Tools, Temper and No Tolerance


8 (mis)Adventures with J. Elinor Lerch
10 Nature’s Re-Creations
12 Transform Your Yard: Essential Landscaping Tips
14 Complete Services to Restore Your Pool Deck
16 Rainscaping Reduces Erosion and Makes a Beautiful Rain Garden Possible
18 Soak Up the Fun, Not the Rays
20 The Green Home Coach
22 Getting Your Floors to Look Their Best
22 What You Need to Know about Cleaning Fine Rugs
24 Simon Homes’ New Villas in Frontenac/ Westwood - Display Home for Sale
28 Take Charge of Family Security: Five Vital Actions for a Safer Home
30 A Strong Human Fitness
32 Breathe Easier with Salt Room Therapy
33 Expert Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Care

34 Spring/Summer Activities & Events Calendar
38 On the Road with John Robinson
40 A Place in the Country by Bill Ziercher
41 Travel Like a Pro: Top Tips for a Smooth Adventure
42 The Route of the Rivers
44 Creativity in Fused Glass
48 Want to Sell Your Business? Sooner May Be Better than Later!
49 It Pays to Review Your Internet, TV and Cell Services
50 Calling Services for Your Sales Team
51 Ready for Your Encore Career?

This 90-foot custom built waterfall flows into a natural earth pond at a hilltop custom home in southwest Illinois. The hillside was just crying out for a waterfall, and now it makes a focal point for the homeowner every time he and his guests pull into the property.
The water feature in its setting feels like it has always been there, and the home was built around it. This feature was designed and installed by Nature’s Re-Creations, nationally recognized as Master Certified Aquascape Contractors, Missouri’s first Water Garden Excellence Member, first place winner of the North American Pond and Waterfall Building Competition and in an elite group of Aquascape Artists of the Year.
Nature’s Re-Creations stays on the cutting edge of technology and installation techniques, to continually improve their projects and the environment. You can read about this project and see more photos in the article on page 10. Check out their gallery at www.Re-createNature.com and their portfolio and videos at Facebook.com/ NaturesReCreations. To discuss a water feature project at your property, you can contact Chris Siewing, owner and president of Nature’s Re-Creations, at 636-223-2330 or fill out the contact form on their website.
Todd Abrams
Michael Kilfoy, Studio X
Carol Kindinger
Walsworth Fulton
Insight Marketing
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County Living Magazine is published quarterly by County Living Publications and distributed to select homeowners in the St. Louis area. Articles are selected to provide useful information about home, health, travel and recreation.
Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of County Living Publications. While every effort is made to assure accuracy, we are not responsible for how information found in County Living Magazine is used. We are very interested in reader comments or suggestions. Correspondence should be sent to the address above or to editor@CountyLivingMag.com.
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Todd Michael CarolBaker Pool Construction

Travel, parenting, grandparenting, dating, or just life – the gaffes and the goofy are wasted if not shared. Especially if they are self-inflicted. I hope these narratives make you laugh (or at least smile). And I promise – they are all absurdly true.
Tools, Temper and No Tolerance
Iam not mechanically inclined, nor patient.
I do, however, possess a gift for understatement. (See above.)
This low frustration threshold does not have to involve a table saw, or even a slotted screwdriver. It can be as uncomplicated as a pump container of pricey shampoo. After some colorful language, I consulted YouTube, and—done. And you know those spring-loaded sunshade things that shield a dashboard from the sun? I wrestled one in the front seat of my petite car one humid St. Louis afternoon. (It was SO hot, and I was SO cranky. Never a good combination.) As it sprang to unexpectedly large life, I gave myself a bloody nose.
My monogrammed luggage says JEL, not DIY.
And then…I bought a house. I had never had a mortgage with just MY name on it, and I was determined to make my little bungalow perfect, even if I didn’t understand what that would involve. (You just buy cute stuff, right?) The first book I added to my brand-new library was “The Virgin Homeowner.” One chapter in, I knew I was in trouble. It was like reading a foreign language—and I knew I would never be fluent.
to have a lawn to mow.” What an odious observation. Disturbed by this rain on my enthusiasm, I smugly replied “Great! It’s fabulous exercise.” Of course, being familiar with my loathing of engines and motors (what IS the difference, anyway?), Dad had a brand-new manual reel lawn mower delivered to my garage on moving day.
Wherever that evil contraption is at this point, I imagine it’s still going strong. I, on

to re-caulk the pitiful bathroom floor. How hard could it be? It’s a straight line! So, armed with that knowledge, I descended on the big box hardware store.
When they see me coming, experienced employees go on break, but I found a helpful orange-vested gentleman who explained exactly what I should buy. (I took one look at my supplies and suspected I would also be looking for a handyman. No problem. They’re in the back, with the unicorns and fairy dust.) Months later, the bathroom floor remains pitiful.
When my adorable new neighbor (a South Carolina transplant) got me hooked on gardening, I developed a particular affinity for tulip bulbs, sometimes ordering 100 from the glossy, seductive catalog. When someone suggested that planting was simplified with a bulb auger and a drill, I practiced some relaxation breathing and gave it a try. It’s a lovely, high-quality tool and I hope someone will be thrilled to discover it at the Goodwill store.

the other hand, lasted one season. Okay. One month. My sweet boyfriend took pity, and took over.
Fast forward a decade or so. I’ve learned where the water shut-off is, and I can hang light artwork on a plaster wall. (Heavy artwork or mirrors? That’s a call to the contractor.)
This mechanical ignorance, strangely enough, does not extend to computers. I’ve been fascinated with them ever since an Apple IIc came to live at our house around 1984, and I’ve been a Mac fan ever since. (While waiting for an OS upgrade at the Apple store not that long ago, I asked the Genius if he knew how to disable SIP - System Integrity Protection - because I wanted to customize the desktop appearance. He gave me a blank look and said, “You know a lot about computers for somebody your age.” Ouch.)
This reality was very discouraging. I was the daughter, and the granddaughter, of respected St. Louis homebuilders, and I believed that creating a charming little showplace was not just my familial responsibility—it was my genetic destiny.
My dad was, shall we say, helpful but wary. After inspecting the house, he declared it “solid” and then warned, ”You’re going
And then there’s painting, often cited as the simplest DIY project. Nope—not at my little cottage. It’s messy, tedious, and I never seem to have the right clothes. (There was a later boyfriend who managed the task admirably, painting three rooms to perfection. My friend Claire noted that “You just date ‘em as you need ‘em.” It was an effective formula in my youth.)
Ignoring my own history, I recently decided
Tragically, not one of my three Macs, for all their Jetson-like magic, can assemble my brand-new desk. Or its matching pink chair. Or caulk the bathroom floor.
DeWalt and I will never be friends, but as summer approaches, I’m determined to show the sunshade who’s boss.
J. Elinor is “All the Muse You Need” for writing short copy, long-form storytelling, speeches, or just proofing and editing. You can reach her at STLWriter@sbcglobal.net.

If you’re looking for proven durability, powerful strength and streamlined details in replacing your old windows and glass doors, Jacob has what you are looking for. Marvin fiberglass replacement windows and glass doors are designed to bring air, light and expansive views to life.

Gorgeous Water Feature Near Waterloo
About twenty years ago
Steven Davis built a beautiful modern stone and cypress home he calls Triple Oak, his getaway on the bluff outside Waterloo, Illinois. It is a relaxing retreat just over the river and through the woods from St. Louis. But he had a problem. A large pond below his house was actually a sinkhole filled with muck and woods, not at all something that complemented the enjoyment of his country retreat.
So, he embarked on the considerable project of clearing all the growth and blowing

Visit our Water Features
St. Louis Water Garden Society’s 24rd Anniversary Tour of Pond-O-Rama
June 22-23, 2023, 9am-5pm each day
For more info and tickets: slwgs.org

the muck out of the pond. They excavated down 45 feet to find the source of the leak, then lined it with red clay. Above the pond they created swales all around to feed fresh runoff water from the house and grounds. Now he has a pristine pond with clear water where Steven and his guests enjoy swimming.
That is what started his interest in water features, flowing surface water and the possibilities of what could be on his property.
CHRIS SIEWING is owner and president of Nature’s Re-Creations, nationally recognized as a Master Certified Aquascape Contractor, Missouri’s first Water Garden Excellence Member, firstplace winner of the North American Pond and Waterfall Building Competition, and in the elite group of Aquascape Artists of the Year. Nature’s Re-Creations is the area’s leading designer and installer of custom water features. For over 27 years they have
At that time there was basically just a dirt path from the house down to the pond.
At a home show in St. Louis, Steven met Chris Siewing, owner of Nature’s Re-Creations. They had built a display of waterfalls in a stream in their space at the home show. He was impressed with Chris and what they had built there, and knew this was who he wanted to create a water feature to link his house to the pond.
When Chris visited the property in 2014, he loved the natural elevation from the house down to the pond. Most often his team needs to create elevation for waterfalls
been committed to high quality design, workmanship and customer satisfaction. Nature’s Re-Creations stays on the cutting edge of technology and installation techniques to continually improve their projects and the environment. To discuss a water feature project, you can contact Chris Siewing at 636-223-2330 or check out their gallery and fill out the contact form at www. Re-createNature.com or view their portfolio at Facebook.com/NaturesReCreations.
by building berms or retaining walls, but here was a natural 90-foot descending path from the house to the pond. When Chris asked Steven what he wanted the end result to look like, his answer was that it should look like he built his house on top of a natural spring.
Steven says that planning the feature with Chris was a phenomenal experience. He wanted something bold and had a vision of a couple waterfalls. Chris presented a few drawings to show what he had in mind. As he and his team started placing rocks, they built a series of eight falls that flow and trickle over huge boulders specially selected, hauled in from miles away and placed to look exactly like a rock outcropping where a natural spring comes to the surface. The work took a couple weeks. Steven says it was amazing to watch them move and place the boulders, which the backhoe could barely pick up.
Nature’s Re-Creations completed the falls and stream with artfully placed plantings of ferns, lilies, cat mint, blue atlas, itea, beauty berry, creeping phlox, hostas, monde grass and more. Over the years it has become a natural habitat that attracts birds, deer, rabbits, wild turkeys,
and three bullfrogs in residence at the top of the stream. The falls also contribute to the quality of the water in the pond. There is very little maintenance required, just occasionally trimming or replacing plants.
The sound of the water is mesmerizing, and at night the lights they planted in and around the falls create a magical glow. In the winter when everything else is frozen, animals can still drink from the stream that runs 24/7/365. In winter at night the lights below the falls shine through delicate ice formations for a spectacular effect.
Friends who visit are enchanted. They take a lot of photos, and many have expressed the desire to have water features at their homes. Steven doesn’t hesitate to recommend Chris and Nature’s Re-Creations to them. He calls his waterfalls and pond “Phase One.” Steven says he can’t wait to get started on the next part: a hot tub and filtered water swim pond with infinity edge built into the hillside just above the large pond. He just needs to get it on Chris’s schedule.

