Joe Warren Chief Executive Country Media
This time of year, we are inundated with holiday-hype. This hysteria has reached such a high, that the anticipation must be far greater to our children than I remember it being in my youth. It’s grown so much that I tend to push back a bit, each year vowing not take part in any early shopping or decorating, but I am never able to accomplish that. I’m not the Grinch — I just like to do things on my schedule, how I’ve grown accustomed. And I’m not a last-minute person either, so I guess I’ve found my holiday stride.
I love this time of year. This season, the rush to Christmas seemed to begin much earlier. It seems like last week we were taking Halloween pictures in our office of all our area trick-or-treaters.
When I was younger, we didn’t even think about Christmas prior to Thanksgiving. My mother would not put our tree up until around the 20th of December so we wouldn’t get too excited to early I suppose.
This year, I started seeing Christmas marketing well before Halloween. I don’t believe that trend will ever change either.
One thing I do look forward to each year, is reading through the Letters to Santa that come into the office. We have published all the letters in this section of Season’s Greetings. Children have a special innocence when it comes to this time of year. Perhaps it’s through the heightened anticipation, but whatever the reason, it’s fun to
see their excitement and read about that special day through their words. Like Rudy B. who wrote, “this year I would like a chainsaw because I want to have firewood for this winter, I also want an ax so I can cut the firewood. A Two-wheel wheelbarrow would also be good for the firewood because I split it. I’m thankful for my family and friends and school to go to. Rudy, your letter warmed my heart as much as the firewood you cut will warm your family.
Or Azure B. who wants to get with the beat. Azure wants a tape player to listen to music.
Azure also wants new headphones and some music. I also love music, especially this time of year, with all the Christmas songs, reminds me of a simpler time, when I shared your anticipation.
Evan W. wants to thank the Headlight Herald for printing his letter: “Dear News Paper people, how are you? I will thank you for letting me be on the newspaper! I hope the newspaper cost $11 for one newspaper. Me and my brother are thankful to be on a newspaper. Evan, you are the reason we do what we do, and we promise to keep the cost under $11 per paper.
Finally, Ledger wrote on behalf of his brother, “I want Zep to be on the good list so he can get lots of toys.” Ledger, I believe you and Zep will make the nice list and your Christmas will be filled with joy and happiness.
If you have forgotten what a special time of year this really is, take a quick read through the Letters to Santa and you will quickly agree; Christmas is special, even for us older kids. Merry Christmas everyone! We hope this new year will bring us a little closer together, that perhaps a little Christmas spirit will stay with us, until next year.
Dear Santa
I would like a orouge volleyball and a dark blue basket ball and cyan slime please.
Your Friend, Remy S 2nd Grade
Dear Santa
I am looking forword to seing the presents you give me andstokings you give me.
Your Friend, Matthew 2nd Grade
Dear Santa
I am hoping for a despecabull me fart blaster for pranks ples Santa and a wall climbing geco. It is cool I fold it on you tub.
Your Friend, Carson 2nd Grade
Dear Santa Santa I want a apple watch and I want a ho scwish and I am looking forward to seeing you during the holidays.
Your Friend, Raelynn 2nd Grade
Dear Santa
I whant new pin. I whant a toy pupy and a unucorn.
Your Friend, Avincia 2nd Grade
Dear Santa
For Christmas I am hoping for a teal Dresser for Christmas its on my list. Thank you so much and I think I also want a apple watch for Christmas thank you so much Santa. I hope I gat to she you for Christmas. I am going to she you on Christmas day. Bi!
Your Friend, Brooklyn 3rd Grade
Dear Santa
I was hopeing to see you. If you can Bring me a vollyball that would be great! And maybe a mini brand or a LOL doll. Thanks Santa have a nice xmas. By.
Your Friend, Kinsley 3rd Grade
Dear Santa
This year I want a 3D Doodler and a Animal saver kit.
Your Friend, Ramona 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I really like Christmas I can’t wait. For Christmas I want goosebumps books or a ps5
Your Friend, Silas 3rd Grade
Dear Santa
I am looking forward to seeing you during the holidays for Christmas. I am hop for a Mini Verse set.
Your Friend, Mrs. Armstrong 3rd Grade
Dear Santa
I am wanting three things and I am going to try to stay up late and try ato see you. (I don’t really want just three things, I want a lot of things, but I can’t fit that much in this list, so…yeah…). For Christmas, I want a tablet, a minecraft mini set, and a hatchemel toy (the big ones that is a surprise).
Your Friend, Charlotte 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I wold like a mini verse make it mini set plese and I wold also like to you at the chees factory on Chrismas. I wold like maby 10 mini verse make it mini set plese and I wold also like it if you can put mom on a haf time job plese.
Your Friend, Lily 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I’m excited abowt Christmas this year. Wat I want for Christmas is A smart wach I wood allsow like A American girl doll house Thank you Santa Your Friend, Hattie 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I wot a ifoun. I wot a xbox. I wot a hug from you. I wot a gockot. I wot a appll weshocks. I wot a unow xbot gam. Your Friend, Austin 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I just want one thing an iphone, and a gocartx and a new tablit for my brother and every game and his profilr.
Your Friend, Eddie 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I wut to see you at Christmas. I want to have a stuffed animal Banana! Please Your Friend, Alayna 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I really been wanting a mini verse set and a doll and candy in my stocking and A LOT OF HERSHEYS! Your Friend, Brooklyn S 3rd Grade
Dear Santa I want a lelgo. I wunt a Ps 75. I wunt a gam dodger. I don’t ker wut you gave me I jus wunt a good day. Lego cay it is mosk trock. I wunt Karen it is mallewade Your Friend, Adrian 3rd Grade
Stop by Tillamook Motor Company to pick up and return a holiday coloring sheet now through December 31st. For each coloring sheet returned, a treat will be given out! A top prize will be awarded in these age groups: 2-5, 6-12 and 13 & up.
