See results inside
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners
1220 Main Avenue, Tillamook (503) 842-5543 •
2 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners 4-H Results
This year over 300 4-H members entered a total of just over 1,800 4-H exhibits or contests at the Tillamook County Fair. Ribbon Scale for 4-H Results BOS Best of Show RBOS Reserve Best of Show GC Grand Champion (used in market animal classes only) RGC Reserve Grand Champion (used in market animal classes only) CH Champion RC Reserve Champion SC Senior Champion (based on animal’s age in dairy cattle & goat) RS Reserve Senior Champion (based on animal’s age in dairy cattle & goat) JC Junior Champion (based on animal’s age in dairy cattle & goat) RJ Reserve Junior Champion (based on animal’s age in dairy cattle & goat) P Purple (top 10% of exhibits in exhibit hall or call back in animal classes) B Blue (excellent quality) R Red (good quality) W White (fair quality) D Display Only (non-judged classes including Cloverbuds) The ribbon(s) reported for each member include the highest ribbon for each exhibit/ contest in a project, breed or level. Each ribbon indicates one exhibit/contest.
4-H Beef Cattle 4-H Beef Showmanship, Junior Brian Rieger........................ CH 4-H Beef Showmanship, Intermediate Jourdan Cole...................... CH 4-H Beef Showmanship, Senior Samantha Boring................... B Haley Emerson................... CH Joey Rocha..........................RC 4-H Beef, Hereford Brian Rieger...................... BOS 4-H Feeder Beef Samantha Boring................ CH 4-H Market Steer Jourdan Cole......................... B Haley Emerson................... GC Brian Rieger........................... B Joey Rocha.......................RGC
4-H Sheep 4-H Sheep Showmanship, Novice Lexie Crabtree................... CH Lilly Webster......................... B Chad Werner.......................RC 4-H Sheep Showmanship, Junior Cassi Buss............................RC Levi Crabtree..................... CH Alley Durrer........................... B Brodie Queen........................ B 4-H Sheep Showmanship, Intermediate Jessica Dally.......................... P Morgan Dally......................... B Suzannah Floyd..................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B Morgan Queen...................... P Jacob Siemsen................... CH Tanner Siemsen..................... B Ben Springs.........................RC EmyLu Webster..................... B 4-H Sheep Showmanship, Senior William Prince..................... CH Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Matt Travers.......................... B Katie Warren.......................RC George Webster................... B Tasha Webster....................... B 4-H Sheep, Crossbred
Lexie Crabtree...................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Jessica Dally....................... CH Brodie Queen......................RC Morgan Queen...................... B Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Tasha Webster....................... B 4-H Sheep, Crossbred, Producing Ewe with Production Records Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B 4-H Sheep, Hampshire Alley Durrer....................RBOS Alley Durrer.........................RC 4-H Sheep, Suffolk Kayla Shoaff........................RC Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Ben Springs........................... B Ben Springs........................... B Ben Springs...................... BOS Ben Springs........................... B 4-H Sheep, Suffolk, Flock Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Ben Springs........................... B 4-H Sheep, Suffolk, Ewe and own produce Kayla Shoaff.......................... B 4-H Sheep, Suffolk, Producing Ewe with Production records Kayla Shoaff.......................... B 4-H Market Lamb Cassi Buss.............................. B Levi Crabtree........................ P Lexie Crabtree...................... B Alley Durrer........................... B Suzannah Floyd..................... R Brittany Plasker..................... R William Prince..................... GC Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... R Jacob Siemsen...................... R Tanner Siemsen..................... R Ben Springs........................... B Matt Travers.....................RGC Katie Warren......................... P EmyLu Webster..................... B George Webster................... B Lilly Webster......................... B Tasha Webster....................... R Chad Werner......................... B 4-H Non-Auction Market Lamb Morgan Dally...................... CH Ben Springs.........................RC
Chad Werner......................... B
4-H Swine 4-H Swine Showmanship, Novice Conner Cook......................... R Lexie Crabtree...................... B Alley Durrer........................... R Walter Krueger...................... R Mitchell Richwine.................. R Justin Schriber.................... CH Chloe Weber.......................RC Cassie Wehage...................... B 4-H Swine Showmanship, Junior Noah Chatelain..................... R Levi Crabtree..................... CH Charlie Jenck......................... R Libby McKibbin..................... B Eli McRae............................... R Hallie Obrist........................RC 4-H Swine Showmanship, Intermediate Monica Chatelain.................. B Tea Chatelain......................... R Jourdan Cole......................... R Chase Cook........................... R Dylan Dunlap...................... CH Noah Jenck........................... R Lucas Mckillip........................ P Maddie McRae...................... P Jack North............................. R Kycie Richwine...................... B Jeremy Schriber.................... R Natasha Slater-Nixon............ B Clayton Wehage..................RC 4-H Swine Showmanship, Senior Abbie Bryson......................... R Joey Chatelain....................... R Haley Emerson....................RC Sam Kenagy.......................... P Jerrad McKibbin.................... R Nathan McRae....................... P William Prince..................... CH Devin Richwine...................... B Kayla Shoaff.......................... R Alicia Torppa......................... B 4-H Swine, Yorkshire Levi Crabtree.................RBOS Natasha Slater-Nixon..........RC 4-H Swine, Crossbred Joey Chatelain....................... B Noah Chatelain..................... R Tea Chatelain......................... R Jourdan Cole......................... R Alley Durrer........................... B William Prince................... BOS Justin Schriber.....................RC Clayton Wehage.................... B
4-H Swine, Production Record Class Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B 4-H Feeder Hog Monica Chatelain.................. B Conner Cook.......................RC Eli McRae........................... CH 4-H Market Hog Abbie Bryson........................ R Jourdan Cole......................... R Chase Cook........................... B Conner Cook......................... P Levi Crabtree..................... GC Lexie Crabtree...................... P Dylan Dunlap......................... R Alley Durrer........................... B Haley Emerson...................... B Charlie Jenck......................... R Noah Jenck........................... B Sam Kenagy.......................... R Walter Krueger..................... R Jerrad McKibbin................... B Libby McKibbin..................... B Lucas Mckillip........................ R Eli McRae.............................. B Maddie McRae...................... B Nathan McRae....................... P Jack North............................. B Hallie Obrist.......................... B William Prince...................RGC Devin Richwine...................... R Kycie Richwine...................... R Mitchell Richwine.................. R Jeremy Schriber.................... B Justin Schriber....................... P Kayla Shoaff.......................... B Natasha Slater-Nixon............ B Alicia Torppa......................... R Chloe Weber......................... P Cassie Wehage...................... B Clayton Wehage.................... B 4-H Non-Auction Market Swine Abbie Bryson......................... R Chase Cook........................... R Levi Crabtree..................... CH Lexie Crabtree...................... B Haley Emerson....................RC Walter Krueger...................... R Lucas Mckillip........................ R Jack North............................. B Kycie Richwine...................... B Kayla Shoaff.......................... B
4-H Meat Goats 4-H Meat Goat Showmanship, Junior Brodie Queen......................RC Maddie Reeves................... CH 4-H Meat Goat Showmanship, Intermediate Morgan Queen...................... B Erik Reeves..........................RC Emily Scherdnik.................. CH 4-H Meat Goat Showmanship, Senior Cady Hale B....................... CH 4-H Meat Goat Cady Hale.............................. B Cady Hale.............................. B Cady Hale.............................. R Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen................. BOS 4-H Meat Goat, Members Herd Cady Hale.............................. B 4-H Meat Goat, Dam & Daughter Cady Hale.............................. B 4-H Feeder Goat Cady Hale.............................. B Brodie Queen..................... CH
Emily Scherdnik...................RC 4-H Market Goat Cady Hale.............................. B Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... B Erik Reeves......................... GC Maddie Reeves.................RGC Emily Scherdnik..................... B
4-H Meat Animal Judging Contest 4-H Meat Animal Judging Contest, Junior Cassi Buss.............................. B Conner Cook......................... R Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Alley Durrer........................... B Charlie Jenck......................... R Brodie Queen..................... CH Jared Reeder......................... B Brian Rieger.........................RC Lilly Webster......................... R Cassie Wehage...................... B Chad Werner......................... B 4-H Meat Animal Judging Contest, Intermediate Chase Cook........................... B Dylan Dunlap......................... R Noah Jenck........................... B Lucas Mckillip........................ R Brittany Plasker..................... B Morgan Queen...................... B Nathan Reeder...................... B Emily Scherdnik................ BOS Jacob Siemsen...................... B Tanner Siemsen...................RC Ben Springs........................... B EmyLu Webster..................... B Clayton Wehage.................... B 4-H Meat Animal Judging Contest, Senior William Prince..................... CH George Webster.................RC Tasha Webster....................... B
Swiss Delainy Lea............................ B Lucas Leslie........................ CH Lucas Leslie.......................RJC Kalli Sherer.......................... JC
Katey Jenck........................... B Josh Seals.............................. B Tyler Seals........................... CH Christopher Silveira............... B Matthew Silveira................... B
4-H Dairy Goat, Toggenburg Brent Rocha........................ CH
4-H Dairy Cattle, Brown Swiss, Dam and Daughter Lucas Leslie........................... B
4-H Dairy Cattle Judging, Intermediate Izzy Burnett.........................RC Paige Burnett........................ B Aryel Crivella......................... R Jenessa Funkhouser.............. B Zachary Macias...................... B Sierra Marquez-..................... B Luke Martin........................... R Risa O’Neil............................ R Cheyanne Payne.................... R Brent Rocha........................ CH
4-H Pygmy Goat Showmanship, Junior Maddie Reeves................... CH
4-H Dairy Cattle, Holstein Katey Jenck.......................RJC Kalli Sherer.....................RBOS Katie Sherer......................... JC 4-H Dairy Cattle, Holstein, Producing Cow with production records Kalli Sherer............................ B 4-H Dairy, Jersey, Junior Heifer Calf Paige Burnett........................ B Laci Lourenzo........................ B Austin Woods........................ B 4-H Dairy, Jersey, Intermediate Heifer Calf Paige Burnett........................ R Rachel Jenck.......................... R Lexi Lourenzo...................... JC Blake Rocha.......................RJC Josh Seals.............................. B Tyler Seals.............................. B 4-H Dairy, Jersey, Senior Heifer Calf Clara Blaser........................... R Lucas Leslie........................... B Mark Olson............................ B Josh Seals.............................. R Alicia Torppa......................... R Austin Woods........................ B Blake Woods......................... B 4-H Dairy, Jersey, Junior Yearling Heifer Austin Woods........................ B
4-H Dairy Cattle
4-H Dairy, Jersey Senior Yearling Heifer Izzy Burnett........................... B Austin Woods........................ B
4-H Dairy Cattle Showmanship, Novice Clara Blaser........................ CH Katey Jenck........................... B Delainy Lea............................ B Tyler Seals............................RC
4-H Dairy, Jersey Junior Two Year Old Cow & Senior Yearling Kelly Olson............................ B Shelby Porter........................ B Austin Woods........................ B
4-H Dairy Cattle Showmanship, Junior Rachel Jenck.......................... B Laci Lourenzo......................RC Blake Rocha........................... B Josh Seals.............................. B Christopher Silveira............ CH Matthew Silveira................... B Blake Woods......................... B
4-H Dairy, Jersey, Three and Four Year Old Cow Mark Olson............................ B Austin Woods................... BOS
4-H Dairy Cattle Showmanship, Intermediate Izzy Burnett........................... B Paige Burnett........................ B Zachary Macias...................... B Luke Martin........................... B Mark Olson..........................RC Katie Sherer........................ CH 4-H Dairy Cattle Showmanship, Senior Lucas Leslie........................... B Lexi Lourenzo........................ B Gregory Macias..................... B Nicholas Macias.................... B Lee Martin............................. B Kelly Olson......................... CH Shelby Porter......................RC Kalli Sherer............................ B Alicia Torppa......................... B Austin Woods........................ B 4-H Dairy Cattle, Brown
4-H Dairy, Jersey, Five Year Old Cow and Older Austin Woods......................RC 4-H Dairy Cattle, Jersey, 4-H Member’s Dairy Herd Austin Woods........................ B 4-H Dairy Cattle, Jersey, Producing Cow with 4-H production records Austin Woods........................ B 4-H Dairy Replacement Heifer Gregory Macias..................... B Nicholas Macias.................... B Zachary Macias...................... B Lee Martin............................. B Luke Martin........................ CH Christopher Silveira............... B Matthew Silveira.................RC 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging, Junior Maelene Abbott.................... B Clara Blaser........................... B Rayanna Fernandez.............RC
4-H Dairy Cattle Judging, Senior Alix Baertlein......................... B Gregory Macias...................RC Lee Martin............................. B Scot Rocha......................... CH Austin Woods........................ B
4-H Pygmy Goats
4-H Pygmy Goat Showmanship, Intermediate Erik Reeves......................... CH Emily Scherdnik................RCH 4-H Pygmy Goat, Females Erik Reeves....................... BOS Erik Reeves........................RSC Erik Reeves........................RJC Maddie Reeves...............RBOS Maddie Reeves...................... B Maddie Reeves...................... B Emily Scherdnik.................RJC Emily Scherdnik..................... B
4-H Dairy Goats
4-H Pygmy Goats, Members Herd, 3 females Erik Reeves............................ B
4-H Dairy Goat Showmanship, Junior Blake Rocha........................ CH
4-H Pygmy Goat, Dam and Produce Erik Reeves............................ B
4-H Dairy Goat Showmanship, Intermediate Maria Loza............................. B Brent Rocha........................ CH Katie Sherer.........................RC Lexie Zuercher...................... B
4-H Pygmy Goat, Weathers Erik Reeves............................ B Erik Reeves............................ B Maddie Reeves....................RC Maddie Reeves...................... B Maddie Reeves...................... B Emily Scherdnik.................. CH Emily Scherdnik..................... B Emily Scherdnik..................... B
4-H Dairy Goat Showmanship, Senior Cady Hale............................RC Scott Rocha........................ CH 4-H Dairy Goat, Alpine Scott Rocha........................ CH 4-H Dairy Goat, Crossbred Maria Loza.......................... CH 4-H Dairy Goat, Crossbred, 4-H Member’s herd Brent Rocha........................... B 4-H Dairy Goat, La Mancha Brent Rocha....................RBOS Brent Rocha.........................RC 4-H Dairy Goat, Nigerian Dwarf Katie Sherer........................ CH Katie Sherer.........................RC Lexie Zuercher...................... B 4-H Dairy Goat, Nigerian Dwarf, Dam and Daughter Katie Sherer........................... B 4-H Dairy Goat, Nubian Cady Hale..........................RSC Cady Hale..........................RJC Cady Hale.............................. P Maria Loza............................. B Brent Rocha...................... BOS Blake Rocha.........................RC 4-H Dairy Goat, Nubian, Dam and Daughter Cady Hale.............................. B Maria Loza............................. B 4-H Dairy Goat, Oberhasli Lexie Zuercher................... CH Lexie Zuercher....................RC 4-H Dairy Goat, Oberhasli, Dam and Daughter Lexie Zuercher...................... B 4-H Dairy Goat, Saanen Scott Rocha........................ CH
4-H Pigeons 4-H Pigeon Showmanship Intermediate Nathan Reeder...................... B 4-H Pigeon Showmanship, Senior Ben Reeder......................... CH 4-H Pigeon, Fancy Ben Reeder....................... BOS Ben Reeder............................ R 4-H Pigeon, Homer Ben Reeder......................... CH Ben Reeder............................ B Nathan Reeder...............RBOS Nathan Reeder....................RC 4-H Pigeon, Performing Ben Reeder......................... CH Ben Reeder............................ B Nathan Reeder....................RC
4-H Poultry 4-H Poultry Showmanship, Novice Lexie Crabtree...................... B Jacob Mosley........................ B Jared Reeder......................... B Pierce Trent........................... B 4-H Poultry Showmanship, Junior Levi Crabtree..................... CH Dana Hoodenpyl................... B Brooklyn McKillip.................. B Dillon Pierce.......................... B Bradley Witt........................RC 4-H Poultry Showmanship, Intermediate Greg Elligsen......................... B Suzannah Floyd..................... B Dylan Hoodenpyl.................. B Will Neary........................... CH Dakota Pierce........................ P Brittany Plasker..................... B
Nathan Reeder....................RC Kalli Swanson........................ B Clayton Wehage.................... B 4-H Poultry Showmanship, Senior Tim Merrill............................. B Wesley Neary..................... CH 4-H Poultry, APA and ABA Standard Bred, Bantam Levi Crabtree......................RC Levi Crabtree........................ B Levi Crabtree........................ R Lexie Crabtree...................... P Lexie Crabtree...................... P Lexie Crabtree...................... B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Lexie Crabtree...................... R Suzannah Floyd..................... B Wesley Neary........................ P Wesley Neary........................ P Will Neary.......................RBOS Bradley Witt.......................... B 4-H Poultry, Non-Standard Bred-Bantam Levi Crabtree........................ B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Tim Merrill............................. B Wesley Neary........................ B Will Neary........................... CH Jared Reeder......................... B 4-H Poultry, Crossbred Bantam Levi Crabtree........................ R Levi Crabtree........................ R Levi Crabtree........................ B Brooklyn McKillip.................. B Wesley Neary..................... CH Wesley Neary........................ R 4-H Poultry, APA Standard Bred, Large Fowl Dana Hoodenpyl................... B Wesley Neary..................... CH Brittany Plasker..................... R Brittany Plasker..................... R 4-H Poultry, Non APA Standard Bred Large Fowl Dana Hoodenpyl................... B Wesley Neary..................... CH Wesley Neary........................ R Dakota Pierce........................ B Dillon Pierce.......................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B Nathan Reeder...................... B Clayton Wehage..................RC
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 3 4-H Poultry, Pen of Laying Hens Suzannah Floyd..................... B Wesley Neary........................ R 4-H Market Poultry, Broiler/ Fryer, pen of 3 Suzannah Floyd..................... B Dana Hoodenpyl................... R Dylan Hoodenpyl.................. R Brooklyn McKillip............... GC Will Neary.............................. R Dakota Pierce........................ B Dillon Pierce.......................... R Pierce Trent......................RGC Bradley Witt.......................... B 4-H Market Turkey Wesley Neary..................... CH Clayton Wehage..................RC 4-H Poultry Judging Contest, Junior Connor Cook........................W Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexi Crabtree........................ B Rayanna Fernandez..............W Delainy Lea............................ R Hannah Palter........................ R Dillon Pierce....................... CH Pierce Trent........................... R Jared Reeder......................... R Cassie Wehage...................... R 4-H Poultry Judging Contest, Intermediate Chase Cook........................... R Sokcali Hanson...................... R Will Neary........................... CH Noah Palter........................... R Cheyanne Payne...................W Bailey Randall........................ B Nathan Reeder...................... R Roslynd Silveira....................W Dylan Wacker........................ R Clayton Wehage.................... B 4-H Poultry Judging Contest, Senior Nicole Bishop..................... CH
4-H Cavies 4-H Cavy Showmanship Novice Ashley Houck........................ B Nikko Howard-................... CH Evie Wilkins........................... B 4-H Cavy Showmanship Intermediate Aryel Crivella......................... B
4-H Poultry, Crossbred Large Fowl Dylan Hoodenpyl............... CH Pierce Trent........................... R Clayton Wehage..................RC
4-H Cavy, Crossbred Aryel Crivella......................... B Aryel Crivella......................... B Nikko Howard-................... CH Evie Wilkins.........................RC
4-H Poultry, APA Standard Bred Duck Greg Elligsen......................... B Will Neary.............................. R Kalli Swanson......................RC Kalli Swanson................... BOS
4-H Cavy, Teddy Ashley Houck........................ B
4-H Poultry, Commercial Non-Standard Duck Will Neary........................... CH Will Neary.............................. B Will Neary.............................. R 4-H Poultry, APA Standard Bred Turkey, Young Female Wesley Neary..................... CH Clayton Wehage..................RC 4-H Poultry, Other Ben Reeder......................... CH Jared Reeder......................... B Nathan Reeder...................... B
4-H Rabbits 4-H Rabbit Showmanship, Novice Cassie Wehage................... CH Evie Wilkins.........................RC 4-H Rabbit Showmanship, Junior Maelene Abbott.................... B Clare Atchison....................... B Kayla Cooley......................... B Jackie Elligsen....................... B Rayanna Fernandez.............RC Nikko Howard-...................... B Nea Johnson......................... P Hannah Palter..................... CH Brodie Queen........................ P Dylin Walker.......................... P Jordan Walker....................... B
4-H Rabbit Showmanship Intermediate Aryel Crivella......................... B Jenessa Funkhouser.............. B Sierra Marquez-..................... R Risa O’Neil............................ R Noah Palter........................... B Cheyanne Payne.................... B Bridget Stavens..................... B Natasha Stein......................RC Kalli Swanson..................... CH
Risa O’Neil............................ P
4-H Rabbit Showmanship Senior Brianna Armitage................RC Nicole Bishop..................... CH Tim Merrill............................. B Wesley Neary........................ B Brittnie O’Neil....................... B
4-H Dog Showmanship, Novice Quintin Crossley................. CH Libby McKibbin...................RC
4-H Market Rabbit Aryel Crivella......................... B Wesley Neary...................RGC Dylin Walker.......................... B Jordan Walker.................... GC Cassie Wehage...................... B
4-H Dog
4-H Rabbit, Doe with production records Risa O’Neil............................ B
4-H Dog Showmanship, Intermediate Jamie Kottre....................... CH Cassidy Riley.......................RC Bridget Stavens..................... B Max Wiegardt....................... B
4-H Rabbit, Californian Evie Wilkins.........................RC Brodie Queen..................... CH Brodie Queen........................ R Natasha Stein........................ B
4-H Dog Showmanship, Senior Sara Ayers...........................RC Alix Baertlein...................... CH Tim Merrill............................. B
4-H Rabbit, Heavyweight Crossbred Jackie Elligsen....................... B Rayanna Fernandez............... B Sierra Marquez-...................RC Risa O’Neil............................ B Brittnie O’Neil....................... B Noah Palter........................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Brodie Queen........................ B Natasha Stein.................RBOS Kalli Swanson........................ B
4-H Pre-Novice Dog Obedience Sara Ayers............................. R Alix Baertlein...................... CH Quintin Crossley.................... R Jamie Kottre.......................... R Libby McKibbin..................... R Tim Merrill............................. R Bridget Stavens..................... R Max Wiegardt....................... R
4-H Rabbit, Dutch Clare Atchison.................... CH Nicole Bishop........................ B Jordan Walker.....................RC Jordan Walker....................... B 4-H Rabbit, Lop (Mini) Aryel Crivella......................... B Cheyanne Payne.................... B Cheyanne Payne.................... B Bridget Stavens...................RC 4-H Rabbit, Mini Rex Brianna Armitage.................. B Aryel Crivella......................... B Aryel Crivella......................... B Jenessa Funkhouser.............. B Nikko Howard-...................... B Tim Merrill............................. P Hannah Palter........................ B Hannah Palter........................ B Cheyanne Payne.................... B Dylin Walker.......................... B Dylin Walker..................... BOS Jordan Walker.....................RC Dylin Walker.......................... B Jordan Walker....................... P
4-H Novice Dog Obedience Alix Baertlein...................... CH Jamie Kottre.......................... R Tim Merrill.............................D Cassidy Riley......................... R 4-H Dog Agility Phoebe Brown....................... B Quintin Crossley..................RC Jamie Kottre....................... CH Tim Merrill.......................... CH Libby McKibbin.................. CH Cassidy Riley.......................RC Max Wiegardt....................... B
Keleigh Hoopes.................. CH Katelin Kaufman.................... R Kalli Sherer............................ B Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Horse, Ground Training (yearling) Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Horse, Bareback Equitation Nicole Bishop........................ B Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn.......................... R Josie Hoopes........................ B Keleigh Hoopes..................... B Alexia Rhoads........................ R Cassidy Riley......................... R Kalli Sherer..........................RC Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Dad Potter Horse Josie Hoopes........................D Keleigh Hoopes.....................D Kalli Sherer............................D Monica Therrien.................... B 4-H Horse, English Equitation (Hunt Seat) Nicole Bishop..................... CH Josie Hoopes........................ R Keleigh Hoopes..................... R Kalli Sherer......................... CH Monica Therrien.................... R 4-H Horse, Western Equitation Nicole Bishop........................ B Hayley Hahn.......................... R Josie Hoopes........................ R Keleigh Hoopes..................... B Alexia Rhoads........................ R
Cassidy Riley...................... CH Kalli Sherer..........................RC Monica Therrien................. CH
Kalli Sherer............................ R Katie Sherer........................... R Monica Therrien................. CH
4-H Trail Horse Nicole Bishop........................ R Hayley Hahn.......................... R Josie Hoopes..................... CH Keleigh Hoopes..................... R Cassidy Riley...................... CH Kalli Sherer............................ R Monica Therrien................. CH
4-H Horse Gaming, Barrels, Junior Audrey Averill..................... CH Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn........................RC Michael Rhoads....................W
4-H Horse, Ride-A-Buck for Fun Nicole Bishop........................D Josie Hoopes........................D Keleigh Hoopes.....................D Alexia Rhoads........................D Cassidy Riley.........................D Kalli Sherer............................D Monica Therrien....................D 4-H Horse, Walk Trot Mickinley Bodie.................. CH Cassie Wehage...................... R 4-H Horse, Western Pleasure for Fun Nicole Bishop......................RC Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn.......................... R Josie Hoopes........................ B Keleigh Hoopes..................... R Cassidy Riley......................... B Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Horse Gaming Showmanship Audrey Averill..................... CH Racheal Greever.................... B Michael Rhoads..................... R
4-H Horse Gaming, Barrels, Senior Racheal Greever.................... B Keleigh Hoopes.................. CH Katelin Kaufman...................W Kalli Sherer............................ B Monica Therrien..................RC 4-H Horse Gaming, Figure 8, Junior Audrey Averill........................ R Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn.......................... R Michael Rhoads.....................D 4-H Horse Gaming, Figure 8, Intermediate Josie Hoopes........................ R Katie Sherer..........................W 4-H Horse Gaming, Figure 8, Senior Racheal Greever.................... B Keleigh Hoopes.................. CH Katelin Kaufman...................W Kalli Sherer...........................W
4-H Horse Gaming, Key Race, Junior Audrey Averill........................ R Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn.........................W Michael Rhoads..................... R 4-H Horse Gaming, Key Race, Intermediate Josie Hoopes........................ R Katie Sherer..........................W 4-H Horse Gaming, Key Race, Senior Racheal Greever.................... B Keleigh Hoopes....................W Katelin Kaufman...................W Kalli Sherer...........................W Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Horse Gaming, Flag Race, Junior Audrey Averill.......................W Mickinley Bodie..................... R Hayley Hahn..........................D Michael Rhoads....................W 4-H Horse Gaming, Flag Race, Intermediate Josie Hoopes.......................W Katie Sherer..........................W 4-H Horse Gaming, Flag Race, Senior Racheal Greever...................W Keleigh Hoopes.................. CH Katelin Kaufman...................W Kalli Sherer...........................W Monica Therrien..................RC
Thanks, Tillamook!
