Supervisors Approve Letter of Support for the Performing Arts Center
BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc.
Last week, Partnership of Performing Arts founders Nick and Lisa Rail addressed the Crescent City Council. This past Tuesday, Nick and Lisa asked the Board of Supervisors for a similar Letter of Support. The Letter(s) of Support were unanimously approved by the County and City.
Benefactor Nick Rail shared the need for the community to come together to build a magnificent building which will seat 800 and transform the Arts in public education in Del Norte County. Rail shared, “… its time to replace the Crescent Elk Middle School Auditorium with a first class, acoustically superior Performing Arts Center. The PPA will be built on the campus of Del Norte High School.
A true stage, comfortable seating, professional lighting and sound and excellent sightings, regardless of where one sits from nose bleed to front row Center. The Center will also offer our performing Arts structure the lifeline they need to grow and prosper.
The UC Davis Office of Coop-

Community Effort Beach cleanup July 5
E. SCHWARZ For Country Media, Inc.
In what has become a well-established tradition, the Redwoods Parks Conservancy (RPC), along with the Smith River Alliance (SRA), will be rallying volunteers for the annual cleanup of beaches following July 4 celebrations at local beaches.
Last year’s efforts removed 3,920 pounds of trash from the sands of South Beach, Crescent Beach, and Pebble Beach.
Local beaches host between 5,000 to 15,000 visitors for Independence Day celebrations making the threat of pollution significant. Volunteers at last year’s clean-up collected a staggering 3,290 pounds of trash and toxic firework debris.
In a statement released by RPC Executive Director, Sal Munoz Moreno, he said, “By joining forces on July 5th, we reaffirm our commitment to the well-being of our coastal environment. Every volunteer who joins us on July 5th is making a tangible difference in protecting our coastal ecosystem and preserving the natural beauty of Crescent City.”
“If [the remnants] get washed out to sea, [it’s] incredibly poisonous,”
Communications Manager for the Redwood Parks Conservancy Taralyn Thomas said to KRCRTV. “Plastic and things like that are swallowed by animals will then kill that animal. Then, it will float back up and kill more animals, so it’s really important that this stuff does not enter the ocean.”
Recognizing the importance of this effort the collaboration of agencies and organizations working together as key partners with SRA and RPC includes California State Parks, the National Park Service, CalTrans, and the Del Norte Solid Waste Authority. As they have in previous cleanups, the Waste Management Authority waived all transfer fees for the garbage collected.
The SRA was formed over 40 years as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) to safeguard the unique, beautiful, and endangered natural resources of the Smith River watershed and Del Norte County. They work with local communities, conservation groups and government agencies to protect and restore the spectacular forests, rivers and wildlife of the greater Smith River ecosystem in northern California and southern

Concert in the park July 5th

E. SCHWARZ For The triplicate
The Fourth of July will be extended in Crescent City thanks to a collaboration between the city and the Del Norte Association for Cultural Awareness (DNACA). They’ve joined forces to host a series of free Concerts in the Park over the summer. Coming up July 5 at Beachfront Park will be Robert Tiernan and Friends, a high energy jazz/funk fusion. Tiernan’s work spans decades of local and regional performances, most recently at Chetco Brewing Company in Brookings and Mr. Ed’s in Port Orford.
The concert will overlap with the Downtown Diva’s First Fridays, which takes place on the first Friday of every month from June to October. They feature live music, kids’ activities, in-store specials, food trucks, local brews, book signings, live performance art, dance, and artisans. The aim is to bring families downtown for an evening of fun and community engagement. There will be local food from Marlo’s, Tickle Me Tummy, and La Costa, and interests for all ages.
The Downtown Divas are a coalition of businesses and residents committed to promoting downtown Crescent City as a vibrant destination for residents and visitors to gather, shop, work, and enjoy. They organize community events such as First Friday and the Downtown Crescent City Farmers & Artisans Market. Their focus is improving the downtown area through beautification projects, long-term improvements, and community family events. DNACA is a local arts agency dedicated to supporting and promoting the creative arts within Del Norte County. The organization’s mission is to inspire community vitality and engagement through the arts by providing support and Please see CONCERT Page 2

Country Media, Inc.
The Budget discussion was complicated, oft-times confusing and most certainly robust.
The Del Norte County Board of Supervisors directed staff to move forward on the ten appendages of the fiscal year 2024-25 Del Norte County Budget.
A modest public audience was in attendance with County department heads available to answer the plethora of questions coming from the Supervisors.
The marathon Budget discussion alone lasted almost 2 ½ hours.
A major bone of contention was the level of wages for County employees and the frustration level in having vital work performed on priority projects such as roads improvements.
1st District Supervisor, Darrin Short began his quest to determine specific line item issues. During Short’s inquiries on recommended Budget items, Short expressed his disappointment in funding wages for the Roads Department. “ the Roads Department is woefully understaffed, and can hardly put a flagging team together much less complete a project. I’d like to pay our Roads Dept more. I’ve reached out to truckers who declined working for the County due to low wages,” lamented Short.
2nd District Supervisor Valerie Starkey followed up expediently, brought to the Public’s attention the price of fuel in Del Norte includes a $.50 per gallon state surcharge tax to fund SB 1 Roads improvements. Starkey reminded her colleagues $1.5 million has been distributed but unspent to Del Norte County, due to the County ‘s inability to attract Roads maintenance crew to perform the necessary work, projects cannot be completed. Starkey proposed significant changes in the salary schedule
Please see BUDGET Page 3

