THH 10-24-12

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Headlight Herald



PARKING PROHIBITION A look at downtown Tillamook’s sometimes confusing parking rules BY JOE WRABEK

“If I live another 20 years, parking will still be an issue,” Doug Henson said. Henson serves on the Tillamook City Council. There is parking downtown. A lot of it isn’t used. People who work downtown are frustrated because they see empty parking places and they can’t use them. They have to park a ways away. They don’t understand what’s going

on. And they don’t know how to change it. Tillamook is an old town, incorporated in 1891. Most of downtown was built without reference to parking because there was no traffic. Downtown Tillamook was on the waterfront, city councilmember Doug Henson said. The traffic—and the need for parking—came later, after the construction of decent roads to the Willamette Valley, Lincoln City and Astoria, and later still, after the North Coast became a seasonal mecca for

tourists. Today, the traffic is still seasonal. The City of Tillamook had parking meters for a while. They were reportedly taken out after the Fred Meyer store opened north of town. The feeling was the giant free parking lots there—and at the old Safeway store (now demolished), the cheese factory, and other businesses along Highway 101 North—would draw customers away from downtown if there was a charge to park downtown. The Downtown Parking District dates from 2006. Most on-street parking within

an 18-square-block area is limited to two hours (there are a few areas where it’s three hours, and some where it’s 15 minutes), and people who work or live downtown are specifically prohibited from parking there. The intent was to make parking space available for customers. “They didn’t want anybody who works downtown to park there,” Don Hurd said. “It was an attempt to open up parking spaces.”

See PARKING, Page A10

Warming Center needs volunteers

Forest crimes


TCSO deputies battle timber theft, littering

In January 2011, in the dead of winter, 415 homeless people were identified in Tillamook County, among them 198 children and 217 adults. They were living in vehicles, in campers and tents, in the woods and under bridges, and some of them couch surfing, sleeping here and there for a few nights at a time. Last winter Tillamook opened a Warming Center in December, a safe, warm place for people to sleep indoors in dangerous weather. The Warming Center is activated by weather reports: when temperatures dip below freezing, or wind storms or flooding are predicted, the Center opens to offer a harbor from the elements.


See WARMING, Page A11

Air Museum promotion gives members a free ride


INDEX Classified Ads .........................B5 Crossword Puzzle....................B2 Fenceposts ..............................B3 Obituaries................................A6 Opinions..................................A4 Sports....................................A12



he Tillamook Air Museum recently started offering a membership program to its patrons. Membership comes with an extraordinary incentive: individuals, depending upon their level of membership, are being offered plane rides on some of the rarest and most classic World War II aircrafts on earth in a program the museum is calling “Soaring with the Warbirds.” “We would really like to see more people actively involved in the museum and taking advantage of the educational programs as well as the other programs we have coming soon, so we’re starting this membership program,” said Tillamook Air Museum Curator Chris-

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Deputy Dean Burdick picks up litter from an illegal dump site in the forest.

See MUSEUM, Page A10

Talk turns to ocean power BY JULIUS JORTNER For the Headlight Herald

PACIFIC CITY – About 30 people attended the meeting of the Community Planning Advisory Committee for Pacific City and Woods, held at the Central Building on Oct. 20. The attendees included members of the CPAC, representatives of the dory fishing fleet, and interested residents from the area and as far away as Nehalem. Jason Busch, the executive director of the Oregon Wave Energy Trust, gave a talk offering an industry perspective on developing off-shore waveenergy power generators. OWET is a nonprofit organization that is seeking to promote ocean energy development in


Tillamook High School Homecoming Queen Jacqueline SainDon is crowned by 2011 Queen Samantha Vanselow. Mike SainDon, Jacqueline’s dad, looks on with pride.



The Tillamook Futures Council will host a meeting on the Territorial Sea Plan, which will identify potential sites for offshore energy development, at 6 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Officers Mess at the Port of Tillamook Bay.

Oregon. Its membership includes many industrial entities interested in wave energy. Busch showed the latest maps, compiled by Oregon’s Territorial Sea Plan Advisory Committee, which aim to identify offshore regions most suitable for development of alternate power. One of the few favored areas on these maps is

off Pacific City, between Haystack Rock and Neskowin. The closest other such areas are off Warrenton to the north, and off Newport and Reedsport to the south. TSPAC will hold several workshops seeking public reactions in coming weeks. To supplement those, none of which currently are scheduled in Tillamook County, a public workshop will be hosted by the Tillamook County Futures Council, on November 8th , 6 – 9 pm, at the Officers Mess at Port of Tillamook Bay. On behalf of the PC Dorymen’s Association, Paul Hanneman said the fishermen will release a formal statement about the sea plans on Oct 23.

See POWER, Page A10


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See CRIMES, Page A11

tian Gurling. “We don’t want people to think that just because they’ve been to the museum before, they’ve seen it all and nothing is new. We’re adding new exhibits on a regular basis, hopefully giving them a chance to stay involved. And we do think offering rides on these rare airplanes will be a big selling point.” With the annual membership comes a free ride in a particular aircraft. For example, the Stearman membership, at $295, allows free access to the museum for a year, two guest passes, free admission to the museum’s Mini-Guppy (the bulbous aircraft in front of the hangar), a gift shop discount and one free ride in the Museum's PT-17 Stearman, an open cockpit WWII trainer.


1920 Main Street North Tillamook, Oregon 97141

If you look at a map of Tillamook County, you’ll see is that the majority of the county is forest. Specifically, it is Tillamook State Forest, federal forest – both U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) forest – as well as privately owned forest. All of that forestland is bisected and crisscrossed by windy dirt roads, rivers and streams, steep slopes, narrow valleys, vast expanses of wilderness. Not exactly what you might think of as a high crime area; but think again. Perhaps it is the very remoteness that draws people with criminal intent to think they can get away with crimes in Tillamook’s forests. Their crimes include extensive timber theft, not only individual households cutting firewood without a permit, (which is stealing), but organized black market fire wood selling.

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Page A2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

Creep-show from the Coast Guard



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ARIBALDI – For the second year in a row, the Coast Guard Station of Garibaldi has teamed up with the Garibaldi Fire and Rescue to bring the community what promises to be one of the most skin-crawling, hair-raising and terrifying haunted houses in history. Last year was the first time in about 15 years the haunted house had been reopened and according to patrons, it was a huge success. Such a success, in fact, the Coast Guard members putting it on again this year know they have a high bar to reach, but they are pulling out all the stops to make it happen. “This is a fun thing to do for the community and the more we put into it the better it's going to be,” said Coast Guard Fireman Brian Carlstrom. “Last year it was huge and this year we figure it's going to be double so we're doing everything we can to get ready.” The house this year will include a few of the same features as last year's haunted house but they'll be arranged in different ways to keep the audience jumping and never knowing what to expect. Plus, there will be a new array of horrifying features to scare anyone who feels brave enough to enter the house. “Last year no one expected it to be what it was and it hadn't been done by the Coast Guard in 15 years, so we didn't really have an idea of what we were doing. We just threw ideas at the board and went


Welch: Third Street work on schedule BY JOSIAH DARR

Ghosts and ghouls await you at the Coast Guard Haunted House.

with what stuck,” said Machinery Technician Third Class Mike Brisky. “This year we had a chance to see what works and what didn't work so we feel like we fine tuned things. “This year we also added another floor to the house and we have some really new ideas. One of our biggest goals was to make it so people who were here last year wouldn't be able to walk through and know what was coming,” Brisky said. “There may be some similarities, but there's going to be a lot of differences. This is going to

be fun!” The haunted house will be held at the same location at 1200 Garibaldi Ave and will be open after dark on Oct. 26-28. It's asked that anyone wanting to participate bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the local Food Bank before entering. Besides, the screams and frights, the haunted house generated quite a bit of food for the Food Bank last year. “Lat year we raised over 2,000 pounds of food for the Food Bank and my guys are really proud of that,” said Coast

Japanese pledge $6 million for tsunami debris clean up

Guard Master Chief Michael Saindon. “Besides being a fun community thing, this is a great event for our guys. It's huge moral booster and really brings my guys together. Plus, it's great to have the high schools helping out this year too.” Tillamook and Neah-KahNie High Schools will have concessions set up this year for people waiting to get into the house. The money raised by both schools will go to the 2013 SAFE graduation fund.

TILLAMOOK – The construction on Third Street that started in May is a long way from being completed, but there is progress being made and according to Tillamook Director of Public Works Liane Welch, the project is on schedule. “The contract date is next spring so I don’t expect to see the project being completed until around June,” Welch said. “Currently, the first three-inch lift of asphalt is in place and the second three-inch lift won't be completed until we have our next weather window.” Because only one of the three inch lifts has been done, some of the ramps on and off Third Street, and a few of the other road pieces, aren’t lined up correctly at the moment. As an example, the manhole covers are raised above the current road level, making them hazards for drivers. Welch said Public Works is aware of the

issue. “There are 35 manhole covers in the construction area on Third Street,” Welch said. “What we’re doing is putting temporary striping through 17 of them which could be issues for drivers, and after striping them we’re going to put up 25 mile-perhour signs as well as ‘bump’ signs for drivers so they are going slow and know there are obstacles in their path. “We’re also in the process of pouring sidewalks and blending the driveways back into the the original ground to make things smoother for drivers,” she said. As of now, the road is a one-way street making it inconvenient for drivers, but the street will be turned back into a two-way shortly. “Once the stripes are done and the equipment is moved, the street will go back to a two-way and the school buses that had been rerouted will be able to use it again like normal,” she said.



SEASIDE – Tillamook County Commissioner Mark Labhart visited Seaside Oct. 11 to listen to a presentation made by Sam Chan, an assistant professor with the Oregon State University’s Sea Grant program, before a gathering of the Oregon Vegetation Management Association at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center. A film crew from the Japanese television outlet MHK Broadcasting videotaped Chan’s presentation as part of a documentary looking at the impact of the tsunami in North American, according to Noboru Nakasahima with MKH Broadcasting. The Japanese film crew took visual images of the tsunami debris from the March 2011 tsunami that devastated the Japanese coastline and is now washing up along Oregon shores. The team also conducted interviews with city and state officials as part of a documentary that will air on Japanese television in November. “We Japanese feel somehow responsible for the debris,” said Nakasahima. “NHK believes it is important for our viewers to know how the tsunami debris has impacted the United States and how the debris may threaten the beaches and ocean.” The television documentary is expected to include how the debris is being collected, who is collecting the debris, and who will pay the cost of the tsunami debris cleanup. It will also show the invasive species threat and how Oregon is coping with that threat. Producers also want to outline the impact of the debris on marine safety, especially ship safety. “Invasive species are new to them and they felt it was important to inform Japanese people about that,” said Chan. “It is very critical that we understand that they feel really bad that their problem ended up on somebody else’s shore. But they don’t know how to help because international laws don’t have any mechanisms as to who should pay in the event


Crews remove invasive debris from a large dock that washed ashore at Agate Beach as part of the Japanese tsunami. Oregon officials say the Japanese are planning to donate millions of dollars to help in the North America tsunami debris cleanup.

of a natural disaster. So they are providing money as a source of care and goodwill. Chan said $6 million could be made available by the Japanese for the tsunami debris cleanup in North America and more money could come from foundations in Japan. “We in Oregon are very sympathetic to the tragedy of the Japanese people,” said Labhart. “We understand that places still don't have power restored and the re-building effort will take years to complete and many billions of dollars. We can't image how horrific it must have been to the (Japanese) population.” Labhart said Oregon has much to learn from the Japanese disaster. He told members of the film crew that Oregon officials should keep talking with the Japanese in order to share the lessons learned. “When we have our event, which we will have someday the scientists tell us, we need to be better prepared than we are now,” Labhart said. He said the Japanese offer of money to help clean up the tsunami debris along the West Coast is a gesture of friendship. “That is pretty impressive, Labhart said. “I want to thank

them for that most generous gift.” The chair of the Governor’s Task Force on Tsunami Debris says $350,000 has been spent in Oregon on the tsunami debris cleanup so far. Much of that cost was needed to remove a large Japanese dock that had washed ashore at Agate Beach in June. General Mike Caldwell said more of the tsunami debris can be expected to wash ashore this fall and winter brought in by annual storms. Caldwell warned that coastal communities should be prepared for debris from small Styrofoam to large docks like the one that washed ashore in Lincoln County in June. “I believe this can be a dangerous environmental situation especially with the large pieces of debris like the dock,” said Caldwell. “There are tremendous amounts of invasive species on there that could be extremely damaging to the economies of the coast and to the people that make a living here.” The state has set up a toll free phone system to take reports of tsunami debris found by the public. The phone number to report the debris is 211. For more information, visit









Give this creek name a Chance The Oregon Geographic Names Board will discuss proposals for new names and name changes in Oregon at its fall board meeting, Nov. 3, in Carver. A Tillamook County creek is on the agenda of Oregon places to be named. Chance Creek is a new name proposal for an unnamed feature in Tillamook County (452738N, 1233943W) Sec. 21 & 28, T1S, R8W USGS Map: The Peninsula. The small creek is about a half-mile long. It flows south into the Trask River. The name would commemorate the Chance family, who owned a 240-acre parcel of land in the 1890s. The Oregon Department of Forestry supports this name proposal. Further information is available on the Oregon Geographic Names Board site, under

Research, Oregon Historical Society. Written comments, either by postal mail or email, are invited for consideration by the names board. Address letters to Oregon Geographic Names Board, c/o Oregon Historical Society, 1200 S.W. Park Ave., Portland, OR 97205, or email President Sharon Nesbit, For information or questions, write to the same email address. The Oregon Geographic Names Board is an all-volunteer board of historians, journalists, cartographers and other professions operating under the auspices of the Oregon Historical Society. Recommendations of the board, which meets twice a year throughout the state, go to the U.S. Board of Geographic Names for a final decision and inclusion on the nation’s map.

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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A3

South county celebrates a station BY NANCY WHITEHEAD For the Headlight Herald

The new Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District fire station in Hebo.

ing, Nestucca boasts many long-time trained volunteers such as Straessle. Ed Hodgdon of Beaver joined in March, 1960. Ginger Slavens, from the Blaine area, has been a member for 15 years. Ginger’s four sons and her husband are also volunteers. There are many others with lengthy or family service. Ginger filled me in on the district’s Cadet program. It offers students who are 16 years old an entry into firefighting and rescue work. Many local youths have gone through the Cadet program and on to careers as EMT’s and firefighters. One former Cadet will soon graduate from medical school. Destanee, 15, and her sister Aleesha, 9, daughters of Richard Baumgartner of Hebo, attended the Saturday event. Destanee plans to join

the Cadet program as soon as she turns 16, then to get her EMT/Fire training at a community college and go on from there to a career in nursing. Jourdan Cole, daughter of Iraqi vet Jaynie and NRFPD volunteer Travis, is counting the days until she turns 16 and can join. The fire district even offers a scholarship to graduating Nestucca seniors. Joe Ehly III of Hebo, 2011 Nestucca High graduate, is participating in another NRFPD program, its Resident Volunteer program. Joe lives at the fire station in Pacific City, receives training and some money for college tuition from the district, responds to emergency calls, and has other duties at the station. Brian Jones, the district’s newest hire, was a resident volunteer here in south county. His new



30 Years of

job is his first career position as he begins working his way up through the ranks. The new Hebo station has rooms for three Resident Volunteers, with a large day room with kitchen also at their disposal. The district is actively seeking resident (and other) volunteers. At this point, the Resident Volunteer rooms are unfinished, as is much of the other space in the new station. Floor coverings and furniture are missing, but the basics are in place and the space is functional. The 9,500-square-foot building cost $1.8 million. All but $125,000 of that was paid by insurance on the former fire station in Cloverdale, which burned in 2010. The $125,000 amount has been covered with a line of credit loan from TLC. This loan can be paid off using part of the money already allocated each year in the district’s budget as ‘building funds’. That is, no new taxes were required to build the new station, nor will they be needed to finish paying for it. Building costs were kept low in part by the county’s willingness to trade its larger Hebo property for the district’s Cloverdale real estate. Fire Chief Kris Weiland praised the new location as a huge plus for the district: it’s centrally located within the 125 square mile fire district, and it’s near both Highway 101 and Highway 22

Proven Public Service where Paid for by the many committee to traffic accielect Andy Long dents occur (90% of emergency calls to the district are for medical assistance). Additionally there is room for visitor/employee parking and room to park emergency vehicles outdoors for maintenance. There is space to hold trainings. The unfinished ‘expansion room’ at the rear of the building is large. It will eventually house a kitchen and space for meetings. NRFPD board president Ken Crowe envisions ‘barn-raising’ type community events to finish this space. Doug Olson, project manager for the construction of the fire station, sees the station used as headquarters for emergency service providers, such as the sheriff and Red Cross, in the event of a natural disaster or other large emergency. Approximately 100 people toured Station 87 of the Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District on Oct. 20. H14674

HEBO – Where do you head if you want to find a welcoming spot in the little towns of rural Oregon? What if you’re new to an area, away from family? What if you’re a military veteran returning from Iraq and still wanting to help people in crisis where do you go? What if you’re a hard-working recent high school graduate with a bit of a daredevil nature? Or you’re a high school student still and you want to get a feel for working in the medical field? The resounding answer Saturday at the open house for the Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District’s new main station in Hebo, was “you go to the fire station.” I went to the Hebo station Oct. 20 to tour the new building, but it was the people who work for the district – its employees, volunteers, board members, Fire Chief, friends, family members and wannabes – who stole the show for me. Jacob Straessle, 11 years old, of Hebo, gave this reporter the introductory information she needed about the new fire station and who was who. Jacob and his brother Jared know the fire department well; their dad Jim, an electrician, has been a NRFPD volunteer for 19 years, their mom Rene also volunteers. While 2.5 years is the average length of time EMT’s in the U.S. work in the field after their train-



Rockaway residents meet city council candidates BY MARY FAITH BELL

ROCKAWAY BEACH – A city council candidates forum was held Oct. 16. There are five candidates running for four Rockaway Beach City Council seats: Rich Riley, Dave May, Sue Wilson, Bonnie Sedgemore and Tom Martine. In a City known for contentious politics, the tone of this forum was entirely civil; in fact, Rich Riley stated “There are five of us running for four seats, and you can’t make a bad vote.” Dave May agreed, “Any one of us would do a good job.” Sue Wilson echoed the sentiment, “We’ll all work hard for you.” Candidates fielded questions from the audience on several topics. Here is a sampling of their responses, beginning with the City budget. Rich Riley, who has been on the City Council for four years said, “I am concerned because I know of some costs that we weren’t aware of (when the budget was built), so we didn’t budget for them…but we have a balanced budget, which by law is all we can have.” Dave May is in favor of reducing the budget “If we can save money without dropping the level of services.” Bonnie Sedgemore favors

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Bonnie Sedgemore speaks during the forum.

budget reductions, “If we could reduce the budget I would be for it, cut out anything extra or extravagant, and just keep to basics.” Sue Wilson wants TRT funds to be collected from vacation rental homes in Rockaway Beach, suggesting that the City is missing out on revenue some private vacation rental home owners aren’t paying. The candidates responded to the question, what they would do to increase tourism and encourage tourists to return. Tom Martine said, “The town is looking nice. We need to keep it presentable, try to keep it clean and looking good.”

Rich Riley noted that a certain percentage of TRT funds are required to be spent on advertising to promote tourism. “We have to make sure that the media advertising funds are getting us the most exposure,” he said. Bonnie Sedgemore talked about encouraging tourists to want to come back to Rockaway Beach. “Advertising is good to get people here, but we need more than that, we need to give visitors the kind of experience that makes them remember Rockaway Beach and want to come back. We have a nice beach; we have nice shops, not fancy, like Manzanita or Cannon Beach, but nice. But most of all, we have nice people.” In terms of projects the candidates would be interested in taking on as member of the City Council: Bonnie Sedgemore said that she is interested in getting information to the public about the City and what’s going on. Sue Wilson outlined an idea for public transportation in the form of a trolley car that would carry folks from one end of the city to the other. “We could pay for it with a grant. It could be biodeisel or electric,” she said. “Trolleys are cute, people like cute; the town is cute, so why not?” Tom Martine is interested in

bike paths for Rockaway Beach, and perhaps a carnival. Dave May expressed an interest in working with the railroad. Street repairs: Tom Martine said “Street repair is a slow moving process, and it’s expensive. If people want to pay more in property taxes we might get better streets, but most people don’t want to pay higher taxes.” Dave May supports a fiveyear road levy to pay for street repairs. “Bring it to the voters,” he said. Rich Riley stated that the City has a roads and street paving priority list. “We know what needs to be done and how to prioritize it.” Asked what makes them feel most proud of their city, Tom Martine said, “The city looks good; City Hall looks good.”

Rich Riley mentioned the Rockaway Beach Lions Club. “You don’t walk a block in the city without seeing a project the Lions Club has funded or contributed to.” He praised city government. “We have a good, solid city manager in Lars Gare, and I am proud of every department we have: police, fire, public works, City Hall, we don’t play second fiddle to anyone. I’m proud of us.” Dave May is proud of the new fishing dock on Lake Lytle. Bonnie Sedgemore is proud of the people of Rockaway Beach. “We’re all here as equals, and we’re all good people, just hometown people.” Sue Wilson said “I think the best thing that happens in this city is us, the volunteers. It takes a cadre of volunteers to run this city. We all help and we should be proud of it.”

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by Dave Coverly

We want to hear from you, and encourage you to write letters to the editor. Because of space limitations, shorter letters have a better chance of being printed. We may edit your letter for style, grammar and clarity, although we do as little editing as possible. Letters longer than 350 words will be edited. Thank-you letters are limited to mentioning individuals and non-commercial organizations. Letters received after noon on Friday may not be in time for the following Wednesday’s paper. We also encourage your longer, guest editorials. These might be columns written by newsmakers, public officials or organization representatives. These can run a little longer in length. To verify authenticity, all guest opinions must be signed and include your address and daytime phone number. We won’t print your street address or phone number. Submissions may be emailed to editor@orcoast or sent via mail or dropped off to Headlight Herald, 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141. Any guest opinion may appear on the Headlight Herald’s website.

Common sense in parking policy T

he City of Tillamook and TURA have gone to great lengths and expense to assure that there is ample parking for the tourists we hope to draw to the downtown sector in the future. They should be applauded for their foresight and good sense: people won’t stop if there’s nowhere to park. That said, there are problems with the parking situation. For one thing, as Joe’s article points out, tourists don’t know we have parking because we don’t have signage directing them to it. I’m glad to hear that the City’s RARE intern will be working on the parking signage issue; hopefully we’ll have signs before next summer. Here’s another problem: for most of the off-season those parking spots are empty. On a recent October afternoon, the beautiful new TURA parking lot at First and Ivy was completely empty except for a bunch of boys on BMX bikes doing tricks in the otherwise vacant lot. I’m not complaining about kids on bikes; I’d rather see them safe in an empty parking lot than on the street. I am complaining that residents and downtown employees can’t use those lots, not even in the dead of winter when no one, not even kids on bikes, will be using them. This year like last, we’ll be walking past the empty parking lots in the wind and the rain to get to work. There’s something wrong with this picture. Couldn’t downtown employees use those parking spaces for six months of the year? Supposedly, downtown employees could lease a parking space for $30 a month. But when a woman in our office tried, she was told there was a wait list. This is mysterious, as the lease lots are never more than half full, and usually less than that. Personally, I will not pay $30 a month to park. I don’t think it’s a reasonable expense. Speaking of unreasonable, what about the $50 parking tickets? Did you know that if you work or live downtown you’re not allowed to park downtown at all, not even for 15 minutes? If you do park

downtown, and the parking enforcement officer knows your car, you’ll get a $50 ticket. I think this is outrageous on several levels. For starters, how many employees who work in downtown Mary Faith Bell Tillamook can afford a $50 Editor ticket? That represents the better part of a day’s wages for a lot of folks. For another thing, if I break the two hour parking rules and get a $5 dollar parking ticket, I certainly deserve it. If I stay there all day and get three $5 tickets, I deserve them all. But a $50 ticket? I’ve received a $50 parking ticket in downtown Tillamook, as have several of my colleagues at the Headlight Herald, and it fills me with ire. In fact, I haven’t paid it yet, because it makes me so darn mad. I guarantee that $50 parking tickets generate more ill will than revenue. Downtown businesses need local customers to survive. Second Street Market merchants, Fat Dog Pizza, Diamond Art Jewelers, Anderson Florist and Sweet Perfection to name a few all require the boom-boom base beat of locals who support their businesses on a regular basis through the long, dark winter months. Yes, they also need the cash infusion of summer tourists, but really, locals are their bread and butter. I want to shop downtown because I believe in supporting local businesses. But because I work for a downtown business, I’ll get a $50 parking ticket if I park my car within an 18-block radius. How does that add up? If you want to encourage locals to do business downtown, don’t punish them for parking downtown; you can’t have it both ways. Tourist-centric policies should not discount the value of locals who work and live and shop downtown. Parking over the two-hour limit tickets should be increased to $15, and the $50 tickets should be abolished. The resident and employee parking prohibition should also be abolished.