Transform Your Yard: Essential Landscaping Tips
Awell-landscaped yard isn’t just about curb appeal; it’s an extension of your living space, a place to relax, entertain, and connect with nature. For those new to landscaping, or to those who think of it as drudgery, the process can seem daunting. But with some planning and these essential tips, you can transform your outdoor space into a functional and beautiful haven.
Planning is Key
Before diving headfirst into planting, take a step back and assess your space.
Sun and Shade: Observe areas of full sun, partial shade, and full shade throughout the day. This will determine which plants will thrive in each part of your yard.
Soil Conditions: Conduct a simple soil test to understand the drainage, nutrients and ph level. This information helps you choose plants suited for your soil’s characteristics. Soil testing services are provided at University of Missouri Extension locations. Visit extension.mu.edu
Lifestyle Needs: Consider how you want to use your yard. Do you crave a relaxing patio, a vibrant play area for children, or a low-maintenance haven?
Design with Purpose
Create Layers: Use a combination of trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals to add visual interest, color, structure and variety. Tall trees provide shade, while shrubs create borders and privacy. Perennials return year after year, and annuals add seasonal pops of color.
Timing of Blooms: When selecting blooming trees, bushes or flowers, learn what the timing of their full color is, to be able to plan displays throughout the season.
Focus on Focal Points: Draw the eye with a stunning tree, a bubbling water
feature, or a vibrant flower bed.
Paths and Walkways: Create pathways that guide visitors through your landscape. They can be functional, leading to different areas of the yard, or purely decorative, adding a touch of whimsy.
Planting Power
Right Plant, Right Place: This ageold adage is crucial for success. Research the sun and water needs of your chosen plants before you buy.
Spacing is Key: Don’t crowd your plants! Allow space for them to mature, ensuring proper air circulation and preventing disease.
Dig a Bigger Hole: Resist the urge to plant your plants straight from the pot. Dig a hole 2-3 times wider than the root ball to encourage healthy root development.
Mulch it Up: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
Low-Maintenance Magic
For busy homeowners, low-maintenance solutions are a must.
Embrace Native Plants: Native plants are adapted to our local climate and require less water and maintenance.
Group Plants with Similar Needs: This simplifies watering and fertilizing routines.
Consider Gravel or Wildflower Gardens: A well-designed gravel garden can be stunning and requires minimal upkeep. A wildflower garden can be your own private meadow, an exquisite combination of color, visual diversity, pollinators, and an invitation to birds, bees, and other wildlife that create a kind of living art.
Mulch, Mulch, Mulch: A thick layer of mulch goes a long way in reducing weeds and water needs.
Sustainable Solutions
Landscaping can be a powerful tool for environmental stewardship.
Attract Pollinators: Plant flowers that attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, vital for a healthy ecosystem.
Harvest Rainwater: Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering your plants.
Compost Yard Waste: Create a compost pile to recycle yard waste into nutrient-rich soil amendment.
Conserve Water: Utilize drip irrigation systems to deliver water directly to the roots, minimizing waste.
Controlling Yard Pests
There are 170 common insects, diseases and environmental problems encountered in Missouri. As an alternative option to commercially produced chemicals, consider safe organic controls - minerals, biologicals or synthetic versions of biological pesticides. They are generally considered acceptable for pest control by organic gardeners.
Beyond the Basics
Strategically placed lights can enhance your landscape›s beauty and safety after sunset.
Seating Areas: Create dedicated seating areas to enjoy your outdoor space. Patio furniture, hammocks, or swings can create inviting havens.
Water Features: The soothing sounds of a fountain or water feature can add tranquility to your yard.
Don’t Forget the Container Garden: Even with limited space, you can enjoy a colorful display with strategically placed container gardens. Beautiful pots and troughs can add color and interesting shapes to your yard.
Remember: Landscaping is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, don’t be afraid to experiment, and most importantly, have fun creating an outdoor oasis you’ll love!
Bonus Tip: For additional inspiration and advice specific to our St. Louis climate, you can consult the experts at Missouri Botanical Garden. Visit them at www. gardeninghelp.org, They can offer expert advice on plant selection, pest control, and local gardening practices.

Complete Services to Restore Your Pool Deck
Over the winter months, grit, mold and mildew stains leave your concrete pool deck looking dirty. EnduraCrete® offers a full range of services to get it looking better than ever.
Power Washing For a Fresh Clean Deck
EnduraCrete power washing, using their own customized cleaning solutions, powers through that black build-up and helps maintain an extended clean appearance. It also eliminates the surface slickness that can result in slips and falls. You can keep it looking its best with an EnduraCrete maintenance program and never see ugly concrete again – for
pool deck, sidewalks, and driveway with their auto-visit maintenance programs. Beautiful Concrete Transformative Services
EnduraCrete provides a variety of transformative services capable of turning dull gray concrete into a value-added source of pride. Everyone can enjoy the pool deck safely without toasting their toes with EnduraCrete Kool-CreteTM concrete coating. Kool-Crete can reduce your concrete surface temperature by as much as 30 degrees allowing your pool deck to be the
refreshing space you envisioned it being on those hot days.
If you have cracks in your concrete pool deck, you have movement, which means any treatment is going to need to flex with your property. Most coatings systems are designed for a stable surface, and will crack, check and split with underlying movement.
EnduraCrete Deck-a-FlexTM is specifically engineered for such applications with enhanced flexibility. EnduraCrete Deck-AFlex can restore that clean quality cared-for appearance free from cracks and have your patio party-ready in no time.
Their concrete repair, polishing, staining, epoxy coating, Kool-Crete overlays, sealing and anti-slip treatments deliver a customized concrete surface designed to meet your desired look and feel.

Regardless of what problems you encounter with your concrete surfaces, there is a solution. You can call the professionals at EnduraCrete St. Louis at 877-781-5651 for a free at-home estimate or visit www.marblelife-stlouis.com.

Wildlife and Native Landscaping

Visit our Water Features
St. Louis Water Garden Society’s 24th Anniversary Tour of Pond-O-Rama
June 22-23, 2024, 9-5 pm each day
For more info and tickets: slwgs.org

Bring nature home with your own Water Garden
We provide expert custom design and installation of ponds, recreation ponds, streams and waterfalls. These sustainable ecosystems can be used to harvest rainwater and control storm water runoff.
We are Master Certified Aquascape Contractors, first place winners of the North American Pond/Waterfall Competition and St. Louis’s first Certified RainXchange Professionals. Named by Aquascape as the 2012 Artist of the Year, and ranked #4 among all Certified Aquascape Contractors worldwide.
For an on-site consultation or private water feature tour, please call 636-223-2330 or fill out the contact form at www.Re-createNature.com.

Visit our portfolio at www.re-createnature.com Facebook.com/ NaturesReCreations

Left: Blue and red lobelia, great rain garden plants
Above: Entry intake where water is diverted into rain garden
Below: Orange cone flower is great to plant in wet areas for absorbing water
Rainscaping Reduces Erosion and Makes Possible a Beautiful Rain Garden
BY STEVE CALLOWAYRainscaping is good water management now coming more into practice by ecologyminded homeowners. It is the term for managing storm water runoff from heavy rains. Rather than rainwater streaming through and around property, water can be intercepted using rainscaping methods.
As water pours out of downspouts, off roads and onto properties, it causes erosion, pooling of water that prevents grass from growing properly, and can build up against structure foundations, causing wear, weakening foundation walls and leaky basements.
Instead, rainscaping attacks nuisance water flow at its source, directing ground water in strategically placed swales or channels to be diverted away from foundations into a garden area or a rain garden. Rain barrels connected to downspouts are used to collect water that can be used to irrigate a garden area.
A rain garden is specially constructed where ground water is coursing during heavy rainfalls, designed to alleviate water flow from continuing. The project begins with removing non-permeable soil and replacing it with an absorben-
cy soil, a permeable medium of porosity that allows water to sink into rather than coarse over it. Absorbency soil is a mixture of specific composts, mulches, and porous material such as sand or gravel.
A rain garden of absorbency soil is ideal for plants that naturally have good root systems and high water intake. Rain gardens offer the option of using what had been nuisance water to instead create gardens of beautiful perennial flowers, such as turtlehead, cardi-

nal flower, queen of prairie, and royal fern. Another rainscaping strategy for reducing water runoff in areas of your yard is removing invasive plants such as honeysuckle and euonymus, which have low water absorbency, and replacing them with native plant species, perennials, shrubs and trees to increase absorbency.
Rainscaping also helps communities by reducing rainwater intake into sewers, reducing stormwater backup, basement backup, and sewer overflow. It also helps reduce flooding by lessening water flowing into creeks and rivers. Organizations such as MSD vigorously promote rainscaping. By alleviating water pooling areas, rainscaping also reduces mosquito population on properties. Replacing invasive plants with native species attracts predatory insects such as praying mantis and ladybug that feed on nuisance insects such as mosquitoes, whiteflies and scales.
Steve Calloway is owner of Garden Green Horticulture Service. They revitalize and restore gardens and convert areas of ordinary lawn or problem growth with beautiful native plantings that will make landscapes better year after year. Pictured on this page are a number of rain gardens constructed by Garden Green.
Steve also helps homeowners select the plants, trees and shrubbery that best meet their aesthetic desires and that will thrive in the sunlight, soil and moisture conditions in their yards.
You can call or email Steve for a complimentary consultation in your yard, to identify your plants and advise on how to keep them healthy and looking their best. You can reach Steve at 314-288-5036 or garden_green@live.com.