Name: Woodburn Livestock Exchange LLC Width: 5.1875 in from Depth: 5.5 in Color: Black Ad Number: H13979
Woodburn Livestock Exchange Special thanks to our Tillamook County customers for making us the largest livestock auction in western Oregon! Dairy Sales Every Third Tuesday of the Month.
4-H Dog Judging contest, Junior Phoebe Brown.................... CH Quintin Crossley.................... R Libby McKibbin....................W 4-H Dog Judging contest, Intermediate Jamie Kottre.......................... B Max Wiegardt......................W 4-H Dog Judging Contest, Senior Sara Ayers............................W Michelle Vinjamuri................. R
4-H Horse Gaming, Barrels, Intermediate Josie Hoopes........................ R Katie Sherer..........................W
Monica Therrien..................RC
Sale Schedule
• Cattle Sales at 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday • Sheep, Goat and Hog Sale every other Monday at 11:30 a.m.
4-H Rabbit, Mini Satin Brittnie O’Neil....................... B
4-H Horse
4-H Rabbit, Netherland Dwarf Brianna Armitage.................. B Risa O’Neil............................ B Cassie Wehage...................... B
4-H Horse Performance Showmanship, Novice Hayley Hahn.......................... R Cassidy Riley...................... CH Cassie Wehage...................... R
4-H Rabbit, Polish Tim Merrill.......................... CH
4-H Horse Performance Showmanship, Junior Mickinley Bodie.................. CH Alexia Rhoads..................... CH
Tillamook area: Roy Braden (503) 842-6180, Kenny Hale (503) 842-2877
4-H Horse Performance Showmanship, Intermediate Kayla Bodie........................... R Josie Hoopes..................... CH
Other areas: Call Woodburn Livestock Exchange Office (503) 981-9497
4-H Rabbit, Other/Crossbred Lightweight Breeds Maelene Abbott.................... B Brianna Armitage.................. B Nicole Bishop......................RC Kayla Cooley......................... B Aryel Crivella......................... B Nea Johnson......................... B Brittnie O’Neil....................... P Brittnie O’Neil....................... B Risa O’Neil......................... CH
4-H Horse Performance Showmanship, Senior Nicole Bishop........................ B
Hauling Available
Woodburn Livestock Exchange
P.O. Box 335, Woodburn, Ore. 97071 (503) 981-9497 Fax (503) 981-9543 Tom Elder (manager) •
4 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners 4-H Horse Gaming, Pole Bending, Junior Audrey Averill........................ R Mickinley Bodie.................. CH Hayley Hahn.......................... R Michael Rhoads..................... R 4-H Horse Gaming, Pole Bending, Intermediate Josie Hoopes........................ R Katie Sherer..........................W 4-H Horse Gaming, Pole Bending, Senior Racheal Greever.................... R Keleigh Hoopes.................. CH Katelin Kaufman...................W Kalli Sherer...........................W Monica Therrien.................... R 4-H Horse Gaming Horsemanship, Junior Audrey Averill........................D Mickinley Bodie.....................D Hayley Hahn..........................D Michael Rhoads.....................D 4-H Horse Gaming, Horsemanship, Intermediate Josie Hoopes........................D Katie Sherer...........................D 4-H Horse Gaming, Horsemanship, Senior Racheal Greever....................D Keleigh Hoopes.....................D Katelin Kaufman....................D Kalli Sherer............................D Monica Therrien....................D
4-H Communications 4-H Creative writing, Essay Hannah Ipock......................RC 4-H Creative writing, Poetry Elliana Fladstol................... CH Ashley Henderson.............. CH Nicole Henderson................. B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Monica Therrien.................... B 4-H Creative writing, Short Story Elliana Fladstol....................RC Katelin Kaufman................. CH 4-H Journal, Senior Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Educational Display, Club Yudai Honda....................... CH Will Neary........................... CH 4-H Educational Display, Junior Cassi Buss.............................. B Hayley Hahn.......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Jared Reeder......................... B Brian Rieger........................ CH Chad Werner.......................RC Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Educational Display, Intermediate Patrick Byrd........................... B Deacon Fladstol.................... R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Ian Galloway-Byrd................. B Markita Martin...................... B Will Neary.............................. B Morgan Queen...................... B Nathan Reeder...................... B Cassidy Riley.......................RC Jacob Siemsen...................... B Tanner Siemsen.................. CH Natasha Stein........................ B Clayton Wehage.................... B Bradley Witt.......................... B
4-H Educational Display, Senior Katelin Kaufman.................... R Monica Therrien................. CH 4-H Record Book, Junior Phoebe Brown....................... R Cassi Buss.............................. B Kayla Cooley......................... B Levi Crabtree......................RC Lexie Crabtree...................... B Quintin Crossley.................... B Alley Durrer........................... B Rayanna Fernandez............... B Marie Graff............................ R Mackenzie Guarcello............. B Hayley Hahn.......................... B Aarren Haylett....................... B Brady Haylett........................ B Chance Haylett...................... B Dana Hoodenpyl.................RC Ashley Houck........................ B Charlie Jenck......................... B Katey Jenck........................... B Rachel Jenck.......................... B Nea Johnson......................... B Madeline Kralik..................... B Delainy Lea............................ B Laci Lourenzo........................ B Libby McKibbin..................... B Kalista Paladeni..................... B Hannah Palter........................ R Dillon Pierce.......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Alexia Rhoads........................ R Michael Rhoads..................... R Brian Rieger........................... B Josi Riggert........................... B Josh Seals.............................. B Tyler Seals.............................. B Pierce Trent........................... R Dylin Walker.......................... R Jordan Walker....................... R Cassie Wehage...................... B Chad Werner......................... B Rachel Whittles..................... B Evie Wilkins........................... R Bradley Witt.......................... B Blake Woods......................... B Becca Ziegler...................... CH 4-H Record Book, Intermediate Patrick Byrd........................... B Dylan Dunlap......................... R Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Jenessa Funkhouser.............. R Ian Galloway-Byrd................. B Dylan Hoodenpyl.................. B Becca Houck......................... R Noah Jenck........................... R Jamie Kottre.......................... B Marie Krueger....................... B Maria Loza............................. R Sierra Marquez-..................... R Maggie Mick......................... R Will Neary.............................. B Mark Olson......................... CH Risa O’Neil............................ R Dakota Pierce........................ B Brittany Plasker..................... R Morgan Queen...................... B Cassidy Riley......................... B Katie Sherer.........................RC Jacob Siemsen...................... B Tanner Siemsen..................... B Natasha Stein........................ R Kalli Swanson........................ R Clayton Wehage.................... R Brooke Weldon..................... B Bekah Whittles...................... B Max Wiegardt....................... R Lexie Zuercher...................... B 4-H Record Book, Senior Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Sara Ayers............................. B Nicole Bishop........................ B Taylor Browning.................... R Abbie Bryson......................... R Racheal Greever.................... R Cady Hale.............................. R
Hannah Ipock........................ B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Sam Kenagy.......................... R Brock Lourenzo..................... B Lexi Lourenzo........................ B Wesley Neary........................ B Makenzie Neaves.................. R Kelly Olson............................ B Shelby Porter........................ R Kalli Sherer..........................RC Monica Therrien................. CH Alicia Torppa......................... R Matt Travers.......................... B Michelle Vinjamuri................. R Austin Woods........................ B 4-H Presentation, Impromptu Speaking Jessica Dally.......................... B Morgan Dally......................... B Ashley Henderson................. B Gene Henderson................... R Nicole Henderson................. R Tim Kershaw.......................... B 4-H Presentation, Demonstration Nicole Bishop..................... CH Marie Graff............................ B Hayley Hahn.......................... B Kylee Hamel.......................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B Cassie Wehage...................... B Becca Ziegler.......................RC 4-H Presentation, Demonstration, Team Deacon Fladstol................. CH Elliana Fladstol................... CH 4-H Presentation, Illustrated Talk Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Whitney Creasy..................... B Dana Hoodenpyl................... B Ashley Houck........................ B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Jocelyn Monaco.................... B Laurel Monaco....................... B Jacob Mosley........................ B Will Neary........................... CH Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... B Cassidy Riley.......................RC Monica Therrien..................RC Clayton Wehage.................... B Evie Wilkins........................... B Bradley Witt....................... CH 4-H Presentation, Illustrated Talk, Team Morgan Queen...................... R Clayton Wehage.................... R
4-H Clothing 4-H Fashion RevueConstruction-Novice Clara Blaser........................... B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Sky Dalusio............................ B Alley Durrer........................... B Angel Matsell........................ B Shelby Meier......................... B Kaitlyn Sisco....................... CH Audra Stelzig......................... B Pierce Trent........................... B 4-H Fashion ReviewConstruction- Junior Makinley Johnson................. B Madeline Kralik..................... B McKenzie Main...................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Josi Riggert........................... B Cassie Wehage...................... B Rachel Whittles...................RC Becca Ziegler.................... BOS 4-H Fashion RevueConstructionIntermediate Taylor Browning.................... B
Izzy Burnett........................... B Paige Burnett........................ B Marie Krueger....................... B Maggie Mick......................... R Brittany Plasker..................... B Morgan Queen...................... B Bridget Stavens..................... B Brooke Weldon...................RC Bekah Whittles................... CH Fashion Revue-ConstructionSenior Cailyn Andreasen.................. R Brianna Armitage.................. B Sara Ayers............................. B JooBee Crossler-Laird.........RC MeeMee Crossler-Laird...... CH Ready to Wear Fashion Revue Cailyn Andreasen.................. B MeeMee Crossler-Laird......... B Markita Martin................... CH Bridget Stavens..................... R Cassie Wehage....................RC 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 1 -Garment Clara Blaser........................... R Lexie Crabtree...................... R Sky Dalusio............................ B Alley Durrer........................... B Madeline Kralik..................... B Angel Matsell........................ B Shelby Meier......................... R Brittany Plasker..................... B Kaitlyn Sisco.......................... B Pierce Trent........................... B Cassie Wehage...................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 1 - Hands for Larger Service Lexie Crabtree...................... B Sky Dalusio............................ R Angel Matsell........................ R Shelby Meier......................... B Taylor Pingel.......................... B Sierra Redpath...................... B Kaitlyn Sisco.......................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 1 – Nongarment items Clare Atchison.................... CH Lexie Crabtree...................... B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Sky Dalusio............................ B Sky Dalusio............................ R Pantera Hillstrom.................. B Angel Matsell........................ B Angel Matsell........................ B Shelby Meier......................... B Kaitlyn Sisco.......................... B Kaitlyn Sisco.......................... R Cassie Wehage...................... R Cassie Wehage...................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 2 - Garment Taylor Browning.................... B Taylor Browning.................... R Maggie Mick......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen....................RC Josi Riggert........................... B Bridget Stavens..................... B Rachel Whittles..................... B Becca Ziegler.................... BOS 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 2 – Nongarment item Bridget Stavens..................... B Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 3 - Garment Brooke Weldon..................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Basic Skills Level 3 – Nongarment item
Kalista Paladeni..................... B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Expanding Skills Level 4 – Garment Marie Krueger....................... B Izzy Burnett........................... B Izzy Burnett........................... R 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Expanding Skills Level 5 Garment Paige Burnett........................ R Paige Burnett........................ B 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Expanding Skills Level 5 – Non-garment item Paige Burnett........................ R 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Expanding Skills Level 6 Garment Sara Ayers............................. B Sara Ayers............................. B JooBee Crossler-Laird........ CH MeeMee Crossler-Laird......... B Hannah Ipock........................ R Bekah Whittles....................RC 4-H Clothing/Sewing, Advanced Skills Levels 7/8/9 Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Clothing Judging contest, Phase or Level 1 Clara Blaser........................ CH Levi Crabtree......................RC Lexie Crabtree...................... B Sky Dalusio............................ B Alley Durrer........................... B Madeline Kralik..................... B Angel Matsell.......................W Shelby Meier......................... B Taylor Pingel.......................... B Sierra Redpath...................... R Kaitlyn Sisco.......................... B Pierce Trent........................... B Cassie Wehage...................... R 4-H Clothing Judging contest, Phase or Level 2-3 Taylor Browning.................... B Markita Martin...................... R Maggie Mick...................... CH Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... R Josi Riggert........................... R Bridget Stavens....................W Michelle Vinjamuri...............RC Brooke Weldon..................... B Baelie Werner........................ B Rachel Whittles..................... B Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Clothing Judging contest, Phase or Level 4-6 Izzy Burnett........................... B Paige Burnett......................RC Hannah Ipock........................ B Marie Krueger....................... B Bekah Whittles................... CH 4-H Clothing Judging contest, Phase or Level 7-9 Cailyn Andreasen................RC Brianna Armitage............... CH Sara Ayers............................. B
4-H Foods 4-H Food Preparation Contest, Junior Levi Crabtree........................ R Lexie Crabtree....................RC Gene Henderson................ CH Nicole Henderson................. R
4-H Food Preparation Contest, Intermediate Will Neary........................... CH 4-H Food Preparation Contest, Senior Wesley Neary..................... CH 4-H Foods, Alternative Dietary Need Brianna Armitage............... CH Izzy Burnett........................... B Allison Clark........................RC Levi Crabtree..................... CH Lexie Crabtree...................... B 4-H Foods, Cookies (Bar, Drop, No Bake) Abby Absher......................... B Patrick Byrd........................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B BJ Dillard, III.......................... B Ryan Dillard........................... B Tana Dillard............................ B Mackenzie Guarcello............. B Ashley Henderson................. B Gene Henderson................... P Nicole Henderson................. B Ashley Houck........................ B Rachel Jenck.......................... B Trent Meyer........................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B Ella Vultaggio........................ B 4-H Foods, Cookies (Rolled, Filled, Shaped) Clara Blaser........................... R Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Carlie Edgar.......................... B Mackenzie Guarcello...........RC Katey Jenck....................RBOS Trent Meyer........................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B 4-H Foods, Quick Bread Lexie Crabtree...................... B JooBee Crossler-Laird........... B Ian Galloway-Byrd.............. CH Jenna Henderson.................. B Becca Houck.......................RC Rachel Jenck.......................... B Gabe Lachenmeier................ R Trent Meyer........................... B Will Neary.............................. B Brodie Queen........................ B 4-H Foods, Shortened Cakes Levi Crabtree........................ B 4-H Foods, Breads Cailyn Andreasen............. BOS Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage................RC Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. R Izzy Burnett........................... B Allison Clark.......................... P Allison Clark.......................... B Allison Clark.......................... B 4-H Foods, International Food Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Foods, Gift Package Allison Clark.......................... B 4-H Foods, Favorite Recipe Collection Cailyn Andreasen............... CH Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Ashley Henderson................. R Nicole Henderson................. B Brodie Queen......................RC Morgan Queen...................... B 4-H Foods Judging contest,
Phase 1 Ian Galloway-Byrd................. R Patrick Byrd........................... R Lexie Crabtree................... CH Ella Vultaggio........................ B Cassie Wehage...................... B Bradley Witt........................RC
Clare Atchison....................... R Makyla Brewer....................RC Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Brooke Reibach..................... R Silas Waxter........................... B
4-H Foods Judging contest, Phase 2-3 Levi Crabtree.......................W Ashley Houck........................ B Rachel Jenck.......................... B Laci Lourenzo........................ B Wesley Neary..................... CH Will Neary.............................. R Brodie Queen......................RC Morgan Queen.....................W Bekah Whittles...................... B Jordan Whittles..................... B Rachel Whittles..................... B
4-H Home Environment, Textile Accessory Item Makyla Brewer...................... R Deacon Fladstol.................... R Elliana Fladstol................... CH Brodie Queen........................ R Brooke Reibach..................... B Silas Waxter........................... B
4-H Foods Judging contest, Phase 4-6 Izzy Burnett........................... B Paige Burnett........................ B Clayton Wehage.................... B 4-H Foods Judging contest, Phase 7-9 Cailyn Andreasen.................. R Brianna Armitage.................. R Hannah Ipock......................RC Michelle Vinjamuri.............. CH
Cake Decorating 4-H Cake Decorating, Decorated Cookies, Phase 1 Elliana Fladstol....................RC 4-H Cake Decorating, Decorated Flat Cake Design, Phase 2 Chloe Pampush.................. CH
Food Preservation 4-H Food Preservation, Canned Salsa Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Food Preservation, Cooked Jelly or Jam Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Food Preservation, Dried Herb Seasoning Combination Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Food Preservation, Jerky Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Food Preservation, Gift Pack Brianna Armitage............... CH 4-H Food Preservation, Tomato Sauce Brianna Armitage.................W
Home Environment 4-H Home Environment, Decorative Item Clare Atchison....................... B Makyla Brewer...................... R Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Mackenzie Guarcello............. B Brodie Queen........................ B Brooke Reibach..................... B Silas Waxter........................... B 4-H Home Environment, Organizer/Storage Item
4-H Knitting Beginning Knitting with Looms, Boards, and Machines Clare Atchison....................... B Pantera Hillstrom.................. R Krista Knutsen....................... R Phase 1 Knitting with Needles Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Deacon Fladstol.................... B
