2 minute read
Broombusting in June
Joanne Sales, Director of Broombusters Invasive Plant Society
Scotch broom is spreading everywhere – tragically taking over places where our native plants and grasses and young trees had thrived. But some communities, like Chemainus, have been successfully turning the tide. Thank you to volunteers!
The best time to cut broom is in bloom (April – May) because the plant’s energy is above ground producing flowers. If cut at ground level, in bloom, the stressed plant will die in
If you don’t cut at the lowest part of the base, broom can grow back. summer’s dry heat. And no seeds!
People are asking, will broom plants cut in June still die? The answer is yes. But we must be careful not to spread the seeds.
Use lopppers to cut at the base of the broom plant. It helps to understand the plant. How does broom spread so quickly and densely? The SEEDS! Broom does not spread from the roots, like blackberry or knotweed. Broom roots die easily, which is why you don’t need to pull them. But the seeds are prolific and remain alive
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and ready to sprout for decades. Broom seeds love bare soil and sunlight – so don’t disturb the soil. Shade keeps the seeds from sprouting. So, protect and increase your ground cover and trees.
Broombusters stop cutting broom when seed pods form. But there are still places and ways to continue to cut broom, especially on your own property. Broom can be piled on top of itself, in an already infested area. Cut the broom into smaller lengths to shrink faster. The important thing is: don’t drag broom branches with seedpods across clear areas!
Remember, broom is a fire hazard alive or dead. Never leave piles where people pass.
Broombusters is here to help you succeed! Be ready next April. “Cut the Bloomin’ Broom!”
• Do not transport broom with seedpods. You don’t want to spread these long living seeds!
But you still can: • Recut previous cuts if you see green sprigs.
• “Cut & drop” small amounts of broom in pastureland, trails, forest cleared areas, transmission lines, and private properties.
• Broom can be stacked on top of itself to compost.
• Do not create fire hazards!
• Make plans to cut broom in April-May 2022.
• Contact Broombusters in advance so you are ready!