Recipe created by Jason Sterling, Valvoline Instant Oil Change, Tillamook
Use any size prime rib roast
1/2 cup sea salt
1/4 cup rosemary
1/2 cup garlic powder
1/2 cup Montreal Steak Seasoning
1 bottle of Thick Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
Inject 1/4 cup of Worcestershire Sauce into roast in multiple spots with syringe. Coat roast with light layer of olive oil.
Combine seasonings and rub into roast and coat seasonings with thick layer of Worcestershire Sauce.
Let sit while oven preheats to 375°.
Place roast in broiling pan, fat side up or bone side up. Add half a bottle of Worcestershire Sauce to the pan.
Bake 45 minutes.
Turn oven off. DO NOT OPEN OVEN… No peeking, period.
One hour before serving turn oven back on 45 minutes, then pull out and let rest for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes its time to serve… Merry Christmas!!
Three Cheese Grilled Cheese
2 slices of Your Favorite Sourdough
1 slice of Tillamook Smoked Provolone
1 slice of Tillamook Havarti
1 slice of Tillamook Medium Cheddar
Directions: Cooked in a pan medium heat with 2 tablespoons of melted Tillamook Salted Butter
For Christmas this year, I want a lake house horse stable set. I want because it comes with cute, little horses. I also want new Air Jordan 4s. I want them because I want to look stylish. The last thing I want is a Barbie pillow case and blanket. I want them because I love Barbie. This year I am gratful for the food I get because I’m lucky I even get food. I am also grateful for how my grandma lets me help put up decorations at her house because everything looks so pretty. The last thing I am grateful for is my mom. When she gives me a hug when im sad it makes me feel happy.
Your friend Jocelyn K
Dear Santa for Christmas this year, I want a some new tracker. I want thoses becaues I need them I need them for more clintmint.
Publication of the Tillamook Headlight Herald and Country Media. Inc. 1906 Second Street, Tillamook, OR 97141 tillamookheadlightherald.com
For Christmas this year i want a iPhone 16 so I can talk with my friends, a walkie talkie, and a PS5 in Spider-man Season.
Jesus L
For Christmas this yer I want a puppy so I can play with her. and a kitten so I can cuddle him. I also want a bunny so I cuddle and play with her. So this year I am grateful for my life because it is the best thing in the world. I am grateful for my mom because she made my life possible and she is the best in the world. The end
Love, Aaliyah K
For Christmas this year, I want an owala for basketball time. I also want some basketball shoes. I want basketball shoes so I can play basketball comfortably. And I also want a new Dogman books I want a Dogman book because I can read better. This year, I am grateful for my Christmas lights. Because they are beautiful. I am also grateful for my Christmas tree because it is a decoration and decorations are beautiful. And I’m also grateful for my family because they give me gifts.
I want a Lego set for Christmans
I want a squishmallow for Christmas I want a phone for Christmas
I want these things because I have been wanting them for a long time
Love, Esmeralda Y
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I want a Nintendo switch because I want to play Fortnite with my brother Blake.
Hunter H
For Christmas I want books, I want diary of a Wimpy Kid Hot mess and Big shot. I also want a WWE champion belt so I can bet my brother in a match. I aslo want a PS5 for me and my day to play with.
Landon C
For Christmas this year I want a dance bar I want a dans bar because I love doing stuf on dance bars but I barely ever get to things on a dance bar. I also want a new table because my old tablet brok a couple months ago. I also want a hamster becaus I have been wanting to name hamster hammy. I am gratful for my family because my family supports me.
Your Friend, Tamsyn H
For Christmas this year I want a PS5 because I like to play roblox with my cousn Lily.
Love Liam R
For Chrismas this year I want an R.C. helicoptor so in the summer when I go to clearlake I can play with it if I gey bored of swimming. I also want a gymnastic bar and mat so I can do gymnastics at home. And I love collecting so I also want a rock tumbler. This year I am grateful for you santa because you give us toys, and stuff our stockings and make us happy. I am also grateful for our Christmas feast because it makes it feel more like Christmas. I am also grateful for a bed to sleep in so I can dream of suger plums on Christmas eve.
Samuel B
For Chrismas I want a wwe action figure. I would really like Jacob Fatu or Tanga Loa. They are my favorite.
Brody K
For Christmes this year I want camera. I want a camera so I can always take pictures and keep memories. I also want Dogman book. I want a Dogman book so I can be a better reader. I also want a notebook. I want a notebook so I can Practice my math.
Charlee G
I want a dird bike because I can ride it around my grandma’s house. I wont a snake because so I can put it on my neck. I wont a phone because I can call people and see where people are.
Oliver G
For Christmas this year, I want a cinnamon roll blanket so I can have a set of cinnamon roll stuff. I also want a cinnamon roll smart watch. I can use if for time and fun. I want som cinnamon roll jammies too!
Your friend, Arielle R
To advertise in future editions contact Katherine Mace at headlightads@countrymedia.net or call 503-842-7535
Chief Executive/ Operations: Joe Warren
Editor: Will Chappell Office Manager: Patty Archambault Graphic Design: Steph Baumgart
For Christmas this year I want a new bike to ride around the field and to check the mail if my mom lets me. I also want a make up set for drese up and speshel places. I also want a camera to tresner memorys.
This year I would like a chainsaw because I want to hav firewood for this winter. I also want a ax so I can cut the fire wood. A two wheel wheelbarrow would also be good the fire wood because I spiled it with My one wheel wheelbarrow. Im thankful for my familly and frends and a school to go to.
