Motor Caravanner - November 2022

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THE MAGAZINE FOR MEMBERS OF THE MOTOR CARAVANNERS CLUB NOVEMBER 2022 Motor Caravanner £1.95 where sold for news • group rallies • membership renewals & much more visit CL Sites &Night StopsPlease make sureto pre-book sitesbefore you go SCAN HERE PLUS CASUAL CAMPSITE GROUP NEWS TEA BREAK TEASERS SHOWROOM SHORTLIST STAR GAZING WITH THE MERCEDES SPRINTER OUT & ABOUT THE UK’S WINTER WONDERLAND The heart of the matter THIS MONTH WE VISIT THE MIDLANDS
Fast heat up & fully automatic output modulation. - Quiet night time operation. - Save space with an external installation option available. For more information, CONTACT US TODAY! Visit us:WWW.PROPEXLEISURE.CO.UK Follow us @PropexHeatsource - Lower operating costs & increased safety. - Save time & space with external fitting & quick, easy fill-ups. - No freezing gas problems like you get with butane LPG Tanks Air Heaters Save even more space with external fitting (an internal option is also available). - Fast heat up, reheat & retention due to the pre-mixed burner. - Increased control run on gas, electric or both combined. Water Heaters The complete underslung collection

From the Chair

By time you read this most Group AGMs

be over and hopefully all Groups will have been able to form committees. I hark back to an earlier Chairman’s Chat and remind members that the Groups are run by volunteers and as such need support to keep operating. I bid welcome to all new Committee members and say a big thank you to those who have stood down for their work in the past.

On a similar vein, Group rally programmes will have been submitted and yet again I remind members that these rallies cannot take place without volunteers to act as hosts. Also, I ask that if you see a new member at a rally or a visitor who has not been before, please make them welcome.

On a brighter note, I hope you are all still enjoying your ‘vans and looking forward to Groups’ Guy Fawkes and other rallies (TCs). Christmas is just around the corner and many Groups have

rallies planned


December. I will finish by wishing you happy motor

of the lock

number of the


caravanning. Kate Jones
PLEASE NOTE: If gates to a site are closed they should not be locked for safety reasons, such as to allow an emergency vehicle quick entry. If it is a condition of your booking that gates have to be locked, then the combination number
or the phone
key holder should be made available to all ralliers.
Poole Health & Safety Officer
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 3 CLUB NEWS 6 QR Code: The Squiggly thing! Transferring Groups Obituaries 10 CL Sites update 24 Members’ Casual Campsite: Frolicking in France MEMBERS’ STORY 8 40 year badge: Teresa & Peter Guyver reach milestone 10 A classic behind: Paul Betts’ towing surprise NEWS 12 How to reduce your emissions 15 The state of UK parking SHOWROOM SHORTLIST 17 Star gazing: Gentleman Jack looks at coachbuilts underpinned by the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter OUT & ABOUT 40 The heart of the matter: This month we visit the Midlands 48 Winter wonderland: Frances and Michael Howorth look forward to the winter season REGULARS 28 Group News & Diaries 58 Tea Break Teasers 60 Bazaar 62 Classifieds Countrywide Publications Reydon Business Park, Reydon, Suffolk IP18 6DH Publisher/Editor: Mark Shreeve T: 01502 725839 E: Advertising: Danny Lewis T: 01502 725862 E: Sinead Taylor T: 01502 725865 E: Cover photo: ‘Old John’ monument, Bradgate Park, Leicestershire INSIDE NOVEMBER 2022 THE MAGAZINE FOR MEMBERS OF THE MOTOR CARAVANNERS CLUB NOVEMBER 2022 Motor Caravanner £1.95 where sold for news • group rallies • membership renewals & much more visit NightCLSites& StopsPlease make sureto pre-book sitesbefore you go SCAN HERE PLUS CASUAL CAMPSITE GROUP NEWS TEA BREAK TEASERS SHOWROOM SHORTLIST STAR GAZING WITH THE MERCEDES SPRINTER OUT & ABOUT THE UK’S WINTER WONDERLAND The heart of the matter THIS MONTH WE VISIT THE MIDLANDS 48 108 24

Chairman: Kate Jones (07747 000587 or 01935 863815)

Vice Chairman: Jacci Durkee (07931 527691)


Carol Biggs (01473 620933) Derek Clarke (07931 733656)

Graham Durkee (07931 527691)

Peter Johnston (07810 434110) Les Kendrick (07860 286561) Selma McMullan (07752 678454) Sue Pilkiw (07562 324325)

Keith Poole (07736 544490) Anne Taylor (07414 852497) Steve Wynn (07399 552452)

MCC Sec & Administrator: Ron Harris

Wood Farm Estate, Marlbank Road, Welland, Malvern WR13 6NA T: 01684 311677

E: Office opening: Mon-Thu 9-5pm Fri 9-2pm

MCC Office Administration: Julie Stanbridge


CL & Night Stops: Carol Biggs (01473 620933)

Exhibition Team: Jacci & Graham Durkee (07931 527 691) Head Show Marshal: Sue Pilkiw (07562 324325)

Homecraft Coordinator: Peter Johnston (07810 434110) Magazine/Handbook : Sue Pilkiw (07562 324325)

Health & Safety Officer: Keith Poole (07736 544490)


Casual Campsites: Ann Bond (07805 795549)

Financial Officer: Paul Maguire (07973 827506)

Insignia: Marion Brooks (0208 6412283)

Junior Leaders: Maria Hill & Gill Crosby

National Rally Site Manager

& Head Show Marshal: Mick Pilkiw

Webmaster: Peter Heale (07894 583520)

Haven Liaison: Pet Heal (01454 320924)

To email a member of the Council of Management please use first name & first letter of surname followed by @ ie katej@

Heather Bubb 07817 916904 Carole Bennett 07769 944009 Janice Wellard 07831 659951 Barbara Mossman 07727 100456 Derek Clarke 01473 620933 Diane Milton 07971 888492 Steve Wynn 07399 552452 Sue Pilkiw 07562 324325 Amanda Windmill 07896 175860 Penny Feeney 07518 271742 Barbara Hodgson 07951 090009 Julie Broughton 07544 327193 Helen Edwards 07794 177410 Aileen Clark 07771 845199 Alastair Bartlam 07754 131893 Karen James 07971 540909 Barbara Noble 07722 885018 Pauline Greaves 01873 857542

Peter Moore 07790 779024 Heather Jennings 07875 191797 Irene Hewitt 07880 736307

As N. Ireland Group Andrea Barker 01914 104227 Wendy Jefferson 07714 616715

All opinions expressed in these pages are those of the Editor and his contributors and do not necessarily represent official Club policy. All Material copyright. The Motor Caravanners’ Club Ltd 2009. All Rights reserved. While every care is taken when accepting advertisements neither the Club nor the Publisher can accept responsibility for unsatisfactory transactions which arise. Printed by Micropress Printers Ltd.

The opinions, advice and information contained in this publication are offered solely to inform members as to matters which will be of assistance to them.

The Motor Caravanners’ Club and Countrywide Publications accepts no responsibility for any opinion, advice or information expressed by any person in any article contained herein and members should seek their own counsel on matters before acting or relying on any opinion, advice or information.

GROUP SECRETARIES CONTACT LIST 1 West Country 2 Sussex 4 Kent 6 Essex 7 Anglia 8 East Wessex 9 Chiltern 10 East Midlands 11 Severn Valley 12 NW Mids & NW 13 Lancashire 14 Yorkshire 15 N. Counties 16 Scotland 17 West Wessex 18 Avon 20 SWP 21 S.& W.Wales 22 Nene Valley 23 Isle of Wight 24 N. Ireland 40 The rest of Europe 42 Ireland 53 SERG 54 Motorcycle Publisher/Editor: Mark Shreeve E: T: 01502 725839 Advertising: Danny Lewis E: T: 01502 725862 Countrywide Publications, Reydon Business Park, Reydon, Suffolk IP18 6DH Secretary Telephone E-Mail
Please note that Secretary details may have changed due to AGMs.


Have you seen ‘the little squiggly thing’, well that is what Chairman Kate Jones calls it, on the cover each monthly magazine? Do you know how to use it? I am going to try and explain this QR code in ‘non-technical’ terms.

You can scan it with your phone (ask a friend if you are not sure) or if you can’t scan it then type in and save it to your home screen (again, ask a friend to help if needed).

Scroll down to what’s on? Click on it and then scroll down to Groups Maps. Click on any group to be directed to their website.

If you go to Northern Counties for example and click on the menu (3 horizontal bars at top of screen) and then go to CL & Nightstops you will find a map of all Certified Locations (CL) & Nightstops. Go


Nene Valley are sad to report that one of our members – Joe McFadyen – has passed away after a long illness. He died peacefully, surrounded by his wife Pam and close family. Our thoughts and condolences are with Pam and his family at this sad time.

Sue Brett, Nene Valley group


In every group you have long standing members who are willing to help, volunteer to run rallies or make up the committee. Brian Gautier was one of those members, alongside his wife Christine. The news that Brian passed away suddenly on the 11th May came as a massive shock to everyone. He

back to menu and there is much more to find.

This QR code is also available on a small card which you can obtain from your Group Secretary at a rally, or ask for one from the MCC Stand at a Warners Show.

We hope you find this brief explanation of how to use the QR code useful.

Teresa Guyver, Essex Group


Following several requests from members to transfer Groups, we would like to clarify the steps you need to take to achieve this.

1. Firstly, all transfer requests must be made using the Transfer Group form, available from Group Secretaries. The request needs to be agreed by the “new” (receiving) Group Committee and the completed form needs to be signed by them and then submitted to Head Office.

2. If you are changing Groups at the point of renewing your subscription, provided Head Office receives your form one month ahead of the renewal date, you will not be charged.

3. If you move house, once Head Office receives your completed form, there is no charge for the new card/s.

4. At any other time, and for any other reason (changing Group, lost card) there is a charge of £2.50 per card.

was our webmaster of many years using the skills he obtained working in the M.O.D. Always ready to help, both Brian and Christine would spend untold hours sorting out problems, sourcing equipment on behalf of the group, not always an easy task. You will be missed Brian, thank you for all the help you gave over the years. Our condolences to Christine and family, Kay Norman, Avon Group


Avon are sad to annouce that Group member Mr George Clithetow has passed away. We send our condolences to all of his family at this sad time.

Kay Norman, Avon Group


It is with sadness that we share the passing of Ivy South on the 24th September aged 92 which sadly follows the death of her husband Eric earlier in the year. Ivy and Eric (pictured below) took huge enjoyment from the club over the long years they were members, seeing it really as a extended family. Ivy will be much missed and our thoughts are with her family at another difficult time for them this year. Barbara Mossman, Essex Group Secretary



Essex Group members Teresa & Peter Guyver, celeberate a membership milestone

One weekend in early November 1982 Peter and myself decided to go to the Camping Exhibition at Earls Court with our Children who were then 6 & 8 years old. We had purchased a Ford Transit CI Motorhome and in one of the drawers we found a leaflet advertising the show. We looked at the motor caravans for sale and then visited The Motor Caravanners’ Club Stand (MCC), as we were walking away George Eden, who later became Chairman said ‘What have you got?’ We thought he wanted to know what we had picked up, he meant what Motorhome did we own. Well, after a short chat we decided to join. We were put in the Essex Group because we lived in Ilford, Essex. When we moved in 2011 to Sussex we stayed in the Essex Group so we have now been Essex members for 40 years.

We have been on Rallies with nearly every Group of the MCC. We have thoroughly enjoyed our travels to many far-off venues


including Ireland, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, France as well as Scotland, Wales and England.

We have also hosted many rallies. I think my favourite rally is with Avon Group at The Bristol Balloon Fiesta, we have been 12 times and each time it is different.

We started helping Ann Bond on the MCC stand at the shows about 20 years ago. At first, we just helped for an odd lunch break, then we stayed for a few hours each day and then we were asked to arrive early and set up the stand. Soon we were ‘in charge’ when Ann attendedwere ‘in charge’ when Ann attended

Council of Management meetings and now 20 years later we are still part of the recruitment team.

Occasionally we do some of the smaller shows from our motorhome and awning. We arrive on Tuesday before each show and stay until Monday after the show. We do approximately 8 shows each year and attend rallies whenever we can. We have just purchased our ninth motorhome and hope to continue our travels.

I have my own Facebook Group ‘MCC friends’ which is just for MCC members who I have met. I use it to spread as much information as I can about the Club. I also help with MCC Instagram (motorcaravannersclub), The Motorcaravanners’ Club Facebook page and some Group Facebooks.

We always carry and fly the Facebook flag and try to put it up at most rallies and shows.



nr. Mullacott Cross, Ilfracombe EX34 8NY

Mr R Quaintance 07812 385915 (10am-10pm)


Price increase to £15 per night (from Easter 2023).



Price increase to £25 pupn with EHU and £20 without EHU.

discount to MCC members.

may have noticed in last month’s


mistakenly moved this CL Site to the county of Hampshire, this should of couse have read Worcestershire. Thank you to all the eagle-eyed members who spotted this error – Ed


It is not unusual to see members towing cars behind their motorcaravans, either on an ‘A’-frame or on a trailer. Few –if any – will be as appealing or as rare as this stunning 1936 Morris 8 Series 1, affectionately known as ‘Greta’.

She is owned by Nene Valley Group member Paul Betts

(pictured) who had taken it along to display in the classic vehicle section at the Kettering Vintage Rally and Steam Fayre where the group recently held a rally.

Motive power is provided by a 918cc side-valve engine driving the rear wheels via a threespeed ‘crash’ (no syncromesh) gearbox. The day after Paul had finished restoring the Morris, it was ‘rear-ended’ and writtenoff. Paul brought her back to concours condition which was a magnificent achievement. Few of us would have the patience and commitment to undertake that amount of exacting work…not once…but twice!

10 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
CL SITES UPDATE MCC Instagram The Motor Caravanners’ Club MCC Facebook Page The Motor Caravanners’ Club Connect with our social media to make sure you are always up-to-date. Here are two QR codes to get you started... STAY IN TOUCH MEMBERS’ STORY AS Air Suspension UK Ltd. 131 Chester Road, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 6ET T 01925 740666 • M 07874 046643 The HPC Hydraulic Levelling System is truly a step ahead for motorhome owners. Covering all requirements expected from a levelling system. it is simply and quickly operated using the on-board touch-screen controls or operated remotely from an iPhone 5 and above or an Android phone via a Bluetooth free app. Accompanied by the AS Air Suspension system, all your suspension and levelling needs are catered for. At AS Air Suspension UK Ltd, we seek to continually improve and stay ahead of our competitors. Using innovative materials to reduce the weight of the systems, without any compromise to quality. Ferry Good for Al-ko
1st Motorhome Buyers UK Coverage Part of the 4Front Motor Group ...or visit us online at and fill out our online form Same day collection/payment Finance settled with all major lenders or call us on 01444 461667 – ask for John/Jason/Gary Over 30 years motor trade experience STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Go online Fill in your details We pay and collect


As petrol prices continue to remain high, here are a few reminders of basic motorhome maintenance and tips that can make a difference to your wallet and the planet...

Use a cleaning agent

As your motorhome gets older and sees more use, harmful emissions deposits can begin to build up in the engine and exhaust. This can reduce your motorhome’s efficiency, as well as increase your emissions. To resolve this, you can add a cleaning agent to your fuel or use premium fuel with these additives already in place.

Change your air filter

This is something that should be replaced more often, the more you drive, it can also differ based on the environment you tend to drive in. Once your air filter gets clogged, your engine’s airflow is reduced, meaning it’s operating optimally.

On top of this, it makes it easier for deposits to build up, increasing your emissions and potentially damaging your vehicle.

Reduce engine idling time

This can be especially challenging if you live in an area with high levels of congestion, where you’re stuck

in traffic for minutes or longer.

However, if that’s the case, simply turn your engine off. According to the RAC, idling for even ten seconds wastes more fuel and causes more emissions than simply restarting your car.

Change your oil regularly

This is such a simple and yet easily forgotten maintenance task. Your engine oil is the fluid that lubricates, cleans and cools to prevent wear and damage to your car. If left unchanged, it can cause your car to run ineffectively, causing more emissions and eventually

It could be worse...

