Adams County Graduation 2012

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Page 1G • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Adams County Record

Hettinger High School Class of

Class Motto: Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, And today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.

2012 Graduation:

Sunday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m. Roberts-Reinke Auditorium Hettinger, North Dakota

Class Flower: Blue-tipped White Rose Class Colors: Royal Blue, Black, Silver

Page 2G • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Adams County Record

Hettinger High School Class of 2012

Justis Lincoln Caldwell

Paige Ashley Gravning

The National Rural Health Association named West River Regional Medical Center in Hettinger as one of the TOP 100 critical access HOSPITALS in the country. The top hospitals are the safety net to communities across America. West River Regional Medical Center was measured for 56 different performance metrics, including quality, outcomes, patient perspective, affordability and effciency. To learn more about West River Regional Medical Center and West River Health Services go to

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Hettinger • New England • Mott • Scranton • Lemmon • Bowman • Dickinson

Adams County Record •Friday, May 25, 2012 • Page 3G

Hettinger High School Class of 2012 Justis Linco ln Caldwell

Parents: Tom and Anne-Marie Caldwell High School Ac vi es: Band, Basketball, Football, Librarian, OWLS, Renaissance, Student Council Track Hobbies: Playing basketball Favorite School Memory: The January 13th bus crash Plans a er high school: College at NDSCS Most beneficial high school class and why: Business math taught us about life. Person you most admire and why: Mr. Wick, because he teaches life lessons.

S po ns o r ed b y J ack ‘n ’ Ji ll

Paige Ashley Gravning

Parents: Brian and Libby Gravning High School Activities: Activities Leadership Committee, Band, Basketball, Choir, Drama, FBLA, FFA, Honor Roll, OWLS, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Speech, Student Council, Track, Yearbook. Special Achievements: State FBLA President, State FBLA Region-III Vice President, 9th and 4th place in FBLA Principles and Procedures, 8th in FBLA Business Communica/ons, 5th in Future Business Leader, 2nd in FBLA Business Financial Planning, North Dakota Who’s Who, Na/onal FBLA Conference 4 years, Local FBLA Parliamentarian, Secretary, and President, The Future Award, Business Award, and Leader Award, Na/onal Fall Leadership Conference 1 year, Honor Roll, State Science O, Honor Choir, Outstanding Sophomore Choir Member, Star at Regional Music Contest, State Music, Second in Write It/Do It at Regional Science Olympiad, Second in Road Scholar at Regional Science Olympiad, B Squad Basketball Player of the Year, Outstanding Jr. 4H Member, Outstanding Sr. 4H Member, Ci/zenship Award 2yrs, Leadership Award 2yrs, Achievement Award 2yrs Hobbies: My hobbies are ea/ng at El Som with Cortney Helfrich, playing Phase Ten and solitaire, hanging out with friends, playing on my iPad, basketball, and goofing around. Favorite School Memory: Taking countdown to Christmas pictures in Advanced Comp. Plans a er high school: I plan to a0end UND to get my bachelors degree in nursing. Most beneficial high school class and why: Personal Finance with Mrs. Doe. She is an awesome teacher! Person you most admire and why: I admire my mother the most because no ma0er what, she is always there for me. She puts up with my craziness and s/ll loves me uncondi/onally for it. I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for her. She is a great role model and a wonderful person to be around.

Sp o n so re d b y D ro l c El e ct r ic

D en o t e s Ho n o rs S t ude n t s S p e ak in g d urin g the Ce re mo n y

Cortney Ka ye Helfri ch

Parents: LeAnn Hallen and Adrian Helfrich High School Ac vi es: Band, Basketball, Choir, FBLA, Honor Roll, OWLS, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Student Council, Volleyball, Yearbook. Special Achievements: Starring at Regional Music, State FLBA placer. Hobbies: Going to the lake, playing basketball, hanging out with friends, riding four-wheeler, going on trips, watching WWE. Favorite School Memory: Health class would probably be my favorite school memory. Plans a er high school: During the summer, I am working at the hospital as a nurses aid. This fall I will be a0ending Bismarck State College and taking my generals then transferring either to Rapid City or Billings to enroll in a two year RN program. A er becoming a registered nurse I hope to return to the He1nger area and work at West River Regional Medical Center. Most beneficial high school class and why: My computer classes really helped a lot because I am very interested in computers and I love learning new and challenging things that computers have to offer. I also like my English class. Being able to speak properly and knowing proper grammar will help a lot in communica/ng with pa/ents as I pursue my nursing career. Person you most admire and why: The person I admire the most is hands down my mother. She has gone through so much in life and I look at her and she is s/ll one of the strongest people I know. I love her so much and no ma0er what I would ever do in my life she always loves me and she would do anything for me.

