By TONY REED Siuslaw News
At an informal work session March 21, the Florence City Council looked into potential locations inside city limits where people experiencing homlessness could erect temporary shelters.
City Manager Erin Reynolds said the informal work session was scheduled for Council and staff to discuss policies regarding emergency sheltering and emergency shelter codes. Reynolds said a regular public meeting will take place April 29th to allow community input.
The issue was last discussed in January and councilors were given a refresher by Community Development Director Wendy Farley Campbell. Police Chief John Pitcher said discussions started with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling which mandated that law enforcement cannot disturb or remove someone sleeping in public areas if no other places are available.
Mayor Rob Ward added that City officials cannot ask someone to leave a public area until reasonable accommodations are made available to them.
“We are kind of caught between a rock and a hard spot,” Ward said. “I have the feeling that the majority of the city would probably choose not to have anybody camping anywhere
in the city. In a way, that’s the way it used to be.”
Farley-Campbell said the project proposes to write new code regarding emergency shelters, adding that the current code regulations need to
be moved to a new chapter where they would be more appropriate.
Event-based emergency shelter code already exists, she said, noting it’s a land use code that says the city does not regulate emergency based and warming shelters, but gives authority to the council to place them as needed. Farley-Campbell
See CODE, page A2
is 93 and Dean is 94.
“And a half,” he added. He said they met at a tiny new college in Portland that became part of the community college there. She was a farm girl from Dayton Oregon and spent much of their marriage as a housewife. The two have been in Florence 44 years and say they have seen a lot of changes, namely the rate at which the town has grown. Asked for the secret of staying together 73 years, Dean said, “When you have disagreements, talk them out.”
On March 22, Willie and Joyce celebrated 71 years together.
Asked how they met, Joyce said she was a student at Mapleton School and was assigned to help orient new students. “It was the first day of school and they handed out paperwork to each student so they’d know where they were to go,” she explained. “This person (Willy) came in and I handed him the paper. He grabbed the paper and said (with some attitude), ‘Well, what do I do with this?’ I said, ‘Just take the paper and go through that door, find a chair and sit down and there will be a teacher to tell you what to do.’”
See K9, page A5
“And I’ve paid attention ever since,” Willie added. Joyce said she immediately noticed Willie’s attire, saying he wore white, with shined dress shoes, making him stand out from the usual Mapleton boys.
“I listen,” Willie said, when asked for the secret of staying together 71 years.
Joyce smiled, adding that they have never had much to disagree about over the years.
“We’ve been together so long that it doesn’t do any good to argue,” she said. “He’s going to do it his way and I’m going to do it my way.”
A Florence man stopped into the Siuslaw News office to announce that he and his wife are celebrating 75 years together.
Allan Arthur said he and his wife Nedra were married April 3, 1949 in Tijuana, Mexico. They’ve had two sons, both deceased, but have four surviving grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
They live nine miles from Florence on Highway 126.
“We’ve had an incredible life together,” Allan said, noting that he and Nedra are both 93 years young and grateful to still be around. “We love the area and the many friends we have here.”
Florence, Oregon Wednesday, April 03, 2024 Number 14 • 133 years Siu s law News News & views that define our community SN Siuslaw News SN $1.25 Siuslaw News 2 Sections | 16 Pages Copyright 2024 Follow us for the latest news: /SiuslawNews@Siuslaw_News Obituaries — A2 Sports & Lifestyle — B1 Opinion — A3 Classifieds — B5-B6 INSIDE DOGGIE SELF WASH LIKE & FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK 1751 12th Street, Florence 541-997-2726 Pet Grooming Doggie Self Wash and Day Care Business! Stop in and check it out! Pizza • Pasta • Seafood 1285 Bay Street| Old Town Florence 541-902-8338 Spring in Old Town at 1285 Restobar We are happy to serve you! We are open: Noon 7 days a week! BESTFLORENCEOF VOTED INSI D E SIUSLAW GRADUATES WIN AT OREGON TECH OPEN Local performer accepted to prestigious ballet school | PAGE A5 Council mulls homeless camping codes K9 finds large amount of drug during traffic stop LANE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Lane County Sheriff’s Office K9 located a large amount of illegal drugs in a vehicle. K9 Bear assisted with a traffic stop in the search for illegal drugs. K9 Bear was able to assist in locating a kilo of pure fentanyl and approximately 50,000 fentanyl pills that were located in a hidden compartment of the vehicle. The occupants of the vehicle have been referred for prosecution. This investigation is ongoing and additional details are not available at this time. On March 26th, 2024, Lane County Sheriff’s deputies conducted a traffic stop near the 1800 block of Franklin Blvd. in Eugene. During the stop, K9 Bear was deployed and Celebrating three enduring marriages PHOTO CONTRIBUTED By TONY REED Siuslaw News
with 11 staff and resident birthdays, Shorewood Senior Living celebrated two anniversaries, both of which marked over 70 years together for the couples.
the table of honor were Dean and Ramona Spencer on March 16, celebrating 73 years of marriage and Willie and Joyce Wornstaff who’ve been together for 71 years. Dean said the two met in college and after inviting Ramona on a hayride.
worked out well,” he summarized, “and we lived happily ever after.”
again, Ramona simply said yes. Ramona
Asked if she would marry him
said other code is being added to capture the need for shelters to help firefighters,
An elaborate temporary shelter has been set up on the south side of the Siuslaw River.
Allan & Nedra
Ramona & Dean
Willie & Joyce
ode Council mulls homeless camping code
From Page A1
emergency personnel and disaster victims during fires and other natural disasters. She said City staff have a plan for where such shelters would be and future decisions would codify it into code.
Not “camping”
Farley-Campbell said the second part of the code has to do with establishing immunity for “temporary sheltering.”
“This has been referred to as camping, we will be moving away from that terminology because, in land use, camping is something that is a recreational activity and not what we’re really talking about,” she said. “We’re talking about people sheltering, so we will be converting all of the language in the proposed code to say temporary sheltering.”
Farley-Campbell explained that “temporary sheltering” breaks into two categories. “Residences” refer to a property where the tenant or owner offers one of two options for temporary sheltering, being a vehicle in the driveway or a tent in the backyard. FarleyCampbell said it would be one or the other, not several tents and not several vehicles. She added that no payment can be received for the permission to shelter at a residence.
“People can’t pay rent, they can’t mow your yard, they can’t cover the groceries, there is no compensation,” she said.”We are not expecting this to become short-term rentals, like RVS in the driveway. This is about people experiencing homelessness.”
She said those offering shelter are expected to keep the property clean and well maintained by not piling belongings or garbage in an unsightly manner. She said hosts also cannot allow RVs to be parked inside yards, but must have them in a driveway, so as not to burden neighbors, according to the proposed code.
Property owners hosting tent shelters would be expected to allow those guests to use their bathroom and hand washing facilities if not provided outside.
“If you are providing a porta-potty or some other kind of facilities, they need to be 10 ft from the property line and not in the front yard so those are the standards as proposed for people to offer sheltering on private property,” she said. “This Is already happening throughout town, and we presently act on a complaint basis. Establishing this will hopefully provide a path for those people to then make it legal and have some standards by which to apply nuisance complaints.”
Other locations
The other type of temporary shelter would be located on non-residential property, such as commercial, industrial or public properties.
“In this case, the property owner, not the tenant would be the applicant, so to speak. Again, no compensation. We are not running hotels or RV camping or anything like that. There are also no time limits proposed in the code. The type of shelter that is proposed is three vehicles, or three tents or any combination, such as one tent and two vehicles or one vehicle and two tents.”
Farley-Campbell commented that the tent definition would need to be clarified so that circus tents aren’t erected in the city limits as shelters .
Storage and sanitation would be similar to residential properties but may prove difficult for those commercial properties that close at night, Farley-Campbell said.
Asked if a fee would apply for those requesting to provide such services, Farley Campbell said discussion is underway with the state regarding a licensing program.
“We don’t have a plan right now,” she said. “We’re looking to see what tools we can use to do it.”
Councilor Sally Wantz asked about eviction processes for those creating a nuisance.
“This is sheltering,” Farley Campbell said. “You can make someone go anytime you want.” She said it’s currently in the code that an eviction can take place without cause or time limits because there is no expectation that the service provided is to be considered housing.
Councilor Robert Carp asked if a registry would be in place, to record how many people are out there using such assistance.
“That is my proposal, yes,” Farley Campbell replied.
Councilor Bill Meyer asked if there is a requirement in the proposed code to notify neighbors of an application to temporarily shelter people.
“No, there is not,” Farley Campbell replied. “That could be added, and if we did, it would increase the registration cost to cover the postage and staff time.”
Mayor Rob Ward said the City would also have to formulate a response to neighbors who don’t want temporary shelters next to their home.
Farley-Campbell said such issues would be handled in the same way the city handles any nuisance complaint where Code Enforcement officers would respond. Per the current proposed code, not wanting someone there would not be reasonable grounds to prohibit them from being there, she said.
Myer commented that in such cases, the guest could then be informed of the code and the standards which they are to maintain so as not to cause a nuisance.
Farley-Campbell said an RV issue which came up
in the 48 hours before the meeting highlighted that some screening or buffering between neighbors may need to installed before temporary shelter is provided.
Not to camp
Farley-Campbell explained that exclusion areas would include most parks, riparian or wetland areas, within visual line of sight of a public trail, city-owned facilities that are open to the public, certain public rights of way, and right of ways to an adjacent dwelling. Buffers of 300 ft would surround churches or religious institutions, elementary and secondary education schools, daycare and child facilities, and facilities providing services to homeless persons.
Farley-Campbell said another exclusion area would be within 100 ft of the edge of the pavement on Highway 101 and Highway 126
Carp asked if the city would be required to post signs noting exclusion buffers around churches schools and other facilities.
“I think the City is interested in having a map,” Farley-Campbell said.
Mayor Ward suggested parking restrictions of three hours for RVs and shelter vehicles around excluded areas.
After some discussion, Farley-Campbell said everyday motor vehicles and RVs can park anywhere legally allowed but restrictions could apply when using a vehicle as a temporary shelter.
Rough draft map
Farley Campbell produced a digital map of the city, starting from the north end, which showed proposed buffer zones as circles and borders.
Reynolds and FarleyCampbell said there are 16 churches in Florence and the most northern circle surrounded the church at Heceta Beach Road.
During discussions about prohibited areas, Ward expressed concerns about enforcement of temporary shelter locations on or near rights of way in undeveloped areas.
“The other thing that concerns me is if we have to go check on them, do we somehow have to walk through the woods for 200 to 300 feet to see if someone has a tent out there? Are they taking it down each day? Wow, I understand the reasoning for the right away but I almost think we need to come up with a different approach.
“Well, that’s what this is about,” Farley Campbell replied.
Ward questioned how right of ways would be delineated in such areas, so that the process of keeping people from camping in right of ways could be regulated.
