Whats On at the Herbert

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Jan – May 2011


There’s so much to see... you’ll discover something new every time you visit Our Spring 2011 programme showcases three inspiring new FREE exhibitions. Discover the most glamorous items from the Herbert's costume collection in All Dressed Up, investigate the truth behind some of the popular myths about ancient Egypt with our brand new blockbuster exhibition Secret Egypt, and explore the amazing regenerative abilities of organic substances in Trapezius. This season's events offer something for everyone with practical workshops, family events, an evening extravaganza and a stimulating range of FREE talks and workshops linked to our temporary exhibitions. Don't forget our family friendly events all have a Herbot symbol next to them to help you find them more easily. Located in the cultural heart of Coventry city centre, next to the historic Cathedral, the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is the perfect place to visit to learn more about the history of Coventry and immerse yourself in art and culture. A world of discovery awaits you in our award-winning interactive galleries. The eight permanent galleries are the perfect place to spend the day, whether you’re a first time visitor to Coventry, or returning again and again. Discover what it was really like to live, work and play in Coventry 50, 150 and 500 years ago; learn about the city's wartime experiences, wander through dazzling multisensory interactive displays and investigate the natural world and research your families past in the History Centre. Make your day complete and treat yourself to a delicious snack or hot lunch in our café, or browse through the beautiful crafts, inventive toys, jewellery and original artworks in our shop.


For full details of all our exhibitions and events programme, please visit our website, or join our mailing list at www.theherbert.org/mailing-list

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The Herbert would like to thank its kind supporters and donors. For more information please go to www.theherbert.org/supporters

FREE Exhibitions All Dressed Up Gallery 4 15 January – 27 March 2011 The Herbert is opening the doors to its amazing costume collection for this brand new exhibition. Explore the most glamorous items of evening wear from three very different decades, and discover how people got All Dressed Up in the 1890s, 1920s and 1950s.

All Dressed Up

This exhibition is an opportunity to consider how our clothes shape our lives.

Secret Egypt Unravelling Truth from Myth Galleries 1, 2 & 3 11 February – 5 June 2011 Investigate the truth behind some of the myths about ancient Egypt. Did aliens build the pyramids? What was the mummy's curse? Were the Egyptians obsessed with death? The displays bring together over 200 objects from some of the most important Egyptian collections in the country including a giant statue of Ramesses II from the British Museum, a rare sculpture of Queen Nefertiti from the Ashmolean and a well preserved mummy of a woman called Perenbast. Also on display will be many treasures previously unseen by the public including objects from Manchester University Museum, the Birmingham Museum collections and Bolton Museum. www.secretegypt.org.uk

Trapezius Gallery 4 9 April – 29 June 2011 Through sculpture, installation and architectural projections, artists Lisa Gunn and Flora Parrott explore the ways in which the human spine and the muscles surrounding it can be repaired and regenerate themselves. Gunn’s work reflects the effects that the healing of her own back has had on her life, and Parrott’s focuses on the ability of organic substances to grow, reform and mimic one another.

Belsen head by Raymond Mason © ADAGP, Paris & DACS, London 2010.

Talks and Events


Purchased with the assistance of MLA/V&A Purchase Grant Fund

Holocaust Memorial Day Belsen Head Exhibition 22 January – 6 February Created in 1945, Belsen Head by Raymond Mason is an immediate reaction to the unfolding horrors as concentration camps were liberated. Also showing will be newly commissioned works in response to the piece by artists and film-makers Derek Nisbet, Lorsen Camps and Sara Haile. Spotlight: Belsen Head exhibition talk FREE Tuesday 1 February, 12.30pm – 1.30pm A deeper insight into Belsen Head and the three commissioned responses by locally based artists. There is no need to book for this drop-in event.

COVENTRY CONVERSATIONS FREE 1.00pm Award Winning Coventry Conversations celebrates its fifth birthday, with high profile speakers from media, sport, technology, politics, education and business. Friday 21 January: Darren Parkin (Coventry Telegraph) Surviving the Perfect Storm: One Year on? Friday 28 January: Chris Atkins False News screening of the new film Starsuckers. Friday 4 February: Simon Chadwick (Coventry University) Barcelona; the end? Friday 11 February: Jim White (Daily Telegraph) Wayne Rooney; trousers down, pay up. Friday 18 February: Bill Heine (BBC Radio Oxford) The Headington Shark at 25

22 February, 20 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm Drop in to What's in Store and handle items from our natural history, archaeology and social history collections. One of the curators will be on hand to answer your questions.

