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FARMER! is the sister publication of Anglia Farmer and Midland Farmer, the premier farming publications for East Anglia and the Midlands, delivering opinion, analysis, expert views, news and business every month for the farming population. To register for your copy visit angliafarmer.co.uk or midlandfarmer.co.uk
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Warning: beware of promises made by politicians in 2025
Welcome to the 2025 edition of Farmer! – the agricultural yearbook and annual directory for East Anglia and the Midlands.
When times are tough, it’s important to remind ourselves of the good things in life. As we all know, times are really tough right now in farming. So let’s take stock and remember that agriculture remains a great industry – whatever challenges the world cares to throw at us.
Things were – so we thought – gradually getting better. Over the past year, farm input costs have slowly started to come back into balance with commodity prices –in some sectors at least.
Almost rosy
Farm input costs fell by an average of 4.9% during the 12 months to 30 September 2024 – matched by a 4.3% rise in commodity prices over the same period. In fact, output values rose faster than input costs in every month since December 2023, according to Defra figures. After a challenging two years, prospects were almost looking rosy.
But any sense of optimism disappeared shortly after 12.30pm on Wednesday 30 October 2024, when Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered Labour’s first Budget in almost 14 years.
The government’s decision to impose 20% inheritance tax on farm assets worth more than £1 million broke a key preelection promise – and threatens the hardfought livelihoods of farming families up and down the land.
That broken promise also calls into question Keir Starmer’s sincerity when the Prime Minister repeatedly tells us that “food security is national security”.
The Budget piled other costs on farmers too – including increases in employers’ national insurance contributions, a carbon tax on fertiliser and the decision to tax pick-ups as though they are company cars, rather than tools of the trade.
Farmers will be rightly wary of ever trusting this government again “
Then the government announced it wouldn’t be approving any capital grants either – at least not for the time being –despite promising to compensate farmers for environmental improvements.
It is a terrible and monumental betrayal of trust. And farmers will be rightly wary of ever trusting this government again.
As is usual in every edition of Farmer!, we wish our readers all the best for the 12 months ahead. This year, more than ever, we will all be digging in for the long haul in hope of a better and brighter future.
The coming year – and beyond – requires us all to pull together as we attempt to extricate ourselves from the sorry mess in which we now find outselves.
Weigh-up options to get most from your land
Food production might not be the most profitable option for farmland during 2025
Farmers are being advised to consider all options – including taking fields out of production – to make the most of their land during 2025.
With government schemes now funding dozens of new options beyond food production – and private markets paying for carbon sequestration and natural capital –many farmers have more land‐use choices than ever before.
Each of these factors should be affecting a farmer’s decision on what and how to farm, suggests the 2025 edition of the Nix
Farm Management Pocketbook, particularly following the challenging 2023/24 season.
Non-productive options under Defra’s Sustainable Farming Incentive have been limited by the government to reduce the amount of land taken out of food production. But choices remain available.
These options could be particularly attractive to farmers with land which remains damaged and needs time to recover following unprecedented rainfall during the past season. Nobody knows when the next wet winter is going to occur, says the pocketbook.
“It is a cliché to talk about unprecedented times in farming, but there are so many issues converging on the industry” says farmer and former NFU president Sir Peter
Dairy profits set to recover during 2025
Rising prices mean the outlook is somewhat brighter for milk producers during the year ahead.
The 2024/25 milk year is expected to return a milk income of £3,308/cow against a cost of pro-duction of £3,122/cow. On average, profits are predicted to rise to £590/ cow – compared to a shortfall of £243/cow during2023/24.
The forecast – well above the five-year average profit of £478/cow – is included the annual Milk Cost of Production report by Old Mill and the Farm Consultancy Group (FCG), which exam-ined dairy farms with a 31 March year-end.
Although feed costs dropped from their 2022 high, labour and machinery costs increased – par-ticularly as many businesses bought new kit in early 2023 to offset
looming large tax bills, says Andrew Vickery, head of rural services at Old Mill.
A particular difficulty over the past six to nine months has been cash flow, with many businesses paying large tax bills at a time of falling milk prices. This means knowing the difference between profit and cash flow –and managing both – is vital.
Milk margins will continue to bounce back
Kendall, who has written the foreword to the 2025 pocketbook edition.
“There are more decisions a farmer has to make in today’s world of farming, regarding land use, soil and crop care, stock health and nutrition – and managing the business financials – than there have ever been.”
To determine what option is best, farmers should properly understand the impact of any decision. Headline payment figures may look appealing, but each option will have associated costs and obligations – some of which are not always obvious.
Gross margins
The 2025 pocketbook addresses this issue. It includes updated gross margins for crops, forage and stock, plus a new section estimating the variable costs – and therefore gross margins – of the main SFI options.
This makes it easier to compare each option financially – a useful tool for those yet to decide. There should be a financial margin for undertaking each option, but the profit is unlikely to match that of the previous Basic Payment Scheme.
Farmers may need to consider overhead costs too. The pocketbook includes updated Standard Work Days – and a review of the estimated time required for each land use and crop type. This schedule will now be updated annually.
The pocketbook details the low-risk and regular cash payments on offer to farmers who enter land into agri-environment schemes. These schemes should be seen as both a risk and an opportunity, says pocketbook editor Graham Redman.
Critical look
‘Use SFI to offset loss of direct payments’
Extra revenue from the Sustainable Farming Inventive could help recoup lost income from the phase-out of the Basic Payment Scheme, say advisers.
The BPS being phased out much quicker than anticipated following the autumn 2024 Budget. Direct payments are being capped with most farmers receiving no more than £7,200 from 20025.
The SFI alone will not be enough to mitigate this loss. But the right combination of actions could make up a considerable amount of the shortfall, says the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board.
Faced with uninspiring farm profits, it makes sense to look critically at agri‐environmental schemes to manage financial uncertainty, says Mr Redman. But it is important to get the balance right, he adds.
“An assured, fixed price for an activity for three years is enticing – and the frequent, quarterly payments also facilitate the cash flow, which is useful in tricky years,” explains
“Taking part in the SFI can provide substantial extra income for arable farm businesses,” says AHDB senior economist Amandeep Kaur Purewal. “If farmers carefully select actions that are right for their farm, they can boost the farm’s net profit level.”
Mr Redman.
“The downside is when you are not in the market, you cannot benefit from bumper yields or high grain values if they go up, but the opposite is also clearly true.
“Also, there is no guarantee the payment rates available will change in the three‐year contract, but the associated costs will probably rise.”
Food chain set to shape farm sustainability during 2025
Savvy farmers and suppliers will work together to secure a better – and more profitable –future for the sector
While the Sustainable Farming
Incentive is an immediate focus for growers wishing to optimise their agricultural practices, the food supply chain is set to be the main catalyst driving substantive change in the longer term.
An increasing number of industry insiders believe the food supply chain must prioritise collaboration across the industry and embrace new technology and data opportunities if it is to become genuinely resilient in the future.
“The fundamentals of regenerative agriculture should be encouraged and integrated in all activities from field to fork and new benchmarks are urgently needed to ensure sustainability targets are met,” says Agrii sustainability and environmental services manager Amy Watkins.
now has to accept as a reality and building resilience into all stages of food production is absolutely critical, says Ms Watkins.
“Producing safe, nutritious and affordable food to a growing population is an absolutely priority for our industry but so too is achieving positive environmental outcomes at stages of the journey.”
Supply chain sustainability
Charles Tozer, of maltsters Boortmalt, believes all links of the supply chain have a moral responsibility to deliver greater sustainability in the future.
“You only have to look at the environmental catastrophes taking place around the world to realise we have to take action. As far as we are concerned, that starts with our own business operations.
“But ultimately the end of our supply chain is the consumer, so the drive must come from them and we all need to work together to deliver more sustainable products in the future.
“The UK leaving Europe started arguably the largest agricultural transition since the second world war and COVID19 then further disrupted supply chains globally and opened consumers’ eyes to where their food comes from and the challenges around this.
“Data is key but we need to know where we are starting from. Generic data is not enough, we need specific information and desperately need some action that will help standardise this so we can together drive down carbon footprints
“Food security and price volatility has then became an even greater talking point since 2022 with war breaking out in Ukraine and this year’s extreme weather has further added to the challenges.”
Angela Gibson of Viterra UK Ltd agrees adding collaboration is the key to achieving this but urges
breaking out in Ukraine and together drive down carbon footprints at farm level.” caution.
Ongoing change is something our supply chain
“We must be careful not to import data if we can’t protect it. Grain marketeers have an
Amy Watkins: big change is a reality for farming
important function in collecting data and disseminating with traceability throughout the supply chain being essential.
“To move at scale, however, we need to be able to move seamlessly across the industry with digital grain passports being essential in achieving this. They are the future and we need long-term commitment from the AHDB or government to make these happen.”
The problem is different companies wanting different data and using different carbon calculations than others, says Ms Gibson. This must change, she adds.
“We need consistency and granularity so farmers get the benefits from the data they hold and it could be we have to look at a completely new set of standardised metrics across the industry to deliver this.”
Integration of data key
Derek Wilson of Origin Enterprises believes there is no shortage of data in the industry, but how it works together is the issue.
“Data can come from a number of
sources and in different forms so there is a large formatting piece that must be done if it is to easily flow from one source to another, as well as ensuring security and privacy needed. Farmers need to understand how their data is being used and protected.
“Agrii is already aggregating data from multiple different systems such as that from tractors, combines and drones in our Rhiza Contour system so we know it is possible to do.
“Originally farmers engaging with this were using it largely to improve profitability, but by definition, if you are farming in this way you are adopting a more sustainable approach by using less inputs and knowing precisely the effect they are having.”
Agrii agronomist Todd Jex says the company’s extensive trials and R&D programme is contributing massively to the collective data set to the benefit of all growers.
“What is becoming increasingly clear is the importance of soil health in future sustainability. We’ve found growers moving >>
to minimum tillage are saving around £100£130/ha compared to those ploughing.
“They’re also ending up with much healthier soils with better structure and resilience and 60- 70% of my farming customers now say they are implementing a regenerative system of some type.”
Increasing the efficiency of crop nutrition
Crop nutrition is another area where significant strides forward are also being made, adds Mr Jex.
“Growers are desperate to reduce their reliance on synthetic inputs, including inorganic nitrogen, and there are numerous options opening up in terms of new chemistry, physical and biological approaches.
“Healthy plants are a lot less susceptible to pests and diseases, so if we can use some of these technologies to improve green area and overall crop health, it could be that we are needing less fungicides as well as nitrogen.
increasingly important and plant nutrition has a big role to play in this, too.”
Sustainable intensification is still an expression Bill Angus of Angus Wheat Consultants feels comfortable with, believing genetics will be important element of this in the future.
“Genetics can play a big role in the future, but they are not the 100% answer. Sustainable agronomy where genetics, chemistry and crop nutrition work together is the ultimate objective.
“We cannot achieve the wheat yields we need to without chemistry. Yields would easily drop by a third and we would end up with very poor quality crops.
poor need
“Nutrient density of the food people eat is becoming
“We do, however, need to move to de-risking varieties and raise our management standards as well as introducing greater diversity into crops from the wealth of plant genetics we can
“That said, I think we have pretty much reached the limit of nitrogen efficiency in our crops from a genetic standpoint.
from the wealth of plant genetics we can tap into. standpoint. NUE
to be gained from focusing on Todd Jex: healthy soil is increasingly important
Wheat has very high levels of NUE already and I think there is more to be gained from focusing on the agronomy around this than the genetics.”
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feel more like a professional gambler’
British farmers reveal their twin struggles with climate change and mental health.
By John Whitton
Climate change has made the UK wetter, and farmers have paid the price.
Winter 2023 was one of the wettest on record. The results were clear for all to see during the first half of 2024: soil washed of its nutrients, crops bogged down in waterlogged fields, and livestock sick with waterborne illnesses.
The adverse conditions meant farmers had to delay planting and harvesting. Production of the most common British crops – wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape – is set to be 21% lower in 2024 than the 2015-2023 average. To meet demand, food and drink manufacturers will import from
overseas and pass their additional costs to consumers. Extreme weather is estimated to have already added £361 to the average UK food bill in the last two years.
My work with UK farmers and growers has looked at how they are adapting to these effects of climate change, and how it is affecting their work and way of life. The findings are shocking. Problems experienced by farmers go to the very heart of UK agriculture –and are often things they feel they can do little or nothing about.
Hidden crisis
Farmers told me they are worried about post-Brexit farming policies and trade deals with other countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, flooding the country with cheap imports that undercut domestic
Market forces fix or lower the price farmers receive for their produce. Meanwhile seasonal labourers, such as fruit pickers, are more difficult or expensive to attract now the UK is outside the European Union. On top of that, there are all the issues posed by climate change. According to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, male farm workers are three times more likely to take their own lives than the male national average. Every week, three people in the UK farming industry die by suicide.
