THH 10-17-12

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Headlight Herald


State errs in discipline of Nestucca elementary


Water weighs on ballot BY JOE WRABEK

BAY CITY – With a bevy of statewide initiatives and referenda on the general election ballot, not much attention gets paid to local measures. There is a big one on the ballot in Tillamook County this November, though it affects relatively few people — just 345 voters. Measure 29-128 proposes to create the Pioneer Water District, stretching from Bay City to Juno Hill and out Latimer and Sollie Smith Roads. The area already has “city water,” from something called the “Kilchis Regional Water District” (KRWD) — not a district per se, but

BY NANCY WHITEHEAD For the Headlight Herald

Nestucca Valley Elementary School (NVES) is no longer a “Focus” school. When schools in the bottom 15 percent of Title I (high poverty) schools in the state were classified as “Focus” schools by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) in July, NVES was identified. Now it turns out NVES and seven other schools statewide were misidentified, due to inaccurate data validation at the state level, the ODE said. The ODE uses a complicated formula of weighted values in student test scores, growth in those scores, and scores and growth for certain subgroups

more of a water wholesaler, that distributes water from Bay City’s wells to four little water “companies,” the Tillamook County Creamery Assn., and several dozen individual homes between Bay City and Tillamook. And to Bay City itself. The KRWD has no tax base; its board of directors, which meets once a year, consists of representatives from the little water “companies,” the Tillamook County Creamery Assn. (TCCA), and Bay City. The proposed Pioneer Water District would replace the Kilchis Regional Water District and three of the water “companies”— the Latimer Water Association, Northwoods, and the Juno Hill Water Company. It would sell water directly

to the people who are now those companies’ customers, as well as to the creamery and to the individuals who currently buy water from Bay City but are outside the city limits. Bay City itself would not be part of the Pioneer Water District. The new district would contract with Bay City, as specified in the measure, for meter reading, billing, maintenance, and the water testing required by the state. It’s complicated, admitted Bay City public works director Dave Pace. “There’s no way to totally simplify it.” And it has some people upset.

See WATER, Page A8

Lunsford guilty of ‘crime of passion’




A unanimous jury of his peers found Ronald Lunsford guilty of the murder of Christopher Quinn Brusman after almost 5 1/2 hours of deliberation. The jury found that Lunsford committed murder under conditions of “extreme emotional disturbance,” meaning that LUNSFORD the jury concurred with the defense that the murder was a “crime of passion.” Eleven of the 12 jurors found Lunsford not guilty of aggravated murder, the original charge, which carried with it the charge of burglary in the first-degree. In order to convict Lunsford of aggravated murder, the jury would have to have found Lunsford guilty of burglary in the first degree: that he entered and/or remained in Brusman's residence unlawfully and intentionally with the intention of committing a specific crime. The prosecution argued that Lunsford’s intention when he entered Brusman’s residence was to assault Helena Lunsford. The jury unanimously found Lunsford guilty of assault against Helena Zuniga (then Lunsford); 11 of 12 jurors found Lunsford not guilty of burglary. They also unanimously found him not guilty of menacing. The verdict of murder under the conditions of extreme emotional disturbance is the equivalent of manslaughter, a Measure 11 crime, which carries a mandatory sentence of 120 months, (10 years). Aggravated murder, had the jury convicted Lunsford of that charge, could have resulted in a sentence of life imprisonment. Lunsford’s sentencing is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18.

Last week the Headlight Herald misspelled Ron Zuercher's name. We also referred to Taylor McNutt as Taylor Winder in the NeahKah-Nie Homecoming court. We apologize for the errors.



The Goodwill store is quickly taking shape in north Tillamook, next to Fred Meyer on Hwy. 101.

Classified Ads .........................B5 Crossword Puzzle....................A2 Fenceposts ..............................B3 Obituaries................................A6 Opinions..................................A4 Sports....................................A10

Goodwill on track for December opening BY JOSIAH DARR

WEATHER OCT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

HIGH 60 54 55 58 61 61 59

STATS LOW 43 42 50 54 55 55 41


he construction of the new Goodwill store being erected near the Wilson River Bridge along Hwy. 101 is making huge strides in the right direction. At this point the construction is going so smoothly there is no reason to believe the store won't open its doors in December as originally planned. “The progress in the last few weeks has been tremendous,” said onsite painting foreman Loren Canada. “Inside, the walls are getting ready to be sheetrocked. Outside we've taken it from clean concrete to finish coats, which you see now. The awning guys have come in and done a great job. They'll be done in a couple of days. “I see this place opening up in December like it's supposed to, right on track.” Canada has years of experience working construction and painting on other projects very similar to Tillamook's future Goodwill, and says some of the major reasons this particular project is going so well have to do with the people working on it. “This project is going a lot faster and smoother than most,” Canada said. “It's LCG Pence, the contractor down here we're working under is great. The safety here is beau-

RAINFALL .00 .01 .96 .45 1.24 .39 --


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tiful and we have no issues at all. “Usually when we have painters on the job, it sets a pace because the painters need work and all the other work usually takes longer so the painters end up without things to do. That always keeps things moving.”


Candidates face off in forum



The American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Headlight Herald hosted a candidates’ forum Oct. 11 at Tillamook Bay Community College. House District 32 candidates Debbie Boone (incumbent since 2004), and challenger Jim Welsh (Constitution Party) attended; Perry Roll was unable to attend. Welsh alone among all the candidates came on strong and on the attack, challenging Boone’s representation of District 32 in the House, and blasting her for accepting campaign contributions from out of state. Welsh stated in his opening “we need to repeal laws, reduce taxes and get government out of our business.” Tillamook County commissioner candidates Bill Baertlein and Lisa Phipps attended, as did Tillamook County sheriff candidates, Andy Long and Bill Spidal. It was the first time Long and Spidal have met in person. The audience asked questions about Spidal’s claims in his ads, that if elected sheriff

David Gomberg (left, D) and Jerome Grant (R) are vying for the newly redistricted House District 10, serving south Tillamook County.

he will focus on ending “favoritism (which) allows pedophiles/rapists to plead guilty to felonies and get probation.” Spidal readily admitted that the sheriff doesn’t actually have the power to accomplish these goals; but, if elected, he would use his influence to address those issues.

See FORUM, Page A3



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The Nestucca Bobcats’ Homecoming court was full of seniors with Lucas Leslie, Lacy Boisa, Joey Chatelain, Patricia Hedrick, Derek Wenrick, Elizabeth Payne, Zach Welch, Jasmin Boisa, Austin Woods and Monica Therrien filling the coveted spots. This year's king was Derek Wenrick who escorted Queen Elizabeth Payne.


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Page A2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald

Pallett resigns from '%4 2%!$9 &/2 &!,, council, Wing steps in 4),,!-//+ &/2$ )3 BY JOE WRABEK

ROCKAWAY BEACH – On Oct. 10, City Councilor Les Pallett resigned, the latest in a series of Rockaway city officials leaving office. Pallett submitted his resignation by e-mail prior to Wednesday night’s City Council meeting. Pallett had been a Rockaway Beach city councilor since June 15, 2011, when he was appointed to replace Jon Orloff, who resigned. Pallett did not give a reason for his resignation, Mayor Danell Boggs said. The remaining councilors — Tom Martine, Jack McClave, Rich Riley, and Bonnie Sedgemore — voted to accept Pallett’s resignation, and on Riley’s suggestion, then voted to appoint Mardi Wing to fill out the remainder of Pallett’s term, which runs just until the end of December. Wing had been a Rockaway Beach city councilor earlier, appointed in September 2011 and herself resigning in September 2012, after serving about a year. “Has anyone asked her?” councilor Jack McClave wanted to know. “It’s why I’m here,” Wing responded from the audience. Wing was sworn in by Riley, who is Rockaway’s municipal judge pro tem. The city council also heard a report from interim public works director Luke Shepard on why the City of Rockaway Beach has been failing water quality tests for the past 18 months. It’s THMs, Shepard told the council—trihalomethanes, which are a by-product of the water treatment process. THMs are produced when there’s organic material in the water

Mardi Wing is sworn in by Rich Riley.

(Rockaway’s water comes from Jetty Creek) and the water is chlorinated. “We care about THMs because the state and Feds decided consuming high levels of THMs for a long time was bad for you,” Shepard said. When the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently lowered the allowable amount of THMs in drinking water to 80 parts per billion, a lot of cities found themselves in violation—including Rockaway. HBH Engineers worked out an action plan to reduce THMs which the city has been following, Shepard told the council. “They recommended changes in how we operate, and physical changes to the water plant and distribution system,” Shepard said. Operational changes include flushing water mains frequently and keeping water levels in the city’s reservoirs lower so water “turns over” faster and doesn’t have time to produce THMs; physical changes recommended include


separate inflow and outflow lines to the city’s Third Ave. reservoir (presently, one pipe does both), and aeration (also at Third Ave.), again, to “turn over” the water faster. Funding for some of the physical improvements will be sought in next year’s budget, Shepard said. What the city is doing is working, Shepard said. “We have been able to reduce [THM] levels significantly,” he reported; the most recent tests, done the end of September, showed THM levels below the EPA’s new limit. “We hope to keep them low.” The council also voted (4-1, with McClave voting no) to cancel the regular second city council meeting of the month in November and December, to accommodate the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. “We just got off a summer season of one meeting a month,” McClave told his colleagues. “I think we should be here twice a month.”



‘Morning Star’ primed and painted BY JOSIAH DARR


For years, the classic boat named the “Morning Star” has been in front of the Tillamook Cheese Factory welcoming visitors from near and far. But due to the unyielding weather that graces the Oregon Coast, the Morning Star has taken a pounding in the elements. Fortunately, the the decision makers at the Cheese Factory know the importance of their iconic boat and have put forth the time and money to spruce it up and make sure it will continue to welcome visitors for years to come. “The Morning Star ship is the true icon of our co-op’s history and for the Tillamook brand today, so it’s important to us to preserve the historic replica we have on display outside of the Tillamook Cheese Factory,” said Tillamook Cheese Coporate Communications Manager Tory Harms. “The Morning Star generally undergoes routine maintenance each year toward the end of the summer to help keep it in top condition. “This year we decided to sand down all the paint so that the wood could be primed, giving it a more protective seal. Once it’s primed, it will be repainted as well. Our hope is that with a fresh coat of primer and paint, this important icon of our history will be preserved for many years to come.” Industrial Contractor Duncan & Bush have been called into work on the boat and they’re getting right into the project. “There was some dry rotted wood so we're going to replace all of that and repaint it,” said Site Supervisor Tim Bjorn, who's personally working on the Morning Star. “We’ve been working on it for a few weeks



Workers sand the Morning Star outside the Tillamook Cheese Factory.

now and we’re going to be working on it for at least another week, so I’m guessing it’s

going to be a full month before we’re done.”





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The Tillamook County Womens Resource Center will begin a new volunteer training session October 30, 2012. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer, including hotline volunteers, direct services, office support, fundraising, publicity, Wildflower Thrift Store, maintenance and odd jobs, the board of directors and the speakers bureau. Pre-screening required. Call Eleanor Watkins, Community Services Coordinator, 503-842-9486, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to make an appointment. Sale Prices Effective Through October 23, 2012







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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page A3

The Beaver Grocery E L E CT SHERIFF and Deli back in business ANDY LONG BY MARY FAITH BELL

GOODWILL: Continued from Page A1 With the pace on the construction site there will continue to be new features happening daily to the building – quick enough that some locals might drive by on their way to work, and have the building look dramatically different on their way back home at the end of the day. “Two weeks from now the parapet cap will be up, all the concrete curb will be poured around, the drive-through will be done, the windows will be installed, the asphalt will be done, the lamp post will be up, that's how fast it happens,” Canada said. The new business is planned to open between the middle and end of December, but no official opening date has been established.


The Beaver Grocery and Deli has reopened with new owners.

klatches in the morning. There is a full service menu offering comfort foods such as biscuits and Janet’s homemade gravy for breakfast, fresh cinnamon rolls and doughnuts made daily, and a hamburger and fries cooked while you wait. Customers can call in an order -- still the same phone number -- and pick it up to go, or stay and eat at the deli and enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with their meal. There’s also a hot deli case, for people who need to grab something hot to go. The grocery side of the store looks

a little spare, but not for long; Branscun says they’re building up inventory gradually as the business makes a comeback. In the meantime, he’s tracking what people want, and what they’re buying, so that the store can serve the needs of the community. South County folks are saying that the Jeongs and the Branscuns have remade the store into what it used to be like twenty years ago, when locals met there and shared coffee and food and conversation and picked up some groceries. I stopped in at the Beaver Grocery

Proven Public Service

ming Paid for by the with committee to excitement. elect Andy Long I met Jeff Branscun and he told me how much he and Janet are enjoying the community and the store. “People have been so nice to us, they’re happy we’re here, and happy the store is open. We really appreciate the warm welcome, it’s made our move here an easy one.” This probably isn’t far from what you would have found at the Beaver Grocery and Deli twenty years ago; but come on in and check it out for yourself. The store is open 7 days a week, at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. The store closes at 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The deli closes every night at 7 p.m., “although we’ll keep cooking as long as there are people standing here to order something to eat,” said Branscun.

OCT. 23 FORUM ON OCEAN ACIDITY FORUM: A public forum on Tuesday, Oct. 23, in Tillamook will explore the current and potential future impacts of two emerging phenomena along the Oregon coast – increasing ocean acidity and seasonal incidence of low-oxygen waters, or “hypoxia.” A series of speakers will present the latest research at the free community event, “Demystifying Coastal Hypoxia & Ocean Acidification,” which begins at 6:30 p.m. at Tillamook Bay Community College Room 214/215. A panel discussion will follow, focusing on what individuals, communities, government agencies and others can do to reduce and manage potential impacts ocean acidification and hypoxia, both globally and locally.

The event is particularly timely, organizers say, as the fishing industry, agencies and scientists are expressing increasing alarm at the trend of more acidic ocean waters that have less oxygen to support marine life. The effects already are being felt in Oregon, where acidic, low-oxygen seawater contributed to the death of a substantial fraction of the young oysters produced by the Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery near Tillamook. Hosted by the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans program led by Oregon State University, the forum will feature researchers from OSU, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery, and

the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is supported by Oregon Sea Grant. Speakers and panelists include Francis Chan and Jack Barth of OSU, who have documented and explained increasing hypoxia events off Oregon; Burke Hales and George Waldbusser of OSU, who have helped Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery offset the effects of acidic and hypoxic water that had been killing juvenile oysters; Alan Barton, manager of the Whiskey Creek hatchery; Steve Rumrill, the head of ODFW’s shellfish program, Waldo Wakefield of NOAA, who studies how environmental factors like hypoxia influence fish abundance and distribution; and others.


BEAVER – The Beaver Grocery and Deli is open for business with new owners, new staff, a new menu and a new attitude. The aim of the store is to harken back to days of old, when the Beaver Grocery and Deli was a community gathering place, a local hub for coffee and conversation, news and a bite to eat. They’re well on their way to that goal. "The round table is back in session,“ said store manager Jeff Branscun. “Every morning when I get in there’s a group here to greet me, drinking coffee around the table and sharing the news.” Owners Hwoan Jeong and his wife also own the Rockaway Beach Market. They hired Jeff Branscun and his wife Janet to run the Beaver store. Janet worked for the Jeongs in their Rockaway Beach store for years. Jeff is the new grocery manager; Janet is the deli manager. The couple moved to Beaver from Nehalem; they’ve settled in to a home on Blaine Road near third bridge. Prior to reopening, the store got a new roof, new kitchen appliances, and updated bathrooms. The deli side of the store was remodeled and opened up: the old Post Office came out and a half wall came down; the result is a bright and inviting space full of tables and chairs, including the “round table,” for big groups and coffee

and Deli on a recent Sunday night at 7 p.m. in the first pouring rain of fall and the store was hopping with a steady stream of customers coming in out of the dark, ordering dinners in the deli, buying groceries, picking up food to go, and standing around shooting the bull. My son and I ordered burgers (they were excellent, by the way, cooked perfectly by one of the deli's two part-time staff), and while the burgers were cooking I talked with my neighbor Travis Daggett about his farm. Travis and his wife Heidi sold shares of produce from their C.S.A. for the first time this year; it went well, and they’ll do it again next year. They have butchered chickens for sale, and Travis, who does private contract logging, would like to pick up a horse logging job. He has some horses lined up to go to work, but he doesn’t want to bring them home until he has a job for them to do; otherwise, the cost of feeding them wouldn’t pencil out. Travis was picking up dinner to go for his family. I eavesdropped while I ate and Travis talked with someone else about the logging job he’s doing currently. A young dad came in with three rosy-cheeked small blonde kids who asked for corndogs and hamburgers, and then waited politely at a table for their food, remarkably well behaved even though I could feel them hum-

30 Years of

Continued from Page A1

That may have been the only question the sheriff’s candidates agreed upon; Long stated unequivocally that the sheriff does not dictate sentencing guidelines, nor influence judges, unless a judge asks him to weigh in on a particular case. From the newly redistricted House District 10, David Gomberg (Democrat) and Jerome Grant (Republican) attended, as did Arnie Roblan (Democrat) candidate for State Senate District 5. Scott Roberts, Roblan’s (Republican) challenger, did not attend. For many voters in newly redistricted areas, this forum was the first opportunity to meet and hear Gomberg, Grant and Roblan, whose districts will appear on local ballots for the first time. Audience members provided the questions. Marie Miller of AAUW moderated. Approximately 100 people attended the forum, which was live streamed online by the Headlight Herald. You can watch the entire event recorded live at The forum is also playing on Charter Cable channel 4 at 1 p.m. Mondays, 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 p.m. Saturdays and 1 p.m. Sundays.



Together we will build a community that works for everyone! Visit me at or on Facebook @ Committee to Elect Lisa Phipps Paid for by the Committee to Elect Lisa Phipps P.O. Box 504, Tillamook, OR 97141 or


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Get involved in your college F

irst, I want to invite you to consider “stepping” into the opportunities at Tillamook Bay Community College. Here are a few that are coming up: • Become an Entrepreneur. The Tillamook Chamber with TBCC and Oregon State University are offering a five-week series to develop your “killer business plan.” It has just started on October 11 and will go through Nov. 8. Join in now by emailing Carla Lyman: • RSVP to the Mildred Davey Luncheon on Thursday Oct 18 at noon. This is a time to celebrate scholarships and students who have been sponsored by local scholarships. Email • Learn more about potential threats to our local coastal ecology. On Tuesday evening, Oct 23, from 6:30-8:30 pm, Oregon State University and the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans, will present a seminar/public discussion on Ocean Acidification and Coastal Hypoxia at TBCC in Rooms 214/215. Recent studies have indicated an increase in ocean acidity in Netarts Bay, which has the potential of having a significant impact on the local oyster industry. More broadly, an increasing frequency of “dead zones” from coastal hypoxia has the potential for impacting fisheries along our entire coast. Please pre-register by calling 541-737-4202. • Plan now to register for winter term. Submit your Financial Aid and admissions application soon. Registration begins November 26 and Winter term begins January 7. There is always an opportunity to learn something new at TBCC. The TBCC Board met on October 1. The Board approved the budget process and guidelines for the 2013-2014-budget development. They also discussed the national and state conversation on ways to increase the number of students who are successful in completing their certificates and degrees in a timely manner. In November Board members will be attending the Oregon Community College association conference

with a wide range of topics and national speakers to assist Oregon community colleges in achieving this very goal: imConnie Green proving TBCC President student completion of certificates and degrees. Josh Wyner from the Aspen Institute will open the conference with “Exceptional Colleges: Culture, Leadership and Performance.” Dr. Walter Bumphus, AACC president, will talk about the 21st Century Initiative and how the elements in the report affect Oregon’s community colleges. Dr. Katie Hern will address the issue of accelerated developmental education. Each of these timely presentations aligns with areas the Board, college staff and faculty are discussing. How can TBCC improve student progression from term to term to accomplish student goals, as well as completion of certificates and degrees? TBCC and the other 16 community colleges are seriously reviewing how to improve the adult basic skills learning that occurs at each of the colleges. All of this intentional focus occurs in the context of Oregon’s community colleges – their faculty and staff – serving as the state’s “economic first-responders.” Over 380,000 Oregonians are enrolled at 17 community colleges around the state. By providing professional training and serving as an affordable bridge to a 4-year degree, Oregon’s community college system is a driver of business development and job creation needed to get Oregon’s economy moving again. TBCC continues to be committed to meet the local needs and respond to the state and national challenges that affect our community. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with input or questions at or 503-842-8222 ext. 1015.

Write to us We want to hear from you, and encourage you to write letters to the editor. Because of space limitations, shorter letters have a better chance of being printed. We may edit your letter for style, grammar and clarity, although we do as little editing as possible. Letters longer than 350 words will be edited. Thank-you letters are limited to mentioning individuals and non-commercial organizations. Letters received after noon on Friday may not be in time for the following Wednesday’s paper. We also encourage your longer, guest editorials. These might be columns written by newsmakers, public officials or organization representatives. These can run a little longer in length. To verify authenticity, all guest opinions must be signed and include your address and daytime phone number. We won’t print your street address or phone number. Submissions may be e-mailed to editor@orcoast or sent via mail or dropped off to Headlight Herald, 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141. Any guest opinion may appear on the Headlight Herald’s website.

