E-ticing Arts Bulletin 29.9.11 Events and opportunities from Coventry, Warwickshire & Midlands. Compiled by Coventry Artspace Dear all, Please see below and attached for our most recent round up of E-ticing art events and opportunities from the locality. For more information see the links and details provided but don't reply to these emails. Contact us any time on mail@coventry-artspace.co.uk. Apologies for any cross postings from Laura at Artspace PS - Don't forget tonight, 7:30pm http://cormacfaulkner.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/the-beacon-light-requiem/ -----------------------------------------------------FIRST FOLD - GRAND UNION NIGHT OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC AND IMMERSIVE VISUALS - 7pm – late, Friday 30 September 2011 - 19 Minerva Works, Fazeley Street, Birmingham, B5 5RS Grand Union is proud to be hosting a night of live electronic music and immersive visuals presented by first fold records. The brilliant line up includes: DJ Set by Pierre and Karlheiz including special guest The Plague Doctor Them Use Them Live Set The Assembled Minds Matt Saunders from Magnetophone presents his solo project Papa November Live set featuring Spunkle and Kipp Jones The Resource Centre Live Set Einstellung Live set by the dynamic exponents of PowerKraut Kipp Jones DJ set by Kipp, resident bass provider at Trigger Hope you can join us for this FREE event, 7pm – late, Friday 30 September 2011 19 Minerva Works, Fazeley Street, Birmingham, B5 5RS www.grand-union.org.uk www.weareeastside.com -----------------------------------------------------LULU'S VINTAGE AND HOMEMADE FAIR THIS WEEKEND See the attached flyer for details or contact Louise: 0116 2792345 ladieswholovetoshopkibworth@yahoo.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------
COVENTRY CALLING FOR 2012 AMBASSADORS - Register from October 4th The London 2012 Olympic Football competition is coming to Coventry and bringing with it thousands of visitors during the Games in July and August 2012. Apply from 4 October to be a volunteer to act as a Coventry Ambassador during the London 2012 Games who are responsible for welcoming the world to the City of Coventry. Coventry Ambassadors interested in showcasing Coventry's cultural and artistic offer can sign up now! Everything you need to know is here: www.coventry.gov.uk/coventryambassadors -----------------------------------------------------LEAMINGTON STUDIO ARTISTS PRESENT CAROLINE GATEHOUSE - PV October 11th, 7pm-9pm, Gallery150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, 9 Livery Street, CV32 4NP Royal Leamington Spa, United Kingdom Leamington Studio Artists invite you to attend a Private Viewing of an Art Exhibition by Caroline Gatehouse. Private View Tuesday 11th October 7-9pm. For more details see http://www.gallery150.co.uk/caroline_gatehouse.html -----------------------------------------------------CHARITY CRAFT FAIR AT COVENTRY UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL - CALLING STALL HOLDERS Calling all stall holders for the UHCW Charity craft fair in December at Coventry University Hospital. We are seeking stall holders who offer beautiful, high quality, affordable gifts ranging from jewellery, cards, books, textiles, fine art, ceramics, glassware, children’s gifts and accessories to much more. Our Fairs are held in a state of the art facility at the heart of University Hospital, the second largest employer in Coventry with over 8,500 members of staff from the local region and beyond. They offer you a fantastic opportunity to reach all staff, patients and visitors to the hospital – especially as this year, we are offering stall holders the opportunity to open again in the evening - during hospital visiting times. We are holding our craft fair in aid of Our Baby Care Appeal, as well as contacting our own stall holders, we would like as many craft fair stall holders as possible and also to give local artists and makers the opportunity to sell their work. Full details are attached with the booking form and cover letter with our terms & conditions above. If you have any questions contact: Chanel Nickols Fundraising Officer
UHCW Charity University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust Room AEJ00019, Main Reception University Hospital Clifford Bridge Road Coventry CV2 2DX Direct Line: 02476 966055 Email: chanel.nickols@uhcw.nhs.uk Visit www.uhcwcharity.org -----------------------------------------------------ASSOCIATION OF MIDLAND ARTISTS (AMA) AUTUMN EXHIBITION - Bath Place, Avenue Road, Leamington Spa, 26 August - 17 October, Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm, Admission Free The Association of Midland Artists will be holding a group exhibition at the Atrium of Bath Place Community Venture, Avenue Road from 26 August to 17 October 2011. All the exhibited artwork is for sale and will represent a range of themes and media forms, such as painting, watercolours and mixed media. The AMA is concerned with the production and appreciation of contemporary art. Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers and Potters are encouraged to become members, to exhibit their work and to enter local and national 'open' competitions. AMA organizes annual shows in Trinity Church in Leamington and meets ten times a year in the Baptist Church Hall to hear a programme of speakers. For more information please visit www.midlandartists.co.uk or www.bathplace.org -----------------------------------------------------HEART OF ENGLAND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION NEWSFLASH Heart of England Community Foundation manages a range of grants programmes for the voluntary and community sector. Our own Heart of England Fund offers grants of up to £2000 for a range of projects that demonstrate clear long term community benefit. Coventry Community Games offer grants of up to £1500 to stage your very own Olympic type event in readiness for 2012! Comic Relief offers grants of up to £5000; projects must meeting one of the following criteria: 1. Increase local services; 2. Build the skills of local people; 3. Increase community cohesion; 4. Respond to local economic needs.
ESF Community Grants offers grants up to ÂŁ12,000 to tackle long term employment amongst those people hardest to reach. We also have a number of smaller grant pots which we endeavour to match projects against their specific criteria. We have money available so why not ring the office to discuss your ideas with a member of the grants team? For further details please call the Grants Team on 024 7688 4435, who will be happy to help. -----------------------------------------------------THE NEXT BRIT THING - UPLOAD YOUR TRACKS ONLINE! Young people can now upload tracks onto the Next Brit Thing site. Voting will open in October and the regional and national live finals will take place in February 2012. https://www.nextbritthing.com -----------------------------------------------------ARTSPACE NEWS & EVENTS - and more at www.coventry-artspace.co.uk COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL'S ARTS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Provided by Artspace. More information at www.coventry.gov.uk/arts SIGN UP/ LEAVE E-TICING - E- bulletins of arts information received through Artspace networks every 1-2 weeks. To join or leave today via: mail@coventry-artspace.co.uk. Also see www.redteapot.co.uk FOLLOW US ON TWITTER - www.twitter.com/CovArtspace. Updated by Artspace member Cressida Haughton