Wow! What a treat we have for you on May 9th. If you love Hostas, you will not want to miss this one.
Melanie Collins will be talking to the group about the genus Hosta from cultivation tips to gardening with these wonderfully versatile plants. She will be bringing a specially curated selection of Hostas with her for sale, which illustrates the breadth of size, form and colour the genus offers. Her objective is the leave her audience enthused about the value of a well-placed Hosta to any garden.
Melanie is a partner in the family business, which holds the largest Plant Heritage National Collection of Hosta in the UK, based in the village of Mickfield in Suffolk since 1992. She joined full time in 2006 after a career in IT research but was involved for many years prior to her career change, not least of all in the marketing and promotion of the business through the internet.
The meeting takes place as usual at The Rifle Hall, London Road, Halesworth, IP19 8LR. We're a really friendly group and make everyone welcome, especially those on their own. Entrance fee for non-members just £2. Doors open at 7:15pm for a 7:30 start. Please try and get there early as we're expecting a big audience for this one.
May will be a busy month for the club as we will have a plant sale to raise funds for future speakers on May 11th, starting about 9am until 1pm. It's at the War Memorial, St. Mary's Church Arboretum, Halesworth. Please do come early as this is a very popular plant sale with bargains galore that go very early.
Further details can be found on our Facebook page: Halesworth and District Gardeners' Society or call our Club Secretary Brian Hammond on 01986 872712.
Happy gardening!
improved on last year and we thank you all for supporting us. With your help, we raised a fantastic £1,441.68. Every penny of which goes to fund the incredible work that Cancer Research does, developing new treatments and diagnostic techniques as it works tirelessly to beat cancer. We'd like to sincerely thank the following businesses for contributing the food we served at the breakfast: Clarke's Butchers Bramfield, Halesworth Coop, Halesworth Spar, Melons Greengrocer's Halesworth and Tesco. Congratulations to everyone who won the lovely prizes on our raffle. Thank you to Mumfords Southwold for supplying one of the lovely raffle prizes. A big thank you also goes to Holton Village Hall for lending us their catering equipment and to John for helping people with parking on the day. Thank you to everyone who baked for us, supplied a raffle prize, donated a food item or made the very pretty jam jars of flowers for the tables.
Our next event will be our Spring Fair on May 18th at Holton Village Hall. Please see our advert on the What's On page X. We'll have all the usual stalls and we'll be serving soup, our light lunches and delicious desserts from 11:30am. Please stay and have lunch with us. We will be serving our very popular ham and cheese ploughman's as one of the options. We will also serve tea/coffee and biscuits from 10:30am. We're hoping to have a plant stall, so anyone who has green fingers, please think of us and perhaps set a few extra seeds or take a few extra cuttings. We'd be very grateful. Please note:
All our events are cash only as we do not have access to a card machine. We apologise for any inconvenience that this causes.
As we said earlier, we have been quite busy in March: We held our AGM on the 6th. All the officers were re-elected and the committee remains the same with the happy news that we welcomed two new committee members.
Dr. Clarke (Branch President) opened the meeting and praised the advances being made by Cancer Research and Sophia France (Area Relationship Manager) presented us with a cake and photograph celebrating our incredible fundraising achievements. We all enjoyed
the cake at the end of the meeting. Later in the month, three committee members met with the Ladies Captain at Halesworth Golf Club. As her nominated charity this year, she's chosen us and will raise money specifically for The Bobby Moore Fund via Cancer Research, If you're associated with the Golf Club, please support Cathy in her fundraising campaign. They have already completed one event. Well done ladies!
We have also been in contact with the Lowestoft keyboard group who are holding a concert on June 30th in Oulton Broad in memory of their long-standing Chairman who sadly passed away. When tickets go on sale, they will be £5 each and the profits will be divided between the Halesworth branch of Cancer Research and the Parkinson's charity. Please support this event if you can.
It is with sadness that we learnt that another member of the royal family has received a cancer diagnosis. We wish The Princess of Wales a speedy recovery and a positive outcome. We also think of Prince William who has had to bear the news that both his father and wife were diagnosed within weeks of each other, that is shattering news for anyone. Thank you, Dawn Davis (Chair) For more information, please call: 01986 873640.
On April 7th, Halesworth ASH enabled 20 people to visit Earlsway Farm, Bramfield. Richard Symes has farmed here for 50 years. In a threehour guided walk, he shared his passionate commitment to sustainable farming, wildlife conservation, and bio-diversity. He said the challenge is to produce enough to feed a growing population, while sustaining the balance of nature, and (crucially) healthy soil. Since soil holds more carbon than exists in all the earth's vegetation and the atmosphere, soil disturbance is kept to a
minimum. "We haven't ploughed in years," Richard said. "Where necessary, the soil is cultivated to a shallow level. Also, a cover crop may be planted over winter and then turned in before planting the main crop."
However, Earlsway is not an organic farm. While on some fields, food crops are grown commercially with the use of fertilisers, other areas are devoted to nature conservation.
As part of the Natural England and Countryside Stewardship scheme, Richard also links up with other farmers in the Blyth
Cluster, to share knowledge and experience.
Highlights of the tour included the several ponds that have been restored to health; the wild-flower meadow; and woods that have been coppiced, letting in light and creating different levels in the canopy - all of them managed with care, and with bio-diversity as watchword. Right on cue, a line of hares went leaping across the land to cap an inspirational morning.
This was part of a monthly programme of events to raise awareness about practical ways
to counter climate change.
For information about upcoming Halesworth ASH events, please see: www.halesworthash.com
to attend. Voting papers will be available for the 2024 award in the Parish Church.
new are delighted to have this Southwold institution open again.
The café is open from 10am to 4pm and is a great spot to relax and recharge. You will find the Pit Stop between the Water Tower and the Golf Course on Southwold Common so do pop in and enjoy one of the best breakfasts around!
On May 23rd at 7:30pm, Halesworth Library is hosting a talk by Simon K. Jones, a writer based in Norwich specialising in serial fiction, published weekly. His debut novel 'A Day of Faces' won a Watty Award in 2016 and has over 190,000 reads. His newsletter goes out to over 3,500 readers each week with behindthe-scenes insights and tips on how to write serial fiction. Simon has spoken about serialisation at Primadonna Festival and for the National Centre for Writing. He has produced the Writing Life podcast for several years and has also taught for the BBC, FutureLearn, LinkedIn Learning and Access Creative.
A date for your diary:
There will be a poetry evening with Tamar Yoseloff on June 27th. Further details will be forthcoming in the next edition of Community News!
All events will take place in Halesworth Library. Everyone is welcome. There will be a charge for the Quiz Night (registration forms will be available from the library nearer the time), but all other events are free, though donations to cover the cost of refreshments are appreciated.
This talk is preceded at 6:30pm by the AGM of The Friends of Halesworth Library. Come along and learn about what the Friends group does to support the Library's role in the community. Also taking place this month, there will be a quiz on May 22nd at 7:30pm, with Quiz Mistress Linda Sherman setting the questions. On May 25th, there will be a plant sale outside the library in the morning. If you have any cuttings or seedlings you can contribute, please bring them along on the morning.
and raise
two chicks. They feed exclusively on fish and sand eels, and each parent takes it in turn to fly out to sea for food, covering huge distances over three to four days. Kittiwakes are in serious decline globally, but numbers are increasing in Suffolk, and Lowestoft has become a centre of breeding.
interest groups to form the Lowestoft Kittiwake Partnership, aiming to find safe solutions. There is to be a Kittiwake Officer who will work with local people and businesses to keep kittiwakes safe and reduce the problems with nesting on buildings. The offshore 'kittiwake hotels' you may have seen, were constructed by a windfarm company as mitigation measures for sea birds. Decoy kittiwakes are being used to encourage nesting activity, and it is hoped that with time, these will be inhabited by these attractive but vulnerable birds.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, April 11th at 7:30pm at the Southwold Arts Centre, IP18 6JP. There will be a brief AGM, followed by a film, 'Secret Rivers, the Waveney, part two', featuring Paul Heiney. There will be refreshments. Admission free.
Penny Mansfield swtblythvalley@gmail.com
The Hales family would sincerely like to thank all the kind people who helped Rita Hales after fall on the 26th January.
