CEC Newsletter 12.07.19

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NEWSLETTER Friday 19th July Dear parents and carers, As we approach the end of another busy year I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both to your child and to the academy. This academic year has certainly flown by for and it is wonderful to end the year with so many highlights to celebrate, including being promoted in Ofsted’s annual report of good practice and being featured on BBC local news as a result. We were equally thrilled to receive three significant grants this year, one for developing our state of the art maritime curriculum and another to enable social action work within the academy as part of our new PSHE, or ‘Everyone Matters’ curriculum. Such initiatives demonstrate our commitment to continuing to drive the academy forwards over time. We are also excited to get playing on our new state of the art football facilities with our new pitch which is the first 3G full size, flood-lit football pitch on the Island. We were also proud of the excellent results that we achieved last year because results are a key passport for our students, however we absolutely believe in educating for life and developing the whole child. One of our strengths here is our commitment to meaningful enrichment opportunities. Since I have joined the academy we have offered 157 external trips– which averages at 2 trips a week for every week of the last two years. We have also delivered 21 residential or overnight trips during the last two years. There truly is something for everybody all through the year here at CEC and living life to the full beyond the curriculum is something special about our ethos to be celebrated. Next year we already know we will be offering trips to the Harry Potter Studios, to Austria for our ski trip and to both France and Spain for our Language Exchanges – so please watch this space! Today we pay tribute to a number of teachers who are leaving Cowes Enterprise College for promotion, a new direction or retirement. Thank you to Clare Tanaka and Perry Brocklesby-Gell for joining us on long term supply and to Lynne Westhorpe for supporting us as cover supervisor this year. Thank you also to Jane Sceales who leaves the English Department to travel, Joe Murdoch who takes up a great opportunity at Medina High School and Natalie Bracegirdle who moves to a promoted position as a member of the senior leadership team at the Island Innovation Federation. Finally, thank you to Bruce Gray and Lindsay Hughes who both retire this year having given 43 years of service to Cowes Enterprise College between them. All these colleagues will be much missed and we wish them well. Please can I ask for your support in ensuring that your child begins the new academic year fully prepared, with correct uniform and equipment. Today’s newsletter also includes all term dates, uniform and equipment lists. We look forward to welcoming Year 7 and Year 12 to the academy on Wednesday 4th September. All other year groups return to the academy at 8.30am on Thursday 5 th September. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you again for your continued support of the school and our work and look forward to working with you over the coming year. We are very proud of our staff and students here at Cowes Enterprise College and hope you all enjoy a well-deserved and relaxing holiday and time together as a family. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages

Our new Everyone Matters Curriculum for Years 7, 8 and 9. Everyone Matters (E1M): ‘A Curriculum for Life’ is a brand new curriculum that aims to broaden student horizons and enrich lives while preparing them as responsible citizens for the modern world.

Across years 7, 8 and 9 students will learn a wide variety of topics across different themes with the opportunity to develop key skills in: Enquiry, Oracy, group work, individual reflections, resilience, self-review, decision making, confidence, tolerance and respect, diversity and equality, religious tolerance and understanding and development of a Growth Mind-set. They will also focus on employability and careers skills while undertaking a range of Social Action and Enterprise units of study.

E1M covers the following topics:          

Safeguarding PSHE Citizenship Character education Mental Health and well-being Sex and Relationships education Careers Enterprise Social Action Religious studies

Each half term focuses on a key theme that is thread throughout the academy for assemblies and the curriculum and each year these topics are revisited and learning spiraled to ensure students constantly have the opportunity to revisit concepts and deepen understanding and practical application. We are very excited to be working with OAT on developing this new curriculum for students nationally and there will be further information for parents on our academy website ready for the start of term.



Thank you to all parents and carers for your full support in ensuring your child attends the academy for every session possible! #AttendanceMatters

If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.

UNIFORM REMINDERS Please see the table on the right for our uniform requirements. A reminder that jewellery and facial piercings are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day.