ABOUT US The Headlight Herald is published weekly by Country Media, Inc. at 1908 2nd St.,Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-7535 •Toll Free 1-800-275-7799

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It has been befuddling to me why the Washington D.C. press corps had such a strong dislike for Bush when he was president and a great love for Obama. I could not imagine it was Obama's preference for high fuel prices or the huge debt his administration created. It had to be something distasteful or annoying that bugged this press. The reason suddenly became so obvious it was like hiding in plain sight. When Bush would go on vacation he would hop on Air Force One and fly to Texas then drive to his ranch miles out on the prairie. The press that reports every move the president makes needs to stay as close as allowed to be sure they are the first to report any important activity. To accomplish their mission they rent motor homes or RVs and spend the duration in the outback camping. Not a favorite pastime with this group. Not so with Obama. They follow him to Hawaii, Florida, Martha's Vineyard on Cape Cod, sometimes to New York shopping with his wife staying in the best hotels dining in fancy restaurants, all on taxpayers' money and the press on company expense. This is living with the high rollers on somebody else's money; so the love-in goes on with more flattering and complementary articles to keep the good times rolling. The view from the press box is somewhat different than the action on the field. Ray Streeter Sand Lake

Happy Birthday, Irene I want to congratulate Irene Beeler on reaching her l00th birthday! What a great pioneer, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and example she has been for our farm community. It makes me proud to live in the same community. Many of us learned to milk cows, do farm chores and accept responsibility at a very young age. Very seldom did we get a day off. Our farm work brought a feeling of pride and satisfaction that came from working with our family. It seems to me we are now faced with many government rules, regulations, and interference. Many of our own children can’t work on farms, harvest farm crops, drive a tractor or even spend quality time with the family working on the farm. Our ancestors came to this country to work with capitalism, free enterprise, and freedom to work and enjoy our families. The coming election gives us a clear choice-more government control, restrictions, entitlements and socialism or a government that encourages hard work, free enterprise and the chance to succeed. Don’t let America get lazy! Bud Gienger Tillamook

United Way supports the community Please continue the Tillamook County tradition of neighbors helping neighbors by supporting the United Way Campaign currently in progress. Each year volunteers work to raise funds that support critically needed services provided to residents of Tillamook County by the United Way member agencies. This year your support is even more critical as local helping agencies continue to see greater need while experiencing reductions in the resources available to them. I expect that every one of us has either accessed a service provided by one of the United Way member agencies or knows people who have. The wide range of crisis, educational, emergency and basic need services offered by member agencies make our community a vibrant and healthy place to live; one where we are able to continue to care about and for one another. Each year more than 16,000 individuals/families are served by member agencies and each one of those families may actually be receiving a multitude of services. At the Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center we offer services to more than 1,000 families each year. A single family may receive dozens of services during the time we work together. The Resource Center provides a variety of services for victims of domestic and sexual violence that range from crisis intervention, peer counseling, information and referral, civil legal assistance, job training, shelter

and support. These services have been proven to save lives and assist people in creating violence free lives for themselves and their children. United Way funding makes it possible for us to continue to provide services by granting funding that supports our 24 hour crisis line and our emergency financial assistance fund that meets critical needs related to safety that cannot be met through other resources. We, along with other member agencies, rely on United Way to be able to meet community needs and United Way relies on your support. Please be a part of Living United and support your local United Way. More information is available at the United Way web site Kathleen Marvin Executive Director Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center

Scott Roberts for Senate Don’t blame the politicians, when we send the same people back to Salem and Washington DC expecting something different. We need to remember what John F. Kennedy said “ask not what country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. These words do not speak of people who cannot take care of themselves. These words do not say we are nation of endless entitlements. John F. Kennedy was talking about people with pride who take care of themselves and are willing to give back to their community. He was speaking of a people that, provided with opportunity, will build and create. Scott Roberts wants us to have an opportunity for family wage jobs, with family wage jobs we can build and create strong communities. Scott understands the responsible use of our natural resources will generate family wage jobs. Scott understands the consequence of giving up portions of our oceans and the result to our fisherman and the importance of our point of view. Scott’s Challenger talks about the opportunity of wind energy on our ocean. Not understanding what the 30 to 50 foot storm swells will do to the structure or the disgrace to our ocean view and displacing our fishing industry. I’m supporting Scott Roberts for Oregon Senate, because Scott understands our needs. Charles J Hurliman Tillamook County Commissioner

NVS thanks the community Neskowin Valley School sends a big thank you to the community for its generous participation in last weekend’s 30th annual Harvest Festival. Our artisan vendors and our sponsor were invaluable to the festival, which is run by NVS parents to support the operating budget of the school. Scores of local businesses and individuals

donated goods to our Bakery Cafe and silent auction, and many people came to bid and enjoy the food, fellowship and children’s activities for a joyous day at NVS. We value and appreciate the community’s continuing support for our independent school. Congratulations to our parents for their extraordinary volunteer participation in the 30th annual Harvest Festival! We look forward to the 31st next fall! Julie Fiedler Head of School

I applaud Quinn for her courage To Quinn Pender, I applaud you, it took a lot of courage and honesty to write the letter to the Headlight Herald forum (“I did not ask to be born this way,” Oct. 1). You are so right, being born with F.A.S (fetal alcohol syndrome) is not a choice you made, but a choice your mother made while pregnant to drink. Your story touched my heart, as I have dealt with a lot of these issues with foster children and adopted children. Your words about surviving high school and all the torture that went with it touched me deeply. I know how rude and cruel children and yes, some adults can be. Many developmentally challenged children are children of alcoholics or drug addicts. These poor children are not able to overcome what has happened to them. The drug addict or drinkers, at least had a choice to take or not to take the first step to their addictions. I firmly believe after seeing more than one child in a family with these problems a women should not have a second chance to harm an innocent child. This is definitely child abuse! The other side of this problem is that these children often end up on SSW or SSI, which is a huge drain on these programs. This also is not their faults. Quinn, thank you for so eloquently expressing your thoughts. Maybe through your words people will stop and think before they speak or act out. Once again I applaud you for your strength and courage to stand up for yourself. God bless you and I hope others were as moved by your letter as I was. Lorana C. Roberts Tillamook

Baertlein best suited to move us forward As a former candidate for County Commissioner, I have had the chance to understand more about the two final candidates than I might have otherwise. To see how they view the future of our county, I have talked to and listened to both. I have spoken with many other individuals from all over the county that have had dealings with one or the other or both. What better way to gain insight as to how a person will lead? Of these two candidates, I feel Bill Baertlein to be that person which would best repre-

by Dave Coverly

sent myself and others who have a similar philosophy as to how we should proceed to enhance our economic growth and protect our individual rights; to find the balance that will allow future generations to enjoy the quieter, country like lifestyle we all care so much about while looking for opportunities that will enhance that which we already have. Because of Bill’s family history in and understanding of Tillamook he is, in my opinion, best suited to move us forward. He has a connection to the people, the farmers, fishermen and timber industry that is long standing. He has a connection with those that have raised their families here and started businesses here. Bill understands priorities in spending and has a background that will benefit the county when working with budgets and funding areas of current necessity as well as preparing for the days to come. I hope you will join me in supporting Bill Baertlein by casting your vote for him in November. Jill Williams Tillamook

Phipps is the right person for the job I first met Lisa Phipps when she was the Coastal Resource Planner, Tillamook County Department of Community Development. I found Lisa to be proud working for Tillamook County, courteous, helpful and very informed about the rules and regulations. Some applicants learn that the plan that they envisioned to be approved by the department staff did not follow the county land use rules. No one likes being told no and some will blame the planner. As a member of our Pacific City Community Plan Advisory Committee, I found Lisa to be very helpful in suggesting changes to an application so it could be approved. The rules are in place for all. Oregon has always been in the forefront protecting our land use laws. Thank you, Lisa, for making Tillamook County a better place to live. I volunteered to be in Lisa’s booth at the Tillamook County Fair. Many stopped by to express their support for Lisa to be our County Commissioner. Those of you that did not have the time to stop by, give her a call, gather a few friends together and invite Lisa to meet with you. Ask your questions and listen to her, you will come away knowing Lisa is the right person for the job. County Commissioners work around the clock attending all the functions pertaining to the county, state and federal issues; plus all the non-profit organizations they support. This job is a commitment to the citizens of Tillamook County. Lisa Phipps is the candidate who will make that commitment as our Tillamook County Commissioner Ielean Cox-Rouse Pacific City

See FOURM, Page A5

Continued from Page A4

We have known Bill Baertlein since the 1980’s when he was the municipal auditor for the Netarts and Oceanside Water Districts. He continues to stay abreast of annual law changes and has been our personal CPA and financial advisor for years. We can’t say enough for his high level of expertise, knowledge of the law and integrity. He cares about the future of Tillamook County, he has a vested interest. We believe Bill Baertlein will, with his experience, help Tillamook County keep within budgets and plan budgets for the future, which would keep county employees working with known futures. He is accountable, and with his better fiscal management, the people of Tillamook County can plan their futures as well as future residents. Please join us in voting for Bill Baertlein for County Commissioner. John and Janet Stahl Netarts Bay

Vote no on the Pioneer Water District This measure has a number of flaws in it that need to be corrected before it is brought to the voters! There are a number of people on the eligible voter roster who shouldn’t be and there are a number of people that have been excluded from the roster, including my wife and myself. Renters get to vote, but the owners of rental property do not. The three districts involved comprise about 354 eligible voters listed on the roster. These users only use about 10-13 percent of the total usage of water sold by the Kilches Regional Water District. The Tillamook County Creamery Association uses 5255 percent and Bay City who has opted out of this consolidation uses the balance. So, If this measure passes Juno, Latimer and Northwoods water districts would be consolidated with the TCCA to form the Pioneer Water district. This may sound like a good thing until you look into the details. Just one of the concerns is that in addition to a monthly set fee for usage, there would be a permanent tax of $1 per $1,000 of property value. If passed, you will definitely be paying a lot more for your water. The TCCA is the only winner with this measure. These are just a few of the flaws in this measure that I have listed. It should not be passed untill all the flaws are corrected. Alan Leach Bay City

Efficiency in road repairs In an article in the Oct. 10, Headlight Herald, “County officials look into... road repair funding.,” Ms. Welch said she was forced to take a reactionary approach to fixing potholes. Well, on June 26 about 10:15 a.m. I started seeing what she meant on Sandlake Road north of Terra del Mar. Two men, a small truck and road patch. There were two holes almost side by side. They patched one of the holes and left the other one and four more in a 1/4 of a mile to the north. About every two weeks one more of holes would get patched. It’s October now and one hole is still there. Now to me this is a ridiculous way to get a job done. Are we giving them one bag of patch and telling them to make it last eight hours? Is it just plain incompetence or lack of supervision? Whatever it is, it’s 16 hours of pay with benefits for the two men, truck wear and tear and fuel for one day. But the job took four days and is not done - one hole left. Now to me, Ms. Welch should be replaced by someone who knows what is getting done with the money they have, and the south county supervisor should be put back on the end

of a shovel. I have seen this kind of waste from our road crews in south county several times and every time I see that they want more money. I see more than red. Ms. Welch, use the money and the employees you have more efficiently and you may not need as much money as you think to get the job done. Tom Alford Sandlake Rd.

Phipps has proven she can bring people together Two of the most rancorous and controversial issues our county ever faced were raging when Lisa Phipps moved to Tillamook county. The periodic review of the county ordinance regarding riparian setbacks and the Netarts Littoral Cell study were the hottest of political hot potatoes. They had destroyed careers and set neighbor against neighbor. Lisa was assigned responsibility for both committees as they worked to complete an advisory plan for the county. The committees were composed of stakeholders whose views, personalities and interests varied dramatically. Lisa became the point person for the county whenever there was a controversial landuse or planning issue, and in the years before the economic downturn, there were plenty. Communities county-wide became so mired in conflict that Citizen’s Planning Advisory Committees were created to bring communities together. Lisa had the bulk of the responsibility for these “CPACs.” Now, in the lead up to the November election, there’s a concerted attempt to portray her as rude and regressive. She’s nothing of the kind, as her work with the county and as mayor of Rockaway Beach has proved. A wide spectrum of Tillamook citizens who have worked with Lisa on advisory committees and CPACs will tell you that she has done a superior job of giving them the understanding of local ordinances, codes and state land-use law they needed to make good decisions and that she did an extraordinary job of maintaining the atmosphere of mutual respect necessary for a successful collaborative problem solving process. They will also tell you Lisa is very knowledgeable, consistently fair, and relentlessly committed to empowering and engaging citizens in the public process. Her performance as mayor of Rockaway Beach was another demonstration of Lisa’s skill in turning conflicts into focused, creative, productive processes where every voice can be heard. Lisa is thoughtful and kind and has been a consistent, dedicated contributor to our community for 15 years. Tillamook County needs her unique and extensive understanding of civic processes, her outstanding leadership skills, and her proven ability to bring people together. Vote for Lisa Phipps for County Commissioner, Position No. 1 on Nov. 6. Lenora Lawrence Oceanside

Support Measure 29-129 Voting yes on 29-129 will provide base funding for the Tillamook Soil and Water Conservation District. This will give the District the ability to leverage other funds to continue technical and financial services to all natural resource users in the County. The benefits will be shared by all landowners, from the single family home in the city to the rural residential properties throughout Tillamook County. I have been an elected Board of Director for the District for over 30 years and I’m asking you my constituents to join me and vote yes on Measure 29129. Bill Hagerty Cloverdale

Vote yes on 29-129 My fellow fishermen please join me in supporting measure 29-129. I know that the valuable work Ray Monroe and the Tillamook Soil and Water accomplish provides for improved habitat and increases downstream Salmonid migration survivability. This also helps for future harvest and conservation of our local fish populations. Vote yes on 29-129 to maintain support for our natural resources. Al Jensen Pacific City

Phipps helped my mother receive VA benefits My 91-year-old mother recently received retroactive Veteran’s benefits. She is the beneficiary of my father, who served for 3 1/2 years in WWII and died in 2010 at age 97. My family had been unsuccessfully attempting to retrieve those benefits for more than two years. In June, I had a conversation with Lisa Phipps about our failed attempts to receive VA funds. Lisa listened and understood how frustrated I was with this government agency. I described my repeated phone calls to the Department of Veterans Affairs Western Area Fiduciary Hub in Salt Lake City and the Regional Office in St. Paul, Minn. My calls were met with a polite “Yes ma’am, we see from her file number that there are retroactive funds.” I asked when we would receive them. I was told that they did not know. My weekly calendar included a note to me: “Call VA!” I found the Tillamook Veteran’s Administration Office tucked away in the midst of the construction on Third Street. The overworked agent in that office very kindly let me into the office without an appointment. She told me that I needed to follow through with the hub and regional calls, but that even if we did receive the funds, my mother’s insurance benefits would be cut off because she would have too much money in the bank. Sometimes government bureaucracies seem too overwhelming to breach. When I saw Lisa, I had no idea what to do next. Lisa said “I’ll see what I can do.” The next week, I received a call from Congressman Schrader’s


office. A week after that, I received a check from the Veteran’s Administration. My mother’s new wheelchair is now being custom fitted for her at North Coast Home Care, she is enjoying two days a week of enrichment activities at a day care facility and she will benefit from other handicap modifications. Lisa Phipps is my choice for County Commissioner. She has experience and knowledge of how government works and most importantly, she truly cares about constituents and how government can and should help them, not impede them. Nancy Contolini Rockaway Beach


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very well paid public office with more power than she’s had in the past is plain and simple, a very bad idea. Don’t promote incompetence, there’s enough of that in government already. R.E. (Dick) Renoud Pacific City

What I like about Phipps

Don’t ‘promote’ Phipps

I’ve known Lisa Phipps since she first moved to Tillamook County, and now I’m voting for her to be our new County Commissioner. I like the fact that, after living and working in many other places, Lisa CHOSE to make her life here. She has refused job offers that would take her away from this place; she has made a lifetime committment to this county. I like the fact that she has a degree in environmental law. She knows the value of our traditional industries: logging, fishing & farming. With that background, she has the education and knowledge to protect and preserve those industries and knows how to make them sustainable, so they will continue to benefit our children and grandchildren for generations to

Normally I leave letters to the editor to my wife, and she's already made her position on the Baertlein/ Phipps race known. As an employer for more than 40 years of several hundred people, I would like to second the position my wife took on the possible election of Ms. Phipps. During the endless delays caused by Ms. Phipps with our permit, I was actually working out of the state and watched from the sidelines while my wife put up with her abuse. Ms. Phipps doesn’t seem to hold any one job in the public sector too long, which tells me she is part of the Peter Principle. Eventually they will be promoted beyond their ability. Elevating this woman to a

JACK AND SUE DRAFAHL TO READ EXCERPTS FROM THEIR NEWEST NOVEL CAT AND SHARE WRITING AND PUBLISHING TIPS Tillamook Ore Jack and Sue Drafahl are a husband and wife writing team They have written and published over articles that have appeared in Petersen’s Photographic Rangefinder Skin Diver Sport Diver Outdoor Photographer National Geographic World National Wildlife Federation and Cousteau magazines They have also written several technical books on various aspects of photography The Drafahls will be giving a presentation at the Tillamook County Library on October th at : pm They will be reading from their newest novel CAT and will also give tips on how to write and publish a novel Jack and Sue started their professional photographic careers at Brooks Institute of Photography Santa Barbara California They both received their scuba diving certification in the early ‘ s and have logged over ten thousand dives Sue is an inaugural member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame In they decided to change the course of their writing to include fiction Since then Jack and Sue have written six novels that span the gamut of genres from future science to romance Jack and Sue make their home in Tillamook County In addition to their book writing they enjoy leading underwater photo expeditions around the globe

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come. I like the fact that Lisa has worked at the Courthouse and was mayor of Rockaway Beach in the past. I worked for the Commissioners’ office, and I know, first hand, the long and difficult learning curve for new Commissioners. Lisa knows how the county is run; she knows how governmental budgets work; she supports the county employees; she will hit the ground running when she takes office. I like the fact that Lisa has connections with state and federal agencies and personnel, which will serve to benefit Tillamook County. I like the fact that Lisa is involved in many organizations and charitable activities, all with the goal of keeping Tillamook County a good place to live. I like the fact that Lisa knows and cares about people all over the county, north, south and central. I support Lisa for County Commissioner. I hope you will join me in voting for Lisa Phipps, for the County and for our shared future. Mary Wujcik Cloverdale


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Baertlein brings better fiscal management



Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page A5

Tillamook County Library programs are free and open to the public The program will be held in the Hatfield Community Room at the Tillamook County Library Third Street Tillamook OR Light refreshments will be served For additional in formation please call the Tillamook County Library at ( )

All Tillamook County Library programs are free and open to the public For additional information please call the Tillamook County Library at ( ) H14000

EElection El Electio lecti tion Day Daayy is is November Novveembe No emb ber er 6th 6th

Your Y our our V Vote ote Counts Counts! s!

Your Vote Makes Difference! Y our V ote Mak kess a Dif fference! fere ence!

V VOTE O T TE FOR L LIS LISA A PH PHIPPS HIPPS R for fo or Tillamook County Commissioner Commissioner,, P Position osiition 1

Upcoming p g Candidate didate Forums: Visit me at or on Facebookor at on Facebook at Visit me at TILLAMOOK MOOK

Oct. 111th 1th at 6pm at Tillamook Tillamook B Bay Community College

Committee to Elect Lisa Phipps Committee to Elect Lisa Phipps

(hosted by AAUW and the Tillamook Till illamook lamook Headlight Herald) Herrald)


Oct. 17th at 6:30pm at Nestucca Nesstucca cccca Jr/Srr High H School

mi Phiptps pee Paid P aid for by the Committee Commit El Elect t Li Lisa Phipps Paid P at tideefor ai fotto ro by the Commit Committee e tto o Elect Lisa Ph Phipps ipps

To T o send se end d donations d or o tto o con contact tact Lisa P P.O. O B Box 504, Tillamook, 97141 71 lisaphipps2 nT to send Lisa, .O. 5 4, Tilla T amook, r04, ai14 com To donations don nations nosx or r04 tto o con ccontact tact Lisa, LisaORP.O. P.O. O9 Box B4o1x or 5 504, Tillamook, ok OR 9 97141 7a 1 or lisaphipps2



Page A6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald

OBITUARIES Basil L. Edmunds Basil L. Edmunds, of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, passed away peacefully at home Sept. 28, 2012 at age 81. He was born Aug. 10, 1931, in Garibaldi to Mark and Leone Edmunds. A retired Navy Captain, he BASIL served our coun- EDMUNDS try for 30 years. Upon graduating from Oregon State College in 1953, his first Navy deployment was to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he fell in love with the islands and later fulfilled his dream of living “in paradise” with his college sweetheart, Sonia, whom he married in 1955. In April 1965, Basil assumed command of the Navy destroyer USS McGinty. In 1967, at his command, the McGinty won first place in the nation in the Annual Test of Operational Readiness. In 1978, Basil was the first Naval Reserve Officer to win the National Guard Exceptional Service Medal. In addition to his service in the Navy, he owned and operated Edmunds Fish & Crab Co. in Garibaldi, Oregon, and served as manager of the Port of Bay City for 22 years, where he was instrumental in obtaining federal funding for the construction of the Tillamook Bay South Jetty. He was an Economic Development Director for the State of Oregon for 12 years, a member of ROA, AUSN, MOAA, and served on the OSU Sea Grant Advisory Board, where he was granted the first Emeritus Award. He was a lifetime member of the Tillamook County Pioneer Association. He and his wife, Sonia, retired and moved to Kona in 1999. He was a member of the Big Island Ukulele Guild, enjoyed woodworking and building boats. At an early age he was building boats – starting with models and working up to his dream of a 60ft all wood fishing/pleasure boat on which he and Sonia enjoyed many trips to Alaska. At the time of his death, he and daughter Kathy, and her husband Bowie, were building a 22ft wooden Bartender boat. He was also in the process of making a concert ukulele for his wife. Basil will be remembered for his dry wit, sense of humor, and ability to tell a “great story” based on the many wonderful people he met, his travels, and adventures he experienced during his lifetime. He is survived by his wife,

Sonia Edmunds of KailuaKona; daughters, Sheryl (John) Cain of Hemet, CA, and Kathy Edmunds (Bowie Goodwin) of Kailua-Kona; one granddaughter, Caryn Cain of Hemet, CA; one sister, DelVonne Roberts of Scappoose, OR; and many cousins, nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life will be held in Kailua-Kona at the Hawaii Big Game Fishing Club at Honokohau Harbor on Saturday, October 27th, at 3pm. The spreading of his ashes in the Pacific Ocean will honor his life-long love of the sea. A reception will immediately follow. Memorial contributions may be made in his name to Wounded Warrior Project or Disabled American Veterans.

William Berg William Eugene Berg was born in Minneapolis, Minn. on Jan. 26, 1933 to William and Brita (Anderson) Berg. He passed away in Wheeler on Oct. 13, 2012 at age 79. Bill grew up in Minnesota and graduated from Patrick Henry WILLIAM High School in BERG Minneapolis. He joined the U.S. Navy and served his country honorably during the Korean War. Bill was united in marriage on Aug. 22, 1959 in St. Louis Park, Minn. to Geraldine Wallace. Bill graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1962 with a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. Together Geri and Bill followed Bill’s work as a micro electrical engineer from Minnesota, to California, and finally to Oregon. Bill worked for Sylvania, ESL, Control Data, and Techtronix. He retained numerous awards for outstanding service, and was awarded 13 patents related to microelectronics. Bill was a NCRD organizer and served on the board of directors. He also was a driver for Dial a Ride. He had taught computer classes for Tillamook Bay Community College as well. During his free time he enjoyed fishing, photography and collecting tools. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him. Bill was preceded in death by a daughter, Tina Berg, and by his sister Dorothy Mendoza. He leaves behind to honor his life, his loving family, wife, Geraldine Berg of Nehalem; children, Heidi Underhill and husband Craig of Banks, Heather Berg and husband Tim

Couch of Sauvie Island, Holly Jankowski and husband Marcus of Buxton, Eric Berg and wife Kimberley of San Mateo, Calif.; grandchildren, Christopher Gambell, Kaitlyn Kresek, Colton Underhill, Riley Underhill, Cassandra Jankowski, Emma Berg; and by numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial mass will be held for Bill at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 in the St. Mary’s by the Sea Catholic Church in Rockaway Beach. Cremation arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

She was preceded in death by husband George D. Bowen, sons Robert Morris and William Morris and one great grandchild. Eloise is survived by her son, Gerald (Rickie) Bowen, daughter, Connie Roe and grandchildren, Larry Roe, David Roe, Richie Roe, Robbie Morris, Chaffaye Morris, Delbert Morris & Zane Bowen , Robin & Shelley Morris and three great-great grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the American Heart Assoc. would be appreciated.