No-one really knows why, but kittiwakes first started to move into the town in the 1950's, and their numbers have continued to increase. The smell of large amounts of guano, and the noise of so many birds, has caused a nuisance to town dwellers, and over the years many measures have been tried to persuade kittiwakes to leave public buildings, and move to artificial sites. However, some measures, such as netting, were potentially harmful to the birds.
As a result, the Suffolk Wildlife Trust has brought together local
It was heartwarming to feel that we live in a community where people help each other. We would also like to thank all the people who have enquired about her and wished her well since. It is very much appreciated.
After sell out shows at several theatres in East Anglia, Led Free and Company (one of the UK's finest Led Zeppelin tribute bands) Free and Bad Co are bringing their two hour homage to the Cut, Halesworth on Saturday June 1st. The band was formed by local musicians Ian Cook and Toby Jones who met at Halesworth Middle School back in the 1970's. Their love of classic rock began when they were in their teens. They formed a band, playing their first gig at Halesworth's United Reform Church in 1975 where they opened with Free's biggest hit, the iconic 'All Right Now'. Fast forward many years and they are back together still playing all the hits from their favourite bands.
Local drum teacher, Matt Furness (the drummer in the band), has been a lifelong fan of Simon Kirke, the drummer in both Free and Bad Co. He recently wrote to his hero telling him about his new band and Simon replied commending him on his "exceptional taste in music" and wishing him good luck with the band. The show features all the classic hits and deep cuts from these giants of Classic Rock, lovingly recreated to spirit you back to the days of loon pants and cheesecloth. Tickets are available from: www.thecut.org.uk or by calling: 0300 303 3211. Check out the band's website: www.ledfreeandco.co.uk.
Saturday 4th May at 10am Holton Church Paddock Booking £6 advance / £8 on the day
Halesworth Cancer Research branch Spring Fair
Saturday 18th May 10:30am-2pm
Virtute et Valor
St. Mary's Church, Halesworth 7pm. Virtute et Valor. Stories & music from the ancient kings of Bohemia prepared by Jana Konvalinková & Christopher Muffett.
Friday Evening with Wine Event
Halesworth Bookshop
7pm. John Nightingale (ex Whitehall Civil Servant, turned author) talking about crime writing in general & particularly about his David Knight crime trilogy 'The Appearance of Murder'. This is a FREE event. All welcome.
Three Acres & a Cow - Southwold Arts Centre 3pm. A history of land rights, protest in folk song & story. Tickets: £11-£17.
MAY 2ND, 9TH, 16TH, 23RD & 30TH
Tour of Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh 11am. Taking place regularly on Thursday mornings, these popular general interest tours are provided by a local resident. Children welcome, but they must be accompanied by an adult throughout the tour. If you'd like to join a tour you can just turn up, no booking required. For more info, contacts Colin on: 07508 888460.
MAY 3RD, 10TH & 17TH
Chess Club - Southwold Library 4:30pm. Free play every Friday for kids aged 7+ & adults. Beginners' teaching & assistance available some weeks. For more info, contact Southwold Library on: 01502 722519, or email: southwold.library@suffolklibraries.co.uk
MAY 4TH, 6TH, 11TH, 18TH, 25TH & 27TH
Open Afternoon Walpole Old Chapel 2pm-4:30pm. Come & visit this atmospheric Grade II listed building, once a farmhouse but with a long history as a non-conformist meeting house, evidenced by its superb interior. There are toilet facilities. Limited car parking opposite the Chapel. For more info, email: info@walpoleoldchapel.org
Car Boot Sale - Holton Church Paddock 10am. Booking: £6 in advance, £8 on the day. Refreshments tent, raffle & church stall in aid of St. Peter's Church. For more info, please contact either: 01986 835752, 07944 267733 or 01986 872467.
Afternoon Tea with Author Erica James Reydon Village Hall, IP18 6RF 3pm. Erica James is the author of 24 bestselling novels, including Sunday Times bestsellers 'Swallowtail Summer' and 'A Secret Garden Affair'. Erica will be talking about her writing including her latest title 'An Ideal Husband' & signing copies. Tickets £6, including refreshments. Tickets from Southwold Library 01502 722519 or: www. ticketsource.co.uk/suffolklibraries. For more info, contact Southwold Library on: 01502 722519, or email: southwold.library@suffolklibraries.co.uk
Into The Breach
Southwold Arts Centre 3pm. Wonderful comedy. 'Dad's Army' meets 'The Vicar of Dibley'! Tickets: £12.
Iago Banet: The Galician King of Acoustic Guitar
Southwold Arts Centre 7:30pm. Iago Banet, 'The Galician King of Acoustic Guitar' launched his third album, 'TRES', earlier this year, with a tour which has included multiple sell-out shows & sensational receptions from audiences across the UK. Tickets: £12.
Lunchtime Recital: Sopranos Veronica Downing & Wendy Slaney St. Mary's Church, Halesworth Doors open at noon for 12:30pm Recital start. Refreshments. Bring your own lunch. Retiring collection for the Regeneration of St Mary's Church.
MAY 9TH Plant Sale
Halesworth & District Gardeners' Society War Memorial at St. Mary's Church Arboretum, Halesworth
Plant Sale to raise funds for future speakers. Starting about 9am until 1pm. At the War Memorial, St. Mary's Church Arboretum, Halesworth. Please do come early as this is a very popular plant sale with bargains galore that go very early.
Blythburgh Station Open Day Blythburgh Station site, off A12 alongside Village Hall 10:30am. Come & meet the volunteers who are impressively re-creating Blythburgh Station on the Halesworth to Southwold Railway (1879-1929).
Blues & Greene: Nothing but the Blues Southwold Arts Centre 7:30pm. Brand new band Blues & Greene explores the mystical territory where the blues meets jazz meets the blues again, featuring groovesome & righteous treatments of material by Mose Allison, Robben Ford, Steely Dan, Duke Ellington, B. B. King, J. J. Cale & many others. Tickets: £19.
Cratfield Companion Dog Show
Cratfield Village Hall, IP19 0DJ
Now in it's 10th year, the Cratfield Companion Dog Show is back again with more fun classes than ever to ensure there's something for everyone! The day starts with 4 pedigree classes at 10:30am & 16 fun classes, starting at 1pm. Between the classes, everyone will be entertained with live music from Heidi Marie music. Fun classes include: 'Waggiest Tail', 'Prettiest Eyes' & 'Dog the Judge would most like to take home!' Homemade cakes & filled rolls will be available along with a BBQ. Bar open from 12pm too! All proceeds will go to Cratfield Village Hall with a donation to BACT Community Transport. Even if you don't have a four-legged friend, do come along for a day of fun & entertainment.
The Royal History of the Royal School of Needlework (RSN)
Southwold Arts Centre 2pm. This lecture tells the story of the RSN's royal connections & focuses on the RSN's role in all the British coronations of the 20th century, but first beginning with making the funeral pall for Queen Victoria herself in the tightest of timescales. Visitors & members' guests welcome, at an entrance fee of £10. For more info, email: tassouthwold@gmail.com
Flo' Smith - Southwold Arts Centre 7:30pm. The true life story of a remarkable woman. Fiesty, funny & frank. Tickets: £12.
The Vikings are Coming!
The Dove Inn, Alburgh 10am-4pm. Archery, axe throwing & combat fun for all the family! For more info, call: 01986 788524.
Spring Fair - Holton Village Hall
The Halesworth branch of Cancer Research UK present their Spring Fair! 10:30am-2pm. Light lunches & desserts served from 11:30am, Cakes, Tombola, New & Gift Stall, Raffle, Garden Stall, Bric-a-Brac, Books.
Plant Sale
The Hub, Village Hall, Brick Kiln Lane, Huntingfield, IP19 0QH 10am. Organised by the Trustees of Huntingfield Millennium Green, raising funds for green maintenance. Lots of plant varieties on sale. Refreshments.
Cash Bingo - The Dove Inn, Alburgh
Regular Monthly Cash Bingo. Bar open from 6:30pm. Eyes down at 7pm. Just £5 for 10 games! For more info, call: 01986 788524.
Remains of The Day - Southwold Arts Centre 7:30pm. Beautiful play based on the Kazuo Ishiguro book by Open Space Theatre Co. Tickets: £12.
Halesworth Museum Talk
United Reform Church
Ever been curious about Walpole Old Chapel? Supporters of the Chapel will unfold stories of some of the fascinating people who've been involved with this extraordinary example of local nonconformist heritage. Starts: 7:30pm (doors open at 7pm). Entry costs £6, or £3 for Friends of the Museum.
