Artist Brief
Title : Hanging Mobile Scheme – Travellers Project We are seeking one artist to deliver two days of work with young people (plus preparation and evaluation time) Key partners : Warwickshire Youth Service, Rugby Borough Council, Ryton Pools Lead agency : Warwickshire Youth Service Background Following work undertaken by the youth service with traveller children/young people on the Woodside Ryton site an opportunity to develop further work on site has arisen. Relationships between the youth service and the Woodside Traveller community have been developed over 2 years and a number of schemes/projects have been delivered. The youth service are committed to delivering a wide range of provision to this disadvantaged community. Opportunity This opportunity has arisen from discussions with the traveller children/young people during previous projects. The vision for this project is for the children/young people to design and make outdoor art/hanging mobiles that can be displayed and appreciated in a wider community setting aka Ryton Pools. We need to • Enable the children/young people to identify with the broader concept of community and their role in it. • Enable them to take part in the design and planning of the outdoor art/hanging mobiles in public spaces. • Assist the children/young people in the making of the art/mobiles and “site” the end product. • Enable a proper end celebration for the project. Project outline In order to help deliver the above objectives we are seeking an artist who can deliver a two day workshop in Outdoor Art/Hanging Mobiles at Woodside Traveller site. These sessions will be an integral part of a wider programme of delivery and will need
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To give the children/young people a sense of empowerment, ownership and understanding of the wider community. To give the children/young people a range of skills and abilities in the production of the art work. To ensure that the end product is of such quality that can be appreciated by wider communities.
Practicalities • To offer 2 workshop sessions and 2 planning/evaluation sessions about Outdoor Art/Hanging Mobiles at Woodside Traveller Site.
Each session would be attended by a maximum of 15 young people and 2 to 3 staff to support.
Specifications regarding equipment needs would need to be discussed at least two weeks prior to the event.
For more info/to express interest please contact Ian McLean (Locality Coordinator Rural Rugby) to receive a Project Brief please email then, for further information please ring 01926 476835 and 07769951620 Knowledge and Experience
Applicants will be measured against the following criteria:
Have an understanding of equal opportunities and confidentiality policies and procedures relating to working with children/young people.
Have a minimum of 2 years professional experience in delivering programmes for young people.
Have ability in the relevant skills required to undertake the art component of the project.
The Artist must provide proof of valid Public Liability Insurance to £5 million and a willingness to work within Warwickshire County Council child protection guidelines.
How to apply Please send: • A statement which demonstrates your experience related to the required Knowledge and Experience, please include your availability in March and April 2011. • A professional CV • A quote which outlines cost for undertaking the work including: 2 days x 6 hour per day workshop with young people Planning and pre sites visit (8 hours) Erection and evaluation work (8 hours) Arts material. Deadline for applications is 12pm February 14th 2011 Please note: Travel expenses are payable at local authority mileage rates. Successful applicant will be required to submit an invoice for delivering the scheme of work as described above. Fees are inclusive of all other expenses. This work has been resourced by the Central Warwickshire Leader project Arts on Our Doorstep.