NCC 9-6-12

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Volume 17, No. 18

September 6, 2012

Save the date … • 75¢

We’re having a quake!

By Dave Fisher

By Karen Olson

The Citizen

For the Citizen


SOLVE AWARD Peter Walczak receives SOLVE Citizenship Award Page 2


Local mayors running… once again!

On Saturday, Sept. 22, at 9:30 a.m., north Tillamook County residents and visitors will participate in a tsunami evacuation drill sponsored by the Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue District, the cities of Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler and Rockaway Beach, and the Emergency Volunteer Corp of Nehalem Bay. The drill is designed to help residents “be prepared, not scared,” if a major local earthquake strikes and causes a tsunami. It will also help the organizers assess community emergency preparedness and plan future training and outreach. “Training makes you safer in the event of a real emergency,” said Emergency Volunteer Corps president Linda Kozlowski. “The people who deal best with a crisis are those who have a plan in place and have practiced it. If you are prepared, you can take care of yourself, your family, and then your community.”

Chances are good that the three mayors of Manzanita, Nehalem and Wheeler will be re-elected this November barring a vigorous last-minute write-in campaign. All three – Garry Bullard of Manzanita, Shirley Kalkhoven of Stevie Burden Nehalem and Stevie Burden of Wheeler – are running unopposed. Interestingly, the threesome has served as mayor of their communities for several years already and it begs the question, “Why are you running again?” It’s certainly not for the money. These positions are unpaid, strictly volunteer. That’s the way Garry Bullard small towns operate, nor is there a lot of glory associated with the post. So, what makes these people tick? We thought it would be interesting to find out and this is what the Citizen discovered. Garry Bullard, a semi-retired attorney who moved to Manzanita permanently in 2004, got into small town politics when a former mayor, Hugh McShirley Kalkhoven Isaac, approached him and said, “You know, Garry, with your background, you should be on the planning commission.”

See QUAKE, page 10 cutline

See MAYORS, page 10


Labor Day picnic marks the end of summer. Page 10

Index Classifieds ..............6-7 Events calendar ......... 3 NBFR District Log....... 3 Public Safety Log ....... 3 Golightly Gourmet ...... 9 Letters to the Editor ... 4 Obituary..................... 6

New school year begins new school superintendent A former middle school principal, Paul Erlebach settles in as Neah-Kah-Nie School Superintendent By Dave Fisher The Citizen

Two months on the job, Paul Erlebach, the person who replaced the retired Jay Kosik as Neah-Kah-Nie School District superintendent, remains true to his word. He has spent much of his time thus far meeting people and, more importantly, he says, listening to them. Perhaps, that is one of the reason the NKN School Board selected Erlebach, one of three finalists for the job, when he visited the district during the interview process back in February. Asked what his top three priorities would be if chosen during a public forum, he responded without hesitation,

Neah-Kah-Nie School Superintendent Paul Erlebach has spent his first couple of months getting used to his new surroundings, meeting local officials and listening. Photo by Dave Fisher “Listen, listen, and listen.” Since July 1, Erlebach has been busy crisscrossing the 20-mile long by 20-mile wide school district meeting

a lot of new people, including the Neah-Kah-Nie staff, local politicians other school superintendents “I’ve enjoyed every day,”

he says, noting that he comes to his new assignment with no preset agenda. His job initially, he maintains, is to listen and learn, while enhancing the

ongoing successful programs instituted, in part, by his predecessor, such as the district’s focus on literacy and staff development. Erlebach, who hails from Ontario, Ore., took the helm as Ontario Middle School principal in 2008, following eight years as principal at two of the district’s elementary schools. A 1980 graduate of Ontario High School, he earned an associate degree from Treasure Valley Community College in 1982, a bachelor degree from Southern Oregon University in 1985, and a second bachelor degree from Eastern Oregon University in 1989. In 1997, he earned his master’s degree from Portland State University, and later his administrator’s license from Lewis & Clark College. His professional experience includes operating successful instructional programs, such as reading interventions and responsible management of school budgets. He assisted in passing an $18.5 million school construction bond levy while in Ontario and has participated

Summer’s Last Blast!

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See ERLEBACH, page 6


2 n September 6, 2012 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

NKN instructor receives SOLVE Citizenship Award Not one to ‘toot his own horn,’ Peter Walczak is most appreciative of the community support he receives By Dave Fisher The Citizen

To hear Neah-Kah-Nie instructor Peter Walczak tell it, the 2012 SOLVE Citizenship Award he recently received should include a number of other people and organizations. “I was excited,” he said, when notified of his selection in the educator category, “but I felt it was the local community as a whole that deserved the award. No man is an island… I receive a lot of help.” SOLVE, a Portlandbased nonprofit dedicated to environmental education and restoration of natural resources in Oregon, notified Walczak of his selection in late July shortly after his nomination for the award. A banquet, originally scheduled for this fall, was postponed until next year at which time Walczak will officially be honored. Nonetheless, the word is out. Born and raised in Long Island, New York, Walczak first ventured west in 1965 to attend Oregon State Uni-

Part of the fun for elementary school children at the annual fall event at Alder Creek Farm is finding one of these brightly colored keepsakes painted by Walczak’s wife, Karin. versity. During the summer months, he worked for the U.S. Forest Service. In the mid 1980s, he returned to Oregon with his wife, Karin, this time for good. Not long afterwards, he volunteered at the NeahKah-Nie School District to help with the program known as “Sea Week.” From there, Walczak expanded NeahKah-Nie’s natural sciences program eventually becoming the school district’s biologist in residence, a position not part of the district’s budget but made possible through grants. Among the programs he has a hand in are the springtime Watershed and Natural History Education program and the Autumn Outdoor Science and Pumpkin Harvest.

Volunteers are key. “There’s a lot of community support. These programs wouldn’t happen otherwise,” he says, noting that over 100 parents volunteered for each of the annual programs geared for elementary school children from Nehalem and Garibaldi this past year. Even wife Karin gets involved, painting river rocks to give them a colorful personality all their own that, as part of the fall program, are hidden for school children to find as a remembrance of their day at Alder Creek Farm. Walczak was instrumental in the creation of the Natural Resource Environmental Club in the Neah-Kah-Nie middle and high schools.

Peter Walczak, biologist in residence for the Neah-Kah-Nie School District, is the recipient of SOLVE’s 2012 Citizenship Award in the Educator category. Photos by Dave Fisher Visit the beach at Manzanita and Nehalem Bay State Park during one of the annual beach cleanups and you’re likely to see students combing the beach gathering trash. Same with the middle school’s Day of Service program in which students participate in helping with community-oriented

projects, a number of them nature-oriented, from Bay City north to the Tillamook-Clatsop county line. For the past 15 years, he has served as a coach, along with high school instructor Beth Gienger, of the NKN High’s National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) team that

during that time has amassed ten regional championships and placed as high as sixth in the national competition. This summer, he once again orchestrated the Forest to Sea program, a weeklong event in which he strives to reconnect kids with the earth. “We need to think about taking care of our earth. I try to instill that in my students…to love the earth and to take care of it,” said Walczak. Aided by grants, the cost per student this summer was just $15 for the week, a bargain and another example of community involvement, made possible, in part, by the Mudd Nick Foundation, Eugene Schmuck Foundation, Kiwanis Club, Garibaldi Parents’ Group, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, Lower Nehalem Community Trust, OSU Extension Agency and North County Recreation District. When it came time for the annual Pumpkin Harvest at Alder Creek Farm, local businesses pitched in as well to help make the event a success. It is because of this kind of support that Walczak is hesitant to “toot his own horn,” he says of the SOLVE honor. “This is a community award,” he insists, and next year when he is officially recognized, he will undoubtedly accept it on the behalf of the north Tillamook County community.

Oregonian’s Steve Duin featured author at Writers’ Series Writer Steve Duin and New Yorker cartoonist Shannon Wheeler will discuss their graphic novel, Oil and Water, at the Manzanita Writers’ Series on Saturday, Sept. 15. In August 2010, when ten Oregonians traveled to the Gulf Coast to bear witness to the devastation wrought by the Deepwater Horizon spill, they discovered that “oil and water” are just the first of the insoluble contradictions. Through photos and video, Duin and Wheeler, and Mike Rosen, PDX 2 Gulf Coast organizer, will tell the story behind the creation of the graphic novel and share personal stories of what they witnessed in the aftermath of

the BP oil spill. The readers’ perspective on what hope and what mission remains along a ravaged coastline, and one awash in

both seafood and oil, will be changed as irrevocably as that of these ten Oregonians. The authors show admirable self-awareness in portraying their semi-fictional companions (and by implication, themselves) as naive voyeurs whose presence mostly irritates their subjects. “Lemme get this straight,” said one character. “They white. We black. They blue. We red. They rich…and I got $53 to buy a week’s worth of groceries. And they gonna tell our stories?” Actually, they do a fine job, from a book review in Willamette Week, by Ruth Brown. Oregonian columnist Steve Duin, twice named the

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Steve Duin

Shannon Wheeler

nation’s best local columnist by the Society of Professional Journalists, is also the author or co-author of six books, including Comics: Between the Panels. Shannon Wheeler is

the Eisner Award-winning creator of Too Much Coffee Man, who has appeared internationally in newspapers, magazines, comic books and opera houses. Mike Rosen holds a PhD

in Environmental Science and Engineering from OHSU and has worked to promote a clean environment and healthy watershed for over 20 years. The presentation will be followed by Open Mic, where up to nine local writers will read five minutes of their original work. Admission for the evening is $7. The series is a program of the Hoffman Center and will be held at the Hoffman Center across from Manzanita Library at 594 Laneda Ave. Further information and the 2012 schedule are available at or contact Vera Wildauer at

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Calendar of events ‘Landscapes’ showing at NCRD through Sept. 28

Manzanita printmakers Liza Jones

gainand Paul Miller are the featured artists Sea now through Sept. 28, at the North County t in Recreation District in Nehalem. artists work on copper plates in ect theirThe studio, etching lines and textures down below the plate surface using acid

t to eat away at the metal. These deep ry toareas are filled with ink, like thick oil …to paint. The smooth, unworked surface are of the plate is wiped clean and paper is

placed on top. The plate is run under the heavy steel roller of an etching press. Great pressure transfers the inked image a onto the paper. On Friday, Sept. 7, at 2 p.m., Jones le and Miller, who have been making prints t, for over 30 years, will talk about the n, process used to produce their prints at NCRD. For more information, contact Jones at ldi (503) 368-5715.