The Farm Safety Foundation (FSF) runs an annual campaign, Mind Your Head, that asks those working in agriculture
What will the weather be like next spring – and what should I plant? Who knows. “
to consider the root causes of their stress, anxiety and poor mental health. A recent poll of farmers by FSF found that 95% under the age of 40 list mental health problems as one of their biggest challenges. The reasons for this became apparent during my research.
Farmers are very familiar with extreme weather – being up to your knees in muddy water while trying to harvest a crop makes climate change palpable. Farmers talked about how extreme weather is making harvest times increasingly unpredictable, which affects the growing season of crops. A farmer in West Lancashire told me:
“I feel more like a professional gambler than a farmer. What will the weather be like in spring next year, and what should I plant? Who knows.”
Commercial pressures
The future of a farm, and several generations of the family business, depends on stable income. Unpredictable weather caused by climate change makes these regular financial re-turns elusive.
told me supermarkets also retain a strong influence on the agricultural sector. This exerts downward pressure on the prices farmers sell their produce at.
That farmers are unable to set their own prices is one of nu-merous factors limiting the profitability of farm businesses and preventing planning for the long term –including how to address climate change. Greenhouse gases from agriculture amount to 11% of the UK’s total.
Farmers were keen to point out they still get the same finan-cial reward for many of their products as they did years ago, despite inflation and the upward trend in food prices. Farmers are frustrated that the market and their relationship with buy-ers stops them adding value to products, with one saying:
“[Farming] must be the only industry where you can’t dictate the price of your end-product. I’m losing a penny a litre on milk.”
Many farmers are struggling or leaving farming altogether. Second jobs are common in farming families. Some farmers
The farmers and growers I interviewed >>
are overcoming these problems by working with neighbours and sharing farm equipment. One farmer said: “You don’t go into farming to get rich … It’s a way of life”.
One spoke of the family deciding it would not be in anyone’s interests for the son to become the farm manager. That son had a well-paid and successful career in engineering instead and retired aged 55, while his father continues to manage the farm in his eighth decade.
My research conjures the image of the lone farmer, struggling to ad-dress the urgent needs of their business while the mounting impacts of climate change spell deeper trouble ahead. As one farmer put it: “There [were] five people here – but now there’s only me.” The herit-age and future of British farming hangs in the balance.
Help and advice
If you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health, please contact:
RABI (24/7 freephone helpline) 0800 188 4444 • www.rabi.org.uk
YANA (You Are Not Alone) 0300 323 0400 • www.yanahelp.org
Farming Community Network 0300 011 1999 • www.fcn.org.uk
John Whitton, is professor of environmental social science at the University of Central Lancashire. This article was first published on theconversation.comInstitute of Development Studies. This article was first published on theconversation.com.
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Opportunity out of change at Oxford conference EVENTS
Top speakers will address the 2025 Oxford Farming Conference – with a special focus on identifying opportunities when facing change.
The conference theme comes amid a raft of key challenges for farming. They include the end of the Basic Payment Scheme, the fallout from the autumn 2024 Budget and increasing concern over food security.
A diverse group of experts, pioneers and changemakers from across the globe have been chosen for the conference, which takes place on 8-10 January at the Examination Schools, Oxford.
Over the two days, more than 30 visionary speakers will inspire and inform delegates, covering critical topics from sustainable livestock production to innovative food policies and farm diversification strategies.
Motivational speaker
Among the headline speakers are Venkatachalam Murugan, Consul General of India in Birmingham; record-breaking adventurer and motivational speaker Olly Hicks; and acclaimed environmental strategist and author Gaia Vince.
The renowned OFC Oxford Union debate will bring some humour and theatrical contributions to the event, tackling the motion: “This house believes that UK agriculture needs more grazing livestock, rather than fewer, to be truly sustainable.”
Oxford Farming Conference
When: 8-10 January 2005
Where: Oxford Examination Schools, OX1 4BG
Details: www.ofc.org.uk
are Henry Dimbleby, co-founder of Bramble Partners; and milk producer Colin Ferguson, who is NFU Scotland’s dairy vice chairman.
Dr Murugan brings his vast expertise in international relations and food security. A seasoned diplomat, he has served in key roles across Tokyo, Prague, and New Delhi, helping to shape food security policy at an international level.
Record holder
Olly Hicks is an inspirational speaker and triple world record holder for his maritime expeditions. He is the co-founder of Algapelago, a regenerative ocean farming company focused on sustainable seaweed cultivation to combat climate.
Gaia Vince is a writer and broadcaster exploring the interplay between human systems and the planetary environment. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Anthropocene Institute at UCL and host of BBC Inside Science.
Adams University and
Arguing in favour of the motion are Jude Capper from Harper Adams University and Rob Havard of Phepson Angus. Opposing them
Her first book, Adventures In The Anthropocene, won the Royal Society Science Book of the Year Prize. Her latest book, Nomad Century: How To Survive The Climate Upheaval, explores global migration and planetary restoration.
Geoff Sansome: bold steps forward for farming
OFC 2025 chairman Geoff Sansome said: “Farming is at a critical juncture, and January’s event is certain to inspire us all to take bold steps toward a more sustainable and resilient future.”
Open Farm Sunday celebration showcase
Farming’s annual open day gives growers and livestock producers the opportunity to welcome the public on to their farms – and show them where their food comes from.
Co-ordinated by the Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) charity, visitors are encouraged to learn more about farming and the countryside – and gives farmers the chance to talk about what they’re so proud of: British food and farming.
Special events
Farmers organise their own special events – from farm walks and trailer rides to exhibitions in the farmyard – whether it is for a small gathering of 20 friends and neighbours or a big open day attracting hundreds of visitors.
More than 225 Open Farm Sunday events took place on farms of all types and sizes across Britain, from Jersey to Shetland. Hundreds of thousands of people have visited farms since Open Farm Sunday started in 2006.
A host of case studies is available offering ideas and inspiration to farmers
National media
Widespread promotion on broadcast media – including on BBC Radio 2, and over 40 local and regional radio stations – helps with publicity and encourages visitors to discover the farming stories on their doorstep.
New research commissioned by LEAF last year suggest that most Britons (94%) think the work that farmers do is important. But only 12% of the nation claim to be well informed about what farmers do for the countryside.
“Our survey findings demonstrate why an event like Open Farm Sunday is so important to our industry and in contributing to the wider education of local communities,” says Open Farm Sunday manager Annabel Shackleton.
“People have a healthy appetite to learn more about what farmers do in terms of land management, nature protection, environmental stewardship and food production. The most powerful voices to share that knowledge are farmers themselves.”
Open Farm Sunday
When: 8 June 2025
Where: Nationwide Details: openfarmsunday.org
Open Farm Sunday takes place on 8 June
Two-day Cereals event returns to Leadenham
The 2025 Cereals event returns to Lincolnshire in 2025 – hosted by Andrew Ward, of Roy Ward Farms, Leadenham.
Profitable arable farming will be a key theme for the event – including the need to ensure crops are produced as efficiently as possible while optimising margins from environmental schemessuch as the Sustainable Farming Incentive.
The two-day event on 11-12 June will include live demonstrations and areas dedicated to agronomy, technology, machinery, business, education, environment, and renewable energy –with a special area for autonomous arable vehicles.
Mr Ward last hosted the Cereals event in 2008 – at Glebe Farm, Leadenham. However the arable showcase has been held in Lincolnshire since then – most recently at Boothby Graffoe, near Lincoln.
As well as the very latest products, advice and information, Cereals aims to provide visitors with a complete one-stop service
Hybrid event for
Real Oxford Farming Conference
This year’s Real Oxford Farming Conference takes place as a hybrid event – with 150 sessions in-person and more than 45 sessions live-streamed online.
The two-day event on 9-10 January includes speakers from the UK and around the world. They will address a range of topics including climate farming, livestock grazing for biodiversity and healthy soils.
Sessions will include deep dives into the success and challenges of individual farms, and practical discussions on topics such as
from seeds to sprayers, crop varieties to cultivation equipment, and fertiliser to finance.
Hundreds of individual crop plots will showcase a range of popular and emerging wheats, barley, oilseed rape, proteins and specialist crop varieties. Other plots will cover crop protection products, nutrition and biostimulants.
Cereals 2025
When: 11-12 June 2025
Hundreds of crop plots will showcase the latest varieties at Cereals 2025
Where: Heath F’m, Leadenham, LN5 0QE Details: cerealsevent.co.uk
natural flood management, activating soil enzymes and pest control.
Workshops and talks on food and agriculture policy will include a look at the practical political tools that can help growers and livestock producers make the transition to a more sustainable farming system.
The conference was entirely online during the pandemic years of 2021 and 2022, returning as a hybrid event since. The event now welcomes 1,800 delegates to Oxford each January with a similar number joining online.
Real Oxford Farming Conference
When: 8-9 January 2025
Where: Various locations, Oxford Details: orfc.org.uk
40,000 expected at LAMMA 2025
The UK’s largest exhibition for agricultural machinery will bring together more than 600 exhibitors to the NEC Birmingham on 15-16 January.
Exhibits will include the latest technology, equipment and innovation – as well as the latest farm machines and implements – as the two-day event celebrates more than four decades of showcase success.
Expected to attract some 40,000 visitors expected, LAMMA 2025 is being billed as essential destination for farm owners, managers, and operators looking to stay ahead of industry trends and drive the future of agriculture.
From tractors to combines, arable machinery to grassland equipment, LAMMA 2025 will feature the very best in agricultural advancements. Visitors will witness exclusive machinery launches and UK debuts from global brands and niche manufacturers.
A key event for networking, visitors will have the chance to meet like-minded professionals, exchange ideas and forge meaningful connections with industry experts, exhibitors and suppliers.
This year’s LAMMA show takes place on 15-16 January at the NEC Birmingham
Alongside the exhibition, LAMMA will offer a series of seminars and workshops led by industry leaders. These sessions will provide insight and practical advice on the latest industry trends, helping attendees futureproof their farming operations.
In an ever-evolving agricultural landscape, staying informed on the latest technologies and market trends is crucial. LAMMA gives attendees access to the knowledge and tools needed to adapt, helping to ensure their businesses remain competitive and profitable.
LAMMA 2025
When: 15-16 January 2025
Where: NEC Birmingham, B40 1NT
Details: www.lammashow.com
Discover how to inspire the next generation
Inspiring the Next Generation is the theme of this year’s Lincolnshire Farming Conference, taking place on 13 February at the Lincolnshire Showground.
At a time of real change with an ageing demographic of farmers, the one-day event will examine ways to inspire the next generation of food producers to take the reins and feed a growing population.
Speakers will discuss topics including multigenerational farming, tenancy and succession planning for your farmequipping delegates with the knowledge to
tackle farming in the future.
The conference will also give delegates opportunity to network around the variety of exhibitors. A range of workshops will see event partners offering their services and offering advice within their field.
Lincolnshire Farming Conference
When: 13 February
Where: Lincolnshire Showground, LN2 2NA
Details: lincolnshireshowground.co.uk
Oxford Farming Conference
Oxford Real Farming Conference
12-14 Semex Conference, Glasgow
16-16 LAMMA 2025, Birmingham NEC
13-15 AICC agronomists conference, Towcester
20-22 British Cattle Breeders Conference, Telford
27-28 NFU Council, Stoneleigh
4-6 65th Doe Show, Ulting, Essex
5 Dairy-Tech, Stoneleigh
11 Norfolk Farming Conference
13 Lincolnshire Farming Conference
25 NFU Conference, London
Low Carbon Agriculture 2023. Stoneleigh
7 Andersons Spring Seminar, London
13 Andersons Spring Seminar, Harper Adams
14 Andersons Spring Seminar, Peterborough
14-15 Borderway UK Dairy Expo, Carlisle
18 Andersons Spring Seminar, Newmarket
20 Andersons Spring Seminar, Newark
28 Andersons Spring Seminar, Cirencester
13 National Federation of Young Farmers
Clubs AGM, Leamington Spa
14-15 NFU Council, Stoneleigh
26-27 East Anglian Game & Country Fair
10 Nottinghamshire County Show, Newark
11 South Suffolk Show, Ingham, Bury St Edmunds
14-17 156th Balmoral Show, Northern Ireland
17 Hadleigh Show, Hadleigh, Suffolk
18 Essex Young Farmers’ Country Show, Roxwell, Chelmsford
24 Shropshire County Show, Shrewsbury
24-25 Hertfordshire County Show, Redbourn
28-29 Staffordshire County Show, Stafford
28-29 Suffolk Show, Ipswich
1 Rutland County Show, Oakham
8 LEAF Open Farm Sunday
11-12 Cereals 2025, Heath Farm, Leadenham, Lincolnshire
13-15 Royal Three Counties Show, Malvern
18 The Arable Event, Weston Under Lizard, Staffordshire
18-19 Lincolnshire Show, Lincoln
19-22 Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh
23-24 NFU Council, Stoneleigh
25-26 Royal Norfolk Show, Norwich
29 Blaston Show, Market Harborough
Groundswell event, Hertfordshire
9-10 World Biogas Expo, Birmingham NEC
12 Newport Show, Shropshire
12 Tendring Show, Manningtree, Essex
Royal Welsh Show, Builth Wells
25-27 The Game Fair, Blenheim Palace
3 Wayland Show, Watton, Norfolk
24-25 Leicestershire County Show
25 Aylsham Show, Norfolk
UK Dairy Day, Telford
19 Melton Mowbray Sheep Fair
24-25 Future Food Tech, London
1 Dairy Show, Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet
29-30 Dairy Industries Expo, Stoneleigh
TBC Autumn Farming Conference, Suffolk
TBC AHDB Grain Market Outlook Conference
NFU Council, Stoneleigh
5 Northern Farming Conference, Hexham
6 Farm Business Innovation show
8-9 Newark Vintage & Heritage Tractor Show
19 Midlands Machinery Show
TBC East of England Farming Conference, Peterborough
TBC AgriBusiness 2026, Peterborough
TBC Agri-TechE REAP Conference
TBC Midlands Machinery Show, Newark
TBC English Winter Fair, Staffordshire
TBC East of England Winter Stock Festival, Peterborough
TBC AHDB Agronomists Conference
Artificial intelligence could boost food security – but we must anticipate the risk s
By Asaf Tzachor
As the global population has expanded over time, agricultural modernisation has been humanity’s prevailing approach to staving off famine.
