County of Grande Prairie Business Plan 2022-2026
Once Council has identified its Strategic direction, it is the role of administration to plan and implement activities which will ensure that Council’s goals are achieved.
Through the introduction of the new Strategic Plan developed by Council, we are entering a new chapter for the County of Grande Prairie.
The County Business Plan identifies administrative priorities with focus on Council’s strategic direction. The Plan is a living document and will be regularly revisited through reporting and measuring of successes. In our ever-changing environment, the Plan may be adjusted to reflect emerging opportunities or challenges with aim of fulfilling the vision and direction of our Council.
I am confident that with the help of our outstanding group of dedicated senior managers and employees, execution of the Plan will be carried out in the best way possible.
I am very proud to lead our team of employees in making our County a great place now and into the future.
Provide transportation networks that take advantage of responsive technology and align with the needs of residents, business, and industry.
Key Outcomes:
1.a Build on our success as advocates and work to complete major transportation components.
1.b Plan and complete effective internal transportation networks meeting citizen and stakeholder needs.
1.c Understand and measure efficiencies in the transportation network.
1 Pursue access between Highway 40 and Highway 43 via Highway 40X southwest connector.
a. Advocacy. CAO
b. Ensure pedestrian trail access ties into the new pedestrian bridge under Highway 40.
Director of Public Works Q3 2023
2 Maintain open communication with MD of Greenview and Industry on the possibility of a second Wapiti River crossing.
3 Continue advocacy to bring infrastructure issues to the attention of other orders of government.
a. Re-engage the MD of Greenview.
Director of Public Works Q4 2023
a. Specific focus on advocacy priorities. CAO Ongoing
b. Collaborate with other Municipalities, industry, and external stakeholders to enhance advocacy output.
Director of Public Works Ongoing
4 Implement the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) by annual reviews, adjustments, and budget allocations.
a. Develop a matrix to prioritize proposed road projects.
b. Review, update, and create a development manual, including municipal construction standards, design standards, and development processes that will harmonize land use and development processes and policies with infrastructure and construction processes across the organization to guide future development.
c. Revise and update standards document to better link planning development, land use processes, public works, construction processes, and community services, parks and recreation with developer contributed infrastructure processes.
d. Incorporate asset management principles into Public Works policies.
e. Update and enhance current data collection to support strategic investment. Ensure the TMP is updated to reflect changing data.
Director of Public Works Q3 2023
Director of Public Works Q1 2024
Director of Public Works Q1 2024
Director of Finance Q4 2023
Director of Public Works Q4 2023
Develop a sustainable financial framework to build safe and prosperous communities.
Key Outcomes:
2.a Develop sustainable reserve policies to aid in long-term fiscal and infrastructure sustainability and growth.
2.b Review tax revenue and assessment policies to meet the financial needs of the County, while remaining competitive.
2.c Review and implement organizational efficiencies.
1 Review reserve policies (focusing on the Fiscal Sustainability Reserve) and allocation provisions to ensure efficiency and maximum return.
a. Align reserves with long-term planning of the County.
b. Review reserves to reflect uncertainty in market conditions.
c. Meet with departments to ensure reserves reflect Administrative needs.
Director of Finance Q3 2023
2 Develop a tax and mill rate strategy to more accurately reflect differences amongst assessment classes.
a. Align tax classes to be closer to expenditure classes.
b. Compare mill rates with comparative municipalities.
Director of Finance Ongoing Q3 2023
Director of Finance Q3 2023
Director of Finance Ongoing
Director of Finance Ongoing
3 Develop a strategy to inform direction on surplus municipallyowned lands.
a. Align future land needs and inventory with future economic development.
Director of Planning & Development Q1 2024
b. Incorporate municipally-owned land inventory into asset management.
Director of Planning & Development Q2 2024
4 Conduct ongoing organizational reviews to ensure capacity can respond to growth.
a. Change management training for Managers and Directors.
b. Identify metrics and benchmarks for staffing and service levels and recommend policy implementation.
c. Conduct a facilitated organizational development session for Directors and Managers.
d. Develop a plan to deliver LEAN across the organization.
of Planning & Development
5 Value for service that provides the highest value for ratepayer dollars.
a. Establish a framework for internal review of service levels.
b. Internal analysis of service levels considering cost-benefit and needs.
c. Review recommended service levels with Council annually.
of Finance
Build vibrant, prosperous and sustainable communities by facilitating connections with our partners and stakeholders to encourage economic and community development.
