NEWSLETTER Friday 13th September Dear parents and carers, We have had a calm and productive week as we all settle back into focused rhythms of learning. The summer holidays are already starting to fade a little as we focus on getting the new academic year off to a successful start and this has been a busy week for us at Cowes. Many of our clubs, including our new sailing club, are now either up and running or ready to launch. Along with getting our peripatetic music lessons started, we have also had our first meeting for our forthcoming drama production. Our year 7s and new members of staff are settling well into the academy and our routines and all our students should feel proud of the positive start they have made to the year. I am delighted to be able to share with you, as an attachment to the email accompanying this newsletter, our Cowes Enterprise College three year strategy, outlined in a brief document. Each term, the academy moves from strength to strength and we are ambitious and determined to achieve our very best for the students here at Cowes. and determined to ensure that the pace of further development continues in the longer term. I do hope that you find it useful and interesting to see our broad strategy over time and to have this shared as parents. The County Press has this week announced that the Isle of Wight Council has adopted a shorter summer holiday and longer October half term break for 2020. Here at Cowes Enterprise College we are fully supportive of Councillor Brading and Island leaders and their desire to find creative solutions to improving pupil outcomes across the Island. At this juncture however our governors have decided to continue to wait and see the initial outcomes of this change before deciding on our next steps. This term I continue to hold parent surgeries twice weekly on a Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2.30pm and from 3.30pm – 5.30pm. Attendance is by pre-booked appointments only so please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. I am looking forward to being able to meet Year 7 parents at our Year 7 tutor evening on Tuesday 24th. Do please come and say hello to me if you are able during what I’m sure will be both a useful and reassuring evening. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages
TERM DATES FOR 2019/20 ACADEMIC YEAR Fri 4th October
Staff Development Day
Wednesday 18th September Year 8 HPV Vaccinations Fri 25th October
Last Day of Half Term
28th Oct—1st Nov
Half Term Holiday
Mon 4th November
Start of second half of Autumn Term
Fri 20th December
Wednesday 18th September Maritime Careers Fair Wednesday 18th September Friday 20th September
Year 8 Globe Theatre Trip
Tuesday 24th September
Year 7 Tutor Evening (Invitations to follow soon)
Last Day of Autumn Term
23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020 Christmas Holiday
Mon 6th January
Staff Development Day
Tues 7th January
Start of Spring Term for all students
Friday 27th September Wednesday 2nd October
Fri 14th February
Last Day of Half Term
Thursday 3rd October
17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday
Mon 24th February
Start of second half of Spring Term
Friday 3rd April
Last Day of Spring Term
6th April—17th April
Easter Holiday
Mon 20th April
Start of Summer Term
Fri 8th May
Early May bank holiday (VE day)
Fri 22nd May
Last Day of Half Term
25th May—29th May
Half Term Holiday
Mon 1st June
Start of second half of Spring Term
Mon 15th June TBC
Staff Development Day
Fri 17th July
Last Day of Summer Term
Sat 18th July
Summer Holidays Start
Term dates can also be found on our website.
Online Safety Evening 5-8pm (Spaces all allocated)
Harry Potter Trip
(Spaces all allocated)
Year 7 and 8 Info Evening Year 6 Open Evening 6-8pm
Friday 4th October
Staff Development Day School closed to students
Thursday 10th October
Year 9 and 10 Info Evening
Wednesday 16th October
Year 11 Info Evening
BTEC COURSEWORK DAYS FOR ALL BTEC STUDENTS The following BTEC coursework days will take place on Saturdays between 9am and 3pm for all BTEC students. • • • • •
12th October 23rd November 18th January 14th March 16th May
Wellbeing The academy is thrilled to be accepted to work towards formal accreditation for a Wellbeing award. This is in celebration of all of the hard work the academy does in supporting wellbeing. Over the coming weeks, stakeholder input will be sought. Thank you in advance for your support.