Eloise Bowen

David Haley Sr.

Former Tillamook resident Eloise M. Bowen, born Dec. 4, 1920, died Oct. 6, 2012, at her residence at the Garden Court retirement home in Everett, Wash. at age 91. A memorial service will be held Oct. 14 at Garden Court ELOISE Retirement BOWEN Community in Everett, Wash. from 1-3 p.m. Friends and family are welcome. Born in Tillamook, she met and married George Delbert Bowen in 1945 in California. The couple lived in Libby, Montana until 1959 when they moved to Alaska where they lived for 17 years. She taught Stretch and Sew classes for many years, including fabric sales and also operated a snack bar in the Mt. View Bowling Center in Anchorage. Eloise and her family enjoyed fishing and owned a vacation property at the “Kenai Keys” near Kenai, Alaska. After the death of her husband, she moved to Edmonds, Wash. then back to Alaska prior to moving to Mesa, Ariz. After enjoying the warmth of Arizona, she moved back to her birthplace at Tillamook. Several years ago, she moved to Garden Court Retirement Home. She had great appreciation for the kindness of the staff at Garden Court and the large group of friends that she made there. She was well known as a strong woman of great character and tremendous sense of humor that did not diminish with age.

David Allen Haley Sr. was born April 27, 1954 in Portland to Waldo and Ethel (Branan) Haley. He passed away Oct. 11, 2012 in Tillamook at age 58. David attended David Douglas in Portland. He lived HALEY in both Portland DAVIDSR. and Tillamook. He was a member of the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church and both the Wheeler and Tillamook Masonic Lodges. David was an avid collector of coins. David is survived by his wife, Mary Lou Haley of Tillamook; son, David Haley Jr. and daughter, Mindy Haley, both of Wisconsin; step-son, David Leak, and step-daughter Michelle Wasson of Pennsylvania; one sister, Lillian of Wyoming; and eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Benjamin Haley, his brother, Glenn and sister, Joy. Arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

Gerald McGrath Gerald (Jerry) William McGrath was born in Portland on Nov. 1, 1934. He passed away on Oct. 11, 2012 in Tillamook. Jerry spent most of his life in Oregon except for his time in New York in the U.S. Army and five years in Puyallup, Wash. Jerry and his wife Patricia (Macleod) McGrath met at Jefferson High School, where they graduated in 1952 and married

Waud’s Funeral Home (503) 842-7557

a year later. Their son Scot (now deceased) was born in 1956 and Conor in 1958. Jerry was a master carpenter and builder nearly all his life, transferring his skills to the family owned real estate company in Rockaway Beach for several busy years. He retired in 2008 and happily worked part time at Sundance Trading in Garibaldi. Jerry was a continuously active member of Alcoholics Anonymous from 1977 until his death. He would love it to be said of him simply that “He died sober.” A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at the Rockaway Beach Lions Club, 268 S. Anchor St.

James State James Lester State was born in Spokane, Wash. on May 14, 1934 to Lester and Leighora (Rothwell) State. James passed away in Wheeler on Oct. 8, 2012 at age 78. James grew up in Spokane and graduated from Rogers High School. He worked in the auto parts industry as the owner and salesman of his company. James later worked as a salesman for SnapOn Tools. He was united in marriage to Betty Kennedy on Sept. 27, 1958 in Spokane, Wash. James and Betty moved to Oceanside shortly before James retired. James enjoyed watching sports, especially football. His greatest happiness was spending time with his family and dear friends. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him. He leaves behind to honor his life, his loving family, wife, Betty State of Oceanside; children, Julie State of Seattle, Wash. and Stephen State and wife Kim of Portland; brothers, Donald State of Arizona and John (Jack) State and wife Colleen of Chehalis, Wash.; grandson, Sawyer State and companion Kat of Portland; and great-granddaughter, Marley. A celebration of James’ life will be held at a later date. Memorial contributions in James’ name may be made to Ryther or to St. Judes Children’s Hospital. Arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home in Tillamook.

State School Chief praises Tillamook after-school program Oregon Deputy State School Superintendent Rob Saxton was the keynote speaker at the Tillamook School District teacher in-service training on Oct. 9. In his address, Saxton praised the district for its willingness to make hard decisions to better serve needy students. “The adjustments you have made to your schedule, in order to provide additional learning opportunities for your disadvantaged students, can be looked at as a model in the state,” he said. “You have found a way to increase time without increasing costs and you can rest assured that as I travel around the state I’m going to be talking to others about what you are doing in Tillamook.” Saxton also said it’s important to address the learning gap between the white and minority students. “If we are to succeed as a state, we must address the achievement gap, get all of our students to achieve at higher levels...” he said. Currently, almost 30-percent of students coming into the Tillamook District are students of color. This was the first time in recent memory that a State School Superintendent has visited Tillamook schools and spoken staff.


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t u o e Din ounty United Way



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Wednesday, Oct. 17


Committed to adequate education funding from pre-school to graduate school. Providing help for veterans, seniors and children. Working toward affordable health care services for all Oregonians. Expanding veterans services outreach efforts. Creating programs that help homeowners facing foreclosure.


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Bringing business opportunities to Oregon in renewable energy resources including ocean energy. Supporting public/private partnerships that translate into local jobs. Helping to bring tax relief for family-based natural resource businesses. Supporting balanced approaches to protect natural resources and maintain the jobs they provide. Working to control state spending and keep government efficient.




Committed to continue to update emergency preparedness plans for Oregon’s coastal communities. Supporting programs to prevent child abuse, protect victims of domestic abuse and eliminate human trafficking in Oregon. Assisting volunteer fire fighters and emergency medical technicians with training and related expenses.

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To learn more visit Tillamook County United Way at

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ENDORSED BY: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 37, Oregon State Police Officers, SMACNA PAC (Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors Nat’l Assn.), SEIU Local 503, Astoria Mayor Willis VanDusen, IBEW, Stand for Children, Planned Parenthood of Oregon, NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC, Oregon State Fire Fighters Council, Council of Police Associations, Association of Oregon Corrections Employees, American Federation of Teachers (AFT Oregon), Oregon Chiefs of Police Association, Oregon Sheriffs , Oregon Council for Retired Citizens, United Transportation Union, Washington County Citizens Action Network (WCCAN), Oregon Nurseries PAC, Tillamook County Commissioners Mark Labhart and Tim Josi

Paid for by: Boone for State Representative, P.O. Box 637, Cannon Beach, OR 97110

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page A7


LOCAL DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS PARSE BALLOT MEASURES N o fewer than nine ballot measures will be voted on statewide in this November’s election. They range from amending the state constitution to stop referring to the Secretary of State as “he� (the current Secretary of State is a “she�), to allowing a non-Indian casino to be built (and specifically built in Wood Village), to letting the state keep the corporate income-tax “kicker� instead of refunding it. We wanted to provide a local — and personal — perspective. So we asked the chairs of the Tillamook County Democratic and Republican Central Committees, Lenore Lawrence (D) and Tom Donohue (R), if they would write a paragraph apiece on each of these measures. That’d give you the “take� on these measures from two knowledgeable, politically active people who are both locally wellknown, and likely to tackle the issues from differing (and often opposite) perspectives. Lawrence and Donohue both wanted the paper to emphasize that what you’re getting are their personal opinions only. Their respective party central committees have not voted on these, and do not have an official position. We are happy to say so. And we are very appreciative of their help.


This measure amends the Oregon Constitution by defining and increasing the powers of the Governor to declare emergencies in the State after a “Catastrophic Disaster� and how the Oregon Senate and the House will convene in the event of a variety of emergencies. Donohue: Once a “Catastrophic Disaster� is declared by the Governor, it allows him or her to appropriate monies from the General Fund, lottery funds, motor vehicle and fuel tax revenues & with approval of both Houses of the Legislature, funds that would otherwise be returned to the taxpayers (kicker refunds or tax returns) to deal with the disaster for a period up to 30 days. That period of time could be extended by a three-fifths vote of the members of each legislative house. This measure also authorizes both Houses of the Legislature to meet someplace besides Salem and allows a quorum of two-thirds of members able to attend (rather than two-thirds of total members) and permits attendance via electronic means. I have no problem with the latter section of this measure. I do have a problem with the new power extended to the Governor in the first section and so did the majority of those attending the ORP Central Committee meeting last Saturday. The ORP Central Committee consists of the Chairs, Vice Chairs and other delegates from each of the individual 36 Oregon counties. Nowhere in Measure 77 is there any authority for local cities or counties to respond to their own needs. All authority is vested in the Governor to act & to spend monies, basically as he/she sees fit with few checks and balances from the Legislature and none from the Judiciary. Thirty days is a long time to have unlimited access to the cookie jar with total central control of assets and no local control. I’m voting no on this measure. Lawrence: Yes. Oregon’s Constitution currently limits the Governor’s ability to immediately respond in emergency situations. Measure 77 changes language to allow emergency action without declaring martial law.


This measure also amends the Constitution. It is basically a housekeeping measure to upgrade or modernize the language in Article III Section 1 which describes the three sections of the state government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) from “departments� to “branches.� It also corrects some spelling errors in Article VI, Section 2 of the original document and modernizes references to gender with indefinite gender wording.

Donohue: I have no problem with this measure. I’m voting yes. Lawrence: Yes. Measure 78 makes grammatical corrections and updates unclear language.


This measure amends the Constitution by prohibiting real estate transfer taxes, fees and other assessments except those operative on Dec. 31, 2009; Washington County already having a transfer tax in place. Donohue: Oregon has the 45th lowest home ownership rate and the 15th highest property tax rates in the nation. Once this measure becomes a Constitutional amendment, the Legislature can no longer even consider a real estate transfer tax and they’ve been trying for some time. The housing industry has been devastated in the current recession. We pay enough property taxes as it is. I vote no on this measure. Lawrence: Curiously, The National Association of Realtors have spent over $5 million to ban a practice that has been illegal in Oregon since 1989 (except for a one-tenth of a percent tax in one county which predated the1989 law). Several attempts to pass such legislation in Salem have failed decisively, yet the campaign attempts to convince voters that a transfer tax is imminent. What is the real intent of this bill and what obstacles could it pose to local communities as they struggle to meet local needs and keep taxes of individuals and small business down?

ments. Their casinos support their nation-states. They also have separate agreements with Oregon for their casino operations. The new casino proposed in Wood Village would compete with Oregon Lottery retailers. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with that. However, the measure 83 authorizing the Wood Village casino would provide 25% of revenue to the state. Oregon Lottery retailers generate a considerably higher percentage of revenue for the state. Measure 82, which amends the Constitution to allow private casinos, would also open the door to more privately owned casinos in Oregon. I think the status quo is where we want to be. I’m voting no on both measures. Lawrence: No and No. We should not change Oregon's constitution to expand casino gambling. Our state has nothing to gain and much to lose if this measure passes.


This measure phases out existing taxes on large estates and all other taxes on intra-family property transfers in a 4 year period.

Donohue: An individual who has worked hard all of their life, saved their money (after income and other taxes) and wants to pass those assets on to their spouses or children after their death, should be able to without the state taxing the estate. An estate tax is simply double taxation and unfair. The federal government also has a “Death Tax.� A majority of states, however, have eliminated their estate taxes because it has been proven to create jobs and keeps families from breaking up or selling small businesses to pay the tax. In Tillamook County, one of our major business sectors is farming. It’s extremely difficult to keep a farm together and pass it on to family members if the principal owner passes away because of the estate tax. Because the state depends on approximately 1.5% of its General Fund budget on the estate tax, this measure phases out the tax over a 3 year period so as to not stress the budget process. The bottom line is that this measure will create jobs, keep family businesses together and eliminate Oregon’s current double taxation when someone dies. We should have created a meas-

ure like this, decades ago. I’m voting for it.

Lawrence: No. Oregon only taxes the part of an estate that exceeds $1 million. Passing this measure would eliminate at least an additional $2 million of state revenues, resulting in cuts in critical services or increase in taxes. If adjustments are needed to this tax policy they should be done through the legislative process. What goes unnoticed in Measure 84 is that it also bans taxes on transfer of property “or interest therein� from one family member to another. This would reduce state revenue by at least $120 million and likely much more. Again, what do we cut? Where do we raise replacement revenue?


This measure amends the Constitution to allocate the corporate income/excise “kicker� refund to K through 12 public education. Donohue: This is a sneaky measure. For starters, the individual and corporate “kicker� refund law was designed to limit the state Legislature’s bad spending habits! Now special interests want to spend that

money for K through 12. The devil is in the details, however. The precise language on the measure states â€œâ€Śâ€Ś.retained in the General Fund and used to provide additional funding for public education, kindergarten through twelfth grade.â€? The simple fact is that any monies in the General Fund can be allocated for anything the Legislature wants to allocate it for; K-12 funding or lets say, creating a new Cannabis Commission. I’m thinking to let’s just keep the “kickerâ€? law intact and vote against this money grab.

Lawrence: Yes. The recently published State Entrepreneurship Index shows that Oregon had the 6th highest score for entrepreneurship in the nation in 2011. That’s up from 2010 when we scored 10th. It turns out that requiring corporations and very wealthy individuals to pay more of their share of taxes to the state of Oregon (as the passage of measures 66 & 67 did) created an even better climate for small businesses. Measure 85 keeps the 70percent to 80-percent of corporate “kicker� funds that would go back to large, out-of -state corporations here in Oregon.



This measure would allow personal marijuana, hemp cultivation/use without a license. It would also create a government commission (Oregon Cannabis Commission) to regulate the cultivation and sale of marijuana in Commission stores. Donahue: You’ve got to be kidding! Just what we need, another government agency; more wasteful spending of our taxes. We’ve got enough problems with alcohol, so let’s make marijuana legal? Sheriff Long and the entire Oregon State Sheriff’s Association are against this measure and so am I. Lawrence: Yes. The profit motive for selling illegal drugs is so high that we've never been close to winning the costly war on drugs we have fought for decades. We need to remove that motive. The savings we spend trying to enforce drug laws and the taxes from sales could be put to use for other thing such as prevention and treatment programs.


This measure would prohibit commercial non-tribal fishing with gillnets in Oregon ‘inland waters’. Donohue: The Columbia River is the only Oregon ‘inland’ waterway where gillnetting is currently allowed. There are hundreds of jobs on the line if this measure passes. Washington gillnet fishermen are not affected by this Oregon measure. This is a no-brainer. I will vote no. Lawrence: No. Gov. Kitzhaber is working with stakeholders to address concerns about gillnetting. That is "the Oregon Way" of solving complex problems.

MEASURES 82 & 83

The first measure amends the Constitution allowing privately owned casinos in Oregon. The second measure authorizes a privately owned casino in the Wood Village area just east of Portland at the old greyhound race track. Both would have to pass before a casino could be built. Donohue: Currently, the Constitution states that private casinos are illegal. Native American tribes with reservations in Oregon are treated as separate nation-states by Oregon and the United States govern-

A YES vote on Measure 79 will stop another tax on your home.

STOP THE STOP THE D DOUBLE OUBLE TAX ON T AX O N YOUR YOUR HOME HOME Oregonians a Oregonians already lready pay pay property p roperty taxes taxes tto o ffund und sschools chools and new a nd local local government. government. A n ew ttax ax o n the the ssame ame p roperty iiss on property n othing more more tthan han a d ouble ttax ax nothing double on your your h ome e. home.

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Oregon homeowners have been targeted with a new tax on the sale or transfer of real estate, a new tax that some have made a legislative priority.

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Page A8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald


Continued from Page A1

(including economically disadvantaged students, those with limited English proficiency, or with disabilities, and members of underserved races/ethnicities) to determine which schools need extra help - and they goofed in this instance. Specifically, according to ODE spokesperson Crystal Greene, mistakes were made in setting the pace at which students with assessment scores below standard needed to progress in meeting the standards. Working with a new program of “Next Generation Accountability” that has the lofty goal of high school graduation for all Oregon students by the year 2025, with at least 40-percent of those graduates going on to earn four-year college degrees and 40-percent going for other post-secondary education or training (the state’s new “4040-20 Goal”), and a change in organization and staff at the state level, there are bound to be some missteps. The taking back of the “Focus” label is an affirmation for Nestucca Valley Elementary staff, who may breathe a well-earned sigh of relief.


Yes, it is good to get the validation for staff and retiring NVES principal Nick Gelbard – no one likes to leave when the chips are down. And Superintendent Kathryn Hedrick is proud of the rapid and professional response of NVES staff to the “Focus” designation. She is also determined to keep momentum and urgency in the district’s push for high achievement for all its students; there is room for improvement. She wouldn’t mind keeping the promised extra state money and help either. At the October school board meeting Superintendent Hedrick commended all NVES staff for attending extra meetings, efficiently completing an Inventory of Indicators for the state by its “almost-impossible” September 30th due date, and remaining committed to high achievement by all Nestucca students. Discussion followed of the new math text adoption at the elementary school with its emphasis on story problems, to meet the new, more rigorous Common Core Curriculum math standards, which are based on problem solving. The fact

that teachers like the new program and many teachers desire more training in its use are indicators of high teacher involvement and commitment. Tori Kirkpatrick of the junior/senior high school also noted that the higher level thinking skills of inference, analysis, and evaluation are being emphasized in the Literature sections of state assessments at all levels. So what does this mean for you as a parent helping your child with his/her homework? It means the ‘critical thinking‘ questions will now be required on math assignments. It means answers in all subjects must be in full sentences and longer ones in well-organized paragraphs (as soon as your child is able). Your child will be asked to compare and contrast (a skill in analysis), and to use learned skills to attack problems s/he has never seen before (a skill in application). It means reading at home is a must; it means that children of all grades and ages will have to work more and harder than they have in the past in order to graduate. Know and prepare for the new state high school graduation requirements.

Continued from Page A1

It’s not just the idea of paying new taxes (the Pioneer Water District would have a permanent tax rate of $1.00 per $1,000, generating an expected $103,000 a year). “Glitches” in the maps left out some people who are on Bay City water, and included others who get their drinking water from their own private wells. Only the people living inside the convoluted boundaries of the proposed district will get to vote on its formation. “Some people that should be on the voter roster are not, including my wife and myself,” noted Al Leach, who lives on Doughty Rd. east of Bay City. “I don’t know how many people are supposed to be in this,” noted Susan Aalykke, who also lives on Doughty Rd. 345 voters are reportedly inside the boundaries, but apparently not all of them are supposed to be. Bay City’s Pace acknowledged the maps are flawed. “The engineers (SHN Engineers from Coos Bay) included everything inside the boundaries, not just the people getting Bay City water,” he said. “It evidently is too late” to make changes, he said. (The deadline for making any changes was September 6, county clerk Tassi O’Neill told the Headlight Herald.) “The inclusion of these noncustomers was inadvertent,” the Kilchis Regional Water District wrote voters in mid-October. “Should the Pioneer Water District be approved by the voters, the City of Bay City will help those who are not currently customers of the Kilchis Regional Water District, and those who do not purchase water directly from the City of Bay City, to opt out of the Pioneer Water District at no cost to the landowner, prior to any assessment of real property taxes,”

they said. The November 6 vote on formation of the new Pioneer Water District will also include election of its at-large 5-person Board of Directors. However, only two people had filed for seats on the new board by the filing deadline—Clarence (Bob) Favret and Clarence Boquist. Absent sufficient write-ins to get elected, the two named board members would probably appoint the remainder of the board, Pace suggested. A “town hall” meeting on the proposed district is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, at 7 p.m. in the Deli Retail Area at the Cheese Factory. (The Creamery Assn.’s Shawn Riersgaard is chair of the Kilchis Regional Water District, and the TCCA is the KRWD’s largest customer, using slightly more than 50% of the system’s water.) Riersgaard dismissed opponents’ claims that the formation of the new water district primarily benefits the creamery. “We lose our voice,” Riersgaard said. “We (the creamery) can’t even vote on this. We won’t be able to serve on the Board.” The creamery will pay more for water under the new district, he said. What the creamery wants is “cost-effective, safe, dependable water,” he said. Both Pace and Riersgaard said one of the biggest problems the new water district will solve is the lack of staff at the small water “companies” that buy water wholesale from the KRWD. “In many cases, the operations are coordinated by volunteers, and the job has got-

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ten to be more than a volunteer can do,” Riersgaard said. The little water “companies” are the primary reason the KRWD was formed, back in 1980, Pace said; “Bay City developed wells and the other districts wanted to buy water.” However, they don’t use much water. The Latimer Water Assn. is responsible for 3.6% of KRWD’s water sales; Juno Water Co., 5%; Northwood, 7/10 of 1%. (The little Cole Creek Water District, which buys 8/10 of 1% of KRWD’s water, voted not to be part of the new Pioneer Water District.) And if the measure doesn’t pass? Juno, Latimer and Northwood all stay separate districts, Pace said. Ditto for the creamery--“For TCCA, nothing changes,” Riersgaard said. But the volunteers who have been doing the work in the little water companies “have said they’re done,” Riersgaard said. That work will have to be subcontracted out to some public or private entity. “Water rates will go up, but not because of anything we’ve done,” he said. Water rates will go up without volunteers manning the little water “companies,” Aalykke conceded, but forming the Pioneer Water District isn’t the only alternative. There are firms here in Tillamook County that provide water testing, billing

and even maintenance at a reasonable cost. Zwald Utilities in South Prairie, for instance, does this work for three water districts in Tillamook County, she said. “It would make more sense to first defeat this measure,” Aalykke said. “Then down the road the three small districts which rely on volunteers--Juno, Latimer and Northwood--could form their own water district.” Water could still be purchased from Bay City, she said. “I urge everyone to vote no on this flawed measure,” Leach said. “It is not well thought out and it had too many errors and there are too many unanswered questions and inconsistencies,” he said. “A corrected and better measure can be introduced at a later election. This time, hopefully, with more local public input.”



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The following schools were originally identified as Focus schools but, after further review of the data, do not meet the criteria and have been removed. They are not included as Focus schools in the final list. Each of these schools has received a designation change since the preliminary list: Coquille SD 8, Coquille Valley Intermediate School; Estacada SD 108, Eagle Creek Elementary School; Klamath County SD, Peterson Elementary School; MorrowSD1, Irrigon Elementary School; Nestucca Valley SD101J, Nestucca Valley Elementary School; Ontario SD 8C, Aiken Elementary School; Rainier SD 13, Hudson Park Elementary School; Willamina SD 30J, Willamina Elementary School; Yoncalla SD 32, Yoncalla Elementary School.

