New horizons at DSCC Megasite plans on target Atoka:
Celebrating a century
Medical providers 23-25 M 16 Church listings
contents DIS C OVER TIPTO N C O U NTY ڮS PRI N G 2 0 1 1
ag & industry
5 It’s not over until the school bell rings
30 A million made every day
7 New horizons at DSCC
31 Megasite plans on target
With plans to retire from the school system, Dr. Tim Fite reflects on the performance of Tipton County schools
New construction plans help increase enrollment at the Covington location
medical 11 Addition of new scanner expanding coverage
Local cancer and cardiac clinic offers new CT scanner for patient comfort, reduction of x-ray dose
26 Unique business thrives in Tipton County
ProMED Concepts provides quality services for medical providers A comprehensive listing of medical providers appears on pages 23-25. BONUS:
history 13 Preserving Randolph
about discover tipton county
33 Wholly cow!
Covington’s Claybrook Angus specializes in raising and selling black angus cattle
communities 3 A great place to live, work and raise a family
Low crime, affordability and awardwinning schools are just a few of the reasons many people call Tipton County home
47 Celebrating a century
This summer the town of Atoka will be full of activities as it celebrating 100 years
48 Down on Main Street
Renovation is the name of the game in Brighton as the downtown area gets a facelift
22 Celebrating 125
49 Small town charm
The oldest business in Tipton County, The Leader will soon celebrate a monumental anniversary
This special annual publication of The Leader is made possible by many advertisers and contributers who want you to experience and discover one of Tennessee’s finest counties. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. The Leader reserves the right to determine the content included within this publication. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in Disscover does not reflect the endorsement of the product and service by The Leader. This publication is copyright 2011 Tipton County Newspapers LLC. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. The Leader is published 52 times a year; annual in-county subscriptions are $36. Visit us at 2001 Hwy. 51 South, Covington, TN 38019 or online at www.covingtonleader.com.
Officials are optimistic about recruitment of top-tier industry to neighboring Haywood County
Plans are in motion to turn a historial landmark into a state park
years in business
Since 1972, Charms Company has been making millions of Blow Pops in Covington
Known as a quiet bedroom community, residents of Burlison enjoy a slower pace
35 Bringing Idaville back to life
A renovation means new life for an old country store Worship at one of Tipton County’s many churches, p. 16. BONUS:
our exclusive guide to Tipton Coun ty events! Free pull-out events calendar, page s 28-29
50 Revitalization continuing
More construction for the court square area means a more friendly place to shop in Covington
51 Tranquility
With just .6 square miles, Garland is the smaller town in Tipton County, but also one of most serene
52 Good people, good food
Gilt Edge is known for its dedicated volunteer fire department as well as an award-winning cafe offering tasty down home cooking
53 Infrastructure improvements
Water system improvements, funded by a Community Block Development Grant, brings an increase in volume and quality to Mason water customers
54 Under construction
In March, work began on a $1.8 million fire station in Munford that will bring added public safety to the south cities
Tipton County at Your Fingertips SPRING 2011 PUBLISHER Brian Blackley, General Manager bblackley@covingtonleader.com
LEGALS, BOOKKEEPING Kathy Griffin, Office Manager kgriffin@covingtonleader.com
P RO D U C T I O N Echo Day, Staff Writer eday@covingtonleader.com
C L A S S I F I E D A D V E RT I S I N G Teri Jennings, Reception tjennings@covingtonleader.com
Tyler Lindsey, Staff Writer tlindsey@covingtonleader.com
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. The Leader reserves the right to determine the content provided within this publication. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in Faces and Places does not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the product and service by The Leader. Faces and Places is copyright 2010 Tipton County Newspapers LLC. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. If you have any questions or comments about this publication please call The Leader office at 901476-7116 or send an email to news@covingtonleader.com.
Sara McKee, Graphic Design smckee@covingtonleader.com A D V E RT I S I N G Beverly Miller bmiller@covingtonleader.com Andy Posey aposey@covingtonleader.com COMMERCIAL PRINTING Shane Waits, Manager swaits@covingtonleader.com Richard White, Print Assistant
THE LEADER 2001 Highway 51 South Covington, Tennessee 38019 w w w. c ov i n g t o n l e a d e r. c o m
iitth iit ts po p op puullaati tion n iin nccrreeas n asiin ng by by m ore than or an n 6622 percent si since 19 990 90, Ti T ipt ptton pton on C Cou ountty is ou is o nee n ith its population increasing more 1990, Tipton County one of T of een nne nessssee’s ee’ss ffastest ee aste as tes est gro owi wn ngg ccounties. ouunttie o ies. With its close pr roximit itty to o tthe he G he reeat ater M emph phis is Tennessee’s growing proximity Greater Memphis aarreeaa, access aacccess cceesss tto o ra aiillwayyss aand nd w atteerrw rw waays, award-winning scho ho ools an nd p po ost st-s -secco on nda daryy area, railways waterways, schools and post-secondary ed educ duucca caattion, ion io n,, m eed dic icaall ccare, arree,, aagriculture, griiccuulltu gr ture, indu ussttri riaall b ase, low crime and affor rdabiiliityy, it t’s ’s n ott ddiffi iiffficcu ultt tto o se ssee ee education, medical industrial base, affordability, it’s not cult wh w hy T Ti ipt pto on nC ounty ou ntty is n is a ggreat reat re at p l ce to liv la vvee, w wo ork rk aand nd raise a family. why Tipton County place live, work
Loccaatteed iin Lo nW eesst Te T en nn nes esse see, e, T Tip ipto ip ton nC Co oun nty t iiss lo llocated oca cate t d just north of Memphi hiis alo h aalong al lon ong U. U S. H S. i h ig hw way ay 551, 1, 1, Located West Tennessee, Tipton County Memphis U.S. Highway the major Bordered byy ne neighboring Haywood Lauderdale tth he m he ma ajo or north-south norrtthno th h--sso ouutth bisector. biseecctto bi to orr. B ordder e ed ed b n igghb h or o in ng Shelby, Fayette, H aywoo ay aywo wo w oo odd aand ndd L aude au ddeerddaalle counti co uun nti tieess, T Ti ip ptton on C ouun o ntty al aalso lso lso o eencompasses nccom n mp paasses sses ttwo ss wo lland aan n ndd m ma assses now located on th he w we est ssid idde of o tthe he M he iisscounties, Tipton County masses the west side Mississ si ssip ipp pii R Riv iveerr. T iv Th hes hes ese is iislands, isla sllaan ndds, s, w hiich h h avve a co ccombined omb biin n ned ed dp pop op puullat a ion of less than 2200 pe p eopllee, w we eree o nce on nc on sissippi River. These which have population people, were once tth he ea he eeastern asstteerrn side ssiide de o tthe he rri ive ive ver, r, b bu ut w erre di issp pla plaace ced w ced wh heen n tthe hee rriver h i er altered its cour iv rse ffo rs ollow ol wing ing th in he 18 11812 81122 the off th river, but were displaced when course following the New N Ne ew M Ma Madrid addrrid id Earthquake. Ear arrth thqu th quaakkee.. T The he ccounty he ount ou nty iss b bordered orddeereed iin or n tthe he n he north orrth o t byy th the Ha H Hatchie tchiee R Ri River, ivveer, r, a M Mississippi issi is sisssssipp ip pp pii River Ri ver tr ve ttributary. ribut ri iib buuttar ary. y. River Rando Rand Ra ndo nd ollp ph h, one one of on of the th hee county’s cou oun ntty ty’ y’s ea eearliest arlliieest ccommunities, om o mmu muni niti tieess, on nce ce flour urriisshe she hed in in the th hee ddays aayys o off ssteamboat teeam mbo boat at ccom om o ommRandolph, once ourished comme m merce errcce ce aan and nd wa w was as re rreportedly epo port rted dlyy tthe hee m h most ost im os important mport rtaaan nt ssh shipping hippi hip ippi ip ping ng p point oiintt iin n th tthe he st state, taatte, e, rrivaling ivalin iv ng M Me Memphis emp phis hiis ffo h for or cco comom m-me m erc erc rcia ial supr ssupremacy. su upr premac emac em acyy.. IIn acy. n ffa act ctt,, C Ci ivviil Wa iv W ar for fo orrttifi ficcations atio at on nss aand ndd ggun n un np ow o wddeer ma m aggaazi zine nes w we erree cconstructed on nst struucctted ed aatt mercial fact, Civil War fortifi powder magazines were R Ra an nddo olllp ph p h due due ue to to its its st it sstrategic trraategi teegi gic lo llocation oca cattiion on o n th tthe he C Ch hiiccas asaaw wB luuffff ((see luff see pa se p age ge 115). Randolph on Chicasaw Bluff page 13). Ho H However, ow weeve eveer, r, iin n 1855 11855, 18 855 55, ra rrailroads aililrro oad ads b be began eggaan con co construction on nsstr truc uction uc ttiion on tthrough hrou hr ough gh tthe h ccounty. he ounty. ou y Rail serv service vic ice w ice wa was as es eestablished esta sta taabl bllis bl ishe ish is hed fro ffrom fr ro om m Me M em mp ph ph hiis to to N Nas ashv as shv hviilllee tthrough hrro h ouuggh hp rreese sen ntt-d -day ayy M aasson on iin n De D ece cemb cem mber mber er 11855. 855. 85 5. T he rra ailrroaad ca ccame am mee tto o At A to okka iin n Memphis Nashville present-day Mason December The railroad Atoka 118 872 72 aand nd tto nd oC Co ovviing ov ngto on iin n 11873. 8733.. 87 1872 Covington Though will eventually bee co constructed western Tipton County, there T Th hou ouggh h IInterstate nter nte nt erssttaatttee 6699 w erst ilill eev ill vent een ntual ttuuallly ly b on nssstr tr uuccted tr ted in te in w esste tern T ip pton ton C to Co oun unty ty, th heerre ar aree cu ccurrently urr rreen ntly tlly n no o ma m ajo jor interstates. inte in terrssta tate tate tes es. s. IInterstate ntter n erstat erst stat st ate 40 ate 40 iiss lo llocated loc ocate catteed ju ca jjust usstt m ilileess ffrom rom ro m th he so sout u he ut hern rrn np orti or tio on no he co coun un nty ty, h ho owe weveer. r. major miles the southern portion off tth the county, however.
QUICK FACTS Established October 29, 1823 from parts of Shelby County on land formerly belonging to the Chickasaw Indians Population 61,081 in 2010 Noteworthy The county was named for Jacob Tipton who was killed by Native Americans in 1791 in a conflict over the Northwest Territory. Davy Crockett reportedly delivered a speech at a Covington barbecue in 1829. Elvis Presley is rumored to have performed at the Ruffin Theater early in his career.