Friday Evening with Wine Event
Halesworth Bookshop
7pm. Local author Lin Le Versha, discussing her collection of crime novels, focusing on her most recent 'Blood Ribbons', book 4 in the 'Steph Grant Murder Mystery' series. A gripping Suffolk coast murder mystery full of twists, keeping you guessing until the very end. This is a FREE event. All welcome.
Music of the Trees
Thorington Theatre
7pm-9pm. Join Geoff Robb, winner of the Brighton Fringe Live Music Award, for an evening of magical storytelling & virtuoso guitar that promises to transport you even deeper into the woods. If you love nature & enjoy beautiful acoustic guitar music then this is the show for you. www.thoringtontheatre.co.uk.
Women's Wildlife Walk: Birdsong & Breakfast RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere, IP17 3BY 7am-10am. Our female guides are excited to offer this fabulous opportunity to showcase some of Minsmere's incredible wildlife to our female visitors. No children please. No previous experience needed. Bring binoculars/loan a pair from Reception. Free car park. Theme & times of monthly walks vary, some including a hot drink/breakfast. This is a Birdsong Walk & includes a bacon/sausage bap & hot drink in the café after the walk. Tickets from £4.25-£40.25. Online booking: events.rspb.org.uk/events/61285. For more info, email: minsmere@rspb.org.uk or call: 01728 648281. Ticket prices include reserve entry fees.
Salt - Southwold Arts Centre 7:30pm. Contemporary Ritual Theatre bring 'Salt', rooted in myth, magic & folklore of Norfolk. A staggeringly powerful piece of work. Tickets: £12.
The Sibton Mighty Books-n-bric-a-brac Sale
St. Peters Church, Sibton 10:30am-4:30pm. Always a popular event with all proceeds going to urgently needed church repairs. Everything on sale is good quality, second-hand books, non-fiction local history, quality second-hand clothing, bric-a-brac, LPs, DVDs, CDs, children's books & toys as well as plants for sale. All items individually priced. Refreshments all day & free car parking at IP17 2LX. Entry is free.
Britain's most celebrated actress, and her hard-won place in the heart of the King. But at a time when women are second-class citizens, can her charm and spirit
Gwynn by Jessica Swale charts the rise of an unlikely heroine, from her roots in Coal Yard Alley to her success as
please contact us: info@circle67co.uk or have a look at our website.
Tue 21 May, 2:30pm
The talk will explore how the Trust’s reserve portfolio has developed over the lifetime of the charity including protecting some of the most important habitats in Suffolk, receiving remarkable gifts of land that have grown into major reserves with the help of legacies and more recently the creation of new ‘wilding’ reserves such as Martlesham Wilds and Black Bourn Valley. The talk will also look at what the future might hold for nature reserves in Suffolk. Please note U3A talks are free to members, for nonmembers tickets are available at £4 in advance or on the door. All welcome.
Sun 12 May, 3pm-5pm
The Melos Saxophone Quartet were formed in 2019 at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. Their concert will involve an exciting programme with 2 world premieres, including a piece specially written by acclaimed saxophonist and composer Christian Forshaw, plus works by Bozza, Escaich & Dvorak. This performance is the 2nd of our spring season of concerts featuring rising young artists.
Sat 25 May, 7:30pm-10pm, Tickets £12
Stevens, a faithful butler, follows a life of unquestioning loyalty to his English aristocrat employer who, it seems, is being manipulated by Germany’s Nazi Party in the two decades following the First World War. But, as the truth finally emerges, will Stevens come to regret a failure to share his life with the one woman with whom he might have had a fulfilling and loving relationship?
Based on Kazuo Ishiguro’s Booker Prize winning novel which was made into an award-winning film starring Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins. Spanning the period from the 1920s to the 1950s, it follows Stevens on a journey of self-discovery to the West Country, where the life of his former colleague, Miss Kenton, appears to be drowning in unhappiness.
Celebrating ELMER, The Patchwork Elephant Halesworth Bookshop
10:30am. A children's book event celebrating 'Elmer' The Patchwork Elephant turning 35 years old. Join us for storytelling, games & craft activities. Make your own colourful Elmer from a 4pt milk bottle container. This is a FREE event. All welcome.
Voxcetera Chamber Choir: Where'er You Walk Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh
7:30pm-9pm. An evening of uplifting choral music at the glorious Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh, including Mozart, Britten, Tallis, Handel, Fauré & thrilling contemporary composers. The first half of the concert celebrates sacred music spanning 400 years from the English renaissance to the present day. The second half features songs on a theme of journeys & travel. The choir is conducted by Jane Hopkins & will be accompanied by Paul Ayres on organ & piano. General Admission £15pp, Under 18's £7.50pp.
The Dove Inn, Alburgh 8pm-11pm. ERM play live with songs from REM & verse, local musicians with an Americana theme! For more info, call: 01986 788524.
Saturday 11th May
Wed 1 May, 7:30pm
A documentary film exploring the West’s rollercoaster love-hate relationship with nuclear power over the past 75 years. Narrated by actor & writer Lily Cole and featuring a wealth of original archive footage and a lush, romantic score, it’s a tale of scientific passions and competing political imperatives, told by the scientists, engineers, politicians, regulators and campaigners who experienced it first hand. The film was directed by Vicki Lesley who produced The Nettle Dress, one of the highlights of our recent Big Green Film Day. We’re excited to welcome Vcki herself alongside Pete Wilkinson from Together Against Sizewell C (who appears in the film) and Alison Downes from Stop Sizewell C to join a discussion after the screening.
Plant Bring & Buy Sale - Walberswick 10:30am-1pm. Annual event. Held near Walberswick Village Hall in centre of village. Proceeds to RNLI.
Spring CIRCUS Show - Southwold Arts Centre 2pm. This larger than life stage show is full of hilarious comedy capers, songs & giant puppets. Crazy plate spinning, magical illusions, a whirlwind juggler & a beautiful contortionist. Bringing all the laughter of panto & all the excitement of the Big Top to the stage. Tickets: £10.
The Wizard of Oz - Thorington Theatre 2pm-3:50pm. Based on the original novel, children & adults alike will love this ever-popular story re-imagined for the stage. www.thoringtontheatre.co.uk
Late May Bank Holiday Regatta Southwold Model Yacht Pond, IP18 6BN 2pm. Organised by Southwold Model Yacht Regattas. A fun activity, easy to get the hang of. Anyone's welcome. Come & have a go, we can lend you a boat for the day (please book in advance) & show you what to do. Regular races & the May Cup for younger sailors. Plus trophies! No club membership requirement. Small charge to pre-book a club boat to borrow, or come & spectate. For more info, call: 01502 724146 or email: mikewells380@gmail.com
2, 3 & 4 May, 7:30pm-10pm
Tickets £12 advance / £15 otd
Like the theatres of the Restoration, we are determined to help you forget war and pestilence with this vibrant romp through the life and times of the renowned orange seller, actress and favourite mistress to King Charles the 2nd. Expect bawdy behaviour, a few lewd songs and plenty of laughs.
Thu 16 May 7:30pm-10pm
Tickets £15
A play that’s been a hit across Dublin, Edinburgh, Belfast & the West End. This sad, hilarious and irresistible two hander about the filming of a Hollywood epic in rural Ireland, introduces us to Jake and Charlie, who tell the story by taking on all the other roles within their community and filmset themselves. A guaranteed good night out with tribute to the cinematic stylings of Wes Anderson and featuring newly composed music and video projection. This is a night for audiences to laugh, cry and be reminded of the power of theatricality and sharing in a live performance of a story..
Between the 15th and 24th of July this year, The Cut will be home to a nine-day residency for 40-50 artists taking part in a unique cross-disciplinary learning and development programme. More information about The Summer Project is on the Special Events page of our website.
Look out for the launch of our Crowdfunder in early April which will support The Summer Project and its future development.
The Summer Project needs a number of local hosts in Halesworth or nearby who are able to offer a room during the residency period for participating artists.
Could you help and what would it involve?
The main requirements will be a bed in a single or shared room, access to a bathroom and possibly a way of making a cup of tea or coffee. The Cut Café will be catering for the residency, so hosts will not be expected to offer meals or cooking facilities. We are able to offer voluntary reimbursements of up to £20 per day to cover expenses and hosts will be offered free access to the series of evening lectures that will be included in the project.
