E-ticing Bulletin 2.12.11

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E-ticing Arts Bulletin 2.12.11 Events and opportunities from Coventry, Warwickshire & Midlands. Compiled by Coventry Artspace Dear all, Attached is another E-ticing round up of art events, opportunities and news, hot from the Artspace network. To send us your own updates for inclusion, join or leave the list please email: mail@coventry-artspace.co.uk as we won't receive responses sent to this bulletin. Apologies for any cross postings from Laura at Artspace PS. Monday, 6pm, Herbert, be there! Free tickets at http://pkncoventry.posterous.com/. ---------------------------------------------------------CASCADES EVENT AT THE BELGRADE THEATRE – TONIGHT! - Friday 2 December, 4:30pm to 10pm on the Burbidge Gallery at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry Mercurial Dance invites you to CASCADES - in association with the Belgrade Theatre. Come along for a drinks reception at the Belgrade Theatre and see this brand new interactive light projection as it illuminates Belgrade Square at night. Watch the lights playfully chase and bounce off shadows, skipping from person to person. For more information see the attached invite or pop into the Belgrade Theatre any time from 4:30pm onwards tonight!! ---------------------------------------------------------MAKING MOVES RESIDENCY AND GRADUATE PLACEMENT OPPORTUNITIES – KIDDERMINSTER Two new opportunities with the Making Moves Making craft development initiative in Kidderminster have now been launched. Please see details attached for the artist and graduate placement residencies. ---------------------------------------------------------MATRA KOCHANEK QUEERISTS EXHIBITION – Continues until December 3rd, The Lock Gallery, Studio 23, Canal Basin Studios, Leicester Row, Coventry. Please find details attached of Marta Kochanek’s Queerists Exhibition which continues to December 3rd at the Lock Gallery. See also: http://queerists.com/exhibitions/the-lock-gallery/ www.martakochanek.com @martakochanek ----------------------------------------------------------

MAKING MOVES COVENTRY - ARTIST IN RESIDENCE SHARING EVENT – Wednesday 13 December 10:30am – 12:30pm - War Memorial Park Visitor Centre, Kenilworth Rd, Coventry CV3 6PT Textile and Mixed Media Artist Gizella K Warburton invites you to a sharing event to celebrate the results of a Making Moves residency at the War Memorial Park Visitors Centre in Coventry. On Tuesday 13th December from 10.30-12.30pm, you can see the work created during the artist’s residency by the Friends of Memorial Park groups including young people and veterans as well as members of staff and the public in a small exhibition at the Visitors Centre. Gizella’s residency has taken place as part of the Making Moves programme; a craft development initiative spanning the West Midlands which has created 9 regional residencies in unusual locations, graduate placement opportunities and participatory events for the public including a touring exhibition. The artist, Coventry’s Graduate Placement Sandra Owens and some of the participants will come together to celebrate their achievements with the public and visitors to War Memorial Park. Following the sharing event, Gizella will be commissioned to produce a new art work which will be included in the regional touring Making Moves II exhibition in 2012. A project website will be launched soon, in the mean time for more information about the Making Moves programme visit: www.craftspace.co.uk or email Anne Forgan: anne_forgan@yahoo.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE HERBERT FOR THE GEORGE SHAW EXHIBITION Please see details attached of volunteering opportunities with the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum for the continuing George Shaw Exhibition ‘I woz ere’, running until March 11th 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------OPEN MEDIA DISCUSSION ‘OPEN ART, OR WHAT COULD OPEN ART MEAN?’ – December 13th, 3pm -5pm, Meter Room, Corporation Street, Coventry Meter Room will be hosting a round table discussion as part of the OPEN MEDIA series at Coventry University: ‘Open Art, Or What Could Open Art Mean?’ Participants: Elly Clarke (Coventry University), Penny Whitehead and Daniel Simpkins (Static, Liverpool), Ruth Catlow (Furtherfield), and James Wallbank (Access Space Sheffield). This discussion is part of OPEN MEDIA - A year-long series of research seminars on the theme of openness in media in all its forms. The programme is free and open for all to attend and led by Coventry School of Art & Design and the Department of Media & Communication. For more information see: http://meter-room.org/events/open-art-media/ All enquiries please contact: Janneke Adema | Email: ademaj@uni.coventry.ac.uk ----------------------------------------------------------