CONTACT ELECTED OFFICIALS U.S. Senators: • Ron Wyden (D) 516 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-5244, Fax: (202) 228-2717 e-mail: use form at • Jeff Merkley (D) B-40 Dirksen Sen. Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-8845 e-mail: U.S. Rep., Fifth District Kurt Schrader (D) 1419 Longworth Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-5711 Fax: (202) 225-5699 e-mail: use form at State Senator, District 16 Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose) Room S-318

State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97310 Phone: (503) 986-1716 State Rep., District 32 Deborah Boone (D-Cannon Beach) 900 Court St. NE H-376 Salem, OR 97310 Phone: (503) 717-9182 Fax: (503) 986-1432 County Commissioners: Courthouse 201 Laurel Ave. Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-3403 Fax: (503) 842-1384 • Tim Josi, chair; • Mark Labhart, vice chair; mlabhart • Charles Hurliman;


READERS’ OPEN FORUM Join me in voting for Andy Long for sheriff As we receive our ballots in the mail and make difficult decisions, there is none more important locally than the Office of Sheriff. The Office of Sheriff has evolved into an incredibly complex Executive level manager. Your Sheriff must have in depth knowledge of current labor laws, high level budget experience, personnel management skills, as well a broad knowledge of current law enforcement trends. Your sheriff must understand emergency management, jail operations, parole and probation, as well as civil law and search and rescue. Your sheriff must have the ability to manage significant major crimes one day, and a natural disaster the next. There is only one candidate that has this experience level and knowledge base to hold the Office of Tillamook County Sheriff. Sheriff Andy Long has worked in and managed all disciplines within the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Long knows how to run a jail, a major crime event, prepare multiple budgets for evaluation and approval, manage people in a professional and respectful manner. Sheriff Long has served his community for over two decades at the Sheriff's Office, and is respected as a leader throughout the Sheriff's Office. I urge you to join me and vote for Sheriff Andy Long, you will find him to be an ethical leader, with uncompromising integrity. Todd Anderson Tillamook County Sheriff, Retired

Romney’s approval rating in Massachusetts This election season it seems very hard to truly know who to believe when the media tells me who how to vote for

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my next president. I think I have found an absolutely reliable source, the people of Massachusetts. Unlike the rest of us, they have first-hand experience with a Romney government, and made a clear decision. In 2003, Romney had an approval rating of 66 percent. By the time he left office, his rating had dropped to 34 percent. One might expect a former governor to enjoy a “favorite son” advantage in his home state, but the people of Massachusetts know him and know better. Obama leads Romney by more than 16 percent in current polls. Jim Heffernan Tillamook

Why good questions aren’t asked Many years ago, in the 70s and 80s, I watched the debates. It seemed to me that serious issues, the ones that Americans were concerned about, were discussed. That was when the League of Women Voters sponsored the debates. Both political parties got together in 1988 and secretly agreed to a memorandum of understanding, which included which candidates could participate (no third parties); who could be panelists (and be able to ask questions); what topics could be discussed; and etc. The League of Women Voters withdrew its sponsorship of the debates because "the demands of the campaign organizers would perpetuate a fraud on the American voter." Since 1987 the debates have been handled by The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), a non-profit corporation controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties, sponsored by private contributions from foundations and corporations. Do you feel that a fraud is being perpetuated on the American voter? I think it is sort of

self evident, don't you? How about a question asking why we are still outsourcing jobs and giving tax breaks to those who do? How about asking why we don't restore the laws we use to have that prevented the banks and Wall Street from defrauding American citizens? Do we want foreign investors buying our charter schools, profiting from our tax dollars? They are buying them. Just think, American education owned by a foreign country. This is the predicted consequence of our bizarre free trade policies that lead to a deficit of 800 billion dollars every year. Why not ask just exactly who and what is responsible for the economic mess in America? Isn't the Federal Reserve responsible in part for our economy? How about the secretary of the U.S. Treasury? What's his job? I'm talking about the guy from Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, you know, the investment bank responsible for the Greek debt. As treasurer of the U.S., Geithner has served banks rather than supervise them, mishandled the housing crises, and has left our economy staggering. How about firing those people? Oh! There are so many good questions that will never be asked. Dixie Gainer Nehalem

same style of treatment by Ms. Phipps when we tried to process a home-addition project application back in 2008 for our home in Oceanside. Besides the same rude and unprofessional treatment, we also were forced to listen to Ms. Phipps' personal opinions of whether the development we live in should ever have been allowed to be constructed, and forced to make multiple repeat trips to the Tillamook County Courthouse to resubmit our application over and over again because it lacked documentation that she decided was required that we were not told about on the previous visit. It was quite clear that Ms. Phipps felt that we didn't deserve respectful treatment as her constituents because we weren't one of her local cronies, and we instead deserved to be pushed around to be shown who was in control in that department. Our home addition project was finally approved and completed, not with the assistance of Ms. Phipps, but in spite of her attempts to derail us. We cannot believe that any Tillamook County voter who has ever met the real Lisa Phipps would even consider voting for her for County Commissioner! She clearly does not deserve to be an elected representative in this community. Geoffrey & Marcia Davey Oceanside

Yet another bad planning experience

Skating at old Safeway

We have seen the two previous letters to the editor from local citizens relating to their rude and unprofessional treatment by candidate Lisa Phipps while she was employed with the Tillamook County Planning and Development Department. When we read them, our immediate reaction was not of amazement and disbelief, but rather of complete concurrence and understanding, since we had been forced to endure the

I am a 14-year-old and a Boy Scout, and I think you should make a separate part from the old Safeway lot (that’s going to be a park) into a iceskate rink or at least another roller-blade rink. And if you can’t do that, I also think it would be a good idea if you made a skateboarding park on the side of the regular park. Noah Hoefler Rockaway Beach

See FORUM, Page A5

GUEST COMMENTARY Everything you wanted to know about the Hatch Act


onstitution Party candidate for Oregon House District 32 and local blogger Jim Welsh is accusing county employees of violating the federal Hatch Act by sending an email that references a local union vote on endorsing county commissioner candidate Lisa Phipps. The accusation has caused county officials to seek legal advice from its counsel, attorney William Sargent. In an Oct. 12 online blog titled, “Tillamook County Library Employee Violates Hatch Act?” Welsh writes about an email sent by library employee Jessica Moran on Oct. 5 announcing an upcoming AF-

SCME Local 2734 Members Meeting to union members. The email reads, “Please join us for this important meetSamantha ing, we will be Swindler nominating and Director of News voting for officers, E-Board members and trustees. This is considered a general meeting and we will have available sandwiches, chips and cookies. Also, we will be holding two drawings for $50 each to reward the lucky members who attend. Topics to be discussed at this meeting include: Tillamook

County Travel Policy; AFSCME endorsement of Lisa Phipps for County Commissioner; Discussion regarding the AFSCME members meeting schedule (date and time).” It is signed by Bev Anderson, another library employee who serves as president of AFSCME Local 2734. Welsh writes, “The Hatch Act prohibits public employees from using government resources to promote a candidate seeking election to public office.” That’s not exactly accurate. The Hatch Act “restricts the political activity of individuals principally employed by state or local executive agencies and

who work in connection with programs financed in whole or in part by federal loans or grants,” according to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. The Tillamook County Library system is not federally funded, and thus its employees would not be restricted by the Hatch Act. Ann O’Hanlon, Press and Public Affairs Liaison with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, said the act only affects local or state employees who “have a duty or connection to federal funds” – that would be, someone directly involved in the handling of federal dollars.

See FORUM, Page A5

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A5


Continued from Page A4

Vote for Lisa Phipps

Don’t toss your ballot

Voters of Tillamook County will have the chance to vote for Lisa Phipps for County Commissioner, Position #1 in November. I’ll be voting for Phipps and I’m asking you to do the same. Here’s why: 1. We have extensive flood plain and river systems. Phipps is a certified flood plain manager, has a degree in fisheries management and was a Coastal Resource Planner. 2. Lisa is a strong contributor to our county, serving on numerous community, county, and state boards, including President of United Way. 3. Our environment is critical to Tillamook County’s well being. Phipps has a degree in Environmental Law. As Director of the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, she is responsible for the Nestucca River being listed as a National Water Trail, on equal footing with the Chesapeake Bay and the Everglades. This was a huge accomplishment, one which increased clean business and tourism in our area. 4. She is a Municipal Court Judge. 5. She has been Mayor of Rockaway Beach. 6. She has flown to Washington, D.C. to work with Senators and Representatives on our behalf. 7. Phipps has created or sustained 100 jobs and brought over $3,000,000 into Tillamook County. She supports family wage jobs. 8. Lisa Phipps is a good citizen of Tillamook County and contributes her time everyday to benefit our community. 9. Lisa Phipps loves Tillamook County and is ready to “hit the ground running” on Day 1 as Tillamook County Commissioner, Position #1. 10. She’s a darned nice lady! Fauna-June Fauth Cloverdale

Please remind friends and family that their vote counts. The ladies at my post office in Garibaldi said they find ballots in the trash. This saddens me and is shameful. When kids I know turn 18, I try to send them a voters registration card with their birthday card. We all have complaints about our world politics, but when some elections are so close, your vote really counts. Teresa Freeman Bay City


Vote against Measure 84 I’m voting against measure 84, which would repeal Oregon’s estate tax. I write from personal experience of what to expect if Oregon loses the revenue from this measure. From 2008 to 2011, my co-teacher and I taught a class in conflict resolution at Portland State University. Students enjoyed our class and reported that they gained valuable insights about themselves and interpersonal conflict. However, in 2011, PSU was forced to cut 10% percent from its budget and the department chairman reluctantly informed us that he had to let us go. Other teachers in the department were also let go. I imagine teachers in other departments at PSU were cut as well. This year, PSU has enrolled more students than ever in spite of increasing its tuition. When you add up the cuts to all of Oregon’s colleges and universities, you get an idea of the magnitude of the effects on students and teachers: we now have fewer teachers, teaching more students who are paying more than ever for a higher education. The consequence is that class size has increased and the number and diversity of the classes offered has decreased. This is the condition we’re in now. However, if Measure 84 passes the state will have to

How do you want your water managed? I would like to commend the KRWD and Bay City Counsel for making the decision to tell everyone to vote no on measure 29-128, formation of Pioneer Water District, because of the number of errors in the mapping of the proposed district. They decided it would be to costly to make things right if it were to pass. I hope that the entities involved in the proposed water district will now take the time to try other alternatives, i.e. try an outside water service, try new board of directors, and explore your options. What almost happened could be a result of complacency. Be sure to vote no, then let your voice be heard on how you want your water managed. Susan Aalykke Tillamook

largest bay with metro Portland’s nearest access to the greatest ocean in the world. Our county has untapped resources of young and old citizens who could coordinate energy, skills and the spirit to make this a happier, more productive community. Bill has proven his stability, integrity and abilities with his outstanding family, in his business along with his wife Marilyn and fine children, and has been a major contributor to the communiy. Please vote for Bill Baertlein CPA for Commissioner position 1. He will make a tangible difference in Tillamook County. Lorraine Vandecoevering Garibaldi

Based on results

Bill Baertlein, CPA is the man for Tillamook County Commissioner, Position 1. He has served businesses and individuals in our area with integrity for over 30 years. Tillamook County’s fishing, farming, and forestry industries are major food and job producers who need a commissioner to represent them who is not a career politician. Tillamook County has uncommon liquid assetts; five rolling rivers, Oregon’s second

My first experience with Lisa Phipps was as I struggled through zoning and land use controls to establish a quarry on my industrial forestland. She was matter of fact knowledgeable, consistent, and direct as I successfully traversed the path through Tillamook county community development. I met her again when Tillamook County assigned her to the Tillamook Bay watershed council, which was dysfunctional at the time. Through her efforts, we started working together, and the respect she earned led to multiple years as our chairperson. As long-term volunteer with the performance partnership and then the Tillamook estuary partnership, I have been active through four changes of administration at the TEP. Lisa has been the most effective and balanced leader of that organization, in my experience, and guided it to national success. I watched the struggle and fireworks associated with Rockaway’s city government for years until Lisa stepped in as mayor and people started working together.

that were the only problem, “this is something that wouldn’t be worth my time to look into.” He added, “I think I can live with the process,” referring to the use of county emails to send out meeting notices. So let’s not say this is about wasting taxpayer funds via an email. It’s really about being mad that county employees wanted to discuss endorsing Phipps. Welsh’s righteous indignation over something that seems, in the grand scheme of things, not that big of a deal is difficult to understand. The county employees union endorses the former county employee candidate? Are we that shocked? Is this really an election gamechanger? The worst thing of all these online rantings is that it could be hurting Bill Baertlein, because it’s coming from a rather fringe and (in this case) misinformed voice. Baertlein’s base of appeal is far wider than that. I actually agree with Jim Welsh on some of the bigger issues. I don’t like how Deborah Boone has paid close to $50,000 in political funding, not to mention additional tax

dollars, to her daughter as an employee, or how tax dollars were used to send Boone’s “legislative update” weeks before ballots go out on her reelection campaign. In fact, the question came up during the Headlight Herald/AAUW political forum last week – no one knew, but I wrote that question. Boone says these things happen often in Salem. She says they’re legal. She’s right. They do. They are. But it’s not a good excuse. If the public should be informed about the workings of their state government, don’t you think there are more effective platforms than letting the lawmakers themselves write the message and choose when it’s given out? What an important time for me to learn about the legislature – eight months after they did anything and four months before they meet again. And there was absolutely nothing of substance in that brochure, with the exception of a box that provided a link to a website for foreclosure help. First, my apology to Mr. Welsh – I had aimed to write a commentary about the Boone brochure and never got around to it. You’re right – it’s bad pol-

Vote for Baertlein

I could go on with what others have told me about their positive experiences with her, and the efforts she has been involved with that have been so helpful to our community. Based on results, Lisa Phipps is the person most likely to serve all the citizens of Tillamook County and lead us toward successfully dealing with Tillamook’s multitude of problems as we seek a better future for our children and ourselves. Leo Adams Tillamook

director’s time and dollars. The Tillamook County Soil and Water Conservation District is asking voters to provide the financial resources required to continue assisting our county residents to conserve, maintain, and prevent degradation of our county’s natural resources. Our county’s economic viability depends on conserving and using our natural resources wisely. I am asking our county residents to join me and voting yes on Measure 29-129. Ruth Fenk Tillamook

Error intolerance

No one is anymore against taxes than I. But, uncertainty is a given in our current economic times, and Tillamook Soil and Water is a noble endeavor helping to enhance farmland production while protecting natural habitats. The district helps to control flood, erosion and invasive pest damage through natural bio controls, i.e., the Synabar Moth. Please consider continuing this fine program through a Yes vote on 29-129. Todd A. Johnson Tillamook

As a long time subscriber and a former employee of this paper, I have to say how appalled I am at the lack of proofing that appears to be happening. I am embarrassed to even tell people I use to work for the Headlight Herald. I would hope by now you have heard from tons of other readers in regards to the misspelling of the name of one of the oldest families in this county. I don’t even know how this could have happened. It is beyond all comprehension how the typographical errors continue to occur. Patricia Archambault Concerned Subscriber Editor’s note: 100 percent accuracy is our goal. Please contact Mary Faith if you are interested in being a volunteer proof reader.

Support Measure 29-129 As wife of Tillamook County Soil and Water Conservation District Chair, Rudy Fenk, I request your support for Measure 29-129. Rudy has been a director for the Tillamook County Soil and Water Conservation District for over 35 years. There is no pay for Soil and Water Conservation District officials. In fact, it cost the

My first time voting and it’s for Baertlein I’m 18 years old and attending college this year with my vision on the future and how our nation and Tillamook will be shaped by this election. This is an important event for me since I’ll be casting my vote for the first time. Bill Baertlein is the candidate that I support and encourage new and old to stand behind. Bill Baertlein’s vision is to support and continue development of fishing, timber and dairy! My major is Fish & Game so it is very important to have these industries growing and healthy when I graduate! Haley Emerson Tillamook

See LETTERS, Page A7

Continued from Page A4

Additionally, any Hatch Act provision would only apply to a partisan race. The County Commission is non-partisan, though since the local Republican Party has endorsed Bill Baertlein, an argument could potentially be made that the race had become partisan. O’Hanlon said only the U.S. Office of Special Council could rule and determine if a non-partisan race had become partisan. Contacted Monday afternoon, Oct. 15 about his column, Welsh said, “I’m not sure now the Hatch Act specifically applies.” Still, he has continued to post complaints about the email on his website. Welsh’s calls to the county have prompted an investigation by Sargent. Welsh’s request to speak about the matter during the next County Commission meeting has been denied, with the county calling this an ongoing personnel issue. Welsh calls the use of the county’s email system to send the announcement “improper use of county resources” and “use of taxpayer money for

political purposes.” In response to questioning from the Headlight Herald, Welsh wrote on his blog, “It is too damn bad that this will cost the county money (due to Sargent’s services) but I am just the messenger.” Now, lemme stop you right there. If you are concerned with misuse of taxpayer funds and violations of the Hatch Act, you should first read the Hatch Act properly before taking it to the county and requiring taxpayer dollars to pay for more employees’time to fend off a complaint from a vocal blogger and partisan political candidate. The county has previously authorized the employees’ union to send out emails about upcoming meetings. The Hatch Act does not apply to these library employees. We can have a discussion about whether the agenda items in this particular case should have been included, but it’s hardly the “rather serious situation” Welsh claims. Welsh admitted that he wasn’t particularly upset that the county email had been used – if

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replace the estimated 120 million dollars of lost tax revenue just to maintain the status quo and the status quo is not acceptable– we need to increase our investment in higher education. Passage of Measure 84 would be devastating to higher education. Please join me in voting against this ill-conceived measure. Richard B. Powers Oceanside


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icy and I should have opined on this matter. Second, my advice to Mr. Welsh – attack the law that allows legislators to waste your tax dollars on glossy candidate brochures. It’s a more effective argument than attacking Boone personally. Additionally, if you want people to side with you, you need to pick and choose your battles. Needling, berating, bullying comments are not unifying. They do not make people think about the bigger issues, how we all have more in common than not, how there’s not simply a black and white world in politics, or how many of the problems facing our community/county/state/nation could be solved if we all came to the table with the idea that no one is “evil" and common sense can prevail with level heads. Show reason, not anger. In this case, over the union meeting agenda email, Welsh has picked a battle with the library, the county commission, the union and the newspaper. He writes, “Is our Tillamook Headlight Herald going to let this issue see the light of day or will it, like other issues that reflect badly on local public officials (see MOOCountyNews’ numerous articles on Rep. Deborah Boone’s campaign finance peccadilloes), just decide to not rock the boat and bury it? Note that Carol Hungerford, owner of the Headlight Herald, serves on the Board of Directors of the Tillamook County Library.” He concludes that any reporter “worth their salt” would see “this is a problem.” Actually, any reporter would see this is a big ol’ partisan ploy. And it’s not worth reporting on until all the facts come out, not just the selective ones Welsh has offered up without research. So when Welsh writes “by the way, this matter will not be in the Headlight Herald in this week’s edition,” it’s because the matter came to my attention Monday afternoon, the paper goes to print Tuesday morning, and we have to fact check things before simply printing wild accusations.

Further, I’d like to address another rumor that might be circulating in Tillamook County. A few months ago, County Commissioner Charles Hurliman – whose seat is the one Phipps and Baertlein are vying for – contacted me, claiming Phipps herself was violating the Hatch Act by running for county office. O’Hanlon says that’s not possible. Hurliman argued that the non-partisan race had become partisan when the local Democratic Party put a Lisa Phipps sign in their window. (This was before the GOP Baertlein endorsement.) He further claimed that since Phipps worked for Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP), a nonprofit that receives federal funding, she was violating the act by running for a partisan position. O’Hanlon clarified that the Hatch Act only applies to nonprofits specifically handling Head Start and Community Block Grant monies – no other kind of federal funding applies. TEP receives funding through the EPA Clean Water Act, and its employees are not subject to the Hatch Act. O’Hanlon admits that the elements of the Hatch Act that apply to local and state level government employees are “in desperate need of reform.” Carolyn Lerner, the current head of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, has advocated for legislation that would eliminate the restrictions on state and local employees who are seeking elected office. O’Hanlon said the legislation to remove those provisions of the Hatch Act is pending in Congress. In a New York Times op/ed titled “A Law Misused for Political Ends,” Learner wrote: “Increasingly, the act is being used as a political weapon to disqualify otherwise well-qualified candidates, even when there is no indication of wrongdoing. An allegation that a candidate has violated federal law — simply by stepping forward to run — can cast a cloud.” I can certainly agree that’s the case here in Tillamook County.

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Page A6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

OBITUARIES Ardelle Perkins Ardelle Marian Perkins, of Pacific City, died on Aug. 6, 2012 after an extended illness. Ardelle was born on Feb. 15, 1930 in Ross Township, Minn. to Albert and Minnie Hagen Lien, she was the third of four children. ARDELLE She married Edgar Hemming- PERKINS son in 1948; the couple raised 5 children as they moved west, eventually settling in Albany, Ore. In recent years, Ardelle worked as a commercial fisherman and fish hatchery worker, and lavished attention on her flower garden, doll collection and friends. All will miss the food-filled gatherings at Grandma's house and the never-ending supply of afghans Ardelle loved to crochet. Preceding her in death were James Perkins, her third husband (2009), and Jaydn Hemmingson, her youngest son (2004). Survivors include her sons, Leslie and Darwin Hemmingson; daughters, Jordice Martin, Haylin Thornton and Patricia Garrison; siblings, Harvey Lien, Milton Lien and Joyce Goodman; 11 grandchildren and 8 great great grandchildren. A Celebration of Life will be held from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Nestucca Valley Presbyterian Church in Pacific City.

Alan Woodruff Alan Douglas Woodruff, 57, of Portland passed away Oct. 4 with his loving family by his side. He was born in Portland June 21, 1955 to Wilfred & Dixie Woodruff. Alan was a very unique and creative man who had a passion for protecting people. He ALAN wanted to be a WOODRUFF police officer since he was just a boy, and was awarded the title of junior officer with the Safety Patrol at Clinton Kelly Elementary School. Alan graduated from Benson High School and grew up to be a respectable police officer, serving the City of Tillamook for 10 years. He started in law enforcement as a security officer, and then moved on to become a police officer for Gladstone Police Department. Alan graduated from the Oregon Police Academy. During his career with the Tillamook Police Department, Alan was a firearms instructor as well as an instructor for hunters’ safety courses. After health reasons prevented Alan from continuing his career as a police officer, he worked with troubled youth at the Tillamook Youth Correctional Facility. Always following his passion in law enforcement, Alan then started his own business, Key Point Investigations, working as a private investigator. Alan loved fishing and had a special affinity for the Clackamas River. He was also a gourmet cook. Alan was an incredibly talented storyteller; his family loved listening to his stories, which he seemed to be able to create on the spot! He was very crafty, always working on many different art projects. Alan was preceded in death by his mother Dixie, and is survived by his father Wilfred, his children Justin, Nathan, Brandon and Kacy, sister Diane, brothers Wes, Greg and Randy,

grandchildren Andre, Justin, Shayla, Cyrene, Dylan, Anthony, Tristen, Trinity, Addison, Cohen and Jordyn. Please take a moment to remember Alan by sharing your favorite story about him. The family will hold a private memorial and suggests contributions be made in his name to The Dreaming Zebra Foundation.

Robert Hilton Robert “Rocky” Hilton, a resident of Tillamook since 2005, passed away at his home on Oct. 4, 2012. He will be greatly missed by his friends and family. As he wished, no serv- ROBERT HILTON ices are planned.

Connie Larson In loving memory of Connie M. Larson, born Aug. 2, 1951 to Darrell and Betty Stewart. Connie passed away Oct. 14, 2012, leaving behind her loving husband Bill Larson; her doting children, Angie Foss, CONNIE Eddie Sessions, LARSON Joe Larson, and Shane Larson; affectionate grandchildren, Jeff Foss, JC Foss, Trevor Foss, Chantelle Sessions, Dylan and Makayla Larson, Jennifer and Nick Larson; the joy of her life, her great grandson Chase Foss; her mother Betty Stewart of Tillamook; and her sisters, Candi Cross of Salem, Jody Wismer of Tillamook, and Donna Plumeau of Tillamook. The joys of her life were taking care of the elderly and spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. Anyone who knew Connie M. Larson will understand that her last wish was not to have a big fuss, funeral, or any other services. We will remember her regardless; this spectacular woman will be forever a great part of our lives and in our hearts. Arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

Everett Stougard Sr. Everett Eugene Stougard Sr. was born in Lakeview, Ore. on Oct. 11, 1939 to John and Virgilene Strong. Everett passed away surrounded by family at his home in Nehalem on Oct. 18, 2012 at age 73. EVERETT Everett grew STOUGARD SR. up in Oregon, and had spent the last 20 years in Nehalem. He was united in marriage to Karen Hopkins in Nebraska on July 15, 1971. Everett worked on dairy farms, mostly for the River Inn Dairy in Nehalem. Family and hunting was Everett’s life. He devoted most of his time and energy towards his beloved grandchildren. Everett will be dearly missed by all who knew him. He was preceded in death by his wife Karen, and by his brother, Kenny Bishop and his sister Patricia Muse. He leaves behind to honor his life, his loving family, daughter, Leona Hill and husband Jeff of Nehalem; sons, John Stougard of Portland and Everett Stougard Jr. of Nehalem; and grandchildren, Clayton Hill, Justin Telford, Tyler Telford, Cynthia Hill, Levi Hill, Jessica Thompson, Melissa Stougard and Andrew Sparks A celebration gathering of

Board Workshop Notice Tillamook People’s Utility District (PUD) is holding a board workshop for the purpose of presenting information and accepting written comments on its proposal to build a new 115-kV transmission line that will run approximately seven miles from the Bonneville Power Administration’s Tillamook Substation to a new substation to be built southeast of Oceanside. Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Carl Rawe Meeting Room Tillamook PUD


Everett’s life will be held at 5 p.m. Monday Oct. 29, at the Bunkhouse in Nehalem. Memorial contributions in his name can be made to any family member to offset expenses. Cremation arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

Charles Murray Charles Richard “Dick” Murray passed away in Portland on Oct. 14, 2012 at age 91. Dick was born Nov. 6, 2012 in Malden, Mass. to Edward William and Georgia Hatfield Murray. He was a CHARLES graduate of MURRAY Hood River High School. He married Ruth Jean Alexander in Stevenson, Wash. in 1943. During World War II he served his country honorably in the U.S. Navy on the Gleaves-Class destroyer U.S.S. Gwin. Upon his discharge he moved to McMinnville in 1951, and then settled in Tillamook in 1960, working as parts and service manager for the Ford garage. Dick was a member of the Elks and American Legion. After his retirement he drove for E.S.D. School. He enjoyed camping, his family, and was active at St. Alban s Episcopal Church. Mr. Murray was preceded in death by his wife Ruth in 2001. He is survived by daughters, Joy Brown of Portland, Toni Wyss of Newberg and Linda Hatfield of Portland; four grandchildren; and ten greatgrandchildren. At Mr. Murray’s request no service will be held. Cremation arrangements are in the care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

Carolyn Grace Carolyn Louise Grace passed away on Oct. 13, 2012, suddenly at the age of 62. Born in Portland on Sept. 28, 1950, she grew up in Oregon City and graduated from Oregon City High School. She then graduated from Clackamas Community College and attended Lewis & Clark University majoring in English. She was married to Gary Grace for 43 years. Together they raised four children in the Milwaukie area. The couple moved to Rockaway Beach in 2007. They had recently built a home there and were looking forward to their retirement. Carolyn is survived by her husband Gary; sons, Geoff and Rian; daughters, Trisha Tiemann and Crystal Grace; sister, Michelle Fematt; brother, Michael Oades; grandchildren, Colby, Taylor, Isabelle and

Connor; and daughters-in-law, Amie and Debra. She is preceded in death by her brother Jerry and her parents Lester and Carolyn Oades. Carolyn was loved by so many and will be sorely missed. The world was a better place with her in it. Memorial contributions can be made in her memory to the Rockaway Beach Volunteer Fire Dept. A celebration of her life will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 at Milwaukie Presbyterian Church. Hillside Chapel in Oregon City is entrusted with arrangements.

Hazel Clark Hazel Lorraine Clark of Salem died Oct, 18, 2012 at age 94. She was the loving mother of Lucille Clark and Eileen Turner; devoted grandmother of Billie Lea Guthrie (Mike), HAZEL Danielle BingCLARK man (Lee), David Turner (Tabitha), and seven great-granddaughters; and beloved sister of Irene Beeler, Clarence Wyss, Dorothy Goldmann, and Harvey Wyss. Hazel was preceded in death by her loving husband of 66 years, Harold Clark. She was born Oct. 3, 1918 to Swiss immigrants Gottlieb and Anna Wyss in Tillamook. She graduated from Tillamook High School. Harold and Hazel owned and operated a state-of-the-art dairy farm along the beautiful Trask River. When the Clarks moved to Salem, Hazel worked in merchandising, retiring from JC Penney, staying active in the JCP retirees association. She enjoyed volunteer and community service with the “Oregon Games for the Physically Limited,” First Congregational United Church of Christ in Salem, Oregon 4-H clubs, Pioneer Man Restoration at the State Capitol, and the Riverfront Carousel Project. Hazel is featured in the “Carousel” history book for naming one of the hand-carved horses “Westwind,” sponsored by her Salemtowne Women’s Club. Hazel loved traveling, gardening, sewing, crafts, ceramics and quilting. At age 93, she won third prize at the Oregon State Fair for her creative memory quilt. Memorial donations may be made to First Congregational United Church of Christ in Salem or the Salem Riverfront Carousel. Visitation will be Tuesday from 2-6 p.m. and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with

services following at 2 p.m. Oct. 24 at Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service. Private entombment will be at the Tillamook IOOF Mausoleum.