Rudy B
I want the ace watch and a phone or a tablet nt. Please won of those. And a Barbie dol house a big one please.
Yaraselijot R
This Christmas I want a skate board case and I want you to come to my house. Want a vr head set. Im gratful for Chistmas Because it is Jesus birthday.
Reylan P
For Christmas this year I want a tapeplayer. I want a tapeplayer so I can listen to music. I also want a new set of headphones to listen to music on my tapeplayer and rock out. I also want a tape to listen to my tapeplayer with headphones.
Azure B
Dear Santa, I will be telling you what I want for Christmas. Under my Christmas tree I want some wireless headphones (maybe get one more wireless headphone for my sis) (sorry Mom and Dad) anyways you should get me some wireless headphones instead so my parents don’t have to go through that . I also want some jelly cats. I know your magical but do not get me an actual jelly cat. Anyways if you get me these Christmas gifts and Hello Kitty squishmallows and a volleyball just know there will be some cookies and milk for you. Thank you Santa for getting me these presents. Christmas is my favorite.
Love, Natalie
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want another Nintendo switch, a bike and slime.
Love, Paisley
Dear Santa,
My name is Liam and I am 9 years old. This year I have been mostly good. For Christmas this year, I would really like to have Legos, Mandolorian action fig, more lego’s, the simpsons action figures (if they exist), VR, switch, boardgames, Luigu’s mansion.
Love Liam
Dear Santa, Hi! You probably know this already but my name is Denzi and my favorite holiday is Christmas! For Christmas I want a toy lizard that runs around but I don’t know if it is remote-control or not. Say hi to Rudolph for me!
Love, Denzi
Dear Santa, My name is Nicky and I am 9 years old. This year I have been mostly good. For Christmas this year, I would really like to have: dear Santa, I want a baby cat shirt for Christmas and a robot dog for Christmas.
Dear Santa, This year I have been mostly good. For Christmas this year, I would really like to have an ipad, a quest 3
headset, more lego clones, lego clonewars.
Dear Santa, For Dec./Christmas I want a computer a Big Nate comic book and some stuff for me teaching my family.
P.S my cookies are so so so good yum!
Love, Scarlett A, age 8
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I really want a giant “Squishymellow”, I have always wanted one of those. I also want a stuffy that you speak to, and it repeats after you. I also want a makeup pack. I want a really cozy and fuzzy blanket. And I want a rainbow water bottle. And a really fuzzy pink jacket. And I want some really
cool clothes and some cozy pajama’s. And I want some fake earings.
Love, Frankie V
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want an axolotl with Krispy Kreme donuts Snackle. A slime making kit. I also want a LEGO Sorting Hat from Harry Potter.
Love, Chance D
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Harry potter’s want, Hermione’s wand and Ron’s wand, a harry potter speel book and a Nintendo switch. P.S I will leave cookies and carraots. Love, Ocean B-W 3rd 8-9 years old
Dear Santa,
How are you? I hope you are well. For Christmas I would lika stuffy alien, dolls, and a baby doll. How are you? Are you doing good? Are you well?
From Addison L
Dear Santa, I wot ps5. How old are you? How are you?
Thank you very much!
From Quill
Dear News Paper People, How are you? I will thank you for letting me be on a news paper! I hope the news paper costs 11$ for one news paper. Me and my brother are thankful to be on a news paper!
From, Evan W
Dear Santa, I realy want a new R.C. car and the Lego friends se and roller blades and the Birthday present I got Aurelia R and art spliss and a weving kit.
From Stella
Dear Santa, May I please have a bad kitty super cat book and the princess peach show time Nintendo swich game and the real little car that you can drive in and a big hatchamal like last year.
From: Samantha G
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is among toys a drawing set mega minion tim toy and I want for the elfs on the shelfs for my brother’s and sister.
From Kywin C
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are welle. For Christmas I would like a nitedow swich and a bike and a star wars lego set. Mery Crismiss Santa.
From Lane W
Dear Santa,
May I please have a gift card. And all of the wings of fire books. And one of those cars that you can drive. And a barbie dream house. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful crimas!
From Aurelia R
Dear Santa, I want a wach. How are you? I hope you are well for Crismas. I want a R.C. car. How ae your elfs? Are you elf 100 or near 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000? Thank you very much.
From Parker W
Dear Santa, Gon qecds
Too bolet qecos gon Ckor to cho the ckor legs the Lack tseuw
From Cristian
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are will. For Christmas I would like to thank you very much candy and toys and stufes.
From Noemi
Dear Santa, How are you Santa I want a buny personalused sweter for connie a. Bad kitty book.
From Axel
Dear Santa Claus
Ples a Bune and Stuff for my Bune and a cag!
Dear Miss Claus
I hop you sent a letr back to me but you aer my favrit don’t tel enewun
From Olivia N
Dear Santa,
I will want a big kid bike and a iphone.
Dear Mrss: Clase I will want a new tablet and a huge squishmelow please and thank you.
Dear Santa Pleas put Ledger on the Good list and me. He wuts a squomelo. I wut a toy car to the northpoul and me houj one pleas pleas pleas!
From Zeppelin
Dear Santa I want a train for Christmas From Joey
Dear Santa. Dirt bike green. From Jorge
Dear Santa.