For a free athome estimate or more
call 314-909-8877

Schilli Plastering Makes Your Pool a Work of Art
We are the leader in pool remodeling in St. Louis, and the only licensed PebbleTec® applicator in the Midwest, with over 10,000 finishes applied in the past 34 years. Our company is family owned and operated, for over 70 years.
We offer unlimited design options that will elevate your pool to a new level of beauty, tranquility and value. Every Schilli Plastering pool finish is a unique work of environmental art, hand-crafted with a life expectancy of 15-20 years. Each finish comes with a 5-year warranty on labor and materials.
New logo . . . same commitment to quality. Visit our showroom at 13284 Corporate Exchange Drive Bridgeton, MO 63044
See a gallery of our plastered pools at www.SchilliPlastering.com
Soak Up the Fun, Not the Rays: Enjoy the Sun Safely
The sunshine season brings warmth, vitamin D, and the perfect excuse for outdoor adventures.
But basking for too long can come with a burn – literally. Sun exposure can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. Luckily, enjoying the outdoors and sun protection can go hand-in-hand. Here are some key strategies to keep yourself safe in the sun:
Seek Shade: The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. If you must be outside during peak sun, find shade under trees, retractable awnings or solar screens.
Sunscreen is Essential: Apply a broad-spectrum sun-
screen with SPF 30 or higher liberally to all exposed skin 15 minutes before heading out. Don’t forget areas like your ears, neck, lips, and the tops of your feet. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more often if you’re sweating or swimming.
Cover Up: Clothing provides excellent sun protection. Choose loose-fitting, long-
sleeved shirts and pants. Wide-brimmed hats that shade your face, neck, and ears are crucial, especially on long walks.
Sunglasses are a Must: Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays with sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays. Choose sunglasses that fit snugly and wrap around your face for extra protection.
Hydration is Key: Sun exposure can lead to dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Be Sun Smart for Kids: Children’s skin is even more sensitive to the sun. Follow all the above tips for them, and consider using swim shirts and hats specifically designed for sun protection.

Know Your Skin: People with fair skin, freckles, or a history of sunburn are at a higher risk for sun damage. Be extra vigilant in sun protection and be aware of any changes in moles or skin blemishes.
Enjoy the Sun Safely: Make sun protection part of your routine, and you’ll be able to soak up the fun, not the rays, for years to come.

Cool Comfort and protection from the sun
Aesthetic Design & Build is the exclusive St. Louis installer of Eclipse custom awnings and solar screens.
Retractable awnings provide full shade for patios and outdoor seating areas, and help cool adjacent rooms. Hundreds of fabrics to choose from. Retractable solar shades block sunlight and add privacy for your outdoor living spaces, screen rooms, pergolas and sunfacing interiors.

Marla Esser Cloos, NAHB Master Certified Green Professional, Wellness Within Your Walls Certified Professional and LEED AP, is the principal of Green Home Coach. Find more at GreenHomeCoach.com and @ greenhomecoach on FB and IG
How the St. Louis Green Business Challenge is Shaping Our Favorite Destinations

One of my favorite things about living in St. Louis is all the places to go and things to do. From the bustling streets of the Delmar Loop to the serene beauty of Forest Park, there’s never a dull moment in the Gateway City and the Metro. But what many folks don’t realize is that some of our favorite spots are doing more than just providing entertainment – they’re also making a positive impact on our community through the St. Louis Green Business Challenge.
St. Louis Green Business Challenge and Our Community
The St. Louis Green Business Challenge is a program run by the Missouri Botanical Garden that helps organizations of all sizes implement sustainable practices. Since its inception in 2010, the Challenge has been delivering "Triple Bottom Line" results – that’s fiscal, social, and environmental benefits – to organizations across the St. Louis region.
One of the coolest things about the Challenge is how it encourages organizations to get creative with their sustainability efforts. Whether it’s reducing energy consumption, implementing recycling programs, or promoting eco-friendly transportation options, there are endless ways for organizations to make a difference. And it’s not just good for the planet – it’s good for business too.
The class of 2023 included 12 cities and villages in the metro, the Missouri Historical Society, the Saint Louis Zoo, Art Museum and Science Center, the St. Louis Cardinals, the Missouri Botanical Garden, and
many businesses and organizations. You can see the complete list on the St. Louis Green Business Challenge website stlouisgreenchallenge.com.
But the most inspiring aspect of the SLGBC is its ripple effect throughout the community. As more businesses and organizations embrace sustainable practices, the collective impact grows exponentially. What started as a grassroots movement has now become a city-wide initiative, with organizations and businesses coming together to make a difference.
Missouri Historical Society
One of these organizations is the Missouri Historical Society. I had the honor to interview Angela Moore, the then Manager of Sustainability Initiatives. She has been a real trailblazer when it comes to sustainability. To hear our podcast, go to greenhomecoach.com/getting-greenwith-the-missouri-historical-society.
The Missouri Historical Society has achieved some impressive goals, all aimed at reducing their environmental footprint and making a positive impact on our community.
n Soldiers Memorial Military Museum is TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) certified to the Gold level.
n The Library & Research Center has undergone a complete lighting upgrade. Replacing old light bulbs with LEDs increased energy efficiency and resulted in more than 1,300 light bulbs recycled.
n In 2012, MHS enacted a policy to procure green products when feasible, including exhibit materials, office supplies, building materials, promotional items, and

packaging. All new appliances purchased must be rated Energy Star–certified or better.
n Staff members use natural cleaning products from St. Louis–based company Better Life to keep the History Clubhouse sanitized and maintain a spotless environment throughout Missouri History Museum exhibits and behind the scenes.
n Through its partnership with earthday365 for the popular Twilight Tuesday’s concerts, MHS provides composting and recycling containers to reduce waste and encourage recycling.
n MHS hosts a variety of events that include sustainable or socially responsible elements. Check the events calendar to take part.
St. Louis Destinations Doing Better for Us
But it’s not just museums and historical societies getting in on the action – some of our most beloved attractions are also doing their part. The Missouri Botanical Garden, for example, is leading the charge when it comes to protecting our planet’s precious resources from their beautiful Gardens to the Shaw Nature Reserve.
And let’s not forget about the Saint Louis Zoo, the Art Museum, and the Science Center – these iconic institutions have embraced the principles of the St. Louis Green Business Challenge. Whether you’re marveling at exotic animals, admiring priceless works of art, or exploring the wonders of science, you can know that these places are committed to making a difference.
So, the next time you’re out and about in St. Louis, take a moment to appreciate all the amazing businesses and organizations that are working hard to make our city a greener, more sustainable place to live. Whether it’s in an eco-friendly café or the beautiful Forest Park, every little bit helps. And you might just inspire others to join the movement towards a brighter, more sustainable future for us all.

Sundek® is a beautiful, durable new surface for your pool deck. It can be designed to look like brick, tile or flagstone, incorporated with our Classic Texture finish. It’s slip-resistant and cooler to walk on than plain concrete, resists stains and very little maintenance is required. Great for walkways, driveways and patios, too.

What You Need to Know about Cleaning Fine Rugs
Very few rugs can be properly cleaned in your home. Both do-it-yourself machines and services with truck-mounted tanks for cleaning carpeting can lead to problems for cleaning rugs:
n Mold, mildew, and browning from having the rug too wet for too long. And a wet rug sitting on your wood floors can cause them to swell.
n If rugs containing wool, silk, mercerized cotton or viscose get too wet, they can be damaged. Water that is too hot, or improper drying can cause bleeding, red patterns running into another color.
n Fringe and borders are very susceptible to issues during cleaning. They are woven in different directions from the field and shrink in different directions. Jute backing can cause shrinking or humping if it gets wet. The coming warmer weather and humidity activate odors of pet stains that were less noticeable in the cooler temperatures. Odors from
accidents that may have happened months ago will be released again due to the humidity. In the St. Louis area, the leader in cleaning fine rugs is Woodard Cleaning & Restoration. They will pick up your rugs and treat them in their Rug Care Center. The specialized cleaning equipment and controlled temperature and humidity in their specially built drying room accelerate the drying process. This eliminates possible mold/mildew issues, and controls color run. Rugs are tacked and blocked to dry properly without shrinking or humping.
Woodard air-dusts to remove all dirt, dust and tiny bugs in the rug before cleaning. Pet stains are treated in a decontamination bath that removes stains and odors. If rugs have areas that need rebinding, fringe or fibers replaced, their specialists perform needed repairs.
Woodard’s Rug Care Center is located at 9308 Manchester in Rock Hill. They offer at no charge a professional inspection of your rug to determine its condition and type of fiber and dyes in it, so they know what cleaning method
Getting Your Floors to Look Their Best

Concrete Can Look Spectacular
Plain, stained, chipped or cracked concrete on porches, pool decks, in garages or basements is subject to further staining and damage. But it can be made to look spectacular.
MARBLELIFE EnduraCrete can densify, seal, polish, grind, color and design concrete to look like premium flooring, much easier to maintain than untreated concrete. They can also be treated to be anti-slip without sacrificing design or appearance.
Tile and grout should be clean and healthy
Stained grout and tile are frustrating to clean and can be unhealthy. If your shower or floor seal or grout fails, it is soaking up
dirt and bacteria with each mopping.
More than just looking better, a new, uniform color for tile and grout can be healthier. Marblelife provides a clean gloss appearance that will not harbor mold or mildew, and provides a layer of protection across grout lines.
Stone floors need periodic maintenance
Marble, granite, terrazzo, limestone, travertine and other natural stone are luxurious and durable surfaces, but not indestructible.
Foot traffic and inappropriate cleaning products make it susceptible to stains, spills, scratches and damage. They need proper periodic maintenance to keep their natural beauty.
Dull and damaged stone surfaces can regain their natural appearance with
professional cleaning, restoration and protection that also minimize potential for future damage.
Wood floors can look like new Wax buildup on wood floors traps dirt and yellows, but it can be removed with a professional cleaning. Light wear within the protective finish is screened and re-coated, usually in one day. Damaged, heavily worn or deeply scratched floors call for sanding, re-staining and re-sealing, taking a few days.
Regardless of what problems you encounter with concrete, tile, stone or wood floor surfaces, there is a solution. You can call the professionals at MARBLELIFE St. Louis at (314) 501-9080 for a free at-home estimate, or visit their website marblelifestlouis.com.

