3 minute read
Subject: History
Qs 5 & 6 from the Germany paper plus Qs 1 & 2 from the Medicine paper – 50 minutes
Revision priorities:
For the Germany section:
▪ Problems facing Germany at the end of World War I
▪ Weimar Germany, 1919-1929
▪ Economic & social policies under the Nazis
For the Medicine section:
▪ The work of the NHS after 1945
▪ The work of Edward Jenner & the development of vaccination
For both sections:
4. Exam techniques – how to answer questions from the exam papers
Suggested activities:
Create flashcards on the above topics. Use the copies of the revision guide pages you have been given to help you. The ‘main’ headings on the revision guide pages should be on the front of each flash card – this is the ‘must know’ concept. On the reverse, add the bullet point detail from the revision guide pages – this is the ‘good to know’ detail which will help you explain the concepts in more detail.
Don’t just read your flash cards! Do something with them that gets your brain to recall the information in different ways. For example, you could:
Turn your flash cards into a mind map. Try to recall as much information as you can from memory before checking your flash cards or notes.
Turn your flash cards into a quiz. Test yourself by creating a question related to each heading on your flash cards. Try to answer them without looking at the back of your card or your notes first. Quiz yourself regularly.
Turn your flash cards into a concept map or a revision clock. A revision clock is a really useful way of revision a topic in a really focused way. You can learn more about revision clocks on this YouTube video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5ofs1jQsiE). We’ll also cover revision clocks in lessons too. You can collect blank revision clock templates from your teacher. A concept map is like a mind map, but you try and link the different sections of your mind map together if you can see a connection. For example, if one event or factor leads to or happens as a result of another factor.
Another really quick and effective way of using flash cards is the Leitner Method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C20EvKtdJwQ.
Work through your revision material in a sensible and logical order. The revision priority list above sets out the key parts of the topic you need to revise. You could use the revision priorities list above as a checklist to help you work through your revision.
As well as revising the content, make sure you also spend time revising ‘how’ you answer the questions in your assessment.
By the time you come to do your in class assessment, you will have practiced each question type at least once, if not more. To prepare, think about:
▪ Revisiting the planning materials we have used for each question
▪ Have a look at some of the example answer you have been given. What makes them ‘good’ or great answers?
▪ What can you take from each answer to help you? What sentence structures or starters could you use in your own anwers?
Reflect on any feedback you have received.
Create a bullet point list of ‘key ingredients’ for each question stem. What makes a good answer? What should you include? What should you avoid doing?
Create some short sentence starters to help you structure each answer. You can find clues for these in the feedback you have been given, as well as on the planning resources we have shared with you.
You might also find GCSEPod helpful. We have created a playlist which covers the revision priorities listed above: https://members.gcsepod.com/shared/playlists/playlist/6778776
The online platform Seneca is also useful. You can find their Germany revision materials at: https://app.senecalearning.com/classroom/course/423aecc0-2148-11e8a674f7eebd705ce6. Use the left-hand menu to select the sections relevant to your revision priorities. The Medicine revision materials can be found at: https://app.senecalearning.com/classroom/course/f635b740-3710-11e8a1ecd1c197cb140b. Again, use the left-hand menu to select the relevant sections for your revision.
How could you use GCSEPods or Seneca? Obviously, by watching the clips and completing the quizzes, you’ll be completing revision. Again the key is to do it regularly. You may not want to watch the clips repeatedly, but returning regularly to the quizzes would be useful. You might want to revisit particular clips or sections if you find that you need particular help with difficult sections.
Finally, you could also use GCSEPod or Seneca to add additional notes to your revision materials, like your flash cards.
Finally, you can find digital copies of all the revision materials we have produced in Show My Homework over the next few days. You should have received these in paper form too. Remember though, it’s your responsibility to ask us if you need additional paper copies or anything in a different format.