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Sustainable Gift Giving Made Easy at PlentiFILL

Sustainable Gift Giving, Made Easy

Try one or all of these 5 tips to reduce your Holiday gift giving ecofootprint


1. Consider practicality: When choosing a gift, ask yourself ‘will this actually get used?’. Remember, you want your loved ones to think of you every time they use their gift, not every time they look at the item they keep out of guilt, right? When in doubt, a gift certificate to their favourite store is always a great choice.

2. Buy quality: That old saying “you get what you pay for’’ is true (usually). When considering larger purchases do some research on the average longevity of the product, the quality of the company and service, as well as the availability of replacement parts and expansions. Plan on having it for years to come.

3. Reduce packaging: Consider how the gift is packaged and look for low or no waste options. Toys encased in plastic shells essentially doubles their footprint. While many of these materials are technically recyclable, the unfortunate reality is that only about 9% of these actually get fully recycled... the rest just ends up in a landfill!

4. Give experiences: Dinners, theatre tickets, dance lessons, classes, paint nights.... the options are endless when you think beyond the box. Your loved ones will cherish the memories created long after the Holiday glow is gone... plus, you may even get to tag along!

5. Shop small: We all know the economical benefits of supporting local business, but consider also the reduced carbon emissions of purchasing Canadian made products within your own community. From less shipping, to less gas driving the malahat, it’s a win-win! Grab a coffee and a group of friends to walk around your local downtown shops... you might be surprised what you find.

Plentifill 163 Kenneth St, Duncan

Submitted by Stephanie Farrow & Krystal Aikman fi eldandvinegiftco.com I 250-701-1131

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