For a fresh new kitchen at a fraction of the cost and without the mess of tearing out cabinets, consider refacing them instead. We replace doors, drawer fronts and trim with 1/4 inch hardwood for a solid, quality look and feel. New soft-close hinges, handles and knobs complete the look.
Hundreds of door styles and colors to choose from, and options include crown molding, pull-out storage, glass door fronts and undercabinet lighting. Custom countertops and tile backsplash provide a totally updated kitchen.

Simon Homes’ New Villas in Frontenac/Westwood
Display Home for Sale and Ready for Immediate Occupancy
The popular Newport Display home is loaded with options and includes a luxurious master suite and a secondary bedroom and full bath on the main level. This open floor plan includes a large great room with a fireplace open to the kitchen and dining room leading to a covered three season room with a stone wood burning masonry fireplace. The main floor includes an open foyer, study, laundry room, powder room and an adjoining family foyer with a private outdoor entrance. The lower level includes 1,709 square feet of finished space including a third bedroom, full bath, and an amazing walk-behind wet bar with a built-in wine display and more!
Just 3 Opportunities remain to build your dream home at The Enclave in Frontenac and Westwood! “The energy is abundant,” says Barry Simon, President of Simon Homes, with the demand for luxury unattached Villas continuing, leaving only lots 6, 7 & 11 available to build your dream home.
Responsive Readers for Your Business

One of the region’s most respected custom builders, Simon Homes, offers an unparalleled lifestyle to the privileged Villa owners in The Enclave. Only minutes away from everywhere – shopping, fine dining, and country clubs. For directions, Google 11411 N. Forty Drive, off Spoede Road at the former B’nai El Temple site.
The Villa portfolio showcases elegant, free-standing unattached single-family homes on large homesites, five ranches and a 1.5-story plan. All homesites accommodate 3-car garages and nine of the eleven accommodate private side-entry garages.
This prestigious collection offers up to 4,090 square feet of living space, with a master suite and secondary bedroom suite on the main floor of all plans. All homes have a minimum of 10’ ceilings on the main level, full masonry exteriors and deep-pour foundations. They also allow for completion of the lower level and as much as 2,000 additional square feet of
finished area.
Simon Homes accords you exceptional freedom to personalize your residence to suit your lifestyle. Working with their architects and staff, owners can expand and make structural changes, as desired.
Carefree living is another significant asset in the Villas. Home security systems are included, as are attractive landscaping and irrigation. Yard care and snow removal from driveways, sidewalks, and porches are provided – relieving the tedious responsibility of exterior maintenance and ensuring the year-round beauty of your fashionable villa.
Serene, sophisticated, and stress-free – your Villa lifestyle in The Enclave is a new dimension in prestige living. For information you may contact Tracie Baum at (314) 469-4888 or (314) 713-6050.

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For a free athome estimate or more information, call 314-909-8877
Distinctive Plaster Finishes for Your Home or Business
Handpicked by the finest craftsmen in the region, our team specializes in Old World stucco and interior plaster finishes, setting the standard for excellence. For over 70 years, we’ve delighted homeowners in St. Louis with flawless installations and meticulous repairs.
This traditional exterior finish is available in a variety of styles, textures and architectural features. Resists impact, water and fire, stands up to wet/dry and freeze/ thaw cycles.
Interior Plastering Venetian plaster is the ultimate in wall and ceiling finish for a truly impressive interior. Cornices, crown molding, coffered and other decorative trims can be created.
New logo . . . same commitment to quality. Visit our showroom at 13284 Corporate Exchange Drive Bridgeton, MO 63044
See a gallery of our plastered pools at www.SchilliPlastering.com

Take Charge of Family Security: Five Vital Actions for a Safer Home
Amidst the many things to think about this spring, creating household safety habits and ensuring preparation in an emergency should be at the top. With the CDC reporting 48% of Americans do not have first aid kits and 52% of Americans do not have copies of crucial personal documents, it’s evident Americans have a lot of work to do to ensure family members are knowledgeable and have safety plans in place.
This year, to ensure safety is a top priority, check out these five important actions to help keep your family safe.
1. Create a home safety checklist
A comprehensive home safety checklist helps create a home environment that promotes security and peace of mind. The checklist should include checking smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, including changing out batteries, locking windows, ensuring fire extinguishers are readily available in the kitchen and other priority spaces, and properly storing household chemicals like cleaning products. Regularly review and update this checklist.
2. Enroll in hands-free safety services
Did you know only 29% of U.S. households have a landline? Without a landline, it can
be difficult to contact emergency services, especially for young children. However, technology can be a valuable ally. The new personal and family safety subscription Alexa Emergency Assist allows anyone in the home to use their voice to call for help, giving more peace of mind with fast access to urgent response agents 24/7 365 days a year - without having to search for your phone in the time of an emergency.
When you say, “Alexa, call for help” on an Echo device, including an Echo Kids device, you will be connected to a dedicated, professionally trained agent who can request dispatch of police, fire, or ambulance, avoiding potentially long call hold or wait times.
Agents also have access to pre-saved critical information during the call - like your home address, medications, or allergiessaving time spent collecting information on the call and allowing first responders to be thoroughly prepared when they arrive at your home. The Urgent Response agent can also stay on the line with you until help arrives.
3. Teach personal safety habits
Encourage and empower your family members to develop personal safety habits. Emphasize the importance of staying aware of surroundings, exercising caution when speaking with strangers, and practicing basic self-defense techniques. When talking with your family about
safety habits, underscore the importance of paying attention to smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, and to never ignore them. If you subscribe to Alexa Emergency Assist, Smart Alerts allow Alexa to detect signs of trouble - like if your smoke or CO alarm is ringing - and will notify you so you can take action whether you’re at home or away.
Don’t forget to highlight the importance of trusting your instincts and foster open communication so everyone feels comfortable voicing their concerns. By learning and practicing personal safety habits, you’ll equip your loved ones (and yourself!) with the tools they need to confidently navigate changing situations.
4. Develop a trusted network
When it comes to keeping your family safe, you don’t have to do it alone. Cultivate relationships with neighbors, friends, extended family, and community members to build a strong mutual support network. A network of trusted individuals is an invaluable resource that can help provide assistance during times of need.
If you subscribe to Alexa Emergency Assist, you can quickly notify your network in case of an emergency. The Emergency Contacts feature allows you to save up to 25 family members, friends, or loved ones to be automatically notified and informed when a call is placed to Urgent Response. A reliable network not only improves your family’s safety, it also fosters a sense of belonging and community.
5. Create an emergency plan
A detailed and thorough emergency plan can make a huge difference in a crisis. Sit down with your family to discuss evacuation routes, emergency contact numbers, and designated meeting points. Talk about each family member’s responsibilities during different types of emergencies. Even young children and teens have a role to play in an emergency, just by taking care of themselves.
Once you have a plan in place, review and practice the plan so everyone is familiar with the procedures in case of an emergency. By preparing for unexpected moments, you’ll foster a sense of security and resilience.
Use these five tips to kick-start your plan with a focus on family safety. In doing so, you’re laying the foundation for a safe and secure future and creating peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

A Regular Exercise Program Provides Whole-Person Benefits
BY BRET KLIETHERMESLinda is a youthful 67 years old and has always put her emphasis on helping others. She raised her five children as a single mother, working full time as a government lawyer. Over the last few years, a series of family crises put her through extraordinary stress. One of her daughters has cystic fibrosis, and a couple years ago had a double-lung transplant. When her condition stabilized, Linda knew that she needed to get herself in shape to relieve her stress and to make sure she would be there for her now grown children.
Linda had jogged when she was younger and has always enjoyed taking long walks. She worked out briefly when she was pregnant with her fourth child, but other than that she had never taken on a serious workout regimen.
Relatable inspiration
In the summer of 2023, she received a copy of this magazine and saw a photo in my article of Sharon, a client who had lost 50 pounds in a year of working out with me and re-shaped her body as a result. Linda appreciated that Sharon was a middle-aged woman who had achieved this great result, and thought I may be able to help her, too. Linda feels that people in their 60s and beyond are often stereotyped and not seen as the individuals they are. Societal misperceptions surrounding aging often don’t recognize their capability to rein-
vent themselves mentally, physically and spiritually. At our initial interview I asked questions that seemed to get at the heart of what her goals were and made sure that she felt understood. I try to never be dismissive or to assume that I know what a person’s needs are. I always want to meet prospective clients where they are and consider what they are trying to achieve. We then design a program to help them get there.
Get healthy to reinvent herself Linda gains great meaning in her life by being present for others. Now, in addition to staying in close touch with her grown children, she teaches Sunday school. She is also considering options for a second career that would allow her to apply her creativity in ways not previously explored. She knew that she couldn’t do all that if she was not in good health. This was the time to “reinvent” herself, to bounce back from all she’d been through, get back in shape, lose weight and gain the strength to assure that she could continue to be available to help her family and others.
I like to take a comprehensive approach in helping my clients achieve their goals. In addition to our focused exercise sessions, this includes providing guidance on diet, sleep and daily activity. Linda is conscious of what she eats and still enjoys daily walks. She says that after just two weeks exercising with me, she noticed a change in her mental outlook. At 12 weeks she felt her body change. Now after eight months she

BRET KLIETHERMES is owner of STRONG HUMAN FITNESS LLC, a personal training company that offers Complete Fitness Programs to help his clients reach their personal health and fitness goals. Bret has a Bachelor of Science in Health & Wellness Promotion from Missouri State University, and is a Certified Personal Trainer through The American Council on Exercise.
Strong Human Fitness is located in the Corporate Plaza Building at 14528 South Outer 40 Road and offers a more private alternative to the large box gyms that are often noisy and overcrowded.
Bret offers both private and semi-private training to fit all budgets and schedules. For a no-obligation, no-pressure consultation to discuss your goals, you can call Bret at 314-691-9040, email bret@stronghumanfitness.com or visit www.stronghumanfitness.com.
has lost 30 pounds and gained a new sense of optimism.
Linda feels that our exercise sessions are the most valuable thing she does for herself, and she has really come to enjoy them. Our small gym provides a friendly atmosphere where she knows everyone and feels known and acknowledged by them. There is a lot of encouragement by others that are there who are also there working to achieve their own goals.
Value yourself - don’t give up Linda offers this advice to others who find themselves in a similar situation: It starts with the willingness to value yourself. Don’t give up on yourself. Take the spark of belief in your intrinsic value and use it to become the greatest project you will ever work on. You have the power to shape your own destiny through dedication, effort and the willingness to start again when necessary. The results are life-affirming.

