Season's Greeting PROOF

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C2 ▪ Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ SeaSon'S GreetinGS 2011



Christmas is a time for magic There’s something about the magic of Christmas … from the twinkling lights laying delicating on trees and hanging from houses to Advent calendars, visits with Santa and celebrating the birth of Christ … it’s hard to put into words. For Christians, Christmas Day is the beginning. While Jesus was likely born at another point during the calendar year, December 25 is the day we have set aside to observe the Christ child, to celebrate his birth, to begin our liturgical year. We begin by celebrating the nativity, the Twelve Days of Christmas and, on Jan. 6, we celebrate Epiphany, or the Feast of the Three Kings, the day in which Jesus was revealed as the Son of God (see page D1). Secularly speaking, Santa Claus is the symbol of the Christmas season. Contemporarily, we know Santa by many names, but usually as a rotund older man wearing a red suit, black boots and a white beard. He brings children – the ones who’ve earned a spot on his nice list – gifts on Christmas Eve, making a whirlwind trip around the entire globe in just one night, led by a team of flying reindeer. Whether your focus is on Jesus, Santa or a mixture of the two, Christmas is usually a time of tradition, a time of family and togetherness. Some of my favorite memories of the season include attending Christmas Even services at my grandmother’s church, opening gifts with family members and having breakfast late in the evening, then waking up to open gifts from Santa. Growing up, most of my Christmas Eves my brothers and I spent the evening begging our parents to open “just one gift!” Eventually they’d submit to our demands if we’d agree to go to bed afterward. And we did, except that I’d often find myself lying on the floor of their bedroom while we whispered in the dark about the presents we believed were under the tree. We made a pact that the first person to wake up – usually my youngest brother – would wake the others. In the morning we’d run downstairs and ransack our stockings, pretending to be quiet, while waiting on our parents to get out of bed. I miss those Christmases, but with children of my own I’ve learned to make new traditions. My children are still working on their own childhood memories of Christmas, one that begins with Advent processional in downtown Covington and ends when the “three kings” (played by church youth) present gifts for the Christ child on the Sunday closest to Epiphany. My hope for them is the same as my hope for you, dear readers: that you fill these weeks with enough love, enough anticipation, enough tradition to make these years memorable and magical. So go. Do. Make memories. Continue traditions. Make new ones. Enjoy the Christmas season, especially if you can view it through the eyes of a child. No matter your views, Christmas is a time of expectation, of hope, of love of majesty and mystery. It is a time for faith, a time for love, a time for believing in the unbelievable, simply because it’s what matters to you. From everyone at The Leader: We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!

dec. 22, 23 Live Nativity Scene at First United Methodist Church on the corner of Church and College Streets. Through scripture and music, the magic of the Christmas story is brought to life. Thirty minute presentations at 6, 6:30, and 7 p.m. each evening, weather permitting. dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at First United Methodist Church at 145 W. Church Ave. Lessons and Carols tell the story of the Old Testament prophecy fulfilled through the birth of a baby in Bethlehem. Services at 5 and 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve services at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church will take place at 6 p.m. 303 S. Munford Street, Covington. Clopton United Methodist Church, 5285 Brighton-Clopton Road, will have a “come as you are, come and go” communion on Christmas Eve from 4 until 5:30 p.m.

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Everyone is welcome. First Presbyterian Church, Covington, will have Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 5:30 p.m. dec. 25 Christmas Day worship service at 10 a.m. at First United Methodist Church at 145 W. Church Ave. Be a part of this

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Echo Day News editor joyous celebration of Christ’s birth through scripture, proclamation and song. Christmas services (Rite I) at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church will take place at 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church, Covington, will have Morning Worship on Christmas Day at 11 a.m. (Look for more events on page B5 of today’s paper.)

Dear readers, The time has come once again for our annual Letters to Santa/Season’s Greetings special publication featuring the wants, needs and wishes of some of Tipton County’s children. These letters, which were submitted via Santa’s mailbox or to his email address at our office, have been transcribed in the words – and yes, even the spelling – of hundreds of children. Why do we publish this special section each year, you ask? Because not only does it capture the magic of the season through the eyes of children, but it also allows Santa to cut down on the volume of mail he must open. For years Santa was kind enough to bring to us the things that makes Christmas special; to give back, we at The Leader have volunteered to collect and process some of the requests in this county, to consolidate these letters for easy reading. (Yes, Virginia, there is a ‘Santa Claus’ in our subscriber database.) This year there were more than 450

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letters received – so many so that we actually lost count (don’t tell the big guy, he likes us to make a list and check it twice). We have read hundreds of requests for the season’s most-desirable electronics (gaming systems of all kinds – both handheld and consoles – and Apple products like the iPad, iPhone and iPod), toys (Beyblades, Monster High Dolls) and even pets (parrots, lizards and ponies, oh my!) and we know, well, we hope the children of Tipton County will be blessed to receive at least a few of their wishes this Christmas. It’s fun for us to read these requests each year and watch the trends; some of these requests elicit giggles from the elves as they work furiously to type letters and some are humbling. No matter the response, they are all here. We hope you get as much joy and humility from these as we do. Signed,

Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ SeaSon'S GreetinGS 2011 ▪ C3 puppy, doll, toy of you, and neckles. I hop you like the toy of a elf, and cookies, and milk and a present. ~ Love, Brittney Maclin, age 8 Dear Santa, Hellow santa for christmas I wolde like … a … shoping card. and a heleoter weth a camr atached. oh - tell fater christmas hellow. pleas! ~ Hannah Waits, age 7 Dear Santa, I have been very good This year all the thing I need. So all I want for christmas is zombelend ~ yours truly Savanna Jenkins Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. Barue Doll a Dersfake Jrrule ~ Your truly Rebecca Roach Dear Santa I have Been very good this Year I Wote a ModrsiKl And A Skodr And A BABdols ~ Stacie Sullivan Dear Santa, I hav year good al I wnt is for my neew baby to be vere halthe. ~ your Truly, Micheal Curry Dear Santa I been BOY all sonik all marueo all bike all batman all xbox all modsicl ~ Yours Akaleion Jackson Dear Santa I have been good I loe you moor I wan an Mareow game and I want a Mareyo and sonik game I want a rale Ben ten woch. Relx lene radar rexsuf ~ Brandon Ordonez Dear Santa I have been good. I want a gam ~ Your Truly, Braylon Parrimore sheIla ferrell’s thIrd grade Dear Santa Clause, Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas is a blue Wii, a new book to read, a skateboard. I have been a good girl this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done is I helped my sister take care of our cats, I helped my little sister get off the ground from getting hurt, I cleaned my room. When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave cookies and milk on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa. I am excited. ~ Your friend Abby Luttrell Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas is a baker and I would like a bike and I would like some polo boots and I will like a M and M jacket and I would like a pillow pet and I will like a 3PSi and thats all. ~ Love, Jaslyn Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would want a Ipod touch a bike and Talor Swift perfume and her new songs. ~ Love, Lillie Grace Dear Santa Clause, What I want for Christmas is a nerf gun, a cool whistle and a DSI. I have been a good boy this year so I think I deserve these presents. Good things i have done are I do All of my Homework. I get mostle E’s in conduct. I help put up the cristmas tree up. I am going to leave cookies and milk on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa. I am very excited. ~ Love Kyle Stollings Dear Santa, I would lik an xbox360, A kindle fire, and collage football helments. I have been a good boy. I’v cleaned up the yard. I’v picked up my mom’s mail. And I help my dad while he is working. I will leave you some cookies and milk. ~ You freind, Carson Ruffin Dear Santa Clause, Christmas is almost here and I’m very excited. I would like to get a bed for my build a bear. I would also like a kindle if my mom is not getting me one. I would love to have a ipod. If you want cookies and milk we’ll have it on the coffee table. ~ Love, Chloe Coughlan P.S.

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Please!! Dear Santa, This Christmas I want you to bring me an ipod touch, dq blizzard maker, an some itunes cards. Are you magical? If you aren’t use the magic key if we have it up. ~ your friend, Landon Dear Santa, I’ve been good all year long. For Christmas I really want a BIG flatscreen T.V. for my room, a wipeout 2 video game for kinect, and a Nintendo 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land. I’ve been helping out in the house. I’ve been helping my brother Braden. I’ve been cleaning my room, and I’ve been doing everything for my little brother Nolan. I’ll be setting cookies and milk on my coffe table for you. I’ll see you on Christmas Eve. ~ Sicerily, Tanner R. Hicks Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year so this is what I want Taylor Swift perfume, gray nike pants, an underarmor red, Black, white underarmor shirt, a dart gun, basketball shoes, black and white, a nike shirt that has a orange nike sign with pants that has a nike sign on it. ~ Kalynn Howard Dear Santa Clause, Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. First of all, I want a Moose Pillow Pet. As well, I want an art easel. Finally, I want it to snow. When you come you can’t go down the chimney because I don’t have one. ~ Love, Cassie McDaniel Dear Santa, I would like a wii game, a xbox kenect game, a basketball wii game, a football helment, a set of shoulder pads, a 3DS, and some pads for my football pants. ~ your friend, Jackson Hughey Dear Santa, I will realy love is to have a Dsixl and some games to go with it. And a white bord and some marckers for the bord. I wand like some books to and some fake nails for cristmas. ~ Haley Alexandria Gayden chrIs anna Joy’s thIrd grade Dear Santa, My name is Madison Rowland. I have been really good this year. This year I would like a DS, puppy, PSP and new cloths. I hope you like the milk and cookies I leave you. ~ Love, Madison Rowland, age 9 Dear Santa, My name is Brittney Maclin, I have been really good this year. This year I would like a

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Dear Santa, My name is Maurieonne Victory. I have been relly good this year. This year I would like strapalean, and a bebe gun and I hope you like the cookies and milk that I leafe for you. ~ Love, Maurieonne Victory, age 8 Dear Santa, My name is My name is Madison C. Griffin. I have been really good this year. This year I would like dipping dots, a new bike, puppy and crayon maker. I hope you like the milk and cookies I leave for you. ~ Love, Madison C. Griffin, age 8 Dear Santa, My name is Makenzie Taylor Rowland. I have been really good this year. This year I wood like a passward jaunal, a DS with game, and earrings. I hope you like the milk and cookies we leave for you. ~ Love, Makenzie Rowland, age 9 Dear Santa, My name is Leah Channell. I Been good this year. This year I would like a xbox360, playstion2 and a PSP. I hope you like the milk and cookies that I leave for you. ~ Love, Leah Channell, age 9

Gray. I have been very good this year. This year I would like, more bakugerns, cars, DS game, and a very good year. I hope you like the home made cookies and milk I leave you. ~ Love, Leanna, age 9 Dear Santa, My Name is Laila Morton. I have been really good this year. This year I would like an Ipad2, Leap Pad, Phone, and a Easy Bake. Love your little helper. I left you M&M’s. ~ Love, Laila Morton Dear Santa, My name is Cole Turner. I’ve been very good this year. This year I want Modern warfare 3, a air hockey table, and a new xbox360. I hope you like the choalate chip cookies and coke. ~ Your friend, Cole Turner, age 8 Dear Santa, I have Been a good boy. I want a popguns, DSi, a Play Stay sion2, Wii, xbox 360, Mortal Combat, Mighty Warfare 3, A WWE game wrestling dolls, clothes, Midnight Club, and cars. ~ Jeremy G. Dear Santa, I hope you

