Meeting starts at 6.30pm Meeting followed by Prizegiving for the
You do not need to be a Cossie Club member to attend.
All CSFC members and guests welcome.
Important Note: if you intend to have a meal before the meeting it would pay to book to avoid disappointment as the restaurant is very popular and often full.
ShuntersRestaurantPhone 092359131ext5
We are a family friendly West coast club based in Waiuku, just south of Auckland. With around 1000 members, trailer boats make up the majority of our fleet. Celebrating fishing of all kinds, from the humble Gurnard to the mighty Broadbill. Club waters span from Raglan north head to Kaipara south head and include the Manukau harbour and Waikato river.
To join the club click
9 Crosbie Road Pukekohe 09 2389180
Dylan Hull and Brock Johnston with a nice fat carp. When it’s blowing 20 knotts and you can’t get out off the coast the river is the place to be.
National Panel Survey results have been released estimating recreational harvest in 2022-2023.
Overall the survey shows fewer Kiwis are going fishing which correlates with an overall reduction in recreational harvest. Since the 2011-12 survey, these numbers have continued on a downwards trend. The previous survey was in 2017-18.
Full survey results HERE
We are excited to announce the formation of our new Youth Committee, designed to engage passionate young individuals aged 17-24 in helping to shape the future of all things youth within the NZSFC.
We are looking for motivated and committed individuals who are eager to contribute their skills and ideas to our mission. If you are enthusiastic about fishing, environmental conservation, and leadership, we encourage you to apply and become a part of this exciting initiative.
Please complete the application form below to be considered for this unique opportunity to make a lasting impact within the NZSFC community.
If you have any questions please contact Ciè Robinson - Bates on 02144816
Newsletters, back to January 2018, are available online here. They have been uploaded in higher resolution then the old pdf versions were emailed out in, so the pictures especially should be better quality.
Tripling the area where public fishing is excluded within the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park, while permitting Māori customary and commercial fishing is a gross insult to everyone who has worked hard to conserve fish over the past few decades, according to public fishing interests’ group LegaSea.
“The last-minute change to the Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill to allow commercial fishing to continue just demonstrates again what the public are up against when trying to protect their interests in taking a kid fishing,” says LegaSea Project Lead Sam Woolford.
“It’s bizarre to have a Marine Park that was set aside 24 years ago to benefit the people of the Gulf, and now we have officials and others colluding to deny us access to our food basket in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.”
Contrary to statements from the Minister of Conservation, Hon Tama Potaka, amateur fishers say these late amendments to the Bill will not make any measurable difference to the health of the Marine Park.
The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council has been involved in the Sea Change process since 2013, trying to find common solutions to restoring the abundance of fish and marine diversity of the Hauraki Gulf. The agreed Sea Change report included a mix of fisheries management and marine protection measures.
Bill McGarry is the local representative for the Council and secretary of the Outboard Boating Club, the largest in Auckland. Bill presented their collective views to the Environment Select Committee hearings in March this year. He believes this latest outcome is a travesty.
“If we had a functioning quota management system there would be no need to close off large fishing areas to protect biodiversity.
“Fisheries New Zealand has not operated in good faith with respect to public fishing; it’s as if their only constituency is fishing quota holders. The public has consistently offered up conservation measures to protect sea life in the Marine Park. This latest move by officials and the government is a slap in the face for democracy.”
Welcome to the Pod and Reel podcast, presented by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, a national body with over 50 affiliated clubs across New Zealand, and over 37,000 members. Since 1957, NZSFC has focussed on setting standards for responsible fishing practices, collating records, organising events like the Nationals, and supporting its affiliated fishing clubs. This podcast dives deep into the history, the people, and the clubs that make up our fishing community. We’ll explore the highs and lows of fishing and learn from mistakes made, striving to be better, safer, and smarter when we interact with the water. With 15,000 kilometres of coastline, New Zealand’s fishing history is rich with stories of the tussle between us and the sea.
Join us as we delve into these topics and more on the Pod and Reel podcast, your gateway to the world of all things fishing in New Zealand.