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Master Gardeners celebrate 25 years

Tillamook County Master Gardener Association (TCMGA) and the Tillamook OSU Extension Service invite all Tillamook he County Master Gardeners to a 25th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, Sept. usi- 8. The event will be held at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds skating rink starting


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Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n September 6, 2012 n 3

at noon and ending around 3 p.m. Attendees are asked to bring side dishes, but main entrees, beverages and cake will be furnished by TCMGA and the Extension Service. Please RSVP with the number of attendees to Laura Owens, TCMGA president at beachilady@ or at (503) 355-2655. Come and meet old classmates and new master gardeners!

Novel writing class set for Hoffman Center

Holly Lorincz will lead a oneday workshop on novel writing, Saturday, Sept. 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hoffman Center in Manzanita. “Writing a Novel: Let’s Get Started” will detail and illustrate basic concepts to be considered as the writer begins to write. A guided brainstorming session will focus on understanding audience needs and wants; universally loved themes, conflicts and character types; developing compelling story and character arcs; scene placement; and the author’s message. “The intent of this class is to help the writer create marketable art,” said Lorincz. The workshop is designed for writers, 18 and older, considering or just begin-

SOLVE Beach and Riverside Cleanup slated Sept. 22

Do you love Oregon’s beaches and rivers? Then join thousands of Oregonians on Sept. 22, for the SOLVE Beach and Riverside Cleanup, presented by the Oregon Lottery. This is your chance to literally dig in and do something good. Efforts

will include planting trees, pulling invasive plants, and removing trash and debris. Pick a place you love - there are over 100 project sites across the state - and help clean it up. Register now for a project near you as an individual or group (dates and times may vary). Then, show up at the time and location you have chosen wearing gloves and a smile.

Biennial art exhibit runs through Sept. 30

Tillamook County Arts Network (TCAN) is hosting its first biennial highlighting the wealth of creative expression in Tillamook County. The exhibition runs through Sept. 30. Invited artists include M.J. Anderson, sculptor (Nehalem), Mark Cavatorta, ceramicist (Hebo), Frank Boyden, mixedmedia (Neskowin), Deborah Dewitt, painter (Wheeler), Karen Gelbard, weaver (Sand Lake), David Henryson, wood worker (Nehalem), Liza Jones, painter and printmaker (Manzanita), Randall Koch, painter (Neskowin), Elaine Norberg, painter (Tillamook), John Stahl, mixed media (Netarts) and Susan Walsh, painter and printmaker (Nehalem). The TCAN Biennial is supported by a grant from the Tillamook County Cultural Coalition, a local re-granting organization funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust.

Women’s Club gets rolling Oct. 1

The Manzanita Women’s Club will hold its first of the season meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 12:30 p.m., at Pine Grove Community Center in Manzanita. Come and meet the new officers as the club starts the season with a BANG! Lunch will be provided. For the meeting on Nov. 6, Gary Bullard and Joyce Raker have agreed to be the speakers. Please invite any new neighbors or friends at any time.”

Irish musicians to perform in Manzanita this fall

Two Sunday afternoon concerts featuring traditional Irish musicians are scheduled for the Hoffman Center this fall. Grainne Murphy and Kathleen Boyle – Irish fiddle and piano – will perform Sunday, Oct. 14, 3 p.m., at the Hoffman Center in Manzanita. To learn more about the musicians, visit www.grainnewired. com. Paddy O’Brien, Celtic/Irish button accordion, along with Nancy Conescu (guitar) and Dale Russ (fiddle) perform on Sunday, Nov. 18, at the Hoffman Center. For more on this group, go to

Premiere performance of ‘Lost Pioneer’ coming to Manzanita

The centennial in 2012 of women’s suffrage in Oregon brings an bt- opportunity to highlight the historic of contribution of women to life on the y rural North Oregon Coast. The occasion prompted local historian Mark Beach Ph.D., of Manzanita, to study the lives of three Tillamook County pioneer women—Olive Scovell, Jenny Reeher and Marry Gerritse— who exemplify young brides moving with their husbands to homesteads in the County. Beach’s research led to a new onewoman play entitled “Lost Pioneer,” based on the stories of these women. Playwright Ellen West of Portland has written the script spanning the late 19th century to 1941, as the monologue’s 66-year-old character recalls episodes, people and her reactions to experiences such as making her first phone call or casting her first vote. Professional actor Megan Liz Cole will star in the play as she recounts homestead hardships along with


ning the process of writing a novel. Students younger than 18 must be approved by the instructor. Interested writers can register by contacting Lorincz at or (503) 868-1139. Tuition for the class is $65 at the door, or $60 if paid in advance. Send checks to payable to “Novel Writing Workshop,” c/o Hoffman Center, PO Box 678, Manzanita, OR 97130. Lorincz reis cz rin Holly Lo y cently finished her first da eon a g in lead ovel novel. Excerpts and a workshop on N adapta. 15. screenplay tion can be found on Writing on Sept her website -- http:// www.hollylorincz.

pleasures of watching her family and community grow. The play’s content is unique to the county as it points to the trend of courageous young women who left the Willamette Valley to marry and move to the rural North Coast of Oregon. Bringing this drama from script to stage fills in new details of often under-represented historical personalities. The premiere performances of “Lost Pioneer” will take place throughout Tillamook County in late September and early October. The producers of the play have partnered with Nehalem Valley Historical Society, Tillamook County Pioneer Museum and Tillamook County Historical Society to host the play in their communities. Performances will take place in Manzanita Friday, Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 30 at 3 p.m. at Pine Grove Community House, 225 Laneda Avenue; Saturday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. at Nestucca Valley Presbyterian Church, 35305 Brooten Road in Pacific City; and

Sunday, Oct. 7 at 4 p.m. at Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, 2106 2nd Street in downtown Tillamook. The play will also be performed for the students at Neahkahnie High School in late September. Each venue will include displays of historical photos and a question and answer session following each performance with the researcher and guest star. Tickets are $10 general admission and $8 for seniors and students under 18 accompanied by an adult. For Manzanita performance tickets call (503) 368-6643 or (503) 3685059; for Pacific City performance tickets call (503) 965-6973; and for Tillamook performance tickets call (503) 842-4553. Lost Pioneer is supported by a grant from Tillamook County Cultural Coalition and in partnership with Nehalem Valley Historical Society, Tillamook County Pioneer Museum and Tillamook County Historical Society.

Megan “Liz” Cole will play the role of Frannie in “Lost Pioneer” premiering in late September in Manzanita. Photo by Lorraine Ortiz

Manzanita PuBliC safety log Aug. 19 - Issued two citations for no valid-day use permit displayed in NBSP. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for illegal stop stand park in Manzanita. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for fail to obey traffic control device in Manzanita. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for improper display (expired tags) in Manzanita. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (40/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (45/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 19 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (42/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 20 - Issued two citations for illegal parallel parking in Manzanita. Aug. 20 - Issued a citation for enter/ remain in closed park in OWSP. Aug. 20 - Took a report of a missing person in Manzanita. Aug. 20 - Took two reports of theft in Manzanita. Aug. 20 - Assisted Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call in Wheeler. Aug. 21 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Nehalem. Aug. 21 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (43/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 21 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (46/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 21 - Issued a citation for criminal Trespass I in Manzanita. Aug. 21 - Assisted OSP with a noninjury MVA near Manzanita.

Aug. 21 - Responded to a court violation in Manzanita. Aug. 22 - Responded to a court violation in Manzanita. Aug. 22 - Responded to a report of hit & run in Manzanita. Aug. 23 - Issued a citation for no valid day use permit displayed in NBSP. Aug. 23 - Assisted Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call in Manzanita. Aug. 23 - Assisted TCSO with a warrant in Nehalem. Aug. 24 - Issued a citation for parking in a disabled space in Manzanita. Aug. 24 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (46/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 25 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (43/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 25 - Issued a citation for fail to renew registration in Manzanita. Aug. 25 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Manzanita. Aug. 25 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (51/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 25 - Issued two citations for violation of posted speed (43/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 25 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (52/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 25 - Responded to a report of criminal mischief in Manzanita. Aug. 25 - Responded to a report of found property in Manzanita. Aug. 25 - Responded to a residential fire alarm in Neahkahnie. Aug. 25 - Took to a report of lost property in Manzanita.

Aug. 25 - Assisted TCSO and Tillamook Ambulance with an unwanted person in Wheeler. Aug. 26 - Issued a citation for illegal parallel parking in Manzanita. Aug. 26 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (45/25 mph) in Wheeler. Aug. 26 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Nehalem. Aug. 26 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (45/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 26 - Assisted TCSO with a welfare check in Nehalem. Aug. 26 - Assisted with the return of lost property in Manzanita. Aug. 26 - Took to a report of lost property in Manzanita. Aug. 26 - Assisted Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call near Nehalem. Aug. 27 - Assisted TCSO with an incomplete 911 call in Wheeler. Aug. 27 - Assisted TCSO, Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a MVA near Nehalem. Aug. 28 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (42/30 mph) in Nehalem. Aug. 28 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Nehalem. Aug. 28 - Issued a citation for illegal parallel parking in Manzanita. Aug. 28 - Took a report of theft in Manzanita. Aug. 28 - Assisted TCSO with a suspicious person in Wheeler. Aug. 28 - Responded to a report of shots fired in Manzanita. Aug. 30 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (46/30 mph) in

nBfr distriCt log Aug. 18 - 31 - NBFR responded to 14 medical calls. Aug. 23 - Responded to a motor vehicle accident at milepost 40.5 on Hwy 101, Nehalem. Aug. 25 - Responded to a fire alarm on San Dune Road, Neahkahnie. Aug. 27 - Responded to a motor vehicle accident at milepost 9.2 on Miami Foley Rd., Nehalem.

