JA SON BLA INE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam.
Did you w r it e t h e sin gle ?Dan ce Wit h M y Dau gh t er ?? Yes. My wife had signed my daughter & I up for a father-daughter dance last year and it ended up being a really sweet and beautiful experience. I was really moved by the events of the evening and later that night after we tucked our daughter into bed, I grabbed my guitar while the emotions were still fresh and I wrote Dance With My Daughter by myself, until about 2:00 a.m.
"work passionately hard, give back, l aughal ot,andfil l your l ifewithl ove". How w as t h e f ilm in g exper ien ce? The experience was great. We shot the whole thing in one day and were able to include a lot of our friends and they loved being in the video. The best part for me was just being able to capture my two beautiful daughters on camera as a treasure that we?ll have forever. Everyone had a great time. Wh at is t h e best piece of advice you r eceived f r om you r f at h er ? ?You?ll only get out of it, what you put into it?. It?s great advice and it applies to career, marriage, family, friendships, fitness, faith, anything. Wh at is t h e gr eat est lesson t h at you w ou ld lik e t o pass on t o you r ch ildr en ? Oh boy, that?s a big question. I?m not sure it?s a single answer but perhaps a list of life lessons passed on over time but it might go something like this: Be your best self and believe in yourself, dream big, never give up but don?t be afraid to fail, discover your purpose and work passionately hard, give back, laugh a lot, and fill your life with love.
Happy Fat h er 's Day
Dance With My Daughter