SHC 10-24-12

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The Chronicle

Scappoose wraps up third straight Cowapa League title, Page B1 Wednesday October 24, 2012

Candidates prep for elections BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

In our continuing coverage of local elections, we look at county commissioner candidates Wayne Mayo, who is running for PosiWayne Mayo tion No. 1, and current commissioner Tony Hyde, who is running for Position No. 3. Tony Hyde We asked each candidate four questions about the county’s economy, budget and their positions on the proposed coal export projects. For the full answers to all four questions and the candidate bios, go online to Q: If Columbia County experiences a shortfall for the next fiscal year's budget, what cuts or changes would you propose to balance the budget? Mayo: There’s no “if” about it. The shortfall is here. The reason? Diminishing property tax receipts, timber receipts, and a budget-busting 45 percent increase in PERS retirement liability starting in 10 weeks. I disagree with short-term solutions like last year’s decision to move $200,000 from county parks to the general fund. This left a gap-

Showers likely PAGE B3

TODAY’S WEATHER Highs to 48 Lows to 39

75¢ Vol. 130, No. 42 18 Pages

100 jobs lost “with closing of Boise plant

SHARI PHIEL / The Chronicle

Boise Inc. announced on Oct. 16 it would shut down operations on its one remaining machine come Dec. 31.

BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

ST. HELENS — Last week’s announcement that Boise Inc. will permanently shut down its one remaining paper machine at the company’s St. Helens paper mill came as little surprise to some, a shock to others. But the impacts of the closing will be felt throughout the community. Shutting down the H2 machine will result in the loss of an estimated 105 jobs. Production on the machine will end Dec. 31. “This is a difficult but necessary decision to focus our efforts and resources on the products and machines elsewhere in our system that drive the financial performance and cash flow of our paper operations,” said Alexander Toeldte, president and chief executive officer of Boise Inc., in a statement. The closing of the plant comes nearly four years after the company laid off 300 mill workers in November of 2008, citing rising costs for wood fiber, energy and chemicals in its production as contributing factors. Boise shut down paper machines 1 and 4 at that time. “This is not good news by any stretch,” said Columbia County Commissioner Tony Hyde. The commissioners met with Boise executives on

Despite the dedication and hard work of our employees, we have concluded the machine cannot compete in the marketplace over the long-term. We thank all of our employees, customers, suppliers, and the community who have supported this operation over so many years.” Alexander Toeldte President and CEO, Boise Inc.

Oct. 16, the same day the announcement was made. “It seems that their perspective is that they are changing their product line. They have decided they are no longer going to be in the paper business. They’re going to put all their focus on cardboard.” Hyde said the value of the property, with its access to rail and a deep-water port, is not lost on Boise. “They have already committed to purposing that property as soon as possible. There is some ray of hope on the horizon,” Hyde said. Cascade Tissue Group will continue to operate a paper-making machine at Boise's St. Helens mill. “Despite the dedication and hard work of our employees, we have concluded the machine cannot compete in the marketplace over the

long-term. We thank all of our employees, customers, suppliers, and the community who have supported this operation over so many years. We will work closely with our customers and suppliers to ensure a smooth transition," Toeldte said. Eligible salaried employees will be offered severance packages and outplacement assistance. Negotiations will be scheduled with the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers Union (AWPPW) Local 1 to determine the effect for union employees. “We are going to be meeting with Boise, with their human resources department, to set up some orientation sessions. We’re ready to do that as soon as possible,” said Karin Miller, county manager for MTC

Works. “At that time, we will survey the employees and see what they would like. Are they interested in training funds, do they just want help with applications and resumes or getting registered in iMatch? Then we will design some services around those surveys.” Miller also said the agency will begin to look for funding to provide those services. “We’re going to be looking at going to the state and to the federal government for training dollars if there’s enough interest,” she said. In third quarter 2012, Boise recognized approximately $31 million of pretax costs related to ceasing operations at the mill. This includes approximately $7 million of employee-related and other costs, most of which it expects to pay in early 2013; approximately $10 million of cash costs for future site remediation, which the company expects to pay out over a longer term; and approximately $14 million in non-cash charges related primarily to the impairment of property, plant, and equipment. For many in the county, this latest closure only highlights the need to bring in new businesses and new jobs to Columbia County. “We’re always talking to people interested in moving out here to CoSee BOISE, Page A3


INSIDE Classified Ads . . . . . . . . B4 Legal Notices. . . . . . . . . . B4-6 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . A6 Opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Out & About . . . . . . . . . A8 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Sports . . . . . . . . . B1-3, 7-8 TV Guide . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3

Tax roll has few surprises BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

Property tax bills have begun appearing in homeowners’ mailboxes. This year’s tax roll saw an increase of just over $1 million. The total tax to be collected this year is $55.98 million as compared to $54.91 million for the 2011-12 tax year. The list of Columbia County’s top taxpayers saw few changes. While the majority of those on the county’s top 20 taxpayers list were also on last year’s top 20 list, there were a few changes. The top 20 taxpayers represent about $8.51 million. That’s up by about 2.5 percent from last year’s $8.28 million.

These 20 taxpayers also represent a total assessed value of $861 million. That’s compared to $927 million in real market values. Not on the list this year is Brix Maritime Company, Enerfin Resources, and the Qwest Corporation. These three companies represented about $360,000 in taxes. Three companies added to the top 20 list this year were Bascom Pacific, CenturyLink and Northwest Aggregates, representing about $477,000 in taxes. The county’s top five taxpayers are: Northwest Natural ($1.9 million); U.S. Gypsum ($1.26 million); Portland General Electric ($1.08 million); Armstrong World Industries ($521,000) and Longview Timberlands ($503,000).

Noticeably absent from that list of the top five is Boise White Paper, which recently announced it was closing its H2 mill and reducing more than 100 jobs come Dec. 31. Boise was in eighth place last year with $299,000 in taxes and in ninth place this year with $302,000 in taxes.

Head-on crash injures four

Courtesy photo

A head-on crash between a 1995 Ford F150 truck and a 1990 Mazda Protegé resulted in four people being injured.

Oregon State Police is continuing its investigation into a two-vehicle, head-on crash along U.S Highway 30 near Rainier on Oct. 20. The crash resulted in critical injuries to one person and injuries to four others, including two children. Around 10:30 p.m., a 1995 Ford F150 pickup driven by Nathan Edward Reeves, 37, of St. Helens, was southbound on Highway 30 near milepost 44 when he apparently attempted to pass another vehicle and collided head-on with a northbound 1990 Mazda Protegé driven by Jacquelyn Bouchard, 25, from Longview. Reeves, who was not using safety restraints, was transported to Oregon Health & Science University, where he is listed in critical condition. Bouchard and three of her four passengers were injured and transported to area hospitals. The injured three passengers are identified as right front passen-

ger Andrew B. Perry, 29, from Longview; Monica B. Perry, 7; and, Aahlyah Marie Perry, 6. Their injuries do not appear to be life-threatening. The fourth passenger, a 2-year old girl in a child safety seat, was not injured. The two adults and two children were using safety restraints or in a child booster seat. The three children were in the rear seating positions. OSP troopers from the St. Helens and Astoria offices are continuing the investigation. Alcohol is being investigated as a contributing factor on the part of driver Reeves. OSP was assisted at the scene by local fire personnel and officers from Columbia County Sheriff's Office, Rainier Police Department, Clatskanie Police Department, and Oregon Department of Transportation. Highway 30 was closed at the crash scene until 2 a.m.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

ELECTION: focus on future of Columbia County National Honor Society inducts new members

From PAGE A1

ping hole in the parks budget. Long-term solutions must be the subject. If the current perfect storm of economic conditions teaches us anything, it’s that we can no longer build future budgets anticipating an economic model that no longer exists. Typically labor contract negotiations have led to the firing of the last hired and the reduction in service days. I want to stop laying off the last hired, reducing services, and deferring maintenance. There must be other longterm solutions. Perhaps developing Columbia County mining royalties similar to Alaska’s oil royalties could be discussed. A $5.20 increase in the depletion fee per truckload of gravel would net $800,000/year now and double that when the economy picks up. Development at Port Westward would be a genuine benefit to the county budget. Even more significantly, it would demonstrate a willingness to welcome industry back to the county. Hyde: We have already started to prepare for another tight budget year. Our strategy for creating a budget that can still deliver services is twofold. First, we are putting the bulk of the federal forest payment that we will be receiving in December into re-

serve for next year. Second, we must be vigilant to insure that no more cuts to Counties come from the next state legislative session. We must work diligently to find a solution to the federal forest issue that will resolve federal forest management, and return jobs and revenue to Columbia County. Fully funded, Columbia County would receive $2.4 million dollars in the SRS program. That alone would wipe out any budget shortfall for FY13-14. This will not be our first year of belt tightening and, certainly, it will not be our last. Like many family budgets in Columbia County right now, we simply will have to weather the economic downturn, while trying to provide the best service possible. There have been suggestions that we should raise taxes and fees. Again, understanding that the economic downturn is affecting us all, this is simply not an option worth considering. Long term, we must continue to increase the value of the county and find a way to reform PERS.

Q: Do you support either the Kinder Morgan or Ambre Energy coal export terminal proposed projects? Why? Mayo: Kinder Morgan isn’t yet convinced it will be profitable for them so this may be a lively discussion

about nothing. The Port of St. Helens has wisely put a tonnage charge on coal transported via rail which can be used to upgrade crossings, overpasses, glassed in overpasses for bikes, whatever the four effected towns agree they need. If Kinder Morgan rail decides on the Port of Astoria, we get nothing except traffic. Ambre Energy’s barging proposal is a much better fit; good jobs, financial benefits, and barges built by hires recruited at job fairs offered in Columbia County. If Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore continue with current suppliers, the Pacific Ocean air and water sheds will grow increasingly polluted with dangerous trace minerals. They won’t stop importing coal. Powder River coal has far lower sulfur, arsenic and mercury (recently the WSJ reported that China was bringing a new coal electric plant on line one a week). The National Council on Compensation Insurance has set the rate on those who onload/offload coal at $4.98/$100 of payroll, 40 percent the $11.93/$100 paid by grain, gravel, or wheat handlers. These rates are followed by 48 states including Oregon. Should we outlaw grain, gravel, and wheat because it’s considered more dangerous to health by those who truly know?

D.R. Garrison, CPA, PC

Income Taxes


Estate Transfer Tax is alive & well! Planning ahead will help! Prepared with a Sharp Pencil

The St. Helens H.S. Chapter of the National Honor Society has inducted six new students into its membership. The students are: Hanna Opdahl, Tatyanna Collier, Tori Bair, David Sumsion, Cody Galvin and Andrew Gray. The induction ceremony is being planned and will take place soon at the high

school. Membership in National Honor Society is selective. Members must qualify by meeting a GPA requirement of 3.5. Members must also demonstrate qualifications in the areas of service, character, scholarship and leadership. The next induction of new members will take place in the spring of 2013.

Consignment mall celebrates grand opening ReWork ReStore resale and consignment mall will host its grand opening party on Oct. 27 beginning with a ribbon cutting ceremony at noon. There will also be games and treats for children and re-

freshments for adults – along with doorbuster prizes from 12:30—2:30 p.m. and spooktacular savings. ReWork ReStore is at 114 S. 17th St., in St. Helens. For more information, call (503) 410-5660.

MORE ONLINE Read more of the questions and answers posed to the candidates at

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Hyde: Coal. I have said from the beginning that I would have to see “five smiling mayors in tow” before I could even consider the proposal. By that I mean that coal trains would have to have broad community support across the county, and, frankly, I think that is unattainable. Our rail system is single tracked and, in its current condition, very close to capacity. We are working hard to create more jobs in Columbia County and even though the proposal would create jobs, I believe in the long run it would be short sighted. We shouldn’t mortgage our remaining capacity to move freight for our current and future for traded sector industries, not to mention our livability, for the sake of a few jobs now. As for the barge proposal, if they can meet Oregon’s high standards and prevail in the stringent federal permitting and regulatory process, then I could support it. Especially with the addition of 105 family wage jobs, support for local schools and more property tax revenue.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Food for thought: Conveniently National Food Day BY VALERIE WALKER For The Chronicle

The Chronicle welcomes our newest columnist, Valerie Walker, food systems coordinator at the Columbia Pacific Food Bank. Valerie will be providing insightful and essential information about the foods we eat, where they come from and what we should know about them. Right now I’m eating some “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos” and they’re delicious. Chester Cheeto is sliding across the picture with flames coming off the soles of his shoes, he’s holding a giant Cheeto, breathing fire and appears to be lovin’ it. I’m lovin’ them, too. They are everything I want them to be. Crunchy, savory, a little tangy and not hot at all, but they have a certain kick to them that makes me feverishly shove one after another into my mouth. I know I shouldn’t eat too many because they’re bad for me, but I’m hungry/bored and want to eat the whole “new bigger size” bag. As I try to restrain myself by rolling closed the bag (for the third time in 10 minutes) and lick my fingers I skip over the nutrition facts (I already know they’ll make me fat) and look at the block of text that is the ingredients list. I’m curious to see what foodstuffs I’m actually eating. The front of the bag describes the delectable morsels inside as “Cheese Flavored Snacks.” I understand the words “cheese” and “flavor” but the word “snack” is

where things get a little murky for me. A snack could be anything: A few carrots, a small sandwich, popcorn, a cup of pudding, a handful of grapes, a couple Valerie Walker bites off of last night’s pot roast sitting in the frig… what is a snack? It turns out that those crunchy caveman club-shaped “snacks” of fried goodness are made of “enriched corn” which is then followed by a parenthetical list of unpronounceable words. My eyes lock on the next word I can read, “vegetable oil.” Turns out vegetable oil is a cocktail of oils made of many veggies. I’m ok with that, though. Oil is oil, right? The next ingredient is my favorite: “Flamin’ Hot Seasoning.” I skip past all of this. Three-quarters of the ingredient list is filled with all sorts of colors (colors as ingredients?), science-y words and a plethora of dairy derived ingredients; all the way to the bottom of the square of innards that ends with “and salt.” I’m amused that this is the last, presumably least used, ingredient since salt was said about a dozen different ways before we got to “and salt.” I look at the words “natural flavor” and “sodium diacetate” that are mixed in and wonder what they mean. Which flavors? And natural versus what… unnatural? The fact

that it has been specified that there are natural flavors suggests that the rest are unnatural. How can food be unnatural? You mean to tell me that Cheetos don’t grow in uniform-weighted bags on trees that fall and litter the ground with individually sealed, portable, never-never spoil packages of tastiness? Can children not rake together fluffy, brightly colored piles of Cheetos? Well, if that’s not the case, where do Cheetos come from? October 24 is National Food Day and, conveniently for the debut of this column, today. It is a day set apart to challenge people to think about where their food comes from and what they’re putting into their bodies. There are a variety of events going on all over the county in celebration, even in our beloved St. Helens. Tonight at 5:15 p.m. at the St. Helens Public Library there will be a free showing of the movie “Fresh” which highlights some of the things we might not have considered before when shopping at the grocery store, but probably should. This is the first of more food-based columns meant to get you to think about food

and its many sides, as well as what is specifically happening here in Columbia County. You won’t get any tasty recipes from me because I don’t really like to cook all that much (read Grey and Trent’s column for that). But just because I don’t like to cook doesn’t mean food doesn’t affect me, my community or the world. I have spent the past year exploring role of food in the county with the help of Columbia Pacific Food Bank and Oregon Food Bank. I tried to piece together a picture of food in the county. In my quest I have met farmers, consumers, chefs, worked with folks from various public and private organizations, spoken with school officials, home gardeners and local emergency food sites alike. I have spent time perusing the local history books at the library and county historic society’s treasures and have been amazed at the rich agricultural history the area has and what is still quietly happening today all around the county. Check in with me from time to time and I’ll show you how food is more than just what you eat. Together we’ll explore how you can use food to make not only your community stronger, but you and your family too.

BOISE: facility has been looked at for biomass, bioenergy From PAGE A1 lumbia County,” said Kevin Owens, board member for the Columbia County Economic Team and general manager of Columbia River PUD. Owens said the facility has been looked at in the past by companies looking to implement biomass or bioenergy products. “They have a lot of adjacent property that people have looked at developing in response to RFPs that PGE or other utilities looking for land to develop,” Owens said. One impact that could affect residents throughout the St. Helens area is the company’s contribution to St. Helens’ water treatment costs. Boise petitioned – and received – a reduction to the company’s contribution rate in October of 2011. The rate adjustment was the result of an appeal filed by Boise after the St. Helens City Council voted to reduce




Annual SHEDCO town hall meeting Oct. 30 ST. HELENS – The St. Helens Economic Development Corporation will hold its annual town hall meeting at the St. Helens Best Western at 585 S. Columbia River Hwy., on Oct. 30 from 5–8 p.m. Everyone in the community is invited to come and enjoy some refreshments and participate in the program. SHEDCO will review goals identified at last year’s town hall meeting, the group’s accomplishments over the last 12 months, and work to identify the goals and priorities for the coming 12 months. SHEDCO invites the public to join them as they sort through the many needs of the community and work to identify new goals and projects that will help improve the city. For anyone interested in joining SHEDCO or who would just like to volunteer for projects, this is a great opportunity to get a firsthand look at what SHEDCO does and how.

the paper company's contribution from 67 percent to 60.5 percent. Boise had originally requested their contribution be reduced to just 54 percent. “The council set at a stepped down amount that split the difference between 67 percent and 56 percent,” said then-city manager Chad Olson. “Boise appealed that based upon actual loading that is going into the plant and the TAC's (technical advisory committee) recommendation.” Under the revised rate structure, Boise's rate was based on actual usage as long as the company's loading stayed above 56 percent. If the company’s usage dropped below 56 percent at any time during the next 12 months, Boise paid a minimum of 56 percent. Now that those 12 months are up and Boise’s usage of the city’s infrastructure will again decline, the company may ask for further reductions.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For Record the


POLICE REPORTS St. Helens Police Department Oct. 7 – A man reported the theft of items from his storage unit. Oct. 7 – Randal S. Turner, 49, was arrested for driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Oct. 8 – A man reported numerous items were stolen from his storage unit. Oct. 10 – Sierra Rae Bahl, 23, was arrested for theft and probation violation after taking an iPod from a vehicle. Oct. 11 – An outdoor marijuana grow was seized. Oct. 11 – Christopher Lloyd Williams, 23, was arrested for violation of a release agreement and an outstanding Columbia County Circuit Court warrant. Williams was cited for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. Oct. 13 – Juliann St. Helen was cited for careless driving after being involved in a motor vehicle accident on Bachelor Flat Rood and Parkwood Drive. Oct. 13 – Two people reported the theft of items from their vehicles while they were parked in the 2000 block of Columbia Blvd. Oct. 13 – A male juvenile was referred to the juvenile department for theft and being a minor in possession of tobacco following a shoplift incident at WalMart. Oct. 13 – Amber N. Campbell, 25, was arrested on an outstanding Multnomah County warrant. Oct. 14 – A sexual misconduct situation is under investigation. Oct. 15 – Jacob Daniel Bishop, 30, was arrested for sex abuse and sodomy. Oct. 15 – Three female juveniles were referred to the juvenile department for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. Oct. 16 – A male adult was reported as a missing person. Oct. 16 – A man reported a burglary at his residence. Oct. 16 – Kelly Sue Clifton, 46, was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants. Oct. 17 – A man reported the theft of an item from his vehicle

while it was parked at his residence. Oct. 17 – A male juvenile was transported to a Portland hospital on a mental hold after he cut his wrists. Oct. 17 – A woman reported the theft of a bicycle from Safeway. Oct. 17 – A man reported the theft of a powered bicycle and trailer from his residence. Oct. 18 – Randy Eagleston was cited for careless driving following a motor vehicle accident at Gable Road and Highway 30. Oct. 18 – A male adult stole two lottery receipts from an individual at America’s Best Value Inn. Scappoose Police Department Oct. 2 – Police are conducting an investigation of an injury hit-and-run accident that occurred on Columbia River Highway near SW EM Watts Road. Oct. 14 – Following a traffic stop on Columbia River Highway near SW Walnut Street, Nicholas Horsey, 23, was taken into custody for driving under the influence of intoxicants (alcohol). He was cited and released at the Columbia county Jail. Oct. 15 – Police assisted Scappoose Fire District on Highway 30 near Cornelius Pass Road with a vehicle fire. Oct. 17 – Police responded to Scappoose High School on a report of theft II. Oct. 17 – Rodney Wheeless, 46, was taken into custody for violating his probation out of the Scappoose Municipal Court. He was lodged into the Columbia County Jail. Oct. 17 – Police responded to Scappoose High School on a report of theft II. Oct. 19 – Police responded to the Wigwam Tavern for an audible alarm. Columbia County Sheriff’s Office Oct. 12 – A caller came home to the 74000 block of Apiary Road and found the kitchen door kicked in and unknown items were missing. An investigation is

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continuing. Oct. 12 – Deputies responded to a single vehicle rollover crash in the 78000 block of Quincy Mayger Road. There is suspicion alcohol was involved. The suspected driver fled the scene prior to CCSO’s arrival. An investigation is continuing. Oct. 13 – Timothy R. Griffith, 43, of Rainier was arrested for driving while suspended following a traffic violation in the 29000 block of Dike Road. Oct. 13 – Robin Cole Ryerse, 34, of Beaverton was arrested for possession, manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance (marijuana) following a traffic violation near Anliker and Nicolai roads. MORE ONLINE Read more Police Reports at

Scappoose Fire District Backyard burning season has opened. Residents need to obtain a burning permit first, either by logging onto and printing a permit or by coming to Scappoose Fire District. Each day they wish to burn, they need to check and see if burning is allowed that day by calling (503) 543-3590 and listening to the “burn day information line.” It is only legal to burn paper, cardboard and dry yard debris. Oct. 15-21 – Units provided 10 medical transports to hospitals and eight medical assessments without transport. Oct. 16 – Scappoose Fire investigated a backyard burn pile on Columbia River Highway. Oct. 16 – Units investigated a possible natural cover fire on Melling Drive. They did not find a fire.