Additional information regarding uniform can be found on our website: https://www.cowesec.org/partners -and-new-starters/uniform

REVISED ROUTE 51 TIMETABLE FROM SEPTEMBER 2019 Following the successful introduction of Route 51 in April, Southern Vectis are pleased to announce that from September 2019 an additional journey will be added to the route in each direction. The additional journey will run earlier than the existing journey in the mornings, but in the afternoon both buses will leave the school at the same time. We hope that the route will provide a suitable replacement for the IW Council contract route 306 which will cease operating at the end of the Summer Term. Both buses will follow the standard Route 1 “via Round House” route and then turn off up Ward Avenue to serve the school. All usual bus stops are served en route. Standard fares will apply as per Route 1, though students can of course take advantage of purchasing either Freedom tickets for 7 days, 30 days or 90 days, or multi-day tickets (which don’t have to be used on consecutive days) in 5 day, 15 day or 30 day bundles, through our Key card scheme. These tickets are a great way of saving money on single fares and also tickets can be used outside of school times eg evenings, weekends, school holidays etc, allowing great flexibility. (the 7 day Freedom ticket can be bought as a paper ticket on the bus as well) For information on registering for the Key card and purchasing Freedom / Multi-day tickets, please visit http://www.islandbuses.info/page.shtml? pageid=1273 or contact our Customer Services department on 01202 678100 (0800-1830 Mondays to Fridays)

Additional information regarding uniform, PE kit and equipment can be found on our website.

Information regarding footwear for our 3G pitch can be found via the link below: https://www.cowesec.org/ partners-and-new-starters/ uniform

End of year message from Head Girl, Beth Pitts, and Head Boy, Kieran Wetherick With the end of the year comes the halfway mark of our time as the school’s student leadership team. We would like to thank you all for the support we have received and provide you with an overview of some of the highlights we have had the privilege to be involved with. There have been a wide range of events including the Mock Trial at the crown courts where Cowes Sixth From were victorious, and we hope to maintain our title next year. There was the Model UN held at Ryde School in which Cowes Sixth Form students were given the opportunity to research topics around current affairs such as LGBT+ rights, Cybercrime and Nuclear deterrents, our team then went on to adopt the role of a delegate and we won the majority of awards handed out at the event. Another event that we are proud of as a student leadership was our involvement with organising and running a social action day which aimed to educate all Cowes Enterprise College students about the dangers of climate change and ways in which we can do our bit to help the planet. This day resulted in thousands of letters being written and addressed to local MP’s which we were then able to present to the Green Party National Spokesperson on Education- Vix Lowthion. In keeping with our aims to deliver on social action with regards to local politics, Cowes Sixth Form students debated and collated views and issues which were raised with our MP Bob Seely. After nearly two hours of vigorous debate, it can be said with certainty that the views of our sixth formers were defended and expressed in an engaging, constructive and ultimately productive meeting for the students. We hope to build on this relationship established in the coming year and beyond , looking to make our students direct voices of the island youth on political issues. We also had the opportunity to meet with founders of Ormiston Academy Trust to discuss the progress our school has made and all the amazing opportunities we are given such as the charter programme for year 7 and 12, academic trips, after school clubs and school productions. More recently we gave our first speeches as head boy and girl, firstly to the prospective year 12 who hope to join us in September. This was followed by a day of workshops to introduce students to extracurricular opportunities and lessons in sixth form. Secondly we gave a speech at the year 6 parents evening to reassure the young students and their parents that life at Cowes is a fun, exciting new experience for them.

We are proud of our first year at Cowes Sixth Form. Proud of our work but more importantly, proud of our friends and fellow students as we progress into our next challenge- Year 13! We cannot wait to welcome our new students in September both in Year 12 to Sixth form and Year 7 who will just be starting their journey at Cowes. It is certainly an exciting time to be part of this academy, and to play an integral part as the voice of the heart of our academy, is unrivalled- we are privileged, and itching to continue our progress.