VANESSA OAKES GEORGE ELIOT DVD GIVEAWAY! Vanessa Oakes has five George Eliot BBC DVDs to giveaway - ADAM BEDE (Iain Glen, Patsy Kensit & Susannah Harker), THE MILL ON THE FLOSS (Emily Watson, Cheryl Campbell, James Frain, Bernard Hill), SILAS MARNER (Ben Kingsley, Jenny Agutter, Patsy Kensit), MIDDLEMARCH (Juliet Aubrey, Robert Hardy, Patrick Malahide, Rufus Sewell) and DANIEL DERONDA (Hugh Dancy, Romola Garai, Hugh Boneville). If you would like the chance to win one of these DVDs (FREE postage worldwide) please visit http://desperatelyseekinggeorge.wordpress.com for more details. See also: www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsO/oakes-vanessa.html ---------------------------------------------------------CRACKERS AT THE BELGRADE, 12th – 23rd December – Belgrade Theatre, Coventry This year’s B2 Xmas show is Crackers – a brand new, crazy Christmas comedy packed to the gunnels with live music and laughter. Leonard’s life is a complete and utterly weird pantomime. Trapped behind the checkout at Myrrh’s Bazaar, a cut-price Christmas shop, he longs to escape, find true love and live his dreams. But his boss, the astonishingly evil entrepreneur Archibald Myrrh, has other abominable plans… As ever, the B2 Xmas show has been created especially for grown-ups so it’s perfect for office parties or anyone who wants to enjoy a Christmas night out away from the kids. And as it only lasts around an hour, it leaves you plenty of time to complete your evening with a few celebratory drinks at the bar or a festive feast in our first floor restaurant. Tickets start from £8.25, with discounts for group bookings (10 or more) available. * What’s more, a special Christmas meal deal is available. The deal includes a pre-show hot main course with any standard size drink and a ticket for the show – all for just £28! To book the Crackers Package, please call the Box Office on 024 7655 3055. ---------------------------------------------------------LOCK GALLERY SEASONAL NETWORKING AND LATE NIGHT SHOPPING – 7th and 14th December, Lock Gallery, Studio 23, Canal Basin Studios, Leicester Row, Coventry Emma O'Brien at the Lock Gallery is hosting an artists’ networking event on the 7th December with free wine and cake, followed by late night shopping on the 14th December 7pm-10pm. The general idea, is that artists bring up to three pieces of work and network in a speed dating style evening (without the dating) They then leave their work, and it's displayed ready for the art shopping event on the following Wednesday with free mince pies and free entry for the public. Booking forms and more info available from Emma: emmajane3@mac.com ----------------------------------------------------------

JAMES EDWARD DUGGINS EXHIBITION CONTINUES AT THE PUMP ROOMS – Until 12th February Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum, Royal Pump Rooms, the Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AA At Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum a very special exhibition will take place from 2 December 2011 until 12 February 2012, titled James Edward Duggins (1881 - 1968): A Warwickshire Impressionist. On Friday 9 December, 1 - 1.30pm, Helen Cunliffe, Duggins' granddaughter and her husband Bob, Town Mayor of Royal Leamington Spa 2010 - 2011, will talk about their memories of the artist's life and work. This 30-minute talk is part of our regular Friday Focus programme. Admission is free and there is no need to book. Friday Focus lunchtime talk by Helen and Bob Cunliffe Friday 9 December, 1pm, FREE www.warwickdc.gov.uk/wdc/royalpumprooms ---------------------------------------------------------COVENTRY'S SHOP FRONT THEATRE REOPENS FOR BUSINESS - 38 City Arcade, Coventry, CV1 3HW. The UK’s first professional Shop Front Theatre is to re-open its doors again after closing briefly during the late summer. Theatre Absolute is delighted to announce that after having reworked its business model, a new three-year lease has been secured with Coventry City Council. Julia Negus and Chris O’Connell from Theatre Absolute founded the Shop Front Theatre in City Arcade, Coventry in 2009. The 18-month pilot programme was a huge success with over 2,000 people visiting the shop as audiences, actors and participants. However in March this year the company saw a cut in its core funding from Art Council England and had to halt the shop’s artistic programme as it looked to develop a new way forward. Chris O’Connell, artistic director said: “Although we closed the doors in July we actually never left the shop. We continued to do what we do best - support and nurture new writers, develop new plays and just this month we delivered a great writing and performance project for teenage boys in Coventry working with sporting mentors including Dave Moorcroft and the team at Coventry Blaze.” During the next three years the shop will not only host work created by Theatre Absolute, but there will be a new emphasis on making it available as an alternative space for other theatre makers to create and show their work. Producer Julia Negus said: “We would like to thank the hundreds of people and organisations from all over Coventry, the UK and beyond who have offered support in many forms to keep our unique Shop Front Theatre open. Visitors to the shop immediately warm to it and know that it is something special and that the theatre work is high quality yet affordable, an important point in these difficult times. We’re very proud to be hanging the ‘Open’ sign on the door again!” A new programme of theatre work and events at the Shop Front Theatre will be announced shortly, starting with the now legendary Writing Gym, led by Chris O’Connell, described as a creative workout for beginner writers, on January 14th 2012. To book a place for the Writing Gym or to find out more about the Shop and its work contact Julia@theatreabsolute.co.uk or 07799 292957. Theatre Absolute, Shop Front Theatre, 38 City Arcade, Coventry, CV1 3HW. Twitter - @theatreabsolute Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Theatre-Absolute ----------------------------------------------------------