Oct. 17 – Units responded to a reported possible illegal burn on Branch Road. It was an authorized burn. Oct. 17 – Personnel assisted a resident with the removal of a ring at Rose Valley Assisted Living Facility. Oct. 17 – Personnel responded to a reported possible illegal burn on Miller Road. It was an authorized burn. Oct. 17 – Units responded to a reported possible illegal burn on Branch Road. It was an authorized recreational burn. Oct. 18 – Units responded to a reported possible illegal burn on SW EM Watts Road. A violation was issued for the illegal burning of garbage. Oct. 18 – Personnel responded to a hazardous material oil spill at Automobilia on SW Joe’s Drive. They investigated and assisted SPD, DEQ and EPA with the investigation.

It’s possible large quantities of oil and water were dumped. Oct. 18 – A possible natural cover fire was reported on NW St. Helens Road. Personnel were unable to locate the fire. Oct. 19 – Units investigated smoke in the area of SW EM Watts Road. Nothing was found. Oct. 19 – Personnel provided public assistance on SW Fir Lane and SW Walnut Street. Oct. 19 – Units investigated a reported illegal burn on Columbia River Highway. They were unable to locate it. Oct. 19 – Personnel provided public assistance on Canary Lane. MORE ONLINE Read more Fire Reports at


Wednesday, October 24, 2012






Voters should support 5-228 On Nov. 7, St. Helens residents will be asked to support an operating levy to fund police services within the city. Measure 5-228, named the Police Local Option Levy, asks voters to authorize a tax of $1.00 for every $1,000 of assessed property value. Revenue raised by the levy would fund day to day operations of the St. Helens Police Dept. Voters should support 5228. Since 2005, the number of sworn officers has dropped from 25 to 16. Response times to resident’s calls have increased from slightly over 3 minutes to nearly 30 minutes in some

cases. Investigative functions have been sharply curtailed and office hours reduced as administrative personnel have been cut. The police department’s ability to provide 24/7 protection for the community is in serious jeopardy. The lack of sufficient funding for the police department is symptomatic of a greater problem the city faces; declining tax revenues. Taxes from industries like Boise, which funded a major portion of the city’s operating budget, have evaporated as those businesses have closed up shop. City leaders have a serious problem with the budget that is

only going to get worse in coming years. Measure 5-228 won’t solve all the fiscal problems the city faces, but it will ensure one vital service, police protection, remains adequately funded. In the face of high unemployment and declining wages, voters are right to expect government to live within it’s means, but lack of this basic service makes the city less attractive to businesses, increases crime and lowers the standard of living for all of us. It’s a wise investment in our community.

selves against the advice of the finance committee, or even bothered to show up for work most of the time. Their meetings to take any action must be taking place in secret because they no longer have work sessions and further refuse to make decisions in their public meetings. There is no other way I can see for them to get anything done that they claim credit for. We need new blood to get our county moving again and that means two new commissioners in Wayne Mayo and Tammy Maygra. As for the sheriff, rumor has it he also took a raise and promoted his buddies to also get raises while getting rid of other employees. This from a man originally elected who claimed that money was no issue but is now out not only for re-election but to try again to get a levy passed. It would be interesting to find out if he has not only collected the bed fees for inmates brought in from other cities, counties, and out of state but has gotten that money (if collected) back from the county general fund. I would agree with his original statement throughout his original election that there is already plenty of money, if only it was used wisely. Again, we need new blood and that will mean voting for Dave Fuller for my part. Remember voters, it is really our money they are all using or trying to get out of our dwindling pocket books. The way I see it I will be voting for Wayne Mayo and Tammy Maygra for the respective commissioner positions they are seeking because both of them have to be elected to make a change. I will also be voting for Dave Fuller, sheriff. Hope you have had enough too and will join the rest of us voting this way.

that in fact, almost 100 percent of Ryan’s facts were accurate. Please investigate Mr. Ryan’s facts and Biden’s denials to see who is the liar I fully expected Biden’s pants to catch on fire or his nose to start growing at any given moment.

Don Patterson Publisher

LETTERS The Real Grange For more than a 100 years, the real Grange has been a part of communities throughout Oregon and other states across the U.S. A few months ago, proponents of a casino and entertainment center in Wood Village adopted the name “The Grange” for their development project tied to Ballot Measure 82 and 83. PDX Entertainment is a local Lake Oswego group and is backed by a Torontobased private equity firm called the Clairvest Group Inc. This group has raised millions of dollars to advertise their casino. The trend is that big spenders win the elections, so we the real Grange are very concerned. This group has infringed on the trademark name of the National Grange. An agreement was made between the National Grange and PDX Entertainment to drop and/or change the name, “The Grange,” after the November election. Warren Grange of Columbia County wants our local friends and neighbors to know that we are the “Real Grange” of the community and we are not affiliated with the casino. We support projects in our community: 4-H clubs, rodeo court, fairgrounds, Word 4 Thirds at Warren Grade School, Mega Egg Hunt, St. Helens Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, South County Chamber of Commerce, Community Scholarship Foundation, foster kids, CASA, Special Olympics, community meals and the local food bank. Eva Frost and members of the Warren Grange, Warren

Time for change Time is getting close to make our political voices heard. For me it will be an easy year to vote in Columbia County and Oregon because there are no incumbents that have acted on what the people have voted for. Our county commissioners have not acted on the prior voices of the voters regarding the health district funds or the property they took, on taxation options voted in but not collected, on the raises they gave them-

Georgia Keiper, St Helens Biden in denial Biden’s “Cheshire cat” smile, arrogant bombastic remarks and reprehensible interruptions certainly were indicative of who he really is. Many news channels reviewed Biden’s denial of Ryan’s facts only to discover

Caty Engen, Scappoose Important decisions Twenty days from the date I am writing this letter voters will be making some extremely important decisions – nationwide, statewide, countywide and citywide. It is so very important that you be well informed when you mark your ballot. Tammy Maygra has been a positive influence for our county for over 20 years. She has never previously run for a paid political position. She is currently chairperson of the Columbia Health District, a member of Citizen Advisory Planning Committee and a member of the newly formed Clean Columbia County, a quickly growing organization hoping to prevent train and river barge shipments of coal from passing through or past our county. She is the only county candidate to come out against coal shipments. She fought against LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) being piped through our county for shipment to foreign ports. She is the person instrumental in stopping the 38 cent per thousand tax collected for a hospital which was never built. Over $8 million of your tax money has disappeared. One tangible asset remaining is the Millard Road property. That property is now held in a warranty deed by the trustees for CHD who are attempting to sell it and credit the taxpayers with over $3 million. Tony Hyde and his fellow commissioners want to turn the property over to the City of St. Helens for free with no tax credit to the taxpayers. Maygra has collected a fraction of the amount of her opponent, mostly from small local individual contributors. She is opposed to asking for money for her campaign. In contrast, her opponent, Tony

Hyde, has collected almost $20,000 this year, much of it from large companies, which have been granted huge tax abatements by the county. Maygra is running in opposition to incumbent Tony Hyde. Hyde has already been in office for 16 years. It is definitely time for a new commissioner, someone with fresh ideas and new energy. You need to ask yourself if you are better off now than you were 16 years ago. If the answer is no – vote for Tammy Maygra.

litical insider who secures crumbs of goodies because he sits at the table of a Democratic majority. That’s a false reason to vote for anyone. Barnes brings common sense and truly fresh ideas to a Salem that has been controlled by old Democrats for decades. We don’t need old school politicians and never did. Time for change is long overdue for this District 31 race. Lew Barnes will be our voice for fiscal and economic sanity in government.

Nancy Whitney, St. Helens (Editor’s note: Nancy Whitney is the campaign manager for Tammy Maygra.)

Art Hyland, Seaside

Barnes not Witt Here’s why: 1. What’s the first vote taken at the next legislative session? Chair leadership. Brad Witt votes Democrat, Lew Barnes votes Republican. Democratic leadership has resulted in Oregon’s over-spending; over-taxing; over-regulation, over-expensive energy alternatives and over-control of our lives. Top-down control is killing businesses and economic success in Oregon and our nation. Lew Barnes believes in limited, efficient, constitutional government. 2. Democratic leadership worships at the feet of government unions, such as the Oregon Education Association, which dominates Democrats and contributes exclusively to them. That alone is reason to vote for Lew Barnes, or any conservative. But here’s the bonus: Lew Barnes is an accomplished private sector employer. We desperately need private-sector influence in Salem, and we haven’t gotten that with Mr. Witt, who is at best a po-

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Samantha Swindler director of news

Shari Phiel editor

Mark Byers, Columbia City

Nicolle Prehn, St. Helens Listen to the people Election season – it is truly the best of times (our awesome right and responsibility to select our leaders), and the worst of times (mudslinging and misguided pas-


The Chronicle The Chronicle (USPS 610-380) is published weekly by Country Media, Inc. 195 S. 15th St., P.O. Box 1153 St. Helens, Oregon 97051 Periodicals postage paid at St. Helens, OR 97051

Truly spectacular In response to Disappointed Alumni (The Chronicle, Oct. 17) – Mrs. Kindred, I am so sorry you missed the high school band the night you attended the football game. We have a wonderful group of musicians, under the direction of Noelle Freshner, that play at as many home games as possible. On Friday, Oct. 12, the St. Helens Marching Band traveled to Grants Pass to participate in a competitive marching band event. We too were sad to miss a home football game, but I am pleased to announce our students won first for all the Division awards, and came in second overall! I hope you find an opportunity to hear the band at an upcoming concert, football or basketball game. Their talent is truly spectacular.

sions). And every election it seems the choices get harder, the lines blurrier, and it becomes ever more difficult to see into the true hearts of the candidates and understand what kind of man or woman they will be in office. This election, however, has offered one bright spot of hope for me, in Columbia County Commissioner candidate Wayne Mayo. This is a man I have known since our salad days, and from that time to this his life has been the very definition of integrity in the modern world. Whatever Wayne does, whether in family, business, or neighborhood, he does it with his whole heart, always placing the needs of those around him in the forefront. Wayne’s very idea of campaigning for this office is a living example of his heart and mindset – instead of throwing money at advertising, publicity, and ballyhoo, Wayne has quietly gone door-to-door in neighborhoods all across the county, meeting the people, learning their concerns, and listening. When was the last time you heard of a politician listening to the people? We tend to elect rhetoric and doublespeak, smooth talk and good looks, subterfuge and private interests. It’s high time we returned to the days when we placed hearts and minds into office, not simply the loudest voice.

Re-Elect Sheriff Dickerson I have been a (volunteer) reserve deputy sheriff now for over a year. Since the beginning of my position as a reserve deputy, I have been able to work with Sheriff


Kyle Boggs sports editor

Don Patterson director of sales

Amy Johnson Alex McClure advertising office manager, sales classified/legal notices


Write to Us We want to hear from you and encourage you to write letters to the editor. Because of space limitations, shorter letters have a better chance of being printed. We may edit your letter for style, grammar and clarity, although we do as little editing as possible. If you don’t want your letter printed under those conditions, just let us know. Thank-you letters are limited to a general thanks and summary of an issue or action. We reserve the right to exclude lists of people, organizations and businesses. Letters received after noon on Friday may not be in time for the following Wednesday’s paper. To verify authenticity, all letters must be signed and include your address and daytime phone number. We won’t print your street address or phone

sent those of The Chronicle, its staff or Country Media, Inc. number (just your city of residence). Submissions may be emailed to, sent via Obituaries We believe obituary notices are news. We print them free of charge. mail, or dropped off at the office. As we do with our other news stories, we may do some minor editing for length and style. At the same time, we do everything possible to honor the Guest Commentary wishes of the family. We welcome all variety of community viewpoints in the newspaper. Obituaries received after noon on Monday may not be in time for that These longer, guest opinions might be columns written by newsmakers, public officials or organization representatives. Or you might just have inter- Wednesday’s paper. Obituaries may be emailed to, sent via esting thoughts to share and a penchant for writing. If you’d like to submit a guest column for publication, contact us at (503) mail, or dropped off at the office. We also accept obituaries written by funeral homes. 397-0116 or Please include the address and daytime phone number of the person who All columns are subject to editing for style, grammar and clarity. Howsubmitted the obituary, so we can verify information as necessary. ever, views expressed in guest columns are independent and do not repre-



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

OBITUARIES LaVella Ardelia Pinkney LaVella Ardelia Pinkney passed away on Oct. 14, in Portland. LaVella was a 1961 graduate of Monterey Bay Academy in Watsonville, Calif., and attended her LaVella Ardelia 50th class rePinkney union in 2011. In 2011, LaVella put the final touches on a book entitled, “How to Feed a Cranky Colon: Gluten Free Recipes that Even Your Kids Will Eat� and was in the process of getting it self-published. LaVella was an excellent cook and was very health conscious in her diet. For a number of years she owned and ran a health food store in Castle Rock, Wash., and retired as a nutrition specialist at Fred Meyer nutrition center in Clackamas. LaVella had a gift for helping customers find the right supplements and foods to address their health problems. LaVella is survived by her husband, Dan Pinkney of Scappoose; daughter Laurie Pinkney; son Dan Pinkney Jr.; sisters Crystal Wood, Renita Clymer and Marlita Clymer; brother Delton (Marybell) LeMoyne Clymer; and uncle Orville Blair. A memorial service is scheduled for Oct. 28, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Lents Seventh-day Adventist Church in southeast Portland. Arrangements are by Crown Memorial Center in Portland. Shirley Jean Sleightam Shirley Jean Sleightam at Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital in Clackamas on Oct. 17 at the age of 66. She was born on May 3, 1946, in Neosho, Mo., to Joseph and Imogene (Harris) Bright. Shirley arrived in Scappoose in 1962 and was a

1964 graduate of Scappoose High School. In her working years she was a waitress and cook. Shirley Jean She was a Sleighton Christian who enjoyed gardening, reading and loved to write letters. Survivors include sons David and Roger Sleightam of Scappoose, and Robert Sleightam of Kalama, Wash.; siblings John Bright of Marysville, Calif., Judy Walker of Portland, Mike Shellito of Pacific City, Ken and Richard Shellito of Rickreal, Ore., Jim Shellito of Beaverton, and Teressa Shellito of Portland; five granddaughters, and one great-grandchild on the way. Viewing and visitation will be on Oct. 25 from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. at Columbia Funeral Home in St. Helens. Graveside service and interment will be at Columbia Memorial Gardens in Scappoose on Oct. 26 at 3 p.m. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Edward E. “Gene� Lambert Sr. Edward E. “Gene� Lambert Sr. of St. Helens passed away on Oct. 15, after a pro-longed illness at age 81. Gene was born on Aug. 18, 1931, in Olympia, Wash. He reEdward E. tired from “Gene� Lambert the U.S. Marine Corps as a sergeant major in 1981 with 30 years of service. He served in the Korean conflict and two tours in the Vietnam

conflict. Gene was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with five stars, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with palm and frame, Meritorious Unit Citation with one star and the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat Victory “V� to name a few. He then spent 20 years working in his son's roofing business in Orange, Calif. In 1991 Gene and his wife, Nedra, of 62 years, moved home to St. Helens where they both graduated from St. Helens High School in 1949 and 1950, respectively. Gene's daughter, Julie Diane Lambert Cox, preceded him in death in 1995 from leukemia. He is survived by his wife, Nedra C. Rice Lambert; son Edward E. “Skip� Lambert Jr.; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. A full military service will be held at Willamette National Cemetery, 11800 SE Mt. Scott Blvd., Portland, on Nov. 9, at 1:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society at in the name of Deva Lambert. Greta Joan Sirrs Greta Joan Sirrs of Scappoose passed away on Oct. 20, at age 81. Joan Sirrs was born in McRoberts, Ky,. on Sept. 5, 1931, to the parents of Leslie Clyde Greta Joan Wheeler and Sirrs Gladys Alwilda (Carter) Wheeler, the oldest of two children. Joan retired from Good Samaritan Hospital in 1993. After retiring she was very active in her church. She served on the BAC committee, altar guild, arranging flowers, communion and singing in the choir. She also volunteered her time at the senior center delivering

Meals on Wheels and serving the meals from the kitchen as well. She liked to stay active in her younger years with line dancing, square dancing, and yoga. She enjoyed spending time away at Cannon Beach with her family and friends. Reading and gardening were a few other of her other hobbies that she enjoyed. Joan was always there to help her friends and family, in whatever their needs may have been at that time. There will be no more suffering for her anymore, now that she has went to a better place. She has been patiently waiting for quite some time to join her husband Earl Sirrs, although she will be deeply missed by her family and friends. Joan is survived by her daughter Michele Kursar of Anacortes, Wash.; cousin Wynette Carter of Warren; grandchildren Meagan Clement of Scappoose, and Roland Kursar of Seattle, Wash.; great-grandson Hezekiah Clement of Scappoose; stepchildren Earleen Giroux of Lafayette, Colo.; Tom Sirrs of Sheridan, and sister-in-law Louise Wheeler. She was preceded in death by her brother “Buddy� Charles Wheeler. A celebration of her life will be held at 1 p.m. on Nov. 1, at the Christ Episcopal Church, with committal and inurnment at Fairview Cemetery in Scappoose to follow. Memorial gifts may be sent to the Christ Episcopal Church, 35350 East Division Road, St. Helens, OR 97051. Online condolences can be made to the family at Arrangements are by Columbia Funeral Home.