Robert Tiernan. credit Robert Tiernan (Facebook)
Staff ColumnS
Hello, time to go fishing
I love the opinion pages in the newspaper. They are a place where people with different interests, backgrounds and agendas can voice their stance on an issue. It’s an avenue people can express themselves and interact with each other. I don’t get the opportunity to write many columns anymore. I’m too busy with the day-today operations of our community papers, of which the Del Norte Triplicate is one. But perhaps again someday.
When I was much younger, I used to write a weekly column, called ‘Warren Piece,’ probably because I thought I had a lot to say. It was a way to express myself
Hendrick’s column will be missed
I want to thank Kevin Hendrick for his “In my View” column, which he has written for the Triplicate the past two years.
I greatly appreciate the effort he put into his weekly column, the range of subjects covered and the depth of his explanations. I never thought the column was too long and I applaud his effort to always separate fact from opinion.
At a time when politics has lost civility, where more and more citizens get their news from social media and propaganda cable networks, he has been a voice for moderation and reason.
excitement for various creative endeavors
They place a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion, acknowledging the demographic characteristics of Del Norte County, which, according to their website, is predominantly white and somewhat lacking in cultural diversity. The organization aims to address this through an inclusive and culturally diverse range of programs and initiatives.
The activities are aimed at the full range of community members, promote cultural diversity, and provide educational opportunities.
Among these are a performance series bringing five top-quality, nationally and internationally known performing arts groups to
Oregon. Their efforts are geared towards ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of these ecosystems for future generations.
Among their key projects and initiatives are watershed protection, fish monitoring and habitat restoration, Mill Creek restoration, and estuary restoration. They actively engage in legislative and advocacy efforts and engage with community conservation groups and government agencies to promote the protection and restoration of the Smith River ecosystem. They organize events such as coastal wetlands cleanups and provide educational resources to foster public awareness and involvement in conservation efforts.
separate from writing the city council or county commission stories, rather I could write about local topics or the issue of the week. I should change the ribbon in my old Underwood and do it again, maybe when I retire. I could call it, ‘Warren-Out’ this time around, or when the time comes. The paper is different than social media because we have some rules when submitting opinion pieces. For example, you must be respectful, we like to keep to issues over disrespecting people or businesses. We have word limits and like social media, we have the final say on what is published. But that’s about the only similarity.
Last month we said goodbye to one of our Del Norte Triplicate weekly columnists, Kevin Hendrick. I believe he’s
I hope after a well-deserved break
Hendrick will once again be bitten by the writing bug and he will again share his learning and insights with his fellow citizens.
you, first responders
Our sincere thanks to all firefighters who responded to our shop building fire along Pebble Beach Drive on Wednesday. Very professional well-trained men and women did an outstanding job extinguishing the flames and preventing the flames
Crescent City each season. The artists not only give public performances, but they also engage with the community through workshops, master classes, assemblies, and lectures/ demonstrations in schools and other community settings.
Just a few of their other programs include free performance tickets provided to developmentally disabled individuals, mental health and substance abuse clients, and others who might not typically have access to such events. Free art classes to local veterans and their families, complimentary season tickets to disabled veterans, and participation in the annual “Art by Veterans” exhibit. For inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP). DNACA coordinates artists
The RPC is another 501(c)(3) formed to support and preserve the redwood forests and public lands of northern California. They work in partnership with government agencies such as the National Park Service, California State Parks, Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service.
Among their undertakings are the Grove of Titans project, a conservation and visitor access initiative located in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park and the California Condor Restoration program
They also provide education and outreach. RPC focuses on educating visitors and the public about the importance of redwood forests and their conservation. They provide educational programs and enhance visitor experiences in the parks.
Date and Time: Friday,
to lead classes such as guitar, drawing, and watercolor. They also help organize an annual exhibit of inmate art at the Del Norte Courthouse.
Their Poetry Out Loud program involves high school students in poetry memorization and recitation, culminating in competitions at the classroom, school, county, state, and national levels. It aims to build appreciation for poetry and enhance self-expression and confidence among students.
Robert Tiernan’s music is described as having “equal roots in jazz and rock,” resulting in a sound that defies easy categorization. This fusion of styles has become a hallmark of his work, blending elements from different genres to create what has been
July 5, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Location: The cleanup will target three main beach areas in Crescent City:
- South Beach - Crescent Beach - Pebble Beach
4. Meeting Point: 110 Anchor Way, Crescent City, CA.
All necessary cleanup supplies will be provided, including trash bags, pickers, dumpsters, and sharps containers. Additionally, snacks and refreshments will be available to keep volunteers energized throughout the event.
For safety reasons, volunteers are advised to wear closed-toe shoes and pants. Those unable to attend the clean-up event in person can still contribute by making a donation to RPC. Donations will support the purchase of essential supplies and personnel needed
going fishing now that he has some spare time. We appreciate Kevin’s wiliness to share his thoughts with our readers. Not everyone agreed with Kevin, but that’s the beauty of opinion, it’s as different as we are as individuals. Kevin did a great job keeping to topics of the week and I’m sure he has not run out of things to say, he’s just giving someone else a shot. So am I.
I’m extending an invitation to someone or a group of people who would be interested in taking over where Kevin left off. Our paper is better if we can fill it with local voices. I’m inviting community leaders who may want to rotate every other week or four rotating each month to supply even more local voices in the Del Norte Triplicate. I literally get flooded with syndicated columns each week and
from spreading to the house. Incredible volunteer team. Can’t thank you enough. Vic and Crystal Markytan Crescent City Life lessons???
Crescent City Sober Grad turns Graduates away the day of graduation for turning in signed permissions slips late.
Youth spend the night alone, drunk , because board memeber said they need to be held accountable for not following rules. This what I was told trying to plead with two board members to allow my nephew to attend the event. Both Board member were rude and felt the event was only for
described as a “looping two-amp wall of sound that defies anything you’ve ever heard.” He has earned industry recognition, as evidenced by his appearance in Guitar Player Magazine in February 2008. His repertoire includes vocals, electronic programming, and psychedelic elements, creating a complex and layered sound.
Tiernan has had a long and varied where he’s consistently pushed the boundaries of guitar playing and musical composition. He’s evolved from a participant in various band projects to an innovative solo artist known for his unique fusion of styles and experimental approach to live performance solo, or part of a group, as now in Crescent City as Robert Tiernan and Friends.
to make the clean-up a success.
could easily fill the space, but I’m not looking to simply fill a news-hole, I want local perspectives. It makes the paper better and enhances our community. I’m thinking of the leaders at the city, chamber of commerce, county, the port could all rotate weekly to update the community as to happenings in their worlds. Or it could be another Kevin, a community member, who has been around, knows the history of the area and the struggles we face. Local voices are what makes a community newspaper better. Like Kevin, I’m going fishing, this time it’s for more local columnists.
If you are interested, send me a note via email to: jwarren@countrymedia.net along with your contact information. And let’s go fishing, again.
graduates who were able to act like adults and get permission slips in on time. As a full time student myself who flew in from Baltimore, I can tell you there is a way to celebrate every graduate who wants to attend sober grad. This is a event to save lives not teach youth life lessons.THIS POLICY HAS TO CHANGE , EVENTUALLY ONE OF THOSE KIDS BEING TURNED AWAY WILL BE INVOLVED IN A ALCOHOL RELATED INCIDENT GRAD NIGHT, THE STATS PROIVE THIS.
Brouillette Alvarez 1/27/97 - 5/20/24
Gracelynn Marie Brouillette Alvarez passed away at age 27. She was born in Crescent City CA. She lived in Medford, Oregon at the time of death.
No services have been arranged at this time.

Carl David LaFazio 4/19/1961 - 8/9/2023
Carl David LaFazio passed away on August 9, 2023 in Crescent City. A lifelong resident of Del Norte County, he was born April 19th, 1961. The paddle out and spreading of ashes for Carl will be held July 13th, 2024 beginning at 12:00 pm. The location will be Pebble Beach in Crescent City, CA. Taking Washington Blvd toward the airport, turn left on Pebble

Beach Drive. Continue on Pebble Beach Drive until the 3rd turnout. There will be event signs/makers leading to the location. Thank you to all who plan to attend this day in remembrance of Carl LaFazio. Arrangements are under the direction of Wier’s Mortuary Chapel. Please sign the family’s online guest book at wiersmortuary.com

Willie Gilbert Hiouchi
Jason Skerik Baltimore MD

for Roads employees.
Starkey shared, “ Unfortunately, we can’t get these improvements done because Roads is so grossly understaffed.” Starkey continued, “ $18.77 to $20.55 per hour entry level wages for Step 1 must be improved. Starkey praised Roads workers and asked

her colleagues to significantly raise salaries in an effort to attract workers and keep our streets and roads safe. “ The time is now to make Roads a priority.”
Starkey ‘s comments were met with cautious concern from Chief Administrative Officer Neal Lopez. “There is so much more to consider going into increasing wages. You
have an overall County structure to consider. Other departments will be severely impacted by significant salary increases for just one department.”
CAO Lopez is the individual on the Budget Team for conducting comparable salary schedules and negotiations with Union-represented employees. The frustration of attracting labor with ad-
Community Calendar
Submissions for events can be sent by email to: triplicateofficemgr@countrymedia.net.
The deadline for submission is 4:30 pm Monday, the week prior to publication.
• Crescent City Art. 1228 2nd St., Crescent City: Wednesday – Saturday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Member art exhibits at the Del Norte County Library, the Smith River Library, Sutter Coast Hospital Infusion Center, and in the Main Hall at Sutter Coast Hospital. For more information, call 707-460-1414.
• Crescent Harbor Art Gallery featured artist Rebecca Russell. 140 Marine Way: 11:30 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday – Saturday. For more information call 707-464-9133 or visit crescentharborgallery.com.
• “Innovations” juried art show, hosted by Coast Redwoods Art Association, Crescent Harbor Art Gallery, 140 Marine Way. Discover unique and thought-provoking pieces that showcase the innovation and ingenuity of our visionary artists.
• Men’s Group, 920 C Street, Crescent City: 6:30 pm. Led by Keith B. Rigby, LCSW. Call (541) 941-4209 for more information or if you plan to attend.
• Lyceum of Universal Teachings of Earth’s Ancestors Saturday Morning Meditation. Crescent City and zoom: 900 am – 10:00 am. For more information and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530-419-4827.
• Women’s Wellness Talking Circle Online: 7:00 pm. For more information and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530-419-4827