Please contact Sharon Collins via email: cut.sc700@gmail.com
Halesworth Repair Café - The Cut Arts Centre 2pm-4pm. In collab. with The Men's Shed. All welcome. No booking required. Volunteer repairers can look at your jewellery, ceramics, electricals, sewing, darning, & general repairs. All work, free of charge. Donations welcome.
Storytelling & Craft Activities
Halesworth Bookshop
10:30am. Half Term thursday children's event. Storytelling & craft activities. Storybook TBC. Free event. All welcome.
Jennifer Antill talk - Halesworth Bookshop 7pm. We welcome Jennifer Antill for a visually stunning talk on her book 'Small Acts of Kindness: A Tale of the First Russian Revolution'. A free event. All welcome.
Quiz - St. Mary's Church 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Quiz in aid of Halesworth Christmas Lights. Tickets: £5 each, available from Halesworth Bookshop. Teams of up to 6 people. Bring your own refreshments.
Got an event you'd like to promote to our thousands of monthly readers? If so, please email the details over to: edit@micropress.co.uk to be included in our 'What's on?' section.
Our meeting on April 2nd
The members split into three groups and during the evening, we rotated round all three demonstrators. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this new idea and appreciated the work the ladies put into the evening.
After visiting Japan and taking part in a class there, Beverly demonstrated the art of Japanese flower arranging, Ikebana.
Our next meeting on May 7th will be in Wenhaston Village Hall at 7:30pm as usual. We welcome back Moira who will be doing a workshop for us. Moira will be showing us how to make a Beargrass Spiral or a Hand Tie.
Items required will be listed in the newsletter or contact Jackie.
The cost is still only £5 payable on the night and will include tea/coffee/biscuits. Donations of raffle prizes always welcome.
For more information please contact Jackie Chenery 01502 478401.
Have you heard about the 5Ks?
Karen K, Karen A, Kay and Kingsley are running 5Ks to raise vital funds for Halesworth Volunteers and they desperately need your sponsorship! The money raised will go towards supporting our Car Service, Isolation Buster Befriending programme and our events and activities for older people.
If you'd like to sponsor our team, you can ring the office and speak to Karen or Kay or visit our justgiving campaign site. www.justgiving.com/ campaign/5ksfor5k The 5Ks will be running at the Leiston Park Run on May 11th at 9am. Do come and join us!
Halesworth Community Larder: We keep hearing silly rumours that the Community Larder is closing. This is not true. Neither is it true that the Foodbank is closing. We know how easy it is for stories to spread round town but it really isn't helpful.
Halesworth Community Larder is going from strength to strength. We are very proud to have received funding from the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund delivered by The National Lottery Community Fund. This has helped us keep the shelves stocked and has helped us to negotiate the choppy waters that the cost of living crisis has created. Do please come and visit our lovely Larder. Everyone is welcome. You can swap items, you can give a donation and pick up some food items that you fancy or some of the lovely fresh vegetables provided by Berry Farm and Melons. If you're struggling, then our wonderful team of volunteers can provide you with advice and signpost you to organisations that can help. We
get many lovely donations so there is always something a bit different that you can find at the Larder.
Tea at the Pear Tree:
In March, we held a lovely tea party at the Pear Tree Centre. Over 20 people enjoyed lovely cakes and sandwiches, got to learn about the Pear Tree and had the chance to make new friends and have a jolly good natter. Thanks to Seva and her team at the Pear Tree and HACT for providing the Hoppa.
A special shout out to the brilliant bakers, the cakes were delicious!
Don't miss our regular events:
• The Wellbeing Lunch takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at Chinny's. Just turn up or call 875600 to find out more.
• Don't forget Nigel's brilliant quiz on the third Wednesday of every month at the White Hart.
• Our Community Lunches (in partnership with St. Mary's) take place on the last Wednesday of the month at the Church. Please note the new start time of 1pm. If you know someone who would benefit from coming along, just give us a call.
The morning of Saturday March 2nd was cold, wild and blustery. My friend Janet and I were walking along the back road, beside the dyke, from the Southwold water tower, towards Southwold Harbour. At some point, Janet stood on the very low bank to avoid an oncoming car and the wind literally blew her away into the dyke. She disappeared under the freezing, murky water, and if it hadn't been for the amazing help
from a passing walking couple, and then from three young women in two cars, Janet would undoubtedly have drowned. It took four of them to pull her out of the water and then one of the young women wrapped Janet in her own coat and put her, dripping and shaking, into one of the cars with the heater full on.
The paramedics arrived within 15 minutes of our 999 call and treated Janet with the utmost skill, care and kindness
until, after a prolonged wait in the ambulance, waiting to be triaged at the hospital, she was admitted to A&E suffering from hypothermia and shock. Janet owes her life to all these people, and we're so grateful, and just sorry that it's taken us a while to say 'thank you'. We hope very much that the traumatic events of March 2nd didn't ruin your weekend (and your clothes and car). With our thanks and very best wishes, Jenny and Janet.
Firstly our grateful thanks go to Westhall Charity Football Club who raised the amazing amount of £720 for us.
Westhall Charity Football Club:
On a very chilly afternoon in March, the football club played a charity football match at Sizewell Sport & Social Club. It was a great afternoon with both the yellows and greens playing well, and even continuing play through a hail storm! Thank you to Will and Lauren Bird for organising the event, with all the proceeds being donated to Friends of Halesworth Community Health & Care.
Westhall Charity Football Club raises a lot of money in this way to support local charities. Keep up the fantastic work guys! Also thanks to the Blakemore Trust who made a kind donation to the event. This donation will be put towards the work we are doing on our Social Day Care project, providing support for adults with various health conditions, including dementia, and providing valuable rest bite for loved ones. Thanks to all the players and everyone who came along on the day and bought raffle tickets and scratch card squares and supported us Social Day Care Project:
The exciting work continues on our Social Day Care Project and we've made incredible progress. The offices at the rear of the building have been completed. The toilets downstairs have been fitted out. We have a first floor containing three decent sized offices, and a disabled toilet, and the lift has now been
installed. Work continues and we are focusing on the outside area currently.
The next step is to select a suitable provider to provide our social day care service. We will keep you updated with progress.
We were sad to see Julie retire and the closure of Remnants after so many years. Julie has been a long standing presence in the town and we wish her well in her retirement. We are delighted that Rosie, Rhubarb and Rose has taken on this side of the shop also, and after a lot of hard work, has now expanded, creating a lot more space for cooking and more seating. We wish Rosie all the best for the future.
It was our AGM on March 25th. We were sad to lose two of our long serving Trustees Roger Smith-Howell and Hayley Daglish.
Roger has been a Trustee for as long as I've been Chair and has decided to step down due to ill health. Over the years, he's been heavily involved with the charity, first as a member then as a Trustee, and was a big part of organising and running the hospital fêtes for many years and taking on responsibility for the sheds and equipment etc. Thank you Roger for your support and commitment and for going above and beyond over the years, which has been much appreciated.
Hayley our wonderful Secretary is also standing down after eight years. Hayley works full time and also has ongoing family commitments, making
meetings difficult. Thank you Hayley for your invaluable support over the years and for so efficiently managing to condense two plus hours' worth of discussion concisely onto often just one side of A4! Your knowledge, communication skills and balanced opinion at meetings has always been a great asset to us.
Charity Football Match worked together as trustees on Halesworth Health, a few years ago, and his skills and knowledge will be invaluable. I know the charity and the project will be in very safe hands with David and I couldn't have wished for a better successor.
I'm pleased to report that the rest of our Trustees have agreed to stand again, Alan Witherby (Vice Chair), Lyn Clark (Treasurer) and Bill Mahood. Dr. Bill Pagan remains as our President. Thank you all for the hard work, dedication and commitment you've shown to the charity over the last year, in what has been a demanding and challenging year.
We're delighted to welcome two new Trustees, Lesley Brown, who is also taking on the role of Secretary and Dr. Martin Wilson. We hope you'll enjoy being part of our team.
Standing down as Chair: After a lot of careful consideration, and 12 years as Chair, I've decided to stand down. The project itself has been extremely full on and with work, family commitments and other voluntary commitments, I'e been struggling to effectively juggle everything.
New Chair: I'm pleased to report that David Fosdike has been elected to take over as Chair and to take the charity through the last stages and to completion of the project.
