Over the shoulder of TIM in a pickup truck we drive down the street almost in documentary form. In the distance a young teenage boy is riding his bike. He zips by TIM in the truck, a sun fare obscuring him.
80s feel. The sun peaks through a tree as we open on a close up of a bicycle pedal circling the hub of a bicycle. A POV angle as we hold this shot as the bike cuts a corner. The camera pulls back to reveal a young teenage boy with a backwards cap and a shirt that reads ?HICKSY 18? on the back. (we never see him from the front in these early scenarios) He pedals with full strength as he hops curbs and weaves through the neighborhood. We pick up a reflection in a side view mirror of the kid as he zips by the old steel mill.
Continuing on he passes the old DAIRY QUEEN and then cuts through a wooded pass. Rolling up to the old corner store, he drops the bike and runs inside and grabs a pop. He hangs on the corner for a moment, drinking the pop, just hanging out. He passes a house where an old lady is watering her lawn, they acknowledge one another as he whizzes on.
He pulls up to an old house where a young girl sits on the front stoop. He drops his bike and makes his way over to her. They talk for a moment and she then grabs her bike. They both head out together, making their way to the high school. They arrive at the high school and sneak in one of the back doors. A small adventure as they run through the halls of the empty school.
Like a king and a queen its one of those carefree moments in life. They go from room to room enjoying each others company. There is a sense of attraction between the two. The girl grabs chalk and scribes some love notes on the chalkboard. SHE runs from the room and HICKSY plays chase like a cat and mouse they continue this throughout the school. They leave the school and head back out on their bikes. They make their way to a small lake or a river and just sit by the edge for a few moments as the sun begins to set in the background. Finally as the sun sinks lower, HICKSY takes the GIRL home. He makes his way and pedals off, past a sign exiting town. He continues to pedal into the sunset.
PERFORMANCE On the high school baseball field TIM and his band perform. It?s a sunset performance and the field lights act as our back lights while a few small lights fill in for front light but keeping it a little mysterious and shadowy on their faces. Dust kicks up adding some edge. Lots of drone coverage on the performance as I want this to move and have energy. Low flying drone that rises above the band. Drone shots sweeping left and right, back and forth. This performance is all about energy and excitement.
SUELANGFORD Tell Cou n t r if ied Can ada abou t you r lat est ser ies Choices? The latest series is inspired by the Nashville tv show and a few of my favorite cities. It's about a big country star who gives up the limelight to try and meet someone who isn't in the music industry. She goes down to a tiny town in Georgia and ends up meeting someone she thinks is Mr. Right only to find out that her Mr. Right was closer than she thought. Wh y a ser ies r at h er t h an a sin gle n ovel? When you write a single novel, the story ends. When I wrote this one, there was too much story for a single novel. With me, the characters take on a life of they're own. Their story couldn't be contained into one novel. Wh at m ade you in clu de t h e t h em es of Nash ville an d Cou n t r y m u sic in you r w or k ?
I have loved Nashville since the first time I got there on my first real vacation. Since I'm a huge country music fan, I couldn't help but include it in the books. My theory always is to make the country music artists a little more relatable. People don't realize that they're people too. This way they fall for the characters and they're hooked just like I was my first time in Nashville. I also realized that there weren't many romance novels with a strong female character. I've been told that these books inspire people to be stronger, more powerful and courageous in their own lives which is why I love writing these books so much.
Bein g in spir ed by Cou n t r y m u sic an d Nash ville, do you live in Nash ville?
who is her ever handsome and sexy neighbor. Who will she choose???
No but my heart is there and in Tybee Island Georgia. Wh at ?s n ext ? A n ew ser ies, a sin gle n ovel, w ill t h e t h em e of Cou n t r y m u sic be in clu ded?
The idea came while I was on vacation this past June. An old lighthouse sits on the shore of the savannah river and I was hooked. With this series, a portion of the proceeds are going to the restoration of that lighthouse at Cockspur Island in Tybee Island Georgia. It's over 200 years old and after surviving 2 major wars needs a little makeover. Once you see it you'll understand why I loved it. They're raising funds now which is why I decided to get involved.