I wot a crytrle says. An phone. an dreamhouse. I wish you a Merry Christmas. xoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooo oooo
From Bexlee
Dear Santa. Plees git me huting suff and eros with blodheds and niffs and get me stuff animal From Paxton
Dear Santa
For Crismis I wont a parit staffe and I wont to see you Santa on crismis night and rid in you sld plles Santa. and I wont to see msis. Clos. From Riley Ruth N
Dear Santa. I love you
You’re the Best and your elfs and your reineer. And Mrs. Clause
From Evelyn
Dear Santa I will want phone Zaira
Dear Santa Claus
Have you ever fallen of a roof if you have write me a leter back you big jolly guy to the north pole. From Connor
Dear Santa I want a muano toy for Christmas From Anthony
Dear Leo
You aer my best fred in the school From Jamie
Dear Santa Claus
Has the grinch brocken in to your sastle and stall you bag of present and rander and rid your rander and opind your present? Too North Pole. From Alibrooke
Dear Santa:
I wish for a rc car and a kid wach and a nikis air jud is one and a new pant and new shrt and a rodow shrt. And a toy car and a toy riar and a rc car thet can go ovor fird
From Zeek
Dear Santa claus
Hav you evr felin off a roof and ript your pas oof.
From Kydell to the noth pool
Dear Zeppeilin
I want zep to be on the good list so he can lots of toys. Take this to the north pole.
From Ledger
Dear Santa
I want a Lego a.t.t from Star Wars
From Leo
Dear Senta
I love you sow much. I love all the presisat you giv me and this is year I wot a otne and I wot a lot more.
From Lily S
Dear Santa, I am a great kid. I have been extra good all year. First, I have Next, I have I would really like I wat a cat.
Dear Santa I wont some nise chocolate from different countries.
Dear Santa, I am a geat kid. I have been extra good all year. First, I have cleaned the dishes. Next, I have cleaning my room. Findly, I have cleaned the house. I relly want very strong Polemon cards.
I wantd a Pokemon toy. Noah Santa, I want a soccer ball for Crimis. I want crazy cart. I want a corgi for Christmas. I want a necklace. I want a X-box. Plse Plse! Phone IS. Brinlee
Dear Santa, I am a good kid. I have been extra good all year. I want a new iphone 15 please. I want a dog corgi please. I want a stitch Plushy please. I want a PS5 please. I want a necklace please. I want a coloring set
book please. I love Santa.
I am a great kid. I hav been xtra good all year. Firs I help my parents. Next I help with the landry. Finally i help with the dishes. I would like a robotic snake. A doll that is crepy bea. Gost for one day. And a fake emergency Indra
Dear Santa I have been good. I wont Pokemon stuf ples. And chocolate and a te de ohr srd ples. I want a robotic spider plase. I want a robotic snace plase!!
I am A gaet kid. I have been extra good all year. I want a spiter. I want A X Box. I want A Box of Pokemon cards. I want A drone.
Hi Santa for Christmas I want figit toys and the legend of Zelda books. What do you want?
On Christmas I will give you something better than milk and and
Dr. Tracy Solis, DVM
Dr. Mark Witt, DVM
Dr. Jennifer Witt, DVM
Dr. Kalli Rocha, DVM
another presnt it has something with school. Okay Im gona see you on Chrismes.
I am a great kid. I have been extra good all year. First I have been kind at achool. Next I have cleaned up my room. Last, I have done my chores. I would like a robotic snake and a baby that moves.
like smiling critters clothes. I want a iphone 15. Jaelynn
I am a grat kid. I have trided to be the best kid ever. First, I have ben nice to my frinds and famly. Next, I have tried to be the best big brother to Owen. Finly, I have ben good this year. I wood really like a drone and I would like oakels sun.
I am a great kid. I have been extra good all year. First I have a great family. Next I have been good and been doing chores. Finally I listen to my family. I would really
1stPlace TillamookCounty
Dear Santa I am a great kid. I have been extra good all year. First, I been doing all my chores this year. Next, I have been good with my cousin. Finally, I have being good to my family. I would really like a elf on the shelf and a phone for me and my sister. Jayden
I want a brand new tablet. I also would like brand new toys. I have been helpful to my mom this year. I also helped on the farm. Thank you, Santa! And a dranoo Brati and a holtr and roop!
I would like a tablet. Please give my sister new shoes. Please give my mom a Santa shirt. My dad would like a drum set. Thank you. I’ve been a good girl all year.
Dear Santa, I wish I had a vr head set but my mom and my sister said no because it’s to expensive. So I hope you can get it for me because I been wanting to play on one.
Tiffany G.
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would really like a horse but i want two horse for me and my sister. Because me and my sister love horses and horses are me and my sister fav animal. But in the hole antiyer world I want every buddy to get 200 bucks and i whish for a new dog.
Dear Santa, I wuld like a new pc 5 for Christmas. And I wud like a vid gaoms to play for
Chrimas. But my dad is gow too biy a car.
Dear Santa, This is probably my first time writing a letter to you. I wish that I get something special for my Christmas gift. I hope you have a nice time delivering your presents to everyone. I want something special because I will be grateful for anything.
Dear Santa, I woht a Ferrari and a Lambo and two land nuishwos.
Dear Santa, I writing again it’s me. I want a red game boy, and minecraft legends service. i’m a good kid. Go kart. Money and coins. And
Mario brother ship game. I’ve been a good boy. Thank you santa.
DEAR SANTA, Can I gat a Lego Jeep to Play with Elijh and David.
Dear Santa, I would like some ex pokemon cards to beat Taj in a battle. I am out.
Dear Santa, I been bugging from back to 2022 I wish for 250 tickets to dodgers game and 250 for yankees those would be ok. If not maybe a VR headset. If not I still like you if you give on of these. yo ur the best.
Dear Santa, I need a iphon to surprise Isaiah and ice cream to eat it!! I’m a good kid!!
Dear Santa, I would like a russian hat, robux, Fc25 and new shoes.
Dear Santa Can i have a puniroo, & threaddy teddy and a puppy
Dear Santa, I would like a new iphone 15 10 lego sets and all the A to Z mystrie books and I have also been a very good kid this year.