A variety of mechanical and chemical innovations delivered during the 1950s and 1960s represented the third agricultural revolution. The adoption of pesticides, fertilisers and high-yield crop breeds, among other measures, transformed agriculture and ensured a secure food supply for many millions of people over several decades.
Food inflation
At the same time, modern agriculture has emerged as a culprit of global warming, responsible for one-third of emissions, namely carbon dioxide and methane.
Meanwhile, inflation on the price of food is reaching an all-time high, while malnutrition is rising dramatically. Today, an estimated two billion people are afflicted by food insecurity (where having access to safe, sufficient and nutrient-rich food isn’t guaranteed). Some 690 million people are undernourished.
The third agricultural revolution may have run its course. And as we search for innovation to usher in a fourth agricultural revolution with urgency, all eyes are on artificial intelligence (AI).
AI, which has advanced rapidly over the past two decades, encompasses a range of technologies capable of performing humanlike cognitive processes, such as reasoning. It’s trained to make these decisions based on information from vast amounts of data.
In assisting humans in fields and factories, artificial intelligence may process, synthesise and analyse large amounts of data steadily and ceaselessly. It can outperform humans in detecting and diagnosing anomalies, such as plant diseases, and making predictions including about yield and weather.
Across several agricultural tasks, AI may relieve growers from labour entirely, automating tillage, planting, fertilising, monitoring and harvesting.
Algorithms already regulate dripirrigation grids, command fleets of topsoil-monitoring robots, and supervise weed-detecting rovers, self-driving tractors and combine harvesters. A fascination with the prospects of AI creates incentives to delegate it with further agency and autonomy.
This technology is hailed as the way to revolutionise agriculture. The World Economic Forum, an international nonprofit promoting public-private partnerships, has set AI and AI-powered agricultural robots (called “agbots”) at the forefront of the fourth agricultural revolution.
But in deploying AI swiftly and widely, we may increase agricultural productivity at the expense of safety. In our recent paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, we have considered the risks that could come with rolling out these advanced and autonomous technologies in agriculture.
First, given these technologies are connected to the internet, criminals may try to hack them. Disrupting certain types of agbots would cause hefty damages. In the US alone, soil erosion costs US$44 billion (£33.6 billion) annually.
This has been a growing driver of the demand for precision agriculture, including swarm robotics, that can help farms to manage and lessen its effects. But these swarms of topsoil-monitoring robots rely on interconnected computer networks and are vulnerable to cyber-sabotage and shutdown. Similarly, tampering with weeddetecting rovers would let weeds loose at a considerable cost. We might also see interference with sprayers, autonomous drones or robotic harvesters, any of which could cripple cropping operations.
Beyond the farm gate, with increasing digitisation and automation, entire agrifood supply chains are susceptible to malicious cyber-attacks.
At least 40 malware and ransomware attacks targeting food manufacturers, processors and packagers were registered in the US in 2021. The most notable was the US$11 million ransomware attack against the world’s largest meatpacker JBS.
Then there are accidental risks. Before a rover is sent into the field, it’s instructed by its human operator to sense certain parameters and detect particular anomalies, such as plant pests. It disregards, whether by its own mechanical limitations or by command, all other factors.
The same applies to wireless sensor networks deployed in farms, designed to notice and act on particular parameters, for example, soil nitrogen content. By imprudent design, these autonomous systems might prioritise short-term crop productivity over long-term ecological integrity. To increase yields, they might apply excessive herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers to fields, which could have harmful effects on soil and waterways.
Rovers and sensors may also malfunction, as machines occasionally do, sending commands based on erroneous data to sprayers and agrochemical dispensers. And there’s the possibility we could see human error in programming the machines.
Safety over speed
Agriculture is too vital a domain for us to allow hasty deployment of potent but insufficiently supervised and often experimental technologies. If we do, the result may be that they intensify harvests but undermine ecosystems. As we emphasise in our paper, the most effective method to treat risks is prediction and prevention.
We should be careful in how we design AI for agricultural use and should involve experts from different fields in the process. For example, applied ecologists could advise on possible unintended environmental consequences of agricultural AI, such as nutrient exhaustion of topsoil, or excessive use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers.
Also, hardware and software prototypes should be carefully tested in supervised environments – so-called “digital sandboxes” – before they are deployed more widely. In these spaces, ethical hackers, also known as white hackers, could look for vulnerabilities in safety and security.
This precautionary approach may slightly slow down the diffusion of AI. Yet it should ensure that those machines that graduate the sandbox are sufficiently sensitive, safe and secure.
After all, half a billion farms, global food security and a fourth agricultural revolution hang in the balance.
Asaf Tzachor is a research affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risks, University of Cambridge.
Windmill Barn, Whitminster, Gloucestershire GL2 7PN
T 01452 741112
E agrisupply@goldingham-contracts.co.uk
W www.agrisupplyservices.co.uk
• PolyCool Pedestals, Evo Fans, CropCool Control.
• Unimeter, Sinar, Perten, Wile Grain Moisture Meters. Temp Probes. Minibatt sample harvester. Haymeters. • Platemeters for grass measuring.
• Soil health + compaction testers + pH meters.
• Woodchip moisture meters. • Fuel stations.
Whitesbridge Farm, Maldon Road, Margaretting, Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9JT
T 01277 356881 M 07754 687983
E di@dissupplies.co.uk
Agricultural livestock and equine equipment and accessories.
Unit 8, Hudson Road, Saxby Road Industrial Estate, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1BS
Tel 01664 567226 Fax 01664 410127
Unit 8, Hudson Road, Saxby Road Industrial Estate, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1BS
T 01664 567226 F 01664 410127
Email info@dualpumps.co.uk
Web www.dualpumps.co.uk
E info@dualpumps.co.uk
W www.dualpumps.co.uk
Agricultural, Industrial, Marine or Construction… Evolution 3 24 Hp Loncin V-Twin pressure washers have the power & reliability to operate in the most demanding environments. Pairing the industry leading Interpump 66 series pumps with a 24 Hp Loncin V-Twin petrol engine, the range offers flows from 15 to 41 lpm and pressures from 200 to 500 bar. With the ability to have two operators working from one machine, the Evolution 3 24 Hp Loncin V-Twin pressure washers offer unrivalled versatility. We sell pumps, power equipment and related fluid handling components and accessories to a wide range of industries. We also produce pressure washers, pumping solutions and component assemblies for our dealer and manufacturing partners. We help our customers with support and advice.
A prominent global supplier of pumps, fluid handling components, agricultural & industrial spraying products, pressure washers, accessories & cleaning equipment. With stocks in excess of £4m & 8,500 active product lines, all orders are dispatched directly from our modern 35,000 sq.ft. distribution centre located in rural Leicestershire.
Willingham Hall, Willingham Road, Market Rasen LN8 3RH
T 01673 885175
E office@ilex-envirosciences.com
Ilex EnviroSciences develops and supplies advanced nutrition tools to optimise plant health and crop performance with maximum efficiency and minimum environmental impact. We are pioneers in the use of phosphite technology and biostimulant activators that enhance nutrient effectiveness within the plant.
The Crossways, Alconbury Hill, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 4JH T 0845 6073322
E info@agrii.co.uk
W www.agrii.co.uk
As a leading provider of agronomy services, technology and strategic and sustainability advice, Agrii combines excellence and innovation with the latest research, development to ensure our customers can meet today’s sustainable farming challenges with knowledge and confidence.
Farmacy Services Centre, 77 Sleaford Road, Dorrington, Lincoln LN4 3PU
T 01526 831000
E service@farmacy.plc.uk
W www.farmacy.plc.uk
Maximise the production of your arable, vegetable and specialist crops with our dynamic, independent agronomy advice. The advice we give is based on what is best for your situation and draws on our technical expertise in environment, digital farm management, soil and nutrition.
Weasenham Lane, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 2RN
T 01945 461177
E information@hutchinsons.co.uk
W www.hutchinsons.co.uk
Hutchinsons is a national agricultural and horticultural input advice and supply company with a leading range of services. We support farmers to produce quality crops and food in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Heanor Gate Industrial Estate, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE75 7SG
T +44 77 74 14 97 13
E tommy.mcguckian@dsm-firmenich.com
W www.dsm-firmenich.com
Your results matter. As a leading producer of vitamins, carotenoids, and micronutrients, we’re committed to delivering high quality feed additives backed by decades of research delivered through a global production network.
The Estate Office, 15 Lynn Road, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 9NL
T 01366 387180
E info@barryhawkins.co.uk
W www.barryhawkins.co.uk
For over 170 years the Hawkins family have been providing clients a comprehensive range of agricultural and rural services for farmers and landowners in the region. From valuations to auctions, landlord & tenant, to the sale of all rural property.
Cheffins Machinery Saleground, Sutton, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2QT
T 01353 777767
E machinery@cheffins.co.uk
W www.cheffins.co.uk
Cheffins host monthly agricultural machinery and plant auctions from their Cambridgeshire sale ground. On site dispersal sales and the renowned vintage auctions are held regularly throughout the UK and Ireland.
Southend Farm, Stapleford, Hertfordshire, SG14 3NJ
T 01920 487443
E info@hammondvets.co.uk
W www.hammondvets.co.uk
Hammond Vets Ltd is a mixed veterinary practice focusing on the treatment of livestock, smallholders and equines in the Hertfordshire and Essex area. We provide a full ambulatory service enabling us to come to you with caring, professional advice and treatment.
Campsea Ashe, Nr Wickham Market, Suffolk IP13 0PS
T 01728 746 323
E auctions@clarkeandsimpson.co.uk
W www.clarkeandsimpson.co.uk
Clarke and Simpson have built a strong reputation as one of the leading regional auctioneers for agricultural machinery, plant and equipment. The twice-yearly collective sales held at their specialist site has grown to be the largest ‘direct from farm’ collective auction in the Eastern region.
Pioneering Quality Feed Additives
Your results matter. As a leading producer of vitamins, carotenoids, and micronutrients, we’re committed to delivering high quality feed additives backed by decades of research delivered through a global production network.
For our Animal Nutrition & Health customers, this means safe and reliable products that are easy to use and contribute to greater operational e ciency. And with a wide range of advanced digital services, we help you go even further.
Contact us: T +44 77 74 14 97 13 E tommy.mcguckian@dsm-firmenich.com
Learn more at dsm-firmenich.com/anh
We are a mixed animal veterinary practice focusing on the treatment of equines, livestock and smallhold animals in the Hertfordshire & East Essex
Digital Soil Mapping Digital Nutrition
Agroecology Services
Farm Business Consultancy Advanced Agronomy
Healthy Soils
Fallows Dairy Farm, Honeyknab Lane, Oxton, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG25 0RD
T 01159 655970 M 07790 989024
E stephen@arcusin.com
W www.arcusin.com or www.arcusin.co.uk
Sole distributor for the Arcusin brand of agricultural bale handling machinery. Offering machines that collect and stack all sizes of large square bales. The Arcusin Multipack E14 or D14 for packing of conventional bales, bound with twine, into packs of 14 bales or 10 bales. Spare parts and service for all Arcusin models.