The City of Scappoose is requesting proposals from qualified professional design-build teams to provide comprehensive services to design and construct a 4,928 sq. ft. skate park in Heritage Park to replace the existing deteriorating skate park. The designbuilder will prepare construction documents in compliance with applicable codes and design criteria set forth in the Request for Proposal (“RFP�), procure contractors for construction, and manage all construction contractors.

life long dream, a Force50 sailboat named Sea Bandit. Ralph enjoyed spending summer, winter, spring and fall working on the various puzzles and projects that come with owning and maintaining a sailboat. Ralph’s love of cars continued throughout his life. Not only did he rebuild various cars of his own like an AMX and an El Camino, one of Ralph’s highlights was working as pit crewmember of Vintage Open Wheel Racing team. Ralph’s children and grandchildren were also a major love and focus in his life. Pictures of loved ones, family gatherings and celebrations were treasured. Ralph Raymond Case is survived by his wife, Bonnie Case; children,Tina, Teri, Stephanie, and Brenda; stepchildren Jeramie, Jeromy, Jamie and Jennifer and 10 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brothers, Rex and Robert. All friends and family are welcome to remember Ralph’s short, yet fulfilling life at the celebration of life ceremony on Oct. 28, beginning at 1 p.m., at the St. Helens Elks Lodge, 350 Belton Road. Online condolences may be left for the family at



Ladies of the Elks CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St. Helens Elks Lodge, 350 Belton Road November 17th, 9am-3pm LOE proceeds go to charity ;OPZ ZWHJL KVUH[LK I` *VS\TIPH -\ULYHS /VTL ‹ :LY]PUN *VS\TIPH *V\U[` ZPUJL [OL LHYS` Z ‹

Quality Bark at Competitive Prices

‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹

City of Scappoose, Oregon Request for Proposals for Skate Park Construction Project

Ralph Raymond Case Ralph Raymond Case of Portland, was 59 when he died on Oct. 21. After battling cancer for two years, Ralph passed peacefully at his home with friends and family Ralph Raymond nearby. Case Ralph was born on May 1, 1953, in Idaho Falls, Idaho to parents Mary Eloise Rands and Ted Loren Case. Ralph and his brothers, Rex and Robert, spent their childhood in enjoying ranch life, exploring the outdoors and spending time with family and friends. After relocating to Oregon, Ralph attended and graduated from Reynolds High School. He spent his spare time on swimming on the school swim team and rebuilding all makes and models of cars with friends. Ralph retired from the State of Oregon after thirty years of service in various departments. His expertise was in paving; he found pride in his work completed with various paving crews throughout the state. Years of hard work, allowed Ralph to purchase his



We Deliver 1 Unit Minimum!

Clean Woodwaste Recycling

Yard Debris & Woodwaste Recycling


Interested applicants should contact Susan Reeves, City Recorder, for a packet which fully describes the project and the information that needs to be submitted for consideration. Requests for the application packet can be made by calling the City at (503) 543-7146 or via email: Completed applications must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 14,2012. C10435



54000 West Lane Rd. Scappoose


Columbia People’s mbia River People’ s Utility ty District Director, Director r, Columbia River PUD, Position 4

RE-ELECT T Darrel R Purkerson

usiness siness Owner Occupation:: Retired Pharmacist, Business O nd: Occupational Background: owner, property manager, manager, volunteer unteer on numerous Pharmacy owner, boards including Oregon Board of Medical al Examiners, Oregon Board of Nursing, Oregon regon Optometric Board, d, Hospital Board, Public c Health, High School Advisory Committees, Oregon State Pharmacy A y Association, Oregon State University College ge of Pharmacy Advisory y Committee, Northwest west Oregon Health Systems, stems, Board Member SHCFC Union, Board ard of Directors for Columbia mbia River PUD since 1999.

Educational Background: nd: BS Oregon State ate University College of Pharmacy 1963 Prior or Governmental Experience: rience: Columbia bia River PUD Board off Directors I headed a committee ee to help the voters in South Columbia County y have a choice h h i by by voting ting to move the island and d cities ities of Rainier, Rainier, Columbia City, City, St. S Helens, and Scappoose into the e Columbia River PUD Service District. rict. Three of us circulated petitions and brought the annexation to a vote which failed twice but passed on the third hird try after PGE planned to move the cities into Western Western Oregon Electric. I was appointed to the board in 1999 and nd have served the position for thirteen rteen years. We We have an excellent llent board and we all believe in reliable eliable service to the customers and in trying to keep the rates tes low. low. Our rates are approximately 35% less ess than PGE’s PGE’s rates which hich have saved millions s of consumer dollars since the annexation. I would appreciate your vote and will continue to work for you ou the customer. customer. This ad was paid for by Darrel R Purkerson

C104545 545


Wednesday, October 24, 2012




^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Sons of Guns

OCTOBER 24, 2012 7:00 Jeopardy! (N)



Wheel of Fortune (N) The Middle (N)

8:30 The Neighbors (N)

9:00 Modern Family (N)




(:31) Suburgatory (N) Nashville “Someday You’ll Call My Name”

Entertainment ’Night Extra (N)

Survivor: Philippines “Down and Dirty” (N)

Criminal Minds “God Complex” (N)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (N)

KOIN Local 6 at 11

MythBusters “Hail Hijinx”

Sons of Guns “Free Fall Shotgun” (N)

Militia Rising (N)

Sons of Guns “Free Fall Shotgun”

Animal Practice (N) Guys With Kids (N) Nature “Magic of the Snowy Owl” (N) FOX 12 News at 8 O’Clock (N)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (N) Oregon Experience Oregon Experience TMZ (N) Dish Nation (N)

Chicago Fire Casey faces a difficult choice. Nova scienceNOW The human brain. (N) 10 O’Clock News (N)

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno Steve Jobs -- One Last Thing 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond

News Decision 2012: The Debate ( NewsChannel 8 Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) * Equitrekking Cops , (4:30) 2012 World Series Game 1 -- Detroit Tigers at TBA. (N) C 30 for 30 Good Luck Charlie Jessie I Phineas and Ferb Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory W The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld

All-Access Kentucky SportsCenter (N) (Live) Shake It Up!

Gravity Falls

SportsCenter (N) (Live)

SportsCenter (N) (Live)

››› “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie” (2009)

The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy

Phineas and Ferb

NUMB3RS A music mogul’s son. Family Guy Family Guy

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Phineas and Ferb


^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News





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Gold Rush “Off-Season Special” (N)

The Office (N) Parks and Recreation (:01) Rock Center With Brian Williams (N) Doc Martin A snake jeopardizes a wedding. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno Dreamland A day in California.

, (4:30) 2012 World Series Game 2 -- Detroit Tigers at TBA. (N) C (4:30) College Football Clemson at Wake Forest. (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Jessie (DVS) I Phineas and Ferb Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory


FOX 12 News at 8 O’Clock (N)


11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond

W The King of Queens

Seinfeld “The Virgin”

The King of Queens


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SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Dish Nation (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live)

My Babysitter Gravity Falls ›› “The Little Vampire” (2000) Jonathan Lipnicki. The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) White Collar New York City’s Chinatown. Family Guy

Family Guy

10 O’Clock News (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb White Collar “Free Fall”

A.N.T. Farm The Simpsons

The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Conan Simon Baker; Kaitlin Olson. (N)










(:01) All Access Nashville With Katie Couric 20/20 (N)

KATU News at 11 (N) High School Blitz (N)

CSI: NY “Misconceptions” (N) Gold Rush “Million Dollar Season”

Blue Bloods “Risk and Reward” (N) Jungle Gold “Culture Shock”

KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman Gold Rush “Million Dollar Season”

( NewsChannel 8 * Passport/Adventure

Grimm Nick investigates child abductions. (N) Call the Midwife Search for a missing baby.

Dateline NBC Online classified ads. (N) Masterpiece Classic

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno Masterpiece Classic “Emma”

10 O’Clock News (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Charlie

11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie

Monk “Mr. Monk and the Daredevil”

The Simpsons

News Live at 7 (N) Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N)

TMZ (N) , 6 O’Clock News (N) Timbers in 30 C NBA Preseason Basketball New Orleans Hornets at Miami Heat. (N) Good Luck Charlie Jessie (DVS) I Phineas and Ferb

Inside Edition (N)

Mockingbird Lane (N) Washington Week (N) BBC Newsnight

Dish Nation (N) Kitchen Nightmares (Season Premiere) (N) Fringe The team encounters Phillip Broyles. NBA Preseason Basketball Denver Nuggets at Phoenix Suns. From US Airways Center in Phoenix. (N) Jessie A.N.T. Farm (N) Jessie (N) Phineas and Ferb (N) Gravity Falls

Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Seinfeld For Better or Worse For Better or Worse W The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld

Monk Monk helps his psychiatrist’s son. For Better or Worse For Better or Worse



^ Good Morning America (N) & (5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday (N)

KATU News This Morning - Sat (N)

Zumba Dance _ Nopalea with ( NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 AM (N)

Extreme Weight Loss Get SHARK Clean! NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM (N)

* , C I Q W

South Park

› “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie Chan. Carter and Lee battle Chinese gangsters in Paris.

OCTOBER 27, 2012 6:30


Doodlebops (EI)



9:00 Jack Hanna

Busytown Mysteries Busytown Mysteries Fusion Paid Program

Sesame Street “Rahki Road” (DVS) Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College GameDay From Norman, Okla. (N) (Live) Little Einsteins “Spookley the Square Pumpkin” (2004) Doc McStuffins Mickey Mouse Hometime HouseCalls Animal Exploration Pets.TV (EI) Hanna Into the Wild Married... With Married... With My Name Is Earl According to Jim Are We There Yet?


Paid Program






Ocean Mysteries

Born to Explore (N)

Recipe Rehab (N)

Food for Thought

Liberty’s Kids (EI)

Paid Program

College Ftball

Pro Pulling League From Wheatland, Mo. (N)

Alaska: The Last Frontier Poppy Cat (EI) Justin Time (EI)

Sea Rescue (N)

American Chopper “Full Circle” Auction Kings Auction Kings LazyTown MLS Soccer New York Red Bulls at Philadelphia Union. (N)

SciGirls Great Big World

Cyberchase “Cool It” Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Garden Garden Home Sewing With Nancy It’s Sew Easy Mystery Hunters Eco Company (N) Teen Kids News (N) American Athlete The Young Icons Cindy Crawford College Football Tennessee at South Carolina. (N) (Live) Jake and the Pirates Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Gravity Falls Fish Hooks A.N.T. Farm Jessie Animal Rescue Dog Tales (EI) Made in Hollywood Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Meet the Browns House of Payne According to Jim (9:53) ››› “I Love You, Man” (2009, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jason Segel.

OCTOBER 27, 2012 1:00










College Football College Football Regional Coverage. Michigan State at Wisconsin or USC at Arizona. (N) (Live) Ninja Recipe.TV College Football Notre Dame at Oklahoma. College Football College Football Florida vs. Georgia. From EverBank Field in Jacksonville, Fla. (N) (Live) Busytown Mysteries Liberty’s Kids (EI) Extra (N) Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings A Haunting A couple hear strange noises. A Haunting The supernatural fascinates. Exorcists: The True Story The Exorcist Files “Infestation” MLS Soccer: Red Bulls at Union Triathlon Ironman World Championship. From Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. (Taped) Jillian Michaels The Wiggles (EI) Noodle and Doodle Pajanimals (N) (EI) NewsChannel 8 at 5PM (N) Love of Quilting Quilting Arts Cooking School Test Kitchen Simply Ming MotorWeek (N) Woodwright’s Shop Woodsmith Shop Hometime (N) Ask This Old House This Old House (N) Lawrence Welk FOX College College Football Texas Tech at Kansas State. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) FOX College 2012 World Series TBA at Detroit Tigers. (N) (Live) Football Scoreboard ESPN Goal Line (N) (Live) College Football Ohio State at Penn State. (N) (Live) College Football C Wizards-Place Good Luck Charlie ›› “Halloweentown” (1998) Debbie Reynolds. (:05) ››› “Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge” (2001) (:45) ››› “Halloweentown High” (2004) Debbie Reynolds. I Wizards-Place ›› “Valkyrie” (2008) Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh. Col. Claus von Stauffenberg attempts to assassinate Hitler. Trout TV The Joy of Fishing CSI: Miami “Presumed Guilty” Burn Notice “Old Friends” Q Paid Program › “Wild Wild West” (1999, Action) Will Smith, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh. Friends Friends Friends Friends W (11:57) ›› “Bewitched” (2005, Romance-Comedy) Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell.

^ & _ ( * ,

OCTOBER 27, 2012







Paid Program ^ (5:00) College Football Notre Dame at Oklahoma. (N) (Live) Hawaii Five-0 “Pu’olo” & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News Entertainment Tonight (N) Mermaids: The Body Found A team claims to have found a mermaid. _ How Evil Are You? ( * , C I Q W

NBC Nightly News Straight Talk Lawrence Welk Last of the Wine Travels to the Edge (4:30) 2012 World Series TBA at Detroit Tigers. (N) (Live)

Grants Getaways Rick Steves’ Europe Cops

Revolution “No Quarter” Globe Trekker “Spanish Islands” FOX 12 News at 8 O’Clock (N)





Chicago Fire Casey faces a difficult choice. My Family As Time Goes By Leverage “The Stork Job”

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Saturday Night Live Masterpiece Mystery! “Wallander: Firewall” MasterChef “Top 13 Compete”

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit New Tricks “Half Life” 10 O’Clock News (N)

OCTOBER 28, 2012 6:30



^ Good Morning America (N) Paid Program & Paid Program Paid Program The Key of David (N) _ ( NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N)

KATU News This Morning - Sun (N) CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Paid Program Michael Youssef (N) NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM (N)

Betsy’s Kindergarten Angelina: Next FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace SportsCenter (N) (Live) Little Einsteins Octonauts Mom Is 57, Looks 27! Paid Program Married... With Married... With

Mister Rogers Daniel Tiger Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Tummy Tuck Paid Program Home Improvement Home Improvement










Your Voice Get a Shark Rotator The NFL Today (N) (Live) I Was Mummified Meet the Press (N)

This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Hoover WindTunnel Paid Program NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at Tennessee Titans. From LP Field in Nashville, Tenn. (N) Jungle Gold “Culture Shock” Gold Rush “Million Dollar Season” Hoover WindTunnel Paid Program Figure Skating

Rick Steves’ Europe Travels to the Edge FOX NFL Sunday (N) (Live)

Nature “Magic of the Snowy Owl” NOVA A 5,000-year-old mummified corpse. NFL Football Seattle Seahawks at Detroit Lions. From Ford Field in Detroit. (N) NASCAR Countdown (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing Good Luck Charlie Jessie Dog With a Blog A.N.T. Farm Paid Program Get a Shark Rotator Hollyscoop (N) EP Daily (N) › “Not Another Teen Movie” (2001, Comedy) Chyler Leigh. (:45) American Pie 2

(7:58) Joel Osteen

Face the Nation (N) (:27) In Touch

Thomas & Friends

Bob the Builder

Mickey Mouse Jack Van Impe Friends

Jake and the Pirates A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Paid Program Made in Hollywood (N) Friends Friends Friends



KATU News at 11 (N) Castle KOIN Local 6 at 11 (:35) Extra (N) Mermaids: The Body Found

(5:30) College Football Mississippi State at Alabama. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Halloweentown High (:20) ›› “Return to Halloweentown” (2006) Sara Paxton. “Girl vs. Monster” (2012, Comedy) Olivia Holt, Brendan Meyer, Kerris Dorsey. (:05) Gravity Falls Jessie My Babysitter My Babysitter Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Leverage “The Wedding Job” Burn Notice “Signals and Codes” Criminal Minds “Coda” The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory ›› “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (2006) Will Ferrell. A NASCAR driver has a new rival. Harold & Kumar Go


* , C I Q W


Cash Cab Cash Cab Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Criminal Minds Investigating a mass murder. 48 Hours A man suspected of killing his wife. The Dark Life after dark for nocturnal animals. (N)


OCTOBER 28, 2012








Paid Program CMA Close Up Road Paid Program Paid Program Ball Boys Ball Boys Shark Tank NFL Football: Colts at Titans NFL Postgame (N) NFL Postgame (N) Golf’s Best of 2012 (N) Paid Program Open House (N) Ghost Lab “Deadwood” Secret America America’s Most Secret: Structures Secret Service Secrets “On Enemy Soil” Figure Skating Bull Riding PBR Tour Finals. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Paid Program Ninja1500 Great Performances at the Met “Gotterdammerung (Twilight of the Gods)” Humans attempt to steal the ring. NFL Football: Seahawks at Lions NFL Football New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys. From Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live)



Cindy Crawford Cash Cab Paid Program Paid Program Secret Service Secrets “The Home Front” Football Night in America (N) (Live) The OT (N)



KATU News at 5 (N) ABC World News Dog & Cat Training The Insider (N) Ultimate Armored Car: Presidential Beast NFL Football Moyers & Company 2012 World Series TBA at Detroit Tigers. (N)

(11:00) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Tums Fast Relief 500. From Martinsville Speedway in Martinsville, Va. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) BCS Countdown (N) Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Austin & Ally Shake It Up! A.N.T. Farm Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Next Stop Get SHARK Clean! ››› “Snatch” (2000) Benicio Del Toro. Criminals and con artists fight over a jewel. › “Exit Wounds” (2001, Action) Steven Seagal, DMX, Isaiah Washington. Law & Order “Corpus Delicti” (:45) ›› “Tommy Boy” (1995) Chris Farley. An heir tries to save his father’s business. (:45) ›› “Road Trip” (2000, Comedy) Seann William Scott, Breckin Meyer. Talladega Nights: W (11:45) ›› “American Pie 2” (2001, Comedy) Jason Biggs.