After some discussion about of unhoused residents in the Florence area, Chief Pitcher estimated that about 30 people live in vehicles at different times.
“We believe it’s about the same for tent camping,” he said. “That was harder to track. They have deserted camps everywhere so we think active camps are in the same range, 20 to 30 content counts in our area.”
Managing the code Counselor Bill Meyer expressed concern, saying he believed the original intent of the council was to highlight the areas of the city where camping is not allowed and let the unsheltered population choose from allowed area.
Myer suggested that the council should consider how particular areas will be impacted by allowing temporary sheltering.
“I would rather take what we’ve got in place right now, what is being proposed right now, and treat it as a first pass and see how it works out to see what areas we need to tune. Let’s see if we can manage it from that approach. That is what I would favor right now.”
Councilor Sally Wantz added if the council creates areas that could be available, the City would not be restricting anyone a safe place to camp and sleep.
“So, we are meeting that criteria,” she said. “We are not restricting it so much that we are going to be in trouble. These areas, I don’t think they need to be publicized. However, somebody needs to know about it, so if someone is there or not there, we can regulate it, right?”
Chief Pitcher added that most homeless residents know the law regarding where they can and cannot camp.
“ … but if we tell them, ‘you can’t be here,’ they are going to say, ‘where can we be?’” he said. “If we are going to move them, we have to tell them where they can go.”
Ward again expressed concerns of management, and how the city would regulate the hours in which tents could be erected, where garbage should be cleaned up, and whether other rules are being followed.
Counselor Jo Beaudreau noted that city enforcement is complaint-driven, and would likely be handled by Code Enforcement, which would also notify the city manager’s office. She questioned whether or not it would be a waste of staff time to continually monitor whether tents are being erected and taken down, along with other rules.
Asked about managing the 20 to 30 tents currently estimated to be in the city, Pitcher said many of them are in areas which are difficult for officers to access. He also noted the difficulty of only enforcing complaint-driven offenses, since complaints aren’t made about campsites that aren’t seen, leaving officers to pick and choose which sites they respond to.
Ward suggested creating an allowed sheltering spot across from the police station, which generated some laughter in the chamber. He said that Siuslaw Outreach Services was hesitant to site its building near
the police station because many of its clients may be uncomfortable being that close to it.
“Well If we say they have to camp next to the police station, maybe they will go out of town,” Ward said.
“Also, I was thinking that in an area like this, it would be easy for us to manage because we could just go in there and Public Works could go in there with the machine that cuts the brush and open that up so we have good visibility We could drive down that road and see whether someone was in there or not- without a lot of effort.”
Chief Pitcher suggested that if the city has a designated site, it would be best to have an on-site manager.
“Without some on-site management, that would be difficult,” he said, noting that officers must give people time before demanding that they leave a particular area.
Myer said he does not want to designate a specific site for that purpose.
“I think you could get a critical mass of individuals that could present a danger to an officer to get in there and babysit that group,” he said.
“Suddenly, you’d have a congregate… I do not believe we need to designate a particular area and I thought we made that fundamental decision. We are going to say where they can’t be, and let the population, through their network [find them], and if we have issues that arise because things happen in certain areas and it’s hard for us to supervise, then we address it, but
See CONT., page A4
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as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”
I concur with Mr. Bruce Hadley in his letter of March 20th regarding the poor journalism exhibited by the reporter covering the Siuslaw Valley Charter Schools. The articles are unclear and not helpful, especially since they contain confusing, unsubstantiated, and unchallenged quotes from the advocates. I have noticed and commented upon this tendency, especially the latter, in recent issues of the paper. I do not accuse this paper of favoritism in any way, only, as Mr. Hadley observes, poor journalism.
George Durant Florence
Good News for Women Celebrating Women’s History Month, Joe Biden signed an executive order allocating twelve billion dollars for advanced research on women’s health issues. This is a long-needed shift. Research to date has mainly used men as research subjects. While heart attacks are the leading cause of death for women, research has been conducted on men. We only know that the signs for women are different than those for men. Early studies on the role of estrogen in post-menopausal women were done on 8000 men. Finally, women are receiving the respect they deserve. And it
took a man in the oval office to demonstrate the respect that women deserve. It is a good start, and in a political climate at war with women’s rights, it is a relief. If women are fortunate, a change in the congressional balance will ensure its full realization. All women need to keep this in mind when November rolls around. What kind of world do we want to live in? One where women are respected, or one where women are treated as puppets?
Nan Harvey Florence
I must say that the articles concerning the SVCS and the school district have been some
of the most comprehensive articles I have read from the SNEWS in many years. I applaud the writers for seemingly not leaving anything out. Both sides made their cases. Good arguments from all sides. I do know most of the folks on the board and the SVCS. All of them want the best for the students. It was resolved.
Dana Rodet Westlake
What to do when the cell phone towers go down
The multi-talented Jay Guettler is the Local Coordinator for the Neighborhood Radio Communications Network of the Emergency Communications for West Lane County; he will speak to, and answer questions from, the public at the April 11, 2024, meeting of City Club of Florence in the Bromley
Room of the Siuslaw Public Library.
Growing up in the [then] small town, of Roseville, California, just northeast of Sacramento, it was during his teenage years that Guettler became interested in radios. He and a friend studied together to pass the test for their Amateur Radio Novice Licenses. Because school, work, and family occupied most of his time, it wasn’t until his retirement from the work-a-day world that Guettler rediscovered his interest in radio and earned his Extra Class Amateur License.
Preparedness and community work have long been
ingrained in Jay’s life from his time as a Boy Scout and later as a Scout leader. His education path touched on electronics, energy, the environment, and technology management. Several of his work and volunteer roles have focused on what happens when the regular infrastructure has a ‘hic-up’, to creating systems that mitigate those failings.
After spending a few post-retirement years wandering around the country, it was in 2017, that Jay and his wife Pam settled in Florence. Of course, it helped that Jay’s aunt and uncle live here, but Jay and Pam liked the feel of the community.
City Club is an informational group that brings to the public-at large a variety of issues and topics. City Club of Florence meets promptly at 1:30 P.M., on the second Thursday of each month. The public is always invited and urged to attend. For additional information, go to Facebook. com/CityClubofFlorence or call 541-999-0745. JAY GUETTLER TO ADDRESS CITY CLUB:
Jay’s interests are extensive and include hiking, cycling, kayaking, paddleboarding, building things, music, volunteering at City Club, KXCR, S.T.E.P., the Free Lunch Program, Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue, etc, and radio. Mark your calendar to hear the latest updates on emergency communications, and what to do when that system fails, on April 11, 2024, in the Bromley Room of the Siuslaw Public Library located at 1460 Ninth St.
SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 A3 Locally Owned. Community Minded 4515 Hwy. 101 541-997-8052 Over 19 years experience
difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy,
(1800) LETTERS Siuslaw News 4969 HWY. 101, North, #4 PO Box. 10 Florence OR, 97439 541.997.3441 The newspaper is published every WEDNESDAY. A member of the National News- paper Association and Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Periodicals postage paid at Florence, Ore. Postmaster, send address changes to: Country Media, P.O. Box 35, Salem, OR 97301. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed for Lunch Noon - 1 p.m. DEADLINE WEDNESDAY EDITION General news releases, Classified line ads, Legal Notice & Display ads, TUESDAY end of day one week prior Please submit press releases to NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Lane County 1 year subscription | $84 1 month Subscription | $12.50 Out of Lane County 1 year subscription | $107 1 month Subscription | $15.67 E-Edition Online Only (Anywhere) 1 year subscription | $69 1 month Subscription | $6 *** Ask about our senior discounts Mail subscription includes E-Edition. Website & E-Edition: OUR STAFF ADMINISTRATION Joe Warren | Publisher Misty Berg | Office Manager 202-224-3753 | 541-465-6750 (Dist. 5) 503-986-1705 Email: 541-682-4203 Email: Ryan.Ceniga@ Florence City Council Mayor Rob Ward & Councilors Bill Meyer, Sally Wantz, Robert Carp & Jo Beaudreaux Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, Florence, 97439 541-997-3437 Dunes City Council Mayor Ed McGuire & Councilors Rory Hammond, Tom Mallen, Susan Snow, Melissa Stinson, Robert Orr & Melissa Stinson Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493 541-997-3338 SN USPS# 497-660 Copyright 2023 © Siuslaw News WWW.POLKIO.COM Siuslaw News News & views that define our community
never considered a
— Thomas Jefferson
again, I would like to attempt this first without specifying an area and designating an area and hauling or transporting people to a specific site or the numbers of them increase because the minute you get the numbers of them, it gets back to …, there needs to be on site management because you’ve got people with lots of different problems.”
Carp agreed, noting an area In Oklahoma where a public safety center was constructed, but evolved into a homeless camp.
“When it came time to evict them, it was all out, he said. “Fights, a brawl, officers got hurt, and one of the people was killed because they were attacking the officer, so, when you do something like this suggestion, it will become a popular place, it will be a mass place and when you try to evict them, there will be a revolt. There’s going to be confrontation, at some point they’re going to assemble and fight back.”
I stand by the thought that as long as we have reasonable areas for people to camp, there is no reason to have to publicize where those are,” Wantz said, “as long as we know in our minds where they are and there is a record somewhere that says where they are, I agree with counselor Myer to that great extent. I don’t believe we
need to publish this or hand out flyers on the street to say ‘here’s where you can camp and where you can’t.’ As long as we are legally allowing camping in areas and we are not restricting somebody’s right to have safe shelter, and it looks like we do, so I think we’ve met that burden. We are within the law and this is not against anybody, and if I understand what the chief is saying, they pretty much know where to go, so why spend a lot of time telling them you are in the right spot or you are not, and we will move them if we get complaints.”
The bottom line
Asked how city residents will know if someone is camped in a prohibited or allowed area, Reynolds returned to the complaint-driven method, saying that it would be a tool to use when making contact with people who have generated complaints. She said the sheltering enforcement would look no different than any code enforcement complaint where an officer educates someone about the code.
“We’re not looking to fine people, we’re not looking to put people in jail, we really are looking to have a good quality of life for all of our residents, all the people in the community,...” she said. Reynolds said that if the code were adopted as proposed, it would not mean officers patrolling all of the non-restricted areas, but would instead mean that when a complaint is received, officers would address it using the direction given in the code.
Noting that other cities have “safe campsite” areas, Reynolds said most have other requirements, but also have what would essentially be considered an outdoor shelter with on-site monitors and other services.
Councilor Jo Beaudreau said that as a woman, that if she were experiencing homelessness, she would appreciate having the option of a safe camping area.
“I do understand that we have the cold weather shelter and the Bridges program but if somebody, in an emergency was trying to get away, I would definitely want to sleep somewhere where I wouldn’t be raped, where I wouldn’t be beat up, and next to the police station would be an option,” she said. “I like having that door open for continued conversation but also, as council, we have made it clear that we don’t want to use public property for these types of things and that’s one of the reasons I argued when we were discussing this as to have that option more open so that we could do something with case management, with supervision- to be able to help somebody in a whole gamut of cases and backgrounds.”