Education & Industry
Home to 14 public schools, private schools, a community college and vocational schools, there’s something for every stage of learning. Offering a well-rounded curriculum, Tipton County’s public elementary, middle and high schools consistently perform at or above federal and state benchmarks set by the No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top acts. Many students also attend private schools Tipton-Rosemark Academy, located in North Shelby County, and Tipton Christian Academy in Covington. Tipton County also has a large homeschooling community. Post-secondary opportunities abound as well. The 102-acre Dyersburg State Community College - Jimmy Naifeh Center campus is located in Covington as is Tennessee Technology Center-Covington. A well-educated workforce is one factor which aids in indus-
LOCATION Just north of Memphis, Tipton County offers the charm, safety and security of a small community with access to big city amenities. Since 1990, the county has gone from a sleepy farming community to a bustling area home to more than 61,000 people as well as international industries.
trial recruitment. The City of Covington has a vast industrial base, providing employment opportunities in a variety of fields. The county seat is home to international companies such as Charms, which produces every Blow Pop consumed, and Unilever, which produces and distributes Slim Fast products and ice cream bars. Sustainable Fiber Solutions, a state-of-the-art print coating facility, began its operation in early 2011.
The place to go for Head to Toe
Pampering! Hair ~ Nail ~ Massage
Eufora products exclusively at 1984 Rosemark Rd., Suite B Atoka, TN 38004
Low crime, costs
In 2008, Progressive Farmer magazine ranked Tipton County the third safest in the nation and reported its residents are 17 times less likely to encounter crime than the average county nationwide. The cities of Munford and Atoka were named among the best affordable suburbs in the country in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The current tax rate is $2.34 per $100 of assessed valuation
and Tennessee residents pay no state income taxes. The retail sales tax rate is currently 9.75 percent and half of all sales tax revenue goes to the school system for the benefit of Tipton County’s more than 12,000 students. Even though the county has experienced rapid growth and development in the last two decades, it hasn’t lost its sense of community and is a place more people than ever before are proud to call home.
It’s not over until the school bell rings STORY & PHOTO BY ECHO DAY
RETIRING Dr. Tim Fite, who’s held the position of director of schools for 19 years, has announced his plans to retire at the end of the 2010-2011 school year.
n January, longtime director of schools Time Fite announced his plans to retire on June 30. In 1992, Fite took office and in the decades since has built a worldclass system. “When you compare us to other schools in the state, we do really well,” Fite said. “We’re above average in most areas.” Fite is speaking of statewide assessments required by the No Child Left Behind Act, but also in benefits for educators and the school’s budget. He says the salary schedule ranks fifth in the state and the system provides competitive compensation. “We have a lot of emphasis on having good benefits packages for our employees so we can stay com-
petitive with Memphis and Shelby County,” he said. According to Fite, Tipton County has the 13th largest system in the state. And of those 136 systems, Tipton ranks 110th in per pupil expenditure. Fite is proud of Tipton County’s students, but also of his employees. The largest employer in the county, the school board is home to an estimated 1,500 staff members from bus drivers to board members and anything in between. “We have such a good group to work with,” he said. “We have a good teacher core and a good administrator core.” Expanding the system After being elected, the first thing CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
he had to do, he said, was open two new middle schools. “Back then we were opening Crestview Middle School and Munford Middle School. That was pretty hard.” In the years since, the system has opened Brighton High School, Brighton Middle School, Austin Peay Elementary, Atoka Elementary and renovated the former Covington Elementary School as an arts education magnet school, Covington Integrated Arts Academy. After a 2000 referendum, in 2003, the Tipton County System took over the former Covington school system. There are now an estimated 12,000 students attending Tipton County schools. “When I started there were 7,500 students and we brought in about a thousand from Covington at the time of the merger.” Fite said the benefits have been worth the struggle of the merger. “You have to measure everything in child benefit. The kids up here have performed well since they got into our school system.”
TIPTON COUNTY SCHOOLS DIRECTORY Tipton County Preschool 474 Academic Drive Covington, TN 38019 (901) 475-5121 Atoka Elementary 870 Rosemark Road Atoka, TN 38004 (901) 837-5650 Austin Peay Elementary 474 Academic Drive Covington, TN 38019 (901) 475-5121 Brighton Elementary 1201 Old Highway 51 South Brighton, TN 38011 (901) 837-5860 Crestview Elementary 151 Mark Walker Jr. Blvd. Covington, TN 38019 (901) 475-5925 Drummonds Elementary 5068 Drummonds Road Drummonds, TN 38023 (901) 835-3571 Munford Elementary 1200 McLaughlin Drive Munford, TN 38058 (901) 837-0152
Covington Integrated Arts Academy (CIAA) 760 Bert Johnston Ave. Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-1444 Brighton Middle 7785 Highway 51 South Brighton, TN 38011 (901) 837-5600 Crestview Middle 201 Mark A. Walker, Jr. Blvd. Covington, Tennessee 38019 (901) 475-5900 Munford Middle 100 Education Ave. Munford, TN 38058 (901) 837-1700 Brighton High 8045 Highway 51 South Brighton, TN 38011 (901) 837-5800 Covington High 803 South College St. Covington, TN 38019 (901) 475-5850 Munford High 1080 McLaughlin Dr. Munford, TN 38058 (901) 837-5701
To determine which school your child will attend, visit the School Zone link on the Tipton County Schools website (tipton-county.com) and enter your address. The system’s website also contains links to the yearly school calendar as well links to each school’s website.
igher education in Tipton County is spreading its arms more than ever. New construction plans and increasing enrollment are testaments to this reality.
The Dyersburg State Community College Jimmy Naifeh Center has continually expanded in Tipton County since the first building was opened 15 years ago and plans are in the works to continue that trend. After the construction of Phase I and II at the DSCC off-campus location in Tipton County, the Tennessee Board of Regents approved the naming of the first building in honor of Speaker Emeritus Jimmy Naifeh. Since then, the entire center has been named the Jimmy
Naifeh Center and a third phase in its construction has been completed. On Jan. 5, 2007, the new Academic Building, phase III of building, opened its doors, adding 31,000 square feet of space and a 244-seat auditorium as well as a learning resource center and a tutoring lab. The Academic Building also contains classrooms and equipment for DSCC’s expanded nursing and allied health programs. But future plans have more lofty aspirations in mind.
Tipton County became the off-campus location of Dyersburg State Community College in 1973. Since then, phases I, II and III of construction have been completed with a third building, a new Learning Resource Center, is in the works.
On Feb. 14, 2008, the state building commission approved planning funds for a new 39,000 square-foot building that will house a new learning resource center and student center. This new center is also a partnership with Tipton County because it will become the new public library as well.
College administrators, educators and community members are quick to express their excitement in this endeavor. DSCC president Karen Bowyer said, “I think it’s a wonderful idea to combine the college library, or the learning resource center, with the public library. This way, both library patrons and students can benCONTINUED ON PAGE 8
can benefit from the substantial database access and from the expanded computer lab. Many times, these are the same people and many live in Tipton County. It will be a very convenient service. Programs for children will also be a part of the center through which children will become familiar with the college from a young age. It’s just great overall for the community in conjunction with the student center where more tutoring and counseling will be available. This is the result of a wonderful partnership between the college and Tipton County, who have worked together to meet state regulations.” “The library has been a longtime project becoming a reality, and so many people were involved in this endeavor,” said speaker emeritus Jimmy Naifeh. “From the securing of state funds to local leaders being involved in the new location, show what a community coming together can achieve.” “It’s great,” said DSCC Jimmy
Naifeh Center dean Jamie Frakes. “It’s a win-win for the college and for the community. The public library will be housed in a larger area with many more resources. Plus, it will steer traffic to the college, giving people the opportunity to become more familiar with higher education. It will become more evident how important this institution is to life in Tipton County. This addition will be critical for this community to be successful in the 21st century. And the new learning resource center will give people the opportunity to embrace lifelong learning.” Susan Cheairs, librarian at the Tipton County Public Library, positively anticipates the move. “We desperately need more room,” she said. “People in this community need us and that need has been growing rapidly over the years. Also, we’ll help make a difference in the economical outlook in Tipton County.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
PLANS TO BREAK GROUND Dr. Bowyer explains the artist’s rendering of the new building for the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County.
LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER An artist’s rendering shows the proposed design of the new building at the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center. The building will be 39,000 square feet in space and it will house a new Learning Resource Center and Student Center. The addition will stand as the new Tipton County public library as well.
This is all part of a master plan of expansion. The state building commission approved a master plan for the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center on Sept. 14, 2000. The plan calls for the construction of 157,058 square feet over the next 20 years. The industrial board of the City of Covington donated 38 acres of property adjacent to the existing 64-acre site of the Tipton County center of DSCC in the spring of 2001 to accommodate such an expansion. After the new learning resource center and student center is built, there will be a total of 103,503 square feet of space. This master plan continues on with the increase in enrollment in mind. New facilities and resources must be made available to meet the rising enrollment rate and to give students more options. For instance, the nursing program, which began in 2007, and the emergency services majors added new, www.covingtonleader.com
convenient possibilities and career paths for students. Also, the new program in general technology enables graduates from Tennessee Technology Center opportunities to obtain additional degrees. These additions to DSCC’s academic program at the Jimmy Naifeh Center in Tipton County have coincided with a 40.41-percent increase in full time equivalent (FTE) students. When asked why enrollment has increased in the past few years at the Jimmy Naifeh Center, Frakes said, “We have an excellent academic program. The nursing and paramedic programs and faculty are second to none. The learning environment here allows students to engage in personal reflection within a comfortable setting.” Frakes believes population growth and tremendous economic development in Tipton County have contributed to the increase in enrollment.
Since 1990, the population of Tipton County has grown 62 percent from 37,06861,081 citizens in 2010. Upon moving to a new place, one of the first things many want to know is how close they are to an institution of higher learning. The Jimmy Naifeh Center provides that link to higher education to those interested. “Our sisterhood with University of Memphis and our accessibility across western Tennessee bring it all together,” said Frakes. “The leadership found both here in Tipton County and at the Dyersburg campus is the culminating piece.” When asked how the college has connected this region, Frakes said, “Every semester, we get more connected with the environment and culture of West Tennessee. It’s becoming a seamless tool in this region’s economic development with no signs of stopping.”
D S C C FAC T S Jimmy Naifeh Center Enrollment Fall 2010 - 1169 FTE - 741.67 Average Age - 26 DSCC Enrollment Fall 2006-Fall 2010 2006 - 1000 HC; 528 FTE 2007 - 987 HC; 528 FTE 2008 - 949 HC; 490 FTE 2009 - 1113 HC; 691 FTE 2010 - 1169 HC; 742 FTE The five-year gain in FTE is 40.41%
Demographics Age 15-24 - 696 25-34 - 257 35 & over - 216 Gender Female - 772 Male - 288
BUILDING (30,940 sq. ft.) Designed to support an additional nursing program and their Emergency Medical Technology / Paramedic program. It also is the home of the Peter and Gracey McNeely Fyfe Learning Resource Center equipped with 47 computers and a 244-seat auditorium.
LEARNING RESOURCE C E N T E R Cost $15 million
Space 39,000 sq. ft.
Amenities Cyber CafĂŠ Student Center (tutoring, counseling) 150-computer lab
LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER Pictured is another view through an artist’s rendering. The archiecture will be modern and administration hopes to be using the building by 2012.