Brad Barclay A memorial service will be held for Brad Barclay at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24 at the Tillamook Elk’s Lodge. Bradley Clement Barclay was born July 28, 1921 in Burlington, Vt. BRAD to George and BARCLAY Petri (Gona) Barclay. He passed away Oct. 17, 2012 in Wheeler at age 91. Brad lived in Burlington until the age of 8, when the family moved to Baltimore where Brad finished his education. Brad served in the Navy during World War II and Korean Conflict. After the war, Brad moved to Portland and met Beatrice Lauritsen. They married on April 2, 1948 in Portland. In 1950 they moved to Tillamook and Brad bought a sheet metal business. He continued to own and operate the business for many successful years. Brad was a member of the Tillamook Elks Lodge, the Tillamook Pioneer Association, the Tillamook Eagles Lodge and the Tillamook United Methodist Church. He was an avid outdoorsmen and loved to hunt, fish, crab and was known for smoking salmon for friends. He played on a bowling league for many years and he was a fan of the Portland Trail Blazer Basketball Team. Brad is survived by his beloved wife Beatrice Barclay of Tillamook. He is preceded in death by his three adopted children, Larry, Kathy and Jeff and half sister Marian Hannon. Memorial contributions may be made to the Tillamook Elks Lodge, or a charity of your choice. Arrangements are in care of Waud’s Funeral Home.

‘No’ vote urged on water district due to technical error Initial proponents of the ballot measure to establish the Pioneer Water District are now urging a “no” vote on Measure 29-128 due to a technical error on the ballot. The Kilchis Regional Water District and the City of Bay City hosted a community meeting Oct. 18 to discuss the measure, which would establish the new district and a tax levy of $1 per $1,000 assessed property value. About 50 people who would be affected by the ballot measure attended the meeting at the Tillamook County Creamery Assn. In a surprising development, Shawn Reiersgaard, representing the Kilchis Regional Water District, and Lois Albright, city attorney for the City of Bay City, urged the audience to vote “no.” Albright said both the City and the Kilchis Regional Water District support the formation of the Pioneer Water District. However, a technical error in the process of identifying which properties should be included in the Pioneer Water District prevented ballots from reaching all qualified voters. This error was discovered after the Sept. 6 submission deadline and too late to correct before the distribution of ballots. Rather than attempt to provide relief to those property owners inadvertently included in the district, it was the consensus of the City of Bay City and the Kilchis Regional Water District Board that the best remedy is voter disapproval of County Measure 29-128. If the measure fails, the Kilchis Regional Water District Board will continue to operate under its present contract with the City of Bay City, which expires in 2021.

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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A7

LETTERS: Voting for Baertlein As chairman of a recently completed private development project, I worked with Lisa Phipps when she was Planning Manager at the Tillamook County Department of Community Development. I worked hard to ensure that all requirements of our conditional use permit were in place prior to applying for the County Permit, and thought it should be a slam dunk. Instead the whole process took 14 months, and I feel that Ms. Phipps played a significant role in delaying the process. Throughout the process, I made several calls to Ms. Phipps’s office and was frequently put through to her voicemail by the receptionist, when I knew for a fact that she was in. It’s hard to do business with someone if you can’t talk with them. I felt that Ms. Phipps didn’t like the project personally and allowed that to affect her professional attitude. Finally, 10 months into the process Ms. Phipps told us that the permit would be ready in two weeks. Four months later, the permit was still not approved, with no explanation about the delay. After Ms. Phipps left the Department and took a position in Rockaway, we learned that some of the requirements incorporated into our permit were not actually required by local regulations. I don’t know Bill Baertlein very well, but the few times I’ve spoken with him, I like what he had to say, and his attitude. I do know Lisa Phipps, and I’m voting for Bill Baertlein. I urge everyone who wants to see our county move forward in this tough economy to vote for Bill Baertlein. Phil McMahon Tillamook

Support Tillamook United Way The Tillamook Food Bank would like the people of Tillamook County to know how valuable and helpful the Tillamook County United Way is to us all. During the year, Tillamook County United Way provides us with approximately 20-percent of our funding to serve about 5,500 clients and provides 65,000 meals. We do this with 25 volunteers that work about 2,600 hours during any

Continued from Page A5

year. Without the Tillamook County United Way funding, we would not be able to help the hungry that live amongst us. It is our hope that the generous people of Tillamook County will continue to support the Tillamook County United Way so we at the Tillamook Food Bank can continue the work we have been doing since 1984. Secretary Treasurer Lawrence A. Susanka Tillamook

generation to pay its own debts as it goes. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. If the people let the governments decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, then they will live in tyranny. A truly remarkable man. John Zeggert Beaver

Words of wisdom from Jefferson

Thanks to United Way

Our current debt (not including social security) is more than $16 trillion (16 followed by 12 zeros). This amount in dollar bills laid end to end would equal $8 trillion feet. (Each dollar bill is about 6 inches in length and thus 2 dollar bills would span 1 foot.) Now divide 8 trillion feet by 5,280 (number of feet in a mile) and you get the number of miles our debt represents. This is now 1 billion, 515 million miles. The distance around the earth at the equator is roughly 25,000 miles so this amount of debt would stretch 60,600 times around the earths’ equator. Politicians continue with unprecedented spending like drunken sailors. Many agencies and departments should be eliminated or dramatically reduced as duplication and waste is rampant. Reports of some government workers getting 100-percent of their salary for pensions! What a deal! When will this madness end? In private industry, benefits are directly tied to a company’s profitability. I worked 30 years for one of the world’s largest companies and my pension is 20-percent of my annual salary. Not so in government, they just keep demanding and getting, more and more. Oregon’s PERS system is a prime example of politicians giving in to unions’ demands and as a result are buying votes from the state’s employees. Remember government workers salaries and benefits are paid for by the labors of private industry and its retirees. Thomas Jefferson had some quotes appropriate for our times: Never spend money you have not yet earned. It is incumbent on every

Thank you United Way for making it easy to help those in need in Tillamook County. Of all the places I have lived in my life, Tillamook County is easily the most generous when it come to helping others. We can track that generosity from year to year by following the amazing totals of all of the fundraising campaigns and activities held throughout the county. The United Way Campaign is one of those campaigns that I look forward to every year. United Way provides many different ways for the community to invest their resources in helping their friends and neighbors in need. With 18 different member agencies providing much needed human services, United Way provides giving opportunities that match everyone’s heart. As a member agency of United Way, CARE feels very fortunate that many of the hearts in Tillamook County are drawn to helping friends and neighbors meet their basic needs. Each year CARE receives funding from United Way to help people pay their rent and their utility bills so that they can be warm and dry; funding to help people purchase much needed prescriptions and to assist with transportation costs to important medical appointments so that they can maintain their health; and funding to help those without homes be sheltered. Your donations to United Way are a vital piece of the safety net for Tillamook County. A donation to United Way can be shared among the 18 member agencies or designated to the one that speaks to your heart. No matter who you donate to, however, your support of friends and neighbors in

Tillamook County helps us all. Thank you for your donations, and thank you United Way for providing such a great way for the people of Tillamook County to invest their resources locally for those in need. Erin Skaar CARE Executive Director, Tillamook

Tillamook Police Chief: In support of Andy Long I am writing this letter in support of Andy Long as Sheriff of Tillamook County. With the continuing budget and resource issues facing all law enforcement and public safety, it is more critical than ever that all public safety work together to protect and provide service to everyone in the county, not just from one issue, but with every issue, crime and concern that affects the safety and livability of all persons. Andy Long has continuously demonstrated the commitment, expertise and pride, in all aspects of both the administrative side of law enforcement and also in front line law enforcement and public safety, in all his continuous years of law enforcement roles. He has the respect of many partners in law enforcement and public safety in the county, which is critical, as all public safety needs to partner and work together on every public safety concern in the county. Even though I am concerned for all persons in the county, I am most concerned for those in my community. I feel that Andy Long as sheriff is what is best for my community. I strongly urge that everyone support all public safety in Tillamook County and all its wonderful communities by supporting Andy Long as sheriff. Terry Wright Tillamook Police Chief

Vote for Long On Nov 6th, voters will be asked to vote for Sheriff - there is only one choice that makes any sense. That is Andy Long for sheriff. I have spent 33 years in law enforcement with six of those years at the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office. I have worked with, and around Andy Long during that time. I have always found him to be an honest man

and an excellent deputy sheriff. That is what Tillamook County needs – an honest man for sheriff, with an extensive career in law enforcement and public service. The best quality that any leader can have are good people skills, as the Sheriff is the Chief Law enforcement Officer in the County. The sheriff must have those skills in dealing with both employees and citizens. Andy Long has those skills - much like Todd Anderson who I consider the best sheriff I have ever worked for. I know Andy Long has those same skills and experience. The Office of Sheriff requires experience in budgets, jails, civil division and the patrol division – Andy Long has those skills. So rather than electing someone who thinks they know what the job is, elect the person who knows what the job of Sheriff is – Andy Long. And if you really want to know, ask the people who work at the sheriff’s Office. They will tell you. David R. DeSau Neskowin

Long the clear choice Andy Long is the clear choice for Tillamook County Sheriff. I have known Andy, both personally and professionally, for the past 24 years. He is a proven public safety leader who has faithfully served this community and the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office, from front lines to leadership, for over 20 years. Andy is a man of integrity who is dedicated to public service. Working as a Corrections Deputy, Patrol Deputy, Detective Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, Jail Commander, Undersheriff, and Sheriff – no one is more qualified to hold the position of Tillamook County Sheriff. Not only has Andy been a capable law enforcement officer and leader for the past two decades, he has also demonstrated that he is consistently trusted and respected by the men and women who work for him. As Sheriff, he will ensure that the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office preserves and protects the trust of the citizens it serves. Andy has the vision and the commitment to take the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office to the next level, which

will make our community a safer place for us to live. Andy is a leader who has my respect, complete trust, and whole-hearted endorsement. Andy will continue to be a great sheriff. Please join me in supporting Andy Long for Sheriff. Eric Swanson Tillamook

Yes on 29-129 I was on the ACS Board during the 1970s. It was directly involved with the Soil and Water. I have been an Associate Director and am now on the Board of Directors. Tillamook Soil and Water was the first Soil and Water District in the State of Oregon. It was also the first clean water plan in the state and that was in the 1970s. The Board of Directors are all volunteers. Ray Monroe is our Water Tech Specialist and is overwhelmed with work and needs office help. Our funding is almost entirely from grants and we have to compete with other organizations for the funding. Safe water has been a huge benefit to all of Tillamook County Agriculture. Please vote yes on 29-129. Clarence “Bub” Boquist Tillamook

Employee endorsement was unethical Last week the Headlight Herald printed an ad purchased by employees of the sheriff department supporting Andy Long for sheriff in the Nov. 6 election. I believe it’s unethical for Sheriff Long to allow his employees to solicit money and an endorsement when he’s their boss and he has control of their careers. Under Oregon law any employee is free to purchase an ad supporting a candidate, but they can’t do it as a group without filing appropriate paperwork with the Sec. of State (which they didn’t do) and because I know some of the employees on the list, I believe this puts all employees in a difficult position. Our vote is secret and this policy is unfair to the employees and our community and does a disservice to everyone. William Spidal Candidate, Tillamook County Sheriff

Thank You to all who made the 2012 Mayors’ Ball

A Jolly Good Bash! The Tillamook Education Foundation would like to thank all the sponsors, donors, guests and volunteers

VOTES FOR WOMEN! THE OREGON STORY An exhibition commemorating the Oregon woman suffrage centennial (1912-2012)

who made the eighth annual Mayors’ Ball such a success. The Foundation appreciates the amazing support this community continues to give to the students of Tillamook School District.


November 1 – November 30 Tillamook County Library 1716 Third Street, Tillamook 503 842-4702

Admission is free and everyone is welcome! This exhibit made possible through the Oregon Women’s History Consortium and with support from the Oregon Heritage Commission and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department as well as the Oregon Commission for Women. Visit to learn more.

Hosted by the Tillamook County Library H14827

Samuel S. Johnson Foundation

Proceeds Benefitted Tillamook School District Students and Programs

Page A8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

Search & Rescue finds lost woman

County Pioneer Museum now offers audio tours The Tillamook County Pioneer Museum has announced audio tours are now available for museum visitors. The tour focuses on several of the most interesting artifacts in the collection, indicated by cards with numbers placed throughout the building. The tour is also available in Spanish. “This is something we have wanted to do for several years,” said Museum Director Gary Albright. “We were given a generous grant from the Autzen Foundation to purchase the audio equipment and that made it possible for us to go forward.”

Albright also gave credit to KTIL Radio for making their studio available for recording the tour, and to Omar Hernández who recorded the Spanish version. The audio tours will be offered to visitors at no charge with their paid admission, but some form of collateral will have to be left at the front desk to assure return of the handsets. Car keys, a driver’s license or a credit card are the acceptable forms of collateral. For more information, contact the Pioneer Museum at 503-842-4553 or visit their website at


The handheld device for the new audio tours.

Garibaldi public works head departs GARIBALDI – At their regular meeting Monday, Oct. 15, the Garibaldi City Council approved the separation agreement with Public Works superintendent Wayne Schultz, who is retiring. Schultz had been the city’s public works head since mid-2004. Schultz’s departure means the city needs to contract with somebody to file the water reports required by the state, city manager John O’Leary told the council. Schultz had been the city water system’s “system operator,” licensed to file those reports. Martin McCormick, the number-two man on the public works crew, can do the work, O’Leary said—”he’s just not certified.” February is the next date McCormick can take the system operator test, O’Leary said. O’Leary said he had been in negotiation with the neighboring Watseco-Barview Water District to “borrow” their system operator, “but we haven’t finalized anything yet. I do have a certain amount of time within which I can get an operator,” he said. The work would

entail an estimated five hours a month, he said. “Otherwise, public works is running as it should,” O’Leary told the council. Temporary employees are covering for Schultz’ departure and the absence of Lloyd Bettis, the city’s third public works employee, who is off work for medical reasons. With the onset of winter rains, “we’re mostly trying to deal with storm water issues,” O’Leary said. The council also voted to authorize manager O’Leary to apply for grant funds from the Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) to replace city utilities in the Commercial Street wharf. The Port of Garibaldi is working on reconstructing the wharf, built in the 1940s. “But Commercial is a city right-ofway,” port manager Kevin Greenwood told the council. “There’s water and sewer and storm drains in there.” The preliminary estimate for replacing those lines is $900,000, Greenwood said. Greenwood offered to write the grant application (it would be for $300,000—”We thought that would be more competitive,” he said), but the applica-

tion would have to be filed by the city. “Cities and counties can apply, but not ports,” Greenwood said. The Garibaldi Port Commission, at their last meeting, authorized a letter of support for the city’s grant application, “and authorized me to help,” he said. “The Port will be doing all the work, and the city will get all the credit.” The city wouldn’t see the money before 2017, Greenwood said, “giving us time to round up the remaining $600,000.” The grant requires an 11% “hard match”--$27,000 cash that would have to be contributed by the city. Council president Terry Kandle asked if Garibaldi’s urban renewal agency could contribute any of the amount, or if the city itself could fund it if urban renewal didn’t. “By 2017 the $27,000 should be available,” O’Leary said. Eugene Tish, owner of the Garibaldi House hotel, urged councilmembers to attend the Planning Commission’s open house Oct. 16 on downtown and waterfront zoning revisions, which he characterized as “very important for the city. I realize the trend in govern-

ment is to make you live in a hole,” Tish said. “We can do better than that. I think you should be as involved as you can be.” City attorney Joan Kelsey agreed—to a point. Since the zoning ordinance changes are a legislative matter, she said, councilmembers attending the Planning Commission’s function is not an issue. “Asking questions at the Planning Commission hearing is where I’d draw the line,” she said.



Andy Long’s Long’s employees and volunteer volunteeer staf staff ff say

Yes! Yes! We We the undersigned d administrative staff, stafff, rank and file d deputies, eputies, employees and volunteer staff Tillamook Sheriffs stafff oof the T illamook County County Sherif ffs Office, do hereby support our Sherif Sheriff S ff Andy Long, in his election campaign. Andy Long has proven provven to be a leader and a manager that we and the community can trust. t



PACIFIC CITY – On Oct. 18 at about 3:15 a.m. the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office responded to the report of a woman lost south of Bob Straub State Park in Pacific City. It was reported that two women from Portland arrived at the beach with a group around 11 p.m. to have a beach fire. The two women left the group they were with, went for a walk, got lost in the dark and could not locate the area of the beach where they had been. The women walked through heavy trees and brush in attempt to find their way back without success. The two women became separated from each other. After several hours, one of the women walked to a house in Pacific City, knocked on the door in the early hours of the morning and asked the homeowner to call 911. She requested law enforcement assistance to find her lost friend. At about 4:45 a.m., the

Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue (SAR) team arrived at the beach and dune areas near Bob Straub State Park. While the SAR team was getting ready to deploy resources, they heard a woman screaming for help in the wooded area. “It was wet and cold. It was raining and we could hear her screaming for help in the dark,” said SAR coordinator Deputy Dean Burdick of the Sheriff’s Office. “She was way south of the park. We had to hike through the woods to find her. It was so cold, we were worried about hypothermia.” At about 6 a.m. the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office and the SAR team located Krislyn Dickey, 24, in the brush south of the Bob Straub State Park. She was very cold and soaked due to the heavy rain, but otherwise unhurt. “We had a lot of SAR volunteers coming from around the county to help search for her,” said Burdick. “I’m just grateful that we found her.”


Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A9

New ordinance limits truck traffic in Tillamook city limits BY MARY FAITH BELL

The City Council had the second reading of a new truck route Ordinance 1269, limiting trucks to certain streets to protect public safety. The ordinance will go into effect November 15. The ordinance limits trucks larger than threeaxle, single unit, larger than eight feet wide and 30 feet long or over a weight of 10,000 pounds to driving on the following streets only: Wilson River Loop Road, Third Street, Front Street, Cedar Avenue (between Front St. and First), Birch Ave (between First St. and Third), Stillwell Avenue, Trask River Road, Tenth Street (between Main and Miller), Twelfth Street (between Stillwell and Pacific), Del Monte Ave. (between First and Third), Main Ave (US 101), Pacific Ave (US 101), and Miller Ave. (between Third St. [Hwy.6] and Eleventh St.). The ordinance does not prohibit school and mass transit busses; garbage or recycling trucks; emergency vehicles; trucks picking up from, delivering to or servicing a location in the area, as long as the vehicle uses the major arterial closest to the pick up, delivery or service, and utilizes the shortest route available, traveling on the restricted streets or road for the

shortest distance possible. The ordinance does not prohibit driving to and from the vehicle’s home, provided the vehicle is unloaded. Violation of this ordinance constitutes a civil infraction, and could result in a fine of up to $260. News briefs from around the city: The first layer of pavement has been completed on the Third Street project; the construction will cease for winter and resume in the spring when the second layer of pavement will go down. Councilor Joe Martin noted that the man hole covers stick up above the first layer of pavement, and cars will need to drive around them for the winter. Councilor Forster reported that there will be a flu shot clinic at the Salvation Army food pantry Wednesday October 24 and 31. There will be a new holiday event December 1 in Tillamook this year, the Oregon Coast Festival of Light is a light parade for vehicles beginning at Fred Meyer, which is sponsoring the event, and heading south on Hwy 101, and ending at the Christmas tree lighting. Decorated cars, trucks, vehicles of all kinds are invited to participate. You’ve seen big rigs decorated with Christmas lights

and wreaths? That’s the idea. Converter kits can be purchased at auto stores to power the Christmas lights. The light parade is a holiday food drive: 50 cans of food is the cost of a vehicle entry. The theme, Councilor Forster described, is “bringing light to the table one vehicle at a time.” For more information check out this website: St John’s United Church of Christ is hosting a ham dinner with homemade pie October 24 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Councilor John Sandusky announced. The old Safeway site on Hwy. 101 has been seeded with grass and has begun to sprout. The Tillamook Urban Renewal Agency, (TURA) voted to support the Safeway project with a grant of up to $5,000. Tillamook PUD will hold a board workshop October 25 at 6 p.m. in the public meeting room to discuss the future transmission line from Tillamook to Oceanside. Landowners who will be affected by the transmission line have been invited to the meeting, and the public is welcome to attend. There will be a short presentation and an opportunity for public comment. The PUD is accepting written comments on the transmission line until November 2.

New director for Garibaldi Museum GARIBALDI – Anna Rzuczek (it’s pronounced “zoo chick”) is the new manager of the Garibaldi Museum, appointed October 11. “I’m new to the area,” said Rzuczek, who lives in Tillamook. “I’ve only been here ten years.” Rzuczek has worked at the Garibaldi Museum since July 19, first for the temp agency the Museum contacted after former manager Marcus Hinz left, and subsequently for the Museum itself. The manager is the Garibaldi Museum’s only full-time employee. Rzuczek brings to the position an extensive computer background and a passion for history. “I grew up with the Paul Reveres and Ben Franklins” back East, she said. “It’s important that children know history.” That’s where events like next Sunday’s Hallowe’en Scavenger Hunt come in. “We can make history fun and interesting.” Kids visGaribaldi Museum manager iting the Museum get to feel otter and beaver pelts—the reason trading ships first came to the Pacific Northwest. “They learn how Anna Rzuczek to build a model ship—and also learn what everything on the ship does,” she said. “We need to go after the junior museum patrons,” she said. “They’re the future.” As it did last year, the Garibaldi Museum will close for the season at the beginning of November, and re-open at the beginning of April. “We’ve talked about opening up for Spring Break,” Rzuczek said.

CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS • On Sept. 19, Christopher Robin M Miller, 22, pleaded guilty to Menacing, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about July 24, and was placed on supervised probation for 18 months and ordered to pay costs of $300. Charges of Criminal Trespass (First Degree) were dismissed. • On Sept. 24, Michael Logan Derrick, 43, pleaded guilty to Unlawful Delivery of Amphetamine Within 1,000 Feet of a School, a Class A felony, committed on or about Sept. 7, and was sentenced to 60 days in jail, placed on supervised probation for 48 months, and ordered to pay costs of $1,260. Charges of Unlawful Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance and Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance were dismissed. • On Sept. 24, Joshua Richard Cunningham, 32, pleaded guilty to Strangulation, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Aug. 1, and was sentenced to 10 days in jail (with credit for time already served), placed on supervised probation for 24 months, and ordered to pay costs of $960. Cunningham also pleaded guilty to Assault (fourth Degree), a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Aug. 1, and was placed on supervised probation for 24 months and ordered to pay costs of $660. Additional charges of Strangulation and Assault (Fourth Degree) were dismissed. • On Oct. 1, Ashley Dawn Shipman, 28, pleaded no contest to Theft (Second Degree), a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about April 13, and was sentenced to 20 days in jail (with credit for time already served) and ordered to pay costs of $400. • On Oct. 1, Jeramie Stacy Nelson, 23, pleaded guilty to Giving False Information to a Peace Officer for Issuance or Service of a Citation or for an Arrest on a Warrant, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Sept. 23, and was sentenced to 10 days in jail (with credit for time served) and ordered to pay costs of $400. • On Oct. 3, Rachel Leann Martinez, 20, pleaded guilty to Disorderly Conduct (Second Degree), a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about May 18. She was placed on bench probation for 12 months and ordered to pay costs of $500. • On Oct. 3, Louis Benino Padilla, 33, pleaded guilty to Disorderly Conduct (Second Degree), a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about May 18, and was placed on bench proba-

tion for 12 months and ordered to pay costs of $275. • On Oct. 9, Jacob Kelly Anderson, 19, pleaded guilty to four counts of Harassment, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about April 16, 2011, and was sentenced to 30 days in the jail for each offense, to be served concurrently (with credit for time served), placed on supervised probation for 36 months and ordered to pay costs of $100. • On Aug. 27, Lawrence Russell Stephens, 52, pleaded guilty to Theft (Second Degree), a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Jan. 1, and was sentenced to 10 days in the jail (with credit for time already served) and ordered to pay costs of $322 and restitution in the amount of $500. A charge of Criminal Trespass (Second Degree) was dismissed. • On Oct. 8, Dawn Carol White, 59, pleaded guilty to Telephonic Harassment, a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about Sept. 2, and was sentenced to 60 days in the jail (with credit for time served), and placed on supervised probation for 24 months. Charges of 8 additional counts of Telephonic Harassment were dismissed. No costs were ordered because of defendant’s inability to pay. • On Oct. 8, Daylan Lee Sours, 19, pleaded guilty to Littering Near Waterway, a Class A violation, committed on or about April 22, and was ordered to pay costs of $385. • On Oct. 9, Ezequiel Alejandres Ceja, 33, pleaded no contest to Unlawful Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Schedule I, a Class A felony, and to Endanger Welfare of a Minor, a Class A misdemeanor, both committed on or about July 5, and was placed on supervised probation for 36 months and ordered to pay costs of $1,260. His driver’s license was suspended for 6 months. Charges of Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance in Schedule I, Frequenting a Plasce Where Controlled Substances Are Used, and three counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, were dismissed. • On Oct. 11, Edora Likomokihana K Fernandez, 25, pleaded guilty to Harassment, a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about Oct. 8, and was sentenced to jail equal to time served. No costs were ordered because of defendant’s inability to pay. • On Oct. 10, Jeremy James Pruitt was found in violation of probation. Probation was ordered

continued. • On Oct. 12, Austin Jacob Nichols, 25, pleaded guilty to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Aug. 29, 2011, and was sentenced to 90 days in jail (with credit for time already served), and ordered to pay costs of $2,251. His driver’s license was suspended for 1 year. Charges of Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, Less than One Ounce, Violation Driving While Suspended or Revoked, and Violation of the Open Container Law in a Motor Vehicle, were dismissed. Nichols was also found in violation of probation, and sentenced to 90 days in jail, to be served concurrently with the jail sentence above (with credit for time served after Sept. 27). • On Oct. 12, Marklyn Joseph Lienert, 23, pleaded guilty to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicantds, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Sept. 18, and was sentenced to 120 days in jail (with credit for time already served) and ordered to pay costs of $2,115. His driver’s license was suspended for 3 years. • On Oct. 12, Genny Lynn Hoffert, 50, pleaded guilty to Criminal Trespass (First Degree), a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Sept. 14, and was placed on supervised probation for 24 months. A restitution hearing was scheduled for Nov. 16. • On Oct. 15, Darin William Dorn, 50, pleaded guilty to Reckless Driving, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Aug. 17, and was sentenced to five days in jail, placed on bench probation for 24 months, and ordered to pay costs of $385. Charges of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Refusing to Take a Test for Intoxicants, and two counts of Recklessly Endangering Another Person, were dismissed. • On Oct. 15, Celita Little was found in contempt of court for failure to pay child support, and was sentenced to 10 days in jail (with credit for time served), placed on bench probation for 60 months, and ordered to make child support payments starting Nov. 1, including payments on arrears. No costs were ordered because of defendant’s inability to pay. • On Oct. 15, Amity Jane Pulliam, 36, pleaded guilty to Failure to Appear (First Degree), a Class C felony, committed on or about July 5, and was sentenced to 20 days in jail (with credit for time already served), placed on supervised probation for 24 months, and ordered to pay costs of $1,820. A second charge of Failure to Appear (First Degree) was dismissed.


BILL BAERTLEIN FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER! Charles & Sue Hurliman, Jill Williams, Tom Donohoue, David Downs, David & Terrie Yamamoto, Garry Bullard, Shirley Kalkoven, Frants Pulsen, John & Janet Stahl, Walt & Patty Porter, Dan & Linda Green, Dale Anderson, Mike & Judy Cooley, Rob Trost, Paul & Sandra Hanneman, Don & Linnea Burdon, Barbara Bosch Seaholm,Richard & Susan Chelone, Steve & Marcia Baertlein Bill & Vicky Goodman, Tira Horton, Tom & Sue Hurliman, Dennis & Joanne Love, Marlene Trent, Robert Rasmussen, David & Freyne Gienger, Bud & Helen Gienger, Joe & Lonnie Jenck, Don & Michele Jenck, Mike & Jennifer Murphy, Jerry Dove, Garey & Kathy Mark, Don & Desi Josi, Derrick Josi, Dennise Porter, Gus Meyer, Jeff & Pam Hurliman, Frank Bohannen, Tom & Betty Waud, Mike Cham, Jim & Carol Nelson, George & Myra Wilson, Alix Baertlein Joe & Sarah Rocha, Lowell & Gloria Baertlein Shannon & Julie Lorenzo, Mike & Suzie Whalen, Lorraine Vandecouvering, Sue Hurliman, Terry & Teresa Freeman, David & Patty Brown, Howard Baertlein, Ruby Fry, Lloyd Baertlein, , Tim & Sue Emerson, Jim & Sue Hurliman, Ray Streeter, Richard & Julia Nyseth, Bea Barclay.