Istanbul is officially themost congested city in theworld, with a congestionlevel of 62%. Residents spend around 142 hoursannually in traffic jams –the equivalent of nearly 6whole days.

breakdown. Check the specific oil maintenance needs of your vehicle and make sure to use the correct grade of oil.


LeoBay CampsiteLeoBay

LeoBay is quite unique as it is a campsite with fitting facilities, so if there’s that little something you need doing from replacing a bulb to a complete conversion we do it all. Our experience goes back 40 years. Our core experience is in auto electrics and vehicle security as well as vehicle diagnostics, we use factory diagnostic software to solve your problems. Trained in both vehicle and mains voltages we can also inspect and test your mains hook up too! Gas that’s no problem either! Now there’s a service that makes life simple, so next time you need help, come and stay at LeoBay, a nice cuppa on arrival, we will sort your problems while you relax on our 1st class site. There’s even a courtesy vehicle to use during your stay at LeoBay!

LeoBay is a site in a million, completely built by us and independent, so all are

welcome whether you’re a club member or not. We have drawn on our 25 years as motorhomers, collating all the best bits from the many sites we have visited over the years. The pitches are all wide hardstanding, with a 10amp hook up and your own grass area to spread out on, the site sits up on a hill over looking the sea with amazing views. On site facilities include a unique summer kitchen, where everyone can chat, relax and eat under cover, there’s a barbeque and pizza oven for you to use, or sit and relax by the open fire with a bottle or two. We like to make sure you’re warm and comfortable so the shower block is heated, with two large rooms, and to top it off the gardens are just splendid. Pets are welcome; the dog walks along the shore are great, there’s plenty of wildlife to watch. So as you can see it’s well worth a visit at just £25


14 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
Highfield, Rushenden, Alsager Avenue, Queenborough, Kent ME11 5LA
Campsite For more info or to book call us on 07899 927467 visit the website or email
all in. A CAMPSITE WITH A DIFFERENCE... SECURECOVID ORIGINAL REIMO UK DEALER new type approved vehicles - Full campervan conversions = reimo roof & seat fitting service electrical installations - lining and insulation work - CAMPERVAN HIRE CMC Campers offers a wealth of knowledge and experience. All of our work is carried out by our highly skilled team of craftsmen in Kent, UK, utilising 30+ years of technical expertise. Contact us with your query & our team will be able to assist you today. Visit us online


Whether you’re using your vehicle for commuting or visiting your favourite attraction there’s nothing more frustrating than driving round endlessly in search of a parking space.

The latest research from Bill Plant Driving School looks to ease the stress of parking by providing some much-needed insights into parking availability at some of the UK’s most popular destinations.

Top UK cities

If you are planning a trip to Norwich to visit the grand cathedral or take a stroll through the many gardens then you are in luck. The city of Norwich has been ranked as the best for parking, with 170.86 spaces per 1,000 licensed cars.

The city also ranks within the top ten for accessible spaces with 4.15% of the 8,942 spaces being reserved for those with disabilities. It also

ranked well for the number of EV charging points available at the car parks we viewed, with a total of 20.

Leicester came second and Luton third.

Most accessible

When looking at the location with the most accessible parking spaces per total number of car parking spaces, Newcastle upon Tyne came out on top.

The research analysed 20 car parks in the city and found that there were 4,544 spaces, 254 of which are disabled parking spaces.

Portsmouth and Plymouth completed the top three.

Electric vehicles

Surprisingly, not all locations had EV charging points available within the car parks, perhaps this is something that will change in years to come. According to the research, Nottingham had the most

charging points available within the car parks analysed with 44, followed by Ipswich with 33, and Norwich with 20.

Seaside towns

In the first position is Weston-SuperMare, a popular seaside town in England. The drive to Weston-SuperMare can be smooth and simple with the town being easy to access. Once there, there is plenty to do including relaxing on the beach or taking a walk around the National Trust site of Sandy Bay.

According to the research, parking here is ample with 7,842 spaces across the 20 car parks analysed. When it comes to disabled spaces 9.95% of spaces are accessible. Due to high scores across the board, this location has come on top with an overall score of 8.22 out of 10.

Netley came second, with East Cowes and Llandudno jointly completing the top three.

Norwich Newcastle upon Tyne Nottingham Weston-Super-Mare
16 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 • Cover for American motorhomes available • Insurance for Trikes, Buggies & Quads • Discount available to club members • Limited mileage discounts • Stand-alone breakdown cover Tel: 01733 208117 Fax: 01733 350118 Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FOR A COMPETITIVE QUOTE TELEPHONE 01733 208117 * MOTOR CARAVAN INSURANCE COVER Have your van upholstered in one day! Luxury high quilted covers, high density foam interior, curtains made to measure, cab seats completely re-upholstered. Small family business, electric hook-up for overnight stay REGALFURNISHING Please contact us for a quote 0115 9329988 Unit 4, 18a Merlin Way, Quarry Hill Ind Est, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 4RA DAVE COOPER BIKE RACKS Lightweight • Clips on to tow bar in seconds • Four tie down points for securing scooter Dave Cooper (Motor Caravanner), Unit 7 Pettings Court Farm, Hodsoll Street, Wrotham, Kent, TN15 7LH. Tel/Fax: 01732 820082 Website: Email: THE NO.1 NAME IN “CLIP-ON” BIKE RACKS CLIP ON BIKE RACKS £85.00 + £6.50 p+p Junior racks for small bikes and scooters, Senior racks for larger bikes up to 120kg e: w:


This month’s selection features coachbuilts underpinned by the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter.

Buying advice from Gentleman Jack

Undeniably, the three-pointed star [A] brings a certain cachet to any motorhome so underpinned, thus

flagship models. ‘Our’ four are all highly desirable motorhomes with well-proven and practical layouts. It is important that prospective purchasers make sure that the sleeping berths are sufficient in number and suitable for all potential occupiers, and that there are sufficient travel seats for the foreseeable future. One may be enjoying the two-berth as an ‘empty nester’, but what happens if grandchildren arrive, or another relative would like to be included?

Among these motorcaravans are both traditional [B - Auto-Sleeper] and contemporary [C - Adria] approaches to cabinetwork and to the selection of fitted equipment. Adria’s kitchen looks (and is!) stunning, but is it practical for you?

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 17
A C B >>

As always, the devil is in the detail, especially concerning storage [DHymer]

Members may be less familiar with Coachman motorhomes than with the other three long-established marques. Actually, Hull-based Coachman is a long-established

manufacturer…of touring caravans. It was recently bought-out by the Swedish Kabe company, which produces high-end caravans and motorhomes



Adria’s 670 DC is available on the Mercedes as a Coral or a Matrix. The main differences between the two are that the Matrix has a panoramic window over the lounge and an extra drop-down double-bed, whereas the Matrix has a lounge sunroof to offer an

atrium ‘feel’. Both are built using bonded sandwich panels with Polyester cladding, have a wider entrance door and a level floor throughout…really important for those of us with mobility difficulties. A permanent peninsula double-bed with adjacent individual

18 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
OTRpricefrom: £126,000 (MATRIX) D

and it is they who designed and build the Travel Master range. It is known in Europe as the Kabe Royal.

To familiarise members with some of Travel Master’s features, we’ve included photographs of their electrically-operated drop-down bed [E] and of the offside longitudinal settee converted into two faceforward travel seats [F].

Drivers of most of these motorcaravans (except the Hymer) will require Group C1 on their driving licence because their

motorcaravans’ MTPLM (Maximum Technically Permitted Laden Mass) is over 3,500kg

Points to ponder: At the time of writing, not all manufacturers had settled on their 2023 prices because of problems in the supply chain and recent fluctuations in the currency exchange rate. The Pound Sterling has been low against other currencies for some time, causing political wags to rename it the ‘comedy quid’…although there isn’t much that’s funny for importers or for members about to purchase. If you intend changing from a SEVEL based motorcaravan to one on a Sprinter, don’t sign on the dotted line before undertaking a meaningful test drive. The Sprinter has a narrower track and most have a much softer ride than the SEVEL. It’s not better or worse, just different, and as a result not to everyone’s taste.

We recommend you take a close look at the following inspected and evaluated motorcaravans and suggest you add them to your shortlist! Note that OTR prices are for guidance only and subject to change.

nightstands and wardrobes is at the far rear. The comfort station is just ahead and is split either side of the aisle…loo and wash basin on the nearside, shower on the offside. All the facilities can be made ‘en-suite’. The kitchen is centrally located and the lounge placed forward to maximise the usefulness of the swivelling cab pews. Adria motorhomes usually have some clever design touches and these are no exception. The water tanks are located inboard and their drain valves are (remotely) electricallyoperated, plus the services are together in one (central) place behind an exterior-access door.



Seats: 2

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 19
Contemporary interior vibe
Design-led cabinetwork
• Level floor throughout • Wider habitation door Bear in mind Habitation door on our offside Spec check Length: 7.485m (24’ 6.75”) Travel
Sleeps: 4 Power Train: 2.0-litre Euro 6D 168bhp TD driving the front wheels MPTLM/ max payload: 3,650kg/500kg In a nutshell Super Slovenian, a real pacesetter E F >>


Burford Duo

The first Auto-Sleeper motorhomes on a Mercedes base were originally commissioned by multi-branch retailer Marquis, which had spotted a gap in our longest established motorcaravan manufacturer’s offer. Marquis is very adept at identifying what purchasers actually want to buy, and not just relying on what manufacturers think they want to buy. The Marquis Mercs flew out the showrooms, thus the decision was made to offer them to all Auto-Sleeper retailers. Thank goodness for that, and it is a shame that other UK manufacturers haven’t followed suit. Burford Duo is a dedicated two-berth with twin easy-access permanent beds (the name’s a clue!) just ahead of a palatial full-width rear washroom/ changing area, complete with walk-in shower cubicle, vanity basin and loo. Duo’s kitchen is on the offside opposite the entrance door. Forward lounge comprises of two

double-seat inward-facing settees, plus the cab pews. The quoted price above is rather optimistic, as previously Auto-Sleeper Mercs arrived with some items as standard that are now part of the extra-cost Premium Pack. We wouldn’t advise purchasing a Burford without that £4,000 pack, which includes ninespeed automatic transmission, alloy wheels, cab air-con, Thule wind-out awning, Rear vision camera, 80W solar panel and MUBX infotainment system.

Go for it

• British and well built

• Classy traditional interior with level floor

• Knee rolls on seat squabs

• Permanent single-beds

• Auto-Sleeper direct-to-customer spares service

Bear in mind

Only one armrest on cab seats… why?

Spec check

Length: 7.92m (26’ 0”) Travel Seats: 2 Sleeps: 2 Power Train: 2.0-litre Euro 6D 168bhp TD driving the front wheels MTPLM/max payload: 4,100kg/720kg

In a nutshell

Classy Cotswold carriage

OTRpricefrom: £93,995 (SEETEXT) >>
MOTORHOME AND CARAVAN HABITATION DOORS AVAILABLE 1,500 DOORS IN STOCK OVER 500 LOCKER DOORS IN STOCK, AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES DOOR CATCHES, SEALS, DOOR BINS ALSO IN STOCK ALL DOORS ARE POA PLEASE RING OR EMAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact us: 07860 449303 01482 868632 / 01482 880044 IN LEFT & RIGHT HAND, TO FIT BAILEY, ELDDIS, SWIFT, AUTO-TRAIL, LUNAR, COACHMAN, FLEETWOOD, AVONDALE, ABI & MORE 47485 external fit, stable R75Silver frame, hull white panel 1675 x 540 (aperture size) 47412 int fit one piece R90 - Fixed window, TFP, blind 1675 x 540 47417 int fit stable R90 - Fixed window, TFP, blind 1675 x 540 46883 88 stable R75 - Plain stable door, silver frame, hull white panel 1675 x 540 Left or right hand 1675 x 540, bin available, sold separately 1920 x 570 aperture, bin available, sold separately Internal fit, stable, (split barn), silver frame, hull white panel, 1675 x 540 aperture, left or right hinge available Left hand hinge, appature (hole in motorhome) 1740 x 570, all in one, hull white 1850 x 570 COACHMAN door with frame 1995x620 Replacement Hobby entrance door 1755x580 Autosleeper etc 1990x620 with frame & mosquito net Auto sleeper etc habitation door & frame 1925x570 SWIFT PARTS STOCKED



Coachman have opted for using the Mercedes cab but…crucially… ground-hugging, independentlysprung, fully galvanised Al-Ko chassis extensions. This combo offers improved road-holding and a better stance for such a wide-bodied coachbuilt, but still retains the Mercedes driving environment…which is one of the best. We examined this caravan in depth at its UK launch and despite our best efforts couldn’t find an Achilles Heel or even the slightest compromise. Bodywork majors on strength and features high-gloss aluminium-clad side walls. The Al-Ko chassis allows the Hartal Evolution entrance door (with integrated step) to be fitted lower down than with the standard Merc chassis-cab, thus providing easy access and egress facilitated by the low threshold. Once inside, the interior has a warm

ambience, a result of the carefully chosen Nordic Oak colour scheme and domestic standard flooring. Cabinetwork felt solid and standard equipment levels are high, including a 140W solar panel, clever and wellengineered convertible side settee/ forward-facing travel seats, ninespeed automatic transmission, and MUBX infotainment. Layout boasts a forward lounge ahead of the kitchen. Moving rearwards, there’s a split washroom and permanent twin single-beds at the far end.

Go for it

• ‘Scandi’ Style

• Variety of locker/cabinet designs

• Surefooted

• Automatic gearbox

Bear in mind

Awning is an extra-cost option

Spec check

Length: 8.06m (26’ 5.5”) Travel Seats: 4 Sleeps: 4 Power Train: 2.0-litre Euro 6D 168bhp TD driving the front wheels MTPLM/Max payload: 4,500kg/850kg

In a nutshell

A Travel Masterclass


It was over a decade ago when Hymer launched a huge research and development programme aimed at reducing the weight of their motorcaravans without compromising quality, rigidity, and equipment levels. The reasons behind this were three-fold. Firstly,

OTRpricefrom: £122,000
22 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

an increasing number of UK drivers who do not automatically have Group C1 on their licence.

Secondly, motorhomes over 3,500kg have always cost more to insure than lighter ones in most of mainland Europe, and the gap was widening. The third reason was possibly the most important, Hymer’s desire to offer more fuel-efficient and less polluting motorcaravans. Reducing weight is a major contributor to achieving that aim. The MLT range is just one of the results of that programme. We’ve selected this particular Hymer as it is rear wheel drive, which is still the preferred choice for some members. Significantly, all-wheel drive and cross-over global expedition versions are available for those favouring Madagascar over Morecombe. 570’s layout places a half-dinette forward, kitchen/ washroom and wardrobe midships,

and twin permanent longitudinal single-beds at the far rear. ‘Size matters’ and this slim coachbuilt is perfect for exploring down country lanes

Go for it

• Highly manoeuvrable

Under 3,500kg

Rear wheel drive

PUAL construction

Bear in mind

Habitation door is on our offside and the TV position is compromised

Spec check Length: 6.74m (22’ 1.5”) Travel Seats: 4 Sleeps: 3 Power Train: 2.0-litre Euro 6D 168bhp TD driving the rear wheels Max payload: 3,500kg/540kg

In a nutshell

It’s a Hymer on a Merc…enough said?

OTRpricefrom: £86,700 (2022MY)
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 23


After being postponed from 2021, the French Members Casual Campsite organised by Ann Bond took place at La Cigaline campsite at Montpon Ménestérol in the Dordogne’s Périgord region. This was attended by 36 vans, the majority staying for the full two weeks commencing

Wednesday 24 August.

On the first evening, many members joined the campsite’s final summer al fresco rotisserie chicken and ratatouille meal with entertainment, also attended by

Stan and Raye Vousden-White. On Saturday evening, we celebrated two birthdays - George and Peter - with wine and nibbles, a ‘Fact or Fib’ stand up quiz by Doug and Jean, followed by Trevor leading the karaoke provided by Nigel. The next day, George and Nikki kindly invited members to join them at their van to continue celebrations of George’s birthday. The following Tuesday, we took a bus for five miles to nearby Moulin et Gabare du Duellas to enjoy a relaxing barge trip along the River L’Isle, also passing through an historic hand-cranked canal lock. Barges once transported wine barrels, wood, coal, gravel, cod salt and peanuts along the river and canal between Coutras and Périgueux. It was a short walk to the town’s street market held on Wednesday mornings, and on Thursday evenings some small stall holders sold their artisan wares near the campsite bar. Members also walked or rode to the nearby choice of Lidl, Intermarché and Casino supermarkets.