Sp on sore d by : Lyle ’ s Bo dy S h op

Lindsey Nichole Honeyman

Parents: Kim Honeyman and John Honeyman High School Ac vi es: Band, Basketball, Choir, FBLA, Honor Roll, OWLS, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Student Council, Volleyball, Yearbook. Special Achievements: My special achievements are being elected as class treasurer every year since 8th grade, and making it to State Music for choir for two of my small groups during senior year. Hobbies: Hanging out with my friends and family, coloring, going to the lake, playing volleyball, Facebook,

and sadly, homework. Favorite School Memory: My favorite high school memory was ge1ng sprayed everyday in class by Mr. Kohler’s water bo0le. Plans a er high school: A0end Bismarck State College next fall to major in biology, then transfer to a four-year university to pursue my dream of becoming an ultrasound technician. Most beneficial high school class and why: The most beneficial high school class was government with Mr. Kohler. I not only learned about our country’s government but I learned how NOT to chew my nails. Person you most admire and why: I don’t admire just one person; I admire my Mom and Dad, and also my sister Allison. They have helped me with everything and truly are the reason I made it this far. They’ve taught me everything about life and encouraged me to do be0er even when I was already shining.

Sponsored by CC Flooring

Page 4G • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Adams County Record

Hettinger High School Class of 2012 Benjamin Edward Laufer

Parents: Stanley and Beverley Laufer High School Activities: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Honor Roll, Librarian, Student Council. Special Achievements: All District Basketball, All-Region Basketball, All-Region Football, All-Region Baseball, student council secretary, homecoming court Hobbies: Cruising with Steve, Mitch, Brian, and Drew, sports, soap fights, farming Favorite School Memory: Ramping a bus with my teammates. Plans a er high school: A+end Bismarck State College and take up Process Plant Technology Most beneficial high school class and why: Auto with my brother! So many donuts consumed. Person you most admire and why: My Mom because her cooking is beyond amazing.

Sp o n so re d b y H ed ahl ’s P ar t s P l us

Andrew Mar cus Marion

Parents: Tom and Linda Marion High School Ac vi es: Drama, Librarian, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Speech Special Achievements: State Science O 5 years in a row. Hobbies: Wood working, welding, working, and being the family handy man. Favorite School Memory: I haven’t had one yet but I know gradua*on will be one for the books. Plans a er high school: Go through the “Think Big Program” and become a Caterpillar technician. Most beneficial high school class and why: Auto because I learned how to do what I love to do, but in the

proper way. Person you most admire and why: My Dad because he made me the man I am today.

S p on s or e d by G at e Cit y B a nk

Mitch Bradan Miller

Parents: Terry and Staci Miller High School Activities: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Librarian, Science Olympiad, Wrestling Hobbies: Cruising with Steve, Ben, Brian, and Drew. Snowmobiling, hun*ng, fishing. Favorite School Memory: When Ben jumped the school suburban during auto class. Plans a er high school: I plan to farm with my Dad. Most beneficial high school class and why: Auto-with Mr. Laufer. He was awesome!!!!! Person you most admire and why: My dad, because I’m always with him.

Sp on sore d b y Ba c ky ar d Mec ha nic s

Alexis Kellee Markegard

Parents: Jon and Kim Markegard High School Activities: Band, Basketball, Choir, Drama, FBLA, Honor Roll, OWLS, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Student Council, Volleyball, Yearbook Special Achievements: Superior actress freshman and sophomore year, went to Science O junior year, starred in choir small groups freshman, sophomore, and junior year, and Homecoming candidate. Earned first place in Digital Scrapbook at State FBLA Conference. Hobbies: My hobbies include long walks on the beach with Lindsey Honeyman, hang out with my friends, pain*ng seashells with fingernail polish, going to the lake, having weird conversa*ons with Mother Dearest, playing Pit with my papa, playing OO7, skiing and snowboarding, making people laugh, and baking! Favorite School Memory: Ge,ng the most tardys in probably the school’s history. Plans a er high school: I plan to a+end college at NDSU and major in Elementary Ed, or go to cosmetology school were I plan to be a makeup ar*st. Most beneficial high school class and why: My most beneficial class would have to be Foods and Clothing and Tex*les, because it was a class I had interest in and will help me in the future. Person you most admire and why: I can’t pick just one person I admire most. I’d have to say the PEOPLE I admire most are my Mom and Dad. I admire them because they have always been there for me and have always encouraged me to be the best that I can be, and that if I work hard for something I can achieve any goal, long or short term. They have given me so much helpful advice and even though they don’t think I listen, I secretly do!