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 ^ & _ ( * , C I Q W

OCTOBER 28, 2012 6:30



KATU News at 6 (N) America’s Funniest Home Videos (N) KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News 60 Minutes (N) MythBusters “President’s Challenge” MythBusters “Hail Hijinx” (5:20) NFL Football New Orleans Saints at Denver Broncos. (N) (Live) Oregon Art Beat Oregon Field Guide Antiques Roadshow (5:00) 2012 World Series TBA at Detroit Tigers. Game 4. From Comerica Park in Detroit. MLS Soccer Seattle Sounders FC at Los Angeles Galaxy. (N) (Live) Austin & Ally Shake It Up! Gravity Falls Gravity Falls Law & Order Detectives probe teen deaths. The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory (5:45) ›› “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (2006) Will Ferrell. (DVS)










KATU News at 6 (N) Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune (N) KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News Entertainment ’Night Extra (N) I (Almost) Got Away With It American Chopper NewsChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) Inside Edition (N) Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) * This Old House Dish Nation (N) , (4:30) 2012 World Series TBA at Detroit Tigers. (N) (Live) C (5:30) NFL Football San Francisco 49ers at Arizona Cardinals. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Wizards-Place Jessie I Phineas and Ferb Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Seinfeld W The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld









Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N Same-day Tape) How I Met/Mother Partners (N) 2 Broke Girls (N) Mike & Molly (N) American Chopper American Chopper (Season Premiere) (N) The Voice “The Knockouts, Part 1” Vocalists compete against each other. (N) Antiques Roadshow Weller pottery humidor. Market Warriors Unique lighting. (N)

(:01) Castle “Probable Cause” (N) Hawaii Five-0 “Mohai” (N) American Chopper (:01) Revolution “Sex and Drugs” (N) Independent Lens “Love Free or Die” (N)

KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Nightline (N) KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman American Chopper NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno Secrets of the Dead (Season Premiere)

FOX 12 News at 8 O’Clock (N) TMZ (N) Dish Nation (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) A.N.T. Farm ›› “Hocus Pocus” (1993, Comedy) Bette Midler. FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy

10 O’Clock News (N) NFL PrimeTime (N) Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Escape” Family Guy Family Guy

11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie “Star Wars” Shake It Up! The Simpsons South Park Conan Blake Griffin; Bob Mould. (N)



OCTOBER 29, 2012 6:30

^ & _ (



Once Upon a Time “The Doctor” (N) Revenge Jack’s sense of duty increases. (N) (:01) 666 Park Avenue (N) KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Castle The Amazing Race “Chill Out, Freak” (N) The Good Wife “Waiting for the Knock” (N) The Mentalist “Red Dawn” (N) KOIN Local 6 at 11 (:35) Cold Case MythBusters “Fright Night” (N) Brainwashed (N) Flipping the White House (N) MythBusters “Fright Night” Sports Sunday Paid Program Private Practice “Past Tense” NewsChannel 8 at 11 Chris Matthews Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) Frontline “The Choice 2012” President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. FOX 12 News at 8 O’Clock (N) Paid Program Paid Program 10 O’Clock News (N) Oregon Sports Final Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter Good Luck Charlie Austin & Ally (N) Shake It Up! (N) Jessie A.N.T. Farm Gravity Falls A.N.T. Farm My Babysitter The First Family (N) Mr. Box Office (N) The Closer “An Ugly Game” Criminal Minds “Valhalla” (DVS) Oregon Sports Final Ninja1500 ›› “Meet the Fockers” (2004, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. Future in-laws clash in Florida. (DVS) ›› “Meet the Fockers” (2004) Robert De Niro. (DVS)




Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune (N) Shark Tank A modern-day slip business. (N) ^ KATU News at 6 (N) KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News Entertainment ’Night Extra (N) NCIS A man in a diner pulls a gun on Gibbs. & Gold Rush “Judgment Day” Gold Rush “Do or Die” Miners prepare for the coming season. (N) _ (5:30) Gold Rush



My Babysitter South Park

OCTOBER 26, 2012 6:30



Gold Rush “Off-Season Special”

SportsCenter (N) (Live)




30 Rock (N) Oregon Art Beat




KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Nightline (N) KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman

Gold Rush “Revelations”



My Babysitter

Gold Rush: Alaska “Never Say Die” _ Gold Rush: Alaska “Bedrock or Bust” NewsChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) Inside Edition (N) ( Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) * Travelscope



A.N.T. Farm

NUMB3RS A voter-fraud conspiracy. The Simpsons South Park The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Conan Rainn Wilson; Elisha Cuthbert. (N)



Late Show Letterman

OCTOBER 25, 2012




MythBusters “Bikes and Bazookas”



KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Nightline (N)

OCTOBER 30, 2012 6:30


KATU News at 6 (N) Jeopardy! (N) KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News Entertainment ’Night Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch NewsChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) Ask This Old House Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) 6 O’Clock News (N) TMZ (N) 2012 World Series of Poker Final Table. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Phineas and Ferb Good Luck Charlie Wizards-Place Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Limo”






Wheel of Fortune (N) Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (:01) Happy Endings Apartment 23 Extra (N) NCIS “Namesake” A petty officer is shot. (N) NCIS: Los Angeles “Out of the Past” (N) Deadliest Catch Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) Inside Edition (N) The Voice “The Knockouts, Part 2” Vocalists compete against each other. Ellen DeGeneres: The Mark Twain Prize (N) Erma Bombeck Dish Nation (N) Raising Hope (N) Ben and Kate (N) New Girl “Halloween” The Mindy Project SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie A.N.T. Farm “Girl vs. Monster” (2012) Olivia Holt, Brendan Meyer. The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) House “Larger Than Life” Seinfeld “The Pick” The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory



Private Practice “The Next Episode” (N) Vegas A ruthless hitman comes to Vegas. Deadly Seas (:01) Go On (N) (:31) The New Normal Frontline “Big Sky, Big Money” (N) 10 O’Clock News (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (:10) Shake It Up! Phineas and Ferb House “Carrot or Stick” The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory



KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Nightline (N) KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman Alaska: The Last Frontier NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno VOCES on PBS “Lemon” 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) A.N.T. Farm Phineas and Ferb The Simpsons South Park Conan (N)

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3:43 PM

Page 1


Wednesday, October 24, 2012



regularly scheduled board meeting in the commissioners’ meeting room, room 308, at the Columbia County Courthouse and its regularly scheduled staff meetings at 1 Wednesday, Oct. 31 p.m. in the commissioners’ office, room 331, at the Columbia 5 p.m. – Port of St. Helens Board of Commissioners regular Wednesday Nov. 7 County Courthouse. meeting. Port Office, 100 E 7 a.m. – Columbia County 1 p.m. – St. Helens City CounThursday, Oct. 25 Street, Columbia City. Traffic Safety Commission meets cil holds a work session at city 9 a.m. – Columbia 9-1-1 Com6 p.m. – St. Helens Arts & at America’s Best Value Inn (for- hall, 265 Strand St. merly the Village Inn), in St. He7 p.m. – St. Helens City Counmunications District board of di- Cultural Commission meets in city council chambers, City Hall, lens. cil holds a regular meeting at city rectors regular meeting and workshop schedule. 256 Strand St. Meetings are also 9 a.m. – PGE Retirees meet at hall, 265 Strand St. 10 a.m. – CHD board meeting broadcast live on Comcast Chan- America’s Best Value Inn (forThursday, Nov. 8 at Sunshine Pizza. nel 29. merly the Village Inn). Call (503) 397-0805. 4 p.m. – The Columbia County Thursday, Nov. 1 10 a.m. – Columbia County Park Advisory Commission meets Tuesday, Oct. 30 4:30 p.m. – St. Helens School 10 a.m. – The regular meeting Board of Commissioners holds its at Healy Hall. Wednesday, Oct. 24 8:30 a.m. – Port of St. Helens commission meeting, 100 E St., in Columbia City. Cancelled. 6:30 p.m. – St. Helens School District board of directors regular meeting, in the boardroom at the St. Helens School District Office.

District achievement compact committee meets in the boardroom at the St. Helens School District Office.

of the Northwest Oregon Housing Authority (NOHA) will be held at the NOHA office, 147 South Main Ave., Warrenton. For agenda items, call NOHA at (503) 8610119, extension 112.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, Oct. 24 • Fan Tai Chi at the Scappoose Senior Center from 8–9 a.m. • Scary Fun at St. Helens Public Library – children ages 5 to middle school will have a chilling good time inspecting numerous vertebrate animals at Dissection Juxtaposition. Starting at 4 p.m. in the library hallway, library staff and the St. Helens Middle School Talented and Gifted (TAG) teacher and TAG students will help dissect a turtle, pig, frog, dog shark, rat, pigeon and fish. Animals will be displayed side by side to help attendees learn what makes animals tick and compare the similar body structures. For more information, call (503) 397-

4544. • Scappoose Public Library storytime at 10:30 a.m. The theme and craft is family. • Stroke Support Group 2:30–3:30 p.m. at Avamere, 2400 Gable Road in St. Helens. Call (503) 366-8070 for information. Thursday, Oct. 25 • Scary Fun at St. Helens Public Library – children ages 3-6, library staff will host Spooky Story Time at 5 p.m. Children are invited to dress up in their Halloween costumes and join library staff for an eerie time listening to slightly scary stories, singing songs and enjoying ghastly treats. Story time will be followed by a pumpkin paper craft. A hair-raising time will

be had by all. For more information, call (503) 397-4544. • Tai Chi at the St. Helens Senior Center from 6–7:30 p.m.

Land Development Services Director, Todd Dugdale at (503) 397-7207 or email • Tammy Maygra, candidate Friday, Oct 26 for Columbia County Commis•Scappoose Public Library sioner position No. 3, hosts a coffamily movie, come join in for an fee with the candidate at action adventure about a shipHoulton Bakery, 2155 Columbia wrecked family of emigrants that Blvd., St. Helens from 10-11 a.m. • Scappoose Public Library – turn a desert island into a dream paradise at 4:30 p.m. in the meet- new monthly kids hour. Celeing room. Bbring snacks to share brate with a Halloween Party for if you wish. children ages 6-10. Wear your costume, enjoy candy and decoSaturday, Oct. 27 rate cookies. 10:30 a.m. in the meeting room. • Columbia County Household Hazardous Waste – 8 a.m.Noon at Columbia County Monday, Oct. 29 • Tai Chi at the Scappoose Transfer Station. For more information contact Columbia County Senior Center from 8–9 a.m.

Saturday, Nov. 3

10 a.m.–4p.m. Scappoose Senior Center 33342 SW Meadow Drive, Scappoose. (Behind Grocery Outlet) Quilts, handcrafts, baked goods and lunch will be available. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sixth annual Christmas Bazaar St. Birgitta Catholic Church 11820 NW St. Helens Road. Portland. Yummy baked items, gift baskets, soaps, lotions, candles, wooden toys, hand crafted items by local artists. Watkins Fuller Brush & Avon products. Raffles, refreshments, Zenner Hot Dogs & Sausages and Chili. Free coffee while you shop.

Sunday, Nov. 4

9 a.m.–1 p.m. Sixth annual Christmas Bazaar St. Birgitta Catholic Church 11820 NW St. Helens Road, Portland. Yummy baked items, gift baskets, soaps, lotions, candles, wooden toys, hand crafted items by local artists. Watkins Fuller Brush & Avon products. Raffles, refreshments, Zenner Hot Dogs & Sausages and Chili. Free coffee while you shop.

Columbia River Taxi Licensed and insured

Service St. Helens and Scappoose. Go to Portland and Longview Metered service 24 hrs a day. Friendly service

125 North 19th St.








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Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Support for Hayden I am writing to express strong support for Barbara Hayden in her running for a position for Scappoose City Council. She devotes a great deal of time and effort to fulfilling her duties and obligations of the many organizations she is involved with. Barbara is self-motivated, she is hard working and she is always willing to volunteer her time. Please add your vote for Barbara who promises a great support in economic growth and development with sound vision for future needs in our beautiful city of Scappoose. Mary Jo Mazzella, Scappoose Hemp can help Read the business pages in Oregon’s newspapers and it’s hard to be optimistic about where our state’s economy is heading. Just this week alone, Oregonians saw: a story about U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden calling for new revenue sources for Oregon’s counties hit hardest by the waning timber economy; an article about wind-energy companies in the Pacific Northwest bracing for lay-offs in the face of expiring production tax credits; and most recently, the announcement by Boise Inc. that it is shuttering its St. Helens paper plant, which will put 106 hard-working Oregonians out of work. The common thread in these stories, aside from the impact these announcements will have on households across the state, is that all three industries – timber, renewable energy and paper – are manufacturing industries. Oregon is a manufacturing state. Oregonians are good at harvesting our natural resources and equally good at making things. With this in mind, Oregonians need to vote yes on Measure 80. Yes, Measure 80 will regulate and tax marijuana for adults, saving law enforcement $60 million a year and generating tens of millions of dollars in new revenues for our state’s general fund, for schools and so-

& NEW CONSTRUCTION R • New Homes E • Additions M O • Insurance D Repairs E • Bathrooms L I BUILDERS • Kitchens N INC • Vinyl G

We all pay How much could Tammy Maygra cost our county as a county commissioner? She is currently suing Robert Keyser for $23,000 over a political sign dispute and suing the Columbia Health District of which she is a trustee, is suing Columbia County Commissioners and nine other individuals in Federal Court for $9.5 million. Who will she sue when she disagrees with a county, state or federal agency or individual? We are all paying for her legal attacks against Columbia County and our commissioners; we cannot afford to elect her. Cecelia Nunn Haack, Scappoose Hyde right for the job I am writing this letter today to ask you to join my family and me in re-electing Tony Hyde as Columbia County Commissioner for another four years.

565 N Vernonia Rd. St. Helens, OR 97051

Rich and Jeanette Crandall, St Helens Auto Center, Inc. Not much of a choice I, for one, am quite let down over the quality of these presidential debates. Today’s national challenges require a lot more from these men than they have given us so far. I am less interested in who came across as the most macho or who had the quickest rejoinder put-down than I am in whether either one of them might be able to lead this country during a time of major changes. I wanted to hear how they would manage the inevitable withdrawal of troops from far-flung, unaffordable commitments around the world. I hoped

that they would level with the American people on the federal government’s inability to honor financial promises without both spending cuts and tax increases. Neither major party candidate indicated that they saw the need to change the direction of existing trade policies that have effectively sent our financial wealth and our people’s jobs to China with of course a good deal of profit going to certain international corporations, corporations that incidentally contribute handsomely to congressional campaigns. Maybe neither Mr. Romney, nor Mr. Obama, are up to the job of what Americans need in a president today. Not much of a choice at the top of the ballot if you ask me. Bob Ekstrom, Scappoose Best of the bunch A little over a year ago, I retired from the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office after 22 years of service. I have worked with five different sheriffs over that period of time, including Sheriff Jeff Dickerson. Sheriff Dickerson is one

See LETTERS, Page A10


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There will also be: Ni]Zm^l hg l^kob\^l ZoZbeZ[e^ mh O^m^kZgl bg ma^ <hngmr Fh[be^ O^m <^gm^k !FO<" pbee [^ hglbm^ ;kh\ank^l(bg_hkfZmbhg hg o^m^kZg l [^g^Ûml : iZg^e h_ O^m^kZg l Z]oh\Zm^l pbee ik^l^gm [kb^_ lmZm^f^gml% ni]Zm^l Zg] Z]]k^ll jn^lmbhgl'

The panel includes: <henf[bZ <hngmr <hffbllbhg^k Hk^`hg =^iZkmf^gm h_ O^m^kZg :__Zbkl O: F^]b\Ze <^gm^k >q^\nmbo^ =bk^\mhk% <hffngbmr :\mbhg M^Zf O^m^kZgl L^kob\^l H_Ă›\^k% <hffngbmr :\mbhg M^Zf Phkdlhnk\^ Hk^`hg IhkmeZg] O^m <^gm^k For More Information Contact: 0HONE % MAIL GACLARK CAT TEAM ORG


D DAVE AVE AVE VE FULLER FU ULLER ffor or S SH SHERIFF HERIFF RIFF “YOUR “Y YOU OUR UR VOTE, VOTE, Columbia VOTE Collumbia lumbia mb mbia bia County’s bia County’ Coun nty nty’ ty’s ty’’s


Siding • Decks

Fax: 503-397-1394 CCB#102768

on the Millard Road proposed limited access hospital. We have to get this right. There is too much at stake right now to mess this up. We need experienced leadership that can show us the way. My money is on Tony Hyde. He has proven himself to be an outstanding leader over and over again. Tony knows Columbia County and has made a positive difference in our lives for more than 40 years. Thank you for reading my letter and voting for my friend Tony Hyde.

Halloween Costume Party at St Helens Elks

Roy Kaufman, Spokesperson for Yes on 80 Portland



Prizes for best costumes

where all the bodies are buried. I think what he meant by that was, you need experience and connections before you can be productive. You have to know who you can trust and who you can’t. In other words; you have to have some street smarts to survive. Tony has always said that he represented all of the people in Columbia County long before they voted to be non-partisan. Tony’s opponent Tammy Maygra, on the other hand, is inexperienced, and unqualified for the job. She can be pushy and hardheaded, and will stop at nothing including suing you if you don’t bend to her will. I just found out recently that she and her supporters have filed a lawsuit against the three current sitting County Commissioners, the former hospital board and their attorneys for $9.5 million. If Tammy was elected to the position of County Commissioner, she would have to make sure that the county’s assets were protected against her own law suit. It would be a conflict of interest for her to work for the county under those circumstances. Can you just imagine the hostile working conditions that would exist between Tammy and the other commissioners, not to mention the resentment she would be sure to receive from the rest of the county staff and department managers? I also was told that the county has paid out over $150,000 so far in legal fees just defending their position

Paid for by Dave Fuller



Tyler Miller, Scappoose

I first met Tony back in 1997 when I had purchased some residential property along Highway 30 to expand our ever growing automobile agency. When I tried to get the new property rezoned to highway commercial, I ran into a mountain of red tape and roadblocks. Even though the new property was contiguous to the original dealership location, I was told that it could not be rezoned until the City of St Helens could provide sewer and water to that location. Note: It’s been 15 years now and we still don’t have city sewer and water at our location. Somewhat frustrated by the county’s unwillingness to work with me, I called Tony Hyde and asked him if he would intervene and help me find a solution to the rezoning debacle I was experiencing. Even though we didn’t know each other very well at that time, I soon discovered that Tony was very easy to talk to and more than willing to do whatever he could do to help me resolve my problem. He went right to work, set up an appointment with the right people and we quickly found a solution to the problem. Over the years I have worked with Tony on various community projects and I have come to value his friendship. I have found that he has a very positive attitude in resolving problems. Tony is very intelligent and articulate, and he is well connected. An Oregon Legislator recently told me, that it takes you ten years to find out


Dickerson on a regular basis. He’s a hardworking, transparent leader who puts a tremendous amount of effort into making the sheriff’s office the best it can be for our community. I see the sheriff in his office within the typical 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, but we also get emails from him at all hours of the night – he’s always working. It’s not uncommon to see him working at the office on the weekends too. Sheriff Dickerson has done a lot of great work for this community through his position as sheriff, and I have no doubt he will continue to run the sheriff’s office within the best interest of the community. The sheriff’s office is a professional law enforcement agency we as sheriff’s office personnel have a lot of pride in working for. I wholeheartedly believe the reason for this is mostly due to Sheriff Dickerson! Employees and volunteers both respect Dickerson and like working for him with his strong mission and direction of quality work, and following up on every call. He’s also fair and expects his staff be professional and accountable. My observations of Sheriff Dickerson are purely professional; I didn’t know him before I was a reserve deputy, and I’m not “friends� with him now. To lose Sheriff Dickerson as our sheriff would be a great loss to Columbia County. Please vote to reelect Sheriff Dickerson.

cial services. And regulating marijuana like liquor will make it harder, not easier, for Oregon’s youth to get access to marijuana, just like it’s harder for those youth to get liquor now than ever before because of strict laws, tight regulations and ongoing education. But Measure 80 will do something even more important for Oregon: it will give Oregon’s farmers and entrepreneurs the protection they need to once again grow agricultural hemp in Oregon. Hemp, for those who don’t know, is one of America’s most important crops. During World War II, the U.S. government paid American farmers to grow hemp for the war effort. Modern farming and processing technologies enable hemp to be used in the production of tens of thousands of products, from bioplastics manufacturing to sustainable construction materials to bio-fuels to textiles to food and personal-care products. In Oregon, hemp can replace our flagging timber industry. It can revitalize our pulp and paper industry. And it can restore Oregon’s promising biofuels industry. Imagine an economy where farmers in eastern, central and southern Oregon grow agricultural hemp and sell that crop to biofuel refineries, textile mills, green-building start-ups, hemp food processors and more. Oregon is a place of incredible natural beauty and resources. Oregonians are pragmatic people who look for real solutions to our challenges. This Election Day, Oregonians will have the opportunity to create a new industry for our state, one that benefits rural farmers, smalltown businesses and big-city start-ups alike. For the 106 people who got the bad news from Boise Inc., a new, sustainable, viable and prosperous hemp industry is the good news they need to hear. But that good news will only come when Measure 80 passes. To learn more, visit


From PAGE A5



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

LETTERS (CONT.) trous to us all and for the county in general. We need leaders who will consider all options and not make kneejerk decisions.

From PAGE A9 of the best sheriffs I have ever worked for. His passion for empowering staff to solve problems and his genuine compassion for the individual helped transform the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office into a dynamic team. I have seen firsthand Sheriff Dickerson’s leadership skills and devotion to duty, and I can assure you that he is the best candidate for the job. I urge you to re-elect Jeff Dickerson as our sheriff!