Twenty members took a coach

continued on p27

24 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
Hosts Stan and Raye prepare afternoon tea and cakes Happy birthday George Birthday boy Peter and Val with birthday ‘cake’ George preparing lot of food for his birthday bash The barge entering the canal lock Returning along the river on the barge ride

Are you driving illegally?

When did you last check your motorhome weight?

Ministry figures suggest up to 80% of motorhomes may be operating overloaded!

Drive an overloaded motorhome and you not only risk a fine, you also risk your insurance and the safety of you and your passengers!

When looking to buy your next motorhome, insist on an accurate, up to date weight ticket! The brochure may state a MIRO or payload allowance, but these f igures can be out by as much as 5% (average 125kg).

This is more likely to be against you than in your favour, so it is always recommended that you visit a weighbridge to check your vehicle’s weight.

Need to uprate to carry more payload?

If you think you might have a payload issue, we can help. SvTech is able to increase/uprate the payload allowance on many makes and models.

Behind the scenes of every SvTech uprate, testing of a vehicle is carried out to create a ministry recognised test report, which is then use to cover subsequent uprates. This report and testing is vital in supporting an uprate, and is a legal requirement. Do not be fooled into thinking it’s just a paperwork exercise, as offered by others.

Reaching 70? Need to consider downrating?

SvTech can downrate your motorhome to 3500kg should you not pass, or wish to take, your medical. You must first weigh the motorhome to find out what payload you will have available at 3500kg . For further guidance on downrating please visit our website at home downrates

To promote road safety, SvTech designed a free -to-use, Load Distribution Analysis (LDA) program which helps the user to know their likely laden weight and how best to position their goods about the vehicle to avoid an axle overload . Please visit our website to find out how you can stay safely within your vehicle limits.

For any questions regarding these matters, please contact 01772 621800 or email,

26 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 Unit 3 & 4, Roundswell, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 3TD CONTACT US NOW ON 01271 343 343 MOTS AND SERVICING TYRES ACCIDENT REPAIR & PAINTWORK DIAGNOSTICS RECOVERY ALLOY WHEEL REFURBS HABITATION CHECKS FREE COURTESY CAR We want to buy your motorhome Dealer for Elddis, Auto-trail and Bailey motorhomes Top prices paid and UK wide collection service available Please contact one of our following branches Pearman Briggs Caravan Sales 224 Cheltenham Road, Longlevens, Gloucester, Glos GL2 0JW 01452 524700 or 01452 524192 Pearman Briggs Motorhome Sales Field View Bungalow, A38 Gloucester, Leigh, Glos GL19 4AA 01531 822666 Cotswold Edge Leisure Vehicles Ltd Evesham Road (A46), Beckford, Nr Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 7AS 01386 882866

Tina won two of the quizzes!

continued from p24

trip to Bordeaux on the last Friday. This was the only day during the two weeks that it was cooler with a short heavy burst of rain. Temperatures were usually more than 30 degrees Centigrade, so too hot for sitting in the sun, but ideal

for a dip in the campsite swimming pool. We enjoyed many warm evenings outside, but unfortunately the mozzies and other biting insects never ceased pestering for the whole stay! Some members explored on their ebikes the mainly flat countryside and villages around L’Isle river, alongside which the campsite was located. Many enjoyed joining Peter and Val with their Kubb Yard Game version of skittles throughout our stay, and managed to learn the rules! On the last Monday afternoon, hosts Stan and Raye organised a farewell tea, lovely cakes, cheese and melon for everyone. Then Doug and Jean held another fun ‘Fact or Fib’ stand up quiz.

When it was time to depart, it was fascinating how everyone was travelling in various directions including back to the UK, south to Spain and Portugal, east to Périgueux, or west to La Rochelle to join the Chilton group’s rally on the Ile de Ré the following week. Search for my three September posts on the “Motor Caravanners’ Club Members & Friends” Facebook page for more photos and videos.


The final Members’ Casual Campsite of the year will be our Christmas Dinner weekend, which will see us returning to the venue of our first 2022 campsite at Croft Farm Water Park in Tewksbury.

Arrival will be from 12 noon on 8th December, departing 11th December. All pitches are hard standing with 10 amp hook ups and toilet and shower facilities. We have the use of the clubhouse on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with our four course Christmas meal on Saturday, 6.30pm for 7pm seated. Menu is as follows: Starters: Vegetable soup & roll, pâté & toast, prawn cocktail. Mains: Carvery with choice of turkey, beef or nut roast. Chef will carve and serve meat, all vegetables will be self service. Deserts: Christmas pudding & custard, gateau, apple & cinnamon crumble & custard. Coffee & mince pies.

Cost for the meal is £25 per person, a £10 non refundable deposit per person on booking, balance by 14th November.

Pitches cost £20 per day inclusive, to be paid to MCC hosts in cash on arrival to site.

Booking is direct with Ann Bond, please have your names, membership number, motorhome

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 27
Members awaiting their first evening’s alfresco meal Doug quizzing members for ‘Fact or Fib’


Start 5pm. Only 14 units attended here but a good rally just the same. Thursday was somewhat subdued due to the Queen’s death, but we had a minute’s silence in the evening and drank a toast to our new King.

Friday evening Derek arranged the traditional fish and chip run which went down well followed by bingo. Saturday preparations were made for our sausage, beans and mash supper. We all sat down at 5:45pm and enjoyed the meal followed by a choice of three sweets and a large blackberry and apple crumble. The fruit was all picked on-site so you don’t get much fresher than that! On Sunday morning, a good raffle and Chairman’s chat from Keith who had commuted each day from home since his van was still in the garage under repair. Sunday evening, a quiz from Derek rounded off a very enjoyable rally. On two evenings Jenga was played to many oohs, ahhs and crashes! Thanks to the stewards Derek, Carol, assisted by Bob and Thelma and all who helped in the meal preparations and cooking.

Scribe Derek

20 vans came to Whittlesey on a very wet and windy Friday evening. After tea etc we played card bingo ran by Ken and Rose in their usual fashion. Saturday which dawned sunny some went into town and further afield whilst others frequented the local Wetherspoons! Saturday evening was a 1940’s theme and many dressed up for the occasion. We had soldiers, naval officers, and several dodgy looking spivs amongst the members present. The stewards put on a great buffet with Spam sandwiches, some that were believed to be fish paste as well as ham and egg. The highlight for me was pork cheese, also known as brawn, which I had not had for over 60 years. Made by Malvern

Heaps it was superb. We then had a selection of cakes again by the heaps to finish off.

A diabolical 1940’s quiz set by Derek followed the meal which got a good response as well as one or two high scores which surprised the question master. The raffle followed with a difference, think Chinese BUT you had to indicate to the steward which prize you wanted without picking it up and then unwrap it. There were several very well disguised parcels on the table. Sunday morning Chairman’s chat, and Dodgy Dip rounded off a superb weekend. Thanks to Ken, Rose, Malvern and Janet for being the stewards. Scribe Derek

Members are reminded that Christmas Party money needs to be paid by the 13 November. If you are booked but have since found, you are unable to attend please let carol know as there is a waiting list for this event as well as new year at Terrington and your place can be offered to another member.


15-19 September: Manor Farm, Burton Bradstock, Dorset rally: Thanks to Mo, Steve, Lindsay and John who welcomed 18 vans to this free and easy rally which was the first rally they had hosted. With the bus stop nearby, people were able to travel to Weymouth to watch the Iron man triathlon if they wished or visit West Bay and Bridport, which held a street market on the Saturday. Nearby to the site was Hive beach, a national trust area with beautiful views of the sea along the Jurassic Coast towards West Bay, which also had a lovely café that served quality food.

22-25 September: Frome Cricket Club, Carnival weekend, Frome, Somerset: Thanks to Debbie and Alan who were also hosting for the first time along with

11-13 November: Terrington St. Clement’s Village Hall: GROUP NEWS COORDINATOR: Polly Coleman
01502 725841
Motor Caravanner Magazine, Countrywide Publications, Reydon
Business Park, Reydon, Suffolk, IP18 6DH. Deadline: 5th of the month for inclusion in the following month's magazine GROUP NEWS & DIARIES NOVEMBER 2022
28 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

Mike who co- hosted with them. They welcomed 18 vans to the cricket ground. Sadly, there were three no-shows. Thursday evening there was bingo in the club house where people also got together for a drink and chat. Friday many strolled into the town or relaxed around their vans in the sunshine. In the evening, Allan held a general knowledge quiz. Saturday afternoon we had coffee and biscuits and the raffle thanks to all who donated extra prizes including a litre of brandy. In the evening we walked to watch the Frome annual carnival parade. The cricket club provided the entertaining trio Bird Dogs, who sang 60’s music and more, whose lead singer was the man who sang Winchester Cathedral and Finchley Central with the New Vaudeville band. Take care, Allan

A new venue for a popular rally, the Cotswold school Bourton-on-the Water, an excellent school with lots of space for our guests. With a coded gate leading directly from the field onto a pedestrian lane it was a traffic free level short stroll into the centre of the village. We enjoyed the company of 18 vans. On arriving there was a problem! The room that we had booked was no longer available due to building work overrunning, but it was overcome by using the massive newly constructed outside shelter in our field! The weather was good, the first night many congregated inside the shelter and being a small group new friends were made. Our hosts did a few quizzes over the weekend. We gave our professional entertainer a phone call explained we had no room or lights, not a problem, he arrived set up and started to play. it was beyond all expectations everyone stopped talking and sat in a semi-circle as if it was a concert. The temporary lighting was good, his energy and enthusiasm along with his singing fantastic but the unbelievable skill on the keyboard was up there with the best. A big thank you to Mike and Rose Warland for a brilliant rally assisted by Chris and Hilary Dean.

Please see the Avon MCC website for future rallies and updates and book through our secretary Karen James on 07971 540909 using text or email:


Two rallies to report on this month, one local and one in France. Friday 16th September saw five vans attend the Cock Inn at Broom in fine weather. Four Chiltern and one Severn Valley. On arrival, we were welcomed by stewards Carol and Roy to the camping area in the field behind the pub, very handy. The Cock Inn is very unusual in having no actual bar, the drinks being tapped off direct from barrels in the cellar. Carol and Roy invited us all to join them in this lovely old pub, serving good food and ale. We had a lovely evening. Not far away is Jordans Mill and Gardens, and also nearby, is the lovely little town of Biggleswade with great shops. On Saturday evening, we all returned to the Cock Inn pub and had some quizzes. We celebrated the life of Queen Elizabeth and also toasted the new King. Sunday saw us

depart, thanks Carol and Roy for a great weekend.

17 vans (seven Chiltern and ten visitors) met at Bel Air, La Flotte, Ile de Re, for the Chiltern French Holiday rally. After some difficulties with parking (the pitches were very sandy!), everyone was soon settled for what turned out to be a delightful week. The weather was very kind to us with brilliant blue skies and sunshine every day, although it was a tad windy. On the first evening, our hosts, Julie and Mick, kindly provided us with wine and beer for a welcome chat where we all got to know each other. There were other similar evenings where the drinks were provided from the proceeds of the raffle, thanks Chiltern Committee for this generous offering. While abroad, we learned the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth. By sharing TVs, satellite dishes and the internet, we managed to watch her funeral procession and service.

Most members brought their bikes, as Ile de Re is a cyclists’ paradise. Days were spent visiting the island’s villages, beaches and markets. Two intrepid couples managed to ride to the lighthouse at the end of the island, a round trip of about 34 miles! Other, less adventurous, members took the bus! There was a swimming pool and bar/restaurant on site which was heavily used. The restaurant chef cooked a very delicious paella one evening which was enjoyed by a few of us. New friendships were made and others were renewed during the week which sadly had to come to an end and everyone departed to explore more of France.

Upcoming rallies: 25-27 November: Hurst Community College, Baughhurst, RG26 5NL (Christmas Party, bookable).


Welborne Village Hall was a new venue for a rally. Lovely village with a pub and well stocked shop, bus stops to Lincoln or Grantham and a brilliant village hall. 15 East Midland vans attended this rally. The stewards were Brian, Dave, Mandy and Yvonne. When the vans arrived on Friday the weather was raining but brightened up and stayed warm all the weekend. Friday evening the chairperson welcomed the members to the rally and asked us to stand


for a minute’s silence to remember the Queen. Jane sold raffle tickets and Paul bingo tickets. Members played bingo and then Brian had organised a balloon making competition which was won by John and Peter’s table. What laughs we all had. On Saturday there was a coffee morning then members caught a bus to Lincoln or just walked round the village then some members went to the local pub for a meal. It was yummy. Saturday evening there was a cryptic quiz which was won by Robin and then Dave had the members playing ‘Grab the Shoe’ game which got very competitive with a few bruises incurred but it was eventually won by Val. Karaoke singing followed. A brilliant evening was had by all. On Sunday morning, there was a coffee morning raffle drawn and the chairperson closed the rally. Yvonne.

Colstersworth Village Hall and Social Club is another new venue for ralliers to enjoy. 16 vans attended the rally which were welcomed by the stewards Paul, Jane, Dave and Champa in the cold and rainy weather. The Vice Chairman Paul welcomed members into the hall to chat with friends old and new play bingo and take part in a quiz. Saturday the weather was a lot brighter. Some members went to visit Woolsthorpe Manor where Sir Isaac Newton was born which was 5minutes away from the rally field or some went walking on the many nature trails. In the afternoon a visit to a honey farm was arranged by Jane and Paul. It was very informative, and you were able to buy the honey at the end of the visit. Some members then visited the local, The White Lion, for a drink and food. In the evening members congregated in the hall to sit and chat. Sunday there was a coffee morning and the raffle was drawn. Anne the Chairperson closed the rally. Yvonne

Upcoming rallies: 4-6 November: Brownhills, A1/A46 junction, Newark, Notts, NG24 2EA. 18-20 November: Collingham Cricket Club, Dale Field, Collingham, Notts, NG23 7RF. 2-4 December: Springfields Dinner-Dance, Spalding, PE12 6ET. 16-18 December: Christmas Party at Waddington Village Hall, Mere Road, Waddington, Lincoln, LN5 9NX. 30 December-2 January 2023: New Year at Ingoldmells, The Royal Arthur Centre, Ingoldmells, PE25 1NP. Please note: There is a specific form for the DinnerDance and New Year Rallies and full payment is required with the booking. All booking forms are available at rallies, though you can just text or email Anne to book Brownhills and Waddington. There is no need to book for any other rallies listed in our Rally Booklet. To book a rally, contact Anne Taylor by text or email: anneeastmidlands@gmail. com.


Hello everyone. 16 vans (including visitors from Essex, Kent, and Sussex) came to our rally at Ringwood in the New Forest. Arrivals were greeted and parked up by Karen and Chris with help from Jim. After an evening spent chatting together, the night-time brought a dramatic drop

in temperature sending some of us to dig out hot water bottles, fleecy pyjamas, and bed socks whilst others kept the heating on all night. We’ve not been used to this, so it came as a shock to the system.

Saturday morning saw more of the same and we felt sorry for the children of the school preparing their float for the carnival in the bitter cold. Many ventured into town for lunch and to get a good spot to watch the carnival, making a welcome comeback. As luck would have it, the sun came out as did short sleeves and sunglasses, who would have thought it could change so quickly.

Eight vans including one from West Wessex, came to the next rally at Tadley. Roger and I certainly chose a good one to host as torrential rain was forecast and duly arrived just as vans started to arrive so I’m afraid our greeting and parking up was somewhat on the hurried side. We still got soaked though. Double booking by the school meant that the hall wasn’t available to us on Friday evening, but the ever-helpful caretaker found us a classroom to meet in and brought us a boiler, so we were able to make ourselves hot drinks in comfort and dry out a bit.