Addition of new CT scanner
EXPANDING COVERAGE Allows clinic to offer most comprehensive cancer and cardiac care in Tipton County
wo years ago the West Clinic and Memphis Heart Clinic opened in Brighton, teaming up to bring advanced cardiac and oncology care to Tipton County. The new location allows local patients increased access to quality specialty care and in a place they already call home. In March, the clinic expanded its coverage and clinic services with
the addition d dition off an on-site SOMATOM TOM® Emotion CT scanner. nner. Using ng the most modern n technology for diagnostic stic imaging imaging, the SOMATOM® Emotion has enabled the clinic to provide the finest image quality while reducing xray dose to patients. Its design allows for optimum patient comfort while eliminating the closed-in feeling sometimes associated with CT scanning.
Patients can also be scanned in a single breath, resulting in a more accurate diagnosis while reducing examination time. The scanner will also allow for expanded scheduling, on-site radiology, chemotherapy, echocardiography and clinical
research program in a compassionate environment. Brighton’s clinic is served by doctors Robert A. Johnson (hematology, medical oncology), Gary Tian (hematology, medical oncology), Joseph K. Samaha (consultative, interventional cardiology)
and Arsalan Shirwany (consultative, interventional cardiology). The office is located at 240 Grandview Drive, Brighton. To schedule an appointment with The West Clinic, call 901-4750678. For appointments with the Memphis Heart Clinic, call 901-476-2404.
Plans are in motion to turn historical landmark a state park Langston Hughes once wrote, “I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. / I’ve know rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers / My soul has grown deep like the rivers.” Hughes was describing the effect that the mighty Mississippi River had not only on him physically and emotionally but spiritually as well. Likewise, many have reminisced or dreamed of times of old when steamboats regularly chugged down Old Man River carrying cotton and whatnot. Similarly, legends exist of battles fought along its banks during the Civil War. Those like Hughes and Mark Twain have immortalized the river’s mystique for people today. American citizens feel as strongly of the Mississippi River. Yet many seem to act differently. The days of old are gone seemingly along with our sentiment to leave the Mississippi River with its natural courses, wildlife and countryside well alone. Nowadays, natural, accessible riverfronts are hard to come by no matter if you’re in downtown
Memphis or in Cairo, Ill. What was once a promising economic epicenter, the town of Randolph is one of the few natural main riverfronts left along the river. With the help of other organizations, Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation hopes to preserve the historic view and the location’s landmarks. Also, on site is probably the last powder magazine in existence, at least, the last one still intact, which is another reason this area needs to be preserved. Regional land conservation director for the Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation Graydon Swisher said, “Not only is it important to just preserve the land from modern development, but it’s also a multicultural site. Native Americans first settled this land because of the spring that’s still here however polluted and French explorers came through this land and traded with the Indians in the site that’s now Randolph.” Due to lack of funds to turn the area into a state park, Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation bought the
riverfront land to protect it until the time is right. “It’s important that we try and do this with as much help as we can get,” said Swisher. On Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010 as part of the 350 project, which involves keeping the carbon in Earth’s climate below 350 parts per million, the foundation helped do its part in the worldwide event by outfitting a house in Randolph controlled by the foundation with solar paneling. Saved money will be given to Southwest Electric. “The event, called 10/10/10, marked a significant worldwide effort to better preserve our climate and nature overall,” said Swisher. “Some people ask me if I’m a tree hugger and I tell them that I’m just a water drinker.” A party was thrown by The Sierra Club to celebrate the events that took place last Sunday to further ensure energy efficiency. Visit www.350.org to find out how to become involved in the cause. Organizers say help cannot come at too small an amount.
John F. Kennedy once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” At Tipton County Commission on Aging, the same ideology is expressed. The staff and volunteers at TCCA hold physical fitness as a high ideal and know the importance of staying active as citizens reach those golden years. TCCA offers several programs every day that engage participants in physical activity. Located at 401 S. College Street in Covington, the center plays an important role in promoting independence, wellness and advocacy to seniors, caregivers and their families in Tipton and surrounding counties.
nder Kay Catterton’s tutelage since mid-2006, The Tappers are made up of around nine participants who regularly take the tap dancing class offered at the center. The program gives those at the center a good way to exercise and be active while doing something fun and creative. “Learning thee routines helps with coordination, balance andd memory,” said Catterton. “We’re re also creative with h our homemade costumes. Sharon on Stubblefield, who ho lps taps with us, helps
greatly with that.” Including Catterton, five of the dancers regularly perform at various places like nursing homes throughout the year. Additionally, the group annually dances at the Mid-South Fair Senior Day competition in which they placed first last year as well as at the Senior Talent Sho Show at the Ruffin Thea Theater on April 10. Inte Interestingly, ages of ddancers range from 55 years old to 8282-year-old Betty Fra Francis who has ha had two broken hi hips and
Above, the group danced at the Senior Talent Revue a few years ago. Left to right is Kay Catterton, Sharon Stubblefield, Gail Wilson and Betty Francis.
C O N T. F RO M PA G E 1 6
At the 2010 Mid-South Fair, the tap dancers won first place in the dance category. Pictured from left to right are Sharon Stubblefield, Kay Catterton, Gail Wilson, Barbara Cicci and Betty Francis.
broken hips and has still kept with it. “We want to make sure everybody knows that, though the class is given for exercise and fun, we make sure everybody goes at their own pace,” said Catterton. Though, Catterton hopes that the number of dancers grows so that she is able to give three classes covering different skill levels. The cost has been very affordable at only $2 per class, though in January of 2011 prices will bump up to a frugal $3 per class.
“We have a ball doing this,” said Catterton. “I want to, not only keep doing it, but do it more often in hopes that participation will grow. The dancers are so passionate about it and I want to continue to do it with them. I urge anyone interested in staying active to come to the center and check it out. We also have a line dancing class given by Juanita Joyner. Overall, at TCCA, we want everyone living a healthy, active lifestyle.”
PROGRAMS • “Get Fit, Stay Fit” exercise class - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:15 a.m. • Line Dance Class - Wednesdays, 9:30 • Blood Pressure Clinic weekly • Indoor walking every day in the gym • Piano class information • Regularly scheduled education and recreation programs • Craft Club - Mondays, 10 a.m. (except the 3rd Monday) • Best Choice Hearing Aids Mike Morrison generally comes on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Please call his office, (901) 346-5700, for an appointment at TCCA. • Wii Gaming - Come Wii at TCCA • Gamepalooza - Thursdays, 1-5 p.m. • Adult Day/Respite Service - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. CONTACT Phone: (901) 476-3333; Fax: (901) 476-3398 Address: 401 S. College St., PO Box 631, Covington, TN, (the corner of Church Street and College Street just one block east of Hwy. 51)
ACTS II COMMUNITY CHURCH 106 Star Shopping Lane Covington, TN 38019 901-475-1732
ATOKA EVANGELICAL PREB 1041 Atoka Idaville Rd Atoka, TN 38004 837-3500
BIG HATCHIE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 1390 Hwy. 51 N Covington,TN 38019 901-476-6759
CALVERY BIBLE CHURCH 894 Munford Ave Munford, TN 38058 837-8563
ANTIOCH M.B. CHURCH 1785 Wooten Street Covington, TN 38019 901-476-5811
AVERY CHAPEL CME 2365 Leighs Chapel Road Covington, TN 38019 901-476-2337
CAMPGROUND U. M. CHURCH 3183 Drummonds Road Drummonds, TN 38023 837-4629
CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH 755 Lucy Kelly Rd. Brighton, TN 38011 901-475-4422
ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 190 Antioch Road Munford, TN 38058 901-837-9635
BEAVER BAPTIST 9344 Holly Grove Rd Munford, TN 38058 901-837-2904
CANAAN BAPTIST CHURCH 211 Main Street N Covington, TN 38019 476-8782
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 400 South Maple Street Covington, TN 38019 901-476-6858
ASSOCIATED REFORMED PRESB 81 Church Ave Brighton, TN 38011 901-476-7233
BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 55 Andrea Dr. Munford, TN 38058 837-2247
CAREY CHAPEL AME 4955 Ballard Slough Rd Burlison, TN 38015 475-2288
CHARLESTON BAPTIST CHURCH 8642 Hwy 179 Stanton, TN 38069 901.476.8479
ATOKA U.M. CHURCH 609 Atoka-Munford Ave Atoka, TN 38004 873-8454
BETHEL CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN 3406 Tracey Rd Atoka, TN 38004 837-0343
CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2010 Highway 51 S Covington, TN 38019 476-4433
CHURCH OF CHRIST 873 Hwy 51 N. (Quality Inn) Covington, TN 38019 901.475.9443
churchlistings CLOPTON U. M. CHURCH 5285 Brighton Clopton Rd Brighton, TN 38011 901-476-5512 COLLINS CHAPEL C.M.E. CHURCH 303 W. Ripley Avenue Covington, TN 38019 901-476-3094 -Church House 901-826-5132- Pastor COVINGTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1861 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 901-476-9592 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 3030 Drummonds Rd Atoka, TN 38004 901-840-4326 CROSSROADS COMMUNITY CHURCH AT THE NAZARENE 3865 Beaver Rd Munford, TN 38058 901-837-2545
EBENEZER CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 70 Witherington Rd Mason, TN 38049 901-294-2670 ELM GROVE CHURCH OF CHRIST 2016 Elm Grove Rd Burlison, TN 38015 901-476-5440
FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 1422 Old Hwy 51 Brighton, TN 38011 901-837-0950
FIRST BRIGHTON BAPTIST CHURCH 132 East Woodlawn Ave. Brighton, TN 38011 476-6180
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ATOKA 102 Kimbrough Ave Atoka, TN 38004 901-837-0663
ELM GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1108 Elm Grove Rd. Burlison, TN 38015 901-476-8799
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF MUNFORD 521 Giltedge Rd. Munford, TN 38058 901-837-1559
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF COVINGTON 403 S. Main St. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-2434
FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 900 Simmons Rd Drummonds, TN 38023 901-837-2683
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF COVINGTON 211 S. Main St. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-2489
FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH 6920 Highway 59 W Burlison, TN 38015 901-476-1008
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF MASON 359 Hwy 70 E Mason, TN 38049 MasonBaptistChurch.com
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 145 West Church Ave Covington, TN 38019 901-476-9694 GARLAND UNITED METHODIST 1613 Garland Drive Covington, TN 38058 901-476-9334 GATEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 1915 Rosemark Rd Atoka, TN 38004 901-837-8087
churchlistings GRACE TEMPLE APOSTOLIC CHURCH 8923 Mt Carmel Rd Covington, TN 38019 901-475-1008
JESUS THE WAY OUTREACH CENTER 795 Tennessee Drive Covington, Tennessee 38019
MT. LEBANON ASSEMBLY 7560 Hwy 51 North Henning, TN 38041
HEBRON COMMUNITY CHURCH Rayburn Rd. Covington, TN 38019
LIBERTY BAPTIST 2097 Holly Grove Rd. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-5273
MT. TIPTON CHRISTIAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Brighton Clopton Rd. Brighton, TN 38011 901-476-1165
GREATER ST. JOHN MBC 411 Shelton Street Covington, TN 38019 901-476-4765
HOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2086 Atoka-Idaville Rd. Atoka, TN 38004 901-491-8138
MT. ZION CHURCH 838 S. Tipton Street Covington, TN 38019 901-476-3233
GRACE OUTREACH WORSHIP CENTER 795 Tennessee Ave Covington,TN 38019
HOSANNA MINISTRIES 13779 Hwy 51 S. Atoka, TN 38004 901-840-4540
LIGHTHOUSE APOSTOLIC 2536 Tracy Rd. Atoka, TN 38004 901-837-9138
MUNFORD BAPTIST CHURCH 1253 Munford Ave Munford, TN 38058 901-837-9276
HATCHIE CHURCH OF CHRIST 1372 Highway 51 N Covington,TN 38019 901-476-9709
JEHOVAH'S WITNESS OF COVINGTON 1150 Old Brighton Rd Covington,TN 38019 901-475-2110
MT. HERMAN CHURCH 3492 Quito-Drummonds Road, Millington, TN 38053(901) 8352886
MUNFORD FIRST UNITED METHODIST 57 Tipton Rd Munford, TN 38058 901-837-8881
GREAT EXPECTATIONS COGIC 2053 Highway 51 S. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-6666
HOLLY GROVE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN 4538 Holly Grove Rd Covington,TN 38019 901-476-8379
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MUNFORD PRESBYTERIAN 60 East Main Street Munford, TN 38058 901-837-6721
POPLAR GROVE U.M.C. 228 Quito Drummonds Rd. Drummonds, TN 38023 901-835-2568
SIMONTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 4100 Munford Gilt Egde Brighton, TN 38011 901-837-2168
ST. STEPHENS M.B. CHURCH 3827 Hwy 51 North Covington, TN 38019 901-476-1559
NEW BEGINNING CHURCH 1460 Atoka Idaville Rd. Atoka, TN 38004 901-412-0241
PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 520 Simonton St. Covington, Tennessee 38019
SMYRNA BAPTIST CHURCH 7512 Hwy 59 W Burlison, TN 38015 901-476-6178
TABERNACLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4258 Highway 179 Covington 901-756-1071
NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH 2357 Wilkinsville Rd Drummonds, TN 30823 901-835-5683 NEW HORIZON CHURCH OF GOD 1099 Hwy 51 N Covington, TN 38019 901-489-0447 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 5123 Highway 176 Covington, TN 38019 901-476-0062 NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHRUCH 133 Munford Ave Munford, TN 38058 901-837-6804 NEW SALEM UNITED METHODIST 7803 Munford Gilt Edge Burlison, TN 38015 901-476-8536 OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 4048 Highway 59 W Covington, TN 38019 901-476-7259 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 4625 Highway 59 S Covington, TN 38019 901-476-7016 PLEASANT GROVE METHODIST 314 Gainesville Rd Covington, TN 38019 901-476-3162 POPLAR GROVE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2600 Glen Springs Rd. Drummonds, TN 38023 901-835-2611
QUITO UNITED METHODIST 4580 Quito Drummonds Rd. Millington, TN 38053 901-835-2318 RANDOLPH ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 1135 Randolph Rd. Burlison, TN 476-8244 RAVENSCROFT EPISCOPAL CHAPEL 8219 Holly Grove Rd, Brighton, TN Holy Eucharist, 1st & 3rd Morning Prayer - 2nd & 4th 8:45 a.m. 837-1312 REDEEMING GRACE LUTHERAN 123 Quinton Drive Munford, TN 38058 901-840-2086 THE REFUGE 749A N. Main St Covington, TN 38019 901-603-3897 RIVER OF LIFE 220 Beaver Rd Munford, TN 38058 901-837-8781 SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3400 Atoka-Idaville Road Atoka, TN 38004 901-837-8210 SHILOH MB CHURCH 584 John Hill Rd Brighton, TN 38011 901-476-0081
SOUTH TIPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 538 Simmons Rd. Drummonds, TN 38023 837-2140 ST. ALPHONSUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1225 Highway 51 S Covington, TN 38019 901-476-8140 ST. LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH 632 St. Luke Rd. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-9746 ST. MARK AME CHURCH 842 Tipton Road Munford, TN 38058 (901) 837-1456
TEMPLE OF PRAISE 8323 Richardson Landing Drummonds, TN 38023 901-835-3462 TIPTON CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 470 Watson Rd Munford, TN 38058 901-837-8356 TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 5954 Brighton Clopton Rd. Brighton, TN 38011 901-476-8889 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11886 Main St. Mason, TN 38049
ST. MATTHEWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 303 S. Munford Street Covington, TN 38019 901-476-6577
VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH 5422 Drummonds Rd Drummonds, TN 38023 901-835-2280
ST. MATTHEW MB CHURCH 296 Mason-Charleston Rd. Stanton, TN 38069 901-476-5935
WESTERN VALLEY BAPTIST 836 Church Rd. Covington, TN 38019 901-475-1255
ST JOHN MISSIONARY CHURCH 2086 Atoka-Idaville Rd Atoka, TN 38004 901-837-2474
ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1602 Highway 59 West Covington, TN 38019 901-4767645
WILLOW GROVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 618 Willow Grove Rd. Covington, TN 38019 901-476-7337
ST. PAUL EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2406 Hwy 70 East Mason, TN 38049 901-294-2641
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electedo electe elected lectedo officials o
Tennessee State Officials Governor Bill Haslam
U.S. Senators Bob Corker (202) 2243344 Lamar Alexander (202) 224-4944
U.S. House Representative Stephen Fincher
25th Judicial District Circuit Court Judges Part I - Judge Weber McCraw (901) 4658697 Part II - Judge Joseph Walker (901) 475-3320
Chancellors Part I - William Cole Part II - Martha Brasfield (901) 476-0209
State Senator Mark Norris (615) 741-1967
State Representatives 81st District - Jimmy Naifeh (615) 741-3774 94th District - Barret Rich (615) 741-6890
District Attorney General, 25th Judicial District Mike Dunavant (901) 475-2523
Mayors & Aldermen Atoka
W. Daryl Walker, Mayor Barry L. Akin Danny Feldmayer Mike Joyner Chris McConnell Bobby Hutchison Brent Giannini
David Ward, Mayor Frank Boyland Abbey Cross Michael Harris Eddie Noeman David Smith Linnie Waddell
Frank Tyler, Mayor Eddie Kellum Jim Kenney
Public Defender
Gary Antrican
David Gordon, Mayor John E. Edwards Shelvie Rose, Sr. Tommy Hatcher Tommy L. Black Bill Scruggs Ed Timberlake
Jeff Scott, Mayor W. E. “Booster” Blalack George Smith Jim Wyatt Houston Davis
County Commissioners District 1
District 5
Quincy Barlow Rusty Wooten
William E. Bibb, Jr. Glenn Turner
Gilt Edge Phil Nelson, Mayor Stephen Fletcher Rodney McLillie
Garland Ben Little, Mayor Donald Hardwick Wayne Max Lisa McClain Janey Rogers Clayton Rogers
Dwayne Cole, Mayor Terry Bibb Colin Stacy Craig Bob Forbess Michael Durham Jack Foraker Sue Arthur
District 2
District 6
Tommy Dunavant John A. McIntyre, Jr.
Johnnie H. Jones Jimbo Adkins
District 3
District 7
Steve Bringle Jeffery D. Mason
Courtney Fee Harold Twisdale
County Executive
County Clerk
Jeff Huffman
Mary Gaither
District 4
District 8
Circuit Court Clerk
Mike Sterling John W. Delancey
James L. Sneed Robert W. Wilson
Kristie Glass Maxwell
Mike Forbess
Register of Deeds
J. T. “Pancho” Chumley
Claudia M. Peeler
Tipton County Officials Assessor of Property Bill Stimpson
District 9 Jeff A. Scott Dale W. Smith www.covingtonleader.com
Clerk and Master Judy Billings
General Sessions Judge William A. Peeler 21
Since 1886
he first newspaper in Tipton County was the Randolph Recorder, founded by Francis S. Latham in Randolph in 1834. The Recorder’s first edition, issued on June 21, 1834, set the tone for all the other Tipton County newspapers to follow, promising to give news of local, general and political interest. The short-lived Recorder served the county until Sept. 23, 1836. Following the Randolph Recorder came the Randolph Whig, which ran from January 1838-1841. The next paper to publish in Tipton County was the Covington Weekly Spy in 1860; it ended in 1862 when Federal troops destroyed the printing equipment. The Tipton Weekly Record was started by William Sanford and Morrison Munford in August 1867. In 1879, L. D. Hamner established Mason’s first newspaper,
family for over 77 years. In 1965, the Simonton family sold the newspaper to Carleton A. Jones who owned The Covington Leader until it was sold to the Sandusky Publishing Company in April 2002, who immediately sold the newspaper to Albrecht Newspapers Inc. in June 2002. George Whitley worked at The Covington Leader for 57 years, beginning in 1946 as a linotype operator and worked his way to publisher, a position he held for 28 years until his retirement in 2003. The current owners, American Hometown Publishing bought The Covington Leader in October 2006 and changed the name to The Leader to reglect the mission of covering the news of all of Tipton County. The Leader is the oldest business in Tipton County and will celebrate its 125th year this October 2011.
the Mason Call, which became the Covington Call, when the paper was moved to Covington, but it was soon purchased by the Tipton Weekly Record in 1884. Hamner tried again in Tipton County, and founded The Covington Leader in October 1886. In 1888, Hamner sold The Leader to J.W.
Simonton. The Leader bought the Tipton Weekly Record in 1917, ending what was once, one of the oldest newspapers in the state of Tennessee. The Covington Leader continued to serve the needs of the community and prosper under the management of the Simonton
medicalproviders The following is a list of family medicine and specialty clinics with privileges at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton. Baptist Home Care and Hospice 1618 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-0333 Covington Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center 1992 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-1820
Dunlap Retirement Center Dunlap-Orphanage Road Brighton, TN 38011 476-7014 Mid-South Physical Therapy 10992 Highway 51 South Munford, TN 38058 837-1711 Baptist Rehabilitation 100 Peeler Road Covington, TN 38019 475-9292
Covington Care Center 765 Bert Johnston Drive Covington, TN 38019 475-0027
The following is a list of family medicine and specialty clinics with privileges at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton.