Key Outcomes:
3.a Identify and/or lead opportunities with partner agencies to encourage economic development growth.
3.b Work with non-profits to build communities of choice.
3.c Identify opportunities for greater flexibility in land use for economic development benefits.
3.d Consolidate and upgrade internal technology services to streamline and improve citizen services.
3.e Advocate for increased telecommunication connectivity to support economic development.
1 Review and update the County’s Growth and Economic Development Plan (GEDP).
a. Re-define roles of the County and partner agencies in Economic Development (ED).
b. Provide ED orientation to Council and senior management with overview of the current GEDP.
c. Align the GEDP and County Planning Framework to encourage flexibility of lot sizes, and appropriate use of topography; remove ambiguity in language.
d. Develop a program to promote tax advantages of development within the County, aligning with the GEDP and MDP.
e. Update marketing materials and County’s public information databases (Middle of Everywhere; availability of infra, utilities, amenities, etc.).
f. Develop staff orientation materials regarding the County’s role in ED. Every employee is the County’s ED ambassador.
g. Develop a policy on investment to facilitate economic development in the County (capital, tax incentives, planning/engineering studies).
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q3 2025
Director of Planning & Development Q3 2023
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
2 Review GEDP for synergies with the Regional Economic Development Strategy.
a. Identify opportunities for regional partnerships through ongoing inter-municipal engagements.
b. Evaluate impacts and identify opportunities through Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs) and intermunicipal cooperation.
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q2 2024
3 Continue business retention and expansion program and review results for potential implementation.
a. Provide annual business visitation report to Council to identify gaps and potential solutions.
b. Determine the County’s role in the provision of broadband services.
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q3 2023
4 Build stronger relationship with boards and agencies to ensure they are aware of Council’s priorities and can use that as a decision factor.
a. Define the economic development roles of boards, agencies, and nonprofits. Offer economic development orientation for boards, agencies, and non-profit.
b. Conduct open houses for boards, agencies, developers, and realtors.
c. Conduct County planning framework orientation for public member appointees to Subdivision Development Appeal Board (SDAB).
d. Evaluate Community Group Support Coordinator role (Includes facilitation of governance and finance training for non-profits).
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q1 2024
Director of Community Services Completed
Manage land effectively by balancing the need for growth while minimizing conflict through land-use planning.
Key Outcomes:
4.a Confirm the key provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and conduct ongoing analysis to determine its impact on development.
4.b Clarify and communicate the County’s land use management framework (regulations/policies) to all interested stakeholders.
4.c Address concerns regarding land assessment ratings.
1 Conduct a review and update of the County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Management Framework.
a. Impact Analysis of existing MDP on development and growth.
b. Identify stakeholders – goals and objectives.
c. Finalize Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs) with neighbouring municipalities.
d. Complete Hamlet Resiliency Strategy and develop policy recommendations for MDP.
e. Review and evaluate alignment with new IDPs. Prepare amendments to MDP to align with new IDPs.
f. Initiate comprehensive review for a formal update of the MDP.
g. Review and update Area Structure Plans (ASPs) to align with changes to MDP.
h. Review and update Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to align with changes to MDP.
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Q3 2024
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development
Director of Planning & Development
2 Develop and implement a Land Management Best Practices educational program for stakeholders.
a. Create/update “common language” pamphlets, website and resources –ie. FAQs, brochures, what you need to know before you buy/develop, and services available to stakeholders.
b. Create a communication plan to communicate changes.
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development
c. Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to measure program success. Director
3 Implement site evaluation criteria for site selection and development.
a. Develop a classification system to determine best use of land incorporating farmland assessment ratings, land management practices, wetland and drainage, etc.
b. Incorporate evaluation criteria into MDP updates and land use management framework.
c. Analyze impact on development using existing criteria, including farmland assessment ratings.
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
4 Review and update development and subdivision processes.
a. Assess/leverage involvement of all internal departments in the processes.
b. Utilize data sharing for planning and budgeting across the County.
c. Optimize software implementation.
Director of Planning & Development Q1 2024
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Completed
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Director of Planning & Development Q4 2023
Foster community wellness and safety by being collaborative partners in the development and delivery of programs and activities.