Saturday morning was sunny, and people took the opportunity to go out to Basingstoke or Tadley for lunch and look for bargains in a couple of very good charity shops. In the evening, we played Mr and Mrs followed by skittles, superbly organised by Larry as usual and everyone joined in, which was lovely. At Sunday’s chit chat Larry made a plea for more people to stand for the committee. By the time you read this we will have had our AGM and will know what the future holds for the group.

Upcoming rallies: 4-6 November: Fort Widley, Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth, PO6 3LS. Halloween and bonfire night rally with use of heated room. Fancy dress optional. Great elevated position to view fireworks across the city. We’ll be having hot dogs and Pete will be playing some music. Cost £15 pupn (£14 singles). Arrivals after 1pm. 9-11 December: Easebourne CE Primary School, Wheelbarrow Castle, Easebourne, GU29 9AG. Christmas Rally. Heated hall and hardstanding. Join in the fun at our Christmas Ceilidh with food provided on Saturday. Fixed cost £40 (£36 singles). Arrivals after 5pm. 30 December-2 January 2023: Burnham Copse Primary School, Newchurch Road, Tadley, RG26 4HN. New Year Rally. Arrivals after 1pm. Three nights, heated hall and hardstanding. Professional entertainment, Double Image, on New Year’s Eve. American supper. Bring a plate of food to share. Fixed cost £50 (£44 singles).


This weekend (16-19 September) was hosted by Barbara and Nigel, and what a weekend. Friday was a chill out night with everyone just gathering around the quests and having a few drinks and a catch-up. On Saturday, a few members went into Frinton, Clacton and Walton, with a few who had not been to the venue before exploring the area. 4pm was

30 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

a meet up around the quests where Pimms and nibbles were provided by Barbara and Nigel. This was at the same time as we played a game of bingo followed by game of music bingo - Who knew so many members knew themes to Disney and Pixar film themes? Well done all the winners. The evening continued with more music and the odd dance on the table (Maureen and Jane we have proof it was you lol). Such a fun night! Thank you all for joining in.

Sunday morning at 11 am was a minute’s silence in honour of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. This was followed by answers to our quiz which was Queen Elizabeththemed. Well done Janet and Arthur’s team. Then the drawer of the raffle. Sunday then continued with a lot of members visiting the local hostelries for a bit of Sunday lunch. Then a chill out evening.

Monday was the Queen’s funeral… Some members left early to watch at home whilst a few stayed on to watch on their own TVs as the lovely owners of Grange Farm allowed us an extension when we could leave site. Thank you all for coming and those that helped, Alan for parking up, Peter for helping with bingo and Jan and Chris for selling bingo tickets (and Jan thanks for the surprise chilli and nachos), also James Ellis, thanks for the aerial photos they are great. Pleased have visitors from Anglia, Chiltern, and Yorkshire. See you again soon. Barbara and Nigel

Upcoming rallies: Our 4-6 November was at Bradwellon-Sea, but is now CANCELLED 25-27 November is at Mayflower School, CM2 0RT in the main large hall with entertainment. 16-18 December: Christmas party at Chelmer Valley School, CM17ER. Start time 6pm. Bookable for catering purposes. Bob.


After careful consideration for Her Majesty and everyone’s feelings, it was decided to go ahead with our planned rally at South Thorness Farm over Her Majesties funeral weekend. We had eight vans with 15 members attending a great weekend. With great respect we flew our Union Jack at half-mast and tastefully decorated our meeting tent with a portrait of the Queen and Union Jack flags.

At 8pm on the Friday evening, we first all raised a glass to our late monarch in grateful thanks for her long reign and her unwavering service to our country, and then in honour of our new King, Charles III, long may he reign. The evening continued thanks to the organization of Ann and Barb, with some super quizzes relating to the royal family, which certainly tested our memories and considering the age of some of our members it was quite a feat.

Saturday dawned bright and dry with wall-to-wall sunshine. In the afternoon we welcomed some visitors for tea and cake. Later we had tabletop games of 4-in-a-row, which Martin won, and Jenga. The evening was spent in the tent with drinks, naturally! and a few more quizzes to test our knowledge.

Sunday was another beautiful sunny day; we were so

blessed with the weather. We all got together again for coffee and biscuits and the notices.


9-11 September: Bridge Farm, Appledore: Very pleased that the 11 vans attending this rally had a relaxing time in beautiful surroundings topped with glorious weather. A very big thank you to our hosts Ted and Gloria.

23-25 September, Hole Park, Rolvenden: Seven vans arrived on a very wet Friday afternoon, with two more arriving on Saturday. Thankfully the weather improved not only for our club members but also for Hole Park. This weekend they had a Napoleonic Re-enactment taking place of which our members were able to enjoy at discounted rates. They had both French and British Camp experiences with Musket fire, Cannons and Cavalry charges. This year however I understand the French won! Saturday night was enjoyed around a bonfire with a sing along and toasted marshmallows. Sunday coffee morning followed by more battles. Welcome to first rally meets, Alan and Sylvia and Tony and Jo. Again a big thank you to the hosts, Digger, Marion, Tony and Marilynne.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend either rally as I was on an extended holiday. But I have for the first time taken the opportunity to visit other groups. We had a great time visiting Anglia, Yorkshire and the Scottish Groups but each say similar things, attendance is low and reluctance to host. This is a great club, please support it and your Committee by attending these rallies and hosting the odd rally.

Group Diaries, Kent 2022: 9-11 December: Greatstone Primary School, Greatstone. 30th December-2 January 2023: St. Richard’s School, Bexhill-on-Sea. New Year Rally Bexhill: FULLY BOOKED. Please remember to visit our Facebook page or for the latest updates and further information. If you are aware of someone who does not have internet access, please consider calling them to keep them updated.

Kent group

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 31 >>


The only rally in September was at Warton Cricket Club which, unfortunately, I couldn’t attend. There were just 16 ‘vans, one Northern Counties, one Chiltern and the rest Lancashire. Two ‘vans belonged to new Lancashire members who were made very welcome as were the visitors. The committee hosted the weekend, and the theme was Mexico. Friday was bingo and a quiz. And Saturday was ‘Take Your Pick’ and another quiz. The quizzes were done differently from the norm as the room was divided into two instead of small groups. All who could dress in Mexican fancy dress on Saturday and all had fun and were fed Chilli, rice and nachos. Lisa our Chairman closed the rally thanking all who attended, all who helped and wished all a safe onward journey.

Upcoming rallies: 11-13 November: Lancashire Hoghton Village Hall, PR5 0SG. 2pm start. Own drinks. Book with Barbara Hodgson on 01704 873501. 25-27 November: Lancashire Park High School, Venables Ave, Colne, BB8 7DP. Own drinks. Start time 5pm.


September was taken up with three rallies including our AGM. We started with Camper UK Leisure Park at Newark. Our Stewards were Ian and Wendy and little Ian. This was an extra rally added into the year so that members could camp together and join in with the ‘Ride of Thanks’, a charity event, to raise money for the Air Ambulance.

We met up at the Newark Showground along with about 300 other bikes. After our briefing, we gradually left the site and travelled around the lanes of Lincolnshire for a couple of hours, a total of 95 miles. Many people waved to us as we passed them. It was quite exhilarating. We also had group ride-outs to Willingham Woods, Camper UK Head Office and Showrooms where we had a photo shoot in front of their Motorhomes, Sleaford Classic Car and Bike show and a fast ride to Skegness.

The stewards introduced us to Ladder Golf. We loved it so much that matches continued over two days and Ian’s quiz

on motorbikes was great fun too. Later in the month, we headed to Kings Bromley Showground for five days. Martin led ride outs to a classic car meet near Tamworth, Barton Marina for coffee and shopping at the pop-up market, Cannock Chase, the German Military War Cemetery, Blythfield Reservoir and finishing at the Swan at Draycott in the Clay for pie lunch.

Steve D led a ride out to Hoar Farm Park for another Classic Bike meet where there were loads of classic bikes as well as cafe and local shops. Then onto the Huggies Speed Shop at Mallory Park and the Triumph Factory at Hinckley.

Our final MCG Rally was our AGM at the Ukrainian Centre, near Derby. Following our usual trend, we had a great weekend consisting of lots of fun and games and of course, laughter. We shared an American supper, a post AGM belly busting dinner, Noreen’s quizzes, Jane’s silly bingo, Sue and Steve’s treasure hunt, great music from C J Jackson and our traditional Sunday morning bacon rolls.

We all came together around the Ukrainian memorial for our final group photo of this Rally year.

Our new MCG Committee are: Chairman: Martin Borrill. Secretary: Wendy Jefferson. Treasurer: Sue Louch. Vice Chair and Webmaster: Ian Jefferson. Rally Officer: Miranda Whitby. Social Officer: Jane Cowley. Safety Officer: Steve Louch. Scribe: Noreen Borrill. Many hands make light work! Thanks to all the volunteers that helped shop, prepare and cook. I think this comment on WhatsApp says it all: “As a relatively newbie to the MCG, I’d like to say a massive thank you to all concerned for working so hard on the members behalf to keep the group going. I feel it’s grown in strength and friendship. Long may it continue, and I look forward to being part of that journey or should that be ride!”


15 vans gathered at Harpole at the beginning of September, four Chiltern, three Anglia, one Northwest Midlands and North Wales and seven Nene Valley. We were lucky that the wind was blowing the sound of the Friday night show away from us, so we had a good night’s sleep, waking to a mainly dry and sunny Saturday. This

Lancashire colourful campers! The motorcycle group came together at the Ukrainian memorial for their final group photo of this Rally year
32 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

encouraged us to walk round what is quite a large village, looking for the scarecrow displays in the resident’s front gardens. These were mostly on a safari theme, elephants, lions, snakes, monkeys dangling from trees and much more. One’s stamina was maintained by the usual selection of fast food and drink outlets. Some of us met in the openfront barn for an evening chat, accompanied at dusk by very busy bats, going about their business. The excitement for the weekend was when a bullock from the next field managed to climb the fences and join us for a look around, fortunately only watched by the rest of the herd. Members kept calm, so as not to spook him, and Teresa the farmer coaxed him back into his own field, Bill and Gordon quickly closing the gate on all those steak dinners. Overall, it was an enjoyable rally, and we hope our visitors had a good weekend. Tony

A total of 35 vans were welcomed to the Cranford Steam rally, with visitors from Essex, Northwest Midlands and North Wales, West Wessex, Chiltern, Anglia, East Midlands and Kent. We were almost outnumbered in the Nene Valley, by our visitors, but we are getting used to this. We were pleased to welcome Mike and Gayle as new members into the group.

Well... what a lovely, friendly gathering we had, with old friendships and acquaintances renewed from last year. For the lovers of all things mechanical, there were hundreds of exhibits, including trucks, cars, motorcycles, steam engines, miniature steam, tractors and even classic motorhomes and RV’s to be viewed and drooled over. There were numerous working models, a craft tent and a variety of food and drink stalls. The sound of fairground organs could be heard all over. There were the usual side stalls with their goods, which, judging by the number of bags returning to the site, were doing a good trade. There was also the Steam Up Bar with entertainment, which seemed to have a strange attraction for a lot of our members. A great venue that Denis has already booked for next year, which was made very pleasurable for Paul and Pat and Denis and Jane to steward with the lovely company we had to join us. See you next year. Wheeltapper

Upcoming rallies: 4-6 November: Cogenhoe Bowls Club, York Avenue, Cogenhoe, NN7 1NB. Cost £12 pupn. 1-4 December: Barnstones C&C Site, Main Street, Great Bourton, OX17 1QU. Christmas Weekend - Price to be agreed. Site cost £12 pupn including electric, plus rally fee.


Hello everyone. We hope you have all enjoyed your summer rallying, as we head into autumn. We had three rallies in September starting with Bents Park, South Shields a lovely location right on the seafront, with mixed weather.

For this five-day rally, we had 28 vans - 17 Northern Counties with visitors from SWP, Lancs, Yorks, Sussex and NWMNW. First time visitors Len and Carol Seymour

from Sussex were welcomed. We also celebrated the 60th Wedding Anniversary of Fred and Dot Kain, many congratulations to them. We had a slightly different rally at Bents Park this year. Rather than having a marquee, we were able to have the use of a room at the Sun Dial pub opposite the site, where we had live entertainment and music, and a buffet, with quizzes and fun by Mark Langwell done Mark, and thanks to the committee for running the rally.

This was followed by a rally at Alnwick Rugby Club attended by 15 vans - ten Northern Counties, one Lancs, one Yorks, one Sussex, one NWMNW and one East Mids. Unfortunately, Len and Carol from Sussex had to leave early due to van problems. Hope to see you again soon. We had one new NC member - Peter and Bryony Broughton. Welcome to you both. This was hosted by George Jobson and John Ternent. The weather was not favourable but we were able to use the Club House lounge on Saturday afternoon where George arranged a buffet with the help of Jan Hird, firstly to celebrate John Ternent’s birthday but also to raise a glass to our recently departed Queen Elizabeth II. Well done to all involved in arranging this.

Lastly, a rally at Beadnell Bay which was attended by 21 vans, all Northern Counties, with two first-time members. The weather was a mix of sun, wind and rain over a free and easy weekend. Several members walked or caught the bus into Seahouses for local fish and chips. Thanks to the hosts Kevin Pratt and Sue Cole who ran a van draw which was won by Anne and Roger Allan and a film quiz which was won by Jeanette and John McDonald.

The next rally is at Blucher Working Mens Club, 4-7 November but be aware this is a bookable rally due to space - a limit of 20 vans - buses into Newcastle and Hexham.

By the time you read this, we will have had our AGM which will be reported on in the December issue, although it will of course be on Northern Counties website, probably with 2023 rally diary. Paula and Tony Edwards


Portrush Rally: 2-4 September: Well, the weekend didn’t get off to a great start with Her Majesty passing away and lots of venues were being cancelled. One being the Air Show but the MCCNI went ahead and what a great weekend.

Starting with being welcomed by our hosts Ernie and Sue Corry and Harry and Jane Aston. 60 vans attended the venue and new members included the Jenning’s, the Douglas’ the Magee’s the Myles’ and the McCann’s who are all very welcome to the club. Welcome also to visitors from Northeast England the Barkers and the Grimes. New van was Keith and Colleen Kirkpatrick. Birthdays were Megan Dyer and Alan Fluke and happy anniversary to William and Lisa Dyer.

On Friday night, I think all let their hair down and enjoyed making their planes and flying them, followed with >>

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 33
A social activity club dedicated exclusively to all motorhome owners for over 60 years • 500+ social meets annually • Many social meets in your local area • Cost-effective holiday meets in the UK and abroad • F.I.C.C rallies world-wide • Regional groups across the UK and Ireland • Preferential parking at motorhome shows • Webpage and social media presence • Free monthly magazine home posted and online • Yearly Handbook packed with information • Member discounts at many specialist suppliers • Night stops, CLs and Safe Knights schemes Large or small,we welcome allRV’s join in the fun Coach built A-Class Camper Van Conversion UNNA A L SUBSCRIPTI ON £36.75 No joining fee MEM B E RINCENTIVE£10 Club voucher for every new member introduced
The Motor Caravanners’ Club, Wood Farm Estate, Marlbank Road, Welland, Malvern WR13 6NA T: 01684 311677 E: W: The oad to enjoymentstarts here! MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION No. Title: First Names: Surname: Initials: Address: Postcode: Home tel: Mobile tel: Email: FULL MEMBER valid for 12 months JOINT FAMILY MEMBER over 18 years – Members’ children under 18 years of age are covered within the membership Title: First Names: Surname: Initials: Full Member Signature: Date: Joint Member Signature: Date: DECLARATION I declare that I am the current owner/user of a motorcaravan and that the information given above is correct. I hereby undertake to pay annual subscriptions and adhere to the Articles of Association and regulations made by the Council. I understand the Club is Limited by Guarantee which means I may be asked for a maximum of £2 should the Club cease during my membership and for a year following the end of my membership. PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE WITH YOUR FIRST YEARS PAYMENT OR VISIT WWW.THEMOTORCARAVANNERSCLUB.CO.UK Advert Dealer Campsite Trade Show Insurance Company Friend Internet Member Facebook Introducing Member Other Where did you hear about the Club? Membership No. to receive £10 voucher Please post your completed application form to the address at the bottom of the page and the Club office will contact you by phone for payment once they receive your application form. ✁

a bit of banter and craic. Our resident DJ Gary supplied the music. All woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning which would have been perfect for the air show but some retail therapy and sun bathing were caught up with. Saturday evening, we caught up with our friends and other members and Gary again played some music. Sunday morning number plate winners were Robert McEwan, Gary Baird and May McClintock. The quiz was won by Tommy Wade and I’m sure we would all wish Yvonne all the best on Thursday and hope all goes well. Eleanor and Victor McFadden

September 30-October 2, Sperrin Integrated School

2022 AGM: Sperrin Integrated School was the venue for a rally and 2022 AGM. 5pm saw the arrival of a total of 53 vans which was somewhat disappointing for an AGM and members meeting. Its only with the help of all members that this or any club can exist. Many thanks to those who did attend for your help and participation in the election of the new set of office bearers without whose commitment we would have nothing. Could I hasten to add that we fully appreciate that with planned holidays, health reasons and a thousand other reasons do prevent a full complement so perhaps we didn’t do too bad.