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Dear Santa, My name is Marcus Hayes. I have been really good this year. This year I would like a xbox 360, and a nerf vortex, and a dog, and a new bike. I would leave you some cookies and milk. ~ Love, Marcus, age 8 Dear Santa, My name is Drevian Maclin. I have ben really good this year. This year I wood like a play stashon and a new bike and a bord and a chard I hope you like the milke and cockesys. ~ Love, Drevian, age 9 Dear Santa, My name is Marcrqvius I have been really good this year. I Love for arin. I love game 3. I love game 2. I love is Mrs. Christy good. I love Mrs. Rose. I love Cook Mick. I love WWE. I love Dear Santa, ~ Love, Macrqvius, age 9

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Dear Santa, My name is Tanner Northcott. I have been good this year. This year I would like a new bebe gun, a x box 360, a new phone and a new shotgun. I hope you like the milk and cookies I leave for you. ~ love your freind Tanner Dear Santa, My name is Peyton Stewart. I have been really good this year. For chrismas I want a lot of new video games, an ipod touch and a bebe gun. ~ love, Peyton, age 8 ½ Dear Santa, my is Leanna

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have a wonderful Christmas. I hope you have monster high stuff. Do you now that December 24 is Christmas eav? I’ve been a good girl. I love you santa. Can you get me a fish for my fish tank. Some monster high close, painting stuff with an easel, a paint, some paint. I can’t wate till christmas. I love you santa. Your the best.I hope you a wonderfull Christmas. I love you. Santa you rock can you get me a gutar? ~ Kaylee Kent Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl at school aley. (E – good (S – sad N- real bad) What I wan’t for Christmas is MakeUp) Boot’s Monster High Doll) an mp3 player, Ipad, and finger nail polish) and a bee binder, a laptop, and a notebook, and wish to Be with my family. ~ Ahmayiah Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas I want a sants row three game, I what a air plane, I what a toy tigrht, I what a wolverine wiht His caws out. I what a HULK toy. I what a IRON MAN toy. I what a

REPTIL toy. I what a thor toy. I what a FALCON toy. I what a BOMINATION toy. I what a Fire boy toy and CAPTAIN AMEICA toy. I what a BULLDOZER toy. ~ Cristian Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I have been a good girl. I love your rainbeer but I have not ever sean them but I wont to go and see them. I wont to go and see you. I wont a Ashto Drke baby doll Grace. I want sume zizataces. ~ Mckenzie Billings Dear Santa, I was go this year. I will want for you in 25 Day. I will need a gile fend. I will need a fend. Tomorrow. And I wat a dog. For crimis and I wat a doll for crims forn my mom Brand Thorn. And I wat a DS For crismis For my berther and my other berther. ~ Christopher Thorn Dear Santa, Santa the only thaing I want for crismis is a barber doll houls and doll. I want a Boerbey to and a pertty mera. ~ Jordan Dear Santa, I have been

C4 ▪ Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 a good girl all day long. For Chistmas I was is a wii, game. Some make up. Were is rodof the red nose rain deer Ho Ho Ho. Mary Chistmas Sana Claws. Sana Claws is comeing to town. ~ Kaylee S. Dear Santa, I want a pony for chrismas. I want some make up for chrismas and I wish you a mary chrismas I want some cole’s for chrismas and some books and tevo terrier and one retriever and a rabbit. I want the hole chleckshon of monster high doll’s ~ LilliAnn Nacole Byrd Dear Santa, I am haveing a very good Christmas. I have been geting Es. that means good. I hop that I get lots of presents. I love you very much. You are sweet. I want a flat-sckruyn-tv, monster-hi-dols, monsterhi-beds, lova lamp, wendchan, wach. ~ Halle Alysa Boling Dear Santa, I want a iPad for Christmas and a dendel Fire. Merry Christmas. ~ Jacob Dear Santa, Hie Santa. I want a walee toy and a toy story 3 toy. I want a laptop and a ultimate Bintin watch please. ~ Johnny Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. What I want for Christmas is a skateboard and a Buzz Lightyear blanket. A soccer bopper and a clarinet is all I want. ~ Layton Dear Santa, I want a rrrtbe Kuen I want a diubakugan. I won’t a Green. I won’t a gold bakuen, I wont a sellow, I wont a brick red, I wont a maize bakuen, I wont a bluebakuen, A green spider-man, Aand I a gree globen, orang spidermen, spider men ~ Deric Dear Santa, I want makup. I want a bike. I want a car. I want a desi. I want a dvde. I want a monztr Hie gril. I want shoes. I want clows. I want penes. I want a zokeupop. I want a laptop. I have den a goodgril. I love christ. ~ Mckenzie Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I want a 3DDSi, some for my DSi, some cloths, purple, gold shoes, some wii games called just dance and a mp3 player a camera ~ Madison Jones Dear Santa, I have been bad at school. I have been funy at home. I wunt a dsi, monster high play doll, monster high game, play car, monster high back pack, monster high shirt. I want a puzze, I wunt a real fish, a tv, spider man book, and a cat. ~ Brooklyn Bennett Dear Santa, I wish I can have a good family and I wish that my sister was not bad. I hope my family have a great Christmas! Santa and I hope you have a very good Christmas! ~ Drakeisha Mrs. Robertson’s second grade Hello Santa, I am so exited it is almost christmis! I don’t need all of it, But what I want most is two things a eletric scooter & a ipod! any thing else ~ Riley, age 7 Hi Santa. my family wants to see you. How are the eleves and the raindeer? I want a DS, a calender, a toy Monster truck, and a book called cars 2. What kind of cookies do you like? chocolate or plain? Oh! 1 more thing I forgot. I want a beyblade set. ~ Tyler, age 7 Dear Santa, Thank you for all that you did for me last year. This year I want three Bayblades and their

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names are: Rock Zuraffa, Night Virgo, and Gravity Destroyer. How are your reindeer doing? Am I on the naughty or nice list? And I want a lego Pirates of the Caribean ship. And again thank you for all that you do. ~ Zachary White, age 7

Dear Santa, How many more days inti chiasmas? Am I on the nice or noty list? How do you know what we whot for chiasmas? How do you know how to dirve raindeer? You are the best. I will make 10 cookies. ~ Sydne Hopkins, age 7

Dear Santa, You are the best. Can I have the monster high Dolls please? How do you chravle arown the world in one hole night? I think I bin good. Can you tell me? I hope I git lots of toys. I can not wate until Craesmus! ~ Lily, age 7

Dear Santa, am I on the nice list I hope so. Watsh owte for my dogs, ok. wat I rele want is a Ipaid. And A Ipaid2 And anoether dog And A suft reindeer. ~ Jackson, age 7

Dear Santa, How is comet doing? I hope i’m on the nice list. I love what you gave me last year you are the best! What I want this year: a dsi, dr. dreadful’s zombie lab, and zombie dice. I love Christmas! ~ Matthew, age 7 Dear Santa, Thank you. I had a good Chirmas last yer. I Love my preisns Last years. I Love what you got me in my stocking. I Love your raindeer. What is the elf doing? ~ Love, Jaidyn, age 7 Dear Santa, I just wanted to say I want some jelwery, a big purpple hippow and a stufed puppy. How are the elvs? how are the deer? how do get all the way around the world? Thank you for giving me presents every year. ~ Mayson, age 7 Dear Santa, Thank you for giving my presens to me. And Santa i love you. i haven’t been noty. You are kind to me. Mis santa you are kind to me to. ~ Jania, age 7 Dear Santa, I and wondering if I am on the naughty or nice list. Will bad children get coal? Will nice children get toys? I am a good girl I want presents. From you I wanted a bulldog purse with my pet bulldog on it. And Just dance 3, Just dance summer saults & Kids bop 3 dancing all of those for wii. May I also have all of the monster high dolls? I love christmas! I can’t wait! ~ Cailin, age 7 P.S I will makes cookies and milk for you and carrots for your reindeer! Dear Santa, Thank you for all you do. Santa can you get me a D.S and a move cald Soul Surfer and another move cald Dofin tal and Kidz bop 20. I hope that ther is not a lot of people on the note list. Ho are your randir doing? Are your elfs doing? good? I got your note. I askt my mom can we give you eschru cookes and milk and eggnog. I bet you got my hole faimly good toys. ~ Love, Harlie Pogue, age 7 Dear Santa, I love Roodalf. I sing the Roodalf song. This crismis i want a stuft Roodalf. The one gitf i want and want is a movie cald Avuter. I love you. and one last one i want a 3.D.S. ~ Brianna Carey, age 7 Dear Santa, howe are yours raindear doin? Thak you santa for last yer. What I want is a fuwe tings. Howe do you git to al of the hoses? I want a shoe and I want. some hiy hils and I want and IPod and a dres. I what a d.s. I love raindear. I want a stofyd raindear. themost. I want that all santa. ~ Terrilynn, age 8 Dear Santa, Thaik you for what you have done. I want a Ipad for chrimes. How do you get to ever house in one night? Am I on the nice list or note list? I liked the toy you gave me last year. How are the rain deairs doing? ~ Shelby, age 8

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving us toys. Every crimis season. Eeveryone thanks you. And could you make me a leego stare wares millenrium falcon set? ~ Colton, age 8 Dear Santa, How is the riandeer, the elfs, and your wife? Thank you for the elefun game. This year I would like a K’nex Double shot coaster. and maybe an airhogs hiperactive. And th at’s all. P.S. Have I been good and how do you deliver 1,000,000 presnts in one night? ~ Nathan, age 7 Dear Santa, am I on the nice list? thanck you for last year. Is roodof real? Pleas gev me a elf on the shelf. Haw doo you travl a rawd the world in 1 night? The tegs I wat the most is a playstashen, iPod and iPad you are the best. ~ William Ryan Bogue Jimenez, age 8 Dear Santa, How are your elvs? I am giong to lay out some cookis and milk for you. I might get to lav out some food for your raindeers. I have been good this yare. I have not got eny S-es this yere. For chrismis I would like some toyes and clos for my zuzu pet at my maw-maws. How do you chravel? I would like some cloths becus I am growing out of my cloths. I would like to have a xbox 3 sixty at my maw-maws. I would like to have some more DS gams. How do you get to everybody’s house? ~ Sammi Jo, age 7 mrs. cope’s fourth grade Dear Santa Clause, I want a American girl dog. It comes with a food bowl, a bed, a pawprint cushion, and a toy. And thats what I want for Christmas. Happy Holidays! ~ Love, Leanna Davidson Dear Santa, I been an awsome Boy this year so can you bring me a … 1. all of the Diry of a wimpy kid seres. 2. A Crayola Crayon Maker 3. A Crayola Glow Book 4. Pirate stickers for walls 5. Pirate Kertains 6. ipod toch 7. DSI xl 8. a lap top ~ your friend, Jackson M. Gaither

really like a copter like Dad but yellow. I would also like some make-up and perfume. That’s all. I’m looking foward to seeing you. ~ Sincerely, Alison Dear Santa, I want an ipad and a $15 itunes card. My sister said I would never get it but I still want it. If I be good while you also give me a new scooter? i would really like an ipad and a $15 itunes card. ~ Yours truly, Hayes Dear Santa, I would really appreciate if you could give me a silver bell off your sleigh. Iv’e been really good so please don’t put me on your naughty list. I would like a hair straightener and curler and maybe some jewlery. I hope you like this letter. ~ Your freind, Cheyanne Dear Santa, I would like so so much if I could get an ipad and a Tony Hawk skateboard. i would also like to have a airplane made with legos I would ask for less next year this would be the best best best christmas. ~ Yours truly, Matthew Dear Santa, I would like a i pod touch. i would also like a bag, also like a lontue Brets Dolf, and a pant fish are a hamstr, also a pony, and a batterie powered car for kibs, and a moxy girl. That want i wont. I love u santa. ~ Love Kori Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is an American Girl Doll, an ipod touch, an a Moxygirl, and a 2 Brats Doll, an a fish an a pony, an a justice clothes, and batterie powered car for kids an a i carlie giro an a roaido. That want i would like for christmas you are the best santa you are so cool to i love you santa. ~ Love, Brooke Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for geting me gifts but this year I want Legos and mighty beans and I’ll try to be good this year. ~ Love, Caleb Dear Santa, I hope i have been a good girl to you I really hope I have if I haven’t I will do better I promes. Now let me tell you some thins I whant for Chrismas. I whant a figet friend, a pillow pet, a IPad, a DSIxl, a DSI, and so more stuff for