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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012- Page A9





Andy Long’ Long’ss employees and voluntee volunteer er staf staff ff say

Yes! Ye s!

Wee the undersigned W d administrative staff, staf ff, rank and file d deputies, eputies, employees staff Tillamook Sheriffs and volunteer staf ff oof the T illamook County Countty Sherif ffs Office, do hereby support our Sherif SSheriff ff Andy Long, in h his election campaign. proven Andy Long has prov ven to be a leader and a manager that we and the community can trust. t



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Bobcats and Loggers come down to the wire

Tillamook XC moving forward BY JOSIAH DARR Headlight Herald

Game winning pass goes astray to give Vernonia the 7-2 win over Nestucca. BY JOSIAH DARR

Headlight Herald Sports

The Nestucca Bobcats are riding a bit of a roller coaster this season. They started off the season red hot with two lopsided wins over Waldport and Corbett. Then the Bobcats came through and beat the Warrenton Warriors in a hard fought battle only to come back and get blown out by Knappa in their Northwest League opener. So, there wasn't much to go on if you had any hopes of predicting what was going to happen when the Vernonia Loggers came to Cloverdale to take on the Bobcats in Nestucca's homecoming game. Before the game even started, the Bobcats were behind the eight ball. Besides the Loggers being a big, physical team, Nestucca was missing a few of their key skill players for the game. Zach Welsh had his ankles rolled up on in practice and wouldn’t be able to play in the game. Neither could Cody Chance because of an ACL injury or Sam Whiteman due to a broken thumb. Fortunately, the Bobcats still had tailback Drace Moeller. Or did they? Moeller’s ankle got badly twisted on the second play of the game against Vernonia sidelining him almost immediately, further hurting the Bobcats’ chances. “I liked the way we fought,� said Bobcat Coach Jeff Schiewe. “When Drace (Moeller) went down early I

was worried, but we used a whole bunch of different tailbacks in the game and they all had positive yardage.� Some of the Bobcats called upon in the clutch besides quarterback Max Kirkendall were Austin McKillip, Austin Woods, Lucas Leslie, Jade Downs and Ronny Moffett. All of them were a big part in the offense, but the Vernonia defense was stiff. Every time the Bobcats would get something going, the Loggers would tighten up and find a way to get the ball back. If the Loggers were unable to stop them, the Bobcats found ways to stop themselves with costly penalties. Penalties that cost the Bobcats all night. Nestucca couldn’t get on the scoreboard in the first half despite plenty of opportunities. but their defense kept Vernonia off the board as well. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much the ‘Cat defense can do when the offense turned the ball over inside their own 5-yard line. PHOTO BY SHELLEYHARDING.ZENFOLIO.COM The Loggers turned that Max Kirkendall did everything he could with his feet and his arm against the turnover into seven points which the Bobcats almost got Loggers, but the Bobcats couldn’t get the touchdown they desperately needed. back at the end of the half. horrible rain to keep the score Kirkendall tossed about a 25about the size of the fight in With 50 seconds left in the down. Often the teams moved yard pass into the back of the the dog, I'm okay with how half, the Bobcats had the ball further backward on a drive end zone that was destined for my team played. Some kids at the Vernonia 20-yard line than forward. McKillip. The pass looked roll over when they face and were marching. A great With 1:39 left in the third good and McKillip created the adversity, these kids battled run from McKillip took the quarter, Vernonia moved so far needed space but the pass was their tails off.� ball down to the 3-yard line backwards the Bobcats manonly a foot too far. It skipped The Bobcats will try to get with two seconds left in the aged to get a big tackles in the off of McKillip’s fingertips back on track when they travel half, but the final play of the end zone for a safety and their and fell to the ground. That to Portland Christian for a 7 half was rushed and the Logfirst two points of the game. was it. The last ditch effort. p.m. game on Oct. 19. gers were saved by the bell, The Bobcats trailed 7-2 The clock expired and Vernonkeeping the ‘Cats out of the until the very end where they ia took the win, 7-2. end zone. “The guys really fought The second half was a mix- had a last chance to win it. With only seconds left, hard,� Schiewe said. “If it's ture of more good defense and

Tillamook’s cross country team led by Head Coach Pat Zweifel is making tremendous strides in the right direction this season. In fact, they’re moving forward so fast, they’ve gotten the attention of Nike, who’s agreed to sponsor the Tillamook team in the near future. The details are still being worked out, but new Nike uniforms are looking very likely and a possible sponsorship of next years “Ultimook Race.� “A few weeks ago we ran the “3 Course Race� and we made progress against the other league teams but still lost to Astoria at the 'Ultimook Race,’ Zweifel said. “But we beat Astoria at the Molalla race and lost to Sisters by 20 points. Then we only lost to Sisters by 1 point at the Woahink Lake Invitational.� All this improvement can easily be connected to Zweifel’s aggressive coaching and how he’s been doing everything in his power to drum up support and participation on the team. An example of his go-getter attitude other than turning his flower farm into one of the best cross country venues in the state is, Zweifel had fliers made and given to every kid in Tillamook High School. The fliers contained a list of 100 different reasons as to why kids should join Tillamook cross country. Some of them were serious reasons like “Gets you in shape� or “Helps escape boredom.� Other reasons were humorous like “All runners go to Heaven� and “Because zombies won’t wait for you to catch your breath.�

See CROSS, Page A11

Congressman Endorses Phipps

“What’s Suffrage Got To Do With It� Live Town Hall Debate A celebration of the Oregon woman suffrage centennial (1912–2012)

Saturday, November 3 – 2:00pm Tillamook County Library


Admission is free and everyone is welcome! This program made possible by the generous support of Century of Action, the Oregon Commission for Women, and the Oregon Heritage Commission and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

Visit to learn more. H14831


Hosted by Tillamook County Library

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, <DATE> - Page A11

Pirates beat a very good Tillamook jv team BY JOSIAH DARR

Headlight Herald Sports


Brock Lourenzo stands over a Scappoose player after successfully covering the potential receiver down the field.

Scappoose trounces Tillamook, 41-13 Headlight Herald Sports

Tillamook football had a tough row to hoe when they traveled to Scappoose for a rare Thursday night game on Oct. 11. The Indians were coming off of five straight wins in which they averaged 43 points per game while Tillamook had given up 69 points in their last two games against Astoria and Seaside. But, the Cheesemakers weren’t deterred. They showed up in Scappoose looking for a win, but came up well short. Scappoose’s high powered offense came out of the gates ripping and rolling to the tune of 22 unanswered points in the first quarter. Tillamook did get a touchdown in each half of the football game, but they were never able to stop Scappoose from moving the ball. Althought, they did get some good defensive play. “Brock (Lorenzo) has been a leader for us all year,� said Tillamook Head Coach Matt Dickson. “He is very motivated to do well no matter what situation we might be in. Despite being down early in the game we didn’t drop our heads. We kept fighting and Brock is a big part of that. He has a great attitude.�

Offensively, Tillamook wasn't too bad. Tillamook had 146 yards passing on the night and another 160 yards for the ground to equal a very respectable 306 total yards. A total that Dickson was happy with. Especially since he did see some good things from his offensive guys. “I thought that Matt Strang had a solid night,� Dickson explained. “He is having confidence passing the ball and he did a great job keeping the defense on their toes by running with the ball too. “I also think that our offensive line is improving and working well as a group. Marcus Cheney, Billy Prince, Gabe Bryant, Jose Santiago, and Zack Motsinger did a solid job protecting Matt and opening holes for Jacob Wassmer.� Wassmer had 90 yards on 20 carries in the game while Jacob Fowler grabbed six passes for 94 yards. The Cheesemakers got a great draw for their Homecoming game next week. They have a winnable game when they host the 0-7 Yamhill-Carlton Tigers on Oct. 19. The game will start at 7 p.m.

The Neah-Kah-Nie Pirates and Tillamook's very good junior varsity team squared off on Oct. 11. Going into the game, Tillamook’s jv team was 10-0 on the season and looking forward to the tough competition the Pirates were sure to bring. “This volleyball team has had a stellar season,� said Tillamook jv volleyball coach Tabitha Shipman. “Our record is 12-0 overall and 9-0 in league and a lot of that has to do with the great leadership from our juniors Lexi Lourenzo and Macy O’Donnell. It’s been a great season. I am so happy with the way all the girls play together and work hard.�


The battle between the two teams went to the wire with both teams playing great volleyball. The Pirates got the win in the first two games, 25-8 and 25-21. But Tillamook wasn’t to be denied. They came back, winning the next two sets 27-25 and 25-18. It wasn’t until the final set where the Pirates finally won the match with a 15-8 final. Unfortunately for the Pirates, they had to return to play a very good Faith Bible team on Oct. 13 and were beaten 3-1 falling to 3-6 overall in the Northwest League. The Pirates will try to get back on track when they travel to Dephian on Oct. 16 followed by hosting Oregon Episcopal on Oct. 18.

what it’s like getting beat by the best.� Tillamook cross country will continue its run towards a Cowapa League and eventually a state title on Oct. 20 when they host the all new “Pumpkin Relays� at Zweifel’s Hydrangea Ranch. The new race is a five by one mile relay race on the Oregon Coast. “This is a fantastic team building exercise and a great way to sharpen up your kids prior to your district meet without the demands of racing a 5k,� Zweifel said.


Industrial League 10/09/12 Teams 1. Trask Vale Farm 2. Precision Timber LLC 3. Tillamook Lanes 4. Dairy & Water Systems 5. Tillamook Tire 6. Jay Sheldon Construction

39-15 29-25 26-28 25-29 22-32 21-33

Teams High Games & Series 1. Tillamook Lanes 1166 3279 2. Trask Vale Farm 1153 Precision Timber LLC. 3248 3. Precision Timber LLC. 1137 Trask Vale Farm 3193 Individual High Games & Series Bob Davis 265 672 Josh Stockdale 255 629 Butch Schriber 249 Gerry Betzer 628 Thursday Morning Mixed Trios

‘Cats get first League win The Nestucca Lady Bobcats were 0-6 in Northwest League play when they hosted the Riverdale Mavericks on Oct. 11. The Bobcats got strong play at the net from Emily Menefee and some great serving from Jasmine Boisa to take the first two games 25-12 and 25-10. Things were looking good going into the third set, but the Mavericks didn’t give up and managed to get the win, 25-18. The fourth game could have been the game changer for the Bobcats. They fought hard and both teams made great saves to keep rallies going, but in the end it was the Mavericks who got the final point. The Mavericks won the match in extra volleyball, 26-24.

The stage was set for a massive Maverick comeback, but it wasn’t to be had. Not as long as the Bobcats have desire in their heart. The Bobcats dug deep and fought back against the shifted momentum to take the final set, 15-11, earning their first league win. “We made too many changes in the third game and lost all momentum,� said Bobcat Head Coach John Elder. “We lost games three and four, but in game five we made plays when we had to. Trisha Hopkins had a great kill to end it.� The Lady ‘Cats will go for their second league win at home against Vernonia on Oct. 13 followed by a road game at Gaston starting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 16.

3.Bob Hildebrant 212 Gary Lee 746

Barclay’s Heating & Sheet Metal 3245

Independent League 10/10/12 Teams 1. Barclay’s Heating & Sheet Metal 46-08 2. Tom’s Electric 36-18 3. Greg’s Marine 34-20 4. Tom Dotson Construction 32-22 5. Don Averill Recycling 30-24 6. Tillamook Eagles 23-31 7. Noel’s Timber Cutting 22-32 8. Tillamook Lanes 19-35 9. Godfrey’s Pharmacy 18-36 10. Den-Jo Farm 1044 Teams High Games & Series 1. Den-Jo-Farm 1151 Godfrey’s Pharmacy 3325 2. Barclay’s Heating & Sheet Metal 1148 Tillamook Lanes 3260 3. Godfrey’s Pharmacy 1142

Lane Strikers 10/9/12 1) Hip Chicks 2) Shooters 3) Odd Balls 4) We/Otta 5) Lane Brains 6) Gutter Guys 7) Feisty Four 8) Foxy Grammies 9) 323’s High Game Willie Pfalzgraff 181 Cindy Oswald 193 High Series Stew Irwin 504 Cindy Oswald 521

Headlight Herald Sports

Continued from Page A1

Also on the flier was the coaching philosophy and teams goals. The antics may be a little silly, but there’s no question the Tillamook cross country team is getting better. So much better in fact, Zweifel wanted them to see how good they’re going to have to be if they want to win a state title. “I took them to Siuslaw because I wanted them to see a state title team from last year who has almost all returners this season,� Zweifel said. “They have a good shot at a state title again this season and I wanted my team to see


Emily Menefee had a great game at the net for the Bobcats against Riverdale.

10/11/12 Teams 1. Pioneer Vet Hospital 22-08 2. The 3J’s 21-09 3. Just Us 18-12 4. LM & The Kid 15-15 5. A&M Auto 14.5-15.5 6. Skelton Construction 14-16 7. Whitehead Reforestation 10.5-19.5 Teams High Games & Series 1. Just Us 714 2647 2. LM & The Kid 699 2542 3. A&M Auto 676 2480 Individual Women 1. Tina Crabtree 182 690 2. Betty Randall 182 Susan Taylor 641 3. Susan Taylor 180 Marlene Stephens 613 Individual men 1. Dennis Wilks 244 869 2. Dan Turner 214 781

A special thank you

to all my family and friends who helped me celebrate my 100th birthday. Thanks to all for the cards, flowers and good wishes. It was a wonderful day.

Irene Beeler

18 - 6 14 – 10 14 – 10 13 – 11 12 – 12 11 – 13 10 – 14 10 – 14 8 – 16














$25 entry fee per team Prizes: • Car for a Hole in One on Hole 8 • $2,000 in cash prizes and caritable contributions to low gross and low net teams • Tee prizes to all players • No multiple winners Entries and payment due by October 18th. Entry fee does not include green fees and cart rentals for non-members. Register in person at the Pro Shop or by mail using the form below. ................................................................................................................ To register by mail, please send this form and a check payable to Alderbrook Golf Course to: Alderbrook Golf Course 7300 Alderbrook Road Tillamook, OR 97141 503.842.6410




Player 1:__________________________Phone:________________ Handicap:______


Player 2:__________________________Phone:________________ Handicap:______ *** For non-members, include $45 per person for green fees plus $25 per team for cart rental in addition to the $25 per team entry fee.***

H14835 H14519

Paid IRU for E\ by the to (OHFW Elect /LVD Lisa Phipps 3DLG WKH Committee &RPPLWWHH WR 3KLSSV P.O. %R[ Box 504, 7LOODPRRN Tillamook,25 OR 97141 or 3 2 RU OLVDSKLSSSV #JPDLO FRP

Page A12 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald

No decision yet on NCRD pool options BY SAMANTHA SWINDLER

NEHALEM – No decision on the future of the pool was made during Thursday night’s North County Recreation District Board meeting. Instead, board members heard a recap of a presentation on the options for renovating, rebuilding, or expanding the aging natatorium, and received public comment on those options. A special meeting has been set for 7 p.m. Oct. 17 for the board to make a decision on which – if any – of the options to pursue further. Of the 18 audience members present, 11 spoke in favor of building a new four- or sixlane pool (the majority favoring the six-lane option) and two supported renovating the existing pool. No one spoke in favor of a fourth option – doing nothing about the aging facility. The board also received 21 letters of comment (some of those same letter writers spoke as members of the audience). Of the letters, 14 supported a

six-lane pool, three supported a new pool of the same size (four lanes), three expressed concern over finances for any pool project, and one supported refurbishing the existing pool. Last week, the Board received preliminary numbers on three options for its aging community pool – renovate the existing pool for $2.4 million; build a new, steel-frame fourlane pool for $3.9 million; or expand with a new six-lane pool for $5.2 million. On Oct. 11, the Board received more numbers on the estimate operating costs for the three options. Upgrading the existing pool would reduce current operating costs by about 30 percent; building a new four-lane pool would lower costs by about 40 percent; and a new six-lane pool would lower them by about 13 percent. Those new numbers are slightly different from a week ago, when architect Carl Sherwood estimated that the remodel project would have the lowest operating costs.

Letter to the Voters of Tillamook County: From: William Spidal/Candidate; Tillamook County Sheriff, Nov. 6, 2012 Tillamook is a great community but when politics interferes with the criminal justice system, we must correct it.... 1. We have a crisis with domestic violence and we must focus on ending it.

2. False arrests where 25% of the people who go to trial are found not guilty.

3. Where favoritism allows

pedophiles/rapists to plead guilty to felonies and get probation...

We need to correct this and that’s why I’m asking for your vote for Tillamook County Sheriff!

William Spidal - Tillamook County Sheriff Nov. 2012



Paid for by: Friends of William Spidal & (Carol, Linda, Colleen, Judy, Howard, Patty, Richard, William, Madison, Jefferson, Marcos, Austin, Connor).


Revolutionary War author to speak at the library Oct. 23 Bill Reynolds of Hebo began researching his family about thirty years ago; along the way he zeroed in on his seventh great-grandfather’s brother, Andrew Pickens. What began as a hobby resulted in his writing a book that was recently published by a national publisher. Reynolds will speak about his book “Andrew Pickens: South Carolina Patriot in the Revolutionary War” at the main branch of the Tillamook County Library at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23. The publisher, McFarland & Co., is a leading publisher of academic reference material. Reynolds’ book has the potential to become a primary source of information about the American Revolution. Dense with facts, it’s also totally readable, and the topic - both the man and his times - is fascinating. The book is available from the publisher and through Reynolds’ website,


A record number of 150 art lovers attended the Oct. 12 opening reception of “Nature Transformed: Capturing Its Essence Through the Arts” at Pioneer Museum to benefit United Paws of Tillamook, a nonprofit dedicated to the alleviation and prevention of animal suffering as a result of homelessness. Above, Bill Landau leaves with a purchased piece of art. The show, featuring artwork by local and Portland artists in all mediums for purchase, will be on display through Nov. 5.

MORE ONLINE: Go to for an in-depth review of “Andrew Pickens: South Carolina Patriot in the Revolutionary War.”

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page A13


Page A14 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald








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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page B1

Manzanita Writers Series continues BIRTHS


Oregon author and musician Willy Vlautin will read from his novel “Lean on Pete� at the Hoffman Center Oct. 20.

MANZANITA – Willy Vlautin will read from his book Lean on Pete at the Manzanita Writers Series event at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 at the Hoffman Center in Manzanita. Lean on Pete received the 2010 Ken Kesey Award for Fiction and Literary Arts, The Oregonian Peoples’ Choice Award, and the Oregonian’s and Chicago Sun Times’ Best Books of 2010, among other awards. Vlautin splits his time between music and literature. He started playing guitar and writing music as a teenager. It was a Paul Kelly song, based on Raymond Carver’s Too Much Water So Close to Home that inspired him to start writing stories. Vlautin has published three novels, The Motel Life, Northline, and Lean on Pete. Vlautin founded the longrunning alt-country band Richmond Fontaine in 1994. The

band has produced nine studio albums to date, plus a handful of live recordings and EP’s. Driven by Vlautin’s dark, storylike songwriting, the band has achieved critical acclaim at home and across Europe. Some of the songs they perform are related to Lean on Pete. Vlautin will play a few songs as well as do his book reading at the event. Following Vlautin’s reading and Q&A, will be an Open Mic where up to nine local writers will read 5 minutes of their original work. Admission for the evening is $7. The series is a program of the Hoffman Center and will be held at the Hoffman Center (across from Manzanita Library at 594 Laneda Avenue.) Further information and the 2012 schedule are available at, or contact Vera Wildauer at

Ooh La La! Happy Tenth Birthday to The Scarlet Chapeaux


Front row: Sharon Wong, Dolores Sheperd, Queen Jan Gordon, Sally Underwood and Judi Schonfeld. Back row: Johna Molley, Dawn Nguyen, Marilyn Filosi, Colleen Riggs, Merry Dildine, and Jeri Jensen.

When Queen Jan Gordon started her Red Hat Chapter 10 years ago, she never dreamed it would be still going strong. According to Jan, she has the greatest group of ladies; 11 total make up her chapter. They are very busy all year going to Red Hat events locally and out of town. On September 15 the chapter and with their husbands took the Sunset Dinner Train out of Garibaldi. It was a night to remember.

GARIBALDI MURAL GETS FRESH PAINT Garibaldi artist Dan Arnold touches up the mural on the front of the Garibaldi Museum. Arnold re-did the Port of Garibaldi’s big entrance sign at 7th & S. Biak last year. Former Port of Garibaldi commissioner Mary Sause arranged both jobs. The mural, which depicts Captain Robert Gray’s two ships, the Columbia and the Lady Washington, was really well done, but had become “seriously deteriorated� by the weather, Arnold said. “It’s hard to match the colors.� After the restoration job is complete, Arnold plans to seal the mural with a coat of marine varnish. PHOTO BY JOE WRABEK

SOS Save Our Sirens/Tillamook County

Bringing awareness to citizens and visitors that the County Commissioners have voted to silence our tsunami sirens by the end of 2012....... We the people can do something!!!!!!!

Kohen David Mosley Kohen David Mosley was born September 15, 2012 at Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital in Clackamas. Kohen weighed 7 lbs when he was born, and was 20 3/4 inches long. Parents Boe Mosley and Nicole Burt live in Tillamook with Kohen’s siblings, Jacob Mosley, 11, Brayden Mosley, 6, and Ethan Mosley, 5. Grandparents David & Jenny Burt live in Tillamook, as do great grandparents Shirley Burt and Judy Gould.

Thadius James Tohl Thadius James Tohl was born September 25, 2012 at Tillamook General Hospital to parents Maygen Brogden and Trevor Tohl, of Tillamook. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Paternal grandparents Todd and Peggy Tohl and maternal grandparents Sarah and Leonard Brogden live in Tillamook.


Bob and Caroline Brown Bob and Caroline met in 1960, while attending Jefferson High School in Portland. Two years later when Bob was on leave from the Army, they were married the day after Caroline’s eighteenth birthday, October 22, 1962. Most of their married life was spent in Estacada, Oregon where they raised their two sons, Jeff and Kelly. After serving as missionaries for ten years with Youth with a Mission, mostly in Guatemala, they decided to spend the fourth quarter of their lives at the coast. They have lived in Tillamook County since 2000, and have no plans to ever leave. Caroline recently retired as the Spanish Translator for School District 9, and Bob retired as a high school aid for English Language Learners and was a class advisor.


Please visit our page.

We are Tillamook PUD, and we are at your service.

