Bring your own food and drink
BBQ available to cook on
All CSFC members and guests welcome.
We are a family friendly West coast club based in Waiuku, just south of Auckland. With around 1000 members, trailer boats make up the majority of our fleet. Celebrating fishing of all kinds, from the humble Gurnard to the mighty Broadbill. Club waters span from Raglan north head to Kaipara south head and include the Manukau harbour and Waikato river. To join the club click
They have a reputation for good quality workmanship, honesty and reliability. The onsite technicians are experts in Mercury, Etech, Evinrude & Johnson servicing and repairs as well as Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda. They can also fit new or used outboard engines and do trailer repairs, springs, winches and rollers.
9 Crosbie Road Pukekohe 09 2389180
Congratulations to Jay Curly, making the news in the NZ Herald with his amazing Yellowfin Tuna catch. Read the story HERE
There will be a briefing for the 2025 Nationals at the Cossie Club on Wednesday 12th February at 7pm. Tags will be available to purchase on the night.
Miller Burns trout on the measure mat
Newsletters, back to January 2018, are available online here. They have been uploaded in higher resolution then the old pdf versions were emailed out in, so the pictures especially should be better quality.
Something for the Newsletter?
We’re always looking for items to include, so if you have a fishing report, some photos, or just a good story to tell please drop me an email on kevin@nzsteele.com
This is shaping up to be a pretty epic season for gamefishing off the West coast. Here are just a few of the fish that have been caught so far.
A request from our chief weighmaster, Steve Watts, for anyone filling in tag cards. Could you please fully fill out the card correctly. He has supplied these examples of a correctly filled out form, and an incomplete form. Your form should look like the one above, not the one below. If it was caught in your “secret” spot you don’t have to be exact with the coordinates, but please fill in all other details.
Crayfish are once again under the spotlight as Fisheries NZ is proposing to give away more quota to commercial interests for the last crayfish on the northeast coast, between Te Arai point and East Cape. It wasn't that long ago that crayfish at the centre of this CRA 2 area, inside the Hauraki Gulf, were declared to be functionally extinct. Now, Fisheries NZ is using easily manipulated data to justify an increase in the commercial crayfish catch limit. If successful, this increase will put crayfish populations at risk, and further jeopardise any hopes for restoring abundance in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. With kina barrens taking over the seafloor, crayfish are vitally important to keep the kina at more natural levels.
You'd think that after witnessing the Crayfish Crisis in 2018 and the tragedy of scallops in the Gulf and all of NZ, they would have learned their lesson. But no, once again Fisheries NZ officials feel obliged to bow to commercial demands for greater catches, threatening the survival of one our taonga species in order to feed export markets. A handful of crayfish potters win (until the crayfish runs out). The corporate seafood companies win. High-end diners in Shanghai and New York win. We lose. The marine environment is lost. And our grandchildren hear only stories of abundance.
Who's up for the challenge? Say no to another crayfish crisis. Say no to the proposed commercial catch limit for crayfish on the northeast coast.
We've made it super easy to make a submission to Fisheries NZ. Hit the link below to go to our submission building tool on the LegaSea website. It will only take a couple of minutes to make a submission.
Welcome to the Pod and Reel podcast, presented by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, a national body with over 50 affiliated clubs across New Zealand, and over 37,000 members. Since 1957, NZSFC has focussed on setting standards for responsible fishing practices, collating records, organising events like the Nationals, and supporting its affiliated fishing clubs. This podcast dives deep into the history, the people, and the clubs that make up our fishing community. We’ll explore the highs and lows of fishing and learn from mistakes made, striving to be better, safer, and smarter when we interact with the water. With 15,000 kilometres of coastline, New Zealand’s fishing history is rich with stories of the tussle between us and the sea.
Join us as we delve into these topics and more on the Pod and Reel podcast, your gateway to the world of all things fishing in New Zealand.
President Matthew Douglas
Secretary Barbara Prescott
027 5757411 fishdougie@hotmail.com
027 6938431 15bjpre@gmail.com
Treasurer Nick King 021 02887606 csfcoffice@gmail.com
Vice President Stephen Harper 021 373334 sharperuku@gmail.com
Committee Bob Hilton 027 4880563 Bob.hilton9@gmail.com
Mike Oldfield
020 41079843 biffnmell@gmail.com
Patrick Egan 021 2710533 patrick@eganbricklayers.co.nz
Shane Johnston 027 4889073 shanej@envirowater.co.nz
Bruce Sloane 2357729 027 4061581 bruzasloane@yahoo.co.nz
Phil Nicklin 027 2207775 philandces@gmail.com
Nick Murdoch 02102696635 Nick@apscivil.co.nz
Social Media Polly Eyre 0210 527 604 maizienz@hotmail.com
Fish ‘n Chicks Claire Hull
027 2043151 clairehull1316@gmail.com
Newsletters Kevin Steele 021 2301917 kevin@nzsteele.com
Head Weighmaster Stephen Watts 2352002 021 0335145 teressawatts@slingshot.co.nz
Non Committee
Weighmasters Scott Warrender
021 626076
Pete Sellers 0210 412 943 phsellers@outlook.com
Sarah Parkinson 2356494 021 669944 Sparks.s@xtra.co.nz
Charlie Norton
021 1640300
Michael Parker 021654741
Colin Marriner 0274523991
NZFC Reps Stephen Harper 021 373334 sharperuku@gmail.com
Darin Burns 2356456 027 2224538 Darin.laura@hotmail.com
Merchandise Alvin Pacey 021 544276 allynpace@hotmail.com
LENGTH RECORDS we need a clear photo of the fish on the approved measure, which are available for $25. The photo must be of the whole fish lying on its side with the mouth touching the head of the measure. We will need details of where it was caught and the name of the angler.