Key Outcomes:
5.a Develop a Community Wellness and Safety Strategy including an inventory of programs, services, agencies, and partners, to improve the safety and security of residents.
5.b Support non-traditional (low cost/no cost) programming.
5.c Incorporate Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles in both short-term and long-range land approval and building permitting processes.
5.d Increase citizen awareness and involvement in community safety initiatives.
1 Complete development of the inventory of existing programs, services, agencies, and partners to effectively focus the County’s program and development efforts.
a. Revisit the internal inventory to include all departments and expand the focus to community wellness and safety.
b. Conduct an environmental scan to identify regional programs, services, agencies, and partners.
Director of Community Services
Q3 2023
Director of Community Services
Q1 2024
2 Develop a consistent approach to developing Strategic Partnerships to provide services.
a. Develop a communication plan to engage with Community Wellness and Safety organizations in the region.
b. Work with existing platforms to provide information and access to all community wellness and safety resources.
c. Formalize a liaison between the County and regional agencies.
d. Define the type and level of support available from the County.
Director of Community Services
Q4 2023
Director of Community Services
Q4 2023
Director of Community Services
Director of Community Services
Q4 2024
Q3 2023
3 Clearly define and implement the Community Wellness and Safety Strategy.
a. Develop Terms of Reference for the County Community Wellness and Safety Committee (Crime Prevention Committee).
b. Define the outcomes of the Community Wellness and Safety Strategy.
c. Research and learn from existing Rural Community Wellness and Safety Plans to develop the County Plan.
d. Identify human and financial resources required to develop and implement the Community Wellness and Safety Strategy.
e. Develop the Community Wellness and Safety Plan, including the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concept.
of Community Services
of Community Services
of Community Services
of Community Services
4 Strengthen the collaboration between County Peace Officers, RCMP, County departments and Community Groups.
a. Continue with the integration of Enforcement and Police Services.
b. Post pandemic, start re-engaging with enforcement agencies and community groups (Café breakfast idea) to strengthen relationships.
of Community Services
Community Services
of Community Services
Innovative leadership with a strong commitment to customer service that best fits resident and business needs.
Key Outcomes:
6.a Be a strong partner in development of inter-municipal relationships.
6.b Improve customer service protocols for the County.
6.c Review citizen demographics and use data as ongoing planning input.
6.d Build a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
1 Continue to develop Indigenous Relationships.
a. Finalize Indigenous Relationship Policy.
b. Develop Indigenous Relations Plan.
i. Determine Current & Future Internal Interactions with Indigenous Communities.
ii. Evaluate Need for Indigenous Relations Coordinator (or City Partnership).
iii. Establish Standard Protocols for Engagement.
iv. Review & Identify Opportunities to Implement Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action Opportunities.
2 Continue working to improve Intermunicipal Government Relationships.
a. Networking with Municipal Neighbors to build/maintain intermunicipal relationships.
b. Identify ongoing priorities and strategies for regional economic development initiatives.
c. Establish a process to invite intergovernmental partners to County events.
3 Align Policies to County Values.
a. Complete Policy Review Project.
b. Conduct Leadership Training for Managers and Directors to promote County values (in conjunction with FS4c).
4 Review and update customer service standards and prepare training supports to improve customer experience (internal and external).
a. Implement the Customer Service Protocol Program with training.
b. Review Customer Service Standards (ie. Consistency, Protocols, Culture, Internal/External, Hours).
c. Develop a business case to improve customer experience (both residents and businesses), including evaluation of current systems, technology and a Citizen Contact Centre.
d. FAQ for staff to better respond to inquiries and provide consistent direction.
5 Update and Communicate Demographic Data.
a. Ensure census reports and other statistical information is easily accessible for all Departments.
b. Update Administrative Directive to ensure statistics/analysis is incorporated into RFDs and business cases. RFD to provide sufficient information for evidence-based vs opinion-based decision making.
c. Develop a plan to Conduct Electoral Boundary Review (per Ministerial Order – Hythe Dissolution).
6 Build a culture that values efficiencies, innovation and is risk tolerant.
a. Research and consider establishing an innovation program.
b. Develop innovation and efficiency definitions and criteria that are specific to the organization.
c. Create processes for benchmarking and sharing innovation and efficiency internally and externally.