HERBERT ILLUMINATIONS Drop-in to these FREE lunchtime talks 12.30pm - 1.30pm New Year Spring Customs FREE Tuesday 18 January Doc Rowe returns to the Herbert with his unsurpassed knowledge of traditional customs and amazing film archive of the nation's events grand or unobserved. Magicians and Magical Thinking in Ancient Egypt FREE Tuesday 15 February Karen Exell is curator of Egypt and the Sudan at The Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, and as such is in charge of one of the most important collections of Egyptian archaeology. All Dressed Up FREE Tuesday 15 March A guided tour of All Dressed Up led by its curators Ali Wells and Jo Jacques. Take this opportunity to learn more about some of the star items from the Herbert's costume collection. Bomb in the High Street FREE Tuesday 19 April Dr Lesley Whitworth has studied the casualty lists from the IRA bomb in 1939 to explore who was doing what, and why, in this fascinating look at life before the outbreak of war.

Talks and Events

The V Word FREE Saturday 12 March, 11.00am – 4.00pm A day of insights, inspirations and incitements to action on issues affecting women's lives. Put your creative head on, and bring your wisdom, anger, commitment and sense of fun.

CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS' AND CURATORS' TALKS The Herbert has joined together with the Mead Gallery, Lanchester Gallery Projects at Coventry University and Artspace to form the Coventry Contemporary Arts Forum (CCAF). CCAF aims to unite contemporary art projects across the city, and to produce collaborative programmes of events. For further details please visit www.coventryart.co.uk/

Bag It! £15 Monday 7 February & Saturday 19 February 10.00am – 4.30pm Create your own 1950s style handbag using construction techniques from 18th century corsets. This practical one day workshop will enable you to design, sew and decorate a handbag. Basic sewing machine skills are essential. Places are extremely limited, please book at the Herbert reception or on 02476 294774. Costume Study Day FREE Saturday 5 March, 11.00am – 4.00pm A rare opportunity to explore our costume collection and examine pieces in detail. Find out how to preserve and store costume and bring in items of your own to see if our team can shed light on their hidden past. Places are limited, please book at the Herbert reception or on 02476 294774. Egyptomania! £10 / £5 Friends Friday 18 March, 7.30pm – 10.00pm Join us for an evening of entertainment inspired by All Dressed Up and Secret Egypt. Enjoy music and learn dances from the 1920s as you are transported back to the heyday of Egyptian exploration, mystery and intrigue. Come dressed for the occasion! The best themed costume will win a special prize. Booking is essential. Please book at the Herbert reception or on 02476 294774.

Talks and Events

Secret Egypt has been made possible by the generous support of the following organisations.

Kindly supported locally by Ikea and Touch FM

Secret Egypt Exhibition Launch FREE Thursday 10 February, 6.30pm – 8.30pm Join us for the launch of our new blockbuster exhibition, and be the first to witness the mysteries of Secret Egypt revealed. Please rsvp if you want to attend by emailing jamie.perry@theherbert.org or calling 02476 294774. Secret Egypt: Revealing Objects Tour FREE Wednesdays, 2 March, 6 April, 4 May & 1 June 1.00pm – 1.30pm Chris Kirby and Ali Wells, curators of the exhibition, will be revealing fascinating facts about some of the remarkable objects on display.

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Day School: Mummies, Myths and Magic Saturday 26 March, 10.00am – 4.00pm £17.50 / 50% discount for Friends An exciting chance to hear recent research with speakers including popular author Joyce Tyldesley on Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt, Steven Snape on Magic Potions and Defending Against the Dark Arts, Joyce Filer on Inside the Royal Mummies and John J. Johnson with The Mummy in Hollywood. Day School: Excavating Ancient Egypt – new finds by the Egypt Exploration Society Saturday 28 May, 10.00am – 4.00pm £25 including lunch Find out more about recent discoveries in Egypt with archaeologists from the Society including Penny Wilson, Chris Naunton, David Jeffreys and Karen Exell. To book your place on either of the Day Schools please call the Egypt Exploration Society on 0207 242 1880 or contact them here www.ees.ac.uk/contact