Heck Hall Farm, Great Heck, Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 0BB
T 01405 862240
E sales@bigbalenorth.com
W www.bigbalenorth.com
For all your big square baler or SuperChaser needs. Hire or buy. Experienced baler/chaser engineers, comprehensive parts department Experienced staff always on hand for advice to minimise down time at your busiest time.
T +39 333 807 4814
E javier.gayo@waikatomilking.com
W www.waikatomilking.com
Waikato Milking Systems, a global leader in dairy technology, is trusted by farmers worldwide for their innovative design of high-performance rotary systems, inline systems, automation technology and animal management for farming operations at every scale - from small family-owned dairies through to large-scale operations.
Unit 4 New England Industrial Estate, Pindar Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0BZ
T 01992 451629
E hiredesk@kingsboilerhire.com
W www.kingsboilerhire.co.uk
Hire and sale of steam and hot water boilers suitable for oil, gas or dual fuel, 7-18 bar. Steam boilers 340kg/hr to 16,000kg/hr. Hot water boilers 150kW to 7,500kW. Full commissioning service. Nationwide delivery. 24/7 support. AD/Biomass Boiler Hire specialists.
Norwich Road, Hingham, Norwich NR9 4LS
T 01953 850611
E steel@acbacon.co.uk
W www.acbacon.co.uk
Steel framed building suppliers throughout East Anglia. Since 1961, the key to our success has been the high quality of product and service that we deliver at competitive prices. Our customers describe us as “experienced, dependable, proactive, attentive and genuinely good people to work with”.
Head Office, Tydd Saint Mary, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 5PD
T 01945 660231
E info@agbuildconstruction.co.uk
W www.agriculturalbuildingconstruction.co.uk
Agricultural Building Construction provide high-quality products at a competitive rate with a customer service second to none. We pride ourselves on being the best steel framed building suppliers and never delivering anything less than perfect to our clients.
T 01488 684154
E stuart@bkgrain.co.uk
W www.bkgrain.co.uk
Specialists in grain handling & milling solutions, from initial design to construction, project management and commissioning. We design and build agricultural and industrial buildings to an exemplary standard. Fully qualified & skilled in-house fabricators. Steel fabrication to BS EN 1090-1.
Old Station Yard, Althorp, Northampton, NN7 4HH. T 01604 770418 F 01604 770531
E office@fwtburrows.co.uk
W www.fwtburrows.co.uk
Specialising in bespoke steel framed buildings and repair works, our respected family-run firm has been supplying our agricultural, industrial, commercial and equestrian community for 50 years. All steelwork is fabricated in our factory to current CE standards.
Address - 7 Burnet Road, Sweet Briar Industrial Estate, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 2BS
T 01603 410304
E sales@cooksdoors.co.uk
W www.cooksdoors.co.uk
Cooks Doors are industrial door specialists. Based in Norwich, but covering all of the East of England, our highly skilled sales team and engineers are ready to provide your business with doors to suit any agricultural or industrial application.
Mill Lane Works, Roston, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 2EE
T 01335 324302
E info@devilleandlear.co.uk
W www.devilleandlear.co.uk
Manufacturers and erectors of quality steel framed buildings for both the agricultural and industrial markets. Established 1948, we are a family based firm serving the whole of mainland UK. Call us for a free quotation now!
The Old Creamery, Station Road, Wrenbury, Nantwich, CW5 8EX T 01270 781158
E info@gh-construction.co.uk
W www.gh-construction.co.uk
A leading UK manufacturer of steel frame buildings in the agricultural, industrial and equestrian sectors. Creating bespoke steel frame builds to customers specification for over 20 years. Call us for a free quote today.
Colbron Place, Ashwell, Nr Baldock, Hertfordshire, SG7 5TH T 01277 890595 (Essex), 01462 742740 (Herts) M 07967 010575 E info@johnstruct.co.uk
W www.johnstruct.co.uk
JOHNSTRUCT Ltd. supply & install steel-frame buildings. Based in East Anglia since 1967. Offers a “one-stop” shop service from planning applications, site preparation & groundworks, concrete floors & aprons. Specialist in conversion from agricultural to commercial & recladding/refurbishment.
Blinds and Shutters Ltd Est. 1965
Great Ashfield, IP31 3HE
T 01449 737192
M 07901782438
E rob@peterwraggesupplies.co.uk
We can supply a range of roofing products including box profile, corrugated and tile form steel cladding and insulated composite panels for industrial, agricultural, or domestic use, for projects as diverse as the largest industrial building to the home garage.
Tretton Manor Barn, Lowgate, Tydd St Mary, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 5PD T 01945 870076 M 07941 074978
E sales@sjstanberry.com
W www.sjstanberry.com
Formed in 1980, SJ Stanberry & Sons are a family-run business who have built an invaluable reputation for their concrete flooring services. With a dedicated workforce they ensure all projects are finished to a high standard. Operating nationwide, providing a “one-stop service”, to carry out groundworks, civils, concreting and more.
Euston Ltd R.N.
Steel framed buildings
Wilwyn, Flordon Road, Creeting St Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 8NH
Complete groundwork
T 01449 720256 M 07774 633 608
Garstang Road, Barton, Preston PR3 5AA T 01772 862948
E m.euston@sky.com W www.rneuston.co.uk
Mechanical handling equipment Drive on timber floors
Building refurbishment
RN Euston Ltd has supplied steel framed buildings in East Anglia for over 50 years. We work all over East Anglia and can offer the complete package including planning. We’re happy to offer advice, information and a quotation.
A family run business established in East Anglia for over 40 years
For all enquiries
Tel/Fax 01449 720256 Mobile 07774 633608
Wilwyn, Flordon Road, Creeting St Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk
Unit 2, Angle Common, Soham CB7 5HX
T 01353 725151
E david@russellmillarltd.co.uk
With over 40 years experience in the Roller Shutter industry, we feel sure that we can find a solution to secure your workshops and grain stores. All our doors are made to measure and fitted by us, call us for a quote.
E info@bateman-sellarc.co.uk
W Bateman & Co (Sellarc) is a family-based firm, north of Preston in Lancashire, that has been supplying farmers for over 60 years with pressure washers and air compressors, throughout the UK; along with spares advise and technical support.
Stowmarket Business Park, Needham Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 2ED T 01449 773822
E sales@easternconcrete.co.uk
W www.easternconcrete.co.uk
Your local concrete supplier in the East of England with over 22 years of experience. We offer readymix, site-mix, concrete pumping, and specialist mixes, with professional operators and a modern fleet ensuring flexible solutions for every project
• Steel roller shutters can be operated by hand chain or electric using 3 phase or single phase motors
• Standard finish is galvanised with colour options of Plastisol or Powder Coating
• Access doors built into the shutter or positioned in the existing walls are also available
• Shutters can be made up to 8m wide with wind anchors standard over 4.5m
• With 40 years experience in the roller shutter industry call us anytime for a competitive price.
The New Forge, Fambridge Road, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6PE T 01621 928133
E k.btatam@talktalk.net
W www.kbtatam.co.uk
We offer a variety of work which include Agricultural and plant repairs, onsite welding backed up by full workshop facilities - from welding repairs to alterations/modifications to plant and buildings with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Unit 1 Bert Smith Way, Adderley Road Industrial Estate, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 3SN. T 01630 657647
W www.minshallconstruction.com
Agricultural buildings and projects on a turn-key or supply only basis covering the whole of the UK. Designed and fabricated in-house with a focus on quality. Experts in buildings tailored to animal requirements and developing designs alongside the end-user.
Southfields Business Park, Harby Road, Langar, Nottinghamshire NG13 9HY T 01949 860 985
Concrete wall panels installed with care and efficiency. Weather you’re in the agricultural or industrial sector, concrete walling will work for you. bulk and grain storage to livestock buildings and silage pits. Walls are designed to provide strong and sturdy storage.
Country Concrete Products
Endford Works, Haycross Hill, Shebbear, Devon, EX21 5RY T 01409 281 437
E info@westcountryconcreteproducts.co.uk
W www.westcountryconcreteproducts.co.uk
Manufacturer and supplier of precast concrete products throughout the UK. We supply goods such as wall panels, cow cubicles, drinking troughs, feed troughs, slatted flooring, channels and tanks.
T 07879 470245 (Dick Barnes) E dickieboybarnes@gmail.com
Services include: Baling, wrapping and carting mini, midi and Heston bales. Foraging grass, whole crop and maize for livestock and biogas. Maize drilling. Sugar beet harvesting and drilling.
2 Hillybroom Gardens, West Mersea Colchester, Essex, CO5 8UG T 01206 386965
E info@e-f-s.co.uk W www.e-f-s.co.uk
Established in 1971, EFS Ltd specialises in Electrical Installations and the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Cells (PV Solar Panels). We work for both Commercial and domestic clients. We also supply electrical products to the Banking, Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial sectors.
We have been manufacturing and supplying pressure washers to Britain’s farmers for over 60 years
• Standard duty
• Heavy duty
• Cold wash
Garstang Road, Barton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 5AA t: 01772 862948 e: info@bateman-sellarc co.uk www.bateman-sellarc.co.uk to Britain’s farmers for over 60 years W. BATEMAN & Co. Est. 1954
Flexible range of power sources: Our products include:
We deliver to the whole of the UK and provide technical support, maintenance, repairs and spare parts. • Diesel • Electric • Petrol • PTO tractor driven
Family of Blacksmith’s since 1934
Family of Blacksmith’s since 1934 Plant & Agricultural repairs/alterations/fabrication
On-site welding & large workshop facilities located in Maldon, Essex
WEBSITE: www.kbtatam.co.uk
EMAIL: k.btatam@talktalk.net Tel: 01621 928133 The New Forge, Fambridge Rd, Maldon Essex. CM9 6PE
Plant & Agricultural repairs/ alterations/fabrication On-site welding & large workshop facilities located in Maldon, Essex
WEBSITE: www.kbtatam.co.uk
EMAIL: k.btatam@talktalk.net Tel: 01621 928133 The New Forge, Fambridge Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 6PE K & B TATAM
Enquire today to discuss your next project.
01630 657647 info@minshallconstruction.com www.minshallconstruction.com
Established in 1971, EFS Ltd specialises in Electrical Installations and the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Cells (PV Solar Panels). We work for both Commercial and domestic clients. We also supply electrical products to the Banking, Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial sectors
Electrical Farm Services Ltd, West Mersea, Colchester, Essex, CO5 8UG T: 01206 386965 M: 07973 638402 E: info@e-f-s.co.uk
Oak House, Harby Lane
Colston Bassett, Notts, NG12 3FL
T 01949 860288 Sam 07816 917897
E sam@mrjfaulksandson.co.uk
Experienced, reliable and dedicated family run team offering agricultural and plant contracting. We provide umbilical slurry spreading; tankering; round and square baling and wrapping; muck spreading and carting; hedge cutting and ditching along with ground works etc.
Agricultural Contractor
Foot of the Folly, School Barn Farm, Pentlow, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 7JN
T 07944 272 762
E peterbowers6@gmail.com
We are a family-run business specializing in digger services for building projects, including livestock facilities, grain stores, straw sheds, workshops, concrete work, groundworks, hedge cutting, and concrete crushing, delivering versatile and reliable solutions tailored to your construction needs.
Coombe Abbey Farm, Coombe Fields Road, Binley, Coventry CV3 2SX
T 02476 459000 F 02476 456499
E sales@bowielockwood.co.uk
W www.bowielockwood.co.uk
Offering bespoke solutions to industrial and agricultural buildings. Whether you are looking to convert existing buildings or a new development, we have the expertise. We will undertake projects from a basic supply only building through to a fully managed design.
Unit 7, Old Sawmills Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7DS
T 01367 240091
E office@challowproducts.co.uk
W www.challowproducts.co.uk
Part of the Severn Valley Woodworks group of companies, Challow are specialists in crop drying and storage systems. Providing complete integrated solutions since 1974, Challow’s range of drive-over drying floors, main air ducts and fan housing are carefully designed, manufactured and constructed to achieve maximum drying performance.
Units 2/3 Oaklands Park, Rougham Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2RW
T 01795 533903
E info@harvestinstallations.co.uk
W www.harvestinstallations.co.uk
Harvest Installations, manufacturer and distributor of the award winning Constant Humidity Controller and Harvest Maxi Stirrer. Bulk storage and drying specialist offering a comprehensive design and installation service through appointed agents.
Agricultural & Plant Contractors
Oak House, Harby Lane, Colston Bassett, Notts, NG12 3FL
Now able to offer accurate spread up to 24 metre!
Tel: 01949 860288 Mick: 07971 022867
Sam: 07816 917897 E: faulksandson@gmail.com
For all your building needs...
Agricultural Contractor
• 360º digger work
• Specialising in ditching & coppicing (shear & grab)
• Cuts & holds 14” diameter wood
• All concrete, ground works and concrete crushing also undertaken
• Hedge cutting
Please call for a chat - We are happy to help!
