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Volume 18, No. 23 Including E-Edition

November 14, 2013 • $1


Like us on Facebook Owen Nicholson recount - their wartime experience northcoastcitizen in presentations to

President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy, in Texas in 1963. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library photo

Neah-Kah-Nie students


Riverbend Players present ‘Check Please’ Dinner theater returns to the Tsunami Grill two weekends in November Page 2

Project employs the use of helicopter to move trees It was a peculiar sight for motorists on Hwy 53 to behold earlier this month Page 3


Make your Thanksgiving dinner easier this year The Golightly Gourmet offers suggestions on how you can accomplish this. Page 9

By Dave Fisher The Citizen

It was the first time Vietnam veteran Mike Scott had ever talked to a group about his wartime experience. On the other hand, WWII veteran Owen Nicholson has spoken of his experience on more than one occasion. WWII and the Vietnam War stand in stark contrast to each other – two different generations, two very different wars. That was the message the two longtime residents of Manzanita delivered to students at Neah-KahNie middle and high schools the Friday before Veterans’ Day in presentations to eight classes. It was a full day, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at NKN Middle School. By the time Scott and Nicholson finished with presentations to 50 to 60

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Relieved. That’s how Peter Nunn, general manager of the North County Recreation District, said he felt following the Nov. 5 election in which the NCRD five-year local option levy passed by 265 votes. “The great thing was that the voters have endorsed the district with the same majority we had originally when the district was formed,” said Nunn. “They see NCRD still as a viable and valuable resource.” Returns, still unofficial at this time, showed 898 in favor, in the four precincts north of Nedonna Beach, and 633 against the measure (59 percent to 41 percent). The percentage plurality was nearly the same as it was in 1996 when the district was first formed. Voters, then, approved NCRD’s formation with 58.8 percent of the voters

A process, ten years in the making, came to a conclusion, pretty much, at a special meeting of the Manzanita City Council Tuesday evening. Before a packed chambers, with upwards of 40 people in attendance, the council

Happy Thanksgiving!


See VETERANS, page 7



Order Your Fresh Turkey!



10% Senior Citizen Discount Every Tuesday



NCRD General Manager Peter Nunn shown here with one arm around his dog, Jethro, is pleased that the majority of district voters see the rec center as a viable and valuable resource. Photo by Dave Fisher

Doctor, now living on the Oregon coast, recounts autopsy By Jeremy C. Ruark For the Citizen

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 shook the nation and triggered talk of conspiracy for years. Dr. Jay Cox, today living in Depoe Bay, was the Officer of the Day at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland on the day of the assassination and when President Kennedy’s body was brought there for the autopsy. “I was a young resident in my second year and as Officer of the Day I was in charge of the entire hospital,” said Cox. “I was the first one informed that Kennedy’s body was being sent to our hospital.” According to Cox, while Air Force One was leaving Dallas following the assassination, the President’s physician asked Jackie Kennedy, the President’s wife, where she wanted the autopsy performed and she selected Bethesda. “The corpsman on duty got the call and he ran down to the hospital cafeteria, where we were all eating supper, to inform me that the body of the President was coming to our facility,” said Cox. “At that point my job was to assemble the medical team and get things ready to go. After that, it was out of my hands.” Doctors at the hospital in Dallas tried to revive President Kennedy, but they didn’t plan to do the autopsy, according to Cox. “When they knew the President was dead, they packaged him up and sent to him to Air Force One,” said Cox. “There had been no initial communication between Dallas hospital doctors and those at Bethesda about the wounds suffered by the President.” Cox said he witnessed the entire autopsy. “When we got the President in the room and undressed for the autopsy all you saw was the head wound,” said Cox. “Every-

See KENNEDY, page 7

Laneda Ave. project discussion centers around aesthetics

The Citizen

Located in the heart of downtown Manzanita at 193 Laneda

to students. Both Nicholson and Scott served in the Navy. In 1942, Nicholson had just graduated high school and was enrolled at the University of Colorado. At 18, he signed up for the draft and volunteered for the Navy following a visit to his draft board. “I was told I could choose the branch of service I wanted to join, if I volunteered. I chose the Navy and I made a

