1 minute read

Subject: PE

Revision Priorities

Component 1

Topic 1 - Applied anatomy and physiology – Structure and functions of the body systems (skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory). Anaerobic & aerobic exercise.

Topic 2 – Movement Analysis- Planes and axes of motion, Lever systems, mechanical advantage and disadvantage.


Structure and Function of the Muscular and Skeletal System

Tasks (each section should take a minimum of two planned study sessions)

Your first task is to write a question and associated mark scheme where the answer explains the following topics:

1) the structure and function of the Musculoskeletal system

2) the structure and function of the Cardiorespiratory system

Use GCSE pod to help: https://members.gcsepod.com/shared/podcasts/title/11376/69020

Your second task is to create a poster which identifies the location of the major muscles and bones involved in your chosen sporting action. What are the different types of bones and which type would be suited to weight bearing activities?

Extension: Explain the different antagonistic pairs that might be used when muscle actions are taking place at the elbow & knee?

Explain the muscle fibre types that are involved in your chosen sport.

Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular system

Write a news article to explain blood distribution – Think about vascular shunting, vasoconstriction, and vasodilation. (What? Why? When?)

Create a mind map which explains what each blood cell looks like and what each does? (red, white, plasma, and platelets)

Use the following GCSE POD to help you: https://members.gcsepod.com/shared/podcasts/title/12800/78288

Extension: Draw and label a vein, artery and capillary explaining their function in relation to their structure.

Anaerobic and aerobic exercise.

Create a poster explaining aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Think about the equations used. Within the poster explain what lactic is and how this can be prevented. Lastly, explain what energy sources are used and which are used for specific activities. (high-intensity, low intensity) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z8ypv4j/revision/1

Use the following link on BBC Bitesize to help.

Extension: Identify two training methods that can be used to improve aerobic fitness.

Before you start the following tasks watch this GCSE Pod:

Levers https://members.gcsepod.com/shared/podcasts/title/11784/72859

Draw out the three different types of levers. Explain how each lever works and provide a sporting example for each.

Extension: For each example given, explain why it is that type of lever.

Planes and Axes

Before you start the following tasks watch this GCSE Pod: https://members.gcsepod.com/shared/podcasts/title/11785/72861

Use play dough, plasticine, jelly babies, blue tack, lego or a piece of paper to show a 3D model of how the three different planes divide the body and then draw them on to a flash card. Do the same to show the direction of each axis.

Select some sporting pictures and analyse what each movement is and which plan each movement is working in and what axis it is working around.

Extension: Write an exam question and mark scheme for planes and axes.

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