Parkway Cove Assisted Living 805 Bert Johnston Drive Covington, TN 38019 475-9020
Afenya, Kenneth K. 1995 Highway 51 South Room 257 Covington, TN 38019 476-2621
Armour, Karen A. Armour Family Medicine 532 Old Hwy. 51 South Brighton, TN 38011 476-7779 Baker, Allison E. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-8967 Beasley, Jimmie L. Covington Pediatrics 1998 Highway 51 South PO Box 911 Covington, TN 38019 476-1155 Broffitt, Samuel L. 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 202 PO Box 784 Covington, TN 38019 475-4526
in tipton county Caruthers, Thomas J. Premier Women’s Care 1995 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-9311 Chambers, George W. Covington Internal Physicians, P.C. 56 East Main Street Munford, TN 38058 837-3735 Chanda, Jayasree Family Medicine 1721 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-1260 Cook, Buffy J. Brighton Family Medicine 1880 Old Highway 51 Suite C Brighton, TN 38011 837-7979
Cook, David L. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 747-1000 Corbitt, Jessica A. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Craig, Michael Scott Brighton Family Medicine PO Box 117 Brighton, TN 38011 837-7979 Crown, Loren A. UT Family Practice 1999 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-4457 Davidson, Janice L. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019
476-8967 Fowlkes, Leigh Ann Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 731-287-1794 Gatlin, Rebecca D. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Goode, Fletcher H. Opthalmology 4759 Easley Street P.O. Box 548 Millington, TN 38083 872-2206 Gross, Russell J. Advanced Surgical Technologies 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 101 Covington, TN 38019 476-9921
Guerrant, Richard P. Internal Medicine 1995 Highway 51 South, Suite 111 PO Box 567 Covington, TN 38019 475-6607 Ho, Jiunn Gynecology PO Box 681 Covington, TN 38019 476-1442 Hughes, Marty L. Bierman, Whitley & Hughes Optometry 312 South Main Street Covington, TN 38019 476-8614 Hutchison, Paul W. Pediatric Surgery 1723-C Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-0404 Janovich, John R. Orthopaedic Surgery 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 102 Covington, TN 38019
476-3424 Johnson, Samuel T. Family Practice Clinic of Covington 4235 Hwy 51 S PO Box 507 Covington, TN 38019 475-4752 Jonas, K. C., Jr. General Surgery 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 204 PO Box 279 Covington, TN 38019 476-9087 Larkin, John K. Internal Medicine 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 208 Covington, TN 38019 476-7070 Martin, James W. Family Practice, Hospice & Palliative Medicine 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 105 Covington, TN 38019
Matheson, Catheryn R. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584
Potter, Angela P. UT Family Medicine 1999 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-4457
May, Jeffrey A. May Medical Group 99 Doctors Dr., #700 Munford, TN 38058 837-7200 Mbu, Prudence C. 1995 Highway 51 South Room 257 Covington, TN 38019 475-5257 Mulay, Ramakant M. Medical Nephrology Assoc 1575 Parr Ave., Suite B Dyersburg, TN 38024 731-286-1510 Nabhan, Said I. Digestive Associates, PC 710 Hwy 51 ByPass W. PMB 770 Dyersburg, TN 38024
Shirazee, Syed H. SMZ Specialists PC 76 Doctors Drive Suites A & B Munford, TN 38058 840-4446 Sorsby, Loretta L. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Strahan, Kathleen Professional Care Services Of West TN, Inc. 1997 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Taylor, Billy J. Premier Women’s Care 1995 Highway 51 South
Suite 112 Covington, TN 38019 476-9311 Taylor, Sonya N. Professional Care Services Of West TN, Inc. 1997 Hwy 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Teach, Guy V. Tipton County Internal Medicine, PLLC 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 206 Covington, TN 38019 476-9115 Ugorji, Nneoma A. Tipton Pediatrics, LLC 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 109 Covington, TN 38019 476-7600 Viprakasit, Dejo Covington Urology Clinic 1995 Highway 51 South Suite 104 Covington, TN 38019 476-1135
West, Coy L. Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Whitley, Stan J. Bierman, Whitley & Hughes Optometry 312 South Main Street Covington, TN 38019 476-8614 Williams, Larry Professional Care Services of West TN, Inc. 1997 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 475-3584 Woods, Carolyn Owens UT Family Medicine 1999 Highway 51 South Covington, TN 38019 476-4457
Unique business thrives in Tipton County STORY BY TYLER LINDSEY
ProMED Concepts provides quality services for medical providers throughout the area
ocated in Brighton, ProMed Concepts seeks to meet clients’ needs in precision machining, developing custom instrumentation. ProMed’s main project focus is developing medical instrumentation for various medical providers throughout southwestern Tennessee.
“We have our own shop with our own equipment that enables us to do anything we need,� said CEO Wade Morrison, who has had 25 years of experience in medical manufacturing. “Plans are in the works for a bigger facility for our shop. We’ll be able to have machines dedicated to developing bone screws for hips and knees and things like that.� ProMed Concepts specializes in precision machining, both computer numerical control (CNC) and manual, for their customers who need custom prototype instruments. ProMed’s clientele encompasses everything from medical manufacturing, automotive and aviation to accounting, auditing and engineering (mechanical
All equipment needed for precision machining is on hand in their shop. Pictured is a CNC machine which enables machinists to create custom instruments
“A great place to call home.�
and industrial). Morrison started out in the 1980s manufacturing parts for farmers’ equipment like tractors. “I realized I wanted to get into something more technical,� said Morrison. “So we started making medical instruments.� They have a proven track record of more than 3,900 completed projects. Ensuring a quality service, ProMed only employs machinists and managers with the right mind-set that are dedicated to getting their clients’ orders processed, inspected and shipped out, quickly and efficiently. They stock all of the most commonly used
Town of
W. Daryl Walker, Mayor Aldermen A Al Alde lderm de d erm rmen en B Ba arr r y Akin Akkin Bobb Bo bbyy Hutchison bb Hutc Hu tchi tc hiso hi son so n Barry Bobby Mike Joyner Brett Giannini Chris McConnell Danny Feldmayer
materials from stainless steel, titanium, delrin and a host of other metals and materials. The team at ProMed strives to maintain strong, long-lasting relationships with customers and an overall partnership with Tipton County. Through their partnership with the Tennessee Technology Center in Covington, they provide mid-term training to students enrolled in the machine tool program. However, all employees receive continuous training from the basics of manual machining to advanced programming. Managers Wade Morrison and Kristopher Strawn secure a place on the advisory board at the Tennessee Technology Center and help ensure the program is up-todate with current industry needs. “Our business is a big deal for us. We take it CONTINUED ON PAGE 27
Celebrating 100 years!
Town Hall P.O. Box 505 • 334 Atoka-Munford Avenue Atoka, TN 38004 (901) 837-5300, (901) 837-0028 fax www.townofatoka.com
Unique business thrives in Tipton County CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26
it seriously,” said Morrison. “And it’s a big thing for Tipton County.” When asked if he would end up moving to Memphis, Morrison said, “I’ve thought about moving there, but I’m from Tipton County and I want to stay here. I just love the atmosphere.” The company employs 18 machinists hired mainly from the vocational program at Tennessee Technology Center. Together, they build all kinds of instruments for doctors and hospitals and for places like Wright Medical in Arlington and Medtronics. One of their biggest focus is labor. “Anybody can buy the CNC equipment, but it must be able to be mastered in order to meed customers’ needs,” said Morrison. Morrison describes the team as being more like a
P R O M E D H I S TO RY • In the 1980s, Wade and Carolyn Morrison purchased their first lathe and a small drill press in order to develop signature products for S & N where Wade worked. • In 1995, Morrison Machine Works was founded with the lathe and a handful of other machines rebuilt by Wade.. • In 1997, a larger shop was built behind the Morrison residence to accommodate expansion. • In 2002, Morrison Machine Works purchased a CNC fifth axis Haas mill and a Mitsubishi EDM, which allowed the company to complete more custom work for clients.
ProMed’s hand-selected team is a group of highly experienced professionals dedicated to building a strong, successful and environmentally friendly company.
family at ProMed unlike other companies where employees are just a number. They cook out on Fridays and Morrison is flexible with the hours employees can work. Turnaround is reportedly
very low at ProMed. “This business is a plus for Tipton County and the people that live here. I want nothing more than to grow right here in Tipton.”
• In 2003,Wade resigned from S & N to focus on his company which changed its named to Professional Manufacturing Engineering and Design Concepts, LLC (ProMed Concepts). • In 2005, ProMed Concepts completed the shift toward CNC machining with several more machine purchases. Also purchased that year was a five-acre parcel of land where Morrison would someday build ProMed’s new manufacturing facility.
MAY 2 ▸ Pre-kindergarten registration, elementary schools, noon to 6 p.m. tipton-county.com ▸ Art Beyond Borders, student art show, Austin Peay Elementary, 4-7 p.m. Free. MAY 3-5 ▸ End of course testing, Tipton County schools.
Youth at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church pictured following the 2010 Easter Egg hunt.
events APRIL 8 Habitat for Humanity Fish Fry, First United Methodist Church Covington, 145 Church Street, Covington, 5-8 p.m. $6. APRIL 9 Lawn & Garden Expo Brighton Middle School; all day; presented by Tipton County Master Gardeners; free to attend. Used book sale, Munford-Tipton County Memorial Public Library, 1476 Munford Ave., 9 a.m. to noon. Call 901-837-2665. APRIL 10 Senior Talent Revue, Ruffin Theater, 2 p.m. APRIL 11-18 ▸ TCAP Testing, grades 3-8 APRIL 16 Easter Egg Hunt, City Park, Munford. Ages 2-9. 10 a.m. Earth Fest, Tipton County Veterans Museum, 762 Bert Johnston Ave., Covington; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Rain date April 30). Free to attend. St. Jude Walk-a-thon benefitting Lucy Krull, Covington. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 901-476-7999 for more information.
Burgers & Dogs on sale, St. Matthews Episcopal Church will be selling hamburgers and hot dogs to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, 303 W. Munford, Covington, 2-4 p.m., $5 donation.
Spring Fest, Munford Presbyterian Church, 60 E. Main St., Munford, 5-8 p.m. APRIL 19-20 AARP Senior Drivers Safety Class, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tennessee Technology Center Covington. Contact Sandra Howard to register, 901-476-0405. APRIL 19-25 ▸ Spring Break, Tipton County Public Schools. APRIL 22-23 Trial of Jesus, presented by Houston Gordon. 7 p.m. ruffintheater.org APRIL 23 Easter Egg Hunt, Oleo Acres Farm, 269 McDonald Road, Stanton,731-443-0059. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, Charleston Fire Department, 7-11 a.m., $6. See charlestonvfd.webs.com for information.
APRIL 26 Women in Business luncheon, Chamber Center, 101 Court Square West, Covington, $25. April 26-27. Call 901-4769727 for information. ▸ Kindergarten registration, elementary schools. tipton-county. com APRIL 28 Tipton County Schools Job/ Career/Health Fair, Alternative Learning Center, 800 Bert Johnston, Covington, 9 a.m. to noon. Free to attend. Children’s Classic special section publishes in The Leader APRIL 30 Clean Up/Fix Up Covington begins, Covington March of Dimes March for Babies, Shelton Park, Covington, 9 a.m. Exchange Club-Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse Dinner & Auction. Call 901-476-1515 for more information. MAY 1 ▸ Art Beyond Borders, student art show, Austin Peay Elementary, 2-5 p.m. Free.
MAY 5 ▸ Kindergarten registration, elementary schools. tipton-county. com MAY 6 Relay for Life of Tipton County, Cobb Parr Park, Covington, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Free to attend. relayforlife.org/tipton MAY 7 Clean Up/Fix Up Walk Across Covington, City Shop, 410 E. Ripley, Covington, 8 a.m. to noon. Free food, door prizes. covingtontn.com Celebrate Spring Pick Up/Fix Up Munford, 1397 Munford Ave., Munford, 8 -11:30 a.m. Free food, door prizes. munford.com 15th Annual Children’s Fishing Derby, Glen Springs Lake, 8-10 a.m. Rain or shine. southtipton.com Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Ronnie Twisdale (‘50s & ‘60s). Free. MAY 9 ▸ Pre-kindergarten registration, elementary schools, noon to 6 p.m. tipton-county.com MAY 12 Spring Fling Golf Tournament, Covington Country Club, tee time 12:30 p.m. For more information, call Janie 901-4769727 or janiecranford@comcast. net.