Together we can make Tillamook work for us! Paid for by the committee to elect Bill Baertlein.


WARMING: Last year thirty-four volunteers contributed a total of 1,050 hours on nights when the weather was dangerous between mid-December and late March. A total of 75 “beds” were provided on 34 nights. It’s time to train volunteers for the Warming Center for the upcoming winter weather season. Please consider attending a volunteer training November 1 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Tillamook County Library. The Warming Center is open from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Volun-

PARKING: Hurd, a former mayor of Tillamook, is currently chair of the Tillamook Urban Renewal Agency. There are now three city parking lots downtown, all within a block of Main Street: (1) on the east side of Ivy, between Second and Third Streets; (2) a smaller lot on the east side of Ivy at Second; and (3) the “Urban Renewal lot” recently built on First between Ivy and Stillwell. (The Urban Renewal lot cost some $400,000 to build.) Residents, employers and employees are prohibited from 2-hour parking in the half-block lot between Second and Third on Ivy, and most of the new “Urban Renewal lot” recently built on First between Ivy and Stillwell. Those lots are mostly empty. “It’s a chicken-or-egg thing, I guess,” Henson suggested. “All this parking sitting empty in the hopes we’ll get some viable business.” The lots aren’t getting a lot of usage now, he said, “but five years from now…?” Resident, employer and employee parking is allowed in the smaller city-owned parking lot at the corner of Second and Ivy, and in another 15 spaces at the south (Stillwell) end of the “Urban Renewal lot.” Those spaces come at a price, though. It costs $30 a month to park there. 42 of the 53 available spaces are currently leased out, city manager Paul Wyntergreen said. “You apply at City Hall,” Wyntergreen said. “Mary Tucker handles it.” The spaces are leasable on a month-to-month basis, he said. There are no signs on Main or Pacific directing visitors or customers to the parking lots, because ODOT reportedly wouldn’t allow the direction signs on “their” highway. “They tell us what we can and can’t do,” Henson complained. “We’d like something on Highway 101 and Highway 6 to direct people to the lots,” Wyntergreen said. “They’re only a block off the highway.” One of the tasks for the city’s new RARE intern, Terra Wilcoxson, is to develop signs that will be acceptable to ODOT.

Continued from Page A1 teers are organized into three shifts: set up, clean up, and staffing the night time hours. Volunteers never work alone. Teams, couples, parents and teenagers are encouraged to apply together; volunteer for a shift and work it as a team. Individual volunteers are welcome and will be paired with another volunteer. Background checks and volunteer training are required. Numerous community agencies, organizations and churches contributed to the Warming Center in 2011-2012:

Oregon Food Bank Tillamook provided emergency blankets; Red Cross provided volunteer training and sleeping mats; Kilchis House provided coffee and supplies; the Catholic Church provide the space; CARE provided Erin Skaar’s leadership; and Emergency Manager Gordon McCraw partnered with the Warming Center in providing weather reports and recommendations about unsafe weather. For more information or to sign up for training call CARE at 503-842-5261.

Continued from Page A1


Empty rows of parking space on Second Street in downtown Tillamook.

“It’s a challenge,” Wyntergreen said. Residents, employers and employees parking in the Downtown Parking District outside of a space they’ve leased face a $50 ticket—if they get caught, and if the meter maid is on duty. (The meter maid works only 12 hours a week.) Some take their chances. (And some get tickets.) Others park outside the District—sometimes several blocks away from where they work or live—and complain. Tami Taliafero, who works at the Headlight Herald, described her frustration with downtown parking when she was pregnant last January. “I tried to buy a space. They said they wouldn’t have one for a couple of months.” Taliafero offered to get a note from her doctor recommending she park close to work. “I was 7-1/2 months pregnant. I had to walk slow, in a lot of pain, in really crappy weather. “They said they couldn’t do it for me ‘cause they’d have to do it for every other 7-1/2 months pregnant woman with a doctor’s note,” Taliafero said. “I complained on Facebook.” The prohibition, Henson said, addressed a long-standing problem of business owners parking in front of their businesses, preventing cus-

tomers from doing so. “I know it bothers some people,” Henson said. “Walk a little faster and get an umbrella.” Henson suggested getting a 30-minute parking permit as a possible solution for businesses (like the Headlight Herald) that have employees in and out a lot—but those are delivery permits, police chief Terry Wright said, for things like the florist shops’ delivery vans. (They are free.) The city’s parking ordinance doesn’t provide for any 30minute permits, city manager Wyntergreen said. “Limited exception permits” can be obtained free of charge for special events like “Moonlight Madness,” but they have to be requested each time. The city’s ordinance says applications for these “limited exception permits” have to go to the Street Committee, which will make recommendations to the city council; however, there’s no Street Committee any more. Requests are handled by the city manager. There are no other kinds of exemptions available. The frustration with Tillamook’s downtown parking situation seems to escalate as the summer tourist season ends, and the availability of parking space downtown becomes widespread. “You can park anywhere,” noted

Christian Gurling, curator of the Tillamook Air Museum, on a recent visit. “There’s a million spaces here.” “Tommy Boye” Steggell, whose “Tillamook Cow” radio studio is on Second Street, agreed. “After Labor Day, if we’re not parking here, it looks like a ghost town. Ghost towns are not inviting.” Tillamook County leases all the parking places on Madrona Street behind the courthouse for parking for its employees, under an old intergovernmental agreement that pre-dates the Parking District by many years, according to Paul Levesque. There are no other such arrangements with other downtown employers. “If the county can buy a strip of parking next to the courthouse and say ‘this is for employees only,’ why can’t I?” Tommy Boye asked. Gurling agreed. “Why can’t downtown merchants purchase a section of street for employee parking?” “And what about the downtown employee who wants to go shopping downtown on their day off?” Gurling asked. “Do they risk a $50 ticket when they do that?” (They do, city manager Wyntergreen said.) The idea of protecting parking places for use by customers is a good one—but there are fewer customers in the winter, and still the same number of parking places. There are also more parking places than there used to be, thanks to the building of the new lots. Is this an argument for seasonal relief? “Somebody will have to come up with a proposal and bring it to the city council,” Henson said. “The first thing is to get the businesses together,” Hurd said. He suggested petitioning the city for free parking. “Why not have 30 days of free parking? Why not try different things? Work on special deals for when the tourists are gone and we’ve got our city back,” he said. “There’s a lot of life in this town—just need to get the sun shining on it.” “We’re not living or dying on the money from parking,” Hurd said.

Integrity Fiscal Responsibility Livability Economic Development



Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bill Baertlein

Letter to the Voters of Tillamook County: From: William Spidal/Candidate; Tillamook County Sheriff, Nov. 6, 2012 Tillamook is a great community but when politics interferes with the criminal justice system, we must correct it.... 1. We have a crisis with domestic violence and we must focus on ending it.

2. False arrests where 25% of the people who go to trial are found not guilty.

3. Where favoritism allows pedophiles/rapists to plead guilty to felonies and get probation...

We need to correct this and that’s why I’m asking for your vote for Tillamook County Sheriff!

William Spidal - Tillamook County Sheriff Nov. 2012


VOTE Paid for by: Friends of William Spidal & (Carol, Linda, Colleen, Judy, Howard, Patty, Richard, William, Madison, Jefferson, Marcos, Austin, Connor). L20295


Lunsford sentenced to 10 years Ronald Lunsford was sentenced to 120 months in prison with no parole for manslaughter in the first degree for the shooting death of Christopher Quinn Brusman on January 11, 2010, a Measure 11 offense. A jury found Lunsford guilty of the murder of Brusman, "committed under circumstances of extreme emotional disturbance," which reduces murder to the charge of manslaughter in the first degree. They also found him guilty of assault in the fourth degree against his wife at the time, Helena. Lunsford entered Brusman’s residence at approximately


11:30 p.m. with a loaded gun January 11, 2010, where he found his wife, Helena Lunsford (now Zuniga) in the bedroom with Brusman. Lunsford punched his wife repeatedly and then shot Brusman repeatedly. Lunsford’s sentence for assault in the fourth degree against Helena Zuniga is to be served consecutive with the manslaughter sentence. Lunsford received one year of credit for time served only on the assault, and no credit for time served for the murder charge. A restitution hearing will take place in November.

Continued from Page A1

The meeting continued with a talk by David McCall, of the Tillamook County Solid Waste Program. He presented a perspective on the needs for comprehensive waste planning. He mentioned that curbside recycling pickups (already implemented in the city of Tillamook) are being considered for south Tillamook county. The CPAC voted unanimously in favor of allowing a conditional use permit for a duplex residence on Sunset Drive in Pacific City.

In response to potential state action to close the airport in PC, Merrianne Hoffman suggested CPAC form a committee to track the issue and lobby for keeping the airport open. Doug Olson said the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners is taking the lead on the issue, having already expressed interest in doing what’s necessary to keep the airport open. The next meeting of the CPAC is to be at the Kiawanda Community Center on Nov. 19 at 6:30 p.m.


Continued from Page A1

The T-6 membership ($495) offers a free ride in the museum’s T-6 Texan. The Duck membership ($845.00) allows you and two guests into the museum for a year, admission to the Mini-Guppy, 15% off in the Gift Shop and a free ride in the Museum’s J2F-6 Duck. The top level, Mustang membership ($1,000) offers all the incentives plus a rise in one on the most rare functioning aircraft in the country, the museum’s P-51 Mustang. “The rarity of the airplanes dictates the level of of membership needed to get a ride on the planes,” said Gurling. “Fuel also has a little to do with it.” While flying in classic WWII aircrafts that were built between 1942 and 1949 is a thrill that very few people will have the chance to experience, safety concerns might keep some people on the ground. But Gurling is extremely confident in the safety of the planes, pilots and the riders. “Safety is of course a concern for the members, and it’s important we keep the pilots and the planes safe, too. That’s why we have the most top

quality maintenance crews available and two very qualified pilots who have spent their lives flying through very difficult circumstances such as aerial firefights,” Gurling said. “If there was any question at all from the pilots about maintenance or safety, we wouldn’t go up until everyone involved was completely sure it was safe.” And the pilots are instructed to take the riders wherever they’d like to go, within reason. The experience is totally catered to their wishes. “If they want to go up in the mountains and look for elk, they can do that. If they want to fly the coast line and watch the waves crashing from the air, they’re welcome to that, too.” The rides are being scheduled for preexisting fly days and will be approximately 30 minutes long. “Flying in these planes is an experience that is completely thrilling and unparalleled,” Gurling said. “The memberships even make great gifts for the person who has it all, because I bet they haven’t been on a ride in one of these planes.”

CELTIC ALL HALLOWS EVE SERVICE Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:00 pm

Bay City United Methodist Church 5695 D Street, Bay City, Oregon A 30-minute service featuring Celtic music, prayers, poetry, and other readings evoking the magic and mystery of creation, our connection with departed loved ones, and the power of God’s blessings in everyday life

Suggested Donation: Canned food to help needy families (503) 377-2679


Page A10 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A11

Public gives input on Parks & Rec Plan GUEST COMMENTARY When a tree falls, it isn’t up for grabs BY JOE WRABEK

TILLAMOOK – An estimated 20 people attended the City’s Parks & Recreation Plan open house Thursday evening, Oct. 18, in the Tillamook High School cafeteria. Attendees were treated to conceptual design posters for Tillamook’s newest park land, synopses of the new parks master plan, and invited to provide comments. City planner David Mattison and RARE intern Terra Wilcoxson were on hand for questions, along with Tillamook’s public works director Arley Sullivan and members of the city planning commission. Thursday’s open house was the second on the master plan. An open house the previous week at the 911 Center drew another 40 people, Mattison said. A city Planning Commission

CRIMES: “I’ve been working a timber theft case where the thieves cut 75 to 100 trees,� said Tillamook County Forest Deputy Dean Burdick. “They have the firewood sold on the internet before they get home. They’re not even harvesting fallen timber,� said Burdick. “They’ll cut old growth trees.� A recent drive through the Tillamook forest revealed several timber theft sites. Freshly sawn trees are a dead giveaway when firewood cutting is prohibited. “Every truck and trailer you’ve seen in the last month coming out of the forest full of fire wood is a timber theft,� said Burdick. Firewood cutting permits will became available October 22, before that cutting was prohibited because of fire danger. Another all too common forest crime is offensive littering, the illegal dumping of trash in the forest. “People come out here and dump their garbage rather than pay the fee at the dump,� said Burdick. “It’s terrible. The cost to clean these sites up is in the tens of thousands. I can’t even imagine what the price tag is.� On a recent Saturday Burdick came across trash dumped on a forest roadside a few miles southeast of Tillamook. There were five gallon buckets of gray paint spilled on the road, trash

City planner David Mattison, RARE intern Terra Wilcoxson, and City Public Works Director Arley Sullivan. meeting later Thursday (at 7 p.m.) didn’t take any action on the plan, Mattison said—that has to wait until after a formal Planning Commission hearing, scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 1 at City Hall. The Planning Commission is recommending new names for a number of the

parks, however, based on input received at the two open house sessions. They’re recommending: • Periscope Park be renamed Roosevelt Park; • W.E. Power Park be renamed Foundry park; • Hoquarton North Trailhead

become Headlight Trailhead; • Veterans’ Rotary Pioneer Peace Park become simply Pioneer Park; • Little Woods be re-named Peeler Park; • And the Oldenkamp RV Park property be named Killamook Park. A lot of input was received at the open houses, Mattison said. “Skate parks were the number-one subject,â€? he said, noting they had been the top item of interest in surveys since last year. “There’s a lot of push to put one back at Goodspeed Park,â€? he said. There was a skate park at Goodspeed, but now it’s just a concrete slab. Maintenance and funding issues forced its removal, Mattison said. “We also discussed dog issues,â€? Mattison said. “Do we allow dogs to run loose, or should they be on leashes and people have doggie bags?â€?

Continued from Page A1 bags of old VHS movies, pillows, Christmas table linens, and a case of medical catheters. Burdick donned latex gloves and sorted trash, looking for clues. “We’ll go a little further up the road,� he said. “When people do this, they generally dump it in several piles, like a trail of trash, rather than all in one spot.� Sure enough, just up the road there was more spilled paint and old clothes, and further still, the biggest mess was a wide spot in the road where people had dumped boxes of stuff over the edge of a ravine. A glance down the steep, muddy slope showed dozens of hardback books, more VHS movies, clothes, the kind junk that collects in piles and stacks if you don’t stay on top of it, and a large collection of plastic tablecloths. There didn’t seem to be any clear, safe path down to reach the garbage to clean it up. It would be a clean up operation that would require the time and labor of a crew of workers. In terms of the cost to taxpayers, consider the time and resources law enforcement devotes to investigating illegal dumping; add to that the expense for the Oregon Department of Forestry to clean it up, and finally, the relatively minor cost of dumping the garbage

itself. Other forest crimes include vandalism. “We check equipment on logging sites,� said Burdick. “People shoot the windows out of heavy equipment. It’s such a waste.� There’s drinking and driving in the forest, where drunk drivers seem to think that since they’re not on paved roads, laws no longer apply. Officers who patrol forests regularly encounter people without licenses, people with warrants, people who thought they were skating beneath the radar of the police by traveling forest roads. Forest deputies search for missing flatlanders who venture into the forest on the recommendation of a GPS that sends them onto impassable roads, sometimes socked in with snow. They search for people who become lost in the maze of logging roads that can continue for miles and miles, and end up in different counties. They search for people who went exploring and ran out of gas, or ran off the road. It’s so easy to get turned around in the forest that deputies travel with GPS systems and maps, and stop and check them regularly, to get their bearings. Illegal dope grows are an ongoing source of crime and pollution in the forest. “A few years ago we had to clean up

dump trucks worth of PVC pipe from a dope grow. They’d laid miles of pipe for irrigation. It was such a mess, it took so much manpower to clean that up it was unbelievable.� Burdick is not only scouting the forest to prevent crime, he’s also out there visiting with people, offering his help, handing out his cards, chatting with hunters, building relationships. “We want people to know we’re here,� he said, “but not in an oppressive way. We don’t want people to think they can’t come out here and have fun. This is their forest, and people feel an ownership about it, especially locals. We want people to think about calling us when they see someone else committing a crime. I’ve found that when I treat people with courtesy and respect, it pays off for years down the road. I’ve solved crimes out here that I never could have if people hadn’t given me information. Usually they’re people who know me, maybe I had an encounter with them when they were younger and I treated them fairly and gave them a warning, and they remember that. One judicious warning will do more good in the long run than a ticket ever will. The thing I like best about my job,� said Burdick, “is the opportunity to show the Sheriff’s Office in a good light.�

Editor’s note: Recently the Headlight Herald heard a report about confusion stemming from trees in close proximity to power lines cut by utility crews on Tillamook State Forest land to prevent power outages; is that felled timber available to citizens to cut for firewood? We asked Tillamook State Forester Dan Goody to answer the question for our readers.


When a tree falls in the Tillamook State Forest, it isn’t up for grabs. For example, where a power line crosses through the forest, utility crews must periodically cut trees that impinge on the corridor to prevent power outages. But the logs from a maintenance operation such as this still belong to the state. Where financially feasible, these logs will eventually be sold and the revenue distributed to the counties to help support their schools and infrastructure, in accordance with a long-standing trust-like agreement between state government and the counties. In some cases involving power line or road right-ofway easements, it is not profitable to commercially sell scattered individual trees as timber. In most of these cases, the felled trees would be available for public firewood cutting, which requires a permit. Public fire wood permits are available at the Tillamook district office of the Oregon Department of Forestry, except during fire season.

Removal of any forest product requires some type of permit, including saw logs, firewood, alder poles, salal, and other special forest products. The type of permit issued depends on the type of product, the amount, and the value. Taking a log that has been cut to maintain a utility rightof-way without a permit is deemed “timber trespass� under Oregon statute. As the first step in cost recovery, the Oregon Department of Forestry places a value on the felled timber by the same procedure used to appraise timber sales. If legal authorities determine the timber trespass was deliberate, or “willful,� a demand for treble damages will be made. But if the trespass appears to be casual or involuntary, then the department will seek double damages. Most of the Tillamook State Forest was made up of lands acquired primarily in the 1940s from counties that had received the cut-over or burned lands from private owners in lieu of back taxes. Counties transferred deeds to the state to manage, rehabilitate and reforest the lands. In return, counties receive a share of the revenues from the harvest of forest products. The revenue distribution formula is fixed in statute (63.75 percent to counties; 36.25 percent to state for management of the lands). Anyone witnessing suspected timber trespass, or theft, on State Forests is encouraged to contact the nearest office of the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Firewood permits for sale Oregon Department of Forestry, Tillamook District, firewood cutting areas opened Oct. 22. Personal Firewood Permits will be sold for $20. Purchasers must come in person to the ODF office at 5005 Third Street and bring the license plate number of the vehicle that will be used to haul the wood. Permits are only good for down and dead wood. Get information regarding woodcutting areas, permit limits, violations and consequences by calling the Tillamook ODF office at 503-842-2548.

18 Season!! th

The Four Freshmen Christmas Show Sunday, November 25 7:30 p.m.

“What’s Suffrage Got To Do With It�

Tingstad & Rumbel with David Lanz

Live Town Hall Debate

Sunday, January 13, 2013 7:30 p.m.

A celebration of the Oregon woman suffrage centennial (1912–2012)

The Hunt Family Tuesday, March 5, 2013 7:00 p.m.

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Hosted by Tillamook County Library



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Bobcats welcome back Whiteman BY JOSIAH DARR

Cheesemakers thump Tigers with 54-0 win BY JOSIAH DARR


he Tillamook football team was anxious and excited to face off against the Yamhill-Carlton Tigers on Oct. 19. The Tigers were winless for the season, the Cheesemakers were celebrating their homecoming, and they wanted to do it with a Cowapa League win. The game started off with a bang when Jacob Fowler took the opening kickoff deep into Tiger territory and was one tackler away from going all the way to the house. Unfortunately, the last Tiger caught him and the Cheesemakers were unable to turn the ensuing drive into points. Despite not scoring on the first drive, Tillamook played a strong first quarter and took a 14-0 lead into the second. It was then that the Cheesemakers separated themselves. Tillamook exploded for 34 points in the second quarter, opening up a 48-0 halftime lead.


(Left) Jacob Fowler and (above) Brandon Roehl during Friday’s homecoming game.

The Cheesemakers got a big night from a multitude of players, including 115 yards on 11 carries and two touchdowns from Jacob Wassmer, 151 yards passing and two passing touchdowns and one rushing from Matt Strang, as well as two catches for 45 yards from Jake Fowler. But that wasn’t all for Tillamook’s offense. Cole Berge averaged more than 20 yards on his three carries with a touchdown. Also having big games were receivers Isaac Stellflug and David Waud, who both had touchdown catches. Not to be left out of the scoring was Brock Lourenzo, who got a touchdown of his own on the evening. Overall, the Tillamook offense ran wild early in the game, and the defense was stout. “They tried to pass the ball a lot more than we thought they would, but we were pretty up on our pass defense,” said Tillamook head coach Matt Dickson. “After playing Scappoose last

week, our pass defense was ready. And it’s later in the season. At this point our technique and our skills are getting pretty good.” The Cheesemakers got a touchdown early in the second half to extend the lead to 54-0, which ended up being the final score. Tillamook moved to 4-4 on the season with the victory and 1-3 in Cowapa League play. Next week Tillamook will travel to Banks to take on the 5-3 Braves in their final game of the season. It could be one of the biggest games Tillamook football has played in a long time. “We’re .500 on the season right now and ending the season with a winning record is our biggest motivation at this point,” Dickson said. “We have a great group of seniors this season and we’ve had the goal of a winning season from the beginning and right now it’s right there within our reach. We just have to take it.” Tillamook will play Banks at 7 p.m. in Banks on Oct. 26.


If it isn’t one thing, it’s another this year for the Nestucca Bobcats. Their season started out promising, but after multiple injuries to key players, the team is missing major pieces. On Oct. 19, the Bobcats traveled to Portland Christian. The Royals rolled through the Bobcats defense to the tune of 44 points while not allowing the ‘Cats to get on the scoreboard. The Royals are averaging more than 41 points per game this season and have a perfect 8-0 record. The wet and muddy game stated off all right for the Bobcats, with their defense forcing fourth downs twice on the opening drive for the Royals. But, the Royals offense was able to convert on both fourth downs and eventually get the first score of the game. “Portland Christian has this double wing offense where they line up with two split ends and they have a ton of passing touchdowns from their quarterback Mumford this season,” said Bobcat head coach Jeff Schiewe. “They execute very well, and they executed on defense also.” The Bobcats offense was ineffective most of the game, but they did have one bright spot – the Bobcats saw the return of Sam Whiteman. “It was nice to see him back. We missed his toughness on the field,” Schiewe said. Unfortunately for the ‘Cats, Whiteman’s return wasn’t going to be enough with Drace Moeller, Zach Welch and Cody Chance still out with injuries. “We’ve been bit by the injury bug this season,” said Bobcat assistant coach Pat Connelly. “The guys we’re missing are big offensive threats, but their impacts are huge on the defensive side of the ball, too. We’re basically missing a huge chunk of our team.” Senior Austin Woods did well on defense for the Bobcats, making good reads and flying all over the field. He led the ‘Cats with 14 tackles on the night, but there were too many Royals to stop them all. The Bobcats dropped to 3-3 on the season and 0-3 in the Northwest League. But, they’ll try to get back on track when they host the Gaston Greyhounds on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m.

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Steak Dinner and Auction

November 2nd, 2012 Tillamook Church of the Nazarine Dinner & Silent Auction 5:00-7:30 pm Oral Auction will begin at 7:30 pm $25 couples $15 single $7 children 10 and under Menu includes: Tri-tip, Baked Potato, Caesar Salad, Green Beans, Roll, Beverage & Ice Cream Sundae (portions vary for children)

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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page A13

Littlest players shine on the field BOWLING SCORES ODDBALLS WEEK 7 – 10/18/12 Jerry’s Upholstery, 16 -1 Stimson Lumber, 15.5 - 12.5 The WAVE, 12.5 - 15.5 Tillamook Country Smoker, 12 - 1 Team High Game Stimson - 604 Team High Series Stimson - 1698


On Oct. 20, Tillamook’s youth third- and fourth-grade football team finished its first season ever, and the fifth- and sixth-graders finished their season as well. The younger kids ended their season with a 4-3 record and the older kids finished up going 3-4, but according to third- and fourth-grade coach Bryan Hornbeak, the season’s success won’t be measurable until next year. “Wins and losses aren’t how we measure success as coaches,� Hornbeak said. “We win if the kids come out next year and we lost if they don’t. That’s the only way to judge a successful program at this age.� Judging by the participation from the entire community, this season was a hit. “For being a first year program, this was a huge success,� Hornbeak said. “The way the whole community came together to support us was amazing. We had volunteer parents and coaches all the way to Matt Dickson at the high school and even the junior and high school football players helping us. “Everything I hoped would happen this season, happened.

Industrial League 1. Trask Vale Farm, 46-17 2. Precision Timber LLC., 36-27 3. Tillamook Tire, 29-34 4. Tillamook Lanes, 28-35 5. Dairy & Water Systems, 27-36 6. Jay Sheldon Constr., 23-40

Isaac Hornbeak passes the ball.

This is exactly what Tillamook football should be like in the community, and I believe these kids are going to help build that kind of a football community.� While Hornbeak was happy to help coach the younger kids, he wanted to make sure credit was given where credit was due. “I have to give huge thanks to Frank Tuimato and Silvia Schriber for coming to me and getting me involved in the first place, as well as for their roles in the program,� Hornbeak said. “They’ve done so much it’s almost impossible to thank them enough.� For all the volunteer support from the community, it was still up to the little football players to get out there

Individual High Games & Series Gary Lee 247 Jerry Betzer 611 Dennis Wilks 233, 607 Gerry Betzer 230 Drew Kleeman 606 Trent is a third grader and the fastest kid on the Tillamook team.

and play the game. According to Hornbeak, their improvement from the beginning to the end of the season was phenomenal. “The way the whole team made the transition from flag to tackle football was amazing,� Hornbeak said. “There were things we were doing at the end of the season, we couldn’t have ever accom-

plished at the beginning. Everything from their blocking to their tackling and passing got better every game and they looked like a completely different group of kids at the end than they did at the beginning. “I have to give all the credit to the kids. When I asked them for 100-percent, I got it every time and then some.�

Independent League 1. Barclay’s Heating, 55-08 2. Tom’s Electric, 45-18 3. Tom Dotson Constr., 36-27 4. Greg’s Marine, 34-29 5. Tillamook Eagles, 32-31 6. Don Averill Recycling, 30-33 7. Tillamook Lanes, 28-35 8. Godfrey’s Pharmacy, 23-40 9. Noel’s Timber Cutting, 22-41 10. Den Jo Farms, 10-53 Individual High Games & Series Drew Kleeman 264 673

Alex Rawe, 254 Chris Loffelmacher 616 Gerry Betzer 247 Dennis Wilks & Bob Coppini 615 Thursday Morning Mixed Trios 1. The 3 J’S, 24-11 2. Pioneer Vet Hospital, 22-13 3. LM & The Kid, 20-15 4. Just Us, 20-15 5. Skelton Construction, 17-18 6. A&M Auto,15.5-19.5 7. Whitehead Reforest.,14.5-20.5 Individual High Games & Series Women Tina Crabtree 208 Susan Taylor 670 Mona Skelton 194 Tina Crabtree 642 Marlene Stephens 192 624 Individual Men Gary Lee 227 777 Dan Turner 223 Dennis Wilks 733 Mike Landolt 212 Jerry Crist 715 LANE STRIKERS 1) Hip Chicks 20 – 8 2) Shooters 17 – 11 3) We/Otta 16 – 12 4) Odd Balls 15 – 13 5) Feisty Four 13 – 15 6) Gutter Guys 13 – 15 7) Lane Brains 12 – 16 8) 324’s 12 – 16 9) Foxy Grammies 11 – 17



Oregon homeowners have been targeted with a new tax on the sale or transfer of real estate, a new tax that some have made a legislative priority. PHOTO COURTESY OF LYNDA HOLM

The Neah-Kah-Nie Youth Athletic 5th and 6th Grade Team beat Banks with a score of 46-0. They are now 7-1 and top in the league.

