Call for Submissions Dance & Somatic Practices Conference 2011 Fostering trans-disciplinary perspectives on embodied process and performance
July 8th – July 10th 2011. Coventry University School of Art & Design Department of Performing Arts
This three day event invites somatic practitioners, dance artists and scholars from a range of disciplines to discuss, envision and critically engage with embodied processes and performance. With the aim to discover correspondences, cultivate inquiry and transverse discipline borders this event seeks to collaboratively investigate the potentials of embodied thinking and action, to develop visions for future practice, methodologies and theorising. Calls are invited but not limited to papers, workshops, lecture demonstrations, round tables, working parties, provocations, performance and interventions which address the following with in the field of dance and somatic practices education, training, facilitation heritage, lineage and historical perspectives creative practice, imagination, art/performance making and creativity structures of thought, process led knowledge, epistemology, practice as research o theories of embodiment, the body, intersections between philosophy, cultural theory, sociology, cultural geography, ethnography, performance studies, dance studies o o o o
Deadline for abstract and expressions of interest submission: 31st January 2011. Contributors will be notified of inclusion via email by 31 st March 2011. Convened by Professor Sarah Whatley and Dr Natalie Garrett the review panel includes Katye Coe, Polly Hudson, Amy Voris, Kirsty Alexander, Katy Dymoke, Amanda Williamson, Lionel Popkin (USA), Professor Sylvie Fortin (Canada), Dr Henrietta Bannerman, Lucia Walker, Ruth Gibson, Thomas Kampe and Professor Sarah Rubidge. Please e-mail your abstract and / or expressions of interest (600 words) with contact/affiliation details (250words) on a separate sheet in MS Word or PDF format to Paula Kramer -
Selected contributors to the Dance and Somatic Practices Conference will be invited to submit to a special issue of the Journal and Dance Practices, Vol 3 Issue 2