David lives locally and is a Town Councillor. David and I
Over my years as Chair, health and care has changed considerably locally, from losing the inpatient beds, then RGRC and then finally the PSH, and definitely not for the best. As a charity, we've had to look at the way we support health and care here, and how as a board of Trustees we can move forward, re-identify ourselves and future-proof what we can for the local community.
The community have always so generously supported us with donations, significant legacies and bequests, which has enabled us to take on our social day care project, which will ensure we're able to give something permanently back to the community that will benefit people living in Halesworth and the surrounding areas for the future and for many years to come.
I'd like to personally thank everyone, trustees, members, past and present and to the local community for your ongoing support.
Karen KerridgeLoddon is a hidden Norfolk gem waiting to be discovered. With a population of around 3,000, it's a peaceful and picturesque place to visit.
Loddon's history dates back to the Anglo-Saxon times, and it was once a thriving port town with access to the River Yare. Today, you can still see remnants of the town's maritime past, such as the ruins of St. Benet's Abbey and the historic Loddon Mill, which has been converted into a residential property. Another unmissable landmark is the impressive Holy Trinity Church which sits right at the heart of the town.
But Loddon is not just a town for history buffs, it's also a great place for nature lovers. The
town is surrounded by beautiful countryside, and there are plenty of walking trails and cycle paths to explore. If you fancy a day on the water then you'll be well catered for as Loddon has great access to the Norfolk Broads. For a relaxing afternoon, head to the nearby Hardley Windmill, where you can take in the scenic views and learn about the history of windmills in the area. If you're looking for some retail therapy, there are several independent businesses located in the centre of town along with numerous cafés and pubs which provide the perfect place to stop and re-charge following a day exploring the countryside. So whether you're a history
buff, nature lover or foodie, Loddon has something for everyone. Come visit and see for yourself why it's such a special place.
The Angel Inn - If it's not crafted it's not here! When in Loddon, you have to make a point of visiting The Angel Inn. This fabulous artisan free house offers something a little bit different to residents and visitors alike. The pub is owned and run by husband and wife team Jo and Frank Butt who have a very clear ethos, where possible all food and drink will be locally-sourced. This is most apparent when you take a look at the many beers and ciders that The Angel Inn have stocked. The total is currently running at
170 beers from 17 different local producers. Local businesses supporting each other, this is what our communities should be all about. There's a lovely atmosphere and character in the pub which has been lovingly refurbished with many features crafted by Frank himself. The pub is open Thursday to Monday for breakfast and coffee from 8am (9am on Sunday) and closes at 11pm (10pm on Sunday), closed Tuesday and Wednesday. So whether you're looking for a delicious breakfast to kick-start your day, a place to take a break from work or shopping for lunch or somewhere to enjoy an evening meal with family and friends, you will find it all here!
At Bramfield, Ringsfield and Brampton Primary Schools, we are focusing on being more sustainable.
An emphasis is being placed on increasing biodiversity, recycling our waste and improving our soil to grow strong healthy plants. Activities this term will include wild flower seed sowing, recycling milk bottles to make planters for salad crops and making compost to feed our soil.
Bramfield Reception class has been learning all about potatoes. We found out how they are farmed commercially and what foods we can make with them. Next, we had a go at planting up some of our own seed potatoes. The children were encouraged to use their fingers to crumble the lumps out of the compost and we made sure our seed potatoes were planted with the shoots facing up. Over the coming weeks, the children will be monitoring the growth of the potato plants and keeping an eye on the weather,
helping them to understand the impact different weather has on how well plants grow.
At Ringsfield, we have also been learning all about potatoes and looking after the plants by giving them more soil so they produce more potatoes. We have also been sieving and preparing the soil so it is ready for sowing the different seeds.
At Brampton, the children have been enjoying getting green fingered with Lucille, our Gardening Teacher. She made some eco-friendly Mother's Day presents with the children by mixing in wildflower seeds with soil, clay and flour. The children were so proud to give their gifts!
Sea' which is all about an old fishing village in Lowestoft known as The Grit. The children in Year 2 have been reading this book in their English lessons and doing different pieces of work based on it.
Year 2 enjoyed their visitor as she read her book to them and answered questions about being an author and showed them the artwork used for the book.
First of all, I hope you have had a wonderful Easter. Here is an update from Wenhaston Primary School. We value working with and supporting our local community and this update highlights this.
Community Pasta Kitchen Success: Our community lunch on March 20th was a resounding success and a testament to the strong bonds that make Wenhaston such a special community. Thank you to all residents who attended. We were pleased to hear your kind words and appreciation of the children's hard work.
Once again this year, we've been overwhelmed by the support and interest from our local community regarding our Community Kitchen event which this year took the form of a 'Pasta Kitchen.' The children planned, tested, advertised, resourced and led the project and couldn't have done a better job! This is a whole school project with Acorns (Reception) making biscuits for pudding, Seedlings (Years 1 & 2) baking focaccia and making side salads, Seedlings (Years 3 & 4) producing a vegetarian pasta option and Oaks (Years 5 & 6) creating a beef bolognese and creamy Mexican pork dish. Oak class children were the hosts on the day and undertook all manner of tasks from meeting and greeting, taking orders, waiting tables, clearing and cleaning and most importantly, talking to our lovely diners. This initiative is in its second year now and this is beginning to show in the children's knowledge
of the skills needed to prepare and cook the ingredients but also their technical knowledge around nutrition, seasonality, food hygiene etc too. This event would not be able to go ahead without a huge team effort from the staff but even more importantly some incredibly generous donations from local businesses to provide the ingredients for the children to use. Special thanks this year goes to Halesworth Co-op, Bramfield Meats, Black Dog Deli and Ward Farms. We're also incredibly grateful for the voluntary contributions left on the day from diners. This means that we can purchase further resources to keep improving our Design & Technology curriculum in school Miss Welby Best wishes, Mr Stone
Email: sharmangary4@gmail.com
'Our FamOus barbecue packs'
4lb flavoured
4lb Sausages 10 Beef Burgers
5 Pork and Apple Burgers
4lb Flavoured Ribs 4lb Flavoured Chicken 4lb Sausages 10 Beef Burgers
5 Pork and Apple Burgers
Small Barbecue Packs £9.99
Small Barbecue Packs £9.99
All barbecue meat available loose including...
All barbecue meat available loose including... Fresh Flavoured Ribs, Chicken & Burgers Also Salads, Pickles and Sauces
Fresh Flavoured Ribs, Chicken & Burgers Also Salads, Pickles and Sauces
STEAK BURGERS: £1.70 each
Traditionally-reared local beef, lamb, pork and poultry, home-cooked hams and home-cured gammons
activities, including musical bingo evenings, race nights, food tasting, raffles and a fashion show. A dedicated member of staff even ran the
charity of the year in 2019 after hearing about the support it offers to vulnerable local people. However, its staff and customers took the fund to their hearts and have continued to raise money for the charity ever since, with the total now standing at an impressive £10,598. They have raised the money by holding a huge variety of
Most recently, the pub converted its restaurant into a full-sized pop-up charity book shop, raising £1,184 to help the Queen's Head smash through the £10,000 barrier.
Kate Wood, Owner of The Queen's Head (pictured front-left in the above photo) said: "We're delighted that we've been able to continue supporting The Pear Tree
Fund and raise more than £10,000 for them. The charity does the most amazing work for patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families and carers, as well as supporting the recently bereaved, people with mental health needs and much more. They're an integral part of our community and the work they do is breathtaking. It was such a difficult time for charities during the pandemic, followed by the cost-of-living crisis, so passing the £10,000 mark is a real achievement. We're eternally grateful to our wonderful customers who continue to support our work.
Their generosity has been amazing."
Lucy Smith (Pear Tree Fund Trustee) said: "We're absolutely blown away by the fantastic sum raised for us by the dedicated staff at The Queen's Head and their kind-hearted customers. We'd like to say a huge thank you to every single person who has supported the activities arranged by the staff. Their generosity really will make a huge difference to local people when they need it the most."
To find out more about The Pear Tree Fund and how you can support the charity, visit: www.peartreefund.org
Shed member Rob believes the Shed is a fantastic place to share skills, a cup of tea and a joke
A place to beat loneliness and isolation
Loneliness and isolation can become a big problem for older men, who are often less inclined to socialise in groups than are women. This can lead to depression, drink problems and ultimately, poor physical and mental health.