MAY 19 ▸ Graduation, Brighton High School Class of 2011. MAY 20 ▸ Graduation, Munford High School Class of 2011. MAY 21 Run on 51 Bikefest and Car Show, Cobb Parr Park, Covington, 8 a.m. Entry fee, $20. Food, live music, vendors and more. Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Wild Hearts (old and new country, southern rock). Free. MAY 23 ▸ Graduation, Covington High School Class of 2011. MAY 25 ▸ Last day of school for students, report cards issued, students and teachers dismissed at 11:30 a.m. No lunch served. MAY 26 Graduation 2011 special section publishes in The Leader MAY 28 Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Scott Myatt, Steve Short (folk, blues). Free. JUNE 1-JULY 31 Summer Reading Program, Tipton County Public Library, 300 W. Church Ave., Covington. Children, Thursdays 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.; teens, Wednesday, 2 p.m. Call 901-476-8289. Free. JUNE 2-5 Busybody, play, Ruffin Theater. 7 p.m. See ruffintheater.org for more information. JUNE 4 Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Grace Askew (country, urban folk, Memphis soul, jazz). Free.
MAY 13 Law enforcement memorial service, Tipton County Justice Complex, noon.
BBQ Dinner, 4:30-7 p.m., Three Star Volunteer Fire Department, 2050 Sadler School Road, Brighton.
MAY 14 Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Infinity (Rock ‘N Roll, R&B). Free.
JUNE 8-JULY 21 Summer Reading Program, Munford-Tipton County Memorial Public Library, 1476 Munford Ave., Munford. K-6 program, Wednesdays until July 20, 11 a.m.; Pre-K summer story time, Thursdays until July 21, 11 a.m. Call 901837-2665.
MAY 18 Bad Boys Golf Tournament, Covington Country Club, tee times 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
JUNE 11 Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Generation Gap (‘60s & ‘70s). Free. Miss Atoka Pageant, Atoka Elementary School, 870 Rosemark Road, Atoka, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 901-837-5300 for details. JUNE 16 Girls Night Out, Covington Court Square, 5-8 p.m. JUNE 18 Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Trapper Haskins & The Bitter Swill. Free. JUNE 21-22 AARP Senior Drivers Safety Class, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tennessee Technology Center Covington. Contact Dianne Honeycutt to register, 901-476-6566. JUNE 24 Atoka Centennial Celebration, Nancy Lane Park, 118 Park Ave., Atoka. Opening Ceremonies, period dance & costume contest, cake and punch, 7-9 p.m. Free. JUNE 25 Atoka Centennial Celebration, Nancy Lane Park, 118 Park Ave., Atoka. Model train displays, art display, music, old-fashioned children’s games, pie-eating contest, checkers, craft and food vendors, kickball and horseshoe tournaments, car show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free to attend. Music on the Square, Court Square, Covington, 7 p.m. Missouri’s Most Wanted (country, blues, rock ‘n roll). Free. JUNE 26 Atoka Centennial Celebration, Nancy Lane Park, 118 Park Ave., Atoka. Dinner on the grounds, community praise and worship, fireworks, 6-9 p.m. Free to attend. JULY 4 Celebrate Independence, City Park, College Street, Munford. Navy Band, food vendors, fireworks, 7:30 p.m. Free to attend. JULY 26 ▸ New student registration, Tipton County schools. See tiptoncounty.com for details. AUGUST 3 ▸ First day of school for students, Tipton County schools, teachers and students dismissed at 11:30 a.m. No lunch served.
AUGUST 6 Miss Tipton County pageant, Ruffin Theater, 7 p.m. AUGUST 8 ▸ Students’ first full day, Tipton County schools.
OCTOBER 1 Bras for a Cause entries due, annual fundraiser for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, $20 entry fee. Call Le Chic Boutique for more information, 901-4751530.
AUGUST 11 Football Preview 2011 special section publishes in The Leader
OCTOBER 4 ▸ First marking period ends
AUGUST 12 ▸ High school football jamboree, Covington High School.
OCTOBER 5 South Tipton Chamber Golf Scramble, Forest Hill Golf Course.
AUGUST 19 ▸ High school football season begins. See school’s sports schedule or The Leader’s Football Preview 2011 for more details. AUGUST 22-23 AARP Senior Drivers Safety Class, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tennessee Technology Center Covington. Contact Vicki Smith to register, 901-476-5353. SEPTEMBER 5 ▸ Labor Day, no school for students in Tipton County schools SEPTEMBER 8 Industrial Appreciation golf tournament, Covington Country Club, tee time 12:30 p.m. Call Janie Cranford for details, 901476-9727. SEPTEMBER 17 Celebrate Munford, Downtown Munford, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free to attend. See munford.com and The Leader’s special section, publishing on Sept. 15, for details. SEPTEMBER 23-24 Byars Hall High School 100th anniversary celebration, Chamber Center, 101 W. Court Square, Covington. All BHHS alumni invited. Email bhhsalumni@aol.com for more information. SEPTEMBER 24 Heritage Day with Arts and Crafts, Covington Court Square, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free to attend. See covingtontn.com and The Leader’s special section, publishing on Sept. 22, for details. Lanny Bridges Memorial Shoot, Tipton County Sheriff’s Office, 8 a.m. SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 2 39th Annual World’s Oldest BBQ Festival, Cobb Parr Park. See covingtontn.com and The Leader’s special section, publishing on Sept. 29, for details and schedule.
OCTOBER 10-14 ▸ Fall break, no school for students in Tipton County schools. OCTOBER 11 Kaleidoscope senior health fair, Brighton Middle School, 2-6 p.m. OCTOBER 14-16 Scandal at Hampton Estates, play, Ruffin Theater, 7 p.m. For more information and showtimes, see ruffintheater.org. OCTOBER 18-19 AARP Senior Drivers Safety Class, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tennessee Technology Center Covington. Contact Tara Williams to register, 901-476-8500. OCTOBER 20 Fall Frenzy special section publishes in The Leader and will include information on trickor-treating, trunk-or-treating, haunted/spooky trails and other events taking place in November. OCTOBER 24 ▸ Reports cards issued
Trick-or-treating, 5-8 p.m. NOVEMBER 1 ▸ Parent-teacher conferences, Tipton County schools. NOVEMBER 3 Girls Night Out, Covington Court Square, 5-9 p.m. NOVEMBER 3-5 Christmas Open House, Covington Court Square. Thursday, 3-9 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. NOVEMBER 5 Junior Auxiliary’s 3rd Annual Fall Frenzy, Brighton High School, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fraternal Order of Police Chili Cook-Off, Covington Court Square, 4-7 p.m. $5. NOVEMBER 11 Veteran’s Day parade, Covington Court Square, 11 a.m. NOVEMBER 21-25 ▸ Thanksgiving break, No school for Tipton County students. DECEMBER 1-4 The Rednecks Undo Christmas, play, Ruffin Theater, 7 p.m. See ruffintheater.org. DECEMBER 3 Munford Christmas parade, downtown Munford, 4:30 p.m. DECEMBER 5 Brighton Christmas parade, downtown Brighton, 7 p.m.
DECEMBER 8 Christmas Classic, featuring family photos as well as local traditions and recipes, publishes in The Leader. DECEMBER 10 Mason Christmas parade, downtown Mason, noon. DECEMBER 12 Covington Christmas parade, court square, 7 p.m. DECEMBER 13-14 AARP Senior Drivers Safety Class, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tipton County Commission on Aging, 401 S. College Street, Covington. Call Kelley Gray to register, 901-476-3330. DECEMBER 16 ▸ Last day of first semester, Tipton County students dismissed at 11:30 a.m. No lunch served. DECEMBER 20-30 ▸ Christmas break, no school for students in Tipton County schools. DECEMBER 22 Letters to Santa publishes in The Leader. Drop your letter off at our office or email it to news@covingtonleader.com by Thursday, Dec. 8. SUBMIT YOUR EVENT The
Leader publishes a free community event listing in every edition. To submit your event for consideration, please call 901-476-7116 or send an email to tjennings@covingtonleader.com.
▸ Parent-teacher conferences, Tipton County elementary schools. OCTOBER 25 ▸ Parent-teacher conferences, Tipton County middle schools. OCTOBER 27 ▸ Parent-teacher conferences, Tipton County high schools. OCTOBER 28 Bras for a Cause awards, winners announced. Le Chic Boutique, Covington court square. Call 901-475-1530 for information. OCTOBER 31 Safe Night Out, Nancy Lane Park, Atoka, 5-8 p.m. Bring a canned good donation for admission.
Brighton High School Marching Band Veteran’s Day Parade 2010, Covington
a millionmade
In Covington since 1972
It’s two lollipop treats in one with Charms Blow Pops: a chewy, bubble gum center surrounded by a delicious, fruit-flavored, hard candy shell.
Covington citizens know all too well the sweet smell of candy being made when they drive past Charms Company at 235 Industrial Road North. To give some inside information, below are some questions answered by the Charms staff. 1. What exactly is produced in the Covington Plant? Blow pops, Sugar Daddy’s, Fluffy Stuff (cotton candy), Tootsie Mini Pops, Flat pops and seasonal pops 2. How many other plants manufacture that product? Products made in Covington are not produced at any other plant. 3. How long has the Covington plant been in operation? The plant was started in 1973, purchased by Tootsie Roll Industries in 1988. 4. How many are employed there? 268 full time employees
5.What is the estimated impact of the plant on the Covington economy/market place? Charms, is the granddaddy of industry in Covington. We are a major user of gas, water and electricity sold by the City of Covington. 6. Why was Covington chosen for the site location of the plant? Does having it by the Memphis logistics hub play a factor? Central location with major rail and road intersections. Good workforce and competitive energy prices. 7. How are products dispersed after being manufactured? Production from the Covington facility is distributed through a major Tootsie Roll Distribution Center also located in Covington. 8. How much candy is produced here per year? Millions of pops and mountains of cotton candy. 9. What role does this plant play on the
national Tootsie-Roll scene? Charms, is one of five Tootsie Roll Industries’ U S facilities complimenting the products made at the other facilities. 10. What makes this plant unique? a. Long service employees b. Four day – 10 hour production schedule c. State of the art equipment d. High efficiency due to a very aggressive preventative maintenance program 11. How does it smell over there? The flavors of the products produced vary from lemon to cherry with exotic flavors such as pina coloda and tangerine mango; from sweet products to tangy. 12. Any great chocolate benefits to working in the plant? While we don’t purchase chocolate products, we do get to enjoy Tootsie Rolls from Chicago, Andes Mints from Delavan, WI and Junior Mints from Cambridge, MA through our company store.
Available in a variety of great-tasting flavors that include traditional fruit varieties and more contemporary favorites--Way 2 Sour, Kiwi Berry Blast, Black Ice, What-a-Melon, and the brand’s most popular, Blue Razz--the pops are the world’s most popular gum-filled lollipop.
NOVEMBER 2010 www.covingtonleader.com
For the past several years, a dream has been unfolding in West Tennessee.The executive subcommittee of the State Building Commission voted unanimously on Sept. 29 to approve the expenditure of $40 million to purchase 3,800 acres of land in Haywood County which will house the megasite.