Astro & Odie

Sept. 1 - Responded to a motor vehicle accident on Hwy 101 at Oswald West State Park. Sept. 1 - Investigated burn complaint on Fern Way, Nehalem. Sept. 2 - Responded to a motor vehicle accident on Hwy 101 N, Neahkahnie. Sept. 2 - Responded to an aircraft

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Nehalem. Aug. 30 - Issued a citation for violation of posted parking restrictions in OWSP. Aug. 30 - Took a report of theft in Manzanita. Aug. 30 - Assisted TCSO with a warrant near Nehalem. Aug. 31 - Issued two citations for no valid day-use permit displayed in NBSP. Aug. 31 - Issued a citation for fail to

obey traffic control device in Manzanita. Aug. 31 - Took a report of theft in Manzanita. Aug. 31 - Responded to a report of an unwanted person in Manzanita. Sept. 1 - Issued a citation for illegal stop, stand, park in Manzanita. Sept. 1 - Issued a citation for driving/ cell phone in Manzanita. Sept. 1 - Responded to a report of an

unwanted vehicle in NBSP. Sept. 1 - Assisted OSP, TCSO, Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a MVA in OWSP. MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident; TCSO Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office; RBPD - Rockaway Beach Police Department; OWSP - Oswald West State Park; NBSP - Nehalem Bay State Park


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PILATES FOR PINK+ A fundraising class

Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012 1:00 pm NCRD Riverbend Room Bring $10 Donation WEAR PINK to class!!! No skill necessary. To register, contact Debbie Crosman, Fitness Center Director – 503.368.4595 Raising Funds for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation In partnership with Shape Magazine Pool CLOSED for painting and routine maintenance September 3 - September 23 Fall Aquatics Schedule begins Monday, September 24. To learn more about NCRD programs, visit www. or call 503.368.7008

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MOVIE REVIEW “Bernie” Jack Black/Shirley MacLayne/Matthew McConahey. We've been told this story before - Young gay guy moves in with a demanding old spinster lady. What makes this particular story more interesting is it's true. The folks in this southern town offer their opinion of this pair of odd people. Believable and sympathetic. RAB 8/26/12 “Redemption - For Robbing The Dead” A slow dark investigation of human spirit in the 1800’s. We go back in time when the loss of a child was seen as punishment by God for their sins. The grave robber is marked and exiled to live alone in a crude means by people slowly understanding their own forgiveness. In the end there is a beautiful blossoming of mankind love. Wow “To Breath Again” RAB 8/3/12

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A4 Opinion

4 n September 6, 2012 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

We can do this


I attended the Aug. 23 siren at 11 a.m. at the Pine Grove. education meeting at the Pine Then we will have the big Grove in Manzanita. It was regional evacuation drill at all about our local warning 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. sirens and what we’ll do when 22. The drill will be our opthey’re removed next January. portunity as a community to How will we be notified practice something we hope that a distant tsunami – from we never have to do. But if we Alaska, South America or ever have to evacuate for real, Japan – is approaching? We’ll more people will know what have hours to notify people to steps to take, in which direcjust stay off the beach. tion, and how long it will take How will we be notified to get to safety. of a local tsunami – one that Will “The Big One” ever could really do us some harm? hit us? There’s a good chance. The ground will shake – According to an article in the violently. Aug. 2, 2012 edition of The I consider myOregonian, scienself well versed in tists at Oregon State the topic of emerUniversity say the gency preparedchances of a major ness, but I learned quake striking here something new at are as high as 40% David that meeting. It was in the next 50 years. about survivability. “The group also Dillon Gordon McCaw, studied the historic Tillamook County’s intervals between Emergency Management quakes over the last 10,000 Director, said 20,000 people years,” wrote reporter Ian died in the March 11, 2011 Campbell. “Given that the last Japan tsunami, but 200,000 known major quake was in the people who were also in the year 1700, a quake in the next inundation zone successfully 50 years fits the pattern.” evacuated and survived. That I hope we’re never hit by is impressive. a big earthquake and tsunami, Japan is said to be the most but hoping is not planning. A prepared nation for these kinds good plan is participating in of catastrophes, and apparthe evacuation drill. Make the ently that preparedness paid effort, educate your neighbors off. Many people died, but and lead the tourists. The more ten times as many also in the people who get involved that danger area escaped. day the better. We can do that here in We can do this. We need to Oregon, but it will require do this. awareness, preparation and action. That’s why we have all (Dillon serves at Public these informational commuInformation Officer for the nity meetings. Another one is Emergency Volunteer Corps of coming up Saturday, Sept. 15 Nehalem Bay)

Guest Column

Green building class to be taught by local architect If you’re a building contractor, a designer, or a homeowner who’d like to know more about what is referred to as “green building” or “sustainable design,” you have an opportunity to learn about those topics in a fall course offered by Clatsop Community College in Astoria. “Introduction to the theory and practice of green building for new and historic buildings” will be taught by Nehalem area architect, Anthony Stoppiello, Tuesday evenings beginning September 25. The class is a required course for students enrolled in the college’s relatively new certificate and AAS degree program focusing on historic preservation and restoration, but is open to all interested persons. Class sessions will cover a systems approach to design, how weather conditions impact design, energy conservation, thermal and moisture protection, passive

solar heating and daylighting, indoor air quality, evaluating “green” manufacturers’ claims, building programs such as L.E.E.D. and a site analysis at a historic home in the Clatsop Plains area. The class will be held in Columbia Hall, Room 221, 6 to 8:50 p.m. at the CCC main campus, 1653 Jerome Avenue in Astoria. Stoppiello is an architect licensed in Oregon and Washington. He studied with the pioneers of modern solar design at Arizona State University, has been active with the American Solar Energy Association, was a founder of Solar Oregon, and has been incorporating environmentally preferable materials and practices since he started his own business in 1979. You can learn more about Stoppiello’s background and projects at For more information about the class, contact Stoppiello at (503) 368-6141.

Is this what climate change looks like? I’ve been seeing red lately, by the Hood River several or at least orange, when I times. There are signs warnlook at a major newspaper. ing campers about potential It’s the weather map, showflash floods. When Steve, a ing the entire lower 48 states life-long resident of Dee on bathed in unusually the mountain’s east high temperatures. side, came by to A bit shocking, now collect our campthat even our stretch ground fee, we of coast in the Paasked him about cific Northwest has the road project. joined the orange His indirect answer area. was that some Radio news years back, “Our recently said the sheriff flew over United States is in the area in a light a major drought… plane and saw that not just Texas or several new crethe usually arid vasses had opened Southwest, but on the mountain. the entire country. They were full Our own cloudy of water.” After a weather hasn’t pause, he added Victoria meant precipitation; softly, “Of course.” Stoppiello if you dig in the In 2000, one soil, you’ll find it’s of the crevasses quite dry. collapsed and that water Earlier this summer, we carried hundreds of cubic camped on Mt. Hood. Exyards of rock and mud down ploring the south side of the the White River, destroying mountain, we passed a big Robinwood Campground, highway project that parallels where the new highway is bethe existing road. The new ing constructed. In 2006, an route is elevated like a levee. even bigger flood with debris When you look up the moun- wiped out multimillions tain, you see why. Large worth of infrastructure in the boulders and fallen trees are Hood River Valley. A USFS strewn helter-skelter between report says that from 1960 to the banks of the White River. 1995, there were one or two It looks like the flood plains debris flows of record but you see on the Olympic since 1995, there has been Peninsula with its legendary one almost every other year. rainfall. In the late 1980s a meteoSherwood Campground, rologist based in Warrenton where we were staying, was told us he had just attended built about 15 years ago and the third annual internahas been almost wiped out tional conference on climate

Guest Column

change. He said there was no debate within the scientific community that climate change was underway. In 1999, I saw a presentation by Oregon State University oceanographer Jack Dymond comparing atmospheric carbon levels with temperatures over thousands of years. His research interest was the decline of coral reefs and his investigation led him to causes, which in turn led him to reviewing changes in ocean water temperature and acidity. Pollen samples from deep in the earth showed rising carbon emissions paralleling rising temperatures. Scientific presentations are one thing, but an anecdote, like Steve’s comments about new crevasses filled with water and one just popping open to release its ancient water to the river below, was sobering in a different way…a matterof-fact but somber recounting of changes to something as seemingly immutable as a great mountain’s glaciers. Many years ago, a telling example was published in, of all unlikely places, “Travel and Leisure” magazine. It was a photo spread about a Swiss village whose livelihood was based on tourists visiting the glacier that was walking distance from the town—that was in the early 20th century. The newer photo showed the glacier now miles away. There was no commentary about global warming or climate change,

just a focus on the loss of tourism income. Surely, that Swiss glacier is even smaller now. There are implications all around us. Whether we humans are the cause or not, we continue to do things that contribute to the problem… that is, if you believe that rising levels of carbon in the atmosphere leads to higher temperatures, warmer, wetter winters and glaciers melting. Our household is enmeshed in American culture just like everyone else. We went camping in our gas guzzling van. We heat our home with wood, albeit in an efficient stove. Our house, with 1,700 square feet, is 50 percent larger than our Ilwaco house, but still shockingly small in the opinion of one acquaintance. When we took the environmental footprint quiz, even with our relatively modest lifestyle, it would take two planet Earths to provide the same standard of living to everyone already on board. My husband’s comment about our predicament is, “We either embrace necessary change, or we’ll get it kicking and screaming.” Maybe boiling, frying or drowning is more like it. Victoria Stoppiello is a north Oregon coast freelance writer. You can learn more about Mt. Hood climatic events at