Tillamook PUD

Pd: Friends of William Spidal (Candidate/Tillamook Co. Sheriff/11/6/12) Rockgirl108/Twinrocks/Ccarp/Redwm39


H14661 14661

Page B2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald

COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17 OCEAN WAVES QUILT CAMP – Oct. 17-21, Twin Rocks Friends Camp, 18705 Hwy 101 N., Rockaway. For more information contact Jane at 503-9392. BONSAI STYLING WORKSHOP – 6:30 p.m., Tillamook PUD Carl Rawe meeting room, 1115 Pacific Avenue. Led by Lee Cheatle, master bonsai instructor. The public is invited. Members free. Nonmembers $5. Bring your tree(s). Contact Ruth LaFrance, 503-842-5836. VFW POST 9611 AND LADIES AUXILIARY – 4:30 p.m. third Wednesday, VFW Hall, Cloverdale. Following the business meeting is a potluck dinner. Call Kay Saddler, 503-398-5000. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Seventh-day Adventist Church. 503-815-2272. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS – 7 p.m. first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Masonic Hall. 503-842-6758. CLOVERDALE COMMITTEE – 6:30 p.m., third Wednesday, The Lions Den, Cloverdale. CLOVERDALE CPAC – 7 p.m., third Wednesday, Blacktail Coffee Shop, Cloverdale.

THURSDAY, OCT. 18 CITY OF TILLAMOOK PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN OPEN HOUSE – 4-6 p.m., Tillamook High School Cafeteria. All comments, suggestions and questions about the parks and rec plan are welcome. GAMECLUB – 5-8 p.m. third Thursday at East Elementary School, 3905 Alder Lane, Tillamook. For kids up to age 18 with Asperger Syndrome and autism. Call Dana Carolson at 503-842-4184. TILLAMOOK COUNTY QUILT GUILD – 10:30 a.m. third Thursday, Latimer Quilt and Textile Center, 2105 Wilson River Loop Rd., Tillamook. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m.-4 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Covenant Community Church, Manzanita. 503-815-2272. DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – 2-3 p.m. third Thursday, Middle Way Health Clinic, 2615 Sixth St, Tillamook. Call Kathie Graves, 503-842-5451 or Rose, 503-842-4809. BAY CITY VFW POST 2848 – 7 p.m. third Thursday, Bay City Hall. NORTH COUNTY GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – 3-4:30 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Calvary Bible Church, Manzanita. Call 503-368-6544, ext. 2313. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP NORTH COUNTY – First and third Thursdays, 3-4:30 p.m. at Calvary Bible Church in Manzanita. Tillamook Hospital's relief chaplain Michael Gabel presents information to help with the grief process.

FRIDAY, OCT. 19 "GET A GRASP ON MEDICARE" – 1:30-3:30 p.m., NWSDS, 5010 E 3rd Street in Tillamook. This class will give an understanding of the basic landscape of Medicare benefits, what deadlines you need to consider and what your Medicare coverage options are. Cosponsored by NorthWest Senior & Disability Services and the Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program. Registration required. Call 503-815-2062 or 1-800-584-9712 to register. OPEN MIC – 6-8 p.m., 2nd Street Public Market, Tillamook. Show off your musical talent. ‘A FINE MONSTER YOU ARE! – 7-9 p.m., Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts, Barn Community Playhouse in Tillamook. This will be the first production in the newly remodeled Barn playhouse and will premiere to a sold-out show Oct. 12. Remaining performances are at 7 p.m. Oct. 20, 26, 27, and also at 2 p.m. Oct. 21 and 28. For information visit or contact NESKO WOMEN’S CLUB – 11:30 a.m., third Friday (September to May, except December) at Hudson House in Pacific City. A speaker is scheduled for each regular meeting. Lunch is $10. You do not have to be a member to attend, but reservations are required. For lunch reservations/info: Judie Rubert at 541-7602389, or

SATURDAY, OCT. 20 "THE ELDERS JOURNEY" WORKSHOP – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pine Grove on Laneda in Manzanita. Presented by the North Coast Seeds of Change Men’s Group. This is a sequel to a workshop offered in April. It is not necessary that you attended the previous workshop. Workshop creator, Terry Jones, is author of two acclaimed books: The Elder Within & Elder: A Spiritual Alternative to Being Elderly. Includes home-cooked lunch. Requested $20 donation will benefit the Tillamook Women's Resource Center. Workshop is limited to 24 people. RSVP via email to or call 503-368-7602 or 206-818-4833. UNITED PAWS & TILLAMOOK ANIMAL SHELTER PET ADOPTION DAY – Noon to 3 p.m, 4-H Dorm, Tillamook County Fairgrounds. Call 503-8425663. MANZANITA WRITERS SERIES: AUTHOR WILLY VLAUTIN – 7 p.m., Hoffman Center, Manzanita. Vlautin will read from his book “Lean on Pete,” which received the 2010 Ken Kesey Award for Fiction and Literary Arts, The Oregonian Peoples’ Choice Award, among other awards. Following the reading and Q&A, local writers will read 5 minutes of their original work during an open mic. Cost: $7. More info at NESTUCCA FIRE & RESCUE STATION 87 OPEN HOUSE – 1-3 p.m., Nestucca Fire & Rescue Station 87 30710 Highway 101 South Hebo. Join in


WEEKLY EVENTS by an adult to participate in games. Free admission with costume!

TUESDAY, OCT. 30 TILLAMOOK COUNTY WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER VOLUNTEER TRAINING – 1902 2nd St. Tillamook. Pre-screening required. Call Eleanor Watkins at 503-842-9486 to set an appointment. Volunteer positions include hotline volunteers, direct services, office support, fundraising and publicity, thrift store, maintenance and odd jobs.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31 DOWNTOWN TRICK-OR-TREAT – 3-5 p.m., downtown Tillamook. Businesses will be offering candy and treats to kids in costume. HARVEST FESTIVAL – 6-8 p.m., Rockaway Community Church, 400 South Third St. For each can of food you bring, receive five tickets good for games, food, and prizes. Extra tickets can be purchased five for $1. Wear a costume, nothing scary, please.

A benefit concert for Taylor Carter will take place Saturday evening, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. at the old Nestucca Middle School in Beaver. The lineup of performers is a “Who’s Who” of local music, including The Elliotts, Joe Wrabek, Eric Sappington, Madrona, Jim Loughrie (shown above), Barbara and Russ Sanders, and the Johnny Cash Tribute Band. 2-1/2 year-old Taylor was seriously injured in a lawnmower accident earlier this month, and the concert is intended to raise money to help with the family’s medical bills. There is no gate fee, organizer Jim Loughrie said, but donations are being encouraged. celebrating the new fire station. For more info, contact Chief Kris K Weiland at or 503-392-3313. FUNDRAISER FOR KEITH CUNNINGHAM FAMILY – 5-9 p.m., Oar House, 34455 Brooten Road, Pacific City. Cost: $10. Spaghetti feed and silent auction will help defray medical bills for the family of the late Keith Cunningham with KC Bait Company. AUTHOR ANNE SWEAZYKULJU BOOK SIGNING – 10 a.m., Kiwanda Kayak Club Classic, Cape Kiwanda RV Resort & Marketplace, 33305 Cape Kiwanda Dr, Pacific City. Sweazy-Kulju, a resident of Cloverdale, will be available to sign copies of her book, “The Thing With Feathers.” ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKE BREAKFAST – 8 a.m. to noon, third Sundays, Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A Street, Bay City. Whole grain or buttermilk pancakes, sausages (meat or vegetarian), salsa, beans, fruit compote with yogurt and blackberries in season.$5 dollars.

SUNDAY, OCT. 21 AAUW RECRUITMENT TEA – All members and potential members are invited to the Tillamook AAUW Recruitment Tea at the Forestry Center, 5005 Third Street from 1-3 p.m. Cynthia Rauscher, AAUW Oregon State President, will be guest speaker. Tillamook Branch event chairs and leaders of special interest groups will be available to describe branch activities in an informal get together. The tea will feature authentic tea sandwiches, scones and all the accompaniments prepared by the recruitment tea committee. For more information or to RSVP, contact Nancy Contolini at 503-521-6423.

MONDAY, OCT. 22 THS FALL CHOIR CONCERT – 7 p.m., T.H.S. Don Whitney Auditorium. The Tillamook High School and Tillamook Junior High School Choir Departments, under the direction of Jerilee Henderson, will be performing. The newly formed THS Show Choir will have its debut. The public is invited. Donations will be taken at the end of the concert to help support the choir program.

TUESDAY, OCT. 23 MOPS (MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS) – 8:45-9 a.m. checkin; 9-11 a.m. meeting, second and fourth Tuesday. First Christian Church, Tillamook. Registration and dues required. Call Tanya, 503-815-8224. PUBLIC FORUM ON INCREASING OCEAN ACIDITY – 6:30 p.m., Tillamook Bay Community College, Room 214/215/ A series of speakers will present the latest research at the free community event, “Demystifying Coastal Hypoxia & Ocean Acidification.” A panel discussion will follow, focusing on what individuals, communities, government agencies and others can do to reduce and manage potential impacts ocean acidification and hypoxia, both globally and locally. More information on the event is available at: NEHALEM BAY GARDEN CLUB – 1:30 p.m. fourth Tuesday, September through June, Pine Grove Community Center, Manzanita. Call Constance Shimek, 503-368-4678. BLOOD DRIVE – 1:30-6:30 p.m., Curch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 4200 12th St., Tillamook. Call Glen or Tammy at 503-842-4702 to schedule an appointment. DISABILITY SERVICES HELP – 14 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays, Sheridan Square community room, 895 Third St., Tillamook. Sponsored by NorthWest Senior and Disability Services. Call Julie Woodward, 503-842-2770 or 800-5849712. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., second and fourth Tuesdays, Tillamook United Methodist Church. 503-815-2272.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 PUMPKIN PAINTING PARTY – 6-7:30 p.m., Pacific City Library. For all teens (ages 13- 18yrs). Library will supply the pumpkins, art supplies and refreshments. Teens are encouraged to show up

in costume. HAM DINNER – 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John’s United Church of Christ, Tillamook. Adults, $10, children 3-10, $5. Takeout available. FREE INTRO TO WESTERN STYLE DANCING - 6:30-8:30 p.m. fourth Wednesdays at Tillamook Elks lodge, 1907 3rd St. Line dancing, square dancing, and other pattern style dancing. Info: Bob Allen, 503-322-3819. BLOOD DRIVE – 2-7 p.m., Tillamook United Methodist Church. In memory of David Paul Cheney. Call Kelly at 503812-6475 to make an appointment. MANZA-WHEE-LEM KIWANIS – Noon-1 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, Pine Grove Community Club, Manzanita. Call Jane Beach, 503-368-5141. ROCKAWAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL – 6 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, City Hall. Open to the public.

THURSDAY, OCT. 25 ASSOCIATION OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS NORTH COAST CHAPTER – 7 p.m. Fourth Thursdays, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife meeting room, 4909 Third St., Tillamook. Call Bill Hedlund at 503-8152737. PUMPKIN CARVING FOR TEENS – 5:30-7 p.m., Tillamook County Library Main Branch. Library will provide pumpkins, carving tools, basic patterns and light snacks. Pumpkins will be displayed in the library. A winning pumpkin will be announced Oct. 29. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. fourth Thursday, Nehalem Bay House, 35385 Tohl Rd. Free lunch included. Call Patty Fox, 503368-5171. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., second and fourth Thursdays, Beaver Community Church. 503-815-2272.

SATURDAY, OCT. 27 MEWS AT THE MUSEUM – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Pioneer Museum. United Paws will be hosting an adopt-a-thon in conjunction with the United Paws art show "Nature Transformed: Capturing Its Essence in the Arts." COAST GUARD HAUNTED HOUSE – Coast Guard building at Garibaldi Ave. (Highway 101) and 12th St. 7-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26 and 27 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28. Admission is two cans of food, which will go to the Garibaldi Food Pantry. The NeahKah-Nie and Tillamook S.A.F.E. kids will have a concession trailer there, too. HALLOWEEN PARTY FOR YOUTH – 6-7:30 p.m., Rockaway Beach Community Center. Hosted by the city Parks & Recreation Dept. OKTOBERFEST – Noon to 5 p.m., St. Mary's by the Sea, 275 S. Pacific Rockaway Beach. Sponsored by Meals for Seniors, the event includes a brats and sauerkraut dinner. Tickets are $7 prepaid, $8 at the door and $3.50 for age 12 and under. For tickets and/or info call 503-812-9101. MARIE MILLS HALLOWEEN PARTY AND DANCE – 6-9 p.m., Swiss Hall, Tillamook. Includes costume contest, food and DJ music by Leah Green. Admission is two cans of food. ALL HALLOWS EVE HOOTENANNY – Noon to 4 p.m., at the White Clover Grange near Nehalem (35685 Hwy 53). Benefit for the Fire Mountain School. Admission is free. Those who come in Halloween costumes will receive 5 free tickets for kid friendly carnival games. Events include a cakewalk, apple bobbing, pumpkin carving, and more. There will be a raffle for special prices and opportunities to buy seasonal produce. A home-cooked tamale meal will also be available for purchase. Entertainment will include a puppet show, an enactment of a scary poem by the upper class students and a performance by the local band Sedona Fire.

SUNDAY, OCT. 28 HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION AT THE GARIBALDI MUSEUM – Refreshment at noon, games at 1 p.m., the Garibaldi Maritime Museum. Festivities include a scavenger hunt, and a costume fashion show for prizes. Must be 12 years or younger, in costume and accompanied

WEEKLY SENIOR ACTIVITIES – Laughing yoga, 4 p.m. Mon., Pinochole, 2 p.m. Tues., Bunco, 1 p.m. Wed., Dominoes, 7 p.m. Thurs., Poker, 1:30 p.m. Sat. Everyone welcome. 503-842-0918. STORYTIME – Tues. 10 a.m. (24-36 months); Wed. 10 a.m. (3-5 years); Thurs. 10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. (6-12 years); Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. (birth-24 months); Saturdays, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. Main Library.

2-3 p.m. every Thurs. for beginners at Tillamook Senior Center, 1-2 p.m. Fri. intermediate, Rockaway Beach Comm. Center. Gwen Kiel, 503-322-3274. CLOGGING CLASSES – 10:30 a.m. Tues., Rockaway Beach Community Center. 6:30 p.m. Teacher Gwen Kiel, 503-322-3274. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC – 2-3 p.m. Wednesdays, Tillamook County General Hospital cafeteria.

YOGA FOR SENIORS – 3-3:45 p.m. Mon. and Thurs., Kiawanda Community Center, Pacific City. Call Patricia, 361-790-4870.

ODDBALLS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – 2 p.m. Sundays, 7 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Lodge, 1706 Fourth St.

START MAKING A READER TODAY – Volunteers needed to read to Nestucca Valley Elementary students. 12:45-2:15 p.m. Tues. and Thurs. Call Diane, 503-965-0062.

TILLAMOOK 4-H HONORABLE LORDS AND LADIES CHESS CLUB – 2:45-5 p.m. Fridays, OSU Extension Office, 2204 Fourth St., Tillamook. For grades 2-12. Call 503-842-3433.

TILLAMOOK SENIOR CENTER – Meals at noon Mon-Fri; pinochle at 10 a.m. Fri.; free bingo 10 a.m.-noon third Thurs.; cards 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tues.; Senior Club meeting and potluck at 11:30 a.m. second Fri.; pool and drop-in center 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon-Fri. 316 Stillwell Ave. Call 503-842-8988.

EAGLES LODGE PINOCHLE NIGHT – 7 p.m. Thursdays, Tillamook lodge.

SENIORS NONDENOMINATIONAL WORSHIP – 6 p.m. Tues. Five Rivers Retirement & Assisted Living Community, 3500 12th Street, Tillamook. 503-842-0918.

BRIDGE, PINOCHLE AND CRIBBAGE – 1-3 p.m. Wed., North County Rec. District, Nehalem. 503-355-3381. FAMILY HOOPS NIGHT – 6:30-8 p.m. Tues., Garibaldi Grade School gym. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. 503-355-2291. ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH – Concert 6 p.m. Fridays, Garibaldi City Hall.


OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – 5:306:30 p.m. Mondays, Tillamook County General Hospital, Room D (third floor). 503-842-8073.

HOLIDAY BAZAAR – Noon to 6 p.m. Nov. 2, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 3, TIllamook County Fairgrounds. Crafts and holiday gifts, hand- and home-made items. Free admission.

CIVIL AIR PATROL – 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, ATV center, 5995 Long Prairie Road. Volunteer, nonprofit auxiliary of U.S. Air Force. Call OR-114 NW Coastal Flight Capt. Wendy Flett, 503- 815-8095; or unit commander Capt. Michael Walsh, 503-812-5965.


ROCKAWAY LIBRARY – Pre-school storytime for ages 3-5, 3 p.m. Tuesdays 503-3552665.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS WOMEN’S MEETING – 10 a.m. Sundays, Serenity Club, 5012 Third St.

COMMUNITY CHORUS – 7-9 p.m. Thurs., Tillamook. New members welcome. 503-842-4748.

TODDLER ART – 10-11 a.m., Wed., Bay City Arts Center. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 503-377-9620.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY – 6 p.m. Tues., Tillamook Church of the Nazarene. Child care provided.

VETERANS’ EMPLOYMENT HELP – 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Tues., WorkSource Oregon, 2105 Fifth St., Tillamook. 800-643-5709, ext. 227.

NKN PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER – 6-10 p.m., St. Mary’s Church, 275 S. Pacific St., Rockaway. Silent and live auctions, live music and door prizes. Cost: $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12, under 4 free. Funds go to the school’s SAFE program. Call 503355-2007 for tickets.

PROMOTE YOUR EVENT You’re invited to add your group’s listings to our online event calendar at calendar. Listings posted online also will be added to the Community Calendar that appears in our print edition. You also can mail event listings to the Headlight Herald office at 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141, or call 503-842-7535. Information must be received by noon Thursday the week prior to publication, please.

KIAWANDA COMMUNITY CENTER – Yoga Mon. and Thurs., stitchers group Tues., bingo Wed., card playing Fri. 503-965-7900. MANZANITA PACE SETTERS WALK/JOG/RUN GROUP – 7:30 a.m. Sat., parking lot behind Spa Manzanita. ROTARY CLUB OF NORTH TILLAMOOK – Noon Wed., North County Recreation District, Nehalem. 503-812-4576.

ROCKAWAY BEACH-GARIBALDI MEALS FOR SENIORS –11:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri., St. Mary’s by the Sea. Call Bob Dempster, 503-355-3244. MEDITATION, PRAYER – Silent meditation, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mon. and 8:45 a.m. Tues.; Lectio Divina, 10-11 a.m. Tues., St. Catherine’s Center for Contemplative Arts, Manzanita. Call Lola Sacks, 503-368-6227.

SENIOR SERVICES – Provided by Northwest Senior & Disability Services at Sheridan Square Apts. Dates, times vary. 503-842-2770. GARIBALDI LIBRARY STORYTIME – 3 p.m. Thursdays. 503-322-2100. TILLAMOOK LIBRARY LIVE MUSIC – 2-4 p.m. Saturdays.

ROTARY CLUB OF TILLAMOOK Noon Tuesdays, Rendezvous Restaurant 214 Pacific, Tillamook.

GAZELLES COMMUNITY RUNNING CLUB – 9 a.m., Saturdays, Garibaldi Grade School. Walkers welcome. 3-mile course. Map at; search Garibaldi.

TILLAMOOK DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB – 6:30 p.m. Tues., 10:30 a.m. Fri., Tillamook Elks Club, 1907 Third St. $2.50 per session. Call Barbara, 503-842-7003.

CHRISTIAN MEN’S GROUP – Noon Tues., 8 a.m. Thurs., Cow Belle Restaurant, Rockaway Beach. 503-355-0567.

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY – 9-11 a.m. Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Hall, 9330 Fourth St. Call Pat, 503-355-6398.

PINOCHLE AND BUNCO – 2 p.m. Tues Pinochle/ 1:30 p.m. Weds Bunco at Five Rivers, 3500 12th St. 842-0918. Free.

AL-ANON – 7-8 p.m. Mondays, North Coast Recreation District, Nehalem. 503-3685093.

BAKED POTATO LUNCH – 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Presbyterian Fellowship Hall Brooten Rd., PC. 503-201-7462.

TILLAMOOK SWISS SOCIETY – Breakfast served every 3rd Sunday, Brookfield Ave.

WOMENS CLOSED AA BOOK STUDY – 6 p.m. Tues., I.O.O.F Hall Bay City 4th and Hays Oyster Bay City. Info: Lee H. lovleemom 503.377-9698. Free

LINE DANCING CLASSES – 7-8:15 p.m. first and second Wed., Tillamook Elks Lodge,

Answers in the Classifieds

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page B3

FENCEPOSTS wish to stop by and without attending Mass. Fr. Jack touched many hearts in our community. Our town has an angel watching over us now. The Lions are making up Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Baskets again this year. To apply or donate goods, ROCKAWAY BEACH contact our city hall. ApplicaSUGAR BROSIUS tions must be returned by 503-653-1449 November 8th, with baskets available for pick up at the Lions Club, 286 S. Anchor Street, on Monday, November was humbled by how 19 from 9:30 until 11am. Appliupset many of you were cations for Christmas baskets that my column didn’t appear in the paper a few weeks must be returned by December 4th, with baskets available for ago. The paper will take great care so this doesn’t occur again. pick up at the Lions Club, 286 S. Anchor Street, on Thursday, Hopefully it will be printed in a December 20th, from 9:30 until later edition so you can read it. 11am. If you know of an indiSorry for the inconvenience. I vidual or family in need, please work so hard on my column contact Robin Herrit at 503and love to keep you informed 355-8115. of what’s happening. Reserve your space at this As many of you know, Fr. year’s Nov. 23-24 Holiday Gift Jack Morris, formerly of St. Mary’s by the Sea, passed away Fair at the Rockaway Beach Civic Facility now. Prices run recently. We plan to celebrate from $25-45. Fr. Jack’s life on the weekend If you want a table or have of Oct 20-21, 2012. We will be any questions, call Ruth at 355 remembering him at all our 8086. I love the holiday fairs; weekend Masses with an open you can close your eyes and house in our parish hall, Saturbegin to smell Christmas in the day, October 20th, from 6 to air. 7pm and Sunday, 9am to 1pm. The Tillamook County The hall will be open with phoHealth Department will be givtos and refreshments for those ing flu shots at the Rockaway from the community who may

Beach Civic Facility on Monday, October 22 from 2-4 pm. ‘Tis the season! Our town has no lack of civic-minded folks. A group is forming in our community to make sure the water is safe and clean for our residents. If you’d like to join, please contact Nancy Webster (503-355-2516) or Jill Holbrook at I love this story! My friend and Rockaway Beach firefighter Lynda Holm will have her photo in the Headlight Herald’s Firefighter Calendar. If you have an ad or want to publicize an anniversary or birthday on the calendar, call 503-842-7535. The name or your message of your choosing will appear on the special day. Sales will support the local fire departments. Is this awesome or what? Could the weather be any better? I’m so enjoying the wonderful autumn we’ve been blessed with this year. There’s a little nip in the air to remind you of what’s coming. I think perhaps this is my favorite time of year, but as each season arrives I feel the same. So breathe deep and enjoy life. And smile a lot along the way. “Smile, it looks good on you!” That’s Rockaway Beach “Sugar Coated!”