USING SHOW MY HOMEWORK To log into Show My Homework on a web browser (like Chrome) or on the Show My Homework app, you must use the ‘Sign in with Office 365’ option.
When logging in, you must use your full academy email address [e.g.] Your password will be your academy IT password. This is the password you use to login to the computers at school. If you can’t login, please double check you are entering your email address & password correctly & using the Office 365 login button!
Letters for parents and carers of students in Year 7 will receive information on how to access Show My Homework next week. Homework in the Mathematics Department is generally set on Mathswatch. Notification of the homework and due date will be put on SMHW by the class teacher.
Year 7 Username Username: First initialSurname19@cec Example: ASmith19@cec
Default password: mathswatch
Year 8 -13 Username: First initialSurname Example: ASmith@cec
Default password: mathswatch
Some usernames have a slight variation if there are any problems logging on please email Mr Foster
ONLINE SAFETY EVENING We would like to invite all parents and carers to our Online Safety Evening on Wednesday 18th September between 5pm and 6pm. If you would like to attend please could you confirm attendance by emailing Many thanks.
Would you like an opportunity to work with us to HPV Vaccinations will take place in identify what we are doing well and to adapt some school on Wednesday 18th of our ways of working to make them better?
September for all students in Year If the answer is yes, then I would like to invite you 8.
to be a part of our parent working groups. The focus for our first group will be pupil progress Students in Year 8 had an assembly with the Isle of Wight School Nursing team on reports for parents/carers. Tuesday (10th September) where they The first meeting will be held on Friday 27th will given a consent letter to bring home. September from 9am-10am. If you are unable to attend in the morning, the same meeting will also The School Nursing team have clarified that the HPV Vaccinations give no cause run on Tuesday 1st October from 5-6pm. for absence the day following the If you would like to attend, please email me at vaccination and students should and let me know which therefore come to school as normal. meeting you will be attending. Hazel Walker Assistant Principal
UNIFORM REMINDERS Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations? Black jumpers should be completely black, with no visible logos. Skirts should not be rolled up. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings.
Thank you to all parents and carers for your full support in ensuring your child attends the academy for every session possible. #AttendanceMatters
The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day. Additional information regarding uniform and equipment can be found on our website: You can also find information regarding footwear for our 3G pitch on our website via the link above.
EXPANDED COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT We are delighted to announce that over the summer, we have significantly expanded and strengthened our Computer Science department, following the retirement of Mr Gray. We have recruited three highly-qualified, specialist teachers, each with a strong background in computer science.
Ms R Baylis
Mr A Gianotta
Mr M Leonard
This experienced new team includes Ms Ruth Baylis, an Oxford educated Maths graduate with a Masters in Computer Science, who is also a former software developer who joined us in September 2018. From this September we welcome Mr Antonio Giannotta, an experienced teacher with a Masters in Education and passion for computer programming and Mr Michael Leonard, a maths graduate with a background as a data consultant at Deloitte.
We are delighted to welcome them to CEC and know that our students will benefit greatly from their knowledge, passion and experience. With this fantastic new team in place, students at CEC will receive the highest standard of education in this important subject and the skills they need to succeed, in a world where technology and skills such as coding are ever-more important. COWES ENTERPRISE COLLEGE SAILING CLUB Tuesday evening saw Cowes Enterprise College’s first Tuesday Night Sailing club with Mr Harding. Students attending the club have the opportunity to learn to sail with fully qualified instructors with the aim to taking part in the 2020 Round the Island Race!
ACADEMY CLUBS Club Monday Tuesday
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
Chess Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions
Burnet News Club (Years 7, 8 and 9)
Isle of Wight Radio Newshounds and Communication Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Science Club
Science IZ
Chess Club
BTEC Business Revision
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Warhammer and Model Club
CCF in Capstan House
Boys Football (All Years)
Netball (All Years)
Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form)
Thursday Friday
3pm onwards
Girls Football (All Years) on Field or 3G Pitch
Badminton (All Years)
Military Skills for Year 7 in ED11
Basketball (All Years)