Robert J Braud, St. Helens Qualified to serve During election campaigns, every candidate champions fiscal responsibility, increased public funding for essential government services, and job creation. But what services does this candidate consider essential? Does this candidate encourage jobs by spending your tax dollars on his favored interest groups and industries? In the end, we must judge the candidates by their actions and not by their clichéd campaign promises. Over his career representing unions and as a state legislator, Brad Witt has always acted to expand government control and expenditures. He has acted in favor of public unions and not in favor of private companies and private unions – unless the private companies are among the politically favored few. Brad Witt seems to have never met a spending bill he didn’t like. Over the last four years, he has voted to increase taxes, fines, fees, by over $3.7 billion during a time of sharp economic decline. These do not include the automatic increases in the state budget. Witt spends other people’s money. Unlike his opponent, Lew Barnes, Witt has never met a payroll with his own money. It is time for a change. I am voting for the candidate who will be fiscally responsible and who has, throughout his life,

Jim Carpenter, Scappoose Incumbents prove value After former years of disharmony at the county, we finally have Columbia County leadership with Jeff Dickerson as sheriff and Tony Hyde and Earl Fisher as County Commissioners who are congenial leaders who, with the able assistance of Henry Heimuller, lead this county with intelligence, compassion and in harmony. As we citizens know, the economy has been tough on us all and especially on municipal and special districts, which are constantly pressured for more and better services in the face of ever declining revenues. These incumbents have proven their value and have kept their steady hand on the tiller to keep Columbia County running smoothly and in the proper direction. I am weary of changing the current winning combination of leadership; they are all fine and caring citizens who deserve to stay in their jobs and I strongly encourage their reelection. They will continue to assist Columbia County during the trying years ahead. The Portland Business Journal reports that St. Helens (the county seat) is the ninth fastest growing city in Oregon. We need these current leaders to keep us on the proper course they have charted and to do so in a harmonious manner. A change in these top positions at this time could prove to be disas-

demonstrated his good character. Given Lew Barnes’s history as a U.S. Marine, his work in the private sector, and his history as a small business owner in our district, Barnes is supremely qualified to serve the needs of our state. Chana Cox, Skyline Ridge Semper Fi I have known Lew Barnes for decades. He is one of the finest men I know – a man of wisdom, compassion, and integrity. He will bring good judgment, real world experience, and balance to the Oregon legislature. He has been a U.S. Marine in Vietnam, an employee of both large and small manufacturing companies in Oregon – and now he is the founder and operator of a metal manufacturing business in Hillsboro. No matter how busy Lew is, he is always there to help people in the veterans’ community. Four days before my husband passed away, Lew came to our home and helped me hang our American flag high on our porch. That flag represents Lew’s ideals, and his life’s commitment to America. He will bring those ideals and that commitment to Salem when he is elected as Oregon State Representative in House District 31. Semper Fi is a code Lew Barnes lives by. Paula Ummell, Beaverton Committed leaders It has recently been suggested Columbia County

needs a change of county commissioners because the incumbents have failed to bring new jobs to Columbia County and have given away millions of taxpayer dollars. I would suggest this is not the case. We have the best team of county commissioners this county has had in many years, to replace them with individuals who have never been known as trusted team players would be a great mistake. I would like to use the following as just one example of the commissioners working effectively as a team for our county. The reference made to the SIP (Strategic Investment Program) agreement the commissioners signed, along with all the taxing districts in the Port Westward Urban Renewal District, would in fact give POE a tax break if a new generating plant is built at Port Westward. The SIP agreement allows POE to be more competitive in the region-wide bidding to build such a plant. The plant would add over $300 million dollars to our county evaluation. The SIP agreement would provide immediate tax payments to all the affected taxing districts, which presently would have to wait over 20 years for the Urban Renewal District to be paid off before they could begin collecting needed tax revenue. It means the fire district, the library district, dikeing district, and other tax-strapped public entities will get the money they need to operate now instead of having to wait 20 years. This agreement was agreed to in an open public process, in an open public meeting. It is an example of commit-

ted and knowledgeable commissioners working with local districts and business leaders to add employment opportunities (long term jobs as well as construction jobs), and adding greater evaluation to our tax roles that helps us all. Without commissioners who community and business leaders have trust in, Columbia County will not attract new businesses and the jobs associated with those businesses. Without commissioners who are well informed and understand the workings of public bodies and private business, opportunities for the county to move forward will not happen. We need to reelect Earl Fisher and Tony Hyde as our Columbia County commissioners. Don Kielblock, Warren Speaks with a forked tongue I want to comment on Mrs. Maygra’s letter in the South County Spotlight and The Chronicle on Sept. 19. In her comments she was very critical of the City of St. Helens, County Commissioners and the previous hospital board conspiring behind closed doors and backroom dealings defrauding the taxpayers on the hospital district land. I am wondering if this was true or just her imagination. If she knew the time, place, and subject, I would be reporting to the Attorney General. Second, comment was made that she and the rest of the board are trying to finalize a sale with the commissioners of the hospital property and that the issue would end if the commissioners just gave in

and let them sell the property. The thing she didn’t say is that she has the property tied up in court. Also, Mrs. Maygra is still proclaiming that she is chairperson of the health district. That has yet to be proven in court and you would think she would know better. There are two things I would like to see you voters of the health district do: First, call the election clerk at (503) 397-7214 and she’ll tell you the district has been dissolved. Second, on your computer look up Oregon Revised Statutes 198.925- 198.955 and you will see for yourself where the land goes. I would also like to comment on the critical statements that Maygra made about corporations such as PGE. PGE is one of the top 10 highest property tax payers in Columbia County. They kept the schools and livelihood going in Rainier. Also, I would add that these corporations have been a benefit to the Maygras when her husband worked as business agent for the ironworkers. And she continues the propaganda that she got rid of the 38-cent tax by initiative, totally false. I think she “speaks with forked tongue.” I do hope after all this you voters will do your homework on all the people you vote for and not just take someone’s word for it. As for me, I’ll be voting for Earl Fisher and Tony Hyde. I ask myself if the county would be worse off? They may not be perfect but who is, in my opinion. Thelma Bonar Author of Measure 5-209, Warren

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012






Follow @KyleKBoggs


Tribe wraps up 3rd straight league title For the third straight season, the No. 2 Scappoose Indians (10-1, 7-0) are Cowapa League champions. The Indians beat the Seaside Seagulls (5-4-2, 4-2-1) 7-3 on the road Oct. 19 to clinch the 2012 title. Earlier in the week the Indians defeated the Banks Braves (5-4-2, 2-32) in Banks, 6-0. The Davidson sisters – Charlie and Lucy – accounted for four of the Indians’ six goals against Banks. Charlie had the first goal 22 minutes into the match and Lucy scored the next one a minute before halftime to give Scappoose a 2-0 lead at the break. Both sisters assisted on second-half goals as well, one to senior Ariel Viera and the other to senior Molly Orr. The Tribe’s other two goals came


from freshman Eleanor Jones and senior Julia Grabhorn. “It wasn’t our sharpest game, but a 6-0 win is nothing to be upset with,” said Scappoose coach Chris Dorough. Scappoose came out sharp from the start against Seaside, despite the game being postponed a day because of a lack of officials. That left the Indians making the long bus ride to Seaside on two straight days. The Indians led 4-0 at halftime. “It’s two long bus rides, but the girls played well. 4-0 at Seaside is a good result at halftime. They’re a really athletic team, so 4-0 is a good result in general,” Dorough said. “We were able to put the game away early.” Viera had three goals in the first half. Charlie Davidson scored the

other first-half goal, then added the first two goals of the second half. Lucy Davidson scored the seventh goal for a 7-0 lead. The Indians led by seven with about 15 minutes to play, then opted to rest their starters. That’s when the Seagulls were able to strike for three goals. “We were a little bit too loose at the end, but we played really, really well up until that point,” Dorough said. Viera, Lucy Davidson and freshman Natalie Muth had two assists apiece. Scappoose was at home against Yamhill-Carlton (5-4-2, 3-4) on Oct. 23 and hosts Astoria (4-6-1, 3-3-1) at 4:15 p.m. on Oct. 25. Courtesy photo – Kyle Boggs The Scappoose Indians are the 2012 Cowapa League girls soccer champions.


No. 4 Scappoose 28, Seaside 13

Scappoose weathers Seaside St. Helens is on a roll in NWOC

BY KYLE BOGGS The Chronicle

SEASIDE — After lighting up the scoreboard and posting eye-popping passing statistics for five straight weeks, the No. 4 Scappoose Indians (7-1, 4-0) displayed an opportunistic defense and potent rushing attack in a 28-13 win over the Seaside Seagulls (4-4, 1-3) on Oct. 19. With the win, it appears Scappoose has won the 2012 Cowapa League title – the first league championship for the Indians since 2005. A win on Oct. 26 against the Astoria Fishermen (3-5, 3-1) would give the Tribe the title outright. A loss could potentially create a three-way tie between Astoria, Banks (5-3, 3-1) and Scappoose. Because of their spot in the OSAA Power Rankings, Scappoose appears to own the tiebreaker. Friday was just the second time all season Scappoose has been held under 40 points. A few timely interceptions from juniors Matt Shoun and Mychal Hortert helped keep the Seagull offense at bay. Shoun had two interceptions. “Turnovers were big. Matt Shoun had two interceptions and they came at big moments,” said Scappoose coach Sean McNabb. “Those plays, I felt, gave us a little momentum, stopped their momentum.” On offense, Carson Davison was a workhorse. The jun-


After wins over Wildcats and Kingsmen, Lions have five straight league victories BY KYLE BOGGS The Chronicle

ANTHONY RIMEL / For The Chronicle

Scappoose senior Matt Blaser tries to bring down Seaside quarterback Kevin LaCoste on Oct. 19.

ior running back carried 24 times for 146 yards and a touchdown. “Carson had a really solid game at running back. I don’t think he’s been himself the last couple games but I thought he played well,” McNabb said. That helped offset a passing game that, although still effective, wasn’t as explosive as it had been over the past

few weeks. Heavy wind and rain made it a little more difficult to throw the ball. Junior quarterback Taylor Loss was 15-of-23 for 211 yards, three touchdowns and two interceptions. Senior receiver Paul Revis had eight catches for 101 yards and two touchdowns. “For most receivers that would be a great night. It was

still a good night. With him, it kinda held him down,” McNabb said. Senior Kyle Kramer added three catches for 72 yards, including a 54-yard scoring bomb late in the game. Kramer was all alone for the touchdown catch after Seaside’s secondary bit hard on a See SHS, Page B7

The St. Helens Lions volleyball team (14-4, 10-2) enters the final week of the regular season riding an impressive win streak. After nearly knocking off the sixth-ranked Sherwood Bowmen (14-3, 12-0) on Oct. 2, the Lions have won five straight Northwest Oregon Conference matches. The latest two victims were the Wilsonville Wildcats (2-13, 210) and the Rex Putnam Kingsmen (7-8, 7-5). St. Helens beat Wilsonville in four sets on Oct. 16, winning 25-15, 21-25, 25-11 and 25-13. Two nights later the Lions dropped the first two sets to the Kingsmen before storming back to win the match in five sets. St. Helens won 2025, 21-25, 25-21, 25-17, 15-7. Dropping the first two sets to Putnam left head coach Tom Ray searching for a spark. Ray inserted two sophomore swing players from the JV team into the lineup. Hailee Fischer and Jessica Kinsman gave the team the shot in the arm it needed. “Hailee Fischer and Jessica Kinsman stepped up in game three when we were struggling,” Ray said.

With the duo energizing the Lions, St. Helens won the third set 25-21. Because they played in the JV match, they were allowed to play in only one set of the varsity match. Ray returned to his regular lineup for the fourth game. When the Kingsmen missed a serve to open the fifth set, the Lions knew they were in business. St. Helens won the deciding set, 15-7, to earn its fifth straight conference win. “We are playing very good volleyball. We are finding out that the faster we transition the better we play,” Ray said. “I was extremely proud of how the team came together last night.” Senior Jillian Ross led the team in more ways than one. She was a perfect 22-for-22 at the service line with three aces and provided “excellent team leadership,” Ray said. Senior Brooke Cathers added 13 kills and senior Megan Thompson was 83 percent on her passing. Against Wilsonville, junior Kali Moore finished the match 20-for-23 on serves with five aces. Cathers had 10 kills. St. Helens hosted No. 10 Liberty (13-6, 8-4) on Oct. 23. The Lions finish the regular season at Sherwood on Oct. 25.

Parkrose 12, St. Helens 6

Lions’ Long has big game in road loss BY KYLE BOGGS The Chronicle

PORTLAND — The St. Helens Lions (1-7, 0-6) moved the ball up and down the field on Oct. 19 but couldn’t get it into the end zone until the final play of regulation. Junior running back Tanner Long shredded the defense of the Parkrose Broncos (3-5, 1-5), gashing them for 215 rushing yards. Once the Lions got inside the Broncos’ 20-yard line, however, they struggled to capitalize. “We moved the ball between the 20s relatively well,” said St. Helens coach John England. “Then we got inside the red zone and couldn’t finish it off. We had multiple opportunities to go ahead and we just didn’t do it. I’m disappointed in our ability to finish plays and finish drives. It could have been a much different game.” Defensively the Lions came up with several big stops and key takeaways. A 44-yard run just before halftime gave Parkrose its first touchdown. That was the only score the St. Helens defense gave up – Parkrose’s other score came when the

KYLE BOGGS / The Chronicle

St. Helens junior Tanner Long breaks a tackle against Parkrose on Oct. 19. He carried the ball 29 times for 215 yards.

Broncos recovered a Lion fumble in the end zone. That was enough for a 12-6 Parkrose victory. Senior linebacker Andrew Gray led the Lion defense

with 16 total tackles, including three for loss. “He made multiple big plays for us,” England said. Three of those big plays came right in a row. After

Parkrose MORE recovONLINE ered a St. HeSee extra lens photos fumble from the and regame at turned it thechronicleondeep into Lion territory, Gray came up with three straight stops to help keep the Broncos out of the end zone. “He was definitely our defensive player of the game,” England said. Junior lineman Andrew Sandstrom added 10 tackles with one for loss. Junior Jacob Zartman, making his first appearance since week three, had eight tackles, two of them for loss. “Defensively (Zartman) can be a tough kid to block,” England said. With the Lions holding the Broncos scoreless other than the long run just before halftime, St. Helens had a couple of opportunities to start potential game-tying drives late in the fourth quarter. Sophomore running back Doug Fulcher carried the ball three straight times to get a first down with about five See LIONS, Page B8

KYLE BOGGS / The Chronicle

St. Helens junior Kali Moore tips the ball over the net against Wilsonville on Oct. 16.



St. Helens wins fall league The St. Helens Juniors fall baseball team won the 2012 Apple Cup title. The Apple Cup is a wooden bat league that runs for six weeks in the fall with doubleheaders each Sunday. The Juniors – a team made up of freshmen and sophomores – finished the regular season 9-3 to take the top seed in the National Conference. In the playoffs, St. Helens beat Camas, 8-4, and Reynolds 6-3, to reach the playoffs against the No. 1 seed Vancouver Phillies (102). Jake Shirley had a two-run double. Bryce Mulcahy pitched six and a third innings, allowing three hits and striking out six. Shirley recorded the final two outs for the save. St. Helens beat Clackamas in the finals, 9-2. Shirley struck out seven and allowed just two hits through the first four innings. “This was an outstanding achievement for our Juniors, they have practiced hard

Courtesy photo

The St. Helens Juniors fall baseball team won the 2012 Apple Cup. The team includes, from back left, coach Jack Mulcahy, David Bair, Travis Lungberg, Bryce Mulcahy, Justin Helgerson, Brody Takemoto, Ryne Poorman, coach Chris Poorman; from front left, Bryson Takemoto, Jake Shirley, Ryan Brown and Brandon Jones.

through the summer and fall baseball season and it’s great to see their hard work pay off. I am extremely proud of them. There were a total of 15 teams competing in our division for the Apple Cup. It’s a great team achievement,” said coach Jack Mulcahy. St. Helens’ Varsity team – made up of juniors and seniors

– finished the season with a record of 9-2-1. The team finished second in the National Conference but did not get to play in the semifinals because only one team from the National Conference reaches the playoffs. Find more details on these games at

Scappoose soccer, St. Helens football star in the classroom The OSAA has announced its Dairy Farmers of Oregon Academic All-State top 10 lists for fall 2012. With a 3.96 accumulative grade point average, Scappoose High School possesses the highest GPA of any girls soccer team in Oregon, regardless of classification. Several other teams from Scappoose and St. Helens made the top 10 lists.

St. Helens owns the highest team GPA among 5A football teams with a 3.48 mark. Other Lion teams in the top 10 are boys cross country (second, 3.83), girls soccer (eighth, 3.66), volleyball (ninth, 3.60) and boys soccer (fifth, 3.55). In addition to the girls soccer team’s No. 1 ranking, Scappoose High School had three other teams on the top

10 lists: girls cross country (second, 3.94), volleyball (fourth, 3.62) and boys soccer (third, 3.57). All of the teams listed will receive lapel pins. Because the SHS girls soccer team had the highest GPA for their sport among all classifications, members of the team will also receive “got milk?” sweatshirts, certificates and plaques.

SPORTS SHORTS Youth hoops sign-ups soon The new St. Helens Youth Basketball League will hold its registration Nov. 2 and 3 and McBride School. Times for the registration period are 6-8 p.m. on Nov. 2 and 9 a.m. until noon on Nov. 3. The league is open to all boys and girls in grades 1-6. Cost for the season is $35. Jerseys will be an extra $15 for players who need them. The season will begin in November and carry on through January. St. Helens Youth Basket-


ball League is looking for parent volunteers to coach teams. For more information, visit the St. Helens – Oregon Youth Basketball Facebook page or call Kevin White at (503) 369-2895 or Doug Scott at (503) 397-9901. Futsal league starting up St. Helens High School boys soccer coach Ryoma Ajisawa is organizing a futsal league for boys and girls ages 7 through high school. The league will have sessions each Wednesday beginning Nov. 18 and running

for eight weeks. Each session is split up by age, with U7-U9 from 4:30-5:30 p.m., U9-12 from 5:30-6:30, U11-14 from 6:30-7:45 and U14 through high school from 7:45-9:15. Cost for the league is $65. All sessions will take place in the St. Helens High School cafeteria. These are co-ed leagues that will include skill development as well as scrimmages. For more information, contact Ajisawa at

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It looks like the rain is here to stay

The sun this week Past highs, lows & precipitation

ODFW Fishing Report Find up-to-date reports at








October 24

October 25

October 26

October 27

October 28

October 29

October 30

High 48° Low 39°

High 51° Low 36°

High 51° Low 42°

High 54° Low 42°

High 56° Low 41°

High 54° Low 40°

High 51° Low 40°

Showers likely.

Partly sunny.

Chance of rain.

Chance of showers.

Rain likely.

Rain likely.

Chance of rain.

Sunrise 7:41 AM

Sunset 6:09 PM

Tuesday, October 16 High: 63 LOW: 39 Precipitation: 0.01

Sunrise 7:43 AM

Sunset 6:07 PM

Wednesday, October 17 High: 62 LOW: 39 Precipitation: 0.00

Weekend Fishing Opportunities The Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Oregon/Washington border is open for fall chinook, fin-clipped coho and fin-clipped steelhead. Fall chinook catches are winding down, but anglers are still catching a few quality fish below Bonneville Dam. Steelhead catches are good in the Columbia River above the John Day Dam and in the John Day arm. Walleye fishing is good in Troutdale.