A YES vote on Measure 79 will stop another tax on your home.

ON THE DROP Fishing secrets in the age of the internet


s a flatlander who moved from the valley to the steelhead and salmon rich rivers of Tillamook County, I’ve seen firsthand the discontent some local fishermen have for outof-towners when it comes to putting pressure on the local rivers. Typically, fishermen are good at keeping a good bite secret. But in today’s age of cell phones, Facebook, internet forums and other social media outlets secrets are harder to keep. So how do people like David Johnson, who’s been fishing in Tillamook for 28 years and guiding in the area for 19, keep a ‘secret’ spot? Moreover, how can someone like Johnson be a blogger and a main information outlet in magazines and fishing forums without hurting his own business? It seems to be a matter of location. “Back when I started, in the 1980s, there was definitely more pressure on the rivers and bays than there is today,� Johnson said. “Growing up, there were much bigger crowds and lines at boat ramps on Tillamook Bay. But, say the Wilson River, has gotten a lot more pressure as of late. A lot of that increased pressure has to do with people reading in media over and over about specific areas.� But he also explained that people who might only go fishing once a month tend to be the people who are most influenced by social media, and are the most likely to go somewhere they’d recently read about on Facebook or an online forum. Inventor of the wildly successful internet fishing forum,, Tillamook local Jenny Logsdon-Martin has seen much of the same thing as Johnson. Logsdon-Martin’s site is so big that in the month of

August, had 367,0278 unique visitors and more than 5.5 million page views by people searching for or sharing information. “There used to be a lot of ‘yellow rodders’ out there who would show Josiah Darr up and not Sports Editor really catch much, but now with the availability of information, even ‘yellow rodders’ catch fish,� Logsdon-Martin said. “That being said, I don’t think Ifish or other social media is hurting fishing in Tillamook County. “On the contrary, the more people interested in fishing, the more people out there to help protect the resource. They have to be excited about fishing to want to protect them. And there’s no better way to get excited about fishing than to catch a fish. That’s where Ifish helps people.� The ‘yellow rodders’ Logston-Martin is referring to is a slang term for people who aren’t serious fishermen and often are using bottom of the line equipment that can be bought at any outdoor store. Many of these old rods were yellow in color, making it easy to identify the fishermen who may be new to the sport, or at least aren’t veterans. “I think the same number of fish are caught daily, it’s a matter of how small the pie is sliced,� Johnson said. “I know the media has hurt the catch of the better fishermen and evened the playing field. But in general, if you want to be on a good bite, you can’t just follow a report. To really have to already be there when the fish get there in the first place.�

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Page A14 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

New community United Way supports Marie Mills Center development director hired T TILLAMOOK COUNTY UNITED WAY

Crystal Tupacz works on janitorial cleaning skills at the Marie Mills office.

he Marie Mills Center is Tillamook’s support center for people with disabilities. “We serve some 65 people with disabilities in various ways,” Marie Mills’ Cindy Green told the Headlight Herald. From its headquarters building on Hoquarton Slough, the Marie Mills Center operates two group homes—one on Chestnut, with five residents, and one on Madrona with 11— and provides support to some who are living on their own. “Some folks need help with budgeting, buying groceries, and the like,” Green said. $4,000 of Marie Mills’ $2.1 million budget last year came from United Way, executive director Ron Rush said. The United Way funding is important because “it supports us with the extra things,” Green said. “We’re working at getting a generator for the group home on Chestnut for when the power goes out,” Green said. “The other group home has one.” Some of the money may be used to fund this year’s Halloween event, she said, to which everyone in the commu-

nity with disabilities and their families are invited. “So, fun things and very practical things.” “We have enclaves of people that work,” Green said— some at the Tillamook Country Smoker in Bay City, some in Marie Mills’ four or five janitorial crews that serve businesses all over the county. “We also do lawn maintenance,” Green said. “We have people here (at the headquarters center) who do confidential records destruction.” And “we have a couple of retired people who just hang out.” Clients are usually referred to the Marie Mills Center through the County, Green said. “We are not a state agency,” she said. “We are non-profit.” Clients themselves get state assistance, she said. Marie Mills has between 40 and 50 staff employees. “One of the biggest things we do,” Green said, “is help (clients) utilize their local communities. They work here, they shop here, they put their dollars back into the community. We’ve got a good community here.”

United Way helps CARE “It’s a hoppin’ spot most of the time, here,” CARE’s executive director Erin Skaar said. CARE is the local Community Action Agency, helping the homeless and low-to-moderate income. “Our focus is on housing,” Skaar said, “but we see it in a fairly broad sense. People need incomes and health. What are the pieces that de-stabilize housing?” “We have $158,325 in our budget to give away,” Skaar said. $6,900 of that came from United Way. “Those dollars are really vital to us because of their flexibility,” she said. “They come with the fewest strings attached.” Money from the state will often be restricted, she said; “it’ll say ‘may only be used for shelter.’ That won’t let us do a tent or a sleeping bag or cooking equipment.”

That “flexible” money bought a new truck window for a man living out of his truck when the truck was broken into, and a new tire for a scooter for a lady dependent on the scooter for mobility. “No state money would pay for that,” Skaar said. “We ask what is the greatest need and how can we meet it?” Eviction prevention is one of CARE’s priorities, Skaar said. “You have people who are working and just not making enough.” An unexpected expense—a vehicle breakdown or medical emergency—can make it impossible to pay the rent, she said. “We try to pay the one-time things.” Utility bills are another thing CARE helps with, she said; in the winter, utility bills can be one of those “one-time things” that get

CARE executive director Erin Skaar, at the organization’s headquarters on First St.

out of control. CARE has the equivalent of three full-time employees involved in emergency services, Skaar said. CARE also provides a lot of services to the homeless— tents, sleeping bags, propane for cooking, and “some sheltering,” Skaar said. “Community


Construction on the new medical facility.

route that comes into the hospital to supply the new building. Also, the water main that supplies the hospital is being moved to a location that will give better access for maintenance. Tillamook Water

Boyd will relocate to Tillamook County with his family and is expected to join Tillamook County service by JOHN BOYD Nov. 15. “I am very pleased with the selection of John as our new Tillamook County Community Development Director,” said Commissioner Mark Labhart. “John, as well as two other candidates, was interviewed by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. “In addition, three panels consisting of the Tillamook County City Managers, the Community Development Department employees and the County Leadership Team interviewed them. All gave John high marks.” John Boyd added, “I am excited about the opportunity the Board of Commissioners has offered me. My wife and I look forward to relocating to Tillamook County, getting out in the community and meeting people.”

Benefit raises $700 for medical expenses

partners” help with personal hygiene items, towels, and shower vouchers for the YMCA. “We don’t do food,” she said. “There’s a wonderful food network in Tillamook County.” They expect to have the warming center in Tillamook open by mid-November.

Hospital clinic construction is on schedule The construction project taking place at Tillamook County General Hospital is well on it way to completion. The new facility will offer a range of medical services all located under one roof. It will be far closer to a “Tillamook Medical Plaza,” as hospital workers are starting to refer to it. The nearly 20,000-squarefoot facility is set to open in May 2013. The construction is going so well at this point, Development & Marketing Director for the hospital, Melody Ayers, says a “coming soon” banner with this new name will be erected facing Third Street next week. Some features the new building will include are a new Urgent care, family and primary care, surgery, orthopedics, podiatry, job care, occupational health, a lab, and a new radiology area. “The layout of this multipleservice facility has been designed with input from local health care professionals to support the new, integrated patient-centered primary care home model,” Ayers said. Currently the peripheral projects the construction crew are taking on include electrical supply for the new facility, which is being installed this week by Tillamook PUD. This project will include an electrical vault being added that will use the same power supply

The Tillamook Board of County Commissioners announces the appointment of a new Director of Community Development. The County had 11 applicants for this position from throughout the region. The County Human Resources Director indicated this applicant pool was among the most qualified groups of applicants the County has received in some time. The Commissioners selected John Boyd of Roseburg. Boyd has twenty-plus years as a planning professional in Oregon. His current position is the Manager/Senior Planner for Douglas County and heads up their long range-planning program. Boyd earned his undergraduate degree at Portland State University in Finance and has completed the core coursework for a Master’s degree in Urban/Regional Planning also from Portland State. In addition to his rich academic experience, John’s practical planning experience in Douglas County included coastal planning duties for the communities of Winchester Bay, Gardiner and the City of Reedsport.

Department is working jointly with the hospital to upgrade the main water line along Birch Street, which will improve services to city residents. Another aspect of the construction underway is the cre-

ation of a bioswale system which is going in along the North side of the property. Bioswales are now being used more often throughout Tillamook County as a way to help direct, filter and disperse storm water runoff. A recent example can be seen by the Tillamook Bay Community College campus along Marolf Loop Road. “It’s exciting being a part of the development and building of this new medical resource for our community,” stated VP for Physician and Clinic Services Gina Seufert. “Having a facility that is designed with a patient-centered focus and supports the ability of clinical providers to work more closely together for the good of their patients will mean a healthier future for Tillamook County.”

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BEAVER – The Taylor Carter benefit concert on Oct. 20, raised a reported $700 for the toddler’s medical bills. The girl was seriously injured in a lawnmower accident. The event, held in the gym of the old Nestucca Middle School in Beaver, featured musical performances by Eric Sappington from Oceanside, Wayne Frampton and Sara Charlton from Bay City, Joe Wrabek from Garibaldi, and Barb and Russ Sanders, Jim Loughrie, and two members from the band Madrona, all from Beaver, and a special appearance by “Johnny Cash” (impersonated by Loughrie), with the rest of the musicians as his backup band. The concert is one of the few times the old wood-paneled gymnasium has been used for performance since the Nestucca Middle School was closed several years ago.

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Featured Featured Speak Speakers: eakers: Bro. Fred Mathews with Samson the Grizzly bear.

‘Kids Crusade’ coming to Cloverdale church CLOVERDALE – Bro. Fred Mathews will visit Cloverdale Baptist Church Oct. 29-31, from 6:30-8 p.m. each night for the “He’s Still Workin’ on Me” Kids Crusade. Mathews teaches children through illusions, ventriloquism, PowerPoint and song. For more information, contact Pastor Randy Winesburgh at 503801-2757 or email

Ronald Ronald L. TTeed, eed, d, MD

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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page B1

Irish traditional music comes BIRTHS to the Bay City Arts Center On November 11th the Bay City Arts Center will host Irish button accordion legend, Paddy O'Brien, fiddler Dale Russ, and guitarist and vocalist Nancy Conescu for a day of workshops, Irish fare, and an evening concert. In 2012, Paddy was selected as Ireland’s Traditional Composer of the Year, one of the highest honors in Irish traditional music. The trio will offer workshops at 1 p.m. for anyone who would like to spend 90 minutes honing their skills on accordion, fiddle or guitar. Workshops are only $20 per person, and preregistration is required. Alternatively Paddy also offers a workshop covering tunes and repertoire for all instruments. To preregister for a workshop, please call Corner Office Northwest at 503-368-2669. Then, starting at 5 p.m. Irish stew and soda bread will be on the menu for a suggested donation of only $5.00. The meal will be prepared by guest chef Rachel Phaksuwan (formerly of The Schooner in Netarts). Proceeds benefit the Bay City Arts Center. At 6:30 p.m. Paddy, Dale and Nancy will take the stage to present an evening of Irish traditional music as never before heard on the coast. Paddy weaves stories about the tunes and the people he learned them from into his performance creating a true Irish experience for his audience. Tickets cost $12 for adults. Kids under 12 admitted free with parent or guardian. Cash/checks accepted at the gate. If you miss this concert on November 11th, you will have a second chance to see Paddy on November 18th in a 3 p.m. matinee performance at the Hoffman Center on Laneda Avenue in Manzanita. From County Offaly in the midlands of Ireland, Paddy traveled the countryside as a young man to spend time with older players, absorbing music and the accompanying oral tradition. His early influences came from many players he met in sessions, including Joe Delaney and Dan

Cleary of Offaly, Donegal fiddler John Doherty, Paddy Fahy, Eddie Kelly from Galway, Frank McCollum of Antrim, Seán Ryan from Tipperary, and Johnny Henry from Mayo, among hosts of others. In Ireland, he played and recorded with the famed Castle Ceili Band and Ceoltoiri Laighean. In 1978, Paddy began playing regularly in the United States, in Washington DC, Saint Louis, Saint Paul, San Francisco, Boston, New York, and many places between. He has been featured on six recordings with Shanachie Records since 1978, and in 1988 released his first solo album, “Stranger at the Gate,” on the Green Linnet label (and recently rereleased by Compass Records). His most recent recordings include “The Sailor’s

Cravat,” with fiddler Tom Schaefer, bouzouki player Paul Wehling, and singer Erin Hart (who happens to be his wife); and a new solo CD, “Mixing the Punch.” Both of these recent recordings are available from New Folk Records/Cló IarChonnacht. Paddy has taught at the prestigious Willie Clancy Summer School held in Milltown Malbay, County Clare, Goderich Celtic College, The Swannanoa Gathering, and the Catskills Irish Arts Week. Since 1994, he has received a number of grants and fellowships to undertake an unprecedented project, recording and cataloging 1,000 tunes from his vast repertoire of traditional music; the result of that effort, The Paddy O’Brien Tune Collection: A Personal Treasury of Irish Traditional Music, has received accolades from players of Irish music around the world. Dale Russ’s fiddling is known for its balance of power and elegance. Dale started playing the fiddle in 1973 after moving to Washington State from his native Connecticut. Although self-taught—and 100% Slovak—he was invited in 1990 to perform at the first Boston College Irish Music Festival, “My Love is in America,” featuring 16 of the finest Irish fiddle players living in the States. The concert was recorded and released by Green Linnet Records and won an award from the Smithsonian as “Traditional Recording of the Year.” He has since recorded with various artists in the Seattle area including Hanz Araki. Nancy Conescu is an internationally respected guitarist and vocalist. She plays Irish music festivals and clubs in Ireland, Japan and the USA, and performs regularly in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. She has performed with Gerry Harrington, Joannie Madden, Andy McGann, Martin Hayes, Patrick Ourceau, Randal Bays, Brian Conway, John Redmond, Linda Hickman and Pat Kilbride. To learn more about Paddy O'Brien, please visit

Keegan Silao Kelekolio Keegan Silao Kelekolio, son of Andrea Lyman and Lotolelei Kelekolio of Bay City, was born Oct. 6, 2012 at Tillamook County General Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. Proud grandparents are Carla Lyman of Tillamook, Eric and Denise Lyman of Newberg, and Lita and Femoumoua'i of American Samoa. Great-grandparents are Dolores Lyman of Woodburn and Malivao Kelekolio of Western Samoa.

Sophia Janae Winfrey Sophia Janae Winfrey was born July 24, 2012 at the Tillamook County Hospital. She weighed 7lbs 10 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches long. Sophia was born to Cassandra and Skyler Winfrey of Tillamook. She joins big sister, Karisa Winfrey, 3. Grandparents Cheryl Thompson, Dennis Winfrey, Nanci Cox & Glenn Wheeless live in Tillamook. Great-grandmother Marlene Thompson lives in Tillamook; great grandparents Gloria & Rick Schroder live in Illinois; Sandra & Glenn Wheeless live in Bakersfield California, and great great Grandmother Retha Thompson lives in McMinnville.


Winter Weather Awareness Week BY GORDON MCCRAW Director, Tillamook County Emergency Management

Well, we have had our first series of storm systems signaling summer is officially over and winter is coming. Our days are getting shorter and the nights and days, are getting cooler. If you want to mark your calendar, Daylight Saving Time ends November 4th when we fall back. This week though, is Winter Weather Awareness Week for the Pacific Northwest. While Tillamook County has recently had a big campaign on Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness, now is a good time to remind you about some of the winter hazards common to our area, and offer you some solutions. Whether we are talking about snow and ice in the Coastal Range passes, or flooding rains throughout the county (and don’t forget the hurricane force winds along our beaches, and sometimes even inland) being prepared

can make all the difference between safety and suffering. First, let’s talk about driving in the severe winter weather mentioned above. The best advice for driving in bad weather conditions is just not to drive at all. Ask yourself if you really must go or can it wait. If you must go, give yourself plenty of time so you are not rushed, and make sure you are prepared. Do you have an emergency kit in your car, plenty of gas, flares, sand or kitty litter? Be sure to take your charged cellphone with you, and be sure to let someone know you are going and about what time you should arrive. Are you prepared at home for the winter weather? The first challenge is knowing severe weather is on the way. Beside watching TV and listening to the radio, do you have a NOAA Weather Radio? These radios broadcast official Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a

day, 7 days a week. Many models will alert you with a loud tone as soon as a warning is issued for your area and will tell you what the warning is. It is also a good time to have your furnace or heater inspected so you know it is working properly before its really needed, check the batteries in your smoke alarms, plan and practice your family escape plan in case you have a fire. Do you have an emergency kit for each member of the family, including your pets? Don’t forget to protect your pipes when the temperature drops below freezing. Do you have a generator, extra gas, and when is the last time you replaced the gas and started it up to make sure it runs okay? These are but a few of the preparedness steps you should take before the winter actually settles in. Some additional steps might include signing up for Reverse Alert Notification on your cellphone. While the 911 Alert Notification System already has landline phone

numbers in its database, the new system allows you to log onto their website ( and under 911 Alerts, fill out a form that automatically attaches your cellphone to your residence. This way when an alert is sent out by geographical location, it will call your cellphone if the warning includes your home. Emergency Management also sends out cellphone and email alerts via Nixle, a system that also allows you to go to a website (, and select when and what type alerts you want to be notified about. Remember, in many of our severe winter storms, landslides, downed trees, and flooding, often prevents first responders from reaching you. It is up to you to be prepared; again, this can make the difference between safety and suffering! If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 503-8423412 or email at

Richard and Elki Powers Richard and Elki Powers celebrated their wedding anniversary – 50 years of love and laughter – on Oct. 12.

Marie Mills annual Open House October is National Disability Employment Awareness month. To recognize and celebrate the importance of employment and other opportunities for the developmentally disabled, Marie Mills Center and the Marie Mills Foundation, in conjunction with the Tillamook Chamber of Commerce Business after Hours, will hold its annual open house on Oct. 26 from 5-7 p.m. Marie Mills Center has provided vocational and residential services to developmentally disabled adults in Tillamook County for 43 years and currently serves 83 individuals with developmental disabilities. The Open House is open to the public and will be held at 1800 Front Street in Tillamook. Refreshments will be provided.

Identifying Children with Special Needs Districts are responsible to locate, evaluate, and serve children with special needs including: • Children with disabilities (birth to 21) • Children who speak a second language or those who live in a home where a second language is spoken. (kindergarten to 12th grade) • Children who are talented and gifted. (kindergarten to 12th grade) If you know any child who may need special services (this includes private and home school children) or if you have questions about what services can be provided, please contact: Neah-Kah-Nie School District (355-2222) for ages 5 – 21. Tillamook School District (842-4414) for ages 5 – 21. Nestucca School District (392-4892) for ages 5 – 21, or NWRESD, Tillamook Service Center (842-8423) for ages birth up to 5 years.

Identificar a Niños con Necesidades Especiales eplace existing mercury vapor and incandescent fixtures in your barn with fluorescent fixtures designed and constructed for agriculture applications.


Tillamook PUD will complete a lighting audit of your facility to calculate the energy savings and rebate amount. Five-year, five percent interest loans are also available for qualifying customers. Contact our energy services experts for more information.

Northwest Regional ESD, y los Distritos Escolares de Nestucca Valley, NeahKah-Nie, y Tillamook tienen la responsabilidad de localizar, evaluar, y servir a niños con necesidades especiales incluyendo: • Niños con inhabilidades (infancia – 21 años) • Niños que hablan otro idioma o que viven en hogares donde se habla otro idioma. (en el kinder – grado 12) • Niños que tienen talentos y dones. (en el kinder – grado 12) Si usted conoce a algún niño que pueda necesitar servicios especiales, (esto también incluye a niños de privado y escuelas de hogar) o si tiene preguntas acerca de cuales servicios que se suministran, por favor llame al Distrito Escolar de Neah-Kah-Nie (355-2222) para niños de 5 – 21 años Distrito Escolar de Tillamook (842-4414) para niños de 5 – 21 años Distrito Escolar de Nestucca (392-3797) para niños de 5 – 21 años Centro de Servicio NWRESD de Tillamook (842-8423) infancia – 5 años September 2012 H14853

Page B2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 PUMPKIN PAINTING PARTY – 6-7:30 p.m., Pacific City Library. For all teens (ages 13- 18yrs). Library will supply the pumpkins, art supplies and refreshments. Teens are encouraged to show up in costume. HAM DINNER – 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John’s United Church of Christ, Tillamook. Adults, $10, children 3-10, $5. Takeout available. FREE INTRO TO WESTERN STYLE DANCING - 6:30-8:30 p.m. fourth Wednesdays at Tillamook Elks lodge, 1907 3rd St. Line dancing, square dancing, and other pattern style dancing. Info: Bob Allen, 503-322-3819. BLOOD DRIVE – 2-7 p.m., Tillamook United Methodist Church. In memory of David Paul Cheney. Call Kelly at 503812-6475 to make an appointment. MANZA-WHEE-LEM KIWANIS – Noon-1 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, Pine Grove Community Club, Manzanita. Call Jane Beach, 503-368-5141. ROCKAWAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL – 6 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, City Hall. Open to the public.

THURSDAY, OCT. 25 ASSOCIATION OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS NORTH COAST CHAPTER – 7 p.m. Fourth Thursdays, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife meeting room, 4909 Third St., Tillamook. Call Bill Hedlund at 503-8152737. PUMPKIN CARVING FOR TEENS – 5:30-7 p.m., Tillamook County Library Main Branch. Library will provide pumpkins, carving tools, basic patterns and light snacks. Pumpkins will be displayed in the library. A winning pumpkin will be announced Oct. 29. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. fourth Thursday, Nehalem Bay House, 35385 Tohl Rd. Free lunch included. Call Patty Fox, 503368-5171. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., second and fourth Thursdays, Beaver Community Church. 503-815-2272.

FRIDAY, OCT. 26 ‘A FINE MONSTER YOU ARE!’ – 7-9 p.m., Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts, Barn Community Playhouse in Tillamook. This will be the first production in the newly remodeled Barn playhouse. Remaining performances are at 7 p.m. Oct. 26, 27, and also at 2 p.m. Oct. 28. Visit or contact ‘THE SANDY BOTTOM REVUE’ – 7 p.m. Oct. 26-27, North County Recreation District, Nehalem. The Riverbend Players’ fall play is a “Prairie Home Companion”-style radio show, written by the ensemble and directed by Bob LaTorre. Tickets are $10 at the door, children are $5 when accompanied by an adult. MARIE MILLS CENTER OPEN HOUSE – 5-7 p.m., 1800 Front Street, Tillamook. October is National Disability Employment Awareness month. Marie Mills Center has provided vocational and residential services to developmentally disabled adults in Tillamook County for 43 years and currently serves 83 individuals with developmental disabilities. Refreshments will be provided.

SATURDAY, OCT. 27 MEWS AT THE MUSEUM – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Pioneer Museum. United Paws will be hosting an adopt-a-thon in conjunction with the United Paws art show "Nature Transformed: Capturing Its Essence in the Arts." COAST GUARD HAUNTED HOUSE – Coast Guard building at Garibaldi Ave. (Highway 101) and 12th St. 7-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26 and 27 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28. Admission is two cans of food, which will go to the Garibaldi Food Pantry. The NeahKah-Nie and Tillamook S.A.F.E. kids will have a concession trailer there, too. HALLOWEEN PARTY FOR YOUTH – 6-7:30 p.m., Rockaway Beach Community Center. Costume party for kids 12 and younger. Prizes, games and goodies. Hosted by the city Parks & Recreation Dept. MUSHROOM "TALK, WALK & TASTE" – Two-part workshop: 7-8:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Riverbend Room at NCRD; 10 a.m. to noon, trip to Oswald West State Park/Short Sands Beach. Offered by the Lower Nehalem Community Trust. Cost: $30 for general public, $25 for LNCT members. Admission to Saturday's education presentation is $5 for general admission, free for LNCT members. Call 503-368-3203, or email OKTOBERFEST – Noon to 5 p.m., St. Mary's by the Sea, 275 S. Pacific Rockaway Beach. Sponsored by Meals for Seniors, the event includes a brats and sauerkraut dinner. Tickets are $7 prepaid, $8 at the door and $3.50 for age 12 and under. For tickets and/or info call 503-812-9101. MARIE MILLS HALLOWEEN PARTY AND DANCE – 6-9 p.m., Swiss Hall, Tillamook. Includes costume contest, food and DJ music by Leah Green. Admission is two cans of food. ALL HALLOWS EVE HOOTENANNY – Noon to 4 p.m., at the White Clover Grange near Nehalem (35685 Hwy 53). Benefit for the Fire Mountain School. Admission is free. Those who come in Halloween costumes will receive 5 free tickets for kid friendly carnival games. Events include a cakewalk, apple bobbing, pumpkin carving, and more. There will be a raffle for special prices and opportunities to buy seasonal produce. A home-cooked tamale meal will also be available for purchase. Entertainment will include a puppet show, an enactment of a scary poem by the upper class students and a performance by


Downtown Trick-or-Treat is from 3-5 p.m., downtown Tillamook on Halloween Day, Wednesday, Oct. 31. Businesses will be offering candy and treats to kids in costume. the local band Sedona Fire. LIVE MUSIC: ALEX HERDER – 13 p.m., 2nd Street Public Market, Tillamook. Will sing original work.