4-H Crocheting Phase 1 Crocheting - Hands for Larger Service McKenzie Main.....................W Audra Stelzig......................... B Phase 1 Crocheting - NonWearable Item McKenzie Main...................... B Bridget Stavens..................... B Audra Stelzig......................... B Phase 1 Crocheting – Wearable Item Brianna Armitage............. BOS McKenzie Main...................... R Audra Stelzig.......................RC Phase 2 Crocheting - Hands for Larger Service Makinley Johnson................. R Baelie Werner........................ B Phase 2 Crocheting - NonWearable Item Rachel Jenck.......................... B Makinley Johnson................. B Baelie Werner........................ R Phase 2 Crocheting – Wearable Item Makinley Johnson................. B Baelie Werner..................... CH
4-H Art 4-H Art, Acrylic painting, Senior Hannah Ipock................... BOS Brittnie O’Neil....................... B 4-H Art, Assemblage Clare Atchison....................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Brooke Reibach..................... B Silas Waxter........................... B 4-H Art, Carving Jordan Whittles...................RC 4-H Art, Casting, Modeling & Assembling Jenna Henderson.................. B Markita Martin...................... B Wesley Neary........................ R Chloe Pampush..................... B Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ R Steven Tomlinson.................. B Michelle Vinjamuri................. B
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 5 4-H Art, Collage or Mosaic Makyla Brewer...................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Nicole Henderson................. B Kalista Paladeni..................... B 4-H Art, Collage, Decoupage Clare Atchison....................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Brooke Reibach..................... B Silas Waxter.......................... B 4-H Art, Functional item Clare Atchison....................... R Clare Atchison....................... B Makyla Brewer...................... R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Mackenzie Guarcello............. B Ashley Henderson................. B Jenna Henderson...........RBOS Gene Henderson................... B Nicole Henderson................. B Chloe Pampush..................... R Brodie Queen........................ B Brooke Reibach..................... B Silas Waxter........................... B 4-H Art, Drawing, Line and Shaded Combination Brianna Armitage.................. B Jenna Henderson.................. B Hannah Ipock........................ P Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ B 4-H Art, Line Drawing, Junior Brianna Armitage.................. B Clara Blaser........................... B Alina Bodine.......................... B Brian Edgar........................... P Elliana Fladstol...................... B
Jesse Gard............................ B Ashley Henderson................. B Gene Henderson................... P Jenna Henderson.................. R Nicole Henderson................. R Pantera Hillstrom.................. B Hannah Ipock........................ B Jaylah Kehler......................... B Brianne Kephart.................... B Kalista Paladeni..................... R Kasey Purcell......................... R Kasey Purcell......................... B Morgan Queen...................... R Natasha Stein........................ B Cassie Wehage...................... B 4-H Art, Multiple media, 2-D Clara Blaser........................ CH Jaylah Kehler......................... B Markita Martin...................... B 4-H Art, Other 2 dimensional work Morgan Queen...................... B 4-H Art, Other 3 dimensional work Brianna Armitage.................. B Mackenzie Guarcello............. B Jordan Whittles..................... B 4-H Art, Painting on wood surface Elliana Fladstol...................... B 4-H Art, Print or Stencil Clara Blaser........................... P Jaylah Kehler......................... B 4-H Art, Shaded Drawing Brianna Armitage.................. B Alina Bodine.......................... B
Carlie Edgar.......................... B Ashley Henderson................. B Hannah Ipock........................ B Elianna Maciel....................... B Natasha Stein........................ B 4-H Art, Stenciling/Printing/ Stamping Ashley Houck........................ R Wesley Neary........................ B Will Neary.............................. B 4-H Art, Water Color, Tempera or other water media Carlie Edgar.......................... P Nicole Henderson................. B Jaylah Kehler......................... P Breanna Maciel...................... B Elianna Maciel....................... R Hannah Palter........................ B 4-H Art, Wearable Accessory Allison Clark.......................... B Markita Martin...................... P Risa O’Neil............................ B Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Art, Wearable Clothing Ashley Henderson................. B Risa O’Neil............................ B
Cast Ceramics 4-H Cast Ceramics, Slip cast item, glaze Jordan Whittles..................... B Rachel Whittles.................. CH 4-H Cast Ceramics, Slip cast item, underglaze Bekah Whittles...................... B
4-H Creative Crafts 4-H Creative craft, Junior Clare Atchison....................... B Rachel Jenck........................RC Cassie Wehage...................... B 4-H Creative craft, Intermediate Elliana Fladstol...................... B Clayton Wehage................. CH
4-H Fiber Arts 4-H Fiber Arts, Braiding Nicole Henderson................. B 4-H Fiber Arts, Cross-Stitch Cailyn Andreasen............. BOS 3-H Fiber Arts, Embroidery Elliana Fladstol...................... R 4-H Fiber Arts, Papermaking, Mackenzie Guarcello............. B 4-H Fiber Arts, Patchwork on other items Brianna Armitage.................. B 4-H Fiber Arts, Patchwork Quilt, no kits Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage...........RBOS Clare Atchison....................... R Levi Crabtree........................ R Deacon Fladstol.................... R Elliana Fladstol....................RC Katey Jenck........................... R
Rachel Jenck.......................... B 4-H Fiber Arts, Weaving Brianna Armitage.................. B Clare Atchison....................... R Abby Bowles......................... R Levi Crabtree........................ R Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol....................RC Rachel Jenck.......................... R
4-H Photography 4-H Photography, Action/ Movement Brianna Armitage.................. B Elliana Fladstol...................... R Trent Meyer........................... B Brodie Queen........................ P Morgan Queen...................... R Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... B Michelle Vinjamuri................. B Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Photography, Architectural Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Christian Bailey..................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... R Rachel Jenck.......................... B Kelsey Middleton.................. R Kasey Purcell......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Cassidy Riley......................... B Holly Saindon........................ B Natasha Stein........................ B Monica Therrien.................... B Chealsy Veek......................... R
4-H Photography, Landscape Cailyn Andreasen.................. P Brianna Armitage.................. R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Jesse Gard............................ B Ashley Henderson................. B Gene Henderson................... B Nicole Henderson................. B Josie Hoopes........................ B Katelin Kaufman.................... R Laci Lourenzo........................ B Trent Meyer........................... R Chloe Pampush..................... R Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... B Matthew Reeder................... B Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... P Chealsy Veek......................... R 4-H Photography, Nature Animals Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. R Sara Ayers............................. B Christian Bailey..................... B Deacon Fladstol.................... R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Ashley Henderson................. B Josie Hoopes........................ B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Shelby Meier......................... R Trent Meyer........................... B Makenzie Neaves.................. R Tiffany Neaves...................... R Kasey Purcell..................RBOS Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... B Matthew Reeder................... R Cassidy Riley......................... B
Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... B Chealsy Veek......................... B Michelle Vinjamuri................. R Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Photography, Nature - Plants Cailyn Andreasen.................. R Brianna Armitage.................. B Sara Ayers............................. P Christian Bailey..................... B Garryn Crist........................... R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Jesse Gard............................ B Ashley Henderson................. B Gene Henderson................... B Jenna Henderson.................. B Sam Hooley........................... B Josie Hoopes........................ R Hannah Ipock........................ B Katey Jenck........................... R Katelin Kaufman.................... R Laci Lourenzo........................ P Trent Meyer........................... B Kelsey Middleton.................. B Makenzie Neaves.................. R Chloe Pampush..................... R Ryland Pampush.................... B Kasey Purcell......................... B Brodie Queen........................ R Morgan Queen...................... B Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson......................RC Monica Therrien.................... B Chealsy Veek......................... R Michelle Vinjamuri................. B 4-H Photography, Other interesting subject
Brianna Armitage.................. B Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Trent Meyer........................... R Kelsey Middleton.................. P Chloe Pampush..................... P Ryland Pampush.................... B Kasey Purcell......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Morgan Queen...................... P Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... B Chealsy Veek......................... P Bekah Whittles...................... P 4-H Photography, People Brianna Armitage.................. R Elliana Fladstol...................... B Sara Middleton...................... B Makenzie Neaves.................. R Chloe Pampush................ BOS Kasey Purcell......................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Matthew Reeder................... B Kalli Swanson........................ B Chealsy Veek.......................RC Becca Ziegler......................... B 4-H Photography, Still Life Brianna Armitage............... CH Garryn Crist........................... R Elliana Fladstol...................... R Jesse Gard..........................RC Holly Saindon........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... B Chealsy Veek......................... B Michelle Vinjamuri................. B 4-H Photography, Texture
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6 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol...................... B Hannah Ipock........................ B Chloe Pampush..................... B Brodie Queen........................ B Cassidy Riley......................... B Natasha Stein........................ P Kalli Swanson........................ B Monica Therrien.................... R Chealsy Veek......................... R 4-H Photography, Panoramic Chloe Pampush..................... B Chealsy Veek......................... B 4-H Photography, Series or Story Natasha Stein........................ B Chealsy Veek......................... R Michelle Vinjamuri................. B 4-H Photography, Special Effects Elliana Fladstol...................... R Natasha Stein........................ B Kalli Swanson........................ B Becca Ziegler......................... B
Allison Clark.......................... P Allison Clark.......................... B Allison Clark.......................... B Kalli Swanson........................ B 4-H Cut Flowers Cailyn Andreasen............... CH Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. P Brianna Armitage................RC Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. R Allison Clark.......................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... R Katelin Kaufman.................... B Katelin Kaufman.................... R Katie Rheiner......................... B Monica Therrien.................... B Monica Therrien.................... R 4-H Herbs, Cut Herb Collection Brianna Armitage.................. B Kalli Swanson........................ B 4-H Herbs, Dried Collection Brianna Armitage.................. B Cassie Wehage...................... B
4-H Photography, Creative Process Elliana Fladstol...................... P
4-H Herbs, Dried Brianna Armitage.................. B Cassie Wehage...................... B
4-H Photography, Darkroom Skills Brianna Armitage.................. R
4-H Herbs, Fresh Cut Brianna Armitage.................. B Clare Atchison....................... B Colin Atchison....................... B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Brittany Plasker..................... B Katie Rheiner......................... B Monica Therrien.................... B Clayton Wehage................. CH
4-H Horticulture 4-H Container Gardening, Other Allison Clark.......................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree....................RC 4-H Container Gardening, Dish Garden Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Allison Clark.......................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B 4-H Container Gardening, Houseplant Brianna Armitage.................. B Allison Clark.......................... B 4-H Container Gardening, Patio Plant (1 plant) Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Allison Clark.......................... B 4-H Container Gardening, Patio Planter (more than 1 plant) Abby Absher......................... B Brianna Armitage................RC Clare Atchison.................... CH Colin Atchison....................... B Allison Clark.......................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Brodie Queen........................ B Kalli Swanson..................... CH Clayton Wehage..................RC 4-H Container Gardening, Herbs Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Allison Clark.......................... B 4-H Container Gardening, Vegetable Cailyn Andreasen............. BOS Brianna Armitage.................. B Allison Clark.......................... B Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Ella Vultaggio........................ B 4-H Flower Arrangements Brianna Armitage................RC Alina Bodine....................... CH
4-H Vegetables, Collection Gabe Lachenmeier................ B 4-H Vegetables, Plate of One Type, Junior Clare Atchison....................... B Brodie Queen........................ R 4-H Vegetables, Plate of One Type, Intermediate Brittany Plasker..................... R Brittany Plasker..................... B Kalli Swanson........................ B Clayton Wehage.................... B Clayton Wehage.................... R 4-H Vegetables, Plate of One Type, Senior Cailyn Andreasen.................. B Brianna Armitage.................. B Brianna Armitage............... CH Colin Atchison....................... B Allison Clark.......................... B Hannah Ipock........................ B Katelin Kaufman.................... B Monica Therrien.................... B
4-H Eggs 4-H Chicken, Brown Eggs Tim Merrill............................. B Alicia Torppa......................... R 4-H Chicken, Other Eggs Alicia Torppa......................... B 4-H Duck, White Eggs Will Neary.............................. B Kalli Swanson..................... CH 4-H Other Species, Other Eggs Jared Reeder.......................RC Nathan Reeder...................... B 4-H Natural Science 4-H Air Rifle Connor Christensen.............. R Tyler Christensen................... B
Levi Crabtree........................ R Deacon Fladstol.................... B Elliana Fladstol................. BOS Jessica Harvey.....................RC Anna Longfield...................... R Elianna Maciel....................... B Marcus Romero..................... R 4-H BB Gun, Intermediate Greg Elligsen......................... B Victoria Elligsen..................... R Matthew Grimes................... R William Grimes.....................W Brady Haylett........................ R Chance Haylett...................... R Gene Henderson................... B Jenna Henderson.................. B Natasha Stein........................ R 4-H Science, Technology & Engineering 4-H Lego Construction Display Deacon Fladstol................. CH Breanna Maciel...................... B Brian Seeger........................RC 4-H Woodworking Levi Crabtree........................ B Lexie Crabtree...................... B Risa O’Neil............................ R Cassie Wehage...................... B
SPECIAL ART AWARDS Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon will be given to the outstanding work depicting the fair theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. Diane Colcord Joe Champion Award $10 will be given by the Fair Board to a work depicting a historical event or place in Tillamook County. Margaret Smith Coast Printing & Stationary Award $15 certificate for art materials for an outstanding amateur work in any media. Nancy Bernard Steven Did It Award $25 for best use of framing and/or matting to compliment a work of art. Bruce Christie William Gates Memorial Award $25 will be given by Farm Antenna Systems to an outstanding work in any media by an amateur. Shirley Thomas KTIL Award $10 to an outstanding work in youth divisions C,D or E. (Grades pre-school thru 6) Emma Kelly Headlight-Herald Award $10 to an outstanding work by a junior high student. Ian Groshong Rainy Day Books Award $10 to an outstanding poem, any topic, in free verse. Bridget Stavens Monday Writing Group Award
$25 to an adult with outstanding poem, any topic, any rhyme. Trent Meyer Monday Writing Group Award $25 to a youth with outstanding poem, any topic, any rhyme. Vincent Moretto Denny’s Restaurant Award $20 gift certificate to judged best of class paintings on paper stock. Sharon Peterson Denny’s Restaurant Award $20 gift Certificate to work judged Best of Class Paintings on Panels. Michael Loney Denny’s Restaurant Award $20 gift Certificate to work judged best of Class Drawings, Other MediaAny Subject. Dodie Gillespie Nestucca Valley Artisans Award $50 award for the exhibit named Best of Show. This Exhibit may qualify to be entered in the State Fair’s “Best of County Fair’s” Contest. Marcia Wilson Barbara Watkins Award $25 award given by Patrick Dooley for an outstanding human figure or portrait. Autumn Josi Robert Sherwood Award $25 will be given by Josi’s Bayside Market & Deli to an outstanding work by a high school student. Maggie Mick Steven Robert Heine Award $20 to an outstanding poem, that most conveys the spirit of Tillamook County. Rachel Whittles Dairy Art Award $100 will be given by Mountain Vista Dairy to the exhibit in any class that best relates to dairy. Katelynn Markee Thinking Outside The Box Award $10 will be given by Sherryl Klingelhofer to an entry in Div. C-G for the most creative thinking in the exhibitor’s art work. Audrey Miller
ART DEPARTMENT ART DEPARTMENT Division A – Amateur Adult Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic)
2nd... Dwight Phelps 5. Floral 1st..... Pam Ledgerwood 6. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Margaret Smith 2nd... Patsy Chapin 3rd.... Jennifer Bocko 7. Landscape 1st..... Pam Ledgerwood 2nd... Larry Stephens .......... 3rd Dwight Phelps 8. Marine Scene 1st..... Pam Ledgerwood 2nd... Margaret Smith 3rd.... Patsy Chapin 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Sharon Peterson 2nd... Robert Walker 10. Seascape 1st..... Larry Stephens 2nd... Larry Stephens 3rd.... Larry Stephens
human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Tyana Heroux 2nd... Tyana Heroux 3rd.... Christy Stumpf
Division C – Pre-School
26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... Dodie Gillespie 2nd... Patsy Chapin 3rd.... Tyana Heroux
1. Abstract 1st..... Mackenzie Summerlin 2nd... Andrew Shipman 3rd.... Ava Miller
27. Drawing, landscapes (any drawing medium) 1st..... Corian Schodt 28. Drawing, still life (any drawing medium) 1st..... Paula Berry 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Bob Pagani 3rd.... Bob Pagani 31. Cartooning or original computer art 1st..... Richard Gitschlag
11. Still Life 1st..... Pam Ledgerwood Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic)
33. Fantasy, subject not listed 1st..... Richard Gitschlag 2nd... Dodie Gillespie .......... 3rd Tyana Heroux
12. Abstract 1st..... Alisa Surette 2nd... Cameron Butler
34. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Diane Colcord
13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Shirley Thomas 2nd... Elizabeth Winters 3rd.... Margraret Tweelinck
Class 4 – Literary Arts
15. Fantasy 1st..... Helen Wright 16. Floral 1st..... Susan Shepard 2nd... Donna Butler 3rd.... Shirley Thomas 17. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Laurie Block 2nd... Mary Schreiber 3rd.... Donna Butler 18. Landscape 1st..... Laurie Block 2nd... Shirley Thomas 3rd.... Mary Schrieber 19. Marine Scene 1st..... Donna Butler 20. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Nancy Bernard 2nd... Nancy Bernard 3rd.... Elizabeth Winters 21. Seascape 1st..... Shirley Thomas 2nd... Mary Schreiber Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 23. Pencil, charcoal or ink drawing (monochrome) 1st..... Elizabeth Winters 2nd... Bruce Christie 3rd.... Paula Berry
2. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Sharon Peterson 2nd... Elizabeth Winters 3rd.... Patsy Chapin
24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... Jaci Saville-Wirth 2nd... Craig Heroux 3rd.... Joel Mendez, Jr.