She said that for some, committing a crime in order to be thrown in jail for the night might seem like the only safe option, even if it puts a burden on the justice system.
“If someone is that scared for their life, I don’t even know if the lobby doors are open at the Justice Center to fall asleep in,” she said. “I don’t know some of these things, and I’m thankful that I don’t know, but when people are desperate for whatever
reason, and they are all valid, we need to have an open heart and figure out some solution that would help.” She said some people are burdening the hospital system by coming into the emergency department when they don’t need emergency help.
Carp noted that Siuslaw Outreach Services provides help for people in emergency situations, along with other local organizations. Ward asked Chief Pitcher what would happen if the code is approved with a requirement to only have tents erected between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. and whether it might prompt people to go outside the city limits. Pitcher echoed that the most common campsites are not in places where everyone can see them.
“People don’t see tent camps here,” he said.”If they did, they would be more appalled at what they see. Are there going to be places where we’re going back to every morning and saying ‘hey it’s
8 a.m., you have to go?’ That probably won’t happen.”
The council took no action on the discussion but agreed to meet again April 4 to revisit proposed changes and have further discussion.
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ont. Council mulls homeless camping code From Page A2
tips and
soil for
A subject sleeps next to a bicycle out of the rain below the Siuslaw River Bridge.
A local performer has accepted the offer of a lifetime but will need some help to c Elyse Stewart has been accepted to the very prestigious Joffrey Ballet, and we are trying to bring awareness to her campaign for funds. She started with C.R.O.W. when she was teeny, performing in nearly all of our events and shows,” said Melanie Heard - of the Children’s Repertory of Oregon Workshops. “She is also my executive assistant, and is learning about running a non-profit.” Heard said that after auditioning for the Joffrey Ballet Summer Intensive Program, Stewart was accepted to several summer sessions around the world.
“It is VERY expensive for her to attend this training,” Heard said. “We don’t believe in setting pre-conceived
limitations for our small town CROW kids. We want them to soar and achieve their dreams, and merely getting accepted into this classical and contemporary ballet program (11 different schools all over the USA and in Italy) is a REALLY BIG deal.”
According to the gofjundmepage, Cara Richter created a raffle with some items from local businesses and restaurants. Tickets are $5/ each or 5 for $20 and you can buy a ticket at the Bake Sale Saturday, or stop by AIC Insurance (697 Maple St.) during business hours (MonThurs) to buy your tickets. There are some great prizes you could win!
Donations can be mailed to C.R.O.W. PO Box 184, Florence, OR 97439 Attn: Elyse Stewart Joffrey Fund or online at the gofundme page send-elyse-to-new-york
All month long in April! UP TO 15% OFF MOST BRAND NAMES MAIL IN-REBATES ON SELECT BRANDS! WHEN YOU BUY A SET OF 4 OR MORE TIRES. WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP CAR CENTER •Full Service Repair • Tire sales •Over 20 years experience Locally Owned. Community Minded WE ALSO OFFER ROAD HAZARD $30 FOR A SET OF 4 TIRES A GREAT WARRANTY COVERAGE FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF FLORENCE. 4515 Hwy. 101 • 541-997-8052 Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 MKT-5894 H -A-A1 Supporting Florence since 1987. Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 Member SIPC MKT-5894 H -A-A1 Supporting Florence since 1987. Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 Member SIPC Member SIPC Please download logos at Do not typeset the logo. The border is 3pt rule, yellow (PMS 116C) A1 EXP 31 MAR 2020 © 2018 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Headline headline headline headline headline headline headline headline headline Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Ryan Hitchcock Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 Member SIPC Please download logos at Do not typeset the logo. The border is 3pt rule, yellow (PMS 116C) A1 EXP 31 MAR 2020 © 2018 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Headline headline headline headline headline headline headline headline headline Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Call to action. Ryan Hitchcock Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Buying or Selling? I can help. Mike Blankenship Broker 541 991-7826 206 Bourbon St - Located in the unique community of Coast Village, this charming 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home offers the comforts of an office, utility room, garden area, as well as covered parking and a workshop. Embrace relaxation and excitement in this gated community! $225,000. #347023574411 Local performer accepted to prestigious ballet school Fundraising efforts underway to help alerted to one of the drugs he is trained to detect inside the cab of the vehicle. A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed approximately 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds) of blue fentanyl based pills and approximately half a kilogram (1.1 pounds) of pure pressed fentanyl powder. The occupants of the vehicle are facing pending criminal charges for narcotic distribution. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, drug trafficking organizations typically distribute fentanyl by the kilogram. One kilogram has the potential to kill 500,000 people. K9 Bear is a recent addition to the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and specializes in locating illegal drugs. K9 Finds large amount of drug during traffic stop From Page A1
our emergency responders took a back seat in our list of priorities. Fortunately, the friendly reminders of those in charge of the program connected after several years and our free sign suddenly appeared alongside our driveway.
Jump forward to New Year’s Eve 2022 and those friendly reminders paid life-saving dividends. Out of the blue, this healthy guy was having a heart attack – didn’t know it – but absolutely needed medical attention. Fortunately, we had our 6” X 12” red reflective sign posted alongside our driveway to guide our paramedics in.
Another 911 call on April 4, 2023 brought two different paramedics and a fire engine crew directly to our home.
With those two 911 calls, we clearly recognized the importance of those signs! Sure, our paramedics and fire crews had their own mapping systems to follow, but there was nothing like having our very own red reflective driveway street side sign for them to locate our home. We all know the saying: “Seeing Is Believing” and that certainly was the case here with the sign assuring the paramedics they were at the right home. This was especially critical because my life was at stake.
The Florentine Estates home numbering system seems to make no sense in certain locations and can leave one totally bewildered. I’m pretty sure there are other
locations throughout Florence where home numbering is out-of-the-ordinary.
Still pondering? Consider this. At the Dec. 4, 2023, Florentine Estates Homeowners’ Association
Board Meeting, one of the residents made a comment that emergency vehicles often go to the wrong house. I’m concerned with the word “often” and cannot imagine that happening if those seeking emergency assistance have properly placed emergency signs by their driveway.
The other part of that equation was stated by another resident at the same meeting: Red Emergency Signs are hard to see. I agree that “some” signs are hard to see if they haven’t been properly maintained and placed away from obstacles such as plants and other obstructions. Personal maintenance is required.
Homeowner Associations like Florentine Estates, Green Trees and the like can offer “deals” to entice residents to get and post those signs. Homeowners throughout Florence have the same need, but will be on their own to request their sign from the Fire Department by calling
541-997-3212 and speaking with Christine. Donations to help cover the cost of the signs are never required but always welcome.
As I encourage everyone city-wide to participate in this program.
I’m sure we all fully comprehend the importance of these signs from the caller’s perspective, but I want everyone to stop for a moment and think just how important getting to the right home without any delays is to the paramedics and/or fire crews. Please give them a hand (posted sign) in finding you.
If I can assist, please call me at 541-997-6626. I have a supply of materials and will be more than happy to attach your sign to a stake and properly install it for you.
A dependable way to be found
WLFEA Chief Michael Schick
Finding the right address is always a concern for emergency responders and I would like to thank Bob for bringing up a very important issue. We have two different mapping programs tied into the dispatch information we receive for every call and the programs automatically
work as they should the vast majority of the time. Errors can sometimes happen when the person calling 911 doesn’t know the address or they may have forgotten the address. It’s easy to forget something as important as your address when there is an emergency. In addition, our mapping program will occasionally send us to the location where the address should be but in some cases that’s not where the address actually is. This is a fairly common issue we deal with in the more rural areas of our district. We expect odd numbered addresses to be on the west and north sides of a street and even numbered addresses to be on the east and south sides but that is just a general rule. Having clearly identifiable address signs can certainly help us get to your emergency quickly. If you have a question as to whether your address sign is adequate don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we would be happy to drive by and give you our opinion! As Bob mentioned, we have a limited amount of sign supplies and we are always happy to provide a sign for your address.
A6 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 WALLY’S Septic Tank Pumping $25.00 off Pumping or $10.00 off a Service Call Call Today to Schedule an appointment Call 541-997-8885 Payment must be made at the time of service to receive discount. Discount does not apply to credit card or mailed payments. Coupon expires - April 30, 2024 Bud’s Upholstery 10% off Materials on any new job When you present this coupon. expires April 30, 2024 541-997-4856 87637 Hwy. 101 N, Florence SAVE. SHOP SUPPORT ZERO/US TOO Florence Prostate Cancer Education Support on the Oregon Coast BOTH MEETINGS ARE CURRENTLY ON HOLD. WATCH SIUSLAW NEWS FOR RESUMPTION • Tuesday Evening Group (2nd Tuesday) 5-7 p.m. - Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Bryan Mehlhaff attends. Tuesday Lunch Group (3rd Tuesday) 12 noon – 1:00 p.m. – Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Roger McKimmy attends. Contact Bob for more information: (H) 541-997-6626 • (C) 541-999-4239 OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY The Thrift Shop April, 2024 Purple Tags are 50% off! Hours: 10am - 5pm Seven days a week! (541) 997-5705 1193 Bay St., Old Town Florence Shoppe LOCAL #MyFlorence Shop. Eat. Support. 541-997-3441 For new and returning subscribers only, offer good through 4/16/24 20% OFF One Year Subscription Just mention this ad Subscription Special FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK “We’re next to the bridge” 100 Hwy 101 Florence, OR 97439 COAST REAL ESTATE (541) 997-7777 5198 VERSANT DR. Welcome to this immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath home nestled in the heart of Spruce Village. Built in 2016. Meticulously maintained, offers comfortable and inviting living space for you and your family. Quartz countertops in the kitchen & bathrooms. Tile entry, kitchen, and dining areas. Plush carpeting throughout the home. Tall 9-foot ceilings, vaulted in the great room and primary bedroom. Great room perfect for entertaining guests. Cozy dining area ideal for family meals and gatherings. Move-in ready condition. Situated in desirable Spruce Village. $464,900 CB#12657/MLS#24562873 Dan and Teresa Lofy, Owners And Watson WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded Florence, OR 97439 CCB#221760 • Pressure washing • Gutter cleaning • House washing • Clean and vacuum lint from dryer vent. • Check washer lines for leakage • Inspect exterior door hardware; fix squeaky handles and loose locks. AND MUCH MORE for your home. 541-997-8885 Has it been 5years ormoresinceyour tank was pumped?Then it’s time! Callustotoday to schedule an appointment. CheckToday’s paperforacoupongoodonyournextservice. Lowest Prices Guaranteed—Wewillmatchanycompetitorsprice! RESIDENTIAL STREET-SIDE HOUSE NUMBERS FOR WLFEA EMERGENCY RESPONDERS By BOB HORNEY & WLFEA CHIEF MICHAEL SCHICK When will you need emergency responders coming to your home? There is no way to know. Always being prepared is the ONLY way to be ready for such a need. In September of 2001 Marianne and I moved into our wonderful new home in Florentine Estates – our Forever Retirement Home. WOW, what a great town/ community for our retirement years. We were so blessed to be here; nothing could go wrong…until a diagnosis of prostate cancer in December. Having “supposedly” put the prostate cancer behind me in January 2002 and leading the local American Cancer Society’s Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group beginning in May of 2002, the Red Reflective Residential Signs to guide
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formative figure in the pop-art movement. The word ‘dodgy’ pokes fun at our attempt to create an atmosphere that
pays homage to many pop icons.” Put those two thoughts together, flip them, and you’ve got Dodgy Warhol. Jason says, “We have loads of unpretentious accessories with flare. Whether your obsession is The Never-ending Story, Totoro, David Bowie, Taylor Swift, Stranger Things, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered.” And when asked why they chose to locate on the waterfront (in the former site of Drawstrings of Malibu), Jason says, “Bay Street is a special place to us. We love the historical buildings. It’s continuing to evolve into a popular place for both residents and tourists. We’re excited to be part of that.”