SUNDAY, OCT. 28 HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION AT THE GARIBALDI MUSEUM – Refreshment at noon, games at 1 p.m., the Garibaldi Maritime Museum. Festivities include a scavenger hunt, and a costume fashion show for prizes. Must be 12 years or younger, in costume and accompanied by an adult to participate in games. Free admission with costume! TILLAMOOK TRADITIONS DINNER & SILENT AUCTION – 1-5 p.m., Nazarene Church, Tillamook. Benefiting the Tillamook Farmers Market and Food Roots. Auction items represent work from area artists (including pottery, photography, knittings, etc.), as well as local restaurants and business certificates. Dinner sourced from Tillamook County food producers and prepared by area volunteers and chefs. Tickets are $15 per adult, or two for $25, and children under 10 for $7.50. Purchase tickets at, at TLC Federal Credit Union, or at Food Roots office in Tillamook at 1906 3rd Street (suite B). “RHYTHM AND HUES” – Open house and artists’ reception from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 11. Exhibit from Nov. 5 - Jan. 5, 2013, Latimer Quilt and Textile Center. “Rhythm and Hues” is a collection of color-infused fiber art, containing 23 art quilts, wearable art, and fiber art sculpture. Admission: $4, Seniors 62+ $3, members and children under 13 free. For more information contact Latimer Quilt & Textile Center, 503-842-8622 or

TUESDAY, OCT. 30 TILLAMOOK COUNTY WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER VOLUNTEER TRAINING – 1902 2nd St. Tillamook. Pre-screening required. Call Eleanor Watkins at 503-842-9486 to set an appointment. Volunteer positions include hotline volunteers, direct services, office support, fundraising and publicity, thrift store, maintenance and odd jobs. FAMILY HOOPS NIGHT – 6:30-8 p.m., Tuesdays, Garibaldi Grade School Gym (excluding non-school days.) Children younger than 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Free. Call 503-355-2291 for info. HOLDEN CREEK WORKING GROUP – 10 a.m., Tillamook City Hall.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31 DOWNTOWN TRICK-OR-TREAT – 3-5 p.m., downtown Tillamook. Businesses will be offering candy and treats to kids in costume. HARVEST FESTIVAL – 6-8 p.m., Rockaway Community Church, 400 South Third St. For each can of food you bring, receive five tickets good for games, food, and prizes. Extra tickets can be purchased five for $1. Wear a costume, nothing scary, please.

THURSDAY, NOV. 1 NORTHWEST OREGON HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING – 10 a.m., NOHA office, 147 South Main Ave., Warrenton. For agenda items, call (503) 861-0119, ext. 112. VETERANS FOR PEACE – 7 p.m. first Thursday, above Art Happens in Nehalem, 35870 Hwy 101. Info: Brian McMahon, 503-368-3201. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Covenant Community Church, Manzanita. 5023-815-2272. NORTH COAST GLUTEN-FREE SUPPORT GROUP – 7 p.m. first Thursday, Bay City Community Hall. Recipe exchanges, food source information. Call Carol Waggoner, 503-377-8227. NORTH COUNTY GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – 3-4:30 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Calvary Bible Church, Manzanita. Call 503-368-6544, ext. 2313.

CLUB BOARD MEETING – 10 a.m. first Friday, Pacific City Library branch. Call Julius Jortner, 503-965-7016

SATURDAY, NOV. 3 NKN PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER – 6-10 p.m., St. Mary’s Church, 275 S. Pacific St., Rockaway. Silent and live auctions, live music and door prizes. Cost: $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12, under 4 free. Funds go to the school’s SAFE program. Call 503355-2007 for tickets. AUTHOR TO DISCUSS NEW NOVEL – 7 p.m., Hoffman Center, Manzanita. Author Dr. Mark Scott Smith, of Manzanita, will read excerpts from his novel “Enemy in the Mirror: Love and Fury in the Pacific War.” Free. LIVE MUSIC: COASTER – Noon to 2 p.m, 2nd Street Public Market. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Rd, Tillamook. 503-815-3975. TILLAMOOK BAY BOATING CLUB – 4 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall. Call Paul Schachner, 503-322-0313. VFW KILCHIS–TILLAMOOK BAY POST #2848 AND LADIES AUXILIARY – 12:30 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall, 5525 B Street.

MONDAY, NOV. 5 TILLAMOOK CITY COUNCIL – 7 p.m. first and third Mondays, City Hall. Open to the public.

TUESDAY, NOV. 6 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING – 1 p.m., Tillamook City Hall. MANZANITA WOMEN'S CLUB ‘HARVEST LUNCHEON – 12:30-2:30 p.m., Pine Grove Community Center, Manzanita. Cost: $5 per person. Includes home-made clam chowder or minestrone soup along with bread, coffee or tea, and pie for dessert. The guest speakers for the luncheon will be past mayor, Joyce Raker and current mayor, Gary Bullard. Contact Donna Joseph at or 503-368-3187. FAMILY HOOPS NIGHT – 6:30-8 p.m., Tuesdays, Garibaldi Grade School Gym (excluding non-school days.) Children younger than 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Free. Call 503-355-2291 for info. PACIFIC CITY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE – 11:30 a.m., monthly first Tuesday at Pelican Pub and Brewery in Pacific City. Call 503-392-4340. PACIFIC CITY-NESTUCCA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS MEETING – Noon, monthly first Tuesday at Pelican Pub and Brewery in Pacific City. Information and business matters. Lunch is optional at $7. All are welcome. Call 503-392-4340. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WOODTURNERS GROUP — first Tuesday, Bay City. Call Alan Leach, 503-801-0352. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – 34:30 p.m., first and third Tuesdays, Tillamook County General Hospital, Conference Room B (fourth floor). BOY SCOUTS – Roundtable every first Tuesday, 7 p.m.; District meeting every third Tuesday, 7 p.m., LDS Church, 4200 12st Street, Tillamook. New members welcome. Call Julie Fletch, 503-842-2737.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7 TILLAMOOK CHAPTER OF BETA SIGMA PHI – 1:30 p.m. first Wednesday. International women’s organization. Call Verna Creech, 503-842-7868. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS – 7 p.m. first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Masonic Hall. 503-842-6758. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Seventh-day Adventist Church. 503-815-2272. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP – 10:30 a.m.-noon first Wednesday, 312 Laurel Ave., Tillamook. Free. Call Jan Bartlett, 503-842-4508.



HOLIDAY BAZAAR – Noon to 6 p.m. Nov. 2, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 3, Tillamook County Fairgrounds. Crafts and holiday gifts, hand- and home-made items. Free admission. MARIE ANTOINETTE’S BIRTHDAY – 7 p.m., Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A St. Music from Wayne Turpen, Elissha Siever, Linda Werner, Fred Bassett, Doc Wagner and Joe Wrabek, and Sedona Fire, poetry and cake. Free. SOUTH COUNTY LIBRARY

FREE AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM FOR VETERANS – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. North County Recreation District, 36155 9th St. in Nehalem. Free for veterans, active-duty and retired military service members, their spouses, domestic partners, dependents, children, and widows or widowers. Classes are designed for seniors 55 and older but anyone can attend. Cost is $12 for non-veteran AARP members and $14 for non-members. Call Sammie at TBCC at 503-842-8222, ext. 1320.

WEEKLY EVENTS TERRITORIAL SEA PLAN COMMUNITY MEETING – 6-9 p.m., Officers Mess Hall, Port of Tillamook Bay. Hosted by the Tillamook Futures Council. Come learn about proposals and possibly impacts and give input on the state’s new Territorial Sea Plan. Refreshments served. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., second and fourth Thursdays, Beaver Community Church. 503-815-2272. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP – 1-2:30 p.m., second Thursday, Tillamook United Methodist Church, 3808 12th Ave. Free. Call 503-355-2573. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN – 11:30 a.m. lunch, noon meeting. Second Thursday, Pancake House, Tillamook. Call 503-8425742. Guests are welcome TILLAMOOK COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION – 11 a.m.-noon, second Thursdays, 1000 Main St., Suite 7, Tillamook (next to the Fern Restaurant). Call Howard Schultz at 503-842-7415. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP NORTH COUNTY – First and third Thursdays, 3-4:30 p.m. at Calvary Bible Church in Manzanita. Tillamook Hospital's relief chaplain Michael Gabel presents information to help with the grief process.

FRIDAY, NOV. 9 LIVE MUSIC: BUFFALO KITTY BAND – 5-8 p.m., 2nd Street Public Market, Tillamook.

SATURDAY, NOV. 10 WOMEN'S CLUB SALE – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Pine Grove Community House, Manzanita. Hosted by the Women's Club of Manzanita/North Tillamook County. A variety of treasured items, baked goods, home made treats, and raffle basket tickets for the fall holiday season will be for purchase. Reserve a table by Oct. 26. Call 503-368-4677 or 503-368-6166. Proceeds benefit community service projects and scholarships..

PROMOTE YOUR EVENT You’re invited to add your group’s listings to our online event calendar at calendar. Listings posted online also will be added to the Community Calendar that appears in our print edition. You also can mail event listings to the Headlight Herald office at 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141, or call 503-8427535. Information must be received by noon Thursday the week prior to publication, please.

WEEKLY SENIOR ACTIVITIES – Laughing yoga, 4 p.m. Mon., Pinochole, 2 p.m. Tues., Bunco, 1 p.m. Wed., Dominoes, 7 p.m. Thurs., Poker, 1:30 p.m. Sat. Everyone welcome. 503-842-0918. STORYTIME – Tues. 10 a.m. (24-36 months); Wed. 10 a.m. (3-5 years); Thurs. 10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. (6-12 years); Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. (birth-24 months); Saturdays, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. Main Library.

2-3 p.m. every Thurs. for beginners at Tillamook Senior Center, 1-2 p.m. Fri. intermediate, Rockaway Beach Comm. Center. Gwen Kiel, 503-322-3274. CLOGGING CLASSES – 10:30 a.m. Tues., Rockaway Beach Community Center. 6:30 p.m. Teacher Gwen Kiel, 503-322-3274. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC – 2-3 p.m. Wednesdays, Tillamook County General Hospital cafeteria.

YOGA FOR SENIORS – 3-3:45 p.m. Mon. and Thurs., Kiawanda Community Center, Pacific City. Call Patricia, 361-790-4870.

ODDBALLS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – 2 p.m. Sundays, 7 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Lodge, 1706 Fourth St.

START MAKING A READER TODAY – Volunteers needed to read to Nestucca Valley Elementary students. 12:45-2:15 p.m. Tues. and Thurs. Call Diane, 503-965-0062.

TILLAMOOK 4-H HONORABLE LORDS AND LADIES CHESS CLUB – 2:45-5 p.m. Fridays, OSU Extension Office, 2204 Fourth St., Tillamook. For grades 2-12. Call 503-842-3433.

TILLAMOOK SENIOR CENTER – Meals at noon Mon-Fri; pinochle at 10 a.m. Fri.; free bingo 10 a.m.-noon third Thurs.; cards 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tues.; Senior Club meeting and potluck at 11:30 a.m. second Fri.; pool and drop-in center 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon-Fri. 316 Stillwell Ave. Call 503-842-8988.

EAGLES LODGE PINOCHLE NIGHT – 7 p.m. Thursdays, Tillamook lodge.

SENIORS NONDENOMINATIONAL WORSHIP – 6 p.m. Tues. Five Rivers Retirement & Assisted Living Community, 3500 12th Street, Tillamook. 503-842-0918. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – 5:306:30 p.m. Mondays, Tillamook County General Hospital, Room D (third floor). 503-842-8073. CIVIL AIR PATROL – 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, ATV center, 5995 Long Prairie Road. Volunteer, nonprofit auxiliary of U.S. Air Force. Call OR-114 NW Coastal Flight Capt. Wendy Flett, 503- 815-8095; or unit commander Capt. Michael Walsh, 503-812-5965.

BRIDGE, PINOCHLE AND CRIBBAGE – 1-3 p.m. Wed., North County Rec. District, Nehalem. 503-355-3381. FAMILY HOOPS NIGHT – 6:30-8 p.m. Tues., Garibaldi Grade School gym. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. 503-355-2291. ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH – Concert 6 p.m. Fridays, Garibaldi City Hall. ROCKAWAY BEACH-GARIBALDI MEALS FOR SENIORS –11:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri., St. Mary’s by the Sea. Call Bob Dempster, 503-355-3244. MEDITATION, PRAYER – Silent meditation, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mon. and 8:45 a.m. Tues.; Lectio Divina, 10-11 a.m. Tues., St. Catherine’s Center for Contemplative Arts, Manzanita. Call Lola Sacks, 503-368-6227.

ROCKAWAY LIBRARY – Pre-school storytime for ages 3-5, 3 p.m. Tuesdays 503-3552665.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS WOMEN’S MEETING – 10 a.m. Sundays, Serenity Club, 5012 Third St.

COMMUNITY CHORUS – 7-9 p.m. Thurs., Tillamook. New members welcome. 503-842-4748.

TODDLER ART – 10-11 a.m., Wed., Bay City Arts Center. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 503-377-9620.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY – 6 p.m. Tues., Tillamook Church of the Nazarene. Child care provided.

VETERANS’ EMPLOYMENT HELP – 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Tues., WorkSource Oregon, 2105 Fifth St., Tillamook. 800-643-5709, ext. 227.

KIAWANDA COMMUNITY CENTER – Yoga Mon. and Thurs., stitchers group Tues., bingo Wed., card playing Fri. 503-965-7900. MANZANITA PACE SETTERS WALK/JOG/RUN GROUP – 7:30 a.m. Sat., parking lot behind Spa Manzanita. ROTARY CLUB OF NORTH TILLAMOOK – Noon Wed., North County Recreation District, Nehalem. 503-812-4576.

SENIOR SERVICES – Provided by Northwest Senior & Disability Services at Sheridan Square Apts. Dates, times vary. 503-842-2770. GARIBALDI LIBRARY STORYTIME – 3 p.m. Thursdays. 503-322-2100. TILLAMOOK LIBRARY LIVE MUSIC – 2-4 p.m. Saturdays.

ROTARY CLUB OF TILLAMOOK Noon Tuesdays, Rendezvous Restaurant 214 Pacific, Tillamook.

GAZELLES COMMUNITY RUNNING CLUB – 9 a.m., Saturdays, Garibaldi Grade School. Walkers welcome. 3-mile course. Map at; search Garibaldi.

TILLAMOOK DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB – 6:30 p.m. Tues., 10:30 a.m. Fri., Tillamook Elks Club, 1907 Third St. $2.50 per session. Call Barbara, 503-842-7003.

CHRISTIAN MEN’S GROUP – Noon Tues., 8 a.m. Thurs., Cow Belle Restaurant, Rockaway Beach. 503-355-0567.

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY – 9-11 a.m. Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Hall, 9330 Fourth St. Call Pat, 503-355-6398.

PINOCHLE AND BUNCO – 2 p.m. Tues Pinochle/ 1:30 p.m. Weds Bunco at Five Rivers, 3500 12th St. 842-0918. Free.

AL-ANON – 7-8 p.m. Mondays, North Coast Recreation District, Nehalem. 503-3685093.

BAKED POTATO LUNCH – 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Presbyterian Fellowship Hall Brooten Rd., PC. 503-201-7462.

TILLAMOOK SWISS SOCIETY – Breakfast served every 3rd Sunday, Brookfield Ave.

WOMENS CLOSED AA BOOK STUDY – 6 p.m. Tues., I.O.O.F Hall Bay City 4th and Hays Oyster Bay City. Info: Lee H. lovleemom 503.377-9698. Free

LINE DANCING CLASSES – 7-8:15 p.m. first and second Wed., Tillamook Elks Lodge,

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page B3

FENCEPOSTS public, but this book will be for all to read. He has changed his approach at the prodding of folks who encouraged him to actually write more on his personal experiences at that time in history. He was a little later arriving this summer because he taught ROCKAWAY BEACH in Kenya for a month before he SUGAR BROSIUS came to Oregon. He was work503-653-1449 ing on a grant and is looking for an exchange program between Kenya's University and his own. He could write another book e'd had several folks tell us I need- about his adventure traveling to Kenya and his time there too. ed to meet Mike Mike was a fascinating man Kukral, who lives in a house with so many stories I will try to close to the post office. After a two-hour visit, we weren't disap- share in time. He's now back home till next summer. But it pointed. He actually lives in seems stories follow him everyIndiana and comes in the summer. This was his first autumn at where. Meals for Seniors is having the coast. He is a Professor of an Oktoberfest and a silent aucGeography at Rose-Hulman tion on the 27th, 12-5 pm. Cost University in Terre Haute, Indiis $7 if you buy your ticket early, ana. He is also an author of two $8 at the door, and children books and was working on his $3.50 ten and under. They will third while relaxing in our little be serving sausage, sauerkraut, town. mashed potatoes, green beans, This particular book is about dessert, coffee, tea and milk. It events in 1989, as he witnessed will be at the St. Mary's by the them, during the fall of commuSea Hall. Call Joanne Aagaard at nism in Czechoslovakia. He had been a grad student at Rose-Hul- 812-9101 if you want to know more! man and lived in the middle of I know I won't forget my secPrague. In the past his books ond favorite holiday of the year! weren't written for the general But don't you forget Hallowe’en

for the kids. The Parks & Recreation Hallowe’en costume party is Saturday, Oct. 27th from 6 to 7:30 in the Community Center. There will be games, prizes and treats! Bring your kids by for a howling good time. We grownups have some Hallowe’en costume parties on Saturday, October 27th. Dress up for Rick's Roadhouse's party and have fun. The theme at the Rockaway Beach Tavern will be disco or any costume. And The Lakeside Hideaway has a costume party, contest and karaoke. So get creative and hit one or all of them! The Little White Church Antiques at 344 Hwy 101 is celebrating their Fall Anniversary Sale this week. Be sure to stop by! The Rockaway Beach Fire Department had a great time for "Fire Prevention Week." They went to the district office where they visited the pre-school class to give a talk and let the children see the fire trucks up close! To quote fireman Tom Martine "It's actually a lot of fun with the kids. They really don't care about the talk; they just want to see the fire trucks." "Life is like chocolate. Sometimes you gotta deal with nuts!" That's Rockaway Beach "Sugar Coated!"

trim shrubs. The membership potluck/meeting of the Friends of Cape Meares was at the Netarts Community Hall on October 11, 2012 at 6 p.m. where the annual photo contest judging was held. Great photos were displayed. I picked out the winning 1st and 2nd place winners. They were such beautiful selections. It was fun to see so many Friends members there. I had not been to one of the meetings for several months. Everyone was surprised to see me. This was the first chance I have had to see the paving from the Loop Road to the Cape Meares parking lot. The paving is finished and the entrance road is in the best shape I have ever seen it. The Cape Meares Lighthouse will close on Halloween, October 31, 2012. It will open April Fools Day, April 1, 2013. There will be a Halloween Party at the Cape Meares Community Center starting at 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 27th, 2012 for Cape Meares residents and their guests. Fun and games are planned. There will be a prize for the most "ghoulish" dish brought to the

dinner. Carve a "jack-olantern" if you please. BJ has a suggestion for people to come as their true self. That should be very interesting. Hope to see you there! The Master Gardeners Tea will be Saturday, November 10th, 2012 at the Tillamook Church of the Nazarene on Third Street, Tillamook. Time is 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. please put this on your calendar and invite your friends, family and neighbors to join the tradition. A $10.00 ticket will include a free recipe book and two raffle tickets. Tickets to the tea can be purchased in advance of the tea, at the Extension Office at 4th and Laurel, Monday through Thursday, November 5th to 8th, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. They can also be purchased at the door. Additional raffle tickets will be available at the tea. Chris Spence and his volunteers finished repairing a section of the front of the Cape Meares Community Center. There is more that needs repairing. Thanks for getting started on this new project. Fund raising to finish the other walls will be necessary.

The latest from Tami: “Greetings from the radiation vacation! All is going well, I am so ready to come home and get into my life again, this is getting old, but all in all I feel great! The docs are impressed with my progress, I would love to think I might get time off for good behavior, but I'm pretty sure that's a pipe dream! The one holding up like a trooper is Ger, he has the patience of a saint, not quite sure how he does it! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, we are on the home stretch, ready for the big finish!� Garibaldi Fire Chief Jay Marugg is the interim instructor for Neah-Kah-Nie’s Construction Trades program (you’ll recall he was a contractor himself). The Construction Trades kids were accustomed to building a house every year and selling it, but with the economy in the toilet and homes impossible to finance, they’re taking a break from building houses and constructing something else— specifically, an emergency shelter here in Garibaldi. Jay says the kids have worked out a materials list, and projected

prices; they need around $2,000 to start construction. Can you help? You can send or bring donations to City Hall. The Garibaldi Food Pantry will be open Friday, October 26, 10-noon at the God’s Lighthouse church, 8th & Garibaldi Ave. (Highway 101). Got canned or non-perishable food to donate? You can bring it to the Garibaldi Post Office during working hours—and this coming weekend, you can also take it to the Coast Guard’s Haunted House at 12th & Garibaldi Ave.—admission is two cans of food, which will go to the Food Pantry. The Haunted House, hugely popular last year, will run Friday and Saturday nights, Oct. 26-27, 711 p.m., and Sunday Oct. 28, 79 p.m. Reportedly, the three high schools’ S.A.F.E. programs will have food concessions there, too—as one of them put it, you can get fed and spooked at the same time. And don’t forget the Garibaldi Museum’s Hallowe’en event Sunday, Oct. 28. Refreshments at noon, games at 1 p.m. The Museum’s open 10-4, and admission’s free if you’re in costume.




hat was really a winter-like storm we had this week, but this morning, Tuesday, October 16, 2012, I woke up to bright sunshine and a quiet day with no wind or rain. Weatherman says we'll have only another day or two of this lovely, dry weather. It is hard to get back into the hard rains and wild windstorms. But we take what we get and I do enjoy seeing that sun out after several days of storms. I hesitated to even go out to the mailbox on the day the storm was the most severe. Now I have a lot of yard clean up to do. Branches blown down and leaves scattered all over the ground. Flowerpots blown away. Definitely time to



was advised Tuesday, October 16, that the Fire Chief had lifted the burn ban. You still need a burn permit for open burning if you live in the city limits of Garibaldi or in the Garibaldi Rural Fire Protection District (which includes Barview and Watseco as well as all that territory up the Miami River); you get the permits at City Hall. You do not need a permit for a burn barrel. (And I was asked to remind everybody that you’re allowed to burn paper, cardboard, and woody debris ONLY. Just because the Fire Chief has ruled it’s safe to burn does not mean you can burn plastic or other hinky stuff. The rules still apply.)

After 23 Years LARRY SALO Is Retiring From Tillamook PUD Come Wish Him Well At A


'SJEBZ 0DUPCFS t QN Carl Rawe Meeting Room Tillamook PUD

A short presentation will be done at 4 p.m.

A note from Lori Carpenter, Netarts/Oceanside fencepost writer: I am taking a temporary leave to spend time with our family and upcoming arrivals of our granddaughter and a grandson... I plan on being back Jan. 9, 2013. I would like to thank




ould you like to help local folks experiencing homelessness on the coldest and most miserable nights in Tillamook? Community Action Resource Enterprises (CARE) is once again partnering with volunteers in the community to create a warming center to be opened when the weather creates life threatening conditions. They need volunteers to set up, staff overnight, and clean up the center which is open from 8:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. on selected nights. Trained volunteers can choose the tasks they’ll perform. An interest meeting and volunteer training happens from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 1 at Tillamook County Library at Third and Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook. For more information or to register call CARE, 503-842-5261. Speaking of good causes, I appreciate Kay Saddler letting us know that Tom Williams has helped her create a Facebook Group page to promote the Oregon Department Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Cancer Aid & Research Program. Information and fundraising items are not limited to just members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliaries. On Facebook search option, we can enter “OR VFWA Cancer Aid and Research Program� to see this year's program and select a way to pitch in. Nestucca High School teacher Carolyn Hill’s Living Skills class has published a wish list. Please contact her

using the contact information below if you can donate any of the following: a futon, a BMX style bike or mountain bike, a step stool, seeds for the students’ greenhouse, or rolling office chairs. Ms. Hill is opening her schedule and classroom to Nestucca students each Monday after school for open tutoring on all subjects from grade 7 through 12. Called “Monday Math,� students are welcome to study any subject. Transportation home after the study hall is up to the family of each student. Questions? Call Ms. Hill at 503-392-3194, extension 123 or email On the subject of educating ourselves, now is the time, to put in our proverbial “two cents� about which classes we’d sign up for if they’re offered at Tillamook Bay Community College’s (TBCC) South County Campus, at Nestucca High School. Do you want to learn to sew, use a computer, get a Realtor’s License? TBCC Board Member Deborah Lincoln invites email input to or call TBCC President, Connie Green, 503-842-8222, extension 1015. Some upcoming events to mark on your calendar: The Midway Chorus is practicing for December performances of “The Messiah.� Weekly rehearsals happen at 3:00 p.m. at Kiawanda Community Center (KCC). All are welcome, even amateur voices. South Tillamook County Library, on Brooten Road in Pacific City welcomes all teens to a jack-o-lantern painting contest and party from 6-7:30 p.m. this Wednesday, October 24. Head Librarian, Theresa Roberts, says they’ll provide the pumpkins, art supplies, prizes and refreshments. Optional costumes are encouraged. For more information, call Theresa, 503965-6163 or email Downtown Tillamook businesses welcome trick or treaters from 3:30-5 p.m. next Wednesday, October 31. That same evening, Kiawanda Community Center will host its annual Community Halloween Party from 6-8 p.m. Optional costumes are encouraged, and activities include games and a cakewalk with prizes galore. Talk about good times18-25 year olds of South Tillamook County are invited to free dinner at KCC from 68:00 p.m. on Friday, November 2 to brainstorm improvement projects for our part of the County, create a slogan for the group, and talk about issues related to alcohol use. All who participate will receive a $25 VISA gift card, child care will be provided on site. To register call Daeh Christensen, 503-842-8201, extension 270 or email Tuesday, November 6 is Election Day. Remember to fill out and mail your ballot; the last day to mail our vote in is Thursday, November 1. Ballots may be turned in to the Elections Office in the Tillamook County Courthouse between 7:00 a.m.and 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. That evening, Tuesday, November 6, Nestucca High School (NHS) musicians will perform their Fall Concert. In honor of the 100th anniversary of the doomed Titanic voyage, Nestucca’s choir will perform the beautiful ballad, “My Heart Will Go On� featuring Andrea Polivka in a flute solo. The free event starts at 7:30 p.m. and happens in in the high school gym, 34660 Parkway Drive. Happy Birthday this week to: Sawyer Adkins, Anna Allen, Eunice Bentley, Gene and Michael Cabral, John Elliott, Minita Hagerty, Ava Johnson, Bradley Jordan, Jim Kesey, Carol Pippenger, Kyle Pollard, Joey Sigman, Amanda Sisson, James Wickenheiser, and Marrian Wilkinson.

In Tillamook County

Featured Restaurant PACIFIC RESTAURANT 2102 1st St., Tillamook (503) 354-2350

We’re continuing our mission to find the best ways to enjoy locally sourced seafood and produce. New additions to the menu include our delicious Dungeness crab sliders and our cioppino, a stew complete with mussels, clams, salmon and more in a tomato broth. Our popular weekly specials are continuing as well. Come get a taste of the islands


Newly renovated Five Rivers Coffee Roasters & CafÊ, across from the Tillamook Cheese Factory, open daily 6am – 6pm, serving fresh in-house roasted coffee. FREE WI-FI, DRIVE THRU and Pelican beer to-go.



Pelican Pub & Brewery is family-friendly with views of Cape Kiwanda & Haystack Rock. Fresh seafood, gourmet pizza & fantastic clam chowder, plus our award-winning beer! Full breakfasts daily. Sun.-Thurs., 8 a.m.10 p.m., Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m.-11 p.m. 33180 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. (503) 965-7007

DORYLAND PIZZA Doryland Pizza is the place to go for great food and a fun family atmosphere. We offer a variety of excellent pizzas, a fresh salad bar, warm and delicious sandwiches, spaghetti, beer and wine, and free popcorn. Enjoy the big screen TV and video games during your visit. Located at the beach in Pacific City, directly across the street from the dory landing area at Cape Kiwanda. Orders to go and Take and Bake!


33315 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City • (503) 965-6299



all of the Netarts/Oceanside readers for their support and loyalty throughout the years. If anyone is interested in writing this column in the interim, please contact: Mary Faith Bell, editor of the Headlight Herald at

for your midday meal on Fridays from our Aloha Friday specials. Favorites include beef short ribs, kalua pork and our “lolo wahine� burger. Sunday nights are for pasta lovers as Nelia and Phil will concoct a slate of dishes to satisfy any craving. The Pacific Restaurant, located in downtown Tillamook was opened last November by chef/owners Nelia Serapion and Phillip Biermann. This culinary duo is committed to applying its considerable talents to local ingredients. Seafood is a specialty, but vegetarian and gluten-free options are always on hand. Catering services also available.