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Can you give me a picture of one of your raindeers or all!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! ~ Alyssa Camp Dear Santa, I would like a R/C helicoptor, a $20 itunes gift card, a blue camouflage robe, pokémon legendary card tin (2), WWE wrestlers, pokémon booster card packs (1), The offical guide to poptropica, and candy. ~ J.R. Dear Santa, I have tried to be good, and I really want something … A picture of you & Blitzen please please pleaseee! Your my hero. I will make a little station for your comfort special cookies and milk! What is it like in the north pole!? I bet fun! ~ From: your friend, Kylie Dear Santa, Hello. I really am looking foward to seeing you on the 25th. I missed you. I want, I really want from you is a Brats Masquerade Doll. The Tea Party one. I also would

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my dog I hope I get that stuff. And I hope you have a very good chrismas. ~ Love, Karlee

to keep my feet warm. I really want these things for Christmas. ~ Yours truly, Jillian

Dear Santa, Last year you didn’t eat the cookies last year. I have always wanted a spy watch and a snake cam it is the coolest thing in the world to me. I also want a psp and one racing game with it. The last thing I want is a 3Ds with mariocart 7. ~ Sincerely, Mason

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is snow and I kind of want some toys. But I can live without them. Also I have been very good this year. The toys I was talking about is … A laptop, some orbez, and some wii games. Please don’t put cole in my socking ~ Love, Ansley

Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is an iPod touch. I have been very good this year I think I deserve it, but it’s up to you. If you can think of any thing else that you might think I like that’s fine by me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~ Love, Mary Grace P.S. What’s your favorite type of cookies? P.S.S. I would also like a cell phone. Pretty Pretty Please! Dear Santa, I want a 3Ds for Christmas. I was very good this year. I also want Mario Cart 7. If you decide to get me something else get me a snuggy so I won’t be cold when I play my DS. I also want slippers to keep

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Dear Santa, Santa I can’t wait for Christmas this year. I want a elf and a power wing. I also want basket ball shoes. I can’t wait for you to give me all the fun stuff like last year. My Christmas list is very good this year. And I hope fill my stalking very high. I have been good this year and I was just wondering if you get me these things. ~ Yours truly, Holden Dear Santa, I’ve been pretty good this year. I know sometimes I’ve missed up I am sorry and I promise to do better. What I’ve really been wanting this year would be a motorcycle. I used to have one but we

Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 ▪ C5 had to sell it so I could get a gokart. I hope everything goes well up in the North Pole. Have a safe trip. ~ Sincerely, Jeffrey

just that I want it so bad. I just want to say thank you for all the christmasas you’ve alredy gave me. ~ Sincerly, Lauren Head

Dear Santa, My name is EJ and I am 10 years old. I love Christmas I think it is the best holiday of the year. for christmas I want shoes and clothes for christmas. And I want a new basketball. And tell Roodolph a friend sad hey. ~ Your friend, EJ

Dear Santa, I hope you dring me toys All the peaple like chrismas I hope to be on the good list We se’d the tree But we bib’nt set up evrithing we just set’d up the tre we are goeng to put light’s on our house we are goeng to have or chrismas brake I will have fun on chrismas evr woen willa ~ Brandon Jenkins

Mrs. Ingram’s third grade Dear Santa, For Christmas I want more earings and paper to draw on. I also want a new DSI game and a Fidget Friend. ~ Your friend, Rebekah Callahan Dear Santa, I wish my mom and dad had a lot of money. and I don’t get an allowone. Can you please get me some toys. Wishlist 1. Draculara Cofen Jewly box. 2. Draculara Dead tired doll. 3. Draculara Moster high dol (with notebook). 4. Draculara gloom beach doll ~ Your friend Cynthia Ocampo Dear Santa, This year I want the disineable hair extensions Barbie doll, a Frankie Stine doll, Bad kitty meets the baby, and the Radio Disney 15th birthday CD, and one of thsoe cute little lil kinz from the big webkinz, and also some new long-sleve and shortsleve shirts and some new sented cloured pencils. ~ Thank you, Reaghan Brock Dear Santa, You are the best person every I wish you will give me a lot of presents here is my chistmas list these are the xbox games modern warfare (3), Halo way point, Halo 3, I hope you give me all of these. ~ Your firend Camren Baker Dear Santa, Thank you for the wii and the Dsi so these is what I want DSixl and a chair that is soft and a pack of all the Diary of a Wimpy kid bookes and trainset and a set of legos and easey baked muffin and the is all I want so please bring it to me. ~ Your friend Taylor Dear Santa, I would like a lot of toys for christmas I would whant dr. Dreadful and I would like everything you get me that’s not girlish because I am a boy. but hear is what I whant another wii are wii broke so that’s why I whant a nother one. ~ from Nathan Mcfarland Dear Santa, I want so bratz dolls and I want a outfit for bandit an some build-a-smrffs please and that jacket the pink camo one please. P.S. I will have cookies for you and somethig for your raindeer Thank you ~ Love, Megan Leary Dear Santa, I woul like the x box 360 game MW3. It is a realy cool game and I realy want it. it is about 60 Dollars. ~ Yours truly, Jackson Perry Dear seant, seant theis are the thin I wont for cresmes. I wont a xbox 360, psp, Ipod, Ipad, my gam, and allot of fight gams. and a pay say shun that is all. ~ Yorus truely from De Maryo Dear Santa, May I ask you a question? What do you do in the North Pole? And Santa this may sound wierd but one thing for christmas I want is a bell from your sleigh. And one more thing a bible. It’s ok if you don’t grand my wish I just wanted those two things from you all my life. Wait! Santa for christmas please get me a silver bell from you sliegh and a bible! I now I already said that it’s

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Daer Santa, I relly like your rain deer and How you dliver presents in one night. Thats relly cool. I love giving the cookies to you I like the Notes that you write us. I Love you ~ from Cade Walker Dear Santa, You are a true friend to me and what I want for Christmas is a purple figit friend her name is Willa and she dances to music. I also want a (blue) Nintindo Dsi. You can take pictures with it with greating from people and Joy to the holidays. Christmas is the best with TOYS familes and fun. Christmas is the best one yet. I also want a big unicorn happy napper and a small pillow pet bee and a Dork Diraries Dork it your self. ~ love, Savanna Arave Dear Santa, Hi Santa what I want for Christmas is a play station3, xbox360, smart phone, headphones, mp3 player, phone, that’s all for this year. I know it’s alot, but aren’t I your favorit girl? I bet I am because I am on the good list. I know because you sent me an email to my mom and dad. They showed me it. Do you have bad reception there at the North pole? Oh yeah thats right your elves make you a machine that gives you good reception. That how you sent me that email. I love you santa and elves I will always believe you. ~ Your favorite girl I bet, Hannah Lawson Dear Santa, I would like a doll house fore Christmas. and also I would like a big treehouse. So I can have my very own clubhouse. and I would like a big bike and a big dirt bike. or and elcrecket scurter. I want the wii game Just dance 3. I would like the smoothing spa. ~ Love, Dayla Ferrer Dear Santa, I want a camo bed spred I have a flower one but I realy whant a camo bed spred and make shere It’s big enough for

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my bunck bed oh and I sleep on the top so make it small. Thank you ~ Love, Haley Box Dear Santa, I want a Bow an arrow for crismis. I also want beyblades and or arena so they can battel. And the last thing I want is a Lego Alein site because I ove Legos. ~ Merry Crismis Santa your frend Noah Charlene dalrymple’s 2nd grade Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? Thank you! I hope everone at the Northpole is feeling great. Could I please have these. 1. Defis. 2. Lego’s. 3. 3Ds. 4. lizard.­­ 5. ipod touch. 6. cand. Have a safe trip! I love you and I got cooke’s. ~ Your kid, Kyle Burton Deyr Santa, Hi I Love you hank you for my Presents. Cod I ples hav PusNbot, transformr, and a bels. I would you coud breng it. ~Love, Cameron Johnson Dear Santa, Hi How are you? Thank you for my presents. 1. DVD player. 2. 3DS. 3. DS. 4. PS3. 5. XBox360. 6. Wii. 7. Sky landers the whole thing of toys. 9. electric scooter. 10. The whole collection of Five sonic games for Wii games. Thank you! Have a good trip! ~Love, Ethan Schroeder

a laptop, The New Easy Bake Oven, the pass word Jurnel. I am going to decarate the cookies. ~ Thank you, Allison Welch Dear Santa, Hi! are you doing How are you and Mrs. Claus. Here is my Chrismast list 1. ipad. 2. a iphone 4. 3. a bike. 4. a 3DSI. 5. easy bake oven. 6. a playstashon. 7. hischool muicgirl doll. 8. clothes. 9. PJs. 10. please let my grandmother git beter. 11. a flying car. ~ Love ya! Taniya Leggett Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? Have a good christmas. Could I please have a Green and purple Dragon laptop for Christmas and a ipod touch! Have a safe trip on Christmas. ~ Love, Joseph Carris Dear Santa, Hi how are you? Hae a good Christmas. For Christmas I want a TV, fidgit, pants, guitar, ipod touch, baby doll, doll, ipad 2, vilen. ~ Love, Jillian Hester

3x3 Joyner Heat & Air 131587

Dear Santa, Hi I love you I hope you will like my cookies. 1. Could I have an American girl doll. 2. I would like my Dad to come. Have a safe trip. ~ Love, Ionna Dunlap Daer Santa, Hi, How are you Have a Good day. I want a 1. 3DS. 2. Maro Kart7. 3. Super Mario 3D land. 4. Pokémon Rumiblast Have a saf trip ~ love, Wade Walters Dear Santa, Hello! How are you. Mrs. Claus is nice like you. I hope no one is sick. I would like a tablet please. I want a toy dirt bike. I want my teeth back please. I want a pet paret. Thank you so much. I hope the reindeer like my carrots. ~ Love, Haden Bryan

3x3 The Still 131629

Dear Sonta, Hi how you doen? Have a good crismas. Can I have a dinasor, play svss. ombes game, Legoe lenship. thank you. I have cookis and milk and carreise for you and the raindear. ~ Love, Eli Harber Dear Santa, How are you? Thank you for my present last year. Is Rudolph shinning this year? Coud I have

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Dear Santa, Hi how are you? Thank you for my books last year. I hope you have a good christmas this year. THis year for Chrismtas can I please have a ipod touch, books, fidget, miniture green tree, notebook, I would love them. Have a safe trip! ~ Love, Keira Reid Dear Santa, Hi!! How are you? Thank you for my presents last year. I hope everyone at the North Pole is feeling well. Could I have a figit friend and figit small friend and a guitar with a pick 3DS bike. Have a safe trip! ~ Love, Arianna Pond Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? Thank you for my presents last year. How are the raindeer doing? Could I have a new nike, ipod touch, and a telascope please oh and a pet lizard. Thank you! Have as safe trip and i hafe milk and coockies for you by! ~ Love, Willie Marcy Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? Thank you for my presents and for your joy.