Both Katrina and Jason have backgrounds in business and art. Both thought it was time to try something new.
Katrina says, “Retail lets us repurpose our skills. ‘Pop art meets business’ seemed natural. The Dodgy Warhol is an expression of us and brings novelty – and value -- to Bay Street.”
They are fans of the bayfront and own three other businesses on the street: The Uncommon Collective, Rivals Hollow, all located on Bay Street.
Katrina adds, “We frequently hear, ‘Whoa, are you guys trying to take over Bay Street?’ The short answer is ‘no.’ We weren’t planning more than one shop, but
FACC appreciates volunteers
The Florence Area Community Coalition is happy to announce that our annual Volunteer Celebration will take place on April 17, 2024 at the Florence Events Center. Our theme this year is “Volunteers Plant Seeds of Kindness”. City of Florence Mayor Rob Ward will be our keynote speaker. As we all know, our community runs on volunteer power and we want to say thanks and celebrate their work.
The cost is $10 per person, or $75.00 for a table of 8. Many agencies and organizations send their volunteers for a time of fellowship, refreshments and fun. For everyone, it is a wonderful time to find out what is happening in the volunteer communities.
The networking that happens locally is amazing. Not all organizations have
opportunities presented themselves.” Word is that the duo is planning the opening of shop number four.
Those who know the couple aren’t surprised to hear them say, “we have about ten ideas for projects brewing at any given time!”
They are enjoying the work but, “We might be ready for a vacation,” says Jason. A website is in progress for The Dodgy Warhol. For now, you can follow them on Facebook or Instagram @thedodgywarhol. Call 541.590.3801 or email: info@ for more information.
Community Briefs
the ability, however, to pay even that. That is where our request to you comes in. We hope that you will consider being a sponsor. A $100 dollar sponsorship will purchase a table for 8 for an organization of your choosing. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged at the sponsored table, in our advertising and at the event. We would request that you allow us to use your sponsorship for an unsponsored table if your choice is taken or you do not designate an organization. If you do not wish to sponsor a table we would also welcome a donation gift for a raffle for attending volunteers. Please send any sponsorship or donation to: FACC, PO Box 1161, Florence, OR 97439 Contact Monica Kosman at for more information. FACC is an allvolunteer 501(c)3 organization with a mission to improve the quality of life in Western Lane County through partnerships, networking, volunteerism, community
involvement, education, and awareness. You can learn more about us at
Rhody Society plant auction
The Siuslaw Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is holding its annual plant auction at the Presbyterian Community Church at 3996 US 101 in Florence on Tuesday, April 16th. Arrive at 5:30 p.m. to mingle and get a seat before the Auction starts at 6:00 There will be lots more than just rhododendrons up for bid! Questions? Please contact club president: Mr. Day Farrald at 541-579-5544
Beached bird training
On Saturday, April 13 the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) will deliver a
training session in Florence, Oregon.
COASST participants help make a difference for the environment by collecting data on beach-cast carcasses of marine birds on a monthly basis to establish the baseline pattern of beached bird mortality on North Pacific beaches. Through an interactive, hands-on workshop, trainees will become acquainted the custom COASST field guide, Beached Birds, and have a chance to try out their newly acquired identification skills on seabird species common to the North Pacific. The COASST training provides participants with the tools to monitor for potential changes in the marine environment and promote stewardship of local marine resources. For more information and to reserve your training spot, call COASST at 206221-6893 or email coasst@ More information on COASST at
SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 A7 This message brought to you by: If you would like to meet them or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 Shelter hours are 10am until 5pm seven days a week. Pet of the Week GOOD GIRL ALERT! Lola arrived with puppies in tow and was an excellent mother. In fact, she was such a perfect guest that her foster mother had a hard time sending her back to OCHS! Lola’s puppies have been adopted and now it’s her turn. She’s two years old and good with other dogs. Stop by the shelter or apply online if you’d like to add this good girl to your family! 777 Maple Street (across from Post Office) 541-997-3455 We provide a focused staff that is small-town oriented to deliver the most precise and thoughtful customer service in the area. We specialize in property/casualty policies, including home, auto, rental, personal umbrella, boat, commercial property, inland marine, excess, bonding, general liability, and commercial auto. One of our licensed agents will sit down with you to discuss details about your policy needs and create a plan tailored just for you. We provide vehicle, property, business, public entity, and life insurance services for individuals and businesses in Oregon. BUD’S UPHOLSTERY Boat Tops & Cars • Complete auto & boat interiors • Canvas work 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon.-Sat. 87637 Hwy. 101 Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-4856 Make Your Appointment Now! Over 49 Years Experience CPR Certifications AHA certified Adult and Child/Infant CPR Cost $60.00 2nd Saturday of every month 9am to 1pm at Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority Training Room, 2625 Hwy 101 Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority Call 541-997-9614 Invites You to LEARN CPR Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 Residential & Commercial Complete Asphalt Installation & Service • Roads • Driveways • Parking Lots • Seal Coating Call Your Asphalt Specialist Today 541-870-2302 FREE ESTIMATES Family Owned & Operated CCB#214400 What’s a Dodgy Warhol? By DEBBY RICE Guest Writer Jason Calhoun and Katrina Rupp, Owners, The Dodgy Warhol, 1341 Bay Street Overheard on Bay Street, “What’s a Dodgy Warhol?” We’ve got the answer. The Dodgy Warhol is the name of the newest retail shop on Bay Street. It’s an unusual name, and store, to be sure. Owners Jason Calhoun and Katina Rupp explain that it’s a tribute to Andy Warhol and pop art. “We wanted a store with gifts based around pop art and culture. Andy Warhol was a
A8 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 F eatured N ew L istiNgs , P rice r eductioNs & u Pdates F or t he w eek oF a PriL 3, 2024 Check out our Website @ New Search Features, Videos and More. See ALL of Florence’s Listings. Lynnette Wikstrom Broker missy Johnson Broker shirLey hunt Principal Broker Wanda Johnson Broker randy Paredes Broker ryan denning Broker sadie Ward Broker Justin young Broker rick cox Broker aLva Bracey Broker aric sneddon Broker John Barnett Broker dani FLescher Broker Jack Johnson Broker andy Johnson Principal Broker/Owner sam Johnson Broker One of a kind Carter Bros. built custom home in The Reserve. Immaculately maintained inside & out. Pacific NW design by Mascord and Assoc. features serene views of forest and great privacy in this quiet cul-de-sac. Living room features vaulted wood tongue and groove ceilings and gas fireplace + hidden TV “art cabinet”. Chef’s kitchen with custom WG Peterson Cabinetry and built-in stainless steel gas appliances. Wood-filled office off of entry with built-in bookscases and desk. Hickory hardwood flooring. Heat pump. 3 car side load garage. Covered back deck + beautiful landscaping all around with irrigation. .43 acre lot with deeded RV parking pad with all hook-ups. $1,039,000 87839 TERNYIK CT. This sweet 1955 cottage is conveniently located in the heart of West Old Town, making shopping, dining and all of the in-town resources walkable. Clean, light and waiting for a new owner’s touches. The charm of wood paneling in the living room, built -ins throughout the home and an interior mud room-laundry room combo will catch your eye. Plenty of outdoor space for gardening, expanded living or possibly a garage. This is one you don’t want to miss. $295,000 1179 6TH STREET Private and well maintained home in Florentine Estates. Tucked away 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with a split floor plan for privacy. Vaulted ceilings throughout. Kitchen features all stainless steel appliances. Nice sized primary bedroom with large walk-in closet and attached bathroom with a step-in shower. Enjoy the wind protected private back yard off the living room. New roof, skylights and exterior paint 2016/2017. Just a short walk to the clubhouse and all the activities that Florentine Estates offers. $339,900 157 42ND WAY Experience lakefront luxury at its finest! Behind a private gated entrance, this stunning Woahink Lake home offers captivating eastward views. 3536 SF of living space, including a 240 SF mechanical area, revel in hand-crafted wood floors, vaulted ceilings & abundant natural light. 2016 renovation by Neil Kelly Design ensures unparalleled quality. 3 bdrms, an office, and 2.5 baths, home boasts spacious comfort. Panoramic lake views from the dramatic living room & chef’s kitchen, equipped w/ top-of-the-line appliances. Primary bedroom suite, office, living area, and kitchen reside on the main level for convenience. Lower level offers additional living spaces & patio, all with mesmerizing lake panoramas. A detached studio provides flexibility. Equipped with a whole-home Generac generator system. Outside, a large, deeded dock & full boat house promise endless enjoyment of lake activities. Whether a primary residence or vacation retreat, this property invites you to savor every moment in unparalleled elegance and serenity. $2,450,000 83837 HIGHWAY 101 “We’re next to the Bridge” 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR COAST REAL ESTATE 541-997-7777 Servicing Florence Since 1956 NEW NEW NEW A split level home perfectly set up for internal privacy and or work from home office. The lower level is a roomy primary bedroom with ensuite. The sliding glass door gives the primary suite direct access to the back yard and much usable yard space. There is a dog run in the back, deck, patio, and fenced front yard. Don’t miss the public neighborhood Dunes access and beauty. The Dunes picture is one block from the home on Margarita St. Also close to Empire Lake and a short drive to beaches. $334,997 936 SANFORD ST. COOS BAY Quaint and charming mid-century bungalow on a huge fenced lot in the center of town. Vintage hardwood floors and over abundance of windows exude character and charm. Kitchen features pine cabinetry and stainless steel appliance package - included with the sale. Oversized laundry room with pantry and storage. Bathroom has tile floor and tub surrounds. Ductless heat pump (ceiling cassette style) + new faux wood window blinds complete the package. Out back is a cozy and heated guest quarters (140 SF) + room for everything else in the fully fenced rear yard. Back patio for outdoor entertaining. 