Irene Hewitt and Florence McClune greeted everyone, and Robbie Hewitt parked up the vans whilst Joe McClune supervised. He had a sore foot, result of an argument with inspection chamber cover.

Friday continued with a ‘bring-and-buy’ sale in the hall which was all beautifully presented with a wide selection of goods, foods and other forms of paraphernalia. This was followed later by a bingo session ably hosted by the bingo ladies Florence McClune and Liz McKenna. Gary Little brought the evening to an end with some soft music.

Saturday morning found everyone gathered in the hall for the AGM which was duly conducted saying goodbye and a very big thanks to the old committee and the election of the new committee. May they have every success in the future. Ruth Ross and her team of catering ladies provided a sumptuous lunch for all. The results of the baking skills of these ladies was enough to make Mary Berry envious and the waistlines of the recipients, well slightly tighter.

A members meeting then ensued where amongst other matters the presentation of a cheque to Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, which was the Chairman’s chosen charity. This was for the sum of £590 which had been collected over the past year in various actives.

Dave Kane provided music for the Saturday night dance, and you know for a crowd of people, well let’s say, who are not as young as they would like to be, had the dance floor filled with a very active bunch.

Sunday morning was sunny, warm, and just right for the old gossip outside the vans where all the problems like… “My fridge is not working.” “My heater’s not right.” I got a great deal at the bring-and-buy sale.” Well… You know what I mean! Then the coffee morning and once again, Ruth and her team had the tables groaning with all sorts of goodies, tea, and coffee. Our recently re-elected

secretary Irene addressed the floor bringing everyone up to date with our newly formed committee and perform the drawing of various winners etc. Quiz winner: Andy Clark. Number plate draws: Liz McKenna, Joyce McMillan, and Barbara McIlhagga. New vans: Bob and Iris McEwan. May you have many good miles in it. Birthdays: Sue Curry and Robbie Hewitt.

All these proceedings were recorded on camera by our resident photographer Roy Smith. Thank you, Roy. Hope to see you all at the next rally at Portadown 7-9 October Break out your boots and Stetsons its country comes to town. Enda and Flo


The Eccleshall Castle Rally was held in the dry moat of a manor house situated in wonderful grounds. It’s a very tranquil spot but within walking distance of the small town with a good selection of pubs and cafes. There are bus services to Stafford or Stone. The weather was sunny and warm enabling everyone to take full advantage of the surroundings. There was a total of 24 vans for the weekend with visitors from Yorkshire, Severn Valley and East Midlands.

On Friday, we had a short gathering on the field but the temperature dropped quite quickly so there was a hasty retreat to the vans. Saturday was glorious and warm. Many were in town and returned to sit in the sunshine or try their hand at a couple of games - corn hole (throwing beanbags at a target) or Aunt Sally. Some attempts more successful than others. Thank you John Crane.

We returned to an old venue, Bickerton Village Hall, for our late September rally. The venue was blessed by the rain gods on Friday. A small rally with visitors from Yorkshire, Wilf and Bea Simpson, and Lancashire, Peter and Diane Singleton. In the evening, there was time to chat and exchange stories of warmer times and places. Saturday afternoon, after some had been walking in the area, everyone was playing table games in the hall whilst eating cakes and drinking tea/coffee provided by the hosts for the weekend Linda and Mike, thank you. In the evening donned in green, we had frog racing. Many different techniques were tried to coax the very green frogs to travel along the strings and, then, back again. Some were well and truly stuck in the middle and danced around refusing to go anywhere, but happily, there were no injuries. The sweets were shared with all. A big thank you to all who came to make it an enjoyable weekend.

Our Christmas Party is taking place at Rushbury Village Hall on 2-4 December and will include a three-course meal, wine, professional entertainment and one night’s free camping for £30 per person. Eileen Harvey is taking bookings 01902 743089 or 07932 651196.

Upcoming rallies: 18-20 November: Wistanstow Village Hall, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 8DQ. Hard standing, water, chemical waste disposal. Book with Elaine on 07525

36 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

733119. 2-4 December: Rushbury Village Hall, Wall-underHeywood, Church Stretton, Shropshire, SY6 7DS. Christmas Party Book with Eileen on 07932 651196. 30 December-2

January 2023: New Year Rally at Cockshutt Millennium Village Hall, Shrewsbury Road, Cockshutt, Ellesmere, SY12 OJE. Book with Eileen on 07932 651196.


Hello fellow members, by now, you should all have received by email or post a change of date for the AGM. This was an unavoidable change due to committee resignations for various reasons. The AGM will now be on 6 November at 11am in the restaurant at Monturpie Caravan Park Upper Largo.

14 members attended the meet at Coldstream: Seven Scottish and seven visitors. A special thank you goes out for making 5 September a night to remember. It was like the good old days at Bothy night on 1 January being entertained by talented members in the club.

Our meet at Lothian Bridge had a turnout of 15 members: Eight Scottish and seven visitors. This site was close to main road and rail line giving access to Edinburgh. The community pub with good food was visited by many as was the mining museum. Regards, Squeezebox


Hello everyone. Only one rally to report on this month. 14 vans attended the rally at Avonbank Meadow, Pershore. 11 from Severn Valley and three from Avon. Our hosts for the weekend were Severn Valley chairman Tony Barnsley and Dave Blissett, thank you both. Friday was very wet and windy with many members taking shelter in their vans and not venturing out until the next day. On Saturday morning, there was a change in the weather. At least it was dry and sunny if a little cold, but its autumn now and to be expected. Most members choose to walk into Pershore town, visiting its many shops and indoor market, or stopping for a pint or two, or a spot of lunch in the many pubs along the way.

One of our members (Roy Edwards) posts on YouTube. Check out his photos and recordings around Avonbank, Wyre Piddle, it really is a great site to visit.

On Sunday morning, there was no coffee morning or raffle. Thank you to everyone who came and supported this rally. I think the weather conditions put a lot of members off attending.

Riverside, Bridgnorth 21-23 October rally was cancelled due to no hosts. Please remember if there’s no hosts, there’s no rally.

Upcoming rallies: 2-4 December: Christmas Dinner at Much Marcle, HR8 2ND. £37.50 per head, site fees and entertainment all included, bookable with a £20 nonrefundable deposit with the rally officer. Details are on the website. New Years Eve Rally details are on the website, this

is bookable, with the rally officer (Christopher Windmill) on 07976 351265. All rallies start at 12 noon. New Years Eve rally details can now be found on Severn Valleys website, this is a bookable rally so the club has an idea of members wanting to attend . We hope to see you soon .


Hello everyone. Our September rally was a new venue at Bossiney, near Tintagel. We welcomed 17 vans (one Chiltern, two West Country, one Taster and 13 SWPG). The weather, although a tad breezy was almost wall-to-wall sunshine, showing off this spectacular part of Cornwall to its best. We put up the Coleman Shelter and on Friday evening we organised a ‘Meet, Greet and Eat’ offering a hot and cold finger buffet. Thank you, Mel and Shirley, for your superb cutting skills with the bread and cheese and waitressing! There’s a lot to see and do around this area, including Tintagel Castle, St. Nectan’s Waterfall and Rocky Valley, plus what goes on in the village itself. As most folk wished to be home to watch the funeral of the late Queen, on Saturday evening we gathered for an update on group and club news and to draw the raffle. This venue will be included in the 2023 programme at the earlier time of the season on 2, 3 and 4 June – a note for your diary.

More information has become available for the Christmas Party rally at Cofton Holiday Park, EX6 8RP. Camping is for three nights from 2-4 December, pitches are £20 per unit per night, hardstanding and EHU; the Christmas Party night is Saturday 3 December, £32 per person, and is organised by the site. Check out their website for what’s on offer, including the menu choices (www. It’s a chance for the ladies to dolly up and the gents to suit and boot! At the moment, we have 25 pitches available and 46 table settings, bookings will commence on 14 October and close on 14 November in-line with catering requirements from the site. Please contact Barbara (SWP Secretary) on 07722 885018 or email barbsnoble@gmail. com to arrange payment of your booking, which is either cash or bank transfer. It is hoped to have a breakfast meet on Sunday morning and info on this will be available early >>

SW Peninsula group
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 37

on in the rally.

Upcoming rallies: 17-20 November: Fox and Hounds, EX20 4HF, £15 pupn, no EHU, £20 pupn with EHU. Christmas Shopping rally, use of skittle alley. Bookings start 18 October, hosts are required. 2-4 December: Cofton Holiday Park, EX6 8RP, Christmas Dinner Rally £20 pupn, incl EHU and hardstand, Christmas Dinner Party Saturday 3 December, £32 per person, breakfast meet Sunday 4 December, bookings start 2 November. 29 December-2 January 2023: Trevarrian Holiday Park, TR8 4AQ, £16 pupn with EHU, New Year’s Rally. 27-29 January 2023: Fox and Hounds, EX20 4HF, Burns Night Supper and Skittles Competition, prices TBA, hosts are required.


Hello again, I hope you are keeping nice and warm as you read this, as I am certainly feeling the nip of autumn now but I am glad that we have a motorhome and are able to continue rallying when we can.

9-11 September: Newton Farm, Angle: After battling high winds and torrential rain on the journey, Peter and Pauline Greaves with Philipa Lewis arrived at Newton Farm - Special thanks to these last-minute hosts. There was no let-up in the weather on Friday.

On Saturday, the weather was beautiful, and we thought we might have been busy with the IRON MAN competition taking place in Tenby. Indeed, the cycle race went past the farm on the Sunday morning which afforded us a wonderful view. Altogether, we had the grand total of three vans plus two host vans. The weather on Saturday was wonderful. “The ladies”, all four of us and a teenager, thought we would see what Angle looked like and decided to walk! What an adventure, as the walk was at least three and a half miles with no path, a narrow road and occasional fast traffic! Thank goodness the one and only pub in Angle was open. As we downed our very welcome pints of shandy, we dreaded the walk back. The staff told us there were only two buses a day but (good news) one was due in half an hour. Too good to miss! We told the men we had to walk back.

23-26 September: Pembrey Country Park: It was a lovely autumn day as the hosts, Gerald Wehden, Pam and John (the pipe) welcomed 47 vans to this popular rally. The N&WM visitors were Andy and Rose Humphries and we were delighted to welcome first timers Chris and Malcolm Bell, Heather and Cliff Richmond, Diane Barrett, Michael and Barbara Gibbons and Jackie and Mike Warren and hope to see them again soon.

It was the weekend of the first Miniature Steam Rally at Pembrey since 2019 due, of course, to Covid. The weather remained good for the whole weekend with the showers of rain falling, very obligingly, during the night. The vintage double decker bus was regularly available for a ride to the Steam Fair for those that did not want to walk through the park although, as I am terrified of heights, we did not

brave the top deck for the best views! The amazing steam engines were chugging around all day and there was even a steam lorry and a rather cute, yellow and very speedy steam car. For a reasonable price, you could sit astride the miniature train for a ride through the woods, hunt for bargains at the boot sale or relive your memories admiring the many vintage cars on show. The extensive country park and huge beach were very popular for walks and cycling. The coffee morning on Sunday saw the lucky van prize going to Brian and Linda Wigley. Thanks to the generous donation of prizes, there was good raffle for our Wales Air Ambulance charity. Our Chair, Betty Bishop, spoke about our forthcoming AGM and Keith Howard, our Rally Officer, announced an extra rally at Llandovery Mart. This will be held on 25-27 November to coincide with their Christmas lights event and a Christmas Fair. He confirmed that the 2023 rally programme will be issued shortly.

Upcoming rallies: 25-27 November: Additional rally at new venue, Llandovery Mart, SA20 0AW, hard standing on car park. Christmas events in the town starts 2pm. 9-11 December: Christmas Party at Baskerville Hall - Now full, but book for reserve list now with Keith Howard our Rally Officer on 07791 524227. 29 December-2 January: New Year’s Party, Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly, SA17 4UL, bookable. Theme for party night is ‘Pyjamas’ with live entertainment.


Hello everyone. I hope you have all had a good touring summer season and are now ready for the winter season.

Our last rally for the summer, before our annual AGM in October, was an eight-day stretch at The Barn in Lancing. Unfortunately, our Chichester rally at the Fishbourne Centre had to be cancelled due to events beyond our control but was speedily replaced by extending the follow-on rally at Lancing to cover the dates. Thanks to all who were able to respond to the change in venue.

The first day was dry and mostly sunny, with hosts Len and Carol Seymour, and Jo and Clive Smaje welcoming the arrivals. The following day’s weather turned wet and increasingly cold but that didn’t dampen our spirits. The sun did re-appear later in the weekend, ensuring many walks on the beach and trips to Worthing and Brighton, as well as enjoying the antics of the horses in the adjoining field. We had an ongoing food and drink quiz, American Supper, with music provided by Alan and Mary Campbell, and a cream tea on Sunday. Marilyn and Dave Harris took over as hosts on Monday till Friday, with a slightly smaller select band of members, along with some new arrivals. They enjoyed a fish and chips supper on Tuesday followed by a bus trip to Worthing market on Wednesday. Well done to all who came, including new visitors from the Anglia group, and especially those who stayed for the full eight days, as well as members from Sussex, Wessex and Kent. Everyone had a good time, with lots of sociable chitchats

38 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

and meet-ups with friends old and new.

Unfortunately, the rally at Southgate School in Crawley (4-6 November) has been cancelled due to building work taking place at the school. So, the next rally will be the Sussex group Christmas party, 16-18 December at Rodborough School, Petworth Road, Godalming, GU8 5BZ, hosted by John and Janet Macrae with music and games on Friday by Mandy Beeke, plus a DJ on Saturday evening. Keep looking at our Facebook page for additions to the activities which may well include a ‘bring-and-buy’ sale.

Also, keep an eye out for information about the upcoming rally in March at Bunn Leisure Holiday Camp, Selsey, 10-13 March, 2023, cost £22 pupn. A new venue for us, with fully serviced pitches including EHU, on hardstanding and with full access to the site’s facilities and entertainment. It’s a lovely area, with easy public transport to nearby towns. Bookings can be made via Marilyn Harris, check details on our Facebook pages. We hope that this will be a popular addition to our area’s list of venues. Jo Smaje.


Lady’s Mile: 13-18 September: We had 49 vans arrived to a wet day but fortunately the weather improved for the rest of the rally, we had members joining us from a number of different groups. Our hosts were Han and Derek who hosted their first rally which they did a fantastic job they were assisted by Bob and Helena. We had the use of all their facilities which included their restaurant, gym, and swimming pool. Many people took trips out by bus into Dawlish Warren, Dawlish and Teignmouth or they took a stroll to the Warren to walk along the beach. We closed the rally with a splendid raffle and greatly appreciated the extra gifts donated by members.

Riverside Caravan Park: 6-10 October: This rally also included our AGM which was attended by 22 vans the majority were from West Country with a couple of vans from different groups. As well as our AGM, we had a couple of evenings where we all played bingo and on our last night,

we enjoyed music provided by our entertainments officer Ken after the bingo. We had a splendid raffle on Sunday morning and then some of us went on to enjoy a lovely carvery at lunchtime.

We still have places for our Christmas Rally. If you would like to join us, please contact our Rally Officers Jim and Jen Ten-Bokkel or leave a message on our Facebook page.

Upcoming rallies: 12-16 October: Kings Down Tail Caravan Park. 1-5 December: Riverside Caravan Park Christmas Rally.