10, 2012 at the Tillamook Church of the Nazarene on Third Street, Tillamook. Time is from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please put this on your calendar and invite your friends, family and neighbors to join the tradition. A $10 ticket will include a free recipe book and two raffle tickets. Tickets to the TEA can be purchased in advance of the TEA, at the Extension Office at 4th and Laurel, Monday through Thursday, Nov. 5-8, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. They can also be purchased at the door. Additional raffle tickets will be available at the TEA. There will be a Halloween Party for Cape Meares residents and their guests on Saturday, Oct. 27, starting at 6 p.m. at the Cape Meares Community Center. There will be fun and games. A prize will be given to the person bringing the “Most Ghoulish Dish” to eat. Carve a jack-o-lantern if you wish. A suggestion is to “come as your true self.” Now that should really be interesting. Hope to see you there. If you are wondering about the path cleared along both sides of Bayocean Road from Thwaites to the bottom of the hill before you get to Haxby’s,

it was my son David and a helper friend of his. David is quite busy with yard work and odds and ends jobs around in the community. He’s done lots of mowing, brushing and even cutting down small trees and hauling off the debris. It is good to have a path along there for people to walk. Lots of traffic along Bayocean Road this time of year. Thanks to David for also putting gravel in potholes on Pacific Avenue right where you turn east at Fourth and Pacific. The road was to the point that I could not dodge all of the potholes. Some people gave him a small donation out of appreciation for his filling potholes with gravel. I’m seeing lots of ducks in Cape Meares Lake and Tillamook Bay now. Yesterday, Tuesday, Oct. 9, I saw several dozen white Egrets in Tillamook Bay. They were all together in one group. Don’t think I have seen so many egrets all in one place before. The Cape Meares Lighthouse will be closing for the winter on Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 31. Opening date is April Fools Day, Monday, April 1, 2013.

they cruise the downtown area! Come and meet them there to see the fun! It is so enjoyable to see the children in their costumes and their excited faces. Hey if you’re looking to get out for a walk or a hike but don’t really want to go by yourself, check out the walk/hike for exercise from 10 a.m. to noon every Thursday departing from the lower parking lot of NCRD. Each month there is one difficult hike and one easy hike. Easy is less than 3 miles and flat terrain. Moderate is 3-5 miles with flat or rolling terrain. Difficult is 5 or more miles with some elevation.These hikes are of a length that they will be stopping for a lunch break.Contact Jane Knapp for more information: 503-368-3091. October is a great time to start beachcombing--from the Manzanita beach to the Nehalem Bay you can find allot of exciting things and some trash, too, so be sure to bring a trashbag along to help keep it clean. Remember to walk slowly and pay attention to what’s at your feet and go early in the morning or after a storm for better hunting, but stay away from driftwood logs--these can easily become floating objects with the wave action and you can be seriously hurt. Have a good time and it’s great for the kids too; they love to find a treasure and who knows? Those extra set of eyes might discover a valuable find. October 20th is the next 4-H

meeting for T-N-T at the White Clover Grange at 10:00 a.m. Come and give 4-H a try--we will be starting on crafts so bring some leaves with you. I had the pleasure of attending the School Board meeting in Nehalem on October 8th.There was a young man by the name of Matthew Grimes putting on a report on his summer leadership training he had went to. It was about the Southern Oregon University Academy in Ashland, Oregon. He informed the board about the opportunities there; he spoke about how he enjoyed the classes and being able to see the Romeo and Juliet production at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, meeting new people from different states, and he gave a great presentation. He was also showing the group a new way of giving presentation called “presis” on the computer overhead projector, to make them more entertaining and exciting to the viewers. I do need to say we are very proud of you, but I might be a little prejudiced since you are our son. Happy Birthday to John McGinnis, Marion Noble,and Clarence McGinnis. Don’t forget Oct. 16 is national Boss Day and Oct. 18 is National Chocolate Cupcake Day, so grab a few cupcakes before you head into work and maybe it will be a fun one! Any information out there send it to me at See you soon!




here has been a change in the NeaRock Garden Club plans for Wednesday, Oct. 17. We will still be going to Kendra’s Kitchen Restaurant on Highway 101 for lunch, but we now have a garden tour to take after lunch. We will be going to Pam and Joel George’s garden at 8025 Green Tree Ridge Road, off Long Prairie Road. Their home is just below the Old Elridge Trask Cemetery. Thanks to Joel the cemetery is in great shape. The view of Tillamook Valley is beautiful from there. Nea-Rock Garden Club ladies are asked to meet at Kendra’s Kitchen at 11:30 a.m. Please order as soon as you get there. The Master Gardeners Tea will be Saturday, November




dislike the feeling of being sick, but not really being sick, you know those icky feelings that run you down then you feel fine so you start to do something and then it hits you again--a feeling your about to drop or throw up. No cough--no high fever--no stomach ache--just fine, then you get yucky and don’t feel like moving an inch. I think its better to just get sick and get it over with. Anyhow, the Neah-Kah-Nie Middle/High School will be having their Student Led Conferences from noon to 8 p.m. on Oct. 22. The Nehalem Elementary School will be having their Parent Teacher Conferences on October 22nd and October 23rd. The Middle/High School has a regular day on the 23rd, but K-5th is off. The Nehalem Elementary harvest and costume parade is on Wednesday, Oct. 31; the kids will be leaving the school at 1:40 p.m. to head downtown, and they would love to have extra parent volunteers on the parade route to help them maintain order and safety as

Residents invited to provide input on State’s Long Term Care Plan The state is evaluating its long term care system, and how it can meet the growing demands as Oregonians live longer and healthier lives. Representatives from The Department of Human Services, Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) will be seeking public input on Thursday, Oct. 18 at the Oregon Department of Forestry, Tillamook District Conference

Room, 5005 Third Street, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Mike McCormick, APD Deputy Director stated: “We are inviting the public to be a part of the discussion for Long Term Care 3.0, an initiative to increase the quality and sustainability of the long term care system. The goal of the redesigned long term care system is to deliver the right services at

the right time at the right place.” Community meetings are designed to be very interactive. State staff will present overarching values, goals and visions for the future. Public input will be sought on how those goals can be met. For more information, call Naomi Sacks at 503-385-7168 or Bob Weir at (503) 9472321.

A note from Lori Carpenter, Netarts/Oceanside fencepost writer: I am taking a temporary leave to spend time with our family and upcoming arrivals of our granddaughter and a grandson... I plan on being back Jan. 9, 2013. I would like to thank




s I drove South Tillamook County roads this past week, I noticed flecks of amber silage dotting the asphalt like snow. With rain in the forecast, it’s time to remind Fencepost readers that once our roads are damp from fog or rain, the silage (along with accumulated oil and other leaked fluids from travelers over the recent dry weeks) will make the pavement very slippery indeed. Please drive with caution, and warn visitors, newcomers, and less experienced drivers of the unique hazard. If you are a Veteran, or know a Veteran, here is great news: Community Action Resource Enterprises (CARE) has a new program providing supportive services to veterans and their families countywide. It provides rent assistance, case management, and help obtaining Veteran’s and other benefits, which may include health care, personal financial planning, transportation, legal services, childcare, and housing counseling services. Eligibility is determined though a screening with a case manager at CARE, 2310 First Street, Tillamook. All veterans are invited to contact CARE at 503-842-5261 to schedule a screening and learn which benefits they may qualify to receive. Thanks to Nestucca Valley School District for word that our elementary school was misidentified in a July report. In late July, certain public schools in Oregon were rated based on an elaborate weight-

all of the Netarts/Oceanside readers for their support and loyalty throughout the years. If anyone is interested in writing this column in the interim, please contact: Mary Faith Bell, editor of the Headlight Herald at

ed formula of student state testing scores. The lowest 5% were labeled “priority,” the next lowest 15% were labeled “focus,” schools. Nestucca Valley Elementary School (NVES) was designated a “focus” school. When classes started last month, then Principal Nick Gelbard and his staff sprang to action and were fully engaged in compliance requirements. Last week, however, the Oregon Department of Education notified the school district that NVES was misidentified. The “focus” school designation has been removed. Nestucca High School students will offer a Candidates Forum at 6:30 p.m. this Wednesday, October 17 in the cafeteria at Nestucca Jr./Sr. High School, 34660 Parkway Drive in Cloverdale. Voters will have a chance to get acquainted with the folks running for local public office, and to ask questions of them. Refreshments, donated by the Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, will be served. Don’t forget that Nesko Women’s club welcomes South Tillamook County women for their lunch meeting at 11:30 this Friday, October 19 at The Hudson House Bed and Breakfast Inn. Lunch is $12; the program, by Rose Perez and Sally Rissel, will feature local history. Reserve your lunch with Judie Rubert, at 541-7602389. The Community Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) for Pacific City and Woods will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 20 at Pacific Coast Bible Church, adjacent to the Post Office on Brooten Road in Pacific City. Agenda items include discussion of a community property survey and a presentation regarding the county’s comprehensive materials and solid waste management plan. For additional information, go to That same afternoon, from

1-3 p.m. on Saturday, October 20, Nestucca Fire District will host an open house with tours and refreshments at the new Hebo Fire Hall 30710 U.S. Highway 101, adjacent to Cedar Creek Childcare Center, in downtown Hebo. All are welcome. For more information, call 503-3923313. That same evening at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 20 a benefit concert is happening at the old Nestucca Valley Middle School just off of U.S. 101 at 19995 Blaine Road in Beaver. We will raise funds for Taylor Carter, a local toddler injured in a mowing accident over the summer. Acts on the docket include: The Elliotts, Jim Loughrie, Madrona (a local band), Barbara and Russ Sanders, Eric Sappington, and Joe Wrabek. Potluck refreshments will be served. Local Author William Reynolds, of Hebo, will be at the Tillamook Library at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23 to present a program on his new book, “Andrew Pickens: South Carolina Patriot in the Revolutionary War.” A descendent from Andrew Pickens’ brother, Mr. Reynolds told me in a recent interview that the book was released just this August 2, and that copies may be found online. He will share his tips on writing and publishing. Light refreshments will be served; the event is free of charge and open to the public. The library is located at the intersection of Third and Stillwell in Tillamook. Happy Birthday this week to my own first-born Zachory Ferguson, reading the Headlight Herald in Portland, and to Robert Chatelain III, Sandi Chitwood, Dave Dimmitt, Diane Emineth, Tera Haltiner, Milo Hansen, Janice Kiser, Mary Love, Jim McKillip, Debbie Romero, Caleb Shores, Chance Shuster, Katy Sukanen, David Weston, and Alex Wickham.

In Tillamook County

Featured Restaurant

PELICAN PUB & BREWERY 33180 CAPE KIWANDA DR., PACIFIC CITY • • (503) 965-7007 Summer Seasonals Are Here! Summer beers have just been released at the Pelican Pub & Brewery. Winema Wit is brewed as a Belgian-style Wit beer with orange peel, coriander and cardamom. Surfer’s Summer Ale is a pale, snappy well balanced English-Style ale; a summertime favorite. Ankle-Buster Ale, built like an English style Pale Ale and fermented with Belgian yeast, will be released June 14th! Enjoy one on the patio today. Just in time for the summer, the Pelican Pub & Brewery is adding some fun, tasty summer dishes to the menu. Executive Chef Ged Aydelott and his team have created dishes that have been paired with award winning brews by Brew Master Darron Welch. One of these is sure to be a new favorite: Pan Seared Cod - Pan seared Alaskan cod served over roasted red potatoes, grilled vegetables, and mussels steamed in Kiwanda Cream Ale, fresh herbs, and garlic, topped with tarragon aioli. Enjoy with a Kiwanda Cream Ale. Pan Roasted Whole Trout- Deboned whole rainbow trout served with hop aioli, Tsunami Stout wort reduction and panzanella salad of toasted house made spent grain bread. Enjoy with an India Pelican Ale or Doryman’s Dark Ale. Spent Grain Vegetable Burger- House made vegetable burger made with the spent grains from our beer, with your choice of cheese, placed on house made spent grain roll. Enjoy with a MacPelican’s Scottish Style Ale. BBQ Steak and Prawns- 6 oz. bavette steak rubbed with our special BBQ spice mix and grilled to your specifications. Served with roasted red potatoes, grilled vegetables, Tillamook vintage white cheddar creamed spinach, and three grilled prawns. Perfect with a MacPelican’s Scottish Style Ale. The patio is open! We hope to see you soon at the Pelican Pub & Brewery in Pacific City! Since 1996, the Pelican Pub & Brewery has been the Northwest’s premier oceanfront restaurant and brewery. The Pelican is worth a visit anytime. Located 22 miles south of Tillamook on the Three Capes Scenic Route, our oceanfront restaurant and brewery features an outdoor patio and banquet room with unobstructed views of Haystack Rock and Cape Kiwanda. For more information, visit or call 503-965-7007.

Serving Lunch & Dinner Favorites: Prime Rib & Broasted Chicken Thursday Nights - Senior Night 10% OFF Friday Nights - Karaoke in the Lounge Open 11 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Open Sat. & Sun. at 9 a.m. for breakfast. 4 th & B, Bay Ci ty • (5 0 3 ) 3 7 7 -2 8 9 5

Fisherman’s Korner

Located on Fisherman’s Wharf in Garibaldi harbor. Relax inside or at an outdoor table & watch the fishing boats unload their catch, which will soon become 2003 through our fresh, delicious seafood People’s dishes. Our Fish & Chips won 2008 Choice Award Winner the Taste of Tillamook County People’s Choice award in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. We also offer a variety of other items. Charter fishing available. Thursday - Sunday 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m, Monday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 3 0 6 Bas i n Ro ad, Gari bal di (5 0 3 ) 3 2 2 -2 0 3 3


AT OSENBERG S PENNY'S SMOKIN’ AT ROSENBERG BUILDERS SUPPLY! Still cooking up the favorite breakfast burritos and paninis, we've added tender, moist tri-tip and pork loin topped with the ever popular homemade Chipotle Honey BBQ Sauce. M-F 8-4, Sat 9-3.

Cres cent Co nces s i o ns & Cateri ng (5 0 3 ) 8 1 2 -3 2 9 7

Located in the 20 ft. Yellow Concession Trailer outside of Rosenberg's at 2 Main Avenue, Tillamook


Newly renovated Five Rivers Coffee Roasters & Café, across from the Tillamook Cheese Factory, open daily 6am – 6pm, serving fresh in-house roasted coffee. FREE WI-FI, DRIVE THRU and Pelican beer to-go.


Pelican Pub & Brewery is family-friendly with views of Cape Kiwanda & Haystack Rock. Fresh seafood, gourmet pizza & fantastic clam chowder, plus our award-winning beer! Ful l breakfas ts dai l y . Sun.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m.-11 p.m. 33180 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City.

www. pelicanbrewery. com (503) 965-7007

DORYLAND PIZZA Doryland Pizza is the place to go for great food and a fun family atmosphere. We offer a variety of excellent pizzas, a fresh salad bar, warm and delicious sandwiches, spaghetti, beer and wine, and free popcorn. Enjoy the big screen TV and video games during your visit. Located at the beach in Pacific City, directly across the street from the dory landing area at Cape Kiwanda. Orders to go and Take and Bake!

33315 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City • (503) 965-6299


The PACIFIC RESTAURANT brings the best in locally sourced sustainable seafood and northwest cuisine to your table. Casual family style dining and gluten-free options available. 2011 Tillamook area business of the year. 2102 1st St., Tillamook (503) 354-2350

Want to add your restaurant to these special weekly listings? Call (503) 842-7535 to find out how today!

Page B4 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald



adiation Vacation” dispatch from Tami, our not-yet-glowing-in-the-dark barber: “It’s hump day, I’m half way done and I am doing great. The docs are really impressed at my progress, and how I am handling the treatments. I really do feel good, but I miss Garibaldi more then ever! Just over three weeks to go!” As this is written, county Emergency Management is predicting rain — which, if it comes, will have ended our long dry spell by the time this column hits the paper. I’ve been asked (again) when we can burn. No, you can’t burn as soon as it starts raining. It’s the fire chief’s call when to lift the burn ban, and he says he’s not going to do it until we have “significant” rain. We have spent a long time drying things out, and it will take a while to wetten them back up. Missed opening weekend of the TAPA play? (I understand they were sold out.) “A Fine Monster You Are!” plays two more weekends, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-21 and 2628; the Sunday performances are matinees (2 p.m.). Get tickets at

NOTES FROM THE COAST Diamond Art Jewelers. Sandra Koops from Garibaldi is in the play, as is Headlight Herald Director of News Samantha Swindler. Hallowe’en is coming up, and with it a couple of important events. The Coast Guard will again be having their Haunted House in the turn-of-the-last-century-mansion-looking building at Garibaldi Ave. (Highway 101) and 12th St. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday, the hours will be 7-11 p.m.; Sunday, 7-9 p.m. Admission is (like last year) 2 cans of food, which will go to the Garibaldi Food Pantry. The Neah-Kah-Nie and Tillamook S.A.F.E. kids will have a concession trailer there, too. The Garibaldi Maritime Museum’s Halloween Celebration will be on Sunday, Oct. 28, complete with a scavenger hunt and costume contest (with prizes). The Museum’s open 10-4; refreshments start at noon, and the games at 1 p.m. Free admission with costume. Kids must be under 12, in costume and accompanied by an adult, to participate in the games. More information? Call 503-322-8411 or e-mail And the following weekend, Friday, Nov. 2, they’ll be celebrating Marie Antoinette’s birthday at the Bay City Arts Center with one of their Performer Showcases. Musical lineup includes Wayne Turpen, Fred Bassett, Elissha Siever, poet Linda Werner, the band Sedona Fire, and myself and blues harp player Dennis “Doc” Wagner. And there will be cake (of course).

From left, student poets Nathan Parks and Salvador Solis, NHS English teacher Kathleen Serven, and student poet Marissa Dempsey.

Nestucca honors poets Nestucca High School and NHS Language Arts teacher Kathleen Serven are amongst a few western U.S. (including Alaska & Hawaii) schools and teachers recognized as receiving the “Poetic Achievement Award.” This award is given to schools who have a large number of student-written poem entries of which over fifty percent are accepted for publication. With hundreds of schools entering the Creative Publications contest, only a small percent of these schools are honored with this award. The purpose of this award is to recognize schools with excellent Language Arts programs. Nestucca High received

a complimentary copy of the Spring 2012 Poetry Anthology titled A Celebration of Poets as a result of winning this award. Twenty-five NHS students were selected to be published. Mackenzie Cook, Marissa Dempsey, Aiyana Denson, Nolan Dimmitt, Jade Downs, Joseph Elwood Ehly II, Riley Gilhuly, Jodi Green, Brittany Hurlimann, Parker Jensen, Max Kirkendall, Brandonlee McKillip, Jacob Menefee, Makayla Meyer, Jessica Mick, Eli Miesen, Aubryn Ouska, Nathan Joseph Parks, Justin Piper, Andrea Polivka, Jessica Ponce, Hine Roberts, Cheyenne Michelle Sisco, Sophia Madeleine Solano,and Salvador Solis.

GRADUATION John Cromwell “J.C.” Nelson, III graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Portland State University with a

Lorraine Eckhardt, Documenter of Tillamook County Her words: Christmas Day, 1945, my mother was working in the shipyards. We were listening to the radio and they told us to go to the George White Service Center and bring home a couple of servicemen for dinner because they were away from their families. I brought two of them. Ken was one. He was twenty-one and I was seventeen. He made a cute sailor. We were married the following June. As a child, my brother Charlie and I were sent to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union Children’s Farm Home, now called Trillium, because my mother had to work and there was no one to take care of us. When he was eight Charlie fell out of a tree and died. I learned how to work there. We did all our own farming, canning, raised pigs, churned cream into butter. We ate very well. I remember, though we never got hamburgers, meatloaf or ham. There were ten levels of achieve-

ment used to encourage good behavior. When anyone got to level ten, they could go have a cigarette with their councilor. After I grew up and married Ken, we lived in Blaine in one SCHUBERT room for four years, had our MOORE first kid, and then Ken expanded the house. We had seven kids. Recently, our son Johnny won the filleting contest for the third year in a row at Dory Days. We took deer, gaffed salmon, raised a garden and traded vegetables. I canned a lot of food. Ken logged for Diamond Lumber, peeled bark, worked the pond, and set choker. Once he followed machinery too close as it went up the hill bending over saplings. One of them snapped up and hit him square in the face.

TILLAMOOK – The Monday Musical Club of Tillamook will offer a varied array of entertainers in its 18th subscription concert series which begins in November. The 2012 – 2013 season starts Sunday, Nov. 25, at 7:30 p.m. with perennial favorites, The Four Freshmen, who will cap the Thanksgiving weekend with their holiday show. Season subscribers pay only $80 for each adult and $55 for each student for reserved, center section seating at all four concerts. That amounts to a big savings off the cost of four singleevent adult and student reserved seat admissions purchased separately for each event. Advance tickets for individual events are $25 each for adults and $20 for students. Tickets at the door are priced at $30 for adults and $25 for students. To order season or advance tickets, send a check payable to the Monday Musical Club of Tillamook to 6415 Westwood Court, Tillamook, OR 97141. Tickets may also be purchased at the offices of TLC Federal Credit Union and the Tillamook Chamber of Commerce. Season ticket holders may receive their tickets by mail by

Eric Tingstad and Nancy Rumbel will perform in Tillamook in January as part of the Monday Musical Club concert series.

sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Westwood Court address. Otherwise, tickets will be held in “Will Call” for each event. To order advance tickets with reserved seating, call (503) 842-2078. No advance tickets will be sold the day of an event. Major sponsors supporting the concert series include Oldies 105.5-FM, KTIL Country 95.9-FM, KTIL Conservative Talk Radio 1590-AM, the



(Used to be Oretown Bible Church) 41505 Oretown Rd. E, Cloverdale Pastor Blake Tebeck (503) 392-3001 Come worship in the Pentecostal tradition. Adult and Children Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. with Church Services, starting at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. Spirit filled singing with the sermon scripted from a chapter of the Holy Bible. Followed by refreshments and friendly conversation. Visitors’ warmly welcomed.


34560 Parkway Drive, Cloverdale, (503) 3923685. Services 5:30 Saturday night, 9:30 a.m. Sunday.

35305 Brooten Road, (503) 965-6229. Pastor Rev. Ben Dake. Weekly bible study groups Fridays at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Open communion the first Sunday of each month. Adult Sunday School 9 a.m. Youth Snday School 10 a.m. Regular services Sunday 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.



400 S. 3rd., (503) 355-2581. Pastor David Whitehead. Sundays: Contemporary/ Traditional Worship Service 9-10:30 a.m. Kids Zone 9:35-11:40 a.m. Teen and Adult Sunday School, 10:45-11:30 a.m. Nursery provided. Community groups meet during the week. Call church office for more information.