Wednesday, July 3
• Deck Party, Cultural Center Lawn, 1001 Front St: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Elk Valley Casino live music stage featuring Gotcha Covered. Raffle, bar, and refreshments.
Thursday, July 4
• Remax hot air balloon rides, Beachfront Park: 7:00 am.
• Fourth of July parade, H Street – 3rd St – K St – Front Street: 9:00 am. K St is the designated quiet area.
• Live entertainment on the free stage, Beachfront Park: 12:00 pm. Featuring Disturbing the Peace.
• Cow Chip Bingo, Beachfront Park: 12:00 pm.
• Fireman Water Ball Challenge, Front St and Stamps Way: 1:00 pm. Followed by fire department display and demonstration.
• Live entertainment on the free stage, Beachfront Park: 1:00 pm. Featuring The Mighty Steelheads.
• Lucky 7 Casino Firework Show: dusk. Radio soundtrack on KCRE 94.3 FM and KPOD 1240 AM / 106.7 FM.
Friday, July 5
Beach Clean-up, 110 Anchor Way: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (meet at 9:30 am for safety talk). Closed-toe shoes and pants recommended. Refreshments and snacks provided. Go to https://redwoodparksconservancy.org/5th-of-july-beach-cleanup/ or email volunteer@redwoodparks.org to sign up.

mittedly lower wages was palpable.
Starkey remained focused and adamant. “How much is this (issue) costing the County in not having this work done”?
SEIU 1021 Union representative Norma Williams vowed she would oppose selective pay raises at the expense of her Union constituency.
After a series of false start motions, Supervisor Borges with a second from Chairman Wilson, introduced a motion to bring this discussion of wage adjustments to the second meeting in July after review with the Budget Team. The vote was unanimous. Item six of the Recommended 24/25 Budget,
adding a series Budget workshops for future fiscal year budget discussion was also approved. All appendages of the upcoming budget were directed and approved for discussion and will ultimately be voted on in August / September. The Board meets again July 9 at 10am at the Flynn Center.
Wild RiversCoast

Photos by Roger Gitlin
Supervisor Valerie Starkey
Supervisor Darrin Short.
CAO Neal Lopez

Chamber Mixer

Del Norte Little League All Stars, 10-12 Baseball
Submitted contribution
The Del Norte Little League 10-12 All Stars competed in the District Eight Tournament that started Friday, June 14 in Medford.
Del Norte opened up the tourney vs. the Medford Nationals with a 28-1 win.
Del Norte pitchers Colt Presler, Chase Bachmann. Damien Parras and Trevon Barber all pitched for Del Norte, giving up only two hits. In Game 2, on Saturday, DN played Brookings and again came out on top, 28-2. Game 3 Del Norte played Gold Valley and was victorious 11-1, Ernesto Gamez, Damien Parras and Colt Presler tosses a combined no-hitter. DN played in the Championship game, winning 16-6. The State Chamionship will be played July 20. Manager Tyler Backmann expressed his pride with the youngsters. “ They came out swinging. We had 73 hits over shortened games.”
Marine & Industrial Supply is celebrating 80 years
Englund Marine & Industrial is celebrating its 80th year in business this year.
On Monday, July 22nd, the company will host a “Thank You” event at its seven retail stores to celebrate the milestone and offer a great discount on Englund Marine gear. The entire Englund family and the crews at all the locations wish to express their gratitude for the long years of support given to them by their cus-
tomers and the communities they serve.

Wild Rivers Coast Brookings

Englund Marine was founded on July 22nd, 1944, by Axel & Freda Englund in a small storefront at the foot of 15th Street in Astoria, OR. It continues today as a family-run business. Axel’s son, Jon Englund, is the current CEO. There are also 4 grandsons active in the company: Kurt Englund works at the Astoria store and is the Company’s President; Jay Englund manages the Raft Shop in Warrenton; Dean Fleck is a manager at the Newport OR store; and Mark Fleck manages the Coos Bay store. The company has grown over the years to include seven retail stores in harbor

The Board and Council’s support will help raise the estimated $42 million needed to complete. State Senator Mike McGuire made an $2.5 million
donation to the PPA, last November.
Supervisors praised the Rails’ commitment to our community. Nick grew up in Del Norte, moved away and built his prosperous music repair business. The Rails touted “…not all of our youth are college-bound. Career Technical training is a cornerstone of building viable alternatives for our youth.” Ground breaking is scheduled for June, 2026. The build-out is scheduled for completion in January 2028.
Fundraising continues. Donations are graciously appreciated. Please send your donation to Box 1707, Crescent City, CA 95531. ppadelnorte.org

It On Foundation Congratulations Wyatt!
towns along the Washington, Oregon, and Northern California coasts. It also operates a life raft certification and re-pack station in Warrenton, Oregon, and three wholesale warehouses in Oregon, Arizona, and Montana. Englund Marine prides itself on being the go-to store in its communities for boating, outdoor clothing, and industrial products. The company has products for commercial and recreational fishermen, professional tradesmen, and weekend warriors. In two of the seven store locations, it also has full-service rigging shops for fabrication, splicing, custom rigging, and hydraulics. Class of 2024 You have no control over other people’s taste, so focus on staying true to your own. -Tim Gunn