Lions helping the community or isn’t being used any more. We, the The saying, “Break a leg,” has a long history in the theater and, accord- Lions, will take whatever you have off ing to a Google search, there are simiyour hands. If it turns out that we have more lar sayings in various languages that are used to wish a performer than we need, we will find a place where it will be used. success. After watching the Oscars and other award preIt’s kind of nice being sentations, I don’t remember associated with an organization that is truly involved any of the winners saying it was the secret to their sucwith helping those in need. While we specialize in cess. However, in the real matters that have to do with sight and hearing, we do a world several people, includlot more in our community ing a family member of and around the world. mine, have suffered broken legs. They all will eventually The next time you see mend and get on with their the purple Rockaway Lions dog trailer, stop by for a lives, but some have needed The Old hot treat. Something about a hot something to help them dog or polish sausage on a get around. Fortunately, Geezer the Rockaway Lions Club bun that makes a day at the Walt has maintained a collecbeach even more special. They have all the trimmings tion of medical assistance Trandum and include a bag of chips aid devices, everything with every dog. That refurfrom crutches to a recently acquired electric wheel bished old trailer meets all chair. All of them have been donated the requirements by the health department and those Lions doing the selling to the Lions and there is no charge for have passed the test that all food anyone using them. Some of the equipment is getting handlers are required to have. old and there is a need for replaceThousands of school children will have their eyes and ears tested during ments. This is a plea for anyone who the coming school year. The Lions has something that is just filling space

Sight and Hearing Foundation handles the scheduling with local Lions picking up the tab; some even man testing equipment. If just one child having a problem in school finds that they have a need for glasses or a hearing aid, our mission will be accomplished. I will never forget that our oldest daughter was in the fifth grade when we discovered she needed glasses. She was a straight ‘A’ student and so we had no idea that she was struggling to see what was happening. On the way home from the optical center she was amazed at how easy it was to read those street signs and that they were green in color. That little girl is now a grandmother and I will bet that she will remember what I have related here. I often have people tell me that they were the recipients of glasses from a Lions Club when they were young. Hope you don’t “break a leg” any time soon and that you get to enjoy a Lions hot dog. Those fun days at the beach are what make for fond memories. If you have some kind of equipment to donate, contact me (503-368-6079) or any other member of the Lions Club in Rockaway Beach.

Letters to the editor Let Wheeler City Hall know how you feel At the August Wheeler City Council meeting, the council passed a resolution to adopt the Wheeler Vision Report 2011 as a “mandatory guiding document” for all land use decisions and as a “binding comprehensive plan background document.” (Please note it still has to go through the hearings process before final adoption). It passed by a margin of three to two, with councilors Matthews, Remy, and Bell in favor, and councilors Glowa and Scribner against. To us, this may be the number one achievement of the year and perhaps the last four years in Wheeler, and definitely is what the citizens want. This resolution was authored, brought forward, and sponsored by Councilor Karen Matthews and supported by councilors Dave Bell and Loren Remy. Citizens owe them a debt of deep gratitude. So, thank you to all three who voted

north coast Serving North Tillamook County since 1996

The North Coast Citizen (15503909) is published biweekly by Country Media, Inc. 1908 Second Street, P.O. Box 444, Tillamook, OR 97141

for the resolution, but a special thanks to Karen Matthews who through her hard work and dedication made this possible. Without her perseverance, this would never have happened. For Wheeler voters, the resolution vote provides a clear choice for the upcoming city council election. It defines the platforms for candidates who support or do not support the single most important document to the citizens’ agenda – the Wheeler Vision 2011 Report. With that said, we need to now focus on the upcoming public process, including hearings, as the city council resolution is implemented by adopting the Vision Report into the comprehensive plan. Then, in the future, our task will be to conform the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance to the Vision Report. That is a huge undertaking fraught with obstacles, but well worth the effort and absolutely necessary for the future of Wheeler. We hope citizens will now do their part by supporting the

resolution through the hearings process. Citizens can offer support by contacting the city manager and offering written testimony supporting the measure. Send a letter to City Hall today! Ralph and Margaret Thomas Wheeler

Kiwanis Club ‘Thank you’ The seventeenth annual Kiwanis and Women’s Club Tour of Homes, held August 25 in Manzanita and Neahkahnie, was a great success. We were blessed with perfect weather and big crowds. The tour raised just over $2,900. Those funds will be split between the two clubs to support their various local service projects. We particularly thank the families -- the Shufords, Streedains, Robinsons, Marlettos, Eskridges, Pizzutos and Bookins -- who generously opened their homes for this important annual event. We also thank Mary Brophy, member of both clubs, who organized the

Director of News Samantha Swindler Editor/General Manager Dave Fisher Director of Sales Don Patterson Advertising Sales Chris Nicholson Circulation Lora Ressler Production Manager Susan Pengelly Graphic Designers Mitzie Johnson, Stephania Baumgart, Rita Reed Contributing Writers Gail Balden, Dan Haag, Janice Gaines, Walt Trandum, Dana Zia

whole thing. Our community truly benefits when so many good people get together to help out with a good cause. We at the Kiwanis Club of Manza-Whee-Lem and the Women’s Club of Manzanita/North County are most appreciative. David Dillon Club President

What are the plans? Manzanita is a testament to the old adage, “Build it and they will come.” And, come they did from little pink bikes with training wheels to sleek racing bikes diverted from Highway 101, bicyclists piled up five deep in front of the pub and kids riding on the sidewalks for safety’s sake. This is in no way to downgrade the amazing accomplishments of the bike paths or the hard work by public works on Carmel with striping and landscaping, but merely to ask

what are the plans for the plethora of bicycles in Manzanita? Jeanne Mueller Manzanita

‘Thank you’ volunteers and homeowners It was a beautiful sunny day August 25, as seven gracious homeowners and 35 volunteers made the 17th annual Tour of Homes a huge success. Many local community service projects will be the beneficiaries of this success. The Kiwanis and Women’s Club would like to thank the following homeowners: Dick and Sheryl Streedain; Heather and Lindsay Shuford; Mike Eskridge; Beverly and Stephen Bookin; Ann and Chris Robinson; Tony, Terry and Gayle Pizzuto; and Tony Marletto. Thanks to the volunteers, and, my personal thanks to you all. Mary Brophy Event organizer

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Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n September 6, 2012 n 5

Vacant building, once the real estate office of the Ben Lane, has a er etter new purpose

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By Dave Fisher The Citizen ent ing The City of Manzanita ith nt is one step closer to provid700 ing public restrooms near the beach and the handicap use, accessible beach ramp. The in Manzanita City Council n- has reached agreement to acquire the former Kent Price Realty building, which z, sits on a 4,300-square-foot lot, at First and Laneda for $350,000. The intent is to provide accessible public restrooms and a visitor d ady information center on the site as soon as plans can be ca- developed and financing ace arranged, according to Manll zanita City Manager Jerry Taylor. The property purng chase will be financed with it. revenues from the increase in the transient lodging tax, which becomes effective a ance October 1. At a special meeting of e the Manzanita City Council er. on Aug. 23, members voted unanimously in favor of a resolution authorizing the purchase of the real property at 31 Laneda Ave. A closing date of the transaction is yet


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ate the site to see how the public restroom and visitor information center can best be provided. The current building on the site has some historical significance in that it was the real estate office of Ben Lane, one of the early founders of the community. The hope is to preserve and remodel the building, if possible. “We want to avoid tearing it down and starting from scratch,” said Mayor Garry Bullard, noting that the first step would be to appraise the condition of the historic structure. The lack of restroom facilities near the beach “has always been the most frequent comment or complaint we receive,” said Councilor Leila Salmon. “This will serve both tourists and residents.” Bullard, who conducted an impromptu poll among business owners, said that the most frequently asked questions they receive from visitors is “Where are the restrooms?” Kay Covert, president of the Manzanita Business Alliance, praised the city council profusely for its action. “On behalf of the MBA, I’d like to thank the entire council for pursuing this. It’s an incredible, terrific contribution… it has been the highest priority of MBA members,” said Covert.

Once home to the real estate office of Ben Lane, and more recently Kent Price ColdwellBanker Realty, the building at the corner of First St. and Laneda Ave. will be turned into a visitors’ center complete with restroom facilities. Photo by Dave Fisher

Parent volunteers Marni Johnston, foreground, and Michelle Chesnut organize school supplies in preparation for distribution to teachers at Nehalem Elementary School. Photo by Dave Fisher

Parent Council helps make back-to-school a snap By Dave Fisher The Citizen

Helping to ensure that students at Nehalem Elementary School get off to the right start the beginning of the school year is the Nehalem Elementary Parent Council. For the past half dozen years, the parents’ group has provided students with their school supplies paid for through fundraising efforts throughout the year and donations. On Monday, Aug. 27, volunteers were busy in the school’s cafeteria organizing the $2,800 worth of school supplies for distribution to teachers, who, in turn, have them waiting for students their first day back. “We thought it might be fun to get a picture in the paper of all the supplies, there’s a lot, and let the community see for themselves what they help support year to year,” said Jennifer Holm, president of the Parent Council. “We supply school supplies for all the students (190 in all) at Nehalem, kindergarten

