4 minute read
December Events
Tree of Remembrance - Place an ornament on the tree in remembrance of a loved one. Sands Funeral Chapel 187 Trunk Rd. Duncan RSVP 250746-5212
1-3 The Crucible by Arthur Miller Shawnigan Players 7:30pm Duncan Showroom 133 Station St. Duncan Tickets at eventbrite.ca or the door
1Lego Art Show CVAC Gallery at Cowichan Community Centre 2687 James St. Duncan FREE runs to 12/16
Lila Community Choir: Songs of our Ancestors & more 7-8:30pm 3228A Gibbins Rd. $15-20 drop-in No one turned away for lack of funds. www. joythroughmusic.com Also 12/8/15/22
The Beholder’s Share: Fibre Art Show w/Shannon Wardroper CVAC Annex at Cowichan Community Centre 2687 James St. Duncan runs to 12/16
2-4 Westholme Tea Annual Open House 10-5pm 8350 Richards Tr. Duncan www.westholmetea.com FREE
2HUB Cafe Fridays Coffee/ Baking/Lunch 8:30-2pm The HUB @ Cowichan Station 2375 Koksilah Rd also 12/9/16
3Sunrise Waldorf School Winter Faire: A magical festive celebration, local vendors, silent auction, crafts and food, cash only, 10-3pm 2148 Lakeside Rd Duncan
Annual Craft Fair @ Providence Farm: local vendors, Santa photos, silent auction 9-3pm 1843 Tzouhalem Rd Duncan FREE
Handel’s Messiah with the Cowichan Consort Orchestra & Choir 7:30pm Christ Reformed Church 930 Trunk Rd Duncan $20 @ door or Volume One
Spring Awakening in Winter Jennifer Lawson Art Display CPAC theatre lobby @ Cowichan Community Centre James St runs to 12/31
South Cowichan Healthcare Auxiliary Craft & Bake Sale 10-4pm Mill Bay Baptist Church 2095 Dickson Rd Mill Bay 3 Osborne Bay Pub Live Music: Blue Moon Marquee 1534 Joan Av Crofton Tickets @ eventbrite.ca $25
4The Crucible by Arthur Miller: Shawnigan Players Sun Matinee 2pm Duncan Showroom 133 Station St Duncan Tickets@eventbrite.ca or door
Chemainus Classical Concerts: West Coast Chamber Players 2pm St Michael’s Church Chemainus $25/$10 Reserved $20 250-748-8383
5-7 Trial days at Sunrise Waldorf School: Come see what Waldorf Education has to offer. 8:253:10pm 2148 Lakeside Rd Please RSVP admissions@ sunrisewaldorfschool.org
9Holiday Sip & Shop w/ snacks, wine, vendors, specials, giveaways 6-9pm @ Blend & PlentiFILL163 Kenneth St. Duncan
Osborne Bay Pub Live Music: The Kingpins Christmas Show 1534 Joan Ave Crofton $20 adv. Tickets @ eventbrite.ca $25/ door
10 Lady- O & The Omen Concert 7pm Duncan Showroom 131 Station St, $25
Holiday Open House w/ specials, giveaways, locally made gifts 10-4pm @ Blend & PlentiFILL 163 Kenneth St. Duncan
Cowichan Folk Guild Christmas Potluck Dinner & song circle. All welcome. Please bring your own dishes. 6pm Duncan U=nited Church Hall 246 Ingram St Food item donations to foodbank welcome
Intuitive and Systemic Constellation Readings w/ Mitchell Chatham 11- 4pm @ The Community Farm Store $1/ min 15-75min max. To book: mitchellsoulfeather@gmail.com Brunch w/ Santa @ Bridgeman’s Bistro 10-2pm 740 Handy Rd Mill Bay for reservations: 778356-3568
11 Holiday Market @ the HUB 10-4pm 2375 Koksilah Rd www. cowichanstation.org FREE BackYard Sessions w/Cari Burdett Families welcome 9-1pm Lila Music Centre Yurt 3228A Gibbins Rd Call to register 250 710 4174
11 Winter Harp Holiday Performance: An ethereal journey of pure magic 2pm CPAC $38 tickets @ www.cowichanpac.ca or 250-746-2722
Love’s Triangle Community Kirtan 2:30-4pm, Collective Space 166 Station St Duncan lovestriangle108@ gmail.com by donation
Selfie With Father Christmas! Hot Chocolate & Homemade Cookies by donation 12-4pm Fuller Lake Park 9279 Poplar Rd. Chemainus 14 Warmland Book & Film Collective: Our Voice of Fire: A Memoir of a Warrior Rising by Brandi Morin 5-7 pm For Zoom link: WarmlandBFC@ gmail.com 16 Hub Film Club feature “Amelie’’ on the big screen 7pm The Hub @ Cowichan Stn 2375 Koksilah Rd hubfilmclub@gmail.com 17 Osborne Bay Pub Live Music: Brandon Isaak Trio 1534 Joan Ave Crofton Tickets @ eventbrite.ca $20
Our Lives Are Works of Art Collage Workshop w/ Soleil Mannion 10-1pm/4:30pm Sol Ctr 5380 TCH Duncan soleilispainting@gmail.com $105 half-day $190 full-day Vocal Improvisation Grief/ Praise Workshop Ceremony w/ Cari Burdett 6-9pm Lila Music Centre Yurt Register 250 710 4174 $40 - $60 (sliding scale) Christmas Candlelight Service w/ refreshments to follow 2pm Sands Funeral Chapel 187 Trunk Rd Duncan RSVP 250746-5212
Movie Event: Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen A Journey 7pm CPAC $17
18 Art and Tea w/Soleil Mannion Art sale and meet the artist 2-5pm 3855 Lefran Rd Cobble Hill RSVP soleilispainting@gmail.com The Basket of Stories:Tad Hargrave for stories & Basket Weaving w/Cari Burdett 2-5pm Lila Music Centre Yurt info: tadlington@gmail.com sliding scale $20-$40 no one turned away for lack of funds 19 Reel Alternatives Movie Night feat. Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen 7pm Cowichan Performing Arts 2687 James St Duncan $17 250-748-7529
20 Solstice Celebration w/ Love’s Triangle & Adeline Dubois: Cacao, Kirtan, Sound Bath. 7-9pm Collective Space 166 Station St Duncan lovestriangle108@gmail.com $44
25 Christmas Day Open House w/ hot cider, Christmas baking & fellowship 10-12pm Sands Funeral Chapel 187 Trunk Rd Duncan RSVP 250-746-5212
31 Osborne Bay Pub: Dinner & Show feat. Row of Crowz 1534 Joan Ave Crofton Reservations required 250-3242245 $69/person
11 Winter Bazaar Market: A gathering of hand picked artisans we adore! 11-4pm Norway House 1110 Hillside Ave Victoria