Dear Santa, I wot a car why duseus I wot to drive. I wot a Lego sat why duseus eus. I wot to bidea car. I wot a Ferruri dyseus it is a car. I wot a lambo duseus it is a cool car. I wot a Jeep duseus I like it. please and thank you, Michael
It’s me agian. I wish for a pet snake for Christmas. Please make it snow this yaere so I can play in it. hav I ben nice or bad this yaer please tell me.
Dear Santa, I would like dragons to and Dinosrau and to snakes to ar toys to and a bragon hath dino and hath dino and hath snake to. dog toys to and frogs
Dear Santa,
Oh how I miss my elf yay it is almost December that means I can almost see elf.
Hi Santa I hope you can get me all the stuff that I want ok. Hopefully I can set up my Christmas tree.
Hi Santa I’m gonna put cookies on a plate.
Your Friend, Santi
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, I want a Kitten. And a nitendo Switch. A kuromi room and a new brother. Kuromi shoes.
Your Friend, Scarlett
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, I want a mini pool table and a PS5 and a 1Mil Vbuckes and robuckes and a 100 dollars and a puppey.
Your Friend, Aldo
Grade 3 (dual language)
Hi Santa, Thanks for the monster truck last year! It was in sane. Any ways I want you to enjoy your Chrismas this year. I will give you some food or snack.
Your Friend, KJ
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, I wold like 100 puppys! 100 toys.
Your Friend, Laura
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, I wont a unyendo swich and a VR and a Xbox
Your Friend, Tony
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, Yo quiero lo que sea pero lo que mas megusta es coloriar mucho y quiero marcadores por favor.
Your Friend, Nathen Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, All I want is any lego set.
Your Friend, Maxwell Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, Can I have stich stuff please please and pleasssse!!! STICH STUFF Please!!!!!!
Your Friend, Kristen
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, I know you really Santa. Your favorite cookies. I like cookies. What favorite song? I have cookie and I toys, Dear Santa. You good Santa.
Your Friend, Guadalupe
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, Yo quiero para navidad. Una tablet y un stitch gigante y una laptop.
Your Friend, Aislyn
Grade 3 (dual language)
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been good this year. This year I would like beast lab.
Your Friend, Charlie
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I have been 50% Good. This year I want
Your Friend, Ryder
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I ben wondering are you real real real Santa. I been good this year. I am from Tillamook, Oregon. How do you make the toys.
Your Friend, Jayden P
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? How are you doing? I have been amazing this year. This year I would like VR please. And I would like a Xbox.
Your Friend, Avery K
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been good this yea. This year I would like clothes, elves on the Shelf.
Your Friend, Yanell
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you doing? I have been good this year. 1. Something for my bruther, my bruther is two. 2. Coll. 3. Stuff for a arcade. 4. A fone. 5. A praneck box. 6. A very strong nerf gun. 7. Drums. 8.
A rodeot. Your Friend, Jack
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing on the toys? I have been good this year. This year I would like a max gardig chruck please.
Your Friend, Nash
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Crsmtsmat. How are you and Mrs. Clase doing and yoyup lol Barbie good. I have been good this year. And this nindo swch? Mos Dr Hedall? Here
Your Friend, Kaylynn
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? I hav ben amazing this year. This year I would like a phone please and a Xbox and a VR. How are you doing.
Your Friend, Ryleigh
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a finger scooter. I want a crf 110 honda for Christmas. I want plastick XS for my 110 year 20232019. I want a finger Bmx.
Your Friend, Warren
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Electric scooter nintendo switch roller skates slime ipad.
Your Friend, Rob
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Ive been a good girle. What I want for Christmas I want a squishmallow, dirt bike, ruberband kit, figets and four chickens for my mom, dad and Haylee. I want a ride on your slaygh. And don’t forget Haylee. By by Santa have a graet day.
Your Friend, Harper B
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a Joke book because I love teling jokes and I love book s so a joke book is a grat Chrismas gift. Your Friend, Allyson
Grade 2
Dear Sant, I wis for a hoverboard and thre uletrik biks and electrie SKodr and a car but not a electric.
Your Friend, Oliver
Grade 2
Luv you dear Santa
Dear Santa, May I please have a fart blaster, wach, hoverboard, Iphone 16, and a hug me.
Your Friend, Harper C.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a hoverboard. I want a makeup pack, and I want books. Toy kichien. Toy teacher desk. And I want roller skates. And I want a puppy. and I want new close. And I want a ipad. And I want nike. And I want a water bottle.
Your Friend, Harmony
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Lichlkskldr
Your Friend, Orlando
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a hoverboard because my brother has a hoverboard and he dusit let me on it. I also want slime a big slime.
Your Friend, Amelia
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Can I have a fartblaster and a hoverboard and lego cars a mini 3d printer a wach a remote control cars and slime a iphone 14.
Your Friend, Miles Grade 2
Dear Santa, I my rta scooter teck deck PS5 vbx bmx Aegbmx bcnbicktsolir
Your Friend, Case H Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a dun bugy remote control electric bike Bmx Bike gold lego lamborgini legferelle. Please all the stuff.
Your Friend, Aaron Grade 2
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a moving hachamle. And a Biger bike and a writing book kit. And some flintstones book’s. And a fish that look’s like my old fish Sandey. Rolerskates. And a hug! Or a note. Merry Christmas!!!!
Your Friend, Bailey T Grade 2
Dear Santa, Bike. S Christmas. Bik shsem hemineme mrcn sem hemetts mem hem tiedye kit mem heweme meme a meneni the lve leml lemimem Lem!