How are your raindeers and your elfs. Could I please get a mopad; DS, bike, touch phone, iPod, guitar, Pool, electric scooter, gold cart, American girl doll, 3DS, a doll, a car and Please let me grandmama get better. Thank you so much. ~ Love, Melissa Williams Dear Santa, Hi how are you? How are the elfs? Could I please have a 1. 3DS. 2. diary. 3. cool rock collection. ~ Thank you, Dylan Browning Dear Santa, Hi! I hope vixan leads the sleigh this year. I hope every body is feelign well includeing you and your wife. Here is my christmas list. 1. My own 3ds. 2. skanky the robot. 3. my own bow in arrow with scope. 4. my own sniper rifle with scope. 5. year suplie of gum. 6. parrot. 7. electric scoot. 8. gocart. 9. Pokemon cards. 10. lizard. I love you so much! Have a safe trip I will have raindeer food for the reindeer. And lots of cookies. And

C6 ▪ Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 milk for you to get strong. ~ Love, Garrett Haley Dear Santa, Hi! Thank you for my presents last year. Here is my list. 1. American Girl doll. 2. Fidget. 3. IPod touch. 4. Shake It Up CD. 5. pink DS. 6. easy bake oven. 7. scootor. 8. hair sylish Barbie with feathers. 9. DS games. Thank you, are the best person in North Pole. ~ Love, Brooke Trundle Dear Santa, Hi I love you. Thank you for my presents. Can you please give me a real baby horse in a stable please et least try to get me a real horse. Please give me a ipod. Please give me a pink wii. I love you so much. ~Emily Anderson B. Hill’s second grade Dear Santa Claus, I want to thank you for everything you do. It’s amazing how you travle around the world in on hole night. Santa I’m asking you to bring me a Shake It Up dol, doctor drill ‘n’ fill, Shnook, Zoobles, high heel boots, and a light up moon. I hope you have a good Christmas. I love you. ~ Your friend, Kaylee Autry Dear Santa Claus, I lvoe you. Thank you for the prestns. I want a green lanren tank, light up gue, rmot conchrol Boat, rmot conchrol sub and a bunch of bougons. ~ From, Gavin Brandon Dear Santa Claus, Santa your are so nice. I liek what you do. I like who youe give kids presents. Your the best guy. How old are you? For Christmas I want 1 BarbiB van. ~ Love, Mykaela Brown Dear Santa Claus, I think you are cool. I think your raindeer are cool to. I wont a waet bord, snow bord, Halk eye blue sky, and mind flxe. four christmas. ~ Your buddy, Ethan Dear Santa Clause, You are the best person ever. I hope every body is nice. I love all of the presents you gave me. I hope you give me what I want. You give every body what they want to. What I want for christmas is a pillow pet, a horse book, and new horse stuff. ~ Your nice buddy, Grace Dear Santa Claus, I think your so good to all the kids but I think your a great man for doing a good job of bringing presnts. I want a pairret, and wii game, toy car. paydoh. ~ Your friend, Keegan Dear Santa Claus, Santa i hope you have a great holaday. You do so much for us. I love you. Thaks for all the things you do. I am asking for a Ipod tuch, new camera, and a new stuffed dog. I wish I could see you. If I could I would give you a presint. Have a great Christmas. ~ Your Christmas Buddy, Taylor Elkins Dear Santa Claus, I love you so much. I am your begist fan. I bin asking for a new DS games, a Lego set, a DVD. How many people do you give presets to. ~ Your buddy, George Glidewell Dear Santa Claus, I love when you give me presents. Your thankful for us when you give us presents. I want zoobles, barbie dolls, stuffed dog, and a stuffed cat. I feel happy about you when your give presents. When I wake up I get excited when I see my presents. Your elfvs are great workers they are perfect. I feel excited about you. ~ Love, Alexis K. Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for all the toy you

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give me. I love you so very much. for Christmas I would love a skateboard, snowboard, sled, skateboard ramp, punchingbag, kinect, and I Pod touch. ~ Sincerely, Jacob Dear Santa Claus, I love you. It’s good to heve you. Waet I wont for Christmas is a DJ game for may XBox360. ~ Willyum Moore Dear Santa Claus, I love you very very very much. Can you bring me a ds, a new DVD player, some necklaces, some rings, a phone, a nook, a college t-shirt, 3ds, dsi, a ipod, a iphone, a tidie boke, some ds games, a blue toy mustang, and a new backpack. ~ Love, Danni M. Dear Santa Clause, I love you Santa you make me happy. i don’t now how you give millions and millions of presents in one night. i want a dsixL and Call of Duty MW3. thank you Santa. ~ Your friend Hunter Dear Santa Claus, It is wonderful for you to give gifts. To all the nise kids. in the world can you get me a xbox euneak. ~ Your buddy Tyler Sanborn Dear Santa Claus, I love you. Thanks for everything. For Chritmas I am asking you to bring me a IPod, a IPone, girlfreind dog for cheif. Anda baseball that is atagraph of everybody from the cardinals baseball team. ~ Your Chritmas budy, Jeery Smith Dear Santa Claus, I love you. beces you bring me pries. n re fun becuse. you n r b sweet to. I am asking you to brig me e o e o A wach and a T-srit. ~ Love, Ruby True Dear Santa Claus, I was whating for Chrismas. You make me happy evey day I love you. Me and my sister love you very mach. What I want for Christmas is a Americ Girl Dall and two Americ Girl Dalls, close, and shose, and more. Thank You! And I have one more thang to say. I love you! ~ Love, Mackenzie Wagner Dear Santa Claus, I feel happy about Santa Claus. I love you and your genorous. For Christmas I am asking for. A 3Ds, Dsixl, Pokemo black, and Sonic genoration. ~ Your Christma buddy, Eathanial Dear Santa Clause, I have been good. I want toys, pencils, ring, candy, lamp, glasses, radio, my own garbage can, my own remote, my own pictures, new books, new movies, baby bed, doll, more stuffed animals, headbands, bigger toy box, don’t forget a piano. I love you Santa! ~ Love Kaylee Higgs, 3 ½ years old, Covington Dear Santa,I want a teddy bear and a toy horse and a necklace set and a toy kitchen. I have been a good girl. P.S. Maybe a real horse! ~ Love Maria Ybarra, age 5, Covington Dear Santa,Thank you for all of the things you got me and my big brothers last year. I have been a good boy this year. I want a tool bench, a big truck with cars in there, and a Star Wars light saber and a Star Wars pow-pow. I’ll make you some cookies. ~ Love Coop Dear Santa,my name is Kayleigh Grace Sullivan. I am 5. I have been a very good girl. I’ve been helping clean house, and help wash dishes. Sometimes when my mommy says, “let’s go inside now” I do it now. For Christmas I would really

like to ride on your sled because I’ve never been on it. Also, a horse, a doll, a bike. I will leave cookies and please be safe. ~ Love KG, Ripley Dear Santa,I would like for you to bring me a riding toy and a pony. I have watched your show many times this month and cannot wait for you to come. ~ Layton Smith, 2 years-old Dear Santa,Please bring me an iPod and a Barbie camper. ~ Lydia Smith, age 6 Dear Santa,I have been a very good boy this year. I would really like for you to bring me a scooter that has sparks and a race track that mounts on the wall. Anything else you would like to give me will be okay too. I’ve enjoyed having Biscuit my Elf at my house. ~ Anderson Burkhart, 4 ½ years old, Covington Dear Santa,I have been a very good girl all year long! I gave all my pacifiers to my Elf Biscuit and I would like you to give them to baby Palmer. She needs them more than me. I would like a pink kitchen and a Barbie jeep! ~ Caroline Burkhart, 2 ½ years old, Covington Dear Santa,I have been a very good girl. I would like a camera and a bouncey thing for Christmas. Rudy is having fun at my house. I am going to leave my paci’s beside the milk and cookies that I leave for you on Christmas Eve night. I am a big girl now. ~ I love you! Kale Wheeler, 2 ½ yearsold, Covington

grade. I am 7 years old. Santa, can I please have a makeup kit? I go to crestview Elementary School: santa can I please have intendo game’s? My sister Sophie Adams want’s a light spright. I also want ah Ipad. And also a New bike. ~ Love, Marissa Dear Santa,Can you bring me a DS and a game. Lighing McQueen please bring Tyreese and P. J. a DS and a game Lighing McQueen. ~ Tyrdell Grandberry Dear Santa,I am in Second Grade at Crestview Elementary School I am 8-years old. I have been Good this year. For Christmas would you please bring me a 3DS Santa and an ipod, a new I Phone, and Girl’s toy’s and Books to Read I will make you some Choclate Chip Cookies and Bring me a Santa Book and Bring me some clothes. Santa I love Santa. ~ Jalynne Brasch

Dear Santa,I am in the second grade I have been good. I go to Crestview Elementary School. I will leave you cookies and milk. I want to be good until Christmas. I want a

Dear Santa,I am in second

3x5 Krayola Learning Academy 131643

Dear Santa, I am in second grade at CES. I am 7 years old. I have been good. Will you bring me two dolls and a ipod touch and a DSI and games for my DSI. Are you going to bring me presents? Will you bring a DSI for my sister too and games for it? Will you bring two bach packs for my sister and me. I will leave some milk and cookies. ~ Lexi Benjamin

3x5 InSouth Bank 131610

Dear Santa,I have been good This year. I can’t wait for you to come. I am seven years old and I am in 2 nd grade now. My school is Crestview Elementary. I hope yo can make it to my house. Can you please bring my presents? I will leave you some Milk and cookies. To my favorite man in the whole world Santa. ~ Love Dylan Morris Dear Santa,I am in second grade. I will leave you milk cookes. I have been good this week. Thank you for the wii you brought me last year for Christmas I want a game cube. In my room I want a flat screen. I am 7 years old I want a DS. ~ Love, Martaris Dear Santa,I am in second

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phone, ipod and a computer and thats all. My brother Tyree wants a water gun. I LOVE SANTA! ~ Christine Dear Santa,I am in second grade. I have ben good this year. I Loved my toys I got last year. Can you plese bring me an American doll. I have a brother he likes cars. I will leave cookies and milk. And can you get me Just Dance Summer party. Thank you Santa. ~ Love Madison Kurrus

2x4 Covington Funeral Home 131636

Dear Santa,I want a toy puppy. I want for my brother toys that are cars. ~ Nayeli Morales

Dear Santa,My sister wants 10 PFT shops I wat a DSI Max wat’s a NEW Xbox 360 ~ Douglas Watkins

grade at Crestview Elementary School. I am 7 years old. I have been good this year. Please bring me a Xbox 360 I want a DS and game I want my mom to be nice love, Santa ~ Anohony M

Dear Santa,I in second grade at Crestview Elementary School I am 7 Years old I have been good this year for Christmas would you Please an Easy bake oven. ~ Jayda Griggs Santa

Dear Santa,this year I want an Inkoo, digital camera, electric scooter, Dr. Drilling and Filling, Wuggle Pet, Stompeez bunny slippers, a furreal pet, a Hedbanz game, and doctor stuff. I love you and Rudy… so much! ~ Love, Keaton Wheeler, age 7, Covington

Dear Santa, I’m 7 years old. My Brother is 5 years old. Santa, I want a guitar and new DS games. I want Squickies DS game and the BarBie DS game. And La La Lusy tree house Fun. And the La La Lusy DS game. I’ll leave some cookies and milk. Thank you ~ Love, Candelaurie Ranbel

Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ SeaSon'S GreetinGS 2011 ▪ D1

Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s The Sun, and the response was printed as an unsigned editorial on Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran editor Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history’s most reprinted newspaper editorial, appareing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies other editorials or in Christmas-themed special publications such as this. We hope you enjoy this classic.