S po nso re d by C


N Cafe

Mariah Dawn Miller

Parents: Ronda Miller and Henry Miller High School Activities: Band, Choir, Drama, FBLA, Golf, Honor Roll, Librarian, Renaissance, Science Olympiad, Speech, Student Council, Volleyball, Activities Leadership Team. Special Achievements: Qualifying for State Speech sophomore year by ge,ng first place at regionals, Being awarded MVP of the Speech team sophomore year, Being named the Sophomore band member of the year, and ge,ng 2nd place in Science Olympiad at regionals. Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, playing volleyball,

and traveling. Favorite School Memory: Breaking the trophy case with Sammy Obrigewitch in 8th grade. Plans a er high school: A+end NDSU and major in Finance. Most beneficial high school class and why: Government, because it’s challenging and prepares me for college classes next year. Person you most admire and why: My sister because she’s always there for me no ma+er what and she’s a great friend.

Sp o nso re d b y Ru nn i ng s Far m & Fle e t

Adams County Record • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Page 5G

Hettinger High School Class of 2012 Amanda Jean Mo lbert

Parents: Deb and Eugene Molbert High School Activities: FLBA, FFA, Honor Roll, Student Council, Yearbook Special Achievements: I was Senior Class Vice President. I was also the FFA Secretary my senior year. I have placed in various contests in FFA including placing bronze at the winter show in both 2011 and 2012. Hobbies: My hobbies include listening to music, writing, hanging out with friends, and watching movies. Favorite School Memory: My favorite school memory is going to lunch with Daniel, Josh, and Dillon and having laughs that will last. Plans a er high school: I plan to work for one year a er high school then a/end college. I am undecided as to where I will a/end college and what I will major in. Most beneficial high school class and why: Personal Finance with Mrs. Doe was my most beneficial class. She has helped prepare me to take care of my finances as I become independent. Person you most admire and why: I admire people such as Mar.n Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa for showing people that strength doesn’t have to only be physical.

Sponsored by White Drug

Samantha Paige Obrigewitch

Parents: Mane/e and Jesse Obrigewitch High School Ac vi es: BAnd, Choir, Golf, HOnor Roll, Librarian, OWLS, Renaissance, Track Special Achievements: high school, being on the honor roll each year of high school, ranking fourth in my class, placing Grand Champion in Drawing at the Adams County Fair, and placing Reserved Grand Champion in Drawing at the Adams County Fair. Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging with friends, drawing, and photography. Favorite School Memory: Breaking the trophy case with Mariah Miller. Plans a er high school: A/end Minnesota State University Moorhead and major in Art with an emphasis in photography. Most beneficial high school class and why: Government, because it always put me in a good mood for the rest of the day! Person you most admire and why: My parents, for always pu0ng up with me, always being there for me when I needed them the most, and helping me survive all 12 years of school at HHS.

Spo nd ore d by Fi nk’ s Di rt m ov i ng

Reb a M arie R esner

Parents: Reed and Carla Resner High School Ac vi es: Basketball, Drama, Golf, Honor Roll, Librarian, OWLS, Renaissance, Student Council, Volleyball Special Achievements: Superior Actress, All District Volleyball, Homecoming Queen, youth employee of the year Hobbies: Basketball, hanging with friends and my brother Favorite School Memory: Senior health Plans a er high school: A/end DSU to major in k-12 physical educa.on and minor in coaching Most beneficial high school class and why: with Mrs. Doe because it makes me face my unwillingness to speak in front of the class. Person you most admire and why: Mom she is always there for me and always on my side.

