3 minute read

Fresh Food comes from Local Farms

Farmship Growers Co-op

FARMERS: Isabelle Morris & Wyndlow family & friends


Farmship is a group of farmers growing cooperatively on a 50 acre family farm in Yellow Point. We use growing methods that respect the land, the water, our pollinators and other beneficial beings. We grow over 70 different crops from Asparagus to Zucchini. We also have the longest CSA season of any of the farms in the region i.e. May to December! Free pick-up options or delivery to your door (for a fee). Length of CSA: 9 months separated into 3 seasons: Spring 7 weeks, Summer 13 weeks and Fall 13 weeks. Cost varies by season and by size of box ordered (small box $23 weekly and large box $30 weekly). www.Farmship.ca


FISHERMAN: Guy Johnston

Do you want to eat tasty, locally and sustainably caught seafood and help support local fishermen involved in sustainable fisheries? Become a member in the Michelle Rose Community Supported Fishery (CSF). A community supported fishery is direct fair trade between fisherman and consumer. As a member of a CSF you get the West Coast’s highest quality seafood at prices fair to both members and fishermen. My name is Guy Johnston. I have been a fisherman for over 40 years. I use hook and line to catch salmon and fish and fish by trap for prawns and shrimp: all low impact fishing methods. As a CSF member you will connect directly with the local fishing community and have healthy and sustainable seafood year around. For more information and to sign up for a 2021 share visit our website or contact us by email mrfishing@telus.net. www.michellerosecsf.com

A&S Microgreens

FARMERS: Sharlene and Alexandru Ionescu

Green Fire Farm

FARMERS: DeLisa Lewis and Jana Kotaska

Green Fire Farm is a diverse, family-owned certified organic farm in the Cowichan Valley. Our mission is to engage with local communities and help rebuild regional food systems by producing high quality food, stewarding ecosystems, and building knowledge and skills. We offer a classic farmers’ choice CSA and as a member, you will receive a weekly Harvest Box of 5-7 fresh vegetables and fruits from mid-June to early October. Our produce is certified organic and our CSA members love our strawberries, melons, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and snap peas. 17 weeks, from mid-June to early October. $595, which is $35/ week Please visit our website for more information and to sign up: www.greenfirefarm.ca.

Visit our FARM STAND

located by the Providence House roundabout

FEATURING Assorted Greens Plants Local Eggs $5 dozen 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan I Open Daily 9am - 3pm FARMSHIP GROWERS COOPERATIVE


A&S Microgreens/Edible Flowers grows 65+ microgreen products and edible flowers yearround from non-GMO certified organic seeds without pesticides, insecticides, or manure, and we use eco-packaging made of plants. Our CSA runs 52 weeks per year, and becoming a member is easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Select the plan that works best for your family: Monthly - 4 weeks each month - $100/month Bi-weekly - 1st and 3rd week of the month - $55/month Monthly - last week of the month - $28/month. 2. Every order includes (value of $32): 100g microgreen shoots 50g mighty microgreens 50g microgreen mix 15g micro herbs/edible flowers. 3. Let us know what you prefer:

Pick up available at our farm in Cobble Hill or free delivery. www.smicrogreens.com More information, recipes and things that inspire us at www.farmship.ca

CSA with over 30+ varieties of market veggies (from salad greens to tomatoes), seasonal mushrooms, and fl ower blooms to choose from. www.fl orafungifarm.com

Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture

We offer a ‘You choose CSA’ with pick up at the Duncan Market or at our farmgate stand in Glenora

Includes eggs and roasting chickens too! www.bootsnrootsfarm.com

LOOKING FOR MICROGREENS? We grow plenty of them!


t.250-710-6135 www.asmicrogreens.com

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