Celebrating Epiphany Celebrants of the Christian faith and Eastern orthodox Christian religion may want to wait a few days after Christmas to start packing away their decorations and cease celebrating the holiday season. That’s because it is customary to commemorate the Epiphany, which marks the day that Jesus Christ was revealed as the Son of God. Epiphany is known by a few different names. In addition to Epiphany, the holiday is sometimes called Little Christmas and the Feast of the Three Kings. Spanish-speaking individuals refer to it as El Dia de Los Tres Reyes, which essentially translates to Day of the Three Kings. In Western faiths, Epiphany takes place on January 6th. However, in Catholic dioceses in the U.S., it is observed on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8. Eastern Christians follow the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, Epiphany occurs a few days later for them, on January 19. According to Christian tradition, Epiphany marks the day the traveling magi arrived from afar to bid welcome to the Baby Jesus. They presented three different gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

“And they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and worshiped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11 Although the Bible doesn’t specifically mention that there were three wise men, biblical historians interpret that there were only three due to the number of gifts that were presented. The names of the magi were Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, but this is something learned post-Bible as well. Gold represented a gift worthy of a king. Frankincense was an expensive gift valued for its wonderful fragrance and medicinal values and worship. It is thought Frankincense spoke to the worship of God. Myrrh was used as an anesthetic and in burial embalming. It is also used to anoint one in faith. The meaning of the word “epiphany” is a revealing or an opening of one’s eyes. Although Epiphany is much known for the three wise men, the significance of the day is that God revealed Himself to everyone through the human person who was His Son, Jesus. God reveals that the true God is Jesus, the Messiah, and Savior of the world, who was

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS The Twelve Days of Christmas is probably the most misunderstood part of the church year among Christians who are not part of liturgical church traditions. Contrary to much popular belief, these are not the 12 days before Christmas, but in most of the Western Church are the 12 days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (Jan. 6; the 12 days count from Dec. 25-Jan. 5). In some traditions, the first day of Christmas begins on the evening of Dec. 25 with the following day considered the First Day of Christmas (Dec. 26). In these traditions, the 12 days begin Dec. 26 and include Epiphany on Jan. 6. sent to the people for this express purpose. The day of the Epiphany actually marks the first day of the Epiphany season, which lasts until the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday. Through the Epiphany season, God reveals many intricacies of His Word through scripture in the Bible. Although many Christians celebrate the better-known holiday of Christmas, Epiphany may have even more spiritual meaning during this holiday season.

Sending out Christmas greetings is a tradition that is still common today. Have you ever wondered just how many cards are sent across the country? According to Hallmark Corporate, 1.5 billion Christmas cards, including boxed and individual cards, are purchased and then sent every year in the U.S. This makes Christmas the No. 1 holiday for sending greetings, followed by Valentine’s Day (144 million) and Mother’s Day (133 million).

Dear Santa,I am in second grade at Crestview Elementary School I am 7 years old. I have been good this year. For Christmas will you please bring me a Nintendo DS and a Dsi and a Dora doll. I will leave you some cookies and milk. ~ Victoria Dear Santa,Would you Please bring me a dirt bike for Christmas? Would you bring me a DS for Christmas? ~ Jake Fletcher Dear Santa,I am in Second grade at Crestview Elementary School I am 8 years old. I have Been good This year. For Christmas would you please Bring me clothes and toys. Thank you So much. I will leave some cookies and milk Thanky for the toys that you gave us last year. ~ Love Tyler J Young Dear Santa,I am in second grade at Crestview Elementary School. I am 7 years old. I have Been good this year. For Christmas would you please bring me toys? I will leave you milk and cookies thank you for the ds you brought last year. ~ Love Da’Amonie Hall Dear Santa,I am in second grade at Crestview Elementary School. I am 8 years old. I have been good this year. For Christmas would you Please bring me A DegADAV? I will leave cookies and milk. Thank you for the games you brought last year. ~ Love you, Desmond Dear Santa Claus, for Christmas I don’t know wy I did not thake of this later.

I wot a carer because I take a lot uv picture and a prite shrt and a gift crb. ~ Mary Margaret Countess Dear Santa,Hi my name is max. I was wondering how the reindeer were doing. This Christmas I would like to have a dirtbike and lots of legos when you come I’ll also leve you a surprise your sooooooo!! Cool Santa you ROOCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! You friend, max purifoy age, 8 yr. Dear Santa all I want for Christmas is maxk and a dirtbike I like my elf on the shelf I got a big elf to!!! ~ Sam Fee Dear Santa,Hi how is Rudoph doing and the other reindeer and I doing good. And when did Rudoph was borin in? And look on the back. And I own a snowbord with a skll on it. Your friend, Jake Carver, age 7 Dear Santa I have bin nice. How is Ruddph how are you doing Santa thanck you for my presits. This yare I want to have a good Christmas like evrea yare. Ow and Santa say hi to Ms. Claus for me pleas. Santa can you bring me a slug gun pleas. ~ Love Kade Dunlap, age 7 Dear Santa,Hi. I have been good this year. How are the raindeere like Rudoph? Have they been good? Ween you come to my house to give me my presents I will leave you some cookies and milk. You are awesome santa you rock. ~ Your friend, Tanner Nolen, age 7

Dear Santa I love Christmas how are the reindeer’s how is the most famist rainDeer of All Doing you no santa tell us thanks ~ Makayla Stinnett Santa I wold lik a jetpak show I can fly all the way up in the sky it well be cool or osom pes ~ Christian Turner Dear Santa I love Chistmas because you can get stuff on Chistmas and Chistmas is a holidey. It comes each year on December 25. And it snow and you can bild snow mens to ~ Your freand, Kenric Hennings, age 8 Dear Santa all I want for chresmus is a Pet dog and all the stuff it nedse and I wish you a happy noo yir and I love you santa and I fope that I git a lot of presents Love Emily Taylor and I thancke I bin verey good this yir ~ Love Emily, age 8 Dear Santa I wot your slaya you and your randivr and sum cars. ~ Garrett Dear Santa Hi I want 2 packs of football cards and a Tennessee football and some basketball cards and a binder that holds all of your cards and a Tennessee basketball and Tennessee cothes ~ Your friend Aaron Strickland Dear Santa,You know me! My name is Brentyn Poole. I have been a good boy this year. I would like you to bring me a clubhouse and a leappad with the dinosaur game. I would also like to have a WII game. And I promise to share with my

baby brother. We are going to leave out lots of cookies and milk for you and your reindeer. ~ With love, Brentyn Dear Santa,My name is Parker (bay-bay) Poole. I have tried very hard to be a good boy this year. I would like you to bring me a choo-choo train and a flashlight. I would also like a clubhouse. We will bake some cookies for you and your reindeers, and leave out some milk too! ~ With love, Parker Dear Santa,1. Doll house Big 8 feet 2. Ipad touch with internet 3. Moter Scoter electrice and the charger 4. A School Set 5. Xbox 360 conect Dear Santa will you forgive me for being mean to the people that I was being mean to pretty please forgive me Santa. I will always belive in you ~ Love Alexias Dear Santa I want a … 1. Ipad touch with internet 2. Doll house big 5 feet 3. Motor scoter with charger. Dark Pink. 4. Silly light up socks. 5. Real iphone with internet and you can text and call people. ~ love always Alicia Lemons by Santa. Dear Santa 1. Xbox 2. Racling ring 3. Skate borad 4. Bike 5. Race car ~ love, Braelan Dear Santa I won’t 1. Babydoll 2. Bike 3. Scotter 4. Dollhouse 5. Some Movies ~ Love Alyssa K. Rogan Dear Santa 1. Game 2. Mokentroll car 3. Four wheiller

ages 3-5 ride in not real 4. Movies 5. Basketball ~ Love Tay-Tay Dear Santa,I want A Bike that’s A mongure, and I want a real phone and A mp3 player and Santa can you please give me a Konect on xbox 360. If you do thank you a lot ~ Aquayuian Dear Santa,My name is Hunter Alsbrook. I’m 7 years old. I want a bbgun for Christmas. I want a blue truck it’s remote control truck. With a Jetski and a traylor with it. I want a hoodie for Christmas. I want it to snow. Dear Santa,My name is Logan Martin. I am 6 ½ years old. I am in 1st grade. I have been good. Please bring me a Bike, radio, weed eater, chain saw and remote jeep. Your cookie and milk will be out. ~ Love Logan P.S. My nana helped me write this. Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. Please bring me: 1. Barbie Doll house. 2. I pod. 3. Dog Happy Napper 4. Pillow pet 5. Clothes ~ I LOVE YOU Kaitlynn Overton, age 7 Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a ezr barin for want me mom to get a red for me mom I bin good for me Mom and Dad I love Me Mom and Dad I have bin good. ~ Taylor Brynn Dear Santa For Christmas I want a girl hat and I bin good and a Wii. ~ Anitazo Gumble

Dear Santa For Christmas I want a Ipod and Wii and a 3DS with new Super Marieo Cart game I bin good I deserv it be kuss I bin good. ~ Javante Green Dear Santa For Christmas I want monster trucks Cars 2 Playstahen 3 and Wii. ~ Matthew Wilson Dear Santa For Christmas I want a bike and a toy car. I have bin good thers yer. And I am liveg socks for you Santa. ~ August Morbry Dear Santa For Christmas I want a Wii rmot so me and my buth Matthew can play. I want a ese bace and I want more Brabers so will you brig all that I want Ples. ~ Emily Scott Dear Santa For Christmas I want a bike. ~ Kaleb, 4 Dear Santa For Christmas I want a computer a real one a mermaid sute to put on me a new pet hamster a new Wii game the Just Dants 2 a Pack Man game for my Wii and a nail game to of them be cuz I have bin good. ~ Charlie Bailey Dear Santa For Christmas I want a new Ipod for Christmas becus my uthrone got lost and a new bike to and a new computer to. ~ Allen Patterson Dear Santa For Christmas I want a DSI and a game like a Dora Game and a nouw bike and a computer to and I want to take the best picher with U and your dog to and I want a pone to. ~ Ta’Nyah Adams