In September, we stayed at two new venues. The first was St Cross Cricket Club, which is a pleasant riverside walk into Winchester. Some took advantage of the buses which stopped outside and many of us visited the Catherdral to sign the books of condolence after the death of our Queen.

The clubhouse allowed us to enjoy Keith’s music quiz, Stephen’s disco and an evening of Irish music from Mary and Alan. Thank you all for providing three good evenings of entertainment.

Sue and Chum Randall hosted the meet at Hilperton and I thank Sue for this report on our second new site: We welcomed 13 vans to Marsh Farm, one West Country, one SWP and 11 West Wessex. The weather was very mixed, but most people got out on the bus to Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham. We were parked right next to the Kennet and Avon canal which was quite busy with canal boats, and the canal paths were great for cycling and dog walking.

Our Christmas Party is from 1-4 December and is at Herston Yard Farm, Swanage. There will be a quiz and bingo night on Thursday, an Irish night on the Friday, and a twocourse carvery meal and party disco on the Saturday. The cost, inclusive of electric hookup is £80 (£63 single) Anyone wishing to stay an extra night can do so at an additional cost of £15. Please book by 21 November with Maria on 07887 393137. The New Year Celebrations will again be at Colehill Middle School, Wimborne. Full details will be on the MCC website and on West Wessex’s Facebook page.

West Country group West Wessex
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 39


The very heart of the matter

Common sense suggests that the countryside in the middle of England between the north and the south should be called The Midlands. But frequently, whenever the term is mentioned, you detect a scornful tone as the words are uttered. Having now toured there, we think the Midlands should be renamed ‘the heart of the Country’.

The Midlands rose to prominence during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries and earned the nickname The Black Country, which probably arose when smoke from heavy industries the likes of brick making, iron founding and glass making were prevalent and producing a high level of air pollution. That unfortunate descriptive name dates from the

1840s, when a 30-foot-thick coal seam, close to the surface, supported the coal mining industry.

Today the green and pleasant lands are geographically split into the West Midlands and East Midlands, with the west claiming credit for giving birth to Shakespeare, Tolkien and Rugby Football. The East Midlands includes the historic and geographic counties of Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, and Leicestershire and that is where this report is centred.

Go East Leicestershire is one of several Midland counties that are often overlooked by motorcaravaners in favour of the wilderness of the north or the gentility of the south. Yet

historic market towns offer a rich legacy for heritage hunters and a rural larder well worth investigating. Wild nature awaits explorers in an area that remains relatively uncrowded.

The first of our Leicestershire campsites is set in 50 acres with 20 acres of lakes. Bosworth Lakeside Lodges is a well-established, familyfriendly lakeside campsite, open all year round in the heart of the English countryside. There is a lot to see here, both off and on the water, from family pedaloes, paddleboards and canoes, to crazy golf and relaxing on the beach with a long drink. It is very tranquil!

Things were not always so peaceful hereabouts. On 22 August 1485 Henry Tudor brought a small rebel army here to face the much

Frances and Michael Howorth visit Leicestershire in the heart of middle England and discover a rich cultural heritage left by the Industrial Revolution and a swath of beautiful countryside that is as wonderful to look at, as it is to explore.
40 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022

larger royal army of King Richard lll in what was the defining moment of the War of the Roses. But the battle did not go the King’s way! Richard rallied his mounted knights and led a mounted charge across a marshy battlefield trying to kill Henry. Richard lost his horse and offered his Kingdom to anyone who would give him one. However, he fought on without, vowing to win or die as the King of England. And that is what he did! He was cut down died like the valiant king he was.

His crown was picked up and used to crown Henry Tudor as King Henry VII of England at Stoke Golding straight after the battle. Richard was the last Plantagenet King of England and Henry was the first of the powerful Tudor Dynasty, which changed the face of England for

The Bosworth Boar (top left) an important find in 2009 indicating the location of the Bosworth Battle. One of the stopping points at Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre (above left). Ferrers Centre for Arts & Crafts (above). Foxton Locks with old canal boat going up the locks (right).

ever. Richard’s body, stripped of his armour, was slung over a horse and unceremoniously taken to Leicester, to prove that he was dead and was later buried there. This final resting place only recently came to light in 2012 when the grave was discovered beneath a car park. Visitors to the newly created King Richard III Visitors centre in the city can now view the grave through a glass floor.

The UK’s first Battlefield Interpretation Centre was set up here in Bosworth to commemorate

events which took place in what are now tranquil fields in rural Leicestershire. It is a fascinating place to visit and pieces together the landscape of 1485, including Shakespeare’s famous marsh.

Interactive exhibits bring the battle ground to life and the collection of medieval cannon balls and small items lost by combatants during the combat are unique. The most iconic of these, found in 2009, is the Bosworth Boar, a silver gilt badge normally only worn by a knight or lord.

In Ashby-de-la-Zouch on the Staunton Harold Estate, The Ferrers

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 41
Old John, 18th century folly at the highest point in Bradgate Park

Centre is home to an arts and crafts centre said to house the largest concentration of craftspeople in Britain. If your rig is more than 2.4m high, follow the signs for coaches and deliveries to get to the car park. The advantage of doing so lies in the ability to fill your glass milk bottle with fresh raw milk from the vending machine at Dumelow’s Dairy. It is truly delicious.


Set in a splendid courtyard complex the Ferrers Centre is a thriving community of artisans who offer the opportunity of experiencing the working and repairing of traditional craftwork. There is much to see here including ceramic artists, jewellery makers, blacksmiths, and wildlife artists. There is a delightful delicatessen selling all sorts of

goodies from freshly baked loaves to fresh produce.

Trappist beer

There is evidence to suggest that since the 19th century beer has been brewed at Mount St Bernard Abby in Coalville. Today Cistercian monks continue to live here by the “Pray and Work” rule of Saint Benedict. Completely self-sufficient, they provide their living expenses and upkeep their historic buildings working with their hands. Using recipes supplied by monks of Norcia, Saint-Wandrille and Zundert, they worked with other Trappist breweries to create the ‘Tynt Meadow’, which they now brew. It’s a mahogany-coloured beer with a subtle, warm hue and lasting beige head. Its aroma carries hints of dark chocolate, liquorice, and rich fruit

flavours. The strong dark English ale is full-bodied, gently balancing the chocolate with pepper and fig, leaving a warm and dry finish on the palate and it is the epitome of the belief held by Cistercian monks; that beer should be like liquid bread and not coloured water.

Hidden treasure

The National Trust property, Stoneywell, located in Markfield, was once the home of a family who lived and loved the Arts and Crafts. Created by Ernest Gimson, one of the most inspiring and influential architect-designers of the British Arts and Crafts Movement, the cottage and its gardens are open to the public and are an absolute treasure.

The cottage was still owned by the Gimson family until 2012 when it was gifted to the National Trust. Visits need to be pre-booked and your van must use the National Trust car park close by, from where visitors are transported to the cottage by minibus. The guides are so enthusiastic that it is difficult not to be entranced by the tales they weave as you walk through the cottage.

The Secret Garden

Located in the village of Sileby not very far from the delightful village of Quorn, Meadow View Farm is a small but delightful campsite on a working, family run farm. Run by Snowy and Lyne this is ‘The Secret Garden’ of campsites and you would never suspect – as you drive down a short track between two houses – that it would open up to become a true oasis of peace and quiet. For us it was the perfect overnight stop but, if truth were told, we could have spent much longer there. Among the many local attractions nearby is the Grand Union canal. Here in the village of Barrow upon Soar, where the canal joins the River Soar, lies the Moorings, a foodie pub created from what was originally a canal side coal wharf. Inside the chef and his team carefully design and craft menus creating mouth-watering dishes from

Dumelow’s dairy hut where we brought raw milk and honey A visit to Stoneywell an Arts and Crafts house owned by the National trust
OAK TREE MOTORHOMES View over 60 vehicles at: Gin Close Way, Awsworth, Nottingham, NG16 2HH - 2 mins off Jct 26 M1, Nr Ikea Call now: 01159 303140 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • FREE 3 YEAR WARRANTY • 12 MONTHS MOT & TAX • SERVICE & CAMBELT • FINANCE UP TO 10 YRS • ANY PX WELCOME (CAR, CARAVAN, MOTORBIKE ETC.) • OTHER VEHICLES AVAILABLE 2021 SWIFT KON-TIKI SPORT GRAND PRIX 599 6,900 miles. RHD. Manual. 4 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Full appliance kitchen. Washroom w/ separate shower. Reversing camera. SatNav. Awning...£81,995 OR FROM £994.13 P/MONTH 2017 HYMER ML-T 540 23,430 miles. RHD. Auto. 2 berths. 2.1ltr engine. Multi-function steering wheel. Reversing camera. Cruise control. Elec windows. Awning...£67,995 OR FROM £827.73 P/MONTH 8,885 miles. RHD. Manual. 4 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Rear island bed over garage. Reversing camera. Manual drop down bed. Cycle rack. AirCon...£64,995 OR FROM £750.13 P/MONTH 36,710 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Halfleather upholstery. Elec windows. Full appliance kitchen. Swivel cab seats. Flat screen TV. AirCon...£28,995 OR FROM £355.29 P/MONTH 12,950 miles. RHD. Auto. 4 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Large AES fridge. Cycle rack. Reversing camera & sensors. Elec mirrors & windows. Ext BBQ point. AirCon...£44,995 OR FROM £517.33 P/MONTH 11,900 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Full appliance kitchen. Reversing camera. Elec entrance step, mirrors & windows. Awning. AirCon...£46,995 OR FROM £543.20 P/MONTH 2020 AUTO-TRAIL APACHE 700 6,430 miles. RHD. Manual. 6 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Solar panels. SatNav. Awning. Reversing camera. Ext BBQ point. Full oven & grill. Cab blinds...£69,995 OR FROM £814.80 P/MONTH 2021 AUTO-SLEEPERS FAIRFORD 6,680 miles. RHD. Manual. 4 berths. 2.2ltr engine. Elec entrance step. Tow bar. Underslung refillable LPG tank. Awning. Cruise control. SatNav...£65,995 OR FROM £801.87 P/MONTH 21,740 miles. RHD. Manual. 4 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Full appliance kitchen. Fully winterised. Cruise control. Reversing camera. Elec mirrors. AirCon..£61,995 OR FROM £711.32 P/MONTH 4,495 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.2ltr engine. Rear cycle rack. End washroom. Reversing camera. Cab blinds. Elec mirrors & windows...£42,995 OR FROM £426.80 P/MONTH 22,280 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.2ltr engine. Full appliance kitchen. Awning. AirCon. Reversing camera. Cycle rack. Elec mirrors & windows...£44,995 OR FROM £517.33 P/MONTH 24,680 miles. RHD. Manual. 6 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Rear U-shaped lounge. Overcab fixed bed. Cruise control. 360-degree cameras. Awning. AirCon...£49,995 OR FROM £582 P/MONTH 2021 BAILEY ADAMO 75-4L 3,870 miles. RHD. Auto. 4 berths. 2.0ltr engine. Flat screen TV. Solar panel. AirCon. Reversing camera. Separate shower. Radio/CD player. Elec mirrors...£69,995 OR FROM £814.80 P/MONTH 2015 HYMER B544 28,480 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Flat screen TV. Awning. Cruise control. Fully winterised. Elec entrance step. Reversing camera...£67,995 OR FROM £788.93 P/MONTH 8,150 miles. RHD. Manual. 6 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Rear U-shaped lounge. Manual drop down bed. Gaslow refillable LPG system. AirCon...£61,995 OR FROM £711.33 P/MONTH 71,265 miles. RHD. Manual. 4 berths. 2.3ltr engine. Rock n Roll bed. Wireless charging pads. Full appliance kitchen. Parking sensors. Cruise control...£37,995 OR FROM £439.73 P/MONTH 49,050 miles. RHD. Auto. 4 berths. 2.0ltr engine. Rock n Roll bed. Cruise control. Parking sensors. Elec windows & mirrors. Eberspacher heating. AirCon...£44,995 OR FROM £517.33 P/MONTH 36,710 miles. RHD. Manual. 2 berths. 2.0ltr engine. Cruise control. End kitchen. Elec windows & mirrors. Cycle rack. Awning. Ext BBQ point. AirCon...£48,995 OR FROM £12,260 P/MONTH 2020 ETRUSCO T7400 QBC 2018 BESSACARR 496 2017 BURSTNER IXEO IT 680G 2007 SHIRE PHOENIX 2FL 2015 ALL SEASONS VOLKSWAGEN T5.1 2015 BAILEY APPROACH ADVANCE 635 2014 CHAUSSON WELCOME 718 EB 2016 CAMPERKING MONTECARLO VW T6 DSG 2016 BAILEY APPROACH ADVANCE 615 2018 AUTO-TRAIL TRIBUTE T-625 2019 ELDDIS EVOLUTION 115 2016 ROLLER TEAM AUTO-ROLLER 746

wood-fired pizzas to Mediterranean style tapas.

Heritage railway

The Great Central Railway is the UK’s only double track, main line heritage railway. It’s the only place in the world where full size steam engines can be seen passing each other – just as it was when steam ruled the rails. The pioneer of popular tourism, Thomas Cook, is credited with changing the global tourism landscape having created one of the oldest travel firms in the world. It was on this very railway that Cook arranged his first one-day rail excursion in 1841 by chartering a steam train to take 500 passengers from Leicester to Loughborough and back for a shilling. The success

of that and other excursions he led prompted him set up his own travel agency business, earning Leicester the title of the ‘birthplace of popular tourism’. Trains run every weekend of the year, bank holidays and selected weekdays through the summer. You can park your van overnight in the spacious car park at Quorn & Woodhouse station before jumping aboard and journeying to Leicester and back again to Loughborough. Each of the stations plays its part in history and is themed to show life as it was then from Edwardian times to the 1960’s. Our favourite was Quorn & Woodhouse whose timeline is World War II and features an air raid shelter, a dig for victory garden and even a scrap for spitfire collection point.

The village of Quorn & Woodhouse itself is famously known as the home of the historic Quorn Hunt, founded in 1696. Quorn remains one of Charnwood’s prettiest villages. We enjoyed a short waterside walk from the centre of the village all the way to Barrow-upon-Soar. The village played an important role during World War Two, when it was the site of a Second World War prisoner of war camp, called Camp 9. This purpose-built camp held both German and Italian prisoners.

Rural capital of food

The traditional market town of Melton Mowbray has a worldwide reputation for Stilton cheese and pork pies and is known locally as the ‘Rural Capital of Food’. Try and time your visit for a Tuesday when it hosts a traditional Livestock Market because the town has an infectious buzz about it then. You do not have to wait until market day however to enjoy the true tastes the town has to offer. The Melton Cheeseboard shop is situated on Windsor Street. Very much a family business, based right at the heart of the local community, Tim and Lyn Brown stock around 150 different cheeses, and welcome customers who share their passion for cheese.

It is their policy to only source cheeses directly from the dairies, including the complete range from the award-winning Long Clawson Dairy, famed for their Blue Stilton and Aged Leicester. We got to taste Blue Stilton and Beauvale from Cropwell Bishop Creamery; Lincolnshire Poacher and Double Barrel from Sparkenhoe Leicester, Bosworth Field and Battlefield Blue from Leicestershire Handmade Cheese Company; and Cobblers Nibble from Hamm Tun Foods. By buying directly from cheesemakers, the Browns guarantee the provenance of the products and equally, minimise food miles. Pick up a loaf of Hambleton Bakery bread and other local products while you are there and enjoy.