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to be determined. The lack of public restrooms near the beach has been the number one visitor complaint received by the city for many years, said Taylor. “The hang-up has been no revenue source to purchase a site for such a facility,” Taylor told the council. With funds derived with the increase in the transient lodging tax, Taylor said, “Now is the time to get serious about it.” In the terms of the sale disclosed, the owner will carry a five-year contract at an interest rate of six percent, with interest only payments to be made until January 1, 2014, after which time the city could elect to make monthly payments towards the principle or pay off the entire balance. If the principle were paid prior to that date, the city would incur a five percent penalty on the principle under terms of the agreement. “It’s a higher interest rate than we would typically negotiate using public money,” said Taylor, who anticipates paying off the amount early or refinancing. “It’s a valuable piece…I think the city has paid a fair price.” By state law, 70 percent of the revenues from the transient lodging tax increase must be used for tourism promotion or tourism related facilities. The city intends to evalu-

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through 5th grade. Everyone has their supplies on their desk the first day.” The program has been a project of the parents’ group for the past six years, but goes back even further, according to parent volunteer Michelle Chesnut. “We raise money throughout the year that includes our cookie dough and braided bread sales and through donations. This year, we received $200 from the Nehalem Methodist Church,” said Chesnut. Supplies run the gamut – pencils, Crayola crayons, color markers, erasers, filler paper spiral notebooks, rulers, glue, three-ring binders calculators and more. Teachers supply the Parent Council with their list of supplies and the parents’ group orders accordingly. “The only things parents SUBSCRIBE TODAY! The Oregonian Daily and Sunday Delivery

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need to get for their children is backpacks, personal items, such as Kleenex, and swimsuits for the swim program,” said Chesnut. For those interested in donating to the school supplies fund, simply submit a check made out to the Neah-KahNie Education Foundation, noting on the check that it is for Nehalem Elementary School supplies, and mail it to the Neah-Kah-Nie School District, P.O. Box 22, Rockaway Beach, OR, 97136. Donations are tax deductible and donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

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Manzanita acquires public restroom site close to the beach


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6 n September 6, 2012 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

From page 1 The drill will start with first responders – firefighters and police – clearing the beaches, and then driving through residential neighborhoods in the inundation zone announcing the drill by loudspeaker. Civil Air Patrol aircraft will fly along the coast, broadcasting recorded announcements of the drill in English and Spanish. Reverse 911 will call inundation zone residents, alerting them to the drill on both home and mobile phones. (Sign up for Reverse 911 cell phone notification at www. tillamook_911/wens.cfm for immediate text messages.) NIXLE alerts from Tillamook County Emergency Management will be sent out by text and/or email notification. (Sign up at www.nixle. com.) Businesses will hand out


When notified that the drill has begun, those within the local tsunami inundation zone should walk to their nearest assembly site. Those above the inundation zone should not evacuate, unless it’s to check in at a designated “Map Your Neighborhood” gathering site. Tsunami assembly sites are permanently marked with blue signs. A map, including the inundation zone and assembly sites, can be found at city halls, the fire station and on-line at Temporary signs, posted the day of the drill, will note the tsunami high-water line and point to the nearest assembly site.


Evacuees are asked to bring their “go bag,” or 72-hour kit, to the assembly site and note how long it takes to get there. This three-day supply of the bare essentials for an individual’s or family’s survival includes what’s needed to stay warm, dry, fed and hydrated. “In a true local tsunami, you need to plan to stay for 12 to 24 hours at your assembly site,” said Kozlowski. “It’s really important to have emergency supplies for your family ready to go, and know that you can carry your kit along your evacuation route to your assembly site.” During the drill, a 72-hour kit list will be available at each assembly site. These and other suggested supplies can be found at At the 17 evacuation assembly sites, EVC and ARC volunteers will administer a short survey: length of time it took to get to the site, number participating, the number of families with kits, and any problems. Volunteers will answer questions about the

Community news Briefs Head Start accepting applications School is starting and Head Start is still accepting applications for school year 2012-2013. If you have a child who is, or will be, age 3 or 4 by Sept. 1, and you would like to be part of this free familyfocused preschool program, call Head Start for an application now. Head Start is a free, early child-

hood development program. This pre-kindergarten program helps children prepare for kindergarten by providing rich experiences in science, math, art, language, small motor, large motor, and socialization. Head Start also provides each child with an individualized instruction program, USDA approved meals, limited transportation, and family support. Classes start Sept. 24, so call for an application today. For an application or more

information, contact Tillamook Head Start Center, 1100 Miller Ave., in Tillamook (503-842-5180); NKN Head Start Center, 36050 10th St, Nehalem (503-368-5103); and NV Head Start Center, 19995 Blaine Rd, Beaver (503-398-5175). If there is no answer, please call the administrative office at (503) 556-3736. Head Start enrolls children regardless of race, creed, sex, color, religion, national origin or disability.

Meeting to discuss tsunami risks Sept. 15 The Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay will host a community meeting to discuss earthquakes and tsunamis on the Oregon coast, Saturday, Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita Meteorologist Tyree Wilde, from National Weather Service office in Portland, will discuss NOAA’s distant tsunami buoys and other warning systems, and how they communicate with local public safety officials. Patrick Corcoran, Coastal Hazard Special-

ist for Oregon State University, will address risks and responses to earthquake and tsunamis. Scientists predict there is a 40 percent chance that a large magnitude Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake is in store for Oregon in the next 50 years The meeting will also address plans for the community tsunami evacuation drill scheduled for Manzanita through Rockaway Beach on Saturday, Sept. 22, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

oBituary Cy Kennedy Cy Nathan Kennedy was born on Sept 10, 1975 in Middletown, Connecticut. He was interested in many things, including all kinds of music, art, literature, science and genealogy. He attended Pleasant Valley School, Centennial middle and high schools, and studied at Indooroopilly High in Brisbane, Australia. He received his BS and MA at Willamette University and taught in Big Fork, Montana and Ontario, Oregon. Cy loved travel, going to Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He played in several bands, was fluent in Spanish, talented in his quirky

art. His utmost joy was his son, Ashton, and he loved teaching him, playing with him, Cy Kennedy and his and just being son, Ashton the fine dad he was. In life, there was nothing above spending time with Ashton. He had purchased his new home in Nyssa this spring and was in the remodeling

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process. Family members were astounded to find his cache of literally thousands of vinyl LPs, 45s for his jukebox, CDs, and his extensive video library. He was a collector! Cy leaves behind his son, Ashton; his parents Evvy and Rich Kennedy, of Nehalem; brother Ethan; and a myriad of aunts, uncles, cousins, colleagues, and dear friends. As his Uncle Wayne said, Cy was a wonderfully complex young man. The celebration of life memorial for family and friends is Sunday, Sept. 9, at 1 p.m. at The Laurelhurst Club, 3712 SE Ankeny, in Portland. The onsite phone is (503) 2350015.

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9/30/2011 2:31:39 PM

Local vs. Distant: What do you do? Local Earthquake and Tsunami

You will feel the ground shake – violently. Drop, cover and hold on until the shaking stops. If you’re in the inundation zone evacuate IMMEDIATELY on foot to your Assembly Site, bringing your 72-hour kit. Remain at your evacuation site until LOCAL emergency service officials issue an “ALL CLEAR.” If you are outside the inundation zone, stay there. Evaluate your building to determine whether it is safe to stay inside.

Distant Earthquake and Tsunami

A distant earthquake will occur far away. You will not feel the ground shake. It will be four to 12 hours before any possible tsunami could reach our shore. Only beaches and waterfront areas will need to be evacuated. You will be notified by numerous sources that a distant earthquake has occurred, and given clear directions if you need to do anything.

drill, tsunamis, or emergency preparedness. If time allows, there will be a short lesson on how to use Family Service Radios (FRS). The first families to arrive at each assembly site will receive a Red Cross comfort Target Tote kit to include in or kick-start their own 72-

hour kit. During the exercise, approximately 35 local ham radio operators will use new repeaters to coordinate and communicate. Map Your Neighborhood Captains will update Zone Leaders using FRS radios. Information will be sent to the Incident

n Erlebach From page 1 in contract negotiations with licensed staff. Although, the Neah-Kah-Nie post is his first gig as a school superintendent, he is undaunted and confident he can handle the job. “It’s an exciting time to be a school superintendent in Oregon and I mean that in a good way,” said Erlebach. “I’ve had very good mentors. I feel prepared. I come to a district with a supportive board that has a passion to do the right things for kids and that makes my job easier.” Coming from a middle school with a student population of over 500, Erlebach has noted some big difference in his short time here between the former school district where he once worked and the Neah-Kah-Nie School district. “The financial support differs for one thing. Money here has bought smaller class sizes and made more after-school programs available for students. The community and parental support seems to be greater here also.” While money is always a concern, budget cuts at Neah-Kah-Nie pale in comparison to those in Ontario where in three year’s time, Erlebach saw 14 to 15 teaching positions go by the wayside. Noting that 72 percent of Neah-KahNie school children are eligible for a free

Command to help coordinate responses. The drill will end when the Incident Commander announces the “all clear.” Assembly sites will be notified by HAM radio, and the Civil Air Patrol planes will announce it from the air. SOLV will be hosting a beach cleanup that same Saturday, and is partnering with the EVC to include its volunteers in the evacuation drill. The Oregon Dept. of Geology and Minerals (DOGAMI) is supplying materials and expertise. James Roddey, former spokesperson for DOGAMI, recently complimented north Tillamook County residents on their dedication to emergency planning. “The Nehalem Bay area is the most prepared area in the United States,” he said, “and I will be conveying their efforts at a national conference soon.” Karen Olson chairs the Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay’s Creative Communication Team.

or reduced fee lunch program, Erlebach is conscious of the economic disparity in his new district. As a result, he says he feels a sense of obligation to provide more unique educational opportunities for children. More important, taxpayers and parents need to see value for their hard-earned money. “My responsibility is to make sure that money is well spent,” he noted. That said, so far, Erlebach has not talked to anyone who has given him a negative observation about the school district. Married and the father of two children, a son and daughter currently attending college, Erlebach enjoys the north Oregon coast and the diversity of its communities. It’s not the first time he has seen the area. Seven years ago, on a father-daughter trek, he spent a week camping and exploring the coast from Tillamook north to Astoria. “I was astounded by the beauty of the area,” he recalled, and still is. His wife, Rosa, who has an appreciation for the arts, he noted, will really like her new home once the couple is settled in. It was a question posed to him early on, whether or not his spouse would be happy living here also. The concern was about the prevailing wintertime weather on the coast that, for those unaccustomed with over 90 inches of rainfall annually, can be somewhat of a bummer. Erlebach is optimistic. Asked where he sees himself in five to ten years, he responded, “Superintendent of the Neah-Kah-Nie School District.”