Contact: Peter 07944 272 762
• Hardwood & softwood floors for combinable crops
• Air ducts for storage up to 4m
• High level internal fan housing
• Letterbox ducts and suction walls for root crop box stores
Unique folded mesh design, exclusive to Challow Products, produces a near-flush surface with minimal sweeping between crops
CHALLOW PRODUCTS (A trading division of Severn Valley Woodworks Ltd)
Unit 7, Old Sawmills Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7DS
Tel: 01367 240091 • Email: office@challowproducts.co.uk Web: www.challowproducts.co.uk
Bures Park, Colne Road, Bures, Suffolk CO8 5DJ
T 01787 228450
E enquiries@masterfarm.co.uk
W www.masterfarm.co.uk
Master Grain Driers offer capacity, efficiency, flexibility and reliability with an experienced and comprehensive service team with over 50 years of experience, mobile driers are now a serious, cost effective and viable alternative when it comes to on farm drying.
Woodrolfe Road, Tollesbury, Maldon, Essex
T 01621 868 138
E sales@plugandcool.co.uk
W www.plugandcool.co.uk
12 Buckingham Close, Bermuda Industrial Estate, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7JT
T 02476 357960 M 07850 988382 (Andy)
E andy@thermobile.co.uk
W www.thermobile.co.uk
Thermobile offers a comprehensive range of heaters for drying agricultural products. Thermobile’s full range consists of over 300 models, varying in heat output from 3kw to 450kw. For more information visit our website or call today!
Manufacturers of Electronic Farming Equipment
Electrical engineers and contractors
Unit 3, Isaac Newton Way, Grantham, Lincs NG31 9RT
T 01476 576434
• Drying - Humidity controllers, Modulating Gas Burners and more.
E admin@tryac.co.uk
• Cooling - Differential temperature control, Silo Temperature monitoring and more
W www.tryac.co.uk
• Control panels - Fan Panels, Crop Conveying Panels, and Stirrer Panels
Manufacturers of the original and best, energyefficient Grain Cooling Fans. The complete packaged solution for grain conditioning, including Aeration Spears, Multi-Zone Control Panels, durable Poly Pedestals, and more. With a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty, you can buy with confidence.
• Electrical Installations - Floor Stores, Grain Driers, Drying Silos, Conveying Equipment. Contact us Today on: 01476 576434 or email us admin.tryac@btconnect.com Unit 3,Isaac Newton Way, Grantham, Lincs NG31 9RT www.tryac.co.uk
Drying - humidity controllers, modulating gas burners and more. Cooling - differential temperature control, silo temperature monitoring and more. Control panels - fan panels, crop conveying panels, and stirrer panels. Electrical installations - floor stores, grain driers, drying silos, conveying equipment.
Coldham Road Industrial Estate, Coningsby, Lincolnshire, LN4 4SE
T 01526 342466
E sales@pellcroft.com
W www.pellcroft.com
Pellcroft Engineering Ltd manufactures and reconditions the Typhoon range of crop drying and storage equipment, including centrifugal fan systems (280CFM to 140,000CFM), low volume and portable fans (0.5HP to 5HP), steel main air tunnels, Levelair lateral drive over floors, grain stirrers and gas burners.
Whisby Way, Lincoln LN6 3LQ
T 01522 693008
E enquiries@welvent.com
W www.welvent.com
Welvent offer a unique blend of products and services to provide complete crop storage systems. From an initial site visit a technical specification is tailor made to suit requirements. The products are manufactured and installed by Welvent’s expert team of electricians, carpenters and refrigeration engineers.
Manufacturers of Electronic Farming Equipment
Electrical Engineers & Contractors
Tryac have been trading in the agricultural market providing services for drying, cooling and for the conveying of crop for over 40 years. A family business based in Grantham, Lincolnshire, we are electrical contractors and have held NICEIC approval since 1985.
• Drying: Humidity controllers, Modulating Gas Burners and more.
• Cooling: Differential temperature control, Silo Temperature monitoring and more
• Control panels: Fan Panels, Crop Conveying Panels, and Stirrer Panels.
BOWIE LOCKWOOD 02476 459000
sales@bowielockwood.co.uk SHORT
• Electrical Installations: Floor Stores, Grain Driers, Drying Silos, Conveying Equipment.
Lodge Cottage, Woodbridge IP13 0NA
T 01728 748 000
E enquiries@catrain.co.uk
W www.catrain.co.uk
Providing training services for agricultural and land based business mainly in South Cambs, East Suffolk and North Hertfordshire. Cambridge Area Training Ltd is a Lantra Awards accredited provider and is experienced in providing flexible training to suit your business requirements.
The Lodge, 7 Rowthorne Lane, Glapwell, Chesterfield S44 5QF
T 01623 812641
E jackie.twilley@btinternet.com
W www.derbyshirelandskills.org.uk
Based on the Chesterfield/Nottinghamshire border, ideally placed for easy access across the Midlands. We offer the full range of NPTC and Lantra qualifications for the landbased industries. Further information can be found on our website!
T 01902 798977
E uk@boerger.com
W www.boerger.com
Borger products for agriculture and biogas are customised to the specific demand. Whether pumping and macerating liquid manure, separating solid from liquid parts in digestates/liquid manure or feeding biomass into a biogas plant our experienced experts know the requirements. We can recommend suitable products or develop
Unit N, Tyson Courtyard, Weldon South Ind. Est., Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8AZ
T 01536 266211
E sales@gatecare.co.uk
W www.gatecare.co.uk
Gatecare are leading suppliers of residential and commercial solar powered and electric gate openers.
Anglia Farmer Midland Farmer
Norfolk Showground, Dereham Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 0TT
T 01603 748931
E info@rnaa.org.uk
W www.rnaa.org.uk
The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (RNAA) is a charitable organisation with a mission to advance education and bring together the local community, to promote a better understanding of food, farming and the countryside.
Lower Pool Farm, Leysters, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0HW
T 01568 750183 M 07584 582598
E info@glynhamermillmix.co.uk
Mobile feed milling for all types of animals, from straight rolled or hammer-milled cereals and pulses to complete mixed rations and feed bin transfers. With numerous suction and discharge options including into feed bins or separate bunkers, we’re able to provide an efficient, traceable and high standard of service.
Stortford Road, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1SJ
T 01371 734400
E info@dunmowfencingsupplies.co.uk
W www.dunmowfencingsupplies.co.uk
Large range of quality timber and fencing products supplied and/or installed at competitive prices. Open to trade and general public. You will find us close to the A120 at Great Dunmow. Delivery service also available. Member and supplier to SAMCO.
Aston Mill, Aston, Nr. Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 8DH
T 01270 782222
E sales@hjlea.com
W www.hjlea.com
Animal feed manufacturers based in Cheshire, family owned and independent since 1675. Supplying superior compounds, high-performance dairy nutrition, extensive blends range, and specialist organic diets.
Flowery Patch, The Street, Easton, Woodbridge, Suffolk T 07970 696736
E sam@spsfencing.co.uk
W www.spsfencing.co.uk
We are a Suffolk based fencing contractor, offering a wide variety of fence solutions to suit your individual requirements. We emphasise on quality and longevity to provide you with a strong robust fence that will stand the test of time!
Unit 4b, Waterloo Road Industrial Estate, Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, B50 4JH
T 01789 778766
E sales@tornadowire.com
W www.tornadowire.com
Tornado Wire are one of the leading UK manufacturers of high-quality fencing, established over 50 years ago and renowned throughout the industry for our quality standards and high levels of customer service. Tornado Wire products are available through a network of specialist re-sellers.
Calders & Grandidge, 194 London Road, Boston, Lincs, PE21 7HJ
T 01205 358 866
E sales@caldersandgrandidge.com
W www.caldersandgrandidge.com
International Delivery, Specialists in Pressure Treated Timber Products. All products are treated to BS8417 UK Standard to meet the desired service life (DSL).
Neaves Farm, Chuck Hatch, Hartfield, East Sussex, TN7 4EX
T 01892 770788 M 07836 274164
E sales@marshalllogging.co.uk
W www.marshalllogging.co.uk
At Marshall Logging, established in 1983, we supply high-quality forestry, firewood, and wood processing machinery across the UK and Ireland. We offer equipment from top brands and provide modification and fabrication services to meet your specific needs.
Heathwood Nurseries Ltd
The Meadows, Higher Heath, Whitchurch SY13 2JA
The Meadows, Higher Heath, Whitchurch SY13 2JA T 01948 840120
Stanfield Road, Wymondham NR18 9QY T 01953 713540
W www.cpsfuels.co.uk
E sales@heathwood.co.uk
T 01948 840120
W www.heathwood.co.uk
E sales@heathwood.co.uk
W www.heathwood.co.uk
Based in Shropshire for over forty years growing trees, shrubs and hedging in cells, containers and field grown including root balled trees and hedging. Heathwood is a family-run business offering locally grown, Defra inspected plants sourced from local seed origins and free of pests and disease. Plant Healthy Certification Scheme Accredited.
Based in Shropshire for over forty years growing trees, shrubs and hedging in cells, containers and field grown including root balled trees and hedging. Heathwood is a family-run business offering locally grown, Defra inspected plants sourced from local seed origins and free of pests and disease.
Cordons Farm Depot, Long Green, Cressing, Braintree, Essex CM77 8DL
T 01376 550989
E enquiries@kingwell-holdings.co.uk
W www.kingwell-holdings.co.uk
The largest fleet of specialist mulching equipment in the UK. We offer tree and vegetation clearance nationwide with our AHWI Tracked Mulchers, Specialist Forestry Excavators, Tractor with Forestry Tiller, Biomass Chipper/ Shredders and mobile incinerators. All available to hire.
Agricultural and Commercial Fuels. Whatever your industry needs are whether it be construction, engineering, agriculture or manufacturing, we deliver the right fuels to keep your business or farm running all the year round. Paying for your oil couldn’t be easier as we also offer you a range of payment options, including our monthly payment option payable by direct debit.
Stanfield Road, Wymondham NR18 9QY T 01953 713555
W www.goffpetroleum.co.uk
George J. Goff Limited, trading as Goff Heating Oil, is a long-established, family-owned and managed heating oil distribution business operating from 10 locations in East Anglia, Kent and Sussex. Our company is one of the top five heating oil distributors in the United Kingdom.
Transport depot Hill Farm, Cranes Rd, Hethel, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8ET T 01508 570161 M 07711 019180
E james@jamesgrayhaulage.co.uk
James Gray Haulage has been established for 38 years and serves the local agricultural industry in Norfolk and Suffolk as well as the rest of the UK (including N. Ireland). Throughout the years James Gray Haulage has grown with it’s customers and now has a great variety and number of vehicles.
Dairy Farm, Somersham Road, Bramford, Ipswich IP8 4NN
T 01473 744088
E ben@agrihire.co.uk
W www.agrihire.co.uk
Agri-Hire Ltd is a Suffolk based family owned and run business. Est. in 1986 our aim, is to manufacture, hire and supply quality equipment.
Mill Pond Farm, Garboldisham, Diss, Norfolk IP22 2SP T 01953 688211 M 07721 126357
E james.worby@mervynlambert.co.uk W www.mervynlambertplant.co.uk
Mervyn Lambert has been offering a wide range of plant hire and equipment to companies and farmers for more than 50 years. We provide operated or self drive plant hire of almost anything you will need for your projects.
Beckstone Lodge, Great Hale T 01529 460890 M 07967 157148
E info@sehill.co.uk W www.sehill.co.uk
S E Hill Ltd is a family run business which was established in 1973. Over the years we have built a reputation of a company who can deliver a professional and reliable service. Our services include agricultural to forestry and groundworks to equestrian construction.
• Calcium enhances soil structure and root development
Speak to our expert team about LimeX Customer service 0800 090 2376
British Sugar, 1 Samson Place, London Road, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8QJ
T 0800 090 2376
E agriculture@britishsugar.com
W www.limex.co.uk
LimeX is the UK’s No.1 liming product for fast acting and long lasting pH amendment with the additional benefit of Phosphate, Magnesium and Sulphur. Supplied nationwide on all crops with Soil Association approval for organic use.
Barton Turns Farm, Barton-under-Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 8ED
T 01283 712172
E info@flowgro.co.uk
W www.flowgro.co.uk
We offer Service, Testing and Calibration of Sprayers, Fertiliser Spreaders and Applicators using our fleet of vehicles on farm, or at our head office just off the A38 at Burton. We also hold a huge stock of spare parts for most machines, a number of these are available through our website, but if a part is not listed our team will be happy to help.
Unit 5, Great Gilbert Farm, Bluegate Lane, Capel St Mary, Suffolk IP9 2JX T 01449 720227 M 07860 183188
E mail@needhamchalks.co.uk
W www.needhamchalks.co.uk
pH & PK Sampling GPS Soil Sampling and VRA Application Renewable and Bagged Fertilisers
Lump Chalk Knapped and Whole Flint
www.needhamchalks.co.uk / 01449 720227
Operating for over 70 years with experience in liming, chalk production, Gypsum soil conditioner and renewable fertilisers. We offer a wide range of quality liming products, Fibrophos, PGrow, PKUP, KalFos 0-24-5 and all bagged fertilisers. VRA mapping and spreading service available.
