur Saldanha, 42 Augusto Bellucio Ker, 42
B Bárbara Ferreira Dutra, 45 Bernardo Tomas José Dias de Sousa, 41 Brener Rafael Nascimento, 45 Bruna Loro, 47 Bruna Queiroz, 35 Bruna Ribeiro dos Santos, 45 Bruno Mamede Lins Brasiliense, 46
C Camila Bomfim Gomes Feitosa Lima, 46 Carlos Alberto Mariottoni, 48, 49 Carlos Lima, 42 Carolina de Mendonça Costa Ferrini, 34 Carolina Fernanda Budoia Maciel, 35 Carolina Lopes Poso, 36 Caroline C. T. A. Roque, 27 Caroline Cristine Duarte da Silva, 39, 41 Caroline Fonseca Guedes, 33 Catharina R. Brito, 27 Céfora Bezerra Souza, 33 Celina Aparecida Almeida Pereira Abar, 32 Claudia Matsunaga Martin, 27 Claudio R Brito, 26 Cleoni Carvalho, 44 Cristiano Ricardo Martins Teixeira, 34 Cristina Northfleet de Albuquerque, 28
Daiane Roncato Cardozo, 42 Daniel Silva Junqueira Ferreira, 46 Daniela Cardozo Theodoro, 42 Daniele de Ávila, 39, 41 Dayane Fagundes, 29 Devani Salomão de Moura Reis, 39 Dhruba Jyoti Borah, 27 Dianne Magalhães Viana, 41 Diego Freitas, 42 Diego Leonardo Salvador, 37
E Edgard Albernaz Xavier, 45 Eduarda Quesinski Dahmer, 45 Eduardo Perez Miranda Ferreira, 30 Elisângela Porto, 47
F Felipe Meller Cunha, 32 Fernanda R. G. Nunes, 42 Fernando de Farias Fernandes, 43 Fernando Glenadel Braga, 50 Francisco da Silva Leal Júnior, 33 Francisco Siqueira Sebastianelli, 31
G Gabriela da Silva Rodrigues, 27 Gabriela Fernanda dos Santos Gaba, 44 Geraldo Leão Lana, 40 Gilberto Teixeira da Silva, 31 Giselly Loyvva Moraes Cardoso, 33 Giuliane da Silva Dahmer, 45 Guilherme Ribeiro Baumgardt, 41 Gutemberg Delfino de Sousa, 33
H Hannah Caroline Proença, 31 Heidi Utsunomiya, 44 Helena Junqueira Reis Enout, 30 Hugo Trinconi Guimarães dos Santos, 27
I Igor Matheus Benites, 38 Isac César Roldão Leite, 46, 49
J Jacqueline Carril Ferreira, 43
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Janaina Conversani Botari, 36, 37, 38 Jayme Pereira de Gouvêa, 39, 41 Jéssica Rodrigues Nogueira, 34 João Eduardo Lopes, 48 John Kennedy Sales Silva, 45 Jorgelina Linares, 28 Jose Antonio Prates de Oliveira, 40 José Fernando Mangili Jr., 48, 49 Joyce Rodrigues Marques, 28 Juliana Paiva Lins, 33 Júlio Francisco Blumetti Facó, 27, 39, 40, 50 Jussara Izabel Correa Cabral, 50
K Kananda Santos de Moura, 46, 49 Katherine Hodara Cristino Viana, 45 Katia Naiara Santana Santos, 40
L Lara Lessa Feijó, 31 Larissa Ramos Xavier de Castro, 35 Leandro Vanalli, 36, 37, 38 Leila Figueiredo de Miranda, 31, 32 Letícia Diniz Santos Vieira, 33, 34 Lucilena Rebelo Monteiro, 28 Luis Felipe Masson Meca, 31 Luis Felipe Pires de Almeida, 32 Luiz Eduardo Salamoni, 35 Luiz Fernando de Souza, 28 Luiz Heleno Moreira Duque, 39, 41
M Magda Aparecida Salgueiro Duro, Raquel Cymrot, 30 Mainara Generoso Faustino, 28 Marcell da Cruz de Oliveira, 43 Marcella Cristina Ribeiro de Carvalho, 32 Marcelo Akutsu Akutsu, 48 Marcia Silva de Oliveira, 33, 34, 35, 45, 46 Marcus Nóbrega Gomes Junior, 38 Margarida Correia Marques, 50 Maria Aparecida Faustino Pires, 28 Maria de Lourdes Gomes, 47 Maria Letícia Bucchianeri Peixoto, 34 Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira, 42 Marília Vilela Veado, 46, 49 Marina Lira, 47 Marisa Fernandes, 44 Marycel Elena Barboza Cotrim, 28 Melany M Ciampi, 26 Michela Oliveira Rosado, 34, 35 Mohsen Emadi Khiav, 27 Mônica Angélica Carreira Fragoso, 49 Monica Costa, 44 Murilo Santos Guimarães, 35
P Pablo Henrique Ferreira Soares, 30 Pâmela Costa de Jesus Pinheiro, 29 Patrícia Strumiello Daraia, 29 Paula de Lima Soares Varella, 34 Pedro José, 47, 48
R Rachel Lorentino Ribeiro, 34 Rafaela Santa Cruz Cad, 35 Rebeca Marques Margoto, 46, 49 Reginaldo José Queiroz de Souza, 43 Renan Ferreira Bezerra, 33, 34 Renata de Souza Nascimento, 41 Renata Vieira Rolin, 44 Ricardo Rezzonico, 28 Roberta Silvestre Fontão Peres, 46, 49 Ruben Matheus Crivelari, 30 Rui Santos, 26
S Sabrina Moura Villa Soares, 28 Samantha Coelho de Matos, 43 Simoni Antoniassi, 48 Sinara Laurini Rossato, 42 Sofia Lira Chiodi, 44 Stefanie Lievore Cruz, 42
T Talita Machado Britto, 41 Tânia Galavote Pinto, 42 Tatiane Bernardino de Seixas Carvalho da Silva, 28 Tatiane Pasquoto, 44 Taynara Basso Vidovix, 38 Terezinha Jocelen Masson, 31, 32 Thaísa Roxo Rebelo, 41 Thamiris Brandino Stellato, 28 Thamyres Teixeira Gianetti, 42 Túlio de Oliveira Porfirio, 35
U Ubirajara Carnevale de Moraes, 32
V Valéria Queiroz Furtado, 44 Vanessa Oliveira, 28 Vera Lucia Silveira Botta Ferrante, 42 Vera Mariza Henriques de Miranda Costa, 42 Victor A Barros, 26 Vinicius Augusto Dourado Aragão, 46, 49
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Vinicius Braga Pelissari, 42 Vinicius Tasca Faria, 27, 39, 40 Virgínia Martins Brandão Leite, 35 Vitória Dutra Laignier, 45 Viviane Carneiro Valentim, 46, 49
W Wesley Azevedo, 42 William de Oliveira da Mota, 46
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