Your Friend, Jolene Grade 2
Dear Santa, For Christmas I’d like a puppy thank you for the caros I love Puppys
Your Friend, Bella Grade 2
Dear Santa, Please a Finger scooter. Your Friend, Matthew Grade 2
Dear Santa, I lot a havr dord and a no erexrit bike and a desik del and a dirye . Thank you Santa.
Your Friend, Axel D Grade 2
Dear Santa, Can I have a tie dye kit and a white shert to dye also a sun fwaoor blanket to sleplef popcorn boxes shoos nike shoos a Big Bing Bag and a prite marik grill dall and a dog for my amarikin grill dall and stuf for my dog I also lols and bbes a tent to pot ovr my bed and a majick mixe.
Your Friend, Briar Grade 2
Dear Santa, I would like an amzon kids plus tablet, please I would also like a toy dinosaur and a dentist toy.
Your Friend, Luis
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I would like 3 spiderman walkie talkies, a penquin pillow, a dinosaur pinball machine. And pokemon toys. Power ranger energon hot wheels.
Your Friend, Adain
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is McKenzie. I am so gratefull for your presents. For Christmas I want a 2 sets of horses and 2 sets of animals and coloring book. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas. I love you.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Paisley. I am so grateful for your presents.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I am so grateful for your presents. I want a computer and banme stufe pet snac and I want a picchr of you. I want a fare grain. Thank you so much. So I want a squishmallow.
Your Friend, Melody
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Zachry. I want a Roblox gift card, I want a fieyiplashe, I want a wodstool, I want a cool it zoo big, I want a wropin, I want urspokboo mrch. Ples and sak you.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Lane. I am so grateful for your presents. For Christmas I want a goojitsoo and a squishmallow also a book I also would like new clothes surprise me with the book and clothes. Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Jessamyn. I am so grateful for your presents. For Christmas! I want a soft blanket, a squishmallow, and a coloring book. Thank so much! Merry Christmas
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Evie. I am so grateful for your presents for Christmas. I want a soft blanket, a squishmallw and a coloring book. I also would like clothes.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Vencil. I am so grateful for your presents. For Christmis I want a GoKort, a minecraft blanket and a minecraft pilo. I also would like a Santa toy and cool ormee toys. Thank you so much. Merry Chrismis. Your Friend, Layten
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Owen C. I love the presents. For Christmas I want
a lego minecraft set, and a minion plush. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Avery. I am so grateful for your presents. For presents for a skwichmelo and cool books and a big lufe. Thank you so much!
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Dog and cat. I hav a dog. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas. Your Friend, Leo
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Julio. I am so grateful for you presents for Christmas. I want avbux and a bike. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Liam H. I am so grateful for your presents for Christmas. I want a guche chan please and thank you and I want a VR hedset and a RC and I want a guche whoch. May I have guche clothes. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Cambrie or Cam. I am so grateful for your presents for Christmas. A toy it sem fun it
has a chaier and d hoos and I wont a nele hoos. Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Rieger. I am so gratful for your presents for Christmas. I and a gldin chane and a gldin woch and a yoyo and a new close and a new tablit.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, My name is Layten. Cany mack me a latop and a soft blakit and red and black skodr and a depolan woven lego set go hekcles and Merry Christmans.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wat thor one puppes. A yogu got. And a pet buny. A stutne is hare potr squisbe.
Your Friend,
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a Hot Wheels track. A toy car also. I want a sepider man blanket.
Your Friend, Andrew
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I love the presents that you give me every year. Espeshely the rollerskates you got me that year. I use them a lot. I do not care what you get me this year I am
happy with what ever you get because Christmas is not all about presents it is about spending time with family and friends. Your Friend, Kinsley Brin R.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish for a dinosaur. I wish for a cookies. I wish you have a good day. I wish for a chapter book. I wish for a laptop. Dear Santa I want a phone. I wash for kitten and a cat. I wash for a candy.
Your Friend, Deuyiah Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish for a batman toy and phone and necklace and a puppy.
Your Friend, Taryn
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish for a Ronaldo shirt. And a phone and a laptob Your Friend, Roman Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wunt a chinchilla. I rillea wunt a PeaS5. I wunt a golf clubs. I want 400$.
Your Friend, Bodie Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish for Brunder tractor. A tedder for my tractor. RC El Toro Loco and Grave
Digger monster truck. Your Friend, Maverick J. Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a dog for Christmas. One for me and one for my friend. I also want a tarantula. Another thing I want is a racing hot wheel car or a remote control car.
Your Friend, Leo Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wont a pet cat. I want a another meme but I wont it to be blue. Your Friend, Leon Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish for a puppy and a baby doll and a lot of books unicorn diaries.
Your Friend, River D Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want some candy. And a grate Crismuss. Thank you! From Briley to you.
Grade 2
Dear Santa, Snow and yogugot Pet mshing
Your Friend, Stevie Grade 2
Dear Santa, I want a toy and a rowgody and a VR and a elf on the shelf.
Your Friend, Baz
Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wat a motrsikl. And a wach. And a hlaadrad pixe. And a gonea and to have it snow. And to have gode iuk. Ples Your Friend, Cedar Grade 2
Dear Santa, I wish that I had a VR. Pls Your Friend, Casey L Grade 2
Dear Santa, I would like a calico critter house!
Your Friend, Ava Grade 2
Dear Santa Clause, I wish for crismis a lot of hot wele stuff and snow and remote gchl car. Your Friend, Emilyn Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are doing? I have been very good this year. This year I would like a real pig and a pink stanly an a white desk and a pig card game and pig earrings and pig rings and pig shoes.