Courtesy photo Nick and Lisa Rail
Chamber Mixer June 20 at The Library Mixer on June 20 From Left to right
Marie Jondal, Andrew Napier, Meaghan McGlasson, Phyllis Goodeill, Jamie Dougherty, Tamara Brooks
Courtesy Photo Del Norte Little League All Stars
Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-536-8838. (ONPA)
Senior Services
GoGo. Live and age your way. Get help with rides, groceries, meals and more. Memberships start as low as $1 per day. Available 24/7 nationwide. BBB Rated A+ Business. Call GoGo to get started. 1-855-383-8425. (OCAN)
Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-395-1433. (ONPA)
Misc Services 150
Call LeafGuard and say goodbye to gutter cleaning for good. No cleaning. No leaking. No water damage. No more ladder accidents. Get LeafGuard today and be protected for life. FREE estimate. Financing available. 20% off total purchase (Restrictions may apply.) Call 1-844-345-1537. (OCAN)
DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com (ONPA)
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-866-695-9265 today! (ONPA)
Get a break on your taxes!
Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844533-9173 today! (ONPA) Get Boost Infinite! Unlimited Talk, Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks, One Low Price! Call Today and Get The Latest iPhone Every Year On Us! 844-955-3417. (ONPA)
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24.) Call 1-855341-5268. (ONPA)
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-877-5571912 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (ONPA)
Switch and save up to $250/ year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-877-9160803. (ONPA)
The bathroom of your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer - $1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-844-847-9778. (ONPA)
MOBILE WASH N’ WAX Detail Cars n’ Trucks Service to your door License # 3763 541-661-0807
The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844-989-2328. (ONPA)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844487-0221. (ONPA)
Health & Nutrition 301
Is 2024 your year? We’re here for it and here for you. Reach your goals this year with WeightWatchers. Get started with THREE months FREE, visit www. weightwatchersoffer.com/39. (ONPA)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855-8390752. (ONPA)
Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844-655-0972. (ONPA)
Personals 302
California couple promises baby warm loving home, secure future. Devoted grandparents, educational opportunities. Generous living expenses paid. Katrina and Rob. 1(714)729-3014 or attorney 1(310)663-3467. (ONPA)
Employment Opps 515
McLennan Excavation / Da-Tone Rock are hiring for lube tech, experienced equipment operators, laborers, and local dump truck drivers. Health insurance, 401k, email lily@ pipeandrock.com or stop by the office at 98109 N. Bank Chetco River Road in Brookings. 541-412-0106
Campers & Trailers
Premium, Forest River 40 ft, 403 RV Destination model. Like new, 5 pushouts. Must Sell Local! 503-871-3784
Domestic Autos 618
97 Silver Corvette C-5 T-Tops convertible. Manual trans. 55k mi. Aftermarket tires/rims w/ less than 1k mi., have orig. tires/wheels. Stored in garage. $17,500. Stephen 541-254-4069
Misc/Trade 700
Collection of old oil cans. $80.00. 541-469-4948
Sleep Number Bed $600. Headboard $100. Eliptical trainer, new $200. Antique chandelier $400. 707-9512214 or 541-254-0153
Garage Sales 702
Biggest yard sale in town! Embark on a treasure hunt at our yard sale! We will have a wide array of unique items. Wed through Sat, July 3 - 6. 8:00 am 4:00 pm. 112 W 5th St, CC
Michael P. Noonan
510 Velopa Ct. Brookings 541 813-2787
Add for Garage sale
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Lots Of Intarsia Wood Art pieces at half price. Victorian green velvet chair $500.00. Antique Victorian red lamp $300.00. Two Antique Victorian red lamps $150.00 each. One Victorian red lamp $150.00. Work Bench 36” Wide x 72” Long x 36” Tall $100 HEAVY DUTY GARAGE/ SHOP STORAGE UNITS:
8 Three Shelf @ 36” Tall, 48” Wide, 18” Deep, $30 Each. FOLDING TABLES: 1
Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 31 Wide, $40. 1 camping Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 32” Wide, $30. 1881 Trap Door 12
Gauge Shotgun, Indian Art covered in rawhide beads and silver conchos. $1200.00 with Black Powder Amo. Indian Knife with scabbard $150.00. Western wooden Keno Goose $300.00. Faro Layout $100. Old Kellogg Oak Wall Phone “works” $150.00. Five wild horse display $50.00
Portable 1507 Singer sewing machine with foot pedal and manual $25.00
2 Oak 4 drawer file cabinets like new $375.00
Each. Note: Internet price $925.00 each.
DISPLAY $500.00. Note: $1500.00 on EBAY. Antique Red velvet Victorian couch and chair with coffee table $1,500.00


Saturday 7/6 9:00AM3:00PM 500 Joshua Road, Crescent City
Garage Sale. Sunday only 8am-4pm. Boat and fishing gear. Boat seats, tuna outriggers, Scotty downrigger, crab puller, marine hardware, grubs, lures, flies, rods, reels, and too much more good stuff to list. 541-661-1242. 823 Brookhaven Dr, Brookings.
Stereo, TV & Video 713
DIRECTV OVER INTERNET Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo for 12 months. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos (w/CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-6022009. (ONPA)
Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-373-9175. (ONPA)
Pets 736
MUNCHKIN/PERSIAN/ RAGDOLL cats & kittens. Health forces sale. Qualified pet homes only. Affectionate, healthy, TICA Reg. $150 and up. Pixs & info 702-860-8957. When veterinary care is unavailable or unaffordable, ask for Happy Jack® animal healthcare products for cats, dogs, & horses. At Tractor Supply® (www. happyjackinc.com). (ONPA)
Available For Rent 800 Retirement/Asst Living 801 Available For Rent 800 A few blocks to the beach! Move-in ready, nice, clean 3 bed, 1 bath home with 2-car attached ga rage. $1850/mo. + deposit 707-890-6655
CRESCENT CITY... 1bed, downstairs apartment. Sorry no smoking or pets. WST included. Rent $900.00 plus Deposit. JACQUELINE COCHRAN, REALTOR... 707-464-5812
Furnished 1 bedroom
1 bath Apartment/Ste. Upstairs Apt. w/ utilities paid. Includes: W/S, garbage, electric, wi-fi & cable. No pets. $1140.00 a month plus security deposit. $25 Fee for Credit Check. Call (541)469-6119 for appt or questions
Riverfront 5 br house on 1 acre w/ large RV garage. $3850/mo + Security dep. $3850. 831-247-4375, in Brookings
RV Space for Rent 819
RV Space for rent in nice family park. $775/mo + $775 security deposit. Includes w/s/g. Long term only. If interested please call 541-813-0862
Storage 860
RV Storage in gated property. Electricity hookup available for charging battery. Storage only! $100/mo. If interested please call 541-412-8940
Homes for Sale 902
Affordable living in the Port for $79,500, steps from the beach, just remodeled, 1br, on a creek, 541-251-1885
Public Notices 999
CCP24-2033 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RONALD WARREN ADAMS, Deceased. Case No. 24PB05057 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above entitled estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned Personal Representative through my resident agent, JAMES W. GARDNER, Attorney at Law, 29692 Ellensburg Avenue, Ste 11, P.O. Box 1286, Gold Beach, Oregon 97444, Phone (541) 247-6615, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, Personal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal Representative, JAMES W. GARDNER whose address and phone number appear above.
DATED this 19th day of June, 2024. /s/ Jason Sidney Adams JASON SIDNEY ADAMS Personal Representative 28555 Hunter Creek Loop, #50 Gold Beach, OR 97444 Phone (541) 247-2322
DATES OF PUBLISH: June 19, 26, July 3, 2024
CCP24-2044 PUBLIC NOTICE: BrookingsHarbor School District Free Summer Meals Site Information The BrookingsHarbor School District is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. The program will run from 7/8/2024 to 7/31/2024. Meals will be provided at the following addresses and times: Kalmiopsis Elementary Cafeteria at 650 Easy St. Lunch will be served at 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM MondayThursday. A to-go breakfast bag will be provided as well. Follow the “Summer Food” signs. This program provides meals to “ALL CHILDREN AGES 1-18 FOR FREE!” Please call Nutrition Director Cindy Badger at 541-469-2108 X8 for further information. In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 7202600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. 1. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https:// www.usda.gov/sites/ default/files/documents/ ad-3 027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or 2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or 3. email: Program.Intake@usda.gov. 07/03.