2 tax lots totalling .24 acre. Call for appointment today. $339,000 2137 18TH STREET Centrally located townhome in Oyster Cove w/ attached 2 car garage. Amenities include high vaulted ceilings, wood, tile and carpeting, stainless steel appliances. Upper level has open entertainment area, 2 bdrms. and full bath w/ one bdrm having an additional vanity with an additional ½ on the main level. Walking distance to shopping, medical facilities, library & post office. Close to historic Old Town Florence and riverfront. New appliances in the kitchen, new ½ bath, newer interior painting. Whether you’re seeking an excellent investment opportunity or a cozy full-time residence, this wellmaintained condo presents an ideal option. Don’t miss out on this chance to own a delightful slice of convenient Florence living. Schedule a viewing today & experience the convenience & comfort this condo has to offer! $385,000 925 HEMLOCK ST. Step inside this modern family home with horizon views of the vast Thurston Hills nature and recreational woods. Main floor has the popular great room w/ quick backyard access from the kitchen/dining area. Laundry room is conveniently located on the upper level next to the bedrooms. Generously sized owner’s ensuite bathroom & walk-in closet combo. The 2 guest bedrooms share a large Jack NJill bathroom. This home has a fully fenced yard & extra-large parking pad for additional vehicles or RV. This extra clean & well maintained home has everything you need while being conveniently located close to shopping & local businesses. Book your showing appointment today! $457,500 229 S. 70TH ST. SPRINGFIELD This three bedroom, two bath home is located in the new and quickly growing subdivision of Three Mile Prairie located in beautiful Florence, OR. Just 1.5 miles from the beach and close to shopping, golf courses and much more, don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the first home owner on this newly constructed home. The home features spacious living rooms with an open kitchen to living room concept, fiber cement siding, a 2 car attached garage which is paired at the garage with the adjacent home, a pit-set concrete foundation and professional landscaping. $380,000 5223 NOPAL ST. Brand new panoramic river, ocean & lake view custom home has an open & spacious floor plan. Now completed & move-in ready! 3 bedroom 2 bath in the exclusive, sought after Shelter Cove Development. Open great room, quartz counters in kitchen, bathrooms & laundry, stainless kitchen appliances, custom cabinets & custom primary suite. Large porch & oversized covered patio. High ceilings, heat pump, excellent quality construction and much more. $787,000 68 SAILORS RAVINE CT. PENDING PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED NEW NEW Perfect Old Town location at Laurel Crossing Condos. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit is on two levels. Delightfully decorated and comes furnished. Stairs to main level dining and kitchen with 2 bedrooms, bathroom and laundry on next level. Great deck for outside viewing. Separate storage area for bikes, etc in carport area. Unit also has keys to a viewing tower that gives great views of the Old Town and river, that has seating for your comfort. This unit, at this time, has a tenant. Needs 24 hours to show. Please call listing agent to show. This unit is great for your home or to use as a vacation rental. Call today! $385,000 179 LAUREL ST. #16 Escape to the heart of Siuslaw National Forest w/ your own majestic log home! 5.5 acres of pristine forest, this custom-built haven offers breathtaking views & unparalleled tranquility. Fully furnished w/ bespoke, handcrafted furniture, this home exudes rustic charm and comfort. Main level boasts a spacious great room & chef’s kitchen. Primary suite features a claw foot tub & walk-in shower. Two additional bedrooms on the top level, downstairs offers two more bedrooms, a living room, bathroom & laundry room. Covered porch wraps around the house. Entire property is fenced. A 12x20 shed/ studio with a loft and a 20 x 40 shop with a loft provide space for hobbies or storage. Additional features include a pond, firepit, gazebo, greenhouse & sauna. Located in the coveted North Fork Siuslaw valley. With an assumable loan of $220,000 at 2.3%, this property offers unmatched value. $979,900 9373 NORTH FORK SIUSLAW RD. Fisherman’s paradise on the Siuslaw River. South of the Tiernan boat landing at Milepost 9 sits this 1947 farmhouse on over 6 acres. Not only do you have your own dock with a well engineered ramp, but acreage to garden, keep animals, set up a fish cleaning station or just expand your outdoor living area. The home was raised in 1998 to make it fully prepared for flooding. The first story is now a 2 car garage with significant additional space to store a boat, fishing supplies or any recreational equipment you have. The home has a primary bedroom and bathroom on the main floor with 3 additional bedrooms upstairs. A spacious living room with a separate dining area and an updated kitchen. This home is ready for you to make it your own. $595,900 9400 HWY 126 Great “in-town” home at the quiet end of the street. Trees and beauty surround this home and give you that feeling of being in the woods while you are minutes away from shopping, dining and conveniences. Open kitchen and floor plan. With three bedrooms, there is space for office or guests. Make this home yours! $438,000 3290 LAURELWOOD ST. Nestled North of Florence, this wind-sheltered haven is just around the corner from Sutton Lake & a stone’s throw away from several other pristine lakes. 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, this spacious 1630 SF home beckons with its well-thought-out floor plan, featuring a separate family room & living room. Recently updated kitchen. Fully fenced backyard. RV parking space & a double attached garage. Whether you’re seeking a primary residence or a lucrative rental opportunity, this property is a gem waiting to be discovered. Don’t let this chance slip away! Seize the opportunity to call this coastal retreat your own! $459,000 5590 S. SHORE DRIVE New single family residence with an attached ADU. Rare opportunity in the City to own a brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with oversized 22 x 27 garage and 608 SF 2 bedroom and 1 bath ADU above the garage. Endless options include a full time residence + 2nd residence for family, 2 full time rentals, vacation home or any combination of these. $785,000 3744/3742 SPRUCE ST. Panoramic ocean view home in Fawn Ridge West. 4,244 square feet, 3 bdrm, 3.5-bath including a Mother-in-law suite w/separate entrance and elevator. Expansive great room with gourmet kitchen, high end appliances & butler’s pantry. Large .54 acre lot & a 2nd buildable .74 acre lot adjacent on Bambi Court which is included, plus a 53’ deep by 20’ RV garage w/ full RV hookups & 16-foot door. $1,550,000 25 TWIN TREE COURT Nestled on a spacious .34 acre , this quintessential mid-century home boasts a prime location within walking distance to an array of amenities. Step inside this thoughtfully desgined 2725 SF floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and hardwood floors throughout the living areas. Fully fenced backyard, deep two car garage with ample storage and a separate shop area. This home offers the perfect combination of comfort and convenience. $899,000 2180 WOOD ACRES DR. EUGENE Rare offering: Quaint vintage Bay Street building circa 1920. Distinctly charming w/ timeless allure of a byone era. Located on “Restaurant Row” in a prime Bay Street location. Currently rented month-tomonth to Mari’s Kitchen, a delightful dining experience open Thursday- Monday. Please do not disturb tenants. Showings on Tuesdays & Wednesdays only. Inquire to listing office for more info. and showing appt. Bay Street properties don’t come along often...inquire today! $398,500 1277 BAY STREET Fantastic opportunity to acquire an already profitable commercial building space. Just over 3,000 SF featuring 7 offices, a fully equipped kitchen, storage room, inviting waiting room & 2 bathrooms. A spacious 1,441 SF structure with three large RV doors, catering to diverse business needs. Seize the opportunity to acquire an established profit making property. $898,000 4480 HIGHWAY 101 Rare business opportunity in the heart of Yachats, a vibrant coastal beach town. A unique chance to own a well established local restaurant that has been in constant operation with one owner for over 40 years. Both the building and the business are included in the sale. $1,042,500 580 N HWY 101., YACHATS Remodeled & beautifully updated 4 BD, 4 BA home in the upscale riverfront gated community of Shelter Cove, where you can hear the ocean. Large entryway & living room w/ new wall insert fireplace & marble like porcelain tile flooring throughout the main living area. Full kitchen remodel w/ large granite island & all SS appliances. Main floor large primary suite, with updated bathroom featuring a large soaking tub & new granite countertops. Also on the main floor is an oversized 2nd bedroom, full bath, large laundry room with storage and 3 car garage. Home is complete w/ an attached 1 BD, 1 BA casita. Everything has been done to this 2,937 SF home, now all you need to do is move in & enjoy! $984,900 128 SHORELINE DRIVE BRAND NEW CREEKFRONT HOME IN WILLOW DUNES. 3 bedrooms + den and 2 baths. Shop space in garage. Kitchen features a center island and pantry, beautiful quartz countertops throughout and custom cabinetry. Separate bedroom wings and tall ceilings in great room. Cedar shingle accents on exterior. Pre-wired for hot tub on patio and electric car charging station in garage. Super efficient hybrid hot water heater. Tons of features and amenities. Quality finish work throughout with great attention to detail. 2 covered patios. Lots of value here in a great neighborhood. Call for appointment today! $698,000 2105 WILLOW LOOP New construction, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1800 sq ft home. Upgrades throughout. Quartz countertops, undermount sinks, stainless steel appliances, LVP flooring in the main living spaces and a covered front and back porch. $585,000 4764 STONEFIELD CT. NEW
High................. 12:04 p.m. .................7.3
Low 6:13 p.m. -0.1
High................. 12:27 a.m. .................8.0
Low 6:50 a.m. -0.5
High................. 12:58 p.m. .................7.3
Low 6:53 p.m. ..................0.4
High.................. 1:02 a.m. ..................8.4
Low 7:37 a.m. -1.2
High.................. 1:51 p.m. ..................7.0
Low 7:33 p.m. ..................1.0
High.................. 2:15 a.m. ..................8.5
Low 9:10 a.m. -1.4 High..................
Low 1:02 a.m. ..................4.0
High.................. 6:42 a.m. ..................6.0
Low 2:10 p.m. ..................0.7
High.................. 9:26 p.m. ..................5.4
Low 2:35 a.m. ..................3.7
High.................. 8:05 a.m. ..................5.8
Low 3:11 p.m. ..................0.7
High................. 10:13 p.m. .................5.7
Low 3:45 a.m. ..................3.1
High.................. 9:19 a.m. ..................5.7
Low 4:01 p.m. ..................0.8
High................. 10:46 p.m. .................6.0
OSU to discuss tuition
resolution and hear an update on the 2024 state legislative session.
At the end of the meeting on April 5, the board will hold an executive session as part of its agenda, pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations.
On April 4, board committees will discuss items including the biennial capital funding request to the state’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission
and a change to the approved budget of the Kelley District Utility Plant project on the Corvallis campus. Committees will also hear reports on student financial readiness and financial aid and enrollment. All board meetings are open to the public and can be attended on Zoom or on the phone by calling 1-888475-4499 (meeting ID: 655 466 888). Meeting agendas and materials are posted as they become available on the board’s website. A public comment period is provided at the beginning
of every board meeting and before the board votes on any action item listed on the full board agenda. Public comment can be made in person, via Zoom or provided in writing at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to
For more detailed instructions visit
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by April 2 to or Stacy Jeffries at 541-737-3449.