The newest novel will be entitled Safe to Shore. All my books are always country music related as I can't help but write about my favorite things. It's going to be part of my lighthouse series. The series begins with a big country star who has developed a bad case of writers block while she's working on her new CD. She opts to go home, back to Tybee Island, to find her inspiration again. When that doesn't help her, she volunteers to help restore the lighthouse. She figures if anything, that would help her get her inspiration back. Of course she meets two amazing guys, one who she has a past of heartbreak with and the other
Kym Simon
"Myself to Blame"
Thomas Wade 'Blue Country Soul'
Last Hologram 'Brave New Universe'
Diggin Roots 'AK-47'
Kaitlin Kozell 'Wasted'
THEDEADSOUTH Q: Wh it e sh ir t s an d black su spen der s, black pan t s an d t r aveller s?h at s? w h o cam e u p w it h you r sign at u r e st yle? A: It was actually an evolution. In the early days, we always wore some sort of costume or theme ? we would all wear the same type of hat, all wear red or we would all play in our underwear, etc. One day we went with the white shirts and suspenders and liked it ? we added black pants, ties, and hats later on. Q: You sin g abou t m u r der ou s, est r an ged spou ses an d r u n aw ay lover cou sin s in cor por at in g t h e ban jo, m an dolin , cello an d gu it ar . Tell Cou n t r if ied Can ada abou t you r ear ly in f lu en ces t h at br ou gh t
Dead Sou t h t o it ?s sign at u r e sou n d? A: We have a very eclectic musical collection between the four of us. Danny grew up playing classical music and listens to a lot of indie rock, Colton is a metal head, Scott likes a lot of punk as well as singer-songwriter stuff and Nate likes everything in between. We were all drawn to the bluegrass-folk sound by bands like The Devil Makes Three and Old Crow Medicine Show. Film also plays a large role in our sound and lyrical content. We?re all big fans of spaghetti westerns, horror films, sci-fi, etc. These films have had a large impact on the sound as well as the lyrical content.
Q: Tell Cou n t r if ied Can ada abou t you r f u ll-len gt h albu m , Good Com pan y (r eleased on Cu r ve/ eOn e). Did you w r it e t h e m ajor it y of t h e sin gles? Wh er e did you r ecor d t h e albu m ? Wh at son g m ak es you t h e m ost excit ed f or f an s t o h ear ? A: We wrote all of the songs on the album, which was recorded in Regina, SK at Soul Sound Studios, and was produced by Orion Paradis. We recorded the album live off the floor. Our favourite song to play live is ?In Hell I?ll Be In Good Company.?
a classic lovelorn f shows off each ele because it worked which is rare for a
folk song., we sing because it ement of the band, and d well as no one dies in it, Dead South song.
Q: Wh at ?s n ext f or Th e Dead Sou t h ?
A: Our new album ?Illusion & Doubt? will be coming out this fall via Curve / eOne. For the rest of the year following the release we?ll be on the road throughout Europe and Western Canada, before settling down a little in the winter and picking it back up again in the spring.
Descr ibe you r m u sic in 3 w or ds - Honest, Melodic, Passionate Dr eam ven u e - Grand Ole Opry Wh at m ak es a son g good? Every great song has the ability to connect with its listener. Whether it's as simple as a great beat or a catchy hook, an interesting melody or heavy lyrics dripping with truth. Dr eam Can adian du et par t n er ? Shania! I have to satisfy this boyhood crush of mine somehow! Tell Cou n t r if ied Can ada abou t you r Songs About A Girl EP? Son g you ar e m ost pleased w it h ? Son g you ar e m ost excit ed f or f an s t o h ear ? This EP was about 3 years in the making. Being my first major release, it was important for us to stay true to the music, and really try and get it all just right. Every one of these songs means something special to me, but truthfully, I'm probably most excited for listeners to hear my brand new single, ?Starts With a Girl?. This song still gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. The lyrics are hauntingly beautiful... it's just a real honest love song about a man who's grateful for all of the women in his life. It's special.
Canadian country music star and Sony Music Canada recording artist Gord Bamford raised a total of $386,175 at the 9th Annual Gord Bamford Charity Golf Classic in Alberta, Canada, August 3 and 4, 2016. Artists Bobby Wills, Tyler Connolly, Buddy Owens, Duane Steele, Beverley Mahood, and Gord himself took the stage and entertained the 700 people who attended the sold-out private event. The Gala took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Red Deer, near Bamford?s hometown of Lacombe, Alberta. Bamford contributes the event?s success to strong community supporters, the music community, and of course the sponsors and volunteers. Alberta-based businesses JEDCO Energy Services served as the event?s title sponsor, with Waschuk Pipeline Construction Ltd along with ETC Event Styling & DĂŠcor joining together as the venue sponsors.
Two surprises un evening, first, a yo the Make-A-Wish Alberta was joine Bamford who gra brand new roping man can continue favourite pastime up on stage from Brother from the Sisters of Lacomb year ?s featured ch course, for the fir tournament, a gu at the Lacombe G which landed Rob cash prize.
Contributing to t 2 private Gord Ba were live auction Danny Hooper fo Shelf Experience Flames was also a bid. Celebrities an auctioned off to g $10,000 for the o celebrity join thei day. The list inclu from the Bentley Glencross and Kr
nfolded during the oungster who is part of program of Northern ed up on stage with Gord anted him his wish of g gear so that the young e participating in his e. The second, was a visit m Gord Bamford?s Big e Big Brothers and Big be & District, one of this harities. On the golf rst time ever at this uest made a hole in one Golf and Country Club bert Gardiner a $10,000
the fundraising total were amford concerts that ed off by auctioneer or $25,000 each. A Top donated by the Calgary an exciting item up for nd athletes were guests who paid up to opportunity to have the ir golf team the following uded, hockey players Generals, Curtis is Russell, as well as
Rodeo Champions Denny Hay, and Davey Shields Jr. ?Central Alberta is a wonderfully strong community that really knows how to rally behind a cause, despite the difficult economic times that Albertans are facing. The organizations we support change lives for the better, and we?re so proud to be part of so many worthwhile causes through our annual event,? said Bamford.