Sunrise 7:44 AM

Sunset 6:06 PM

Thursday, October 18 High: 69 LOW: 37 Precipitation: 0.10

Columbia River Fish Counts Salmon, steelhead and shad The following modifications are now in effect for the Columbia River mainstem: From Buoy 10 upstream to the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, this section is open for fall chinook, coho and steelhead retention. The daily limit is two adult salmon/steelhead in combination and five jacks. Seasons may be subject to in-season modifications. From Tongue Point to the War-

BY CHIP BUBL OSU Extension Service

For last-minute food preservation questions, you can call our local OSU Extension office at (503) 397-3462 to get answers and to get your pressure canner Chip Bubl tested. In addition, there are a number of great OSU publications on food preservation free for the download at http://extension.oregonstate.ed u/catalog/ and then click on the “nutrition and foods.” nest is deDemise of the yellow jackets stroyed by Fall is not a good time to be rain and wind a yellow jacket worker. The and sometimes, skunks who colony is in transition and will relish doomed brood. soon collapse. A protected class of females (“queens to be”) is Drought effects linger long fattened up since they alone after the rain has begun will carry the colonial genes South Columbia County had through the winter. They no real rain for about 90 days. emerge from the colony, mate For many gardeners, the long in air with the males, and then warm season allowed tomatoes seek a protected place to winter to ripen and Concord grapes to over. It isn’t uncommon to find actually get sweet. That was all these fat queens in stacks of good. firewood or under boards in an But there is a strong chance open garage. Next year, they that the long dry spell will constart a new nest by themselves, tinue to affect trees and shrubs. tending the larval brood until Much of the damage will not enough workers are present to show up until next spring or take over. even for several years. The males, after the reproNewly planted trees and ductive dance is done, quickly shrubs were most at risk. New fall to earth and perish. The plants usually come to us with worker caste goes through a small root systems (bare root slow decline. Early in the year, dormant trees) or somewhat they fed the new yellow jacket constrained ones like those larvae protein from caterpillar trees and shrubs that we get in juicy bits and the larvae, in re- containers. turn, made them sugary treats. Most gardeners are good But the queen produces fewer about seeing that a proper larvae toward the end and the planting hole is dug (wider as workers turn to sugar-rich fruits opposed to deep), that grass outside. and weeds are taken care of The colony is in a death spi- and that the trees are kept wellral. The workers eventually watered the first year. start departing the nest one by But often, second-year trees one, never to return. The queen still lack vigorous root systems. for this year also departs to die Moisture competition from alone and untended. grass and skimpy watering in The remaining larvae die as August through October can

garden plots send these plants into crisis when the soil profile dries out as much as it did this summer. Symptoms could include rapid drying of the leaves or individual limbs dying. Under the ground, roots may be damaged. Root injury often leads to the strange symptom of trees leafing out next spring and then quickly turning brown. Drought stress may increase insect injury. A nonstressed tree often has resins, sap, or gum that helps it fight off trunk or limb borers. Weakened trees can’t mount the same level of defense. Roots that have partially died back can be more prone to root diseases that may cause significant and sometimes fatal problems in the coming years. For both these problems, there are no treatments (root diseases) or only marginally effective ones (insect borers). Some of pour native trees have very sophisticated stress response capacities. A lot of Oregon Garry oaks can be found in St. Helens on rocky, dry sites. This year, many had brown leaves by early August but have set buds on their branches and should, for the most part, leaf out normally next year.

Pray for O ur Nat ion “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Faith, courage and prayer birthed our great nation and guided America through more than 200 years of wars, natural and national crisis. Prayer is a freedom guaranteed to us by our Constitution, and a God-given right to all humanity. The opportunity to pray is a privilege, honor and sacred duty. History has proven that forces will wage war against our freedom. Terrorism has shed blood on American soil. Violent crime has invaded American homes and schools. Drugs and alcohol abuse rage against the innocence of our youth. Forces of darkness threaten our morality, integrity and faith. Prayer for our nation is our defense. Now is the time to be resolute in our defiance against the forces of destruction-to unite and not succumb to fear. Americans must stand strong and remain bold in faith, courage and prayer. The nation needs your prayers. The President, his advisors, congress and all local and national leaders need your prayers. Often people are unsure how to pray. It is the sincerity of the heart that determines a successful prayer, not the length, eloquence, or level of vocabulary. Make a commitment to pray daily for your nation. Minutes can change crisis into hope when you take the time to pray. Your Heavenly Father is listening. He loves you and this nation. A PRAYER FOR: National Patriotism Father, I pray in Jesus’ name that You would restore a social conscience to our nation. I pray that we would again see the value of teaching our children the virtue of being good citizens-to not only live for the good of the individual but the good of others as well. Dear Father, I desire to see our nation restored to godly integrity and excellence, so that our children and our citizens can be proud of their nation and proud to be called citizens of it. In recognizing our duty to God and our country, keep us mindful to pray for our nation not only in our churches and our homes, but also in the quietness of our daily lives. Scripture References Acts 24:16 Proverbs 20: 6,7

Material from: “Pray for Our Nation” * Author: Harrison House Publishers. Permission granted for our use. Copywright; 1999 Tulsa, Ok. ~ Please join us as we pray for our nation and our world.~ Share the Prayer…


Sunrise 7:45 AM

Sunset 6:04 PM

Friday, October 19 High: 57 LOW: 48 Precipitation: 0.22

Sunrise 7:47 AM

Sunset 6:03 PM

Saturday, October 20 High: 56 LOW: 38 Precipitation: 0.25

Sunrise 7:48 AM

Sunset Sunrise 6:01 PM 7:50 AM

Sunday, October 21 High: 53 LOW: 38 Precipitation: 0.07

Sunset 6:00 PM

Monday, October 22 High: 52 LOW: 42 Precipitation: 0.51

rior Rock Lighthouse on Sauvie Island, this section of the river is open from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31 for fall chinook, coho and steelhead. The daily limit is two adults in combination and five jacks. Retention of chum and sockeye is prohibited. Seasons may be subject to in-season modifications. On Oct. 13 there were 69 salmonid boats and 42 Oregon bank anglers counted from Bonneville Dam downstream to Westport. Anglers had the highest catch rates in the gorge this past weekend, where boat anglers averaged 1.63 fall chinook and 0.5 coho per

boat, and bank anglers averaged 0.07 fall chinook and 0.02 steelhead per angler. In Troutdale boat anglers averaged 0.16 fall chinook and 0.03 coho caught per boat. Anglers fishing the Portland to Longview area averaged 0.14 coho per boat. Portland to Longview bank: Weekend checking showed no catch for five anglers. Portland to Longview boats: Weekend checking showed three jack chinook and three adult coho kept for 21 boats (39 anglers).

Sturgeon The following modifications are in effect for the mainstem Columbia River: From Buoy 10 to the Bonneville Dam, retention of sturgeon is prohibited seven days per week until Dec. 31. Catch and release of sturgeon may continue during retention closures. Portland to Longview bank: Weekend checking showed no catch for two anglers. Portland to Longview boats: Weekend checking showed one legal caught and one sublegal sturgeon released for two boats (three anglers).

Douglas fir is a little more problematic. It now grows on lower elevation sites that originally had oaks. Though Douglas fir naturally goes dormant in the late summer, the degree of dryness this fall mirrors other years that caused problems for fir trees. Some trees have already turned brown and are dead. Others have limbs that have died but the tree is still alive. Callers to the Extension office have noted the amount of

needles being shed this year. It is normal for conifers to shed needles in the fall from the inside out but drought stressed trees often dispense with more needles in response to lack of moisture. As noted above, our fall stress can continue to show up as dying trees well into the next several years. A cold dry winter could aggravate that problem but right now, that doesn’t appear to be in the forecast.

Free newsletter The Oregon State University Extension office in Columbia County publishes a monthly newsletter on gardening and farming topics (called County Living) written/edited by yours truly. All you need to do is ask for it and it will be mailed to you. Call (503) 3973462 to be put on the list. Alternatively, you can find it on the web at and click on newsletters.


PARADE Saturday, October 27th 5:00PM Olde Towne, St. Helens Assemble at 4:30pm St. Helens Street & First Street in St. Helens

Open to all ghosts, goblins, superheroes, ballerinas, princes and princesses. Show your most creative costume. Trick or Treat area businesses after the parade. Awards for the best costumes. Kids in costume, muscle powered floats and wagons welcome. Dogs must be on a leash. No motorized vehicles, ATV’s, motorized skateboards or scooters please. No need to pre-register. Just show up in costume!




Columbia mbia River People’ People’s s Utility ty District Director, Director r, Columbia River PUD, Position 4 Darrel R Purkerson p : Retired Pharmacist,, Business usiness Owner Occupation: und: Occupational Background: owner, property manager, manager, volunteer lunteer on numerous Pharmacy owner, boards including Oregon Board of Medical al Examiners, Oregon Board of Nursing, Oregon regon Optometric Board, d, Hospital Board, Publicc Health, High School Advisory Committees, Oregon State Pharmacyy Association, Oregon State University College ge of Pharmacy Advisoryy Committee, Northwest west Oregon Health Systems, stems, Board Member SHCFC Union, Board of Directors for Columbia bia River PUD since 1999. 99. Educational Background: nd: BS Oregon State ate University College of Pharmacy 1963 Prior Prior Governmental Experience: rience: Columbia bia River PUD Board off Directors I headed a committee to help the voters in South outh Columbia County have a choice by voting ng to move the island cities ties of Rainier, Rainier, Columbia a City, City, St. Helens, and Scappoose into the Columbia umbia River PUD Service ce District. Three of us circulated petitions and brought the annexation to a vote which failed twice ce but passed on the third try after PGE planned to move the cities into Western Western Oregon Electric. I was appointed to the board in 1999 and have served the position on for thirteen years. We We have an excellent board and we all believe b lieve in reliable service vice i to t the customers and in trying g to keep the rates low. low. Our rates are approximately proximately 35% less than PGE’s PGE’s rates which have saved millions of consumer dollars since the annexation. I would appreciate ppreciate your vote and will continue to work ork for you the customer. customer. This ad w was as paid for for by by Darrel D R Purkerson Purkerson

Wednesday, October 24, 2012




Juan’s Yard Maintenance Quality Work, Hedging, Edging, Mowing, Clean Gutters, Lay Bark Dust, Clean-up & Hauling. Licenced & Free Estimates 503-396-7828 LEAF CLEAN-UP Mowing, edging, cleanups. Call Gene at 503-839-4000 Ramo’s Yard Maintenance Residential & Commercial yard maintenance & one time jobs, mowing/edging, gutter cleaning, weeding, shrubs & hedges, bark dust, power washing, will haul all debris Free Estimates & Reasonable Priced 503-366-7863


Cleaning Services Maria’s House Cleaning Licensed, Professional cleaning. Insured & Bonded. Natural cleaning materials. $20/hr. Will clean the whole house, doors, windows (inside), bottom base boards, fridges, cabinets, blinds, ovens. Free estimates. Refs avail. Call anytime Cell: 503-396-3857 Hme 503-397-9821


Construction Services Artisan Concrete All types of concrete work. “Many Happy Customers” 503-396-6196 CCB#183456




Yard Work

Construction Services Carpenter/Painter Handyman Repairs & more Wil Morris Construction CCB# 197018 503-410-6917

(ORS 701) requires all businesses that advertise repair, remodeling, home improvement, new construction or home inspections services need to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means a contractor has a bond and insurance. Verify a contractor s license at or 503-378-4621


Misc Services !!Wanted!! in Columbia Co. DEAD or ALIVE Scrap Metal 503-397-3481 Free Removal $I PAY CASH$ FOR ALL CARS, TRUCKS, VANS, or any large amounts of scrap metal. We’ll load it and haul it off and pay you CASH on the spot. Call 503-3698186 or 503-438-6099 Big John Salvage The hunt’s on! Cars, Appliances, Metal Scrap. If you don’t want it we’ll come get it. Free recycling 503-369-5399


Misc Services


Help Wanted

CHORE MASTERS Paint, House & Yard, Cleaning, Remodels, Kitchen, Bath, Decks. No Job too Big or too Small. Over 20 yrs. CCB #96410 503-397-4268 503-515-3700

ALCOHOL & DRUG, Overcomer Outreach Monday 7 pm 503-543-3028 or 503-369-0337 Christian 12-step (No Preaching)

Energy Specialist I Salary: $24.98-$35.61 Hour/DOE Deadline: Open Until Filled

DIVORCE $155, $175 with children. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.paralegalalternativ,

If you re interested in becoming a part of the Columbia River PUD team, please visit our website at to view and apply for open positions or call our job line at (503) 397-8159 to have an application packet mailed to you.

I KILL BLACKBERRIES These plants grow 1420ft/year.I kill roots & all All work is guaranteed 49 yrs exp. Large and small time is now thru Nov. Free Estimates 503-369-0673

Paul’s Tree Service No bush too small, no tree to tall call Paul. Specialized in danger trees, take downs, pruning Lace Leafed Maples & ornamental shrubberies, chipping, senior discount, free estimates. LLC#169770. Lic., Bonded & Insured. 5438274 or cell 503-4400723 Small Business Accounting/ Bookkeeping QB/Adobe/Office expert Public Notary OR/WA 503-871-0701


Craft Classes


CPR-AED First Aid Basic Life Support

NRA HANDGUN SAFETY Concealed Handgun Permit Class OR, FL, AZ, ME, NH, VA, CT. On-site or Off-site Individual or Group (503)709-1878


COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP Nov 7, 6:30-8:30pm 503-388-3072

Alcoholics Anonymous Info-line, (503)366-0667

GUITAR LESSONS Full Time Instructor Limited Availability Call Now 503-367-8728

Health & Nutrition


Personals AL-ANON 503-397-5859, 543-7191, 369-1195


Piano, violin, guitar lessons, ages 6 & up. St. H 503-397-0777


Country Media, a 12-yearold Oregon-based information and marketing company with 15 newspapers in four states, has openings for full- and parttime advertising sales reps on the Oregon coast. Our financially successful, growing group of community newspapers and websites in Oregon are in Lincoln City, Tillamook, Manzanita, Cannon Beach, Seaside, Astoria and St. Helens. Advertising sales reps earn a competitive salary/ commission/benefits package, while working with an established list of accounts in their home territory. Print and Web ad sales experience is preferred, but we'll certainly consider training creative, motivated candidates. Our company is a good fit for energetic professionals who can multi-task, adhere to deadlines, achieve sales goals, and work well with others in a fast-paced, team environment. You'll need to be computer-literate and have reliable transportation. Drop us a line and tell us why you might be interested in Country Media. Please forward your resumé and cover letter to attn:Sales. We'll look forward to hearing from you and will respond to all serious inquiries.

Help Wanted Concrete Finishers and Carpenters. Min 3 years exp., need in St. Helens. Read plans, form work, framers, rebar and finishing. Send resume to info@semlingconstructi

DRIVER: $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Choose your hometime: Weekly, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/ON7/OFF. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-4149569 DRIVERS: Looking for Job Security? Haney Truck Line seeks CDLA, hazmat/doubles required. We offer Paid Dock bumps, Benefits, Bonus Program, Paid Vacation! 1-888-4144467.

JOURNEY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC PAPER MILL Harbor Paper, LLC is an independently owned manufacturer of business and copy paper located in Hoquiam, WA. We have an immediate opening for Journeyman Maintenance Mechanics with paper mill experience. The maintenance mechanics in our mill cover the scope of several disciplines. They include Millwrighting, Pipefitting Electrical&Instrument. The Millwrights repair and maintain the plant, facilities and equipment therein. The Pipefitters are responsible for maintaing the entire piping system in the mill. If you are a paper mill maintenance professional seeking a new position where you can grow and progress with a forward thinking independent company, please email your resume to nvanhouten@ Company benefit package includes medical, dental vision, life insurance. Equal Opportunity Employer Looking for local musician. Lead/Rhythm guitarist. Must be able to play Country Rock, Rhythm & Blues, Vintage Rock & Oldies. Serious callers only. Contact Janet 503-3695469 or Martin 503-3976197 Why sift through the rest? LOCAL and the BEST!!! Want LOCAL? Has them ALL!! Want your car SOLD as quickly as can be? Call and sell it LOCALLY!!

NOW HIRING Employment Specialist Community Access Services is currently seeking to hire a full time Employment Specialist to work in an Employment/ATE program in St. Helens. Applicants should have experience supporting individuals who have intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Must have the ability to qualify as a company driver, pass a preemployment drug screen and criminal background check. Position starts at $10.00 to $10.25 per hour DOE plus benefit package. For information, contact Betty at (503)366-0381 Public Works Director - City of Clatskanie, OR Population 1,735 Salary $60,000-$76,900 annually, plus benefits. The Public Works Director works under the supervision of the City Manager and is responsible for the effective and efficient operations of the Public Works Department. Duties include facility maintenance, preparation of the annual department budget, civil design, and Capital Improvement Program implementation. The desirable qualifications include being a Registrered Professional Enigneer in the State of Oregon; a minimum four years of experience in public agency supervisiing personnel and managing infrastructure projects; Certification from the State of Oregon in Water Distribution (Level II) and Water Treatment (Level II) with filter endorsements; or be able to obtain within two years of employment. Certification from the State of Oregon in Wastewater Collection (Level II) and Connection Control Inspector Certification or obtain within 3 years. Cross Certification for Wastewater Treatment (Level III) or obtain within 3 years. Suitable experience in lieu of desired qualifications can be substituted. A valid Oregon Drivers License is required. A full job description with recruitment process information and application are available at the city web site: Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, November 7th, 2012. Quality Resumes 503-397-4098


Garage Sales

We have a couple of openings for energetic people with an interest in selling advertising for our community newspapers and websites ... while enjoying all that a coastal lifestyle has to offer! We’re Country Media, the fastestgrowing information and marketing company on the Oregon coast. Our offices are in Lincoln City, Tillamook, Manzanita, Cannon Beach, Seaside, Astoria and St. Helens. Does living in one of those towns strike your fancy? If so, test the waters by emailing Director of Sales Don Patterson at mailto:dpatterson@cou . We’d like to hear from you.

BARN SALE Thurs-Fri-Sat Oct 25, 26 & 27 9AM - 2PM 58741 S. Bachelor Flat Rd PRIMITIVES ANTIQUES COLLECTABLES and MORE 12’ Church Pew, Vintage kitchenware, benches, cross-cut saws, milk cans & tractor seats, ladders, galvanized drums, galvanized wash tubs, pails wood pop bottle crates, hay hooks, old large door, window yard art and craft repurpose material, 40’s Studebaker Hood, lots of old metal tractor wheels and pulley wheels, old farm tables, lots of white enamel ware, military field desk, large heavy guage cabinet, old signs, wheel barrows, kids wagon great for garden decor. Tons of Griswold & Wagner ware, cast iron skillets, lids and dutch ovens & so much more!


Boats & Motors Boat top repairs; drop curtains, upholstery snaps, zippers, etc. Suzi (503)396-1548


Motorcycles ‘01 Suzuki Intruder 1500 Cruiser. Great condition under 10K Hwy miles. Lots of extras. $3500 Firm. Call Tony after 5 pm. 503860-5704


Trucks 2005 F150 crew cab truck, 4x4, XLT, premium wheels and new tires. Very nice family/work. Lots of options. 146K miles. Books at $11,500 will take $10,500. 503-3954313


Wanted Autos !Columbia County’s! Top Cash 4 Junk Cars, Trucks and Motorhomes. *Titles not required* “Scrappy” 503-397-3481 $CASH$ PAID FOR CARS & TRUCKS, RUNNING OR NOT. FREE REMOVAL OF UNWANTED VEHICLES. 503-285-1808


Garage Sales Estate Sale: 60500 Edens Rd., Vernonia. Oct 26 & 27, 9-4. Table saw, misc tools, fishing gear, Honda boat motor, maple desk, trunks, household items, camping gear, vintage glassware, and other vintage items. Logging equipment: Caterpillar D4 Dozer, drag saw, arch, cables, haywire, fuel storage tanks & more, lots more. YOU HAUL, NO EARLY BIRDS, CASH ONLY, NO CREDIT CARDS.



• Washers, Dryers • Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges • Dishwashers



503-314-2535 24 HR SERVICE-10 YR PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY Oregon Energy Trust-Trade Ally CCB#186513




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Randy Johnson 503-410-4875 503-397-4947



10 $12


OLDE TOWNE BARBER SHOP Curt Epperly, owner 295 S First 396-2087

Asphalt Paving Septic Tank Replacement Septic Pumping


P.O. BOX 838


Estate Sale on Sat Oct 27, 9am-4pm. A book lovers sale/vintage books, celluloid vanity collections, some vintage clothing, antique three-piece living room set, mission oak glass bookcase and, much, much more. 34899 Millard Rd, Warren. Estate Sale: Thursday 10/25 thru Sat 10/27 Thurs & Fri 10am6pm, Sat 10am-4pm. SE 2nd Scappoose. 50+ yrs in home, long time Scappoose residents. He was a wood worker. Woodshop is full, lathe, beautiful burls & hardwoods, many tools, antique ski’s and poles, iron & brass beds, mid sewing machines, century sofas and lamps, vintage Xmas, old trunks, linens, sleds, tablesaw. CASH ONLY, NO EARLIES. for pics. Multi-Family Sale October 26 & 27, 16 Crescent Drive SH. RELAY FOR LIFE Skinny’s & Chubb’s TEAM BELIEVE Sale Closing CLEARANCE!! 1914 Co. Blvd. Thurs Fr - Sat Oct 25, 26 27, 9am-3pm, Saturday after 2 pm everything is FREE!! All MUST GO by November 1, come shop with us one more time and let us make a GREAT DEAL! Many new items added, including a huge selection of Holiday Decor. Call Sharon 503396-1639 for more info. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Historical Columbia City Estate Sale 2000 Strand Col. City. October 26, 27 & 28, 9am-4pm. Antiques from the 1870 McVey Store. Original store doors & windows, 1890’s ledgers, store counters, store displays, tins, crocks, quilts, jewelry, bottles, benches, trunks, china, glass, crafts, vintage clothing from early 1900’s, books, old tools, logging misc., 1915 Drag Saw, motors, anchors, winches, fishing, antique furniture, household misc. Own A Part of History!