Siuslaw softball drops two at Waldport
Lady Vikings return home for twin bill vs. Bandon/Pacific
The Siuslaw Vikings softball team fell to 1-6 on the season, losing a twin bill at 2A Waldport. The Lady Vikings played at home after press time, hosting Bandon/ Pacific. Siuslaw resumed Mountain Valley Conference play at La Pine. As of March 28, Waldport had improved to 4-1-1 with the sweep.
• Thursday, April 4 La Pine (DH), 2 p.m.
• Tuesday, April 9 at Elmira/Mapleton, 4:30 p.m.
• Friday, April 12 Elmira/ Mapleton (DH), 2 p.m.
• Tuesday, April 2 3 Harrisburg/Monroe, 4:30 p.m.
• Friday, April 26 at Harrisburg/Monroe (DH), 2 p.m.
• Tuesday, April 30 at Sisters, 4:30 p.m.
• Friday, May 3 Sisters (DH), 2 p.m.
• Tuesday, May 7 Pleasant Hill, 4:30 p.m.
• Friday, May 10 at Pleasant Hill (DH), 2 p.m.
Coach: Brian Riggs Assistants: Amanda Richards, Bailey Overton, Glen Joslin, Scott Swagerty
• Seniors
• 8 A shley Hennessee,
• f irst base 6 Brynlee Manues,
• catcher 5 Meika Shappell,
• third base 4 Cate Waggoner,
• pitcher Juniors 15 Makayla Bender
• pitcher 21 Jordyn Breeden,
• catcher 3 Jolee Erickson,
• pitcher 7 Claire L indell,
• second base 2 Abby Riggs,
• shortstop
• Sophomores Jozalyn Hulet
• Elizabeth Redelfs 17
• Kylee Stinger
• Freshmen
• Tara Boomer
• Paige Bottensek
• Emmy Center
• Chloe Clark
• Sophia Distifeno
• Stella Duman
• Hayley Rapp
Florence Street Vault canceled
The third annual
Street Vault — scheduled for
noon Wednesday — will have to
JIM HOBERG, ABR,ABRM,CRS, GRI, SRES, RESIDENTIAL LAND • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • 541.997.7653 Toll Free 1-866-967-7653 visit us online at or Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI BROKER/OWNER PHONE 541-997- SOLD (7653) FAX 541-997-7654 T F 1-866-967-7653 P.O. Box 3040 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI P 541-997- SOLD (7653) 541-997-7654 P.O. Box 3040 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 Windermere Real Estate 1625 12th St Florence Oregon Introducing Windermere Ready A program for sellers to be fronted up to $100,000 for repairs and/or upgrades to get you top sold price in shorter time. Roof - Siding - Dryrot - Exterior/Interior Painting - Kitchen/Bathroom Upgrade Landscaping - Flooring Repair/Replace - Cosmetic Updates - And More Visit for more information - 541-999-9688 2021 Top Producer - Residential Listing Specialist Laura Wilson License #201216446 SPORTS & LIFESTYLE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 SECTION B Tide Table Siuslaw River Entrance WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 Low 1:31 a.m. ..................4.0 High.................. 7:25 a.m. ..................6.7 Low 2:57 p.m. ..................0.2 High................. 10:00 p.m. .................5.6 THURSDAY, APRIL 4 Low 3:04 a.m. ..................3.5 High.................. 8:52 a.m. ..................6.8 Low 3:56 p.m. -0.2 High................. 10:43 p.m. .................6.2 FRIDAY, APRIL 5 Low 4:14 a.m. ..................2.6 High................. 10:05 a.m. .................7.0 Low 4:46 p.m. -0.4 High................. 11:19 p.m. .................6.8 SATURDAY, APRIL 6 Low 5:11 a.m. ..................1.5 High................. 11:07 a.m. .................7.2 Low 5:31 p.m. -0.3 High................. 11:53 p.m. .................7.4 SUNDAY, APRIL 7
6:02 a.m.
a.m. -1.5
1:38 a.m. ..................8.5
High.................. 2:45 p.m. ..................6.7 Low 8:13 p.m. ..................1.7
3:40 p.m. ..................6.3
8:53 p.m. ..................2.4
2:55 a.m. ..................8.2 Low 9:58 a.m. -1.0 High.................. 4:37 p.m. ..................5.9 Low 9:37 p.m. ..................3.0
3:38 a.m. ..................7.7
10:52 a.m. -0.5
5:41 p.m. ..................5.5
10:26 p.m. .................3.6
4:28 a.m. ..................7.1
11:52 a.m. .................0.1
6:55 p.m. ..................5.3
11:32 p.m. .................3.9
5:28 a.m. ..................6.5
1:00 p.m. ..................0.5 High.................. 8:16 p.m. ..................5.3
wait until next year. Or it could happen sooner.
are going to cancel the street vault due to high winds and heavy rain,” event organizer, coach and athletic director Chris Johnson said Tuesday.
are looking at perhaps contesting it after the season, so stay tuned.” The in-season pole vault competition on Bay Street in downtown Florence has attracted top high school athletes from around the state.
EXPLODING WHALE SPORTS Siuslaw graduates Gracie Freudenthal and John Rose picked up victories for the Southern Oregon track and field team at the Oregon Tech Open in Klamath Falls. Freudenthal, a junior, won the 200 meters in 27.59 seconds and placed fourth in the 400 in 1:03.94. Rose, a freshman, won the hammer (31.19 meters) and was third in both the shot put (10.11m) and the discus (33.23m). Hoopshooter recognized Florence Elks Lodge #1858 We are VERY proud of your 3rd Place Finish in the Northwest Region 1 Hoop Shoot Competition The competition was fierce. Only 5 hoops separated 1st from 3rd. The Hoop Shoot is about making “gritty kids”, that means if you don’t win 1st place you don’t quit, you use that experience to motivate you to continue to strive to achieve your goals in life. From left, Adam Decker, Miles Decker and Quinton Parker, 2023-24 Hoop Shoot Chairman.
Siuslaw graduates win at Oregon Tech open
consider acceptance
updated 10-year business forecast
approval of tuition rates and student fees
2024-25 school
Oregon State University Board of Trustees will meet April 4 and 5 to
of the
for the
The board will meet from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. April 5. Board committees will meet from 8 a.m. to 4:05 p.m. April 4.
business forecast
tuition rates,
On April 5, in addition to considering the 10-year
the board will consider approving a short-term debt
Biden alone in Oregon voters’ pamphlet
Trump declined to submit statement
for a presidential candidate – and draft a statement of 325 words or fewer that will be mailed to every voter in Oregon.
when they open their state-issued voters’ pamphlet next month: Republican Donald Trump.
Laura Kerns, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office, said Trump’s campaign declined to provide a statement for the pamphlet and didn’t share a reason.
Candidates aren’t required to submit statements, but most choose to pay the fee – $3,500
Trump still will appear on ballots mailed to Republican voters.
Only three presidential candidates have declined to provide statements for the voters’ pamphlet since 2012. John Kasich, Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard were not front-runners when they declined to participate.
Self-help guru Marianne Williamson will appear on
Democratic presidential primary ballots, though President Joe Biden clinched the Democratic nomination earlier this year. Williamson also did not submit a statement for the voters’ pamphlet, and her name is missing from a version of the voters’ guide produced for military and overseas voters that was posted online on Wednesday. It has the same statements Oregon-based voters will see in their paper guides next month, but it doesn’t include candidate photos and may
include inaccurate endorsement information.
Candidates list their occupation, job background, educational background and prior government experience, then have space for endorsements and their own statements. It’s a class C felony to lie about educational or professional backgrounds in the voters’ pamphlet: Former U.S. Rep. Wes Cooley was convicted in 1997 for claiming he served in Korea during the Korean War when he never left the U.S.
The Secretary of State’s Office requires organizations
Oregon Republican Party Election
or individuals who endorse candidates to submit forms confirming those endorsements, but it doesn’t check those forms against the list of endorsers provided by candidates until after sending the military and overseas guide. Any erroneous endorsements won’t appear in the final version of the guide sent to most voters.
Candidates are free to say whatever they want in the rest of their statements. Former state Rep. Julie Parrish, R-West Linn, introduced legislation in 2017 to make providing any untrue information for the pamphlet a crime punishable by five years in prison and a $125,000 fine, but it failed because of concerns about free speech.