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information flyers to customers, and encourage them to evacuate to the nearest assembly site. Short-term rental properties will also be provided information about the drill. The Emergency Operations Center at the Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue District headquarters will be activated and serve as Incident Commander.


n Quake

Manzanita, Oregon • September 6, 2012 • North Coast Citizen • 7

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Bays Farms 1/2 mile out of Banks on Cedar Canyon Rd.


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7.44 7.02 14.01 9.06 4.29 4.37 0.86 0.34 0.00

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UNIQUE NEAHKAHNIE 3 BR, 2 BA, garage/shop, deck. A cheery, whimsical home with spirit-lifting, airy spaces. $359,000

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GOLF COURSE 1-LEVEL Spacious newer 3 (or 4) BR, solarium, decks, granite, stainless applcs, MBR suite. $449,000


U-Pick Nectarines & Peaches 95¢/lb.

North Coast Citizen.


CLASSIC RIDGE QUALITY Refinished floors. New siding, carpet, paint. Full yard remodel. Lovely decks, great details. $549,000


Condo style (remodeling) safe, 1B 1 Ba, W/D private, no smk/pets, dep/terms, $595. Manz 541- 3253246 Tell them you saw it in the

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 7, 2012 If interested please send resume to:


Help Wanted

Garage Sales


* Through 10 a.m., September 4, 2012 Information supplied by City of Manzanita

09/06 Thu 09/07 Fri 09/08 Sat 09/09 Sun 09/10 Mon 09/11 Tue 09/12 Wed 09/13 Thu 09/14 Fri 09/15 Sat 09/16 Sun 09/17 Mon 09/18 Tue 09/19 Wed 09/20 Thu

05:31 AM 5.19 H 11:28 AM 2.05 L 12:44 AM 0.88 L 06:35 AM 4.83 H 01:47 AM 0.96 L 07:54 AM 4.65 H 02:55 AM 0.95 L 09:14 AM 4.7 H 04:00 AM 0.82 L 10:16 AM 4.93 H 04:54 AM 0.62 L 11:00 AM 5.25 H 05:39 AM 0.42 L 11:34 AM 5.63 H 06:18 AM 0.26 L 12:05 PM 6.06 H 06:54 AM 0.18 L 12:36 PM 6.51 H 12:31 AM 7.0 H 07:30 AM 0.2 L 01:17 AM 7.07 H 08:05 AM 0.33 L 02:05 AM 7.01 H 08:42 AM 0.56 L 02:54 AM 6.8 H 09:21 AM 0.88 L 03:47 AM 6.46 H 10:02 AM 1.26 L 04:45 AM 6.06 H 10:48 AM 1.65 L

05:02 PM 6.46 H 12:12 PM 2.38 L 05:47 PM 6.22 H 01:10 PM 2.62 L 06:45 PM 6.03 H 02:27 PM 2.71 L 07:53 PM 5.97 H 03:46 PM 2.61 L 09:01 PM 6.07 H 04:49 PM 2.34 L 10:02 PM 6.29 H 05:40 PM 1.96 L 10:55 PM 6.56 H 06:25 PM 1.51 L 11:44 PM 6.81 H 07:08 PM 1.02 L 01:06 PM 6.97 H 07:50 PM 0.55 L 01:39 PM 7.38 H 08:33 PM 0.14 L 02:13 PM 7.7 H 09:19 PM -0.16 L 02:50 PM 7.89 H 10:07 PM -0.33 L 03:32 PM 7.9 H 10:59 PM -0.35 L 04:18 PM 7.73 H 11:57 PM -0.25 L



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8 n September 6, 2012 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

Did you remember to breathe today?

Have you thought about do and a very simple way to become healthier is to practice how you are breathing? the breath. Mindful practiced breathing is a simple way to create a Fight or Flight Response healthier you. Your breathing affects evvs. Relaxation Response ery function in your body, but The general physiological we rarely think about it. response to stress is called Respiration’s functhe stress response tion is to provide the or “fight or flight” body with oxygen. response. When we The body is unable experience stress, to store oxygen and hormones activated every cell in it needs by the sympaa constant supply of thetic branch of the oxygen. Each breath autonomic nervous you take fills your system flood our lungs with air. Blood bloodstream to then comes in and signal a state of Ask carries oxygen from readiness against Janice the lungs to every potential threats cell in your body. to our well-being. Janice All the activities and While these horGaines processes that your mones serve to help body performs need you act quickly and oxygen. The average with great strength adult normally takes more then during emergency situations, 20,000 breaths each day. they exemplify the concept Being aware of how you that there can be “too much of breathe is one of the most a good thing.” Chronic stress important things that you can results in excess release of

stress hormones, which can cause immune system problems, gastrointestinal issues, and blood vessel weakening, among other health complications. Over time, such symptoms can evolve into degenerative diseases like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. You have the ability to change the way you respond to stress, by refusing to fall victim it. It is not a matter of changing your life just how you respond to it. You can learn to manage your reactions to stressors and teach the body to prompt a relaxation response. A relaxation response offsets the effects of the fight or flight response. You can reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels, and protect tissues from damage caused by stress-hormones. The diaphragm muscle is a sheet of muscle that extends across the bottom of the rib cage; it separates the cavity that holds the heart, lungs and

ribs (thoracic cavity) from the abdominal cavity. Every muscle in our body has a joba function and the diaphragm functions in breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is an exercise (you knew I would come up with an exercise at some point) that emphasizes the contraction and release of the diaphragm muscle to fully expand the lungs. It is also know as belly breathing or abdominal breathing. Simply put it’s a deep breath! When you practice the deep breath, the chest does not expand and the shoulders do not move up and down. The air will flow easily and effortlessly in and out of the lungs. You do not draw in forcibly or blow out. You should feel the abdomen raise and lower during each breath. The rate of breathing is slow, about six to ten a minute. As you get better at this exercise, it will feel easy, natural and relaxing. As you experience something,

WHAT DEEP BREATHING CAN DO FOR YOU: • Breathing Detoxifies and Releases Toxins • Breathing Releases Tension • Breathing Relaxes the Mind/Body and Brings Clarity • Breathing Relieves Emotional Problems • Breathing Relieves Pain. • Breathing Massages Your Organs • Breathing Increases Muscle • Breathing Strengthens the Immune System • Breathing Improves Posture • Breathing Improves Quality of the Blood • Breathing Increases Digestion and Assimilation of food • Breathing Improves the Nervous System • Breathing Strengthen the Lungs • Breathing makes the Heart Stronger. • Breathing assists in Weight Control. • Breathing Boosts Energy levels and Improves Stamina • Breathing Improves Cellular Regeneration • Breathing Elevates Moods You are the governor of your body; you can generate the response you want. Now breathe! responses and these responses generate different types of breathing that can be counter productive to the situation like the fear, stress and anxiety.

whether negative or positive, your body responds and your breathing is affected. Different situations catalyze (chemical changes in your body)

Calling all writers, artists and photographers Here’s your chance to have your work published in The North Coast Squid

The Manzanita Writer’s Series coordinators are happy to announce the continued collaboration with the North Coast Citizen to publish a second annual literary magazine. The North Coast Squid showcases work of writers and artists who live on the north coast or have a strong connection to the area. The second magazine will publish in February 2013 in time for the February Manzanita Writer’s Series event. Three outside judges have just agreed to read and judge all submissions. Erica Bauer-

meister, author of The School of Essential Ingredients, and

Joy for Beginners, will judge fiction entries. Matt Love, au-

thor of Gimme Refuge: The Education of a Caretaker, and Sometimes a Great Movie: Paul Newman, Ken Kesey and the Filming of the Great Oregon Novel among others, will judge nonfiction. David Biespiel, poet, poetry columnist for the Oregonian, and founder of the Attic Institute in Portland, will judge poetry. “Not too long ago I came across Squid. I read most of it during one sitting and was incredibly impressed with the writing, art and design,” said award-winning author/editor Love. “I think it’s so important for writers of all ages to see their work in print, and I tip my hat to the folks who run the Manzanita Writers Series. I don’t know of another series that puts forth this kind of effort to see local writers find an audience.” Writing will be accepted

in three categories: poetry, fiction, narrative non-fiction (which includes memoir). “This past year, even with a very short turnaround time, over 50 writers submitted 120 pieces,” said Kathie Hightower, one of the cofounders of the Manzanita Writers Series. “We hope to see the numbers of writers submitting work increase this year.” “We’re also looking for art and photography submissions to accompany literary content for the publication,” added cofounder Vera Wildauer. Art categories include black and white photos and line drawings. Art and photos will be selected by the North Coast Squid’s editorial team. Submissions for consideration are due Nov. 30, 2012. Writers can submit one piece in each prose category, three

pieces for poetry category. Artists may submit three images each of black and white photos or line drawings (scanned and in jpg form.) For the full submission guidelines go to <http://hoffmanblog. org> and click on Squid in the Blog Categories list. Writers and artists can find copies of the first Squid available for sale in many coastal retail outlets. Fifty percent of the $2 cover price goes to the Hoffman Center to help with operational costs that provide programs like the Manzanita Writers’ Series. The Manzanita Writer’s Series is a program of the Hoffman Center, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing arts, education and culture to the community. Information on all their programs is at http://