Father Anselm a Cistercian monk and master brewer of Tynt Meadow English Trappist Ale brewing a new batch 1940s themed Quorn and Woodhouse station on the Great Central Heritage Railway
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 45 01858 434098 Harborough Road, Great Oxendon Market Harborough, LE16 8NB Family-run, picturesque rural retreat nestled on the border of Northamptonshire & Leicestershire • Self-catering log cabins • Purpose-built fishing lakes • Licensed tea room on-site serving homemade meals and treats • Convenience shop open 7 days a week • Direct access to the Brampton Valley Way Cycle Track • Market Harborough just 25 min walk away. 01989 720672 • 07568 940408 • Haywood Farm, Swagwater Lane, Gorsley, Near Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7EB “ familiesThemostwelcomingfor and eirchildren”- Tested by Tots BestCampsite Award 2022 @HaywoodFarmCaravanandCampingPark haywood_farm_caravan_camping Award-winning • Family-run • Dog friendly • Miles of walks into the woods directly from our campsite • Close to Ross-On-Wye & Newent • Famous stone-baked pizzas available to order on-site • Play park • Small football pitch, pool, table tennis & table football • Lots to explore in the Forest Of Dean & Wye Valley AONB • Within easy reach to Herefordshire, Gloucestershire & Monmouthshire • Hard standing & grass pitches with or without electric SERVICE & REPAIR SPECIALISTS FOR YOUR MOTORHOME CALL US NOW ON 0141 773 1212 From repairs, servicing and MOTs to customisation and motorhome rentals, The Motorhome Repair Centre is Scotland’s No 1 choice for keeping you on the road in safety and comfort.

Make sure to leave room for a pork pie! You simply cannot visit the town and not buy one! The Melton Mowbray pork pie now has a PGI status, meaning it has to be made within a certain geographical location. Dickinson and Morris have been baking their pies here since 1851 and are the oldest remaining bakers of the authentic pork pie in the town centre. John Dickinson opened his bakery in Nottingham Street, Melton Mowbray in 1851.

Exactly where Ye Olde Pork Pie Shoppe is today. He used a recipe handed down to him by his grandmother Mary, a noted pork pie maker, who is credited with using the first wooden dolly to raise the pastry case: she is considered as the originator of the hand raised Melton Mowbray pork pie with its bowwalled appearance that we know and love today.

Rothley Wine Estate

We left Ye Olde Pork Pie Shoppe with a handsome pie for supper.

What we needed to wash it down was a glass of wine. That was why we headed off to Kingfishers’ Pool Vineyard to take a tour of wine from the Rothley Wine Estate. Its vineyard lies on a gentle south facing slope on the bank of the Rothley Brook, a tributary of the River Soar. Over 1200 vines grow here within the grounds of the former Manor of Rothley. The Manor was first developed in 1231 and over time, became home to eight generations of the Babington family. The last Babington, Thomas, famously worked here with his University chum; William Wilberforce on the first drafts of the Act of Parliament that saw the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1807.

Today Liz and Mathew Robson make several wines in their own boutique winery where, rather in the style of France Passion, they offer overnight stop-overs to motor caravanners keen to buy wine. We sat on the Robson’s delightful jetty beside the river and drank Spirit of Freedom, a dry sparkling blush

coloured wine, made for Orion grapes. Its dry redcurrant aroma left our palate with tastes of strawberry and pear. They also make King Henry, a still red wine that is fresh and tart with a flavour of black cherry and damson. Ideal with red meat, and cheese, perhaps with a haunch of venison?

Bradgate Park

That’s our cue for a visit to Bradgate Park and the chance to enjoy the rich history and enchanting beauty of the only remaining medieval deer park in Leicestershire. Now a ruin, the house was built in the late 15th century and was lived in by generations of the Grey family of which Lady Jane Grey, often known as the Nine Days Queen, was a member. She was executed in 1554 at the behest of Queen Mary and the estate was passed to the crown. Local folk law suggests that gardeners marked the occasion of Jane’s execution by pollarding all the oak trees on the estate in a symbolic

Guy Coombes (left) leading a Melton Mowbray Pork Pie tasting at Ye Olde Pork Pie Shoppe (above) Red deer and Fallow deer in Bradgate Park The vines at Kingfishers’ Pool Vineyard

beheading. To this day you can see examples of pollarded oaks in the park. Frozen venison is available from the Deer Barn Cafe in the heart of the park and from the Visitor Centre.

It is a great place to walk and build up an appetite and if it does its job well enough then we suggest you head off to the Pear Tree Inn, a contemporary family-owned restaurant pub in nearby Woodhouse

Eaves, where they serve freshly cooked food and interesting drinks at sensible prices in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Foxton Locks

We do not believe we are the only motor caravan owners who have an affinity with the water, and it is hard for us not to seek a canal when we travel if only to walk the tow path and stretch our legs. How then, could we not detour on our way home to visit Foxton Locks on the Grand Union Canal. The Grade II* listed site is home to the longest, steepest staircase flight of locks in Britain and sits in 34 acres of natural green spaces which it shares with a wide variety of wildlife. As well as the longest and steepest staircase locks in the UK, the site is home to the remains of the inclined plane, a magnificent, if slightly weird, piece of Victorian engineering that fell

into disuse when railways stole cargo traffic away from canals. Also located at the site are two pubs, two cafés, a museum, and the chance to hire a day boat. The only thing missing is somewhere to park up overnight! That may change however, now that the Canal and River Trust have started offering 24-hour parking and have even installed chemical toilet disposal points in the car parks. Another nearby site is the small, enclosed car park close by Welford Marina behind the Wharf Inn pub.

Without a doubt we were pleasantly surprised by what Leicestershire has to offer and equally, we have been left in no doubt that a return visit is in order.

Freelance travel journalists Frances and Michael Howorth and club members since 2020, tour in their own custom-built campervan. Converted from a LWB Fiat Ducato Maxi.

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 47
Lyn Brown owner with husband Tim of Melton cheeseboard with Stilton cheese
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Swap the lightweight summer BBQ in favour of a fire pit

The UK’s

winter wonder land

In summertime, when wild camping is easier, campsites sometimes feel like an optional luxury. But in the winter, we reckon there is nothing better than a full facility campsite with hot showers. As the evenings draw in, we change what our van carries in the way of standard equipment, loading it up with kit so that we can enjoy gathering around a campfire roasting chestnuts and toasting marshmallows. Sitting there, wrapped up warmly, we share stories, exchange banter and even, (when the mood is right and we are not likely to disturb anyone else), sing songs! The quality of the singing does, I note, have some correlation

with the level in the bottle of single malt.

Check your van

Before you set out to tour the UK in the winter months, it pays to check the van carefully for its suitability and consider what extra equipment

you might need and what summer kit you can leave behind. As fairweather sailors, we tend to take off the stand up paddleboards and the ancillary pumps and paddles but keep our biking gear on board. We make sure we carry our long and short electricity cables to ensure we can heat the van and stay snug. In summer we carry only the short one, secure in the knowledge that we can always rely on our solar panels for hot water if we need to. Off goes the lightweight summer BBQ in favour of our fire pit which doubles up as a BBQ, when the urge to cook outside takes our fancy. Swimming costumes give way to rain jackets and puffa jackets and we can always find a spot to fit in an extra fleece jacket

48 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
Frances and Michael Howorth are looking forward to wrapping up warmly and enjoying the winter season as they prepare their van for winter touring in the UK Homan

because no matter where you store them, they never crease!

Look in the larder at the same time. You may want to dump the mayonnaise and stock up on soup or Bovril. If you have sufficient storage space, consider packing some strips of heavy duty canvas or unwanted bath towels. In an emergency you can put them under your wheels and avoid having to make a phone call to a local tractor driver. The good news is there is quite a section of campsites that are geared up and prepared for winter visitors and quite

clearly those that make the special effort to attract business are the ones who reap the benefit.

Places to stay

If you fancy a winter beach stroll, Weston-Super-Mare is not too far from the Bath Chew Valley Caravan Park in Somerset. There is plenty for visitors to see and do in Bath, Bristol and Wells, all of which are close by. This award-winning park is laid out like a garden, complete with ponds and a fishing lake. Facilities are excellent, with some boasting luxury

Swimming costumes give way to rain jackets

Stock up on soup or Bovril

bathrooms for the sole use of the pitch holder.

In the same county, Wells Touring Park offers the opportunity to walk along the top of Cheddar Gorge on a fine day or visit a show cave. Climb up Glastonbury Tor for an unrivalled view of the Somerset Levels and explore the many quirky boutiques and cafes in the town.

Another Somerset site suitable for winter touring is Waterrow Touring Park is in Waterrow. This pretty, touring park with its 45 all-weather pitches set within landscaped parkland, has lovely, heated facilities in a converted barn. It is an award-winning, 5-star campsite

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 49
Weston-Super-Mare beach
50 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 01588 620011 Mellington, Churchstoke, Powys SY15 6HX 30 hard standing pitches with hookups set within 270 acres of beautiful parkland with many colour-coded walks. BRAND NEW modern shower block. Hotel/restaurant facilities on site. Children’s play area. Dogs welcome. Fishing available. T: 07789 502 864 E: Quiet site with stunning views of the Eden Valley & Lake District Fells • Hardstanding/grass pitches • EHU’s • Dog friendly • Village pub • Walkers, cyclists and bikers welcome • Free WiFi • Open all year • Group bookings accepted 66_651_RunCottage_ADVURN22056.pgs 09.09.2014 14:44 FMG-Advent Adultsonly “A place to escape the hustle and bustle of today’s busy lifestyle”

that welcomes adults and dogs and makes a good base for walks on Exmoor, as well as the North Somerset coast.

If Suffolk is within your range, try the Run Cottage Touring Park in Woodbridge. It makes the perfect base for those seeking to visit the Viking burial site Sutton Hoo. The Suffolk Coast Cycle Path runs from Lowestoft to Felixstowe, with stretches of sand, pebbles, marshes, dunes, and broads. It’s a good area for wildflowers and birdwatching.

Visit Orford and see the colourful beach huts and pier at Southwold. This beautiful award-winning touring park has good facilities with 45 grass and hardstanding pitches. Even better there is a great village pub 600 yards away that sells good food and real ale.

If you are bound for Lincolnshire, try a walk along the Viking Way and stay in the Lincolnshire Wolds, an area of outstanding natural beauty. Wolds View Touring Park is a 5-star touring park exclusively

for adults, with pristine, modern, heated, eco-friendly facilities, including disabled facilities. Dogs are welcome and there’s a shop on-site.

Further north, in Yorkshire the Blue Rose Country Caravan Park, set in 12 acres of picturesque countryside is seven miles from Bridlington, on the East Coast of England close to the market town of Beverley. It usually hosts a New Year’s Eve bash, and Halloween party, with live music and games. >>

Cheddar Gorge Southwold Lincolnshire Wolds
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Enjoy a campfire

When looking for campsites during the winter season we seek out those that allow campfires and firepits around which we can sit. Wrapping up warmly, sitting by the fire watching the sparks and hearing the crackle of logs burning, while telling stories to campfire friends as cheeks glow from the warmth of the blaze, is a great way to spend an evening. Add in marshmallows for toasting or a dram – or three – of the Scottish spirit and you have almost certainly got the makings of a party. And if the conversation dies for any reason, you are in the perfect place and frame of mind to practice some stargazing.

Fortunately, dotted around the countryside, there is a good selection of campsites that allow or encourage the use of fire pits and campfires. One such is Butt Farm Caravan, Camping and Glamping Site, a

working family farm, situated 2 miles from Beverley in Yorkshire Oly and his wife Jen took over the tenancy of Butt Farm in 2014 and they have plenty of fire pits you can use beside your own van. Set in 180 acres the farm is home to cattle, sheep, and chickens. Pygmy goats (Billy and Gruff) live in a paddock at the entrance to the campsite, and shortly after you park up, Tiger the farm cat will wander over to say hello. The farm is located on a footpath and cycleway network

enabling you to walk and cycle into Beverley and enjoy the surrounding areas. As well as being run by friendly Yorkshire folk, the farm has its very own World War 2 gun emplacements. Ask nicely and Oly may give you a guided tour!

In Cumbria you will get a warm welcome at the Alanholme touring site run by Joanne and Sam Potter. The small boutique site is three miles from the Pennine Way at Dufton and only a slight detour off the National Cycle Route 68. What makes this campfire friendly site so cosy in the wintertime is the heated facilities block that has showers, toilets, and a fully equipped kitchen area.

Another campfire-friendly site is the Washington Caravan and Camping Park near Pulborough. Its favourable location makes it an ideal choice for walkers and cyclists wishing to use the South Down’s Way. Those interested in >>

Open all year round West Dorset Leisure Holidays 01308 426947 Award-winning, family-run holiday parks on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset. Family, couple and dog-friendly Holiday Park Of The Year 2022 At The South West Tourism Awards
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 53 01872 510716 Summercourt, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 5AF Superbly presented, fully serviced pitches provide the perfect base for exploring Cornwall, just a short drive from Newquay. The park offers touring pitches with hardstanding, water, electric and chemical/toilet waste outlet and parking for your tow car. If you are looking for an idyllic holiday park with fantastic countryside views and a restaurant on-site, get in touch today. HOLIDAY PARK 01829 760544 • Little Budworth, Cheshire, CW7 • Rallies welcome • Award-winning amenities block • Disabled facilities • Wi-Fi • Shop • Elec hook-up • Hardstanding & grass • Nearby attractions • Close to pubs and walks • Motorhome service point • Children’s park • Self-catered chalet • Barn to hire • Wood-fired pizzas on Fridays (inhighseason) MID-WEEK OFFER Stay 2 nights, get the 3rd FREE! (low & mid season only) T: 01233 620859 | Email: Steeds Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN26 1NQ & Camping Park 5 star graded separate family park and adults meadows • Generous hardstandings • Fully serviced pitches • Warm, spacious showers & toilets • Family bathroom • Babies room • Fully accessible facilities • Campers Kitchen • Laundry room • Park security • Excellent location for exploring Kent T: 01233 620859 | Email: Steeds Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN26 1NQ & Camping Park 5 star graded separate family park and adults meadows • Generous hardstandings • Fully serviced pitches • Warm, spacious showers & toilets • Family bathroom • Babies room • Fully accessible facilities • Campers Kitchen • Laundry room • Park security • Excellent location for exploring Kent T: 01233 620859 | Email: Steeds Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN26 1NQ & Camping Park 5 star graded separate family park and adults meadows • Generous hardstandings • Fully serviced pitches • Warm, spacious showers & toilets • Family bathroom • Babies room • Fully accessible facilities • Campers Kitchen • Laundry room • Park security • Excellent location for exploring Kent T: 01233 620859 | Email: Steeds Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN26 1NQ Broadhembury Caravan 5 star graded separate family park and adults meadows • Generous hardstandings • Fully serviced pitches • Warm, spacious showers & toilets • Family bathroom • Babies room • Fully accessible facilities • Campers Kitchen • Laundry room • Park security • Excellent location for exploring Kent Ideal for Winter Holidays: • Warm, spacious fully accessible facilities • Generous hard standings • Fully serviced pitches • Dog friendly • Walks and many local footpaths Wondering where to visit during your winter break? Broadhembury is the ideal location for exploring Kent, with so many beautiful castles, houses and gardens open all year. A visit to Canterbury Cathedral (convenient motorhome parking nearby) is a must, and ideal for a winter visit. There is convenient campervan & motorhome parking in Ashford and Canterbury for shops and Ashford’s McArthur Glenn designer Outlet a must for Christmas shopping! 01233 620859 | Email: Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN26 1NQ Broadhembury Caravan & Camping Park graded separate family park and adults • Generous hardstandings • Fully serviced Warm, spacious showers & toilets • Family bathroom • Babies room • Fully accessible facilities Campers Kitchen • Laundry room • Park security  Excellent location for exploring Kent 5 star family park and adults meadows Anchorage Caravan Park Brecon, Powys, LD3 0LD T: 01874 711246 W: Hardstandings • H & C showers • Disabled room • Launderette Battery charger • Ice packs frozen • Elec hook-ups • Play area Shop • TV room • Hairdressers • Washing up • Family room Heated T/block • Bus stop • Nearby attractions
AWARD W INNING STAY WITH US & RECEIVE DISCOUNTS AT... BREAN SPLASH, GYM, PLAY, THEME PARK AND OUR 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE, PLUS BAR & FOOD SPECIALS! FREE SHOWERS & OPPOSITE 5 MILES OF SANDY BEACHES STAY FROM JU ST £12.50 PER NIGHT AS SEEN ON CHANNEL 5’s HAPPY CAMPERS Newnes Touring & Caravan Park Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 9HH Tel: 01691 624464 Email: *Six acre lawned & level dry site *Elevated & sheltered setting *New 4 Star toilets & showers with under-floor heating *Grass pitches *Electric & water hook-ups on every pitch *Grey Waste Water disposal *Chemical Disposal point A peaceful & tranquil site *New fishing ponds & hot water dog shower *People over the age of 18 only Ellesmere mere Rutland Caravan and Camping LUXURY LODGES & INDOOR SWIMMING POOL AVAILABLE In the beautiful county of Rutland... 01572 813520 01572 813520 01736 762231 • 07973 184429 Boscrege, Ashton, Cornwall TR13 9TG 45 beautiful luxury hire and private static caravans & lodges, open all year. Seasonal touring with seasonal pitches, storage, dog & child friendly. Set in 12 acres of Cornish countryside, just 2 miles from Praa Sands Beach. Wi-Fi, laundry room, dog walk, small childs play area also on park and available. We also buy and sell new & used static caravans throughout the UK. onlineBook“The most picturesque caravan park in Cornwall” THE FINCHES CARAVAN & CAMPING SITE SALES ⁞ HIRE ⁞ STORAGE ⁞ PARK 01622 844388 / 01622 842096 E: Web: www.kingswood Washing up Room Laundry Room Wheelchair Friendly Wetroom Hardstanding Pitches Electricity To All Pitches

visiting local historical sites will also appreciate the location.