Two Victorian red hanging lamps $500.00

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
APN: 120-215-001-000
FKA 120-215-01 TS No: CA08001224-23-1 TO No: DEF-584690 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE
(The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d) (1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/ or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED March 28, 2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM, at the stairs of the Southwest Entrance of the Flynn County Administration Building at 981 H St, Crescent City, CA 95531, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on April 1, 2008 as Instrument No. 20081607, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Del Norte County, California, executed by JUDY M. JAMES, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as Trustor(s), in favor of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 575 COOPER AVE, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.\emspace The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $161,998.11 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee
is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call Xome - Premier at 800758-8052 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Website address www. Xome.com for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA0800122423-1. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale.\ emspace Notice to Tenant NOTICE TO TENANT FOR FORECLOSURES AFTER JANUARY 1, 2021 You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 800-758-8052, or visit this internet website www. Xome.com, using the file number assigned to this case CA08001224-23-1 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate
real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: June 6, 2024 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA0800122423-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: 949-252-8300
TDD: 711 949.252.8300
By: Bobbie La Flower, Authorized Signatory
PLEASE CALL: XomePremier at 800-758-8052
NPP0461596 Published: 6/19, 6/26, and 7/3/2024, Triplicate 393893
T.S. No.: 2023-02075-CA
Petition of: Karen Julie Curtis-Tillson CASE NO. CV241053 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME
To all interested persons: Petitioner: Karen Julie Curtis-Tillson filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Karen Julie Curtis-Tillson to Proposed name: Karen Julie Curtis THE COURT ORDERS
Property Address: 303 ELK VALLEY ROAD, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531
Published: 6/12, 6/19, 6/26 and 7/3/2024, Triplicate 393268
that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: July 5, 2024 Time: 10:00 am Dept.: 1 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Del Norte Triplicate Date: May 23, 2024 /s/ Darren McElfresh Judge of the Superior Court
A.P.N.: 117-120-025-000