Your Friend, Maeve Grade 2
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a headset. I also want a Nintendo Switch. I would like a prize egg! Your Friend, Tmed
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been very good this year. This year Id like books these books exactly their called goosebumps. I want the books called the night of the living dummy 1 2 3 Your Friend, Lyka Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the rendeer? I have been good this year. This year I would like P Hore
Your Friend, Blake
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been awesome this year. This year I would like rc car.
Your Friend, Nikko
Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the elves. I have been good this year. This year I would like stich or Hello Kitty
Dear Santa, I wish fro a heo? Gam. I wish fro a bick. Your Friend, Sebastian Grade 3
Dear Santa, My names Maylia and wat I realy want for Chrismas I want famaly time and wat I want for a toy is a live pet puppy it a kind of toy if you can get it for me bat thats wat I want.
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wote for crismit is a 11000000 mile piahara dirt bike and a cuditi a xbox a ps5 a quad and a three wealer and a electric dirt bike 15 skuls mele and a agtessikue biosols and a mistr blom for P5 giad and 6 group
Your Friend, Zak
Grade 3
Dear Santa, Christmas List: 1. Ipad ipencile 2. Slime make a slime kit 3. Bike 4. Art kit 5. Headphones 6. Baby Yoda carpet 7. Baby dolls 8. VR headset
Your Friend, Kennedy
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want a cow blanket and a cow stuftanamail.
Your Friend, Emma
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I would like a shinunie Vserobo thgson, X Shaowgoame transfo. Diaoptimus and sentinelpn and Bumlbebee
Your Friend, Aron B
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I would like a squishmallow Barbie lipstick and Bluey plshie. I would also like a heisa dress. I would like a Elsapshy. Your Friend, Chloe
Grade 3
Dear Santa, Skatebord Splat 3
Your Friend, Bear
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wot a lot!! Of fegej!!!!!! Wen I men a lot I men al lot!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend, Porter
Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can I please have a 100$ robux and 100$ V-bucks card and 200$ robux cards!
Your Friend,
or a nuthr elves of a stufanall elve.
Your Friend, Reyna Grade 2
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus doweing? Tha good. I haf be good faw school and home.
Your Friend, Deliiah Grade 2
Dominic Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is a lot of Army Legos. And a phone and football gear.
Your Friend, Mason M Grade 3
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want soccer stuff like a Ronald jersey and many other famous soccer players.
Your Friend, Jaxon Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can I hav a football helmet a phone a lot ty stufes. Miltarye legos pet pug oals of dotey costom. Please for Christmas Please!
Your Friend, Amber, Grade 3
Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good this year. This year I would like a stufy that is a cat meows and it has kitty it is a roebot. And I wont my dad to tace me to Maeve J hows. Your Friend, Dresden Grade 2
Dear Santa, Can I have a stitch stuffey and can I have close. And some note book and some Stitch jackits and a baby cat and a baby dog. Stitch book corol pesler. Peser box. School spiley. Your Friend, Jazzminn Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want a nather goat that it looks like my old goat that died. An slime for my cousin. An a stich pijamas.
Your Friend, Sarah Grade 3
Dear Santa, I would relly like for you to get me a camra phone, toys, pompom pirih stuff and a dog pleas. Love, Everly Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can I have a hippopotamus please. Can I have a lot of squismelows and a hamster please. A pet spider. A phone. I have bin good Your Friend, Delilah Grade 3
Dear Santa, Ive been good this year For Christmas can I get a kitty please and mabey slime, sqishmellos and Lego. Also cat toy’s for my cat Mr. and some robux and v-bucks for my brother it’s ok if you cant do this all bye. Your Friend, Isabella M Grade 3
Dear Santa, Hi Santa. 10 Pokemib Oacjs, 100 robux gift card, star wars lego set, powerful nerf gun, elite trainer pack, electric scooter, Pokemon Packs (any), Santa can I please have these please.
Your Friend, Ian
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a new dirt bike for Christmas. I also wood
like a new phone. Maybe a terrifiior3 cosume. A fake axe. Your Friend, Phoenix
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want a phone for Christmas. A Razor, I think. I have been good again.
Your Friend, Maria
Grade 3
Dear Santa, First, can I please get
football cards thank you. Also, I want legos and nerf guns. Next, I also want polemon cards and 1,000.000 robux gift card. Lastly, all the football cards. In conclusion I just tol you what I want for Christmas please.
Your Friend, James L.
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I please want a big lego set and a wiring kit (in Lego) engineering
kit and pleeaaaaase just mabey just mabey a phone. sorry maby to much to ask for
Your Friend, Oheg
Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can I hav a lot of stufys for Christmas. Ok Santa you gave me a lot of good stuf but can you not ery pete it this year just giv me a lot of coloring books and stufys.
Your Friend,
Tobias Grade 3
Dear Santa, For Chrismas I what a vivter robot and vododoll of every and uh mabey a ipone and a big shquishmellw that a pug and sinamroll stuff.
Your Friend, Persephone G Grade 3
Dear Santa, For Christmas can I have a play station five
and I want a iphone 16 promax and 10 thousand v-bucks and ten thousand robux please please please thank you, Santa. Love Lane O. Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can I have a VR headset. Also can I have anuther puppy to play with Bella and me. And a huvrbord with ramboelites. And ples let me have eneof money to beie a hose. Your Friend, Recky Grade 3
Dear Santa, I realy want a autograph please Santa. also I want a new bed I’m geting older. Also I realy want a new bike with stars. I would like a new house too please. Also I want a new fire tablet please. To Santa also a pictures from you. Thank you Santa!
Your Friend, Ella J
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want nicely asking you for yarn and crochet hooks. Thank you.
Your Friend, Emma Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want Legos up, drawing kit, small t.v., nike shos siz 1 kid but not baby, 1,000 doller’s. Have a great day.