3. City Scape 1st..... Amber Wishoff
25. Drawing, portrait,
35. Poetry 1st..... Sean Collins 2nd... Ron Steiger 3rd.... Vincent Moretto Division B – Professional Adult Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic) 5. Floral 1st..... Marcia Wilson Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Michael Loney 2nd... Bud Johansen 3rd.... Bud Johansen 17. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Marcia Wilson 18. Landscape 2nd... Bud Johansen 19. Marine Scene 2nd.. Bud Johansen 20. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Bud Johansen Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 2nd... Rhonda Wright 29. Printmaking (etching, lithograph, woodcut, silkscreen, monoprint) 1st..... Ty & Tamara Mautner
Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic)
2. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Abby Blackburn 2nd... Avery Reeder 3. City Scape 1st..... Avery Reeder 2nd... Ava Miller 4. Fantasy 1st..... Bridget Allen 2nd... Audrey Miller 5. Floral 1st..... Amanthis Allen 2nd... Bridget Allen 3rd.... Audrey Miller 7. Landscape 1st..... Amanthis Allen 2nd... Nicholas Smith 3rd.... Ava Miller 8. Marine Scene 1st..... Bridget Allen 2nd... Nicole Zigler 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Matthew Bennett Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 12. Abstract 1st..... Evan Mitchell 2nd... Ava Miller 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Wyatt Bull 15. Fantasy 1st..... Wyatt Bull 17. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Wyatt Bull 18. Landscape 1st..... Breckin Allen 22. Still Life 1st..... Breckin Alen Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... Haiden Upton 2nd... Katie Klobas 3rd.... Jack Manning 25. Drawing, portrait, human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Samanta Schmader 2nd... Sheridan Hurliman 26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... Wyatt Bull 2nd... Amanthis Allen 3rd.... Jack Manning 27. Drawing, landscapes (any drawing medium) 1st..... Samantha Schmader 28. Drawing, still life (any drawing medium) 1st..... Matthew Bennett
29. Printmaking (etching, lithograph, woodcut, silkscreen, monoprint) 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Audrey Miller 3rd.... Haiden Upton 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Tia Mautner 3rd.... Madi Dixson 34. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Matthew Bennett Class 4 – Literary Arts Division D – Grades 1, 2, 3 Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic) 1. Abstract 1st..... Coltan Seals 2nd... Trask Veek 3rd.... Olivia Hodey 4. Fantasy 1st..... Alli Dixson 2nd... Alexis Bennett 5. Floral 1st..... Nephi Zaugg 2nd... Olivia Hooley 7. Landscape 1st..... Madalin Shipman 2nd... Nephi Zaugg 3rd.... Faith Stavens 8. Marine Scene 1st..... Coltan Seals 2nd... Kara Rumage 3rd.... Bethany Ziegler 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Xianna Maciel 2nd... Trask Veek 11. Still Life 1st..... Chloe Rieger 2nd... Trask Veek Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 12. Abstract 1st..... Coltan Seals 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Chloe Rieger 14. City Scape 1st..... Ryan Mitchell 2nd... Marshall Allen 18. Landscape 1st..... Chloe Rieger 22. Still Life 1st..... Chloe Rieger Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 23. Pencil, charcoal or ink drawing (monochrome) 1st..... Jacob Whittles 24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... Emma Kelly 2nd... Nephi Zaugg 3rd.... Billy Beachy 25. Drawing, portrait, human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Marshall Allen 2nd... Faith Stavens
26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... Alexis Bennett 2nd... Olivia Olson 27. Drawing, landscapes (any drawing medium) 1st..... Alli Dixson 2nd... Olivia Olson 3rd.... Allie Guarcello 28. Drawing, still life (any drawing medium) 1st..... Xianna Maciel 2nd... Jacob Whittles 29. Printmaking (etching, lithograph, woodcut, silkscreen, monoprint) 1st..... Alli Dixson 2nd... Nephi Zaugg 3rd.... Trask Veek 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Aiden Johnson 2nd... Emma Kelly 3rd.... Kara Rumage 33. Fantasy, subject not listed 1st..... Cody Bright 2nd... Alexis Bennett 34. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Allison Bell Class 4 – Literary Arts Division E – Grades 4, 5, 6 Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic) 1. Abstract 1st..... Mackenzie Guarcello 2nd... Jack Johnson 3rd.... Brooke Reibach 2. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Brianna Maciel 4. Fantasy 1st..... Ashley Bright 5. Floral 1st..... Sam Hooley 7. Landscape 1st..... Elianna Maciel 2nd... Rachel Whittles 8. Marine Scene 1st..... Sage Veek 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Jacob Waldron 2nd... Silas Waxter 3rd.... Sage Veek 10. Seascape 1st..... Elianna Maciel Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Kaitlyn Sisco 16. Floral 1st..... Quintin Crossley 18. Landscape 1st..... Silas Waxter Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 23. Pencil, charcoal or ink
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 7 drawing (monochrome) 1st..... Michael Zaugg 2nd... Clara Blaser 3rd.... Perry Reeder 24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... River Veek 2nd... Brook Reibach 3rd.... Katelynn Sheldon 25. Drawing, portrait, human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Ashlie Bright 2nd... Izabella Richardson 3rd.... Izabella ichardson 26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... River Veek 2nd... Devin McDaniel 3rd.... Lili Vegel 27. Drawing, landscapes (any drawing medium) 1st..... Devin McDaniel 28. Drawing, still life (any drawing medium) 1st..... Sage Veek 29. Printmaking (etching, lithograph, woodcut, silkscreen, monoprint) 1st..... Jacob Waldron 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Brooke Reibach 31. Cartooning or original computer art 1st..... Sage Bailey 2nd... Becca Zaugg 3rd.... Lili Vogel 32. Abstract 1st..... Sage Bailey 2nd... River Veek 33. Fantasy, subject not listed 1st..... River Veek 34. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 1st..... Breanna Maciel 2nd... Becca Zigler 3rd.... Lili Vogel Class 4 – Literary Arts 35. Poetry 1st..... Becca Ziegler 2nd... Becca Ziegler 3rd.... Becca Ziegler Division F – Junior High Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic) 1. Abstract 1st..... Ian Groshong 2. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Ian Groshong 4. Fantasy 1st..... Ian Groshong 5. Floral 1st..... Breanna Myers 2nd... Makayla Hutchinson 7. Landscape 1st..... Taylor Peak 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Katie reeder
10. Seascape 1st..... Taylor Peak 2nd... Tilor Hurliman Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Taylor Peak 15. Fantasy 2nd... Kiley Abbott 16. Floral 2nd.. Kiley Abbott 19. Marine Scene 1st..... Taylor Peak Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 23. Pencil, charcoal or ink drawing (monochrome) 1st..... Natasha Stein 24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... Nick Wilson 2nd... Ryleigh Upton 3rd.... Mackayla Hutchinson 25. Drawing, portrait, human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Natasha Stein 26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... Jordan Whittles 2nd... Bridget Stavens 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Ian Groshong 2nd... Kendrick Mick 31. Cartooning or original computer art 1st..... Kendrick Mick 2nd... Mackayla 3rd.... Jessica Waldron 32. Abstract 1st..... Kendrick Mick 33. Fantasy, subject not listed 1st..... Kendrick Mick 2nd... Natasha Stein 3rd.... Mackayla Hutchinson Class 4 – Literary Arts 35. Poetry 1st..... Bridget Stavens 2nd... Bridget Stavens 3rd.... Bridget Stavens Division G – High School Class 1 – Paintings on Paper Stock (e.g. Watercolor, Acrylic) 1. Abstract 1st..... Normandy Bernard 2. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Maggie Mick 2nd... Marie Krueger 4. Fantasy 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 7. Landscape 1st..... Marie Krueger 8. Marine Scene 1st..... Maggie Mick
2nd... Marie Krueger 9. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Maggie Mick 11. Still Life 1st..... Marie Krueger Class 2 – Paintings on Panels (e.g. Oil, Acrylic, Encaustic) 13. Animals, Wildlife 1st..... Jessica Mick 15. Fantasy 1st..... Aaron Edens 2nd... Jeff Bradburn 3rd.... Maggie Mick 20. Portrait, Human Subject 1st..... Autumn Josi 2nd... Julia Newman Class 3 – Drawings, Other Media 23. Pencil, charcoal or ink drawing (monochrome) 1st..... Kyle Schupp 2nd... Katelynn Markee 3rd.... Donoven Zaugg
AWARDS Best of Show Award $10 and a Best of Show Ribbon will be given and selected by the Judge. Mark Moody Alice Smith Award $10 will be given to an entry which exemplifies an outstanding exhibit. Jeffery Guidos Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon will be given and selected by the superintendent to the entry that best depicts the fair theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. Christine Arthur John Hathaway Award $10 will be given by Nancy Hathaway - Pickett & Mike Pickett for the most humorous entry in Division A of Class 16. Ema Mills
24. Pencil, pastel, ink drawing (color) 1st..... Martin NelsonHarrington 2nd... Jessica Mick 3rd.... Kestral Bailey
John Hathaway Award $10 will be given by Nancy Hathaway-Pickett & Mike Pickett for the most humorous entry in Division B of Class 16. Sage Veek
25. Drawing, portrait, human subject (any drawing medium) 1st..... Martin NelsonHarrington 2nd... Kestral Bailey 3rd.... Michelle Vinjamuri
John Hathaway Award $10 will be given by Nancy Hathaway - Pickett & Mike Pickett for the most humorous entry in Division C of Class 16. Trevor Boquist
26. Drawing, animals, wildlife (any drawing medium) 1st..... Katelynn Markee 2nd... Martin NelsonHarrington 3rd.... Leah Pierce-Morris 29. Printmaking (etching, lithograph, woodcut, silkscreen, monoprint) 1st..... Aaron Josi 30. Collage, mixed media, calligraphy 1st..... Katelynn Markee 2nd... Elliana Fladstol 31. Cartooning or original computer art 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Leah Pierce-Morris 3rd.... Samantha Finley 32. Abstract 1st..... Renee Symons 33. Fantasy, subject not listed 1st..... Jessica Mick 34. Tillamook County Historical Site or Theme 2nd.. Leah Pierce-Morris Class 4 – Literary Arts 35. Poetry 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Rebekah Whittles 3rd.... Rebekah Whittles
2. Woodcarving, over 8” 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Robert Riley 3. Wood turning 1st..... Glen Slayer 4. Handmade item, 12” and under 1st..... Glen Slayer 5. Handmade item, over 12” 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Tarry Perkins-Brown 3rd.... D’Anthony Williams 6. Toy 1st..... Larry Kyllo 2nd... Trent Meyer 7. Power carving 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Glen Slayer 8. Walking sticks 1st..... Susan Aalykke 9. Vehicle 1st..... Larry Kyllo 10. Animal 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Jordan Whittles 11. Seasonal 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Kathy Jensen 12. Wood burning 1st..... Robert Walker 2nd... Heather Hurliman 3rd.... Kathy Jensen
1st..... Tracy Whittles 34. Purchased greenware 1st..... Karren Crocker 36. Other not listed 1st..... Tracy Whittles 2nd... Amber Wishoff Class 10 – Glass Craft 42. Leaded glass or mirror, 12”’ and under 1st..... Mark Moody 43. Leaded glass or mirror, over 12” 1st..... Mark Moody 44. Foiled glass or mirror 1st..... Nonda Zwald 2nd... Chris Pullen 46. Collection, 2-5 pieces 1st..... Chris Pullen 47. Other not listed 1st..... April Petersen 3rd.... Terri Wallace Class 11 – Unclassified Crafts 48. Model vehicle 1st..... Paul Thun 49. Model boat 1st..... Jeffery Guidos 54. Leatherwork 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 3rd... Yolanda Christie
14. Other not listed 1st..... Robert Walker Class 6 – Seasonal Craft
55. Jewelry 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Laurie Meyers 3rd.... Tyana Heroux
Dekunsams Second Street Coffee Shop $10 will be given for the best collection in Class #12 Collections. Francy Schneidecker Jon Dwigans Award $10 will be given to an entry which exemplifies an outstanding adult craft. Robert Walker
15. Wreath 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Kathleen Fisher 17. Ornament 1st..... Terri Wallace 21. Silk or dried flowers 1st..... Kathleen Fisher Class 7 – Novelty Pictures
56. Beaded item, other than jewelry 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Dan Krueger 3rd.... Yolanda Christie
Five Rivers Retirement Award $25 will be given by Five Rivers Retirement & Assisted Living Community to a senior man, 60 or older, that best exemplifies outstanding workmanship in any Lot, Class 14. Larry Kyllo
24. Painting on wood 1st..... Bud Hohansen 2nd... Allison Bell 25. Painting on saw 1st..... Mary Schreiber 2nd... Bud Johansen 26. Painting on conch 1st..... Bud Johansen 27. Painting on fabric 1st..... Jessica Mick 29. Other not listed 1st..... Bud Johansen 2nd... Rebekah Wittles Class 8 – Ceramic & China
Five Rivers Retirement Award $25 will be given by Five Rivers Retirement & Assisted Living Community to a senior woman, 60 or older, that best exemplifies outstanding workmanship in any Lot, Class 14. Sandy Arthur
CRAFT AND HOBBIES Class 5 – Woodcraft 1. Woodcarving, 8” and under 1st..... Robert Riley 2nd... Glen Slayer 3rd.... Dan Kruegger
30. Handbuilt item 1st..... Tracy Whittles 2nd... Jacob Whittles 3rd.... Amber Wishoff 31. Handbuilt set, 2-5 pieces 1st..... Amber Wishoff 32. Wheelthrown item 1st..... Cathy Colburn 33. Unglazed item
58. Tie-dye 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Nancy Pickett 60. Origami 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 2nd... Deacon Fladstol 61. Arrangement, creative hanging, wall piece, natural materials 1st..... Nancy Wolfe 2nd... Glen Slayer 3rd.... Taylor Peak 62. Recycled material 1st..... Christine Arthur 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd.... Spike Klobas 63. Paper crafting 1st..... Nick Wilson 2nd... Elliana Fladstol 3rd.... Skyler Veek 64. Original weaving 1st..... Laurie Meyers 2nd... Nancy Wolfe 3rd.... Deacon Fladstol 65. Stamping, card collection 1st..... Julia Kettner 2nd... Lori Galloway 3rd.... Linda Jeffery 66. Stamping, other 2nd.. Amber Wishoff 67. Scrapbook 1st..... Roxanne Fletcher
2nd... Mary Schonbrod 3rd.... Keri Wetzel 68. Scrapbook page 1st..... Brian Shultz 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Teresa Shultz 69. Mosaic 1st..... Phyllis Holmes 2nd... Susan Aalykke 3rd.... Diane Griffin 70. Metal work 1st..... Jordan Whittles 2nd... Jessica Mick 3rd.... Bridget Stavens 71. Other not listed 1st..... Cameron Butter 2nd... Taylor Peak 3rd.... Terri Wallace Class 12 – Collections 72. Craft collection, 5-20 pieces 1st..... Yolanda Christie 2nd... Shelly Hurliman 3rd.... Amber Wishoff 73. Hobby collection, 5-20 pieces 1st..... Glen Slayer 2nd... Robert Larson 3rd.... Kevin Kacmarsky 74. Miniature hobby collection, 2” & under, 5-20 pieces 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 2nd... Joey Meyer 75. Nostalgia collection, 5-20 pieces 1st..... Francy Schniedecker 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd.... Samdy Arthur 76. Group display (clubs, organizations, ect.) 1st..... Nehalem Bay House Class 13 – Professional 79. Jewelry 1st..... Tammy Samagaio 84. Leaded or foiled glass or mirror 1st..... Billy Schreiber 86. Collections, 2-5 pieces 1st..... Carmen Larsen 2nd... Keri Wetzel 87. Other not listed 1st..... Kari Wetzel Class 14 – Senior Citizens 60 Years & Older 88. Handmade, original 1st..... Robert Riley 2nd... Diane Griffin 3rd.... Arnold Moody 89. Handmade, from kit 1st..... Sandy Arthur 90. Table decoration 1st..... Arnold Moody 91. Woodcarving 1st..... Glen Slayer 92. Plastic canvas 1st..... Jeanie Ferguson 2nd... Henrietta Davis 94. Craft Collection 1st..... Glen Slayer 95. Hobby Collection
8 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners 1st..... Jeanie Ferguson
Class 16 – Juniors
98. Other not listed 1st..... Mary Alfaro Class 15 – Junior & Senior High School
Division A – Pre-school through Kindergarten
99. Woodworking, under 8” 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Jordan Whittles 100. Woodworking, over 8” 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Ryan Rawe 3rd.... Hannah Stinnett
124. Popsicle stick art 1st..... Natalie McLaughlin 2nd... Dalton Richardson 3rd.... Hannah Obrist 126. Model boat or plane 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 128. Jewelry 1st..... Gracie Werst 2nd... Abby Blackburn 3rd.... Natalie McLaughlin
103. Painting on wood 1st..... Emily Reibach 2nd... Elliana Fladstol 104. Jewelry 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... James Thompson 3rd.... Katie Reeder
129. Beaded item, other than jewelry 1st..... Jacob Brown
105. Beaded item, other than jewelry 1st..... Lucas Stillions 2nd... Jessica Mick 3rd.... Josh Bradburn
131. Christmas 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 2nd... Audrey Miller 3rd.... Ava Miller
106. Clay 1st..... Nick Wilson 2nd... Marie Krueger 3rd.... Taylor Peak 108. Pottery 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Michelle Vinjamuri 3rd.... Taylor Peak 109. Unglazed item 1st..... Jessica Mick 110. Mosaic 1st..... Natalie Williams 2nd... Chloe Pampush 3rd.... Bridget Stavens 111. Ceramic item 1st..... Marie Krueger 2nd... Chloe Pampush 3rd.... Ben Purcell
130. Recycled material 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 2nd... Ema Mills 3rd.... Hannah Obrist
132. Seasonal, other 1st..... Amanthis Allen 2nd... Audrey Miller 3rd.... Breckin Allen 133. Hand decorated ceramic 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 2nd... Natalie McLaughlin 134. Novelty picture 1st..... Gracie Werst 2nd... Amanthis Allen 3rd.... Hannah Obrist 135. Natural material item 1st..... Lexi Graves 2nd... Hunter McLaughlin 3rd.... Audrey Miller 136. Puppet 1st..... Audrey Miller 2nd... Hannah Obrist 3rd.... Hunter McLaughlin
112. Recycled items 1st..... Taylor Peak 2nd... Jeff Bradburn 3rd.... Chloe Pampush
137. Dough art 1st..... Sheridan Hurliman 2nd... Matthew Bennett 3rd.... Abby Blackburn
114. Educational posters 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Martin NelsonHarrington 3rd.... Elliana Fladstol
138. Clay 1st..... Matthew Bennett 139. Fimo 1st..... Gracie Werst 140. Origami 1st..... Ava Miller 2nd... Audrey Miller
116. Seasonal craft 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Emily Reibach 119. Craft collection, 5-10 pieces 1st..... Jeffery Guidos 2nd... Jessica Mick 3rd.... Chloe Pampush 120. Card collection (must be mounted or binder) 1st..... Trent Meyer 121. Tie dye 1st..... Maggie Mick 2nd... Jessica Mick 3rd.... Katie Reeder 122. Scrapbook page 1st..... Hannah Stinnett 123. Other not listed 1st..... Elliana Fladstol 2nd... Taylor Peak 3rd.... Lucas Stillions
143. Tie dye 1st..... Avery Reeder 2nd... Gracie Werst 144. Wind sock 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 146. Mixed media 1st..... Amanthis Allen 2nd... Ryan Sheets 3rd.... Bridget Allen 147. Diorama 1st..... Ema Mills 2nd... Hannah Obrist 149. Bird cage, bird house, feeder 1st..... Breckin Allen 2nd... Seth Ellerbroek 3rd.... Addison Josi
152. Mosaic 1st..... Abby Blackburn 153. Mache item 1st..... Breckin Allen 155. Craft collection, 3-10 pieces 1st..... Henry Thenell 159. Collage 1st..... Samara Westmark 2nd... Abby Blackburn 3rd.... Bridget Allen 160. Decoupage 1st..... Audrey Miller 2nd... Ema Mills 161. Craft foam 1st..... Natalie McLaughlin 2nd... Ava Miller 3rd.... Hunter McLaughlin 162. Educational posters 1st..... Hanah Obrist 163. Scrapbook page 1st..... Hunter McLaughlin 164. Stepping stone 1st..... Kylie Hallock 2nd... Ryan Sheets 3rd.... Olivia Richardson 165. Other not listed 1st..... Abby Blackburn 2nd... Amanthis Allen 3rd.... Hannah Obrist Division B – First through Third Grade 124. Popsicle stick art 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Alexis Bennett 3rd.... Madilyn Stinnett 125. Model car or truck 1st..... Aiden Sumerlin 127. Candle 1st..... Kara Rumage 128. Jewelry 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Sarah Johnston 3rd.... Jaiden Werst 129. Beaded item, other than jewelry 1st..... Hailey Ernst 2nd... Gabriella Vultaggio 3rd.... Madilyn Stinnett 130. Recycled material 1st..... Allie Guarcello 2nd... Sage Veek 3rd.... Jaiden Werst 131. Christmas 1st..... Allison Bell 2nd... Charlee Horton 3rd.... Faith Stavens 132. Seasonal, other 1st..... Allison Bell 2nd... Madilyn Stinnett 3rd.... Marshall Allen 133. Hand decorated ceramic 1st..... Jacob Whittles 2nd... Madilyn Stinnett 3rd.... Avarie Hallock 134. Novelty picture 1st..... Sage Veek 2nd... Hailey Ernst 3rd.... Jaiden Werst 135. Natural material item 1st..... Jaiden Werst 2nd... Madilyn Stinnett