HIDDEN STORIES – TALKS PROGRAMME Join us for talks with well-known guest speakers who will offer fascinating insights into the world of ancient Egypt. To book your place please call 02476 294774 or email info@theherbert.org Finding Egypt's Pharaohs FREE Dr Aidan Dodson Thursday 24 February, 7.00pm – 8.30pm Well-known Egyptologist Aidan Dodson will tell the story of how the bodies of some of Egypt's most famous pharaohs were rediscovered. Identifying the Royal Mummies FREE Dylan Bickerstaffe Thursday 31 March, 7.00pm – 8.30pm Expert Dylan Bickerstaff will show us how the royal mummies can be identified. The Tomb of Tutankhamen FREE Dr Jaromir Malek Thursday 28 April, 7.00pm – 8.30pm Jaromir Malek will explore the significance of what has been called the greatest archaeological discovery of all time. Moore and the Ancient World FREE Anita Feldman Thursday 26 May, 7.00pm – 8.30pm Head of Collections and Programmes at the Henry Moore Foundation, Anita Feldman will show how ancient Egypt influenced one of the most important British artists of the Twentieth Century. For details of the Schools Learning Programme for Secret Egypt please email learning@theherbert.org For further details about Secret Egypt please visit www.secretegypt.org.uk

Family Events SECRET EGYPT FAMILY SEASON 11 February – 5 June Explore the delights and intrigues of ancient Egypt with our season of family events, creative workshops, trails and games. For full details please go to www.theherbert.org or ask at reception. We’ve got the Mummy you bring the Daddy FREE Saturday 26 March, 1.00pm – 3.30pm A chance for families to grab dads, big brothers, uncles or granddads and drop-in for an afternoon of family challenges and dad friendly activities! Drop in throughout the afternoon. Tiny Tot Explorers – Sensory play FREE Thursday 31 March Morning session 10.30am – 11.30am Afternoon session 1.00pm – 2.00pm Bring your tots from 1-3 years to a sensory play session inspired by ancient Egypt. The session promises to be messy and will provide plenty of wet and dry materials for the children to explore. Booking is essential as spaces are limited, please call 02476 294774.

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES There will be activities on most days between 10.30am – 3.30pm. Please check our website for further details www.theherbert.org The look of the ancient Egyptians FREE 21 – 25 February (February half term) A week of exciting activities covering everything you need to know about ancient Egyptian clothing, accessories and armour!

A day in the life of ancient Egypt FREE 30 May – 3 June (Whitsun holiday) Explore the busy everyday lives of ancient Egyptians including food, hygiene, leisure, work and worship, in this action packed week of family activities.

family events & activities

FREE Egyptian Family Activities

Incredible Inventions FREE 11 – 15 April & 18 – 22 April (Easter holiday) Join us to discover some of the ancient Egyptians' amazing inventions, which we still use today.






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Scan this code with your smart phone to go to our website Car park postcodes 1 Cox Street, CV1 5LW 2 Lower Ford Street, CV1 5PW 3 Barracks, CV1 1DD 4 Salt Lane, CV1 2GY 5 Silver Street CV1 1HW

Herbert Art Gallery & Museum Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP T: 02476 832386 E: info@theherbert.org W: www.theherbert.org Monday – Saturday 10.00am – 4.00pm Sunday 12.00pm – 4.00pm

Information for People with Disabilities Parking for Blue Badge holders is on Bayley Lane opposite the entrance to the Herbert. Lift access and accessible toilets are available.

Bus Facebook The-Herbert-Art-GalleryMuseum-Coventry Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/theherbert/ Twitter www.twitter.com/The_Herbert Vimeo www.vimeo.com/channels/herbert YouTube www.youtube.com/user/HerbertArtMus Blog www.theherbert.wordpress.com

There is a bus stop just outside the Art Gallery and Museum. For more information about city centre routes please call 02476 817035

Train The museum is a short walk from Coventry Station. Rail information can be found on 08457 484 950 Car The museum is conveniently situated in the heart of Coventry City Centre. There are a number of public car parks nearby (see map above for full details). Alternatively a park and ride service for the city centre is operated from War Memorial Park in the south of the city and from Austin Drive, Courthouse Green in the north.

If you require this information in another format please contact us on 02476 832386 All information correct at time of going to press. We reserve the right to change or cancel events or exhibitions without prior notice. Please check our website before your visit.

Coventry Heritage & Arts Trust Ltd. Registered charity number 1124704

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