This competition is held every year between Counties and Clevedon game fishing clubs. It is held over two days (Saturday and Sunday) with the weigh in on Sunday afternoon. Each year the clubs take it in turns to host the event, this year Clevedon are hosting. The host club lays on food, and there is always a good spread on offer. Teams score points for the heaviest three fish in 6 categories; Snapper, John Dory, Kahawai, Kingfish, Gurnard and Trevally. Three points for heaviest, two points for second and one point for third. The points are totalled and the winning team decided. Those with a long memory will remember that we have won this competition, but the last few years have not gone well for us and Clevedon have had some pretty decisive wins. Counties honour is at stake and we would really like to beat them this year, so if you can please think about taking part in the competition. As you can see from this picture of last years competition everyone had a great time, although Clevedon do seem to be smiling more than we are.
Another great thing about this competition is that we arrange a special licence to allow us to donate all the fish weighed in to a local charity, grandparents raising grandkids. This charity, as the name suggests, supports grandparents who are raising their grandkids because the kids parents are unable to do so. With the price of fresh fish in the shops this gives many of them a treat that they can’t often afford.
9th & 10th November
Contact Bob Hilton for details 027 4880563
The Ministers' latest decisions on our fisheries show significant increases in commercial catch limits across many species, right when these stocks need sensible management and a chance at rebuilding. Not sent overseas.
Below is what we submitted on, based on our clubs feedback and direction. As you can see, the Minister decided to ignore recreational fishers and reward a struggling commercial sector by encouraging more destructive bottom impact fishing methods like trawling in our inshore waters.
1. Snapper 2 (SNA2) - A 30% increase in commercial catch, adding 235 tonnes. We’re concerned that this puts other species at risk and fails to account for the unknown impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle.
2. Kaikoura Pāua (PAU3A) - A 100% increase in commercial take (+23 tonnes). With the recreational limit already tight, this excessive boost risks further depleting pāua stocks.
3. Snapper 7 (SNA7) - Commercial catch is up 60% (270 tonnes). The opportunity to protect nursery habitats from trawling was missed.
4. Jack Mackerel 7 (JMA7) - Commercial take increased by 9% (3000 tonnes). The lack of consideration for other species caught as bycatch remains a major issue.
5. Kingfish 7 & 8 (KIN7 & KIN8) - Increases of 36% and 25%. These changes could lead to more wastage as kingfish under 65cm must be returned to the sea, dead or alive.
6. Snapper 1 (SNA1) - A 40% increase (+640 tonnes). We’re particularly concerned about the risk to Māui dolphins and seabirds in this area.
We believe these decisions fail to address long-term sustainability, and the pressure on our marine ecosystems is only increasing.
The Minister may ignore you, but we won't!
We’ll continue advocating on your behalf for better protection of our precious fisheries.
President Matthew Douglas
Secretary Barbara Prescott
027 5757411 fishdougie@hotmail.com
027 6938431 15bjpre@gmail.com
Treasurer Nick King 021 02887606 csfcoffice@gmail.com
Vice President Stephen Harper 021 373334 sharperuku@gmail.com
Committee Bob Hilton 027 4880563 Bob.hilton9@gmail.com
Mike Oldfield
020 41079843 biffnmell@gmail.com
Patrick Egan 021 2710533 patrick@eganbricklayers.co.nz
Shane Johnston 027 4889073 shanej@envirowater.co.nz
Bruce Sloane 2357729 027 4061581 bruzasloane@yahoo.co.nz
Phil Nicklin 027 2207775 philandces@gmail.com
Nick Murdoch 02102696635 Nick@apscivil.co.nz
Social Media Polly Eyre 0210 527 604 maizienz@hotmail.com
Fish ‘n Chicks Claire Hull
027 2043151 clairehull1316@gmail.com
Newsletters Kevin Steele 021 2301917 kevin@nzsteele.com
Head Weighmaster Stephen Watts 2352002 021 0335145 teressawatts@slingshot.co.nz
Non Committee
Weighmasters Scott Warrender
021 626076
Pete Sellers 0210 412 943
Sarah Parkinson 2356494 021 669944 Sparks.s@xtra.co.nz
Charlie Norton
021 1640300
Michael Parker 021654741
Colin Marriner 0274523991
NZFC Reps Stephen Harper 021 373334 sharperuku@gmail.com
Darin Burns 2356456 027 2224538 Darin.laura@hotmail.com
Merchandise Alvin Pacey 021 544276 allynpace@hotmail.com
LENGTH RECORDS we need a clear photo of the fish on the approved measure, which are available for $25. The photo must be of the whole fish lying on its side with the mouth touching the head of the measure. We will need details of where it was caught and the name of the angler.