D2 ▪ Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 Dear Santa For Christmas I want a the xbox 360 and a big time rush to come to my house to eat and a fack snakes and a new bike and a tawkn force and i need to watch my little baby brutehr. ~ Robin Thoms Dear Santa For Christmas I want a Wii. ~ Henry Dear Santa For Christmas I want hot cans. I love you Santa ~ Shelby Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a Pugey a Brbey doll a New Esey Bake A Art pad Bekus I do not how a pupey I need a Brbey doll. Bekus I don’t now if I will get won. I heed a New Esey Bake I thik min is. Brokin ~ Love Alexis Winfrey Dear Santa,I wot a mr. chcsshrs in I wot a tatl hole told I wat a big tev for me Iemi in I wat a piurstasen in I wot a zomei iab in wot a fake gun in I wat a pet dog. ~ Love jayden Dear Sant, For Christmas I want for on the Web too get the gift thay want bcuse ollex bcus I thesc thdv bir gob and I wunt hreo kotsevin ~ Chloe Lutey Dear Santa For Christmas I wan 17 for Christmas end bieriebealesleirut irrlanol. Icioousienni iehiieblele, ill llal ll2srieioio dioiriri will illcbdovdprp adgehda liem ~ lovd Sierra Atlym Dear Santa For Christmas I want morch and I want furh to mdrus and want pupp ~ Love Jaylaine Young Dear Santa For Christmas I want good I trmople Lfgowmeng pnwgl mom bickl mlnls is I it tois toc got go rckl ckk ckttotbl lkketok isi ~ Love Nick Morris Dear Santa Claus, My name is Shelby Danielle Hooks. I am 12 years old. For Christmas, I would like the following thing: Baby dolls and clothes for babies, Barbie & Ken dolls and accessories, DS games and accessories, Wii games and accessories, A new bike, Monster High dolls & accessories, Liv and/or Moxie girls and accessories, a new shoulder purse and matching wallet, and some more things. I go to Brighton Middle and I am in 7th grade. I have been a good girl this year. ~ Love Shelby D. Dear Santa,I want the wii for Christmas & wuggle pet set and best of all a bell from your sleigh. The last thing I want is a orby foot massager ~ Fate I Love you

My Christmas Wish List – Xboxes, floating fish at Tpys R Us Pat Cat, Grl Dog, Gol and Boy Brd, dirt bike, hot wheels ~ Jacob Hoover My Christmas Wish List – 3 DS, scooter, Xbox 360, My daddy, A snow day, Roodoff bell, kneckubaolls, Ipod touch ~ Avery My Christmas Wish List – Psp, Lego Harry Potter, Playstation 3, Dirt bike, Just Dance 2, Cars Two, Pet Bird, book, New Glasses ~ Nathan My Christmas Wish List – I want a dog, I want a tranplen, I want a easy back oven, I want abox 360, I want a cat, I want a braby, I want a pad, I want a bird, I want a fish ~ Krishana My Christmas Wish List – xboxs3, P.S.P., D.S., strwors clowors, toy, ipod, glee wii ~ Spencer Leonad My Christmas Wish List – borrdedol, DS ed, pupeydog, cite sat, bord edokema ~ Monica My Christmas Wish List – pupy, cat, Xbox 360, 3DC, Deer ~ Walker I want a Santa book, I want a singing book, I want a dancing flower, I want a Santa hat, I want a gril brabye, I want a baby krdy, I want a easy bake over, I want a ipad and bell ~ Kamryn My Christmas Wish List – A new will game, a game for my DS, a game for com, a bede game, a new tv dvd for my tv, a 3d DS, a game for the wii, a good Christmas ~ Houston My Christmas Wish List - PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS, clohos, ipot, book, conute ~ Kentrin My Christmas Wish List – ipod, new desk, easy bake oven, my friends to have a great Christmas, My baby sister to have a baby doll. ~ Timmie My Christmas Wish List – I want a baseyke ball, ted ber, joyo dyer, ipod, xbox360, puppy dog ~ Winston My Christmas Wish List – I wont a Wi for Christmas and a Wi game too and a Xbox and monopoly game ~ Chris My Christmas Wish List – I wish I had a makeup set and a thing of rings and lipgloss and clohos and some toys. Thank you Santa Closs. I Lov you and some clohos for my brother a book for my sister ~ Alaneu

Dear Santa,My name is Davey Allison Hooks. I am 7 ½ years old. I have been pretty good this and I love you. For Christmas I would like a really shiny bike, pink bb gun, squinkies, Barbie dolls, a new DSI, baby doll, a guitar and “Just Dance 3” wii game for me and my sister Shelby D. to share. I would also like a toy puppy and kitten. Santa me and Shelby D. will leave you some cookies and coke for you on Christmas Eve. ~ Love you Davey Allison Hooks, BES

My Christmas Wish List – I wat a cars. Hus. Rende. TR Hols. ~ Steven

Dear Santa I want a dog and all the baieus in the stores your elfs make them and I want brbie squimkies si pakes and a lluase and Play Do and glass Dolls and a Bag of candy, and a stocking my fast name is Samantha and I’m in grade 2nd my teacher name is Grimes I live in Tennessee. I have been good. I want to see you Santa ~ Love Samantha Adams

My Christmas Wish List – I want a outfit, I want a present for mom and dad. I want a new peyr of sows. I love you Santa ~ Makyrah

My Christmas Wish List – make up, Barbie doll, clothes, cars (hot wheels) ~ Dawn

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My Christmas Wish List – Barbie dell, ipod, make up, Barbie car, Justin Bieber CD ~ Shaniya My Christmas Wish List – A elf, a ex box, a gitar, a drum set, a ran mustreomask, a football, helmet ~ Luke Perkins My Christmas Wish List – Xbox 360 / a tv/scooter ~ Cooper Kenney

Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time. I have tried hard to be good this year. I would like to have for Christmas a baby doll that talks and it has a baby bottle and food. And I would like for Chritsmas a white dog. And a Barbie doll and a tpaynmicrophone. Merry Christmas ~ Felia Fayne, CES 3rd grade

Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good this year. I would really like a play Station, 3DS, Wii and Army men. Merry Christmas ~ Charlie Scott, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good this year. I would like xbox Kinect, Play Station 2 and NBA 2K12? Merry Christmas ~ Zax, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good this year. This year I would really like a PSP, a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, army toys, “Call of Duty”, “Motor War,” and a remote control car. I would also really like a sant rows game, a bike a skate board, little big plant games and a nerf gun that has little water balls in it that shoot out 20 feet. Merry Chrismas ~ Deangelo Jones, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would really like a new Xbox 360 and a flat screen TV. It would be neat to have a four wheeler and brand new controllers four my Xbox 360 It would be great to get games for it. I want a remote control car, an electric scooter, a new trampoline, a laptop, a 3Ds. I want a phone, a couch to go in my room, a music player, earphones, candy and speakers for my TV. I want a pair of skates too. Merry Christmas ~ Javen Harris, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would really like a game that is called “The Godfather2.” It would be nice if you would bring me a shotgun. I hope I can get a 3DS. Plaese get my mom a bunch of red roses. Love Tye Smith, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would really like a 3DS and a Tennessee football. Also, I would like a Wii. With that 3DS I would like to get “Mario Cart 7” (the game), a collection of guitar picks, and a cool guitar. Merry Christmas Santa Claus ~ Dominic Gross, CES 3rd Grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year I would really like some spy tripwire (I saw some at Wal_mart). I would also really like Star wars Legos. I would also like a pair of spy video glasses. I really want a pair of night vision binoculars. I would really love to have my very own laptop. Sincerely, Lucas James Ballard, CES 3rd grade

you have a Ho Ho Christmas! Merry Christmas ~ Mary Ann Stephens, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year I would really like a touch screen phone and a lab top computer. I would like a lot of shoes, clothes and different kinds of colored shirts and socks. I would also like a Nintendo DS. Merry Christmas ~ Rosha Cleaves, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would really like a DSIXL and a camera. I would also be neat to have some games to match my DSIXL. I would like a new Xbox 360 controller a new jacket and. Some new shoes. That is really all I would like to have this year. Merry Christmas ~ Jack Bennett, CES 3rd grade

Dear Santa,Please bring me a uncorn for Christmas ~ Love, Scarle, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a GAmm for Christmas ~ Love, Elijah H, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a Xbox for Christmas ~ Love, Elijah Williams, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a ohwecthgctherfb for Christmas ~ Love, Jacob

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Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I’d really like a crayon maker and a computer. Also it would be cool if you got me an Ultimate Alliance video game. Merry X-mas ~ Joshua Luke Kellum, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would like my Dad to come for Christmas. I would also like glow in the dark paint, Xbox 360, and make up. Not kid make up by grown up make up. If it’s OK I would like a Nintendo 3DS. A wii would be nice to! ~ Sincerely Madelyne Grace Tiffner, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year, I would really like a Playstation 3 and clothes. Merry Christmas ~ DaShawn Rudd, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa,Please bring me a 2tni for Christmas ~ Love, Tot, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a DTHCb for Christmas. Love, Zdai, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a TlGR DOG for Christmas ~ Love, Jordan, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me apoa for Christmas ~ Love, Chooi, Kindergarten

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Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas I would like my Dad come home. I would like and iPad. Clothes, shoas, DS dolls I would also like a pink laptop with my name. Marry Christmas ~ Conija Hill, CES 3rd grade Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I am so excited it is Christmas time! I have tried hard to be good. This year I would really like a flat screen TV and a blue designed computer. It would be really nice to have a pair of Nike shoes. I would also like some clothes. It would be really cool to have a 3D DS with games too. I hope

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Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a DRBIK for Christmas ~ Love, Andrew Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a BX2 for Christmas ~ Love, Wyohx, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a XOXOXOE for Christmas ~ Love, Kyle, Kindergarten

Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 ▪ D3 Dear Santa,Please bring me a ingmed for Christmas ~ Love, Koitlyn, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a DGE for Christmas. ~ Love, Pouul, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a DOL for Christmas. ~ Love, Riley, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a BKL for Christmas. Love, Dalton, Kindergarten Dear Santa,Please bring me a Couru for Christmas. Love, Alexis Dear Santa,I have tried really hard to be nice this year. I would really like a big robot, a truck, ~ Damian Dear Santa,I have been a very good girl this year. I would really like a Barbie doll and hair bows. ~ Love, Liana Dear Santa,I hove tried really hard to be nice this year. If I am on the nice list I would like a new bike for Christmas. Thank you! ~ Love, Sydney Dear Santa,I have ben good I wil tel you be cus it is troow I wont a truk and a bigwerk binch and a trash pak. ~ cooper Bourgue, 1st grade Dear Santa,I med my mom I wot the thug. I wot the ds gam poris of the cben I wot a ds gam Rodof the piada and I wot a sho glow I wot a cos I wot a crodebet I wot a toy spp. ~ Eli, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have ben good I have ben making good grabs in skoole I woth a for yelle. I also woth Backe and cc Vipsbolls. ~ Molly Heath, 1st grade Dear Santa,I bin gud to my mom and I Be gud to my Dad I wont a puppy and a Brbey and a cat and a BrBey hase. ~ Anna Abel, 1st grade Dear Santa,I bin to mi tijr I bin grd I mad grd grads I wont a mudjep a mokljluhelcht I wont am tlwxpan I wont a 2 9ersudox doxci gluf ~ Alex Orsborn, 1st Grade Dear Santa,I ben gut. I owas get a tikit. I wont a pek get tr a nba sqris ~ Briley Johnos, 1st grade Dear Santa,I mind my mom and dad brttbiak cloos shoos coors hat cireeleen ~ Landon Crise, 1st grade Dear Santa,Sat I bin so good I bin gitn good gase and I bin mining my mom and dad. I wote to git fum you I wote a Rocky and See See vip dolly. ~ Molly Oswalt, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have ben gud I mind my mom and dad I get a teket I get to go awtsid Santa I ont a Dade got ~ Waylon Cullum, 1st grade Dear Santa,I made good grads. I mande my daddy. I mande my mommy. I want a des games. I want a just want a sogs an a ipod. ~ Evie Turner, 1st grade Dear Santa,I mib my fot peris tbm be xgood I wot plfooweil I wot mot kto plese I wot bubuf fro ~ Brigett, 1st grade Dear Santa,I made good grades, I always get a tickit at school, and I be good for my mom, dad, sister and my sister wants stuff to and want I want from you is a blue forwiler that is my size and a nerf gun. ~ James Gantlin, 1st grade Dear Santa,I kete gid good grase. I keti bid kise wefh my mom I kete did kise with pay Santa I wiuht a brde haus I kete play sidn good and I bid good Santa I wut a ds that wat ~ Maril Corare, 1st grade Dear Santa,Sed Cbdam goo ras I bid maklag tomi mom and to dad and misad nodmis ~ Kevin Hutcherson, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have bin good I bin mecing good gread in class I wod lik to have a mocho hancotr. ~ Austin Kilptrick , 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been good some times I’ve had good grades and good being nice to brother I’m nice to my family. I want a DS ~ John Richardson, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have made good grads in school. I mined my mom and dad. I want a foril friend. I want a barby and stase camp set. I want a prisboll hose. And a DSI ~ Sydne Collins, 1st grade Dear Santa,I mad good. I were a god. I were a 2cut. I were a trtimo~ Javon, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have beine

good I have bine miding my mom. Pla-dowe and a stufanmle and I also I wats a little elf to and I also wate a stannucbso and some elf shos and a elf hat to and a lttle lttle elf hat ~ Zaylah Horne, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have bin good santa I have bin giting all A+ plse give me a wepkins for Christmas ~ Cassidy Johnson, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good. Please bring me soso puppys and a Jusein Bieber neckie but I riley wont is a fotboll but riley riley is fore you too have a very good Christmas hohoho ~ Love you, Piercynn, , 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good please bring me a two seat bike ~ Love Braxton, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good please bring me a Justin Bieber doll ~ Love Cole, 1st grade Dear Santa,I wot a trick bike I wot mot km7 roler and wa Xbox360 ~ Zac, 1st grade Dear Santa,I lovk plnver clgood please. Breeg me bk hoos ~ Love Gabby, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good. Please bring me a chalk board and money and a Justin Bieber Shirt Merry Christamas Nitendo DSi ZuZu pet Just Dance 3 ~ Love Summer , 1st grade Dear Santa I have very good please bring me a Nintendo game and a lego Sta wars sete ~ Love Eli, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been good Please bring me a mirror and just Dance three and ZuZu pets puppy and my on computer and Dsi game and a PSP game and a fhis that pink one and a two seat bike. ~ Love Brie, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good please bring me a lfe oun a slfe don a xbx 360 Merry Christmas ~ Love Blake, 1st grade Dear Santa,Please trop me off and Elf Tuesday. And I also have been very good. And can you bring me Justin Bieber and an JB shirt. An JB CD and a JB doll and an real pone. And for Christmas I also want you!~ Love Tessica! , 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good please bring me a Ninetendo DS. ~ Love Payton, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good please bring me a DSi and a wol King puppy and a par of tenusus and bigo game and zoo zoo pet and tank you for my elf and have a good Christmas I love you Santa ~ Love Kersten, 1st grade Dear Santa,I wont a ioooooooooooo and I wont a X box 360 a bop it Xd ~ Love Alexis, 1st grade Dear Santa Merry Christmas I have been good bring me a madel plane. And I wont a trick bike. ~ Love Blake R, 1st grade Dear Santa I have been very good please bring me money and a morel plane and Just Dance 2 for Wii and a edsand Mario Kart 7 ~ Love Wesley , 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good. Please bring me Xbox 360 ~ Ashton, 1st grade Dear Santa,I have been very good. Please bring me Justin B abd a Barbie doll ~ Love Kelsey, 1st grade Dear Santa I have been good Please bring me Xbox360 ~ Malikia, 1st grade Dear Santa,I would like a lot of toys. Some crayons and markers. I want a lunchbox the I carley one. Some candy. I would like twister the game. Monster High game and the Mon-

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ster High dolls. and two cell phones ~ love solmaliah, Pre-K Dear Santa,I would like a bike. A new house. I want toy Story 3 movie, Cars 2 and a Christmas movie. Christmas lights and a Christmas tree. ~ Love Taylan, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want Santa to bring me a spiderman toy and a robot toy and a helicopter toy, a buble bee transformer. A cat light up toy, A Halloween movie. My sister likes dolls. She wants a doll for Christmas. I want a person toy and a motorcycle toy and a car toy. ~ Love Ercik, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want a dollhouse and some dollies. An airplane that flies (a toy one) A Santa toy. A dog toy where you feed him. An elf (a toy one) not really that flies to the North Pole. Cookie Monster back pack and his cookie. ~ Love Emilie, Pre-K Dear Santa,A puppy dog, a Barbie doll, a dress. A table and chairs. A book, picture, playdough, a pet hamster and a home for him so he doesn’t have to live outside. ~ Love Meeizie, Pre-K Dear Santa,Barbie, a baby doll and some play money. Markers and some story books and clothes for my Barbie. ~ Love Novon, Pre-K

to go with it. ~ Your Friend, Ethan, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want my own DS game (Zac & Cody), lap top so I can look at my own videos, smurfs movie and a playset for Disney princesses. A pretend Santa Claus and elf for Christmas. ~ Love Yaleia, Pre-K Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a zombie toy and a race car. I want a Buzz Lightyear and Woody. I want a motorcycle and a game with balls. And I want a superhero. ~ Your friend Dylan, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want a Princess car and house. I want a Barbie and the Camper. Then I want a Firetruck. Then I want the fairies. ~ Love Aiyssia, Pre-K Dear Santa,I have been a very good girl. I would really like a dool and hair bows and a necklaces. ~ Love Talia, Pre-K Dear Santa,I would like a ipad tutr and a noo bed that’s 5, itris and a crut little dog, and sum perfume and a bike and blue bike and a threrps, and make up and a tedy bare, an orysyda-

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Dear Santa,some new cookies to make. A play store. Some dolls and clothes for them. A game, some markers. Some candy my favorite is candy bars. ~ Love Grayson, Pre-K Dear Santa,A toy car, a doggy toy, a baby toy because I like baby toys. Play teeth to put in your mouth. And some money and quarters. ~ Love Jy, Pre-K Sear Santa, A monster truck, a tractor and a trailer, a truck, a gas four wheeler, a play man that goes with the truck. A bow, an airplane and a fishing pole. ~ Love Jacob, Pre-K Dear Santa,I would like to have a motorcycle for Christmas. I also want a Handy Manny lamp, a BES shirt, a toy shot gun with bullets. I want cotton candy for my stocking. ~ your friend, Brayden, Pre-K Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a swingset, fashionista Barbie, and games to play. ~ Love Tohn, Pre-K Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a Spiderman game, a baseball and Alvin and the Chipmunk game. I also want a dump truck game and a Santa game.~ Love Jeremiah, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want figit friends, pop-up the pig game, spray balloons and Hungry Hungry Hippo game for Christmas. Love Aliya, Pre-K Dear Santa,I want a Ninetendo DS and some games

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ceuvin and a toy that’s my aje and a nace family, and a little sister and a noo dor. ~ Sincerely, Alliah White Dear Santa,I would like a tash pack and a Dagder and a toy dinnosoer and a BB gun and a dog and a cat and a ATV and a new bike and a santa toy, one frog, one mx toy and a 22 gun and a thing. I love you Santa. ~ Sincerely, Cohen Hambick Dear Santa,bog fume. ~ Sarah Dye

2x3 Covington Motor Co. 131635

Dear Santa,I would like a play I pod and a play dog and play make-up. ~ Sincerely, Kylie Davis, 7 Dear Santa,I woiuld like a bike and book and clothes. Thank you so much. I love you. ~ Sincerely, Gianna DeLisio Dear Santa,Will you give me a toy gun and will you give me a oing man truck. I love you. ~ Sincerely, Coleman Fryer

D4 ▪ Thursday, December 22, 2011 ▪ Season's Greetings 2011 Dear Santa,I want a DS and gum and a BB gun and BBA. ~ Sincerely, Aidan Craig Dear Santa,I would like a bike. ~ Sincerely, Skyler Collins, 5 Dear Santa,I would like a Wii and just dace one just dace two and just dance three. ~ Sincerely, Tina Hobbs Dear Santa,I would like a pack of legos and lots of guns like a BB gun and BBS and a cat and a frog a buga dog or MX ATV and Santa toy. ~ Sincerely, Ian Billings Dear Santa,I would like a tomiset and a soacarset. ~ Sincerely, Nickolas Castka Dear Santa,I would like a bike and barbie dolls and play dowe and puppy dog and a Dsi and I pod. ~ Sincerely, Piper Matthews Dear Santa,I would like a pair, lots of, coursette clothes and perfume. Thank you so much. I love you. ~ Sincerely, Jonathan Pointer, 10 Dear Santa,I would like a bike and a DDI and a baby doll. ~ Sincerely, Bailey Dear Santa,I like loojoor, 120 caynoll and pigg bank and mune and 2 babla. ~ Damen Zhena Dear Santa,I would like a Gun and uo fiwillr. ~ Sincerely, Mason Lemman Dear Santa,I wat a play doh. ~ Zacrey Guy Deer Santa Claus, I would like 2 Whimzy Pets pleass. And I would like 3 pet Dragens, 1 a baby 2 adolts pleass. I would like a dragen egg, pleass. I would like a D.s. fiteing game, pleass. A golden Slaey bel ,pleass. Love, Libby Rudicil. age 6 Merry Christmas Lori cook’s pre-k Dear Santa, I want a microphone, a baby doll, some Vaseline, and some toys. Do the reindeer need a jacket? Love, Kelandra Hood, Age 5 Dear Santa, I want some drums, some drumsticks, a microphone, a DS game, and toys. Do you need a new coat like I got one? Love Keelen Harland, Age 4 Dear Santa, Can you get some candy for me? I want some wrestling toys, a Spiderman game, a pirate game, a microphone, a whack-a-mole game, and some Kool-Aid. Do you want some cookies? Love, Traylen Flowers, Age 4 Dear Santa, I want some monster trucks, motorcycles, a DSi, a monster truck bed, a t.v., and some video games. How the reindeer doing? Thank You, Owen Park, Age 4 Dear Santa, I love you! I want a present and some books. I want a bulldog and a reindeer with a red nose like Rudolph. I want to give you some milk and cookies. I want a tree book , and a motorcycle, and an elephant, and a telephone. I want to come to Ripley and visit you at the North Pole. Love, Ibysius Jones, Age 4 Dear Santa, I want you to buy me a bed and a carpet, a computer, an airplane, and a book, a calendar, a board (dry erase board,) some numbers to count, and toys, and a helicopter. I have been good so far. Thank You, Tayshaun Dye, Age 5 Dear Santa, I want a power scooter and a DS and a little Christmas tree and a big Christmas tree so I can put it in the window for you to see. I want a rocket ship so I can ride in it. I want a house and a closet that I can fit in and my toys can fit in and no one else can come in. Thank You, Kendarious Toomes, Age 4 Dear Santa, Hello Santa. How are your reindeer? Thank you for buying me some presents. I want a red DSi, some big games, a Harry Potter game on my DSi, a Spiderman bed and blanket, and a Spiderman game. I also want a Christmas tree. I love you. Kiyon Wilcox, Age 4 Dear Santa, I want a doll that’s pretty and drink by itself when you hold it and eats food by itself when you hold it. I hope you feel better. Do you have a cold? I would like to give you anything that you want me to give you., and I hope you bring me a lots of toys that I said want. I hope my momma get a new house and a new room and a new car so she can go to