Your Friend, Ava Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wont heles Poleman cards maeck up a giat nerg gun. A lego gun. 1 m dollars
Your Friend, Etta Grade 3
Dear Santa, This year I want a 15 pond bo and ted-deks and a toy.
Your Friend, Oakley Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wish for color Pencils and markers
Your Friend, Selene
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wont a crom book and a goldin mr. best toys or that ups I gviod and a mckroskop
Your Friend, Porter
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I wood like 1,000 doy have a good day and I wood like makup
Your Friend, Faith
Grade 3
Dear Santa, Ma I please hav cinamarole shoes and a back pack and clothes and toys and cinamarole everything. Your Friend, Alexis
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I’m 8. I’m kind. Can you bring snow? Or? Can you bring Barbis? Your Friend, Skylar
Grade 3
Dear Santa, For Krismes I wunt 100000$ dollars for krismes and a farm a rely farm.
Your Friend, Sam
Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want Taylor Swift tickets to her concert but I know that is inposable I would do anything to have them.
Your Friend, Natalie Grade 3
Dear Santa, I would like a rc car a flat screen tv 70in a phone a tablit a dumbbell so I can work out 5 milly in mooly a house 5 manshins.
Your Friend, Daxton Grade 3
Dear Santa, Can you pleas give me a basketball Barbie and a vollyball barbie and a hatchamale. May I pleas have a my meddadie toy and a Bit Kitty corn egg. And a puppy.
Your Friend, Madisyn Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want a bike and some Barbies. And some makeup. I would like baby dolls and clothes and shoes and socks. Also some fidgets. And backpacks with stuff. Also a water bottle and lunch box.
Your Friend, Lacy Grade 3
Dear Santa, I want dragons, star wars, harry potter, mario, Kirby, minecraft
and hotwort’s legancey and a 3D printer and a printe and books.
Your Friend, Clyde Grade 3
Dear Santa, Hello Santa can I please have some fedstadls and Legoes and hot weels please and some shoes Santa thank you Santa. Your Friend, James P Grade 3
Dear Santa, I need a new xbox because my old xbox is makes my tv pink so plese get me a new xbox
Your Friend, Benny Grade 3
Dear Santa, May I plesy hav 100000 memaw’s. Your Friend, Lily
Grade 3
RING IN 2025 with this exquisite Bay View Home! SELLER RELOCATING QUICK SALE NEEDED! NEW CONSTRUCTION 2022 - In the hills above Bay City Town Center, this incredible Tillamook Bay/Pacific Ocean View home, built by top local builder Barry Boring/ Banks Construction! 9065 8th Bay City$999,500 - MLS 24-345 Roger Cooper 503-367-6911
STEP INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT with this cozy 1 bed/1 bath home! Perfectly located to easily enjoy all the local holiday festivities minutes from your doorstep! Open floor plan, ductless heat pump, fully fenced backyard, room for RV/boat parking. Located at 1010 Grove Ave, Tillamook - $255,000MLS 24-544 Alison Underwood 503-812-0377
ALREADY LOOKS LIKE A GINGERBREAD HOUSE and it features a sizable blue-water ocean view. Most affordable house in Oceanside right now with 2 bdrms 2 full baths, LVP flooring, fireplace, oversized single garage. 5430 Grand Ave, Oceanside - $435,000 - MLS 24-636 Pam Zielinski 503-880-8034
VIEW INCLUDES GARIBALDI’S HOLIDAY LIGHTED boats going in and out of the marina. This heritage quality custom architect designed home is luxurious and built with a preference for natural materials and enduring craftsmanship. Unbeatable views include the entire bay, Miami Cove, city lights of Garibaldi & the marina, Coast Guard boathouse & pier, Cape Meares & the ocean beyond. 614 Ginger Ave, Garibaldi$1,900,000 – MLS 24-480 Pam Zielinski 503-880-8034
HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT at it’s merriest with this home’s open concept Kitchen-Dining-Living Room combo! 3 bed/2.5 bath includes a beautiful primary en suite, newly updated bathrooms/fixtures, 2 car garage, fully fenced yard, just minutes from the bay & ocean. Located at 11540 Mar Sea Ln, Nehalem - $697,000 - MLS 24-633 Alison Underwood 503-812-0377
EASY TO HANG HOLIDAY LIGHTS on a 1-Level house! And this one is located across the street from the oceanfront and has a wide oceanview and a hot tub. Furnishings & appliances included and the STR license is transferrable. 3 bdrms 1.5 baths + detached garage. 2665 Radar Rd, Oceanside$699,000 – MLS 24-624 Pam Zielinski 503-880-8034
THE HOLIDAY HORIZON lights up with December shrimp & crab boats. No need to decorate a tree inside when your home is surrounded by gorgeous evergreens which will not interfere with the panoramic view. Ultra-modern custom styling. Santa will love this house because it has 3 fireplaces. 3006 sq ft, 4 bdr + 3 multiuse rooms, 3.5 baths. 8350 Ridgewood, Oceanside - $1,399,000 –MLS 24-219 Pam Zielinski 503-880-8034
IMAGINE THIS CUTE GINGERBREAD house on your 95x212ft building lot on a street of lovely homes. Underground utilities are stubbed to the lot. Private paved road ends a short distance from this lot. Located across street from Forest zoned land. Lot 224 on Holly Heights Av, Netarts. - $100,000 – MLS 24-678 Mark Stewart 503-906-4904
YOU MUST BE ON THE NICE LIST! Santa is bringing you a SHORT-TERM RENTAL LICENSE w/this adorable beach cottage! 3 Beds /1 Bath and everything looks merry and bright! Completely remodeled and ready for your next adventure. 476 S. Hwy 101, Rockaway - $475,000 MLS 24-529 Mary Kay Campbell 503-354-4501