Manor Place, Wellington Road, Pocklington, York, YO42 1DN T 01759 302545
E agronomy.uk@yara.com W www.yara.co.uk
With everchanging climates, technologies and responsibilities, Yara is here to share knowledge and discuss our focus on ‘Growing a NaturePositive Food Future’ to support our UK farmers and growers. Join Yara’s Crop Nutrition seminar at CropTec 2025, as we look at introducing impactful changes to our fertiliser products and digital tools.
8 The Lanterns, Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BX T 01763 241222
E aqm@aqm.co.uk W www.aqm.co.uk
For six decades, AQM has empowered livestock farmers with innovative solutions. Connect with us and experience a range of services designed to drive your business forward. Contact us today and let’s grow together!
Spread-a-Bale Ltd, 2 Rosscliffe Road, Rossmore Industrial Estate, Ellesmere Port, CH65 3AS T 01244 394258
E david@spread-a-bale.com W www.spread-a-bale.com
Spread-a-Bale is a simple, reliable and efficient time saving machine suited to all operations, regardless of scale and livestock species ®
The ST (Side Throw) new head option for Micro, Mini, Midi, Midi XL and Maxi
buildings with narrow access doors and passageways from 2m wide vertical rotor
Spreading to left, right and front. 0.5m wide, up to 8m throw chopping, lowers dust levels, saves straw
• Spreading
Spreads any bale in under one minute Self-loading, requires only one tractor / loader Improves efficiency, profitability and environment
• No chopping, lowers dust levels, saves straw
• Spreads any bale in under one minute
• No chopping, lowers dust levels, saves straw
• Spreads any bale in under one minute
• Self-loading, requires only one tractor / loader
• Improves efficiency, profitability and
• Self-loading, requires only one tractor / loader
• Improves efficiency, profitability and environment
Angloplant Ltd, Marsh Farm, Gedney, Marsh Spalding Lincs, PE12 9PA
T 01406 550558, 07860 620613, 07985 711899
E angloplant@hotmail.co.uk
W www.angloplant.co.uk
Supplying plant to the construction and building industries on both weekly and long term hire contracts as well as bulk earthmoving, design and construction of ponds and reservoirs. Anglo Plant uses their experience to buy, repair and sell plant equipment in the UK and worldwide.
South Grange Farm, Burringham, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN17 3AB
T 01724 783887
E bomagriquipment@hotmail.co.uk
W www.bomagri.com
With over 43 years of experience, we have the skills and expertise needed to create, design and deliver high class agricultural equipment you can rely on. Whatever size farm, we have equipment to make day-to-day routines easier and more efficient.
Platform One, Duns, TD11 3HS
T 01361 408532
E merseagriculture@bargam.co.uk
W www.merseagriculture.co.uk
Merse Agriculture is the main importer of Bargam, Dammann, Grim and Agroma agricultural products...
T 01733 583000
E info@perkins.com
W www.perkins.com
Perkins helps customers achieve climate-related goals by designing, building, and servicing power solutions that are tailored precisely to their requirements. Supported by a global distribution network and digital aftermarket services, Perkins engines power over 5,000 different customer applications globally.
Storth Ltd, Stoneleigh Park Station Road, Holme, Carnforth LA6 1HR
T 01524 781900
E sales@storthmachinery.co.uk
Founded in 1999, Storth Machinery are the leading manufacturers of slurry equipment across the UK. We manufacture scrapers, pumps, separators, slurry stores & covers, mixers and all slurry application equipment, including chopper pumps, reelers, dribble bars and trailing shoes.
Redhill Depot, Ross Road, Hereford HR2 8BH
T 01432 274361
E sales@votex.co.uk
W www.votex.co.uk
Votex Hereford Ltd has been making machinery in Hereford since the 1960s, offering a wide range of machines for agricultural, municipal and professional uses.
Regal Drive, Soham, Cambs CB7 5BE
T 01353 723373
E enquiries@withamgroup.co.uk
W www.withamgroup.co.uk
The Witham Group is one of the largest independent lubricant manufacturers and paint suppliers in the UK. We are very proud of our heritage and today we supply our products and services to agriculture many other industries. Quality products and reliable service are the foundations of our business.
Unit 5, Apollo Park, University Way, Crewe, CW1 6HX
T 07706 733176
E info@bagsupplies.co.uk
W www.bagsupplies.co.uk
Bag Supplies specialise in the supply of nets and ventilated FIBCs to the agricultural sector. We offer a wide range of items from stock and a customised design service. Please contact for further details. We’ve got it in the Bag!
Command House, Preston St Mary, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9NQ
T 01787 248049 M 07957 856098
E mark@commandpestcontrol.co.uk
W www.commandpestcontrol.co.uk
Building 69, Third Avenue, Pensnett Trading Est., Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 7FD
T 01384 404 242
E sales@lodi-uk.com
W www.lodi-uk.com
Leaders in farming pest control, LODI UK are proud to support British Agriculture and UK farmers with responsible pest control solutions. Discover our one-stop-shop of premium products for insect & rodent control, stored grain protection, ground care and amenities.
Seton House, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6DA T 01926 475680
E agri@pilgrimseurope.com
W www.pilgrimseurope.com
Pilgrim’s Europe is a leading UK food company producing locally sourced pork, chicken and lamb. We pride ourselves on the relationships we have built with our 4,500 British farming partners and major retailers over many years. We have fantastic pig opportunities. Get in touch today.
Electronic Control Manufacturer, Unit 42, 266-290 Wincolmlee, Hull HU2 0PZ T 01482 216015
After Hours Technical Support 07721 353446
E sales@electrovent.karoo.co.uk
W www.electrovent.co.uk
Our services include rodent control, grain fumigation and monitoring, grain store treatments and cleaning etc. Established 35 years ago in Suffolk but covering most of the UK, we understand farming needs and provide a good quality service.
Manufacturing a range of auto/manual control panels for fans, heating, ventilation, dusk/dawn dimmers and temperature alarm systems. At Electrovent, we take the latest technology and make it simple yet effective so you can control the environment for your livestock with confidence.
Claggy Road, Kimpton, Hertfordshire SG4 8QB
T 01438 832281
E info@epaproducts.co.uk
W www.epaproducts.co.uk
Manufacturers and suppliers of ventilation equipment including Ziehl Abegg fans, temperature control , CO2 and ammonia monitoring. Lighting control systems including LED for the welfare of livestock. Alarm monitoring include landline and GSM telephone communicators.
NQ House, Conygarth Way, Leeming Bar Business Park, Leeming Bar, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 9EE
T 01677 428600
E enquiries@newquip.co.uk
W www.newquip.co.uk
The sole distributor of Big Dutchman pig and poultry equipment for mainland Britain. Newquip supply spare-parts and carry out complete pig installations nationwide. The range includes Liquid or Dry feeding, Ventilation, Heating, Housing equipment and Disposables.
The Old Mill, Roughton, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire LN10 6YQ
T 01526 353978
E info@pedersencontracting.co.uk
W www.pedersencontracting.co.uk
We provide a fast, cost-effective haulage and shed cleaning service for commercial poultry farms throughout the UK. We also buy, sell and deliver quality poultry litter to farmers, power stations, composters and agribusinesses for use as fertiliser or fuel.
Command House, Church Lane, Preston St Mary, Suffolk CO10 9NQ
25 Enterprise Road, Bangor, Co. Down BT19 7TA
T 028 91 275913
E info@agri-web.co.uk
W www.agri-web.co.uk
Agri-Web Ltd are the leading UK manufacturers of rubber grading screens and rubber screens for jump graders and shaker graders. Agri-Web can also supply perforated dewatering belts for washing applications and perforated PVC food quality belts for the salad industry.
9 Sand Lane, Aldreth, Ely, Cambs CB6 3PH T 01353 740666
E sales@davidharrisons.com
W www.davidharrisons.com
Established in 1975 David Harrison Handling Solutions have built a reputation for exceeding customer expectations with a wide range of new, used, and re-built vegetable handling and packhouse machinery. Check our website for stock available from our site near Ely.
Spalding Road, Sutterton, Boston, Lincs PE20 2ET
T 07966 428632 (Andy) 07825 267080 (Adrian)
E andy.wilson@burdens.com or adrian.harrison@burdens.com
W www.burdens.com
We specialise in the sales, service and support of machinery for root crop, vegetable and salad growers. We are dealers for Tumoba, Tong, Samon, Agrimech, Struik BV, Swift Lift, Agriplanter and more.
Coldham Road Industrial Estate, Coningsby, Lincolnshire, LN4 4SE T 01526 342466
E sales@pellcroft.com W www.potatocrates.com
Pellcroft Engineering Ltd manufactures the Blackburn Potato Chitting Crate, the potato farmer’s practical alternative to trays or boxes. Less time, handling, labour and damage = less cost. Crate capacity of 500KG. Used with forklifts and telehandlers. Proven design for over 40 years.
Fen Road, Frampton West, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 1RZ T 01205 722755
E soilanalysis@raalabs.co.uk
W www.richardaustinagriculture.co.uk
We are UK market leaders for Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) analysis in soil with over 40 years of experience behind us and testing of over 25,000 samples each year. We also offer soil-nutrient analysis and are members of the Professional Agricultural Analysis Group (PAAG) and the AHDB PCN proficiency schemes.
Unit 1, Allendale Road, Thirsk Industrial Park, Thirsk, N Yorks YO7 3NX
T 01845 522990
W www.hallwebs.co.uk
We manufacture webs to fit any machine, make or model, to any specification or specialist requirement. Fast, free delivery to the UK mainland is included. Bespoke or standard, if it has a web WE MAKE IT. We also stock sprockets drives and rollers.
15 Palace Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1RT
T 01603 666132
E info@argentsaccountants.co.uk
W www.argentsaccountants.co.uk
We create bespoke accountancy services for each farming business, recognising your unique set of circumstances, which will include the usual services such as preparing annual accounts, tax returns and payroll. In addition we are able to provide assistance with the latest accounts software, bookkeeping and VAT Returns.
Invicta House, Amherst Hill, Riverhead, Kent, TN13 2EL
T 01732 471950
E info@invicta.co.uk
W www.invicta.co.uk
Invicta Insurance Services are an independent insurance broker based in Sevenoaks, Kent, dedicated to finding you the right cover from a wide panel of insurers. Specialists in agricultural and farming property, liability and vehicle insurance, equine cover and much more.
1 Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrews SY3 7FA
T 01743 241281
E mark.griffiths@dykeyaxley.co.uk
W www.dykeyaxley.co.uk
Our Farming Team have been dealing with rural businesses for over 100 years, their understanding of the specific issues faced by the agriculture industry is extensive. Whatever your size or needs we can tailor our services to meet your requirements.
Saxon House, Moseley’s Farm Business Centre, Fornham All Saints, Bury St Edmunds IP28 6JY T 01284 722300 F 01284 750039
W www.ensors.co.uk/agriculture
Ensors understand the challenges which come with managing an agricultural business. From streamlining your accounting processes and ensuring you take advantage of your tax allowances, to sourcing opportunities for revenue and investment, we’ll help you run an efficient business for future generations.
Lake House, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN T 01763 248100
E chriss@hardcastle-burton.co.uk
W www.hardcastle-burton.co.uk
Farming businesses require advisers who have a thorough understanding of the industry and understand the family personalities and aspirations. Our dedicated agricultural teams are partner-led and provide a tailored service to each client – bringing together commercial, financial, tax and family considerations.
Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RE T 01603 624181
W www.larking-gowen.co.uk
Larking Gowen has years of experience in agriculture and the expertise to guide you through investment, diversification, succession, tax planning and more, whatever the size of your business.
• Agricultural Farm, Estate and Land Sales and Lettings
• Estate Management
• Agricultural Tenancy Advice
• Farm Machinery and Specialist Sales
• Basic Payment Scheme
• Country Side Stewardship Scheme
• Professional Valuations
• AMC Agents
Hardcastle Burton LLP
Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers
Our partner-led agricultural teams specialise in farming accounts and tax advice, providing a dedicated service to over 500 farmers.
More information can be found at: www.hardcastle-burton.co.uk
Please contact Chris Scarboro for a free initial consultation T: 01763 248100
E: chriss@hardcastle-burton.co.uk Lake House, Market Hill, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9JN
for tomorrow
1-3 South Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 1JA
T 01945 428830 / 01354 602030
E agricultural@maxeygrounds.co.uk
W www.maxeygrounds.co.uk
Leading independent surveyors and land agents in East Anglia and Lincolnshire, we’ve been helping farmers and rural property owners look after their land and manage their affairs for over 200 years. We offer many services including valuations, estate management, farm consultancy and offer advice on the challenges ahead.