Does Your Pool Deck Have Uneven Concrete Surfaces?
Shifted concrete slabs look bad and are tripping hazards that can cause injuries.
If your pool deck has a seam that has turned into a step, or repeated cracking, it’s probably caused by a weak soil base or erosion below. The good news is the concrete does not have to be torn out and poured again to fix the problem.
Woods Basement Systems offers the exclusive PolyLevel® process that injects a lightweight polyurethane mix, which expands to fill the void and lift concrete slabs to a level, even position.
We will inspect your pool deck and also concrete walks, patios, steps and driveway, and provide a free quote to have them leveled with PolyLevel.

Breathe Easier Using Salt Room Therapy
When Clay Juracsik started The St. Louis Salt Room over 10 years ago, it was partially as a therapy for his daughter. She had severe asthma and he saw that it was taking a toll on her health. He was looking for something that could help her and make her less dependent on the drugs she needed to take. Clay had studied halotheraphy and learned of its many benefits, and even traveled to Europe and Russia to visit other salt spas to learn everything he could about them.
Her breathing improved quickly and after several months, she was able to cut the need for her meds by 90%. “Halotherapy has made her lungs much healthier. It made a huge difference. It made me more of a believer than I already was,” Clay said. “She hasn't needed medication in a long time.”
Halotherapy chambers have been popular in Europe and are now seeing popularity in the
United States. Salt has been used for thousands of years to treat a long list of common ailments.
It was discovered in the mid-1800s that people who worked in the salt mines of Poland and surrounding countries had a remarkably low rate of respiratory illnesses. Soon a clinic was placed within one of these salt mines, which is still in operation today. In order to simulate the therapeutic effects within salt mines, spas emulating salt caves were built on the surface, where people would visit routinely to breathe the air which was saturated with beneficial salt particles and negatively-charged ions.

and actually children often experience the greatest results. Salt Therapy is recommended for those who suffer from respiratory ailments like Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, and even allergies. Many people use it to lower their stress and relieve fatigue and depression. Athletes use it to optimize their breathing and improve circulation.
Recently, engineers created a device called a Halo-generator, which not only simulates the conditions in salt mines, but accelerates the effect. A salt aerosol fills the air with tiny particles, which have been clinically proven to deliver the most optimal results.
Halotherapy is beneficial to people of all ages,

The St. Louis Salt Room was the first Salt Spa in the Midwest (fifth the in the U.S.) and has many regular clients, including some doctors, nurses and other medical personnel.
They are located at 2739 Sutton Blvd. in Maplewood, 3 blocks south of Manchester. Learn more about how the St. Louis Salt Room can help you. Visit www.mysaltspa.com. You can call (314) 647-2410 to schedule an appointment.
HEALTH&CARE Journal/St. Louis Metro provides a unique new opportunity for medical practices and health care providers to reach thousands of prospective patients in their homes. These are adults ages 45+ living throughout the St. Louis Metro area. Each issue features informative articles about prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for leading chronic health conditions, quoting local and national experts. Please email or call to set an appointment to discuss this opportunity.
Offering Expert Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Care
I am DR. AZRA NIAZ, board-certified Endocrinologist. We recently established our independent medical practice, Great Plains Endocrinology, in Ballwin, focusing on diabetes, endocrine, and metabolic disorders.
After completing my fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at the University of Toledo in Ohio, I worked briefly as Assistant Professor of Endocrinology. However, I realized that I could be more beneficial to patients in private practice. I am very passionate about empowering patients with plans that fight their chronic diseases.
My practice encompasses a spectrum of endocrine conditions, including Type I and Type II diabetes, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, metabolic bone, parathyroid, and lipid disorders. We also address
obesity and weight management, as well as reproductive disorders, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and male hypogonadism.
Diabetes management is evolving rapidly. We stay on top of new developments and make sure all our diabetic patients benefit from the latest and most effective tools, including insulin pumps and CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) for effective diabetes management.
The critical shortage of Endocrinologists has resulted in months-long wait to establish care, often when it is most needed. We are now building our practice, accepting new patients with appointments within a few days, including Saturdays. We also offer telehealth appointments if

patients cannot come to the office. We accept all types of Insurance plans, as well as self-pay.
You can call our office to schedule an appointment or with any questions.
Claymont Professional Building 15421Clayton Road Suite 202 Ballwin, MO 63011
Dr. Ayse Kilfoy was chosen by her peers as one of the Top Dentists in the St. Louis area
When St. Louis Magazine surveyed St. Louis region dentists on who they thought were the best dentists in the region, Dr. Ayse Kilfoy of Woodlawn Dental was up there again at the top of the list for the ninth year in a row.
She has been providing healthy, beautiful smiles to the O’Fallon area for over 25 years. “Whether a patient just needs some minor dental work or some long-term cosmetic improvements, we love to be a part of making changes that matter. My greatest pleasure is to see the smile on a patient’s face when we’ve completed their care. For some, it’s like they’re smiling for the first time.”
New patients are now being accepted. Come by and take a tour. Find out how much Woodlawn Dental has to offer you.
Woodlawn Dental
Dr. Ayse Kilfoy, DMD 608 Woodlawn Avenue O’Fallon, MO 63366
636-240-9211 www.woodlawndental.com
Spring Activities & Events
Take advantage of these wonderful events. Make this the year you get back out and enjoy the special festivals and entertainment events across the St. Louis metro area.
PLEASE NOTE: These events were still scheduled as of press time. Check websites for updates.
Friday, May 3 6-9pm Historic Downtown Maplewood cityofmaplewood.com/fun
Friday, May 17 6-10pm Saturday, May 18 noon-8pm Sutton Blvd. midcountychamber.com
Stringfest Stringfest Stringfest
Saturday, May 18
Pop Up: 12-5pm Cocktail Crawl: 4-7pm South Grand southgrand.org

Live music, food, beverages
Select Tuesdays 5-8pm St. Charles stcharlesparks.com

Wednesdays, June 5–July 31 mobot.org/whitaker Missouri Botanical Garden

May 29-June 23 8pm nightly ex. Mondays Shakespeare Glen in Forest Park stlshakes.org
Saturday, June 3 lafayettesquare.org

June 1
Missouri Botanical Garden mobot.org

June 7 and Oct. 11 Times & locations vary O’Fallon, MO ofallon.mo.us

June 7-9
Webster Groves webster-arts.org
June 15
St. Charles Foundryartcentre.org
Sunday, June 16
Thursday, June 20

Thursday, June 20 5-9pm South Grand Business District southgrand.org

various locations
June 22 and 23 slwgs.org
July 4
Friday, July 2 6-10pm
Historic Downtown Maplewood cityofmaplewood.com/fun
The Allure of Weekend Getaways from St. Louis
We are fortunate to have a wealth of wonderful destinations within a short driving distance, perfect for a rejuvenating weekend escape. Packing your bags for a nearby getaway should be a regular part of your life. Break the routine and recharge The daily grind can leave you feeling drained. A weekend getaway provides a much-needed escape from the familiar. Stepping into a new environment allows you to disconnect from your usual routine. Explore quaint towns, scenic landscapes or nearby attractions. This change of scenery can spark creativity, boost your mood, and leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead.
Weekend getaways are budgetfriendly
Weekend trips close to home require less time off work and minimal travel costs. You can find charming bed and breakfasts, cozy cabins, or full-service resorts all at a fraction of the price of a long-distance vacation.
gem, or simply enjoy the freedom of the open road. Embrace the unexpected and allow yourself to be surprised by the adventures that await.
Here are three great ideas for getting started:

Art and architecture lovers will be thrilled with a trip to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. A world-class collection of American art, stunning architecture, and 120 acres of Ozark forest with five miles of trails. Admission to the museum is always free.
Enhance relationships
Whether it’s a romantic escape with your significant other, a fun-filled adventure with friends, or a multi-generational family trip, these shared experiences create lasting memories.
Weekend escapes don’t require months of planning. The beauty lies in their spontaneity. Pick a general direction, pack a bag, and hit the road. You might stumble upon a charming roadside attraction, discover a hidden local
Hermann, Missouri is a German-inspired picturebook village where red brick buildings welcome you to Missouri Wine Country. With more than 650 guest rooms – from luxury suites to cozy cottages, historic homes, and inns, the Hermann area has lodging for every visitor.
If you haven’t been to Columbia, Missouri since college days, you’re missing a lot. The District is an eclectic collection of people and businesses, and the vibrant nightlife scene offers all kinds of music and tasty dining options from fine cuisine to burgers.

On The Road
Read this and other stories in John’s book, Coastal Missouri, and more road tales in his other two books A Road Trip into America’s Hidden Heart and Souls Along the Road, available at Left Bank Books. More of his stories are at johndrakerobinson.com.
The Secret D-Day Rehearsal
BY JOHN DRAKE ROBINSONOn the road between Kingdom City and Auxvasse, thousands of travelers pass a sign designating a stretch of Highway 54 as Exercise Tiger Memorial Highway. Most of them don’t know what Exercise Tiger means. It’s the story about the ambush that left the fate of hundreds of local soldiers and sailors shrouded in mystery for a half century.
Decades passed before Leonard Bruns learned what really happened. He remembers that cold April night in 1944, when he was a nineteen-yearold Army corporal, just one soul doing his part to prepare the world for peace. Under cover of darkness, his squad stormed a beach with advance troops and engineers. The beach was Slapton Sands, on English soil.
Just off that English coast, in the darkness, a random patrol of nine German naval torpedo boats discovered eight U.S. LSTs (Landing Ship Tank) carrying soldiers to the landing area. The hourlong attack left 749 Allied troops dead, including soldiers and sailors from Missouri, especially Boone, Callaway and Audrain Counties. Meantime, on shore, “We didn’t know about the attack,” Leonard remembers.