24720 Hwy. 101S, Cloverdale, OR (503) 3985508. Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Bible Study 1st & 3rd Monday 7 p.m. AWANA Wednesday 406 p.m. Josh Gard, Pastor



Corner of Blanchard Rd. and Hwy. 101S. (503) 398-5454. Pastor Jim Oakley. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7 p.m. Everyone welcome!




309 3rd St., (503) 322-3626. Pastor Duane Hall. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Bible class 9:30 a.m. We invite you to join us.







The two just belong together.

Headlight Herald and Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). The Monday Musical Club is still seeking additional sponsors at the $50, $125, $250, $500, $1,000 and $2,000 levels. Sponsorship benefits include: $50 - Acknowledgment in concert programs. $125 - Program acknowledgments plus two tickets each for two events in reserved seat-

ing. $250 - Program acknowledgments, two tickets in reserved seating to all four concerts and invitations to artist receptions. $500 - Program acknowledgments, invitations to artist receptions and four tickets to each event in reserved seating. $1,000 - Program acknowledgments, invitations to artist receptions and six tickets to all four events in reserved seating. $2,000 - Logo and name recognition on all concert series posters and concert programs, 10 tickets in reserved seating to all four events and invitations to artist receptions. Sponsors should send checks to Monday Musical Club of Tillamook at 6415 Westwood Court, Tillamook, OR 97141 no later than Nov. 1. Sponsors at the $2,000 level should also provide high-resolution digital logos for use in printed material. Funds raised by the Monday Musical Club of Tillamook are used to sponsor master classes for Tillamook music students and fund a scholarship for the winner of the club’s annual talent competition. For more information, contact Marianne Gienger, (503) 842-2078.

Tillamook County Churches...

Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Campground, 5195 WiNe-Ma Road, 7 mi. south of Cloverdale, (503) 392-3953. Sunday School 9:30, Worship 10:45 a.m. Mary Ellen Pereira, Minister.

Coffee & Your Local News!

got hundreds of pictures of Tillamook County, Tillamook, Rockaway, Manzanita, but mostly South County. Walt Ackley had many photographs of Bayocean. I asked him if I could put his pictures in my album and sell them. He gave me all of them. Three days later he died. I have a whole album of Bayocean, the first Tillamook cheese factory right there, near Stillwell St. I have photos on glass negatives and made contact prints of a lot of the old sawmills. I’ve given away more old photos than I’ve sold. There was a fella had a shoe place in Tillamook with a bunch of my pictures on the wall. A woman came in and saw a photograph of a man and a dog by a log truck and she shouts, that’s my dad! And that’s old Gypper, our dog! I made a copy of it for her. I’ve donated my photographs to the museum in my will. If you’d like some,, 503-392-3328.

Monday Musical Club to launch 18th concert series in Tillamook


major in film and a minor in music. J.C. was a 2008 NeahKah-Nie High School graduate.

Knocked him silly. Got hurt setting choker. Haulback line picked him up and dragged him up the hill and threw him off before he got to the drum. He wasn’t very safety conscious. Since then, we ran a dairy. I ran a crew in the broccoli fields, worked in the Hebo Fish Hatchery, fleshed out hides at the mink farm and for ten years made and sold home made bread, thirty-six loaves, twice a week. I’ve cleaned house, ironed, sewed all the kids’ clothes and our square dance costumes. We’ve had eighty-five foster kids, twelve at a time in six bedrooms. Many of them come back to visit. My grandfather was a photographer. I’ve always liked old pictures. Ken and I took a darkroom class and started our own business. Our advertising motto was, copying old photos is my biz – I get them done in a whiz. I often copied for nothing if I got to keep a copy. That’s how I got all these old photographs. I’ve

275 S. Pacific St. (503) 355-2661. Saturday: Confessions 5 p.m.; Mass 5:30 p.m. Sunday: Confessions: 8 a.m.; Mass 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Tues 5:30 p.m. and Wed. - Fri. 9 a.m.



5640 U.S. 101 S. (2 miles south of Tillamook), (503) 842-5598. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening service 6:00 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Everyone welcome!



(Reformed Baptist Church) 7450 Alderbrook Road, Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-8317. Pastor Jeff Crippen. Family Sunday School 9:30 a.m. (Nursery provided). Morning worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Ladies Luncheon/Bible Study 12:00 noon. English as a Second Language.






2611 3rd, (503) 842-2549. Pastor Sid Sever. Sundays: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Childcare for infants to age 5 available. Tuesdays: Celebrate Recovery 6 p.m. Wednesdays: Teen Fellowship 7 - 8 p.m. We welcome you to join us as we worship together.

302 Grove Ave., (503) 842-4823. Reverend J. Wesley Beck. Sunday School for all ages, 9:20 a.m.; Divine Service, 10:30 a.m. Midweek Bible studies. Everyone welcome! Call for more information. I



1311 3rd St. (503) 842-7864. Pastor: Sterling Hanakahi. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Bible Studies 4 p.m., Evening Message 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.




2203 4th St., (503) 842-6213. Senior Pastor: Dean Crist, Contemporary Worship, Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Casual attire. Nursery facilities and handicapped accessible. Programs available for youth of all ages. Travelers and newcomers welcome.


Muddy Waters

Pacific Edge Espresso

Blue Star Espresso

1904 3rd St. 225 Garibaldi Ave. 940 Main Ave. N. 1101 Main Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Garibaldi (503) 801-4085 (503) 322-2311 (503) 842-2583 (503) 842-0011 Pacific Edge This Space Available Lindsey’s Espresso Lattes

1920 Hwy. 101N Tillamook (503) 842-3737

1810 N. Main (Hwy. 101N), Tillamook (503) 815-8400

For Your Coffee Shop

Call (503) 842-7535 to learn how to put your coffee shop in this space!

Corner of 10th and A Streets, Nehalem (503) 368-5612 Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.



4685 Alder Cove Rd. West, (503) 842-8375. Pastor Jerry Baker, Sunday School 9 a.m., Morning Worship 10:10 a.m. Call for information on Bible studies and youth activities.



1590 Chinook Avenue, Oceanside, (503) 812-2493. Pastor Larry Hamilton. (Christian Non-denominational) worship Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. with fellowship following. Please join us as we worship together.


2102 Sixth Street., (503) 842-6192. Jerry Jefferies, Priest-in-Charge Sunday Worship Service - Holy Eucharist 9 a.m. Sunday school and child care. Everyone is welcome. Handicapped accessible.




Pastor Warren Widmann. Sunday Bible study 5 p.m., Worship Service 6 p.m. Please call (503) 842-7729 for information.

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” Pastor John Sandusky 602 Laurel Ave., Tillamook, (503) 842-2242. Worship & Church School: 10:30 a.m. Web site: Handicapped accessible.



1000 N. Main, Suite 12, (503) 842-6455. Pastors Marv and Judie Kasemeier (Charismatic, Nondenomi-national) Sunday Morning Service 10. Nursery through sixth grade children’s church provided. Sunday Evening Prayer Service 7 p.m. Wednesday; Generation Unleashed Youth Service for ages 1218 6:30 p.m.



3500 Alder Lane, Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-9300. Pastor Brad Smith. Sunday Worship: Bible Study 9:45 a.m., Worship and Message 11 a.m. Do you know God’s plan for your life? - Jerehiah 29:11



401 Madrona, (503) 842-4753, Pastor Jerry Jefferies. Traditional Sunday morning worship 11 a.m. You are warmly invited to join us. I


2506 First St., (503) 842-4393, Minister: Fred Riemer. Sunday morning Bible class 10, Worship service 11 a.m., Sunday evening service 6, Wednesday evening Bible class 7. Noninstrumental singing - come as you are. Visitors are always welcome. I




2610 1st St., (503) 842-7182. Pastor Tim Mayne. English/Spanish Services. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Saturdays. Sabbath School, Children & Adults 9:30 a.m. All visitors welcome. Website:


3808 12th St., (503) 842-2224. Pastor Jerry Jefferies and Carol Brown. Sunday Services 11 a.m.; Food Bank: Thursdays 12:30-3 p.m. Fully accessible facility. All are welcome!

...where you are always welcome



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Free confidential services for victims of sexual or domestic violence. 842-9486 1-800-992-1679



Advertisiers seeking to adopt a child must submit a letter from their attorney or through Oregon Newspapers Publishers Association. ONAC will keep a letter from their attorney on file at the ONAC office. Ad may not specify the child s age or the race or religion of the couple.

Computer Services


Found on 10/04/12. one inscribed gold men’s masonic ring. Send full description and contact # to Matt Gallagher P.O. Box 3111, Bay City, Or 97107 by 01/08/13.



Computer consultant/ manager/technical architect Blueprinting/data analysis Business modeling/ logical and physical Assessment/integration/ enablement Align appropriate information technology solutions

Help Wanted

Lost & Found

If you respect free roaming North Tillamook County cats, call Mitch



Personals DIVORCE $135. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.paralegalalternativ,



Business Opps LOOMIX(R) FEED supplements is seeking Dealers. Motivated individuals with cattle knowledge and community ties. Contact Bethany @ 800-8700356 / becomeadealer@adm.c om to find out if there is a dealership opportunity in your area.


Help Wanted Hiring local drivers & owner operators for the TIllamook area. Best pay in area. Call for details (360) 262-9383.

48th St. & TV Hwy, SE Hillsboro

DRIVERS: Get on the ROAD FAST! IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! TOP PAY, FULL BENEFITS, CDLA, Hazmat, Doubles Required! Haney Truck Line, CALL NOW 1888-414-4467/

93 Subaru Legacy, runs good, needs clutch. $700 503-3222651.

DRIVERS: Inexperienced/Experien ced. Unbeatable Career Opportunities. Trainee, Company Driver, LEASE OPERATOR, LEASE TRAINERS (877) 369-7104 www.centraltruckdriving PART TIME BRANCH WAREHOUSE WORKER TILLAMOOK Outstanding non-profit seeks individual to work with Warehouse Lead performing daily completion of receiving, storage and distribution of food/ products. Complete posting and application process at www.oregonfoodbank. org. Deadline 10/19/12. EOE. Well established dental office in Pacific City, Or needs front desk person, dentrix software, insurance billing knowledge, postitive peoples skills a must. Fax resume 503-965-3637. Xray & EFDA certified dental assistant needed in Pacific City, Or. Fax resume 503-965-3637



TILLAMOOK COUNTRY SMOKER 8250 Warren Ave. P.O.Box 3120 Bay City, OR 97107


General Educational Assistant, 3.5 hrs, Gr 2-3 Special Ed Educational Assistant, 3.5 hrs, Gr 7-8 Asst. Track Coach, High School


Bus Drivers Custodians Educational Assistants



Application instructions & posting information located at:, click on the employment link. Questions: Contact Linda Kjemperud Tillamook School District, 2510 First Street, Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-4414 ext. 1085, or e-mail





JOURNEYMAN UTILITY MECHANIC $32.47 per hour, plus benefits

Closing date: October 29, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Tillamook PUD is seeking a Meter Inspector/Collector to perform collections activities in the office and in the field, and cut-in and cut-out of single-phase meters. Duties include reading meters and reporting on equipment deficiencies and power theft situations. Applicants must have excellent customer service skills, especially in verbal communications and an ability to remain calm under stress. The applicant selected for this position will be required to pass a physical capacities test and an employment drug screening at the District’s expense prior to beginning work.

Resumes and cover letters are encouraged, but do not replace the required application form. Tillamook PUD is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Visit our website at for a complete job description and the fillable application form, or email jobs@, or contact our office at Tillamook People’s Utility District, PO Box 433, 1115 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141; 503-815-8637.


Wanted Autos Cash for Junk, Broken & Wrecked Autos. 503384-8499 or 541-2163107. I will Travel!


Tires & Wheels

for a Nissan Murano (65R18) $300 for set. One winter of use. Contact Patty @ 503-842-7535.


Garage Sales Sale 6030 Madrona Ave. 8-2 Sat 20th.


Visit our website at for a complete job description and the fillable application form or contact Tillamook People’s Utility District, P.O. Box 433, 1115 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141; (503)815-8637; or email A cover letter and resume are preferred but not required, in addition to the PUD application form.

English Springer Spaniel. 4.5 months old. $700. 503-3553157


Netarts Community Club

Boyd’s Implement Service From Tillamook Serving Tillamook Co.

asking for donations of household items in good condition. Items are being accepted at the Netarts Community Club on October 25th from 9am thru 5pm 718

Sporting Goods Oregon’s Largest 3 Day Gun & Knife Show October 19-20-21 Portland Expo Center Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4 I-5 exit 306B Adm. $9 1(800)659-3440 Private collector paying cash for firearms and antique acces any condition. 541-4302085




Farm Equipment

Fuel & Firewood Pick yours up now at The Headlight Herald Office, 1909 2nd St. Tillamook

Houses Unfurnished










$ $ $ $


NEED SOME QUICK CASH? COME SEE US! 535 HWY 101 N. • TILLAMOOK, OR 97141 PHONE # 1-503-842-8232 • OPEN MON - FRI 9-6; SAT 9-5

2850 Latimer Rd.

Tillamook • 842-9408 Los Apartamentos de Tillamook tienen apartamentos disponibles de una y dos recamara. Renta por mes es desde $475 a $600 con luz, agua y basura incluida. Para adquirir, contacta nuestro manager, Omar o Maria Hernandez al 503-812-7303 móvil o Dueña, Carol Langlois al 503-812-1904. The Tillamook Apts. is NOHA approved and currently has one & two bedroom apartments available. Monthly rent is from $475 to $600 with the landlord paying all the Electricity, Water and Garbage. To inquire, contact Owner, Carol Langlois at 503-812-1904 or our managers, Maria Hernandez at 503-812-7303 Mobile or Omar Hernandez at 503-801-3427.

Wheeler studio all util icluded, view of bay. $495mo. 503-812-3560 or 503-377-2394.


Houses Furnished Rockaway close to beach, 2br, 1ba, wood stove. Pets neg. No smk.$950. 503-2498211


Houses Unfurnished $795mo, Oceanside, 1335 Pacific, 2BD, 1BA 180 degree pamoramic oceanview,w/d hook up 1yr lease.503-531-8683 2bd, 1 ba in Till., $700mo+1st/lst+$400 dep.35 app feeNo smk/pets. 909-6306564.

Sheridan Square II Apartments 893 Third Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-7193 TDD: 1-800-735-2900 For seniors 62 years and older. One and Two Bedroom Apartments. Homes may be available at this time. Income restrictions apply. $453-$750. If no units are available at this time, qualified applicants will be place on the waiting list.

Guardian Mgmt, LLC

Ham Dinner St. John’s United Church of Christ Tillamook WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24, 2012 4:30pm - 7:30pm Takeouts Available Adults - $10.00 Children (3-10 yrs.) - $5.00 H14547

2 Bdrm 2 Bth Duplex w/storage unit. Water, garbage, sewer paid. $700/mo. 1st, last & $700 deposit. Avail. late September. No pets, no smoking. 503-842-2742

Lg. 4br/2ba. On Wilson River Hwy. W/D, woodstove no smk/pets. 1st+lst+dep. avail. now $1100/mo. 503-842-5520.Also one person mobile home. 1br/1ba. Wilson river Hwy. Fully smk/pets. W/D 1st+lst+dep. avail. now $600/ mo. Rockaway Beach / Tillamook areas, furnished and unfurn. houses available for rent. Croman & Associates. (503)355-3036 Rockaway Six Sq. Feet $700.00. 2br/1.5/ba. Fenced yard, w/d. Pets considered, $25.00 background check required. 302 N 3rd Ave. Rockaway beach, 503-684-5213 Till 2 br/2ba like new. App, garage. No smk/pets. 1st/lst/dep $895. W/S/G incl. 503322-2500. Twin Rocks 3br 2ba deck hot-tub sg gar. $1250. No smk/dogs. 206-890-6151. Special” Fully Furnished, Upscale 2Bdrm / 2 Bath, Steps from the Beach. All utilities Paid Including Cable and Wi-Fi. Call 503-887-4276


Duplexes Pacific City 2 BD $675 mo, w/s/g pd, w/d hookup. No smk/ pets. 503538-1530 Tillamook 2br/1ba duplex, w/d hook-up $750/mo. $250 dep. 503-758-4737 In Barview 2br mobile home. $700/mo. plus util. 503-322-0148





Equal Housing Opportunity

3 Bedroom + bonus room 1 BA, newly remodeled, quiet D/E street. 995/mo. No pets, no smoking indoors. 1st, last + 200 deposit. Call 503-7511114


New L48 TLB. We Buy Used Tractors.



Closing date: October 29, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.

Tillamook PUD is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Import Autos

$ $ $ $

Tillamook PUD is seeking a Journeyman Utility Mechanic to perform a wide variety of mechanical, fabrication/welding, and body/paint work as it pertains to the repair and maintenance of the District’s mechanical equipment, including the automotive fleet. Applicants must have earned a journeyman’s card and must obtain a Class A CDL within 6 months of date of hire. The applicant selected for this position will be required to pass a physical capacities test and an employment drug screening at the District’s expense prior to beginning work.

Collection experience and a working knowledge of a variety of computer programs are preferred. Experience with a GIS mapping system and familiarity with the community and roadways in the District’s service territory are a plus.


(503) 648-5903


TILLAMOOK PEOPLE’S UTILITY DISTRICT Job Opening $24.99 per hour, plus benefits

Yard sale. Fri. 19th Sat. 20th 8:30-3pm. 2519 6th St. If weather permits.



Garage Sales


We are looking for kind and caring individuals willing to work hard in our resident’s home! If interested please send resume to:


Held on Friday October 26th & Saturday October 27th 9AM - 5PM

2 8 0 ROWE ST, WHEELER, OR (5 0 3 ) 3 6 8 -5 1 7 1


We sell aluminum, fiberglass, commercial



Extra Duty


Community Club

Drug test required. EOE

Title 1 Teacher, (Reading/Math), Gr 2-3

Tillamook School District is an equal opportunity educator and employer

Campers & Trailers

DRIVER: $0.03 enhanced quarterly bonus. Get paid for any portion you qualify for: safety production, MPG, CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-4149569

TILLAMOOK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 Has the following openings:




Home Repair





Ocean view, deck, beach access, gated, lovely one bedroom plus den, water, cable, wireless included. Non-smoking, posible pet. $875/mo. 503-355-2278






Commercial Space




503-842-4638 H13910

Page B6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald




Homes for Sale by Owner


HOUSE FOR SALE 604 Marolf Lp. 4 bedroom, 1 bath $150,000.00

For Your

RVs Boats Household Items

503-842-2742 H14802



Tillamook & Cloverdale 503-815-1560 or 503-392-4533


For sale, lease or rent option for old Fairview school. 503-842-2742 serious interests only

Warehouse Space



w/Loading Dock & Bathroom from $525 &/or

Public Notices

Office Space

w/Bathroom from $625 Deals for multiple spaces

503-815-1560 SOUTH PRAIRIE STORAGE Spaces Now Available Call 842-4840

H12-532 CITY OF TILLAMOOK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission of the City of Tillamook will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, November 1, 2012at City Hall, 210 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, Oregon 97141. The hearing begins at 7:00 p.m. PROPOSAL: To recommend approval of

Public Notices the City Parks and Recreation Master Plan, for development and maintenance of appropriate park and recreation facilities in the city, for a period of ten years . Applicant: City of Tillamook The City of Tillamook Planning Commission and City Staff have developed the City Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Plan is a ten year guide for the city to develop appropriate park and recreation facilities in the city. The Plan incorporates the community\’92s vision while remaining consistent with state, regional and local plans and standards. The Plan was developed through a process that identified the parks and recreation needs, as identified in the City Comprehensive Plan, then developed and analyzed potential projects and financing that address those needs. Criteria: City of Tillamook Comprehensive Plan. Notice of the proposed amendment was sent to the State Department of



Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on the twenty-sixth of September 2012. Materials pertinent to this proposal are available for inspection online at http://www.tillamookor.g ov/ , at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost from the City of Tillamook Planning Department, City Hall, 210Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141. All interested parties are invited to express opinions at the workshop. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter precludes appeal. Relevant comprehensive plan criteria must be specified to raise an issue. Failure to do so will preclude appeal on the criterion. David Mattison, City Planner City of Tillamook (503) 842-3443 Published: October 17, 2012 Posted at: City Hall, Fire Department, County Courthouse, County Library H12-533 PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN OPEN HOUSE Over the past year and a half, the City of Tillamook has been developing a draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan and want input to help us complete this work. Among the evening’s topics will be: Ninth Street Park skate park city gateways

plans for undeveloped areas along US 101 (Heritage Area) the Peace Park pedestrian loops funding strategies .verall inventory. The Open House is scheduled for: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2012 at 2605 Twelfth Street, Tillamook, the Tillamook High School Cafeteria 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Open House will be followed by a Planning Commission workshop. at 210 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook City Hall 7:00 p.m. Your attendance is appreciated! Questions? David Mattison, City Planner City of Tillamook (503)842-3443

H12-531 Public Notice Draft Analysis Completed Siuslaw National Forest, US Forest Service PUBLIC NOTICE Draft Analysis Completed Siuslaw National Forest, U.S. Forest Service. The Siuslaw National Forest is seeking public comment on the preliminary analysis for the proposed North Nestucca Restoration Project (5,229 acres), a watershed restoration project in the Nestucca River watershed (163,000 acres). This project is guided by the Siuslaw Forest Plan, as amended by the Northwest Forest Plan. The goals of the project are to restore terrestrial



Adopt anytime: contact Maria at 503-812-0105 or Or come to the United Paws/Tillamook Animal Shelter Adoptathon • Saturday, October 20, Noon - 3 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4H Dorm, 4603 Third Street


Brought to you by:

Butch Olson Garage Doors, Inc.

Judy Sours cell phone: (503) 812-2520 •


Phone 503-377-2847 • Bay City • CCB #98337

KING REALTY (503) 842-5525

2507 Main Ave. North, Suite A, Tillamook, OR 97141



Public Notices

Public Notices


Don’t believe everything you read about pit bulls. Shorty is happy, friendly and playful, and gets along great with kids. She also likes other dogs, especially males, even though she’s been spayed. She has a short, eye-catching tan and white coat, is about 3 years old, very well behaved and walks well on a lead. Shorty is especially fond of chew toys to keep her amused. She is current with shots and has microchip identification.