the car lot and get one. Do you like milk and cookies, cause I will give you some if you want some. How are your reindeer doing? Love, CaLeia Morton, Age 4 Dear Santa, I want a Michael (Jackson) song, a drum, a drumstick, a Barbie, a Christmas tree, a Hannah Montana bed, a Spongebob cover, a Strawberry Shortcake game, a Dora pillow, a Dora book, and a Spongebob book. Have you watched a Dora movie? Thank you. India Butler, Age 5 Dear Santa, I want a fairy bunk bed, a DS, a Christmas tree with candy canes, and some presents, some cookies and chocolate milk. Do you like cookies and chocolate milk? Can you please send me some books and some candy canes? I will bring you some cookies and milk. I want a bicycle and a library and a calendar, and a fairy counting floor puzzle, Is it okay if I leave Rudolph some cookies and milk? I will leave you a present too! I want a mirror, a princess rug, and angel for my Christmas tree, a swimming pool, a water hose, and some ice cream. I want a shirt, some dresses, and pretty shoes, and stockings, and flower panties. Thank you and love you, Franchessica Clark, Age 4 Dear Santa, I just want a blue four-wheeler. I like the snow, do you like it too? I want a green Christmas tree toy and an orange one too. I want to make a big old snowman with a snowflake. Thank You, Gaige Peeler, Age 5 Hey Santa, Are your reindeer doing okay? Are they doing fine? I want a PSP, a computer, a racecar set, a Mario racecar, a choochoo train, Mario and Luigi game, a Lightening McQueen set, a Power Ranger with a samurai sword, a Spiderman, a Power Ranger set, some GO GO RESCUE toys, a Spiderman game, a Spiderman racing set, a Spiderman motorcycle, an Iron Man suit, a remote control Iron Man, an airplane, a car, a driver’s license, and a guitar for you and a sleigh for you and Rudolph. Thank You, Demario Avery, Age 4 Hey Santa, How’s your reindeer doing? I love you Santa! Can I have a DS, a princess carpet, a puzzle, and some strawberry gum? Thank you, Anna Watkins, Age 4 Dear Santa, Are the reindeer doing okay? I want some presents. I want for Christmas a dancing Happy Feet, a Leap Frog, and some books. Thank you, Kobe Campbell, Age 4 Hey Santa, Can you bring me some princess guitars, and a white Christmas tree toy? Do you still like cookies? Thank You, Emily Scott, Age 4 Dear Santa, I want a Scooby Doo bed, Scooby Doo bubble gum, and Strawberry Shortcake bubble gum. I love you. Love, Tucker Reed, Age 4 Dear Santa, Do you want some milk and cookies? I want a Spiderman bed, a DS, and a Spongebob floor(carpet.) Love you and a hug, Damien Grandberry, Age 4 Hey Santa, What are the reindeer doing? Can you bring me milk and cookies? Can you get me a DSiXL? Can you get me a Spiderman carpet? Can you get me a real dog? Can you get me a nice behavior CD? Hugs and Kisses, Shanella Rogers, Age 5 Dear Santa, I want a toy airplane that flies when you wind it up, a Spiderman that walks by itself when you wind it up, and a snowman that moves and dances by itself when you hit a button on his head. Do you want some milk and cookies? I will tell my mom to get some for you and I want to tell you that I love you. Thank you, Tyler Alston, Age 5 Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer doing? I’m sure your VERY busy. I know I am! Guess what my dog Bella had 3 puppies! Enough about me I have so many questions to ask you. Do you ever get tired of eating cookies? Do you run out of magic? And how’s Mrs. Clause and the elves? Speaking of elves, Edward Anthony is doing great! Before I give you my Christmas list I want to thank you for my gifts last year! They were great! This year I would like a couple of things. First I would like some Monster High things like Abby Bominable,

Dawn of the Dance 3 pack, Lagoona Blue’s Hydration Station, etc. Now there’s a few American Girl things I would like to if possible. Lanie Holland, her butterfly outfit, Lanie’s accessories, and the pretty plaid dress. Well that’s all for now. Got to go. Love, Madi ps. Have a Great Christmas Dear Santa I want two boxes of orbies,aqua sand,movies,baby alive,a red four wheeler like my uncle ced and i want some lil mermaid stuff,some clothes and some shoes and i want some of my wishes to come true thanks and i love you santa Taniya Partee Hey Santa, Can you please bring me some cars and trucks,scooby doo movies,mickey mouse club house movies and a four wheeler and a football and i also want me some rain boots and I love you Santa Thank you Mr.Claus Steven Jenkins III Dear Santa, My name is Cory Wilharm Jr. but you can call me CJ. I’m one year old and have been a good boy all year. I have spent half my year laying around, eating, and sleeping. Now however, I’m a busy boy and would love some new toys. Balls, blocks, cars, and trucks are a few of my favorite things. I would also like a swing set for my big brother MAC and I to play on. I promise to be a very good boy and not eat all your cookies. Love, C.J. Dear Santa, My name is Micheal Curry and I am seven years old. I’ve been a good boy all year. I would like a kinect for Xbox 360, some new games for my DSi, and the Ringo game for Xbox 360. I would also like purple bike with purple arm pads and purple helmet. Mommy and I will have a special surprise for you on Christmas Eve. MAC Dear Santa, My name is Britney Kesler I’m 2 1/2. For Christmas I want a Dora chair,Baby Doll,stroller for my Baby Doll,I want an leap pad that looks like the Ipad and some Play Dough My Elf Twinkle has been watching me I hope he tells Santa how good Ive been! I’m leaving you some cookies and milk and Rudolph some food. Love Britney Kesler Dear Santa, My name is Bryanna and I’m 4 For Christmas I want a Baby Doll,Stroller for my Baby Doll,Dora chair I also want a Play Dough Dentist Set, and I want some Make-Up and an IPOD! Twinkle my elf has been watching me I hope he tells Santa Ive been a good girl. I will leave you some cookies and milk and Rudolph some food. Love,Bryanna Kesler

Bounce House, Trampoline, Wii games, DS Games, cute clothes ~ Brieanna Howard, age 6 Dear Santa, My name is Westly Ray Harden. How have you been? I haven’t seen you in a year. Tell the elves I said hey. Now to buisness I would like a dirt bike and my mom wants a car. I would like you to also bring Garrett some Xbox games and Chris some PSP games. Also I want my mom and dad to be back how they were. Oh and bring my dad Wes a new mudin toy for the creek. That’s alls I want for CHRISTMAS. P.S. Bring mamaw a new sowin kit and paw paw new tools and Tina some baby girl cloths. Westly Harden Dear Santa, I have been a very good baby for the 6 months I’ve been alive! This is my first Christmas so I’m pretty new at this, but there are a few things I would like. I would like a Elmo doll, some light up toys that make music, new PJs, a couple new paci’s, and some board books to read with Mommy. I hope you come to visit. Mommy said you like milk and cookies so we’ll have some waiting! Thank you, Holden Oliver, 6 months

Barbies and a baby Fijit. ~ Emma Day, age 6 Dear Santa, I want a little motorcycle and a remote control four wheeler and some ninjago legos and a fijit friend a basketball hoope and wii games like mariokart new hi-tops in coler and remote control airplane and 3DS and mariokart7 and cars 2 wii game. ~ Jaylen Denmark, age 8 Dear Santa, I would like a laptop, a pair of boots, a D.S.,a Monster High Doll, a lava lamp, a chandeler, Barbie RV, a fijit friend, a baby fijit, some dry earase

markers, & some high heel boots.~Jaiden Denmark, age 9

Thank you for reading the letters to Santa written by Tipton County children. Every letter submitted to Santa’s mailbox at The Leader has been published in its entirety. If you believe your child’s letter has been omitted, please feel free to email santa@

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Dear Santa, I love you for giving us presents. I want you to give my mom a necklace. Please bring my dad a radio for his tractor. Merry Christmas, Waylon Dear Santa, I can explain! I’m little and just learning. I sure would like a skateboard, a life jacket, soft toys I can put in my mouth, a toy box, lots of cheese and my Mom says I need my own bed because I kick and snore. Presley Dear Santa, I am so excited that Christmas is almost here. I have been such a good boy this year and hope that Ollie the Elf has reported good news to you. This Christmas, I would love a new tricycle, a tractor, Woody & Buzz Lightyear, and a Dump Truck. Any surprises would be great too! I will leave milk, cookies, and food for the reindeer. Love, Mills Beasley Dear Santa, I wold like a skoowtr fritnit fred tether set tins shoows. ~ Jenna Grace Denmark, age 5

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Dear Santa, I would like

Dear Santa, I am a 5 year old handicapped child with cerebral palsy and other conditions and all I want for Christmas is to continue to be loved and well taken care of from my parents,sister,and brothers and for everyone to be loved and have a Merry Christmas Thanks Santa, Janyla Kemp Dear Santa, I want a bike,a four-wheeler,clothes,blackforces,x-box 360 games,cross necklace and most of all I want a wwe wrestling men and set and I just want everybody to have a good Christmas. Thank you Santa, Jalen Kemp Dear Santa, I have been a real good girl this year. For Christmas I would like an Ipod Touch, a bike, some Barbie clothes, new clothes for my American Girl Doll and a BIG Barbie Doll House. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Lillie Grace Hopkins age 8 1/2 Covington, TN Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas I would like a bike, some new tractors with trailers, a Cars tent and a lot of surprises. Please make sure my bike has training wheels because I am small. Love, Kayson Ray Hopkins age 2 1/2 Covington, TN Dear Santa I would like a gokart. I also want a bike. I really want the zoo keeper movie. I want a ipod touch. I also would like CSI kits. Thank you Garrett Craig. age 8 Dear Santa First I want a gokart. Second I want a ipod touch. Third I want a Atlanta Braves Blanket. Fourth I want a nook. Fifth I want presents to give to the needed. Thank You, Austin Craig, age 8 My Christmas list: Just Dance 3, Zebra Clogs, Paper Jams Car’s 2 Movie, pink Lego’s,

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