Serving Lunch & Dinner Favorites: Prime Rib & Broasted Chicken Thursday Nights - Senior Night 10% OFF Friday Nights - Karaoke in the Lounge Open 11 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Open Sat. & Sun. at 9 a.m. for breakfast. 4th & B, Bay City • (503) 377-2895

Fisherman’s Korner


Located on Fisherman’s Wharf in Garibaldi harbor. Relax inside or at an outdoor table & watch the fishing boats unload their catch, which will soon be2003 through come our fresh, delicious 2008 People’s seafood dishes. Our Fish & Choice Award Winner Chips won the Taste of Tillamook County People’s Choice award in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. We also offer a variety of other items. Charter fishing available. Thursday - Sunday 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m, Monday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 306 Basin Road, Garibaldi • (503) 322-2033



The Pacific Restaurant’s Aloha Friday: Hawaiian Plate Lunch Huli-Huli Chicken, Kalua Pork, Teriyaki Chicken, Kalbi Beef & Logo Moco. Hawaiian Dinner: Back By Popular Demand - Fresh Tropical Fish From Hawaii. Open for Lunch & Dinner: 11:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Closed Wednesdays To Go Orders Welcome 2102 1st St., Tillamook • (503) 354-2350


Want to add your restaurant to these special weekly listings? Call (503) 842-7535 to find out how today!

Page B4 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald



So has fall finally come? The rain has and so far it doesn’t seem like it will stop until next summer, but it's Oregon so we can deal with it. I say that now, but by February I know I'll be singing a different tune. I want to say Thank You to the NCRD for starting a pee-wee soccer league! (Thank you Deborah! AWESOME!) It started October 12th and goes until November 2nd on Fridays 1:00p.m. - 1:45 p.m. for children ages 3-5. The fee is $15.00 and the equipment is provided. To register call Youth Enrichment at 503-368-7644 Our daughter is so excited; now the only daily question is when is Hallowe’en? It was “when is soccer?” and “when is my birthday?” Hallowe’en will be here sooner than we think; we need to get our yard ready and costumes prepared. Already have the candy-minus a few pieces: you have to try it to make sure it tastes good, right? Hey, if you’re looking to fill your whole weekend or just part of it and have fun doing it, the adults can have fun on Saturday October 27th at a great party for 21 and over being put on by The New Discoveries Preschool at the "Old" Nehalem Fire Hall (the Nehalem City Hall) at 35900 8th street Nehalem. It's on October 27th (Saturday) at 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. The tickets are $10.00; you can pick them up at Manzanita Fresh Foods and New Discoveries Preschool. Any questions, call Anna Welsh at 503368-3369. So come on out and support New Discoveries Preschool--they are an amazing pre-

BAY CITY KAREN RUST 503-300-0019 503-377-9669


RRR Baby, it is getting cold outside, just like Gordan McCraw predicted it would! I hope all of you realize what a giving community we live in. If not, here is a story that will make you a believer of goodwill toward man! There is a lady that lives out at Goosepoint that had a huge laurel hedge blow over last winter. She had a heart attack and is not able to have it cut, cleared and cleaned up. Various community members have pitched in to help her out, including but not limited to Frank Harper, Richard Clarno, Kevin Klingelhoper (John and Kathy are running Kevin’s shop while he is doing this), Zack McVay, Sea Harris and Chris Sokoloffe. All of these good Samaritans have been pitching in to help one lady in need of some help. You too can help with cleanup by contacting Frank Harper at 503-377-2505. Drive by and say thanks or pitch in, you can’t miss it if you follow the road to Goose Point at the Bay it is on the right hand side. Definitely a sight to behold and renew

NOTES FROM THE COAST school. Please go and support them - they do a wonderful job. There will be a costume contest, beer, wine and dancing with lots of fun for all. Music will be by The Exiles! Again 21 and over only. The other half of your weekend can be for you and the kids to enjoy on Sunday, October 28th; go on over to the Fire Mountain All-Hallow's Eve Hoot-nanny at The White Clover Grange located at 36585 Highway 53, Nehalem, 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. There is going to be a kids’ carnival, live music, pumpkin carving, apple bobbing and a cake walk! Don't forget have the kids come in costume and get 5 free carnival tickets! There is going to be a lot of fun, food and prizes! So get out with the kids and have some fun inside and let it rain. Call Fire Mountain School for more information at 503-4362610. Just a little information about the upcoming annual Nehalem Community Christmas Party at the "Old" Nehalem Fire Hall. It's being put on by the merchants on December 1st and tickets are available for $20.00; includes dinner and gratuities--drinks at the bar are extra. Tickets are available at Mirror Image, Nehalem Lumber and The Pizza Garden. Any questions, please feel free to call Vickie Halverson at 503-368-7436. More Christmas party information will be coming in further columns. Don't forget to pick up your pumpkin and make a jack-olantern, light it up and howl at the moon since October 26th is howl at the moon night, but not to loud since the next day is October 27th--Cranky Co-Workers Day. I wonder if one has something to do with the other??? Have fun and see you soon any information out there e-mail me at Happy Birthday this week to Darlene Chisholm, Rod Grimes, Jennie Long, Lynn Bernash and Shannon Grimes.

‘You Can’t Handle the Truth’ This correction to last week’s Notes from the Coast comes from Lorraine Eckhardt: “Never in the whole wide world would the WCTU have condoned any smoking whatsoever. The 10 levels of achievement that earned a student a cigarette with their counselor came YEARS later when the WCTU no longer ran the home.” “You can’t handle the truth,” is a famous movie line uttered by Jack Nicholson playing a cornered general on the stand. I used to be a liar. I could say I’m from Texas and it was required, but that’s a cheap shot. I felt, I guess, my life wasn’t exciting enough and needed help. I had a friend a few years older who told me, in his gentle manner, it’s not always necessary to top every story. I felt chagrin. I’m very coachable. When I tried to stop lying, it was most difficult to tell the truth to myself. Since then, I’ve developed a taste for it and as Robert, a character in a Hemingway story said, I try not to lie to myself too much. I heard recently woman’s clothing size 8 in 1950 was in 1970 relabeled size 4 and in 2006, size zero. This is rampant in the clothing industry and researchers found improved

people's body image. It’s called vanity sizing. My father would have called it something else. I recently ordered a drink and was told there was no size small, only sizes medium and larger. In one experiment, people SCHUBERT were given cookies that MOORE were labeled either medium or large, and then measured how much they ate. They ate many more cookies labeled medium than large. The cookies were identical. Most Americans don't realize the soda they order today is six times larger than sodas 60 years ago. Also, a 32-ounce soda at McDonald's is called a large, but the same drink at Wendy's is called a medium. A hamburger today is much larger than it used to be. One analyst said people often don't have control over their body size and shouldn't feel shame. “It's not a question of being lied to," she said. "It's a question of do we want to be lied to." A double-A bra in the U.S. in Asia is labeled C. Any further comment by me on this subject is above my pay grade. Lying to oneself is not a recent phenome-

non. It was commonly accepted behavior during the time of Beowulf to stand up around the campfire, beat one’s chest and tell everyone how great a warrior you are. You can still see this behavior by fans at NFL games. When Bobby Fischer and Mohammed Ali announced they were the greatest, they were criticized for their lack of humility when they were simply stating a fact. I used to counsel students with self-esteem so low it was a handicap. Almost all artists greatly undervalue their works. Voting for our political leaders is still one area where we do not want humility. We want someone to tell us they know what to do better than anyone else. We don’t want a partner. We want someone we believe is smarter and braver than we are to pick up the reins of our runaway stagecoach. Finding an accurate value of our own self worth is difficult, if not impossible, and is probably a fool’s errand. We need to believe in ourselves. If we fudge the truth a bit, then good for us. I also found out recently, according to one study, creative people lie to themselves more often. Keeping that in mind, this is your nationally known finalist for the Pulitzer, your incisively profound columnist, Schubert Moore, signing off.


To peat or not to peat... that is the question GARDENING MATTERS CARLA ALBRIGHT


consider myself an Anglophile and have since the Beatles brought such great music to American shores in the 1960s. Brits are also considered to be the gold standard in gardeners with such illustrious garden designers as Capability Brown, Gertrude Jekyll and Vita Sackville-West. And anyone who has browsed English gardening your faith in mankind. Don’t forget that the Bay City magazines knows the beauty of the gardens at Sissinghurst, Boosters meet the last Friday of each month at City Hall at 11:30 Hampton Court and Hestercombe House. am. This is bring a neighbor or So whenever I see a headline friend month, so come on down! that features the words “gardenWe would love to get to know ers” and “British” in the same you better. title, my attention is drawn immeMake sure you stop in the at diately to the article. Such was the the corner market and say hi to case in a recent Sunday “OregonParmila Patel, she is back from ian.” There, in the first section India and living with her daughter (the one that features international and filling in at the store when news), I saw the headline, “Envishe isn’t babysitting little Gia. ronmentalists, gardeners clash in Welcome back Parmila. British peat debate” I couldn’t Sign up for free one on one resist. Elisabeth Rosenthal of the computer lessons at your Bay New York Times News Service City Library. Oct. 26th for a 45 wrote the article, so I gave it a lot min. session. Call Debby for your of credibility. reservation at 503-377-0231. Also Debby tells me that the Tillamook County Library System gave our library a huge bulletin board to mount on the outside wall for future announcements in our community. Dave IHEALING WATERS BIBLE CHURCH Pace will be installing it, so stop (Used to be Oretown Bible Church) by and check it out. 41505 Oretown Rd. E, Cloverdale Pastor Blake Tebeck (503) 392-3001 The 2012 Veterans Day CeleCome worship in the Pentecostal tradition. bration will be held on November Adult and Children Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. with Church Services, starting at 10:30 12, 2012 from 9:30-11 a.m. at the a.m. on Sundays. Spirit filled singing with the Tillamook Air Museum. SOS sermon scripted from a chapter of the Holy Breakfast for $5.00 starts at 8 Bible. Followed by refreshments and friendly conversation. Visitors’ warmly welcomed. a.m. and continues through 11 a.m. Guest speakers will be Don IST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH Adams, USN & John Sollman, 34560 Parkway Drive, Cloverdale, (503) 392USN. Also featured will be the 3685. Services 5:30 Saturday night, 9:30 Tillamook High School & Coma.m. Sunday. munity Chorus along with musiIWI-NE-MA CHRISTIAN CHURCH cal numbers from “Americana.” Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Campground, 5195 WiThis event is sponsored by Ne-Ma Road, 7 mi. south of Cloverdale, (503) 392-3953. Sunday School 9:30, Worship Denny’s Restaurant and TLC 10:45 a.m. Mary Ellen Pereira, Minister. Federal Credit Union. I am counting on seeing all of you there. Have a great week and see IBEAVER COMMUNITY CHURCH you around town!

Dateline: Dickleburgh, England. (I kid you not.) To summarize the article, it seems environmentalists are concerned that the peat bogs are being harvested at an alarming rate to feed the gardens of the United Kingdom. British (and American) gardeners use the decomposed plant matter to nurture the lush gardens they are famed for creating. Peat is a combination of spongy matter, air, water and acidic matter, just what a lot of the British (and North American) plants thrive upon. But peat bogs are also a vital storage area for carbon dioxide. In this way, they act the way rain forests do in South and Central America. Since it takes centuries to build a peat bog, once the bogs are gone, those stores for carbon are also gone. So the British government, bowing to the environmentalists, has proposed to gradually eliminate peat from all gardening products. This presents quite a conundrum to the gardeners who love their yards, but also are invested in protecting the planet. What to do? What to do? Enter British celebrity gardener Bob Flowerdew. (Yes, really. I am not smart enough or clever

enough to make this up.) Bob, who is a panelist on the BBC radio’s “Gardeners’ Question Time”, has proclaimed he will defy the government and continue to use peat-based products. Apparently his statement of rebellion was akin to the Boston Tea Party and brought about a slew of hate mail and threats from one side as well as kudos and accolades from the opponents of the law. Bob has tried some of the peat-free alternatives and feels they just aren’t as good as the real thing. He is not alone in his thinking as lots of other, less famous, gardeners agree with him. “If you love your garden, you really can’t just abstain,” says Bob. Earlier this year, the British government set up an emergency task force to study the ramifications of peat use and to try to find ways to bridge the widening gap between gardeners and environmentalists. They are trying to find a sensible plan, one than can be embraced by both factions. It may sound like a joke, but this really gets to be a serious environmental issue. I know American and European gardeners also use a lot of peat and peat-

based products when gardening. It is a natural element that helps fertilize our gardens and it can be easily found in nurseries and garden stores in large bags. Public gardens and parks use tons of the stuff as compost or to condition and feed the soil. Horticulture is a billion dollar business and manufacturers of peat-based soils will begin to feel the crunch when they are forced by governments to reduce the amount of peat in their products. In fact, this has already begun in the UK. Greater awareness of the source of peat is one way of getting gardeners to understand the value of the bogs. It is really a component of climate changing that we, as responsible gardeners, shouldn’t ignore. We try not to plant invasive species in our yards anymore, and we try to reduce the amount of pesticides we use in an effort to help the planets. How is this different? In the meantime, the best replacement I can think of for peat is our very own backyard compost piles. We could also use the “renewable” resources of well-seasoned horse manure or the Tillamook digester product. How can Bob Flowerdew argue with that?

Tillamook County Churches... Cloverdale


Coffee & Your Local News!

24720 Hwy. 101S, Cloverdale, OR (503) 3985508. Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Bible Study 1st & 3rd Monday 7 p.m. AWANA Wednesday 406 p.m. Josh Gard, Pastor



Corner of Blanchard Rd. and Hwy. 101S. (503) 398-5454. Pastor Jim Oakley. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7 p.m. Everyone welcome!

Garibaldi The two just belong together.




309 3rd St., (503) 322-3626. Pastor Duane Hall. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Bible class 9:30 a.m. We invite you to join us.





35305 Brooten Road, (503) 965-6229. Pastor Rev. Ben Dake. Weekly bible study groups Fridays at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Open communion the first Sunday of each month. Adult Sunday School 9 a.m. Youth Snday School 10 a.m. Regular services Sunday 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.



400 S. 3rd., (503) 355-2581. Pastor David Whitehead. Sundays: Contemporary/ Traditional Worship Service 9-10:30 a.m. Kids Zone 9:35-11:40 a.m. Teen and Adult Sunday School, 10:45-11:30 a.m. Nursery provided. Community groups meet during the week. Call church office for more information.



275 S. Pacific St. (503) 355-2661. Saturday: Confessions 5 p.m.; Mass 5:30 p.m. Sunday: Confessions: 8 a.m.; Mass 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Tues 5:30 p.m. and Wed. - Fri. 9 a.m.



5640 U.S. 101 S. (2 miles south of Tillamook), (503) 842-5598. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening service 6:00 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Everyone welcome!



(Reformed Baptist Church) 7450 Alderbrook Road, Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-8317. Pastor Jeff Crippen. Family Sunday School 9:30 a.m. (Nursery provided). Morning worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Ladies Luncheon/Bible Study 12:00 noon. English as a Second Language.






2611 3rd, (503) 842-2549. Pastor Sid Sever. Sundays: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Childcare for infants to age 5 available. Tuesdays: Celebrate Recovery 6 p.m. Wednesdays: Teen Fellowship 7 - 8 p.m. We welcome you to join us as we worship together.

302 Grove Ave., (503) 842-4823. Reverend J. Wesley Beck. Sunday School for all ages, 9:20 a.m.; Divine Service, 10:30 a.m. Midweek Bible studies. Everyone welcome! Call for more information. I



1311 3rd St. (503) 842-7864. Pastor: Sterling Hanakahi. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Bible Studies 4 p.m., Evening Message 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.




2203 4th St., (503) 842-6213. Senior Pastor: Dean Crist, Contemporary Worship, Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Casual attire. Nursery facilities and handicapped accessible. Programs available for youth of all ages. Travelers and newcomers welcome.


Muddy Waters

Pacific Edge Espresso

Blue Star Espresso

1904 3rd St. 225 Garibaldi Ave. 940 Main Ave. N. 1101 Main Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Garibaldi (503) 801-4085 (503) 322-2311 (503) 842-2583 (503) 842-0011 Pacific Edge This Space Available Lindsey’s Espresso Lattes

1920 Hwy. 101N Tillamook (503) 842-3737

1810 N. Main (Hwy. 101N), Tillamook (503) 815-8400

For Your Coffee Shop

Call (503) 842-7535 to learn how to put your coffee shop in this space!

Corner of 10th and A Streets, Nehalem (503) 368-5612 Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.



4685 Alder Cove Rd. West, (503) 842-8375. Pastor Jerry Baker, Sunday School 9 a.m., Morning Worship 10:10 a.m. Call for information on Bible studies and youth activities.



1590 Chinook Avenue, Oceanside, (503) 812-2493. Pastor Larry Hamilton. (Christian Non-denominational) worship Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. with fellowship following. Please join us as we worship together.


2102 Sixth Street., (503) 842-6192. Jerry Jefferies, Priest-in-Charge Sunday Worship Service - Holy Eucharist 9 a.m. Sunday school and child care. Everyone is welcome. Handicapped accessible.




Pastor Warren Widmann. Sunday Bible study 5 p.m., Worship Service 6 p.m. Please call (503) 842-7729 for information.

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” Pastor John Sandusky 602 Laurel Ave., Tillamook, (503) 842-2242. Worship & Church School: 10:30 a.m. Web site: Handicapped accessible.



1000 N. Main, Suite 12, (503) 842-6455. Pastors Marv and Judie Kasemeier (Charismatic, Nondenomi-national) Sunday Morning Service 10. Nursery through sixth grade children’s church provided. Sunday Evening Prayer Service 7 p.m. Wednesday; Generation Unleashed Youth Service for ages 1218 6:30 p.m.



3500 Alder Lane, Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-9300. Pastor Brad Smith. Sunday Worship: Bible Study 9:45 a.m., Worship and Message 11 a.m. Do you know God’s plan for your life? - Jerehiah 29:11



401 Madrona, (503) 842-4753, Pastor Jerry Jefferies. Traditional Sunday morning worship 11 a.m. You are warmly invited to join us. I


2506 First St., (503) 842-4393, Minister: Fred Riemer. Sunday morning Bible class 10, Worship service 11 a.m., Sunday evening service 6, Wednesday evening Bible class 7. Noninstrumental singing - come as you are. Visitors are always welcome. I




2610 1st St., (503) 842-7182. Pastor Tim Mayne. English/Spanish Services. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Saturdays. Sabbath School, Children & Adults 9:30 a.m. All visitors welcome. Website:


3808 12th St., (503) 842-2224. Pastor Jerry Jefferies and Carol Brown. Sunday Services 11 a.m.; Food Bank: Thursdays 12:30-3 p.m. Fully accessible facility. All are welcome!

...where you are always welcome



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Deadline to place a Classfied Ad is Monday at 10 am for Wednesday’s print edition


Alcoholics Anonymous

It works when all else fails.

Advertisers seeking to adopt a child must submit a letter from their attorney or through Oregon Newspapers Publishers Association. ONAC will keep a letter from their attorney on file at the ONAC office. Ad may not specify the child s age or the race or religion of the couple.

DIVORCE $155, $175 with children. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.paralegalalternativ,


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Found Mtn Bike in Nehalem call w/description 503-8016179 Cory


Found on 10/04/12. one inscribed gold men’s masonic ring. Send full description and contact # to Matt Gallagher P.O. Box 3111, Bay City, Or 97107 by 01/08/13.

METER INSPECTOR/COLLECTOR $24.99 per hour, plus benefits

Closing date: October 29, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Tillamook PUD is seeking a Meter Inspector/Collector to perform collections activities in the office and in the field, and cut-in and cut-out of single-phase meters. Duties include reading meters and reporting on equipment deficiencies and power theft situations. Applicants must have excellent customer service skills, especially in verbal communications and an ability to remain calm under stress. The applicant selected for this position will be required to pass a physical capacities test and an employment drug screening at the District’s expense prior to beginning work.

Deadline to place a Classfied Ad is Monday at 10 am for Wednesday’s print edition

Collection experience and a working knowledge of a variety of computer programs are preferred. Experience with a GIS mapping system and familiarity with the community and roadways in the District’s service territory are a plus.

$ $ $ $

Well established dental office in Pacific City, Or needs front desk person, dentrix software, insurance billing knowledge, postitive peoples skills a must. Fax resume 503965-3637.


Wanted Autos Cash for Junk, Broken & Wrecked Autos. 503384-8499 or 541-2163107. I will Travel!

$ $ $ $

2 8 0 ROWE ST, WHEELER, OR (5 0 3 ) 3 6 8 -5 1 7 1


Closing date: October 29, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Tillamook PUD is seeking a Journeyman Utility Mechanic to perform a wide variety of mechanical, fabrication/welding, and body/paint work as it pertains to the repair and maintenance of the District’s mechanical equipment, including the automotive fleet. Applicants must have earned a journeyman’s card and must obtain a Class A CDL within 6 months of date of hire. The applicant selected for this position will be required to pass a physical capacities test and an employment drug screening at the District’s expense prior to beginning work.

We are looking for kind and caring individuals willing to work hard in our resident’s home! If interested please send resume to:




Stereo, TV & Video

Apts Unfurnished


Free King Size Mattress. You Hall. 541418-2695

Private collector paying cash for firearms and antique acces any condition. 541-4302085

We sell aluminum, fiberglass, commercial

48th St. & TV Hwy, SE Hillsboro


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Tires & Wheels

for a Nissan Murano (65R18) $300 for set. One winter of use. Contact Patty @ 503-842-7535.


Garage Sales 4th Bigger & Better Bazaar!! Vendors wanted: Lincoln City Nov 24-25. Tillamook Dec 1-2 Annas Falls 503-701-6904 Oct 26 8-5 & Oct 27 9-1. 7475 Fairview.


Deadline to place a Classfied Ad is Monday at 10 am for Wednesday’s print edition


Fuel & Firewood








503-842-5653 H20961

Xray & EFDA certified dental assistant needed in Pacific City, Or. Fax resume 503-965-3637


JOURNEYMAN UTILITY MECHANIC $32.47 per hour, plus benefits


Apts Unfurnished


Estate Sales Huge estate sale 4205 orchard loop everything goes. fri.-sun. 10-6.



EAGLES AUXILLARY CRAFT & BAKE SALE At the Eagles, 209 Stillwell, Tillamook, Oregon Open Friday & Saturday /PW UI t BN QN /PW UI t BN QN Friday & Saturday serving Breakfast 8:30am til 11am and Lunch 12pm till 2pm

Los Apartamentos de Tillamook tienen apartamentos disponibles de una y dos recamara. Renta por mes es desde $475 a $600 con luz, agua y basura incluida. Para adquirir, contacta nuestro manager, Omar o Maria Hernandez al 503-812-7303 mĂłvil o DueĂąa, Carol Langlois al 503-812-1904.

The Tillamook Apts. is NOHA approved and currently has one & two bedroom apartments available. Monthly rent is from $475 to $600 with the landlord paying all the Electricity, Water and Garbage. To inquire, contact Owner, Carol Langlois at 503-812-1904 or our managers, Maria Hernandez at 503-812-7303 Mobile or Omar Hernandez at 503-801-3427.

Seeking Caregivers & CNA’s! Tillamook Area


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Charming Older home 4+Bedrms, 2 bath, Den, Living Rm, Formal Dining Rm., 2077 sq ft., Prime loc. 220,000.00. 503-842-7185


Duplexes Till 2 br/2ba like new. App, garage. No smk/pets. 1st/lst/dep $895. W/S/G incl. 503322-2500.

Houses Furnished

Twin Rocks 3br 2ba deck hot-tub sg gar. $1250. No smk/dogs. 206-890-6151.


NOW AVAILABLE Sheridan Square II Apartments 893 Third Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-7193 TDD: 1-800-735-2900 For seniors 62 years and older. One and Two Bedroom Apartments. Homes may be available at this time. Income restrictions apply. $453-$750. If no units are available at this time, qualified applicants will be place on the waiting list.

Guardian Mgmt, LLC Equal Housing Opportunity

Pick yours up now at The Headlight Herald Office, 1906 2nd St. Tillamook


Houses Unfurnished

Immaculate 1 bdrm, $485 Patio Apts one story 4plex, low util, hardwd flrs, coin lndry, Credit checked, No pets/smk 503-812-7967


Rockaway close to beach, 2br, 1ba, wood stove. Pets neg. No smk.$950. 503-2498211


Houses Unfurnished

Boyd’s Implement Service From Tillamook Serving Tillamook Co. New L48 TLB. We Buy Used Tractors.

2850 Latimer Rd.

Tillamook • 842-9408 2br/2ba attached garage/ wk shop, fenced back yard, close to shopping. incl. w/s. no smk/pets. $875/mo.+dep. ref req. call 503-842-5142 lv msg. avail. Nov. 10/ sooner. 3 Bedroom + bonus room 1 BA, newly remodeled, quiet D/E street. 995/mo. No pets, no smoking indoors. 1st, last + 200 deposit. Call 503-7511114 Bay City 3bd, 2ba, lg yard. $1095 mo+1st+lst+dep+backgr ound & credit check. 503-842-6762 Rockaway Beach / Tillamook areas, furnished and unfurn. houses available for rent. Croman & Associates. (503)355-3036

Visit our website at for a complete job description and the fillable application form or contact Tillamook People’s Utility District, P.O. Box 433, 1115 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141; (503)815-8637; or email A cover letter and resume are preferred but not required, in addition to the PUD application form. Tillamook PUD is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Experienced Drivers $1,000 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Regional Truckload Opportunities in Your Area! Be Home Every Week. Run Up to 2,000 miles/week. 866333-1021

NEED SOME QUICK CASH? COME SEE US! 535 HWY 101 N. • TILLAMOOK, OR 97141 PHONE # 1-503-842-8232 • OPEN MON - FRI 9-6; SAT 9-5



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Tillamook PUD is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

DRIVER: $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Choose your hometime: Weekly, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/ON7/OFF. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-4149569


Visit our website at for a complete job description and the fillable application form, or email jobs@, or contact our office at Tillamook People’s Utility District, PO Box 433, 1115 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141; 503-815-8637. Resumes and cover letters are encouraged, but do not replace the required application form.


Help Wanted

Special� Fully Furnished, Upscale 2Bdrm / 2 Bath, Steps from the Beach. All utilities Paid Including Cable and Wi-Fi. Call 503-887-4276 2 br, 1ba. All appl. W/S/G incl. $700 mo+1st+lst+dep. No smk/pets. 503-8426025 2Br/1ba carport w/util. rm. w/d hook-up, stove, fridge incl. near hospital @ 1006 5th st. no pets/smk. 1st+lst+dep. avail. nov. 1st call 503842-7158 or 503-8127074 Pacific City 2 BD $675 mo, w/s/g pd, w/d hookup. No smk/ pets. 503538-1530 Tillamook 2br/1ba duplex, w/d hook-up $750/mo. $250 dep. 503-758-4737



FOR RENT Ocean view, deck, beach access, gated, lovely one bedroom plus den, water, cable, wireless included. Non-smoking, possible pet. $875/mo. 503-355-6307



Computer Services



Commercial Space $$ PRIVATE MONEY 4 Commercial real estate loans. 50-65% of value. 100k & up 971-6004327

COUNTY OPENINGS Custodian – Part-Time Facilities Dept Salary Range: $ 10.60/hr. Closing Date: October 25, 2012

Road MEO2 – Journey Level Public Works Salary Range: $2798 – 3571 / mo. Closing Date: November 2, 2012 For required application materials, contact Tillamook County Office of Personnel, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook (503) 842-3418 or access our website: Tillamook County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website www.hirealiscensedc



Misc Services




Home Repair



The Headlight Herald is looking for a fullor part-time addition to our customer service team. If you enjoy working with the public, being part of a team and have good computer skills, we would love to talk to you. REQUIREMENTS: Excellent customer service skills, familiar with MicroSoft Office (Word, Excel), 10-key skills. JOB DUTIES: Data entry, word processing, customer service, answering multi-line phone. Email your resume to, apply in person at Headlight Herald, 1908 2nd St., Tillamook or mail resume and references to P. O. Box 444, Tillamook, OR 97141. Drug screen required. EOE.

