EMERGE Funding Workshop

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emerge Arts Funding Workshop www.emergemag.co.uk

Accessing Arts Funding in a changing economy Emerge Arts Funding Workshop: Thursday 17th February 3:30pm – 7:30pm, Institute for Creative Enterprise (ICE), Coventry Technology Park, Parkside, Coventry, CV1 2NE On Thursday 17 February 2011, the Emerge partnership will be providing an extended networking event – the Emerge Arts Funding Workshop. From 3:30pm – 7:30pm at the Institute for Creative Enterprise (ICE), the Arts Funding Workshop will offer opportunities for creative individuals and arts organisations to: •

meet and network with funders and services that provide funding advice and guidance;

ask specific funding questions, undertake live grant searches and review current funding plans

receive updates from funders who are making changes to their grant schemes and priorities

3:30pm – 5:30pm Funder Sessions: Meeting local and regional arts and community funders and fundraising supporters to find out about programmes, priorities and plans. Funders will include the Arts Council England (TBC), Heart of England Community Foundation, Small Arts Grant Scheme from Coventry City Council and Awards for All. Fundraising information and support providers will include the Coventry City Council Funding Helpdesk and Voluntary Action Coventry. There will also be an opportunity to find out about opportunities for arts and cultural organisations through Community Games – community led events celebrating culture and diversity in the lead up to 2012. You will receive your own Community Games toolkit copy and other funding information and guidance to take away. 5:30pm – 6:30pm Emerge Network: The monthly Emerge Network meeting will include copies of information provided through the funder sessions and a presentation from the Arts Council England about new priorities in their 10 year strategy for the arts: Achieving Great Art for Everyone. The presentation will include Grants for the Arts information for Coventry individuals and organisations. 6:30pm – 7:30pm Funding Mini Surgeries: An opportunity for individuals and organisations to undertake pre-booked fundraising mini surgeries to look at specific project ideas or applications. The Funding Surgeries will be led by the Coventry City Council Arts Development Service with support from the Sports and Arts Team and fundraising information and support providers and will last for 20 minutes. Pre booking will be required to attend the Funding Mini Surgeries. Book your place now by e-mailing arts.development@coventry.gov.uk with the subject Funding Mini Surgery Booking – select 6:30 pm, 6:50 pm or 7:10 pm. All bookings made on a first come, first served basis and are subject to availability. Attend one, two or all of the sessions depending on your funding needs. This event is developed and hosted by the Emerge partnership with support from the Coventry City Council Sports and Arts Team. Emerge is the joint venture between ICE, Coventry University and Coventry City Council to support creative businesses and practitioners. For more information please visit www.coventry.gov.uk/arts or www.coventry.ac.uk/ice or e-mail arts.development@coventry.gov.uk

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