Montague House, Chancery Lane, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, NN14 4LN
T 01832 732161 F 01832 733523
E mail@vshlaw.co.uk W www.vshlaw.co.uk
Specialist advisors to successive generations of farming families. Partnerships, inheritance tax & succession planning, restructuring, leases, agreements, employment issues and many more services offered. We always deliver top quality services with our team of committed, highly experienced and qualified professionals.
Alkington Hall Alkington, Whitchurch SY13 3NG
T 01948411540
E info@wilsonfearnall.co.uk
W www.wilsonfearnall.co.uk
A firm of young and dynamic Chartered Surveyors and Planning Consultants offering practical, straightforward advice. We provide advice to a range of private and corporate land and property owners, developers, businesses and communities on a diverse range of property matters.
PO Box 423, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2XB
T 01284 747292
E admin@4xtrahands.com
W www.4xtrahands.com
4Xtrahands is a dedicated website for agricultural and rural recruitment in the UK and around the world. Simple and affordable way for employers to attract staff.
Warren Smith Farming Ltd, Hunters Hall, Epping Upland, Epping, Essex CM16 6PL T 07590 850307 (Katherine) 07801 416942 (Tom)
E warrensmithfarming@outlook.com
Collections over East Anglia, further afield also considered, fertiliser/seed bags, spray containers and cardboard collected off farm.
G&M Scrap Metal
T 07774 805068 (Glen Metcalf)
T 07774 805068 (Glen Metcalf)
Fully licensed scrap merchants based in Norwich, welcome agricultural scrap, old combines, JCBs, farm machinery etc. Farm clearance service available. Call Glen Metcalf on 07774 805068.
Fully licensed scrap merchants based in Norwich, welcome agricultural scrap, old combines, JCBs, farm machinery etc. Farm clearance service available. Call Glen Metcalf on 07774 805068.
01948 411540
Contact Richard Fearnall on: 01948 667 113 info@wilsonfearnall.co.uk www.wilsonfearnall.co.uk
Agriculture House, Scalford Station, Melton Mowbray LE14 4UD
T 01664 444189
E helen@harby.co.uk
W www.harby.co.uk
Harby Agriculture provides a simple and easy waste solution to suit your farm. All farm waste can be collected by the bag or lorry load to keep you compliant. Please ring for a quote.
Rectory Farm, Kelshall, Nr Royston, Herts SG8 9SP
T 01763 287317
E info@kelshallplastics.co.uk
W www.kelshallplastics.co.uk
Kelshall Plastics is an independent, reliable farm waste recycling company. We cover the whole of East Anglia and offer a simple pay per acre or pay per bag service. We offer discounts for several group memberships.Members of the Green Tractor Scheme.
Wellington House, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1BH
T 01223 420369 M 07899 756373
E enquiries@lslsurfacing.co.uk
W www.lslsurfacing.co.uk
Family run business, established in East Anglia for over 30 years. We offer hot tar spraying and tarmac contracting. We do all of our own work, no sub-contracting! We cover small projects to new roads. Call us now for free, no obligation quote, contact Ben Moore.
Unit Q, 14 Dundyvan Way, Dundyvan Enterprise Park, Coatbridge ML5 4FR
T 01236 421835
E info@drivers-seats.com
W www.drivers-seats.com
Thomas Scott Seating are suppliers of industrial seating by GRAMMER, KAB SEATING, SEARS, ISRI and many more. Seats and seating spare parts for tractors, forklifts, heavy plant, trucks, coaches, telehandlers, cranes and office chairs.
Innovation Centre, Silverstone Circuit Silverstone, Northamptonshire, NN12 8GX.
T 01327 317980
E hello@alltrac.co.uk
W www.atvtrac.co.uk
A discreet ATV and asset tracker that monitors the movements of your machinery in real-time, allowing you to view status and location history 24/7 with notification of unauthorised movements.
Station Road, North Kilworth, Lutterworth, Leics LE17 6JB
T 01858 880882
E info@cyoseeds.com
W www.cyoseeds.com
CYO Seeds (Midlands) Ltd is the largest independent mobile seed processor of FSS in the country. We offer a superior seed cleaning service, using large cleaners and gravity selectors with accurate chemical dosing to produce the best possible seed sample.
Bridgeford Hurst Farm, Eccleshall Road, Great Bridgeford, Staffordshire ST18 9PS
T 01785 282255
E office@hartleygrains.co.uk
W www.grainmanagement.co.uk
Hartley Farms provide a full grain management service, with over 40 years under our belt we have a wealth of knowledge and services. From field to end user we provide an increasingly important link within the industry, providing grain sampling, testing, cleaning, drying and storage.
Bell Farm, Colesden, Bedford, Bedfordshire
MK44 3DB
T 01234 376 284
E office@ragibson.co.uk
W www.ragibson.co.uk
R A Gibson (Colesden) Ltd is a family business that has been trading since 1947. We sell certified seed to farmers and merchants, both near and far. Our winter wheat and spring bean seed is all produced from our own crops. Please see our website for varieties available to order for this coming season.
1 Innovation Drive, King’s Lynn, PE30 5BY
T: 01366 384899
E: info@soilfertilityservices.co.uk
W: www.soilfertilityservices.co.uk
Your soil is your most important asset. You should know what is in it.
If you don’t measure, you can’t manage. Analysis is the key + Interpretation + Remediation. Organically Approved by BOTH Soil Association AND Organic Farmers & Growers.
43 St Ediths Marsh Farm, St Ediths Marsh, Bromham, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 2DF
T 01380 850001 F 01380 859126
E sales@agrispares.co.uk
Specialising in parts for forage crop machinery, ranges of self propelled forage harvesters, mowers, rakes, tedders, balers and combine harvesters. We provide the best value parts available. We source premium quality parts from original equipment manufacturers to bring you the best quality at the most competitive prices.
25 Schneider Business Park
Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 3SS
T 01394 673830
E ambahydraulics@hotmail.com
W www.ambahydraulics.co.uk
24/7 on-site hydraulic hose replacement service. Design, supply and installation of hydraulic systems and components. Full range of industrial hose, fittings, adaptors etc. Over 2000 litres oil stock inc hydraulic, gear, engine, universal tractor and greases. B.F.P.D.A member.
Middle Drove Enterprise Park, Middle Drove, Marshland St James, Wisbech, Cambs PE14 8JT
T 01945 430983 M 07770 885651
E sales@hub4parts.co.uk
W www.hub4parts.co.uk
Genuine spares for all HERBERT handling equipment. Exclusive manufacturer of plastic grading screens for all types of grader modules. Pre-owned, refurbished or “sold as seen” handling equipment available/can be sourced. Service work undertaken using experienced engineers.
12 & 13 Yew Tree Courtyard, Earl Soham, Woodbridge IP13 7SG
T 01728 684800
E info.uk@hydrokit.com
W www.hydrokit.com
The answer is HYDROKIT UK LTD!
For all types of mobile equipment and implements, from a component to a complete kit – HYDROKIT has a solution!
Nortrack, Tenpenny Hill, Thorrington, Colchester, Essex CO7 8JG
T 01206 250443 M 07767 447472
E tcplant@btinternet.com
W www.tomcanhamplant.co.uk
A family run independent engineering company specialising in all aspects of service and repair for both the agricultural and construction sectors. We pride ourselves on a prompt breakdown service resulting in minimum customer downtime.
Hansa Road, Hardwick Industrial Est. King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4LG
T +44 (0) 1553 774 012
E info@germains.com
W www.germains.com
Germains is the leading sugar beet seed technology provider, tailored specifically for UK conditions. Specialising in priming, pelleting, film coating, polymers, and health technologies, we drive innovation through R&D to deliver value-added solutions for growers.
Smethcote Manor, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3DQ
T +447807 164199
E agridrioduk@gmail.com
W www.agri-driod.co.uk
The FarmDroid FD20 is an autonomous field robot controlled by precise GPS technology which undertakes sowing and weeding in and between rows. The FarmDroid is an entirely self-sufficient robot driven by two batteries that are powered by solar panels making it a carbon-neutral machine.
Emmerdale Peelbog, Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire AB31 4QE
T 01339 883361 M 07770 765411
E info@dgps4u.com
W www.dgps4u.com
GPS, DGPS, RTK, tracking and data telemetry –are you in the market for these items? Looking for a reliable company to supply you with new technology? A company to give you a service that will maintain your current systems with a back up service 24/7?
Sacombe Hill Farm, Watton at Stone, Hertford, SG14 3NL
T 01920 759 000
E info@fmecgroup.com
W www.fmecgroup.co.uk
FMEC Group delivers integrated software solutions, empowering agribusinesses, with secure cloudbased live data. Our platform streamlines single data entry, providing powerful, comprehensive analysis and recording to enhance decision-making and optimise management and profitability across all aspects of operations.
4 Westmour Units, Warwick Road, Fairfield
Industrial Estate, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 0YB
T 01507 609643
E sales@protecservices.co.uk
W www.protecservices.co.uk
With over two decades of expertise in IT and Security, Protec Services is a family-operated business committed to providing exceptional services. Trust our experienced team for reliable and innovative solutions tailored to your individual requirements. Your dependable technology partner.
Orion Court, Great Blakenham, Ipswich, Suffolk
T 01473 833360
E info@stcsolutions.co.uk
W www.stcsolutions.co.uk
Supply and installation, service and calibration of CCTV, including wireless, barriers, card swipe access, weighbridges and all types of scales.
St. John’s Innovation Park, Platinum, Cambridge, CB4 0DS
T 0330 043 1513
E support@yagro.com
W www.yagro.com
Providing arable farmers with procurement solutions & improved use of farm records, for streamlining farm management. Through Analytics, Tracker & MarketPlace tools, customers gain unrivalled insights into their operations to enhance decisionmaking, efficiency & benchmarking performance.
Station Yard, Langton Hill, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 5AQ
T 07801 124 521
E salesenquiries@bushtyres.co.uk
W www.bushtyres.co.uk
A wide range of tyres, batteries, wheels and services such as wheel alignments, puncture repairs and TPMS. One of the largest stock holdings of agricultural tyres in the UK, over 25 branches and a mobile fitting service. We also have a Nationwide Delivery Service.
Reed Point, Sutterton PE20 2EP
T 0345 331 2747
E info@envirotyre.com
W www.envirotyre.com
Envirotyre is one of the leading tyre & track recycling companies in the country. No matter how big, heavy or dirty your waste agri, car, truck tyres and tracks, we can dispose of them at the best possible, cost-effective solution for you.
The world’s first sowing and weeding robot
An autonomous, entirely self-sufficient, carbon-neutral, solarpowered battery-operated field robot controlled by precise GPS, undertaking both sowing & weeding in and between rows.
Agri-Droid is the official distributor of the FarmDroid FD20 in the counties of Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Powys, Clwyd and Cheshire.
07807 164199
agridroiduk@gmail.com • www.agri-droid.co.uk
Smethcote Manor, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3DQ
Unit 2, Old, Cosgrove Rd, Old Stratford, Milton Keynes MK19 6FQ
T 01908 510496
E danny@jadetyres.co.uk
W www.jadetyres.co.uk
Jade Tyres has over fifteen years’ experience in the tyre industry and take pride in high customer service levels and professional advice on all tyre products and services. We stock a large range of replacement tyres from all the major tyre manufacturers. Our mobile fitting service provides puncture repair and tyre replacement services.
T 01507 355715
E louthtyreservices@btconnect.com
W www.louth-tyres.co.uk
With over 60 years experience in the trade, our technicians offer a customer experience that is second to none. Whether you require tyres for your personal car, or have more commercial and agricultural needs, you can be sure our Lincolnshirebased tyre fitting service, battery supply, brake testing and wheel alignment service will give your vehicle the attention it deserves.
Bentley Garage, Ongar Road, Brentwood, CM15 9SB
T 01277 372779 or 01245 466803
E sales@nickstyres.co.uk
W www.nickstyres.co.uk
We run a fleet of ten tyre breakdown vehicles from our depots in Chelmsford and Brentwood with satellite vehicles in Colchester, Bishops Stortford and North London. We supply and repair car, agricultural and commercial tyres for all vehicles. We also offer MOT and servicing at our Brentwood depot.
4 Cavendish Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3TE
T 01284 725777
E sales@tollgatetyres.co.uk
W www.tollgatetyres.uk
Established in Bury St Edmunds for over 20 years we operate numerous fully equipped tyre fitting vans covering all aspects of commercial, agricultural and industrial tyre applications from wheelbarrows to combine harvesters. Plus we offer a full range of garage services.