Troyer has spent much of his life piecing together the details of that night. “Everything went wrong that could possibly go wrong,” he said.
“We only had one gunboat escort. One other escort had collided with another ship and had left for repairs. LST531 was hit by two torpedoes, sank in six minutes. We didn’t have the right training wearing life preservers. Some of the men put the preservers around their waist instead of their shoulders. When they hit the cold water, pretty soon they turned upside down and drowned. The British and American Navies were on two different radio frequencies. So, when the LSTs called for help, nobody came. LST515 went back to pick up survivors, against orders. The captain was court martialed and demoted.

At the time, he wasn’t aware of the scope of the mission. This event was a rehearsal for D-Day, the pivotal invasion that would turn the tide of war in the Allies’ favor. “I was in the signal corps,” Leonard recalls, “attached to the engineers. My job was communications, setting up phone lines on the battlefield, and signals from ship to shore. When this thing occurred, we were already in on the beach.”
“This thing” turned into a bloody German assault. Allied commanders picked Slapton Sands as a practice area because it resembled the D-Day target at Utah Beach.
“We didn’t know until months later that something had happened.” In his book, The Forgotten Dead, Ken Small suggests that Exercise Tiger “was never covered up; it was ‘conveniently forgotten.’”
David Troyer knew about it. He was an Army private first class among the first army units to take amphibious training.
“In Southampton, we boarded ship and headed for Slapton Sands, but we didn’t know why at the time. We were onboard a landing craft away from the LSTs that were attacked.”
“When we hit the beach, British machine gunners were supposed to be shooting over our heads.” The training had been designated a live fire exercise. But in the confusion, “they began mowing us down like ducks on a pond. Friendly fire.”
“Next morning, they moved us off the beach right quick. We were sworn to secrecy,” he said. “We bivouacked five weeks in an isolated area, and we couldn’t talk to anybody outside our company. We even had escorts to the bathroom. Eventually we were shown a big billboard map with our next target. It was Utah beach. The night before D-Day, they served us steak with cherry pie and ice cream at midnight. Then, because of weather, the landing was postponed for twenty-four hours. So our ‘last meal’ ended up being K-rations.”
Now when you pass that Exercise Tiger Memorial Highway sign, you’ll know the story.
June 1

Invites You to the Third Annual

Missouri Artisan Cheese Festival featuring:
Missouri Creameries
offering samples
Farmer’s Market
Cheese & Spirits Walk
Grazing Table
Live Music
Info and tickets available at bit.ly/3VSNu9h
June 12
Charcuterie Class
June 15
Sunsets at McKelvey
June 15
Mimosas at McKelvey
McKelvey Vineyards
8901 State Highway YY New Haven, MO, 63068
8901 State Highway YY, New Haven 573.459.6123
McKelvey Vineyards is on a 60-acre farm that once produced some of the best wines in the region. During prohibition, the winery closed, and the vineyards were removed. In 2016, owner Patricia McKelvey began the process of restoring the old farmhouse and vineyards to their former grandeur. The property is now open to the public, with an all-season pavilion, event center and guest lodging.
McKelvey Vineyards serves more than unique and enticing wines. Their experiences are just as delicious, offering exclusive dinners, exciting day trips, fascinating tours, and weekend getaway packages that you won’t find anywhere else. They are bringing renewed life to this land that is part of Missouri’s time-honored wine making history. Lush landscapes and sophisticated charm compose the perfect setting for weddings, anniversaries, receptions, celebrations of life, holiday parties and more. From intimate gatherings to extravagant affairs, the service is exceptional and the photo opportunities are endless.

A Place in the Country
BY BILL ZIERCHERBill Ziercher has been active in building, buying, selling, and managing real estate and income property for over 30 years. Bill is a Charter Member of the American Tree Farm System and his timber property is ATFS certified. Bill is a lifetime member of Quail Forever and the National Rifle Association. For a free consultation on marketing your distinctive estate or rural property, you can contact Bill at 314.412.3966, licensed by PFRG.

In the past few years there has been an uptick in “Back-tothe Land”, where many rural and metropolitan people are using land for organic crops and food production, sustainability, self-sufficiency and an abiding sense of pride and self-satisfaction. In this article we dive a little deeper in some of the more common trends. Like many things, this interest has been accelerated by stay-at-home lifestyle changes brought on by Covid.

The seeds are what make an heirloom tomato, passed down from season to season, taken from plants that produced the best fruit, often open-pollinated, which means that they are pollinated naturally, by birds, insects, wind, or human hands.
Gardening Some of my most fond childhood memories are with my grandmother Florence. I spent a lot of time with her growing up after my grandfather and namesake died when I was four. I remember helping her turn the garden and tend to the asparagus bed, rhubarb plants and the normal mainstays of a country woman who had lived through the depression. In the kitchen
she had two bins: garbage and trash. The garbage was for any and all organic matter to dispose in the garden. Her garden soil was coal black from feeding it compost and garbage over many years. Fast forward to today with many of these practices coming back, along with things like heirloom tomatoes and other gardening rewards.
Firewood There is just something captivating about a fire. I am sure it has to do with our amygdala, or the lizard part of our brain. Besides the ambiance of a fire, many rural homeowners have outside wood boilers. These highly efficient heat sources feed into a home’s HVAC system using a boiler. For many this is the main source of heat, saving hundreds of dollars a month on electric or propane bills. These systems are backed up usually by an electric furnace. For myself, I always split my own wood. Not only does that appeal to my lizard brain, but it provides a great workout and gets me out of the house in below-freezing weather.
Fowl One does not have to look far to see more chickens and ducks in both rural and metro area backyards. Yes ducks, which are an excellent source of eggs, producing 300 eggs annually and are especially prized for baking, with higher fatty acids and protein than chicken eggs.
A growing number of municipalities like Ladue, Maplewood and Olivette now allow chickens within certain guidelines.

Bees My 20-year-old son is an apiarist, more commonly known as a beekeeper. He keeps an apiary or beehive in our backyard and also at our farm. In addition to harvesting the honey, which is a good source of vitamins and minerals, he gives back to the environment through pollination. The USDA has been aggressively promoting the CP-42 initiative under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) that provides technical and financial assistance to offset the decline of habitat for pollinators like bees, moths, insects, bats and birds which we depend upon to pollinate crops.
Venison Last but not least is venison, yes, I am talking about Bambi’s dad and mom. There is an entire industry built around the satisfaction of harvesting deer with a stick (more commonly known as a bow and arrow), muzzleloader or modern firearm. Here we are going to explore one of the absolute best sources of protein. Besides all my grandkids knowing that not all protein comes on Styrofoam trays heat wrapped with film, they learn the healthy benefits of consuming free-range deer and elk. These benefits include a complete source of antibiotic-free protein, lower in saturated fat than other red meats and high in iron, zinc and vitamins. When prepared correctly it is absolutely excellent table fare.
Travel Like a Pro: Top Tips for a Smooth Adventure
Travel opens doors to new cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable memories. But navigating unfamiliar territory can be daunting. Here are some travel tips to ensure your adventure runs smoothly.
Pack Light, Travel Smart: Resist the urge to overpack! You’ll be much happier with versatile clothing you can mix and match. Pack a small first-aid kit and essentials like a reusable water bottle and a universal electric adapter. Use packing cubes for organization and make sure your baggage is within airline weight allowances.

Embrace Local Experiences: Step off the beaten path. Research hidden gems and local markets. Learn a few basic phrases in the local language – they can go a long way. Public transportation offers a glimpse into daily life and the opportunity to interact with locals, so consider ditching taxis for a more authentic experience.
Tech Savvy Traveler: Download online maps and translation apps beforehand. Make sure to bring your phone charger and consider a waterproof case. Digital copies of travel documents are a lifesaver in case of lost originals. If travelling outside the US, make sure you have arranged for a low-cost calling option for your destination.
Be a Responsible Traveler: Respect local customs and dress modestly at religious sites. Learn about responsible tourism practices and make use of hidden pockets and closed carrying bags to avoid being a target for pickpockets.
Embrace the Unexpected: Travel hiccups are inevitable. Missed connections or lost luggage can happen. Keep a positive attitude, be flexible, and remember – these unexpected moments often become the best stories later!
Bonus Tip: Pack a small notebook and pen. Jot down travel memories, local recommendations from friendly encounters, or simply capture the mood of a place. It’s a more personal way to remember your adventure.
With these tips in tow, you’re ready to embark on a fantastic journey! Remember, the key is to be prepared, open-minded, and embrace the adventure.