NKN volleyball tournament fundraiser set “Diggin’ for a Cure,” the Neah-Kah-Nie volleyball team has taken on a fundraising effort as part of Rachael O’Quinn’s senior project, to raise money for the local breast health program at The Rinehart Clinic and support the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure. O’Quinn has a family history of breast cancer, and all the girls hope that they can contribute to finding a cure in their lifetime. During the upcoming NKN volleyball tournament on Saturday, Sept. 8, team members are asking the community to sponsor the event with a donation per “kill” or serving “ace” or a flat donation. The funds will be divided between the local Breast Health Program and the Komen Race for the Cure. The Breast Health Coalition will be providing education and community outreach at the tournament. “Our goal is to make sure every woman in Tillamook County receives their annual mammogram,” said coordinator Suzie Whalen. “Rural areas have a lower screening rate than urban

areas. Our programs help women and men with breast cancer manage their medical needs and quality of life during treatment.” The Breast Health Coalition assists with ensuring women receive mammograms and helps breast cancer patients to navigate the health care system. The NKN tournament will host a dozen teams on Saturday, Sept. 8, and starts at 9 a.m. Several members of the NKN team will join The Rinehart Clinic’s Komen Race for a Cure team to be held in Portland on Sept. 16. To help support the “Tillamook Trekkers,” make a donation online at Race/PortlandRacefortheCure?team_ id=59881&pg=team&fr_id=1200. For more information to make a donation to the NKN volleyball tournament’s “Diggin’ for a Cure,” contact Rachael O’Quinn at (503) 368-6753 or (503) 812-4014; or Suzie Whalen at (503) 368-5182, ext. 111.

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Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n September 6, 2012 n 9


Discover the culinary hotbed in Portland…. everyone else has “Until three years ago, extravaganza, “Feast PortI’d been to Portland only land,” where chefs from all once. Since then, I’ve over the U.S. and Portland visited seven times for one will be giving workshops, purpose: to eat.” Andrew talks and collaborative dinKnowlton; columnist for ners on September 20 - 23. Bon Appetit. This is a “must do” event if It was bound to happen. you even have a tiny drop It was just a matter of time. of foodie blood in you. The rest of the They will world has discovalso be having ered the culinary different events jewel that our dear, to showcase the sweet Portland is. Portland food It might be because culture that has Portland embraces developed in the and rejoices in the wake of the culihip “farm-to-table” nary bloom. One concept, or maybe of the events is a it is because there Sunday bike ride The is an abundance of around Sauvie ethnic restaurants Golightly Island ending that are completely a chef’s coGourmet with amazing. It could operative brunch. Dana Zia be because PortAfter all, Sunday land has more food brunch in P-town carts than garbage is an institution. trucks. Or the fact that The languid Sunday mornit attracts young, up and ing brunches at one of the coming chefs who need an many lovely restaurants is affordable place to make almost a high holy ritual in their mark in the culinary the Rose City. Lines form world. Whatever the reaout the door and go down son is, Portland’s culinary the block at the favored scene has been discovered restaurants. Wait time can and is being celebrated by be up to 90 minutes until foodies far and wide. you get a table, and still the Even the magazine Bon Portlanders wait, happily Appetit acknowledges with coffee in hand. what a gastronomic hotbed This ritual is so revered Portland has become. They that one of the celebrated have chosen our fair city Portland chefs, John Goras the location for a foodie ham, opened a restaurant,

Shakshuka, bell pepper and tomato stew with baked eggs

Tasty n Son, that makes brunch its forte any day of the week. It has flourished. Of course, Tasty n Son’s does brunch right. I mean really really right. And, if you haven’t been there yet, you must make a trip to Portland to have brunch there. (I would just choose any other day than Sunday unless waiting in long lines is your cup of coffee.) I think one of the things that makes Tasty n Son so successful is not only do they offer somewhat traditional fare on the menu but very untraditional dishes as well. Stuff you would never think of for breakfast, but that really work. Some of the dishes offered are polenta and sausage ragu with mozzarella and fried egg or the delicious Burmese

red pork stew with rice and eggs. Then there is the unusual house made kimchi with sautéed veggies, brown rice and poached eggs and my all-time favorite, shakshuka. Shakshuka is a traditional breakfast dish served all over the mid-east. In Israel, it is said to rival hummus and falafels as national favorite. According to food historians, it is an ancient dish originating in the Ottoman Empire and still beloved today. I can see why they love it, it is delicious! I managed to find Chef Gorham’s recipe to share with you today. So, even if you don’t make it to Feast Portland or even to Tasty n Son for brunch, you can bring the Portland brunch ritual to your own table.

This dish is often served with a spicy Middle Eastern sausage called merguez. If you would like to add sausage, choose a spicy sausage of your choice and sauté it up with the onions and garlic until done then proceed with the recipe. Serves two very hungry people. 1/4 1/2 3 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 4

olive oil medium yellow onion garlic cloves, thinly sliced cup of thinly sliced roasted green peppers (about 2 peppers)* cup of thinly sliced roasted red peppers (about 2 peppers)* teaspoon of smoked or sweet paprika teaspoon of cumin to 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes (depending on spiciness you like) small bay leaf teaspoon of sugar or honey cup of canned organic chopped tomatoes with juice farm fresh eggs Salt and pepper to taste

In an ample ovenproof skillet (preferably cast iron), warm the olive oil over medium heat on the stove. Add the onion and the garlic and cook until they become fragrant and translucent, about 5 minutes. Toss in the green and red peppers and cook for an additional 2-5 minutes. Add the spices and honey then continue to simmer, stirring occasionally for a few minutes until the fragrance lifts you up. Add the tomatoes, juice and all, and bring the heady mix to simmer. Reduce heat to low and simmer slowly, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes break down, about 20 minutes. While that is cooking, preheat you oven to 400 degrees. Season the skillet contents with the salt and pepper and then bring the heat back up on the mix to medium low. Fish out the bay leaf, then make little wells in the peppers and crack the eggs into them and tuck skillet into the oven to bake. Bake until the eggs are set to your liking, about 7-10 minutes. Take out of the oven and serve up immediately with warm crusty bread for dipping. Bon appetite! *To roast the peppers, put under the broiler in the oven, (or on a hot grill) rotating with tongs, until black and blistered. Place in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for 15 minutes then peel and seed the peppers. Voila! Roasted peppers.

Check out what’s happening at NCRD this fall NCRD Pool Closure

The Aquatics Center at NCRD is closed from Sept. 3 - 23. Routine maintenance is performed during the transition from summer to fall season each year. Part of the maintenance this year involves painting some of the pool surfaces and requires a greater length of closure to cure the paint. The pool will reopen and the Fall Aquatics Schedule begins Monday, Sept. 24. The first Friday night open swim will be Oct. 5.

15-minute sampling of each class will be presented. With school starting and seasons changing, what better time to explore opportunities for new fitness goals. Meet in the NCRD Gym to experience everything from kickboxing and Epoc –alypse to core Pilates and Zumba. Contact the NCRD Fitness Center, (503) 368-4595, for further details.

Affordable fun at NCRD Kids Club

Kids Club is all about fun for children, K-5. “We provide a safe environment for your kids to relax and enjoy friendship and lots of activThe NCRD Hiking Group has ity,” said Deborah Skidmore, NCRD finalized plans for a variety of hikes Youth Director. throughout the fall. A dedicated Kids Club is open Monday group of individuals meets at through Friday, when children are NCRD each Thursday at 10 a.m. not in school. At the and carpools to end of school days, the specified registered children location. are picked up by Hikes for NCRD staff at September Nehalem Elemenare as follows: tary School. Prior Sept. 6, Bay arrangements are Ocean Spit; required. Sept. 13, Arch Each child Cape to Hwy must be regis101; Sept. 20, tered and payRockaway to the ment must be a r fo ‘Big Tree;’ Sept. p plans u received prior to ro G g in Hik es 27, Wheeler Town attending Kids ety of hik ri a v Walk. Club. Limited To learn more scholarships are available; please about this program and how inquire. Contact NCRD Youth Enyou can participate, contact Adult richment at youth@ncrdnehalem. Activities Director Jane Knapp at org or (503) 368-7644 to register (503) 368-3901. your child for affordable fun. Hours and Fees: • Regular School Day 2:30 - 5 Free fitness workshop p.m., $5 day/$20 week • Early Release School Day offered Noon - 5 p.m., additional $5 The NCRD Fitness Center is • No School Day (except for offering a special one-day fitness holiday/weather closures) 8 a.m. workshop. Free to all on Sept.18 5 p.m., $15 day/$60 week. at 9 a.m., this workshop will Note: Prior reservations reintroduce participants to the certiquired to remain for a few minutes fied instructors and classes in the after 5 p.m. upcoming Fall Fitness Schedule. A

Hiking group announces fall schedule

Friday, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m. “The Lonesome Heroes” in Concert Country duo Landry McMeans and Rich Russell from Austin, Texas With opening local act The Cedar Shakes Admission $5 Thursday, Sept. 13, at 6 p.m. Hoffman Center Board Meeting Public invited to attend. Saturday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. Manzanita Writers’ Series Steve Duin and Shannon Wheeler Graphic Novel “Oil and Water” Admission: $7 Open mic follows.

Work out to help fight breast cancer

You are invited to attend a special Pilates for Pink+ class at NCRD. This fundraiser for breast cancer supports the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Taught by Fitness Center Director Debbie Crosman, this class will be held Oct. 7, at 1 p.m. in the Riverbend Room at NCRD. Contact Debbie at (503) 368-4595 to register. “You don’t have to know Pilates to participate,” said Debbie, “but be sure to wear pink!” Please bring your donation of $10 or more to the class. Make checks payable to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

NCRD kitchen and is $15. Contact Jane at (503) 3683901 or visit to learn more about the other activities currently planned.