Sp on sore d b y Ke n n e dy ’s Fr es h F oods

Brian Joseph Robertso n

Parents: Reggie and Nancy Robertson High School Ac vi es: Honor Roll, Librarian, Science Olympiad Hobbies:, riding four wheeler, cruising with Steve, Mitch, Ben, and Drew Favorite School Memory: Plans a er high school: Work Most beneficial high school class and why: Junior Auto

Sponsored by Napa Auto Par ts

Ashley Renae Timm

Parents: Danian and Kimberly Timm High School Ac vi es: Drama, Honor Roll, Librarian, OWLS, Renaissance, Student Council, Volleyball, Wrestling Stat, Leadership Group Special Achievements: I made honor roll throughout my high school career and maintained a 3.1 GPA. Hobbies: Fishing, camping, and experiencing life with Brooke, Myranda, and Jahn. Favorite School Memory: In physics class, when Sam Sayler hit Ms. Block with a brick. Plans a er high school: (work, a/end college and where and major in what? military) I plan on a/ending Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD, where I will take my generals the first year. A er that I then will go on to become a teacher or social worker. I have always had a passion for helping people. Most beneficial high school class and why: Ms. Dunn’s English classes, because she has prepped us with all the tools we will need next year in college. She also tries her best in ge0ng your grades up and will help you no ma/er what. Person you most admire and why: The person I most admire is my dad and mom. We are all the most stubborn people and somehow get along perfectly. They know exactly how to get on my nerves and vise versa. No ma/er how many .mes we all fight I love them to death. I am so blessed to have parents that care for me.

Sp ons ored b y D ac otah Ba n k

Lexy Bay Williams

Parents: Roberta and Russell Williams High School Ac vi es: Band, Basketball, Drama, Honor Roll, Librarian, OWLS, renaissance, Science Olympiad, Student council, Volleyball, Leadership. Special Achievements: Student of the month, several .me South Dakota High School Rodeo State Qualifier, several .me South Dakota High School Rodeo Regional Placer, Honor Roll, South Dakota State 4-H rodeo qualifier, Outstanding 4-H member, Lemmon High School Rodeo Team Vice President, Leadership Commi/ee, Junior Class President. Hobbies: Prac.cing, working out, and spending .me with family and friends. Favorite School Memory: My favorite school memory is finding “Crocky” in the chemistry lab. Plans a er high school: I plan on a/ending college and pursuing a degree in obstetric nursing. Most beneficial high school class and why: Government because Mr. Kohler knows how to get it done. Person you most admire and why: I most admire my mom and dad because they have always been there for me through everything. They have always been someone to look up to and respect. I am very thankful I was fortunate enough to have them as parents.

Sp on sore d b y John son Sma l l En gin e R ep a ir

Page 6G • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Adams County Record

Hettinger High School Class of 2012

Benjamin Edward Laufer

Congratulations to all the Hettinger High School 2012 Graduates from

Lindsey Nichole Honeyman

Amanda Jean Molbert

Adams County Record • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Page 7G

Hettinger High School Class of 2012

Andrew Marcus Marion

Alexis Kellee Markegard

Mariah Dawn Miller

Congrats Co C Congr ongr ngra ng grats g gr rats rats ats s G Gr raduates! adu ad duates! d ua u uates! ates! tes! es! es s! Graduates! ready r eady eady dy yfffor or r the rthe h next s tep? t p? step? It’s It’ s not too too late latte tto o make make U-Mary y your our o choic choice. e. QUESTIONS? Contact Cont act the U-Mary Admis Admissions missions Office Office at

Mitch Bradan Miller

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Why hy y U-Mary? U-Mary M ry y? IIndividual ndividual vidual al att attention ention ion N Nationally ationall onallly rrecognized ecognized pr programs rograms 95% % plac placement ement rrate ate aft after er graduation graduation on 16 NC N NCAA AA A Division II athl athletic etic tteams eams to to participat participate rticipate in or cheer on to to victory victoryy

...and and did w we e mention n that every ev very singl single le e fr freshman reshman rreceives eceiv ves a

scholarship? scholar cholar rship? ? 7500 7 5 0 0 UNIVERSITY U NI V E R S I T Y D DRIVE RI V E • BISMARCK BI S M A R CK N ND D

Page 8G • Friday, May 25, 2012 • Adams County Record

Hettinger High School Class of 2012

Samantha Paige Obrigewitch Reba Marie Resner

Lexy Bay Williams

W es t R i ve r I ns u r a nc e Ag enc y o f H et t i n ge r

and Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company of Grinnell, Iowa, have named

Hettinger High School Senior Reba Resner

as a recipient of a 2012 Road to Success Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. She was chosen for her excellence in the classroom and a safe driving record on the roadways. Reba is the daughter of Reed and Carla Resner.

Ashley Renae Timm

West River Insurance Agency 603 Adams Avenue 701-567-9378 Hettinger, ND 58639 A Grinnell Mutual Affiliate

Brian Joseph Robertson

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