HOLDING ON TO POLE POSITION INTERVIEW Vauxhall has rapidly become the biggest selling electric van manufacturer in the UK. LCV product manager Brad Miller explains to Van User how the manufacturer plans to keep that position going forwards. VanUser: By early November 2021 you had sold 2,158 e-LCVs year-to-date, primarily Vivaro-e. With Combo-e and Movano-e coming online early in the New Year, how do you see that expanding in 2022? Brad Miller: Vauxhall is the UK’s number one e-LCV manufacturer, a position we hope to hold on to. The Vivaro-e is around 15% of our total Vivaro orders today and is growing rapidly. We’d expect to see that ratio double next year as more fleets and business customers make the switch to fully electric. We would expect Combo-e to follow a similar trajectory to what we have seen with Vivaro-e. VU: How do you see the breakdown in demand between the three model sizes when it comes to e-LCVs once they are all
fully available? Will the heavier vans be the most popular? BM: Sales opportunity for Movano-e is good but there are still nuances and aspects to the heavier van segment that mean Vivaro-e and Combo-e will be the most prevalent models in our electric line-up. VU: When it comes to e-LCVs, are you seeing a different retail/ fleet mix in terms of demand than you would normally expect with diesel powered vans? Continued overleaf DECEMBER/JANUARY 2021/2 • VANUSER 13