Duly Appointed Trustee: Western Progressive, LLC
Deed of Trust Recorded 01/02/2007 as Instrument No. 20070036 in book , page ---and of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Del Norte County, California, Date of Sale: 08/16/2024 at 11:00 AM
Place of Sale: ON THE STEPS OF THE COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE 981 H ST Crescent City, CA 95531
Estimated amount of unpaid balance, reasonably estimated costs and other charges: $162,145.42 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE
All right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described as: More fully described in said Deed of Trust.
Street Address or other common designation of real property: 303 ELK VALLEY ROAD, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531
A.P.N.: 117-120-025-000
The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above.
The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $162,145.42.
Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt.
If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.
The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust has executed and delivered to the undersigned a written request to commence foreclosure, and the undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located.
NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on this property.
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (866)-960-8299 or visit this Internet Web site https://www.altisource.com/ loginpage.aspx using the file number assigned to this case 2023-02075-CA. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale.
NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction, if conducted after January 1, 2021, pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call (866)-960-8299, or visit this internet website https://www.altisource.com/loginpage.aspx, using the file number assigned to this case 202302075-CA to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid, by remitting the funds and affidavit described in Section 2924m(c) of the Civil Code, so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase.
Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive, Suite 238 Ventura, CA 93003
Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299 https://www.AltiSource.com/LoginPage.aspx
Date: June 4,
Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
Placing a classified ad is Easy and Fast
Contact us: (541) 813-1717 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm 519 Chetco
TS No: CA13000042-23-2
APN: 112-152-58-000 TO No: 2400673CAD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED November 10, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM, at the stairs of the Southwest Entrance of the Flynn County Administration Building at 981 H St, Crescent City, CA 95531, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust recorded on November 20, 2006 as Instrument No. 20067720, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Del Norte County, California, executed by KEVIN FUGATE AND LYNN FUGATE, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustor(s), in favor of MORTGAGE
FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC.) as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 500 GRANITE ROAD, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.\emspace The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $20,530.39 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if
applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call Nationwide Posting & Publication at 916.939.0772 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Website www. nationwideposting.com for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA13000042-232. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale.\emspace Notice to Tenant NOTICE TO TENANT FOR FORECLOSURES AFTER JANUARY 1, 2021 You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 916.939.0772, or visit this internet website www. nationwideposting.com, using the file number assigned to this case CA13000042-23-2 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice
regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: June 10, 2024 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA13000042-23-2 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-252-8300 TDD: 711 949.252.8300 By: Bobbie La Flower, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www.nationwideposting.com FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: Nationwide Posting & Publication AT 916.939.0772 TS No: CA13000042-23-2 APN: 112-152-58-000 TO No: 2400673CAD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED November 10, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM, at the stairs of the Southwest Entrance of the Flynn County Administration Building at 981 H St, Crescent City, CA 95531, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust recorded on November 20, 2006 as Instrument No. 20067720, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Del Norte County, California, executed by KEVIN FUGATE AND LYNN FUGATE, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustor(s), in favor of MORTGAGE
REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as Beneficiary, as nominee for HOMECOMINGS
FINANCIAL, LLC (F/K/A HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC.) as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 500 GRANITE ROAD, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.\emspace The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $20,530.39 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code
and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call Nationwide Posting & Publication at 916.939.0772 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Website www.
nationwideposting.com for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA13000042-232. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale.\emspace Notice to Tenant NOTICE TO TENANT FOR FORECLOSURES AFTER JANUARY 1, 2021 You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 916.939.0772, or visit this internet website www. nationwideposting.com, using the file number assigned to this case CA13000042-23-2 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: June 10, 2024 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA13000042-23-2 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-252-8300 TDD: 711 949.252.8300 By: Bobbie La Flower, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www.nationwideposting.com FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: Nationwide Posting & Publication AT 916.939.0772 NPP0461835 Published: 6/26, 7/3, and 7/10/2024, Triplicate 394354
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CRESCENT CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Crescent City will conduct a Public Hearing on July 15th, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Flynn Center Board Chambers, 981 H Street, Crescent City, California. The meeting will also be broadcast on the following YouTube channel: https://www.youtube. com/@CityofCrescent CityCalifornia/streams. Instructions for participating in the meeting will also be included in the Council Agenda, which will be published on the City’s website. The purpose of this hearing is to review and approve the accomplishments that were produced from the City’s 20-CDBG-12056 and 20CDBG-12040 Agreements with the State of California and to solicit citizen input regarding the outcome and accomplishments of the funding received under these contracts. The City was awarded $500,000 in CDBG grant funds for the Business Assistance Loan Program and $250,000 in CDBG grant funds for the Microenterprise Program. Citizens will be given the opportunity to make their comments known and questions answered related to the grant listed above. If you are unable to attend the Public Hearing, you may direct written comments to the City of Crescent City, 377 J Street. In addition, public information files for these projects may be reviewed at City Hall between 7:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday. If you plan on attending the public hearing and need a special accommodation because of a sensory or mobility impairment/ disability, please contact the City at (707) 4647483 to arrange for those accommodations to be made. The City of Crescent City promotes fair housing and makes all its programs available to low and moderateincome families regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, marital status, or physical disabilities. Published: 7/3/2024, Triplicate 394751
Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
CCP24-2039 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE TS No.: 123845-OR Loan No.: ******9427 Reference is made to that certain trust deed (the “Deed of Trust”) executed by CARA R KOENIG, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as Grantor, to ROGUE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, as Trustee, in favor of WRIGHT-PATT CREDIT UNION, INC., as Beneficiary, dated 3/6/2014, recorded 3/7/2014, as Instrument No. 201400586, in the Official Records of Curry County, Oregon, which covers the following described real property situated in Curry County, Oregon: A parcel of land situated in the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section One (1), Township Thirty-seven (37) South, Range Fifteen (15) West, Willamette Meridian, Curry County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the East Quarter corner of said Section 1; thence North 17° 22’ West 1196 feet; thence due West 466 feet to the true point of beginning, being on the East line of Russell Street; thence North 102 feet; thence East 106 feet thence South 102 feet; thence West 106 feet to the true point of beginning.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel of land lying within the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section One (1) Township Thirty-seven (37) South, Range Fifteen (15) West, Willamette Meridian, City of Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon, as shown on a map of property line adjustment for Jewell Hunter by Bryan Flavin Land Surveying dated February 1998, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Inst. #91-4542, said point being on the Easterly boundary of Russell Street; thence North 89° 38’ 00” East, 106.31 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 00° 47’ 08” West 22.54 feet; thence South 89° 38’ 00” West, 106.24 feet to the Easterly boundary of Russell Street; thence along said boundary North 00° 37’ 00” East, 22.54 feet to the point of beginning.
APN: R27467 / 371501AA 07402-00 Commonly known as: 29435 RUSSELL ST GOLD BEACH, OR 97444
The current beneficiary is: MyCUMortgage, LLC
Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the above-described real property to satisfy the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to ORS 86.752(3). The default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantor’s failure to pay when due, the following sums: Delinquent Payments: Dates: Total: 11/1/2023 - 6/1/2024
$9,571.60 Late Charges: $335.02 Beneficiary Advances:
Total Required to Reinstate:
By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by the Deed of Trust immediately due and payable, including: the principal sum of $110,128.84 together with interest thereon at the rate of 4.25 % per annum, from 10/1/2023 until paid, plus all accrued late charges, and all trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs, and any sums advanced by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Deed of Trust Whereof, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, CLEAR RECON CORP, whose address is 111 SW Columbia Street #950, Portland, OR 97201, will on 10/25/2024, at the hour of 11:00 AM, standard time, as established by ORS 187.110, At the main entrance to the Curry County Courthouse, 29821 Ellensburg, Gold Beach, OR 97444, sell at public
auction to the highest
bidder in the form of cash equivalent (certified funds or cashier’s check) the interest in the above-described real
T.S. No.: 2024-08781-CA
property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time it executed the Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of the Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Deed of Trust reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than the portion of principal that would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorneys’ fees, and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the Deed of Trust at any time not later than five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Deed of Trust, the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: 6/12/2024 CLEAR RECON CORP 1050 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 858-750-7777 866931-0036 Jessica Lopez, Authorized Signatory of Trustee 07/03, 07/10, 07/17, 07/24.
CCP24-2043 Notice of Public Meeting
The Winchuck Rural Fire Protection District will hold its next Board of Director’s meeting on Wed., July 10, 2024 at 6:00 P.M., at the Winchuck Fire Hall, 363 Winchuck River Road. Agenda: 1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Reading of the Minutes 3. Chief’s Report 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Adjourn Meeting Respectfully Submitted Jan Loren, Secretary 07/03.
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Fern Hollow Retreat 2735 Peveler Avenue Crescent City, CA 95531 Mailing address 2201 Parkway Drive Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a married couple
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 6/22/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Signed:/s/ Erica Moore This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 6/20/2024 Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder B. McCune-Sokoloski, Deputy File No. 20240058 Published: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, and 7/24/2024, Triplicate 394997
GIVEN that a written report is on file in the office of the City Clerk describing each parcel of property currently being furnished sewer services having delinquent charges.
GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on the date and time below listed to hear and consider all objections or protests to the report referenced above. Upon confirmation of the report, the delinquent charges shall constitute a special assessment against the property at which the services were furnished, to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary property taxes are collected. In addition, the City of Crescent City will add a 6% administrative surcharge to the balance.
DATE: Monday, July 15, 2024 TIME: 6:00 P.M.
HEARING BODY: City Council of the City of Crescent City
PLACE: Flynn Center Board Chambers 981 H Street Crescent City, CA 95531
If you require a special accommodation for attending the meeting, please contact City Clerk Robin Altman at 464-7483 ext. 223. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II]. For TTYDD use the speech and hearing impaired, please dial 711. /s/ Gwyn Mattix, Account Clerk II Dated: June 24, 2024 Published: 7/3/2024, Triplicate 394828
Request for Proposals
Del Norte Child Care Council is seeking proposals for converting The Wonder Bus to an electric powertrain. This conversion should aim for a range of approximately 100 miles. The Wonder Bus currently has no engine, and the scope of work will include, but is not limited to, installing an electric engine, installing batteries, upgrading the brake system and installing a transmission. The conversion will require retrofitting many, if not all, of the existing components to accommodate the new electric powertrain. If you are interested in this project, please submit a detailed proposal outlining your approach, estimated costs, and timeline for completion by July 30th to: 212 K St. Crescent City, CA Published: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, and 7/24/2024, Triplicate 394703
Probate Department
In the Matter of the Estate of: JODY L. DAVIS, Deceased. Case No. 24PB03665 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that McKenna Wiley has been appointed as personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Don G. Johnson, 698 12th St Suite 240, Salem, OR 97301, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Don G. Johnson, 698 12th St Suite 240, Salem, OR 97301. Dated and first published: 06/26.
APN: 120-185-005-000
Property Address: 696 COOPER AVE, CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA 95531 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 8/14/2020. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: Christine Elaine Peters, an unmarried woman Duly Appointed Trustee: Nestor Solutions, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 8/17/2020 as Instrument No. 20203142 in Book — Page — of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Del Norte County, California Date of Sale: 7/10/2024 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: At the stairs of the Southwest Entrance of the Flynn County Administration Building at 981 H St, Crescent City, CA 95531Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $249,560.31 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 696 COOPER AVE CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA 95531A.P.N.: 120-185-005-000 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL
BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these
resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property.
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call or (888) 902-3989 or visit these internet websites or www.nestortrustee. com, using the file number assigned to this case 202408781-CA. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE
TO TENANTS: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call (888) 902-3989 or visit these internet websites or www. nestortrustee.com, using the file number assigned to this case 2024-08781-CA to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: 6/6/2024 Nestor Solutions, LLC214 5th Street, Suite 205Huntington Beach, California 92648Sale Line: (888) 902-3989 Giovanna Nichelson, Trustee Sale Officer EPP 40354
Published: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3/2024, Triplicate 393814
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Redwood Meadows RV Resort 2000 Hwy 199 Hiouchi, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a limited liability company
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 5/16/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Signed:/s/ Sean Lyell This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 6/6/2024 Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240052
Published: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, and 7/10/2024, Triplicate 393799
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitati on Facility Planning, Construction and Management Division Invites Qualified Firms to Submit Statements of Qualifications for ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIATION DESIGN FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
RFQ NO. ERCS202406
EProcurement Event ID# 0000031825
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) intends to contract with a firm for Architectural and Engineering Services, Hazardous Material Investigation and Remediation Design for Northern California. The Consultant shall provide Architectural and Engineering Services on an as-needed basis, for projects in Northern California. The Facility Planning, Construction and Management Division will proceed with one Agreement for Northern California. The responsible party shall be an Architect or Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California, a Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Certified Asbestos Consultant and California Department of Public Health Certified Lead professional. All work shall be performed under, and approved by, a licensed and certified design professional. The selected firm shall provide services on an “asneeded” basis, including, but not limited to, field investigations, remediation design (plans, specifications, and cost estimates) and construction support related to hazardous materials, and other facility hazards. Related services may include, but not be limited to investigation to: identify sources of airborne and waterborne hazards, developing remedial action plans (drawings/ specifications) and developing cost estimates associate with these efforts. The Consultant’s work may also require the participation of other engineeringrelated disciplines such as architecture, electrical, mechanical, geotechnical, and structural among others. Consultant’s work that must meet requirements for access compliance requires the participation of a Certified Access Specialist. CDCR anticipates selecting a firm to provide the required Architectural and Engineering Services with funding anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2024/2025 and concluding in Fiscal Year 2027/2028 assuming no budget delays are encountered to obtain future funding.
A Notice to Proceed for Architectural and Engineering Services is subject to budgetary, legislative, and control agency approval.
CDCR strongly encourages Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises and Small Business participation.
A Pre-Proposal Conference WILL NOT be conducted. To be considered for selection, firms must submit Statements of Qualifications to: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facility Planning, Construction and Management Division 9838 Old Placerville Road, Suite B Sacramento, CA 95827 Attention: Samantha Brammer
Submittal Deadline: July 18, 2024, by 3:00 PM, PST All questions regarding this Request for Qualification shall be emailed directly to Samantha Brammer at Samantha.Brammer@cdcr. ca.gov no later than 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 2024. Interested firms may obtain a Request for Qualification
Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Del Norte Mobile Health Services 550 E Washington Blvd Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a corporation
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: n/a I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Stacy Watkins, Vice Persident of Administration, Open Door Community Health Centers
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 6/6/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder
Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240051 Published: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, and 7/17/2024, Triplicate 394124
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Crescent Beach Motel 1455 US Highway 101 S Crescent City, CA 95531 This filing is a refile of previous file # 20190045 with changes after 40 days of expiration.
This Business is conducted by: a limited liability company
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 5/10/2019 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Sharanbir Grewal, member
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 6/12/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder
B. McCune-Sokoloski, Deputy File No. 20240055 Published: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10. And 7/17, Triplicate 394352
TS No. OR07000045-241 APN R20112 TO No 3041290 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain Trust Deed made by, JENNIE L. LOZANO, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN as Grantor to LAND AMERICA LAWYERS TITLE as Trustee, in favor of AMWEST CAPITAL MORTGAGE, INC. as Beneficiary dated as of July 3, 2008 and recorded on July 16, 2008 as Instrument No. 2008-3269 and the beneficial interest was assigned to LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS and recorded December 4, 2023 as Instrument Number 20232864 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Curry County, Oregon to-wit: APN: R20112 LOT 1, BLOCK 4, GARRISON ADDITION, CURRY COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 18 GEER CIRCLE, PORT ORFORD, OR 97465 Both the Beneficiary, Longbridge Financial, LLC, and the Trustee, Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112, have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. The default for which the foreclosure is made is the Grantor’s failure to pay: Failed to pay the principal balance which became all due and payable based upon the failure to pay taxes and/or insurance, pursuant to paragraph (7) (A)(I) under the Note, and pursuant to paragraph (9) (A)(I) of the Deed of Trust. By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit: The sum of $159,153.58 together with interest thereon from December 18, 2021 until paid; and all Trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said Trust Deed. Wherefore, notice is hereby given that, the undersigned Trustee will on October 7, 2024 at the hour of 10:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, inside the main lobby of the Curry County Courthouse, 29821 Ellensburg Ave, Gold Beach, OR 97444 County of Curry, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, Trustee’s or attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the Trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the Trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a Trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the Trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “Grantor” includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, the words “Trustee” and “Beneficiary” includes their respective successors in interest, if any.
Dated: 5/23/24 By: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 Successor Trustee Malcolm & Cisneros, A Law Corporation Attention: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 c/o TRUSTEE CORPS 17100 Gillette Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 949-2528300 NPP0461209 To: CURRY COASTAL PILOT
06/19/2024, 06/26/2024, 07/03/2024, 07/10/2024
(Secs. 6104, 6105 U.C.C.) Escrow No. FHBT2012400437
Notice is hereby given to the Creditors of: Gasquet Market LLC, Seller(s), whose business address(es) is: 10350 Hwy 199, Gasquet, CA 95543, that a bulk transfer is about to be made to: Gasquet Market LLC, Buyer(s), whose business(es) address is: 10350 Hwy 199, Gasquet, CA 95543. The property to be transferred is located at: 10350 Hwy 199, Gasquet, CA 95543.
Said property is described in general as: All stock in trade, fixtures, equipment, goodwill and other property of that Convenience Store business known as Gasquet Market and located at: 10350 Hwy 199, Gasquet, CA 95543. The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of:
FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, 930 Sixth Street, Suite 200, Eureka, CA 95501. The bulk transfer will be consummated on or after the 07/22/24. This bulk transfer is subject to Section 6106.2 of the California Commercial Code. If Section 6106.2 applies, claims may be filed at FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, Escrow Division, Escrow No. FHBT-2012400437-PN, 930 Sixth Street, Suite 200, Eureka, CA 95501. Phone: (707)442-5785, Fax: (707)445-2656. This bulk transfer includes a liquor license transfer. All claims must be received prior to the date on which the Notice of Transfer of the liquor license is received by Escrow Agent from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
So far as known to the Buyer(s), all business names and addresses used by the Seller(s) for the three (3) years last past, if different from the above, are: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this document on the date(s) set forth below. Gasquet Market LLC Date: BY:/s/ Casey Austin Mealue, Manager CNS-3825623# Published: 7/3/2024, Triplicate 394715
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Janelle Brown, Janelle S Brown, Janelle Sue Brown A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Emily Reed in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte.
The petition for probate requests that: Emily Reed be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:
Date: July 12, 2024
Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2
Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the

