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September Forecasts

Georgia Nicols M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with international printings in 3 languages. georgianicols.com

Aries (March 21-April 19)


Some of you are still in party mode. You want to play! You want to escape on a vacation! You want hot, sizzling romance! You might also be more involved with sports and fun activities with kids. However, if you are an earlier Aries, you have been playing; and this month you want to get back to work and get organized. You’re ready to work hard and work smart because you want the best bang for your buck. Not only do you want to be productive and efficient, you also want to be healthier and pumped! (I’m impressed.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You’re entering a month of fun! Barbecues, good times at the beach, vacations, romantic get-togethers and playful activities with kids are on the menu. Grab every chance for a stimulating getaway, even for a weekend. Make fun and pleasure your motto. However, if you were born after May 10th, these good times await while your focus is on home, family and dealing with increased chaos. Fear not, you can pull it all together. And after you’ve succeeded in creating order at home – then you will enter your stretch of fun and play!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Later Geminis continue to enjoy a busy time of errands, appointments, increased time with friends, siblings and relatives, plus reading and writing. (You’re running around with an outboard motor on your butt!) Fortunately, you like stimulation because you don’t do boring. However, for most Geminis, this month is about home, family and your private life. You might be more involved with a parent. Expect increased chaos and activity at home. Don’t worry; you can cope because you’re flexible. Family conversations. Home repairs. Be patient with loved ones.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers born after July 4th, still have a strong focus on money. You might spend more than usual. This is a good time to reorganize what you own – (and believe me you own lot because you can’t throw anything away.) If you were born before July 4th, the tempo of your daily life is accelerating because you’re busy with errands, short trips and tasks. You might read and write more. Very soon, all Cancers will be busy. Your communication skills will be tops, which means this is a strong time for those in sales, marketing, acting, teaching and writing. You will be heard!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For those born after Aug. 10th, this continues to be a powerful time as you attract people and favourable situations to you. Those born before Aug. 10th, will focus on money, cash flow and earnings. You might have excellent moneymaking ideas. You might also make some major purchases. At a deeper level, something will occur that makes you think about what’s really important in life. (Later Leos will experience this in a few weeks.) Take a realistic look at your possessions and figure out what to keep. Some things are not worth the effort.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month, the Sun is in your sign. Yay! This happens only once a year and when it does, it means it’s your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. This is a fortunate blessing! You will attract people and favourable situations to you; and you will be empowered and energetic. Your confidence will grow. This is the one time of year when it’s appropriate to put your own needs first. Think about it. If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you be a strong resource for others? But right now – It’s all about you.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a time of limbo for you because your personal year is ending but your new year has not arrived. Therefore, this month is for serious thinking. What do you want for your new year ahead? Ideally, it’s time to set some goals because they give you a clearer focus on what is important to you. Goals also give you more clarity in future decision-making. They offer better control over your future and give you a sense of purpose. Make time to sit down and define what you want for yourself in the future and how you want next year to be different from last year.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Most of you will enjoy increased popularity. You’re eager to communicate to clubs, groups and large organizations. You will interact more than usual with younger people. Some of you will be physically involved, perhaps in competitive athletics because there is definitely a competitive energy present between you and a friend, or you and a group, or working with a group. This is also an excellent time to formulate goals because goals will give you a clearer focus on what is important to you and make future decision-making easier. Goals help you stay on target.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Those of you who are born after Dec. 10th, might still be travelling or making travel plans. Higher education might be a strong focus. This month is very powerful for your sign because the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. This can happen only once a year and when it does, almost as if by magic, you look fabulous in the eyes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. People admire you. This is timely because your ambition is aroused and you’re ready to talk to the head honcho. Good luck!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This month is a mix. Many of you are still tying up loose details with inheritances, taxes, debt and shared property. Take care of this because “loose details” don’t suit you. When it comes to money – you like tidy. Basically, your month ahead is full of travel opportunities and chances to broaden your horizons. Many of you will learn more either through formal education or signing up for a course, or you might educate yourself in the ways of the world. This moth promotes study and heady topics like politics, religion and racial issues will appeal.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Some of you will continue to need more sleep, especially Aquarians born after Feb. 10th. (Yawn.) Your focus on close partnerships is still intense. Nevertheless, in the broader picture, this month brings passionate issues related to shared property, inheritances and the wealth and resources of someone else. There might be disputes. There will certainly be discussions. While all this is going on, secretly, you want to travel somewhere and “get away from it all.”

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month the Sun is opposite your sign. In your chart, this is as far away from you as it can get all year, which means you will need more sleep because the Sun represents your energy. Don’t push yourself. Take it easy. Very likely, you will be focused on partnerships. Expect intense discussions, and possibly – disputes because Mars is opposite your sign. This makes you easily annoyed with others. Consider this an opportunity to practise patience. Not always fun to do but a valuable trait to cultivate and own.

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