B2 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 THERE’S A BETTER WAY TO GET ATTENTION. Trying to draw a crowd to your next garage sale? Keep life simple, take out an ad. For more info or if you would like to place an ad please call us. 503.623.2373 Siuslaw News News & views that define our community 541.997.3441 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Get Results...List With Melody. Melody Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-2151 458 Sherwood Lp - Florentine Estates gated community home. A 1995 built manufactured home, 3 bdrms and 2 full baths with an open concept. 35’ RV garage and hookups. Primary suite has a walkin tub. Spacious kitchen with center island. Fenced for pets. $499,000. #351224408827 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERS Tires • Brakes Shocks • Alignment 4325 Highway 101, Florence 541-997-7178 HOME OF THE BEST TIRE VALUE PROMISE Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475
By JULIA SHUMWAY Oregon Capital Chronicle Oregon voters will see a big name missing
On Saturday, May 25, 2024 the Oregon Republican Party will be electing Delegates to the Republican National Convention that will take place July 15 19 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All Oregonians who have been registered as a Republican since November 23, 2023 are eligible to run to be Delegate or Alternate Delegate. Your application, along with a $50 application fee must be submitted by 5pm on April 10,
to mke24-apply/ for information about the delegate selection process, the rules, the costs, and the application. @FlorenceCharmTrail through Oregon’s Coastal Playground and make a personalized keepsake for friends and family. FOLLOW THE CHARM TRAIL Organized by the Siuslaw News Charm Trail Locations: Lighthouse Inn Glass Stash The Shippin’ Shack Florence Area Chamber of Commerce* Oregon Coast Humane Society Thrift Store Kitchen Klutter P.S. Winkles Bonjour! Stitch & Sole Siuslaw News* Bay Street Tee’s Lovejoy’s Restaurant & Tearoom Sea Lion Caves Driftwood Shores Resort BeauxArts Fine Art Materials* Silver Lining Boutique & The Gallery Above Florence Elks Lodge Thrift Store* Florence Events Center U.B.U Naturally Periwinkle Cottage Uncommon Collective Rivals Hollow* Novelli’s Crab & Seafood Begin Your Journey at the Trailheads*
SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 B3 Visit us online at A weekly roundup of shopping, savings and doings around town. BARGAINS OF THE MONTH Elite Dealer Certified Gold Service Chainsaws Outdoor Power Tools We Sell & Service Stihl Products Monday-Friday 8—5 1550 6th St. & Hwy 101 541-997-2653 BARGAINS OF THE MONTH 1750 HIGHWAY 126 • DUNES VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, FLORENCE, OR PHONE (541) 997-8024 • SALE DATE: APRIL 1 - APRIL 30, 2024 MONTH I s i t t i m e f o r a n e w m a t t r e s s ? MONDAY--SATURDAY Y 1 10--5 5 1550 0 6 6th h St & Hwy y 101 541--997--9424 4 F FREE E IN N TOWN N DELIVERY Y OLD D SCHOO Faith – Friendship - Fellowship – Fun CHURCH DIRECTORY To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 ANCHOR OF HOPE CHURCH Live like Jesus, share His Love. 1318 Rhododendron Drive Sunday Service 11am Livestream on Facebook @anchorofhopeflo BAHA’I FAITH OF FLORENCE Monthly Interfaith Devotions in-person & Zoom 4th Monday 7:00 pm “Ye are all leaves of one tree ...” -Baha’i Writings Join us on Facebook: Florence Baha’i Community For info and meeting location: 541-590-0779 ALL ARE WELCOME! COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101 N, across from Fred Meyer541 997-7418 SUNDAY SERVICES - Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; High School Youth 7- 9 PM MID-WEEK- Women’s Bible Study-Tuesday 10:00-Noon and Thursday 7:00-8:00PM; Men’s Bible Study Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM; Middle School Youth Wed. 7-9 PM. Sunday Worship streams live at Community Baptist Church Facebook Page CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 Sunday Services 9am 1st Service in person Sunday Services 11am 2nd Service in person & livestreamed Wednesday kids/youth night is at 6:30 NOT livestreamed. Other platforms update after the service. FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 am Sunday Service also streaming live at 10am at FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? Come explore the answer with us. Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00am FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for adults is at 9:00 a.m. Online services at or find us on Facebook. FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. Sunday Service 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. NEW LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH, E.L.C.A. “Serving Christ by serving others.” 21st & Spruce Streets—(541) 997-8113 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Online services available on our FaceBook, YouTube, and website: PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Internet and in person Sunday Services at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. Call the church for details. Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 541-515-8191 for locations. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. Worship Services 10 am • Bible Study 9:00 am Pastor Steve Waterman 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You Worship Sun. 10am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. 541-997-6600 Labyrinth & Garden daily 8am-5pm “Be the change.” SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 Mass Times: Daily: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 AM Adoration & Confession Fri 9:30-10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM Fr. Amir Welcomes All to Attend JOIN US IN WORSHIP 4 lines, approx 15 words, $15 a week • 4 week Minimum • Deadline: Tuesday end of day one week prior & Donate Your Car Imagine the Di erence You Can Make Vehicle donations are fully tax-deductible and the proceeds help provide services to help the blind and visually impaired. Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually FREE TOWING & TAX DEDUCTIBLE a $200 restaurant voucher ✔ a 2-night, 3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations Call 1-844-533-9173 When you donate your car, you’ll receive: Receive a free 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase*valued at $535. Call 877-557-1912 to schedule your free quote! Price per person based on double occupancy plus $299 tax service/gov’t fees. Ask your Travel Consultant for terms & conditions. Add-on airfare with transfers available from most major gateways. Call for details. 12 DAYS: MAY-SEPT 2024 DEPARTURES Starting at $2149 $1899 Grand Alaskan Cruise & Tour USE PROMO CODE: YMT2024 1-877-230-4828 8AM-8PM EST MON-FRI EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-536-8838 Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases is 28.99%. Effective 01/01/2023 - subject to change. Call 1-800-431-5921 for complete details.2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. Offer valid at time of estimate only. See Representative for full warranty details. Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMTMercer Group in Ohio. AR #0366920922, CA #1035795, CT #HIC.0649905, FL #CBC056678, #226192, ND 47304, NE #50145-22, NJ #13VH09953900, NM #408693, NV #0086990, NY #H-19114, H-52229, OR #218294, PA #PA069383, RI #GC-41354, TN #7656, UT #10783658-5501, VA #2705169445, WA #LEAFFNW822JZ, WV #WV056912. ++ 0 10 15% %% OFF OFF 541-902-3526 WE ARE A LOCAL MARKETING POWERHOUSE. CALL TODAY FOR READING DONATING & SUBCRIBING Thanks! THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM Si uslaw Ne ws SN Siuslaw News SN 541.997.3441 Jobs, terrific bargains, useful services, legal notices and announcementsthese are some of the great things you’ll find in your newspapers classified ad section. Classifieds When buyers & sellers need to connect... CALL TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN TODAY 503.623.2373 Siuslaw News News & views that define our community 503.997.3441 541.997.3441
and requires a lot of standing and bending while working on cars. Attention to detail and focus on safety is crucial. Apply in person!
616 - TRUCKS
2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Regular cab work pick-up truck. 2dr., 8ft., 6 cylinder, white, only 62,890mi. Tires, body work and pain in excellent cond. $12,750. 541-991-3091.
Three upright freezers. $125/ea. or all for $300. 541-268-4128.
Tools, Refrigerator, BBQ- Call for details. 541-342-8643.
Vintage Bach Stradivarius Bb trumpet, w/ case, $1,200. 541-901-2195.
Case No. 24PB01185, are required to be presented, with proper vouchers, to the Personal Representative, DONALD W. HILDEBRAND at 3980 Marshall Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402 within four (4) months from March 20, 2024, the date of first publication, or such claims may be barred. Any person whose rights may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the court records, the Personal Representative or the
for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, will be held at 82877 Spruce St., Dunes City, OR. The meeting will take place on April 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Commit
County, State of Oregon, to discuss the bud-
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Paige DeBarge please contact Attorney Ed ward K. Bauman, (337) 491-0570 or ed@lake
Abandoned property of The Estate of Ivar Nelson and All Others.
For Sale, a 1977 SUN RI, Serial #66142381, Home ID #216311. The mobile home is located at 89510 Highway 101, #1, Florence, OR 97439.
This will be a private sale with a minimum bid of $5,000.00. Bids
accepted until April 17, 2024. Send/sub mit bids to 18150 SW Boones Ferry Road, Portland, OR 97224, Attn: Audra. Please call Jonna at: 530-524-2048 for appointment to see home.
CLAIMS against the estate of LOREN KEN
NETH HILDEBRAND of Florence, Oregon, Lane County Circuit Court
SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 B5 Classified 105 - CLEANING SERVICES Florence Cleaning LLC - Licensed, Bonded, & Insured, Provides Consistent, High Quality Residential Cleaning. Call today at 541-9995033 or Book at www. 111 - LANDSCAPE MAINT Landscape Maintenance- Trimming, needles, weeds, hauling, etc. Low Rates! Free Estimates! 541-913-4416. 301 - HEALTH & NUTRITION Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855792-9764. 500 - EMPLOYMENT All Positions - Papa Murphy’s - Under New Ownership- $14-16/ hr. includes tips. Apply in person or at indeed. com. 1737 12th Street, 541-997-7272. Crew Members - McDonalds is seeking enthusiastic & outgoing individuals looking for flexible schedule flexible hours. TEXT: OR192 to 38000 to apply. Customer Service Representative- Zolezzi Insurance Agency is looking for a licensed customer service representative at their Florence location. Email resumes to craig@zianw. com. Housekeeper- help older person 2-3 days per week. One block to bus route in Florence. 503-551-4838. LUBE/TIRE TECHNICIAN- Shervin’s Tire & Automotive- looking for someone to join our team! Work as a lube and tire tech while learning the automotive trade. There is opportunity for growth and promotion! Our history, Shervin’s has been in business in the Florence area since 2016. AJ, the owner has over 20 years experience and is a certified technician. Most of
fun atmosphere with the expectation to have a good attitude, exceptional attention to detail and to ask plenty of questions.
DESCRIPTION Basic understanding of vehicle systems. Have experience with routine car maintenance and repair tasks. Changing oil, running basic checks, topping off fluids and checking tire pressure. Other duties include cleaning vehicles, replacing wiper blades, installing car batteries, performing tire rotations and shop cleaning. Experience and training opportunities to eventually work as a full service auto tech Requires good dexterity to use tools
have been with us since 2016 and one since 2017. We
get for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, will be held at the Siuslaw Middle School Commons, 2525 Oak St, Florence, Oregon. The meeting will take place on April 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after April 11, 2024, at the school district office, 2111 Oak St., Florence, Oregon between the hours of proposed programs with the Budget Committee. Public input will be taken on the April 24, 2024, budget meeting. Please see Siuslaw School District’s Website for additional information and future scheduled budget meetings. Future meetings: April 24, 2024 - Public Input; Committee Considers Approving Proposed Budget May 15, 2024Final Budget Meeting; Board Finalizes Budget June 12, 2024 - Board Adopts Approved Budget with Amendments $1,795/mo.- 3bdrm., INFORMATION Office Hours: Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 541-997-3441 Address: 4969 Hwy. 101, #4. PO Box 10 Florence, DEADLINES: All classified ads- lined, box, display, legals: Tuesday by 5 p.m ADJUSTMENTS: If your advertisement appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is No information on the classified pages will be released prior to publication. Ads are in Area Code (541) unless otherwise indicated in ad. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT I Pay Cash for vinyl records, antiques & hunting & fishing I can come to you. Local Flor FANCY CUSTOM ELECTRIC VOLT BIKE w/cart. All terrain, only 57mi., Like new. Paid $6,800 will sell for $2,500. 541-999-5687 • Residential • Land • Commercial • Property Management .85 Ac lot in the Pacific View Business park with buildings. One houses the Florence Tennis/ Pickleball court, storage areas & 12x14’ roll up door. Other building has manufacturing space, offices & 12x16’ roll up door. $1,500,000 List #1220/24694920 flooring system. Double garage, guest apartment, large dock with boat lift and more! $2,700,000 List #1208/23563402 Mercer Lake View property with place-holder home. Permits & plans for a new home are ready & approved for you to complete the vision. .24 ac location & dock across road. Plans for 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1431 sq.ft. home. $650,000 List #1125/22294905 Two bedroom, 2 bath home with 1400 sq. ft. of living space with multiple skylights, laminate & slate tile flooring. Primary bedroom with walk in closet & bathroom. Sunroom & fenced back yard. $439,900 List #1222/24070236 .53 Acre flag-lot nestled at the end of a cul-de-sac in the beautiful, gated community of Fawn Ridge West. The property has paved road access. All City of Florence utilities, in a beach area neighborhood. $115,000 List #1162/23445033 Remodeled in-town 2 bdrm, 2 bath home with 1461 sq. ft. of living space and a 2-car garage. This home is designed to have great curb appeal and privacy. Bamboo flooring, double pantry, lots of storage. $429,900 List #1223/24397277 Sandpines West 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with 1896 sq. ft. of living space which includes an upper den area, and a living room with vaulted ceilings. Attached 2-car garage. Landscaped yard & covered patio. $585,000 List #1195/24678346 Cozy 2 bdrm, 1 bath home located near Florence school campus. Recently graveled driveway has lots of parking space. Living room with wood floors. Laundry room with storage. Back deck & fenced yard. Detached 1-car garage. $249,900 List #1219/24693085 Beach area 2 bdrm, 1 bath MFD home with about 900+ sq. ft. of living space on .45 of an acre. Property has carport & workshop space. Room for RV parking. $259,000 List #1213/24013136 1870 Hwy 126, Suite A PO Box 3040 Florence, OR VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.WCRESI.COM COAST REAL ESTATE Each office is Independently Owned and Operated FOR SALE PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES RENTAL HEALTH & MEDICAL WANT TO BUY PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES FOR SALE PUBLIC NOTICES
Country Media has immediate openings for Reporters to cover the news that matters to our communities.