The Route of the Rivers
BY JOHN DRAKE ROBINSONNot far from your doorstep, you can find deep woods.
Think Hansel and Gretel. But don’t drop breadcrumbs to find your way back out of the deep forest. That’s littering. Besides, you can just let Highway 19 guide you.
Highway 19 is the Route of the Rivers. I don’t know if anybody else besides me calls it that. It doesn’t matter. That’s what it is...the Route of the Rivers. Eight major floating streams intersect with the highway. South of Route 66, five of Missouri’s most legendary floating rivers cross beneath Highway 19 bridges.
The road noodles from Mark Twain’s stomping grounds around the Salt River near Hannibal, to the Arkansas border. But for this story, our journey begins from the Mother Road and plunges southward. First thing you’ll notice are two types of signs: In Cuba, eleven delightful downtown murals frame historic Route 66. Murals detail the town’s history...the Civil War, the time Harry Truman came to town to campaign, the time Joan Crawford was in town, angry because her car broke down. Take time to sample some good fixins at Missouri Hicks Barbecue.
As you leave civilization and plunge south on Highway 19, you’ll notice different signs: the river rafting billboards beckoning for your business. Yep, the spring-fed rivers are thick as woods along this route, and home made billboards ebb and flow in proximity to floatable waters. Think of the wooden signs as eccentric appendages to the timber.
The Floating Capital of Missouri
Just a few miles down the twisting curves, Steelville calls itself the floating capital

of Missouri. Oh, other towns might object. But Steelville staked out that identity. And why not? It nestles in the valley of the Meramec, with the Huzzah and Courtois flowing nearby. It’s a floater’s paradise...and much more. As the self-proclaimed Floating Capital of Missouri, the town caters to lovers of the great outdoors. Before there was a Luckytown, Steelville won the lottery. Well, to be precise, the town is the beneficiary of a lottery winner. In 1990, telephone regulators held a lottery to determine which phone companies would provide rural service to the burgeoning cellular phone demand. Among the winners was tiny Steelville Telephone Exchange. The company parlayed that windfall into great service, not only to telephone customers, but also to the community and its schools.
Up on an Ozark hill overlooking the town on one side and the Meramec River on the other, Wildwood Lodge has entertained vacationers for nearly a century. It stands proudly against time, with its beautiful wooden dining hall and cozy lobby with the giant fireplace.
Today the lodge thrives. Owner Robert Bell brings in the talent, including the bands, the hotel staff, and the cuisine. He’s revived a long history of great music and great times at the lodge. The lobby’s charm overflows, especially when a crowd gathers around Michael Martin Murphey or America playing unplugged before a roaring fire in the fireplace during the Living Room Concerts. It’s an intimate venue where folks have mingled with bands like The Amazing Rhythm Aces and Asleep at the Wheel, Dave Mason and Leon Russell, Poco and Arlo Guthrie, The Guess Who and Ozark Mountain Daredevils.
The long dining hall could be a movie set. Its hardwood floors, linen tablecloths, and gorgeous floor-to-ceiling French windows serve up splendid scenery. The guest rooms’ comfortably Spartan appointments offer a subtle hint that rooms are for sleeping. After all, the Ozarks is an outdoor sport. Ozark National Scenic Riverways
So plunge further south into the Ozarks, through Salem, the jumping off point to Ozark National Scenic Riverways. The
Missouri River at Herman. Photo: John Drake Robinson Left: Jam Up Cave. Photo: John Drake RobinsonCurrent River and its tributary, the Jack’s Fork, are part of America’s first designated scenic riverways. And when you see these rivers, you’ll know why they’re national treasures.
Check out the mural at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center in Salem, or head down Highway 19 to Eminence. Several segments of this highway convince you that you’re as close as you can get to a roller coaster ride without buying a ticket. Stop and drop a canoe into the watery version. At various outposts along this route, any one of two dozen outfitters will supply everything you need.
And when you emerge from the stream, a healthy array of campgrounds, B&Bs and motels await your aching muscles. At Eminence, I always stay at the rustic River’s Edge Resort on the Jack’s Fork. If there is a capital of the Missouri Ozarks, Eminence is the place. You’re right in the midst of the Seven Wonders of Shannon County, seven truly magnificent features. The list includes a legendary cave, a hidden waterfall, and a sinkhole peek at an underground lake. Among the springs on the list is the most photographed spot in Missouri -- Alley Spring Mill.
You can spend a week in Eminence and only scratch the surface of the beauty of the Shannon County Ozarks. By the way, Shannon County was named for Judge Pegleg Shannon, the youngest member of the Lewis & Clark expedition. He didn’t lose his leg until later in life, and eventually settled down to judgery.
Forest Heritage Center
A short drive down the road in Winona, you’ll discover the world’s greatest forestry museum. Run by the Missouri Department of Conservation, it’s called the Twin Pines Forest Heritage Center. It’s smack-dab in the middle of one of Missouri’s most productive forests, and it’s loaded with displays like vintage logging equipment, a log cabin and a turn-of-the-century schoolhouse. There’s a restored old 1946 Chevrolet panel truck that was outfitted with a generator and movie projector, since back in 1946, most Ozark towns didn’t have electricity. The heritage center is a fountain of discovery for families, school groups, and Ozark wanderers like you.
Deeper down Highway 19, as you get closer to the Eleven Point River, you’ll skirt the Irish Wilderness, with a vivid history all its own. After Irish laborers built the railroad to Rolla, they came here to retire, and disappeared during the Civil War, never to be heard from again.

For most of the trip, you’ll believe you’re in the Mark Twain National Forest. Actually, you only traverse national forest land during a 22-mile stretch along the western border of the Irish Wilderness. No matter. Forest envelops you. Your course winds through hardwoods and pines, punctuated periodically by isolated river-reliant towns.
Sinkholes and Springs
Along the drive, those familiar brown signs will direct you to the byproducts of this karst topography: caves and sinkholes and springs. One of the most beautiful Missouri springs busts out of a mountainside near the tiny town of Greer. Greer Spring pumps forth a vigorous stream that plunges down a mountainside for a mile to join the Eleven Point River. From the parking lot next to the highway, you’ll have a vigorous half-mile hike to the spring. But the beauty of this spot is worth the trek.
More surprises await along Route 19, like Tupelo Gum Pond, a rare sinkhole that holds water. It’s so protected from the ele-
ments that tupelo trees grow here, the only place these trees grow for at least a hundred miles north of Elvis.
Fittingly, the end of the road reveals perhaps the most dramatic example of a sinkhole. Near Koshkonong, another brown sign will point you toward Grand Gulf State Park. Don’t miss this one. Grand Gulf is dubbed the Little Grand Canyon, formed eons ago when a sinkhole collapsed and plunged 13 stories into the ground. The site features one of Missouri’s longest natural bridges, and a wonderful path that winds down to the bottom of the sinkhole. Along the way down, the path probably has as many steps as the Washington Monument, maybe more.
When you complete this journey, take a well-deserved rest. But don’t let the moss grow under your feet, because similar delights await you along a dozen other Missouri Ozarks roads.
Jack's Fork River. Photo: John Drake Robinson Greer Spring. Photo: Tommy R. Hornbeck
Creativity in Fused Glass
BY JIM WINNERMANWhen Christine Ortbals was planning to remodel her kitchen, she already knew a backsplash made of small colored glass squares would be part of the design. But her calculations revealed it would take 219 pieces to do the job, and the retail cost seemed exorbitant. Plus, she could not find the color tile she needed.
So, she purchased several books on how to make fused glass tiles and took a class at Craft Alliance Gallery. Using the gallery kiln she made each piece herself.
Christine enjoyed the experience so much, she purchased a small kiln and began to experiment making fused glass “sculptures” one piece at a time. Soon a retail business was born, and her career as a self-taught fused glass artist blossomed.
Production in her studio
She now owns a large, kitchen table-size kiln (named “Thelma” after her mother) that can accommodate ten or more creations with each firing. She sells her art at high-end craft fairs and art galleries throughout the metropolitan area.
Her studio encompasses two large rooms. Filled with worktables in the center, the walls of each room are crowded with shelves of long tubes of thin glass straws, and bins, jars, and boxes of fusible glass. They are all ingredients which she layers onto a piece of flat glass prior to
putting it in her kiln. Inside the kiln the concoction is melted, becoming a solid and smooth piece of glass art.
However, creating fused glass art is far more complicated than just assembling an array of colorful glass and putting it inside a kiln.
“Temperature is everything,” she says. “It controls how fast the glass melts, what shape it takes and how the colors change when they melt. Turning off the kiln when it reaches 1800 degrees creates a piece that looks a lot different than if the kiln is switched off at 1000 degrees. There is a lot of trial and error learned over many years that goes into the history of each piece.”
The excitement of new creations
She never loses her enthusiasm for creating new glass art. “The excitement of opening the kiln to see how the latest creations melted can be an unbearably exciting wait,” she says. “But the kiln cannot be opened until it cools down to 100 degrees. After reaching temperatures as high as 1800 degrees, the cool down can take more than 24 hours. Sometimes I must leave the house to ensure I do not open it too soon.”
According to Christine a lot of people confuse creating blown glass with making fused glass. “But they are very different,” she says.
“In blown glass you shape molten glass and color while in the molten stage as you get ready to blow and create the finished art,” she explains. “Fused glass is composed in the flat stage before being fired in the kiln, often multiple times, until it’s finished.”
Continued on page 46

Continued from page 44
If Christine is unhappy with the finished result, the glass can be remelted and used again to make a new piece. Inspiration for her whimsical designs and colors can come from anywhere. “I was doing push-ups at a gym and when I looked at the floor mat, the colors and patterns appealed to me,” she recalls. “For several weeks the ideas flowed from that split second visual.”
Although she orders her glass from a supplier in Oregon only once a year, she never stops trying new techniques and creating new shapes. When a neighbor had new windows installed, she absconded with the panes of old glass, and experimented making glass plates.
To make exceptionally thin art glass, she has placed 150 pounds of bricks on top of multiple sheets of glass to flatten the glass before the combination is fired for as long as 24 hours in the kiln. The result is an exceptionally hard and uniquely thin glass that is difficult to break even though it is only 1mm thick. “Look,” she says, banging the piece of art on a tabletop edge.

