Friday 1st March
Dear parents and carers It has been a very busy first week back. We have enjoyed welcoming the students back this week and been inspired by their excellent attitudes to learning and dedication to their studies. Over half term a group of students went on a residential trip to Berlin. This was a great enriching experience for all and you will be able to read all about it in our academy newsletter next week. A large number of Year 11 students came in to the academy over half term to attend revision sessions for a variety of subjects. Well done to our students for both their commitment and dedication to their overall revision. On Wednesday evening the academy held the annual EPQ Sixth Form Presentation evening which was an inspiration. The sheer excellence of our students filled the academy with pride. It was so heart warming to receive all the positive feedback from parents on this evening but also feedback on how positive they felt the academy was moving forward. We were really fortunate to welcome Lieutenant Colonel Sulle Alhaji who fought in Falkands and Afghanistan, and served in Ireland who gave such an inspirational motivational talk to students from Years 8 and 10. My parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons over the next half term. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley
SAFEGUARDING Please can parents be aware of the attached guides for TikTok and the ‘Momo Challenge’. Please click the links below for larger copies of the images on the right:
TikTok MOMO We are aware that there are many articles that are calling into question the validity of these challenges, regardless of this the overall important message is that we are all hypervigilant with what our children are accessing online. If any parent or carer would like any support with how to set parental controls or monitor what children are accessing please do contact us.
Parents should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence. Our attendance policy can be found here: Thank you to all our parents who have responded so positively to the academy’s weekly ‘attendance shout outs’ – our weekly texts and social media blasts to all parents to reinforce the high expectations we have for student attendance to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. Of course we understand there will be times when absence from the academy is unavoidable but we appreciate working with you to support when and if needed. For any further attendance queries, please contact the main academy to speak to our Family Liaison Assistant – Mr Jimmy Carey.
EPQ STUDENTS IMPRESS VISITORS WITH COLOURFUL PRESENTATION EVENING Visitors to the college were treated to a fascinating array of information, activities and nibbles on Wednesday night when year 13 students presented their EPQ Projects. They were treated to an impressive range of eye-catching and inspiring displays which included a replica beach created Albert Newton, consisting of a vast pile of plastic collected from the local beach, giving a shocking insight into the problem of plastic pollution on our local coastline. A colourful art exhibition by Emily Searle also vividly recreated the impact plastic has on the oceans. While half the college foyer was a beach, on the other side Alice Doig gave a fascinating insight into the propaganda used by the suffragette movement, Alysa Morris produced a really engaging display on the impact of Instagram on body image, Carrie Jones discussed euthanasia and Ed Bailey stunned his audience with his analysis of malocclusion. Memorably, Nathan Rash impressed every visitor who spoke to him with his passionate presentation on vaccination – including Mrs Harding who gave him her top rating for his knowledge and persuasiveness! The spectacular evening also included a living history exhibit by Mimi Poulton, who has written a screenplay set in WW2 for her project and presented it in full army dress, accompanied by an impressive array of props including home baked cookies from a period recipe. Emilia Marinelli explored the different Disney princesses in a colourful and interactive display that engaged everyone, including the visiting children, who were excited even more by Lani Brown’s display on electric cars which included a remote control vehicle for them to drive!
Mrs Cody, the EPQ coordinator, stressed how hard the students had worked on their projects. 'The EPQ is a fantastic opportunity for students to prepare for university style assignments and gives them the chance to research anything they like' she explained. ‘Everyone who came was genuinely amazed by the level of work and quality of the presentations’.
YEAR 8 GCSE OPTIONS Year 8 will soon begin choosing their Key Stage 4 options. In early March, we will hold an assembly to introduce the options process to Year 8 students and send home option booklets so students can start to consider their choices. We would like to invite you to an Information Evening regarding your child’s GCSE choices on Tuesday 5th March 6-8pm. The main presentation in the Hall will take place at 7pm and there will then be an opportunity to discuss choices with each subject area having their own display. The deadline for final choices is not until Friday 22nd March.
WORLD BOOK DAY – 7TH MARCH 2019 To celebrate the day, children will be issued with a £1.00 World Book Day voucher These can be exchanged for one of the special World Book Day books from bookshops, or towards a book purchase of £2.99 or more. Vouchers are valid from 28th February until 31st March 2019. World Book Day vouchers can also be used, when ordering from Scholastic Books online - 1 voucher per book of £2.99 or more. (Simply enter the number of vouchers you want to redeem at the checkout stage)
Please spend some time looking at the bargains on their website: The school receives 25% in commission, on each order placed – to spend on books for our library. If your order is less than £25.00, so not qualifying for free postage, it can be directed to the school free of charge. Mrs Bowen will issue books to your children, as soon as they have been received. The deadline for Scholastic online orders is 8th March 2019. After that date, orders requesting school delivery will be collated and sent to the school, for Mrs Bowen to distribute.