Successful applicants will have an enthusiasm to cover enterprise journalism, civic meetings, school news, community events, and more. You’ll be writing for multimedia platforms including print, social media, and websites. If writing is your passion, this
Mar 21/Apr 20
Grit and guts will get you what you deserve this week, Aries. You may have an opportunity to make a good deal of money, so give this plan careful consideration. Ask for advice if the need arises.
Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, there has been change in your life and you may want to blame the stars. Things will move out of your comfort zone and you will have to sharpen your ability to adapt.
May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, you may be questioning the relationships in your life at the time being, but don’t worry too much. If you hit a rough patch, things will clear up in a few days.
Jun 22/Jul 22
A big shift in your perception and attitude will bring new components to your life that you may not have anticipated. This week you’ll certainly have a few eyes-wide-open moments.
Jul 23/Aug 23
There will be no hiding out this week, Leo. You will soon learn that things will come your way at a rapid pace. Do your best to keep up, mighty Lion, as it’s bound to be exciting.
Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, you might be willing to throw caution to the wind and get away on a moment’s notice. There are affordable ways to do this if you are willing to do your homework.
Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, even though some drama may be swirling in your universe, you find it tolerable because it’s coming at you in small portions. Just stay on the sidelines as much as possible.
Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, if boredom has set in, it’s better to look to new experiences instead of doing something rash just for the thrill. See which classes you can take or find new restaurants to explore.
Nov 23/Dec 21
Self-care and healing are what you should focus on right now, Sagittarius. You may have been pushing your needs to the side lately and you need to make this a priority.
Dec 22/Jan 20
You are not normally characterized as “impulsive,” Capricorn. But you may surprise everyone this week. An opportunity to travel or another adventure could drop in your lap.
Jan 21/Feb 18
Try to create some tranquil spaces at home, Aquarius. You can use a haven, especially when a lot of stuff is thrown at you outside your home.
Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, you may be on a mission this week to get things done. Don’t rush in your efforts to complete everything or you are bound to make mistakes that are not easily fixed.
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1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When did April Fools' Day come into being?
2. GEOGRAPHY: In which nation is the Great Victoria Desert located?
3. MOVIES: What sport is featured in the movie "The Mighty Ducks"?
4. HISTORY: What is the name of the island where Napoleon was exiled in 1814?
5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the largest rodent in the world?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Ron Weasley's pet rat in the "Harry Potter" book series?
7. U.S. STATES: Which letter of the alphabet is not in any U.S. state's name?
8. TELEVISION: Which iconic 1960s sitcom inspired two spinoff hits, "Petticoat Junction" and "Green Acres"?
9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in WWII?
10. ANATOMY: How many pairs of spinal nerves exist in humans?
© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Answers 1. Likely in the late 16th century, when calendars changed from Julian to Gregorian. 2. Australia. 3. Ice hockey. 4. Elba. 5. Capybara. 6. Scabbers. 7. Q. 8. “The Beverly Hillbillies.” 9. George H.W. Bush. 10.
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B8 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 03, 2024 Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 Richard Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-6677 Melody Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-2151 Crystell Wise Principal Broker, CRS, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 Kyle Lewis Broker 541 991-6728 Aileen Sapp Broker, SRS, SRES 541 999-5396 Amy Johnson Broker, CSA 541 999-7875 Megan Shervin Broker 307-690-4497 Bonnie Welch Broker 310-487-3013 Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 Mike Blankenship Broker 541 991-7826 Brandi Hart Broker 541 999-2671 Nichole Lewis Broker 541 999-8786 Heidi White Broker 541 600-6058 5761 Lake St - Panoramic views of Siltcoos Lake! Completely remodeled, upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on an acre. Granite counters, cook island, LVP floors, stainless appliances. Views from each room, RV parking or room for toys. This is a must-see! $597,900. #347123189605 165 Outer Dr - 1992 Park Model, 1 bdrm, 1 bath with vaulted ceilings and a loft area, plus an enclosed office entrance. Property also has a neat detached guest unit that is 1 bdrm, 1 bath with kitchenette. Large, covered patio deck includes hot tub and yard. $199,000. #344823366180 63 Shoreline Dr - Wonderful home with amazing views in gated Shelter Cove. Nestled on top of a hill catch beautiful Siuslaw River and distant ocean views. This home has both a breakfast nook and a formal dining room, plus full-span deck in front. $835,000. #344323215919 11425 E Mapleton Rd - Great views of the Siuslaw River, valley, and mountains from your own spacious deck. Located about 2 miles up river with a lovely place to swim. This 1440 sqft manufactured home has 2 bdrms and 2 full baths. Lot size is 2.75 ac split by the road. $449,000. #3500-23049644 TR Hunter Real Estate 1749 Highway. 101, Florence OR 97439 541-997-1200 • 800-210-7453 88875 Bayberry LN #20 - Wonderful home in the Mercer Lake Resort RV Park with 2 bdrm, 2 bath, an updated white kitchen with built-in microwave. The home comes fully furnished and sold as is. No land included in this sale. A covered front porch and large carport, with tool shed and small yard in back. $125,000. #349923246291 1600-91 Rhododendron Dr - Cute as a button! Freshly painted with lots of built-ins and character throughout. Nice deck and garden space, plus bonus art studio/ shop with sink. $230,000. #3510-24006067 11047 E Mapleton Rd - Wonderful 4 bdrm home on one acre, riverfront in Mapleton. Manicured yard with river views from most rooms. Deep water frontage, covered back patio, garage, carport and basement. Room for all your toys in a beautiful setting. $750,000. #3520-24437392 89749 Ben Bunch Rd - Secluded 9.95-acre property boasting a tri-level 5 bdrm, 4 bath home, a pond, a creek and pastureland. Includes 36x24 shop with rollup door and attached, covered 72x33 work area, as well as two 30x24 metal carports, one with a car lift. $950,000. #3522-24378325 25 Yearling Ct - Beautiful newer 2021 home in the highly desired gated community of Fawn Ridge East. Superior quality with vaulted 11’ and 9’ ceilings, 2,076sqft living area, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, with 780sqft, 3-bay, attached garage. 0.33 acre cul-de-sac location. $859,000. #3521-24314234 83244 Clear Lake Rd - Country charmer on almost half an acre between Woahink and Siltcoos Lakes! Beautifully remodeled kitchen and bathrooms. Room for RV and sand toys with fantastic location near lakes and sand dunes. $399,900. #3508-24643738 206 Bourbon St - Located in the unique community of Coast Village, this charming 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home offers the comforts of an office, utility room, garden area, as well as covered parking and a workshop. Embrace relaxation and excitement in this gated community! $225,000. #3470-23574411 26 Shoreline Dr - Absolutely stunning! Expansive river and ocean view home in gated Shelter Cove. Gardens both front and back. Open concept floor plan with large granite chef's kitchen. Spacious living room with propane fireplace, slider to the pergola patio. $1,300,000. #3479-23655322 New Listing New Listing New Listing Price Reduced 50 Shoreline Dr - Builder built home in Shelter Cove with 4 bdrms, den, sunroom, 3-car garage and RV barn. 3856 sqft with views of the Siuslaw and the Pacific Ocean from nearly every room. Private path to river/ beach. Beautiful home, come see it today! $1,600,000. #3505-24011570 458 Sherwood Lp - Florentine Estates gated community home. A 1995 built manufactured home, 3 bdrms and 2 full baths with an open concept. 35' RV garage and hookups. Primary suite has a walk-in tub. Spacious kitchen with center island. Fenced for pets. $499,000. #3512-24408827 89510 Hwy 101 #10 - A peaceful setting for this 1975 Manufactured Fuqua mobile home. Backs up to the forest/greenbelt for great views and wind protection. Workshop has new pressure-treated wood floor and new sliding glass door. $125,000. #3412-23373792 1198 Winsome Cir - Great in-town home on quiet culde-sac. This home has a beautiful kitchen with granite counters, stainless appliances and open concept living. 3 bdrms, 2 baths with a large bonus room above the oversized garage. $630,000. #3418-23197925 11781 Alder Avenue, Mapleton - Lovely 3 bedroom home with additional back lot, fruit trees, mountain views and many upgrades. Wood floors, high ceilings, wood burning fireplace, and an additional 4th bedroom suite with its own exterior entrance. $349,000. #348123614222 642 35th Ct - Comfortable, open floorplan includes a spacious kitchen with island and new stainless-steel appliances. Private back patio area off den and lovely side-yard with lots of Rhodies! Formal dining and breakfast nook. $475,000. #3514-24031755 88998 Hwy 101 - Sutton Creek frontage home with workshop and RV parking, on 1.42 acres just minutes north of Florence and across from Sutton Lake boat launch. Walking trails and nature all around. Come see this wonderful 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1398 sqft home today. $445,000. #3513-24514405 11882 E Mapleton Rd - Beautiful NW-style manufactured home on nearly an acre, across the road from the Siuslaw River. Well maintained home with tankless hot water heater, wood burning stove, upgraded laminate floors, pine interior doors, gas cooking range, and more. $439,000. #3518-24692039 1260 10th St #18 - Charming 1 bdrm, 1 bath condo in Courtyard Condominiums East. 2nd-floor corner unit has dedicated parking. Cozy living area, ample natural light. Well-equipped kitchen, spacious bedroom with large closet. Offered furnished. On-site laundry, near amenities. $160,000. #3519-24335673 85566 Maple St - Enjoy filtered views of Siuslaw River and Old Town. Minutes from sand dunes, ocean, Bay St, this 2 bdrm, 2 bath home is close to all the fun that Florence has to offer but out of the hustle and bustle. $235,000. #3516-24237444 1600-171 Rhododendron Dr - Big results in a small package. Cool Greentrees home, single-car detached garage with wall of windows. Sizable RV cover. Kitchen has floor to ceiling windows, living room has spacious bump-out. Extra storage building, private backyard! $290,000. #3517-24060967 Hemlock Street #1508 – Wooded investment lot located South of Florence, but still just minutes from Old Town, dunes and more! No current improved access to the property. Buy now - build later! $20,000. #3378-22427654