California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: David O Cooper 550 H Street, Suite 1S Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 460-6763 Published: 6/19, 6/26, and 7/3/2024, Triplicate 393938

Monday, 06/17/24:
• 2:01 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of K Street, Police.
• 3:47 am, burglary, 500 block of 1st Street, Sheriff.
• 4:34 am, burglary, 600 block of M Street, Police.
• 8:17 am, theft, 2500 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 8:36 am, burglary, 100 block of Lake Side Loop, Sheriff.
• 10:15 am, threats, 200 block of M Street, Police.
• 11:42 am, burglary, 500 block of Indian road, Sheriff.
• 12:00 pm, fraud, 900 block of 3rd Street, Police.
• 12:07 pm, fraud, 1300 block of Harrold Street, Sheriff.
• 12:36 pm, burglary, 2600 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 12:58 pm, assault, 1000 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 1:05 pm, fraud, 600 block of L Street, Police.
• 1:32 pm, trespass, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 2:28 pm, theft, 100 block of Dream Street, Sheriff.
• 3:25 pm, harassment, 2400 block of Hodge Avenue, Sheriff.
• 4:16 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of Sunset Circle, Police.
• 4:19 pm, theft, 800 block of Washington
Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 5:00 pm, false imprisonment, 1200 block of Front Street, Police.
• 5:33 pm, burglary, 1100 block of Lakeview Drive, Sheriff.
• 6:14 pm, explosions, area of the end of Waldo, Sheriff.
• 9:38 pm, threats, 1400 block of Gainard Street, Police.
• 11:24 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Blackwell & Scott, Sheriff.
• 11:37 pm, theft, 400 block of M Street, Police.
Tuesday, 06/18/24:
• 12:42 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of Lauff Avenue, Sheriff.
• 12:47 am, disturbing the peace, 1200 block of Marshall Street, Police.
• 3:20 am, disturbing the peace, area of Embarcadero & Winter, Sheriff.
• 6:39 am, harassment, 100 block of Tee-La Lane, Sheriff.
• 10:04 am burglary, 2400 block of Nickel Avenue, Sheriff.
• 11:45 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 12:24 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Pineview Court, Sheriff.
• 3:05 pm, harassment, 2400 block of Hodge Avenue, Sheriff.
• 4:42 pm, theft, 17400
block of Highway 101, Police.
• 5:32 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Front Street, Police.
• 5:36 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Front Street, Police.
• 6:17 pm, harassment, area of 3 & J, Police.
• 7:19 pm, theft, 400 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 7:40 pm, burglary, 500 block of 1st Street, Sheriff.
• 7:50 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Front & 101, Police.
• 8:06 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Price Mall, Police.
• 8:10 pm, disturbing the peace, 700 block of Endert Street, Sheriff.
• 10:30 pm, vandalism, area of Dell Lane, Sheriff. Wednesday, 06/19/24:
• 2:01 am, harassment, 12400 block of Indian Road, Sheriff.
• 6:52 am, assault, 200 block of 6th Street, Police.
• 7:53 pm, burglary, 2800 block of Alder Road, Sheriff.
• 9:13 am, theft, 4200 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 11:50 am, threats, 300 block of Ireland Way, Sheriff.
• 12:18 pm, shoplifting, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 12:20 pm, shoplifting, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 12:47 pm, disturbing the peace, 1200 block of 6th Street, Police.
• 12:53 pm, burglary, 5800 block of South Bank, Sheriff.
• 12:57 pm, vandalism, 2300 block of Howland Hill Road, Sheriff.
• 1:13 pm, reckless driving, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
• 2:41 pm, shoplifting, 1100 block of 3rd Street, Police.
• 4:12 pm, shoplifter, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 5:05 pm, burglary, 1100 block of Burtschell Avenue, Sheriff.
• 5:22 pm, structure fire, 400 block of Pebble Beach Drive, Fire.
• 6:29 pm, burglary, 1100 block of Burtschell Street, Sheriff.
• 7:39 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 8:12 pm, burglary, 1100 block of Burtschell Street, Sheriff.
• 8:47 pm, trespass, 100 block of Ariel Lane, Sheriff.
• 9:49 pm, burglary, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 10:15 pm, burglary, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 10:16 pm, structure fire, 600 block of Elk Valley Road, Police.
• 11:58 pm, shots heard, 2500 block of Dundas Road, Sheriff.
Thursday, 06/20/24:
• 12:20 am, disturbing the peace, 1200 block of North Crest Drive, Police.
• 1:13 am, prowlers, 200 block of Cummings Road, Sheriff.
• 3:22 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 4:09 am, burglary, 900 block of E Street, Police.
• 6:28 am, theft, 100 block of L Street, Sheriff.
• 6:40 am, theft, 300 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 7:02 am, burglary, 1300 block of 2nd Street, Police.
• 9:05 am, threats, 12400 block of Indian Road, Sheriff.
• 12:10 pm, burglary, 5800 block of South Bank, Sheriff.
• 12:17 pm, burglary and vandalism, 900 block of Lakeview Drive, Sheriff.
• 1:08 pm, theft, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 2:37 pm, counterfeit, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
• 2:59 pm, theft, 400 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 4:01 pm, disturbing the peace, 1500 block of El Monte Street, Sheriff.
• 4:54 pm, burglary, 1100 block of El Dorado Street, Sheriff.
• 5:48 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of 9th Street, Police.
• 6:13 pm, stolen bike, 500 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 7:32 pm, assault, area of Fred Haight, Sheriff.
• 7:43 pm, threats, 700 block of L Street, Police.
• 8:35 pm, fire, 600 block of Highway 101.
• 8:52 pm, burglary, 300 block of Bachelor Road, Sheriff.
• 8:54 pm, assault, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 9:16 pm, fire, 200 block of Leif Cir, Fire Department.
• 11:04 pm, vehicle fire, 900 block of Washington
Boulevard, Police.
• 11:32 pm, threats, area of B and Battery, Police.
Friday, 06/21/24:
• 6:47 am, brush fire, area of Trinity and McBeth, Fire.
• 8:15 am, theft, 700 block of B Street, Police.
• 8:26 am, disturbing the peace, area of Hillcrest and King Valley, Sheriff.
• 11:09 am, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 12:27 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of G Street, Police.
• 1:03 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Scenic Creek Drive, Sheriff.
• 5:09 pm, threats, 1300 block of Harrold Street, Sheriff.
• 6:06 pm, theft, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 6:17 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 6:41 pm, assault, 200 block of Iowa Avenue, Sheriff.
• 9:56 pm, trespassing, 1200 block of 6th Street, Police.
• 5:34 pm, fire, 700 block of Elk Valley Road, police.
Saturday, 06/22/24:
• 10:03 am, trespassing, 1100 block of Highway 101, sheriff.
• 11:22 am, prowler, 1700 block of Denny Lane, Sheriff.
• 11:50 am, disturbing the peace, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 12:31 pm, assault, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
• 1:17 pm, burglary, 2600 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 1:28 pm, burglary, 100 block of Elk Valley Road, Sheriff.
• 1:59 pm, burglary, 900 block of 10th Street, Police.
• 2:25 pm, burglary, 1600 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 3:59 pm, brush fire, 1400 block of Parkway Drive, Police.
• 5:37 pm, theft, 1300 block of Hobbs Wall Road, Sheriff.
• 6:31 pm, harassment, area of Pebble Beach and Whale View, Sheriff.
• 8:15 pm, hit and run, 300 block of Indian Road, Police.
• 8:24 pm, burglary alarm, 1100 block of Burtschell Street, Sheriff.
• 9:45 pm, assault, 300 block of L Street, Police.
• 10:54 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of East Street, Police.
Sunday, 06/23/24:
• 4:44 am, theft, 900 block of Sunset Circle, Police.
• 9:06 am, burglary alarm, 1100 block of Burtschell Street, Sheriff.
• 10:01 am, assault, 1400 block of California, Police.
• 1:53 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of J Street, Sheriff.
• 4:41 pm, vandalism, 100 block of Olive, Sheriff.
• 4:06 pm, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 5000 block, of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 4:35 pm, harassing message, 100 block of Temple Street, Sheriff.
• 5:39 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Macken Avenue, Sheriff.
• 7:27 pm, disturbing the peace, 1700 block of Del Monte Street, Sheriff.
• 8:39 pm, trespassing, 200 block of Olive Street, Sheriff.
• 8:55 pm, gas theft, 300 block of Washington Boulevard, Police.
• 9:20 pm, disturbing the peace, 1100 block of Burtschell, Sheriff.
• 10:51 pm, burglary, 1100 block of Burtschell, Sheriff.
Monday, 06/24/24:
• 12:07 am, burglary, 1100 block of Burtschell, Sheriff.
• 2:45 am, 600 block of Elk Valley Road, Fire.
• 6:59 am, brush fire, 500 block of Cooper Street, Fire.
• 7:26 am, disturbing the peace, 900 block of 9th Street, Police.
• 8:08 am, burglary alarm, 400 block of Harding Street, Police.
• 9:43 am, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, area of Childs and El Dorado Street, Sheriff.
• 9:54 am, DUI, 600 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 11:42 am, harassment, area of 9th and J, Police.
• 12:16 pm, vandalism, 1300 block of Harrold Street, Sheriff.
• 12:16 pm, vandalism, 1300 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 12:39 pm, reckless driver, area od Keller and Inyo, Sheriff.