ISLAND GAMES SUCCESS FOR JESSICA Jessica Browne, Year 10, recently represented the Isle of Wight in the Island Games! The Island Games are an international multi-sports event for different island communities. This year, the Games took place in Gibraltar with 22 Islands from around the world taking part in 14 different sports. The Isle of Wight came in 7th place!

FICTION CLUB ANTHOLOGY Students have been working really hard every Wednesday lunchtime during our story writing sessions this term! They have entered stories into a competition run by the Historical Association and have challenged themselves to write mini-sagas that are just 100 words long.

All of their work has been collated into a fantastic anthology that you can read; copies Jessica was part of the 4 x 100m Individual Medley located in the school reception! Relay Team who won a bronze medal, the first for a We always welcome new members so if you are inspired to do some writing of your own look out swim team since the 2005 Games. for notices in September! Jessica scored a personal best of 25 seconds in the 400m freestyle and a 3 second personal best in the 200m freestyle. She also swam the 100m freestyle four times in relays and had a very impressive 4 second personal best during the week. We are all incredibly proud of Jessica and this amazing achievement! She is a credit to herself, the school and to the island. Congratulations Jessica!

Thank you to Oriol, Constance, Lewis, Sam and Izzy for their contributions to our Instagram page this week!

Follow us there @cowesenterprise!

We are also on Twitter Follow us @CowesEC

You can find us on Facebook at Official Cowes Enterprise College



Today we have spent the morning celebrating!

On Thursday we had the second opportunity Go Sail Trip. Around 60 students visited INEOS Team UK based in Portsmouth. They took part in workshops, designed and tested their own sails and got to witness the amazing, cutting-edge technology in action!

We have had great fun this morning, celebrating the achievements of our students. Each year group has had an assembly packed full of celebration. We have rewarded students across a huge variety of areas including all subjects, awards for attendance, excellent effort and academic achievements. Every reward card that was handed out this year was put into a raffle to win an Amazon voucher! It has been a very lovely morning and a great way to end the term.

Students then visited UKSA and had some engaging, entertaining and thrilling sailing sessions.

COMBINED CADET FORCE CCF Longmoor Army Summer Camp 6-12th July 2019 Twelve cadets from the Army Section attended HQSW CTT Central Camp at Longmoor. The cadets were combined with another school King Charles 1 and a varied programme was delivered by excellent staff. The week consisted of a day of rural fieldcraft whereby the basic cadets completed various stands including pair fire manoeuvre and practiced this technique during the blank firing section attack whilst the advance group undertook various blank firing exercises including section attacks and an ambush. Monday, the cadets undertook Training In Built Up Areas (TIBUA). For the Basic group, this consisted of learning new drills on how to patrol in an urban environment whilst the advance group learnt the skills necessary to enter and clear out buildings including how to throw a practice grenade. Both groups also had a lesson on first aid and applied skills in a casivac situation of a downed helicopter with 4 casualties. The following two days focused on applying marksmanship principles through the completion of firing from different positions on a 25m range, Dismounted Close Combat Trainer (DCCT), Archery and Paintball before completing the range package that included a weapons and equipment stand, shotgun and the competition shoot. The final days consisted of command tasks including a climbing tower and a visit to the Royal logistic Corps museum. A special well done must go to Cdt Massey who gained his Marksmanship badge on the second time of firing and Cdt Sgt Fletcher who achieved top score in the Archery competition.

CCF RAF Valley Summer Camp 6-13th July 2019

RAF Valley in Anglesey, is the home of fast jet pilot training. This is where elite members of the RAF become the next generation of RAF Fighter Pilots. It is also the maintenance base for the Hawks and where aircrew are trained for mountain and maritime operations throughout the world. Our unit were only allocated 4 places and the cadets combined with others from another two contingents which were Ryde School and St Georges. The cadets visited the T1 hanger where maintenance is done on the red arrows as well as IV (R) squadron and looked around one of the Hawks. Other station visits included the Headquarters of the RAF Mountain Rescue Service, the fire service and air traffic control centre. Other activities undertaken included: Coasteering, orienteering, bowling, small bore shooting as well as a drill competition. A special well done must go to Cdt Flt Sgt Pownall who gained promotion for excellent leadership over the week overseeing the three flights.


