T e New York Pet Pawtograp er Story by Francine Cohen
Many wish that they could spend their days rolling around on the ground with an adorable puppy, or two, and get paid for it. And, for Car en González , it’s a drea co e true! This talented photographer, and awardwinning for er chef, is the founder of NYC Pet Pawtographer, known on Instagra as @nycstreetdogs. González' love for dogs began with her fa ily dog, at the age of four. Many decades later she began her visual career in New York City as a docu entary photographer, chronicling the city and its citizens in black and white before adding color fil and putting a whole new genre of subjects in front of her lens. Now, as the city’s ost sought after puppy picture taker, she spends her days cajoling four legged furry odels into showing off their personality, and very successfully so. “My business started because of y love for dogs. While shooting New Yorkers’ co ings and goings, good o ents, and darker ones, I’d stop people walking dogs on the street, and ask if I could shoot their dogs for y Instagra . I have a natural curiosity for dogs. so I always want to know about their story, where they co e fro , and what they like..." While her business relies on subjects that ay only sit still long enough for a few quick snaps, González has developed a fool-proof ethod for capturing the best of a fa ily’s beloved pet and creating fra e-worthy i ages that grace the walls of any New York City apart ents. She says her secret is si ply... ti e!
“One of the things I do differently fro other pet photographers is that y sessions are not based on ti e. I give the pups as long as they need to capture a beautiful o ent." That patience, and willingness to get down on the ground with the dogs, whether it’s the iddle of the park or in front of The Met, is part of what enables González to get that great shot. More recently, González taught a sold-out class at B&H and shared with her students so e i portant truths about photographing pets. And, we asked her to share her best tips with us, too!