Public Notices

Public Notices

and aquatic conditions and processes in the Salmon/Neskowin watersheds: Terrestrial conditions\’97Accelerat e the development of late-successional forest habitat\’97especially large trees\’97and improve habitat diversity in plantations; maintain existing meadow habitat; and control invasive weeds; Aquatic conditions\’97Enhance the health of streams and associated aquatic ecosystems by modifying the transportation system (i.e. repairing, or closing roads), restoring the processes associated with large wood, and accelerate the development of conifers and hardwoods in some riparian areas. The opportunity to comment ends 30 days following the date of publication of the legal notice in the Tillamook Headlight Herald, which is expected on October17, 2012. The decision that will be made for this project is subject to appeal pursuant to Forest Service regulations at 36 CFR 215. Appeals must meet the content requirements of 36 CFR 215.14. Only individuals or organizations who submitted comments or expressed an interest in the project during the comment period may appeal. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, those who only submit anonymous comments will not have standing to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR Part 215. Comments received through the U.S. Postal Service must be postmarked no later than the end of the 30-day comment period. All other comments, including email, fax, and personal delivery must be received by COB (4:00 p.m.) at the Hebo Ranger District office by the end of the 30-day comment period. It is the responsibility of all individuals and organizations to ensure their comments are received in a timely manner. For electronically mailed comments, the sender should normally receive an automated electronic acknowledgement from the agency as confirmation of receipt. If the sender does not receive an automated acknowledgement of the receipt of the comment, it is the sender\’92s responsibility to ensure timely receipt by other means. Written comments should be sent to District Ranger George T. Buckingham, c/o John Casteel, PO Box 235, Hebo , Oregon 97122; or by fax at (503) 392-5143; or by e-mail at: \’93comments-


CHALET STYLE HOME ON 6.13 ACRES! Beautiful 3bd, 2bth home is well maintained with over 2100 sq.ft of living space! Spacious decks for outdoor enjoyment! Dividable acreage is landscaped and impeccably maintained! Huge mature evergreens and beautiful valley views! Garden shed, storage & shop for additional parking. Great investment potential! #12-955 ......................$425,000 Call Principal Broker Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS @503-812-8208

H12-530 Notice: Pursuant to ORS 294.250 Tillamook County expenditures over $500 for September 2012 are posted in the Courthouse lobby at 201 Laurel Ave, Tillamook, and all County Libraries. A copy is available upon request at the Courthouse for a fee equal to the actual cost of the copy.

H12-529 Sealed bids for the construction of the Wayside Park Improvements for the City of Rockaway Beach, Tillamook County, Oregon (Owner) will be received by Mike Henry, City Engineer, at the City of Rockaway Beach City Hall, located at 276 Hwy 101 S., Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136, until 2:00 p.m. (PDT), Thursday, November 8th, 2012. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud immediately following the specified closing time. All interested parties are invited to attend. Subcontractor declarations must be submitted to the abovementioned representative no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 8th, 2012. The work under this Contract is comprised of improvements to the Wayside Park including a paver parking surface,

decorative center ring, concrete memorial wall, curb, street improvements, storm drainage, concrete work, lighting and electrical improvements. All work under this Contract must be substantially completed within 180 days of the Notice to Proceed. Bidding documents may be examined at the office of HBH Consulting Engineers, Inc. at the following location: (Note: Contact Engineer’s office to purchase plans) Engineer’s Office: 2316 Portland Road, Suite H OR 97132 554-9553 (503) 537-9554 fax One copy of the Bidding documents, including specifications and half size drawings, may be obtained from the Engineer’s design office with a non-refundable payment of $75.00 per set payable to HBH Consulting Engineers. Prime Contractors shall be prequalified for this project. Bidders prequalified with ODOT for any of the following classes of work shall be found qualified: AB, ACP, REIN, EART, MHA, PCP. Those bidders qualified with ODOT are to supply their letter of acceptance to Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the bid. All other bidders, not ODOT qualified, shall file the prequalification form (see section 00451 of the project specifications) with the Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the bid. Bids received from bidders that have not prequalified will be considered nonresponsive. Bids will be received as a combination of unit price and lump sum bid items. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the Instructions to Bidders, and accompanied by a bid security executed in favor of the Owner in the amount not less than 10% of the total amount of the bid. Bid security is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable insurance certificates; bond and other required documents for the faithful performance of the work in the event bidder is awarded the contract. All bidders must be “equal opportunity employers� and comply with the appropriate provisions of state and federal law. In addition, all bidders are required to comply with ORS 656.017 regarding workers’ compensation. Bidder, Contractor, and Subcontractors are required to be registered with Construction Contractors Board. Bidder, Contractor and Subcontractors are not required to be licensed under ORS 468A.720

Croman & Associates Realty Inc. Tim Croman, Real Estate Broker

GARDENERS DELIGHT! Lovingly maintained 3bd, 2bth home in quiet neighborhood boasts pride of ownership. Completely fenced yard with pond, garden shed & mature perennials. Completely remodeled in 2002. #12-950..........$174,900 Call Real Estate Broker Melinda Peterson @ 503-812-4588

Oceanside - Modern furnished oceanview 3bd/2ba, garage great view $1225/mo n/s, n/pets Netarts - Furnished oceanview 1bd 1ba apt, all utilities included $900/mo n/s, n/pets Rockaway Beach - Upscale 1bd 1/ba furnished oceanfront condo. Inclds most utilities $995/mo n/s, n/pets Rockaway Beach - Roomy one level modern craftsman style 3bd/2ba home, fp, dbl garage, n/s, n/pets, private setting $1200. Rockaway Beach - Modern 3bd/2ba one level home, dbl garage, n/s, sm pet considered. $875/mo.


PRIVACY & SECLUSION! TRASK RIVER FRONTAGE! Impeccably maintained 3bd, 2bth home on 2.5 acres! Spacious deck, outbuilding and insulated 24x36 shop with concrete floors & power. Own your piece if paradise in the woods with the river running by! Spring water system with 2 holding tanks. All appliances included. Most furnishings negotiable. #12-916..‌..$325,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS, Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208\’94. Written comments shall include your name, address, and (if possible) telephone number; title of the document on which you are commenting; and specific facts or comments along with supporting reasons that you believe the Responsible Official should consider in reaching a decision. Additionally, pursuant to 7 CFR 1.27(d), any person may request the agency to withhold a submission from the public record by showing how the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) permits such confidentiality. Persons requesting such confidentiality should be aware that, under the FOIA, confidentiality may be granted in only very limited circumstances, such as to protect trade secrets. The Forest Service will inform the requester of the agency’s decision regarding the request for confidentiality, and where the request is denied, the agency will return the submission and notify the requester that the comments may be resubmitted with or without names and addresses. Contact John Casteel (503) 3925119 on weekdays for further information or to request a copy of the preliminary analysis.


Public Notices

NEAT AS A PIN! Newer, well maintained 3bd, 2bth mfg home in desirable Bayside Gardens! Detached 2 car garage for plenty of parking. Low maintenance landscaping & private back yard with deck. Near Nehalem Bay! #12-911‌......$155,000 Call Real Estate Broker Melinda Peterson @ 503-812-4588

Kourtney is a well-socialized year-and-a-half old gray tabby who loves playing with other cats. She’s also adventurous and affectionate. She’ll be a terrific addition to any family, because, as her foster family says, she has the kind of personality that makes her a joy to have around. Kourtney is spayed, current with shots and litter box trained.

Go to WWW.TCROMAN.COM for More Rental & Sales Listings WWW.TCROMAN.COM Contact Tim for a courtesy rental or sales evaluation. 116 Hwy. 101 S, Rockaway Beach H34308 (503) 355-3036

Adopt anytime: contact United Paws hotline 503-842-5663 or Or come to the next regular United Paws Adoptathon Saturday, Oct. 20, Noon - 3 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4H Dorm, 4603 Third Street


Brought to you by:

T.C.C.A. FARM STORE OVER 1/2 ACRE WITH CREEK FRONTAGE. 3bd, 2bth dbl wide mfg home has 2 additions; family room & back porch/storage room. Includes shop/garage. Rural location. #12-967‌..................................$120,000 Call Real Estate Broker Melinda Peterson @ 503-812-4588

w w w. K i n g R e a l t y B r o k e r s . c o m All land or lots, offered for sale, improved or unimproved are subject to land use laws and regulations, and governmental approval for any zoning changes or use.


1220 Main • Tillamook • 842-5543 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR WEEKEND GETAWAY! 2bd, 2bth mfg home in good condition. Attached shed & carport. Low maintenance yard. Mtn view and peek of the bay from spacious deck. Easy to show & priced to sell! #12-954‌....................................$78,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

Front & Ivy Tillamook (503) 842-7566 Hwy. 101, Cloverdale (503) 392-3323

Tillamook 4-plex. Long term tenants. New siding. New paint. New decks. Newer roof (2 years old). All units rented. Low maintenance. An investment that pencils! OWNER WILL CARRY. CALL FOR TERMS.....$259,000 Rob Trost Real Estate Call Dusty @ 503-842-9090 H13735

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Page B7



Public Notices for asbestos abatement. Pursuant to ORS 279C.505(2), all Bidders must certify with their bids that they have an employee drug-testing program in place. If awarded a contract, Bidder must provide proof of such drug-testing program when executed Agreements are returned to Owner. Each Bidder must submit a subcontractor list to the Owner within two working hours of the time for receipt of bids in accordance with ORS 279C.370 (3) and OAR 137-049-0360. This contract is for public work and is subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Prevailing wage rates for public works’ contracts in Oregon are required for this project. No bid will be received or considered by the Owner unless the bid contains: 1) a statement that bidder will comply with the provisions of ORS 279C.840; 2) a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279A.120. Before starting work, the contractor and every subcontractor employed under this


Public Notices contract is required to have a public works bond filed with the Construction Contractors Board, in accordance with ORS 279C.830 (3), unless the contractor or subcontractor is exempt under ORS 279C.836 (4), (7), (8), or (9). The Owner may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may, for good cause, reject any and all bids upon a finding of the Owner that it is in the public interest to do so. No bidder may withdraw or modify a bid after the hour set for the receipt of bids, and thereafter until the lapse of 60 days after the bid opening. Dated this 17th day of October, 2012. By order of: Michael D. Henry, PE Title: City Engineer Published: Tillamook Headlight Herald Daily Journal of Commerce H12-528 Board Workshop Notice Tillamook People’s Utility District (PUD) is


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275.

Public Notices holding a board workshop for the purpose of presenting information and accepting written comments on its proposal to build a new 115-kV transmission line that will run approximately seven miles from the Bonneville Power Administration’s Tillamook Substation to a new substation to be built southeast of Oceanside. Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Carl Rawe Meeting Room Tillamook PUD

H12-520 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of No. P7343 Donald Leroy Sutherland NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at 401 East 3rdStreet, Suite, 105, P.O. Box 2190, The Dalles, Oregon, 97058, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Thomas C. Peachey. Dated and first published on October 10, 2012. Ronald J. Sutherland Personall Representative ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL

TILLAMOOK • (503) 842-8271 615 MAIN • TILLAMOOK Open Daily 10 - 5

QUALITY HOME! Over 2800 sq. ft of spacious living, 2 fireplaces, upgraded kitchen, new carpet and tile, fresh paint inside and out, newer metal roof and vinyl windows on a county lot. MLS #12-914..........................$199,000

COMMERCIAL ZONE! Hwy. 101 North frontage on this 120′ by 120′ lot in the North 101 business district. MLS 11-831 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$650,000

Carolyn Decker (503) 842-8271

AWESOME VALLEY VIEW! You can see it all from this 2 acre building site, the lush green pastures, the ocean shore line and the city of Tillamook. Utilities are underground and the road is in. MLS #12-782 . . . . . . . . . .$65,000

TRASK RIVER VALLEY! Two lots, two acres each, with easy access to the river. Both septic pproved and surveyed. MLS #12-697 . . . . . . . . . . .$695,000

615 MAIN • TILLAMOOK • (503) 842-8271 Teresa Burdick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(503) 812-3495 Mark Decker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(503) 801-0498 e-mail: Web Page:

MARK DECKER (503 801-0498


WHEELER OPPORTUNITY! Commercial building fronts on the Main Street in the center of town. The building has potential for retail with an apartment upstairs MLS #10-963 . . . . . . . . .$199,000


Public Notices REPRESENTATIVE Thomas C. Peachey, OSB No. 783319 401 East 3rdStreet, Suite 105/P.O. Box 2190 The Dalles, OR 97058 Telephone: (541) 2966375 Facsimile: (877) 6254324 E-mail address:

H12-524 TRUSTEE\’92S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Brent Sherman, Sr., is the Grantor, CLS Mortgage, Inc. is the original beneficiary, and Ticor Title Insurance Company is the Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust dated December 7, 2009, recorded on December 10, 2009, under Recorder\’92s No. 2009-008395, records of Tillamook County, Oregon, for the property described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1: Parcel 1 of PARTITION PLAT NO. 2008-025 situated in the Northwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, recorded June 26, 2008 in Partition Plat Cabinet B-1073-0, Tillamook County Records. PARCEL NO. 2: Parcel 2 of PARTITION PLAT NO. 1008-025 situated in the Northwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, recorded June 26, 2008 in Partition Plat Cabinet B-1073-0, Tillamook County Records. The current Beneficiaries under that certain trust deed are: Jay T. Janecek (5%), Christopher A. Meyer and Denise M. Reilly (8%), Johnston Family Trust, Nadine A. Johnston, Trustee (10%), John P. Reilly and Denise M. Reilly (16%), Stephen L. Nordstrom, Trustee of Nordstrom Law Firm 401K Plan (19%), Duane P. Carroll and Beatrice Carroll (13%), Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Orval W. Dietzel (6%), Timothy R. Hattenburg and Rebecca L. Hattenburg (8%), and Edwin Johnston (15%). On February 27, 2012, the Beneficiaries caused to be recorded an Appointment of Successor Trustee in Tillamook County, Oregon, Recorder\’92s No. 2012-00927, appointing David P. Smith, an attorney licensed with the Oregon State Bar as the Successor Trustee. The Beneficiaries and the Trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3) on August 16, 2012 in Tillamook County, Oregon, Recorder\’92s No. 2012-004529. All Assignments of the Trust Deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiariesand appointments of a successor trustee have been recorded in the Records of the said county. No action has been instituted to recover the debt secured by the Trust Deed except as permitted by ORS 86.735(4). There is a default by Grantor or other person owing an obligation


Public Notices secured by the Trust Deed, which authorizes sale in the event of default of such provision. The default is: Failure to make the following payments: a. Unpaid principal balance payable in full as of 8/9/12 $149,114.53 Past Due Interest $ 16,509.84 Past Due Late Charges and fees { \* < wrap>>}1004.87 TOTAL DEFAULT AND ITEMIZED ARREARAGES: $166,629.24 As of March 1, 2012, delinquent Property Taxes in the amount of $912.32 By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following towit: Unpaid balance due on and delinquent taxes are $167,541.56 as of August 9, 2012. In addition there are attorney\’92s fees and foreclosure costs incurred for the protection and preservation of the property that have been incurred and will continue to incur after the date of this notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Successor Trustee will on Friday, January 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., as established by ORS 187.110, atthe following place: On the steps of Tillamook County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Ave., Tillamook, OR 97141,to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had at the time of the execution of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or Grantor\’92s successors in interest acquired after execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the Trustee completes the auction sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance necessary to cure and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, including costs and attorney fees incurred in preserving the collateral, together with Trustee\’92s and attorney fees not exceeding the amounts provided by SRS 86.753. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the work \’93grantor\’94 includes any successor interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, and the words \’93trustee\’94 and \’93beneficiary\’94 include their respective successors in interest, if any. NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS The property in which you are living is in


Public Notices foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for January 4, 2013. Unless the lender who is foreclosing on this property is paid, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. The following information applies to you only if you occupy and rent this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a residential tenant. If the foreclosure goes through, the business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale has the right to require you to move out. The buyer must first give you an eviction notice in writing that specifies the date by which you must move out. The buyer may not give you this notice until after the foreclosure sale happens. If you do not leave before the moveout date, the buyer can have the sheriff remove you from the property after a court hearing. You will receive notice of the court hearing. FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES YOU TO BE NOTIFIED IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THIS PROPERTY AS A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNDER A LEGITIMATE RENTAL AGREEMENT, FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU NOTICE IN WRITING A CERTAIN NUMBER OF DAYS BEFORE THE BUYER CAN REQUIRE YOU TO MOVE OUT. THE FEDERAL LAW THAT REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU THIS NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE UNTIL DECEMBER 12, 2012. Under federal law, the buyer must give you at least 90 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If you are renting this property under a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), you may stay until the end of your lease term. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer\’92s primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even if you have a fixed term lease with more than 90 days left. STATE LAW NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS IF THE FEDERAL LAW DOES NOT APPLY, STATE LAW STILL REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU NOTICE IN WRITING BEFORE REQUIRINGYOU TO MOVE OUT IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THE PROPERTY AS A TENANT IN GOOD FAITH. EVEN IF THE FEDERAL LAW REQUIREMENT IS NO LONGER EFFECTIVE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2012, THE REQUIREMENT UNDER STATE LAW STILL APPLIES TO YOUR SITUATION. Under state law, if you have a fixed-term lease (for example, a sixmonth or one-year lease), the buyer must give you at least 60 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer\’92s primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 30 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 30 days left.


Public Notices If you are renting under a month-to-month or week-to-week rental agreement, the buyer must give you at least 30 days\’92 notice in writing before requiring you to move out. IMPORTANT: For the buyer to be required to give you notice under state law, you must prove to the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale that you are occupying and renting this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The name and address of the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale is shown below on this notice s the Successor Trustee. You must mail or deliver your proof not later than December 5, 2012 (30 days before the date first set for the foreclosure sale). Your proof must be in writing and should be a copy of your rental agreement or lease. If you do not have a written rental agreement or lease, you can provide other proof, such as receipts for rent you paid. ABOUT YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT Under state law, you may apply your security deposit and any rent you paid in advance against the current rent you owe your landlord. To do this, you must notify your landlord in writing that you want to subtract the amount of your security deposit or prepaid rent from your rent payment. You may do this only for the rent you owe your current landlord. If you do this, you must do so before the foreclosure sale. The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale is not responsible to you for any depositor prepaid rent you paid to your landlord. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY AFTER THE FORECLOSURE SALE The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant instead of requiring you to move out; you should contact the buyer to discuss that possibility if you would like to stay. Under state law, if the buyer accepts rent from you, signs a new residential rental agreement with you or does not notify you in writing within 30 days after the date of the foreclosure sale that you must move out, the buyer becomes your new landlord and must maintain the property. Otherwise, the buyer is not your landlord and is not responsible for maintaining the property on your behalf and you must move out by the date the buyer specifies in a notice to you. YOU SHOULD CONTINUE TO PAY RENT TO YOUR LANDLORD UNTIL TIIE PROPERTY IS SOLD TO ANOTHER BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL OR UNTIL A COURT OR A LENDER TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. IF YOU DO NOT PAY RENT, YOU CAN BE EVICTED. AS EXPLAINED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE ABLE TO APPLY A DEPOSIT YOU MADE OR PREPAID RENT YOU PAID AGAINST YOUR CURRENT RENT OBLIGATION. BE SURE TO KEEP PROOF OF ANY PAYMENTS YOU MAKE AND ANY NOTICE YOU GIVE OR RECEIVE CONCERNING THE APPLICATION OF YOUR DEPOSIT OR YOUR PREPAID RENT. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO TRY TO FORCE YOU TO LEAVE YOUR HOME WITHOUT FIRST GOING TO COURT TO EVICT YOU. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS, YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT A LAWYER. If you believe you need legal assistance with this matter, you may contact the Oregon State Bar Association, 16037 Upper Boones Ferry Road, Tigard, Oregon 97224, (503) 620-0222, toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-8260 and ask for lawyer referral service. If you do not have enough money to pay a


Public Notices lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to receive legal assistance for free. Information about whom to contact for free legal assistance; a county-by-county listing of legal aid resources may be found on the Internet at blic/ris/lowcostlegalhelp /legalaid.html. Dated: August 21, 2012 /s/ David P. Smith David P. Smith, Successor Trustee The Smith Firm, P.C. 1754 SW Willamette Falls Dr. West Linn, OR 97068 (503) 657-6550 For further information, please contact: Doug Greybill CLS Mortgage, Inc. 920 N Argonne Rd, Ste 110 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

H12-519 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK In the Matter of the Estate of No. P-7344 ALBERTA R. BOYLE, fka Alberta R. Abrahamson) NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at P.O. Box 220, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. .Dated and first published October 10, 2012.Neal Abrahamson, Jr. 3460 Aldercrest Road Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 812-1627 Christian K. Hooley, OSB No. 903000 Attorney at Law Christian K. Hooley, P.C.P.O. Box 220 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 Telephone: (503) 8422553 H12-513 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR LEGALIZING FARMER CREEK ROAD There will be a public hearing on Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at the County Board of Commissioners meeting room A at 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 to receive testimony, and objections, if any, and make a decision in the matter of Tillamook County’s intent to legalize Farmer Creek Road. This public hearing and the legalization of Farmer Creek Road are authorized under ORS 368.201. All persons are welcome to appear and testify at the public hearing identified above. Submit written testimony on this matter to the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, Oregon 97141. All oral and written testimony shall be received no later than the close of public testimony on the day of the hearing or such other date as the Board may designate. Interested persons can obtain more information by contacting the Public Works Department at (503) 842-3419.

Page B8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Headlight Herald

Cross-country horse rider advocates for hungry children Master Gardeners’ annual Tea set for Nov. 10

“Doc” Mishler and his three horses — two for riding, and one a luggage carrier — were in Tillamook Tuesday, Oct. 9, heading south on Highway 101 down the Pacific Coast. They’re most recently from Ulster Park, N.Y. Mishler is a member of the Maple Ridge Community church group there. “I’ve been criss-crossing the country advocating for feeding the hungry children,” Mishler said, from Montana to California to Washington, D.C., to upstate New York, and back. Mishler doesn’t ask for donations, but does distribute tracts asking for help for the church group. The horses are “Chief Free Spirit,” “Justice,” a Tennessee walker, and “Charity,” an appaloosa. The latter two sired by Chief Free Spirit. Mishler says he’s spent several years on his “ride” already; how long will he keep going? “When will the Pope sell the Vatican and give the money to the poor?” he counters. “It’s not the way that’s lacking, it’s the will.”

The Tillamook County Master Gardener Association will host its 14th annual tea on Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Church of the Nazarene, 2611 Third Street, Tillamook. The event is from 1-3 p.m.. and serving will begin at 1:30 p.m. The tea will feature tea sandwiches, soup, desserts and, of course, tea and coffee. This year attendees will be served rather than going through a buffet line. A number of handmade items and other goodies will be raffled. The recipe book and two raffle tickets are included in the $10 admission price. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased at the tea. Individual ticket can be purchased and reservations for tables for 4 or 8 can be made by going to the Extension Office paying in advance. Tickets will also be sold at the door the day of the tea starting at 12:30 pm. There are a limited number of tickets available. The tea is one of the Master Gardeners' main fund raisers to support scholarships for local graduates, 4-H programs and awards, and many TCMGA projects in our community. For more information, contact the Tea chairperson, Andrea Goss, 503-812-8959 or the Tillamook County Extension office at 503-842-3433. TCMGA is a non-profit organization.






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