S TAT I S T I C S Acres: 1,720 with an option on 3,644 more making it the largest certified megasite in the nation. Shape: Square Location: 1.9 miles north of I-40 and 1.6 miles south of U.S. Highway 70/79. Twenty minutes east of Memphis suburbs near the town of Stanton, TN. Highway 222 bisects the core of the acreage and will be rerouted if necessary to accommodate an industry, officials say. Other information: $30 million has been approved for green energy being supplied at the site which would consist of 20 acres of solar panels along with a green energy education center on the site.
xciting news hit West Tennessee in early 2010 when it was announced that the Tennessee Valley Authority was purchasing an industrial “megasite” that would be located in Haywood County with close proximity to Tipton and Fayette counties. According to TVA, a megasite is a large tract of land that can be used for industrial development, generally with basic infrastructure in place. In 2007, a TVA press release explained what, exactly, a megasite is: The automobile sector continues to be America’s largest manufacturing industry, ultimately responsible for one out of every 10 jobs in the U.S. according to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. With so many jobs on the line, it’s no surprise that economic developers (mainly in the Southeastern U.S.) have been rushing to make sure their communities are considered for the next big automotive manufacturing project. One way they’ve been doing this is by certifying large-scale “megasites” in their communities. The term now appears in print and online frequently
enough to beg the question: What exactly is a certified megasite, and why have they become more common in the past several years? “My definition of a megasite would be a large parcel of land ready for heavy industrial development,” says Mark Sweeney, principal and cofounder of McCallum Sweeney Consulting, based in Greenville, SC. The firm was instrumental in several high-profile automotive expansions and relocations over the last decade. “When we look at it in terms of pure size-and there is some debate about this-we feel it’s inappropriate to call it a megasite if it’s less than 1,000 acres. In some cases corporations want 1,500 acres or more.” According to his colleague Jeannette Goldsmith-a principal at McCallum Sweeney who has headed up the certification team at the consulting firm-a certified, ready-for-development megasite requires more than just size. “By ‘ready’ we mean three things,” says Goldsmith. “First, the site must be available for sale. So in other words, the land should be optioned by the economic development organization as a single parcel ready for sale. Second, the site must be fully served by utilities. This doesn’t mean that the economic developers or community must pay CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
Tipton Agriculture Take a drive through Tipton County, and you just can’t miss it. This is an agricultural county. From the late-summer “snow” that covers farm land keeping the gins busy in September and October to the useful soybean, all types of farming make a substantial cultural impact in Tipton County. One staple in agriculture, however, can’t be grown out of the ground. Cattle farming has been a part of Tipton’s heritage since the turn of the 20th century and earlier. The Claybrook Angus Farm in Covington specializes in raising and selling black angus cattle. The fruits of their labor can be found in restaurants around the Mid-South that have purchased their top quality product.
Claybrook Angus Farms Though Claybrook Angus Farm has been operating under its current conditions since the 1950s, its history reaches back more than 100 years. Located at 845 Antioch Highway in Covington, the angus cattle farm which spans 800 acres takes its namesake from its owners during the early 1900s. The story tells of three women who developed the business side of the farm. At one point, two of the women spent two weeks at the Hotel Lindo during its hey day settling the business books and papers with sharecroppers and the like. The rest is history.
Since 1965, the family of Carl Turner, the present owner, made it into what it is today after decades of the farm changing hands. Turner, whose family hails from Leigh’s Chapel, has recruited his sons, Dave and Chris to keep Tipton’s agricultural fixture going. Carl Turner looks back on 46 years of striving for quality products in Tipton County. “I never dreamed we’d be where we are today,” he said. “I’ve been across the U. S. This is a place we enjoy. It’s still nice to sit here at the end of the day and look out over this land. Other places are nice to visit, but home is home.
agriculture I N
ACREAGE • Wheat - 4196 ac • Sorghum - 308.7 ac • Cotton - 26408 ac • Corn - 18872 ac • Soybeans - 79641 ac Source: Tipton County Farm Service Agency A calf does damage to a bale of hay as it eats its lunch on the sprawling Claybrook Angus Farm. Photo by Tyler Lindsey
The Idaville store, which was built in 1874 (the current building was erected in 1929) and spawned a community bearing the same name, has recently been revitalized by Ken McCain, above. At left, former owner Winford Click is pictured in front of the building in the late 1980s or early 1990s (photo courtesy James Allen Smith).
Bringing Idaville back to life STORY & PHOTO BY ECHO DAY
For more than a decade, Ken McCain worked to bring his great-grandfather’s store back into the family, back into the community. This year, his dream came true. “People are so excited about this,” McCain said. “It’s something they never thought they’d see again.” In March, he reopened the store once heralded as the center of the Idaville community, near the intersection of present-day Atoka-Idaville and Old Memphis roads, and has hopes of restoring it as the gathering place it once was. “We’re preserving something that’s been here a long time,” McCain said. “We’re try-
ing to make the store a community place to come again.” The Idaville store was originally owned by John Gettys McCain, Ken’s great-grandfather’s first cousin, who built it in 1874 and named it for his daughter, Ida. In the book, An Illustrated History of the People and Towns of Northeast Shelby County and South Central Tipton County by federal judge Jon P. McCalla, Atoka historian James Allen Smith reported throughout its
history, the country store was the hub from which local residents in the community passed on and received information. In those days, stores were the central places to eat, drink, talk and debate, Smith said, and this is what McCain is hoping to accomplish. But the store wasn’t just a place to socialize. From 1874 until Feb. 15, 1910, the store was also a post office with John G. McCain serving as Idaville’s postmaster. During his operation of the store, John G. McCain was also magistrate and reportedly held court in the store as well as weddings.
In the early 1900s, the store was run by brothers J.S. Faulkner, who married John G. McCain’s daughter Mollie, and William Faulkner. According to Smith, after both brothers died in 1911, John G. McCain resumed control of the store. John G. McCain retired in 1917, selling half interest in the store to his first cousin, Charles L. McCain, and giving the other half to his daughter Mollie. C.L. McCain ran the store while Mollie’s grandson, Shannon Davis Faulkner, operated the sawmill. Smith reports the store was torn down in 1926 and a brick CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
building was erected in 1929 near the site of the old store. During the last century, the store has been owned by James Hill Barret, Click brothers Alfred and Winford, Bob Lindsey, a Mr. Braden and Bret and Michelle Stanton. The store ceased operation in the early 1990s and remained vacant until March c when ch whe hen n Ken Mcreality. Cain’ss dream dre ream m became bec ecam amee re am real lit ity. y. He,, al along wife Lisa H He alon ong with on with w ife Li if L s and sa nd other family members othe ot h r fa he fami mily mi ly m embeers em r aand nd ffriends, rien ri ends en ds,, ds restored rest re stor st ored or ed the h store. “We took a lot of pride in keep“W ingg everything original,” he said, in pointing out rings on n the wooden Idaville was once a booming community with a church, school, hotel, post office and stores. It currently boasts KL Exooring plank floori r ng from ri ffro rom ro m decades-old d cades-old change (the old Idaville store) and vacant Moffatt’s Grocery. Map courtesy Tipton County GIS. de hange ge,, formerly fo orm r erly located locat at the ally good.” Exchange, really trying to do something here barrels andd other othe ot herr containers. he cont co ntai nt a ners. “We Exch corner Ken would like to bring back that’s not being done anymore.” ner of o Atoka-Idaville A oka-Idavil Road At tried to preserve it the best we corn Idaville’s glory as the community Opening the family store and but wee di have meet could, d b u w ut didd ha h ve tto o me m et and Hwy. 14. has made gathering place by offering just revitalizing the Idaville commu“Getting the h store h criteria off the codes.” the crit terria o he co ode dess.”” more ore awar aware a e of history his and that - a place for people to grab nity is a dream of which Ken is Wh hen e revitalizing rev evit ital it aliz al izin iz i g th he exte teriior te o , me m When the exterior, we’ve w we we’v ’vee ggot ’v ott to protect it,” Ken a meal, sit and talk or even play proud and he believes his greatMcCain Lisa M cCain C enlarged an old pho- how said. cards. grandfather would be proud, too. idd. tograph of the store to make sure said Former Fo er owner own w er Winford Winfor Click’s He plans to begin serving “It’s really come full circle.” “Idaville” was painted in the same son, Charlie, KL Exchange, the old Idaville so on, C Cha harliee, is happy to see the breakfast and lunch soon and ha ddimensions di mensions as it was originally. store wants to go the old-fashioned store, is located at 4704 Atokastor oree ba or back iin n operation. After A Af ter he’d restored the 2,6000 st “I w was ssad a to see how it ad it’d grown route. Idaville Road, near the intersecsqua sq uare ua re foot building - addingg ce enn square cenan eyesore,” Click “We’re going back with the tion of Old Memphis Road. For b tral tr rall heat hea h eaat an andd air,, insulation, insulat atio at ion, io n, new new up and become said. “T ““This his will be better for the old-style stuff - lunch meat sand- more information, call 901-840plumbing Ken p pl umbiing and um and electrical eele lect le ctri ct rica ri c l - K ca en sa community. omm m unity. He made it look re- wiches, the handmade stuff. We’re 4040. relo re l caate tedd hi hiss pa awn busin ines in ess,, K es KL co relocated pawn business,
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lay pipes or lines to the site up front. However, they must have done the research to know a cost estimate for how much it will cost to get utilities to the site, and how long it will take the local utilities companies to get services to the site. And they must have a plan for how all of that will happen. The third criteria is that the site must be developable and free of all easements and right of way issues such as county roads going through the middle of the land, etc. So the economic developer would have to have had made sure the due diligence was done on the land, and have worked with the community to make sure there are no wetlands included on the megasite or anything like that. They would have had geo-tech and historical surveys done and mitigation plans in place. What I just defined is a certified megasite, not just a megasite.� Recent megasite success stories include Toyota’s acquisition of a
TVA megasite near Tupelo, Miss., which projects to put hundreds of people to work building cars in North Mississippi. Additionally, Volkswagen acquired a megasite in Chattanooga. The state has invested nearly $40 million dollars in property acquisition and infrastructure at the megasite and state officials have said once the original investment has been used, additional funds will be appropriated. Officials in neighboring Haywood County along with Tipton County officials are optimistic that the megasite brings opportunity to recruit a top-tier industry to the area with second-tier, supplier businesses being certain to follow, though no timeline for the recruitment of a major industry has been announced.
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3 3 4 ATO K A - M U N F O R D AV E . ▪ ATO K A , T E N N E S S E E 3 8 0 0 4 ▪ 9 0 1 . 8 3 7 . 5 3 0 0
QUICK FACTS Incorporated 1876, 1911
Celebrating a century The weekend of June 24-26, the town of Atoka will be aflutter with activities, from dancing and pie eating contests to a car show and fireworks, celebrating the town’s 100-year anniversary. The original charter was signed in 1876, but legend has it that residents didn’t want a saloon to come to town, so Atoka was unincorporated until June 24, 1911 when a new charter was established. For more information on the upcoming celebration, visit www.townofatoka.com.