3rd.... Charlee Horton 136. Puppet 1st..... Marshall Allen 138. Clay 1st..... Sydney Booth 2nd... Allie Guarcello 3rd.... Jacob Whittles 139. Fimo 1st..... Alexis Bennett 2nd... Jaiden Werst 140. Origami 1st..... Kara Rumage 142. Stamping 1st..... Trast Veek 143. Tie dye 1st..... Jaiden Werst 2nd... Olivia Olson 3rd.... Zeyon Hurliman 144. Wind sock 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Madilyn Stinnett 146. Mixed media 1st..... Emmalee Duvall 2nd... Jaiden Werst 3rd.... Coltan Seals 147. Diorama 1st..... Clark Krostag 2nd... Emmalee Duvall 148. Woodworking 1st..... Jacob Whittles 2nd... Marshall Allen 3rd.... Emmalee Duvall 149. Bird cage, bird house, feeder 1st..... Olivia Olson 2nd... Marshall Allen 3rd.... Coltan Seals 150. Weaving 1st..... Sydney Booth 2nd... Sage Veek 3rd.... Kara Rumage 152. Mosaic 1st..... Sage Veek 2nd... Emmalee Duvall 153. Mache item 1st..... Hailey Ellerbroek 2nd... Olivia Hooley 3rd.... Clare Gonzalez 154. Metal work 1st..... Marshall Allen 2nd... Faith Stavens 155. Craft collection, 3-10 pieces 1st..... Oreain Pearson 2nd... Kara Rumage 3rd.... Trask Veek 156. Hobby collection, 3-10 pieces 1st..... Coltan Seals 158. Handmade wooden vehicle 1st..... Jacob Whittles 159. Collage 1st..... Sage Veek 2nd... Sara Johnston 3rd.... Allie Guarcello 160. Decoupage 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Madilyn Stinnett 161. Craft foam 1st..... Madilyn Stinnett 2nd... Charlee Horton
162. Educational posters 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Allie Guarcello 163. Scrapbook page 1st..... Charlee Horton 2nd... Jaiden Werst 3rd.... Kara Rumage 164. Stepping stone 1st..... Olivia Olson 2nd... Avarie Hallock 3rd.... Zeyon Hurliman 165. Other not listed 1st..... Ashlynn Lawrence 2nd... Sydnie Booth 3rd.... Zeyon Hurliman Division C – Fourth through Sixth Grade 124. Popsicle stick art 1st..... Izabella Richardson 125. Model car or truck 1st..... Perry Reeder 2nd... Trevor Boquist 126. Model boat or plane 1st..... Michael Horton 128. Jewelry 1st..... Breanna Maciel 2nd... Vincent Fox 129. Beaded item, other than jewelry 1st..... Fiorella Vultaggio 2nd... Breanna Maciel 130. Recycled material 1st..... Mackenzie Guarcello 2nd... Becca Ziegler 3rd.... Elliana Maciel 133. Hand decorated ceramic 1st..... Rachel Whittles 2nd... Kasey Purcell 3rd.... Clare Atchison 134. Novelty picture 1st..... Micharl Horton 2nd... Jamie Peak 3rd.... Izabella Richardson 135. Natural material item 1st..... Nate Abbott 136. Puppet 1st..... Perry Reeder 138. Clay 1st..... Sam Hooley 2nd... Rachel Whittles 3rd.... Breanna Maciel 139. Fimo 1st..... Michael Horton 140. Origami 1st..... Brook Reibach 2nd... Becca Ziegler 3rd.... Clare Atchison 143. Tie dye 1st..... Perry Reeder 146. Mixed media 1st..... Sara Johnston 147. Diorama 1st..... Trevor Boquist 148. Woodworking 1st..... Perry Reeder 2nd... Nate Abbott 149. Bird cage, bird house, feeder 1st..... Vinvent Fox 2nd... Kaitlyn Sisco 3rd.... Breanna Maciel
150. Weaving 1st..... Jacob Waldron 2nd... Becca Ziegler 155. Craft collection, 3-10 pieces 1st..... Brooke Reibach 159. Collage 1st..... Perry Reeder 161. Craft foam 1st..... Clare Atchison 164. Stepping stone 1st..... Clare Atchison 165. Other not listed 1st..... Sara Johnston 2nd... Jamie Peak
SPECIAL CULINARY AWARDS Peggy Parker Award $10 will be given to the boy or girl in youth division of Culinary Arts whose entry is outstanding. Hannah Pattner Lorena Weber Memorial Award $25 cash will be given by Tom Weber, Jr. to an entry selected by superintendent as Best of Show exhibit. Marlene Trent Queen of the Kitchen Award $10 will be given in honor of Lorene Phillips to the adult female whose entry is outstanding. Shelly Trent King of the Kitchen $15 will be given by Bob Reed to the adult male whose entry is outstanding in baked goods. Marty Derrick Princess of the Kitchen Award (5-8 yr. old) $10 will be given by The Pancake House to a female youth whose entry is outstanding in baked goods. Sofia Olson Prince of the Kitchen Award(5-8 yr. old) $10 will be given by The Pancake House to a male youth whose entry is outstanding in baked goods. Cody Hoffert Princess of the Kitchen Award (9-16 yr. old) A $10 Gift Card from the Rodeo Steak House & Grill will be given to a female youth whose entry is outstanding in baked goods. Skylar Dalusio Prince of the Kitchen Award (9-16 yr. old) A $10 Gift Card from the Rodeo Steak House & Grill will be given to a male youth whose entry is outstanding in baked goods. Noah Palter
Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon will be given by the Tillamook County Fair Board for the most outstanding cookie entry, any age group. Keri Wetzel Marlene Trent Best Cake Award $25 will be given by Marlene Trent to an entry chosen by the superintendent as the best cake. Dory Bennett Mike Trent Bread Award $25 will be given by Mike Trent to an adult whose entry is chosen outstanding in the yeast bread class by the superintendent. Marty Derrick Dan Davy Award $10 will be given by the Family of Dan Dave to a boy or girl, age 9-16, for the best decorated cake. Natalie William Dan Davy Award $15 will be given by the Family of Dan Dave to an adult for the best decorated cake. Rodna Bos
CULINARY Class 17 – Yeast Breads, 1 Loaf 1. Bread, white 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Amy Gallant 2. Bread, whole or cracked wheat 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Amy Gallant 3. Cinnamon rolls, 4 1st..... Candis Zaugg 2nd... Amy Gallant 4. Light rolls, 4 1st..... Marty Derrick 2nd... Candace Zaugg 5. Doughnuts, raised, 4 1st..... Maggie Mick 7. Any sweet yeastbread 1st..... Anna Travers 2nd... Rebecca Dougherty 3rd.... Teresa Schwend
1st..... Billy Woeat 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Shelly Trent 13. Banana 1st..... Candace Zaugg 14. Banana nut 1st..... Peggy Stefanski 2nd... Donna Lane 15. Pumpkin 1st..... Phyllis Hart 16. Muffin, bran 1st..... Linda Jeffery 2nd... Jeannie Ellerbrook 17. Muffin, fruit 1st..... Amy McKillip 18. Muffin, any other 1st..... Suzann Dietrich 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Roxanne Fletcher 20. Baking powder biscuits, 4 1st..... Keri Wetzel 2nd... Dory Bennett 3rd.... Joseph Meyer 21. Scones 1st..... Billy Woldt 2nd... Morgan Queen 3rd.... Jessica Mick 22. Any other bread 1st..... Dorothy Hooley Class 19 – Cakes Cakes Frosted 23. White 1st..... Marlene Trent 2nd... Dorothy Hooley 3rd.... Amy Gallant 24. Carrot 1st..... Marlene Trent 2nd... Amy Gallant 3rd.... Shelly Trent 25. Chocolate 1st..... Amy McKillip 2nd... Shelly Trent 3rd.... Candace Zaugg 56. Spice 1st..... Dory Bennett 2nd... Shelly Trent 3rd.... Candace Zaugg 27. Decorated cake, any shape displayed on 12” cardboards base 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Jennifer Johnston 3rd.... Terri Wallace
8. Any other type not listed 1st..... Maggie Mick 2nd... Shelly Trent Class 18 – Quick Breads with Baking Powder
28. Any other not listed 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Dorothy Hooley 3rd.... Amy Gallant
9. Coffee cake, all kinds 1st..... Ruth Woodward 2nd... Candace Zaugg 10. Bread, zucchini 1st..... Joann Hurliman 2nd... Alama Abelman 3rd.... Roxanne Fletcher
29. Pound 2nd.. Dorothy Hooley 30. Cheesecake 1st..... Amy Gallant
11. Blueberry muffins, 4 1st..... Linda Jeffery 2nd... Ruth Woodward 3rd.... Keri Wetzel 12. Corn bread or 4 corn muffins
Cakes Without Frosting
31. Carrot 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Amy Gallant 3rd.... John Elliot 34. Upsidedown cake 1st..... Shelly Trent 35. Bundt cake, all others 1st..... Terri Wallace
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 9 2nd... Mary Lummus 36. Fruitcake, light or dark 1st..... Dory Bennett 2nd... JoAnn Hurliman 37. Any cake not listed 1st..... Marlene Trent 2nd... Jeannie Ellerbrook 3rd.... Sam Hooley Class 20 – Pies 38. Apple, 2-crust 1st..... Teresa Schwend 2nd... Robert Pollock 3rd.... Aaron Palter 40. Berry, 2-crust 1st..... Ken Burdick 2nd... Marlene Trent 3rd.... Carol Fitzgerald 41. Dutch apple 2nd.. Amy Gallant 42. All other fruit pies 1st..... Jennifer Hooley 2nd... Sonia Richardson 3rd.... Ruth Woodward 43. Cream 1st..... Marlene Trent 44. Pecan or other nut 1st..... Peggy Stefanski 2nd... Amy Gallant 3rd.... Marlene Trent 45. Pumpkin pie 1st..... Teresa Schwend
.......... 2nd Marlene Trent 3rd.... Amy Gallant 46. Other pies 1st..... Gail Salzwedel 2nd... Peggy Stefanski 3rd.... Cindy Anderson 48. Berry cobbler 1st..... Amy McKillip 49. Lemon Meringe 1st..... Donna Lane 2nd... Marlene Trent Class 21 – Cookies 50. Oatmeal, 4 1st..... Mary Lummus 2nd... Shelly Trent 3rd.... Debbie Reeder 51. Ginger, 4 1st..... Keri Wetzel 52. Sugar, 4 1st..... Amy McKillip 2nd... Heather Neal 3rd.... Teresa Schwend
chip, 4 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Ruth Woodward 3rd.... Keri Wetzel 56. Oatmeal raisin, 4 1st..... Shelly Trent 2nd... Jennifer Guarcette 3rd.... Keri Wetzel 57. Bar, 4 1st..... Keri Wetzel 2nd... Ruth Woodward 3rd.... Tammy Samagoro 58. Brownies, chocolate, 4 1st..... Ruth LaFrance 2nd... Peggy Stefanski 59. Snicker doodles, 4 1st..... Theresa Schwend 2nd... Genice Smith 3rd.... Amy McKillip 62. Any other not listed, 4 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Tammy Samagio 3rd.... Maxine Barber Class 22 - Candies
53. Peanut Butter, 4 1st..... Joseph Meyer 2nd... Teresa Schwend 3rd.... Aaron Josi
64. Fudge, 1/4 pound 1st..... Chris Shivk 2nd... Tammy Samagio 3rd.... Gail Salzwedel
54. Chocolate chip, 4 1st..... Roxanne Fletcher 2nd... Shelly Trent 3rd.... Keri Wetzel
65. Peanut butter fudge, 1/4 pound 1st..... Amy McKillip 2nd... Sandy Arthur 66. English toffee, 1/4
55. Oatmeal chocolate
pound 1st..... Janice welch 2nd... Carol Fitzgerald 67. Chocolate dipped candy, 1/4 pound 1st..... Mary Lummus 68. Candy, miscellaneous, judged together 1st..... Sandy Arthur 2nd... Peggy Stefanski 3rd.... Rodna Bos Class 23 – Jams, Jellies, Preserves 69. Blueberry jam 1st..... Dennis Creed 2nd... Candace Zaugg 71. Raspberry jam 1st..... Keri Wetzel 2nd... Mary Boquist 3rd.... Amy Gallant 72. Strawberry jam 1st..... Dennis Creed 2nd... Marlene Trent 77. Blackberry jam 1st..... Katie Bennett 2nd... Keri Wetzel 78. Peach jam 2nd.. Joann VanRoekel 79. Any low sugar or sugarfree jam 1st..... Terri Wallace 2nd... Joann VanRoekel 3rd.... Cathy Colburn
80. Freezer jam, raspberry 1st..... Teresa Schwend 2nd... Lynne Miller 81. Freezer jam, strawberry 1st..... Jerry Underwood 82. Freezer jam, any 1st..... CandaceZaugg 83. Any other jam 1st..... Sally Underwood 2nd... Brenda Creed 3rd.... Teri Wallace 84. Apple butter 1st..... Caryn Backman 2nd... Rebecca Dougherty 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 85. Any other butter 1st..... Keri Wetzel 86. Any marmalade 1st..... Sharon Perkins 87. Blackberry jelly 1st..... Mary Boquist 2nd... Holly Rico 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 88. Current jelly 1st..... Mary Boquist 2nd... Patricia Dean 89. Loganberry jelly 1st..... Julia Nyseth 91. Raspberry jelly 1st..... Holly Rico 2nd... Teresa Schwend
92. Apple jelly 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Teresa Schwend 93. Any other jelly 1st..... Mary Boquist 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Teresa Schwend Class 24 – Canned Fruit 94. Apricot 1st..... Dory Bennett 2nd... Candace Zaugg 95. White cherry 1st..... Joan CanRoekel 2nd... Candace Zaugg 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 96. Black cherry 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Marlene Trent 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 97. Peaches 1st..... Diana Griffin 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Candace Zaugg 98. Pears 1st..... Keri Wetzel 2nd... Caryn Backman 3rd.... Marlene Trent 99. Canned pie filling, apple 2nd... Joan van Roekel 3rd.... Rebecca Dougherty 101. Canned pie filling, other
1st..... Caryn Backman 102. Applesauce 1st..... Keri Wetzel 2nd... Candace Zaugg 3rd.... Amy Gallant 103. Fruit combination 1st..... Teri Wallace 104. Any other not listed 1st..... Candace Zaugg Class 25 - Vegetables 105. Beans, string 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Amy Gallant 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 107. Carrots 1st..... Teri Wallace 2nd... Candace Zaugg 108. Tomatoes 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 109. Sauerkraut 1st..... Carmen Tagg 2nd... Marlene Trent 3rd.... Shelly Trent 110. Any other not listed 1st..... Scott McKibbin 2nd... Linda Jeffery 3rd.... Candace Zaugg
1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd... Carmen Tagg 3rd.... Maxine Barber 114. Dill 1st..... Matysin Beach 2nd... Craig Izzy 3rd.... Marlene Trent 115. Sweet cucumber, chunk or sliced 1st..... Holly Rico 2nd... Maxine Barber 3rd.... Joan Hurliman 116. Sweet cucumber, whole 1st..... Maxine Barber 117. Pickled beets 1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd... Marty Derrick 3rd.... Maxine Barber 118. Bread and butter 1st..... Amy Gallant 119. Dilly beans 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Craig Izzy 3rd.... Jerrad McKibbin 120. Any other pickle not listed 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Holly Rico 3rd.... Carmen Tagg Class 27 – Canned Meats and Fish
Class 26 – Pickles & Relishes 111. Zucchini relish
121. Elk 1st..... Sandy Arthur
Name: TCCA Width: 10.5 in Depth: 5.5 in Color: Black plus three Ad Number: H13983
Three years and
of ice cream cones later, Tillamook County Creamery Association has donated more than $34,000 to the 4-H Leaders Association through our ice cream booth partnership at the Tillamook County Fair. Tillamook® is proud to support the 4-H Program
10 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners 122. Salmon 1st..... Marlene Trent 2nd... Shelly Trent 3rd.... Sandy Arthur
145. Oatmeal chocolate chip, 4 1st..... Sage Bailey 2nd... Marcus Romero 3rd.... Allison Stephensen
123. Tuna, 1/2 or 1 pint 1st..... Scott McKibbin 2nd... Terry Griffin 3rd.... Sandy Arthur
146. Chocolate chip cookies, 4 1st..... Mckenzie Garrett 2nd... Rachel Jenck 3rd.... Lexi Crabtree
124. Smoked fish 1st..... Marlene Trent 2nd... Patsy Chapin 3rd.... Herman Biederbeck 125. Any other 1st..... Candace Zaugg 2nd... Linda Jeffery 3rd.... Ken Burdict Class 28 – Miscellaneous, Canned 126. One dish meals 1st..... Terri Wallace 2nd... Teresa Schwend 127. Salsa 1st..... Amy Gallant 2nd... Marlene Trent 3rd.... Shelly Trent 128. Syrup, blackberry 1st..... Amy Gallant 2nd... Holly Rico 129. Syrup, any other 1st..... Terri Morris 130. Juice 1st..... Candace Zaugg Class 29 – Girls or Boys 9 through 16 Yrs. Of Age 131. Bread, white, 1 loaf 1st..... Brooklyn McKillip 2nd... Maggie Mick 132. Cinnamon rolls, 4 1st..... Paige Burnett 133. Baking powder biscuits, 4 1st..... Noah Patter 2nd... Kendrick Mick 134. Banana nut bread, 1 loaf 1st..... Allison Stephenson 2nd... Levi Crabtree 3rd.... Lexi Crabtree 135. Zucchini bread, 1 loaf 1st..... Levi Crabtree 2nd... Lexi Crabtree 136. Muffins, 4 1st..... Rachel Jenk 2nd... Allison Stephenson 3rd.... Lexi Crabtree 139. Cupcakes, 4, frosted 1st..... Skylar Dalusio 2nd... Natalie Williams 3rd.... Alyssa Jackson 141. Cake or cupcakes, unfrosted 1st..... Brodie Queen 142. Ginger cookies, 4 1st..... Katelyn Jenck 143. Oatmeal cookies, 4 1st..... Levi Crabtree 2nd... Lexi Crabtree 144. Oatmeal raisin, 4 1st..... Levi Crabtree 2nd... Lexi Crabtree 3rd.... Allison Stephensen
147. Sugar cookies, 4 1st..... Mackenzie Guarcello 2nd... Katie Reeder 148. Brownies, all types, 4 1st..... Kestrel Bailey 150. Bar cookies, 4 1st..... Allie Guarcello 2nd... Izzy Burnell 3rd.... Shayla Wacher 151. Peanut butter cookies, 4 1st..... Hannah Palter 2nd... Trent Meyer 3rd.... Levi Crabtree 152. No bake cookies 1st..... Alexis Bennett 2nd... Trevor Boquist 153. Any other cookies, 4 1st..... Hannah Palter 2nd... Mackenzie Guarcello 3rd.... Devin McDonald 154. Freezer strawberry jam 1st..... Adam Wilson 157. Any other jam 1st..... Adam Wilson 2nd... Kendrick Mick 159. Any other jelly 1st..... Kendrick Mick Class 30 – Boys or Girls 5 Through 8 Years Of Age 161. Oatmeal cookies, 4 1st..... Hailey Ellerbrook 162. Oatmeal chocolate chip, 4 1st..... Cody Hoffert 163. Chocolate chip cookies, 4 1st..... Emma Jenck 2nd... Monique Romen 3rd.... Olivia Hooley 164. Snicker doodles, 4 1st..... Sofia Olson 2nd... Olivia Olsen 3rd.... Victoria Fox 165. Peanut butter cookies, 4 1st..... Sofia Olson 2nd... Olivia Olson 3rd.... Cody Hoffert
170. Pears, 1/2 cup 2nd.. Kerri Wetzel 171. Pineapple, 1/2 cup 1st..... Keri Wetzel 172. Bananas, 1/2 cup 2nd... Teresa Schwend 3rd.... Joann VanRoekel 173. Any Fruit, 1/2 cup 1st..... Joann VanRoekel 2nd... Keri Wetzel 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 174. Any vegetables, 1/2 cup 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Joann VanRoekel 3rd.... Teresa Schwend 175. Fruit leathers, any 2nd... Joan Hurliman 176. Trail Mix, 1 cup 1st..... Keri Wetzel Class 33 – Goat Cheese 197. Soft 1st..... Grunder
DAIRY HOLSTEIN – CLASS 1 LOT 1 1st..... Moretti Dairy 2nd... Nathan Whalen 3rd.... Hale Valley Holsteins 4th.... Kyla Japson LOT 2 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins 2nd... Charish Ingram 3rd.... Hale Valley Hosteins 4th.... Mistvale Farm 5th.... Nathan Whalen 6th.... Charish Ingram LOT 3 1st..... Christopher Rocha 2nd... Hale Valley Holsteins 3rd.... Mistvale Farm 4th.... Mistvale Farm LOT 4 1st..... Nathan Whalen LOT 5 1st..... Mistvale Dairy 2nd... Moretti Dairy 3rd.... Den-Jo Farm 4th.... Hayden Bush 5th.... Moretti Dairy 6th.... Christopher Rocha LOT 6 1st..... Mistvale Farm LOT 7 1st..... Scott Rocha 2nd... Charish Ingram
Class 31 – Gift Baskets
LOT 9 1st..... Midway Dairy
185. “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME” 1st..... Teresa Schwend 2nd... Terri Wallace 3rd.... Julia Nyseth
LOT 10 1st..... Moretti Dairy 2nd... Christopher
186. Any Birthday basket 1st..... Sandy Arthur 2nd... Terri Wallace Class 32 – Dried Foods 169. Apples, 1/2 cup 1st..... Kerri Wetzel 2nd... Joann VanRoekel 3rd.... Sandy Arthur
LOT 11 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins 2nd... Hale Valley Holsteins 3rd.... Mistvale Farm LOT 13 1st..... Moretti Dairy 2nd... Midway Dairy LOT 14 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins
LOT 15 1st..... Moretti Dairy 2nd... Mistvale Farm LOT 16 1st..... Mistvale Dairy 2nd... Hale Valley Holsteins 3rd.... Moretti Dairy 4th.... Charish Ingram LOT 17 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins LOT 18 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins 2nd... Moretti Dairy JERSEY – CLASS 2 LOT 1 1st..... Laci Lorenzo 2nd... Ban & KaShan Snell 3rd.... Woodstock Dairy 4th.... Christopher Rocha 5th.... Paige Burnett 6th.... Woodstock Dairy 7th.... Christopher Rocha LOT 2 1st..... R & R Dairy 2nd... Lexi Lorenzo 3rd.... R & R Dairy 4th.... Joshua Seals 5th.... Woodstock Dairy 6th.... Paige Burnett LOT 3 1st..... Pacific Edge & Kara Hale & R&R Dairy 2nd... Ben & KaShan Snell 3rd.... Lucas Leslie 4th.... Mark Olson 5th.... Blake Woods 6th.... Woodstock Dairy 7th.... Woodstock Dairy 8th.... Joshua Seals 9th.... Clara Blaser LOT 4 1st..... Nes-Till Farms LOT 5 1st..... Ben & KaShan Snell 2nd... Ben & KaShan Snell 3rd.... Woodstock Dairy 4th.... Hayden Bush LOT 6 1st..... Hale Valley Holsteins 2nd... R & R Dairy 3rd.... Izzy Burnett
2nd... R & R Dairy 3rd.... Talycia Thomas LOT 13 1st..... R & R Dairy 2nd... Sunset Canyon 3rd.... Ben & KaShan Snell 4th.... Mark Olson LOT 14 1st..... R & R Dairy 2nd... Hayden Bush 3rd.... Nes-Till Farms 4th.... Nes-Till Farms LOT 15 1st..... Ben & KaShan Snell 2nd... R & R Dairy 3rd.... Ben & KaShan Snell 4th.... Hale Valley Holsteins LOT 16 1st..... Ben & KaShan Snell 2nd... R & R Dairy
Holstein Grand Champion Kalli Sherer Holstein Reserve Grand Champion Charish Ingram Holstein Senior Grand Champion Kalli Sherer Holstein Junior Grand Champion Charish Ingram
Grand Champion Showman Morgan Remington
