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Paul’s Pump and Treatment

evolution of my career has brought me up to this point in which I am able to offer expert service in line with my values of treating people right.

Hanging on my office wall are relevant certificates, dating back to the late 80’s, and more recently, the Water Sustainability Act registration card issued by the government, and now required for anyone working on groundwater systems. However, it is the years of experience, and the acquired network of suppliers and related trades people that I can trust to do the job right that gives me confidence in guiding clients through making informed decisions, laying out their options, and getting the necessary work efficiently done.


PAUL ROBINSON Paul’s Pump and Treatment

Born and raised on a hobby farm in the Cowichan Valley, I have early memories of my father cursing at the old Duro piston pump on more than one occasion. Over the years, I have had the occasion to curse at a few pumps myself.

My career in the water well industry started quite by chance, as many careers do. At 15 years of age, I had a weekend job at a local commercial greenhouse facility as a general labourer. One day, the owner appropriated my help, as an extra set of hands, to help some fellows lift a deep well pump from a well. Since that day, over 40 years ago, I have invested well over 50,000 hours in a career of moving and treating water in the Cowichan Valley. Although valuable knowledge was acquired, a short stint on the drill rigs proved that I was better suited to the task of pump installation and the treatment of water. The We lead busy lives, but as consumers of products and services, if we are willing to carve out some time to get informed about the choices available to us, it is money better spent. If you are having water issues, it is prudent to gather information from various sources before committing to a plan. Often there is more than one option available to you and knowing this option will increase the likelihood that you spend well and only get what you need. Gathering information is generally free, or at a minimal expense; it is what you do with it that is the investment. Once a plan to fix the water issue has been settled on, I keep clients in the loop as the process unfolds. I have found this business practice to be of great use to help people understand their unique water system regarding operation, maintenance, longevity, as well as, the outcome of a satisfied costumer.

Periodic maintenance, or check-ups, on water supply equipment, when properly performed, can identify any changes occurring. This especially holds true if prior check-up stats have been recorded. Some treatment equipment requires annual service, but not all.

Come Spring and Summer, water usage goes up. As a result system faults begin to happen with greater frequency. A common culprit is what is called ‘rapid cycling’ of pump motors and controls. This, in fact, may not be a sign of faulty equipment, but just equipment that is in need of servicing. A service checkup may be good investment if no previous services show any recorded information other than the price paid.

Repair or replace? Water systems are made up of many parts varying in longevity due to their particular circumstance. Sometimes the answer is obvious but not always. A follow up question is often: Do I spend as little as possible, or spend as much as they say they want? Figuring out this dilemma brings me back to a conversation I overheard years ago between my employer and a prospective customer:

Customer: “Wow!” How come your pump price is so expensive?” Employer: “Because it’s the Cadillac of pumps.”

Customer: “Well, 15 years ago I bought the economy VW Bug model from ****”

So tell me, what does this one do other than pump the water that I need it to” Point being made: Get what you need and not what you are being sold: Be informed and get treated right!

Alderlea farm

FARMERS: Farmer John and Ms Katy

Alderlea Farm had been providing veggies to the community for nearly twenty years. The farm has always followed biodynamic and organic practices. For many years we were certified. Still following the same practices, we offer a great selection of seasonal veggies every week. Easy, safe pick-up is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Located 5 minutes from Duncan in the heart of Glenora. When you pick-up, you may be tempted to enjoy a delicious feast of food at the farm-to-table restaurant located right on the farm! There is no upfront payment. Pay $20 by the week. You can really taste the difference! We will have vegetables until the end of November. 3390 Glenora Rd, Duncan. www.alderleafarm.com



The Farm Stand at Providence Farm: Monday thru Friday 9:00am – 3pm Horticultural Therapy is one of the Foundation Programs at Providence Farm where our participants find the benefit of observing, tending and care of plants, starting from seeding to transplanting plants into our gardens. When ready assorted greens, squashes, garlic, as well as veggie starts are on sale. Come get our farm fresh eggs and freshly frozen apple cider. All can be found Monday thru Friday 9:00am – 3pm on our self-served Farm Stand (stocked twice daily) and located at the front of Providence House. www.providence.bc.ca


FARMERS: Brandy Gallagher, Trent Berg

Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm

FARMER: Kelly Raye

Boots ‘n’ Roots works really hard at building healthy, vibrant soil with lots of beneficial microbes, resulting in some of the most nutritious food in the Valley. Healthy soil results in healthy plants and healthy people. BNR is one of the few organic market garden farms in the Cowichan Valley that practices true Permaculture techniques. This is a step up from traditional organic, and is the most sustainable way to grow our food! We never use tractors or other heavy machinery, and practice a ‘no till’ method, where a lot of effort is put into creating a healthy soil food web - loaded with beneficial micro-organisms, fungi, and minerals. We make all our compost and fertilizers from scratch right here on the farm. We grow over 50 different veggies, herbs and berries Our CSA program works like a preloaded card, and runs year ‘round. Can be used for veggies, roasting chickens and non-GMO eggs. CSA program reflects what is in season and will vary from week to week. www. bootsnrootsfarm.com OUR Ecovillage’s Healthy Lifestyle Box: Weekly fresh farm produce and more! Learn about “Food, Farming, and Medicine Making” during OUR 2021 season. Expect the same abundance of fresh, in-season produce, eggs, meat and meat-alternatives, baking, and other goodies we’ve offered in past CSA seasons along with an expanded commitment to education and, of course, community. Plus: new this year is OUR online TV show: Foodies, Farmers, and Medicine Makers, and CSA members receive priority access. OUR 20-week season starts in June, with full and half shares available. https:// ourecovillage.org/our-csa-box/

Dancing Dandelion Farms

GROWER: Kailli Pigott and Zach Johnston

We grow over 75 types of flowers including everything from dahlias to zinnias to sweet peas. Our flower bouquet subscription program runs from June through October! We have options for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly bouquets for pick-up or delivery to your door. We grow using natural inputs without synthetic pesticides and we plant a wide variety of flowers to attract pollinators and beneficial insects to our garden. You’ll receive a wide array of gorgeous local blooms throughout the season. Flower subscriptions make the perfect gift or treat for yourself. Length of CSA: 16 weeks, 8 weeks or 4 weeks. Starting in mid-June. Cost range $86 to $335 + tax Sign-up at: www.dancingdandelion.ca or 250-510-7592.

Flora And Fungi Farm


Our farm is a 9 acre mixed vegetable, fruit, herb and mushroom farm. We offer 30+ varieties of vegetables a year, herbs, apples, and seasonal mushrooms and other foraged goods from the property. Our CSA is a $20 weekly box (4-6 items) with specialty add ons available weekly. We offer medicinal herbs and mushrooms and plan to have weekly seasonal specialty add ons available from other producers (berries, bread, meat,etc.) Summer season CSA: 15 weeks (starting in June) $300 www.florafungifarm.com

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