Students living in Atoka are zoned for several different schools. Atoka Elementary Austin Peay Elementary Brighton Middle School Brighton High School Munford Middle School Munford High School 47
Town of Atoka supplies water to residents while Southwest Tennessee Electric Co-op (STEMC) supplies electricity and Poplar Grove Utility and the City of Munford supply natural gas. Broadband Internet, landline phones and cable television hook-up can be arranged through Milington
Cable and Xipline and satellite television through DirecTV and Dish Network are also available. Town of Atoka 901-837-5300 STEMC 901-837-1900 Poplar Grove 901-837-0181 City of Munford 901-837-0171 Millington Cable 901-872-3600 Xipline 901-872-3600
Population 8,387 Noteworthy Railroad extended from Memphis to Atoka, 1872 One of first rural postal routes in the U.S., 1895 Flattened by tornado, 1928 Population more than tripled from 2000-2010 Tennessee’s best affordable suburb, 2010 State’s longest serving mayor, Charles Walker, retired after 41 years, 2010
Down on Main Street
Revamped and renewed, Brighton’s Main Street will soon be a showplace of the town. Funded by a grant secured by state legislators, construction on the project began in December 2010 and is expected to be finished later this year. Areas of focus include laying new sidewalks with bricking and new pavement. Concrete planters will be acquired to situate along the sidewalks and electrical wires will be run underground to prevent any unsightly overhead wires.
Award-winning schools are a perk for many students and parents living in Brighton. The town is home to Brighton Elementary, located on Old Hwy. 51, as well as Brighton Middle School and Brighton High School, both located near the intersection of Kenwood Avenue and Hwy. 51. BHS has been recognized by US
News and World Report as a bronze medalist in its annual ranking of America’s best High Schools. The schools also consistently perform above state averages in math and language arts.
Utilities Water services are administered by Poplar Grove Utility, while
Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative provides electric services and Munford Public Works administers natural gas, water and solid waste services. Town of Brighton 901-476-8661 STEMC 901-837-1900 Poplar Grove 901-837-0181 City of Munford 901-837-0171 Millington Cable 901-872-3600 Xipline 901-872-3600
Get more information from city officials online at www.townofbrighton.com
Established in 1873, incorporated in 1913 Population 2,735 Located Thirty miles north of Memphis, six miles from county seat of Covington Did you know? Brighton was established along the tracts of the Memphis and Paducah Railroad upon the lands of A. W. Smith, Sr. who gave the initial five acres for the depot grounds. The town was named for Mr. Bright, the first conductor on the Memphis Division of the said road.
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SMALL TOWN CHARM “We like to consider ourselves a quiet, bedroom community,” said mayor Frank Tyler, but that doesn’t mean Burlison is a community without retail and industrial businesses. For more than 50 years, the Burlison Gin, owned by the Kelley family, has been a longtime fixture in the small town. Burlison is also home to the headquarters of Flex-A-Chart, a company which manufactures and sells dry erase materials as well as cork boards and more, in addition to other small businesses, such as auto parts stores, gas stations and Jay-Ton Construction.
Students living in Burlison are zoned to attend schools in Covington: Crestview Elementary, Covington Integrated Arts Academy, Crestview Middle and Covington High School. CHS boasts an award-winning Future Farmers of America club and title-holding sports programs.
Water and natural gas services are administered by First Utility District, while Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative provides electric services. Cable television is not available in Burlison. STEMC 901-837-1900 First Utility 901-476-9525
The Jimmy Burlison Community Center, named for the town’s longest serving mayor, is free to rent/use to Burlison residents. Others must pay a $75 rental fee. Call 901475-9068 for information.
QUICK FACTS Settled around Smyrna Baptist Church in the late 1800s, first post office opened in 1881, incorporated in 1965 Population 425 Size The Burlison city limits only encompass one square mile. Did you know? The community was named for William Lafayette Burleson, but its name was misspelled in transmission to the postal service.
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Revitalization continuing Phase three of Covington’s court square revitalization project is currently underway, making the West Pleasant entrance to the square more friendly for pedestrians and more attractive to new businesses and customers. The $1.8 million project began more than four years ago and has, for the most part, been federally funded. The concept is to make a unique shopping area that will reflect the local history, said mayor David Gordon.
Covington is home to Covington Integrated Arts Academy (PK-8), a magnet school for the arts, as well as Crestview Elementary (PK-4), Crestview Middle (5-8) and Covington High School (9-12) in addition to Tipton Christian Academy, a faith-based private school associated with First
Baptist Church. Post-secondary institutions include Dyersburg State Community College Jimmy Naifeh Center and Tennessee Technology CenterCovington.
The City of Covington administers water, natural gas and electric to its residential
and commercial customers. Cable television, Internet and phone services are available through Comcast and AT&T U-Verse. Covington Public Works 901-476-9531 Covington Electric 901-476-7104
QUICK FACTS Incorporated in 1826 Population 9,038 Barbecue tradition Covington is home to what organizers call the world’s oldest barbecue festival. Taking place the first weekend in October, the event draws hundreds to the county each year. Make plans to attend this year’s event Sept. 29- Oct. 1 at Cobb Parr Park (www.covingtontn.com/ bbq.htm).
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Tranquility What it lacks in size, the Town of Garland more than makes up for in personality. A place where everyone knows your name, and likely your family history, Garland is a place where being a good neighbor and looking out for one another is top priority. The town has been relatively unaffected by the residential and commercial growth of other cities in Tipton County and is still a quiet, close-knit community.
Students living in Garland are zoned to attend schools in Covington: Crestview Elementary, Covington Integrated Arts Academy, Crestview Middle and Covington High School.
Water and natural gas services are administered by First Utility District, while Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative provides electric services. Cable television is not available in Garland. STEMC 901-837-1900 First Utility 901-476-9525
Though Garland is a small town with a small population, in 2007 its residents worked to raise funds for a new community center. The 3,600-square foot building is the center of the community, hosting wedding receptions, family reunions, parties, voting and other events.
QUICK FACTS Established in 1874 Population 310 Located Seven miles west of Covington, next to Burlison Did you know? At just .6 square miles big, Garland is Tipton County’s smallest incorporated town. It was named for the town’s first physician, Dr. John C. Garland.
Good people, good food For all that has changed in the rest of the county, much has remained the same in the sleepy town of Gilt Edge, Tennessee. Known for a dedicated volunteer fire department, led by Chief Steve Fletcher, the town is also home to the award-winning Gilt Edge Cafe where you’ll find some of the best down home cooking, barbecue and burgers Tipton County has to offer. Visit the cafe at 10448 Highway 59 West or call ahead: (901) 476-6446.
Students living in Gilt Edge are zoned to attend schools in Covington: Crestview Elementary, Covington Integrated Arts Academy, Crestview Middle and Covington High School.
Water and natural gas services are administered by First Utility
District, while Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative provides electric services. Cable television is not available in Gilt Edge. STEMC 901-837-1900 First Utility 901-476-9525
Fire department
The Gilt Edge Volunteer Fire Department is one of the best
in West Tennessee and officials work consistently to ensure personnel stay up to date with training. The department consistently applies for and receives federal and state grants, receiving an estimated $400,000 for the purchase of equipment and was even awarded a fire simulator for training purposes in 2007.
QUICK FACTS Incorporated in 1967 Population 477 Located West of Covington on Hwy. 59 Did you know? Gilt Edge was named for a popular product, some say a sack of flour and some say shoe polish, sold in the onceexisting post office.
12157 MAIN STREET ▪ MASON, TENNESSEE 38049 ▪ 901.294.3525
Infrastructure improvements In 2010, water system improvements began, bringing an increase in volume and quality to customers. Partially funded by a $500,000 Community Development Block Gant, the project has added two filter influent pumps with controls and a pre-fabricated pump building in adding to the clear well. Utility Superintendent Chris Trimble said the water plant was originally built in 1936 and has seen four updates in the seven decades since.
Students living in Mason attend one of the following schools: Crestview Elementary, Brighton Elementary, Crestview Middle, Brighton Middle, Covington High or Brighton High. See the school system’s website, tipton-county. com, for more information.
53 53
Water and natural gas services are administered by the Town of Mason and electric is administered by Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Cooperation. Town of Mason 901-294-3525 STEMC 901-837-1900
Mason is home to worldfamous restaurants Gus’s Fried Chicken (gussofms.com) and Bozo’s Hot Pit Bar-B-Q (bozosbar-b-q.com/movie1.html). Both family restaurants have been world-renowned for their delicious eats for decades. Drive west on Hwy. 70 - the restaurants are located at 505 Highway 70 W and 342 Highway 70 W, respectively.
QUICK FACTS Founded in 1858, incorporated in 1868 Population 1,609 Located Mason is located in the corner where Tipton, Fayette and Haywood counties meet Did you know? Mason was once a booming stop on the Memphis to Ohio railway. Its oldest structure is Old Trinity Episcopal Church, constructed in 1847.
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QUICK FACTS Established in 1853 as Mt. Zion, incorporated in 1905 as Munford Population 5,927 What’s in a name? The city was named for Col. R.H. Munford, a Tipton County official for which a cemetery in Covington is also named. Postmaster C.B. Sale suggested the name because Sale’s daughter boarded with the Munford family while attending seminary. Parks and recreation Munford is known for it’s award-winning parks. Check out: Centennial Park (16.5 acre baseball and softball complex) and Valentine Park (107 acres; soccer, flag football, disc golf, playgrounds, picnic areas).
Under construction In March, work began on a new, modern fire station in the heart of downtown Munford. Funded with a $1.8 million firefighter assistance grant through the Recovery Act, the facility will increase square footage for the department. The space currently occupied by firefighters will be renovated and used by city officials to conduct meetings and monthly city court; the current meeting area, between the police and parks and recreation departments, will be used to expand the police department. “This is a very practical positive-use grant for our community,” said mayor Dwayne Cole. “This is something that’s certainly needed in the community and will serve our citizens well.” Construction on the new station is expected to be completed in early 2012.
Munford is home to Munford elementary, middle and high schools, each of which consistently performs above state averages on standardized testing. Munford High School’s marching band, commonly called the pride of the south cities, is the winningest band in Bandmasters’ history, bringing home a dozen titles by 2010. In
2009, the band was also ranked second in the nation.
Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative provides electric services and Munford Public Works administers natural gas, water and solid waste services. Landline phone, cable and broadband services are available through Millington Cable/
Get more information from city officials online at www.munford.com
The construction of a new fire station is in progress in downtown Munford, next to city hall. Photo by Echo Day
Telephone. City of Munford 901-837-0171 STEMC 901-837-1900 Millington Cable 901-872-3600 Xipline 901-872-3600
scenes from around
TUCKERED OUT Pictured above, 3-year-old Savannah Wallace, daughter of Jeremy and Lindsay Wallace of Brighton, naps while her father locates her mother in the crowd at Celebrate Munford, Sept. 18, 2010. Photo by Shane Waits.
WINTER FUN Above, Jaiden Denmark pushes brother Jaylen and sister Jenna down a snowy hill in January 2011. Below, Parade participants braved the sub-freezing temperatures in Covington’s 2010 Christmas parade.
MUSIC MAKERS Above, the Covington High School marching band practices for its Journey-themed program for the 2010 football season. Below, On Monday, Jan. 17, a celebration honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was held at Collins Chapel C.M.E. LET’S PLAY! The summer of 2010 marked the rebuilding of the playground at Cobb-Parr Park which burned in midFebruary. On Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010, the much-anticipated grand opening of Project Play was held in Cobb-Parr Park.
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