Halesworth Men's Shed (on Norwich Road) is a centre where men can get together, work on DIY projects, share skills and just talk to other men. It provides a fully-equipped work space for woodworking, metalworking and other crafts, but also a big table and chairs where members, both men and women, can chat over a cup of tea.
Jez Donaldson (62), who has an IT background, joined the shed quite recently. He says: "I live in a fairly remote spot and could go for days without seeing anyone except my wife. Coming to the shed gives me an opportunity to have a laugh with other men and to help them with technical problems with their computers, tablets and smartphones."
The Halesworth Shed is part of an international network of Men's Sheds, started in Australia and established in the UK around 2013. There's now estimated to be around 1,000 Sheds in the UK,
so there is probably one nearby. It's possible to search for your local shed on the Men's Shed Association website: www.menssheds.org.uk /find-a-shed
Shed member Rob Rutterford (74), a former teacher who's been a member of Halesworth Shed for about six years, said: "I like coming down for a few cups of tea and a joke, but also to share skills, which is fantastic."
Jez says: "I just came for the social interaction, but quickly found that I could also help other members, which is really rewarding. Sometimes I'll just sit and drink tea and chat for a couple of hours. There's no pressure to be productive if you don't want to be."
Anyone can drop in to see us at the Shed. We're open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm and Saturdays from 10am to 12pm. We're situated on Norwich Road, just behind Chinny's. You'll see our sign when you pull in. Please park behind Chinny's, as their own car park is private.
You can also visit our website: www.halesworthshed.org.uk, call us: 01986 835905 or email: shedhalesworth@gmail.com.
Many readers will know about this asset to our town, but the word still needs spreading.
Now in its third year, the monthly Repair Café at the New Cut Arts Centre, continues to expand its scope of repairs.
The hot news for the next sessions on April 23rd and May 28th is that we have a computer repairer, who specialises in software advice and problemsolving (both Windows PCs and Android phones), but not Apple products.
I am sure a creative could write us a song here along rap or Tom Lehrer lines, please come forward if you are so inspired!
"We usually have: Electrical, mechanical, electronic repairs and more; gluing and fixing, sewing and darning; knife sharpening, furniture fixing; even your old sewing machine. If it can be mended, bring it and we'll check it. Learn how to do it. Add mending to your CV. Not sure about this… maybe a very small TV?"
As you may have guessed, we're a growing community dedicated to re-directing the throw-away resource-greedy economy, and restoring/repairing is a good place to start. In addition to meeting new people over a cuppa (even if it's a broken one that needs mending), learning a new skill, and restoring a loved possession, interesting conversations are held here: "How can we reach out to those in need,
improve our community assets, share cars" and so on.
The repairers are a friendly bunch, and visitors have been delighted, not only with their repairs, but with the general atmosphere of friendliness, care and chat. We also provide information, related books on repair, and are available for further repair discussion and questions. For example, on jewellery items. For more complex mending issues, we can signpost you to local businesses, as we are mindful of supporting them, not taking work away from them. Do come and visit, even if you don't have a repair to bring, but especially if you do! Its free, though donations help us to keep going. Bring anything needed to enable your repair (e.g suitable coloured thread or wool for sewing repairs). If you'd like to offer your skills to this exciting venture, (we currently need someone with computer skills to create our own website), please contact: marion.gaze@btinternet.com
Next sessions:
(Please note: Every three months, it's on a Saturday morning)
• April 23rd: 2pm-4pm
• May 28th : 2pm-4pm
• June 15th: 10am-12pm (time TBC)
• Sept 24th: 2pm-4pm
• Oct 22nd: 2pm-4pm
• Nov 16th: (time TBC)
On March 23rd, Halesworth town saw the eighth day of dance to be held. This lively and colourful event was hosted by local Molly dancers, Oxblood Molly (who next year will be celebrating 20 years since they were formed).
Although the weather was unpredictable, it didn't dampen the spirits of all those taking part and the many visitors young and old who came out to watch this popular event taking place.
At the start of March, we welcomed PC. Yeldham and PC. Philips from Halesworth Police
Since our last report we have been up to lots!
We celebrated Pancake Day by
At the start of March, we welcomed PC. Yeldham
Overall, we saw 22 groups and sides taking part representing the wide and diverse range of traditional and modern dances.
Join us next year on April 5th for Oxblood's celebration of 20 years which is fast becoming a major event in the calendar year!
This year, we welcomed the return of Eitorf Närrische Stadtsoldaten, all the way from Germany (from a town which is twinned with Halesworth). Their dramatic display certainly wowed the crowds with feats that took your breath away!
about ourselves. We then sent our cards to 6th Herne Bay Brownies in Kent and in turn, they sent us some cards which we thoroughly enjoyed reading.
On March 19th, we held a Promise Ceremony, where we invited families to come and join us. Congratulations to Bonnie, Charlotte, Ella, Jessica, Miley and Nieve on making your Brownie Promise.
On March 26th, we held a 20-minute sponsored silence where the Brownies were allowed to read or colour for the 20 minutes. We are fundraising to purchase new uniform. This year, we celebrate turning 40! Keep an eye out for more details coming soon. If your daughter is aged between 7 and 10 and is interested in joining Brownies, please check out: www.girlguiding.org.uk for more details and how to register.
• Kitchen tap repairs & replacement
• Bathrooms & wet rooms
• Toilet repairs & replacements
• Shower repairs & replacements
• Disability access installs
• Unblocking
• Loft tanks repairs & replacements
• Ball valve repairs
• Cylinder repairs
• Immersion thermostats & elements
• All types of roof repairs
• Ridge replacement
• Lead flashing
• Flat roofing
• Leak repairs
• Chimney repairs, re-pointing & removal
• Slate & Tiled Roofs
• Dry ridge insulation
• New Roofs
• Ramps & hand rails designed, built & installed
• Doorways widened
• Disabled doors supplied & installed
• Stair rails fitted
• Safe & accessible toilet & wet rooms supplied & installed
• Full home re-design & refurbishment service to suit your needs
• Non-slip surfaces, paths & walkways
• Emergency repairs
• Re-pointing
• Subsidence & cracks
• Lead flashing
• Chimney repairs, removal & re-lining
• Roof repairs
• General building works/repairs
• Stud walls
• Garden walls & Patios
• Gates & Driveways
• Damp proofing
• Summer tidy ups
• Hedges & bushes trimmed
• Sheds & greenhouses supplied, installed and repaired
• Fences, Patios & Decking
• BBQ areas
• Garden planting schemes designed & built
• Specialised topiary supplied & planted
• Brickweave & Block paving
• Turf
• Windows repaired & replaced
• Hanging doors
• Wood flooring & panelling
• Kitchen flatpacks
• Boxing in
• General DIY
• Hanging frames/mirrors etc.
• Flatpack furniture put together
• Wall mount TVs
• Installation of bath screens
• Silicone showers & baths
• Tiling
• Lifting & shifting furniture
• Small jobs
• Whether it’s a general tidy up or complete house clearance, we can help with both!
• High-pressure jetting
• Block drains
• CCTV surveys & investigation
• Treatment plants
• Soakaways
• Grease traps
• Gullies
• Guttering
• Land drains
• Full drainage installations
• Pumping Stations
• Planned Maintenance
Halesworth Lions are staging a Swing Dance on June 22nd at the Holton & Blyford Village Hall, starting at 7:30pm.
Welcoming back to the Village Hall the very popular DJ Flying Fortress, the Accordion Man and Sgt Bilko, accompanied by Miss Joycee Dee. The group entertained everyone at the Hall on Jubilee Day and for the Flushing Dance.
Dancers will be given some instruction on how to dance Swing and will lead others in the fun night (the bar will be open).
Tickets are available from Sue on 01986 469515 or 07951 381407 and are just £10, including a delicious burger!
In memoriam
It's a real welcome back to Halesworth Lions who have been helping people in the area for nearly 50 years, raising over £1 million during this time. Lions International is a worldwide organisation who help those in need that cannot help themselves.
In our area that can mean anything from a child who needs a movement sensitive mattress, to helping disabled youngsters to achieve their dreams. It all takes money, which needs to be raised by members of the club. If you'd like to help local people in a fun way, raising money can be such a buzz, why not contact the lions on the numbers in this article and find out more.
Angela, Martin and Graham would like to say thank you to all who attended the celebration of Matthew's life on March 25th.