VOTE FOR MERCURIAL IN THE HIGHSTREET HIGHJACK COMPETITION Coventry based Mercurial Dance is in the finals for 3space.org Highstreet Hijack competition for our Cascades project. We are pitching to use the old empty JJB shop in Hertford Street, Coventry as the new base for the Bubble Chamber, making it our meanwhile home. Our performance and rehearsal space where we will be making a large scale performance in the New Year. We are the only dance company shortlisted and the only company shortlisted in the West Midlands. Help us by voting. All you need to do is LIKE our Mercurial Dance logo on http://www.facebook.com/3Space page. ---------------------------------------------------------WIN A GEORGE SHAW ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR World-renowned artist George Shaw is giving away one of his amazing original watercolours in a competition alongside the George Shaw: I woz ere exhibition at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum. Shaw is giving away a never previously seen watercolour that he has created especially for this competition. To win you’ll need to create a new work and write about an area of Coventry that inspires or means something to you. To enter people need to download and fill out an application form and return it to the gallery by the 16 January 2012. Entrants should visit www.theherbert.org to download the forms. Completed artwork will then be submitted on Saturday 11 February 2012 between 10.00am and 3.00pm at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum. Those wanting to get inspiration and see examples of the unique kind of prize on offer can see the George Shaw: I woz ere exhibition FREE at the Herbert from 18 November until 11 March 2012. ----------------------------------------------------------

CALLING FOR THE NATION’S POP UP PEOPLE The last two years have seen an explosion in the use of empty shops by community groups, creative industries, local councils and small businesses... but what does it all mean? We want to talk to the nation's Pop-Up People and find out why you do what you're doing, who's getting involved, why it matters and what you want to do next. We're running a series of events across the South, making a few research visits further afield and leading some discussions on Twitter as well. We've been supported by Arts Council England and by Action for Market Towns, 3 Space, AOE Media Ltd, PLACE NI, UK Handmade, Turned On Digital, CLES, Urban Pollinators, My Coffee Stop and Sharon Shephard. Here's what's coming up (and keep watching, we're adding more dates this week): http://www.artistsandmakers.com/staticpages/index.php/esnpopuppeople And here's our wiki, which will soon be the biggest resource for anyone looking at empty shops projects: http://wiki.emptyshopsnetwork.co.uk We need your help with the wiki - adding case studies and useful content. And we need to talk to you at our Pop-Up People research workshops... starting this Saturday at Brick Box, Tooting where we'll be interviewing Pop-Up People for a short film. Pop-Up People are making a huge difference to town centres and we want to support that, so please get in touch if you'd like to be involved - by email, on Twitter @artistsmakers or just give me a call on 07859 228347. All the best Dan Thompson www.twitter.com/artistsmakers ---------------------------------------------------------Laura Elliott Director Coventry Artspace Limited T: 02476 553 533 M: 07982 708 694 E: laura@coventry-artspace.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------ARTSPACE NEWS & EVENTS - and more at www.coventry-artspace.co.uk COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL'S ARTS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Provided by Artspace. More information at www.coventry.gov.uk/arts SIGN UP/ LEAVE E-TICING - E- bulletins of arts information received through Artspace networks every 1-2 weeks. To join or leave today via: mail@coventry-artspace.co.uk. Also see www.redteapot.co.uk FOLLOW US ON TWITTER - www.twitter.com/CovArtspace. Updated by Artspace member Cressida Haughton

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