Chapel Pond Hill, Bury st Edmunds Suffolk. IP32 7HG
Chapel Pond Hill, Bury st Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7HG
T: 0800 99 99 247
T 0800 99 99 247
E: mobile24@treadfirst.co.uk
E mobile24@treadfirst.co.uk
W: www.treadfirst.co.uk
W www.treadfirst.co.uk
we are an independent agricultural tyre and wheel specialist providing a genuine 24 hour tyre breakdown and repair service covering the East of England. We hold a massive stock of tyres, wheels and batteries for gators through to combine harvesters.
For your cars, vans and 4x4's we have retail outlets throughout East Anglia where we can provide vehicle servicing, repairs and MOT's together with fitting tyres, exhausts & batteries.
We are an independent agricultural tyre and wheel specialist providing a genuine 24 hour tyre breakdown and repair service covering the East of England. We hold a massive stock of tyres, wheels and batteries for gators through to combine harvesters. For your cars, vans and 4x4s we have retail outlets throughout East Anglia where we can provide vehicle servicing, repairs and MOTs together with fitting tyres, exhausts & batteries.
Tyre Tech 24 Ltd, Unit 3 Aylsham Industrial Estate, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6SS Workshop 01263 731699 Agricultural 07801 880 913
E tyretech24@gmail.com
W www.tyretech24.co.uk
Located in Aylsham, Norfolk, we offer same-day tyre repair/replacement, mobile fitting, and a range of services including MOT, brakes, alignment, and more. Our Monaflex system ensures durable repairs for agricultural tyres of all sizes
Exceptional service with independent prices
Tollgate Tyre & Exhaust Centre has been established for over 20 years. We operate numerous fully equipped tyre fitting vans covering all aspects of commercial, agricultural and industrial tyre applications, from wheelbarrows to combine harvesters. We also offer a full range of garage services.
4 Cavendish Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3TE T 01284 725777 E sales@tollgatetyres.co.uk W www.tollgatetyres.co.uk
• Booms for lane widths 10 - 96 metres
• Hosereels from 150 - 750m pipe length
• Motorpump range; flow rates 30-150m3/hr
• Raindancer remote monitoring & control
• Fixtures, fittings, pipework and more... briggsirrigation.co.uk 01536 260338 enquiries@briggsirrigation.co.uk
Addison Road, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2YW
T 01787 311 811
E info@trenchers.co.uk
W www.trenchers.co.uk
Manufacturer of tractor mounted trenchers used by farmers all over the world for drainage and irrigation, with an excellent reputation for solid construction, ease of operation and minimal maintenance.
8570 Voitsberg, Austria
T +43 3142 200-0 or 07708 919597
E a.tindall@bauer-at.com
With the GPS-supported application “Smart Rain“ from BAUER, the monitoring and optimisation of RAINSTAR, PIVOT and pumps has never been easier. With the app on your smartphone you always have an overview of your irrigation machines, always and everywhere.
Manor Farm, Little Grimsby, Louth, LN11 0UU
T 07854 352026 (Jim)
E mick@braders.com
W www.bradersdrainage.co.uk
With over 70 years of experience carrying out all types of agricultural drainage work throughout Lincolnshire and the surrounding areas. Providing comprehensive drainage service, from basic drain unblocking to complete drainage installations for all types of agricultural land.
Boyle Road, Corby NN17 5XU
T 01536 260338
E enquiries@briggsirrigation.co.uk
W www.briggsirrigation.co.uk
Briggs Irrigation is a leading manufacturer and supplier of irrigation systems including booms, hosereels, pumps and ancillary equipment for clear water and dirty water/digestate. See our website for your local Briggs agent and service engineer or use the contact details above.
Taswood Lakes, Mill Road, Flordon, Norwich, Norfolk NR15 1LX
T 01508 471470 E sales@ellisirrigation.co.uk
W www.ellisirrigation.co.uk
Ellis Irrigation has over 40 years’ experience in supplying all types of irrigation equipment including booms, hose-reels, pumps and equipment for clean/dirty water systems. We hold a massive stock of all relevant spares and offer nationwide next day UK delivery.
• Land drainage with laser-controlled gradients
• Narrow trenching with permeable backfill option
• Poll and reservoir construction
• Manege and riding arenas constructed
• All types of groundwork undertaken
Distributor and Importer for Raindancer
Monitoring • Remote Control • Deployment Planning & much more
We are the EXCLUSIVE UK Distributor and Importer for Raindancer! +44 1353 675 265 www.rstirrigation.co.uk
are the EXCLUSIVE UK Distributor and Importer for Raindancer
+44 1353 675 265 www rstirrigation.co.uk
Northants Land Drainage Trenching speciaIists.
Northants Land Drainage EST 1960
lass service and commitment to customers. Extensive cost effective drainage systems for all applications drainage to large schemes, wind farms and
Northants Land Drainage
Trenching speciaIists.
-Land Drainage -Ponds -Ground works -Fencing
-Cable trenching and laying -Equestrian - Arenas/Gallops -Bulk excavation and site clearance
A family run business offering a first class service and commitment to customers. Extensive experience in designing and installing cost effective drainage systems for all applications and environments. From small paddock drainage to large schemes, wind farms and pipe-lines.
-Cable trenching and laying -Equestrian - Arenas/Gallops -Bulk excavation and site clearance
A family run business offering a first class service and commitment to customers. Extensive experience in designing and installing cost effective drainage systems for all applications and environments. From small paddock drainage to large schemes, wind farms and pipe-lines. Call us for a no obligation quote on 01604 770410
A family run business offering a first class service and commitment to customers. Extensive experience in designing and installing cost effective drainage systems for all applications and environments. From small paddock drainage to large schemes, wind farms and pipe-lines.
- Land Drainage - Ponds
- Ground works
- Fencing
- Cable trenching and laying
- EquestrianArenas/Gallops
- Bulk excavation and site clearance
Northants Land Drainage Contractors Ltd
Tel: 01604 770410
A family run business offering a first experience in designing and installing cost and environments. From small paddock drainage to large schem pipe-lines.
8DP -Land Drainage -Ponds -Ground works -Fencing
Jayne@northantslanddrainage.co.uk www.northantslanddrainage.co.uk
-Land Drainage -Ponds -Ground works -Fencing
49a, Brizenorton Road, Minster Lovell, Witney, Oxon, OX29 0SG
T 01993 775568
E gordonhill.sons@btopenworld.com
W www.ghillandsons.co.uk/
A long established family business in Minster Lovell with over 40 years worth of experience and expertise within Oxfordshire and surrounding Counties. With all the relevant street works and qualifications. We continually strive to achieve sustainable success in the construction industry.
Scotland Wood Farm, Kelmarsh, Northamptonshire NN6 9LU
M 07973 265378
E hankins_moler@yahoo.co.uk
W www.maidwellmoler.co.uk
The Maidwell Moler has been designed and built by Ron Hankins and team for over 40 years, renowned for their strength due to the amount of steel that goes into them to withstand high hp tractors. Hankins Engineering use the mole ploughs, so they know the design is proven.
New Farm, Bobbingworth, Ongar, Essex CM5 0DJ
T 01277 890 274 F 01277 890 322
E admin@hughpearl.co.uk
W www.hughpearl.co.uk
With over 70 years of experience, Hugh Pearl are the right choice to solve your drainage problems. Specialising in providing a design and construction service for: land drainage, ditching and water supply; reservoirs for irrigation, effluent disposal, fishing and amenity; and pipeline reinstatement land drainage.
Kintore Business Park, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0YQ
T 01228 791503
E Contact Your Local Branch
W www.jdpipes.co.uk
The experts in drainage and water management, JDP is a leading distributor of civils & drainage products across the UK, from land drainage and ducting to rainwater harvesting and more. Contact your local branch today for all your drainage needs!
Wells Corner, Laxfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8EG
T 01986 798888 M 07831 191525
E mail@lescottoncontractors.co.uk
W www.lescottoncontractors.co.uk
Les Cotton Contractors are pleased to visit and discuss your land drainage, ditching or digger hire and landscaping requirements, including sewage treatment plant installation and servicing.
For over 90 years, TW Page & Son Ltd has been serving the agricultural community of East Anglia
Submersible pumps for fresh Iron & manganese removal
Water main laying & trenching services Contact us for a free quotation
JDP supports the modern farm with products and solutions for livestock and equine feeding, cleaning and hygiene.
Established since 1948, family-run Braders offers land drainage solutions and supplies throughout Lincolnshire. We will carry out a free survey and site visit to discuss your requirements, find out soil types and try to incorporate existing drainage where possible. All our operators have the necessary cpcs/ npors cards. Being involved in farming ourselves means we understand farmers needs and budgets, and will design a system to best suit these needs.
We use GPS for field surveys – contact us to discuss your requirements
Mobile irrigation management system
• Monitoring of Rainstar operation
• Optimize your irrigation management
• Automatic Error messages
• Irrigation control via mobile devices
• Team management
• Automatic reports Contact Adrian Tindall: T 07708 919597 E a.tindall@bauer-at.com
Röhren- und Pumpenwerk BAUER Ges.m.b.H. 8570 Voitsberg, Austria, Phone +43 3142 200-0, sales@bauer-at.com, www.bauer-at.com
Designing a new scheme using Trimble GPS and Farmworks 2 software
We run a gravel cart on tracks for more challenging, wet jobs
From farms and construction sites to flood defences, we can help!
Lodge Works, Great Ashfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 3HA
T 01359 259 424
E andrew@milesdrainage.co.uk
W www.milesdrainage.co.uk
Miles Drainage (20) Ltd operates within and beyond East Anglia, providing a GPS based quality land drainage design and installation service for agricultural, amenity and sports field customers. Mole draining and ditching is our speciality, plus we supply the Miles Single Leg Mole Plough, including spares and wearing parts.
Althorpe Park Station, West Haddon Rd, East Haddon, Northampton NN6 8DP
T 01604 770 410
E jayne@northantslanddrainage.co.uk
W www.nldrainagecontractors.co.uk
Established in 1960, we undertake all domestic and commercial projects across Bedfordshire, Leicestershire and the surrounding areas. From the installation of water supply systems and cross country pipelines to paddock drainage and more, we offer a complete land drainage service.
33B Waterloo Industrial Estate, Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire B50 4JH
T 01789 491200 F 01789 491400
E sales@pipetek.co.uk
W www.pipetek.co.uk
Pipetek Supplies are suppliers of drainage materials and plastic products, primarily to the construction and agricultural sectors. In addition to pipe, we can supply concrete, agricultural & equine products, storage tanks and sewage treatment solutions.
Trustans Farm, Westleton Road, Darsham, Suffolk, IP17 3BP
T 01728 668668
E info@primeirrigation.co.uk
W www.primeirrigation.co.uk
Prime Irrigation has installed pump equipment, underground mains pipework and associated systems for agriculture and sports turf and golf courses since 1958. Pumps are selected on best models for duty, offering highest efficiency for electrical savings when using PrimeTime 2020 variable speed control panels.
• Land Drainage • Pumps - Diesel or Electric • Ditching
• Underground mains laid using our trencher, tracked excavators or wheeled diggers
• Drain Jetting
• Design of complete irrigation systems
• Thrust boring with our own certified staff • Reservoirs
61 Willow Way, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5QS
T 01692 678329 M 07787 552384
• Briggs Irrigation agents • Boreholes
• Mini digger for fast response to burst mains
E info@millingtonwater.co.uk
• Irrigator & pump repairs - any make • Aluminium pipes and fittings
W www.millingtonwater.co.uk
Contact Philip or Richard on 07876 298534 and 07787 552384 www.millingtonwater.co.uk
Based at Catfield, near Stalham
Philip Millington Water Services Ltd is a family run business, formed in 2002. We offer land drainage, ditching, drain jetting and irrigation installations, including reservoirs and pump sheds. Certified street works for thrust boring, Briggs Irrigation dealers.
Anglia Farmer Midland Farmer
The Irricentre, Sedge Fen, Lakenheath, Suffolk, IP27 9LF
T 01353 675 265
E rstirrigation@googlemail.com
W www.rstirrigation.co.uk
RST Irrigation Ltd, established in 1980, specializes in agricultural irrigation, offering hosereels, pivots, pumps, pipes, underground installations, and repairs. With decades of expertise, we deliver quality products, excellent service, and “7-days-aweek” support to farmers nationwide.
7 Buxton Road, Frettenham, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 7NQ
T 01603 898071
E admin@twpage.co.uk
W www.twpage.co.uk
With over 90 years experience covering East Anglia in the water industry, T W Page & Son Ltd are the company who will install your complete water system, from borehole to tap. We also service the filtration equipment.
1 Oaklands Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2RW
T 01284 719619
E sales@griffith-elder.com
W www.griffith-elder.com
UK manufacturer of weighing systems for farms. Products include low cost weighbridges, on-board weighing for spreaders, chaser bins, trailers and diet feeders, software for grain storage and biogas production, bagging and hopper weighing, and inflight grain weighers.