We would also like to say thank you to Rosedale Funeral Home and Halesworth Golf Club for making it a special day. Also, a big thank you to Beech House for the wonderful care they gave him.
Thank you to everyone who sent cards and donations to Halesworth Dementia Carers Fund.
The family of the late Ron Goodson would like to say a belated but heartfelt thank you for all of your messages, cards and flowers on the sad passing of Ron.
Also, a big thank you to all of you who attended his funeral. He would have been so overwhelmed to see so many people there.
There has also been almost £1,000 raised in Ron's memory for his supported charities.
Finally, a very big thank you to Faith and her colleagues at Rosedale for the loving care they gave us, they made things so much easier for us and we will be eternally grateful to them.
Please send your memorials/funeral notices via email to: edit@micropress.co.uk or post to: Community News, Micropress Printers, Reydon Business Park, Fountain Way, Reydon, Southwold, IP18 6SZ for a heartfelt, free inclusion in our paper
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st suffered from a cold and windy day. This did not deter families from attending, although not as many children as last year. We did however have 80 children along with parents and grandparents.
Every year, the Egg Hunt is free for children to attend, but we do have a donation bucket which this year raised £79, thank you to all those who contributed, this money will go towards maintaining the playground. A big thank you goes to the Bell Hotel who sponsored this event.
Our next fundraising event is on May 18th at 7pm, when (for the first time) we're holding a Quiz Night at the Fromus Centre. Tickets are £7 per person and can be obtained from Fishers and The Store in Saxmundham. Teams of six. Individuals welcome. There will also be a raffle. Please support us with this event.
We're constantly trying different ways to raise funds. Some of you may well ask where
does all this money go? Those of you who visit the playground regularly will have noticed that in the last two weeks, we've upgraded the safety surface around some of the pieces of play equipment at a cost of £5,519.
The basket ball shoot has had a new backboard which cost £915.
The Zip Wire has had a service and new tyre that was another £360. The Gyro Spiral (which has been taken away) will cost £944.15 for repairs and hopefully will be back soon. The tree stumps in the dip are going to be removed, that will be another £200. In July, the insurance is due and that will come to around £500.
As well as our own fundraising, we've applied for, and received funding from: Adnams, Enabling Communities Budget and Saxmundham Town Council.
As you can see, it's been a very busy time for our committee! Please support us by coming along to our Quiz Night on May 18th. I'm sure it will be a very enjoyable evening!
Ann Patricia
Sally Ann Patricia Sparkes passed away peacefully after a long battle on March 27th, 2024 aged 63 years. Beloved wife of Tony and great friend to many. She will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her.
The funeral service for Sally will be held at Waveney Memorial Park and Crematorium on Thursday April 25th at 3pm. Family flowers only please, but donations if desired for Battersea Dogs & Cats Home may be gifted at the service or sent c/o: Rosedale Funeral Home, Arcadia House, 19 Market Place, Halesworth IP19 8BB.
Sadly, Joan passed away on March 29th, aged 95. She will be missed by all her family, and those who knew her. She and her husband Len (d2016) loved their many years in Halesworth, and made themselves part of the community.
A funeral service will be held at St. Edmunds King and Martyr Church in Halesworth on May 4th at 12 noon.
Family flowers only please, but donations if desired for the RNLI may be sent c/o: Rosedale Funeral Home, Arcadia House, 19 Market Place, Halesworth, IP19 8BB or gifted at the service or via the Much Loved online memorial tribute site: rosedalefuneralhome.co.uk
In the digital age, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to streamline their operations, and accounting is no exception. Cloud accounting software offers many advantages, making it an indispensable tool for businesses. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, embracing cloud accounting software can significantly transform your financial processes, so let's delve into why this could be a gamechanger for your business.
security audits are standard, providing peace of mind that sensitive financial data is protected against unauthorised access and cyber threats.
Many thanks to all who supported the Easter Raffle raising funds for Halesworth Christmas Lights. A magnificent total of £490 was raised, which is a great start to our fundraising for the 2024 event, which wil be on November 23rd this year.
However, this is just the start of our efforts to raise the £10k-£12k needed. Our next fundraiser will be a quiz on May 31st to be held in St Mary's Church. Tickets priced at £5 will be available from Halesworth Bookshop from May 1st. Look out for posters nearer the time with full details.
The U3A monthly talk for May will be at The Cut Arts Centre, Halesworth on May 21st, starting at 2:30pm. This will be a joint event with the Southwold branch of Suffolk Wildlife Trust (SWT).
Cost: Halesworth U3A members and current SWT members free, £4 for visitors.
In his talk 'Suffolk Wildlife Trust, 62 years on', Steve Aylward will explore how the Trust's reserve portfolio has developed
over the lifetime of the charity including protecting some of the most important habitats in Suffolk.
The SWT has received remarkable gifts of land which have become major reserves with the help of legacies and, more recently, the creation of new 'wilding' reserves such as Martlesham Wilds and Black Bourn Valley. The talk will also look at what the future might hold for nature reserves in Suffolk.
The Sibton Mighty Books-nBric-a-Brac Sale this year is on 25th, 26th and 27th May from 10:30am-4:30pm and is always a popular event!
Everything on sale is good quality, second-hand books, including a large number of scifi titles. Non-fiction local history is a specialism and there are often other rarities, children's books and toys, plants, quality bric-a-brac, as well as LPs, DVDs and CDs. All items are individually priced.
Refreshments are available all day, admission is free and there is ample parking.
On June 9th at 3:30pm, there's a concert by Suffolk Strings conducted by Peter Bumstead with Jennie Cassidy-Soprano: The programme includes a first performance of 'Divine Songs of Thomas Campian' composed by Peter Bumstead. There's music by Boyce, Purcell and Mendelssohn.
Tea follows the performance. Tickets are on sale from May 4th at the Weavers Tearoom, Peasenhall and the Peasenhall General Stores, as well as on Eventbrite.
On July 13th and 14th from 10:30am-4pm, 'Art in Ruins': An art and craft exhibition at Sibton Church including works by well-known Suffolk artists and crafts people with a walk to Sibton Abbey Ruins. Refreshments are available all day and free parking. Tickets for visitors to the exhibition (£5) are on sale at the Weavers Tearoom,
Accessibility is one of the most significant advantages of cloud accounting. With data stored securely online, business owners and accountants like me can access real-time financial information from any device with internet connectivity. This means that whether you're in the office or on the go, your financial data is always at your fingertips, enabling quick decision-making and responsive business management. Say goodbye to manual data entry and repetitive tasks. Cloud accounting software can automate tasks such as importing bank transactions, generating recurring invoices, and scheduling reports, freeing up valuable time for businesses to focus on growth and strategy. The reduction in manual data entry not only saves time but also minimises the risk of human error, ensuring more accurate financial records.
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Whilst there is likely to be an initial investment involved with tailoring the software to your business and training staff, implementing cloud accounting is more affordable than traditional on-premises solutions. There's no need to purchase expensive hardware or manage servers. Further to this, cloud software is scalable, allowing you to pay for what you need as your business grows. You can easily add users, upgrade features, and integrate with other business applications, ensuring that your accounting system remains aligned with your business objectives.
By embracing cloud-based solutions, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, insight, and control over their financial operations, paving the way for sustained growth and profitability. It's also likely that you will futureproof your business from HMRC's implementation of Making Tax Digital for income tax selfassessment, where applicable.
If you would like some guidance on navigating and maximising the potential of cloud accounting software, we provide personalised support, from initial setup and migration to ongoing management and optimisation.
For more information, please contact Chrissie Turnbull (pictured) via email: chrissie. turnbull@ensors.co.uk
Specialist advice should always be sought prior to taking any action on matters discussed in this article.
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pride of place is a stunning wedding dress, handmade by a Wenhaston bride who went on to become one of the longest serving parish councillors in the country.
Heather Patricia Ellis married Peter Edward Phillips on April 11th, 1955 at St. Peter's Church, Wenhaston. Later the same year, Mrs. Phillips was elected to Wenhaston Parish Council, and was still in post in 2005 when she received an MBE for her services to the community.
Another recollection of local democracy can be seen in the second new display. The Community Cabinet features the chain of office used by Halesworth Town Council from 1950 until 1993. Close inspection reveals the name of every chair who served during that time. Subsequent chairs wear a new chain, purchased when there was no room left for new engravings.