Mautner new head coach

NCRD is pleased to introduce Ty Mautner, the new head coach for Youth Sports. Mautner may be a familiar face, as he has been and will continue to

The Zen of Creative Doodling

NCRD announces a comprehensive line up of activities for fall. The season begins with the Zen of Creative Doodling workshop. Learn to use pattern to create art works in pen and ink. “If you have ever doodled in the margins of your class notes or while you’re on the phone, you can do this workshop,” said Jane Knapp, Adult Activities Director. “Creative doodling relaxes the mind and gets creativity flowing.” The workshop guides you into looking at patterns in nature and the world and using them to create artworks as small as a bookmark, or as large as your imagination. Materials supplied in class. The workshop will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sept. 19 in the

Dee Koscheski Artist, and Clay Studio Assistant Leader. Assists with Tuesday and Thursday open studios. Aids visitors with projects.

594 Laneda Avenue, Manzanita


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Weekly events at the Hoffman Center include Life Drawing, Open Clay Studio, Open Letterpress and Burgess Writing Group. Please visit for more information on these events. To remain a vital community asset, the Hoffman Center relies on funding from people who recognize the value it brings to our community. Send donations to Hoffman Center, PO Box 678, Manzanita, OR 97139. Questions? Call 503-368-3846 or e-mail The Hoffman Center is a non-profit public-benefit charity, qualified under IRS Section 501(c)(3).

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Saturday, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. Manzanita Film Series “His Girl Friday” (1940) Staring Cary Grant, Rosalind Saturday, Sept. 15, Russell, and Ralph Bellamy from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Directed by Howard Hawks “Writing a Novel: Let’s Get A newspaper editor uses every Started” Workshop trick in the book to keep his ace Led by Holly Lorincz. Tuition: $65. reporter ex-wife from remarrying. For writers 18 and older, consider- Admission: $7. Refreshments ing or just starting a novel. available.

be a certified Personal and developing the program,” said Mautner. Trainer and Fitness “The immediate plan is Specialist in the Fitto begin soccer season ness Center. He is on Wednesday, Sept. enthusiastic about the 12.” opportunity to develop More details were sports skills with chilnot immediately dren. available, but may be “I look forward Ty Mautner obtained by contacting to coaching, buildNCRD Youth Enrichment at ing their skills and confidence, giving or (503) 368-7644. them a sense of team unity

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10 n September 6, 2012 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

New, unique eatery blossoms in Nehalem By Dave Fisher The Citizen

Looking for a place to get a quick bite to eat for lunch or dinner? How about “That Soup and Salad Place” in Nehalem? Yes, that’s actually the name of Nehalem’s newest eatery that has been open since the third week of August. “My daughter’s boyfriend actually came up with the name,” said Marcy Taylor, who, along with partner John Taylor, owns and operates the business. Both Marcy and John liked the suggestion, since people John and Marcy Taylor are the proprietors of That Soup and Salad Place now open in Nehalem. Photo by Dave Fisher

From page 1 Bullard thought about and the next thing he knew he was appointed by the council to fill a seat on the commission, somewhat astonished how easy it was to get into politics. Subsequently appointed to fill out a term of a departing city councilor, he was urged by others on the council to run for mayor. He did and he has held that position since 2006. This upcoming election will mark his fourth term. “I thought there were other people that might be better qualified,” Bullard recalled of his first campaign, “but I believed I could do a good job because I’ve always worked with people even though I might not always agree with them.” After a 17-year stint with a Portland-based law firm, Bullard, with two other attorneys, founded his own firm in 1977. He’s been semi-retired since moving to the area “and a little more semi-retired,” he says, with each year that goes by. Even though “semi-retired,” the firm that today numbers some 20 to 25 attorneys still bears his name, Bullard Law. Asked why he’s continues to run for the office of mayor, he says, there is always unfinished business. “I enjoy working with the city staff and other members of the council. I think we are accomplishing things for the city. The biggest challenge is to retain the small village atmosphere. We’ve done a good job and where there has been growth, we’ve kept it to scale.” Among the notable accomplishments during his tenure, he cites the creation of the Nehalem Fire and Rescue District, even though Manzanita and his efforts were only a part of the puzzle. Bullard sees Manzanita as part of the whole and he is pleased with the strengthened working relationships with Nehalem, Wheeler, Oregon State Parks, and Tillamook

County. Good things happen when entities work together and an example of that is the bicycle/pedestrian path that links Manzanita and Nehalem Bay State Park on the west side of Manzanita in which the city, county and state park all had a hand in making the path a reality. Other “unfinished business” for Mayor Bullard includes ongoing improvements to the city’s storm drainage system and repaving the street and installing a sidewalk for three blocks at the east end of Laneda Ave. where it meets Hwy. 101. “I really love this community and its people, their varied backgrounds… everyone has an interesting history,” he says. “It’s a gem of a place to live and I consider it a privilege to serve.” Like her counterpart, Bullard, Shirley Kalkhoven was “recruited” shortly after moving to Nehalem with her husband in 1981. In the Portland metro area, where the Kalkhovens had lived previously, they were heavy construction contractors involved in building roads, installing sidewalks, and laying sewer lines. With that background, it wasn’t long before Kalkhoven found herself a member of the Nehalem Bay Wastewater Agency board. “I’ve got to admit, I wear a lot of different hats,” said the Nehalem mayor, who was first elected to the office in 2004 after a 10-year stint on the city council. She is running for the office for the fifth time. “When I was a kid, my mother was president or chair of this and that…it was a part of growing up, part of my life, and I’ve been involved in some form of community service most of my adult life.” A mother of three, Kalkhoven began her political career innocently enough by getting involved with her children’s’ schools. Living in the Parkrose area of Portland, she was instrumental in developing a cooperative preschool, which grew to be the largest such preschool in Oregon. Following a move to Beaverton, she

served on an advisory group for the Beaverton School District and was eventually elected to the school board. “One thing led to another,” she said of her early experience at the school level and it has been that way ever since, it seems. As mayor of north Tillamook County’s oldest municipality, Kalkhoven sees the community as more “businesslike and stable,” than Manzanita and Wheeler in that Nehalem’s economy isn’t as tourist oriented as its two neighbors. “Things don’t change here very much,” noted Kalkhoven. “We’re very fortunate to own our watershed, nearly 1,000 acres, and planned timber sales help fund city projects.” One of those projects is the construction of a new city hall, which Kalkhoven hopes could begin as early as next year. She points to the city’s water system that has essentially been rebuilt, complete with a 1.5 million gallon reservoir, and improvements to Nehalem City Park, as examples of a small community looking forward. “I’ve enjoyed being mayor and it gives me an opportunity to continue my work in the League of Oregon Cities (she is a past president of the LOC). It’s helped connect me to other things I enjoy doing as well.” Most of all, however, as mayor, she gets to ride in the annual Manzanita Fourth of July parade and wave to the crowd and toss candy to children. It doesn’t get any better than that. At 59, Stevie Burden, Wheeler’s mayor, is the youngster of the Nehalem Bay area threesome, but has been actively involved in Wheeler politics since the late 1990s when she was first appointed mayor by the Wheeler City Council. When the council passed a resolution making the office of mayor an elected position, Burden ran, was elected, and served oneand-a-half years of a fouryear term before moving from the area to pursue her career. Ten years later she was back and, when Walt Trandum resigned as mayor

because of health issues, the council appointed her to fill out his remaining term of office. When it became apparent no one else was stepping forward to run for mayor this fall, Burden threw her hat in the ring. “I was raised in a culture and value system that believes strongly in living a life of service…to your family, clan, community, state and country,” said Burden. “The decision to run this time was much more difficult. My husband understands this concept of serving the community, but he thinks I am out of my mind.” Born in Tillamook County and raised in Alaska, Burden is part Native American with roots that run deep in the Nehalem River Valley. As mayor, she sees herself as a facilitator trying to move along a process that best

home months at a time, says he was ready for the change of pace. Same for Marcy, who has worked as a waitress in a number of restaurants since she was a teenager. The couple got serious about their new venture acquiring what was home to North Coast Blinds and Wallpaper on the corner of 8th Street and Hwy 101 in Nehalem. This spring, they began renovating the structure inside and out. Gone is any hint that this was once a retail outlet. In its place is a light and airy dining area where patrons can sit back and relax. That Soup and Salad Place is open six days a week, Tuesday through Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information or to place an order ahead, call (503) 368-7676.

represents the community and what citizens want it to be. Her main objective: “To make Wheeler a great place to live.” With a new full-time city manager on board and an experienced city council to work with, even after the upcoming election, Burden is looking forward to moving the process along even further, updating Wheeler’s comprehensive plan and cleaning up long-standing ordinances such as the nuisance ordinance which is scheduled for its second reading this month. Improvements to city streets and storm drainage remain high on the to-do list as well. “It has been the story of my life,” she says of the

ongoing need to maintain and make improvements to Wheeler’s infrastructure. A substance abuse prevention specialist for nearly 30 years, Burden has worked with various communities throughout Oregon. Now semi-retired in a role as a consultant, she is able to pick and choose her assignments, enabling her to make more time for her duties as mayor. “I’ve always been in a position as being a mentor and I like the idea of coaching and mentoring the staff and community to be the best they can be. It’s rewarding for me to see a healthy, thriving community. I find it very humbling that people have put their trust in me.”

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n Mayors

have a tendency to refer to a restaurant not by its name but by what it serves…‘Oh, you know, that such and such place,” which in this case is That Soup and Salad Place. As the name implies, the fare includes soup, a salad bar, along with a variety of wraps – roast beef and Swiss, turkey club and chicken ranch – for those looking for a lighter change of pace. Tacos and burritos will soon be added to the menu as well. “It’s a different kind of place,” John admits. “We wanted to offer something totally different that didn’t take away from other local restaurants.” Longtime residents of the Nehalem area, the idea of opening a restaurant had been in the works for some time. John, whose work often took him away from

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