E-ticing Arts Bulletin 14.11.11

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E-ticing Arts Bulletin 14.11.11 Events and opportunities from Coventry, Warwickshire & Midlands. Compiled by Coventry Artspace Dear all, This is your E-ticing round up the week ahead in Coventry - my final note before a week or so off the radar. Apologies for any cross postings from Laura at Artspace. -----------------------------------------------------*TONIGHT* - Make your way to the Sounding Cov 11 hour Musical Jam at the Albany in Earlsdon *Tuesday* - Gizella K Warburton's afternoon residency workshop at Coventry's War Memorial Park Visitors Centre 1pm-4pm. *Wednesday* - Shoe Test - a night of performance/video/discussion at the Ellen Terry building, Coventry University. *Thursday* - Artspace Open Studio, Emerge Network and the greatly anticipated GEORGE SHAW exhibition launch at the Herbert....all beautifully timed to provide an afternoon of artistic joy. *Friday* - Zoo continues at the Meter Room on Corporation Street, Coventry, and is open from 1pm - 5pm *Saturday* - Actually get to see the work in the George Shaw 'I woz ere' exhibition at the Herbert....http://www.theherbert.org/.... *Sunday* - Bit of a rest and a catch up on those Pecha Kucha presentations http://pkncoventry.posterous.com (the next ones will be part of the George Shaw for Turner Prize party at the Herbert on December 5th) *Next week* - it's the Artspace 1-Hour Residency, Wednesday 23rd, 5:30pm-6:30pm -----------------------------------------------------SOUNDING COV - An 11 Hour Musical Jam, tonight! - The Albany, Earlsdon, Coventry - Monday 14 November - 7pm to 6am (drop in at any point) SOUNDING COV enters its second year on 14 November. Devised by Performance Frequency, Sounding Cov gathers as many people as possible on the anniversary of Coventry’s Blitz, to sing a new City into existence, based on the power of Sanskrit mantra. Interested in clearing traumas of the past, from the City Centre’s land, this community music project intends to saturate the City with sound based on healing, joy and clarity. Sara McCarthy, Director of Performance Frequency says, “At Performance Frequency, we understand the power of music and vibration. We know that we can shape a city, by the words and sounds that come out of our mouths. 71 years ago, Coventry’s City centre was vibrated for 11 hours, by 500 tonnes of lead falling from the sky. This year, we vibrate this city by 11 hours of non-stop singing with powerful words to clear obstacles, relieve distresses, instil confidence and create peace.

We are looking to double the number of people who came along to last year’s event. The youngest was a baby and the oldest in her 70’s. As well as singing, we are asking for people to make a wish for Coventry.“ Everyone is welcome to this event. It takes place at The Albany pub in Earlsdon, on Monday 14 November at 7pm to 6am the next morning. There will be 1 hour of silence after it. Meet at 6.30pm for warming up. More info: tel Sara McCarthy 07876 298613 info@performancefrequency.com or see website www.performancefrequency.com -----------------------------------------------------TUESDAY WORKSHOPS WITH ARTIST IN RESIDENCE AT WAR MEMORIAL PARK - 1pm - 4pm, War Memorial Park Visitors Centre, Coventry If you go down to the park on Tuesdays.....you'll find Textile and Mixed Media artist Gizella K Warburton at the War Memorial Park Visitors Centre. Gizella's offering informal and regular workshops using a variety of techniques on Tuesday afternoons - for all ages. Make sure you pop in, say hello and have a go. To find out more call the Visitors Centre on 02476 786280 For more information about Gizella see: www.gizellakwarburton.co.uk/ -----------------------------------------------------SHOE TEST - FREE THEATRE EVENT AT ELLEN TERRY - November 16th - 7:30pm You are cordially invited to Shoe Test, a night of live performance/video/music about our fathers' stories of war. Featuring Adrian Palka, George Saxon, Tom Williams Followed by after show discussion For more details see the attached flyer -----------------------------------------------------ARTSPACE AND EMERGE PRESENTS: ALMOST FESTIVE THURSDAY; making and selling in Coventry - 2pm - 6:30pm Thursday 17 November 2011 Coventry Artspace, 16 Lower Holyhead Road, Coventry, CV1 3AU (map: http://g.co/maps/249nq). Open Studio and makers stalls from 2pm onwards. Join Artspace and Emerge for an afternoon of almost-festive celebrations featuring: 2pm - Affordable artists and makers’ stalls from 3pm &5pm artist-led tours of the Open Studios 5:30pm Emerge networking to meet and mingle with artists, makers and creatives 6.15pm ‘walking bus’ to the launch of Turner Prize nominee George Shaw’s exhibition ‘i woz ere’ for 6.30pm. There will also be a chance for you to showcase yourself and your creative activities.

Please join us for as long or as little as you like to share your creative ideas, meet potential collaborators or just meet people over refreshments, clementines and chocolates. For more information contact Julia on 07799 292 957. -----------------------------------------------------GEORGE SHAW - I WOZ ERE LAUNCH - Thursday 17th November, 6:30pm - 8:30pm - The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry The greatly anticipated launch takes place this Thursday at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum: http://www.theherbert.org/index.php/home/george-shaw-i-woz-ereOpen to all, be part of it! -----------------------------------------------------ZOO CONTINUES AT THE METER ROOM - 58-64 Corporation Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV11GF http://meter-room.org/current/zoo/ -----------------------------------------------------PECHA KUCHA PRESENTATIONS NOW ONLINE! See the presentations from the last sensational Pecha Kucha night and read your own blow-byblow account of the night taken from live tweets via storify - it'll be JUST like you were there.... http://pkncoventry.posterous.com In a slightly different guise, the next Pecha Kucha will be taking place at the George Shaw for Turner Prize party at the Herbert on Monday December 5th. We're hunting down speakers right now so if you're interested let us know! See more about the event here: http://www.theherbert.org/index.php/home/search/george-shaw-for-turner-prize-party -----------------------------------------------------NOVEMBER 1-HOUR RESIDENCY NOW OPEN FOR BOOKINGS - Join us for our third residency from 5:30pm-6:30pm, on Wednesday 23rd November at the Windmill on Spon Street. The Coventry Artspace 1-Hour Residencies are for artists and creative practitioners to spend a short period of time and space away from their usual studio/work environment - exploring practise with other artists through discussion and practical exercises. Taking place in pubs of interest, the idea is that artists can continue to socialise after the residency is complete. Based on suggestions from the last event, the next residency will be working with a large scale map of Coventry to highlight places of influence or significance, stories, tales, words and inspiration in relation to practise. Places are limited so book now by emailing Nadia Wazera, who is organising the event for us: Nadia@coventry-artspace.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------

Laura Elliott Director Coventry Artspace Limited T: 02476 553 533 M: 07982 708 694 E: laura@coventry-artspace.co.uk ARTSPACE NEWS & EVENTS - and more at www.coventry-artspace.co.uk COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL'S ARTS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Provided by Artspace. More information at www.coventry.gov.uk/arts SIGN UP/ LEAVE E-TICING - E- bulletins of arts information received through Artspace networks every 1-2 weeks. To join or leave today via: mail@coventry-artspace.co.uk. Also see www.redteapot.co.uk FOLLOW US ON TWITTER - www.twitter.com/CovArtspace. Updated by Artspace member Cressida Haughton

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