OTHER BREEDS – CLASS 3 LOT 1 1st..... Hayden Bush LOT 2 1st..... Moretti Dairy 2nd... Lucas Leslie 3rd.... Hayden Bush LOT 3 1st..... Eastland LOT 5 1st..... Mistvale Farm 2nd... Scott Rocha LOT 10 1st..... Lucas Leslie 2nd... Moretti Dairy LOT 13 1st..... Hayden Bush
Reserve Grand Champion Master Showman Ruth Johnston
LOT 12 1st..... Sunset Canyon
Jersey Junior Grand Champion Brent Rocha
LOT 18 1st..... R & R Dairy 2nd... Ben & KaShan Snell
LOT 8 1st..... R & R
LOT 11 1st..... Sunset Canyon 2nd... Ben & KaShan Snell 3rd.... Woodstock Dairy 4th.... Ben & KaShan Snell 5th.... R & R Dairy
Jersey Senior Grand Champion Brent Rocha
Holstein Reserve Junior Champion Alex Baertlin
Grand Champion Master Showman Scott Rocha
LOT 10 1st..... R & R Dairy
Brent Rocha
LOT 17 1st..... R & R Dairy 2nd... Sunset Canyon 3rd.... Ben & KaShan Snell
LOT 7 1st..... Nes-Till Farms 2nd... Nes-Till Farms 3rd.... Woodstock Dairy
LOT 9 1st..... Sunset Canyon 2nd... Sunset Canyon 3rd.... Ben & KaShan Snell 4th.... Den-Jo Farm 5th.... Ben & KaShan Snell 6th.... Brent Rocha 7th.... R & R Dairy 8th.... R & R Dairy 9th.... Kelly Olson 10th.. Woodstock Dairy
Dairy Cattle
Grand Champion Showman Lexi Lorenzo Reserve Grand Champion Showman Scott Rocha Supreme Grand Champion Kali Sherer Brown Swiss Grand Champion Scott Rocha Brown Swiss Junior Champion Scott Rocha Jersey Grand Champion Brent Rocha Jersey Reserve Grand
Grand Champion NonAuction Market Hog Morgan Remington
Grand Champion Showman Ruth Johnston Reserve Champion Showman Jacob Siemsen Grand Champion Ewe Jacob Siemsen
Champion Showman Scott Rocha Grand Champion Yearling Milker Scott Rocha
AG Mechanics
Champion Trailer Nestucca FFA Champion Medium Construction Nestucca FFA Champion Small Construction Nestucca FFA
Dairy Cattle Showmanship 1st...... Lexi Lorenzo 2nd..... Scott Rocha 3rd...... Brent Rocha 4th...... Kalli Sherer 5th...... Charish Ingram 6th...... Alex Baertlien 7th...... Grant Rocha Breeding Class 2 1st...... Charish Ingram 2nd..... Charish Ingram Class 3 1st...... Charish Ingram 2nd..... Grant Rocha Class 4 1st...... Grant Rocha 1st...... Scott Rocha Class 5
1st...... Alex Baertlien 1st...... Brent Rocha 2nd..... Scott Rocha 3rd...... Charish Ingram Class 6 1st...... Brent Rocha Class 9 1st...... Kalli Sherer Sheep Showmanship Lot 1 1st...... Louisa Johnston Lot 2 1st...... Ruth Johnston 2nd..... Jacob Siemsen Class 4 1st...... Jacob Siemsen Market Lambs Louisa Johnson Ruth Johnston Goat Showmanship 1st..... Scott Rocha Class 4 1st...... Scott Rocha Swine Showmanship 1st...... Morgan Remington Class 2 1st...... Morgan Remington Class 1073 1st...... Morgan Remington
SPECIAL FLORAL AWARDS John Gienger Award $10 and a Best of Show Ribbon will be given by the Fair Board for the Best of Show specimen or plant in Horticulture. Maxine Scovell Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon will be given to the Best of Class in artistic arrangements. Sherry Edgar Peggy Parker Floral Award $20 will be given by Colleen Dooley Schutz & Patrick Dooley for the utstanding, Rose. Pat McDonald Mildred Davy Award $25 will be given by Jerry & Sally Underwood to the best collection of yellow roses (does not have to be of the same variety). Carol Berkey Eva, Carl Sr. & Carl Jr. Rawe Memorial Award $25 will be given from their family for the best single gladiolus. Evelyn Wilson Virginia Hathaway Award $40 will be given by Nancy & Mike Pickett to the outstanding lily exhibit. Ac Duncan Anderson Florists Award $10 Gift Certificate to the outstanding artistic arrangement in Class 46,
Junior Artistic. Audrey Miller
Anderson Florists Award $10 Gift Certificate to the outstanding exhibit in Class 47, Juniors. Zack Johnson Outstanding Bonsai Award $10 will be given by the Migoto Yamadori Bonsai Club of Tillamook to an outstanding bonsai exhibit. Lauren Edgar
Lillian Alspach Award $40 will be given by the family of Lillian to the exhibitor that received the most blue ribbons in the floral department. Alma Ableman
FLORAL Class 34 – Cut Flowers, Section A (With Attached Foliage) 1. Asters, fall, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 3. Alstroemeria, 1 stem 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Alma Ableman 3rd.... Susan Aalykke 4. Bachelor buttons, 3 stems 1st..... Barbara Casteel 2nd... Roxanne Fletcher 3rd.... Alma Ableman 5. Calendula, 1 bloom 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 2nd... Tina Meyers 3rd.... Evelyn Wilson 6. Campanula, 1 stem 1st..... Barbie McMellow 3rd.... Barb Casteel 7. Candytuft, 1 spray 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Joseph Meyer 8. Chrysanthemums, fever few, I stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Glenice Smith 9. Chrysanthemums, early, spray, 1 stem 1st..... Evelyn Walker 2nd... Glenice Smith 10. Clarkia, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 11. Cone flower (Echinacea), 1 stem 1st..... Susan Chelone 2nd... Alma Ableman 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 12. Coreopsis, 1 bloom (A) 1st..... Tina Meyers 2nd... Susan Aalykke (B) 1st..... Evelyn Wilson 2nd... Alma Ableman 13. Cosmos, 1 stem 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Tina Meyers 3rd.... Roxanne Fletcher 14. Cupids dart, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 15. Daisies, Shasta, single, 1 bloom
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 11 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Connie Woldt 3rd.... Jennifer Udenby
40. Lilies, Stargazer, 1 stalk 3rd.... Gail Balden
16. Daisies, Shasta, double, 1 bloom 1st..... Alma Ableman 17. Daises, Chiffon, 1 bloom (A) 1st..... Joseph Meyer 2nd... Trent Meyer 3rd.... Harry Coffman (B) 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd..... Becky Kacmarsky
41. Lilies, Tiger, reflex or recurved, 1 stalk 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 43. Lilies, any other kind, 1 stalk 1st..... Janice Welch 44. Linaria, 1 stem 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Harry Coffman 3rd.... Alma Ableman
18. Daisies, Ester Reed, 1 bloom 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Kathy Rieger 19. Daisies, Gerbera, 1 stem 1st..... Mary Lummus 2nd... Barbara Casteel 20. Daisies, Gloriosa, single, 1 bloom 1st..... Alma Ableman 21. Daisies, Gloriosa, double, 1 bloom 1st..... Alma Ableman 22. Daisies, Boston, or other, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Matt Hogan 3rd.... Susan Chelone Class 35 – Cut Flowers, Section B (With attached foliage) 24. Dianthus, (Pinks), 3 stems 1st..... Connie Woldt 25. Gaillardia, 1 stem 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 3rd.... Rodna Bos 27. Goldenrod, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 28. Gypsophila, (Baby’s Breath), 1 spray 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Alma Ableman 29. Geranium, zonal, 1 bloom with foliage 1st..... Jennifer Udenby 2nd... Sharon Cruse 31. Hollyhock, 1 stem 2nd... Barbara Casteel 3rd.... Sunny Allan 32. Ladies Mantle, 1 stem 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Susan Chelone 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 33. Liatris, 1 stem 1st..... Jon Rodriguez 2nd... Alma Ableman 3rd.... Dorothy Hooley 34. Lilies, Bowl (calla, 1 stalk 2nd.. Becky Kacmarsky 36. Lilies, Oriental, white, 1 stalk 1st..... Al Duncan 37. Lilies, Oriental, pink, 1 stalk 1st..... Susan Chelone 39. Lilies, Oriental, any other, 1 stalk 2nd... Barbara Casteel
45. Loosestrife (Goose Neck), 1 stem 1st..... Kathy Rieger 2nd... Rodna Bos 3rd.... Alma Ableman 46. Loosestrife, any other, 1 stem 1st..... Randy Stelzig 2nd... Joseph Meyer 3rd.... Trent Meyer 47. Lupine, 1 stem 1st..... Susan Chelone 2nd... Alma Ableman 49. Marigolds, small French Dwarf, double, 1 stem 1st..... Jennifer Udenby 2nd... Lynn Stein 3rd.... Holly Hogan 51. Montbretia, 1 stem 1st..... Sharon Cruse 2nd... Maribell Bunnell 3rd.... Lynn Stein 52. Nasturtiums, single, 3 blooms, with foliage added 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Glenice Smith 3rd.... Caryn Backman 53. Nicotiana, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 54. Obedient plant bloom, 1 stem 1st..... Susan Chelone 55. Pansies, with foliage, 3 stems 1st..... Lorrie McKibbin 2nd... Jennifer Udenby 3rd.... Alma Ableman 57. Petunia, single, 1 spray 1st..... Tina Meyers 2nd... Brian Chase 3rd.... Maribell Bunnell Class 36 – Cut Flowers, Section C (With attached foliage)
65. Snapdragon, 1 spike 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Roxanne Fletcher 3rd.... Maribell Bunnell 66. Statice, 1 spray 1st..... Maribell Bunnell 67. Stokesia, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Becky Kacmarsky 68. Sunflower, large, 1 stem 1st..... Maribell Bunnell 69. Sunflower, medium, 1 stem 1st..... Lynne Stein 2nd... Maribell Bunnell 70. Sunflower, small, 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 71. Sweet Peas, annual, 3 stems w/added foliage from vine 1st..... Carol Berkey 2nd... Barbara Casteel 3rd.... Brian Chase 72. Sweet Peas, perennial, 1 stem w/added foliage from vine 1st..... Randy Stelzig 2nd... Jon Rodriguez 73. Sweet William, 1 stem 1st..... Jennifer Udenby 74. Verbena, 1 stem 1st..... Joseph Meyer 2nd... Lorrie McKibbin 3rd.... Gail Balden 75. Violas, 3 stems 1st..... Jennifer Udenby 2nd... Holly Hogan 3rd.... Matt Hogan 76. Zinnia, 1 bloom 1st..... Lynn Stein 2nd... Carol Berkey 77. Annuals, not listed, 1 bloom 1st..... Susan Aalykke 2nd... Barbara Casteel 78. Perennial, not listed, 1 stem 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 2nd... Alma Ableman 3rd.... Barbara Casteel 79. Yarrow, 1 stem 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Alma Ableman 3rd.... Joan Hurliman Class 37 – Shrubs and Vines (With attached foliage)
60. Pholx, 1 stem 1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd... Glenice Smith 3rd.... Alma Ableman
80. Astillbe 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Barbie McMilan 3rd.... Randy Stelzig
61. Rudebeckia, 1 stem 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Hattie Blaser 3rd.... Joseph Meyer
81. Clematis, 1 stem 1st..... Brian Chase 2nd... Janice Welch 3rd.... Evelyn Wilson
62. Saline, 1 stem 1st..... Joseph Meyer 2nd... Trent Meyer 3rd.... Barbara Casteel
82. Fuchsia, upright, 1 stem (A) 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 2nd... Arlene Schuh 3rd.... Matt Hogan (B) 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd... Joseph Meyer 3rd.... Harry Coffman
63. Salvia, 3 stems 1st..... Alma Ableman 64. Scabiosa, 3 blooms 1st..... Glenice Smith 2nd... Alma Ableman
83. Heather, all varieties, 1 stem 1st..... Joseph Meyer 2nd... Trent Meyer 84. Honeysuckle, 1 stem 1st..... Kathy Colburn 2nd... Maribell Bunnell 3rd.... Janice Welch 85. Hydrangea, Lace Cap, any color, 1 bloom 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Susan Chelone 3rd.... Holly Hogan 86. Hydrangea, PeeGee any color, 1 bloom 1st..... Susan Chelone 2nd... Mary Lummus 87. Hydrangea, Standard, any color, 1 bloom 1st..... Jon Rodriguez 2nd... Barbie McMilan 3rd.... Katie Bennett 88. Hydrangea, any other, 1 bloom 1st..... Arlene Schuh 2nd... Josh Bradburn 3rd.... Alma Ableman 89. Mallow, 1 stalk 1st..... Alma Ableman 90. Matilija Poppy (tree poppy), 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 91. Phygelius (Cape Fuchsia), 1 stem 1st..... Debora Bowman 2nd... Joan Hurliman 3rd.... Terri Morris 93. Spirea, 1 stem 1st..... Gail Baldin 2nd... Alma Ableman 95. Yucca, 1 stem 1st..... Holly Rico 2nd... Barbara Casteel 3rd.... Becky Kacmarsky
106. Yellow 1st..... Brian Chase 2nd... Connie Woldt 3rd.... Kathleen Fisher 107. Yellow blend 1st..... Pat McDonald 2nd... Jean McDonald 3rd.... Ray Monroe 110. Peach 1st..... Liz Willerson 111. Peach blend 2nd... Connie Woldt 112. Grandiflora, 1 stem not disbudded 1st..... Connie Woldt 2nd... Liz Willerson 113. Floribunda, 1 stem 2nd... Susan Chelone 3rd.... Liz Willerson 114. Polyantha, 1 stem 1st..... Lorrie McKibbin 115. Old fashioned roses such as Moss, Cabbage, Old English, etc., 1 stem 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Janice Welch 3rd.... Connie Woldt 116. Miniature roses, any variety, 1 stem 1st..... Trent Huntington 2nd... Lynn Stein 3rd.... Jennifer Udenby
117. Rose collection, 5 stems 1st..... Pat McDonald 2nd... Van Moe 3rd.... Carol Berkey 118. Most fragrant, any variety 1st..... Carol Backman 2nd... Dianna Coon 3rd.... Becky Kacmarsky 119. Single petaled rose, 1 bloom 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Lynn Stein Class 39 – Gladiolus (With attached foliage) 120. Miniature, floret under 2 ½”, 1 spike 1st..... Christine Hopkins 2nd... Jon Rodriguez 3rd.... Becky Kacmarsky 121. Average, floret 2 ½ to 4”, 1 spike 1st..... Brian chase 2nd... Bill Hartford 3rd.... Barbie McMillan 122. Large, floret 4 ½” and over, 1 spike 1st..... Evelyn Wilson 2nd... Dorothy Hooley 3rd.... Maribell Bunnell 123. Best collection, any color, 5 spikes 1st..... Amy booth 2nd... Brian Chase
3rd.... Jon Rodriguez Class 40 – Dahlias (All one stem)
1st..... Kelly McDonald 2nd... Hattie Blaser 3rd.... Matt Hogan
124. Pompon, 2” and under, 1 stem 1st..... Sandy Coffman 2nd... Harry Coffman 3rd.... Carol Berkey
132. Cactus and Semi Cactus, over 6” 1st..... Tina Meyers 2nd... Paul Presock 3rd.... Glenice Smith
125. Formal Decorative, under 4” 1st..... Hattie Blaser 2nd... Harry Coffman 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong
133. Laciniated (Notched or Split Petals) 1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd... Barbara Casteel 3rd.... Harry Coffman
126. Formal Decorative, 4” – 6” 1st..... Phyllis Hart 2nd... Shirley Thomas 3rd.... Nikki McDonald
134. Ball and Miniature Ball 2nd... Christie Hopkins 3rd.... Nikki McDonald
128. Informal Decorative, 6” and under 1st..... Carol Berkey 2nd... Tina Meyers 3rd.... Bill Hartford 129. Informal Decorative, over 6” 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Sandy Coffman 3rd.... Evelyn Wilson 130. Cactus and Semi Cactus, under 4” 1st..... Sandy Coffman 2nd... Holly Hogan 3rd.... Jeff Bradburn 131. Cactus and Semi Cactus, 4” – 6”
135. Water Lily Types 1st..... Shirley Thomas 2nd... Harry Coffman 3rd.... Glenice Smith 136. Dwarf Bedding Types 1st..... Lynn Stein 2nd... Shirley Thomas 3rd.... Jon Rodriguez 137. Collarettes 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Carol Berkey 3rd.... Sandy Coffman 138. Any other type, under 4” 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Sandy Coffman 3rd.... Jon Rodriguez 139. Any other type, 4” and
We’ll keep your animals healthy
Name: Pioneer Veterinary Hospital Width: 5.1875 in Depth: 5.5 in Color: Black Ad Number: H13974
96. Any other shrub unlisted, flowering, 1 branch 1st..... Becky Kacmarsky 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd.... Lorrie McKibbin 97. Any other shrub unlisted, foliage, 1 branch 1st..... Arlene Schuh 2nd... Alma Ableman Class 38 – Roses (With attached foliage)
� Small Animals � Farm Animals
99. White blend 1st..... Joan McDonald 100. Pink 1st..... Jennifer Udenby 2nd... Becky Kacmarsky 101. Pink blend 1st..... Pat McDonald 2nd... Jean McDonald 3rd.... Mike McDonald 102. Orange 1st..... Karen Derungs 103. Orange blend 1st..... Lavelle Beach 2nd... Janice Harris 3rd.... Van Moe 104. Red 1st..... Laurie McKibbin 2nd... Brian Chase 3rd.... Jennifer Udenby
� Emergencies � Reproduction & Herd Health � Surgery DANIEL CAMERON, DVM PETER MILLER, DVM 801 Main • Tillamook, OR 97141
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12 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners over 1st..... Barbara Casteel 2nd... Sandy Coffman 3rd.... Harry Coffman 140. Collection, Large, over 6” harmonious colors, 5 stems 1st..... Glenice Smith 2nd... Nikki McDonald 141. Collection, Medium, 4” – 6”, harmonious colors, 5 stems 1st..... Barbara Casteel 2nd... Bill Hartford 3rd.... Jeff Blackburn 142. Collection, Small, under 4”, harmonious colors, 5 stems 1st..... Harry Coffman 2nd... Glenice Smith 3rd.... Christie Hopkins Class 41 – Potted Plants (Indoor A) 143. African Violet, single 1st..... Evelyn Wilson 2nd... Maxine Barber 3rd.... Barbara Casteel 144. African Violet, single ruffled 1st..... Kathleen Fisher 2nd... Maxine Barber 3rd.... Barbara Casteel 146. African Violet, double ruffled 1st..... Barabara Casteel 147. African Violet, miniature 1st..... Maxine Barber 2nd... Barbara Casteel 150. Begonia, Rex or Fancy Leaf 1st..... Maxine Barber 2nd... Rodna Bos 151. Begonia, Rhizomatous, Beef Steak, Angel Wing, etc. 1st..... Maxine Barber 2nd... Spike Klobas 153. Cactus, under 6” 1st..... Deb Yund 2nd... Maxine Barber 3rd.... Spike Klobus 154. Cactus, 6” or over 1st..... Spike Klobas 2nd... Maxine Barber 155. Cactus garden (several plants in one dish) 1st..... Jeannie Seals 157. Crown of thorns 1st..... Samantha Boring 2nd... Maxine Barber 158. Succulents, any variety 1st..... Spike Klobas 2nd... Paulette Rush 3rd.... Deb Yund 159. Succulents, mixed pot 1st..... Spike Klobas 2nd... Debra Jacobsen 3rd.... Barbara Jenkins Class 42 – Potted Plants (Indoor B) 160. Fern, potted or hanging, any variety 1st..... Sharon Crus 2nd... Spike Klobas 3rd.... Maxine Barber
161. Jade 1st..... Maxine Barber 162. Prayer Plant 1st..... Maxine Barber 164. Philodendron, Ivy, Wondering Jew 1st..... Maxine Barber 165. Philodendron, Rosary, Hoya 1st..... Deb Yund 2nd... Carmen Larson 3rd.... Maxine Barber 167. Rubber plant 1st..... Maxine Barber 168. Orchid, any variety 1st..... Barb Casteel 2nd... Barbie McMilan 3rd.... Sharon Perkins 169. Any other not listed 1st..... Terry Morris 1st..... Spike Klobas 1st..... Maxine Barber 2nd... Cathy Colburn Class 43 – Potted Plants (Outdoor A) 171. Begonia, tuberous, upright, single 1st..... Spike Klobas 176. Coleus 1st..... Spike Klobas 2nd... Maxine Barber 179. Hanging Fuchsia, double 1st..... Maxine Scovell 180. Hanging Fuchsia, single 1st..... Judy Sander 2nd... Maxine Scovell 181. Miniature Fuchsia 1st..... Barb Casteel 183. Any other upright 1st..... Sharon Perkins 2nd... Spike Klobas 3rd.... Arlene Schuh Class 44 – Potted Plants (Outdoor B) 184. Geranium, single 1st..... Glenice Smith 2nd... Gail Balden 185. Geranium, double 1st..... Gail Balden 2nd... Maxine Barber 187. Geranium, Ivy, trailing 1st..... Glenice Smith 189. Mixed pots 1st..... Andrew Fleming 2nd... Ron Heckle 3rd.... Judy Heckle 190. Mixed pot, hanging 1st..... Barbie McMillan 191. Any other not listed 1st..... Dorothy Hooley Class 45 – Bonsai 192. Formal upright 1st..... Grace Mick 193. Informal upright 1st..... Lauren Edgar 2nd... Grace Mick 3rd.... Ruth LaFrance 194. Grove/Group/Forest
1st..... Ruth LaFrance 2nd... Grace Mick 195. Cascade 1st..... Grace Mick 2nd... Ruth LaFrance
Class 48 – Junior (14 & under)
196. Open 1st..... Lauren Edgar 2nd... Ruth LaFrance 3rd.... Grace Mick
208. Best glad, 1 stem 1st..... Victoria Fox 2nd... Sydnie Booth 3rd.... Ashlynn Lawrence
Class 46 – Artistic Arrangements
209. Best rose, 1 stem 1st..... Victoria Fox 2nd... Sydnie Booth 3rd.... Lexie Crabtree
197. “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME” – Designers choice 1st..... Sherry Edgar 2nd... Wanda Hurliman 3rd.... Sandra Arthur 198. “Grazing in the sunny field” – Bright flowers in any basket using props. 1st..... Wanda Hurliman 2nd... Rodna Bos 3rd.... Sherry Edgar 199. “Greener pastures” – Using all green flowers and foliage. 1st..... Sherry Edgar 2nd... Rodna Bos 3rd.... Laura Krueger 200. “Mini Moo” – Arrangement 4” or lower, must be in water. 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Deborah Yund 3rd.... Gail Balden 201. “Tinkling cow bells” – Arrangement using metal container with bell props 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Jerilee Blaser 3rd.... Sandy Arthur 202. “Feed me hay & grain” – Dried arrangement using props. 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 2nd... Sherry Edgar 3rd.... Rodna Bos 203. “Bel-LOWing for home” – Low table centerpiece seen from all angles. 1st..... Rodna Bos 2nd... Wanda Hurliman 3rd.... Sherry Edgar 204. “Party in the milking line” – Arrangement with a definite line of feature flowers (/, >, +, ^) Line can be your choice. 1st..... Wanda Hurliman 2nd... Rodna Bos 3rd.... Sherry Edgar Class 47 – Junior Artistic 205. “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME” – Designer’s choice. 1st..... Aubrey Arthur 2nd... Olivia Hooley 3rd.... Brennen Blaser 206. “Taking blue ribbons home” – Using bright colors with any container, and only blue props. 1st..... Billy Beachy 2nd... Audrey Miller 207. “Little cows going home” – Arrangements in container of your choice, 4” or under, can be dried or in water.