Last term, Year 7 made puppets for Drama homework. We were so excited to see the amazing puppets made by Amelie Rogers. We will be using these and the other wonderful puppets during our Drama lessons this half term. On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Lieutenant Colonel Sulle Alhaji to the Academy. Lieutenant Colonel Sulle Alhaji delivered two assemblies to students in Years 8 and 10 about how his time in the Army shaped him as a person. The talks were dynamic and insightful and we are grateful to Lieutenant Colonel Sulle Alhaji for taking the time to visit us.
IBM OPEN DAY FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS A great event for students in Years 11, 12 and 13! You will have the opportunity to meet with current Apprentices and Futures on all pathways, learn about what they do and find out about their experiences. You will also be able to meet IBM Managers who can offer advice and guidance.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION Important Notice for Parents and Carers of Students Sitting External Examinations in Summer 2019 Please be aware that the Joint Council for Qualifications have timetabled a th contingency day for Wednesday 26 June 2019 for any GCSE and/or GCE examinations that may sustain national or local disruption during the June 2019 examination series.
UNIFORM REMINDERS Thank you to all our parents for working so hard to ensure that uniform is correct for your children. There have been an increasing number of students with buttons missing from their kilts. Please could parents and carers ensure that kilts have all buttons sewn on ready for the start of the new half term.
A reminder that if students wish to wear a black jumper Therefore all students that are sitting exams it should be a plain black ‘V’ neck jumper. We have next Summer must still be available to sit seen an increase in the number of black jumpers worn exams until this date. that have a ‘round’ neck and have logos. These are not Any queries please email our Exams Officer part of our uniform.
Mrs Hambley
For further information on uniform, click here.
UPCOMING ACADEMY DATES Tuesday 5th March Wednesday 13th March
Year 8 GCSE Options Evening Year 7 Parents’ Evening
6th April to 23rd April 2019 22nd April 2019 23rd April 2019
Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Start of Summer Term Bank Holiday Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday
Thursday 14th March
Invitation emails sent for Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 28th March
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
6th May 2019 25th May to 2nd June 2019 3rd June 2019
Friday 5th April
Last Day of Spring Term
17th June 2019
Staff Development Day
19th July 2019
Last Day of Summer Term
20th July 2019
Summer Holidays Start
Monday 8th—Friday 19th April Easter Holidays Monday 22nd April
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 23rd April
Start of Summer Term
(early closure)
Click here for 2019/20 term dates.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
Child Development/Health & Social Care Support
2.45— 4.00pm
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication Club
Oasis Homework Support
CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13
2.45— 4.00pm
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)
IntoFilm—Starting 14th March with Spiderman Homecoming!
Lunch 3-4pm
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Unless otherwise states, sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3pm Date
27/03/2019 06/03/2019 13/03/2019 20/03/2019 27/03/2019 03/04/2019 08/04/2019 15/04/2019 24/04/2019 01/05/2019 08/05/2019 14/05/2019 15/05/2019 16/05/2019 21/05/2019 22/05/2019 27/05/2019 05/06/2019 07/06/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019 12/06/2019 14/06/2019
P3P4 B4 C5 P5P6 B6 C6
RSS (SC13) CHD (SC18) SSC (SC19) (14/03/19) LMP (SC11) CHD (SC18) CMU (SC16)
P3 B4 C5 P4 B6 C6
PBG (SC02) CMU (SC16) DDD (SC03) RML (SCO4) LYG (SC03) (29/03/19) RML (SCO4)
Easter Holidays P7P8 C1C2C3 B1B2B3 B1-B3 & B7 C1C2C3 C1-C3 & C7 P1P2P3P4 P1-P4 & P9 B4B5B6 B4-B6 & B7 C4C5C6 C4-C6 & C7 P6P7P8 P5-P8 & P9
LMP (SC11) P5P6 SSC (SC19) (02/05/19) B1B2B3 CHD (SC18) B1B2B3 PM P1/P7 RML (SC04) C1C2C3 AM P3/P9 LMP (SC11) P1P2P3 PM P5/P11 May 1/2 Term CHD (SC19) B4B5B6 PM P2/P8 SSC (SC16) (10/06/19) C4C5C6 AM P4/P10 LMP (SC11) P4P5P6 AM P6/P12