Firepits and barbecues are also allowed at Valley Farm in Cumnor near Oxford. Here you can pre-order wood-fired pizzas on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Be sure to greet the donkeys, Nelson and Wellington, and the beautiful Bengal cat called Tiger Lily, who checks on all visiting campers.

Hurst View is a peaceful family-run camping ground for motorcaravans. It is set in the New

South Down’s Way (right) and New Forest (below)

Milford-on-Sea. You can hire bikes, pitch where you like, and really unwind. It is a wonderful dark skies location so ideal for star gazing. Take your own firepit or BBQ and buy logs and marshmallows in reception.

Blacklands Farm Caravan & Camping is set in oak enclosed meadows in the heart of the West Sussex countryside, just a few miles from Brighton, and close to the South Downs national park. It is a family-friendly campsite, there’s a play park on-site for the children and nice hot showers in the wash block.

It is such a peaceful rural spot, yet

only 12 miles from bustling seaside city of Brighton.

So why not wrap up warmly and embrace the winter season cheerfully, joining the growing band of winter tourers. Like us, you will be happily toasting marshmallows on skewers over embers as twilight settles in and wondering why you never tried it before!

Freelance travel journalists Frances and Michael Howorth and club members since 2020, tour year-round in their own custom built campervan. Converted from a LWB Fiat Ducato Maxi.

November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 55
OUT & ABOUT | WINTER TOURING | Whicham Valley, Cumbria LA18 5LY CUMBRIAN H E AVY HORSES THELAKE DISTRICT BAYSTONE BANK FARM CAMPSITE & CUMBRIAN HEAVY HORSES CAMPSITE FACILITIES: • Located in the Lake District National Park • Family & dog-friendly site with amazing scenery • A stream runs through the site, great for kids! • Fires allowed, if not encouraged! • Fantastic beaches and walks • Close to central lakes • Fabulous shower block • Dark Skies site • Open for hardstanding use all year round /cumbrianheavyhorses CUMBRIAN HEAVY HORSES • Heavy Horse Riding on the campsite • Shire, Clydesdale, Su olk Punch rare breed horses • Stunning scenery in which to ride • Riding to suit all abilities, from instructional hacks around our farmland to fell and beach riding experiences • BHS Approved riding school • Riding holidays and short breaks available • Call to book your heavy horse riding experience Voted Runner Up on Channel 4 Cumbria’s The Perfect Pitch BOOK ONLINE / CALL: 07456 642 155 Contact Annie on: 07769 588 565
56 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 Campsite Directory YOUR PITCH?BEN NEVIS Glen Nevis Caravan Park 01397 702191 Whether you love the seaside or want to explore the Lakes, Stanwix park is the place! Self Catering Apartments and Caravans to hire for 3, 4 and 7 night breaks. Camping Pods and fully serviced pitches for tents, touring caravans and motorhomes. / Tel: 01697332666 T: 01752 344 122 E: Riverside is a quiet, secluded countryside park. Convenient for easy access to the beautiful South Hams’ beaches, Dartmoor National Park, Cornwall and Brittany Ferries port. 7 DAY SPECIALS FOR OVER 50S + (34) 950 528 324 Camping Los Gallardos R.T.A: AL- 4-04-0017 In sunny Almería, Spain - It’s Europe’s sunniest spot! • Family run, category 2 peaceful, community campsite in the south of Spain - near Mojácar • Bowling greens • Busy bar, restaurant & shop • Full services (Inc: UKTV hookup & much more) • Full service pitches available Tel: 01792 687205 Bank Farm Leisure Park, Horton, Gower, Swansea SA3 1LL Family-run park overlooking Port-Eynon Bay. We have pitches for motorcaravans, tourers and Glamping Pods as well as self-catering bungalows. Within walking distance of the beach. Clubhouse with licensed bar serving meals. Wi-Fi. Grocery shop and laundrette. Outdoor heated swimming pool. Children’s play area. Tennis court. Booking is advised for Bank/school holidays. Peaceful and spacious 5 pitch site conveniently located for NC500 route stopover 07796 662 256 On-site mini bus available Tel 01305 782575 Chickerell, Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4EA Discover the Landscape Treasure the Memories Camping in Every Season • Site open all year • A large family run touring park • A collection of self catering cottages and static caravans • Seasonal, heated enclosed outdoor/indoor swimming pool • Children’s play area • State of the art over 18s health club with gym, adult indoor pool, steam room and sauna • Coffee house serving refreshments • Bar and takeaway with entertainment Charmouth, Dorset DT6 6QL | 01297 560226
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 57 023 8001 0029 Badminston Lane, Fawley, Southampton SO45 1BX Motorhome servicing & MOTs Servicing & Repairs Tyres & Wheels Air Conditioning Diagnostics Courtesy Cars Collection & Delivery 01463 792979 1A Barn Church Road | Inverness, IV2 7WB “Driving Down The Cost Of Your Motoring” MOTs servicing & repairs Specialising in: Clutches Brakes Tyres 01580 291216 Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BT Perfectly placed in the heart of the beautiful Kent countryside, Woodlands offers a quiet and tranquil environment to enjoy your stay. On offer now is a brand new development, so why not be one of the first to enjoy all we have to offer. Woodlands Park Wester Bonnyton Caravan Park Gamrie, Banff, AB45 3EP | 01261 832470 Small, tranquil site with panoramic views of the Moray FirthOn the North East 250 route 01780 782344 Yarwell Mill, Mill Road, Yarwell, Peterborough, PE8 6PS Stunning 27-acre residential park and campsite steeped in history • Unrivaled peace & tranquility • Located by the River Nene in the heart of Cambridgeshire with idyllic views & walks • Secure, gated development • Secluded outdoor space • Over 45 moorings • 5-acre lake stocked with an abundance of fish • Camping and touring pitches also available with both electric and non-electric pitches Looe Country Park 01503 240265 Bucklawren Road, Nomansland Looe, Cornwall, PL13 1QS Bath Caravan Park 01225 424301 A special little riverside nook very close to Bath with all the facilities you’ll need. Open all year. Dogs welcome.
B 7 18 8 T 25 22 14 20 3 15 3 2 26 25 11 21 25 4 3 14 3 25 11 24 8 4 19 15 14 16 3 15 25 1 20 14 8 3 15 14 10 26 14 8 7 17 6 25 9 2 15 4 24 18 24 2 5 25 24 20 3 3 17 24 23 26 7 15 14 2 13 16 11 3 12 5 3 4 3 4 1 Tea break teasers See page 60 for solutions Sudoku The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9. A cell is the smallest block in the game. A row, column and region consists of 9 cells and the whole game consists of 81 cells. Crack the code and fill in the grid. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a number from 1-26. Two letters are given as a starter, can you decipher the rest of the code to discover all the words? Codeword 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 T 25 26 Medium Hard 58 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Crossword Puzzle Across 1 Fabric (8) 9 Longing (8) 10 Merchant (8) 11 Imagine (8) 12 Candidate (7) 13 Precarious (8) 14 Turns around (8) 18 Exceptionally tense (8) 22 Portuguese jellyfish (3-2-3) 23 Austere (7) 24 Hallway (8) 26 The world of schools and universities (8) 27 Its capital is Little Rock (8) 28 Locate exactly (8) Down 2 Breathtaking (7) 3 Vague (7) 4 Ailment (7) 5 Small harp-like musical instrument (4) 6 The gathering of crops (7) 7 Uncommon (7) 8 Cuddle (7) 13 Doorkeeper (5) 15 Stonework (7) 16 Portal (7) 17 Like Abba (7) 19 Make clear (7) 20 Underwater missile (7) 21 Inhabitant of e.g. Tehran (7) 25 Coarse file (4) November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 59 Wordsearch Can you find all the below... Brag Bunko Canasta Carlton Crib Demon Fan-Tan Faro Fish Gin Grab Hearts Hi-Low Misere Nap Ombre Poker Red Dog Rouge et Noir Rummy Skat Solo Spades Stop Whist Card Games

per charge. 19 inch frame. Lightweight 19.4kg. Low milage. £950 each (£2k new). Ex. condition. Tel: 07443 288250 (Devon)



with ssn search receiver unit. £300 ono. Tel Ray on: 07970 872114 (Swansea).


£30. Tel Wally on: 07975 733900 (Middx).

Members'private sale advertisements

Tea Break Teasers (from p58) Y 1 N 2 E 3 D 4 U 5 F 6 B 7 R 8 J 9 X 10 H 11 Q 12 K 13 A 14 L 15 C 16 O 17 M 18 P 19 V 20 S 21 W 22 Z 23 I 24 T 25 G 26 B 7 M 18 R 8 T 25 W 22 A 14 V 20 E 3 L 15 E 3 N 2 G 26 T 25 H 11 S 21 T 25 D 4 E 3 A 14 E 3 T 25 H 11 I 24 R 8 D 4 P 19 L 15 A 14 C 16 E 3 L 15 T 25 Y 1 V 20 A 14 R 8 E 3 L 15 A 14 X 10 G 26 A 14 R 8 B 7 O 17 F 6 T 25 J 9 N 2 L 15 D 4 I 24 M 18 I 24 N 2 U 5 T 25 I 24 V 20 E 3 E 3 O 17 I 24 Z 23 G 26 B 7 L 15 A 14 N 2 K 13 C 16 H 11 E 3 Q 12 U 5 E 3 D 4 E 3 D 4 Y 1 Codeword Sudoku - Medium Sudoku - Hard Crossword Puzzle M 1 A 2 T E 3 R I 4 A L 5 H 6 U 7 S 8 W V L Y 9 E A R N I N G R 10 E T A I L E R R U U S S N E 11 N V I S A G E N 12 O M I N E E E U G M V S U 13 N S T A B L E R 14 E V E R S E S T L E H M 15 D 16 S 17 E 18 L E 19 C T 20 R I 21 C M 22 A N O F W A R X O R S O E S 23 P A R T A N C 24 O R R I D O R 25 L P N N W I A 26 C A D E M I A A 27 R K A N S A S I D A Y Y H P 28 I N P O I N T Wordsearch Bazaar Private sale advertisements BIKES/BIKE ACCESSORIES 60 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 ACCESSORIES X2 GASLOW 11KG FULL GAS BOTTLES with x2 stainless steel hoses and x3 foreign adapters. £125. X1 CALOR GASLITE 6KG FULL GAS BOTTLE £20. Tel Michael on: 07484 321536 (Nottingham). MOTORSTEP LIFTING PLATFORM. POA. Tel: 01395 597321 or 07359 163334 (Sidbury). GAS BOTTLES 2 ELECTRIC GEPIDA BIKES BOSCH motor batteries, chargers, capable of 80+ miles
SATELLITE SYSTEMS Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone: Club membership number: PLEASE NOTE: • Advertisements will be placed in the next available issue. • Emailed listings that include photos will not be used until the cheque is received. • Listings will not be used unless a valid membership number is provided
Club members are entitled to a FREE classified lineage advertisement of up to 30 words. To be included, please send your listing along with this form to: Motor Caravanner, Countrywide Publications, Fountain Way, Reydon Business Park, Reydon, Suffolk, IP18 6DH or email: If you wish to include a photograph, please enclose a cheque for £12 inc vat payable to Countrywide Publications. Please indicate whether your item is: FOR SALE WANTED FREE ADVERT ADVERT WITH PHOTOGRAPH (£12 inc. VAT) I enclose my cheque payable to Countrywide Publications (please write name and address on back of cheque)
62 MOTOR CARAVANNER November 2022 HOYLES DENHOLME MOTORHOMES, CAMPERS & 4X4S TOP PRICES PAID We can come to you Cash, Bankers Draft or Bank Transfer Contac t Tim Hoyle Anytime 01274 832836 •07786 7355 44 Contact Tim Hoyle Anytime 01274 832836 07786 735544 MOTORHOMES, CAMPERS & 4X4S TOP PRICES PAID We can come to you Cash, Bankers Draft or Bank Transfer MERIDIAN MOTORHOMES Quality Motorhomes & Freedom Caravans Bought and Sold Newly appointed Adria Action (lightweight caravans) and Freedom Caravans Dealer for Southern England MOTORHOME HIRE 01243 572672 Unit 7 Church Farm, Old Park Lane, Bosham, Chichester, PO18 8EX SELLING YOUR MOTORHOME? You could be £1,000s better off. For details and advice about our highly successful brokerage service. Call us, it will be worth it! WILKINS MOTORCARAVANS Established in the Cotswolds (Glos.) since 1970. 01285 821216 See us at: Email: WANTED Classifieds Accident Repair Specialists 170 Stafford Road, Cannock, Staffs, WS11 4AH Tel: 01543 572686 Insurance approved specialist motorhome repairers and re-finishers since 1987 All makes & models catered for ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE REPAIRS INSURANCE CLAIMS HABITATION SERVICING Tel: 01543 572686 alists WS11 4AH motorhome ce 1987 d for PAIRS G TYRESAVE Tel: 07831 365 412 We are based in Deeside, North Wales, close to Chester, Cheshire and the Wirral. Enhance and smarten your Motorhome with Alloy Wheels. 15” and 16” heavy duty wheels to fit most vans from £440 for 4. We can supply by Mail Order or fit in our tyre depot near Chester. See our website for more choice. REPAIRS & SERVICING SELLING YOUR MOTORHOME OR CARAVAN? Tel: 02380 405122 Top prices paid • Professional, family-run dealership “We BUY motorhomes & caravans that are up to 15 years old” • Southampton SO31 8BN Est. since1977 WANTED
November 2022 MOTOR CARAVANNER 63 Speak to one of our experts today Call us on 0117 9694955 LNB Towbars & Vehicle Extras Limited, 1151-1152 Aztec West, Bristol, BS32 4TF Expert suppliers and fitters of motorhome & car towbars in Bristol • Automatic Motorhome Self Levelling • Bicycle & Motorcycle Carriers • Towcar A-Frame Systems • Air Suspension • Towbars • And much, much more... Find us on: • Automatic Motorhome Self Levelling • Bicycle & Motorcycle Carriers • Towcar A-Frame Systems • Air Suspension • Towbars • And much, much more... Speak to one of our experts today Call us on 0117 9694955 LNB Towbars & Vehicle Extras Limited, 1151-1152 Aztec West, Bristol, BS32 4TF Motorhome Self-levelling Systems Fitted by our Experts in Bristol Find us on: UK Distributors of HPC Hydraulic Self-levelling Systems TOWBARS & VEHICLE EXTRAS To make this space work for you and your business, Call Danny on 01502 725862 RUBBER SEALS Rubber seals and trims for caravans & motorhomes 01425 617722 FREE, fully illustrated catalogue Please visit our website or call Seals+Direct Ltd, Unit 6, Milton Business Centre Wick Drive, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6RH Email: MARINEINDUSTRIALCARAVANAUTOMOTIVE SOLVE YOUR SEALING PROBLEMS INDUSTRIALCARAVANAUTOMOTIVE NEW CATALOGUE TOWBARS & VEHICLE EXTRAS Our national towbar fitting experts will fit your towbar at home or your place of work. The Largest Range of Towbars in the UK 0161 872 4755 INSURANCE Motorhome insurance Caravan Guard Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 01422 396 742 Please mention ‘Motor Caravanner’

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