GCE (A Level) Results

from 9am on Thursday 15th August •

GCSE Results

TERM DATES FOR 2019/20 ACADEMIC YEAR Mon 2nd September

Staff Development Day

Tues 3rd September

Staff Development Day

Weds 4th September

Year 7 Only and Year 12 Induction

Thurs 5th September

Start of Autumn Term All students return

Fri 4th October

Staff Development Day

Fri 25th October

Last Day of Half Term

28th Oct—1st Nov

Half Term Holiday

Mon 4th November

Start of second half of Autumn Term

Fri 20th December

Last Day of Autumn Term

23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020

Christmas Holiday

Mon 6th January

Staff Development Day

Tues 7th January

Start of Spring Term All students return

Fri 14th February

Last Day of Half Term

17th February—21st February

Half Term Holiday

Mon 24th February

Start of second half of Spring Term

Friday 3rd April

Last Day of Spring Term

6th April—17th April

Easter Holiday

Mon 20th April

Start of Summer Term

Fri 8th May

Early May bank holiday (VE day)

Fri 22nd May

Last Day of Half Term

25th May—29th May

Half Term Holiday

Mon 1st June

Start of second half of Spring Term

Mon 15th June TBC

Staff Development Day

Fri 17th July

Last Day of Summer Term

Sat 18th July

Summer Holidays Start

from 9am on Thursday 22nd August Any results that are not collected on those days will be posted home that day via first class, signed for post.


As has become a custom celebration of success, we will be sharing students individual GCSE and A Level results with the county press. If you would prefer your son/daughters results not to be submitted then please email kevans@cowesec.org before 1st August 2019 to have them removed. GCSE results printed state student name and the number of passes, A Levels only the code of the subjects passed.

FLOATING BRIDGE SHUTTLE BUS UPDATE The number of students using our shuttle bus service has reduced significantly during the academic year to the point where it is now no longer financially viable to run. Due to the increased running costs and the falling number of student using the service, we have decided that from the 19th of July 2019 we will no longer offer this facility to our students. We apologise for any issues this may cause and hope that the additional time will allow you to make suitable arrangements for September 2019. Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued support.

Term dates can also be found on our website. NEW STARTERS—SCHOOL PLAY OPPORTUNITY Anyone who joins us in September as Year 7 who would like to be involved in the school play Robin Hood please come and See Mr Lyle or Ms Stannard in the Creative area on Friday 6th September at lunchtime.








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

uCECLele Training Band



Chess Club



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Year 7 Military Skills


CCF Office

Oasis Homework Support



Child Development/Health & Social Care Support

2.45— 4.00pm


GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)



STOMP (jazz percussion group)



Jazz Band



Science Club



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Communication and Radio Club



Oasis Homework Support



CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13

2.45— 4.00pm


Burnet News Club



uCEClele (auditions required)



Chess Club



Badminton Club


Winder Centre

Props, Costume & Scenery Club



Oasis Homework Support



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)




Lunch 3-4pm


Basketball Club

Winder Centre






Netball South of England Training


Sports Hall

Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin

BTEC Coursework—Year 11



Miss Vidovic

BTEC Coursework—Year 11



Miss Vidovic

Outside Pitch/ Sports Hall

Mr Hughes & Mr Hartup

Indoor Football - All years



Sports Leaders—All years


Sports Hall

Miss Vidovic

Rugby—All years


Outside Pitch

Mr Brown

Girl’s Football


GCSE/BTEC Practical and Revision - Year 11


Sports Hall

Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin

Rugby—All years


Outside Pitch

Mr Brown

Indoor Cricket—Year 7 to 9


Winder Centre

Mr Hughes

Basketball—All years


Sports Hall

Mr Hughes

Sports Captain’s Activities—All years


Sports Hall

Miss Vidovic

Mrs Beck


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