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Boost and Preserve Brain Power

Boost and Preserve Brain Power

By Tina Lee Foster


There are some key lifestyle aspects to keep in mind and to practice, while we age along with our brains. And this goes for people of ALL ages, from children learning new things in school, to older adults hopefully still learning valuable skills and lessons of life!! Engaging our mind helps develop different areas of our brain and strengthens it. What we eat, how much we exercise, sleep habits, stress levels and what/how we think, are all of definite importance if we are to help out this oh so vital complex organ- and even boost its power!

1. Diet: eliminating processed foods, ensuring proper digestion, and eating a natural whole foods diet while avoiding what you are negatively sensitive to. Add in extra antioxidants such as more raw colourful fruits and green vegetables, and nutritional addins like superfood powders daily. The more antioxidants the better, as these will combat those free radicals that are constantly being produced in the body through natural processes, stress (physical or mental), toxins in the environment, etc. Oxidative stress leads to dis-ease anywhere in the body and the brain is particularly susceptible. Help it out!

2. Exercise: Keep moving! Aim for 30 minutes extra activity such as walking, hiking, biking, etc. most days. This will not only keep bones and joints strong and flexible, but also will enhance circulation throughout the body including your brain. Purposely exercising also requires brain power, and thus gives your brain a little workout also. Exercise of course makes us feel great and benefits mental health!

3. Engagement: mind activities, and hobbies you enjoy. Stay connected with good people and participate in social activities. Also practice mindfulness, and positivity, which are excellent for our brains, health, and our life outlook. Sometimes what we need is to DIS-engage, meaning take a time out and chill. With an over-stimulating world and lifestyle, we need this daily- take a break from your activities

and to-do list, and meditate or just zone-out while taking deep breaths. This helps recuperate the body and mind, while recalibrating the hormones and brain center. Finding personal meaningful purpose is brain nourishing.

4. Extra Nourishment: Take Supplements and ensure adequate minerals and vitamins, amino acids, greens and superfoods! Some proven and VERY beneficial supplements to consider:

1. Ginkgo Biloba: Increases circulation to the brain and also your peripheries. Protects the neurological system. Proven to aid memory and mood.

2. Omega 3 fatty acids: Omega3s: Shown to aid brain development, learning and cognition, mental health, and preventing decline (dementia). High DHA is important for young ones and those experiencing depression. It is available as a high-quality fish oil, or for vegans an algae oil.

3. Vitamin D: Protects against cognitive decline and dementia. Many people are deficient and low blood levels of D are linked to brain health specifically, including depression, behaviour, and learning difficulties. 4. Curcumin/Turmeric root: Promotes brain health and lowers Alzheimer’s risk. Top antiinflammatory medicinal spice. Use an extracted curcumin supplement and/or turmeric root added to food(particularly a fat-containing food will increase its absorption, and/or along with black pepper. Heating it and fermentation also increases absorption!) Consume turmeric root in this way every day for its brain and whole body benefits. 5. B vitamins: B12, folate, and B6 lower homocysteine levels, which in excess is a toxic substance that makes the brain more vulnerable to beta-amyloid plaques found in Alzheimers. These B vitamins also help lower the rate of brain shrinkage that occurs with age. After age 50 especially, very little B12 can be absorbed in the gut, and absorption here is tricky anyways. Best to supplement with the methylform which is pre-converted and dissolves sublingually under the tongue and right into the bloodstream. B12 also improves energy, mood, nerves and so many other facets of health.

6. Amino acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play an important role in body functions. They are needed for many vital processes like the cell building and synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters (brain chemicals). If you do not get adequate assimilable protein in your diet or perhaps you are lacking in certain key amino acids, you may want to supplement with an easy to digest protein powder(vegan or not), and/or an easy to take powdered or capsuled amino acid such as tryptophan, tyrosine, acetyl-Lcarnitine (a certain form of carnitine), which are all brain supporters including for cognitive and mood support. Additional amino acid neurotransmitters such as gaba, glycine, and L-glutamine are popular choices for these purposes as well.

7. L -theanine and Green tea: An amino acid derived from the tea plant and is most prevalent naturally in green tea. It acts as a neurotransmitter, promotes relaxation, helps with concentration and focus, memory, mood, and cognition. Drinking more green tea is very beneficial and should be included in your anti-aging regimen, and also is a wonderful anti inflammatory! Essential Remedies 141 Craig Street Downtown Duncan (250) 748-9632

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