Headlight Herald H22379

Page B6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald


Commercial Space

Warehouse Space w/Loading Dock & Bathroom from $525 &/or

Office Space w/Bathroom from $625 Deals for multiple spaces

503-815-1560 860


For Your





SOUTH PRAIRIE STORAGE Spaces Now Available Call 842-4840



Rob Trost Real Estate LLC Looking for experienced brokers for expanding business

(503) 842-9090 901

Homes for Sale by Owner

RVs Boats Household Items

Tillamook & Cloverdale 503-815-1560 or 503-392-4533

For sale, lease or rent option for old Fairview school. 503-842-2742 serious interests only H14803



HOUSE FOR SALE 604 Marolf Lp. 4 bedroom, 1 bath $150,000.00

503-842-2742 H14802


Public Notices

Public Notices

H12-534 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK In the Matter of the Estate of No. P-7347 SUSAN A. BOEHME, NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at P.O.


LUST FOR LIFE He may be middle aged, but Loren still has a lust for life. A big happy fellow who has spent much of his life on a chain, he’s like a playful new dog, now free from the restraint and full of energy. He loves taking walks, exploring and just hanging out with people. He’s good with other dogs, too. Loren is current with shots, has been neutered and has microchip identification.

Adopt anytime: contact Maria at 503-812-0105 or Or come to the United Paws/Tillamook Animal Shelter Adoptathon • Saturday, Nov. 17, Noon - 3 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4H Dorm, 4603 Third Street

Brought to you by:

Butch Olson Garage Doors, Inc. Phone 503-377-2847 • Bay City • CCB #98337


Judy Sours cell phone: (503) 812-2520 •

KING REALTY 2507 Main Ave. North, Suite A, Tillamook, OR 97141

(503) 842-5525

Box 220, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published October 24, 2012. Kathleen J. Boehme 844 S.E. 31st Court Hillsboro, OR 97123 (971) 263-2745 Christian K. Hooley, OSB No. 903000 Attorney at Law Christian K. Hooley, P.C. P.O. Box 220 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 Telephone: (503) 8422553

H12-536 NOTICE The City of Rockaway Beach City Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 276 S. Hwy. 101. Purpose of the hearing is to consider the following request: The request is an appeal of an administrative determination of Substantial Improvement to an existing structure in the regulatory floodplain, as a result of un-permitted development. The appellant is Arnold Suhrbier, and the Case File number is #MISC 12-05. The subject property is identified on Tillamook County Assessor’s Map 1N105BC, as Tax Lot 4800. The property is located at 544 S. Pacific Street and is in the City limits of Rockaway Beach. Criteria for review are specified in Rockaway Beach Zoning Ordinance Section 3.092 Flood Hazard Overlay Zone, Section 3.093 Definitions, Section 3.095 Administration, Section 3.096 Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction, Section 3.097 Restrictions and Prohibited Uses. Procedures for appeals are found in Rockaway Beach Zoning Ordinance Article 11, Administrative Provisions. The Staff report for this case file will be available for inspection at no cost or may be obtained at a reasonable cost, seven


Public Notices

(7) days prior to the public hearing. The Rockaway Beach City Council reserves the right to continue the hearing to another date and time. If the hearing is continued, no further public notice will be provided. Materials pertinent to the request are available for review at the office of the City Manager, City Hall. All interested parties are invited to provide testimony in support or opposition to the request at the hearing, or by letter addressed to the Rockaway Beach City Council, City Hall, P.O. Box 5, Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136. In raising an issue, the relevant Rockaway Beach Zoning Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan criterion to which the issue is directed must be specified. Failure of an issue to be raised in a hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal on that issue. Terri Michel Administrative Assistant (503) 355-2291 CITY OF ROCKAWAY BEACH H12-537 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICES Meetings are held at the Transportation Building located at 3600 Third Street, Tillamook unless otherwise indicated. Persons requiring physical or visual accommodations or would like a copy of the meeting agenda may contact the District office at (503) 815-8283 before noon, meeting day. Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda items may include General Manager’s Financial & Operational Reports, Action & Discussion Items, Executive Session ORS 192.660(2) and Director’s Comments & Concerns. Persons requiring physical or visual accommodations or would like a copy of the meeting agenda may contact TCTD at (503) 815-8283 before noon on meeting day. Public Welcome. H12-528 Board Workshop Notice Tillamook People’s Utility District (PUD) is holding a board workshop for the


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purpose of presenting information and accepting written comments on its proposal to build a new 115-kV transmission line that will run approximately seven miles from the Bonneville Power Administration’s Tillamook Substation to a new substation to be built southeast of Oceanside. Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Carl Rawe Meeting Room Tillamook PUD H12-519 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK In the Matter of the Estate of No. P-7344 ALBERTA R. BOYLE, fka Alberta R. Abrahamson) NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at P.O. Box 220, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. .Dated and first published October 10, 2012.Neal Abrahamson, Jr. 3460 Aldercrest Road Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 812-1627 Christian K. Hooley, OSB No. 903000 Attorney at Law Christian K. Hooley, P.C.P.O. Box 220 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 Telephone: (503) 8422553 H12-524 TRUSTEE\’92S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Brent Sherman, Sr., is the Grantor, CLS Mortgage, Inc. is the original beneficiary, and Ticor Title Insurance Company is the Trustee


TILLAMOOK • (503) 842-8271 615 MAIN • TILLAMOOK Open Daily 10 - 5

UNIQUE ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED CHALET! Beautiful mountain & valley views from this 2bd, 2.5bth home located in desirable Sollie Smith area across from boat launch. From the expansive custom deck to the decadent Italian tile floors to every cedar lined closet, this one of a kind home boasts quality throughout! Includes 2 furnaces and 2 water heaters! Meticulously landscaped 2.29 acres! #12-922‌..................................$329,000 Call Real Estate Broker Patti Tippett @ 503-812-6508

VALLEY VIEW HOME ON NEARLY AN ACRE! Beautiful cedar sided 2bd, 2bth with loft is over 1400 sq ft. Immaculate grounds with mature trees. Attached double garage, garden shed and big 36x30 shop has 220v power, water, phone, concrete floors and loft storage. Partially covered deck great for BBQ's and entertaining. PUD weatherized, RV parking with hook-ups & gorgeous valley views!...................................$329,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS, Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

REMODELED RANCH STYLE HOME WITH MTN VIEWS! 4bd, 2bth has newer vinyl windows and siding, roof, fresh paint throughout and new carpet, vinyl & laminate floors. All new spacious master suite with WI closet. 30x48 shop with 12� concrete floors, 16’ high eaves, 14’ bay doors, loft storage, 220 power, metal roof & Hardi-plank siding. Over 1/3 acre with fully fenced back yard. #12-571‌‌$249,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

COUNTRY LIVING! Mountain view 3bd, 2bth home on 1.75 acres with fully fenced fruit orchard & lighted picnic area! Updates include siding, windows, electrical, plumbing & MORE! 2 bonus rooms. Large 48x24 shop has loft storage and guest quarters with a full bath. Come and see this special property! #12-698....‌.$198,900 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS, Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

AT HOME IN THE COUNTRY! Ranch style home with 3 bedroom 2 bath home, over 2800 sq. ft. of comfortable living space, remodeled kitchen, large bedrooms, full finished basement and it is lovely to look at. MLS #12-914..........................$199,000

PRIME COMMERCIAL LOCATION! The price is right, it has been reduced. The value is in this 3/4 acre lot which fronts on busy Hwy. 101 in downtown Tillamook The house is a bonus. MLS 12-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125,000

ON YOUR WAY TO FOREST GROVE! Take a look at this 2 acre building site. The trees have been removed, a well established, septic approved and the driveway is in. MLS #12-534 . . . . . . . . . .$65,000

under that certain Deed of Trust dated December 7, 2009, recorded on December 10, 2009, under Recorder\’92s No. 2009-008395, records of Tillamook County, Oregon, for the property described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1: Parcel 1 of PARTITION PLAT NO. 2008-025 situated in the Northwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, recorded June 26, 2008 in Partition Plat Cabinet B-1073-0, Tillamook County Records. PARCEL NO. 2: Parcel 2 of PARTITION PLAT NO. 1008-025 situated in the Northwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, recorded June 26, 2008 in Partition Plat Cabinet B-1073-0, Tillamook County Records. The current Beneficiaries under that certain trust deed are: Jay T. Janecek (5%), Christopher A. Meyer and Denise M. Reilly (8%), Johnston Family Trust, Nadine A. Johnston, Trustee (10%), John P. Reilly and Denise M. Reilly (16%), Stephen L. Nordstrom, Trustee of Nordstrom Law Firm 401K Plan (19%), Duane P. Carroll and Beatrice Carroll (13%), Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Orval W. Dietzel (6%), Timothy R. Hattenburg and Rebecca L. Hattenburg (8%), and Edwin Johnston (15%). On February 27, 2012, the Beneficiaries caused to be recorded an Appointment of Successor Trustee in Tillamook County, Oregon, Recorder\’92s No. 2012-00927, appointing David P. Smith, an attorney licensed with the Oregon State Bar as the Successor Trustee. The Beneficiaries and the Trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3) on August 16, 2012 in Tillamook County, Oregon, Recorder\’92s No. 2012-004529. All Assignments of the Trust Deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiariesand appointments of a successor trustee have been recorded in the Records of the said county. No action has been instituted to recover the debt secured by the Trust Deed except as permitted by ORS 86.735(4). There is a default by Grantor or other person owing an obligation secured by the Trust Deed, which authorizes sale in the event of default of such provision. The default is: Failure to make the following payments: a. Unpaid principal balance payable in full as of 8/9/12 $149,114.53 Past Due Interest $ 16,509.84 Past Due Late Charges and fees { \* < wrap>>}1004.87 TOTAL DEFAULT AND ITEMIZED ARREARAGES: $166,629.24 As of March 1, 2012, delinquent Property Taxes in the amount of


Public Notices

$912.32 By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following towit: Unpaid balance due on and delinquent taxes are $167,541.56 as of August 9, 2012. In addition there are attorney\’92s fees and foreclosure costs incurred for the protection and preservation of the property that have been incurred and will continue to incur after the date of this notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Successor Trustee will on Friday, January 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., as established by ORS 187.110, atthe following place: On the steps of Tillamook County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Ave., Tillamook, OR 97141,to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had at the time of the execution of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or Grantor\’92s successors in interest acquired after execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the Trustee completes the auction sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance necessary to cure and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, including costs and attorney fees incurred in preserving the collateral, together with Trustee\’92s and attorney fees not exceeding the amounts provided by SRS 86.753. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the work \’93grantor\’94 includes any successor interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, and the words \’93trustee\’94 and \’93beneficiary\’94 include their respective successors in interest, if any. NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for January 4, 2013. Unless the lender who is foreclosing on this property is paid, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. The following information applies to you only if you occupy and rent this property



Offers 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, walk-in closets, formal living room and great room, then out to an enclosed deck/porch, storage building and easy care yard. An OH did I mention the wife pleasing kitchen?. MLS #12-923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$249,000


AFFORDABLE! Netarts, area of newer homes, underground power, sewer and water available. Real nice building site. MLS #11-731 . . . . . . . . . .$48,000 BAY VIEW HOME! Tastefully decorated 3bd, 2bth home on .58 acres in peaceful neighborhood. Attached garage & garden area. #12-828‌.$229,500 Call Real Estate Broker Melinda Peterson @ 503-812-4588

w w w. K i n g R e a l t y B r o k e r s . c o m All land or lots, offered for sale, improved or unimproved are subject to land use laws and regulations, and governmental approval for any zoning changes or use. H14857

LARGE LOT! More than one building site, water and sewer available, road is to the lot and the view of Tillamook Bay is fabulous. MLS #12-962 . . . . . . .$45,500

615 MAIN • TILLAMOOK • (503) 842-8271 Teresa Burdick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(503) 812-3495 Mark Decker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(503) 801-0498 e-mail: Web Page:

MARK DECKER (503 801-0498


REMODELED TIERRA DEL MAR CABIN! 3bd home on large corner lot is just blocks to the beach! Updated in ’05 with new roof, siding, windows, electrical, cabinetry, fixtures and MORE! Detached garage, RV parking & fenced back yard. Commercial zoning for your home based business. OWC. #12-17‌.$199,900 Call Real Estate Broker Wendi Hacker @ 503-842-5525 or Patti Tippett @ 503-812-6508 for details

Carolyn Decker (503) 842-8271


Public Notices

Remodeled cottage in Tillamook! Close-in location. 2 bed/1bath. Cute as a button inside. “Open� modern kitchen with extra nook for office/breakfast area. Completely updated bath. New laminate floors throughout. New paint. Metal roof. Corner lot! Lots of parking. #12-458. ................$119,900

Rob Trost Real Estate Call Dusty @ 503-842-9090 H14863


Public Notices

as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a residential tenant. If the foreclosure goes through, the business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale has the right to require you to move out. The buyer must first give you an eviction notice in writing that specifies the date by which you must move out. The buyer may not give you this notice until after the foreclosure sale happens. If you do not leave before the moveout date, the buyer can have the sheriff remove you from the property


Public Notices



Public Notices

Under federal law, the buyer must give you at least 90 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If you are renting this property under a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), you may stay until the end of your lease term. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer\’92s primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even if you have a fixed term lease with more than 90 days left. STATE LAW NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS IF THE FEDERAL LAW DOES NOT APPLY, STATE LAW STILL


Public Notices



Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Page B7

Public Notices

move out. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer\’92s primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 30 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 30 days left. If you are renting under a month-to-month or week-to-week rental agreement, the buyer must give you at least 30 days\’92 notice in writing before requiring you to move out. IMPORTANT: For the buyer to be required to give you notice under state law, you must prove to the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale that you are occupying and renting


Public Notices

this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The name and address of the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale is shown below on this notice s the Successor Trustee. You must mail or deliver your proof not later than December 5, 2012 (30 days before the date first set for the foreclosure sale). Your proof must be in writing and should be a copy of your rental agreement or lease. If you do not have a written rental agreement or lease, you can provide other proof, such as receipts for rent you paid. ABOUT YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT



Public Notices

Public Notices

Under state law, you may apply your security deposit and any rent you paid in advance against the current rent you owe your landlord. To do this, you must notify your landlord in writing that you want to subtract the amount of your security deposit or prepaid rent from your rent payment. You may do this only for the rent you owe your current landlord. If you do this, you must do so before the foreclosure sale. The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale is not responsible to you for any depositor prepaid rent you paid to your landlord. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY AFTER THE

FORECLOSURE SALE The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant instead of requiring you to move out; you should contact the buyer to discuss that possibility if you would like to stay. Under state law, if the buyer accepts rent from you, signs a new residential rental agreement with you or does not notify you in writing within 30 days after the date of the foreclosure sale that you must move out, the buyer becomes your new landlord and must maintain the property. Otherwise, the buyer is not your landlord and is not responsible for





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If you need help with s ome of your home impr ovement pr ojects call one of t he s p e c i a l i s t s i n our B us ines s & S er vice Dir ector y.



Headlight Herald


1908 2nd St., Tillamook, OR 97141 • (503) 842-7535


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$100 for a diagnosis of roof problems and $45 per man hour plus materials to correct the problem. PO Box 1191, Tillamook, OR 97141 Bonded & Insured CCB #181119

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W W W. T I L L A M O O K H E A D L I G H T H E R A L D






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Public Notices



LOVE MACHINE Francesca is a young purring love machine. She shows her affection by rubbing, cuddling and of course, purring. She's something of a talker, too, when the mood strikes her. An elegant, long-legged black and white tuxedo, with no fear of people, Frankie is curious about her surroundings, loves snoozing in a warm lap and will make an excellent companion. She has been spayed, is current with shots and house trained.

Adopt anytime: contact United Paws hotline 503-842-5663 or Or come to the next regular United Paws Adoptathon Saturday, Nov. 17, Noon - 3 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4H Dorm, 4603 Third Street


Public Notices



Public Notices

452-8260 and ask for lawyer referral service. If you do not have enough money to pay a lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to receive legal assistance for free. Information about whom to contact for free legal assistance; a county-by-county listing of legal aid resources may be found on the Internet at blic/ris/lowcostlegalhelp/ legalaid.html. Dated: August 21, 2012 /s/ David P. Smith David P. Smith, Successor Trustee The Smith Firm, P.C. 1754 SW Willamette Falls Dr. West Linn, OR 97068 (503) 657-6550 For further information, please contact:


Public Notices


Brought to you by:


1220 Main • Tillamook • 842-5543 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Front & Ivy Tillamook (503) 842-7566 Hwy. 101, Cloverdale (503) 392-3323



Bans gillnetting on inland waters


Licensed commercial fishermen are only allowed to use gillnets and tangle nets when fishing on the mainstem of the Columbia River and in a handful of selectarea fisheries on tributaries.


• Outlaw use of gillnets and tangle nets by non-tribal Oregon commercial fishermen in inland waters. • Make it illegal to buy or process fish caught by non-tribal fishermen in inland Oregon waters with a gillnet or tangle net. • Legalize use of seines and fixed gear for commercial salmon fishing. • Ensure that the recreational fishery in the main stem and tributaries is allocated a catch equal to or greater than the average of 2007 to 2011 fisheries.


The state would be required to evaluate the mortality of endangered fish species associated with seine and fixed fishing gear. This would increase state expenditures by $150,000 per year for ongoing research and monitoring. It will decrease state revenues by $551,654 to $749,144 per year from state income taxes, permits, licenses, and surcharges from gillnetting; future revenue associated with seine netting is unknown.


“As we approached the deadline for submitting this statement, Governor Kitzhaber announced an alternative proposal that would remove gillnets from the mainstem of the Columbia River by limiting gillnets to off-channel areas. While differences exist between the Governor’s proposal and Ballot Measure 81, both share the same long term vision: removing gillnets from the lower Columbia for the betterment of endangered wild fish, wildlife and our economy. “We believe that the Governor’s vision, if adopted and implemented as proposed, represents a significant milestone in the management of fisheries on the Columbia River. “However, as of this deadline, we cannot be sure that the Governor’s plan will be adopted by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission.” –Stop Gillnets Now


• Stop Gillnets Now $127,419 - Norman Brenden $100,000 - Walter Remmers $10,000


“... It will likely transfer jobs and income to Washington as its residents continue to fish and sell Columbia River fish in their stores.”—Lindsay Ball, former director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife “Ballot Measure 81 will further divide Oregonians instead of advancing economic and conservation gains that a more thoughtful effort can achieve. Instead of recreational vs. commercial fishing interests, rural vs. urban interests or business vs. environmental interests—the interests of Oregon are best served when Oregonians find ways to advance mutual benefits instead of mutual division.” –Governor

2012 FINANCING: John Kitzhaber

• Salmon For All PAC $604,381.63 - Salmon For All Inc. $301,500 - Englund Marine Supply Co. Inc. $50,000 - Fishhawk Fisheries of Alaska Inc. $37,831.63


Constitutionally allows privately owned casinos


Privately owned casinos are not allowed in the state. Tribal casinos are allowed under the gaming compacts.


Amend the constitution to authorize the State Lottery Commission to permit privately owned casinos under the following conditions: Voters authorize individual casinos by a separate statewide initiative; The casino is located within an incorporated city and has the city electors’ approval; The casino is operated by a taxpaying corporation incorporated under Oregon law; The casino cannot be located within a 60mile radius of existing tribal casinos on reservation land; Casinos must pay 25-percent of adjusted gross revenues to a state fund for job growth, educational achievement, local communities, environmental protection and support of Indian tribes in Oregon.


There may be a financial impact to local government entities that receive revenue derived from tribal gaming operations, because tribal gaming revenues may decline.


Supporters have announced plans to suspend campaigning, though the measure will remain on the ballot.


• Viva Las Portland (also supports Measure 83) - Has not received contributions in 2012 • Yes on 82 & 83 (also supports Measure 83) $157,011.32 - PDX Entertainment Group $146,826 - Vote Yes for Oregon Jobs and Schools $9,975 - Good for Oregon $210.32


“Although proponents argue that their ultimate goal is to raise state revenue, the measures actually reallocate money from small businesses and the local economy to casino operators. “Proponents also argue that commercial casinos generate additional revenue for schools. However, the state currently collects 75% of the revenues from video lottery, while this casino measure would only contribute 25% of its gaming dollars to the state. So, money spent at the casino generates 50% less revenue for the state than it would at local small businesses.”—Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association


• It’s Still a Bad Idea Committee (also opposes Measure 83) $473,935 - Confederated Tribes of

Grand Ronde $473,910


Authorizes privately owned Wood Village Casino


Privately owned casinos are not allowed in the state. Tribal casinos are allowed under the gaming compacts.


This measure would only be operative if Measure 82 to amend the state constitution also passes. In that case, the State Lottery Commission would issue a renewable 15-year lease to the owner of the former Multnomah Kennel Club in Wood Village for operation of gaming devices, table games, keno, etc.


The state would receive 25 percent of the casinos gaming revenues, after prizes, which is estimated to be between $83 million and $94 million per year when the casino is fully operational. Of the state’s 25-percent share, 80 percent would go to the State Lottery Fund and 20 percent to the Oregon Job Growth, Education and Communities Fund. The Oregon Job Growth, Education and Communities Fund is distributed 75 percent to local governments, 15 percent to tribal governments, and five percent each to the Oregon State Police and to the Problem Gambling Treatment Fund. Oregon video lottery revenues are projected to decline between $61 million and $78 million per year. Because 65 percent of these video lottery revenues are transferred to state and local government, state and local government revenues are projected to decline between $40 million and $51 million. Indirect impacts on state and local government revenues and expenditures cannot be accurately predicted. The direct financial impacts of this casino are estimated to total between $32 million and $54 million per year gain for public purposes.


Supporters have announced plans to suspend campaigning, though the measure will remain on the ballot.


• Viva Las Portland (also supports Measure 82) Has not received contributions in 2012 • Yes on 82 & 83 (also supports Measure 82) $157,011.32 - PDX Entertainment Group $146,826 - Vote Yes for Oregon Jobs and Schools $9,975 - Good for Oregon $210.32


“The backers of measures 82 and 83 make a lot of big promises, but the truth is that these measures rig the system to hurt small businesses and rural communities. They include a loophole that allows them to skip paying taxes on slot and video poker machines at their casino, one restaurants and taverns must pay. That’s not fair.”—


• It’s Still a Bad Idea Committee (also opposes Measure 82) $473,935 - Confederated Tribes of

Grand Ronde $473,910


Taxes on property transfers


A one-time tax is imposed on the estate of a person dying on/after Jan. 1, 2012 with a gross value as determined by federal law of at least $1 million. Estate tax is levied at a rate ranging from 10 to 16 percent of the assets exceeding $1 million. The tax does not apply to property inherited by a spouse, nor farm, forest or fishing property up to $7.5 million that is used in business. A sale of income-producing property is taxed regardless of the parties’ relationship.


The existing inheritance/estate tax, tax on property transfers between “family members” (defined as blood relations within the third degree) and tax on property transferred in connection with a person’s death would be incrementally phased out. Such taxes would be phased out completely by Jan. 1, 2016.


Estate taxes will be phased out over three fiscal years, reducing state revenue by approximately $17 million in fiscal year 2013-14, approximately $43 million in 2014-15, and approximately $72 million in 2015-16. Thereafter the measure will reduce state revenue by approximately $120 million per year, depending upon growth in estate values. Revenue lost from tax not collected on transfers of property between family members is unknown.


“The death tax is considered one of the most unfair taxes in the nation. It imposes a final tax on a deceased person’s money and possessions, even though they were all properly taxed as they were acquired. Yes, it is a double tax.


• Yes on 84 PAC $65,620.30 - Common Sense for Oregon Inc. $58,600 - Fishback Nursery Inc. $5,000 - Oregon Family Farm Association PAC $1,200 • Oregon Family Farm Association PAC (also supports Measure 79 and opposes Measure 85) $124,350 - Loren Parks $107,500 - Golden Tree Agriculture Inc. $5,000 - Mid-Willamette Agriculture LLC $5,000 • Oregon Small Business Association PAC (also supports Measure 79 and opposes Measure 85) $187,430 - Loren Parks $177,500 - Healthy Communities Initiative $7,500 - Brian Boquist $1,500 • Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC (also supports Measure 79 and opposes Measure 85) $9,862 - Naideen Butler $250


“OBA believes we must focus on comprehensive efforts to improve Oregon’s tax structure. We are disappointed that many groups, including the proponents of Ballot Measure 84, have taken

to the initiative process to deal with one feature of Oregon’s tax code. We believe one-off measures that change Oregon’s tax code is the wrong approach, and we are putting our energy into comprehensive tax reform.”— Nik Blosser, board chairman for Oregon Business Association


• Defend Oregon (also opposes Measure 79) - Has not received contributions in 2012 • Vote No on 84 $3,700 - William Shields $1,000 - David Roth $1,000 - Kris Alman $400


Re-allocates corporate “kicker” refund to education


Every two years, the governor estimates revenues expected to be received by the General Fund for the next two years. Currently, corporate income and excise taxpayers receive an automatic “kicker” refund when revenues exceed the estimated collections by 2 percent or more.


Amend the constitution to retain corporate “kicker” refunds in the General Fund for added funding of K through 12 public education, taking effect during the biennium that begins July 2013,


The financial impact is affected by unknown future events, and therefore uncertain. However, if this measure had been in place for the past 10 budget periods, the increases would have ranged from $101 million to $203 million in three of those periods.


Public Notices

TO INTERESTED PERSONS Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at 401 East 3rdStreet, Suite, 105, P.O. Box 2190, The Dalles, Oregon, 97058, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Thomas C. Peachey. Dated and first published on October 10, 2012. Ronald J. Sutherland Personall Representative ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Thomas C. Peachey, OSB No. 783319 401 East 3rdStreet, Suite 105/P.O. Box 2190 The Dalles, OR 97058 Telephone: (541) 2966375 Facsimile: (877) 6254324 E-mail address:


“The Corporate Kicker is a big tax loophole for big corporations. It’s time to start closing tax loopholes that only benefit large corporations, and ensure they start paying their fair share. Oregon’s small businesses can no longer afford to pay costs of tax breaks for big corporations.” – Main Street Alliance of Oregon


• Corporate Kicker for K-12 $229,000 - SEIU Local 503 OPEU $125,000 - Oregon AFSCME Council 75 $104,000


“Measure 85 will not produce enough money to make a difference for our schools. It’s not even a Band-Aid. There has not been a ‘corporate kicker’ refund to businesses since 2007. The non-partisan state Legislative Revenue Office also estimates there will not be a corporate kicker this budget cycle.” –The Oregon Small Business Coalition


• Oregon Family Farm Association PAC (also supports Measures 79 and 84) $124,350 - Loren Parks $107,500 - Golden Tree Agriculture Inc. $5,000 - Mid-Willamette Agriculture LLC $5,000 • Oregon Small Business Association PAC (also supports Measures 79 and 84) $187,430 - Loren Parks $177,500 - Healthy Communities Initiative $7,500 - Brian Boquist $1,500 • Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC (also supports Measures 79 and 84) $9,862 - Naideen Butler $250


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Page B8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Headlight Herald

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