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The Middle Years of Waldorf Education
Waldorf education in the middle years provides a supportive developmental atmosphere for young people as well as a strong academic foundation to guide them into High School. When students are provided enrichment such as creative arts, handwork, music and nature-based learning and play, these ingredients contribute to supporting positive mental health, allowing the brain to rest and recover in the safety of the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. Serving the heart, mind, and soul of the students through ongoing, caring relationships with educators and the school community are the fundamentals of Waldorf education. With a legacy of over 40 years, Sunrise Waldorf School is in a rebuilding phase and we are proud to welcome new Head of School Rae Calder to the Sunrise Community. Ms Calder brings nine years of Independent School leadership experience, and has a background supporting vulnerable youth, young parents and families. Rae brings a perspective of collaborative, values-based guidance and a student-centered approach to her role. Her priorities are supporting a healthy, positive community and individual student wellness. She values her relationships and looks forward to expanding her connections within the school community and beyond. In this rebuilding phase, the school is committed to continuing to deliver a robust educational program to Sunrise students. Specifically, Sunrise is looking to increase the number of students in the upper grades (five through eight) to balance out the classes across the school. As part of this special initiative, Sunrise is offering a one time only enrollment grant for prospective new students to receive a discounted tuition for the remainder of the 20222023 school year. Additionally, Sunrise has a Tuition Adjustment program for families with limited incomes and are facing financial challenges that can be applied to for the following year(s). Extra Outdoor Curriculum With plenty of time outdoors, students are fortunate to have seven acres of rolling Cowichan landscape that make up the campus. Sports fields, playgrounds, forested areas and gardens. Under the leadership of Dr. Jasmine Oberste TCM, Sunrise now boasts an extensive permaculture garden. With a respect for nature incorporated into the curriculum, each grade
THE MIDDLE YEARS OF WALDORF EDUCATION: WHERE CHILDREN THRIVE tends designated garden plots with an emphasis on growing food and native plants. Come visit the colour wheel mosaic, created with corresponding plants, the outdoor classroom, sitting areas and more. Parent volunteers are always welcome! The Food Forest, an ongoing legacy project held by the Grade 7 class offers a glimpse into how a garden grows. All lower and upper grades work on various garden projects on site and throughout the wider community as part of the curriculum and their youth volunteer service.

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If you have a family member aged 10-13 and are interested in learning more about joining the Sunrise Waldorf School community contact us to book a spot for a December Student Visiting day. Visiting Days are open for prospective students going into Grades 5, 6, 7 or 8 classrooms. Trial days at Sunrise Waldorf School Sunrise: where children thrive December 5, 6 and 7, 8:25 - 3:10pm 2148 Lakeside Road, Cowichan Station. Contact admissions@ sunrisewaldorfschool.org to RSVP and for waiver. Limited spots. 250 743-7253