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(701) 523-5623 • 1-800-732-0738 Fax: (701) 523-3441 e-mail: P.O. Box F, Bowman, N.D. 58623
Serving your tri-state area
Volume 51
No. 3
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Postal Customer Reaching over 31,000 Buyers
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Bowman, North Dakota MT
Complete SaleS, partS, ServiCe
ND Hettinger SD
SAVE $5– $6– $7– $8,000 on SElEct modElS! $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ 2012’s at Dealer invoice less all rebates anD Discounts! 603 2nd AVE S • PO BOx 629 • HEttingEr nd
serving the Dakotas, Montana, anD WyoMing for 31 years
RZ Motors
8 Weeks of Vegas Giveaways!! Set an Appointment Today, Ask for Ryan 1-800-700-3184 or Email
2012 Ford F350 #12F698 Chassis cab (Super) DRW • 162 cu. inch 6.2L gas
MSRP: $38,080.00 RZ: –$1,974.00 Rebate: –$3,500.00
$29.95 Oil & Filter Change (5 qts. of oil) with FREE 35 Multipoint Inspection Check
1 Vegas Giveaway every week, starting February 4th and ending March 29th Drawings are the 1st Monday of the week. (Must be 18 years or older)
Tire Rotation
$19.95 Tire Rotation with all 4 tires balanced
4 Wheel Alignment $69.95 (parts extra)
2012 Ford F350 Thunderstruck Bumper with installation
#12F716 Crew cab • Short box 6.7L Diesel XLT pkg
MSRP: $49,865.00 RZ: –$5,506.00 Rebate: –$4,000.00
30 Minutes or Less Transmission Filter and Fluid Change
Coolant system flush with Heater Core
Labor $99.95 (filter & fluid vary on vehicle)
Set an appointment today, Ask for Ryan 1-800-700-3184 or Email
2012 Ford F350
#12F682 Crew cab • DRW • 6.7 Diesel • 4x4 • XLT pkg 8 ft box
(anti-freeze & thermostat extra)
MSRP: $53,410.00 RZ: –$3,939.00 Rebate: –$4,000.00
Ryan Jacobson Master Certified Ford and Chrysler
2012 Ford F350
#12F712 Crew cab • Lariat pkg 6.7L Diesel • S. box
To qualify for drawings you must have 1 repair order done per week to enter for Monday’s drawing.
2012 rAM 3500 ST. MSRP: $56,265.00 RZ: –$4,313.00 Rebate: –$4,000.00
#12D736 Crew cab • Cummins 6 speed manual Dually
2012 Ford F350
#12F242 Crew Cab • Long box 6.7L Diesel Lariat pkg
MSRP: $56,885.00 RZ: –$4,357.00 Rebate: –$4,000.00
2012 CHrySler Town & CounTry liMiTed MSRP: $49,945.00 RZ: –$4,086.00 Rebate: –$4,000.00
#12D709 Luxury group • DVD pkg Heated quad seats Power fold 3rd seat Autostart • Entry
MSRP: $42,040.00 RZ: –$2,147.00 Rebate: –$3,250.00 or 0% for 60 mo.