4 minute read
5 Natives to Plant this Winter
Want to get your hands grubby in the garden this Winter? Marina Grassecker, Managing Director at Harvest Native Nursery in Terrey Hills , shares her smart tips and the five best plants you may wish to invest in this season.

Myth buster!
Many people think plants should not be planted in Winter. Wrong!
“Plants are just like humans,” says Marina Grassecker from Harvest Native Nursery in Terrey Hills .
“We, and they, need warmth, shelter, food and lots of love! They also take time to adjust to their new surroundings. When the weather warms up, the soil is already warming up and plants will be ready to take advantage of this and start growing. Remember, native leaf mulch acts as a blanket and will help keep the soil warm in Winter while also keeping weeds down.”
Marina says Winter is a great time to pull out pesky weeds, by the roots or use a natural herbicide to eradicate them.
“If you don’t have time to get rid of the seed heads before they mature to stop them spreading, you can pick them off the stems, mow or whipper snip.”
Native plants prefer pruning in Autumn or Spring as the cold can damage new shoots in Winter. There are lots of beautiful native plants to consider planting this season – here are Marina's top five!

Isopogon Anethifolius
ISOPOGON ANETHIFOLIUS is a beautiful shrub that can grow up to 2-metres tall and has soft, feathery leaves. But what makes it truly unique are the yellow, rounded flower heads that are sure to catch your eye. They're so interesting and add such a pop of colour to any garden. If you're looking for a stunning shrub to add to your collection, Isopogon anethifolius is definitely worth considering.

Banksia Ericifolia
BANKSIA ERICIFOLIA is an amazing plant that usually grows to about 3-metres high and wide, and it's super bushy! What's even better is that it attracts a lot of birds with its beautiful orange, red, and golden-coloured brushes that bloom most of the year. This versatile plant can tolerate most soils, but it does prefer some moisture during drought times. So, if you're looking for a plant that's not only beautiful but also bird-friendly, Banksia ericifolia is definitely worth considering!

Grevillea Rosmarinifolia
GREVILLEA ROSMARINIFOLIA is a dense, semi-prickly shrub that grows up to 2-metres and flowers most of the year. It's a great plant that is food and habitat for the small birds such as wrens and finches and also for bees and butterflies.
Stylidium Graminifolium

STYLIDIUM GRAMINIFOLIUM is a little native perennial herb that's a treasure to have in your garden! It's an amazing attractor for butterflies and bees, making your garden come to life with their presence.

Hakea Dactyloides
HAKEA DACTYLOIDES is a beautiful addition that can add a touch of magic to your garden. Its small flowers attract an enormous amount of interest from wildlife, and it can grow up to 5-metres, creating a dense, small tree - perfect for any garden!
If insects are damaging your plants, my best tip is to let them eat and let them live! Butterflies grow from caterpillars, and spiders, wasps and flies, rely on your plants to feed on, build nests with and generally have a good life by pollinating plants. Birds feed on these critters too. There is a massive decline in the insect population so we need to let birds eat insects instead of getting rid of them.
Keep in mind, when caterpillars demolish a plant, the butterflies and moths you see are a result of you letting them munch on your garden – it’s the best café in the insect world! If your garden has lots of insects feeding on the plants, it’s part of the ecosystem and ecosystems need animalia to thrive. •

HARVEST SEEDS & NATIVE PLANTS // 281 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 2084
02 9450 2699
nsta: @harvestseedsandnativeplants