Monies from this event are the main source of fundraising for The Gord Bamford Charitable Foundation and are delivered to a variety of youth-centered charities across the country. The next charity to receive a donation will be the London Children?s Health Foundation who be getting a $10,000 donation during Country Music Week at the upcoming CCMA?s in September. Photo credits: Twitchy Finger Photography
Dolly 's Pu r e & Sim ple Nor t h Am er ican Tou r visit s 60 cit ies an d in clu des t h e f ollow in g Can adian per f or m an ces: Au g. 04 Th e Colosseu m at Caesar Win dsor - Win dsor , ON, Can ada Sept . 09 M olson Can adian Am ph it h eat r e - Tor on t o, ON, Can ada Sept . 10 Foley Fair Gr ou n ds - Segu in , ON, Can ada Sept . 12 M TS Cen t r e - Win n ipeg, M B, Can ada Sept . 13 M osaic Place - M oose Jaw , SK, Can ada Sept . 16 Scot iaban k Saddledom e - Calgar y, AB, Can ada Sept . 17 Roger s Place - Edm on t on , AB, Can ada Sept . 19 Roger s Ar en a - Van cou ver , BC, Can ada An internationally renowned superstar, the iconic and irrepressible Dolly Parton has contributed countless treasures to the world of entertainment. All-inclusive sales of singles, albums, hits collections, paid digital downloads and compilation usage during her illustrious career have topped a staggering 100 million records worldwide. Achieving 25 RIAA certified gold, platinum and multi-platinum awards, Dolly has had 25 songs reach No. 1 on the Billboard Country charts, a record for a female artist. Dolly has garnered 7 Grammy Awards, 10 Country Music Association Awards, 5 Academy of Country Music Awards, 3 American Music Awards and is one of only five female artists to win the Country Music Association's Entertainer of the Year Award. Making her film debut in the 1980 hit comedy "9 to 5," Dolly earned rave reviews for her performance and an Oscar nomination for writing the title tune, along with her second and third
Grammy Awards. Roles in "Steel Magnolias," "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas," "Rhinestone," and "Straight Talk" followed. Dolly saw a cherished dream become a reality in 1986 with the opening of her own theme park, Dollywood, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. In 1988, Dolly began the Dollywood Foundation which funds Dolly Parton's Imagination Library across America and in Canada by giving every preschool child a book each month from the time he or she is born until the child reaches kindergarten. Currently 60,000,000 books are mailed to children in the US, Canada and throughout the UK. In 1999, Dolly was inducted as a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame. She has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in 2004, the U.S. Library of Congress presented her with their Living Legend Award for her contribution to the cultural heritage of the United States. In December 2015, more than 13 million tuned into "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors" and was the most-watched film on broadcast networks since May 2012. To learn more about this American icon, visit DollyParton.com.
Canadian journalists had t Dolly during an audio confe new album, the upcoming Canada shares with rea confe
Dolly on staying young: "Keep working and stay around young people" Dolly on self esteem and body image: "Embrace yourself, stay true to who your are. I feel comfortable being me. I may look artificial, but I am totally real."
Forever is a theme embedded in Pure and Simple and it is an important word in Dolly's life.
the opportunity to speak to erence. Dolly spoke about her g tour and life. Countrified aders highlights from the erence.
"The hardest part of a tour is choosing the songs, I try to place stories and songs throughout my set depending on the feel of the audience. Dolly on st aying fit and healt hy: "I t ry to st ay on a low carb diet , by nat ure I am a very act ive person but I am short so I need to w atch w hat I eat . Pot atoes in any form are my weakness!" Cou n tr ified Can ada pick s off Pu r e an d Sim pl e "Can 't Be Th at W r on g" "For ever You 'l l Be M in e"
"I may not be pure, but I'm as simple as they come! This new Pure & Simple project is really special to me because I'm taking my fans back to my roots. I feel like these songs have a pure, tender side and we didn't go overboard with arrangements. I'm so glad we've teamed up with our friends at Sony to get this album out to the fans," -Dolly Parton. Album title: Pure & Simple Produced by Dolly Parton Pure and Simple Say Forever You'll Be Mine Never Not Love You Kiss It (And Make It All Better) Can't Be That Wrong Outside Your Door Tomorrow Is Forever I'm Sixteen Head Over High Heels Forever Love Dolly Parton?s Imagination Library Canada is a non profit organization promotes early childhood literacy for children by providing free age appropriate books from birth to age 5 in Canada. There is more information available on the web-site: http://ca.imaginationlibrary.com/