A diverse host of local organisations are celebrated in the restocked Community Cabinet, with memorabilia from, for example, the Scouts, the Halesworth Lions, the Twinning Association, the former Halesworth Choral Society and The White Swan Darts Team.
There are posters and tickets for events ranging from an Illuminated Ice Carnival, held on February 14th,1895 at Halesworth Rectory Lake, right through to last year's 800 years celebrations.
Many of these occasions served to raise money for local activities and services, such as Halesworth Town Football Club and the Halesworth Welfare Bus. There's clearly a sense of fun, with people being invited to turn up in fancy dress, or compete for the best 'novelty waltz'.
So, why not pop into the Museum, and see not just our new displays, but also other treasures, such as the nationally significant Bronze Age palstave axes, our Roman and Iron Age coins, the unique Lincolne letters collection, and an exploration of the terrible visit to Halesworth by Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins.
If you've ever been curious about Walpole Old Chapel, make a date to attend our next Museum talk. Supporters of the Chapel will unfold stories of some of the fascinating people who have been involved with this extraordinary example of local nonconformist heritage. The talk will take place on May 23rd, at 7:30pm (doors open at 7pm). The venue is the United Reformed Church on Quay Street, Halesworth. Entry costs £6, or £3 for Friends of the Museum.
Wenhaston Bowls Club is known for being one of the strongest clubs during the outdoor season within the leagues they play. But this winter, Captain Richard Long has taken the Wenhaston Carpet Bowls Team from strength to strength.
At the end of April, Wenhaston Bowls Club will be back on the green for the outdoor season, in which everyone at the club cannot wait for. If you'd like to come and have a go at bowls, please get in touch by emailing the Secretary on: jake.moyes9@gmail.com
Jake Moyes, Wenhaston Bowls Club Secretary
Going into the last game against Kelsale on March 28th, Wenhaston was holding 3rd position in the league, but after a staggering 9-1 win, Wenhaston finished the season as runners up. This is a big improvement on last year's 4th finish. Richard Long has done an incredible job as the carpet bowls captain this year and being runners up shows that. Richard said: "As always, I'd like to thank everyone who helps set up and clear up the equipment, does the teas and gives lifts to both home and away games, and a massive well done and a big thank you to all the players who have played in the team this season."
Westhall Charity Football Club have had two games this year already, with at least four more to go. We're looking to spread the word about us to hopefully get more people involved to both bring people together having fun and raise as much money as possible for what is mostly local charities.
We've been playing just over a year now and have raised almost £4,800 over our events. We've raised for Halesworth Dementia Carer's Fund, The Pear Tree Fund, Friends of Halesworth Community Health & Care, Sulsar Suffolk Lowland Search & Rescue, Rural First Responders and The Brain Tumour Charity
Chinny's: A thriving hub for live sporting action, darts
At Chinnys Sports Bar, All live sporting fixtures are shown on multiple screens throughout the venue.
On April 5th, we welcomed an abundance of Ipswich Town and Norwich City fans to watch the local Derby. With children and families enjoying the game in the family bar and a great crowd in the main bar, the whole building was bustling. The atmosphere was upbeat all round and with the singing and chanting, we could have been on the terraces! With Norwich winning 1-0, everyone took the result with good grace and many stayed to enjoy the rest of the afternoon discussing the match with fellow fans.
Snooker: It's been a busy month in our snooker room, with many budding snooker players being inspired to dust off their cues following the Snooker Tour Championship. With Mark Williams defeating Ronnie O'Sullivan 10-5, in the final last week, including a magnificent seven straight frames. We're now looking forward to the World Snooker Championship that will begin on April 20th, until May 6th. All snooker and pool tables are hired out on a first-come-firstserved basis, with no pre-booking required.
Darts: The Premier League Darts coverage has also been on our big screens over the last 12 weeks, bringing a lot of interest to our customers and drawing in a regular crowd each Thursday evening. We look forward to showing the season ending playoffs LIVE from the O2 on May 23rd. Why not come and grab a bite to eat, watch the live sport that's shown on our multiple screens throughout the venue and have a game of darts or hire a pool or snooker table. Chinny's has something for everyone and our friendly staff look forward to welcoming you all, whether it's
your first visit or you're a regular that we see everyday!
Any queries, please call us on: 01986 872651.
Opening Hours:
• Tues: 11am-10:30pm
• Wed: 11am-10:30pm
• Thurs: 11am-11pm
• Fri: 11am-11:30pm
• Sat: 11am-11:30pm
• Sun: 10am-7:30pm
Food Hours:
• Tues: 11am-2pm
• Wed-Sat: 11am-2pm/5:30pm8pm
• Sun: 10am-2pm
• Breakfasts available from 11am12pm Tues-Sat and 10am-12pm on Sun.
in which is our yearly event and the reason we started. Remaining events this year:
• May 26th: At The Nest in Norwich raising for SHELTER. 1pm kick off. We have space for 100 spectators for this and any amount for the rest.
• June 8th: Waveney Deaf Children's Society at Southwold.
Halesworth Tennis Club
Halesworth Tennis Club, established over a century ago, is holding an Open Morning on April 28th (10am-1pm) and we want you to come and get a taste, and maybe consider joining a club consisting of 70 members, and you can become part of continuing the club's illustrious history! The current membership is made up of 33 men, 25 women and 12 juniors. The age span is about 75 years between the youngest and the oldest! There is room to
• August 3rd: Wenhaston the brain tumour charity memorial match.
• October 12th: No venue yet for the Waveney Deaf Society. We include any gender and ability over 16 and pride ourselves with bringing people together giving equal opportunities. We hope to see as many spectators and new players as we can over the year and anyone who wishes to take part, donate raffle prizes or any other support can get in touch via our social media page Westhall Charity FC where we have all of our updates.
add up to 30 more members! We have a professional coach on hand, Ross Wilson, who provides both individual and group coaching. Ross doesn't mind (nor does the existing membership) whether you are a complete beginner, someone who used to play but not picked up a racket for years, or whether you've reached the final stages of Wimbledon. Everyone is welcome. Coaching for children begins from five years of age. Our courts are open 365 days a year and we have floodlights
William Bird Westhall Charity FC
making evening play possible all the year round. As a member, you can book a court online with nothing further to pay! With discounted rates for new members joining on Open Morning and some initial coaching provided free of charge, what's not to like?
Please see our advertisement alongside for more details of the Open Morning. We hope to see you there!
Halesworth Tennis Club, Dairy Hill, Bungay Road, Halesworth, IP19 8JS
If you have walked down Hotson Road to Southwold Pier recently, you might have noticed a significant transformation at Southwold Tennis Club.
Gone are the worn-out wooden fences and rundown portacabin, and the courts are on full view, so passersby have been able to watch some great tennis, coaching sessions and lively social play. In the coming months, a new clubhouse is set to rise in place of the old portacabin. "We're all really excited about this development." says Club Chairman, George Bennett. "Not only will it provide a fresh space for spectating and socialising, but the clubhouse will have a community room, accessible to all, perfect for smaller gatherings, celebrations or meetings. In the cooler months, we aim to host various indoor activities like yoga classes, stretchersize, and aerobics, that support health and wellbeing."
Mark Websdale (Head Coach) says: "We hope our new clubhouse will attract more people to the club, making watching and socialising around tennis more accessible. The improved facilities will also mean we are able to offer tennis play and coaching to individuals with disabilities."
Thanks to the recent donation of a tennis wheelchair, wheelchair users and those recovering from injury, will be able to play with able-bodied friends and family.
"The Club is thankful for the support and generosity of the community, local businesses and charitable trusts, whose fundraising efforts, donations and grants have made this new development possible"
remarks "Steve Robinson (Club Secretary), "And also to local architect, John Bennett, who donated his time and expertise
to design the new building with sustainability in mind."
The clubhouse is being built from high-quality, environmentally friendly materials, with solar panels aimed at reducing the Club's carbon footprint.
For those eager to get involved or brush up on their tennis skills, the Club offers a range of group and individual training sessions to both members and non-members, catering to all levels, from beginners and those wishing to dust off a 'rusty racquet' to seasoned players. You can visit: clubspark.lta.org. uk/southwolddistricttennisclub for more information. There's almost always someone available at the Club during daylight hours, so curious onlookers and prospective players who wish to find out more about the Club or the new development, are encouraged to drop by for a chat! Southwold & District Tennis Club Come