2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

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UNIVERSAL RIGHTS AWARDS ÐՀ³աÙÁÝն¹դѳաÝնáõñ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇÝն ÝնíÇñí³աÍ Ùñó³աÝն³աÏÝն»ñ

The Universal Rights Awards Ceremony was the first multi-mission initiative to highlight the contributions of Armenia’s civil rights activists, government officials, and media representatives to the promotion of human rights. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, joined the U.S. Embassy, Counterpart International, the British Embassy, the OSCE, and the EU to honor individuals working to promote human rights, accountable governance, and free speech in Armenia at the Universal Rights Awards Ceremony at the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan. ÐՀ³աÙÁÝն¹դѳաÝնáõñ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ Ùñó³աÝն³աÏÝն»ñÇ Ñ³աÝնÓÝնÙ³աÝն ³աÛë ÙÇçáó³աéáõÙÁ ÙÇç³ա½զ·³աÛÇÝն ϳաéáõÛóÝն»ñÇ ³աé³աçÇÝն ѳաÙ³աï»Õ Ýն³ա˳աÓ»éÝնáõÃÛáõÝնÝն ¿ñ` áõÕÕí³աÍ ÐՀ³աÛ³աëï³աÝնáõÙ Ù³աñ¹դáõ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ å³աßïå³աÝնáõÃÛ³աÝն ³աëå³աñ»½զáõÙ ù³աÕ³աù³աódzաϳաÝն ³աÏïÇíÇëïÝն»ñÇ, å»ï³աϳաÝն å³աßïáÝնÛ³աÝն»ñÇ áõ ¼ԶÈØ Ýն»ñϳաÛ³աóáõóÇãÝն»ñÇ ç³աÝնù»ñÇ ·Ýն³աѳաïÙ³աÝնÁ: ²ԱØÜ å»ïù³աñïáõÕ³աñ ÐՀÇɳաñÇ øÉÇÝնÃáÝնÁ Ýն»ñϳա ·ïÝնí»ó ²ԱØÜ ¹դ»ëå³աÝնáõÃÛ³աÝն, ø³աáõÝնûñ÷³աñà ÇÝնûñÝն»ßÝնÉ Ï³ա½զÙ³աÏ»ñåáõÃÛ³աÝն, Ø»Í ´ñÇï³աÝնdzաÛÇ ¹դ»ëå³աÝնáõÃÛ³աÝն, º²ԱÐՀÎ ¢ ºØ ·ñ³աë»ÝնÛ³աÏÝն»ñÇ ÏáÕÙÇó ϳա½զÙ³աÏ»ñåí³աÍ Ñ³աÙÁÝն¹դѳաÝնáõñ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ Ùñó³աÝն³աÏÝն»ñÇ Ñ³աÝնÓÝնÙ³աÝն ³աñ³աñáÕáõÃÛ³աÝնÁª ٻͳաñ»Éáõ ³աÛÝն ³աÝնѳաïÝն»ñÇÝն, áíù»ñ ѳաÝն¹դ»ë »Ýն ·³աÉÇë ÐՀ³աÛ³աëï³աÝնáõÙ Ù³աñ¹դáõ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ å³աßïå³աÝնáõÃÛ³աÝն, óա÷³աÝնóÇÏ Ï³աé³աí³աñÙ³աÝն áõ ³ա½զ³աï ËáëùÇ ËóաÝնÙ³աÝն ¹դÇñù»ñÇó:

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