Food & Produce



Call 503-397-0116 or email to advertise today!

Buying Gold, Silver, Coins, Guns 503-308-2494

HAY Grass mix, from $3-4. John Vardanega 503-397-3679








B.B. #125615

Completely Reconditioned


503-730-9728 503-397-1372


sand filters site prep standard systems underground utilities roads, driveways Free Estimates Reasonable Prices

RLJ Plumbing








Help Wanted


1906 Second St., Tillamook, OR (503) 842-7535

Piano Lessons 1st Lesson is Free! Located in Yankton. Little Mozarts program for ages 5+. All ages are welcome. Have degree in music. 503-396-3230

Experienced Drivers $1,000 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Regional Truckload Opportunities in Your Area! Be Home Every Week. Run Up to 2,000 miles/week. 866333-1021


Help Wanted


Boarding for Dogs at Big Meadow Farm. Reserve Early for the Holidays 503-366-3565

Wednesday, October 24, 2012





Apts Unfurnished

Houses Unfurnished

Columbia Humane Society offers dog baths every Sat only, 11:303:30 p.m. Prices vary by size and coat ($5-$16) more details at By appt. 503-397-4353 We are also at All About Pets, 53567 Columbia River Hwy, Scappoose. Day & hrs the same. By appt. 503-543-5740

Lincoln Square Apartments Quiet park like 1 bdrm apt. W/S/G pd. Laundry fac. onsite. $520/mth, NOHA approved. $550 Security deposit. May accept deposit payments w/approved credit. 2 bdrm Duplex single level quiet park like setting apt. W/S/G pd. With patio. Some w/fireplaces, some w/ w/d hook-up. Laundry Fac. onsite. NOHA approved. $725 MTM $700 w/1yr lease. $750 Security Deposit. $40 screen fee. Call 503396-4137. Both available midNovember.

OIG PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC (503)396-5436 Scappoose: 33388 Meadowbrook $1,100/mth, 2 bdrm, 2 ba, loft, garage, fenced yard, small pet ok with pet rent and security deposit.

Home Alone Critter Care A wonderful way to allow your pets the comfort and safety of their own home while you are away or working lng hours. Walking and taxi service also available. All pets, indoor & outdoor. www.crittercare Free Consultation Licensed, Bonded & Insured. 503-860-6470


Livestock/Supplies Boarding matted stalls, lighted indoor 60x120 arena. Partial care, we feed mornings, turn-out available. 503543-7406 for more info. Horse Boarding - Deer Island. Leave message 503-397-3859 360-431-5171


Feed & Supplies Excellent Grass Hay, 60+# bales. $4/bale, Straw $2/bale, Deer Island 503-397-7198


Misc For Sale CHERRYWOOD Dining room table w/6 padded chairs. $300 OBO. Call 503-397-2621


Apts Unfurnished Apt w/fplace and freshly painted. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, small pets ok. $630/mth, G/W/S pd. (503)397-4036 Clean 2 bdrm & 3 bdrm unit in quiet residential neighborhood.New carpets, DW, newly painted interior/exterior, carport, storage shed, fncd yd and private patio. W/S pd. We maintained the yard. W/D hk-up, cable & satellite ready. Easy access to PDX. From $650 to $800/mth, open to negotiation. Available now. 360-635-300, 360513-2323 Rainier: 1 bdrm, river view, quiet neighborhood. W/S/G pd, no pets. $495/mth, $400 dep. 503-369-4576 St. Helens Grace’s Apts 1st month $99 w/1 yr lease Small studio/kitchenette $475/mth. Large Studio/river view $700/mth. 1 bdrm w/fireplace $800/mth All utilities included except cable 503-397-0798

Lrg 1 bdrm. Newly remodeled. Water pd. $585/mth + dep. 503396-1057 Lrg 2 bdrm, 1 ba, approx 1000sqft. Lrg living area w/riverview deck. W/S/G inc. Located in Old Town SH, walk to marina, restaurants & shopping. NOHA OK w/refs. $800/mth. 503-3966786 Lrg 2 bdrm, 1 ba, w/garage. Appliances, WD hk-up, W/S/G pd. No Smoking/Pets. NOHA OK. $675/mth + dep. Located 64435 Columbia River Hwy. 1-877-304-0134 RAINIER Spacious, corner 2 bdrm on the top floor. $600/mth + dep. 503-556-3077


Houses Unfurnished 264 N 18th, 2 car gar, 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, fncd yrd. No Smoking/NOHA, Accept 1 dog up to 10lbs. $35 app fee, $1250/mth. $500 dep. 503-366-1803 3 bdrm, 2 ba, on 5 ac. Deer Island, .11 mi up Canaan Rd. 503-5561652 BRAND NEW HOMES For lease option in St. Helens. Taking apps for tenants/buyers for lease options in new area. 3 bdrm, 2 full ba, central air, new blinds, new yards & fenced! Stainless kitchens & new s/s fridge. Call for details. $1250/$1350/mo + prof. yard care. 1st & last + $725 sec/cleaning deposit. $40 app. fee. 503-407-7645 New 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car garage, gas heat , no pets or smoking. $1195/mth + dep. 503396-0065

WATER/SEWER/ GARBAGE INCLUDED!!! 1 level, 2bdrm. w/hardwood floors, formal dining rm, utility rm . Fenced yard. Nr. McBride School. No rent increase for 2 yrs. Landlord will do yard care. $795 first, $795 dep. 503-860-7263, 503-397-2037

51942 SW 4th Beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 ba, garage, fenced yard, small ok with pet rent and deposit. $1275/mth. Many of our units are pet friendly. Please check our webiste for more availabilities and information of properties. RENT/OWN $750/mth. 3 bdrm, 2 ba w/garage, fenced yard. Nice. 503-348-8482 Very Clean Townhouse 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba, garage, 1 blck from McBride School. $1065/mth. No smoking/pets. 503-3664482, 503-515-1429


Duplexes Large 3 level Duplex. 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba. Extra lrg living rm & kitchen area. Over 1700 sq.ft. Good neighborhood, close to schools, nice back deck w/small yard. $995/mth Avail NOW! 260 N. 16th SH. Betty, 503-369-2270 Nicest in St. Helens 3 bdrm, 2 ba, newer Townhouse w/garage & fenced yard. WD hkups, quiet dead-end street. $925/mth + dep. 587 N. 9th. 503-3661014 01 Rainier area Downstairs, 2 bdrm, 1 ba, $650/mth, $350 sec dep, pets welcome, WSG pd. 503-438-6089 Available 10/1/12 St. Helens, newer Duplex, 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, single car garage, gas f/place, W/D hook-ups. 2833 Columbia Blvd, close to schools & shopping. No Smoking/Pets, $920/mth + dep. & utilities. 503-397-0146, 503-539-6392


Rooms for Rent Room for Rent in St. Helens. $250 + Split Utilities. 971-238-4052


Office Space Office space SH. 2045 sqft. 2 ada baths, conference room, offices, kitchen, AC. 503-396-9204


Misc for Rent Lot for rent in Mobile Home Park. $325/mth. Taking applications, MF Homes ONLY. No RV’s. 503-543-7770

RRock ock SSolid olid in oli Colu Columbia olumbia CCounty! oun ountty!




Homes for Sale by Owner Nice condo in SH 2 bdrm, 1.5 bth, single garage, deck, recently updated kitchen and baths. Centrally located near St Helens FCU. Partially furnished or furnishings negotiable. HOA dues $150 per mth covers w/g, exterioir & ground maintence. Priced to sell at $69,500. Call 503-201-4473 after 5 PM and weekends.


Homes for Sale A few nicks & bruises yet solid basics makes this old charmer 5 plex on .30 of an acre a wise investment income of almost $2,200/mth, live in the 2 bdrm and rent the other 4. Front porch, 10 pkg spaces, sun rm bank says sell at $135,000. Plant this money tree by calling Victoria 360-560-2204 or Rockcrest Realty 503-728-1407. NEW SCAPPOOSE HOME ON ACREAGE. Spacious 1634 sf 3bd, 2 ba one level home on 9.9 acres. Timber, privacy, borders CZ trail. $259,000.Call Joy Hurley, Coldwell Banker at 503-830-1777


Mobile/Manuf. Homes ‘09 Single-wide Palm Harbor manufactured home. All appliances incl. Very nice in park. Price reduced. 503-5433329 2 and 3 bedroom mobile homes for sale or rent to own. 503-556-0409 2 homes, 3 bdrm, garages. Easy qualifying for financing. 877-6454500 REDMAN 1990, 14x60, 2bdrm, 2 ba, L/hook-up, new vinyl in baths, new carpet thruout. New decks, awning, new paint inside/out. Nice shed. 10% down, $24,950 payment around $260 OAC. Call Bill 503-366-1417.


Loans $$ PRIVATE MONEY 4 Commercial real estate loans. 50-65% of value. 100k & up 971-6004327.


Public Notices CH12-876 LEGAL NOTICE St. Helens Secure Storage 295 S. Vernonia Road St. Helens, Oregon 97051 503-397-7121 The following units will be sold at public auction on November 8, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. for nonpayment of rent and other fees. Auction to be pursuant to Auction Rules and Procedures of St. Helens Secure Storage. Rules are available upon inquiry. There will be a $10.00 non-refundable registration fee for all attendees.


Public Notices UNIT # NAME 98 Michelle Morton 116 Sharon McCleary 159 June Vandolah-Oliver 301 Lee Ann Miller CH12-875 PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87 Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 11/7/12. The sale will be held at 10:00am by BOBS TOWING & SALVAGE INC 26171 PELLHAM HILL RAINIER, OR 1997 Winnebago M/H VIN = 1FDLE40S3VHB01187 Amount due on lien $4975.00 Reputed owner(s) Anita Bonez Greenacres Motors LLC Anita Bonez CH12-874 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City of St. Helens Planning Commission on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at (or after) 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers, located in the City Hall building at 265 Strand Street, St. Helens, OR. Access into City Hall for this hearing will be from the plaza side entrance. The purpose of this hearing is to consider an application as follows: File No: V.4.12 Access Variance Applicant: David Kirby Request: To allow a second driveway approach for a single-family dwelling lot Location: 175 Sherwood Drive Map No: 4N1W-5AC-2716 Testimony from the public in both oral or written form is invited. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with those procedures found in the City Development Code (SHMC Title 17) Chapter 17.24 and any rules of procedure adopted by the City Council. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve, deny, or approve this application with conditions, based on the following criteria: SHMC 17.84.150 (1)(9): (1) It is not possible to share access; (2) There are no other alternative access points on the street in question or from another street; (3) The access separation requirements cannot be met; (4) There are unique or special conditions that make strict application


Public Notices

Public Notices

of the standards impractical; (5) No engineering or construction solutions can be applied to mitigate the condition; (6) The request is the minimum variance required to provide adequate access; (7) The approved access or access approved with conditions will result in a safe access and will not result in the degradation of operational and safety integrity of the transportation system; (8) The visual clearance requirements of Chapter 17.76 SHMC will be met; and (9) No variance shall be granted where such hardship is self-created.

of Sherwood. Anyone wishing to comment on this procurement may do so by submitting signed written comments to John Walsh, City Administrator, 265 Strand Street, PO Box 278, St. Helens, Oregon, which must be received no later than 3:30 p.m., October 31, 2012.

Failure to raise an issue, including constitutional or other issues relating to any proposed conditions of approval, in this hearing, in person, or by letter, or failure to raise an issue accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to afford the approving authority an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the applicable appellate jurisdiction (e.g. the Land Use Board of Appeals, LUBA) on that issue, and precludes an action for damages in circuit court. The application file is located at City Hall (265 Strand Street, St. Helens, OR) and all documents in the file are available for inspection. A copy of the staff report will be available for review at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing. There is no cost to inspect the file or staff report; copies are available at a reasonable cost. Questions should be directed to the City Planning Department by phone: 503-3976272, e-mail:, mail: PO Box 278, St. Helens, OR 97051, or in person at City Hall. Anyone needing special assistance should contact City Hall at least 72 hours in advance to ensure the necessary assistance is available. The Council Chambers are fully accessible. CH12-873 NOTICE OF COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PURCHASE Notice is hereby given that the City of St. Helens intends to enter into a contract with General Equipment Company of Portland, Oregon, for an Aquatech B10 combination high velocity sewer jet and air/vacuum sewer cleaner in the amount of $278,939 minus trade in value in the amount of $80,000. This is a permissive cooperative procurement administered by the City

CH12-872 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City of St. Helens Planning Commission on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at (or after) 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers, located in the City Hall building at 265 Strand Street, St. Helens, OR. Access into City Hall for this hearing will be from the plaza side entrance. The purpose of this hearing is to consider an application as follows: File No: SDRm.8.12 Minor Site Design Review Applicant: Maximo Pena Request: Food Service Vehicle (stand) Location: 745 S. Columbia River Hwy (Shell gas station) Map No: 4N1W-8AB3500 Testimony from the public in both oral or written form is invited. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with those procedures found in the City Development Code (SHMC Title 17) Chapter 17.24 and any rules of procedure adopted by the City Council. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve, deny, or approve this application with conditions, based on the following criteria:



NICE,, COZY ONE-LEVEL! 3 BR, 2 BA home with wood burning fireplace, newer appliances appliances in kitchen, newer ro roof, oof, glass slider in middle bedroom for easy eassy access to patio paatio and backyard. backyard. PPerfect erfect for starter home or downsizing! downsizing! Smalle Smaller er easy to maintain yard, and yard, near schools an nd shops with 30! h ith easy access to t Highway Hi h 300! 503.396.1326 ML#12032175


GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD 3 BED, 2 BA, 1 level + garage, yard care paid. 255 Spinnaker Way $1050


VIEW PROPERTY 3 BED, 2 BA, on well, 32415 Tide Creek Rd. $1000


GREAT DEAL! 1 BED w/s & yardcare pd. 2548 Gable Rd. C $595

Julie Curry, Curr y, Principal al Broker Broker julie@juliecurr m 503.396.6770

Karen Blades,, Principal Br Broker K aren Blades oker k om 503.807.2516 Deb PParmley, armley, Principal Br Broker oker dparmle 503.887.4577

33608 E E.. C Columbia olumbia aA Avenue venue #130, S Scappoose cappoose

QUIET STREET New Carpet & paint. 3 BED, 2 BA + garage. 59071 Elizabeth Lane $1050 UNIQUE, LARGE 2 BED, 1 BA + motherin-law studio & double garage. Included W/S & yard care. 2548 Gable Rd. upstairs. $1050

APTS/DUPLEX FOR RENT NEW PAINT, new carpet & paint. 2 BED, 1 BA, w/s/g + yardcare pd. 144 S. 3rd $695

503-543-4440 Phone

Sealed proposals will be received by Craig Allison, Property and Operations Manager for the Port of St. Helens, 100 E Street, Columbia City, OR 97018 (mailing address: P.O. Box 598, St. Helens, Oregon 97051), until 11 AM local time on the 12th of November, 2012, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read. The work contemplated consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Removal of 29 trees including falling, limbing, firewood production and stacking, chipping, and site restoration seeding.

Contract documents, which include one (1) set of 11x17 plans, may be purchased through American Reprographics Company (ARC) formerly known as Ford Graphics, 1431 NW 17th Ave, Portland, OR 97209, (503) 227-3424 and payment will be the cost of the reproduction. Hardcopy documents will be available through ARC starting 10/23/12. Full size plan sets may also be ordered separately through ARC and payment will be the cost of the reproduction and shipping.

EXTRA NICE new carpet & paint 3 BED, 1 3/4 BA + extra storage. 177 N. 11th $825 SUPER CUTE 1 level, 2 BED, 1 BA + storage, fenced yard. 324 Crouse Way $825 Beautiful 3 BED, 2.5 BA rowhouse w/ AC & garage, yard care paid. 58968 Greenbriar Loop $995


River City & Rentals Northwest C10459

Molly Hruska, Molly Hrusk a, Principal rincipal Broker Broker molly@mollyhrusk usk 503.939.7773


Renee Renee Pizzo Pizzo Real Real Estate Estate Broker Broker 503.396.1326

MUST SEE Super cute2 BED, 1 BA + full basement, extra storage,

CH12-871 INVITATION TO BID 2012 Tree Removal Project Scappoose Industrial Airpark Scappoose, Oregon FAA A.I.P. No. 3-41-0056-020

For electronic copies, email and include name, company, address, phone number.

yard care paid. 204 N 17th $825


Anyone needing special assistance should contact City Hall at least 72 hours in advance to ensure the necessary assistance is available. The Council Chambers are fully accessible.

Failure to raise an issue, including constitutional or other issues relating to any proposed conditions of approval, in this hearing, in person, or by letter, or failure to raise an issue accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to afford the approving authority an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the applicable appellate jurisdiction (e.g. the Land Use Board of Appeals, LUBA) on that issue, and precludes an action for damages in circuit court. to view


AMAZING LOCATION LOCA ATION IN QU QUAINT AINT COLUMBIA CITY! Charming 19300 home features feaatures 80 ft. of w waterfront aterfront living liviing with your own own priva private ate beach on thee Columbia River! Enjoy Enjoy the 4-mtn vview iew & massive cargo ships drifting by! The studio-style home has been partially partiallly remod. d w/high-end /hi h d materials. maaterials. i l New N 24x32 2 detached d t h d garage iincll office ffi space, 1/2 bath, studio & bonus rm. 503.939.7773 ML#12563101

The application file is located at City Hall (265 Strand Street, St. Helens, OR) and all documents in the file are available for inspection. A copy of the staff report will be available for review at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing. There is no cost to inspect the file or staff report; copies are available at a reasonable cost. Questions should be directed to the City Planning Department by phone: 503-3976272, e-mail:, mail: PO Box 278, St. Helens, OR 97051, or in person at City Hall.