Affordable one-of-a-kind pieces
Christine never repeats a design, always opting for new shapes and colors in every piece. “I think everyone should be able to own one-of-a-kind pieces of original art,” she says earnestly.
She prices her glass art to be affordable. Small hearts sell for $10 and compacts for $30, but most pieces are $80 to $120. The larger and more intricate pieces can be as high as $800.
Christine’s talents are not limited to glass. Her “green thumb” has transformed her yard into a mini arboretum recognized by the National Wildlife Federation as a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Several of her quilts have been accepted into local shows, and recently she has started pencil sketching.
“If only I wore a younger woman’s clothes,” she says. “Oh, the unlimited ideas that continue to fill my head I will never get to!”
To see more of Christine’s work visit: bestofmissourihands.org/cortbals
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Want to sell your business? You might want to do that sooner than later!
BY JEFF BACHWhy, you ask? A couple key reasons.
Current Market Activity
The acquisition landscape is bustling. In fact, 2024 appears to rival pre-pandemic years in terms of activity. Buyers are displaying confidence, buoyed by the stability typically seen in finances during election years. Generally, neither party wants to make big waves by changing rules and laws drastically.
Even with interest rates being higher than they have been for years, historically rates have been a lot worse. Americans often have short memories. It’s as if everyone is already used to paying more interest. Maybe since they are paying more for everything else?
Either way, buyers are on the hunt and spending money. The only thing slowing the market at all is not having enough businesses for sale to satisfy the demand.
After the election there are a lot of things that likely can and will change, which will affect the economy. While no one has a crystal ball, this could create changes in how business people invest their money. If they become more conservative, demand will cool.
Tax Implications
The second reason is the big elephant in the room. In short, it’s taxes. Let me explain.
When you sell your business, you will likely be taxed on some or all of the proceeds. There are many variables to this and only your accountant can answer exactly how this will look for you.
Here’s the problem. With higher interest rates and ballooning national debt, the interest payment on the national debt in the US is bouncing between the fourth and fifth largest expense in the Federal Budget.
And this is just the interest payment!
What this tells us is that something has to be done. Most accountants that I talk to believe that one of the things that will happen to “help” this problem will be to raise taxes.
The usual political target for tax increases are capital gains taxes. Mainly because the perception is that capital gains are tax on the rich.
Right now, the highest Federal rate on capital gains is 20%. When Reagan became president in 1981, the effective capital gains rate was 70%! So, what happens to you when you sell your business and capital gains tax goes up? Let’s do some math.

combine the highest levels of technology, marketing and professional experience for the needs of business owners. With access to their large network of qualified buyers, Jeff offers the best opportunity to help you successfully sell your business. He only gets paid when you sell. Valuations are provided at no charge and are the starting point to knowing the right approach to selling your business. Jeff also helps qualified buyers find and buy a business that meets their goals. He is an Official Member of Forbes Business Council.
You can contact Jeff for a free, confidential, no-obligation discussion about selling your business or buying a business at 314-941-8530, or by email at jbach@ fusionadvantage.com.
If the portion that you clear when you sell, that is subject to capital gains, is $1,000,000 how does that look? Right now, your tax liability would be $200,000. Less than standard income. If the capital gains tax increases to 40%, your liability would be $400,000. This could make your outcome drastically different. We are likely in the best tax environment we are going to see for a long time in terms of selling your business.
Besides these two, there are many variables that reflect your own business and personal situation, and more questions than answers.
If you have any interest in selling your business in the next few years, you should probably at least meet with an experienced Business Broker and find out how your company would look on the marketplace today.
It Pays to Review Your Internet, TV and Cell Services
BY DEDE CATSAVISMany people who call us are frustrated with their cell phone, internet and TV providers. They seem to keep raising rates while eliminating channels and services. Once someone mentions their exasperation with these providers, I set up an appt for one of our techs, usually Jeff, to review their current service plans and what they’re getting for their money. Often, just by looking at their

bill(s), Jeff can make some recommendations to either cut costs or increase service options – or both.
One such client had him come to her home last month after realizing she was paying over $400 per month for TV/phones/internet. Jeff looked at her cell phone, TV and internet plans and made some suggestions based on the channels she watched and internet speeds she needed. He installed antenna(s) to provide uninterrupted local channels, put
Finest Custom Table Pads at Factory-Direct Prices
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her on YouTube TV to stream all the same “cable” channels she previously had. He looked at her wi-fi network and was able to get her higher speed for lower cost just by calling the company on her behalf.
And Jeff found a lower cost cell phone service without losing benefits. In the end, she is saving $220 per month with the changes he helped her make. Obviously, the client was ecstatic and now enjoys faster internet, all the channels she previously had and lower monthly costs!
If you are considering cutting the cable, or switching internet or cell phone service, but are unsure of the best options, remember that Computer Tutors isn’t just about computers – we can help with your communications and entertainment as well. Give me a call to help you through those decisions.

COMPUTER TUTORS is a local, woman-owned small business founded in 1997. DEDE CATSAVIS is the founder and owner. For 25 years they have provided computer services to thousands of satisfied, happy customers.
Computer Tutors works on Windows and MAC computers, sets up home networks, eliminates viruses and also will help with any of your other electronic devices. You can reach them at 314-608-7920, and at www. computertutors.net.

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It’s possible to do all three—without breaking the bank! Marla Esser Cloos, the Green Home Coach in her book Living Green Effortlessly: Simple Choices for a Better Home provides simple steps that can save you money now, increase your home’s value, and make your home healthier for you, your family—and the environment.

“Marla does a wonderful job simplifying what can often be an overwhelming subject. I found her action steps easy to understand (and more importantly...implement). In addition, she provided a TON of tips, tools and checklists that any homeowner would find invaluable. Overall, I found the content to be well organized and can see myself using this as a resource time and time again!”
-M. Fies, HomeownerIf Your Sales Reps Are Too Busy to Handle Phone Work, Someone Else Should Be Doing It for Them.

One aspect of selling frustrates many top salespeople. That is making cold calls or follow-up calls. Some of these high performers just don’t like the hit-or-miss aspect of reaching the right people on the phone, and many of them don’t handle these tasks all that well. They may lack computer skills to handle prospecting more efficiently or may be so eager to get appointments that they don’t adequately qualify prospects. That wastes their precious selling time, keeping them from achieving their sales goals.
What to do about this? Consider getting help from Rainmaker Sales Support. For 25 years they have been efficiently assembling qualified prospect lists, setting sales appointments, prospecting and providing customer follow-up, phone sales and trade show support.
And Rainmaker is now offering other ways in combination with calling to reach your prospects - emailing, texting, and LinkedIn outreach. The combination makes what they do even more powerful. By delivering appointments and follow-through that lead to sales success they more than pay for themselves. And it is client satisfaction and retention that keeps them in business.
Rainmaker Sales Support was founded by Patricia Cowan, a top sales performer who saw a gap in prospecting and follow-through among many of her peers. Her team of seasoned salespeople understand, genuinely enjoy and professionally manage the nuances of the sales support process. They handle every account as if they are cultivating their own sales base.
They can handle your house accounts, inactive accounts or smaller accounts as well.
All agents are under one roof in St. Louis Missouri. They speak fluidly on the phone, without set scripts, so people talk with them. Their salespeople can support your salespeople ethically, professionally, and consistently.
You can contact Patricia Cowan, president, founder and owner of Rainmaker Sales Support, for a consultation at your office. She will be happy to provide references you can call to verify how they can make your team more successful. You can reach Patricia at 314-433-4660, extension 101, or by email at Patricia@RainmakerSalesSupport.com. You can learn more about her company at RainmakerSalesSupport.com.

The stories along these roads reflect life’s uneven rhythms. Fun. Fear. Breakdowns and revelations. The beauty of violent storms. The scents of September sycamores and campfires, forest fires and kitchen fires. His stories serve up tastes and touches and sounds you can’t coax from a tweet. You probably shouldn’t read this during church.

Ready for Your Encore Career?
BY DICK MUELLERAfter devoting decades of their lives to their employers, most retirees are ready for a life of leisure. They can finally switch their briefcase for a beach bag and their computer for golf clubs. There’s no one to answer to and no schedule they must stick to. Then why are so many older adults opening their own businesses – even when they have the means to spend their golden years in relaxation mode?
According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, adults between the ages of 55 and 64 represent almost 23 percent of entrepreneurs today. Because our sense of accomplishment has been tied to work success, many seniors want to remain professionally active, especially when they have the time and financial security to turn their passion into profit. The unexpected benefits of building a business in retirement
thinking skills, which fight off cognitive decline. And, it offers retirees continued socialization to avoid isolation – one of the greatest risks to our overall health.
Best of all, older entrepreneurs are just happier. Seventy-six percent of boomer
healthcare and business services, retirees can find a business that aligns with their interests and experience.
What makes franchising so attractive to retirees are a low cost of entry, built-in brand recognition and a proven business model. Franchisers provide training and operational support, manage marketing and advertising, and offer greater buying power. Entrepreneurs can focus on what they enjoy, such as being their own boss, building customer relationships, and maintaining a desirable work-life balance with a solid infrastructure behind them.
Because investors understand the power, wisdom and experience of older entrepreneurs, they’ve made financial capital more accessible to retirees. The Small Business Administration can help connect you to a network of approved lenders. Many franchisers offer financial incentives to entrepreneurs who meet specific requirements, such as lower fees for veterans or multi-unit discounts, to help expand market reach.

business owners rate their happiness an 8 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10 according to a survey by Guidant Financial.
Franchising – the fast track to success in retirement
If you’re considering launching a new business, you may want to start with a franchise consultant. Your consultant will identify your strengths, interests, and risk level, and identify those franchisers that fit all three. And because consultants are paid by franchisers, there’s no cost to prospective business owners.
Waiting to take the entrepreneurial leap can pay off big for retirees. Not only can they take bigger risks since they have fewer family responsibilities, but they can secure funding more easily because of their years of experience. As a result, start-ups launched by older entrepreneurs have higher survival rates even in the most competitive industries and provide a more solid foundation for innovation.
However, the most significant benefits aren’t financial, but physical and mental. Harvard Medical School found that working into retirement “may benefit your brain, health, and longevity.” Entrepreneurship provides seniors a sense of mission and purpose that reduces depression and anxiety. It requires creativity and critical
Rather than build their start-up from the ground up, many retirees are living their entrepreneurial dreams by embracing the benefits of franchising. With more than 3,000 franchising opportunities available across a variety of industries, from retail and restaurants to home improvement,

As you enter this exciting new time in your life, work no longer requires an all-ornothing mentality – you can still enjoy the advantages of retirement while keeping one foot in the business world. Franchising allows you to build a business of your own and turn your years of experience into a fulfilling second career.
DICK MUELLER is a Franchise Advisor with 30 years’ experience helping future franchise owners identify and invest in the right franchise business before they buy the wrong business. His franchise selection process includes evaluation of business experience and transferable skills, type of business ownership, level of investment and review of all documents in the transaction. The Franchise Advisor Fee is paid by the Franchisor. To get started go info@franselect.com or call 636-530-6925. www.franselect.com


Just 3 Opportunities Remain
11411 N. Forty Drive at the former B’Nai El Temple site

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