The Citizen

By Dave Fisher


high school students in the school library, they were “talked out,” and left wondering what another distant generation had garnered from accounts of their wartime experience. “Kids just aren’t taught this,” said the 89-year-old Nicholson, citing the importance of students hearing firsthand the experiences of

wartime veterans. A few years back, Nicholson and another WWII veteran, Lyle Woodward, now deceased, did a similar exercise before students at Tillamook High School. As for Scott, it was his first time speaking to students or anyone else for that matter about Vietnam. “Nobody has ever asked me to speak about it,” said Scott, noting that he spent time doing some last minute “cramming” in preparation to speak

By Dave Fisher

Seeking a balance between public and private interests, Manzanita City Council approves final design

“the little apple”

Mike Scott, above left, and Owen Nicholson, seated, spent a full day the Friday before Veterans’ Day talking to students at Neah-Kah-Nie middle school and high school as part of a living history exercise. At left, Nicholson explains the meaning of medals he was presented during WWII. Photos by Dave Fisher

NCRD looks to future as local option tax levy passes easily

See ELECTION, page 7 7

Kennedy assassination: 50 years later



Mon-Thurs 7am-9pm • Fri & Sat 7am-10 pm • Sun 8am-9pm

Order now for Thanksgiving ... Your choice of pumpkin, apple, cherry or marionberry. Our fresh homemade pies are the perfect dessert for your unanimously approved the holiday dinners. actually encroached in the

final design for Laneda Ave. as public right-of-way. In the case presented by city staff, with the of Columbia Bank (formerly proviso that Columbia Bank, a The Bank of Astoria), the sideproperty owner along the porwalk in front of its building is tion of Laneda being improved, three feet into the right-of-way, be allowed to weigh in on the said Taylor. Further west, a final design as it relates to the singleDon’t car garage protrudes forget the salad. Choose from a decorative pool in front of its into the right-of-way as does wide selection of fresh salads from our building that borders the street. landscaping associated with full-service in-store deli. “What you see here is a compromise, a balance of See LANEDA AVE., page 3 private and public needs,” said CUSTOM-MADE TRAYS City Manager Jerry TaylorPARTY in FOR THE HOLIDAYS OR The pond in front of Columbia his opening remarks. Bank along Laneda Ave. and how ANY OCCASION The need toSPECIAL balance interit would be affected by improveCheck out our assortment: ests surfaced with the results ments to the street scheduled • Sandwich Platter • Meat & Cheese of an updated survey, which • Italian Antipasto • Meat Only next year took center stage at a revealed that improvements by • Greek Goddess • Cheese Only special property owners over the years • Cheese Lover’s Delightmeeting of the Manzanita • Fresh Vegetable Fresh Fruit City Council. Photo by Dave Fisher on the •north side of Laneda• Chicken Little’s


• Fresh Fruit & Cheese

• Wrapped Roll-up

Dinner for for 8-10 Dinner 6–8 Includes: Includes: 10-12 lb. Oven Roasted

10-12 lb. Oven Roasted Turkey w/ Dressing Turkey w/Dressing 1-1/2 Quarts 1-1/2 QuartsPotatoes Mashed Mashed Potatoes 1-1/2 Quarts 1-1/2 Quarts Turkey Gravy Turkey Gravy 1 Pint Corn 1 Pint Vegetable 6 Dinner Rolls 8 Dinner Rolls Please allow 48 hours preparation time. Store hours on Thanksgiving Day to be announced… please call or check with cashiers for closing times.

Please allow 48 hours preparation time. Store hours on Thanksgiving Day to be announced... please call or check with cashiers for closing times.

Prepared for you by the Manzanita Grocery & Deli

HOMEMADE PIES - Order now for Thanksgiving - Your choice of pumpkin, apple, cherry or Marion berry.

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