Pre-bid meeting is mandatory (see below). The contract time will be limited to 30 calendar days to substantially complete all work. Liquidated damages will be charged should the contractor fail to complete the work within the time limited specified.


go to


Public Notices

SHMC 17.96.080(3): A minor modification shall be approved, approved with conditions or denied following the director’s review based on the finding that: (a) No code provisions will be violated; and (b) The modification is not a major modification. www.scappoose scapp p pp .prun p SCAPPOOSE


503-543-7929 Fax

51891 Old Portland Road, Suite “A”, Scappoose OR 97056 Kristie Flanagan, Licensed Property Manager

Construction documents for the project may be examined at the following locations: Port of St. Helens 100 E Street, Columbia City, 97108


DJC Plan Center 921 SW Washington St., Portland, OR 97205 The proposed contract is subject to the following regulations: 1. Bidders must be qualified in accordance with the applicable parts of ORS 279C in order to enter into a contract with the Owner of Public Work in Oregon. 2. The proposed contract is under and subject to Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1986 and to the Equal Employment



Public Notices Opportunity (EEO) and Federal Labor Provisions. Bidder agrees to be bound by and will comply with the provisions of the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law (ORS 279C.870 and OAR 839-25) and, if applicable, the federal Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 1377 et seq.), which provides for payment of not less than the applicable prevailing wage rate (state or federal, whichever is greater), including fringe benefits, the posting of wage rates on the jobsite, the furnishing of payroll certifications and other requirements. In addition, the Bidder will comply with ORS 279C.520 and ORS 279C.540 in the hours of employment and the payment of overtime. 3. To be eligible for award each Bidder must comply with the affirmative action requirements which are contained in the specifications. 4. Minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award of any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Each prospective Bidder is required to attend a MANDATORY pre-bid conference to be held at 11AM local time on October 30th, 2012 at the Scappoose Industrial Airpark, west parking lot next to the Scappoose RV Park, 34038 N Honeyman Road, Scappoose, OR. This is the ONLY time that contractors shall access the properties with tree removal prior to construction. N other contact with the property owners shall be made. At this meeting, questions concerning the Contract Documents or proposed work will be discussed. Answers and clarifications will be in the form of written addenda to the contract and will be mailed to all prospective Bidders. Questions related to this project should be directed to Derek Mayo PE, WHPacific, 503-



Public Notices 372-3540 ( m) CH12-870 Legal Notice: The following unit’s will be sold at public auction on November 8, 2012 at 10:AM for nonpayment of rent and other fees, at Scappoose Secure Storage 53365 Columbia River Hwy., Scappoose, OR 97056. Phone 503-543-6861. Auction to be pursuant to auction rules and procedures of Scappoose Secure Storage. Rules are available upon request. A non-refundable bidder’s fee of $10.00 will be charged.

CH12-868 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Of Real Property On Writ of Execution Foreclosure

Columbia City, Oregon 97018

administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of the complaint is to foreclose a deed of trust dated July 1, 2009 and recorded as 2009006553 given by Jody L. Rilatos, as to an estate on fees simple on property commonly known as 2614 Sykes Road, Saint Helens, OR 97051 and legally described as: Lot 12, Block 4, First Addition to Cedaroak, in the City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon. The complaint seeks to foreclose and terminate all interest on Unknown Heirs of Jody L. Rilatos a/k/a Jody Lynn Thomas, deceased and all other interests in the property. The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication is October 17, 2012.If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www.oregonstatebar.or g or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorneys for Plaintiff SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC /s/. James A. Craft James A. Craft #090146 1499 SE Tech Center Place, Suite 255 Vancouver, WA 98683 (360)260-2253; Fax (360)260-2285

Plus Flooring, an Oregon corporation, Defendants.

the real property located at 918 NE Sunset Court, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon 97016) against Defendant Fredrickson Homes, LLC: A) Granting judgment for Plaintiff in the sum of $269,626.88, together with accrued and unpaid interest as of August 1, 2012, in the amount of $88,238.01, plus interest accruing thereafter at the rate of $61.79 per day, until paid, together with all other advances, costs, fees, assessments, repairs, charges and all other items which may constitute liens upon the real property, and for Plaintiff’s reasonable attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred herein. B) Declaring that the lien of Plaintiff’s Deed of Trust is a valid lien on the above-described real property and superior to any interest, lien, right, title or claim of any Defendants or other parties; C) That Plaintiff’s Deed of Trust be foreclosed and that the abovedescribed real property be sold at a foreclosure sale in the manner provided by law; D) That the proceeds of the sale be applied towards the cost of the sales and then towards satisfaction of Plaintiff’s judgment, with the balance, if any, disbursed in the manner provided by law; E) If the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to satisfy Plaintiff's Judgment, ordering that such deficiency may be enforced by execution as provided by law; F) That the rights of all Defendants and all entities claiming by and through them be forever foreclosed and extinguished.

Notice is hereby given that I will, on the 29th of November, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock am inside the front door at the Columbia County Sheriffs Office, 901 Port Avenue, St. Helens, Oregon, in the mail lobby I will sell the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant(s) in the above described real property subject to redemption as provided by law, to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, at public auction. SALE WILL BE SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL PRIOR LIENS.

First Publication October 24th, 2012 Last Publiction November 14th, 2012 CH12-866 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA


More commonly known as 2855 5th Street,


Public Notices


LOT 26, Pacific Terrace II, in the City of Columbia City, Columbia County, Oregon.


Public Notices

Wells Fargo Bank, NA,

By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Sate of Oregon for the County of Columbia, in the case of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., plaintiff(s) vs Weston Brock: an Occupants of the and Occupants of the Premises, defendant(s) together with written instructions, to me directed, commanding me to sell all of the right, title, interest and claim of the above named defendant(s) in and certain real property, on the 15th day of October, 2012, I levied on the defendant(s) right, title, interest and claim in and to the following described real property:


Public Notices

By: DM Jirka Senior Civil Deputy

CH12-869 The McNulty Water People’s Utility District’s monthly District Board meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 6th 2012 : 7:00 p.m., at 34240 Millard Road in Warren, Oregon. The public is invited to attend.


Public Notices

Jeff Dickerson, Sheriff Columbia County, State of Oregon

Stephen Brock Uni#94 Melody Wend Unit #67 Christopher Woostenhulme Unit #442


Cs. UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JODY L. RILATOS A/K/A JODY LYNN THOMAS, DECEASED; AND OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES Defendants No. 122511 CIVIL SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANTS: Unknown Heirs of Jody L. Rilatos a/k/a Jody Lynn Thomas, deceased NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Columbia County Courthouse. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer”. The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or

CH12-864 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia Case No. 12-2578 MULTIBANK 2009-1 RES-ADC VENTURE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Plaintiff v. Fredrickson Homes LLC, an inactive Oregon limited liability company; Floyd R. Fredrickson and Naomi J. Fredrickson, husband and wife; Robert Fredrickson, an individual; and Contractors Carpet Installation Inc., doing business as Interiors

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ROBERT FREDRICKSON READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal document called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed in this complaint, to-wit: 1. On Plaintiff's First Claim for Relief (Foreclosure of Deed of Trust and Deficiency Judgment, pertaining to the real property located at 923 NE Sunset Court, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon 97016) against Defendant Fredrickson Homes, LLC: A) Granting judgment for Plaintiff in the sum of $266,182.73, together with accrued and unpaid interest as of August 1, 2012, in the amount of $53,486.87, plus interest accruing thereafter at the rate of $61.00 per day, until paid, together with all other advances, costs, fees, assessments, repairs, charges and all other items which may constitute liens upon the real property, and for Plaintiff’s reasonable attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred herein. B) Declaring that the lien of Plaintiff’s Deed of Trust is a valid lien on the above-described real property and superior to any interest, lien, right, title or claim of any Defendants or other parties; C) That Plaintiff’s Deed of Trust be foreclosed and that the abovedescribed real property be sold at a foreclosure sale in the manner provided by law; D) That the proceeds of the sale be applied towards the cost of the sales and then towards satisfaction of Plaintiff’s judgment, with the balance, if any, disbursed in the manner provided by law; E) If the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to satisfy Plaintiff's Judgment, ordering that such deficiency may be enforced by execution as provided by law; F) That the rights of all Defendants and all entities claiming by and through them be forever foreclosed and extinguished. 2. On Plaintiff's Second Claim for Relief (Foreclosure of Deed of Trust and Deficiency Judgment, pertaining to

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Public Notices

3. On Plaintiff's Third Claim for Relief (Breach of Commercial Guarantees): A) Granting judgment for Plaintiff and against Defendants Floyd R. Fredrickson, Naomi J. Fredrickson and Robert J. Fredrickson, jointly and severally, for the amounts described above in Plaintiff’s First and Second Claims for Relief, respectively, until paid, together with all other advances, costs, fees, assessments, repairs, charges and all other items which may constitute liens upon the real property, and for Plaintiff’s reasonable attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred herein.

Date of last publication: Oct. 31, 2012. SHERMAN, SHERMAN, JOHNNIE & HOYT, LLP By: Russell L. Getchell, OSB No. 103904 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Box 2247 Salem, OR 97301-2247 CH12-860 CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Probate Department In the Matter of The Estate of Betty D. Oliver, Deceased No. 12-7080P NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Notice is hereby given that Dori Kay Oliver has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present their claims, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at: 1677 St. Helens Street, St. Helens, Oregon 97051 or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and First published October 10, 2012 MARK A. GORDON, P.C. Attorney for Personal Representative OSB #81242 1677 St. Helens St St. Helens OR 97051 (503) 397-9066 CH12-859 CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Probate Department In the Matter of The Estate of Mary E. Woldeit, Deceased No. 12-7079P

This summons is published by order of the Honorable Steven B. Reed, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 26th day of September, 2012, directing publication of this summons once each week for four consecutive weeks in The Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in Columbia County, Oregon. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service online at www.oregonstatebar.or g or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Date of first publication: Oct. 10, 2012.

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Notice is hereby given that Ronald K. Woldeit has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present their claims, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at: 1677 St. Helens Street, St. Helens, Oregon 97051 or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal

Public Notices representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and First published October 10, 2012 MARK A. GORDON, P.C. Attorney for Personal Representative OSB #81242 1677 St. Helens St St. Helens OR 97051 (503) 397-9066 CH12-857 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property On Write of Execution IN Foreclosure By virtue of a Write of Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, in the case of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and /or assigns, plaintiff(s) vs Patrick D. Bright: Vickie L. Bright and Occupants of the premises, defendant(s) together with written instructions, to me directed, commanding me to sell all of the right, title, interest and claim of the above named defendant(s) in and certain real property, on the 26th day of September, 2012, I levied on the defendant(s) right, title, interest and claim in and to the following described real property: Lot 122, Ridgecrest Planned Community Development No. 2, In the City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon More commonly known as 58943 Timberline Avenue, Saint Helens, OR 97051-9318 Notice is hereby given that I will, on the 8th day of November, 2012 at 10:00 o’clock am inside the front door at the Columbia County Sheriffs Office, 901 Port Avenue, St. Helens, Oregon, in the mail lobby I will sell the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant(s) in the above described real property subject to redemption as provided by law, to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, at public auction. SALE WILL BE SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL PRIOR LIENS Jeff Dickerson, Sheriff Columbia County, State of Oregon By: DM Jirka Senior Civil Deputy First Publication October 3, 2012 Last Publication October 24, 2012 Attention: Before bidding at the sale a prospective bidder should independently investigate: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor: (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Per ORS 18.875

To Pl ace a


5 03-39 7-01 16 o r e m a il : c la s s i f ie d s @ t h ec h r o ni c le o nl in e . c om


Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Scappoose forces tie for 2nd Scappoose’s three-set victory over the Astoria Fishermen (13-6, 6-4) in the final match of the regular season created a three-way tie for second place in the Cowapa League between the Indians (12-8, 6-4), Fishermen and Tillamook Cheesemakers (14-6, 6-4). Scappoose beat Astoria, 2725, 25-12, 25-18 on Oct. 22. “We played an incredible

match tonight. Our defense was incredible and our passing was nearly perfect,” said SHS coach Mark Sprenger. “I am so proud of this group of girls.” Because of the three-way tie, the three teams had a league playoff at a neutral site on Oct. 23. Scappoose won a coin toss, giving them a bye. Astoria played Tillamook at Banks

Members of the Scappoose High School volleyball team celebrate a point against Yamhill-Carlton on Oct. 18. KYLE BOGGS The Chronicle



SHS: is challenged Indians beat Tigers by improved ’Gulls

KYLE BOGGS / The Chronicle

Seniors Anna Hernandez, left, and Sarah Carrier ran next to each other the whole race on Oct. 17, finishing fourth and fifth.

Tribe girls take top 5 spots in 6-team meet ST. HELENS — The Scappoose High School girls cross country team looked like one on a mission on Oct. 17. The Indians swept the top five places and their seven varsity runners all finished in the top eight of a six-team meet at McCormick Park. Senior Tia Carnahan finished first, followed by junior Charlie Davidson, freshman Lucy Davidson, senior Sarah Carrier and senior Anna Hernandez. Only St. Helens High School freshman Emily Hepworth’s sixth-place finish broke up Scappoose’s seven varsity runners. That gave the Indians a perfect score of 15 points. The Lions finished second with 52, well ahead of the third-place Clatskanie Tigers. In the second race of the day, the Scappoose boys also won comfortably. They weren’t as dominant as the girls, but still held off the second-place team by a large margin. Scappoose won with 29, led by the 2-3 finish of junior Hunter Hoyt and sophomore Dan Carrier. Seaside was second with 55 points, one point ahead of St. Helens. “The teams obviously ran well and I really liked how they were aggressive from the start and took control of the race at the outset,” said Scappoose coach David Harley. “They have consistently gotten better each race, not necessarily in terms of time, but even more importantly mentally and in-race focus and adjusting. These are great signs that a coach loves to see heading into the final two weeks of the season and they appear ready to go this week at district.” St. Helens coach Gerry Tinkle said the plan for his team at McCormick Park was to start slow and speed up gradually with each mile in preparation of the Northwest Oregon Conference championship meet. “I like how we are running right now. It will be a close meet for our boys next week. We will have to fight it out with Sherwood and Sandy for second place [behind Wilsonville],” Tinkle said. “The girls are hoping to finish at least fourth, which would be a big improvement for any finish for our girls team since 1999. 2003 was a really good team, but we were competing in the Three Rivers League.” The NWOC meet begins at 3 p.m. on Oct. 24 at Blue Lake Park in Gresham. On paper the Cowapa League girls meet does not appear to be a close one. Entering the meet, Scappoose has five of the seven best times in the conference, with Carnahan and the Davidsons owning the top three spots. The boys competition should be much closer. Astoria, Tillamook and Scappoose all appear to be relatively close to one another.

with Scappoose playing the winner immediately afterward. If Scappoose won, the Indians earn the No. 2 seed. If the Indians lost, they play on Oct. 24 against the loser of the first match for the No. 3 seed. To read about Scappoose’s wins against Seaside (4-16, 19) and Y-C (4-13, 1-9), visit – Kyle Boggs

The Cowapa League meet starts at 2 p.m. on Oct. 25 at Camp Rilea in Warrenton. – Kyle Boggs

The Scappoose Indians (29-1, 2-5-1) took a 4-3 road win over the Yamhill-Carlton Tigers (0-12, 0-8) on Oct. 22. On Oct. 17, the Indians came up short in a 2-1 match against the Seaside Seagulls (7-4-1, 7-0-1). Sophomore Devin Timmons had the lone first-half goal against Y-C, scoring off a throw-in from freshman David Bradley. Junior Jesus Martinez made it a 2-0 lead 13 minutes into the second half. Y-C then rattled off three straight goals to take the lead at 3-2. Scappoose, however, made sure that lead was shortlived. Timmons was fouled inside the penalty box with 12 minutes left in the game. Sophomore Asa Flanagan netted the PK to tie the score. Flanagan then scored again with four minutes left in the match for the game-winner. Martinez scored the Tribe’s goal against the Seagulls off an assist from Timmons on a free kick.

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Courtesy photo

Freshman David Bradley has played every minute of every game this season.

Scappoose plays at Astoria (7-3-2, 7-0-1) on Oct. 24 and then closes the regular season at home against Tillamook (48, 3-5) at 4:15 p.m. on Oct. 30. For more details on the last two matches, visit – Kyle Boggs

pump fake to junior receiver Justice Oman. Needing to score late in a game against the Seagulls was a new sensation for the Indians. Seaside had struggled in recent years but the program appears to be on the upswing. The Seagulls scored first in the game, then made it a 14-13 game midway through the third quarter. “They’re not the same team they’ve been in the past. They’re well coached. They run the wing T, which can give you some trouble. They have some athletes,” McNabb said. The Seagull coaches added a touch of unpredictability, running several plays the Indians hadn’t seen on film. Even with the surprises, the Tribe was able to combat the Seagull attack. “Our kids battled all night. We played well in the second half, we were the aggressor,” McNabb said. The good news for Seaside is most of those athletes will

be back next season. The Seagulls have just seven seniors on their roster. “They’re a good team and I look for them to be good next year,” McNabb said. The Indians host the Fishermen in the regular season finale at 7 p.m. on Oct. 26. For a full preview of the game, visit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th F Scap. 14 0 0 14 28 Sea. 7 0 6 0 13 SCORING SUMMARY First Quarter: Sea – Lucas Clark 16 pass from Kevin LaCoste (Vicente Arcadio kick), 6:32 Scap – Paul Revis 37 pass from Taylor Loss (kick failed), 5:44 Scap – Revis 15 pass from Loss (Revis run), 1:18 Third Quarter: Sea – Jonathan Owen 16 pass from LaCoste (kick failed), 4:53 Fourth Quarter: Scap – Carson Davison 3 run (Logan Stanton kick), 7:19 Scap – Kyle Kramer 54 pass from Loss (Stanton kick), 2:37

SCAPPOOSE INDIVIDUAL STATS Rushing: Davison 24-146, Loss 7-13, Duran 4-14, Revis 4-12, Fry 2-13 Receiving: Revis 8-101, Kramer 3-72, Oman 3-39, Davison 1-(-1) Passing: Loss 15-23-2-211



Wednesday, October 24, 2012


St. Helens earns league split SHHS loses two After a tough 10-minute stretch cost them against the No. 7 Liberty Falcons (7-3-1, 3-1), the St. Helens Lions (6-32, 2-2) responded with a 4-2 road win against the Parkrose Broncos (3-7, 0-4). Freshman Ashley Giesbers gave the Lions a 1-0 lead early in the second half against the Falcons on Oct. 16, but the Falcons scored three goals in a matter of minutes before going on to win 4-1. Before Liberty’s flurry of goals, St. Helens junior Stevie Strawn had a shot barely deflected by the Liberty goalkeeper. “If that had gone in, it would have been on. It wasn’t,” said Lions coach Simon Date. Freshman Genesis Hansen scored off an assist from senior Regan Duarte early against Parkrose. The Broncos then tied it, but Duarte assisted on a goal to Giesbers for a 2-1 lead.

The St. Helens Lions (2-8, 0-4) dropped NWOC matches last week to the No. 5 Liberty Falcons (6-3-1, 3-1), 6-0, and the Parkrose Broncos (4-6, 1-3), 5-0. This week the Lions played at Sandy High School (5-4-1, 2-2) on Oct. 23. St. Helens hosts Sherwood (5-4-2, 2-2) at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25. For more details about last week’s matches, visit, KYLE BOGGS / The Chronicle Senior Jeff Steinke makes a run against Parkrose. then click the High School Sports link.

LIONS: fight until the very end

From PAGE B1

KYLE BOGGS / The Chronicle

Senior Tori Bair deflects a ball while lined up with sophomore Sydney Nett and senior Regan Duarte.

Giesbers scored again shortly after half, then Duarte capped off a fantastic game with the team’s fourth goal. St. Helens was at home on Oct. 23 against Sandy (5-4-1,

2-2). The Lions play at No. 2 Sherwood (8-1-2, 3-1) on Oct. 25. For more on last week’s games, visit

minutes remaining in the game, but the Lions could not sustain that drive. After getting the ball back deep in their own territory, the Lions fumbled in the end zone with just more than two minutes remaining. Parkrose jumped on the ball for a touchdown and a 12-0 lead. Still, the Lions pressed on. Quarterback Gage Bumgard-

1st 2nd 3rd 4th F SHHS 0 0 0 6 6 PHS 0 6 0 6 12

ner found junior tight end Corey West for a few completions on the final drive. Long ran the ball in from 15 yards out on a fourth-down play on the final snap of the game to account for St. Helens’ only score. St. Helens closes out its season on the road Oct. 26 against the Milwaukie Mustangs (6-2, 4-2). For a preview of the game, visit

SCORING SUMMARY Second Quarter: P – Josh Reyes 44 run (kick failed), :42 Fourth Quarter: P – Nick McCleary recovers fumble in end zone (kick failed), 2:13 SH – Tanner Long 15 run (no conversion attempt), :00

ST. HELENS INDIVIDUAL STATS Rushing: Long 29-215, Bumgardner 11(-44), Jensen 4-17, C. Gray 4-11, Fulcher 3-13, Zartman 1-2 Receiving: West 3-48, Zartman 1-12 Passing: Bumgardner 4-10-0-60

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