1st..... Audrey Miller 2nd... Jaiden Werst 3rd.... Gracie Werst
210. Best dahlia, 1 stem 1st..... Olivia Olsen 2nd... Chloe Rieger 3rd.... Jace Lummus 211. Best lily, 1 stem 1st..... Levi Crabtree 2nd... Lexie Crabtree 3rd.... Wyatt Bull 212. Best Hydrangea, 1 bloom 1st..... Carson Rieger 2nd... Alexis Bennett 3rd.... Ryan Bozley 213. Any other not listed 1st..... Jaiden Werst 2nd... Callan Rieger 3rd.... Levi Crabtree 214. Any indoor potted plant (must be cared for by entrant) 1st..... Sam Hooley 2nd... Coltan Seals 3rd.... Olivia Hooley 215. Any outdoor potted plant (must be cared for by entrant) 1st..... Zack Johnson 2nd... Ryan Porter 3rd.... Calre Atchison
SPECIAL LAND PRODUCTS AWARDS Jeannie Larson Award The Fair Board will present $10 and a Best of Show Ribbon for the best garden basket displaying a combination of land products Maribel Bunnell Howard G. Smith Award The Fair Board will present $10 to an entry which exemplifies an outstanding land products exhibit. Chris McClure Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon from Rieger’s Nursery will be awarded to an exhibit that generates interest in land products. This could be a courtesy exhibit. Evelyn Wilson
outstanding exhibit by a youth 12 years or younger. Tia Mautner Bringing in the Sheaves Award $5 from Rieger’s Nursery will be awarded to the best overall grass bundle. Tom Rieger Fair Spirit Award $15 gift certificate from Sandy’s Nursery for a display using land products and fair theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. This could be a courtesy exhibit. Cathy Colburn Everett Krostag Memorial $50 gift certificate from Hidden Acres will be awarded for most interesting exhibit item in land products. Dan Ayers Feature Creature Award $10 will be given by Misty Meadow Dairy to the most creative creature in Class 58, Lot 117 Ryan McKillip
3rd.... Clayton Wehage 13. Lettuce, looseleaf, in water 1st..... Roberta Grunder 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Tom Rieger 14. Lettuce, Romaine 1st..... Cathy Colburn 15. Spinach, any, 1 bunch in water 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Tamara Mautner 16. Swiss chard, 1 bunch in water 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Kik Salinthavong 3rd.... Tom Rieger 17. Any other 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong Class 51 – Herbs – Culinary 18. Basil 1st..... Kik Salinthavong 19. Bay, Sweet 1st..... Connie Woldt 2nd... Maggie Mick 3rd.... Tom Rieger
Class 49 – Beans & Peas
21. Chives 1st..... Julie Johnson 2nd... Kik Salinthavong 3rd.... Cathy Colburn
1. Beans, green pod, any 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Amy Blackburn
22. Cilantro/coriander 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Wyatt Bull 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong
2. Beans, yellow pod, any 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 2nd... Tom Rieger 3. Beans, purple pod, any 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 4. Beans, any shell type 1st..... Tom Rieger 5. Beans, any other, unlisted 1st..... Tom Rieger
23. Curry 1st..... Julia Johnson 2nd... Connie Woldt 24. Dill 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong
6. Peas, in pod 1st..... Diane Griffin 2nd... Sheryl Neu 3rd.... Mary Boquist 7. Peas, sugar snap – plump 1st..... Chris McClure 2nd... Donna Lane 3rd.... Jim Rieger 8. Peas, snow – flat 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Lynn Stein 3rd.... Dan Rocha Class 50 – Leaf Vegetables 9. Cabbage, green 1st..... Chris McClure 2nd... Ivan Boge 3rd.... Scott McKibbin
Outstanding Herb Award $15 gift certificate from Bear Creek Artichokes will be presented for the best overall herb exhibit. Julia Nyseth
10. Cabbage, red 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Tom Rieger 11. Kale, 1 bunch 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Candace Zaugg
Junior Gardener Award $5 from Rieger’s Nursery will be awarded to an
12. Lettuce, head, in water 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Cathy Colburn
25. Fennel 1st..... Diane Griffin 26. Lemon Balm 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 2nd... Julia Johnson 3rd.... Alma Ableman
34. Rosemary 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Victoria Fox 3rd.... Connie Woldt
Hellweg 2nd... Donna Lane Class 54 – Potatoes
35. Sage 1st..... Julie Johnson 2nd... Roxanne Fletcher 3rd.... Libby McKibbin
56. Fingerling, any 1st..... Susan Aalykke 2nd... Robert Phillips 3rd.... Tom Rieger
37. Thyme 1st..... Barbara Casteel 2nd... Katie Bennett 3rd.... Caryn Backman
58. Norland 1st..... Roxanne Fletcher 2nd... Tom Rieger 59. Purple salad potatoes 1st..... Robert Phillips 2nd... Tom Rieger 60. Russet 1st..... Tilor Hurliman 2nd... Mary Boquist 3rd.... Robert Phillips
38. Thyme, Lemon 1st..... Katie Bennett 39. Other unlisted 1st..... Julie Johnson 2nd... Barbara Casteel 3rd.... Holly Rico Class 52 – Herbs Decorative 40. Catnip 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Julie Johnson 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong 41. Chamomile 1st..... Julie Johnson 42. Sweet Woodraff 1st..... Julie Johnson 43. Lavender 1st..... Connie Woldt 2nd... Julia Nyseth 3rd.... Mary Lummus 44. Other, unlisted 1st..... Alma Ableman 2nd... Julie Johnson 3rd.... Tia Mautner 45. Arrangement, fresh in water 1st..... Connie Woldt 2nd... Rodna Bos 3rd.... Julia Johnson 46. Potted herb collection 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Jaimie Josi 47. Arrangement, dry 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Julie Johnson 3rd.... Katie Bennett Class 53 – Rooted Vegetables
27. Marjoram 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Cathy Colburn 28. Mint, peppermint 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Julia Johnson 3rd.... Tia Mautner
48. Beets, cylindra 1st..... Edna Holt 2nd... Tom Rieger 49. Beets, round 1st..... Diane Griffin 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Chris McClure
29. Mint, spearmint 1st..... Kik Salinthavong 2nd... Lorrie McKibbin 3rd.... Maggie Mick
50. Carrots, table, long 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Scott McKibbin 3rd.... Diane Griffin
30. Mint, any, unlisted 1st..... Holly Rico 2nd... Brian Chase 3rd.... Julie Johnson
51. Carrots, table, short 1st..... om Rieger 2nd... Joan Hurliman 3rd.... Diane Griffin
31. Oregano 1st..... Connie Woldt 2nd... Maribel Bunnell 3rd.... Wyatt Bull
53. Kohlrabi 1st..... Ivan Boge 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Donna Lane
32. Parsley, curled 1st..... Roxanne Fletcher 33. Parsley, Italian or Flat 1st..... Lynsey Werner
54. Radish, any 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Lynn Stein 55. Turnip 1st..... Ronnie Clark-
61. Yukon gold 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Jim Rieger 62. Other, purple unlisted 1st..... Kevin Queen 2nd... Dan Rocha 3rd.... Roxanne Fletcher 63. Other, red unlisted 1st..... Robert Phillips 2nd... Julia Nyseth 3rd.... Terry Griffin 64. Other, white unlisted 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Candace Zaugg 65. Other, yellow unlisted 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Tom Rieger Class 55 – Bulb Vegetables 66. Garlic, 10” braid 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 67. Garlic, elephant 1st..... Ivan Boge 2nd... Tom Rieger 68. Garlic, regular 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Julia Nyseth 3rd.... Caryn Beckman 69. Leeks 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 71. Onion, green 1st..... Lynn Smith 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Kik Salinthavong 72. Onion, multiplying 1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd... Tom Rieger 73. Onion, other sweet 1st..... Tom Rieger 75. Onion, Walla Walla 1st..... Ivan Boge 2nd... Dan Rocha 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 76. Onion, white 1st..... Diane Griffin 77. Onion, yellow 1st..... Marty Derrick 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 78. Shallots 1st..... Tom Rieger
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 13 2nd... Cathy Colburn Class 56 – Other Vegetables 80. Broccoli, 1 bunch in water 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Ronnie ClarkHellweg 3rd.... Holly Rico 81. Cauliflower, 1 head 1st..... Chris McClure 2nd... Cathy Colburn 3rd.... Holly Rico 82. Celery, 1 bunch 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Maribel Bunnell 83. Corn, table, 2 ears 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Scott McKibbin 84. Horseradish, 1-6” bunch 1st..... Tom Rieger 85. Peppers, bell, 2 specimens 1st..... Terry Griffin 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 86. Peppers, hot, any, 2 specimens 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd.... Terry Griffin 87. Peppers, sweet, any, 2 specimens 1st..... Leroy Satter 2nd... Tom Rieger
88. Rhubarb, 2 stalks 1st..... Julia Nyseth 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Trent Meyer 89. Tomatoes, cherry, stem of 5 or more 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Susan Aalykke 90. Tomatoes, green, 2 specimens 1st..... Tom Rieger 91. Tomatoes, ripe, 2 specimens 1st..... Diane Griffin 2nd... Tom Rieger Class 57 – Squash & Cucumbers 93. Crook Neck 1st..... Donna Lane 2nd... Scott McKibbin 94. Squash, Zucchini, green 1st..... Donna Lane 2nd... Mark Hurliman 3rd.... Maribel Bunnell 95. Squash, Zucchini, yellow 1st..... Jim Rieger 2nd... Chris McClure 3rd.... Libby McKibbin 96. Squash, any, Summer unlisted 1st..... Gail Balden 2nd... Ivan Boge
Name: Tillamook Ford 2007 2008 Width: 10.5 in PRESIDENTS PRESIDENTS Depth:AWARD 5.5 in AWARD Color: Black Ad Number: H13973
97. Squash, any Winter 1st..... Chris McClure 2nd... Bill Chance 98. Cucumber, Pickling 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Kevin Kacmarsky 3rd.... Donna Lane 99. Cucumber, Slicing 1st..... Amy Blackburn 2nd... Tom Rieger 3rd.... Bill Chance 100. Pumpkin, 1 specimen 1st..... Ronnie ClarkHellweg 2nd... Tom Rieger Class 58 – Junior Exhibits (12 years old or under) 102. Beans, 5 specimen 1st..... Madi Dixson 2nd... Ali Dixson 103. Beets, table, 3 specimens 1st..... Oreain Pearson 2nd... Kaden Sampson 105. Carrots, 3 specimens 1st..... Libby McKibbin 2nd... Trent Huntington 3rd.... Breckin Allen 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Dillon Stein 3rd.... Brooklynn Stein 106. Lettuce, loose leaved, 1 specimen 1st..... Trent Hurliman
2nd... Tia Mautner 3rd.... Wyatt Bull 107. Onions, 3 specimens 1st..... Dillon Stein 2nd... Trent Huntington 3rd.... Brooklynn Stein 108. Peas, 5 specimens 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Ryan McKillip 3rd.... Dillon Stein 1st..... Hailey Ellerbrook 2nd... Libby McKibbin 3rd.... Bridger Blaser 109. Radish, any, 3 specimens 1st..... Dillon Stein 2nd... Brooklynn Stein 110. Potatoes, white, 3 specimens 1st..... Emma Jenck 2nd... Zeyon Hurliman 3rd.... Aiden Johnson 111. Potatoes, red, 3 specimens 1st..... Tia Mautner 2nd... Breckin Allen 3rd.... Marshall Allen 112. Squash, 2 specimens 1st..... Kyle Hallock 2nd... Libby McKibbin 3rd.... Zeyon Hurliman 113. Rhubarb, 2 specimens 1st..... Sheridan Hurliman 2nd... Hannah Palter 3rd.... Trent Huntington
114. Feature Creature, made from one or more land products, can use props 1st..... Ryan McKillip Class 59 – Fruits & Berries Apples, 5 or more, plate display 115. Any red, summer 1st..... Tom Rieger 116. Any red, winter 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Maribel Bunnell 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 117. Any yellow, summer 1st..... Billy Beachy 2nd... Tom Rieger 119. Any other, summer 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Oreain Pearson 3rd.... Kaden Sampson 120. Any other, winter 1st..... Maggie Dixson 2nd... Ali Dixson 3rd.... Tom Rieger Peaches, 5 or more, plate display 121. Nectarine 1st..... Tom Rieger Pears, 5 or more, plate display 123. Pears, any
• • • •
1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Maribel Bunnell 3rd.... Franny Schneidecker Plums, 6 or more, plate display 124. Red, any variety 1st..... Tom Rieger 125. Green, any variety 1st..... Oreain Pearson 126. Yellow, any variety 1st..... Kaden Sampson Any Other Fruit, 5 or more, plate display 127. Any fruit not already listed 1st..... Evelyn Wilson 2nd... Tom Rieger Berries, 1 cup standard measure 128. Blackberries, Marion 1st..... Judy Sander 129. Any other variety, blackberries 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd... Matt Hogan 131. Raspberries 1st..... Lynne Miller 2nd... Mary Boquist 132. Strawberries, any 1st..... Julia Nyseth
133. Blueberries (A) 1st..... Jim Rieger 2nd... Donna Lane 3rd.... Barbara Bush (B) 1st..... Jerry Manderville 2nd... Amy McKillip 3rd.... Lynne Miller (C) 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd... Donald LaFrance 3rd.... Julia Nyseth (D) 1st..... Tilor Hurliman 2nd... Zeyon Hurliman 3rd.... Jerrad McKibbin
3rd.... Katie Bennett 139. Chicken eggs, white shell, 1 dozen 1st..... Matt Hogan 2nd... Holly Hogan 140. Chicken eggs, other unlisted, 1 dozen 1st..... Sara Johnston 141. Duck eggs, 1 dozen 1st..... Holly Hogan 2nd... Matt Hogan 3rd.... Maxine Barber
134. Huckleberries 1st..... Cathy Colburn 135. Any berries not already listed 1st..... Carol Berkey 2nd... Robert Phillips Class 60 – Miscellaneous Farm Products
143. Beans, colored, dry, 1 pint 1st..... Tom Rieger
136. Land freaks & oddities 1st..... Dan Ayers 2nd... Dan Rocha 3rd.... Cathy Colburn 137. Chicken eggs, bantam, 1 dozen 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 138. Chicken eggs, brown shell, 1 dozen 1st..... Maxine Barber 2nd... Ben Reeder
142. Eggs, any other 1st..... Janice Welch
Class 61 – Grasses in Sheaves 146. Fescue 1st..... Tom Rieger 148. Velvet Grass 1st..... Tom Rieger 149. Reed’s Canary Grass 1st..... Tom Rieger 150. Orchard Grass 1st..... Tom Rieger 152. Red Clover 1st..... Kik Salinthavong 153. Wheat 1st......Maribel Bunnell
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14 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners 154. Lotus Major 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Kik Salinthavong 155. Oats 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd.... Kevin Kacmarsky 156. Rye 1st..... Kik Salinthavong 157. Any other standard variety 1st..... Tom Rieger Class 62 - Largest Specimens of Land Products 158. Bean, pod 1st..... Kevin Kacmarsky 159. Beet, tallest pod 1st..... Tom Rieger 160. Beet, table vine 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Dan Ayers 3rd..... Ivan Boge 161. Broccoli 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Cathy Colburn 162. Cabbage 1st..... Tom Rieger 163. Carrot 1st..... Ivan Boge 2nd.... Cathy Colburn 3rd..... Kathy Rieger 164. Cauliflower 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd.... Tom Rieger 3rd..... Chris McClure 165. Celery 1st..... Tom Rieger 166. Corn stalk, tallest 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Edna Holt 167. Corn ear, largest 1st..... Tom Rieger 168. Cucumber 1st..... Tom Rieger 169. Dill, tallest 1st..... Edna Holt 2nd.... Tom Rieger 170. Garlic, largest bulb 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Susan Aalykke 171. Garlic, tallest bulb with top on 1st..... Joan Hurliman 2nd.... Ivan Boge 3rd..... Susan Aalykke 172. Horseradish root 1st..... Tom Rieger 173. Kohlrabi 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Ivan Boge 174. Lettuce head 1st..... Clayton Wehage 176. Onion 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd.... Dan Ayers 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Ivan Boge 177. Peas, garden, largest pod 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Cathy Colburn 179. Pepper, any 1st..... Tom Rieger
180. Potato 1st..... Dan Ayers 2nd.... Holly Rico 3rd..... Susan Aalykke 181. Radish 1st..... Dan Rocha 2nd.... Joan Hurliman 3rd..... Tom Rieger 182. Rhubarb, stalk 1st..... Sharon Perkins 2nd.... Julia Nyseth 3rd..... Ivan Boge 183. Squash, zucchini 1st..... Bill Chance 2nd.... Ronnie Clark-Hellweg 3rd..... Ivan Boge 184. Squash, any other, unlisted 1st..... Tom Rieger 185. Sunflower, stalk, largest 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 186. Sunflower, stalk, tallest 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd.... Tom Rieger 188. Swiss Chard 1st..... Cathy Colburn 189. Tomato 1st..... Tom Rieger 190. Turnip 1st..... Ivan Boge 2nd.... Tom Rieger 3rd..... Jessica Moran 191. Jerusalem Artichoke stalk (A) 1st..... Tom Rieger 2nd.... Kik Salinathavong (B) 1st..... Edna Holt Class 63 – Garden Collections 193. “Garden Basket” – Use of a basket displaying a combination of land products 1st..... Maribel Bunnell 2nd.... Cathy Colburn 3rd..... Dan Ayers 194. “Stone Soup” – Using old soup pot, 1 stone and a combination of land products 1st..... Cathy Colburn 2nd.... Maribel Bunnell 195. “Harvester’s Choice” – Any combination of land products, using your choice of container 1st..... Chris McClure 2nd.... Cathy Colburn 3rd..... Maribel Bunnell
SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon will be given by the Fair Board to an entry which exemplifies an outstanding photography exhibit. Karina Clark Steven Did It Award $25 Cash and a Best of Show Ribbon for entry chosen Senior Outstanding Exhibit. This exhibit may qualify to be entered in the State Fair’s “Best of
County Fairs” Award Photo contest. Christine Arthur Steven Did It Award $25 Cash and a Best of Show Ribbon for entry chosen Junior Outstanding Exhibit. This exhibit may qualify to be entered in the State Fair’s “Best of County Fairs” Award Photo contest. Rebekah Whittles Lauretta Weber Award $25 Cash will be given by Tom Weber, Jr. to a Junior Division exhibitor who’s entry best depicts the fair theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. Noah Jenck
PHOTOGRAPHY Class 64 – Black & White Digital/Film Division A – Senior 1. Animal 1st..... Terri Wallace 2nd.... Zack Kephart 3rd..... Ben Purcell 2. Architecture 1st..... BJ Patterson 2nd.... Holy Yingling 3rd..... Lindy Scovell 3. Children 1st..... Christine Arthur 2nd.... Christine Arthur 3rd..... Nancy Pickett 4. Favorite Pet 1st..... Jody Christensen 2nd.... Jonetta Blum 3rd..... Jonetta Blum 8. Ocean scenes 1st..... Melissa Kelley 2nd.... Neal Lemery 9. People 1st..... Richard Gitschlay 2nd.... Terri Wallace 3rd..... Kathy Baker 11. Scenics 1st..... BJ Patterson 2nd.... Jim Wolak 3rd..... Sheri Hestmark 12. Open/subject not covered in another lot 1st..... Zack Kephart 2nd.... Ann Harper 3rd..... Richard Gitschlag Division B – Junior 4. Favorite Pet 1st..... Alexis Hunter 5. Flowers 1st..... McKenzie Garrett 9. People 1st..... Chealsy Veek 2nd.... Rebekah Whittles 11. Scenics 1st..... Alexis Hunter 2nd.... Chealsy Veek 3rd..... Michelle Vinjamuri 12. Open/subject not covered in another lot 1st..... Michelle Vinjamuri 2nd.... McKenzie Garrett 3rd..... Chloe Pampush Class 65 – Color Digital/Film
Division A – Senior 13. Animal 1st..... Jonetta Blum 2nd.... Jennifer Socks 3rd..... BJ Patterson 14. Architecture 1st..... Lloyd Dilbeck 2nd.... BJ Patterson 3rd..... Kathy Baker 15. Children 1st..... Angela Mitchell 2nd.... Lloyd Dillbeck 3rd..... Jennifer Johnston 16. Favorite pet 1st..... Christine Donahue 2nd.... Christie Arthur 3rd..... Sheri Hestmark 17. Flowers 1st..... Mark Moody 2nd.... Tina Widienes 3rd..... Kathy Jensen 18. Forest scenes 1st..... Dana Carlson 2nd.... Dana Carlson 19. Insect 1st..... Lloyd Dilbeck 2nd.... Dana Carlson 3rd..... Kim Armitage 20. Lighthouse scenes 1st..... Lindy Scovell 2nd.... Gary Vogue 3rd..... Gary Vogue 21. Mountain scenes 1st..... Alice Pyne 2nd.... Aaron Josi 3rd..... Anja Huff 22. Ocean scenes 1st..... Jennifer Bocks 2nd.... John Morgan 3rd..... Ann Harper 23. People 1st..... Mark Moody 2nd.... Kathy Venti 24. River scenes 1st..... Larry Taraba 2nd.... Corey Widener 3rd..... Sheri Hestmark 25. Scenics 1st..... Melissa Kelly 2nd.... Christine Donahue 3rd..... Kim Armitage 26. Snow scenes 1st..... Jim Wolak 2nd.... Janice Harris 3rd..... Lloyd Dilbeck 27. Special effects 1st..... Christine Arthur 2nd.... Christine Arthur 3rd..... Jim Wolak 28. Sports/Athletics 1st..... Janice Harris 2nd.... Jennifer Beck 3rd..... Kim Armitage 29. Sunrises/Sunsets 1st..... Lloyd Dillbeck 2nd.... Lloyd Dillbeck 3rd..... Corey Widener 30. Waterfalls 1st..... Gary Vogue 2nd.... Neal Lemus 3rd..... Bob Aackus 31. Open/subject not covered in another lot 1st..... Lloyd Dillbeck 2nd.... Christine Arthur 3rd..... Karina Clark Division B – Junior 13. Animal
1st..... Meara Kinne 2nd.... Alexis Hunter 3rd..... Cailyn Auduson 14. Architecture 1st..... Trent Meyer 2nd.... Adam Wilson 3rd..... Kendall Sidel 15. Children 1st..... Julia Baker 16. Favorite pet 1st..... Samantha Finlay 2nd.... Skylar Dalusio 3rd..... Danny Webber 17. Flowers 1st..... Ryland Pampush 2nd.... Michelle Vinjamuri 3rd..... Natasha Stein 18. Forest scenes 1st..... Chloe Pampush 2nd.... Audrea Crawford 3rd..... Ryland Pampush 19. Insect 1st..... Samantha Finlay 2nd.... Michelle Vinjamuri 3rd..... Racheal Greever 20. Lighthouse scenes 1st..... Alexis Hunter 2nd.... Cailyn Anderson 3rd..... Natasha Stein 21. Mountain scenes 1st..... Nick Wilson 2nd.... Rebekah Whittles 3rd..... Audrea Crawford 22. Ocean scenes 1st..... Cailyn Anderson 2nd.... Cailyn Anderson 3rd..... Elizabeth Nelson 23. People 1st..... Brittany Rurak 2nd.... Julia Baker 3rd..... Chloe Pampush 24. River scenes 1st..... Kaylin Hammond 2nd.... Trent Meyer 3rd..... Audrea Crawford 25. Scenics 1st..... Audrea Crawford 2nd.... Alexis Hunter 3rd..... Brittany Rurak 26. Snow scenes 1st..... Meara Kinne 27. Special effects 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 2nd.... Chloe Pampush 3rd..... Morgan Queen 28. Sports/Athletics 1st..... Danny Webber 2nd.... Danny Webber 29. Sunrises/Sunsets 1st..... Devin McDaniel 30. Waterfalls 1st..... Deacon Fladstol 2nd.... Deacon Fladstol 3rd..... Aria Kreger 31. Open/subject not covered in another lot 1st..... Justin Sparks 2nd.... Chealsy Veek 3rd..... Alexis Hunter Class 66 – Black & White Digital/Film Professional Division 32. Animal 1st..... Tim Moore 2nd.... Tim Moore
33. Children 1st..... Nicole Crosby 2nd.... Nicole Crosby 34. Portrait 1st..... Nicole Crosby 2nd.... Nicole Crosby 3rd..... Amber Wishoff 35. Scenics 1st..... Amber Wishoff 2nd.... Amber Wishoff 36. Still life 1st..... Nicole Crosby 2nd.... Nicole Crosby 3rd..... Amber Wishoff
any medium, judged on workmanship, color and design coordination Cecilia Dwigans Best Hand Quilted Wall Hanging $20 award from Tillamook County Quilters for any medium under 60” square judged on workmanship, color and design coordination. Juanita Nelson
Professional Division
Best Framed Picture of Counted Cross-Stitch Award $25 gift certificate from Jane’s Fabric Patch. Minh Tri Phan
37. Animal 1st..... Tim Moore 2nd.... Shawna Smith 39. Portrait 1st..... Nicole Crosby 2nd.... Nicole Crosby 3rd..... Shawna Smith
Janetta Dooley Award $25 presented by Colleen Dooley Schutz for a hand knitted or crocheted item judged on workmanship, color and design coordination. Sue Trout
40. Scenics 1st..... Shawna Smith 2nd.... Tim Moore 3rd..... Tim Moore
Hulda Foster Award $15 presented by her family for the best crocheted baby item in any class. Dianne Kile
Class 67 – Color Digital/Film
41. Still life 1st..... Amber Wishoff 2nd.... Amber Wishoff 42. Open/subject not covered in another lot 1st..... Amber Wishoff 2nd.... Shawna Smith 3rd..... Amber Wishoff Class 68 – Use of Fair Theme 43. Enter your favorite photograph depicting the fair theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. 1st..... Noah Jenk 2nd.... Terri Wallace 3rd..... Trent Meyer
SPECIAL AWARDS Polly Grove Award $10 will be awarded to one exhibit at the fair that displays special imagination and aesthetics. Rodna Bos Mae W. Bales Memorial Award $25 will be awarded to the best overall exhibit in Open Class depicting the fair theme. Sherry Edgar
SPECIAL TEXTILE AWARDS Best of Quilts Award $25 gift certificate from Jane’s Fabric Patch. (Must be hand or machine pieced and hand quilted) Cathie Favret Best Hand Quilted Award $10 from Tillamook County Quilters for any medium judged on workmanship, color and design coordination Cathie Favret Best First Quilt Award $20 gift certificate from BJ’s Fabric & Quilts for
Outstanding rug Hooking $25 From Friends by the Sea Rug Hooking Camp to an outstanding rug hooking entry. Barb Powell Best Traditional Hand Hooked Picture etc. $25 from Friends by the Sea Rug Hooking Camp to best traditional hand hooked picture or wall hanging. Michelle Petit Best Traditional Hand Hooked Wool Rug (Primitive) $25 from Friends by the Sea Rug Hooking Camp to the best hand hooked wool rug (Primitive) Wanda Hurliman Best of Show Hand Hooked Piece $25 From Friends by the Sea Rug Hooking Camp To the best of show hand hooked piece (traditionally hand hooked pieces only) Barb Powell Best Original Designed Rug Hooked Piece $25 from Friends by the Sea Rug Hooking Camp to the best original designed rug hooked piece Michelle Petit Outstanding Sewing Award, Girls & Boy 12 years and under $10 from the Fair Board Brodie Queen Outstanding Sewing Award, Junior $20 gift certificate from Creative Fabrics Of Wheeler Mari Turpen Best of Show Award $10 and a Best of Show Ribbon from the Fair Board, Determined by the textile judges.
Teresa Simmons Special Category Award $20 gift certificate from BJ’s Fabric & Quilts, for best doll made by an exhibitor. Doreen Flesch
Special Category Award $20 gift certificate from BJ’s Fabric & Quilts, for best doll costume made by an exhibitor. Susan Parker Superintendent’s Award $10 and a Special Award Ribbon to an entry best depicting the Fair’s theme, “PARTY ‘TIL THE COWS GO HOME”. Doreen Flesch Katie Kehr Award $10 from the family of Katie Kehr for the best crocheted doily or centerpiece Sue Trout Best Youth Fiber Arts Awards $25 from the Oregon Coast Fiber Artissans for the best fiber arts entry, including spinning, weaving, knitting & crocheting to a youth 12 years and under. Allie Guarcello
Best Youth Fiber Arts Awards $25 from the Oregon Coast Fiber Artissans for the best fiber arts entry, including spinning, weaving, knitting & crocheting to a youth 13 – 18 years Elliana Fladstol
TEXTILES Class 69 – Bedspreads & Quilts 1. Hand appliquéd & hand quilted 1st......Cathie Favret 2nd....Mary Alfaro 2. Hand appliquéd & machine quilted 1st......June Schronbrod 3. Machine appliquéd 1st......Gail Desjariais 4. Hand quilted 2nd....Mary Alfaro 3rd.....Pat Schachner 5. Made by two or more people 1st......Victoria Stein 6. Machine pieced, machine quilted 1st......Cathie Favret 2nd....Sally Milner 3rd.....Janine Stevens 7. Machine pieced, hand quilted 1st......Cathie Favret 11. Machine pieced, commercially quilted (A) 1st......Barbara Jenkins 1st......Carol Berkey 2nd....Faye Bell 3rd.....Gail Desjariais (B) 1st......Juanita Nelson 1st......Beth Gienger
2nd....June Schonbrod 3rd.....Rhoda Mae DeGiovanni 12. Embroidered or cross stitch 1st......Denise Stelzig 13. Baby 1st......Shelly Trent 2nd....Flo Simmons 3rd.....Sheila DeLoe 14. Child’s 1st......Rhoda Mae DeGiovanni 2nd....Faye Bell 3rd.....Sheila DeLoe 15. Hand-tied 1st......Janine Stevens 17. Novelty or original design 1st......Janice Himes 19. First quilt 1st......Cecilia Dwigans 3rd.....Shelly Trent 21. Not classified 1st......Rhoda Mae DeGiovanni Class 70 – Crocheted Items 22. Afghan, full size, one piece 2nd....Candace Zaugg 23. Afghan, full size, squares 1st......Candace Zaugg 24. Afghan, full size, strips 1st......Candace Zaugg 25. Afghan, ripples 1st......Jodi Porter 28. Blanket 1st......Ryoko Schmader 29. Child’s cap or booties 1st......Jessica Czebotar 2nd....Jody Bell 3rd.....Candace Zaugg 30. Garment, Child or Adult 1st......Jody Bell 2nd....Candace Zaugg 31. Shawl or Vest 1st......Candace Zaugg 32. Original Design Item 1st......Jessica Czebotar 2nd....Rebekah Whittles 3rd.....Tracy Whittles 34. Accessories 1st......Janna Stelzig 2nd....Jody Bell 3rd.....Jessica Czebotar 35. Baby Set 1st......Diane Kile 2nd....Jessica Czebotar 3rd.....Candace Zaugg 36. Hat or Bag 1st......Candace Zaugg 2nd....Jessica Czebotar 37. Not Classified 1st......Darleen Dilbeck 2nd....Jody Bell 3rd.....Candace Zaugg Class 71 – Hand Knitted Items 38. Afghan, full size 2nd....Jeanette Krake 40. Afghan or Blanket, Child’s
2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners • 15 1st......Rosemary Ballard 41. Child’s Cap or Booties 1st......Linda Jeffery 2nd....Dana Carlson 3rd.....Sue Trout 42. Baby Set 1st......Sharon Reeder 43. Accessories 1st......Sue Trout 2nd....Sharon Lighthill 3rd.....Dana Carlson 44. Garment, Child or Adult (A) 1st......Melissa Rose 2nd....Sharon Reeder 3rd.....Linda Jeffery (B) 1st......Swaran Dhaliwal 2nd.... Sue Trout 3rd.....Sharon Lighthill 3rd.....Jeanette Krake 45 Adult’s Hat (A) 1st......Sharon Reeder 2nd....Victoria Stein 3rd.....Sue Trout (B) 1st......Melissa Rose 2nd....Jessica Czebotar t3rd....Star Kacmarsky 46. Socks, Gloves, Mittens 1st......Barbara Trout 2nd....Jon Rodriguez 3rd.....Sue Trout 47. Original Design Item 1st......Rosemary Ballard 2nd....Sue Trout 3rd.....Jessica Czebotar 48. Felted Item 1st......Sue Trout 49. Not Classified 1st......Sue Trout 2nd....Sharon Lighthil 3rd.....Victoria Stein Class 72 – Fiber Arts 50. Accessories 1st......Sue Trout 2nd....Ruth Hanson 51. Skein, hand spun yarn 1st......Sue Trout 2nd....Jon Rodriguez 52. Skein, hand spun yarn or wool using commercial dyes 1st......Sue Trout 53. Garment made by hand spun yarn 1st......Sue Trout 54. Household item made by hand spun yarn 1st......Sue Trout 55. Felted knit, crocheted, woven garment or accessory 1st......Sue Trout 2nd....Ruth Hanson 56. Other, not classified 1st......Linda Machuta 1st......Ruth Hanson 2nd....Linda Jeffery 3rd.....Sue Trout Class 73 – General Collection (3 to 6 pieces) 57. Crocheted 1st......Jessica Czebotar 2nd....Nina Landles 3rd.....Sheila DeLoe 58. Knitted
1st..... Cindy Harrison 2nd.... Sharon Lighthill 3rd..... Linda Jeffery 59. Embroidered 2nd.... Darlene Dilbeck 60. Other, not classified 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Angelica Ortiz 3rd..... Sue Trout Class 74 – Household/ Domestics 61. Dresser Scarf or Table Runners 1st..... Flo Simmons 63. Centerpieces, over 18” crocheted 1st..... Judy Currie 64. Potholders, 3 or more 1st..... Jessica Czebotar 2nd.... Faye Laws 3rd..... Nina Landles 66. Tablecloths, hand embroidered 1st..... Nina Landles 2nd.... Roberta Gunder 67. Tablecloth, table runner, quilted 1st..... Juanita Nelson 69. Pillowcase, embroidered, cross stitched, crocheted edges 1st..... Virginia Bobick 2nd.... Roberta Grunder 71. Guest towels, set of 2, embroidered or cross stitched, crocheted edges 3rd.... Angelica Ortiz 72. Apron – Party or Service 1st..... Faye Laws 3rd..... Sonja Richardson 73. Recycled item 1st..... Tracy Whittles 2nd.... Sheila DeLoe 74. Other, not classified 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Debbi Reeder 3rd..... Faye Laws Class 76 – Wall Hangings 83. Patchwork 1st..... Cathie Favret 84. Novelty or original design 1st..... Becky Smith 2nd.... Doreen Flesch 85. Appliqué 1st..... Teresa Simmons 1st..... Denise Stelzig 2nd.... Sally Milner 2nd.... Judy Kristensen 3rd..... Cathie Favret 3rd..... Juanita Nelson 86. Quilted 1st..... Becky Smith 2nd.... Juanita Nelson 87. Traditional hand hooked 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Wanda Hurliman 88. Other, not classified 1st..... Michelle Petit Class 77 – Pictures 93. Tapestry, hand hooked 2nd.... Sheila DeLoe 94. Wool, hand hooked 2nd.... Sheila DeLoe
95. Counted cross-stich 12 count or under 1st..... Kim Scott 2nd.... Jerilee Henderson 97. Counted cross-stitch 16, 18, 20 count 1st..... Minh Tri Phan 101. Other, not classified 1st..... Doreen Flesch 2nd.... Gail Desjariais 3rd..... Karren Crocker Class 78 – Rug Craft & Creative Rugs 102. Crocheted 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 105. Traditionally hand hooked wool 1st..... Barb Powell 2nd.... Libby Ried 3rd..... Sheila DeLoe
125. Miscellaneous items, not classified 1st..... Diane Kile 2nd... Michelle Petit 3rd.... Angelica Ortiz
Class 80 - Adult Sewing, 19 Years – 69 Years 126. Dress, jumper or pant suit 2nd.. Rebecca Westmark 129. Sleepwear 1st..... Faye Laws Class 81 – Work done by Adults 70 Years or Older
106. Primitive 1st..... Wanda Hurliman 2nd.... Libby Reid 3rd..... Linda Machuta 3rd..... Michelle Petit
134. Afghan 1st..... Nina Landles 135. Clothing 2nd... Phyllis Woods 136. Crocheted item 1st..... Joyce Deane 2nd... Sharon Reeder 3rd.... Nina Landles
108. Novelty design 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Barb Powell 3rd..... Libby Reid 3rd..... Sheila DeLoe
137. Cross-stitch item 1st..... Virginia Bobick 2nd... Nina Landles 3rd.... Minh Tri Phan 3rd.... Karen Hirte
109. Original design 1st..... Barb Powell 2nd.... Sheila DeLoe 110. Recycled wool 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Barb Powell 3rd..... Sheila DeLoe
138. Hand knit item 1st..... Sue Trout 2nd..... Sharon Reeder 139. Woven item 1st..... Ruth Hanson
111. Other, not classified 1st..... Barb Powell 2nd.... Pat Schachner 3rd..... Cathy Jones Class 79 – Dolls, Toys, Novelties & Misc. 112. Toys, novelty animals, handmade & stuffed, under 12” 1st..... Cathie Favret 113. Toys, novelty animals, handmade & stuffed, over 12” 1st..... Cathie Favret 2nd.... Susan Parker 115. Dolls, over 12” 1st..... Susan Parker 116. Dolls costume, hand or machine sewn 1st..... Susan Parker 118. Holiday items 1st..... Sue Trout 2nd.... Sheila DeLoe 119. Novelty item or original design, machine or hand sewn 1st..... Doreen Flesch 2nd.... Susan Parker 3rd..... Kim Scott
142. Pillowcase, embroidery 1st..... Virginia Bobick 2nd... Nina Landles 143. Quilt or bedspread 1st..... Kaye Rulifson 1st..... June Schonbrod 2nd... Juanita Nelson 3rd.... Faye Bell 144. Tablecloth or runner 1st..... Flo Simmons 2nd... Nina Landles 146. Other, not classified 1st..... Sue Trout 2nd... Jo Stoltenburg 3rd.... Nina Landles 3rd.... Ruth Hanson Class 82 – Girls & Boys 12 Years of Under 147. Apron 1st..... Lydia Porter 2nd... Hailey Ellerbroek 3rd.... Natilee Dentel 148. Dress, jumper, or outfit 1st..... Brodie Queen 149. Pants, shirt, vest or skirt 1st..... Rachel Whittles 2nd... Becca Ziegler 3rd.... Bethany Ziegler 150. Sleepwear 2nd... Mackenzie Guarcello 151. Hand or tote bag
1st..... Clare Atchison 154. Knitted or crocheted item 1st..... Allie Guarcello 2nd... Sage Veek 3rd.... Audra Stelzig 3rd.... Spencer Walton 155. Stuffed animal 1st..... Kylie Hallock 157. Quilts 1st..... Cody Arthur 1st..... Autumn Arthur 2nd... Kendra Stoolfire 3rd.... Spencer Walton 158. Pillow 2nd.. Clare Atchison 3rd.... Mackenzie Guarcello 160. Other, not classified 1st..... Rachel Whittles 2nd... Mackenzie Guarcello 3rd.... Clare Atchison Class 83 – Junior Sewing, Girls & Boys 13 – 18 Years 161. Jacket 1st..... Mari Turpin 162. Dress or pants 1st..... Markita Martin 2nd... Marie Krueger 163. Shirt, vest or skirt 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 2nd... Morgan Queen 3rd.... Marie Krueger
165. Sportswear 2nd... Marie Krueger 3rd.... Rebekah Whittles 169. Stuffed animal 2nd... Jessica Mick 170. Novelty or original design item 1st..... Elliana Fladstol 2nd... Mari Turpin 3rd.... Rebekah Whittles 171. Crocheted or knitted item 1st..... Mari Turpin 2nd... Rebekah Whittles 3rd.... Meghan Sisco 172. Embroidery or cross stitch item 1st..... Cailyn Anderson 174. Quilts 1st..... Cheyanne Payne 2nd... Mari Turpin 175. Pillow 1st..... Mari Turpin 177. Recycles item 1st..... Rebekah Whittles 178. Other, not classified 1st..... Jessica Mick 2nd... Cailyn Anderson 3rd.... Mari Turpin
Class 84 – Professional 183. Sewing 1st..... Lisa Harrison
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120. Bag (novelty, utility, school or garment) 1st..... Michelle Petit 2nd.... Lois Wyss 3rd..... Angelica Ortiz 121. Tatting item 1st..... Sue Trout 124. Recycled item 1st..... Sharon Cruse 2nd.... Susan Parker 3rd..... Tanya Heroux
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16 • 2012 Tillamook County Fair Winners
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